webgreat ยท 7 days
trans spider-man theme time >:)
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webgreat ยท 8 days
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webgreat ยท 15 days
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Alex- Lauren Oliver
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webgreat ยท 15 days
another day of crying and sobbing over trans dad peter
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webgreat ยท 15 days
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" always? " there's a bemused kind of look he throws mayday's way, one eyebrow raised up. but peter accepts the kiss to his cheek all the same, turning to press a brief kiss against the top of her head in kind. miles will be there. with an experienced spider with her, part of his anxiety eases. she'll have family.
not that it ever soothes his worries completely. he's a dad, after all.
" good. " a smile, and a nod. peter ruffles a hand through her hair. " don't forget your hat and scarf, too. i want you snug as a bug. "
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+ @webgreat asked: โ€remember to listen to your uncle miles!โ€ (worried spiderdad for insom mayday :โ€™) )
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+ " I ALWAYS do ! " Ok, that much wasn't ENTIRELY true . Her track-record, while pretty GOOD , was far from spotless . And considering the LAST TIME she'd been caught out in costume had involved SKIPPING a class to go and HELP defuse a robbery ? Maybe it was for the BEST not to imply that she hadn't ever BROKEN a rule when it came to her costume . Mask in hand, she quickly rushed over and gave her FATHER a quick kiss on the cheek .
" Promise . Nothing crazy . First sign of crazy and I'll come home. "
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webgreat ยท 16 days
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this vintage ad is so petermj to me
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webgreat ยท 1 month
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Spider-Man in X-Men '97 (2024)
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webgreat ยท 1 month
๐ŸŒบ send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful ๐ŸŒบ
shaye!! ๐Ÿฅบ thank you, i think your blog and YOU are so wonderful too <3 so happy to get to write with your fantastic mj and chat with you
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webgreat ยท 2 months
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webgreat ยท 2 months
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he's never seen anything so impressive.
the spider - society's headquarters is a beast in of itself โ€” deserving of it's name. it's not a club and it's not just a group, but a real and true society made up of spider - people working together. no amount of oscorp's wealth and tech could measure up to what he's witnessed just walking with miguel. pathways made just for them. equipment all on par with a spider's strength. therapy?
it's like a dream. one peter can't help but let his head wander to stare at before he focuses back in on the man next to him. " i'm ready to go when you are. " there's a hint of a laugh in his voice. " what exactly would a first mission involve? "
@webgreat //ย one-liner thing
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He tended to prove selective, when it came to recruiting, a preference that quickly became a necessity, back when he had first founded the Spider Society. It's a thought that holds staying power, persisting as he walked in lockstep with the newest Spider to join their ranks.
"If you have any questions, feel free to ask." Tone gentle, inviting queries as they moved along, he makes a visible effort to be accommodating, knowing well the arduous road that lies ahead of them. "Let me know when you're ready, and I'll see about assigning you your first mission."
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webgreat ยท 2 months
@fightwing ASKED : did you mean it? any of it? (fake dating ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
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peter blinks, then blinks again in quick succession, the crease between his brows furrowing further with every second that ticks by. like he's been presented with a new hypothesis that begs to be picked apart. studied. did he mean any of it? of course. part of what made their performance as a couple so convincing has been the fact there's truths in the lie. it's no secret that peter adores dick in so many ways. as his best friend, as a hero, as a person. there was also truth in their touch. like an inseparable half to him, dick fits with peter. in the sense that their closeness was never an intrusion, but like belonging.
like weaving a spider - web, the threads are starting to connect, and peter doesn't know what to say in the face of dick's questioning, and the devastating realization that he might've meant far more of this 'act' than they were supposed to.
it feels selfish. it feels like he's been deceiving dick, when all he needed from peter was someone who he trusted to do this.
" of course i did. " he exhales. backpedals. " i, i mean โ€” whenever i tell people how amazing you are? how important you are to me? i mean it, dick. "
his fingers rub over the skin of his bare wrist. in the safety of their shared room, peter had felt secure enough to take off his webshooters.
" i ... have a feeling that's not what you're asking, though. "
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webgreat ยท 2 months
@fightwing ASKED : โ€œ all i want to do right now is hop into a warm bed & not get out until the end of winter . โ€
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" took the words right out of my mouth. " an icy breeze blows past them, and peter tightens the tuck of his arms against his body. the miles - themed spider - man scarf and hat he's got on tonight help, but they're no real match when it comes to the frigid, cruel new york winter. " i could just about hibernate until spring blooms! "
one disadvantage since he's become part spider; the cold makes him sluggish and sleepy โ€” less willing to move and keep moving. but they're on the tail end of patrol, and that feels like a small victory.
" could make us some of aunt may's hot chocolate when we get home, if you want. it's got cinnamon. and a ton of whipped cream. "
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webgreat ยท 2 months
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happy tdov!!!
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webgreat ยท 2 months
tbhโ€ฆi donโ€™t think i could see (my) older peter with a beard lol
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webgreat ยท 2 months
ยบ โœง ใ€‚mj's camera roll ft. @webgreat !
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webgreat ยท 3 months
people describe blue eyes as baby blues but have u ever seen baby browns? (peter has them. he has baby browns)
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webgreat ยท 3 months
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