#head hitch
fettesans · 2 months
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Left, photograph by Mark Sommerfeld (I couldn't find a title nor a date). Via. Right, Manuel Cornelius, Stent, 2024 silicone, polyethylene terephthalate, tights, pigment, lacquer, 58 x 22 x 38 cm. Via.
If you’re born in a cubicle and grow up in a corridor, and work in a cell, and vacation in a crowded sun-room, then coming up into the open with nothing but sky over you might just give you a nervous breakdown.
Isaac Asimov, from Foundation, Volume 3, 1944. Via.
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sweeteastart · 26 days
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Third @bonus-links Fanart >:) !!
I had to honour my love of Warrior in Bonus link and wouldn't you know, I ended up doing two versions. I juste couldn't help but draw him being all fancy...
As always pretty face under the cut
Tried to do a heavier makeup look on the party fit but eh... The light is too strong on his face, can't really see it well
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That one hardy character you have that just won't die no matter what!
Ex General Damascus (AKA Damas) in her Colosseum of Fools vibe~ First time I put colors on her as well.
Highgrove outfit and mask (and very old design):
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Maskless (and armorless):
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As you can see, I changed some details in the drawing to fit the heavy and scary look Damas normally carries
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herobrilne · 4 months
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when the hitch sprouts???? 🌱
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autisticrosewilson · 3 months
JayGrant au where Grant, the newfound guardian of Respawn, is fighting for his life trying to raise a child but Jason "#1 mom" Todd has practically moved in with him within the week to help raise the kid.
And here's the thing right- Jason likes Grant. He's funny, and he's cute, and he's the only one who can even remotely keep up with him in a solid spar. He's the smartest idiot Jason's ever met. But even he was freaked out when he went to go pick up his favorite gym bro and a 12 year old with pure white hair and,,,, familiar green eyes opens the door instead.
He doesn't ask. Because he's a moron with a crush (and maybe a part of him still feels bad about focusing more on his revenge quest than helping Talia with Damian). So instead of asking any of the millions of, certainly valid, questions he offers to babysit.
And Respawn? He just adores Jason. Practically every other word out of the kids mouth is about how cool and funny Jason is, and when is Jason coming to visit, and when are you going to tell Jason that you love him-
Grant has had just about enough of Jason rushing to his apartment in the middle of the night because Respawn called him for something or other, homework he needs help on or a bad dream.
At first Grant is relieved that he's not completely on his own, then he's annoyed (and maybe a little jealous) that the kid has an obvious favorite, but eventually Grant starts seeing the benefits of all this. Like getting to eat Jason's food everyday and hearing Jason's laugh ring through every corner of the house and seeing Jason walk around the house in just sweatpants every morning-
Jason is... really starting to regret his decisions. Grant doesn't seem to like him and the worst part is that hasn't made Jason's silly little crush go away at all. Even though he knows it's a lost cause I mean, Respawn is already going through so many new changes and adjustments, having his brother/caregiver suddenly in a relationship wouldn't be fair.
(Respawn has a string board full of plans to get them together shoved under his bed, but it seems every time he's about to make progress there's a knock at the door or a bird hits the window or on one notable occassion Grant's mom showed up. Apparently she was called although no one knows by who. he's going to have to call... reinforcements if things don't start looking up soon)
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willowser · 6 months
willow omg right person wrong time bakugou has me in SHAMBLES 😭😭 if you're still connected to his friend group, you'd meet up occasionally and he'd listen to you mention the person you're seeing to mina or someone 😭 and he'd just turn away even though he can't stop himself from listening 😭 because you deserve happiness and if he butts in, he'd be denying you of that !!!!! (if you ever write anything for this i will eat it up with a spoon even if it hurts not even kidding)
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i feel like it kills him to hear, like knife straight through to the heart 🥺 but he'll still ask you stuff like, "your dude buy that shit for you ??" if he sees you with a new necklace or something, and part of it is because he wants to know that he's treating you right, but it's also how he puts out his feelers, to see if you're still together LOL even if he knows he won't make a move, he still wants to know akfnduakak
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justsalpals · 7 months
am I the only one who was against the lupete wedding? I mean no shame to anyone who enjoyed it of course, like what you like and don't let me tell you otherwise
but to me it just. ah, I don't know. didn't feel like them?? mr. "we don't own each other" suddenly views marriage as the way to move forward from his trauma and embrace life???
not that poly people can't get married of course! I just never got the "marriage type" vibe from either Lucius or Pete, but that could just be my own interpretation of the character. just, combined with the flirting with anyone else dropping to non-existent, it didn't sit right with me.
like the other character arcs cut short and swept under the rug for the "happy ending" to the season, it felt like they just wanted a big queer wedding to end on and knew BlackBonnet wasn't there yet.
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themightymoose · 6 months
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I said what I said
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childrenofthesun77 · 5 months
I remember someone saying that they suspect akira must have had (bad) ulterior motives when she got into her relationship with touma because touma would never pursue a relationship with a goody two shoes, but I'm not sure that's true.
Of course not because of genuine interest in her, but because touma is an extremely petty, jealous and manipulative person.
I can see him trying to get with a girl/woman someone he was jealous of was interested in back when he was a young man and then to forget about her once he had slept with her.
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fettesans · 3 months
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Left, Witalij Frese, Last auf der Brust, 2023, glazed ceramic, 50 x 40 x 25 cm. Via. Right, makeup by Mantis Lepretre for Didu FW24. Via. More.
One of the first stylists I started bookmarking for her normcore looks was the London-based Alice Goddard. She was assembling this new mainstream minimalism in the magazine she co-founded, Hot and Cool, as early as 2011. For Goddard, the appeal of normal clothes was the latest thing: “Styling is about showing different types of clothing in a new way,” she says, “which normally means taking something—an item, a character or an idea—that I find kind of ugly and gross, and making it good.”
Goddard’s initial interest in normcore was in part a reaction to the fashion status quo. One standout editorial from Hot and Cool no. 5 (Spring 2013) was composed entirely of screenshots of people from Google Map’s Street View app. Goddard had stumbled upon “this tiny town in America” on Mapsand thought the plainly-dressed people there looked amazing. The editorial she designed was a parody of contemporary street style photography—“the main point of difference,” she says, “being that people who are photographed by street style photographers are generally people who have made a huge effort with their clothing, and the resulting images often feel a bit over fussed and over precious—the subject is completely aware of the outcome; whereas the people we were finding on Google Maps obviously had no idea they were being photographed, and yet their outfits were, to me, more interesting.”
Fiona Duncan, from Normcore: Fashion for Those Who Realize They’re One in 7 Billion, for The Cut, February 26, 2014. Via.
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ever think about how every single member of bell's hells has to deal with a second half to them that threatens to kill them or take over their entire body?
imogen has her connection to predathos. laudna has delilah. fearne has the shard of rau'shan. ashton has the shard of ka'mort. fcg had their care and culling protocols. orym has an archfey pact. chetney has his werewolf side.
so what's going to become of dorian?
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spookysnz · 1 year
when they say "uh-oh" before they build up for a sneeze
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mousecracker · 10 months
gentle hitchannie
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scrappedtogether · 1 year
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Relationships in Scooby Doo (21/∞) ~ Scooby & Little Pete
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frazerbrown-producer · 3 months
Amongst the recent Marvel U.K. deep dive I found these cool OVERKILL cards.
I loved these things and thought they were long gone.
Work by Bryan Hitch, Gary Frank, Gary Erskine and many more.
John Freeman of DOWN THE TUBES wrote a great article about them:
“Back in the early 1990s, some fantastic trading cards were given away in three early issues of Marvel UK’s Overkill, which I edited, featuring art by Gary Frank, some of the cards inked by Cam Smith.
These cards feature Hell’s Angel (later, Dark Angel), The Guide, Algernon Crowe, Colonel Tigon Liger, Master Key, Misha, Motormouth, Killpower, Death’s Head, Tuck, Purge and Digitek.
Many Marvel UK fans will have no doubt come across these images in various places online before, conjuring up, perhaps, fond memories of the debut of Death’s Head II in Overkill #12 – 14 in 1992, his arrival further enhanced by fantastic covers by Mark Harrison and Steve Sampson.”
You can read the full thing here: https://downthetubes.net/1990s-marvel-uk-nostalgia-the-first-overkill-trading-cards/
The 3D cards by BRYAN HITCH are particularly cool.
I got the whole lot signed at UKCAC ‘92 as wee bairn. The reason I have so many DEATH’S HEAD 2 cards is he was my favourite, plus it was a ‘hot book’ in the speculator market, so I figured I’d retire on the money made from selling these in the future. We all know how that bubble turned out.
Fun times
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smashedpages · 1 month
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Happy birthday to Bryan Hitch!
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