#happy mutation day 2012 boys!!!
pezhead · 8 months
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No Mikeys were harmed in the making of this comic~
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Tmnt headcanons of how they sleep with there s/o (2012)
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I'm going to try and write for the tmnt bro 2012 again! Thx anon!
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Since he goes on patrols and does a lot of training with his brothers, even meditates. He doesn't have time to sleep, so you have to make him sleep.
But, when he gets in bed with you.... he just turns into puddy.
He probably sleeps really stiff and in one position, because of his training of a ninja. Practices 24/7.
If you move around a lot in your sleep (like me.) you probably make him annoyed. But, if you like to cuddle in your sleep well leo is in big trouble. (lol)
You would lay on his plastron and hear his heart beat faster.
Look at his face, kiss his green lips, take his blue mask off (gently)
That will make his stress on his shoulders go away and make him go to sleep.
If you wake up be prepared to wake up with a cold body because leo gets up really early to train and meditate.
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This boy stays up all night just playing on his shell phone probably.
just lay on his plastron and look up at him with sad eyes, maybe even push his phone out of view so he can see your face.
Boom, got him to sleep in bed with you.
Snuggle on his plastoron and be prepared to be moved around a lot.
He moves a lot in his sleep I imagen. Since ya know he gets angry a lot.
maybe get spike to snuggle in with you. (before he got mutated.)
Bro i can name so many positions he's in, in his sleep.
if he lays on his stomach you smushed between the bed and his full body.
Give his shell scratchesssss! it will release some of the stress he has on his whole body with anger issues.
When you wake up you have a warm turtle who will snuggle in you for the whole day if he wanted.
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This boi will stay up all night working in his lab.
So go up to him rub his shoulders release the stress from working in the lab all day and night.
If you get him in bed it's a miracle. He will want to work on his experiments if it will stop shredder.
First give him a bath so he doesn't get oil and other gross chemical thing on the clean purple silk sheets, and snuggle with him in bed.
maybe watch a movie on his shell phone and finally go to bed.
he will snuggle on your chest and watch the movie with you.
Kiss his forehead and take his purple band off his head so he can be more comfortable.
But you will wake up to a cold bed. But, he will leave a note on the bed side table saying were he is.
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He plays a lot of video game, so you can expect him to play them all night.
maybe lay in his lap and take the controlor out of his hands.
(first clean off his bed first, maybe give it a wash before hand.)
let him lay on you, you may get startled by him because he will blow bubbles on the fat of your stomach.
He will always be happy when he's around you no matter what.
So when you both fall asleep on each other he will snuggle on your forever so be sure to be ready of that.
You won't wake up to a cold bed but a warm one. He's like Raph and will stay in bed with you all day.
Thanks for reading! :)
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s-i-mp · 2 years
𝘿𝙤 𝙄 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙮𝙤𝙪? <3
2012 TMNT x Rise! Reader
PLEASE GO TO @simp999 FOR THE SAME POST, IT'S MY MAIN BLOG, I GOTTA DELETE THIS ONE! If you're so kind as to leave a comment or a follow, please go to the other blog!!
Ship:2012 Donatello x reader + platonic Leo, Raph, Mikey :)) Word count: 3.4k (save me) A/N: We really need more platonic tmnt content, it's so cute! <3 And happy mutation day to the turtles!
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“Donnie? And the rest of the guys?” It was somewhat dark out, the early winter months rolling around.The mutant turtles looked at the short figure, surprised that they knew who at least one of them was. Donatello muttered to himself, wondering who this new person was lurking in the same back alleyway as his brothers and him.
He flinched, almost instantly feeling a pair of small hands cup his face. He was about to attempt to sweep your feet from under you with his bo staff, but he hadn’t sensed any danger from you whatsoever. “You guys all look different.” You seemed even more confused at this point, this was most definitely not your Donnie. Your Don was at least a few inches shorter than this one and would have most likely sent a sarcastic comment your way by now. You glanced to your left to see a much smaller Raphael sending an irritated glare your way. That’s odd, your Raph would have probably asked if you needed any help.
Then, it clicked. “HE SENT ME TO ANOTHER UNIVERSE?!” 
You now appeared to be absolutely insane, and that’s coming from a bunch of mutant turtles. You mutter to yourself about “kicking Donnie's ass” and “this wasn’t the plan!”. Raphael and Leo take a fighting stance, but before they try anything, the new Donnie tries to calm you down and understand what’s going on. You’re still panicking but you try your best to explain how you’re from a different universe and that you got transported here. “-Then Leo from my universe accidentally pushed me into Don’s newest invention- this wasn’t supposed to happen! I was just trying to help out-” You cut yourself off, remembering something. You quickly pull up your left sleeve to see the wristwatch ‘your’ Donatello made for you. You swiftly begin to type on it, trying anything you can to send any messages back to him, your location, anything at all, but nothing works. The purple masked turtle noticed how advanced your watch is, seeing how a hologram, as well as some sort of keyboard, popped up. He’s never seen anything quite like it. “Hey, um, do you happen to know what year you're from? We don’t have access to that kind of technology - yet that is.”
Raph and Leo put away their weapons after noticing how calm Donatello was with you, still keeping their guard up. “Oh, yes! The year I was in was 2018. My Donnie made me this trinket for my birthday. It’s pretty useful-” you attempt to send another message, failing once again, “-when it works, of course.” “So what now? Do we let them hang out with us? I think they seem pretty cool!” Michelangelo butts in, tired of having to act like such an innocent-looking person is a threat. “Mikey, you idiot, we don’t even know them! How could we possibly-” “I think we should let them stay with us for the time being, if they have no one else to stay with.” Donatello turns his head to you, “It seems you were quite close with your version of us, right?” “Yeah! I hung out with them at the lair all the time. Spent most of my time challenging them to super-smash bros or assisting Don in whatever project he was working on.” You were almost excited to give your answer, very much enjoying the time you used to spent with the boys. Then the fear sunk in once again. “He’s probably trying to bring me back, right? I won’t be stuck here forever?” You too a deep breath in. “I already miss them, even if they were loud.”
The turtles from this universe noticed how worried you appeared, being away from your closest friends, and all ultimately deciding to bring you to see master Splinter. On the way, Mikey wouldn’t stop nagging you with all sorts of questions; name, hobbies, favorite food, if you like pizza, anything he could come up with. You answered every one of them enthusiastically, throwing a fond memory in the mix every once in a while. 
“So, dude, you said earlier that we look different than your guys, right? What do they look like?” “Well, Raph and Donnie are taller- oh!” Mikey tilted his head your way at your exclamation, watching you pat yourself down. 
“Still got it! I’ve got some pictures of them on my phone!” You didn’t have any connection, but you still had the pictures saved in your gallery. You pulled up one with everyone there. It was a little blurry, but you could still easily make out yourself in the bottom left corner of the photo. Raph was trailing behind Mikey, who was on his flying skateboard in the background. A little closer was Donnie tinkering with some scrap parts with a smirk on his face, and finally, Leo sitting on the back of the couch casually cheering Mikey on. 
You began to swipe through pictures of you and the boys individually. Raph training with you - Mikey must have snatched that picture, you thought. A selfie of yourself and Leo, who was covering his face, in front of the scoreboard after challenging him at Mario Kart and winning. Mikey who fell asleep on you, pencil in hand and sketchbook in his lap after one of your regular drawing sessions. Finally, a blurry selfie of you surprise-hugging Donatello from behind, in his lab. You could clearly see his surprised expression along with a smile, a big toothy grin covering your face. You gave a short backstory on all of them while showing them, proving that you really were close friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eventually, you met up with Splinter, politely asking questions and answering some. You were much calmer and more respectful than the turtles were expecting, given how excitable and easy-going you seemed. Finally, you left his meditation room, telling the turtles what you assumed would be your plan. “I figure that my Donnie’s probably trying his best to open another portal, but we have no way of communication. It’s basically just a waiting game now. Master Splinter says it’s okay if I chill with you guys, is that alright with you?” Mikey was the first to agree, as long as you got to hang out and draw with him just like the other version of him did. Donnie agreed as well, feeling some sort of connection, almost as if he knew you in a way. He loved the idea of having another nerdy person to help him with his inventions, and especially to spend time with. Leo went along with it, deciding you weren’t a threat. He also felt that you might bring some joy, changing up their routine a bit. Same old same old isn’t always the best. Raph was the last, begrudgingly agreeing, but only because you didn’t seem like “too much of a bother.” He earned himself a whack on the back of his head for that. Donnie decided to pull you away from the others, saying that you probably have some experience with cool tech and could help him out with some of his inventions. You walked over to Donatello’s lab, still admired by the inventions he had even if they weren’t built with all the new tech you had. No matter what Donnie makes, it’s always pretty cool. That definitely doesn’t change throughout universes. He sat down in his rolling chair while you found a comfortable stool to sit on, bringing it close to his work so you could watch. Every so often you would point out something he could do better, and he’d be amazed by your knowledge. You enjoyed the time you spent with him, swaying your feet on the stool while he hunched over his desk, tightening one of the screws with a screwdriver. 
“And done!” He exclaimed, bringing his head up to look at you, not realizing how close your face was from watching him work. You barely got to see Donnie’s face heat up before he turned his head away from you, muttering a small “sorry”. You let out a short giggle, before complimenting his work. 
“All right, let’s test this thing out! It better work, let’s hope it doesn’t just look cool for nothing.” You spoke up, not wanting him to feel awkward around you. 
After testing it out, Leonardo came in to tell you two that supper was ready. The other two brothers were already on the couch, pizza in hand, watching some show on tv. You joined them on the couch after grabbing your own piece. Raph quietly scooted a little farther away while you dramatically put a hand on your chest, as if insulted by the act alone. Mikey snickered at your small interaction.
“So, you guys have any games?” 
Mikey gulped down his last bite of pizza and proceeded to list off a bunch of Wii games they had. You liked the idea of challenging them to Mario kart, so you did just that. Raph refused to admit that he wanted to hang out with the newbie but stuck around close enough to watch you all battle it out. 
A few hours of gaming later, Raph eventually joined, and all of the boys were much more comfortable with you around. Mikey was laying in your lap, Donatello was sitting right next to you, your knees or elbows bumping every so often from the game, and Leo was sitting right in front of you. You were slowly getting tired, so you gave up your remote for the night, opting to watch the brothers duke it out instead. Eventually, soft snores could be heard from Donnie’s shoulder and slightly louder ones from your lap. Leo took notice of this and finally stood up and spoke quietly: “That’s it for tonight, we can have more fun tomorrow. We should all get some sleep.” He then walked away and Raphael soon followed. ..Leaving Donnie stuck with you sleeping on him, him not wanting to wake you up, of course. He contemplated trying to move you gently, but he didn’t have the heart to move you when you looked so adorably comfortable. He ended up making do with the blankets and pillows he had within reach, following you into dreamland. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day, you awoke with Mikey wrapped up comfortably in your arms, while a cozy pillow was supporting your head. You gently rolled Mikey off of you, trudging towards the smell of pancakes. Plates were being dished out by Donnie. Leo was passing by you, mumbling a short “good morning,” most likely on his way to go get Mikey. Raph was already sitting at the table, letting out a big yawn. “Mornin’ guys!” Donnie looked up to see you in the doorway, while Raph once again pretended that you didn’t exist. “Oh! Good morning, y/n,” he places the last plate down on the table, “Is there anything you’d like to drink?” You tell him that a small glass of milk sounds nice, and complementing how good the food smells. He thanks you and Mikey and Leo walk into the kitchen together, Mikey looking much more groggy than hs brother, rubbing the sleep out of one of his eyes. Breakfast goes by quickly. You notice that you’re the second one done, Raph being the first. Speaking of him, where is he? You decide to go check the training room, hearing small grunts as you get closer. Eventually, you’re in the doorway, watching Raph send kicks and punches toward a poor punching bag. Once he finally stops for a water break is when he notices you. 
“Holy hell dude, when did you get here?” You shrugged and decided to irk him, hoping to get a friendly fight out of him. You walk towards him slowly, ready to dig your own grave. “I thought you were a ninja, aren’t you supposed to know when people sneak up on you?” He catches a stupid smirk on your face, deciding that he’s had enough with the new person. Raph pretends to send a smile your way, (which he was very bad at), before attacking you with roundhouse kick to the head. Not a hard one of course, just enough to make it so you’d stay clear from his path. Or so he thought. You quickly block his kick with a middle block, twisting your hand around his leg and grabbing it, holding it in place so you can send a kick back at him with momentum. Before you can land a hit, he breaks his leg free and manages to block just in time. He gives you no time before attempting to attack again, the back-and-forth banter becoming enjoyable. He’s only ever had the same few opponents to practice with, so this felt nice. Instead of using anger to fuel his powerful moves, he was enjoying it. Eventually, you grabbed his hand and bent his finger in a way it wasn’t supposed to, his body not allowing him to go the way he wanted anymore. You followed through and sent him to the ground, hand behind his back, face planted on the ground, you sitting on his shell claiming victory. You stand up, after making sure he knew he lost of course, and offered him a hand. You were definitely expecting another attack, maybe he’d drag you to the ground with him? But instead, you were met with a handshake along with a praise of your skill. Overall, it’s safe to say he doesn’t ignore your presence anymore. He finally sees you as someone near his level, or at least, someone who is worth his time. Once the sparring session is over, as Raphael walks out, Leonardo walks in. You were beginning some stretches, knowing it’ll save you from being too sore later. Leo comes next to you and asks if he can join in. he begins to lead some cooldowns, you following along for some, and doing your own thing for others. 
“I’m surprised you got Raph to like you so quickly, is he and yours alike?”“Honestly, no, not at all. My Raph is very much a big teddy bear. Sure, he enjoys sparring, but he’s always too afraid to hurt me. What a big softie. I usually end up sparring with my Leo instead if it comes to it.” You glance at him, then focus back on your stretching, “You’re much calmer than my Leo. I won’t say he’s energetic, but most definitely more egotistical. You’re almost a nice break from all his chat about being the best, really.” “Me? Egotistical? I don’t see it.” You quirk a brow up at him, not believing it. He may be from a different universe, but it’s still Leonardo. “Okay, maybe a little. But it’s much better than not being confident in your moves. Holding back is the worst thing you can do in a fight..” You nod at him, glad he has more common sense than your Leonardo back home. You stand back up from stretching your legs, leaving the dojo right after kindly bidding your goodbye. 
You decide to head to Mikey’s room, looking for him, since you haven’t spent much time with him yet. As soon as you open the door, you’re tackled in a hug and spun around. “You’re here to hang out with me! Finally! Alright, do you wanna draw or play on the Wii?”You figure your heart had raced hard enough today, so you opted to draw. (Mario Kart is difficult against the guys, okay?) It may not be what you expected from Mikey, maybe something more along the lines of playing pranks on his brothers or sneaking out for pizza, but he was just glad to spend some quality time with a cool new person. He quickly gathered some pencils and sketchbooks while you plopped down on his bed. After picking everything up, he lays down on your lap once again, finding a comfortable position for the both of you. Even if you’re doing a quiet activity like drawing, it won’t be quiet for long with Mikey around. A few minutes after drawing he starts shooting questions your way, just about the same scenario as yesterday happening once again. You were glad to answer all of his questions. He was happy to listen to your stories, giddy that he was learning more about you. After a while of chatting and drawing, you finished and wanted to give your neck a break from looking downwards at your paper. You put your pencil down and rested your head on the pillow behind you, absentmindedly toying with the strands of Mikey’s mask; something you did fairly often with your Mikey. 
It’s been nearly two weeks since you first met the turtles and you had gotten to spend a lot of time with them. They helped a ton when you felt lonely or lost without your version of them. Of course, you still missed Raph’s bear hugs, Don’s snarky remarks, Leo’s ego and Mikey’s energy. But theturlesyou werewith now were still fun to hang out with. Currently, you and the rest of the boys were out on patrol. They had no destination or mission set, it was mostly just to get out of the hideout. Mikey was ahead of the group, balancing on the railing of the building you guys were walking on the roof of. All of a sudden, you hear a familiar voice that immediately brings a wide smile scross your features. “Y/N?! Are you here?”
You jumped down from the building, hearing the voice coming from the alley below. The turtles were too slow to catch you, but luckily, the owner of the voice was there. 
You jumped straight into his arms, making him grunt from the impact, then spinning you around. “Oh, how I missed my small lab assistant! Now I don’t have to deal with Leo’s antics anymore! He gets so much more annoying when you’re not around,” he carefully put you down and places a hand on his hip, ”Seriously, I had to make my lab portal-proof, just so that he wouldn’t barge-”The next thing Donatello knew, you were you of his reach and holding both of your Mikey’s hands. “I missed you so much! We need to hang out again! It was so loney without you~” He gave you his best puppy-dog eyes, hoping you’d spend your time with him first. You hugged him tight, promising to hang out and not leave his side. But of course, a mystic portal had opened up underneath you, leading you to fall into your Leo’s arms. “Falling for me?-” he felt a metal staff hit the back of his head, along with an  “Absolutely not, ‘Nardo.” from behind him. While he was distracted, your Raph had gently picked you up and put you on his shoulders with a smile on his face, mimicking yours. He was just glad to have you back. Before Your Leo and Donnie could continue bickering, you wanted to introduce your boys to the turtles that you got to hang out with for the past weeks. 
With sparkles in your eyes, you introduced them to the other versions of them. Recalling your favorite memories while hanging out, you couldn’t help but keep a smile plastered on your face. Until you remembered something. “Hey, Don?” The taller boy was about to reply, but was cut off by a ‘hmm?’ From your Donnie. 
He felt a slight pain in his chest. This whole time whenever you’d say ‘My boys’ or ‘my Donnie’ he felt.. important to you. Even if you weren’t talking about him. But now he realised that he wasn’t special to you anymore. You guys weren’t really friends, he was just there to try to replicate your Donnie. To make you feel less lonely. Why did he think you really did enjoy his company? Of course you didn’t. He could never dream of you and him- “Can I come back and see them again? I don’t wanna leave them. I know it would mess up the timeline if I stayed for too long, but- I love hanging out with them. Will the portal allow inter-dimentional travelling more than once?...” Your new friend’s eyes grew wide, brimming with tears. He saw your mouth move, but could no longer hear the words coming from it. You.. enjoyed your time with them? You want to hang out again? .
. Maybe he did have a chance with you after all.
Sep. 29. 22
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simp999 · 2 years
Do I know you? <3
2012 TMNT x Rise! Reader (old-ish, I've gotten much better at writing. Editing simply isn't enough for this one.)
Pt. 2
Ship: 2012 Donatello x reader + platonic Leo, Raph, Mikey :))
Word count: 3.4k (save me)
A/N: We really need more platonic tmnt content, it's so cute! <3 And happy mutation day to the turtles!
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“Donnie? And the rest of the guys?”
It was somewhat dark out, the early winter months rolling around swiftly. The mutant turtles looked at the short figure, surprised that they knew who at least one of them was. Donatello muttered to himself, wondering who this new person was lurking in the same back alleyway as his brothers and him.

He flinched, almost instantly feeling a pair of small hands cup his face. He was about to attempt to sweep your feet from under you with his bo staff, but he hadn’t sensed any danger from you whatsoever.
“You guys all look different.” You seemed even more confused at this point, this was most definitely not your Donnie. Your Don was at least a few inches shorter than this one and would have most likely sent a sarcastic comment your way by now. You glanced to your left to see a much smaller Raphael sending an irritated glare your way. That’s odd, your Raph would have probably asked if you needed any help.
Then, it clicked.
You now appeared to be absolutely insane, and that’s coming from a bunch of mutant turtles. You mutter to yourself about “kicking Donnie's ass” and “this wasn’t the plan!”. Raphael and Leo take a fighting stance, but before they try anything, the new Donnie tries to calm you down and understand what’s going on. You’re still panicking but you try your best to explain how you’re from a different universe and that you got transported here. “-Then Leo from my universe accidentally pushed me into Don’s newest invention- this wasn’t supposed to happen! I was just trying to help out-” You cut yourself off, remembering something. You quickly pull up your left sleeve to see the wristwatch ‘your’ Donatello made for you. You swiftly begin to type on it, trying anything you can to send any messages back to him, your location, anything at all, but nothing works.
The purple masked turtle noticed how advanced your watch is, seeing how a hologram, as well as some sort of keyboard, popped up. He’s never seen anything quite like it.
“Hey, um, do you happen to know what year you're from? We don’t have access to that kind of technology - yet that is.”
Raph and Leo put away their weapons after noticing how calm Donatello was with you, still keeping their guard up. “Oh, yes! The year I was in was 2018. My Donnie made me this trinket for my birthday. It’s pretty useful-” you attempt to send another message, failing once again, “-when it works, of course.”
“So what now? Do we let them hang out with us? I think they seem pretty cool!” Michelangelo butts in, tired of having to act like such an innocent-looking person is a threat.
“Mikey, you idiot, we don’t even know them! How could we possibly-”
“I think we should let them stay with us for the time being, if they have no one else to stay with.” Donatello turns his head to you, “It seems you were quite close with your version of us, right?”
“Yeah! I hung out with them at the lair all the time. Spent most of my time challenging them to super-smash bros or assisting Don in whatever project he was working on.” You were almost excited to give your answer, very much enjoying the time you used to spent with the boys. Then the fear sunk in once again. “He’s probably trying to bring me back, right? I won’t be stuck here forever?” You too a deep breath in. “I already miss them, even if they were loud.”
The turtles from this universe noticed how worried you appeared, being away from your closest friends, and all ultimately deciding to bring you to see master Splinter. On the way, Mikey wouldn’t stop nagging you with all sorts of questions; name, hobbies, favorite food, if you like pizza, anything he could come up with. You answered every one of them enthusiastically, throwing a fond memory in the mix every once in a while.
“So, dude, you said earlier that we look different than your guys, right? What do they look like?”
“Well, Raph and Donnie are taller- oh!” Mikey tilted his head your way at your exclamation, watching you pat yourself down.
“Still got it! I’ve got some pictures of them on my phone!” You didn’t have any connection, but you still had the pictures saved in your gallery. You pulled up one with everyone there. It was a little blurry, but you could still easily make out yourself in the bottom left corner of the photo. Raph was trailing behind Mikey, who was on his flying skateboard in the background. A little closer was Donnie tinkering with some scrap parts with a smirk on his face, and finally, Leo sitting on the back of the couch casually cheering Mikey on.
You began to swipe through pictures of you and the boys individually. Raph training with you - Mikey must have snatched that picture, you thought. A selfie of yourself and Leo, who was covering his face, in front of the scoreboard after challenging him at Mario Kart and winning. Mikey who fell asleep on you, pencil in hand and sketchbook in his lap after one of your regular drawing sessions. Finally, a blurry selfie of you surprise-hugging Donatello from behind, in his lab. You could clearly see his surprised expression along with a smile, a big toothy grin covering your face.
You gave a short backstory on all of them while showing them, proving that you really were close friends.
Eventually, you met up with Splinter, politely asking questions and answering some. You were much calmer and more respectful than the turtles were expecting, given how excitable and easy-going you seemed. Finally, you left his meditation room, telling the turtles what you assumed would be your plan. “I figure that my Donnie’s probably trying his best to open another portal, but we have no way of communication. It’s basically just a waiting game now. Master Splinter says it’s okay if I chill with you guys, is that alright with you?” Mikey was the first to agree, as long as you got to hang out and draw with him just like the other version of him did. Donnie agreed as well, feeling some sort of connection, almost as if he knew you in a way. He loved the idea of having another nerdy person to help him with his inventions, and especially to spend time with. Leo went along with it, deciding you weren’t a threat. He also felt that you might bring some joy, changing up their routine a bit. Same old same old isn’t always the best. Raph was the last, begrudgingly agreeing, but only because you didn’t seem like “too much of a bother.” He earned himself a whack on the back of his head for that.
Donnie decided to pull you away from the others, saying that you probably have some experience with cool tech and could help him out with some of his inventions. You walked over to Donatello’s lab, still admired by the inventions he had even if they weren’t built with all the new tech you had. No matter what Donnie makes, it’s always pretty cool. That definitely doesn’t change throughout universes. He sat down in his rolling chair while you found a comfortable stool to sit on, bringing it close to his work so you could watch. Every so often you would point out something he could do better, and he’d be amazed by your knowledge. You enjoyed the time you spent with him, swaying your feet on the stool while he hunched over his desk, tightening one of the screws with a screwdriver.
“And done!” He exclaimed, bringing his head up to look at you, not realizing how close your face was from watching him work. You barely got to see Donnie’s face heat up before he turned his head away from you, muttering a small “sorry”. You let out a short giggle, before complimenting his work.
“All right, let’s test this thing out! It better work, let’s hope it doesn’t just look cool for nothing.” You spoke up, not wanting him to feel awkward around you.
After testing it out, Leonardo came in to tell you two that supper was ready. The other two brothers were already on the couch, pizza in hand, watching some show on tv. You joined them on the couch after grabbing your own piece. Raph quietly scooted a little farther away while you dramatically put a hand on your chest, as if insulted by the act alone. Mikey snickered at your small interaction.
“So, you guys have any games?”
Mikey gulped down his last bite of pizza and proceeded to list off a bunch of Wii games they had. You liked the idea of challenging them to Mario kart, so you did just that. Raph refused to admit that he wanted to hang out with the newbie but stuck around close enough to watch you all battle it out.
A few hours of gaming later, Raph eventually joined, and all of the boys were much more comfortable with you around. Mikey was laying in your lap, Donatello was sitting right next to you, your knees or elbows bumping every so often from the game, and Leo was sitting right in front of you. You were slowly getting tired, so you gave up your remote for the night, opting to watch the brothers duke it out instead. Eventually, soft snores could be heard from Donnie’s shoulder and slightly louder ones from your lap. Leo took notice of this and finally stood up and spoke quietly:
“That’s it for tonight, we can have more fun tomorrow. We should all get some sleep.” He then walked away and Raphael soon followed. ..Leaving Donnie stuck with you sleeping on him, him not wanting to wake you up, of course. He contemplated trying to move you gently, but he didn’t have the heart to move you when you looked so adorably comfortable. He ended up making do with the blankets and pillows he had within reach, following you into dreamland.
The next day, you awoke with Mikey wrapped up comfortably in your arms, while a cozy pillow was supporting your head. You gently rolled Mikey off of you, trudging towards the smell of pancakes. Plates were being dished out by Donnie. Leo was passing by you, mumbling a short “good morning,” most likely on his way to go get Mikey. Raph was already sitting at the table, letting out a big yawn.
“Mornin’ guys!” Donnie looked up to see you in the doorway, while Raph once again pretended that you didn’t exist.
“Oh! Good morning, y/n,” he places the last plate down on the table, “Is there anything you’d like to drink?” You tell him that a small glass of milk sounds nice, and complements how good the food smells. He thanks you and Mikey and Leo walk into the kitchen together, Mikey looking much more groggy than his brother, rubbing the sleep out of one of his eyes.
Breakfast goes by quickly. You notice that you’re the second one done, Raph being the first. Speaking of him, where is he? You go check the training room, hearing small grunts as you get closer. Eventually, you’re in the doorway, watching Raph send kicks and punches toward a poor punching bag. Once he finally stops for a water break is when he notices you.
“Holy hell dude, when did you get here?” You shrugged and decided to irk him, hoping to get a friendly fight out of him. You walk towards him slowly, ready to dig your own grave.
“I thought you were a ninja, aren’t you supposed to know when people sneak up on you?” He catches a stupid smirk on your face, deciding that he’s had enough with the new person. Raph pretends to send a smile your way, (which he was very bad at), before attacking you with roundhouse kick to the head. Not a hard one of course, just enough to make it so you’d stay clear from his path. Or so he thought.
You quickly block his kick with a middle block, twisting your hand around his leg and grabbing it, holding it in place so you can send a kick back at him with momentum. Before you can land a hit, he breaks his leg free and manages to block just in time. He gives you no time before attempting to attack again, the back-and-forth banter becoming enjoyable. He’s only ever had the same few opponents to practice with, so this felt nice. Instead of using anger to fuel his powerful moves, he was enjoying it. Eventually, you grabbed his hand and bent his finger in a way it wasn’t supposed to, his body not allowing him to go the way he wanted anymore. You followed through and sent him to the ground, hand behind his back, face planted on the ground, you sitting on his shell claiming victory. You stand up, after making sure he knew he lost of course, and offered him a hand. You were definitely expecting another attack, maybe he’d drag you to the ground with him? But instead, you were met with a handshake along with a praise of your skill. Overall, it’s safe to say he doesn’t ignore your presence anymore. He finally sees you as someone near his level, or at least, someone who is worth his time.
Once the sparring session is over, as Raphael walks out, Leonardo walks in. You were beginning some stretches, knowing it’ll save you from being too sore later. Leo comes next to you and asks if he can join in. he begins to lead some cooldowns, you following along for some, and doing your own thing for others.
“I’m surprised you got Raph to like you so quickly, is he and yours alike?” “Honestly, no, not at all. My Raph is very much a big teddy bear. Sure, he enjoys sparring, but he’s always too afraid to hurt me. What a big softie. I usually end up sparring with my Leo instead if it comes to it.” You glance at him, then focus back on your stretching, “You’re much calmer than my Leo. I won’t say he’s energetic, but most definitely more egotistical. You’re almost a nice break from all his chat about being the best, really.”
“Me? Egotistical? I don’t see it.” You quirk a brow up at him, not believing it. He may be from a different universe, but it’s still Leonardo.
“Okay, maybe a little. But it’s much better than not being confident in your moves. Holding back is the worst thing you can do in a fight..” You nod at him, glad he has more common sense than your Leonardo back home. You stand back up from stretching your legs, leaving the dojo right after kindly bidding your goodbye.
You decide to head to Mikey’s room, looking for him, since you haven’t spent much time with him yet. As soon as you open the door, you’re tackled in a hug and spun around.
“You’re here to hang out with me! Finally! Alright, do you wanna draw or play on the Wii?” You figure your heart had raced hard enough today, so you opted to draw. (Mario Kart is difficult against the guys, okay?) It may not be what you expected from Mikey, maybe something more along the lines of playing pranks on his brothers or sneaking out for pizza, but he was just glad to spend some quality time with a cool new person. He quickly gathered some pencils and sketchbooks while you plopped down on his bed. After picking everything up, he lays down on your lap once again, finding a comfortable position for the both of you. Even if you’re doing a quiet activity like drawing, it won’t be quiet for long with Mikey around. A few minutes after drawing he starts shooting questions your way, just about the same scenario as yesterday happening once again. You were glad to answer all of his questions. He was happy to listen to your stories, giddy that he was learning more about you. After a while of chatting and drawing, you finished and wanted to give your neck a break from looking downwards at your paper. You put your pencil down and rested your head on the pillow behind you, absentmindedly toying with the strands of Mikey’s mask; something you did fairly often with your Mikey.
It’s been nearly two weeks since you first met the turtles and you had gotten to spend a lot of time with them. They helped a ton when you felt lonely or lost without your version of them. Of course, you still missed Raph’s bear hugs, Don’s snarky remarks, Leo’s ego and Mikey’s energy. But the turtles you were with now were still fun to hang out with. Currently, you and the rest of the boys were out on patrol. They had no destination or mission set, it was mostly just to get out of the hideout. Mikey was ahead of the group, balancing on the railing of the building you guys were walking on the roof of. All of a sudden, you hear a familiar voice that immediately brings a wide smile scross your features.
“Y/N?! Are you here?”
You jumped down from the building, hearing the voice coming from the alley below. The turtles were too slow to catch you, but luckily, the owner of the voice was there.
You jumped straight into his arms, making him grunt from the impact, then spinning you around.
“Oh, how I missed my small lab assistant! Now I don’t have to deal with Leo’s antics anymore! He gets so much more annoying when you’re not around,” he carefully put you down and places a hand on his hip, ”Seriously, I had to make my lab portal-proof, just so that he wouldn’t barge-”The next thing Donatello knew, you were you of his reach and holding both of your Mikey’s hands.
“I missed you so much! We need to hang out again! It was so loney without you~” He gave you his best puppy-dog eyes, hoping you’d spend your time with him first. You hugged him tight, promising to hang out and not leave his side. But of course, a mystic portal had opened up underneath you, leading you to fall into your Leo’s arms. “Falling for me?-” he felt a metal staff hit the back of his head, along with an “Absolutely not, ‘Nardo.” from behind him. While he was distracted, your Raph had gently picked you up and put you on his shoulders with a smile on his face, mimicking yours. He was just glad to have you back. Before Your Leo and Donnie could continue bickering, you wanted to introduce your boys to the turtles that you got to hang out with for the past weeks.
With sparkles in your eyes, you introduced them to the other versions of them. Recalling your favorite memories while hanging out, you couldn’t help but keep a smile plastered on your face. Until you remembered something.
“Hey, Don?” The taller boy was about to reply, but was cut off by a ‘hmm?’ From your Donnie.
He felt a slight pain in his chest. This whole time whenever you’d say ‘My boys’ or ‘my Donnie’ he felt.. important to you. Even if you weren’t talking about him. But now he realised that he wasn’t special to you anymore. You guys weren’t really friends, he was just there to try to replicate your Donnie. To make you feel less lonely. Why did he think you really did enjoy his company? Of course you didn’t. He could never dream of you and him-
“Can I come back and see them again? I don’t wanna leave them. I know it would mess up the timeline if I stayed for too long, but- I love hanging out with them. Will the portal allow inter-dimentional travelling more than once?...” Your new friend’s eyes grew wide, brimming with tears. He saw your mouth move, but could no longer hear the words coming from it. You.. enjoyed your time with them? You want to hang out again?
Maybe he did have a chance with you after all.

Sep. 29. 22
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sillyandquest · 9 months
So, I started drawing the 2012 ninja turtles and realized that if the Mutant Mashup Au is a mix of both the 2012 and Rise iteration of ninja turtles, then I should probably combine their art styles when I draw them. It sounds fun but I'm not sure whether or not I should make the boys look more like the 2012 or Rise art style.
Should I give the Rise boys more chonky legs and upper arms or slim down the 2012 boys to look more human?
Then again, this is just a silly au with lots to figure out. The difference could be explained away as simply as "the 2012 boys just mutated differently" or "Draxum used a variation of the ooze when creating the Rise Boys." Both @possumsarenice and I agree that Draxum was the one to mutate both sets of Hamato's, not the 2012 Kraang, but that makes me wonder if he mutated all of them at once.
Putting a cut here in case you aren't a fan of large bodies of text.
Draxum would have no reason to capture Yoshi unless he did his research and figured out Lou had an older brother. It just so happened that Yoshi bought his turtles when Draxum went to capture him, in place of Yoshi encountering the Kraang in canon. (I think Draxum went to capture Yoshi himself and sent Huginn and Muninn to get Lou. He had little info. on what to expect from Yoshi so Draxum got pretty roughed up I think.)
Alternatively, Draxum had planned to use Yoshi as a guinea pig of sorts BEFORE he did anything to Lou and the Kraang started hunting Yoshi soon after he escaped with four freshly mutated baby turtles in tow. To someone like Draxum using Yoshi first would make sense as he was older and would be considered "less of a threat" than Lou. We all know that isn't the case but Draxum sure didn't.
If all the Hamato's mutated at once, then Yoshi and Lou would meet up a whole lot sooner and be forced to tolerate and live together like they used too. It opens the door to sooner healing and less misunderstandings because in this Au Yoshi and Lou are NOT on good terms. This is due to how they perceived each other's reaction to their mother's death.
Lou saw Yoshi still following the Hamato teachings, even though those teachings stole their mother away, and believed Yoshi was unfazed, he considered Yoshi heartless. Yoshi believed that Lou turning his back on the Hamato clan meant he turned his back on their mother and family, that's why he considered Lou a disgrace.
Lou would see his mother's death the same way he saw it in canon, an unnecessary sacrifice. (At least until he realized the great evil behind the seal was real.) Meanwhile, Yoshi would likely see his mother's death as an act of heroism. Lou resented the Hamato clan for years because the duty they carried was one that took away one of the people Lou loved most. Yoshi, on the other hand, understood the sacrifice and what it meant. He hated it, but he understood that his mother only wanted to protect her family, and the world, from the Dark Armor.
Yoshi knew that his mother's final act was one of love. Love for her sons, love for her family, love for the Earth itself.
Both learned a lesson that day. Lou learned that the burden of saving the world is one that will consume everything, leaving you with nothing but the broken pieces of a once happy life before you had the chance to really grow up. Yoshi learned that loss is a painful but necessary sacrifice to save everyone, to protect everyone. To him "it doesn't matter that the burden is heavy, what matters is that you carry it."
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wow-its-me · 2 years
A TMNT AU that focuses more on splinter. A story similar to 2012’s story, but with Rise’s personality.
What if instead of of protecting the world from the shredder, Yoshi was destined to protect the world from the Kraang? What if he knew he failed as soon as he mutated? What if there was nothing he could do but wait? What if Lou Jitsu was an early online influencer?
A story split in to three parts, three times, the early 2000’s/Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki, 2012/Lou Jitsu and the turtle tots, 2022/ Master Splinter and the TMNT
Anyway I’ve been thinking about this all day so here you go
The Tale of Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki
Not too far from Tokyo sits a small village, home of the Hamato clan who happily welcome there newest addition, Hamato Yoshi
Tragedy strikes, the first of many tragedies that will follow Yoshi throughout his life. His mother must leave, to watch for something, protect them from something
Yoshi befriends a local boy named Oroku Saki. They quickly become inseparable. However, before the year is up, tragedy strikes once more, Leaving Saki an orphan, tragedy will follow Saki throughout his life. Yoshi’s family is quick to take in Saki, in there eyes the young boy was always family.
The brothers learn together, play together, train together. But like all brothers they fight. They argue and bicker over silly things, but when it comes down to it they’ll always defend each other, won’t they?
The brothers sit in the dojo while their father speaks to them. He talks to them about their family, their history, the Hamato clan. Hundreds of years ago their family stopped the demons that attempted to destroy their home. Yoshi in Saki will one day bare the responsibility of protecting them if the monsters shall ever return.
Saki nodes, he understands the weight that he must carry.
Yoshi on the other hand is not paying attention.
“Monsters and Demons and Aliens and Yokai,” he later tells his brother, “like they fairy tales he’d tell us to keep us out of trouble as kids? You seriously believe that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? I won’t ignore Hundreds of years of tradition because I don’t want to be responsible, will you?”
Their sibling rivalry suddenly lost its playful twang
The rivalry between them continues to grow becoming more intense with every argument.
Saki believes that their father favors Yoshi, despite Yoshi never seeming to care or take anything seriously.
Yoshi believes that Saki is simply a hateful man. That Saki will hate him no matter what so there’s no point in trying to stay kind to him.
Yoshi also spends more of his free time on his computer, the internet was a fascinating thing.
Yoshi posts on blogs and forums, starting to make a name for himself on online spaces. That name however is not Yoshi, he instead goes by ‘Lou Jitsu’
A young woman moves to town. Yoshi and Saki both become smitten.
Tang Shen is her name, smart, strong, kind, beautiful.
Weather she realizes it or not, her love will be the final thing to push the brothers apart.
Shen finds them both charming in their own ways.
The young men continue to try and win her attention. However in their fighting does not go unnoticed by Shen. She notices the malice behind Saki’s words, behind his eyes.
Tang Shen chooses Hamato Yoshi
Lou Jitsu has gained quite a following on a new website called ‘MySpace’
He tends to embellish his life on the internet, he makes himself out to be some sort of hero. Never lying per say, just exaggerating.
Tang Shen is pregnant.
Yoshi is there for her, but he starts distancing himself, spending more time working, training. He’s scared. He doesn’t think he could be a great father.
Saki doesn’t care that she’s going to have a child. He is convinced that she still loves him, that she will leave Yoshi. He is plans on raising the child as if it was his own
The Hamatos happily welcome their newest addition,
Hamato Miwa
However this happiness dose not last.
Yoshi’s father is ill. While he tries to remain carefree, he can feel the sadness and responsibility he’s been running from begin to catch up with him.
Deep into the night someone knocks at the door.
Shen lights a candle and makes her way over to the door.
Oroku Saki
He demands she change her mind. She demands he leave her be.
Their argument wakes up Yoshi and they soon begin to fight, unlike they have ever fought before. The candle falls and fire slowly consumes the building.
Saki unsheathes his blade and swings for Yoshi,
“STOP” Shen blocks the swing before falling to the ground
Saki Runs
The supports of the small building begin to fall.
Yoshi barely makes it out alive
Miwa is lost
He sits outside whispering to himself though broken tears.
He goes to his clan. But Saki got there first, he doesn’t know what he told them but it couldn’t be good. His own father won’t look him in the eyes.
There’s only one thing left for him to do, flee.
He books a plane to the first place he can think of, America, he briefly considers LA before settling on New York, Shen always wanted to visit New York.
Yoshi can’t shake the feeling that grief isn’t the only thing that followed him. He swears he sees things in the streets, things only mentioned in cautionary tales, hears the name he was taught to fear.
His mind must be playing tricks on him.
Since moving Yoshi struggled to find a job, before ending up at a local pet shop. Most of his paycheck went to paying the rent of a small run down apartment.
He was entirely alone, the only thing that gave him the slight sense of community that he craved was his online presence. He often posted martial arts videos and life blogs. He gave up attempting to be honest with them. Lou Jitsu became a character he put on as a last attempt at keeping his sanity, was he still sane?. He wished that could be a paying job.
The depression, grief, anxiety, and pain of his life was becoming to much to handle alone.
‘Maybe I should get an emotional support pet.’
The next day he clocked out of work, but didn’t walk home alone. He was now accompanied by the four baby turtles. He finally felt like things could be okay again.
And they almost were. Yoshi was mere feet from his apartment when he heard the voices coming from the alleyway.
“Kraang has received new orders from Kraang Prime” the horrid robotic voice screeched.
Fear, all he felt was fear. Then relief, he wasn’t seeing things, he wasn’t loosing his mind, they were real, they were here. Regret. He should have paid more attention to his father. He places the turtles on a window ledge
“What has Kraang-“
Yoshi hits one in the back of the head and it topples to the ground. The other stands shocked in front of him. ‘Could Kraang be shocked?’ In it’s hands was a glowing canister filled with a thick green substance that bubbled and oozed.
a fight brakes out the canister traded hands back and forth between the man and the alien-piloted machine. Suddenly it was in the air
The Air stood still. Rats ran by his feet. Shattering glass. Ooze coated his skin.
Pain. White hot pain. It clouded his vision, rang in his ears. He felt his bones stretching, skin morphing. Was he growing taller? Or getting shorter? He grasped his arms for stability, only to feel a thick layer of fur. When did he get on the ground?
‘The Turtles’
He glanced over and they too were sitting in a puddle of the ooze. They were changing right in front of him. Yoshi looked to the baby turtles and for a split second he thought they looked familiar. Almost like him, Almost like,
He picked up the children an ran, retreating into the sewers where no one would see them.
The Hamato clan is born anew
They happily welcome four additions.
Hamato Raphael
Hamato Leonardo
Hamato Donatello
Hamato Michelangelo
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the-leader-in-blue · 2 years
\\OOC(please read before interacting!)
Ask box is open anytime, and you are encouraged to interact! Anyone— yes, that means ocs too, are allowed to interact.
Tell me if your ask is ooc!(directed at me instead of Leo). You can do that by adding ooc to the start or end of your ask!
By the way— the person running this blog is @mement0m0r1 !
Disclaimer / DNI's
IF YOU SHIP LEO//RAI DO NOT INTERACT. THEY ARE SIBLINGS. That is INCEST. I will not be arguing on that topic.
I AM A MINOR. Don't be weird, or send any nsfw asks or anything of the sort.
Tagging System
#welcome - welcome to this blog, we're happy to have you on board with whatever the hell this is! here's what you need to know!!
#a leaders burden - Original Post
#someone to talk to - Asks
#maybe things wont be as bad anymore - Threads
#ooc - Out of character posts
#tmnt tma au - Unrelated to the main roleplay. See TMA AU Masterpost for easy navigation.
Triggers will be tagged as #tw [trigger name]
#crossover arc - Rottmnt x 2012 tmnt crossover with @.leoneo3000
#10th anniversary - Boys celebrate their mutation day with a bang
#sick arc - Blue gets sick and none of the boys know what to do
#mushroom arc - Sword Lily eats a mushroom, things go wrong and maybe— a stranger met online turns into a friend in real life.
#MIKEY TAKEOVER - Mikey steals Leo's phone and decides to cause chaos.
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undertake101 · 1 year
QandA with The Girls TMNT 2012 Part 2:
Does Carina play video games with Mikey?
Carina: Well, yes, I do not as much as him, of course, but I do mess with it from time to time. I prefer more group games. However, like Mario party old Wii games, so I barely solo.
Carina: Besides, My hobby is more of baking, I've adored it since I was little.
How does Carina choose the colours in her hair?
Carina: There's no real meaning of my hair choices. Ulima likes to choose the colours more than half of the time. Actually, it's been a fun thing since our mutation.
Ulima: These two!
Carina: Didn't I do those last time?
Ulima: But they're so pretty in your hair!!
Rara: Aren't those yours and Ulima colours? Green and Pink?
Carina: Oh...
What was Splinter's reaction to the Girls?
Does Master Splinter get along with the Girl?
How does Splints react to his boys all getting girlfriends at some point?
"Of course he gets along with them maybe in different ways, but still,"
"Besides, I think if he didn't get along with someone, the turtles wouldn't even try and start a leadership both them they trust their pops, you know"
Splints finds Rei interesting. A Warrior of her own nature and a leader of her own team. And he respects it, and honestly?, he knew Leo and we would happen from the start.
It was clear in Leo's soon subtle rants about her. He was interested in her but just didn't know it or how to go about it.
(Splits had to stop himself and bursting out laughing a few times)
Leo: And she just wouldn't listen, sensei! She just went off on her own and it- She didn't follow what I said before!
Splinter: I see..(Trying not to choke on his tea)
"Knew it would happen since day one,"
Splinter: Rei, my soon to be daughter-in-law, would you like to hear some of the things Leo claimed he-
Rei: ?
Ulima was seen as a bubbly and bright soul, a young one who faced enough hardship as to be naive, and her and Ralph relationship was a little unexpected but not unwelcomed.
He knows that Ralph has a tougher time of his emotions and is happy that Ulima isn't trying to change him, but help him where it's needed. He's glad his son found someone as gentle opposites yet not at the same time.
Splinter: Heh heh.
Raph: What?
Splinter: Oh, nothing.
Rara was a special case Splinter got along with her. Yes, he even respected her finding cell she possessed she was a feisty spirit in his judgement. However, he was worried about her with Donnie at the start.
When he noticed Donnie started having more than feelings for her after April, he got worried. He was worried that if roro rejected Donnie, she would be harsher about it, intentionally or not. He didn’t want to see his son hurt a second time in a row.
It all changed when Donnie got severely hurt on patrol one night. Rara had him rush back to the lair and brought him to Splinter, fretting over him like crazy.
And she stayed for nights at a time with him through his big healing process. She took care of him when she had free time for missions and patrols and stuck with his son. After that, Splinter knew he had no other reason to worry.
Carina was known as a sweet girl and as sweeter friends to his boys. While Carina was less of a fighter compared to the others' splinter, found it was more enduring for his son Mikey. Both had a big heart and a very compatible personality.
Splinter only surprised was Mikey being the first one in the relationship to begin with.
There's a small part of Splinter that gets reminded of his own love when he sees all of his boys, especially Mikey, with the girls. Splinter is very prideful for happy each of his boys found love in their own way despise their situation.
Now you can imagine how much joy splinter gets when his first grandchild was brought into his life.
Whilst until wasn't the best father in some ways, he did a good in raising 4 boys all by himself, especially with the situation he was forced into.
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 years
The turtles were 15 in 2012 so technically they’d be 24 in 2021…
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Ok so do you know any good fics where Mikey just straight up suffers? For some reason I just want to see my favorite boy have a bad time, but yeah. Please and thank you!!!
Let's see....
Well, like I said, Devil took your hand by moogsthewriter, taizi (2012, soooo dark and soooo good)
Brother, Interrupted by taizi (2012, Amnesia Mikey for the win!)
where the good men go by taizi (IDW/SAINW with Mikey losing Woody; now that I think about, almost everything this author writes in the Mikey tag is angst)
I, Alone by sleepingseeker (All media types, a story where Mikey gets abducted and there are ALL THE WARNINGS, including explicit rape, graphic violence, and torture)
Into The Fire by staringatstars (2012, Leo and Mikey lose their memories and are "taken in" by the Foot; abuse and angst ensue)
Fixer-upper by leones (2012, Mikey struggles to keep his incredibly dysfunctional family together, warning for discussions of sex, eating disorders, and past abuse)
Baby Brother by PrincessFreak (All media types, Mikey is sexually assaulted by Donnie)
i can make you happy, too! by paindump (2012, a dangerously depressed Mikey prepares to make his family "happy" by robbing them of one of the most precious things in their lives: himself)
Interrogation or Malpractice? by Professor_Anxietree (2012, Mikey is tortured by the Triceratons; again, pretty much everything the author writes for TMNT is Mikey angst)
Mutant Nightmare by HamsterMasterSamster (2003, angsty Bishop trauma)
(un)reality by Werepirechick (2012, Mikey is captured by the Kraang to be brainwashed and tortured; it's awful and wonderful)
Play the Fool, Pity the Fool. by Werepirechick (2012, dealing with the lead-up to and aftermath of Mikey attempting suicide, and like with taizi you can probably find a lot of Suffering Mikey stuff in their fics)
Burying the Bone by squishyturtlefuckfics (2012, Mikey is assaulted by Rahzar and there's no happy ending)
On Some Days by Justalittleobsessed (2003 SAINW, Mikey copes with losing everyone he loves)
going under by redhairedmuses (2018, Mikey nearly drowns, complete with heart-rending art)
Be Careful What You Wish For by TotallyNotASecretAO3Account for MorikoTheHalfAngel (2012, Came Back Wrong with heavy violence and heartrending character death)
Never Meet Your Heroes by m4lware (2018, AU where Meat Sweats takes the opportunity to rape Mikey and everything is awful)
Scratch by yaoigirl22 (2012, aftermath of Mikey being assaulted by his brainwashed brothers)
Into Dimension X by HolyKingWasteLand (2012, Mikey is in Dimension X for much longer than a few hours)
They Are Perfect For You by BeemurBee (2012, short piece discussing the possible cruelty behind Splinter's choice of Mikey's weapon)
Sunny-Side Up by Basicallyjustatonofventfics (Captain_Jade) (2012, Mikey struggles with an escalating eating disorder)
Slaves of the Foot by Kamefootninja (Kame630) (All media types, Mikey and Donnie reunite with their long-lost brothers after Leo and Raph are raised in the Foot and it's not a happy meeting; warnings for rape)
The T Subjects by buttsbeyondbutts (2018, Mikey and Donnie are imprisoned and tortured by scientists)
Fire And Oxygen: Phoenix From Ashes by BrightLotusMoon (2012, Mikey recovers from a devastating sexual assault; probably the darkest of the author's various angsty Mikey stories)
Family Not Friends by MelancholicNoodles (2012, Human AU where Mikey wrestles with a severe mental illness)
Troubled Turtle by Crazy_Comet_97 (All media types, with a sad, bullied Mikey)
The Curse of Being the Cute One by TheKeybladeMaster1994 (All media types, interconnected stories where Mikey deals with the threat of sexual assault)
What he is by CathInTheBox (2012, a multiverse-spanning story with double the Mikey misery, including violence, death, and suicidal thoughts)
Black Out Days by renawaywithme (2012, a post-apocalyptic AU where Mikey experiences a horrific new mutation)
Falling grace by SeosaimhinFandoms: (2012, Mikey takes the only way out after the end of everything)
Hiraeth by orphan_account (2014, where Eric Sacks fixates him on Mikey and subjects him to torture, sexual assault, and abuse)
Watching the Sky by ShadeCrawler (2012, short, but with plenty of Mikey pain to spare)
Wonder by Keeryd (2012, deals with Splinter's flawed parenting and Mikey's slow turn to suicidal thoughts)
How Much is that Turtle in the Window by Zelgadis55 (2012, a captured Mikey experiences abusive and dehumanizing treatment, warnings for violence and elements of rape)
Did You Mean It by Raynefall (2012, Donnie and Mikey confront the repercussions of "Tokka VS The World," warning for discussions of abuse)
Disgust by leones (2012, Mikey deals with guilt, shame, and the cruelty of being unseen in the aftermath of devastating sexual abuse)
Aaaand some of my own garbage, since if you're still here I think I've earned the right to be a little arrogant. I have a habit of creating anthologies, so these pieces are kind of scattered around. I've provided links to the specific chapters where Mikey-Misery stories appear.
Secret Relationship (from Bitter Winter Nights) 2012 Drabble, rape warning.
Cooking Together (from Bitter Winter Nights) All media types Drabble, Cannibalism warning
Smile (from Bitter Winter Nights) All media types Drabble, death and violence warning
Cuddling (from Bitter Winter Nights) All media types Drabble, death and instability warning
Amaryllis (from A Deep And Thorny Tangle) TMNT 2012, Mikey refuses to let his brothers in.
Tubes And Butterflies (Purple) (from Covered In The Colors, Pulled Apart At The Seams) TMNT 2012, Mikey and Donnie bond in a fairly violent way after Mikey survives a brutal assault.
Empty Wrappers And Dead Trees (Brown) (from Covered In The Colors, Pulled Apart At The Seams) TMNT IDW, Mikey struggles to cope with the devastation of Slash's loss.
Vivisection (from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze) TMNT 2012, Mikey wakes up in a strange place with some very immoral scientists (violence and torture, but no character death)
Jester (from TMNT ABC III: Lives And Times Of The Turtles) TMNT 2012, Mikey struggles to keep his brothers from falling into That Place in their heads; warnings for family violence, self-harm, and mental health issues.`
Quick (from TMNT ABC III: Lives And Times Of The Turtles) TMNT 2012, Mikey saves his brothers' lives, but at a high cost; warnings for violence, attempted rape, and trauma.
Ravaged (from TMNT ABC IV: Turtles Forever And Ever And Ever) TMNT 2012, Mikey deals with the fallout from 'Journey to the Center of Mikey's Mind; warnings for violence and discussions of mental violation and suicide.
And a bunch of Mikey stories woven into the fabric of my The Waste Land universe (tw violence, discussions of rape, body horror, suicide, and destruction)
Hope these all help, and happy reading!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
tmnt 2012 x miraculous ladybug headcannons based on the nyc special?
This could be its own what if!
(What if the NYC Special was a TMNT 2012 crossover?)
-Most of the story beats in Paris are the same. Marinette gets permission to have Adrien come to NYC. Ladybug asks Chat noir to guard the city, etc.
-Hawkmoth knows about the seedy criminal underbelly of NYC and tries to get intel from the Foot about the Eagle miraculous.
-The school that the class meets is from April’s school. She and Casey greet them. 
-Casey hitting off with Kim and the other guys. April becoming friends with Marinette.
-Alya asking April about the weird sightings in the city. Which April tries to downplay, but Casey overhears and is happy to blab to the cute girl about some of the crazy stuff in NYC. (except he doesn't mention the turtles because he is a bro.)
-”Ninjas? Aliens? mutated people?! I need to get photos of this!” Alya practically rushed out.
-April glares at Casey over that. Which Casey is like “Oh come on red, how much trouble can one girl get into.”
-Marinette immediately runs after alya because she KNOWS! what trouble she can get into. 
-April decides to follow to make sure nothing bad happens. She tells Casey to stay and not let anyone else leave. And Casey rolls his eyes but says sure.
-Nino notices his girl is gone and asks Casey if he saw her. Casey smirks says that she and a cute girl and his friend left.
-Adrien joins the conversation
-”We should find Alya and Marinette before they get in trouble with the teacher.
-Nino and Casey agree, (the later because he was bored.)
-Alya, Marinette and April end up running into Bebop. (literally, because he was cloaked.) He was not happy with alya’s comment on calling him a weird pig man. (she took photos)
-Alya almost got blasted but April saved the day, telling them both to run.
-Marinette tells Alya they should split up and get help. Alya agrees and they go. Ladybug will make a quick appearance.
-The guys end up running into Rocksteady. who was not happy to see annoying hockey player.
-Adrien tells the two to leave, but Casey is already attacking. Nino says he will go get help. Adrien decides a quick appearance of chat noir would help.
-April had put a call to the turtles as she was fighting Bebop, and just when Bebop has her cornered, a yo-yo swings in and yanks the pig away into a dumpster.
-”You alright?”  Ladybug asks, leaving the red head confused. Who was the girl in the spots? Though, for some reason she felt REALLY familiar (can't fool the psychic powers)
-”Is that you Marinette?” Asking quietly.
-Ladybug dismissed the notion entirely and goes to fight Bebop, who was outtie 9000.
-Casey realized that fighting a rhino without weapons was not smart. Thankfully just before he was street pizza, Chat noir jumped in.
-”Ill take it from here. Do you think you can give up, I don't want to fight an endangered species.”
-”The only thing that is facing the danger is you Comrade.”
-Cue fight with Chat noir holding his own against the rhino man.
-Casey admits the blond got style. And he NEEDS to introduce him to the turtles.
-Rocksteady gets a call from Bebop saying that they got what they needed and they needed to head back. So he tells the cat boy he got lucky.
-Casey notices the distress call and asks the cat boy to join him.
-”Its chat noir.”
-”Okay Chat”
-”WOW! Watch the pronunciation.”
-”Nevermind just go.”
-Donnie is the first to arrive on the scene, (worried about April.) April tells them she is fine, and then he realizes that there is another person that just saw them.
- “Ummm hello.”
-Ladybug had to admit, the pig was a lot at first. now the giant talking turtle. Then include the other 3 TURTLES.
-They introduce themselves. The Purple headband was Donatello, The blue headband, Leonardo, The red headband was Raphael, and the Orange one was Michelangelo.
-Mikey was hyped because “SUPERHERO!” and asks for autograph. Leonardo may or may not have an infatuation because (leader type)
-Casey arrives with Chat noir. Cue argument between the two. Which Chat noir feels ashamed.
-Mikey says “Ooof Superhero couple arguments are intense.”
-Leonardo feels he can relate to Ladybug, and takes her side on that. Donnie does as well. Raph and Mikey takes Chat noir’s side. Thus causing a divide for the team.
-But after the argument, Chat noir was able to explain what happened and that if anything should happen. He does have the akuma alert active and he can fly back. Which Makes Mikey have a field day with all the questions he want to ask
-The turtles bring the two back to the lair where they meet Master Splinter, who recognizes the miraculous.
-”You know about the miraculous?”
-”It is in the ancient Hamato book of legends. Powerful artifacts that contain powerful spirits that will give the user amazing powers and abilities. There was once one of my clan that did use one once, he had the power over storms. He was known as Hamato Ryu, the Dragon Shinobi.”
- Ladybug was fascinated by the legends, asking if he knew anything else. 
-Splinter agreed to tell her more, if he could test her and her partner’s abilities. (they were both in the middle of an argument) so they were a bit hostile towards the other.
-Splinter kicked their buts hard. Even with their super powers. Splinter pointed out that they are both powerful, but they are not in sync. Should they learn to fight as one, they would be able to beat anyone.
-Chat noir and Ladybug still argue over the situation, and Raph recommends that they spar. Chat noir says he doesn't want to hit her.
-Ladybug says its a good idea, and cue them fighting. Chat noir and Ladybug actually do get out a lot of their hostility (which may have made things worse) out during the match. But an akuma alert actually stops it.
-Ladybug decides that flying to Paris wouldn't be fast enough and uses the horse miraculous to warp them both there.
-The turtles tag along and they fight Robustus (sentimonster)
-Ladybug then Leaves Chat noir in Paris, Saying now he can keep his word now. Which then leaves Chat noir a bit hurt. 
-Now chat noir feels the brunt of his actions and is consumed with guilt.
-Hawkmoth had managed to get the Eagle miraculous thanks to dealings with the foot.
-Hawkmoth thanks Shredder and agrees to his part of the bargain. To power up his mutants.
-He akumatizes Stockman fly into the ‘Mutanifier’ which has the ability to amplify the power of other mutants.
- Bebop, Rocksteady, Rahzar, and Fishface get upgrades. Bebop Now much bigger, His tusks Longer and he has wings. Rocksteady Now even tougher and taller then one of the Tryceritons. Rahzar moves even faster and his claws are much shaper. Fishface gets actual legs, and can shoot his scales like bullets.
-Shedder orders them to destroy the turtles.
-Hawkmoth then tells shredder that he wants two more artifacts
-”When I get the head of Hamato Yoshi, you can get your jewelry.”
-Hawkmoth can sense the amount of lose and rage from shredder, he decided not to akumatize him, because he seems to strong willed to concede to him right now.
-The turtles comment that what Ladybug did wasn't cool. Donnie had to agree, it seemed like a jerk move.
-Ladybug dismisses it and goes back to her class.
-Alya was relieved to see her friend, but Adrien was still missing.
-Marinette was shocked to hear Adrien was gone. She goes looking for him, only to see the city of New York under attack.
-Ladybug must go back into the fray and she meets up with the turtles, who are outmatched by the powerful mutants
-They barely escape and Ladybug reveals she has a plan.
-Ladybug realizes its time to give her new friends some power ups.
- Leonardo gets the Dragon miraculous, Making him Kame Ryu.
-Donatello gets the fox and becomes Kame kitsu
-Mikey gets the monkey and becomes Kame gokuu
-Raph gets the Turtle and becomes Kame Kappa. (he does not like that his weapon is a shield) But he works with it.
-Mikey is LOVING the powers, though he is not use to the weapon. He asks Donnie if he wants to switch.
-The new hero team is able to beat the improved mutants and they even free stockman fly from the akuma. Which infuriates Shredder. Which Hawkmoth uses as a chance to *Free* him of his mental restraint and then akumatize him.
-That is when Hawkmoth akumatizes Shredder.
-Creating the wild and Powerful Doom-ja. Who had more armor and basically looked like a less mutated super shredder. All feral
-The doom-ja was deadly and beat the crap out of the team.
-Ladybug calls her lucky charm, only for it to show a postcard to Paris.
-She needed chat noir here.
-Chat noir was patrolling paris. Only to see a portal that he collides with. He was surprised to see it.
-Chat noir apologies to Ladybug about everything, and Ladybug apologizes for snapping at him so hard. They both agree that they could have handled it better and that they are a team.
-The two join with the hero turtles and fight Doom-ja.
-They take the lesson they learned from Splinter about fighting as one, and the two of them were able to knock Doom-ja off his rhythm. The turtles were able to destroy the akumatized helmet and defeat Doom-ja.
-Shredder now facing 6 super heroes and now more clear minded. He decides he would leave for now, mostly because he was angrier with another individual at the moment.
-Hawkmoth had been watching from the sidelines, and didn't notice that Splinter had tracked him down.
-While The heroes fought Doom-ja. Splinter fought Hawkmoth.
- Despite the powers, Splinter kicked his butt. Splinter comments the he can sense that he lost a loved one, and that his grief and rage have consumed him.
-”You will become no better than the shredder if you continue down this path. So take this as a warning, come back into my home with your obsession, and you will not get back up again.”
-Splinter had snagged the eagle miraculous from him before leaving Hawkmoth beaten and bruised. Hawkmoth crawled away, ego bruised.
-Splinter give the eagle miraculous to Ladybug, saying that a guardian would be best to overseeing the miraculous.
-Ladybug thanks him, offering to let him keep it. But Splinter says that they will be fine without it.
- The turtles say good bye to their hero friends. Ladybug and Chat noir are back to in sync partners.
-Adrien is back in NY and marinette is relieved to see him safe. Hugging him and forgetting her awkwardness for a bit. 
-The class does get their fun sight seeing adventure, and the turtles let them have a break. Mikey asks if they can visit Paris.
-”Maybe one day.”
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sophfandoms53 · 4 years
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It’s really been 8 years since 2012 first aired huh?
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Happy Mutation Day boys🧡💙❤️💜🐢
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kyber-heart · 3 years
Feeling a touch nostalgic today...
So I’m gonna self indulgently prattle on about my very first Legacy of SWTOR OCs
I first started playing the game in earnest in mid 2015 after I graduated High School. I had been feeling very depressed and unsure of my path going forward. Thus I reverted back on things that made me happy as a child and preteen. Most prominently, Star Wars. I had known about the existance of SWTOR for years even prior to it’s release as I followed it’s development because of it’s connection to KOTOR. I was very skeptical of it being an Online game at the time, and when I first tried it in 2012, I wasn’t impressed. In 2015 though, I dared to give it another shot and I’m glad I did. It spawned perhaps some of my favourite moments of the last 5 years, introduced me to some amazing friends, and even this year allowed me to make new friends here on tumblr dot hell 
So cookbook recipe anecdote out of the way, let’s discuss the OCs. My very first Legacy was called The Furcifer Legacy. Furcifer meaning “Rogue” in Latin, I don’t speak Latin, I’m just a try-hard. Being F2P at the time, I only had two characters for most of 2015, and they were these two:
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Reyal Bradack
Reyal came first. He was a Gunslinger Smuggler and admittedly a somewhat self insert. His name came from a “What is your star wars name” meme (you know the ones that are like “The first two letters of your surname + first three of your forename”) He was a child slave after his father ran out on his mom shortly after Rey’s birth, his mom sold him to the Hutts on Nal Hutta to repay a drugs debt. As a teen he managed to escape on to a Smuggling freighter. The smuggler captain took pity on the teen and took him as an adoptive son. The Smugglers were members of The Black Sun and Rey was introduced to a life of crime. He met his future Husband who was one of the Crew Members, a Chiss named Nalin. His life got thrown into disarray in 10 ATC when The Hero of Tython and Coruscant Security Force raided The Black Sun headquarters and began killing and making arrests. His husband and adopted Mother died from an explosion, he and the other member of the crew, Zoee, were taken into custody and given a choice, serve the Republic or life imprisonment. Both chose the former and were made to help with the ground work for the liberation of Balmorra. It was here on Balmorra that Rey would make a shocking discovery...
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Atzethel “Zeth” Rist 
My second ever character, and for a long time, my main character. A Jedi Shadow Consular, he has gone through many iterations (which I may share someday). Zeth is the younger half-brother to Reyal. Both share the same father. At some point, the “Furcifer” patriarch found himself on Alderaan, in the employment of The Rist family. Despite dying under mysterious circumstances, he conceived a child with Lady Tharra Rist. Zeth was born with an unusually volatile connection to The Force, he was taken only days after The Treaty of Coruscant to be trained on board a Jedi Praxeum ship. The boy excelled due to his strange connect, however it caused him to be irrationally dangerous and as such, was ostracized by his peers and a topic of contention for his masters. He was taken under the wing of a Jedi Master, Nede Vaa, a togruta who sought to teach him patience and direct his urges. She was successful and trained him in the arts of The Jedi Shadows, hunting down and destroying The Sith from within. He and his Master were assigned to help lay the foundations for the Liberation of Balmorra. He discovered his brother Reyal on Balmorra, and after their mission was completed, requested to join his brother, though he kept his relationship to Reyal a secret. Begrudgingly accepting his request, Zeth worked with Reyal in uncovering several other Imperial threats and securing alliances with The Republic and certain criminal syndicates. During the Battle of Corellia, Zeth met another member of his family that surprised even Reyal to see.
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Drrunn’al’inrokini “Nalin Bradack”
The first extra character I made upon subscribing, was a Chiss bounty hunter. He became a member of the smuggling crew, and Rey’s husband. While it was suspected that he was killed on Coruscant, he narrowly escaped with his life. He wandered the Underworld for a couple years after his ‘death’ believing that Rey and the rest of the crew had died. He eventually came across a mercenary, Loyabe Lealta, who claimed to have met a Reyal Bradack on Balmorra. The pair began searching for Reyal, eventually tracking him to Corellia. What should have been a joyous reunion was cut short when Reyal was hit with a poison dart by Loyabe intended for Zeth. Loyabe revealed her true self as an Imperial spy that had tried to hunt down the brothers for their involvement in the liberation of Balmorra. Before they could get another info out of her, Loyabe died from a posion capsule encased in her teeth. After racing to save Rey’s life, the family decided to return to Alderaan to rest and meet Tharra Rist, Rey’s step mother. The intent to reunite the family once and for all. But the peace wasn’t to be found.
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Rhia Kriari 
A Dark Jedi, was waiting for them on Alderaan. She revealed herself to Zeth during a party at the Rist estate for the homecoming of Lord Atzethel Rist. She revealed to him that Loyabe was only one of a number of Imperial spies and assassins that were sent after people like them. Rhia revealed that she and him were born with the same midichlorian anomaly and that another of the children like them, was a Darth by the name of Attroxus who sought to convert or kill the others. She explained that the midichlorian anomaly was the result of a Sith experiment on infusing non-force sensitives with force imbued DNA in the hopes of creating Sith Soldiers. The experiment was discovered by The Dark Council and was shut down, however some of the test subjects managed to escape, including her mother and Zeth and Rey’s father. The experiment did not succeed however, as the altered DNA became unstable, mutating within it’s hosts and killing them violently with explosive bursts of force energy. Exactly the type of mysterious circumstances that Zeth’s father had died under. She convinced Zeth to help her find the other children before Attroxus could. Reyal, Zoee and Nalin agreed to help as well. The five found the other two children, Blanna Gira and Jaysen Karn. During their search, she and Zeth became closer and inevitably began an affair.
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Jaysen Karn 
A plucky and optimistic Jedi Knight Ace, he was the first child to be tracked down. Found on Corellia as the last skirmishes of the battle raged. Zeth found him engaged with a Sith Lord named Lord Neystaa. Having been found by this Sith Pureblood assassin and offered to join Darth Attroxus or die. Jaysen, Zeth and Rhia were able to drive Neystaa away. Concerned by what he had heard, Jaysen requested permission to aid the Jedi Shadow Zeth in his mission to uncover the truth behind this new cult. Now with back up from another Jedi Knight, the search became slightly easier as it allowed them to quickly reach their next destination, Alpheridies.
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Blanna Gira 
A Miraluka from Alpheridies, is another of the children from the experiment. Zeth and Rhia found her on Alpheridies where see lived and served among The Luka Sene, a group of cultural teachers and guides, acting as a seer and healer. The Sene’s devotees obey only the light side of the force. These teachings helped Blanna to keep her underlying darker urges at bay, though she wouldn’t confess to it, she struggled with this greatly. As she was not a fighter and had taken an oath of pacifism, she had no experience with weaponry and combat, thus Zeth began to train her in lightsaber combat, enough to defend herself if needs be. Though hesitant to go, she had received a vision of Attroxus and knew the danger he presented. She also received a vision of Zeth’s master, Nede Vaa in danger on The Fourth Moon of Yavin. Concerned, Gira informed Zeth, and the group headed for Yavin 4, right into a trap.
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Lord Neystaa 
Darth Attroxus’s personal assassin, more machine than flesh. She was one of a pair of twins. She and her brother, Greveron were stationed on Balmorra at the end of the cold war. Zeth had killed Greveron during a battle to disable the planet’s early warning systems. The Brothers had teamed up to take Neystaa out of the fight as well with Zeth pushing her into an adjacent hallway, while Reyal tossed a grenade at her. Badly injured and barely holding on to life, Neystaa was recovered and outfitted with cybernetic replacements for her lost limbs and organs. She was made to be the perfect killing machine. Attroxus offered her a chance at revenge for herself and her brother and she jumped at the chance. After an unsuccessful duel on Corellia, Neystaa set a trap for Zeth’s Master, Nede Vaa, on Yavin 4. The Force User group arrived in time to see Neystaa slay Master Vaa, sending Zeth into a fit of rage. Uncoordinated and less adept in some cases (such as Blanna), Neystaa was able to hold her own. She succeeded in destroying Zeth’s double-bladed lightsaber and toss aside Jaysen, Blanna and Rhia. Seeing Rhia get injured was the final straw for Zeth who managed to take one of Neystaa’s twin sabers and over powered her with heavy crushing blows. Zeth was victorious in defeating her but rather than show mercy, he violently killed her instead. The group used Neystaa’s ship to track the co-ordinates of Attroxus’s ship. Though Zeth was disgusted with himself, they still had a mission to do.
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Darth Attroxus
Born a slave of The Empire, Attroxus demonstrated a strong affinity for the Force at a young age. He was taken to the Academy on Korriban at age 7 where he faced extraordinary hard ship due to his race. In spite of the torment, Attroxus was able to rise to become one of the most promising students. He knew within himself that he was more powerful that the other acolytes and considered him better than them. He rationalized that they picked upon his race because it was the only way to put him down. If he was human, he thought, he would have been on the fast track to a lord. Upon completing his final trial, Attroxus returned to the Academy to discover that he had been passed over for the opportunity to become an apprentice. Enraged, he murdered the overseer and his fellow acolyte. The Lord whom wished to take the student, found Attroxus amusing and took him as an apprentice in place of the murdered on. Eventually, Attroxus began to eclipse his master in power and killed him, at which point, he assumed the title of Lord of The Sith for himself. Attroxus became interested in his power. He knew he was more powerful than the average Sith, and began delving into his parentage. He came across information about the experiments and became obsessed with them. However, power comes with a price. From giving into the Dark Side of The Force for so long, his mutated DNA became stronger and threatened to consume his body just as the original experiment subjects. It instilled in him a goal, to find the others like him. To perfect the experiment process, and rise to his rightful place as Emperor. His plans would not come to fruition. The Furcifer strike team was able to land on his Ship and while the force users set out to find Attroxus, Reyal, Nalin and Zoee began to disable the ship and plant explosives at key areas. All The Force Users engaged in a duel however Attroxus quickly realized that he was outmatched and began to feed his power-hungry cells for more power. It gave him the advantage however, in trying, he lost control of his power as his body began to deteriorate rapidly. The Furcifers managed to escape as the bridge exploded in a blast of energy, killing Attroxus.
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#8yrsago Daniel Pinkwater's Mrs Noodlekugel, a kids' story that's as silly and pleasurable as ice-cream
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Daniel Pinkwater, a much-loved living treasure of children's literature, has a new book out today. It's called Mrs Noodlekugel and it is a simple, silly pleasure that feels like the end-product of a lifetime of telling children's stories, carefully removing all the elements that are extraneous to young readers' enjoyment until nothing but the essentials remain. I like to think of Pinkwater's books that way, a kind of skeletal Jenga tower, every extraneous block removed and used to make the structure taller.
Nick and Maxine live in a high-rise apartment building, and one day they discover that one window overlooks a tiny, old fashioned cottage in a small green between their tower and several others. The building's janitor tells them that this is Mrs Noodlekugel's house, and when they quiz their parents about it, they are forbidden to go there.
So they go there. And Mrs Noodlekugel is a sweet old lady who has a talking cat and four nearly-blind mice who get the crumbs from their tea-parties, and she is perfectly pleasant and tells them they're welcome the next day for a gingerbread baking project that the talking cat is undertaking. When the kids tell their parents about this, their parents reveal that they knew all about her, and that she is their new babysitter, and the kids realize they've been tricked.
But they don't mind. They've got Mrs Noodlekugel and the baking. The mice help. And the gingerbread mice -- which the real mice roll around on -- come to life when they come out of the oven. Everyone's delighted by this, and then the crows eat them. But that's OK. They were only gingerbread. And besides, it would be unsanitary to eat cookies that the nearly blind mice rolled around on.
The End.
Adam Stower's illustrations are just a little old fashioned, enough to make them seem, you know, a bit classy, but without losing any of their kid appeal. And Pinkwater is, as always, the Fred Astaire of weird, making the fantastic seem effortless. Reading Pinkwater as a boy made me the happy mutant I am today. Reading Pinkwater today keeps me happily mutated in the face of the world's relentless insistence on normalcy.
Mrs Noodlekugel
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(MRS. NOODLEKUGEL. Text copyright © 2012 by Daniel Pinkwater. Illustrations copyright © 2012 by Adam Stower. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA. )
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gunterfan1992 · 6 years
Episode Review: ‘Come Along with Me’ (S10E13-16)
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Airdate: September 3, 2018
Story by: Ashley Burch, Kent Osborne,  Adam Muto,  Jack Pendarvis, Julia Pott, Pendleton Ward & Steve Wolfhard
Storyboarded by: Tom Herpich, Steve Wolfhard, Seo Kim, Somvilay Xayaphone, Hanna K. Nyström, Aleks Sennwald, Sam Alden & Graham Falk
Directed by: Cole Sanchez & Diana Lafyatis (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
In August of 2012, I had just moved into a university dormitory to begin my second year as an undergraduate. On one of the last days of the month (the date escapes me), I was relaxing in the hall recreation room with my roommate. To my left sat another friend, watching something intently on his laptop.
 His focus was remarkable, and so I was intrigued. “What are you watching?” I asked.
 He glanced over and responded, “Adventure Time!”
 I’d heard of the show, and seen a few clips. At the time, I was taken aback by its combination of high brow and low brow sensibilities. But I saw how much joy it gave my friend, I put down my guard and decided to give it a watch.
 He tilted the screen towards my face, and what was I greeted to? Why a geometric space-god with a flaming blue sword attacking a green individual in a bright yellow jacket. Suddenly, a boy and his dog were in the picture. What was going on?
 As it turns out, I was watching season four’s “Sons of Mars”, one of the show’s wackiest episodes. In time, I was enthralled by the bright colors and the silly jokes. There was Abraham Lincoln. There was death. By the end of it, I was won over.
 I still think fondly of that day (as readers of this blog might be able to attest), for it was then that I was introduced to my favorite show, Adventure Time.
For years, it seemed like Adventure Time was just an omnipresent facet of popular culture. From t-shirts to Happy Meal toys, Finn and Jake were everyone, blending into what Marshall McLuhan would call the “beaten paths of impercience.” When we all learned that the show was ending in late 2016, it was sad, but because there were dozens of episodes left to air, this reality never really hit me.
But this week, it finally hit me. The end was nigh.
At 5 pm today, I sat nervously on my couch as the intro started, and we were off to the races.
The episode opens 1000 years after the lives of Finn and Jake. We are greeted to two new heroes: Shermy (voiced by Sean Giambrone) and Beth (voiced by Willows Smith). The two are heavily implied to be Finn and Jake reincarnated, and the latter is likely a descendant of Jake himself. After an encounter with the Prizeball Guardian (last seen in “Grabyles 1000+”), the two discover Finn’s robot-arm. They decide to journey to Mount Cragdor (where the Enchiridion was once kept) to find the all-knowing King of Ooo.
Once our new heroes make the journey and reach the top of the mountain, we the audience learn that the King of Ooo is not our favorite charlatan, but rather BMO. After Shermy and Beth present our little robot with Finn’s arm, BMO begins to tell the story of the “Great Gum War”:
1000 years prior (that is, during the show’s normal timeline), Princess Bubblegum and her Uncle Gumbald had each amassed armies to take one another down. Just before the battles are to commence, Finn devises a plan to stop any blood shed: He calls one last meeting between the Candy Kingdom and Gumbaldia, and then, using the magic, nightmare-inducing potion given to him by Nightmare Princesss in “Orb”, he knocks everyone into a subconscious world, where he hopes that they will make nice.
Everything goes a bit haywire, but in the end, Bubblegum and Gumbald realize that their is no real reason for them to fight one another: they each want different things, and are rightfully ticked off at one another, but through dialogue they can likely work things out. Finn and Fern, too, realize that they share the exact same fears that they have locked in their collective “Vault”. Putting aside their differences, they team up and kill the grass-curse spider that has held Fern a prisoner for so long.
At this point, our heroes (and villains) wake up and decide to make amends. Gumbald, however, is tripped by Aunt Lolly, and after being splashed with dum-dum juice, reverts back to Punchy. Lolly, however, vows to maintain the peace with the Candy Kingdom.
Just then, King Man crashes out of the sky and reveals that he, Betty, and an unconscious Maja donked up in a major way. He and Betty were trying to use magic to summon the primordial space demon/god Golb so as to undo the magic of the Ice King’s crown. However, their magic was too effective, and they accidentally summoned Golb to this plane of existence.
Golb begins to use his chaos magic, mutating candy kingdom and Gumbaldia citizens alike into grotesque monsters.  Ice King is summoned by King Man and told to try and stop Betty from completing her ritual, but in the commotion (which sees Maja literally explode) they, along with Finn, are accidentally swallowed by Golb, where they start to get digested.
Things start to go downhill fast. Golb’s monsters are extremely effectively, and decimate Bubblegum’s forces and those of her ragtag allies. As Bubblegum is standing on a rock, one of the Golb-monsters lunges at her and seemingly crushes her!
Marceline turns around and seeing the death of her past paramour, loses it. Unleashing both the beast and magic girl inside her, our favorite vampire turns into the Dark Cloud, last seen in Stakes and absolutely wails on the Golb-monster, tearing it to bits. She is absolutely furious that her best friend has been smooshed.
But luckily, it turns out that Bubblegum’s advanced battle armor had a handy shield, and she was saved from any danger. Marceline is overjoyed, and flies into the candy monarch’s armies, weeping tears of joy. The two hug.
And then comes the Bubbline kiss.
As Marceline and Bubblegum were holding each other close after the latter was very nearly squished, I knew it was now or never.
I was on the edge of my seat, as a tearful Marceline tells PB: “Even back when we weren’t talking, I was so afraid that something bad would happen to you and I wouldn’t be there to protect you and... I don’t want to lose you again!”
There’s some cute back and forth, and then the two quietly, effortlessly kiss.
The debate online as to whether or not the two were in a relationship has raged on- and offline since “What Was Missing” first aired years ago. As the two’s friendship evolved over the years, I came to believe that a romantic relationship was the next logical step for both the characters and the show itself to explore. Marceline and Bubblegum are unique in that they are two strong, intelligent, and emotionally complex female characters who often spend time exclusively with each other; the two ace the Bechdel test, a fairly rare occurrence in modern media.
It’s a bummer that the show waited until the very end of the series to canonize their relationship, but perhaps that makes it all the more rewarding? We have worked towards this culmination, and now we have a fully-acknowledged lesbian relationship between two major cartoon characters! How ground-breaking! Furthermore, regardless of when this canonization happened, the confirmation that Marceline and Bubblegum are “more than just friends” will inevitably help to undo some of the erasure that queer communities have faced since the dawn of media (if not time).
To sum up my feelings, let me just leave you with a (heavily) modified quote from Virginia Woolf:
“‘Marceline liked Bubblegum...’ Do not start. Do not blush. Let us admit in the privacy of our own society that these things sometimes happen. Sometimes half-demon vampires do like sentient pieces of Bubblegum.”
(Of course, I am curious as to what their future holds. We seem them together snuggling in the epilogue, but they are not around one thousand years in the future. This is, honestly, the biggest question that will bug me about the finale!)
Despite taking a literal pounding from Marceline, Golb’s evil creatures pull themselves back together and march towards the Tree Fort. Jake gives chase, but is not able to reach them in time: they smash Finn and Jake’s beloved home, and seriously injure poor BMO.
Jake is beside himself! His house is gone! But then, BMO comes over to him, and lovingly calms him down. BMO points out that Finn and Jake have long been a parent to the little robot, and now it is time for BMO to be the parent. And then, BMO begins to sing a tune “for his son Jake”, entitled “Time Adventure”.
"Time Adventure", written by storyboard artist extraordinaire Rebecca Sugar herself, encapsulates the best of the series: it's sad but uplifting. Melodic but rough-around-the-edges. It celebrates the wonders of life while also admitting that we can't really see all there is to it. Some people online criticized it for being too obvious (yes, the song’s title is just a flipping of the show's title), but in some way, I find that it's the most poetic and philosophical thing that its ever done.
When I was 11, I had my first real panic attack. I was out with my family when I was struck by a thought that has not left my head since: I'm going to die. Not that I can die, or that death might hurt. No. I am going. to. die; presumably, my consciousness will disconnect and I will not exist. I want to believe in an afterlife, but it’s an idea that seems oh so very hard to accept when faced with what we know about nature (but that’s a whole ‘nother discussion). These revelations horrified me, and it has taken years to really process what death actually means—and I’m still not there. None of us really are.
But as I’ve aged, I've been comforted by some rather Stoic ideas, like the idea that what will be will be and we should not stress about things that we simply cannot change. I also like the idea that we are all part of the cosmos, and while we will die, we don’t cease to exist: we just merge back into where we came from.
These musings are adjacent to another comforting idea: the fourth-dimensional view of time that BMO sings about:
Time is an illusion That helps things make sense So we're always living In the present tense ... Singing, will happen Happening happened [...] And will happen Again and again 'Cause you and I will always be back then
It’s true. Perhaps my “arrow-of-time consciousness” will be blasted into nothingness once I die, but I’m not ceasing to be. I eternally am. What happened is happening will happen. “Time is an illusion/That helps things make sense.” While this idea might not extinguish a fear of death, it’s a nice thought. And just like Adventure Time, when you combine enough nice thoughts, you often get something beautiful.
And beauty is all that was really needed for our heroes. It turns out that Golb is a creature of chaos, meaning that the only weapon that the citizens of Ooo can effectively use is concordance—harmony in music. It might seem a little silly that “beating the baddie with music” is how Golb’s minions are defeated, but considering the sort of magical role that music has played in the show, it’s not too much of the stretch. It also remains me of how the show used (and subverted) “defeating a baddie with heart” to great effect did in Stakes.
BMO (who hilariously declares, “My art is a weapon!”) is joined by Marceline and Bubblegum, and soon by Jake and the rest of the crew. Their combined harmonizing weakens Golb, allowing Finn and Simon to escape from his belly. However, Betty decides to remain behind. She realizes that the singing has also reset the ice crown’s phantasmal magic. Putting it on, she wishes for the power to ensure Simon’s safety, which entails her transforming (in a stunning sequence that IndieWire writer Eric Kohn refers to as “straight out of Don Hertzfeldt”) into Golb him(her?)self. Golb promptly leaves this reality, dropping the crown onto the ground. Gunter grabs it, and—despite Jake’s warnings that the naughty penguin will wish to become Orgalorg once again—Gunter merely wishes to turn into the Ice King (or, “Ice Thing”).
Finn and Jake return to the ruins of their tree fort, where they plant Fern’s seed. A new tree immediately sprouts from the ground, with the Finnsword embedded within it. Bubblegum arrives on the scene and thanks Finn for directly disobeying her. She gives him an appreciative kiss on the cheek and then muses that he is getting taller.
We cut back to Ooo 1000+, where BMO wraps up the story. Shermy and Beth still have questions (just like the audience!) about ‘Phil’ and Jake, and Marceline and Bubblegum. BMO shrugs these questions off, saying, “You know, they kept living their lives.”
Shermy and Beth set out to find the “Ferntree” to verify BMO’s story; they eventually realize that the large tree reaching up to the heavens near their stomping grounds is almost certainly it.
We cut back to Finn and Jake, who are sitting around the Music Hole from the episode of the same name. The hole tells our heroes that she has a new song for them, and she begins to sing “Come Along with Me” (which every Adventure Time fan knows is the show’s closing number).
While the Music Hole sings, we see Shermy and Beth climb to the top of the tree. We are also greeted to a montage of what happened to all our friends in Ooo:
Lumpy Space Princess is crowned a bonafide princess (or perhaps even a queen)
Ice Thing and Turtle Princess get married
TV becomes a private detection (just like his grandparents!)
Sweet Pea graduates from school and eventually becomes a super-huge hero, who carries Finn's Nightosphere-sword
Aunt Lolly and Bubblegum seemingly make up and learn to love each other as family members
Lemongrab gets one of Jermaine’s paintings to hang above his bed, which brings him peace
BMO blasts Moe's harddrive into space with the help of Banana Man
Flame Princess and NETPR get popular and perform at Hamburger Hills Cemetery to a huge crowd
Magic Man is the happy King of Mars
Simon spends quality time with Marceline and Bubblegum, and seems to try and summon Betty back using Prismo’s wish magic (sadly, it doesn’t work)
Marceline and Bubblegum, meanwhile, are shown snuggling on the couch in the former’s house; it is implied that they are raising Peppermint Butler, who once again is showing an interest in the dark arts
Humans return to Ooo, and Finn is likely reunited with his (digital mother)
We also see what the Jiggler, Tiffany, the Crabbit, Susan Strong/Kara and Freida, the Candy Kingdom citizens, Tree Trunks and Lemonhope are up to
The episode ends with Shermy and Beth finding the Finnsword in the Ferntree. After Beth pulls the sword from the (metaphorical) stone, Shermy holds it up, just like the show’s title card.
So now let’s talk about what worked and what didn’t. The last half of the finale, if I do say so, was wonderful. Nothing to complain about here: we got arc resolutions, emotionally touching moments, and a nice sense of closure. In regards to this latter point, I specifically like how the show gave use an ending but emphasized that this finale was not really the full-stop end of the characters that we know and love—it was just the end of the story that we’re privy to. As BMO says, everyone kept living their lives and the world kept on spinning. That’s a very nice way to end a show like this, and it feeds into the existential ideals of Adventure Time: there is no grand, overarching story that has to have some big punctuation at the end. Finn and Jake are heroes, but long after they’re gone, the world will still be here, and there will be other great heroes to take their place.
With all this said, I must admit that the finale’s first half is something of a missed opportunity. Opening with Shermy and Beth was a totally inspired move (and the new intro is gorgeously animated, courtesy of Science SARU Studios), but I believe the show lingered on their introduction for just a little too long. Likewise, the weird trippy nightmare portion of the finale was about 15 minutes too long. We did not really need 1/4 of the episode to be devoted to wacky dream imagery that both “King Worm” and “Orb” did more effectively. And given that the show chose to linger on these sections—sections that, in the grand scheme of things, are not super essential—the final portions of the episode came across as a bit rushed. The storylines are all satisfying, but it would’ve been nice if we had gotten a little bit more focus on Betty, Simon, and Finn, or Simon and Marceline, rather than Bubblegum and Gumbald’s wacky nightmares.
And speaking of Gumbald, his ending was a total cop-out. I’m not too torn up about this, given that he was never the main baddie in this episode (that was Golb), but his deciding to make peace and then accidentally reverting to Punchy was contrived and anticlimactic. To go back to a criticism I had of “Gumbaldia”, if the show had been given just a little more time to flesh his character and motivations out, I think his role in the finale would’ve been much better served.
But like I said, I wasn’t too torn up about this, because the main focus of this episode was on Golb and the horrors that such a being could unleash upon Ooo. And the show did this wonderfully. Indeed, it was quite exciting that the show finally had a villain that Finn couldn’t just punch a lot until it died (remember, he beat the Lich this way). Golb was, arguably, invincible. It was only the extremely broken magic of the ice crown could do anything.
Speaking of satisfying, “Come Along With Me” also gives Fern an excellent conclusion. The poor grass-doppelgänger was never evil, just confused. By finally coming to terms with his existential crisis of a life, he and Finn were able to patch things up. Sadly, this came at the expense of his dying (the scene in which Finn and Fern kill the grass-curse spider was quite fun). But even in death, there is life, and Fern’s demise allows a new tree to replace the old tree fort. How sweet is that?
Finn coming to terms with his disability was also a nice touch. As I mentioned in my review of Islands, Adventure Time seems to have a somewhat pessimistic view of technology. With this episode, Finn loses his robot arm once and for all, and instead of having PB build him a new one or dabbling in arm-magicks, he decides to let it all be. This is a very important lesson for the show to emphasize. Finn is still Finn with or without his arm. By constantly trying to ‘fix’ himself, Finn was trying to fill a hole that didn’t need to be filled. After experiencing all this Golb biz, it seems that Finn has come to terms with his essence and who he is as a person. And arm or no arm, he is still Finn.
But as satisfying as I found the episode to be overall, I still have some lingering questions! What happened to the Candy Kingdom that resulted in it getting totally razed in the future? Why was the Prizeball Guardian built? What happened to Marceline and Bubblegum, given that they, in their own ways, can evade death in various ways? These of course are questions that will likely never be answered, and they certainly can be filled in in the minds of fans, but these quandaries are probably going to bother me for awhile! (Heck, I just want to know what Marceline and Bubblegum’s future looks like: I don’t really care too much about that other jazz!)
As I write this, I’m both happy and heartbroken: I’m happy because my favorite show of all time has just aired perhaps the most satisfying finale that I have ever seen. I’m heartbroken because the story is now over.
But hold on.
Like BMO and Co. sing in “Time Adventure”, just because the story is over from my point of view does not mean it has slipped away into the ether of oblivion.
It’s comforting to think that in the fourth-dimensional view of existence, I still am in that rec room with my friends, watching “Sons of Mars” for the first time. In a way, I’m eternally laughing and smiling at the jokes. I’m eternally still realizing what a wonderful program Adventure Time really is.
And in that way, it’s true what they say: the fun will never end.
Final Grade:
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Season Grade: Were this a standard season, I would probably have been a little harder on it. The Gum War, having been developed two or so episodes, really came out of nowhere and needed more time to be properly developed. It also seems a little odd that the series finale is at least partially focused on an antagonist who was only introduced this season. But these issues were not the fault of the production staff; they were problems with the show being cancelled by the network and the staff having to tidy-up everything before it was all over. Muto et al. honestly did the best they can with the hands they were dealt. And make no mistake, the result is pretty good, even if things are rushed. Yes, there is a lot to love about season 10. It’s got humor and heart, action and adventure, and plenty of romance! It’s not my favorite season by any means (that’s a tie between season 4 and 7), but its episodes are definitely in the upper-tier of the series, as far as quality goes.
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Series Grade: Do I even need to say this?
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cryptidwizard · 7 years
A Good Kid.
@yarrayora requested a Casey Jones fic from the point of view of his fellow students and his teachers, I hope you enjoy! Contains some spoilers from tmnt 2012 season 2 and 3
“He’s a good kid!” His parents said with a sheepish smile when Casey was in preschool. The smell of rain still fresh in the air though the showers had stopped. Casey took the opportunity to play in the mud and stomp in puddles, tracking mud inside and dripping wet. The teacher rolled his eyes, “Something like that. That little Arnold Jr. of yours must be a handful.” He commented as Casey now toweled dry barreled into his parents giving them a hug. His parents laughed, and agreed. “He takes after me.” They both say in unison.
In kindergarten during Show and Tell one day, Casey stood up as straight as possible and said in a loud voice he had a big announcement. “Go on Arnold, please tell the class.” His teacher smiled warmly already learning there was no way to control Casey’s excited volume. Casey took a deep breath as if he couldn’t wait to get it out, “I’MGONNABEABIGBROTHER!” he shouted quickly and stumbling over his words. “Can you repeat that hun?” The teacher asked not quite understanding what he said. “I’M GONNA BE A BIG BROTHER! MY MOM SAYS SO, HER TUMMY IS HUGE! ITS GOT A BABY IN IT!! THEY THINK IT’S A GIRL AND SHES GONNA LOOK LIKE ME AND IM GONNA TEACH HER TO ICE SKATE!! WE’RE GONNA PLAY HOCKEY TOGETHER!!! IM GONNA BE THE BEST BIG BROTHER EVER!!!!” Casey exclaimed, practically vibrating in excitement. His teacher gave him a grin, “We are all very happy for you Arnold. I’m sure you’ll be a very good brother, though you might have to wait a few years to teach your little brother or sister how to ice skate.” Casey wilted at the news of waiting for ice skating but brightened once again at the prospect of having a little brother or sister to call his own.
Casey is a good kid and a good older brother. His mom and dad both work so he takes care of his little sister when they have to do “grownup stuff” Casey proudly shares to his classmates. “He’s a responsible kid,” Says one teacher to another during their lunch break gossip time, usually talking about students and things they tell teachers. “If a little excitable.” Another adds.  “Did you hear how his mom is sick a lot? Arnold says that’s because she “helps sick people” but I’m not sure.” The gym teacher reveals. “Well nursing job or not that sounds a lot like an autoimmune disease.” The science teacher mentions. The language arts instructor looks up, “Oh my father had that, it was absolutely awful. He passed a few weeks ago.” The thought of Arnold Casey Jones Jr. disappeared from their thoughts as they offered their condolences.
“Hey Case’ what’s up?” Asked a classmate as Casey concentrated on coloring a Get Well Soon Card in second grade. “Hmm?” He asked as he looked up, “Oh hey, I’m making a card for my mom. She’s not feeling well. It’s just taking a little longer than usual to feel good again.” Casey explained somewhat glumly. “I’m sorry about that. I hope she feels better!” Says the classmate. “Thanks!” Says Casey before adding a quiet “Me too.” A teacher then notices the card and tells Casey she hopes his mom gets well soon. She doesn’t.
The condition of Mrs. Jones hasn’t improved the teachers learn. When Arnold Jr. misses two weeks of school in third grade, everyone knows what happened. The Monday after the second week, Casey enters class, eyes red and glassy and wearing an oversized jacket that teachers can only assume belonged to his mother. He doesn’t speak, he ignores words spoken to him and only pretends to do his work. This continues for a while. At first teachers are able to ignore it and place it on him grieving, but it continues still. When they regretfully have to ask his father to come in to talk about Casey’s grades his father blankly replies, “He’s a good kid.”
In fourth grade, Casey gets into his first fight. Kids can be cruel. They joke and say terrible things, they can’t comprehend the consequences. That is until someone teaches them. Casey taught them. From what the teachers gathered, two kids have been making fun of Casey for a while now. For the longest he hadn’t let it bother him, but they allegedly brought up his mother. Casey had apparently just snapped. Both kids were sporting bruises and Casey had a large scrape on his cheek. He hadn’t spoken since the fight ended aside from the words, “They said mean stuff about my mom…” Casey has sat in infuriated science. “He’s a good kid!” His father pressed, looking disheveled, his shirt incorrectly buttoned up. Arnold Sr. let out a deep sigh, “He hasn’t been handling his mother’s death well, no kid should have to go through this. He hates not being around his sister and I, like he’s scared we’re gonna leave him too. Those kids shouldn’t have been saying that stuff, Arnold shouldn’t have retaliated. Can you please let him off the hook just this once?” Casey’s father pleaded, looking desperate. The teachers pitied what was left of the Jones family, and decided if Casey apologized to the two boys, he’s be off the hook. Casey manages a muttered apology, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes. He stays silent on the way home.
Casey manages to stay out of trouble for the most part in fifth grade. Aside from minor arguments and a generally rambunctious behavior he is fine. He angers easier and is more protective of his friends. Especially his sister. When she started kindergarten, he would walk her to all her classes, usually causing him to be late for his own. When he found out she was being messed with by some older students, Casey was infuriated to stay the least. He threw the first punch and got the shit beaten out of him, but it guaranteed his sister wouldn’t be messed with again. Arnold Sr. shows up fifteen minutes late to the meeting, he smells of alcohol. He doesn’t try to defend Casey’s case, he doesn’t call him a good kid. Just asks “How much trouble is he in?” and is informed Casey has a week’s detention. His father vows Casey will be punished accordingly for his actions, the teacher doesn’t notice Casey’s fearful expression as he leaves with his sister and father.
On the first day of sixth grade, Casey shows up with a black eye. The teacher calls his father, he doesn’t answer. Casey says his dad is busy. He doesn’t say that his father is passed out drunk, he doesn’t say that his father is the one who punched him last night. So the teacher never knows. Casey says he was fixing the lock on his doorknob when his sister had opened the door. “Oh, Arnold I’m so sorry that happened. You should see the nurse and get some ice for that.” His teacher says with sympathy. Casey mumbles something, the teacher frowns “I’m sorry I didn’t hear that dear.” The boy looks down, “I don’t wanna go by Arnold. I wanna be called Casey.” She looks surprised, he hadn’t had a problem with that name during roll call. “Alright, Casey. Let’s get you down to the nurse.” The teacher says with a shrug. She’ll never know the Casey doesn’t want to be constantly reminded of his dad every time he’s referred to. She doesn’t know Casey learns to use his mom’s old makeup to hide bruises.
Casey gets into fights; his father was called in so much they just stop bothering to call. When they do call him, Arnold Sr. doesn’t bother to defend Casey’s actions. He just says “He’s a bad kid, he isn’t going to change. He’ll be punished accordingly.” Always smelling of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Teachers had begun to dread getting Casey in their classes. The plethora of friends Casey used to have had vanished, he scares people. Casey decides to quit on regular old ice skating. He tries out for hockey. He’s a bad kid.
Casey makes friends with people on his hockey team, some still keep their distance. Though Casey’s a natural player and a fun guy to be around. He’s still competitive, still has an anger that can’t be extinguished. To his team, he’s a fun-loving knucklehead that’s got a real angry streak on an off the ice. To teachers he’s a slacker, who only applies himself in hockey, a bad kid with bad anger issues. The only thing that seems to engage him is hockey and fighting, everything else makes him feel stupid or inadequate. So he doesn’t try, so it doesn’t hurt when he fails. Casey is told he’ll be kicked off the hockey team if he doesn’t bring up his grades. He starts to look for a tutor, but who would tutor a notoriously bad kid? Casey tells teachers that no one’s going to want to tutor him, a student craving extra credit for mysteriously missing days disagrees.
Casey hits it off with his tutor, so he says to a nosy teacher. He brags that April O’Neil is “So into him.” April rolls her eyes and laughs, Casey has a friend he finally close to. April first saw Casey as a bad kid, a no brained thug who just wants to fight. When he discovered the criminal underworld and the threat of the Kraang and dons a vigilante costume with a hockey stick; April thinks maybe he’s an okay kid who just wants to fix the city and bust a few heads. Then she truly gets to know him, sees him interacting with the turtles, protecting people he cares about and realizes he’s a good kid, a good person, a good friend who’s been dealt shitty cards in life. She just wishes other people would see the real him under his façade.
When the Kraang invade, many are unaccounted for when humans are enslaved and mutated. Casey Jones, April O’Neil, and Irma Langinstein are three of the many. Teachers and students alike can only hope the three are alive, and pray for their own safety as the mutagen splashes down upon them. The pain and feeling of bones shifting and skin morphing is unlike anything other experienced. The feeling is traumatizing and agonizing but they will forget it all soon enough. There is only serving the Kraang. There is only Kraang.
Casey and April’s trigonometry teacher’s vision clears, everything aches and smells heavily of something alien burning her nose. Above her stands Arnold Casey Jones, his expression concerned and his hand outstretched ready to pull her up. Her memories feel disjointed but they come back slowly. “Casey….Casey Jones..? Where am I? What happened?” She asks woozily and is supported by Casey before she falls. “Don’t worry about that Ma’am. I’m going to get you home safe.” Casey says in calm reassuring tone, there is a flash of light and suddenly they are standing at the entrance of her house. Her memory clears and she gasps, “You’re alive! H-how am I alive?” His teacher asks in confused panic. “The military came through, I’m just doing my part volunteering to help people get home safe.” He soothes. His trigonometry teacher nods half dazed and is helped into her home by Casey. He gives her a hug, tells her to stay safe and is out the door, gently closing it shut behind him. His trigonometry teacher seems stunned, Casey was failing her class in the months before the invasion. She always thought of him as a delinquent, yet here he is volunteering and doing his part in the efforts to help things get back to normal. What a good kid.
A student being harassed by Purple Dragons for his wallet is saved by a hockey mask wearing vigilante clutching a baseball bat. “Casey Jones?!” The teenager asks in surprise. “-Huh?” Says the vigilante before trying to deepen his voice, “Uh no, who’s that?” At the classmate’s look clearly saying he wasn’t buying it, Casey sighed and used his regular voice, “How’d you know it was me?” Casey asked. “Dude you literally shouted, NO ONE MESSES WITH CASEY JONES! While you were beating up those guys.” Casey looked a sheepish as he could while still wearing a hockey mask. “Oh, uh right.” The classmate looked around awkwardly, “Um listen Case’ I just wanted to say thanks dude. You’re actually pretty cool.” The mask wearing boy seems stunned “Yeah no problem, get home safe man.” Casey said before pulling himself up to the nearby fire escape and seemingly vanishing. “Cool.” Whispered the teenager.
Everyone in school has heard stories of students or teachers being saved by April O’Neil or Casey Jones. Sometimes in strange costumes or armor, other times in just everyday clothing. Nobody confronts them on it, or says anything to the police. They feel honor bound, grateful for what Casey and April have done for them. No one thinks of April as a weak and nerdy girl anymore, she’s strong and powerful and a force of nature all her own. No one thinks of Casey as a stupid student and angry thug, he’s protective and crafty and a good kid. He’s always been a good kid.
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