#hal x ollie
somewherefornow · 1 month
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himbionn · 1 year
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Saw this Reddit Post and knew exactly what to draw 🧍
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zibah-ho · 2 years
explain why my brain don’t work 90% of the time but I had one thought about Ollie and now there’s like 23 different Ollie flavoured tabs open in there rn
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
Hi! What are your favourite moments of Dick with the Justice League Team or members? Or maybe with Clark or Diana?
My favorite Clark and Dick moment of all time! -
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Superman (1939) Issue #700
Clark will always be there for his favorite person! Not to mention that Dick ran immediately to Clark after being fired by Bruce for spending too much time with the Titans and Clark was just outraged on Dick's behalf. "He can't do that! You're his right hand man!" Clark adores Dick so, so much. He puts him on a pedestal without being toxic about it the same way Bruce does.
Dick doesn't have as significant moments with Diana as he does with Clark, Ollie, or anyone else but whenever they are together, it's just Diana always being impressed by Dick's talents.
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Titans (2016) Annual #1
Actually I lied, I do have a favorite. It's this one.
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Justice League (2018) Issue #53
Favorite overall moments are the Justice League teasing Dick or trusting him unconditionally!
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Brave and Bold (2007) Issue #15
They love him and love playing with him.
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Brave and Bold (2007) Issue #15
This is also my favorite JL moment lol. To them Dick is like their kid/nephew/baby brother that they're super duper proud of.
When something happens in the Batfam and Batman's out of his mind he's the first person they go to.
What I really like is that Dick is so well-connected to the League that you get personal interactions with him and all the members at some point.
Hal for example prefers him abundantly to Bruce
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #142
"Different. New Faces. And a batman I actually don't mind being around."
Kara's not exactly Justice League but I felt like including her anyway cause I love this moment
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #60
People (JL version) helping Dick will always be my favorite moments though
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #53
Here you have Jay Garrick (first Flash), Stargirl, Alan Scott (first Green Lantern), Powergirl, and more.
Him commanding the Justice League-
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Justice League: Generation Lost #1
Dick leading hero teams, the Justice League in this case, of course must be included. I don't think people understand how integral Dick is to the hero community just because he's not on the Justice League. One of the DC writers said Dick Grayson is the most important character that's not in the Justice League. He has a personal connection to every. Single. Person. In. DC.
The Outsiders, the Justice League, the Doom Patrol, the Teen Titans, the Titans, the JSA, the Justice League International, the Green Lantern Corps, the magic community (John Contastine, Zatanna, Jason Blood), even freaking Marvel and the X-Men!
He is, canonically, at the center of the freaking universe.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #49
Cause you know why?
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Outsiders (2003) Issue #37
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chocolateteapotsvis · 10 months
Halbarry Week x Big Bang
Hazards of the Job
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Character design sketches for an upcoming Big Bang collaboration with Sweet Apples! Check back Saturday September 2nd for chapter 1 and the illustration!
Racefliers, athletes who compete against the worlds best and fastest flyers for a chance of being the once in four years champion. Barry Allen, a name that Hal only knew from his friend’s mouth as Ollie raved about the champion title and the influence “Flash” carried over fans. The racer didn���t have any significance to Hal though, at least until Ollie convinced Hal to help him vandalize the Flash track insignia the day before the first race of the year during a drunken night. Catchers, fliers hired to catch racers in distress. The same position that Hal was forced to pretend to be in when he awoke the next day in the stadium. Waiting out the event out of moral obligation, Hal found himself in another pickle. A collision sending the Flash crashing down- and taking Hal with him when the vandalizer turned Catcher attempted to catch him. The legalities afterwards continued the problem. Video footage and Hal’s witness to the collision bringing a discovery that it wasn’t just an accident, but the coverup of Hal’s involvement could turn his statements futile at any turn. And the budding looks and quiet conversations between him and the recovering champion was a whole new problem by itself.
Update: See the final image and the posted story!
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bruciemilf · 1 year
pls do more batman x cod!! how would big bro ghost react to the justice leageu?
OH MANNN, the way I love big brother! Ghost.
Firstly, this man's agility when it comes to danger? Practically a foe detector. He'll dissect your vibes like a human scalpel and if he doesn't like what he finds??? Good fucking luck
I know it deep in my bones that Ghost doesn't like what he can't kill; He ranks JL members entirely on how easy they can be neutered. Or how likely they are to flirt with Bruce
Needles to say, he likes very little people
Him and Diana get along because uh, why wouldn't they? Warrior babygirl to warrior babygirl conversation
He and Ollie fight for that "I'm Bruce's favorite brother" spot, " you don't even have a KID" "What the bloody fuck is König, then? Air with legs?"
Sees Hal and its shooting on sight tbh
Clark? Picture your husband's relationship with your sister. There you have it, " Bloody hell. Doesn't help Bruce is one heart and brain out the window for ya. "
" WhAT-"
" I know. I'm surprised, too"
" No I mean- he. He Likes me?"
" Aye, likes yer pathetic dog eyes and fancy curl. I know. Read his journals."
"... He thinks it's Fancy?"
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arrowfam-bracket · 1 year
I love the person asking "HAL IS PART OF THE ARROWFAM????" in the tags of the Hal x Cissie poll cause only ONE of these two has actually interacted with the arrowfam and it is not the archer lol
ASGLASDGALSJ tbf i do get the confusion especially to people who haven't read a ton of green arrow comics, but Ollie and Dinah's boytoy deserves to be on the poll
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devine-fem · 2 months
thoughts on Hal Jordan x Oliver Queen or Dinah Lance x Sandra Wu San
Ollie and Dinah are bi4bi, t4t and poly.
Your honor I rest my case.
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
I will never not stand by the fact that Jason Todd and Piper McLean are the bestest of friends
Jay and Leo too
Mechanics? Beauty queens? Yessir
Dick and Piper too
Can you imagine like half the JL finding out they’re demigods?
”THAT’S WHY SO MANY ‘ALIENS’ HATE ME,” at least six of them exclaim angrily
Diana is very amused 
They collided when Mount Olympus relocates… right on top of the Daily Planet
That momentary panic when Annabeth steps out of the elevator after some architect work on Olympus and isn’t even in fucking Manhattan anymore 
A very nice man notices her distress and asks her if she’s okay
”Uhh…” Annabeth looked up at him warily. He sort of looked like a god- she wondered if this was some type of test. “I’m… fine.”
”Well hi there, Fine, I’m Clark,” he joked, extending a hand the size of her head to shake
Anyways, Annabeth and Clark were fast friends
CHB didn’t even have to relocate- Gotham and, by extent Metropolis, are literally on the other side of Manhattan. You know who did have to relocate? Percy Jackson 
The gods wanted him close by, and unfortunately that meant Percy and the family were moving into a new apartment 
It’s, like… fine. It’s definitely nicer, being paid for by the Olympians and magically protected
Still. You know what really sucks?
Gotham fucking Prep.
Percy’s kind of used to terrible, but living in Gotham is a whole other story
Oh but Tim Drake
Tim Drake makes things much better
They met on the first day of school. These two idiots saw someone who looked very similar to them, Tim went ‘who are you?’ and Percy said ‘I’m you but I have a sword’ (he wasn’t joking but Tim doesn’t need to know that yet) and they became besties
(When the seven meet all the Wayne’s, Damian said casually aloud “Zhang, if I bested you in ritual combat, would I acquire your powers?” and poor Frank looked ready to faint in horror)
Anyways we know Diana is a child of Zeus (she and Jason fist bump for that one, but Thalia is the extra jazzed one)
Barry is a son of Hermes- explains why he survived the lightning bolt and it gave him speed 
Hal is a son of Athena, which is why the ring chose him. Wisdom. Power. Strength of will.
To the shock of no one, Olly-blond-hair-bright-smile-Prince-Charming-Queen AKA Green Arrow is a son of Apollo 
B… is an Apollo kid as well, believe it or not. Sparkly famous playboy also with the darkest streak ever? Dresses up and fights crazy theater kids every night? Yeah
Some of the JL’s partners are too actually- Selina is an Aphrodite kid, Lois is Athena’s, Dinah is also a daughter of Aphrodite
Jason is Ares’
Dick is Aphrodite’s
Tim is Athena’s
Damian is actually Artemis’- she was under a spell at the time and, horrified, transferred the kid to Talia. It’s a long story, tell ya later
Steph is also Athena’s
Cass is Ares’
Babs is Athena’s
Duke is  Apollo’s
It’s so funny but so in character that every Wayne is a demigod
Did it surprise literally anyone that Harley is Dionysus’ and Ivy is Demeter’s? No 
(You know 90% of Gotham’s rogues are Dionysus’ actually)
Moving away from the who’s what hcs
The seven showed the Batboys CHB, and they were blown away
The littles of the camp were asking how all of them had gone for so long without being attacked by monsters, and Jason and Dick and Tim had to wince and be like “actually,”
There was capture the flag that night, but Jason was sulking because they wouldn’t let him use any type of gun
Dick kicked ass tho
Really all of them but they were split in half- Jason and Tim for red, Dick and Damian for blue
Because the hunters were there as well, they were split in half as well, between Thalia and Reyna
The campers had never had to work with the hunters before. It was weird
And then Greeks v Romans of the seven
Lots of dividing ANYWAYS
The red, Greek, Thalia’s team won, but only barely. Those Romans have good strategy
Now the other bit
Percy and Tim
What happened there? Where do they come in?
See, I was writing the bit just for fun where Percy starts at Gotham Prep
And… I accidentally gave them good chemistry
The issue is that it’s terrible writing and I’m too lazy to redo it so essentially here’s what happened:
On the first day of school, Tim Drake stumbled into his first period class ten minutes late, backpack halfway unzipped, Starbucks in one hand and a Monster in the other, running on approximately 36 minutes of sleep from two days ago.
Percy is right behind him, unsure of where to go. He slipped in right as the door was closing.
They both scan the room for threats, a habit of both of theirs, before turning to the teacher.
”Drake. Boy I’ve never seen before,” she says coldly. They both shift uncomfortably, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room. “Care to explain?”
Percy and Tim exchange a look, and as the hyper-intelligent dumbass heroes they are, they simultaneously come to the same conclusion.
”He’s new,” Tim explained, gesturing with his coffee and taking a swig of Monster from the other side.
”And, uh, he was showing me around,” Percy said nervously, reaching over to save the water bottle that was about to fall out of Tim’s bag.
The teacher regarded them both suspiciously. “Name?” she finally asked.
Percy winced. With his record, she probably already knew him, and… well, so much for first impressions.
”Percy Jackson,” he sighed.
As Mrs. Algebra Teacher was typing things into the attendance sheet, Tim leaned over and whispered, “Cool name. I’m Tim, by the way.” He shifted his drinks over to one side and extended an arm.
Percy grinned, shaking his hand. “We make a pretty good bullshitting team. Honestly impressive.”
”Boys,” the teacher interrupted. “Sit down. Since you’re such good friends already, you’ll enjoy afternoon detention together. Don’t be late again.”
They both suppressed groans, but sat down beside each other, knees brushing.
The rest of the school day went by, and they didn’t have any more classes together. Detention rolls around, and it’s just the two of them, because who the fuck else is getting detention on the first day of school.
They talked and flirted the whole time (mostly without even realizing they were doing that second one) and when their time was up, Tim stumbled in front of Percy on their way out, holding his arms out like he was directing traffic, blocking his exit. “Um,” he said nervously, cheeks slowly descending into the color of strawberries, “so I- I’m bi and I don’t really know how to ask people if they’re straight but if you wanted to get coffee sometime that would be cool or even just as friends is fine too because-“
”Tim.” Percy was shocked into laughing, grabbing the Batboy’s shoulders and shaking him lightly. “Chill. Same here. Coffee sounds great, although I can’t promise I won’t fall asleep on you. Caffeine and ADHD don’t mix well.”
”O-Oh.” Tim was sort of dazed, but also really on Cloud 9. He’d never really asked people out before, and they definitely don’t say yes. “I- that’s. Yeah. What days work for you?”
Percy grabbed his hand and slowly started to drag him down the hallway. His mother was waiting, after all, and he also didn’t really want to spend the night in the detention room (even if it was with Tim). “Hmm. This weekend is fine, but I really am new. You’re gonna have to pick the place.” They stopped just inside the front doors. Sally was idled there in Paul’s Prius, and Tim’s motorcycle was still parked where he left it that morning, the only vehicle left in the lot. Percy grinned, and Tim got lightheaded. “You need my number for that, right?”
”Y-Yeah…” Tim handed over his phone, not even remotely worried about what Percy might find out- secret identities, Wayne Enterprises secrets, mission plans. He could take it all and Tim wouldn’t care in the slightest.
Anyways they had a lovely coffee date and held hands and walked around Gotham for a bit for Tim to show Percy around and it was a fantastic time, might write it sometime
For now, I’m tired, this isn’t edited, I’m out✌️✌️
Good morning night or 4am y’all
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tired-inyxe · 4 months
WIP - Batfam/Dc Tag Masterlist
This is ridiculously long so m putting it under cut, m gonna add more (YES MORE. THERES A LOTTA CHARACTERS OK???) tags when I feel like it but I wanna finalize my main master post later
#bat anatomy -batfam masterpost (and everything else dc)
#going batty -batfam analysis (typically angry)
#mailing pipe bombs -enraged at dc's writers
#honey im taking the kids -stuff about dc's poor treatment of the batkids (they're mine now fuck u)
#the bat -abt batman in all its forms (persona not a specific character)
#the bird -abt robin in all its forms (ditto)
#the shadows -abt every other persona in all their forms(because normal ppl dont know em)
#bernards pegboard -crack headcanons
#sandbox -headcanons
#my story now -my personal batfam timeline/story (because dc sucks at writing
#shoved in mahogany 6 feet under -wasted potential of any/all characters
#revived wings -my view of a bat characters true potential
#case files -panels/pages that I use for evidence abt canon
#bamboozled -fun canon comic panels that make me laugh
#goth cake -batfam art
#dysfunctional worms -batfam writing
#cave screeches -rambles, usually angry
#bats and birds -any and all posts that contain any of em
#batcape -anything Bruce
#disco girl -anything Dick
#pride and prejudice -anything Jason
#skateboards and spite -anything Tim
#kittens and knives -anything Damian
#dayshift -anything Duke
#potato waffles -anything Steph
#ballet shoes -anything Cass
#spot of tea -anything Alfred
#all seeing snark -anything Babs
#handmade guns and gender envy -anything Harper
#jaded red -anything Kate
#lack the worms dc edition -any character i dont know/care about enough to make a custom tag for (m sorry)
#revolving door -Rogues gallery
#REFORM THE DAMN JUSTICE SYSTEM YOU BILLIONAIRE -me complaining about dc's inability to make Bruce use his fuckin money and power to change the city, also any arkham/blackgate rants
#i stabbed him hes dead -anything joker
#bats and hounds -anything Harley
#eco friendly -anything Ivy
#shot him he's dead too -anything Black Mask
#strawman argument -anything Scarecrow
#your wife is dead -anything Mr Freeze (sorry not sorry)
#bipolar ableism but gay -anything Harvey
#scared of seals -anything Penguin
#neon green twink -anything Riddler
#broke b's spine -anything Bane
#leather catgirl -anything Selina
#back in the cell -every other rogue I don't care about
#god forbid a woman have hobbies -anything Thalia
#withering gamer -anything Ra's
#magic mountain dew -Lazarus pit
#assassin gamers -League of Assasins
#competent idiots -Justice League
#its just an s -anything Clark
#unbreakable porcelain -anything Diana
#retired at the speed of light -anything Barry
#zooming with the big leagues now -anything Wally
#h in adhd -anything the Flash persona
#neon green with a ring -anything Hal
#weak to yellow -anything Green lantern persona
#blowing bubbles -anything Arthur
#he stole the braincell -anything Jhon (theres an accent mark somewhere in there ill fix it later)
#batson but not yet adopted -anything Billy
#cigarette ash -anything Constantine
#fics favorite magician -anything Zatanna
#hijacked the mainframe -anything Cyborg
#signature chili -anything Ollie
#screech metal -anything Black Canary
#under the roundtable -everyone else in the Justice League
#every band eventually -og Teen Titans (they broke up)
#saltwater bubble blower -anything Garth
#tectonic shifter -anything Terra
#red threads and all -anything Red X
#i exploded him yw -anything Slade
#stronger than steel -anything Donna (might change)
#shapeshifting greenbean -anything Gar
#goth girls inspiration -anything Raven
#international incidents the team -Young Justice
#test tube baby -Anything Kon
#meep meep -anything Bart
#girlbossed zeus -anything Cassie
#rags to the grave -anything Greta
#arrows notched red -anything Cissie
#mosh pit winner -anything Anita
#panic at the disco -anything Slobo
again, theres still more. dc is an 80 year long series theres so many guys. also not sold on some of these so various tags may be subject to change
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somewherefornow · 2 months
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thequiver · 1 year
Does dinah not like roy? Genuine question i am confused by that one post you made: you said she left ollie because he loved roy. Am i misremembering, didn't roy go to dinah in snowbirds? I have a poor memory, i am very very sorry. You mentioned the two dont really bond until roy is an adult, do you have any recommendations for reading that? I am so so sorry for so many questions and bad english it is not my first language and i am not good at finding roy stories especially when he is bonding with the "arrowfam"
Dinah and Ollie don’t even start dating until Roy is an adult, Dinah and Roy straight up don’t MEET until Roy is an adult, and Roy was taken to Dinah in Snowbirds that was Hal’s choice not his. I’d really just have to recommend silver age green arrow and GL/GA as far as reading this goes- these are older comics that don’t have any retellings. Unlike the Bats we get our sidekicks as sidekicks ONCE here lmao.
And yes, Dinah does list Ollie loving Roy (VERY shortly after the two reconcile in fact) as a reason she can’t be with him anymore in Green Arrow (1988) #75-76 (I know Ollie and Roy reconcile in 75 but the 76 might be what’s off here, my brain is in X-Men Mode atm)
Dinah loves Roy, she’s canonically very fond of him. But she’s also a very jealous person, she doesn’t want to share Ollie, and Roy’s not the only kid of his she’s jealous of, she also lists Robert II (who Ollie has met like twice) in that issue and later accuses Ollie of sleeping with Mia in front of Roy (again knowing that the two had reconciled).
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Fandom meme: A,B and C?
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s) I'm gonna answer a different pairing for each ask of this question--Clarkbarry. They're my preferred version of the Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object style of pairing that speedsters/Kryptonians represent. I think their powers compliment each other well--Kryptonians wouldn't have to worry too much about hurting the speedsters and the speedsters wouldn't have to slow down as much for the Kryptonians. And because I'm sadomasochistic trash, I like the idea of broken bones being incorporated into rough play and subsequent aftercare. Something about the concept of Kryptonians using their X-ray vision to make sure they're holding their speedster lover's bones in the right position while they heal just hits all the right buttons. B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind There's probably a lot of these but the first one that springs to mind is HalOllieBarry. It's a ship that doesn't seem seaworthy because Hal already has this tendency to need to play peacemaker between Ollie and Barry, but I've seen some cute art and read a few fics and now I quite like it. Barry's usually fighting for his life in that trio but hey, having someone around that he needs to work at getting along with isn't always a bad thing. C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice) Uhhh. Batjokes. Now normally, I think Bruce is the one who makes building a seaworthy ship difficult, but here it's the Joker. I just can't conceptualize the character as a fully realized person, his goals and motivations are too abstract for that. I think he's obsessed with Batman as a concept and vice versa. Batman might love the Joker but personally I think it's in the same way he loves Gotham rather than how he loves Talia or Selina.
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Me watching Green Lantern - Beware My Power:
That's not my Hal;
That's not my John;
Why did Kyle's origin story become John's?
Ollie why;
There should be more Shayera x John scenes;
Wtf is this pacing?
Why tf are we relying on previous knowledge? Did I miss something here? Like a serie or previous movie?
Uhm... tf is this fight?
Tf is that fight?
Convenience of the plot is convenient;
We kind of got naked Hal? Not complaining just... out there much?
Ngl bearded Hal had Dio woofing in my head;
Unemotional emotional scene, the summit of visual storytelling failures;
Sinestro kind looked good? I've seen worse versions of his looks;
Tf is that fight - they always come back;
What in the name of my socks was this ending?
In summary: 5/10.
Could be better, could be worse. Didn't add anything to my life, but taught me what not to do when telling a visual story. And it was somewhat entertaining.
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empressofthelibrary · 2 years
Opinion on Ships:
🌟Superman x Lois VERSUS Superman x Wonder Woman
💰BatCat vs Wonderbat vs TaliaBat?
🐦Nightwing x Kory VS. Nightwing x Batgirl VS. Nightwing VS Donna Troy
*rolls up my sleeves* Okay, this one's gonna be long, so I had to wait until I had laptop access and enough brain for it.
🌟 Superman and Lois. The power couple of the ages. Almost literally the Mom and Dad of DC Comics. They're perfect and I love them, and I genuinely can't see either with anyone else. Lois Lane is this unstoppable force of nature despite the fact that she's this squishy fragile human. Clark is a softhearted human despite the fact that he's a space alien with nigh-godlike power. It's so easy to become jaded when you're watching the news all the time. Being in the middle of it and reporting on it? Lois' heart could harden so easily. But it doesn't, because Clark is out there, tirelessly working to make the world better, and helping her to do the same. At the same time, with all the power he has, it would be really easy for Clark to just... Go dark. Become a conqueror. For the greater good, of course. But he doesn't, because Lois keeps him human and humble, keeps him grounded. They're the light in each other's lives and they both need the other to be the best versions of themselves.
🌠 With that in mind, I just don't see the same appeal in Clark/Diana, and I like them better as friends. They have the same "essentially a god" problems, and while Clark would be eager to teach Diana about life in rural Kansas and help her get her footing in Man's World... They can't counterbalance each other in the same way. I haven't read many WW comics and don't have a solid grip on Diana's personality, but they feel too similar to really work.
...This has made me very aware that Lois/Diana would be interesting though. Possibly the three of them as a triad. Hmm...
💰 Batcat, huh? I've never really been into this one, tbh, though the flirty rooftop chases and back-and-forth banter are appealing. The starcrossed-lovers angst of it is fun, but I think Bruce/Talia did that better. A solid 7/10, they work better when it's just Selena trying to get a reaction and not any kind of Serious Relationship.
✈ I couldn't find a laurel wreath emoji so Wonderbat gets a plane in honor of the Invisible Jet. I have to say, I... Kind of don't see where this one came from? The only comics-canon love interest of Diana's I'm aware of is Steve Trevor, and Bruce is just. Such a different dude. Steve Trevor was this hotshot daring pilot who loved adventure and had this debonair attitude. Bruce is... Not that. Hell, Ollie Queen makes more sense, if we use Trevor as a baseline for Diana's type. Or, like. Hal. Oh, oh cripes, gonna end that train of thought right now.
🦇 Bruce/Talia, though. Oh my god. Talia being caught between loyalty to her father's cause and loyalty to her heart. Between making her own choices and letting herself fall in love with the man her father approved of, even when she knows she'd have chosen him outside of Ra's influence. Bruce knowing she loves him and wanting to let himself love her, but knowing he has a duty to Gotham and can't let himself choose her over the city again. Talia knowing that and forcing herself to leave Bruce so he can be what Gotham needs! The drama of it all! The romance! These two were made for a soap-opera, I swear. And Talia's love for Bruce extending past him and to her stepsons??? Because why else would she have resurrected Jason and helped him through his recovery, except out of love? UGH, I can't. I just can't. They're too good. (Also baby-me heard Talia call Bruce 'My Beloved' and almost died because that was the most romantic shit I'd ever heard at age thirteen and it still holds up today.)
🐦 Dick and Kory are just... So good. They're so soft and sweet with eachother, and absolutely deadly on the battlefield. 100% the Battle Couple Blueprint. They slow-dance in the kitchen of Titans Tower and sing one another back to sleep after nightmares and just. The utter adoration and devotion and reverence. The ferocity and depth of their love and how it contrasts with how tenderly they care... I love them so much I can't form words. I'm still brokenhearted over their divorce, even if I understand why
🕸 DickBabs is such a notp of mine, actually. They grew up alongside one another, and while childhood-friends-to-lovers is a thing, it's never been my thing. And with Babs being a few years older than Dick, I just see her putting Robin squarely in the "annoying kid brother" box as kids. They're family, they don't need to be anything else.
🦅 Dick and Donna work best as what they are -- close friends who grew up together and aren't sure if they're closer to siblings or cousins, but definitely aren't romantically involved, gross. I like them having a sort of rivalry as kids, and being affectionately annoying as adults. I love them and how they look out for each other in a platonic/familial way. I like to think that half the League still calls them The Wonderkids, even though they're closer to thirty than they are thirteen.
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g-greed · 2 years
Hello! You were suggested to me by someone and I like your content too!
Since it’s hard to find any of these, but can you do a
Jason x Barry?
I was going to ask for Jason x Bart but Jason x Barry sounds more interesting!
I dunno if I have any further details…Just Jason x Barry (f)ucking an argument out? (Sounds toxic I know)
Love your content keep up the great work! <3
(Also, I love how you automatically have Jason as top 😭)
Omg😭😭😭! PLS what am I doing?! I am sooo sorry this took years to finish anon!! I need to get it together. 2586 words.
Jason slammed Barry against their bedroom door, a hand going around Barry’s neck, while Jason’s body pinned him against the door. Barry tilted his head back, exposing more of his neck to Jason’s hand that was occasionally flexing here and there, meeting Jason’s glare head on, not all that afraid of the burning Lazarus green gaze settling onto him.
“What. Did. You. Just. Say?” Jason said slowly, each word more low and gravelly as the next. Barry swallowed hard, trying to stop the trembling in his hands as they laid uselessly by his side.
“Are you a-ashamed of me?” Barry can feel the sting on the corner of his eyes, and he wields himself not to let a single tear drop, as he stared into rage fueled eyes in front of him.
“No! I'm not ashamed of you!” Jason snarled, his voice was coated in disbelief and more anger than there were before. His shoulders were pulled back a little, as if he was ready for attack, but Barry knew Jason wouldn’t hurt him, he hadn’t before, no matter how many times Jason said he would, be it emotionally or physically, Barry didn’t believe it, so why would he stop now?
“Then why can’t we tell them about us?” Barry was confused, hurt and a little insecure. They’ve been together for little over a year and no one but the Outlaws knew (he seriously can’t keep anything from them). Heck! Hal and Ollie still think he’s with Iris and they had split like over two years ago!
It makes Barry feel like a dirty little secret..
“I-. It’s difficult, okay? Please just drop it.” Barry could see Jason clenching his jaw as if he wanted to say something else and by the look in his eyes he really wanted to. So Barry gave him a reason to.
“I-I can’t just ‘drop it’, Jason,” Barry felt a lump form in his throat but he swallowed it down, keeping his teary eyes focused on Jason, “Th-This hurts me, a lot. I-I feel like a dirty secret, you're trying so hard to hide from everyone, and that hurts. So much.” Wiping a tear that was sliding down his cheek, Barry looked back up (when did he look down?) at Jason and saw his closed off expression.
No. No, that means, that means that he he would—
“You don’t understand…”
Are you kidding me!? ‘I don’t understand’!? What kind of bullshit—!
“Then make me understand Jason!” Barry finally bursted out, “Make me understand on wh —”
“Because I love you..!”
Barry gasped at the confession. His head thunked slightly onto the door he was still crowded by. All this time they had been together, he had never heard the other male utter those three words, and Barry always reassured Jason that it was okay he just needed to take some time, and he understood that, besides he didn’t always have to say it. Barry can see it in Jason’s eyes, and the soft and gentle side he shows to Barry, a side that no one would believe the taller male of possessing.
You know what people say, ‘Actions speak louder than words.’ Though sometimes, they can have some real ultimatums.
So hearing those words sounded so surreal coming from Jason…
“Okay? I-I love you Barry. I love you so goddamn much. I want to tell everyone you're mine and mine alone, not Iris. Believe me, I do. I ju–-” Jason was cut off by a soft pair of lips, he melted before he kissed back.
Barry reached up and put his hands on Jason's jaw, drawing him closer than possible. After a while, Barry pulled away and gave what he hoped was an encouraging smile, “Then what’s holding you back?”
Jason huffed, half amused and half frustrated with himself. “You're good for me, Baby. Too good for me. Sooner than later everyone is gonna be sayin’ the same damn thing. I’m still surprised you're with me. I just want this,” he gestures between the both of them, looking at Barry’s bright eyes, “to be between us. Don’t be sayin’ I’m ashamed of you or this relationship because I'm not. Okay? Sweetheart you make me good, I haven’t felt like this since I came back. And I love you for that.”
Barry, not knowing how to react to that, reached up wrapping his arms around Jason’s shoulders and neck smashing their lips together, putting all his passion and love in that bruising kiss without saying anything. Jason, getting the hint, responded back in kind. He moved his hands down, feeling up Barry’s waist, ass, then thighs, before picking up the smaller male.
Barry wrapped his legs around Jason’s waist, pressing closer than possible. Pulling away just a bit he panted, “Really? A-All of it, you really mean it?” Instead of Jason answering him, he leaned forward, their lips connecting once again, but softer than before.
Lips connected and Barry still in his arms, Jason walked over to their shared bed putting Barry down gently. Pulling away from the soft kiss, Jason looked down at Barry’s flushed face. Moving some blonde hair out of Barry’s face, he smiled a little, “I meant every word, Baby.” Then he ducked his head down and sucked at Barry’s exposed neck.
Barry’s response was stuck in his throat and replaced with a whine. “J-Jason –oh god– please.” Barry pulled at Jason’s dark unruly hair, desperate for him to keep going. Jason moved a hand up from Barry’s waist to under his shirt, before grabbing a nipple and pulled. “AH~! S-shit, Jay..”
Jason smirked in Barry’s neck, before he sat up and pulled off both their shirts. Throwing them over his shoulder, he started working pulling off Barry’s tight boxers that left nothing to the imagination. Throwing them over as well Jason turned an appreciative eye over to Barry’s body.
“How did I get so lucky?” Jason whistles as he looks Barry over from head to toe. Covering his blushing face with hands, Barry groaned, “Stop staring and get on with it already..”
Jason pulled the hands away and held them up over Barry’s head with one hand, while the other teased his sides, “It’s true, Sweetheart,” Jason looked up at Barry again, “Think you can keep your hands up, Baby?” Getting a nod in return, Jason slid his body down until he was facing the bottom part of Barry’s body.
Jason bent Barry’s legs by the knee, then spread them out. Leaning down, he pressed bruising open-mouth kisses onto the waist, around the hips, and thighs. Barry bucked his hips trying to move in closer. “Jason s-stop teasing me!” Barry whined, trying to move his hips, to build up more pressure.
Jason pulled away a little, watching the hickies heal over quickly with a frown. “If only you didn’t have fast healing. I would love to see my marks on you.” Jason tsked, pretending he didn’t hear a word Barry said as he thumbed over a hickey that was healing slower than the others with how much effort was put into it.
Barry panted, as he thought over how to answer that. “Help me sit up.” He mumbled, averting his eyes to the side, as his blush came back full force. Jason perked up and studied Barry for a hot minute, deciding Barry wasn’t going to elaborate any further, he sat him up.
Still avoiding eye contact, Barry reached for the nightstand drawer and pulled back with a pair of handcuffs. Pushing them forward to Jason, Barry took a shuddering breath, “I-uh, gotten those from the Precinct.”
Jason went stock still as he stared blankly at what were clearly meta-dampening cuffs. Jason looked back up at Barry, who was too busy worrying his bottom lip and looking off to the side, to notice Jason’s small smile. Jason reached a hand to pat at Barry’s thigh to get his attention. “Hey Sweetheart. Will you look at me?” Once he got his attention, he brought the handcuffs to eye-level with Barry, “You sure?”
Barry nodded, “Uh, yeah. You mention my fast healing a few times, so I was wondering if you would be okay with this?” He finished with a nervous smile, although Jason could see some excitement behind it.
Jason leaned forward some, kissed that nervousness away, before pulling back some. “Okay Baby, hold your hands together and out..”
“Hah-AH~! Ja-Jason, please st-stop teasin’ me~.” Barry whined out as he withered over the bed, as Jason fingered him and a hot wet mouth bit and sucked around his nipple.
“Almost there Baby. Just. A. Bit. More.” Jason emphasizes his words with strong thrusts of his fingers pounding in and out of Barry, before they nail his prostate, sending Barry over the edge.
“Shitshitshit! Agh~! Cum-Cumming! Ngh-ah~.” Barry wailed as his second orgasm came through, his back arched off the bed, making him press his chest closer to Jason’s willing mouth, that’s hungerly ravaging Barry’s chest and sensitive nipples.
Barry trembled as he relaxed back into the bed, his upper body twisting to the side as he panted and blinked to get the black spots away from his vision. Once he got his bearings together, he turned his body back to face Jason, catching his concerned filled eyes. “You okay, Baby?” As he slid his hands up and down his thigh to balance him.
Barry nodded as he gulped down some air before he could answer him, “Y-Yeah. Just..are you gonna fuck me now?” Jason paused in his patting, so he could stare incredulously down at him, but Barry continued as if he didn’t see at all, “‘Cause I-I need you to fuck me, right now, please.”
“Oh dear god, Baby. You're insatiable.” Jason chuckled as he leaned down pressing a lingering kiss on Barry’s lips, before he pulled back and grabbed Barry’s thighs, wrapping them around his waist, as he got the discarded lube bottle he threw on the side of the bed. Pouring a heavy amount onto his palm, he slicked his cock up while his other hand closed the cap of the bottle and threw it on the side of the bed again.
One hand on Barry’s waist while the other is steering his cock towards the twitching hole, Jason looked up at Barry's face, “You ready baby?” Barry nodded his head feverishly, ‘yes’s’ falling out just as quick. Jason started pushing his length in, causing Barry to let out a high whine, not pausing until he bottomed out.
Getting a sharp nod to move, Jason pulled back out until the tip was just in before slamming back in hitting Barry’s prostate dead on and Barry sobbed. Jason sped up his thrust as he leaned down sucking and biting Barry’s neck as he moved up until he’s kissing Barry deeply.
Barry kissed back, trying to move his hands up to wrap around Jason’s neck and shoulders, but the handcuffs wouldn’t spread his hands further apart than they already were. Barry pulled back from the kiss, making a frustrated noise as he glared down at the cuffs. Jason, seeing this pulled back some, his thrust slowing down. “You want me to-.”
“No! Ju-Just lean down some.” Barry cut him off, huffing as he tried to move his hands.
Leaning down, Jason felt the cold chain off the handcuffs pressed against his warm neck, causing a shiver to go up and down his spine. Smiling to himself once he’s satisfied with the result, Barry looked back up at Jason, “Continue please, Baby.” And who was Jason to reject?
Jason sped up his thrust, diving down again to ravish Barry’s neck, while his left hand raised up and spread Barry’s leg out to thrust in deeper. “Hah-ah~! Jason, Jason~! Th-There! Right there! P-Please~! Oh, shit! So~good, fuck!” Barry babbled incoherently as he twitched and tightened around Jason’s cock making Jason groan at the feeling of Barry’s wet and hot hole trying to suck him in and the stingy feeling of Barry’s blunt nails scratching down the upper part of his back.
Jason snuck his hand between them and pressed his palm against Barry’s stomach, feeling his cock bulge sliding in and out of him. Barry’s eyes flew open and a loud mewl escaped his mouth. “Jason…Jason. Do that again. Please.”
Groaning against Barry’s neck in arousal as he panted, he pressed down a little harder not enough to hurt Barry, but enough for him to feel it. Barry let out a whimper at the feeling, his cuffed hands grabbing and pulling Jason’s black hair, as bucked his lower body down, meeting the hard thrusts head-on.
Barry let out a sharp gasp, his orgasm sneaking up on him, as he felt the familiar hot pressure building up. “Jason! Cum-! Ah~! ‘M cumming!” Barry warned as he pulled Jason closer to him, his eyes rolling back as his orgasm rushed through him, spurting over his stomach.
Jason grinds his teeth together as he felt Barry's hot hole tightened around his cock triggering his own orgasm. Jason bit Barry’s shoulder to smother his groans and moans as he came, painting Barry’s insides with hot and white cum. Barry mewled at the feeling, tightening his grip on Jason.
Jason snarled at the feeling of Barry basically milking his cock for his come as he tightened around him again. Jason let his mouth unhook on where he bit Barry’s throat, before licking the bite to relieve some pain.
Jason lifted his hands off of Barry’s hips to his biceps, unhooking his still cuffed hands from around his neck, putting them down, before he leaned back pulling out his now soft cock out of Barry’s used hole.
Barry whined softly at the loss before he felt himself be moved, feeling the soft pillows resting beneath his head. Barry cracked one eye open when he felt the bed pressure shift, until he saw Jason head to the bathroom, most likely getting a warm washcloth.
Barry relaxed back into the bed further when Jason came back and wiped his body down, getting rid of the cum on his stomach and some that was dripping down his thigh.
Jason threw the cloth in the hamper before he climbed into the bed, Barry rolling over to cuddle against him. Jason reached to grab Barry’s hands, “Come on, Baby. Let me get these off of you, ‘kay?”
Barry groaned as he shook his head, “No. I wanna feel this in the morning.” Barry buried his head deeper into the pillows. Jason let out an amused huff, “Sorry. No can do, Baby. I don’t wanna have ya uncomfortable when ya sleepin’, SweetiePie.”
Barry long hum as he tried to fight off the exhaustion to give an actual answer, “Um the nightstand. Should be a meta bracelet in there somewhere..” He mumbled as he half shrugged, missing the way Jason stared at him.
Shaking his head, Jason chuckled as he reached over Barry to look through the drawer and just like Barry said a meta dampening bracelet was in there. Sliding the bracelet on Barry’s wrist he quickly grabbed the key for the handcuffs and unlocked them, before tossing them over the drawer-counter.
Settling down and bringing Barry closer towards him, causing the smaller male to sigh out, he bent down to press a lingering kiss onto the blonde hair, mumbling out ‘good night’ and ‘I love you baby’ all he got was a soft grunt in response.
His lips twitching into a smile, Jason let sleep take him.
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