#h@mas university
laineystein · 1 month
Just saw a video of NYPD breaking into Hamilton Hall (at Columbia) and let me just say that watching grown ass men crawl through a window in riot gear only to ultimately slap a bunch of terrorist supporters on the wrist is wild. What a time to be alive.
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murdrdocs · 5 months
ENJOY THE SILENCE. sejanus plinth
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description. being tasked with placating sejanus plinth by doctor gaul seems like an impossible feat. turns out all it takes to be successful was revealing your true feelings.
includes. SMUT 18+, dialogue heavy, slightly manipulative!reader, capitol!reader, oral (m receiving), snowballing, sejanus typical angst. title from enjoy the silence by depeche mode
wc: 6.4k+
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By the time your fist meets the thick wood of Sejanus Plinth’s bedroom door, you’ve started to lose your way. 
Somewhere along the line of you walking from the Academy to the Plinth residence, entering the home by invitation of Ma Plinth, eating her sweets while listening to the woman speak about how worried she was about her son, and finally walking down the hall to his bedroom, you’ve almost forgotten why you’re here in the first place. 
But forgetting would be too good to be true. How could you forget about how you were summoned into an empty classroom by Doctor Gaul, staring into her unnerving eyes as she praised you for what you could be, and barely what you are now? 
At the time, you instantly wanted to protest the task of going to the Plinth residence to seek out a certain outspoken boy who didn’t realize his privilege. But one glare from over her nose put you in your place, and you begrudgingly left the Academy to come here.
It’s not that you disliked Sejanus. You felt the opposite, mostly. You were definitely not one of the other Academy students who preferred to make his life hell since you all were eight. But there wasn’t much you had in common with the boy, no mutual connections that pulled you in each other’s orbit save for a few shared classes and a handful of projects. 
It was natural for you to question Gaul on why you had to be the one to do it. And as if it was natural, too, she shrugged, examined the walls of the Academy, and told you, “You have the potential to do something great. Prove yourself to me and surely I can find a guaranteed spot for you at the University.” 
It barely made any sense to you—how getting Sejanus Plinth to stop speaking his mind could prove your potential to be a great student at the University. But you were desperate, your future so close and within reach. You didn’t want to jeopardize it before it began. 
So as soon as classes ended, you grabbed your things, called off the driver, and walked to the Plinth residence where you hoped to prevent Sejanus Plinth from becoming a problem. 
Your three knocks against the door taper off to silence, which makes the shuffling on the other side even more prominent. Sejanus doesn’t ask who it is, likely assuming the visitor to be his mother or father, and not one of his classmates who was only an acquaintance. He yells out an invitation to enter and you push the handle down, allowing the door to swing open before taking a step inside. 
You don’t get much of a look at Sejanus’ bedroom. Only enough to notice that it’s a typical Capitol room with minimal personalizations. Deep gray walls, white crown molding around the ceilings, light brown hardwood flooring. A picture of the mountains not far from the Capitol sits above a large desk across the room, and a window on each side of the wood lets in the natural light from outside. On the left wall sits a large four poster bed with a cushioned back. 
And resting atop it is Sejanus. He stares off at the wall across from him, looking at nothing as it’s bare. But when you don’t speak, his eyes look over at the door. At you. 
Your lips pull into a tight smile, you fold your hands behind your back. 
“Oh.” Sejanus sits up a little straighter. “I didn’t know you were here.” You know he means no harm by it, but his words come out a little detached. A little rude. He seems to sense it immediately as he licks his lips and invites you in. 
You aren’t sure whether you should leave the door open or shut it behind you. Ultimately, you decide to return it to the state it was in before you arrived, not letting up until you hear and feel the latch click into place.
Sejanus uncrosses his feet at the ankles as you approach him. He’s still wearing his uniform just as you are, but the blazer and the outer skirt are removed. You notice them sitting at the foot of his bed. His relaxed nature makes you feel better about peeling your blazer off. 
You fold it in half and set it beside his which is thrown on the duvet without any precision, red material hanging off of the edge with one side showing the outside and the other showing the interior. 
“What’re you doing here?” This time, his tone is of pure curiosity, lacking any possible negative connotations. It makes you feel better and you sit at the edge of his bed not far from him. The size of the furniture makes you feel further than you are. 
“Um…” You take a second. Why are you here? Because Doctor Gaul sent you? Telling him that would do nothing but align yourself with the others. It would make your visit seem hostile. Like you’re here to threaten him, and not to warn him. 
You clear your throat. “I’m here to check on you.” You hadn’t noticed the suspicion in Sejanus’ eyes until it’s gone and replaced with neutrality. 
You nod once. 
“You seemed really upset in class earlier today. When Gaul came to visit.” Sejanus tenses up at the mention of the head gamemaker. His eyes shift to the otherside of the room, his jaw tightens, and you’re really thankful that you hadn’t directly associated yourself with the woman. 
“And I just wanted to see how you were doing.” 
Sejanus doesn’t look at you again for a second. Then, he shrugs, wringing his hands together in his lap as his brown eyes find you once more. 
“I’m okay. As okay as I could be.” With the way he says it, it makes you scoot a little closer to him. Enough for a friendly distance, but Sejanus still glances down at your thighs briefly. 
“Your tribute. You knew him, right? Back in District Two?” It takes you a second, but you add: “Back home.” 
That seems to soften Sejanus a little more. He flattens his hands onto the rogue of his trousers. 
(His thighs look exceptional in the material. You don’t think anyone else quite fills the pants out like he does. Except maybe Festus Creed but his sour attitude squashes any possible attraction you could have towards him. Attraction … are you attracted to Sejanus?)
Sejanus speaking pulls you from your muddled inner dialogue. 
“Yeah. We were classmates before we moved here.” 
You’re not faking it when you tell him. “That’s awful, Sejanus.” 
Your sincerity has a better effect than something planned could have. Sejanus’ shoulders lose their tension. He knocks his head back against the cushioned material of his headboard, closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath. “Yeah.”
He doesn’t speak and neither do you. But eventually, you can’t sit in the silence for much longer. 
“You can tell me about it … if you want.” 
Sejanus peels one eye open and he stares at you for a second, maybe trying to decide if you’re serious. And you’re doing the same. Are you telling him this because you want him to feel safe with you? Even then, are your intentions pure? 
There’s no point in dwelling on it more because Sejanus scoots over in a wordless invitation, a gesture that is more of a formality than anything else since you could have easily fit beside him without movement. Either way, you slide up to Sejanus’ side and when you do, you sit a little too close to him. But you decide it would have been rude to scoot further away so you stay put. 
That’s the only reason. 
Not because sitting this close to Sejanus makes you feel giddy inside and you like how he smells (clean is the best way to put it, with the gentle aroma of baked goods wafting off of his clothes and it’s no wonder where that aspect comes from). 
Sejanus begins with telling you of his time back in District Two. He tells you about the Plinth family status, above the baseline of citizens in Two, but he was still well liked throughout his home. He tells you about moving, how alone he felt when he was younger. How alone he still feels,  and you lay it on thick when you tell him he isn’t alone. Not when he has you. 
Sejanus has reasons to dispute you. It’s not like you’ve gone out of your way to defend him against your cruel classmates. You barely do anything, occasionally slipping in a comment against one of them that was truly for your own benefit if anything. Up until now, the only thing you’ve done to show Sejanus Plinth that he isn’t completely hated in the Capitol has been treating him with the same kindness you gave to others.
But he doesn’t say anything. Anything at all. 
You start to consider that you’ve fucked everything up. You’ve failed Doctor Gaul and she would condemn you and kick you out of the mentorship program before you’ve even had a real shot at proving yourself. 
The thing that stops your spiraling thoughts is Sejanus’ hand atop of yours. You still, unsure on what to do. But then you turn your hand over, letting your palms kiss before they intertwine, and you feel the warmth of his hand. It’s comforting. 
You turn your head to look directly at Sejanus instead of out into his room, surprised to see him already looking at you. 
“Thank you.” You watch his lips as he speaks, completely missing the sincerity swimming in his eyes until you flick your gaze up to them. 
You can’t help but think about how soft his lips looked as you lick your own, completely forgetting about the previously meticulously applied lipgloss. 
“For what?” 
Sejanus begins dragging his thumb across the skin of your hand. It’s incredibly distracting. 
“For everything.” 
“I haven’t done anything.” 
He smiles, soft and teasing and gentle and you’re starting to admit that Sejanus Plinth is really cute. 
“That’s exactly what I mean.” 
You think about all of those times you could’ve done something. When you could have joined in on poking fun at the Plinth family. When you could’ve condemned their efforts to fit in, and also their efforts to keep their district practices alive, all in one breath.
Had you not joined in because you were better than that? Better than them. Or had you kept to yourself because you felt sorry for him? 
The boy, born district and forced to move to the Capitol. Now unwanted by both groups. Trying his best to blend in and stick to himself, even though his moral beliefs obviously prevented him from completely assimilating. 
Maybe you didn’t feel sorry for him. Not when he had a life like this. A lavish home full of luxury goods. A father with power that could rival the oldest standing families in the Capitol, yours included. And slightly less important, a mother who kept even the rarest of guests satisfied with her goods. 
Your standings on your feelings for Sejanus Plinth become more confusing whenever you find yourself gravitating forward towards his lips. You don’t notice you’re doing it until you can feel his breath against yours. Your lips are so close, just one hair of a movement and they would be touching, but you stop. 
“Is this …” The question hangs unfinished in the air. You have intentions to finish it. At least you think you do, but Sejanus’ free hand cups your cheek and he closes the gap. 
Kissing Sejanus Plinth is gentle, to put it simply. His lips move tentatively against yours as if he doesn’t have much experience doing this and you’re not surprised. Personal endeavors spread across the Academy faster than rabies spread throughout the Capitol during the Dark Days, and if Sejanus Plinth was hooking up with someone you would have known by the next morning. 
His perceived lack of experience makes you more confident. It makes you press your lips harder against Sejanus, taking the lead as you start to encouragingly move your lips against his. Your lipgloss rubs off, you can feel it as Sejanus’ lips gain more slip to them with each movement. It aids in the kiss becoming messier, that and your combined enthusiasm. 
You scoot even closer to him, your legs blindly bumping into each other. Yet, you’re not close enough. You quickly want more of him. You need more of him. 
He tastes like his mothers treats, the sweet tang of pie on his tongue melding with the same taste on yours. You savored the pastry from Mrs. Plinth earlier in the day, taking your time to enjoy every single bite and taste the flavors in all of their glory. With Sejanus, you take and take without consideration of savoring. He tastes so good, having your body pressed up against his like this feels so good, and you can’t get enough. 
You must gorge yourself until you’ve had your fill. But you fear that your limit may never come, that you’ll be thoroughly addicted to Sejanus Plinth and nothing will ever fill the void. 
This worries you for a second, but then Sejanus is un-intertwining his hand away from yours and instead using his palm to press into your lower back. 
Just this one touch is enough to dizzy you and once more, you forget why you’re here. Why you’re in the Plinth residence, sitting in Sejanus’ bed, still wearing your Academy uniform. 
It’s not until Sejanus pulls away for a full breath of air that you remember. Staring into deep brown pits that you could easily lose yourself in, you’re reminded of the singular brown eye belonging to Doctor Gaul. They don’t have any similarities besides the base color. Sejanus’ eyes are uniform, for starters, and full of warmth.
Still, you remember, and concern strikes through your body for a second. When you move away from Sejanus, you can see the sadness in his eyes. 
You ignore how it upsets you. 
“I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” 
Sejanus still has his hands on you, and you’re not sure if you’re thankful for that or not. 
“Why not? Do you regret it?” He speaks as if he’s afraid of the answer. So you bless him with the truth. 
“No. I don’t.” You stare down at your nails, everything swirling inside of you confusing you. You have no direction of where to go from here. This part wasn’t planned. So you stick with the part that was. 
“It’s just … I don’t want you to think that’s why I came here.” The hand he has on your cheek leaves but the one at your back stays. 
“I thought you came here to check on me.” 
You look up at Sejanus and he seems a little standoffish. His eyes are a little bit harsh, maybe concealing hurt. But his hand is still at your lower back and you take that as a good sign. 
“I did! But I also came here to warn you.” His eyebrows furrow, but he doesn’t say anything so you continue. “The Capitol is dangerous, Sejanus. They’ll do anything to protect themselves.” Why’re you telling him this? Despite its true nature, your words made you seem like you don’t support your government. The one created to protect you. And why’re you speaking to him as if you’re not Capitol. You’re proud of your heritage, but something about sitting in Sejanus’ room, your body this close to his, makes you want to briefly leave it all behind. 
Maybe it’s because you want Sejanus to believe you. Yes, you need to speak like someone from the districts so the district-born boy will believe you. That’s all. 
“And I know you’re just speaking your mind, which is great. But Sejanus … if you continue and you say something particularly harmful to the government, they could hurt you.” 
There’s a beat. A moment of silence where Sejanus considers your words. His eyes search your face, they drop to his lap, and then they find you again. “I appreciate the concern,” he says your name, letting it hang out in the air for a moment before continuing. “But I’ll be fine.” 
He might be fine, but if he goes back to mentoring tomorrow and says something treasonous, you won’t be. Easily, Gaul could determine you unfit, unable to do as simple of a task such as pacifying your classmate. 
It’s a risk you can’t take. 
You sigh, shuffling closer to Sejanus and cupping his face in both of your hands. You sit on your heels at this point, knees digging into the mattress right beside Sejanus’ thigh, creating a hole in the soft bedding. 
Sejanus’ head is tilted up, allowing the light to meet his cheeks and eyes. He looks innocent like this, just a young boy who doesn’t realize what he’s saying. You hope if he were to continue challenging the ideals of the Capitol, then others would see him as you do now. Maybe without the lust starting to cloud your mind. 
“Just please, Sejanus, please make an effort.” Then, exaggerating the situation a little more, you bat your eyelashes and pout a little as you beg, “for me?” 
That does it. Sejanus’ eyes glaze over a little, as if tears are gathering in them. But he blinks and they clear up. 
He nods, turning his head to the side so he can press a kiss into the palm of your hand. His hands wrap around your wrists, he slides them up your arms and around your back where he encloses your waist with his arms. 
And this time, you’re aware of yourself surging forward to press your lips against Sejanus’. 
At first, you tell yourself you’re doing it to complete your empty confession. Nothing but tying a pretty and large bow on top of your hard work. But then, when Sejanus pulls you closer into a hug, and you trail your hands to the back of his head as he starts kissing you with an open mouth, you realize that you’re kissing Sejanus because you want to. 
Because he’s attractive and sweet and unlike anyone else around you. He’s a breath of fresh air, despite his troubles that sometimes constrict your airflow with the stress his actions cause you and others. 
It all seems worth it when Sejanus pulls up the back of your button up shirt and presses his hand flat against your back. His palm is warm, and just the single touch of skin on skin ignites something deep in you. 
You spread your legs more from where you’re straddling him until you’re sitting on his lap instead of holding yourself up on your knees. There’s many layers between you both, your pleated overskirt a notable one that causes trouble, but you can still feel Sejanus through it all. His thighs thick and comfortable, a slight tent in his trousers that’s surely just his dick existing in a flaccid state. You grind against him once, one firm and fluid push and pull motion of your hips, and Sejanus cants his hips up into yours. You’re sure it won’t take much to get him hard. 
To put your theory to test, you grind down onto Sejanus again, and he’s quickly groaning, pulling away from your lips to knock his forehead against yours as his hand digs into your hip. You don’t bother hiding your smile, Sejanus’ eyes are closed anyway. 
You use the time to run your hands along the sides of his head, fingers tickling along the short hairs at the sides. Sejanus is silent, taking steady breaths, and it’s then that the weight of the situation dawns on you. 
Surely Doctor Gaul didn’t have this in mind when she sent you to the Plinth house. Yet, her words ring throughout your otherwise empty head. 
“Your classmate, Mr. Plinth. He’s going to be a problem. Stop him while he’s ahead.” 
And when you dared to question her on why you had to be the one to do it, and not another student like Coriolanus Snow for example, she glared at you. Her back seemingly got straighter, the chip on her shoulder grew to double its original size. 
“Don’t you want a spot at the University? Prove yourself to me here, and surely your application can be boosted to the right people, a few good words whispered in their ears. That is if you succeed. Placate him. Put a pink pacifier in his mouth and a bonnet on his head for all I care just shut him up.” 
Her words were stern, absolutely no room for argument, which is why you packed your things up and accepted your fate. But here, like this, is this how you’re going to placate Sejanus Plinth?
Is this a means to get him to trust you? To keep his mouth shut on matters of the Capitol? Or do you really want this?
Sejanus’ hands slide down your sides and settle right above your ass. You can’t help but wish they would go just a little further down. 
His touch is sturdy and strong. You feel comfortable in his hands. 
“We don’t have to keep going if you don’t want to,” you tell him, your words soft spoken and almost vulnerable. You curse yourself for them, but Sejanus doesn’t seem to latch onto the tone. He doesn’t use your moment of vulnerability  to his advantage, like predator to prey. 
Instead, he opens his eyes and looks up at you. 
“I would like to continue. If you feel the same.”
You use your hands at the side of his head to push his visage back, latching your lips onto his gratefully.  
From there, things move fairly fast. 
You make quick work of your button up, pushing the buttons out of the slits so you can peel the shirt off all together. It’s thrown behind you, likely to end at the foot of the bed along with your outwear. 
You don’t want to stop kissing Sejanus, but you let him pull away when you realize he wants to look at you. You're wearing a shirt, just a thin fitted camisole, but Sejanus still drinks in the sight anyway. 
His eyes, a little lidded yet no less interested in your presence, graze over your décolletage. When you realize he’s content with just staring, you latch your hands onto the hem of the camisole and peel it over your head, exposing your plain black bra, the final layer of your top half. 
Sejanus takes a deep breath, you both hear it and see it, and only when he has returned to his normal breathing pattern does he speak. 
“May I?” 
You nod, sitting up a little straighter as Sejanus’ hands trail up from your ass to the back of your bra. You expect him to struggle for a second, maybe fumble around and pull the back in the wrong direction once or twice. 
But in one motion Sejanus has your bra unclasped and he’s pulling it off of your shoulders. 
He palaces the garment gently beside you both, far enough away to not disturb you in the meantime. 
You briefly step off of Sejanus to pull your trousers off, and Sejanus does the same once his shirt is off. Yet he removes his pants with slight difficulty. He’s too eager, he forgets to undo the button at first, and then the pants get caught at his feet. But eventually, there is a matching set of Academy rogue uniforms at the foot of Sejanus’ bed, and you’re sitting atop of him once more, playing with his hair while he blatantly stares at your tits. 
“You can look and touch, Sejanus,” you tell him, voice light and a little giggly. Sejanus laughs a little at himself, raising a hand and resting it on your breast. He’s stiff at first, and you’re about to open your mouth and tell him what to do, but then he’s rubbing his thumb over your nipple before rolling it in between his fingers and you’re stunned. You sigh gratefully, hands resting on his shoulders as your eyes flutter shut. 
You let him continue fondling your breast, already desperately desiring more, and that feeling only multiplies whenever Sejanus latches his lips onto your pert nipple. He could do anything to you right now and you would melt. You would have never guessed that Sejanus Plinth of all people could have this effect on you. 
He has you frantically grinding your cunt against his boxers. He has you whining at basically no stimulation, both satisfied with what you’re being given and also calling for more. He has you eagerly pushing your panties to the side to allow your cunt to catch the cotton fabric without anything in the way. 
Sejanus unlatches from your nipple at this, staring down at you with weathered breaths. You think you can hear him swear, but you can’t really hear anything through the thick haze already settling in your mind. The one that drives you to get what you want, no matter what’s required of you to get it. 
When he licks around your nipple one more time, you see it, Sejanus’ eyes big and full of wonder, no hatred or sadness in them. Maybe he is being placated. 
You want Sejanus. It’s something you admit to yourself briefly, not letting the thought sit in your brain long enough for you to feel any emotion attached to it. At least, not any real emotions as the only thing you can feel is a desire to bond with Sejanus in a way you’ll never be able to take back. 
As you’re guiding his hand down to your center, you consider it, how things would be after this occurrence with Sejanus. Did it mean more to him than it did to you? Did it mean anything to you?
Sejanus’ pointer and ring finger glide along your panties and any other thoughts you have rushing through your brain leaves, replacing with a chant of more, more, more. 
You stare down at him with what you’re sure is hunger in your eyes. Your forehead knocks against Sejanus’ as he circles your clit, and you can’t help but wonder how he’d found it so easily, only fumbling once before he made contact. 
Maybe Sejanus is more experienced than you thought. 
He’s preparing you, circling your clit long enough for your cunt to start leaking, creating a steadily growing patch in your panties. But, you’re impatient. 
Your fingers roll down the waistband of Sejanus’ boxers enough to free his cock, unable to hold back the embarrassingly comical face you make. You can feel it in the way your features contort, and you can see it with the way Sejanus looks up at you, amusement in his brown eyes and a big grin taking over his usually stoic face. 
All he says is “yeah”, his free hand cupping your cheek while his other hand starts to pump two fingers in and out of you. He’s a little cocky about it, at least that’s how you read it. You’re missing the slight insecurity that lays across his face. 
You would tell Sejanus that you’re unsure about taking all of him, but your refusal to admit defeat prevents you from uttering the confession. Instead, you shuffle down his body without breaking eye contact, momentarily mourning the loss of his thick fingers inside of you before you focus on your new task. 
“Can I suck you off?” 
He stares at you, hesitating, blinking a few times, and you figure it’s just taking a second for him to process. You spend the time gliding your nails down his abdomen, scraping the perfected ends in the hair under his navel that leads to his cock. You go further down, raking the red manicure through the (thankfully) trimmed hair at the base of his cock. 
It’s when your hand hesitates right above Sejanus’ cock that he responds. 
His answer is quick, curt, and simple, even though he stutters through it the first time. 
You smile and settle yourself between his thighs completely, circling your hand around the end of him. You try not to let his girth intimidate you, instead you spend a few moments shamelessly ogling at his—admittedly pretty—cock before getting in the position you’ve become fairly accustomed to in your final semester at the Academy. 
He’s big, bigger than anyone else you’ve been with thus far, and uncut. Impressive in a nice combination of length and girth, although he’s slightly wider than he is long. You don’t know if the width making up for the length will have any difference when he will  inevitably stretch out your mouth. 
You relax your jaw and stick your tongue out a little to prepare to rest his weight along the muscle. Just the first touch of his tip against your tongue makes Sejanus gasp a little. It’s small, and if the room wasn’t as silent as it is maybe you wouldn’t have heard. 
But you did. 
You let your eyes flicker up towards him as you lick around his tip, laying your tongue flat and gliding it over his slit. 
Sejanus’ hands grip the sheets beside his hips, which flex a little as if he’s about to fully sheath all of him inside of you at once. You don’t bother hiding the smirk that spreads across your lips when he notices he doesn’t. 
“So obedient,” you murmur, perhaps for him to hear, too. Either way, Sejanus hums and nods. 
His eyes flutter shut, dark lashes somehow prominent even against his tan skin and in the steadily lowering light in the bedroom. With his chest rising and falling, and his curls falling over his forehead, he looks pretty. 
Sejanus Plinth has always been pretty. You find no shame in admitting it. 
You briefly tear your eyes away from one pretty sight to another. There’s a trail of almost clear fluid running form from Sejanus’ tip, glistening along the side of him. You follow it with your eyes for one second, and then let your tongue follow the same path. 
You don’t focus much on the flavor, it’s not your main focus at all currently. Instead, you focus on the pleasure that takes over Sejanus’ being. 
This time, he lets his hands find your head, a large palm cupping the side with the tips of his fingers digging into your hair. You expect him to push you further down like men in the past have, but he doesn’t. His hand doesn’t do anything at all. 
It’s an unfamiliar feeling, being treated this fragile. You don’t know if you like it or not but you also decide not to focus on it at all. 
There’s nothing to focus on other than Sejanus. 
Having cleaned him up a little, you wrap your lips around his tip with intentions to make more of a mess. You sink down on him slowly, trying to pace yourself, but it’s hard whenever Sejanus is making such pretty noises above you. 
Small whines that get trapped in his throat, transforming into something that sounds more similar to a groan. When you look at him, you see his eyes heavy lidded, almost closed, as he stares down at you. His heavy eyebrows create a shadow that makes his gaze look intimidating. Briefly, you see Sejanus for what he could be perhaps with time, a man who’s tough and takes what he wants. It’s wishful thinking that Sejanus Plinth could become like this, but you can easily see yourself with a man like that, completely comfortable with the familiar go-getter attitude of the Capitol. 
Really, Sejanus Plinth is the opposite, a man who works towards what he wants out of desire to do good. 
His hand strokes your cheek and he nods. 
“You’re so good at this. Please, keep going.” 
You didn’t even know you needed it, but the encouragement from Sejanus makes you breathe through your nose a little more pointedly as you take the final bit of him that you can fit. 
It’s not all—you don’t know if you could fit all of Sejanus without training—but for your first time it’s enough. 
You let your mouth hang open to allow any remnants of saliva to drizzle down the rest of Sejanus, gathering it in your fist and using the lubrication to comfortably stroke the rest of Sejanus’ length. 
It takes you a little while to get in a rhythm. You forcibly control your gag reflex and breathe through your nose but even then, with each movement down and up, you feel like you’re choking on Sejanus’ cock. 
You pull off of him after only a few moments, taking the time to swallow and breathe without controlling it. He lets you take your time, not a single complaint leaving his lips as he patiently waits for your lips to find him once more. 
You continue to suck Sejanus off, now needing some attention yourself. You fix the way you’re sitting to spread your legs enough to position the heel of your foot against your cunt. It’s slightly uncomfortable, your foot a little too hard for your delicate center, but it thoroughly gets the job done as your eyes flutter shut when you feel the friction. 
You hollow your cheeks, swirling your tongue around the tip of Sejanus before sinking back down on him. He groans, low and deep in his chest. His head falls back and thuds against the padded headboard. His legs lift at the knee for a second, before they meet the mattress once more. And finally, the hand on your head gains pressure. He pushes you down a little, not nearly enough weight for you to have to fight against, more like a calm encouragement. 
One you take confidently, sinking yourself all the way down and removing your hand from the base of Sejanus’ cock. You can’t stay like this for long, your throat is already threatening to seize up, but you slink your hand down to Sejanus’ balls, fondle and massage them in your hand for long enough, and then he’s digging his hand into your scalp and gripping for dear life. 
He grunts through gritted teeth, his hands get tighter in your hair, and you realize that he’s trying to pull you off of him. 
“I’m close,” he says your name urgently, “you gotta get off. ‘M gonna…” 
His hips twitch up towards you, you swear you feel his cock twitch, too, and then Sejanus spurts warm cum straight down your throat. 
You slide off of Sejanus, letting his cum trickle down along the way, freeing most of it from your mouth. Sejanus watches. He licks his lips just before you do the same to yours, and you’re quick to lean up before you swallow the rest of him. 
His hand still hasn’t left your hair, so he just slides it down to the side of your neck as your lips meet in the middle. 
The kiss is hot, to put it simply. Sejanus’ other hand is on your lower back, then your breast, then your ass, before finding a home between your thighs. He presses his tongue against yours, not caring about the remnants of his cum on your muscle. In fact, he licks around your mouth, running his tongue at the back of your teeth for good measure. 
By the time you pull away, you figure that after he’s shot a load right onto your tongue and then licked it off, Sejanus would be done. You expected him to kiss your cheeks and maybe offer a glass of water like the gentleman he is.  
But instead, Sejanus stares up at you with wide eyes, lacking any sign of exhaustion. “Can I…” he starts then stops, glancing down at where you’re still straddling his softening cock. His fingers start to run up and down your cunt. 
He starts again. “Can I make you feel good, too?” 
His questions shocks you a little. Yeah, you didn’t cum, but you didn’t expect Sejanus to focus on that. Besides, that’s not why you’re here. Or, it’s not why you’ve done what you did. You gave Sejanus head because you expected him to be in a sex haze after that, maybe believing he was linked to you in a way that would demand he abided by your pleas. 
(At least, that’s what you reason with yourself)
At this point, if you let him get you off, it would be just a bit of fun. You’re tempted to say yes, your lips forming the simple word, but just then you tell him: 
“You don’t have to.” 
Sejanus’ eyebrows furrow. “But I want to.” 
God, it’s becoming harder and harder for you to say no. 
“Not today, Sej,” you hope the nickname (that you’ve never said before nor have you ever heard anyone call him that) would make him give in. “It’s getting late and I have to get home and … your parents, they should be home soon, too, right?” 
His face deflates and once more, you briefly feel bad. Guilt weighs on your shoulders. Fear that you’d just missed out on something that will never come your way again settles behind your eyes. He removes his hand.
He nods, rubbing his lips together before nodding again. “Yes. Yeah. Okay. I understand.” 
It’s not long after that you’re standing at the Plinth front door, one hand on the knob and the other holding your bag. 
Sejanus stands in front of you with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Despite your previous rejections, his face still has a different glow to it now, taking over the previous shadow that resided on his features whenever you arrived earlier. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
The way he says it is full of expectancy, like you’re a thing now. It’s odd that your smile is genuine.  
You take a step closer to him. “And think about what we talked about okay?” Before I sucked your dick, you resist adding. “I don’t want you getting hurt.” 
Sejanus smiles softly, takes a step forward, staring down at you with something like amusement in his eyes. As if he’s pleased by you caring about him. 
“Okay. I will.” As he reassures you, he leans in until your lips are pressed together a final time. You don’t want to leave the kiss, letting your hands rest on his shoulders as his rest on your lower back. 
He pulls back, his features all around a little softer. 
“Promise?” you ask. 
“Promise,” he confirms. 
For some reason, you don’t believe him.
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coralinnii · 1 year
Under a mistletoe with them feat: Idia, Sebek, Epel, Cater genre: fluff note: relationships is up to interpretation, no pronouns were used, I have no idea how mistletoe traditions actually work so that’s something to note,
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“Grim, would you please help me with the decorations?” You pleaded, exasperated with the lazy monster laying on the couch while you hung up lights in the living space. 
“Why should I? This was your idea anyway” Grim grumbled which left you to sigh. 
You realize that Christmas doesn’t exist in this universe (or at least your version of it, anyway) but feeling nostalgic and a little homesick, you thought decorating the Ramshackle dorm would bring your mood up a little…if your dorm mate would be a little bit more cooperative. 
“Well, the faster we finish decorating the faster I can get started on making cookies and some hot drinks” 
“Myrah, why didn’t you say so? This place will be Crust-mas ready!” the young monster was quick to his feet at the mention of a sweet reward, yanking the decorations around to hang them in a haste.
“It’s Christmas” you chuckled but decided with Grim motivated well enough, you thought you could head into the kitchen to get a head start of the treats you promised. You already told the cat-like creature where things should be. 
To be fair, you should have expected for things to not go as planned when the mistletoe you made in good fun falls atop of your surprise guest
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Ortho convinced his brother to give his thanks in person when you offered to take his place for in-person presentation (Crowley refused to let him do it through his tablet). Idia figured he could quickly give his thanks then run back to his dorm. That’s fine, right?
He was close to a heart attack when the mistletoe fell on his head, poorly attached by Grim and you kept yourself from laughing while you plucked the decor from Idia’s flames. 
You explained the mistletoe and its old tradition, which Idia just can’t believe the gall of your world.
“What crazy normies would ever think of this nonsense?! You’re jumping someone with this boss-level task without warning or prep! That's practically mission impossible!” 
Despite the complaints, you saw that he didn’t move from his spot. He wasn’t trapped as he said he was and he could have walked away after saying his thanks, as he planned. 
So, you took the chance. Hovering the mistletoe between the two of you, you gently place your lips onto his pale cheeks. A light feather-like touch but it set the senior’s heart racing and hair ablaze as he stumbled back onto the cold pavement. 
Idia’s felt his body burn along his fiery locks as he clutched the fabric atop his chest in poor hopes to calm his speeding heart. His senses are going into overdrive as his mind replays the sensation of your soft lips on his cheeks over and over. He’s seen animes with lucky protagonists who get the chance like this and he's ashamed to catch himself occasionally switching the fictional couple as the two of you in his mind. But dreaming about it is vastly different from the real deal.
“T-This is why I can’t understand you extroverts, doing this like it’s no big deal! Don’t you have any mercy for poor souls like me?”
“Hey,” Idia flinched at the way you crouched to his sitting level, leaning your close to him. “Aren’t you being a little harsh?” 
“I wouldn’t do that with just anyone, you know?” You pouted before half-hardheartedly glared at the blue-flamed man, who couldn’t look away from such a cute sight “I did it because it’s you”
It was a Christmas miracle Idia didn’t pass out on your front porch. 
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Sebek was on his way to drop off some blankets and other warm materials to keep you from freezing in the dilapidated building you and Grim call home. Afterall, your weak human body can’t possibly withstand the cold unlike him (which is true, but he shouldn’t just say it). 
He was about to go on another rant when he caught the decorative plant before it could touch his hair, appalled by the crumbling state of your dorm before you explained that Grim probably didn’t hang it properly. 
He questioned the strange plant in his hand and you explained an old-fashioned tradition from your world, to which made the mixed fae to blush profusely. 
He’s flabbergasted by the audacity of your world, to give away kisses so freely. He grew up learning the legend of a princess who shared her first kiss with her true love that broke her curse and he secretly hoped the same for his future love. 
“You humans are so imprudent, so flippant with something that should be treasured!” 
“Well, we don’t have to do it” you frowned, a little disappointed “Though, I wouldn’t mind it if it’s with you” 
Now, Sebek was caught in a dilemma. Despite all his expressed displeasure, the chance to finally kiss you literally fell on him and you’ve given your consent to him. It may not fit the expectations of his first kiss with (not that he has ever thought about, of course!) but he wonders if another chance like this would ever come again.
Coughing into his fist to cover his nerves, he straightened his posture but his line of sight shifted to the side, avoiding your gaze which shook his confidence. “Since it is part of your tradition, I would be a disgrace to Lord Malleus’ name to disregard such a thing as his knight” 
You would still have to be the one to close the gap however as Sebek shifted closer to you but with his eyes screwed shut and slightly shaking, he doesn't realize that he was still too far to reach your lips. 
You took pity on the poor boy and closed the gap yourself, your lips gently on his shaking ones. You felt the green-haired student flinched but you said nothing about it, opting to lean your weight onto his built body. You could feel the green-haired fae relaxed under your touch, slowly leaning towards you himself to prolong the intimate moment.
When you separated, you saw that Sebek was slow to snap out from his daze, taking a while to open his bright green eyes and realize you already leaned away. 
Quickly correcting his posture, he gave you a short goodbye and a nod before turning to walk back to his own dorm, taking quick but stiff steps at a time. You wondered if Sebek remembered that he still had the mistletoe in his grasp. You smiled, hoping to yourself that he would come back to return it.
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Epel was making his way to your dorm with a crate of treats from his hometown. He was excited to share his family’s apple jam, hearing that you were planning to make cookies with jam fillings. 
But imagine his surprise when he suddenly saw a strange plant land atop of his crate when you opened the door, with you softly cursing Grim for his lazy decorating. 
You explain your reasoning for decorating and the strange plant to Epel and he suddenly felt the heat in his cheeks. Growing up without too many kids his age around, the idea of such a lovey-dovey tradition would never cross his mind. 
“….Does it happen a lot to you?” He carefully asked as he placed the crate down to inspect the plant, hoping not to sound too jealous of the idea of you kissing other people. It may be a silly tradition but still, having the idea of others having such a chance with you rubs him the wrong way. 
“Ah no, never” you replied, feeling a little shy. Despite making the mistletoe yourself, putting it up and doing it are two separate experiences. You explained that not many people do it anymore because “only the boldest” would ever go through with it, and you’ve never had such a chance. 
Epel saw this as a chance to prove his confident, masculine side. Boldly, Epel picked the mistletoe and placed it as high as he could between you two. With a cocky grin, he asked you “Wanna give it a try, then?”
Perhaps a little too enthusiastic, Epel crashed his lips onto yours a bit too harshly, shocking you from the pressure of the kiss. After the shock however, you found a rhythm between you two and you closed your eyes to fully indulge in the touch. Be it his natural genetics or Vil's regime, you enjoyed the feel of Epel's lips on your own which felt soft to the touch despite the dizzying passion behind it.
Epel was the first to move away, breaking the spell. He’s brimming with pride looking at your dazed expression. He picked up the crate once more, bringing it into the kitchen.
“Come on, I’m curious about the cookies you told me. Could I stay and watch?” 
You didn’t notice how the lilac-haired boy pocketed the mistletoe, already planning a trick or two that night. 
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The redhead ordered a few magicam-worthy pastries but since he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, he thought you would appreciate them more than he would (plus he wouldn’t mind taking a few pictures too). 
When you opened the door, he was intrigued over the decor you and Grim put up and he had to stick around for some good shots when he felt a soft weight landing on his head. He saw the cute decor and asked you about it. 
The more you explained the old tradition of the mistletoe, the more excited Cater was. How could he not with such a cute premise and the picture-worthy opportunity he could have with you. He had to try it, with your consent. 
Since it was his idea (even though it’s your mistletoe), he decided to take the role as the initiator of the kiss. You trusted Cater so you closed your eyes and nervously waited for his kiss. 
But Cater instead took the time to admire your face. He watched how your hair complimented the frame of your face, the pretty shade of your lips, the curve of your nose he would love to boop, and especially the plumpness of your cheeks. 
He also saw the slight shake from your nerves, perhaps he made you wait too long, he mused. 
Slowly, he captured your lips in his with a sense of gentleness you weren’t expecting. You could swoon with how soft Cater’s touch was, how careful he was with you to ensure your comfort. 
The two of you separated, both a little light-headed from the experience. You felt hot from the sensation of the kiss but you can’t say you hated it. 
“Ooops, my bad” you heard Cater, which you worriedly looked to. Cater himself looked a little embarrassed but not too upset. 
“I totally forgot about taking pictures” you also realized that you didn’t sense the flash of his phone. Cater did pull out his phone this time and smiled coyly at you. 
“Mind if we do another take?”
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lisbeth-kk · 10 days
May Prompts (23) Apology
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter23)
Summary: Rosie shares a surprise with her parents and uncle. All of them have different thoughts about this unexpected development, and silent negotiations are carried out.
Twenty-Three Years Old
I knew that Papa not fully understood my reason for studying international politics and data, but to his credit he didn’t for one second try to convince me to give it another thought and opt for something science related instead. Dad was just relieved that I’d finally had found a path to walk, after several failed attempts. Uncle Myc, well he tried to hide how utterly pleased he was with my choice, but by now I knew him well enough to read the signs. Truth be told, said signs weren’t that subtle.
“Bien choisi ma chérie,” he beamed at me, while Papa scowled at him.
“Merci oncle,” I retorted. “I can’t wait to start this and go to Paris.”
The three-year BA degree was taught by The University of London Institute in Paris. We would be taught in English, but if we had an A level in French, we could also take French courses. I’d learned French in school for years, and uncle Myc and I often conversed in French when uncle Greg wasn’t around.
I think it’s needless to say that my security and comfort in France was well taken care of. Papa and uncle Myc had a conversation using their eyes only when I spilled the beans. Dad knew exactly what was going on and went to make tea while negotiations were carried out. Once the brothers were satisfied, uncle Myc took out his phone and sent several texts or emails. By now, I knew it’ll be futile to pester any of them of what was going on. I was just relieved that no one had tried to talk me out of it, making me feel uncertain or guilty for leaving the country; actually, moving out of my childhood home.
My reasons for choosing this subject were multifaceted. I’d always enjoyed learning facts, obscure and otherwise, about different countries and cultures. Having had a relatively unorthodox upbringing, containing all sorts of people, played a big part too. The cherry on top was that the school was abroad. Nana’s tales of her experiences overseas and how educating it is to have lived some time in another country and society, had always seemed enticing to me.
The university was situated close to the Invalides and the Seine, while my lodgings were in the Charonne area in the 11th arrondissement on a cosy cobble street, with a nearby metro station. My landlady, Marguerite Vachon was one of uncle Myc’s acquaintances, from where, I still have no idea. 
Marguerite preferred that I used her given name instead of the formal, Madame Vachon.
“Je ne suis pas ancient,” was her favourite line and reminded me quite a lot of Nana.
“I am not ancient, dear,” was a statement Nana had used every so often.
Marguerite was a petite and elegant woman. Her hair was cut in a bob, coloured black with a few red stripes. I never saw her without lipstick or makeup. She always wore bespoke dresses and high heeled shoes. I deduced that she was far more than a landlady. When I left for school in the morning, I could hear her sing or talk on the phone, and when I returned, she always opened her door and inquired about my day.
“She’s clearly spying for Mycroft,” Papa’s voice told me.
And there was something about her, which I couldn’t put my finger on. Something mysterious, secret, perhaps even dangerous. 
It seemed like Marguerite had my schedule memorised. Not that I’d given her the information, but when she slipped, I got my suspicions confirmed. To be fair, it wasn’t slipping per se. She couldn’t have known that class was dismissed early that day.
Luckily, I spotted her and was able to hide behind a wall before she saw me. I’d almost missed her, because she wasn’t wearing her normal dress and high heels, but red trousers, a white and blue-striped jumper, and white trainers. Instead of one of her posh handbags, she had a dark blue canvas bag diagonally draped over her chest.
Papa had taught me a few tricks when it came to the fine art of following people without being discovered. I’ve never had much use of them obviously, but now I saw an opportunity. How I would explain this and apologise if I was caught, never crossed my mind.
I was sceptical when Marguerite walked to the metro station, but I was able to get into the same carriage as her, and it seemed that she had no idea she was being followed. She got off three stops later and walked in the direction of the big Père-Lachaise cemetery.
A fitting location for obscure and shady affairs.
Marguerite knew where she was going, walking briskly but not hurried. I had walked the premises several times before and knew where she was headed when I saw the grand tomb of Sir Richard Wallace, the British baronet who contributed millions to the Parisian poor during the Siege of Paris in the early 1870s.
This reeked of another posh Brit I knew.
When Marguerite had placed a folder by the tomb and another woman picked it up five minutes later, I had a hard time keeping myself composed. The woman picking up the folder was the French equivalent of Anthea.
I sent uncle Myc a text when both women were out of sight.
Thanks for keeping track on me, but this thing is like being part of a French noir film. You can tell Papa I think you’re both growing sentimental, and I demand an apology!
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
First Tears: Chaggie
Chaggie Week of Firsts - Day 4
In the Morningstar mansion (castle, it's definitely a small scale castle) guest bedroom where Vaggie is sitting up in bed with fresh bandages. Charlie is sitting on a plush chair at her bed side. The remains of a shared lunch sit on a platter on the bedside table.
Charlie: Soooooo.... Pa-pa-pa... (taps her hands against the edge of the bed) How are you feeling?
Vaggie: Honestly, I'm doing much better. (clears her throat) I probably should have said this earlier, but thank you. For all the help. I'm not used to... well... any of this.
Charlie: (beams with sunshine sparkles) It's no problem! Really! Actually, you being here has been amazing!
Vaggie: I've literally just been sleeping and being a leach.
Charlie: YOU'RE NOTHING LIKE A LEACH!!! Ah! Sorry. You're not a leach, Vaggie. I've appreciated your company. (softens and stares down at her hands on the bed) It makes the estate feel less... lonely.
Vaggie: (eyes soften) Hey.
Charlie: (looks up at Vaggie) Hmm?
Vaggie: (gently places her hand on Charlie's) I get it.
Bedroom Clock: Tick! .... Tick! .... Tick! .... Tick! .... DONG!!!
Vaggie: (blushes and looks at her hand before quickly tearing it away) Sorry! Sorry. I probably should have asked first.
Charlie: (blushing so hard her cheek circles disappear - thinking: I'm never washing this hand again - before snapping back to the present) NO!!! No! It's fine! Fine! Really! I've already manhandled you while you were topless, it's only fair!
Vaggie: (remaining eye nearly pops out of her socket as she blushes harder)
Charlie: (stomach drops) NOT LIKE THAT!!!! Like from when I've helped you bandage your back!!! I haven't been sneaking into your room at night to cop-a-feel!!! I swear!!!
-Awkward Silence-
Charlie: (trying her damndest to save the conversation) H-Have you ever wondered why.... pineapples don't wear sunglasses?
Vaggie: (blinks in sheer shock at the sudden shift in conversation) Pineapples don't have eyes.
Charlie: But imagine if they did! They'd be the coolest fruit around. Speaking of cool, do you know what's cool? Penguins. They waddle around like they own the ice.
Vaggie: Uh-huh...
Charlie: And then there are those random thoughts that pop into your head! Like, why do we say "heads up!" when we really mean "duck"?
Vaggie: (rolls her eye as she slowly untenses her shoulders) ......I've got to be dreaming right now.
Charlie: (completely misses Vaggie's statement) Oh! D-Did you know that the universe is expanding? It's like a giant balloon getting bigger and bigger, except there's no clown making balloon animals out of stars.
Vaggie: Pfft! (covers her mouth) Charlie, please...
Charlie: Okay, okay, I'll stop... After I tell you about this amazing deodorant I found! It smells like vanilla mixed with a hint of honey, and it mixes perfectly with my cherry apple shampoo and body wash! I smell like an apple pie!
Vaggie: (whole face goes blank) Did- .....Did you just say you smell like an apple pie?
Charlie: Um... yes? Isn't it delightful?
Vaggie: ....heh
Charlie: Vaggie?
Vaggie: Hehehehe...
Charlie: Vaggie, are you okay?
Vaggie: (bursts into laughter so loud that it makes Razzle and Dazzle jump up from their naping spot in the windowsill) I cannot believe you're real!!!
Charlie: (undignified pout) Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?
Vaggie: (doubles over in laughter as tears stream down her cheeks) You... you smell like an apple pie!
Charlie: (pout sets deeper) Hey, don't make fun of me!
Vaggie: (still laughing and wiping away a tear) I'm sorry! I just... I can't believe you actually said that!
Charlie: (smiling back before pretending to scoff haughtily) Well, it's true! And it's not just any apple pie, it's like... gourmet apple pie!
Vaggie: (gets sent into another round of giggles) You're the Princess of Hell for fuck's sakes, Charlie!
Charlie: (trying to hold back her own laughter) And I smell A-MA-ZING!!!
Vaggie: I shouldn't be laughing! That shampoo and body wash you gave me makes me smell like a pina colada every time I shower!
Charlie: (laughter finally bursts passed her lips) Maybe I did that on purpose! Make you smell so good I want to drink you down!
Vaggie: (still giggling) What? You want me to take a bite out of you while you drink me in or something? I don't think you taste as good as an actual pie, Charlie.
Charlie: (snickering) Wanna find out?
-Pause as the world goes silent-
Charlie: (blushing) I-I mean....
Vaggie: (arches an eyebrow and smirks) Maybe another time, princesa. We did just eat lunch.
Charlie: (steam billows out of her ears as she undergoes a full body blush) Hoooooooh-oh-okay.....
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louddydisturb · 9 months
Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely
Harry, uma agente viuva negra. Foi enviada para a "missão tomlinson", missão comandada por zayn malik há mais de 2 anos onde o principal objetivo era exterminar o lider da maior facção do reino unido, louis tomlinson e ex namorado de harry antes dela as informações dele para o black widow project
Louis, 28
Harry, 26
Tw: violencia, knife play, blood kink, h!inter
Ultima one shot por um tempinho pq minhas aulas voltam segunda e eu vou me foder estudando mas volto em setembro ainda pq tenho umas q só falta finalizar
Ainda aceito ideias
Boa leitura!!
"Precisamos que faça um trabalho hoje a noite" zayn, chefe de harry, fala assim que a cacheada entra na sala ampla
"Eu ia na operação stones hoje" styles fala brincando com a arma em seus dedos
"Não vai mais, coloquei lauren no seu lugar" zayn tira alguns papeis de uma gaveta "sente-se por favor" harry acomoda a glock no suporte em sua coxa e senta na cadeira em frente a mesa do homem onde ela pode ler perfeitamente o nome da operação
Operacão tomlinson
"Ah não" ela bufa "não quero ir passar recado"
"Não irá passar recado, vamos por um fim nessa operação" os papeis são colocados na frente de harry que folheia um por um "hoje louis tomlinson chegará por volta das 11:00 da noite de uma de suas boates na parte boêmia de londres, você tem 1 hora para entrar no apartamento sem deixar rastros e fazer uma surpresinha para nosso amigo de longa data" zayn entrega outro papel, era a planta do prédio "confio em você, styles."
"Agente 1, na escuta?" Harry escuta um dos reforços falar no ponto em seu ouvido
"Na escuta" harry se abaixa no peitoral do terraço do prédio de tomlinson "reforço 1 e 2, fiquem preparados" ela diz terminando de prender a especie de corda que ela usar para descer até a janela do 25° andar, apenas 2 andares abaixo de onde ela estava "descendo para o alvo"
A cacheada pula do parapeito do predio, ficando presa pelo suporte em sua cintura
Ela desceu devagar fazendo o minimo de barulho possivel e então chegou na janela grande que dava a visão do apartamento completamente escuro de louis
Ela tirou uma especie de chave universal de seu cinto, não demorando mais que 5 minutos para estar caminhando pelo apartamento
Era um bom local, decoração moderna, organizado e limpo -- não por muito tempo --
"Agente 1, carro do alvo localizado, está entrando no estacionamento do predio"
"Tudo em posição" ela senta confortavelmente na cama king size do quarto grande, a adaga rodando em seus dedos
Seus olhos verdes caem no relogio analogico na parede
As luzes do corredor acendem e passos podem ser ouvidos
Harry escuta barulho do molho de chaves e então a porta principal é aberta
A porta é fechada e o barulho das botas ficam mais altos pelo apartamento
A luz do quarto onde estava é ligada
"Boa noite, senhor tomlinson" ela profere devagar, a ponta dos dedos delicados escostavam na ponta brilhante da adaga
"Oque malik tem de tão importante para me agraciar com a visita de uma de suas viuvas negras?" O tomlinson tateava uma parte falsa da parede
"Procurando isso?" Ela tira a pistola de sua cintura "uma otima arma, estavel e com otima precisão. Treinei com uma dessas" os olhos azuis gelidos a encaram
Harry levanta caminhando como um animal espreitando sua presa
"Pode dar o recado já" louis se escora da batente da porta ao que harry se aproxima mais 
"Já que insiste" em um movimento ela puxa o braço de louis, o jogando contra o chão e o imobilizando ali "vamos ver... louis william tomlinson, 28 anos, nascido em doncaster e se mudou para a casa do tio em londres aos 8 anos, esse que era um traficante famosinho na região e que te batia constantemente, com sede de vingança o louisinho de 16 anos começou a se meter em briguinhas de gangues de bairro e com 18 começou a criar seu propio imperio de drogas e prostituição" ele faz uma pausa, destravando a arma e pressionando o cano contra a cabeça de louis "que historia comovente, tommo. Eram assim que te chamavam, certo?"
"Fez o dever de casa, lindinha" ele vira a cabeça encarando a cacheada por cima do ombro "onde quer chegar? Você enrola muito" ele força seu corpo para o lado imobilizando harry embaixo de si, um tiro sendo disparado e quebrando o vidro da janela grande "parece que o jogo virou, agente styles"
''Agente 1, precisa de reforços?" Soa pelo ponto de comunicação
Harry puxa a cabeça de louis contra o chão, antes de se esgueirar dos braços fortes e levantar empunhando a arma
"Não" ela aperta o botão em sua cintura "bons movimentos, tommo. Me impressionou"
"Treinei com os melhores, lindinha. Se quiser posso te treinar tambem" ele levanta limpando o sangue que escorria de seu labio
"Francamente nós dois sabemos que sou melhor que você" louis é mais rapido em puxar a garota pela cintura a jogando na cama e tirando a arma, que era a sua, da mão dela
Ela estava com o peito contra a cama, uma de suas mãos estava presa firme em sua costas pelas mão de louis
"Sou mais agil"
"Não seja tão convencido, tommo" ela tira a adaga do suporte com a mão livre e faz um corte no braço esquerdo de tomlinson, rasgando a camisa termica que o outro usava
Ela aproveita a baixa guarda do outro para subir em suas costas e pressionar a adaga contra sua garganta
"Vou ser bem clara" ela puxa os fios castanhos e faz um arranhão no pescoço lisinho, sem cortar nada "entrega o chip"
"Amo quando puxam meu cabelo na cama, amor" ele sorri cafajeste, irritando harry "não tenho nenhum chip"
"Claro que tem, o localizador diz que está aqui" a adaga volta para o pescoço de louis "o chip" ela fala pausadamente aproximando seu rosto da cabeça de louis
"Você é agressiva, amor" harry bufa apertando o corte no braço de louis, sangue manchando o lençol branquinho "ai, ta bom, ta bom, preciso que me solte"
Harry sai de cima dele, uma mão empunhando a adaga e a outra na sua arma no suporte "vou mandar a conta da lavanderia para o fodido do malik" ele resmunga caminhando para o guarda roupa com harry em seu encalço
"Nem vai ser preciso" ela diz baixo com um sorriso de lado
"Aqui pega essa merda" quando harry avança pegar o chip louis a puxa colocando uma arma em sua cabeça "falhou no dever de casa, styles" ele aperta o braço em um mata leão "saberia que eu não entrego facil" ela tenta o esfaquear mas seu corpo é posto contra o armario, impedindo o contato da faca com o braço de louis e limitando os seus movimentos
Harry sentia o ar começar a fazer falta e sua cabeça latejar, ela solta a adaga se amolecendo no aperto de louis
"Fodida" ele solta o corpo de harry caminhando para longe
Harry resmunga baixinho antes de se levantar e derrubar o mais velho com uma tesoura de perna em volta do pescoço, fazendo-o gemer dolorido com queda
"Se fosse mais inteligente saberia que com a força que aplicou um mata-leão não mataria em 5 segundos" ela aperta as pernas em volta do pescoço de louis "fala aonde está o chip ou eu quebro teu pescoço e eu mesma acho"
"N-não s-ei" as mãos tatuadas apertam as coxas de harry tentando sair do aperto
"Não se faça de tonto, tomlinson. Mas saiba que vai ser otimo para o meu trabalho entregar na bandeja a cabeça do traficante mais procurado da inglaterra"
"Por ser você eu ate deixo" ele aperta um ponto na cintura de harry, fazendo-a afroxar o aperto e então louis pode se virar prendendo ambas mãos de harry em cima de sua cabeça "sabe, styles. Costumavamos formar uma otima dupla" ele aperta as bochechas gordinhas "até você me trair e me apunhalar pelas costas" ele desce a mão para as coxas apertadas no macacão "mas eu ainda sei seus pontos fracos, amor. Sei como te fazer ceder" ele aperta o local "malik é mesmo tão burro no nivel de te mandar para me matar?" Os labios fininhos beijam o pescoço alvo de harry
"Supera, tomlinson. já se passaram 3 anos ou continua chorando como um bebê chorão?" ela se debate no aperto de louis tentando se livrar das mãos fortes
"Você não sabe o quanto me excita ver oque você se tornou" ele mordisca a mandíbula da cacheada "você seria minha bonnie perfeita, amor"
"Me solta, tomlinson. Não irá quer um corte no outro braço tambem"
"Não negue, harry. Nos dois sabemos que não superou tambem" ele se encaixa no meio das coxas grossas, aproximando seu rosto do de harry
Os olhos verdes se fecharam, suspirando fundo. O perfume de louis a envolvia por completo
Louis solta as mãos de harry e se senta no meio de suas pernas, a garota se apoia em seus antebraços observando o outro ainda extasiada
"Eu já superei há muito tempo, encontrei outros que fodem melhor em menos de 1 mês"
"Ah sim?" Ele acaricia a panturilha dela por cima do tecido grosso "então só mais uma foda não vai fazer diferença?"
"Não vai ter "só mais uma foda" " ela faz as aspas com os dedos
"Não?" Louis engatinha ficando por cima de harry novamente
"Não" ela prendeu as coxas na cintura de louis e o virou, fazendo-o bater as costas no chão "não gosto de ficar por baixo, tomlinson" ela sente o volume nas calças jeans de louis embaixo de si
"Ah não gosta?" Ele levanta ainda com harry em seu colo e senta na cama "você gostava bastante quando estava comigo, ainda mais quando estava apanhando amarrada nessa cama" Harry passa os braços pelos ombros largos de louis e usa de apoio para rebolar contra a ereção embaixo de si "nada profisional de sua parte, styles"
"Voce quem começou" louis puxa o pequeno ziper do macacão de harry para baixo, liberando os peitos cheios da garota
"Ainda melhor do que eu lembrava" os labios fininhos beijam a pele exposta, fazendo-a se arrepiar "você continua tão sensivel quanto era três anos atrás, tem certeza que fodeu com alguem em todo esse tempo, harry?"
"Pode ter certeza que foram mais do que as putinhas que você usou de tapa buraco" ela puxa a camisa termica de louis para fora, as unhas passeando pelo peito desnudo
"Sempre achei que você ficava gostosa nesse uniforme, pena que vamos ter de tira-lo" ele empurra a parte de cima do macacão, deixando a aranha no braço direito a mostra
Louis beija e chupa o torso imaculado de harry, ouvindo-a gemer baixinho em seu colo
Ele estapeou a bunda redodinha antes de a jogar na cama e descer seu beijos até o fim da barriga de harry
"Confeso que prefiro te ver assim" as botas de harry vão para o chão, as adagas caindo e fazendo um barulho metalico no chão "na minha cama e a minha mercê" o macacão é retirado por ultimo, deixando-a apenas com a calcinha de renda molhada "não está sozinha styles?" Ele puxa o fio do ponto de comunicação que estava grudado com o macacão "não vai precisar mais disso" louis fala antes de se abaixar no meio das coxas de harry, ela podia sentir a respiração dele em sua pele
"Louis..." ela leva as mãos para os fios de louis, tentando o empurrar contra sua intimidade
"Continua apressada" ele se afasta para se deitar com a cabeça a apoiada nos traveseiros, harry entendeu aonde ele queria chegar
A cacheada engatinhou ate o peito de louis, virando de costas e ficando de quatro por cima dele
"Caralho" ele xinga baixinho antes de afastar a calcinha de harry e a puxar, sua lingua passeando por toda a buceta, iniciando uma sucção esfomeada
Harry rebolava contra a lingua de louis, gemendo manhosinha enquanto punhetava o pau duro por cima da calça
"Oh lou..." o moreno estava praticamente sufocado e sentindo seu pau pulsar no aperto da cueca
Ele tira harry de seu colo e termina de tirar a calça jeans e a cueca, suspirando aliviado antes de harry voltar para seu colo praticamente atacando seu pescoço
"Me fode, lou" ela fala baixinho entre as mordidas e chupões no pescoço do mais velho
"Se quer faça você mesma" o de olhos azuis aperta a bunda redonda e puxa os lados da calcinha delicada fazendo o tecido se partir "você disse que arrumou outros que te fodiam melhor, então eu talvez não saiba como você realmente gosta"
O resto do que era a calcinha de renda vai para o chão ao que harry levanta um pouco para encaixar o pau grosso em si, descendo com dificuldade considerando que eles estavam fodendo praticamente no seco
Os dois gemeram unisono, louis apertando a cinturinha fina
"Quica amor, você disse que gosta de ficar por cima" ele se apoia nos antebraços, jogando a cabeça para trás ao que harry rebola lentamente em seu pau
Harry esconde o rosto no pescoço de louis choramingando e apertando os ombros do mesmo
"Oque foi, nenem? Não está gostando? Você quem disse tudo, eu só estou fazendo oque você falou" as mãos fortes passeiam pelas curvas do corpinho em seu colo "diz oque você quer"
"Quero que me foda, só como você faz, lou." Ela quica mais urgente se sentindo a beira de um orgasmo "forte e fundo"
De repente as costas de harry voltam para a cama e louis se encaixa no meio das coxas começando a investir contra a garota, os musculos dos braços tatuados ficando aparentes ao que ele apertava e puxava as coxas gordinhas contra si
"Louis... porra" ela arranhava as costas largas buscando algum apoio ali
Ele grunhe sentindo a buceta apertar seu pau em um orgasmo longo, a cacheada arqueando as costas e gemendo abaixo de si
"Não para..." harry aperta os musculos fortes fazendo sangue escorrer pelo corte aberto ali, louis geme gozando em tiras grossas
Ele deita nos peitos cheios de harry tentando regular sua respiração e brincando com o mamilo durinho antes de o colocar na boca
Harry gemeu e apertou seus fios castanhos ainda sentindo o falo pulsar em si
"Você é uma traira, harry. Traiu minha confiança e agora está traindo a confiança de zayn. Tudo isso porque é uma puta por pica" ele sai de cima de harry apenas para a virar na cama, deixando-a de quatro e com a bunda colada em sua pelves "só uma puta, mas a minha puta" a mão de louis acerta em cheio a bunda branquinha deixando a marca exata ali "agora é a minha hora de mandar um recadinho para, zayn" ele penetra harry novamente, em  estocadas agressiva, os gemidos gritados ecoando por todo o quarto
Harry estava tão imersa no prazer que sequer percebeu louis ativando o microfone do seu ponto de comunicação que estava na cama
"Você é a puta do lou, hazza?" Ele apertava e estapeavas a bandas já vermelha
"Do lou...só do lou" louis sorri puxando os cachos, colando seu peito nas costas de harry
"Que putinha, amor. Estragando uma missão porque não consegue se controlar" harry geme ainda mais alto sentindo louis estimular seu clitoris e morder seu ombro "você vai trair o malik tambem?"
"Uhum" lagrimas se acumulavam no canto dos olhos verdes
"Sim?" O torso da cacheada volta para a cama "então vamos dar um ultimo recadinho para o filho da puta" ele pega a adaga de harry na cama, traçando a ponta fina pela pele macia de harry, ela geme mais alto sentindo a ardencia do corte
Louis traça um "LT" na bunda vermelha de harry, sangue escorrendo e sujando as mãos do mesmo, que voltava a foder harry, agora ainda mais agressivo e certeiro
Harry já nem sabia oque fazer, ela se sentia como se estivesse sendo estimulada em todos os pontos possiveis
Ela tentou escapar, gritar, espenear mas seu cerebro parecia que tinha desligado
Ela apenas esquichou contra a pelves de louis, choramingando no traveseiro e sentindo seu corpo tremer
Louis gozou quase que instantaneamente apenas e ver o estado de deixou sua garota
Ele desligou o microfone e acariciou as costas lisinhas de harry
"Shh... hazza, eu estou aqui" a cacheada choramingava baixinho colocando as mãos entre as pernas, sentindo a porra vazar devagarinho ali
Louis levantou pegando uma caixinha de primeiros socorros, tirando gaze e soro dali para poder limpar o corte que ja tinha parado de sangrar, ele passou uma pomada cicatrizante e então passou um paninho com agua morna com calma por toda a cacheada
Ele sabia o quão sensivel harry ficava depois de uma foda
"Deixa eu limpar" ele aponta sonolenta para o corte de louis
"Não precisa, eu limpo" ele pega uma camisa sua do armario e veste na garota, que agora estava sentada na cama, chiando baixinho com a dor no corte
"Eu que fiz, eu limpo" ela tira outra gaze e molha no soro, limpando todo o sangue seco que tinha escorrido pelo braço e o ferimento, perdendo um pouco da concentração nas tatuagens que pintavam todo o braço forte antes de envolver com um curativo
"Vem, vamos dormir no outro quarto, não to afim de trocar os lençois agora" louis diz puxando harry para o seu colo, que ri
"Você não mudou nada, né?" Ela deita no peito de louis ao que ele se joga na cama do outro quarto
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gicos12 · 25 days
Damn Those Marstons
Jack Marston x Fem!Reader.
Hey, RDR fans! I got into RDR2 a few months back and I literally binge watched play throughs of RDR1. This angsty idea for Jack popped up(because he can never be happy😔) and I just had to write it!
Synopsis: You’ve been with Jack for a few months now. When he asks you to meet his family, you would’ve never thought you would be meeting one of the two outlaws who killed your father.
Warnings: Takes place during RDR1(1914)(Jack is nineteen), alternate universe where the Marston family lives a bit longer lol, John uses his fake name ‘Jim Milton’, a little bit of arguing, just really sad angst.
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“Can I tell you both somethin’?” Jack piped up at the dinner table, placing his spoon down into his bowl. Abigail and John immediately looked up at him, confusion written on both of their faces. It was pretty unusual for Jack to get all serious at random. Abigail nodded, “Of course. You can tell us anything, Jack.” She reached over, giving a gentle reassuring pat on his shoulder.
John remained quiet, observing his son. If anything, he was quite on edge, not wanting any bad news. Jack took a deep breath before a smile appeared on his face, “I’ve been seeing this lady. God— Ma, you’ll love her! She’s the sweetest, most loving lady you’ll meet.” Jack’s eyes sparkled as he went on a rant about his girlfriend. Abigail and John were shocked in the moment, but then proceeded to smile. They would be lying to themselves if they said they weren’t happy that Jack had finally found someone.
John chuckled as he looked at Abigail, “Looks like our boy is head over heels! When can we meet her, son?” Jack paused, thinking for a moment.
“How about tomorrow?” Jack answered, looking over at his mother, “If that’s okay with you, ma.”
Abigail laughed, nodding her head, “Of course it’s okay with me! I’ll cook a nice dinner for the four of us! I can’t wait to meet her.”
Jack was ecstatic! He was in his bed, looking up at the ceiling being unable to fall asleep. He couldn’t wait for you to meet his family. His mind was racing until he eventually tired himself out.
In the morning Jack was already at your front door. You opened it with a bright smile on your face, “Well I wasn’t expecting you today. Why do you have the dumb smile on your face? What are you planning?” You walked up to him, Jack leaning down to plant a sweet kiss on your forehead.
“I ain’t planning nothin’! Just… Will you come have dinner with my parents? Today?” Jack blurted out. It was evident he was pretty excited about this. You were taken aback by this. Dinner? With his parents?
You giggled sheepishly, “Geez, Jack. I wish you told me this sooner. I don’t think I got any nice clothes to give a good first impression…” Jack shook his head, grabbing your hands into his, “No need for fancy clothes no nothing. My parents don’t care about your wealth. They care about who you are.”
His words melted your heart. Jack bent down, pulling you in for a soft tender kiss. You always loved how gentle he was with you. Once he pulled away, you stepped back into your home, “Let me tell my mother i’ll be gone for a while. Mind waiting out here while I get ready?”
“Anything for you, darlin’.”
After getting ready, Jack helped you onto his horse and rode back to his home. The horse ride wasn’t silent what so ever as Jack couldn’t help but tell you how excited he was. All you could do was smile. It was nice seeing your lover get so excited about something.
Once you both arrive at Beechers Hope, he helped you off of the horse. He held your hand as you both walked up the step of his home. Abigail opened the door with a smile, “Why, hello! You must be the little lady Jack has been talking on and on about!” She walked up to you, giving you a friendly hug.
“Cmon now Ma— Don’t embarrass me like that…” Jack muttered, scratching his head and turning away out of embarrassment. Abigail rolled her eyes, “There’s nothing embarrassing about loving a lady! Now come on in! Dinner is almost ready!” She led you both inside the house, the scent of a good meal in the air.
“Where’s Pa?” Jack questioned, pulling a chair out for you to sit in. Abigail sighed and shrugged, “Joh— I mean, Jim went out a while ago. He said he’ll be back. He most definitely doesn’t want to miss out on this.” She reassured Jack.
Abigail sat down at the table with the both of you. She seemed like a lovely young woman. Sweet yet had a fierce aura to her. She questioned you about your home life, how you met Jack, all the basic questions a parent would ask their child’s lover.
You were honest with her. You told her how it was just you and your mother since your father was killed by some bad people when you were a kid. You spoke about how you only had some insight of two of the men who took your father’s life, hoping you wouldn’t run into them again. You spoke about how you met Jack while shopping for books, how the love for literature brought you both together.
Talking with Abigail felt so natural, both of you didn’t seem to notice someone enter the home. Jack smiled, “Took you long enough, sir.” You turned your head and immediately froze. All you could do was stare at the man with scars on his face.
“Took you long enough, Jim!” Abigail got up, gently slapping her husband’s arm. The man looked at you and smiled, “You must be the lovely lady Jack can’t shut up about! Nice to meet ya! I’m Jim. Jim Milton! You’ve already met Abigail…” You couldn’t hear his words anymore. Everything your boyfriend has told you was a lie.
There was no one named Jim Milton in this home. There wasn’t a Milton at all. The man in front of you was none other than John Marston. Jack wasn’t a Milton either. He was a Marston. They all were.
Your vision became blurry, your ears were ringing so loud. You couldn’t think straight. What could you do? What can you do?
You needed to leave.
“Hun? You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost…” You snapped back into reality as Jack held your hands gently, looking at you with concern. You gently pushed him away, shaking your head.
“I need to leave. Excuse me.” You pushed Jack out of the way, but he immediately grabbed your wrist. “Hey hey, what’s wrong? Did we do something? Did I do something?” Jack questioned, obviously really confused and concerned.
That’s when you just snapped. You couldn’t take the pain anymore.
“As a matter of fact you did do something. Marston.” You spat at him, Jack instantly taken aback by your outburst. Abigail gasped, her hands cupping over her mouth. John froze, if anything he was terrified at the fact that you knew who they were.
“Is this what people like you do, Marston!? You kill people who had families to go back to while you’re here living a great life with your family!?” You yelled at John. Jack glanced at his father, confused and utterly shocked.
Tears fell from your face as you shook your head, “You took my father from me. I was just a kid… How come you can live your best life, seeing your child grow up… But my father can’t?” You looked at all three of them before looking at Jack,
“I can’t be with the son of an outlaw. Especially to the outlaw that took my father’s life,” You looked back at John and Abigail, “If you’re worried about me telling others about where you live, don’t. I get nothing out of revenge. Just know that your actions will catch up to you. You can never leave your old life to live a new. It happened to my father, it will happen to you.”
You walked towards the front door, “I hope you all enjoy your lives. Goodbye.” With that, you left the home. You heard the front door swing up, footsteps rushing towards you. Turning around, it was Jack.
“Darlin’! Please, don’t leave. Look, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I know my Pa has done some horrible things— But I swear he’s a changed man!” Jack pulled you into an embrace, “You’re the best thing that has happened to me in so long. I— I love you…”
Jack’s words were sincere. They really were. But you couldn’t shake the disgusting feeling off of you. You gently pushed him off from you,
“Jack. I love you— Well… I loved you too. But I know my father would be rolling in his grave knowing I was dating the son of the man who killed him.”
Jack’s heart sunk. He couldn’t do anything but watch you walk away. What can he even say? It wasn’t long until John came out to check up on his son.
John reached down to place a hand on Jack’s shoulder, immediately getting rejected by him. Jack glared at his father, “Damnit old man, You’ve made my life a living hell. I can forgive you for so many other things you’ve done. But this? I don’t know if I can.”
Jack bumped his father’s shoulder as he walked back into the house. Abigail tried to comfort him, but he immediately shut that down. John and Abigail had a lot to talk about.
It took you a long while to get back home. Your mother greeted you with a loving smile, but all you could do was cry in her arms. She didn’t question nor judge you, she did what a mother does best and held you. Telling you it was going to be okay.
Damn those Marstons.
Damn that sweet loving boy you fell in love with.
And damn your heart for still loving him.
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jungkook97 · 1 year
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fling;; jjk
pairing: canon idol!jungkook x reporter!reader
word count: 4.6k
rating: ma
genre/warnings: romance, angst
summary: you were interviewing bangtan and couldn't help but felt a level of closeness to the youngest member. soon after, jungkook ended up taking a liking to you, proposing that you two should meet up throughout the week while he was in town for a little fun.
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notes: this has been a fantasy of mine. it's angst as usual, but it's more so of lost connections that the boys may have upon going on these promo cycles overseas.
this also exists within the decision to leave jungkook fictional universe from the perspective of the reader.
© jungkook97 2023. do not repost or modify. please ask for permission to translate.
You were nervous. Very nervous. 
Your hands were shaking a bit, clammy as you wiped the sweat off on your dress as you checked your Apple Watch for the fifteenth time. It wouldn’t really change anything but more so of a tick that you had whenever you were nervous.
It was the first time you were assigned to interview with an A-list celebrity, or rather, an A-list group. You followed their careers from nearly the beginning, slowly becoming a major fan (minus the unhinged nature of being a stan, of course). It was as if you were living your dreams out in reality, something that you never thought in a hundred years or even this lifetime that you could do.
And so, you held your breath as the time ticked closer and closer to their arrival. The staff had arrived to go over some topics that you couldn’t talk about, the usual: dating, anything super personal, and anything that would be anti-capitalistic (although you had a feeling that some of the members wouldn’t have minded having such conversations). You knew the drill at that point as you zoned off, thinking about how you would be interviewing the biggest band in the world, talking to them and them actually responding back to you in real time. 
It was hard to grasp for you. Like everyone else, you always saw BTS as a group that meets a lot of people every single day, not really being able to distinguish faces or fully pay attention like operating on autopilot. The idea that they would be perceiving you drove you insane as your heart thumped ever so loudly in your eardrums, wondering who you saved in a past life to deserve interviewing a group you admired for so long.
Eventually, the time came to usher them in, and you held your breath in anticipation, continuing to self-soothe yourself by rubbing your hands on your thighs as they walked in one by one, looking exactly the same. You had seen them in concert in the press boxes, maybe a few times up close as a fan, but having them bow to you in greeting…it was a lot.
“H-hi,” you mustered all the courage to start the greeting, meeting eyes with every single member slowly, taking it all in. They responded, leaving your heart leaping for joy and also with an uncomfortable, but not uneasy feeling in your throat. You felt like it caught a mass while you were waiting for them, but you knew it was just simply nerves. “S-sorry if I’m too nervous around y’all–”
All of them started chuckling, with Namjoon putting his hands up in attempt to comfort you (it did a bit). 
“It is totally okay,” Namjoon spoke in his usual deep voice, perhaps an octave lower than you anticipated. “We get this pretty often, actually.”
You flushed in embarrassment, shifting in your seat trying to feel a bit more comfortable. You could feel the heat of all seven of them having their undivided attention to you, and the studio lights being as hot too. You weren’t sure if you were sweating everywhere else, if you smelled, if you shaved enough to get rid of any peach fuzz, or if you put enough makeup to look just as gorgeous as they were.
It didn’t matter anymore. You were in the moment. Too late to go back now.
You took a quick deep breath, exhaling slowly as you heard your cameraperson stating that they were ready to roll. 
“Let’s begin.”
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It was easier than expected. Your nerves got the best of you at first as you stuttered the first few questions out before taking a five minute break. It was embarrassing, but the boys understood, trying to coax you and comfort you by stating that they get it often. 
“Yeah, but I didn’t want to be another young fan acting like a high school girl around their crush!” you laughed, wiping your tears away from the welling of tears as you were overstimulated (you had disclosed to them awkwardly about your neurodivergence, something that Yoongi immediately nodded and expressed his understanding much to your surprise). 
“You’d be surprised,” Namjoon reassured, smiling. “There was a male reporter earlier that kept freaking out about Jin-hyung.” 
“Really?” you chuckled as the members nodded in agreement, talking to their oldest in Korean, probably teasing him. You weren’t fluent in Korean, but you could tell from Jin’s red ears that they were making fun of the situation. 
“Yeah, it was funny,” Hoseok said, his light and bouncy voice filling up the room. He had become as fluent as Namjoon was over the past year after having spent a year in the U.S. after his enlistment. “Like, I think he got a…crush?”
“Ey, no~” Seokjin protested, you understand for him to disagree. He spoke some more, in which the interpreter from the earpiece all of you had translated, “He was a fan of all of us.”
“No, I’m pretty sure it was just you,” Hoseok pressed via interpreter. “I can tell he was one of us,” he pointed to him and Jimin (the both of them had come out to the public two weeks ago together as a part of the LGBTQ+ community). 
“A crush, huh? Worldwide Handsome getting everyone!” you laughed as the interpreter did as well, translating for the rest of the team. Everyone agreed, giggling as well. 
“Can we continue?” Namjoon piped in, his index finger imitating an old film camera rolling. You nodded, gesturing to the cameraman to continue.
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You and BTS talked about a lot of things at length, questions that you never thought you would ever say to them. Surprisingly, a lot of the more “controversial” opinions got past the company, perhaps from all the work the boys had done to be as transparent to the fans as possible. Most of what you speculated the boys had felt during their hiatus were validated, and some were debunked to your surprise. You were shocked to learn that most of them had a lot of control over their solo activities, if not complete control despite what the conversation was at the time on Twitter. 
Eventually, the boys turned the mic back to you, asking something that caught you off guard.
“We heard you’re a huge fan of Jungkook’s,” Jimin beamed in mischief, nudging the youngest to pay attention. Jungkook had barely spoken at that point, but you had felt his eyes on you the entire time, getting you a bit flustered sometimes. 
Jimin wasn’t wrong. You were the biggest fan of Jungkook’s, mostly ever since his sudden glow-up with his tattoo sleeve. You had a soft spot for the kid (you were a few years older than him), and seeing him grow into this confident and sexy late-20 something was satisfying for you to see. 
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered out, your hands covering your mouth in shock. “How did you guys know?”
“Ah…” Jimin trailed off, looking towards his other members. “I think Namjoon-hyung found your Twitter fan account yesterday?”
“What?!” you exclaimed, standing up. The members cracked up as Namjoon began to protest, putting his hands up. “You stalked me?!” you asked teasingly.
“No! It’s just…” Namjoon started stuttering as well, caught in the act. “I heard from our translator that you were a big fan and so, I did some digging…”
“Well, you did a lot of digging!” you argued back, laughing and flushing madly. You didn’t want to look at Jungkook at this point, although you felt he was embarrassed based on how much he was shifting in his seat from the corner of your eye. 
You felt like you wanted to die. Die in a sense, you now knew that Namjoon saw your unhinged tweets about the group’s maknae. You wondered how far he scrolled down, if he saw your tweets crying about Jungkook’s sparkly ensemble at the last concert stop a few days ago that amassed to tens of thousands of tweets. You wondered how he even found it, considering that you didn’t even follow your fan account on your public one. Maybe you forgot to unlink it on your YouTube account, or maybe you had accidentally shared the numbers on your Instagram. It didn’t matter: Namjoon found it. 
It grew awkwardly quiet, and you could still feel the gaze from the youngest. You were too scared to even look at him. What if he thought you were insane or unhinged? Did Namjoon even show the tweets to him? You were mortified at the thought of him staring in disbelief. 
What was even worse is that he knew before you guys officially met, meaning he had been staring at you the entire time in silence, probably mortified that an obsessed, crazed fan of his was conducting the interview. In fact, it made sense as to why he was so quiet: he probably was judging you for being batshit nuts on your stan account about him. 
“Ah, I shouldn’t have said that,” Jimin sighed loudly, his words being translated. “Now it’s all awkward…” 
“N-no, it’s okay,” you lied, shuffling your interview cards. “I had a feeling you guys have your burner Twitter accounts just watching us,” you squinted your eyes at Namjoon. His cheeks turned red as you did the same, your heart fluttering. 
“It’s just Namjoon,” Hoseok emphasized, even though you knew that to be a lie. “He has too much time in his hands.” 
“Ey, shut up,” Namjoon said in Korean, chuckling. “Well…don’t you want to say something to Jungkook, maybe?”
You blinked.
“Say what?”
He shrugged, smiling. 
“I don’t know, I thought you guys would be the type to want to say something to someone you really admire. I’m sure Jungkook would like to hear from his biggest fan,” he teased. 
You blushed madly, laughing nervously. 
“I didn’t prepare or anything,” you began making excuses, your eyes slowly moving toward Jungkook’s direction to gauge his reaction. It took a few seconds, probably from the interpreter for him to understand what was going on before he sat up straight immediately, clearing his throat. 
“Yeah!” Jungkook exclaimed a bit too loudly, clearing his throat again. “I wanna…hear.” 
The rest of the members echoed the same sentiments. 
“Ah fuck,” you muttered. Not BTS putting you on the spot to confess your feelings. It wasn’t something you really wanted to do in front of the entire group and the crew, but the crew kept pressuring you to do it. After all, it would make great TikTok content. It was then you turned away from the group, just dying from embarrassment. 
“Come on, it would be so cute,” your PD encouraged you. 
“But it’s so embarrassing,” you whined as you flushed wildly, your back toward the group. “I have so much to say.”
“I’m sure Jungkook wants to hear all of it. He seems to really like you!”
Your heart skipped a beat from hearing that. That was true, the group and you kept having great laughs and teases throughout the entire interview. 
“Fine, fine.”
You took a deep breath, nodding towards Nicole, their interpreter. You could see Jungkook leaning in closer as you began. 
“You’ve always been my favorite,” you began. “And uh, I always admired that you always did what you wanted no matter how many people said you shouldn’t. You’re strong and rebellious, something that I admire because I wish I had half of that strength…”
You closed your eyes at this point, your eyes swirling in its eye sockets. You couldn’t believe you were saying this to Jungkook who was right in front of you. For a moment, you forgot that you were interviewing him, that it was a professional setting. You felt like you needed to say all of this, knowing full well how much Jungkook had felt insecure about his image change and how he was being perceived. He was pretty explicit about that in the recent lives you were able to catch, and you wanted to comfort him. 
“And I know that a lot of people have a lot to say about you, and as an older fan, I just want to say…not all of us are like that. I’m not, at least. I want you to be happy, to be loved, to be able to not be restricted by society’s standards. I want you to know that I will always love you no matter what, that you will always be my favorite person. I hope one day, you will find someone or something that will make you feel like home, Jungkook. I want…” 
You swallowed. 
“I want you to be comforted. And unconditionally loved.” 
You sighed deeply, shaking your head as you opened your eyes, looking right at Jungkook. You felt a bit confident after all of that as Nicole continued translating for him. He was listening intently, crossing his arms trying to digest all that you said. 
“Ah…” he vocalized a few times, nodding his head. His eyes grew glassy as he closed his eyes a bit. 
There was silence, this time more comfortable than before. You held your breath in anticipation, wondering how he reacted to that. Was it too much? Were you being a little too extra? 
Fuck, that was too much was it. 
“I’m sorry if that’s a lot,” you blubbered out, putting your hands up in defense. “I…kind of lost myself there.”
A moment of silence for the translations. 
Jungkook laughed. 
“Ah, it’s okay,” he said in Korean. “Uh…”
He smacked his lips together, his eyes looking at the floor sheepishly. He then looked up at you, his eyes sparkling with genuine happiness and joy. 
“Thank you,” his voice echoed in your skull as he thanked you in English. 
You looked away abruptly, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. It was a lot, and you felt like you could die at any moment. 
“Uh, let’s take a break, yeah?” Namjoon piped in. You agreed, taking your lavalier mic off and running straight to the bathroom. 
Or rather, let’s end this so I can die in a corner, probably. 
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It wasn’t long until the interview was over, much to your dismay. While it felt like you were floating on clouds, it felt too short, too professional for your liking. 
Ever since your confession though, you felt a pair of eyes intently following your every movement, or so you thought anyways. You never once coded Jungkook’s stare to be intense, but he was quite attentive after your little spiel, nodding and laughing at your jokes (even though it was off by a few seconds for translations). You wished that you were native in your own tongue, but as the interview went on, you surprisingly knew more than you thought, laughing at the supposed inside jokes they had. You guys went briefly over the infamous dumpling incident, which, at this point, had its own lore. 
The boys felt approachable for once, although you knew for quite some time that they would be. You were similar in age with them after all, the same age as Namjoon give or take a few months. It felt like you were talking as friends rather than an actual interview that you were being paid to do. 
Nonetheless, the interview was a success, and you were packing your things up to go home. 
That was, until Namjoon approached you. 
“Hey,” he began, startling you. Your eyes widened at him coming up, being his normal self. 
“Hey,” you managed to say back, trying not to freak out. Is he about to do what I think he’s about to do? “What’s up?”
“Uh…” Namjoon put his hands in his pockets, smiling sheepishly. “I was wondering if you wanna get dinner with Jungkook and I. He told me he really liked your energy today, and was wondering if we could talk more over some food.”
Holy shit. Is this real?
“Uh….” was all your stupid self could say, gawking at him as if he said something completely unintelligible. “Um…”
Say yes, you asshole.  
“It’s fine if you have to like, uh, edit and shit,” he continued, his eyes averting away from you, his voice trailing off. 
Fuck, dude. Say something back. Say YES. 
Then, you saw Jungkook at a distance, overwatching the whole conversation. His lips were pursed into a pout, his neck extending toward the direction of you two, perhaps trying to hear what was going on. There was no way you could be making this up. Jungkook seemed… interested in wanting to spend more time with you. 
Romantic? Unsure. But definitely interested. 
This wasn’t the first time a celebrity has asked you to dinner (in fact, you were a looker yourself, whether you liked it or not), but with BTS? They were more definitely out of your league. However, you felt like you had been friendly at this point, so why not? 
“Yeah, why not?”
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Dinner was a blast. In fact, it was the most fun you ever had. 
While you and Namjoon exchanged even more funnier quips, teases and passionate arguments about life, you and Jungkook sat next to each other, just feeling rather comfortable. It wasn’t to say that you two were feeling each other up, but Jungkook, an avid fan of Namjoon’s, was taking your side the entire time, initiating contact here and there to definitely show more than just platonic interest. You were taken aback at first, recoiling your hand when he “accidentally” brushed his hands against yours, but after a while, you leaned into him, showing your desire to get closer too.
Jungkook wasn’t as shy as you thought he was, and by the time dinner was over, he was playing footsies with you, his shoulder leaning against your own but disguised as him getting a bit too drunk for everyone’s liking (well, Namjoon’s anyways). Namjoon showed signs of feeling like the major third wheel, but he was, after all, the wingman in all of this, awkwardly smiling his infamous smile when he felt out of place. 
“Ah, you guys look really comfortable, huh?” Namjoon pointed the obvious out in his native tongue as you laughed. Jungkook leaned into you as you cupped his face with the biggest grin ever seen. 
“He’s adorable,” you replied back. “Cuter off-camera, if you ask me.”
“Gag,” Namjoon teased. “You guys need a room?”
You were staring into Jungkook’s doe eyes at this point, the chocolate pools of wonder. He was deeply in love, or at least, enamored by your presence. It turned out he was feeling you as well throughout the interview, and something in the air felt right to him. Not per se, bells ringing in his ear (he was past the romanticism), but he wanted more. So much more than what you two could do in front of Namjoon. 
“Can we use yours, hyung?” 
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It didn’t take long before you two fucked after Namjoon and the two of you parted ways. In fact, both of you leaped onto each other madly the moment the door closed behind you. Of course, it was met with the typical NDA the morning after, something that you were quite used to at this point. It was a given that your night with him would be done in secrecy and with a contract to never speak of it, but to be honest, you weren’t planning to do that anyways. Jungkook was yours, even if it was for a split second.
“You’re incredibly beautiful, you know,” Jungkook breathlessly said after some time had passed, your bodies entangled with each other under the pillowy white sheets. “I never felt like I could just connect with someone I just barely knew.”
You grinned back, kissing his lips and the rest of his face. 
“Call it karmic,” you replied back. 
Jungkook, not knowing what the word was, leaned back in confusion. 
“Uh…” you struggled to find the Korean word equivalent, trying to run through your shoddy vocabulary. “Um…it’s like…fate…?” 
You weren’t sure what the word was, although it seemed to be received well with Jungkook. His pupils grew dilated as his mouth relaxed into a comfortable smile. He closed his eyes, leaning against you. 
“Ah…fate, right?”
You blushed wildly. 
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For the next week, you two met up every night in between your guys’ respective craziest schedules. Thankfully, it was easy because you were able to attend their next show (at the request from the artist, of course). While the others were in the press box though, you were in the family and friends’ box in which Jungkook may or may not have secretly passed by to steal a kiss or a hug. The two of you had agreed that this would be a short thing, nothing too serious. After all, the language barrier was a bit rough, and you two were working professionals. 
However, you couldn’t help but to feel more of a connection besides a little fling because well, both of you were totally into each other. He eventually gave his personal cell (or at least, the U.S. one he used in the States) to text, something that Jungkook admitted he didn’t do often. Adoringly, he had his read receipts on, and it looked like he always checked to see what you wrote, even if it took a good hour or two to respond. 
“I’m getting better at it, okay? Heh,” he would write, sending butterflies in your stomach. He was making an effort, although you can never be sure if he was like this with other people. Not that it mattered, you knew what it was, and you weren’t going to be caught up in it. 
As the days went on, you and Jungkook started sharing intimate details about each other, something that you only had when it was a real relationship. This confused you, but maybe it was because you used to be the only one who did it as a part of the neurodivergence part of your personality. You found out more about his flings, how much he craved for more than just fucking around.
“I don’t know,” he said one night as you brushed your fingers through his hair, his face buried deep into your chest. “I feel like…you know, I want something more with all of these people. Like…I’m wasting my time whenever I do these things, but…I can’t help it. How can I find someone when I’m Jungkook of BTS?”
It was a lot to take in, but you took it on like a champ. There were thoughts that you wondered what Jungkook would think about, and it felt unreal that he could say all of these things to you in the comfort of his hotel room, away from all the lights and the glitz and the glamour. In this moment, in this scene in your guys’ story together, he was yours. 
“Do you want more?” you asked quietly. You weren’t sure as to what you were saying, but it felt right to ask. 
He shifted his head and moved it up to see yours, closing the gap between you two. 
“Always. I always want to be loved unconditionally.” 
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It was getting complicated, fast. 
You weren’t sure how to end it. In fact, time was ending it for you. It was Jungkook’s last day in the States, and it seemed like Jungkook suggested you go on tour with him for the next stop, Central America. While you weren’t entirely opposed to it, you knew where this was going. Last time, a celebrity had suggested that you to do a documentary film on them, and while you were flattered, it was just another way to keep you around at their convenience. 
It wasn’t to say that Jungkook was being selfish. Rather, it was the circumstances that made him think this way. With how restrictive the industry was, and how incredibly famous Jungkook was as well, it was hard for him to see people besides those closest to him, which at this point, had began to warn you during your time in the family and friends’ box at the shows about Jungkook’s quick attachment to people. 
“I know he always says he doesn’t get attached, but he really does,” an ex-fling told you in confidence in between VCRs. “He told me he was going to keep it professional, but the guy lies.” 
You were dreading it. Although you felt great that you slept with your favorite, it wasn’t your intention to get anything more out of it because well, what is there left? You signed an NDA, the company regularly asked if you two used a condom…it was getting invasive, weird, and it was starting to turn you off.
And so, the last night came through and you two met up again. This time, you knew it was the last time, and to Jungkook, maybe the start of something new. 
As you began to pack up your things, Jungkook laid on the bed sprawled out underneath the sheets. 
“So…Mexico…” he began. You sighed, knowing it was coming. 
“No, Jungkook,” you replied, turning toward him. “As much as I liked this, I can’t travel with you.” 
“I’m not asking for you to travel with me,” he rebutted, sitting up and grabbing his shirt to put it back on in one hand. “I’m just saying, come with me to the next show! It would be great coverage for the magazine.”
“Jungkook-ah, that’s not how it works,” you doubled down, zipping up your weekend bag before putting your jacket on. “I have to get approval from my editor. Plus, people are starting to talk, and frankly, I started getting texts from your fans about us.”
There it was, what you had been hiding. Honestly, you were used to it from the last celebrity you hooked up with, but this time, his fans, or his stalkers to be exact, knew everything about you, threatening to ruin your life if you didn’t stop fucking him. It was getting emotionally taxing, but you wanted to hide that from him. After all, you were confident that wasn’t his first time hearing this. 
“They’re not my fans and you know this,” he argued, now getting up and putting on his Adidas track pants. “The real ones will know it’s a little fling.”
“Do they though? Do you though?” 
There it was, the hard truth. 
Silence enveloped between you two, and Jungkook stood there in the dark with his hands in his pockets. He was staring at you, his eyes clearly pleading for you to not leave. 
“Don’t leave,” Jungkook’s words came after. “I know this seems a lot, but I really like you. We can make it work.”
Make it work…as if that could ever be a thing. 
You walked toward Jungkook with your weekender bag slung over your shoulders. Slipping your shoes on as well, you came closer to him, his breath hitched as you leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. 
“I’m sorry, Jungkook,” you began. “We can’t keep doing this. This is our last night together.”
He exhaled sharply, his eyes closing slowly. 
“I know.”
It didn’t take long before you two blocked each other on everything, pretending that you two didn’t exist to each other. It took a few more weeks before the fans stopped bothering you, probably focusing on the next fling Jungkook had. 
And so there it was, you had a fling with one of the biggest stars in the world. 
If only you knew what would happen next.
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laineystein · 1 month
hello i am a zionist jewish columbia student who’s at home rn and watching the arrests live
it’s been hell and i’m glad the cops have finally been called (even if it’s a bit hard to watch) but “slap on the wrist” is exactly my best guess of what will ultimately come of all this. ideally admin would get the arrest record from the police and expel every single student who occupied hamilton (they committed vandalism, property damage, and trespassing, plus they reportedly would not allow facilities workers to leave the building last night). admin can’t force the police to arrest anyone but they sure as hell can punish these students. i rather doubt that much will come of it though because columbia university president minouche shafik is a spineless coward. (funnily enough, that’s the one thing i agree with the protestors on. we both hate shafik.)
fyi, shafik wants the police to maintain a campus presence until may 17 (which means they’d stay until after commencement) so no one can reestablish any encampments.
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. I can’t imagine what that’s like and I’m glad I don’t have to. If I could rescue all of you, I would!
Yeah, antisemitism and terrorist support aside, they’re breaking school policy and disregarding human decency and common sense. Even leaving Jews out of it, these protestors are ignorant, dangerous people and they need to be held accountable. If you’re old enough to break into an academic building, you’re old enough to be arrested and tried when you’re caught. These dumbasses are live-streaming all of this and I can’t wait for all of it to someday be used against them — if not in court, ideally in the real world. I hope they all struggle to get jobs. I hope the entire idea behind ivy leagues makes their value drop and opens students up to other more affordable options. And yes, I hope President Shafik resigns because she has done a laughable job at handling all of this. Good riddance to all of them honestly!
I’m hoping this ends soon for you and every other student that is just trying to tie up their semester and do what they’re there for - learn. I’d like to believe that the world will wake up and things will right myself but either way keep your head up! Don’t let them win.
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pablogavisgirl · 1 year
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Broken Love
read part three ➸ here
Pt 3? Who do yall think she should end up with?
"Hola, ¿cómo te sientes hoy?" (Hey how do you feel today?) Pedri's voice rang from the other side of the phone.
"¿Quieres que sea honesta?" (You want me to be honest?) I sighed, leaning against the counter.
"Si." (Yes)
"Me siento como mierda, lo he estado ignorando durante un mes, no sé cuánto tiempo más puedo mantenerme fuerte." She said. (I feel like shit, I've been ignoring him for the past month, I don't know how much longer i can stay strong.)
She had been ignoring Gavi for the past month, she had been ignoring his texts, his calls, she even had to ignore some of Pedri's calls, because it was Gavi on the other side of the phone.
"Oye, no es tu culpa, lo sabes, ven después de la práctica y te prepararé algo de comida para tratar de animarte." Pedri suggested. (Hey, its not your fault you know, come over after practice I'll make you some food to try and cheer you up.)
"¿Puedes cocinar?" (You can cook?) She snorts, she had known Pedri for almost a year and she had never seen him cook.
"Ay, sí, puedo cocinar mensa, ¿nos vemos esta noche?" (Aye, yes I can cook stupid, so well see eachother tonight?) Pedri asked.
"Vale. ¡Tengo que ir, tengo clases, adiós!" (Deal, I have to go I have classes bye!)
"¿Estabas hablando con Y/n?" Gavi asked, Pedri turing to face him. (Were you talking to Y/n?)
"Si." (Yes) He kept his answer short, of course he was mad how could he not be mad. Yes Gavi was his best friend, but how could he be so dumb and push the only good thing in his life away?
He destroyed her with just three words,
"No te amo." (I don't love you.)
Pedri knew thats all she could think about it, those three words were eating her up alive.
It took Pedri one week to get her to stop crying.
It took Pedri two weeks to get her to stop trying to text or call him back.
It took Pedri three weeks to get her to come out of her apartment, besides going to University.
It took him a whole month to finally get her to not breakdown, and he was proud of her progress. Those three words took a lot from her.
And he wasn't going to let him destroy her again.
"¿Cómo está ella?" (How is she?) Gavi asked. "Sé que están hablando." (I know you two have been talking)
"Ella esta bien." He said. (She's fine.)
"¿Sabes por qué no me ha hablado? He estado tratando de llamarla." (Do you know why she hasn't talked to me? I've been trying to call her?)
"¿De verdad te estás preguntando por qué? Le rompiste el corazón, ¿sabes cuánto tiempo llevó tener el valor de decírtelo solo para que la despidas así?" (Are you really asking why? You broke her heart. Do you know how long it took her to get the courage to tell you? Just so you can dismiss her like that?) Pedri sneered. "Sabes cuánto tiempo me tarde pa que dejara de llorar por ti." (Do you know how long it took me to get her to stop crying over you?)
"No quise hacerle daño." Gavi sighed (I didn't mean to cause her harm.)
"Dememente tarde para eso, ¿no crees que lo mejor que podrías hacer por ella es dejarla en paz y dejar que lo procese ella sola?" Pedri sighed. (Its too late for that don't you think? The best thing you can do is let her deal with this alone?)
Gavi laughed, "¿Sola? Prácticamente te estás lanzando a ella cuando esta mas vulnerable". (By herself? You're practically using her at her most vulnerable state!)
"Hermano al menos ella no tiene que preocuparse de que rompe su corazón como lo hiciste tú". Pedri laughed anger starting to seep through. (Brother, at least she doesn't have to worry about me breaking her heart like you did.)
Gavi stared back at him, everyone knew he had a bad temper, Pedri was usually on calming him downside not the provoking side.
He chewed the inside of his cheek, fighting back his screams at Pedri, he tried not to explode on his bestfriend but how could he not?
It wasn't his fault he didn't feel the same way towards her, its not his fault he didn't love her back, he can't force himself to love her, because if he tried he would break her more.
But he did miss her. He missed his bestfriend, he missed watching the sunsets with her, he missed her laugh, her smell, her smile, her hugs after a game or training. Now it was gone.
She was gone.
Why couldn't she keep her feelings to herself? Why couldn't she had just stayed quiet? Their friendship was ruined, and nothing could fix it not while she was in love with him.
"¿Podrías al menos decirle que lo siento?" He clenched his jaw, still upset. (Could you at least tell her I'm sorry?)
"No, ella no te necesita de vuelta en su vida solo para que la rompas de nuevo". Pedri scoffed, walking away from him. (No she doesn't need you coming back into her life, just so you can break her again.)
Training was done, Pedri was now home cooking your favorite pasta. He heard knocking at the door, "Hola." He smiled seeing you. (Hey.)
"Hola." (Hey.) She smiled back at him. "Entonces, ¿qué hay para cenar?" (So, whats for dinner?)
"Estoy haciendo tu pasta favorita." He said, stirring the sauce. (I'm making your favorite pasta?)
"¿De verdad?" Y/n asked. (Really?)
"Sí, ¿qué tal las clases?" (Yes, how were your classes today?) Pedri asked, Y/n rolling her eyes, beginning her rampage over her professor whom she hated. Pedri just smiled, listening to her talk.
"Entonces... ¿habló contigo hoy?" (So did he talk to you today?) She asked looking at him, he stopped serving the plates looking at her.
"Si" he replied. (Yes.)
"¿Y qué dijo?" (And what did he say?)
"Quería que supieras que lo siente." Pedri sighed. (He wants you to know that he's sorry.)
"¿Estás bien?" He asked. (Are you ok?)
"Sí, ¿eso es todo lo que dijo?" She asked. (Yes, is that all he said?)
"Uh, creo que quiere hablar contigo, dijo que te ha estado llamando". (Uh, he said he's been trying to call you.)
"Si, pero no creo que esté lista para hablar con él todavía". (Yes, but i think i'm still not ready to talk to him yet.) She sighed, looking at him, his warm brown eyes staring back at her.
She was thankful for Pedri she really was, he helped her come out of her slump from the heatbreak. He was helping her heal.
She enjoyed his presence, she enjoyed not feeling like a fragile doll ready to break again when he was around. He was gluing her back together.
He was fixing what her bestfriend broke. But she couldn't help and miss Pablo. "Pedri, a veces lo extraño." (Pedri, sometimes I miss him.)
"Y incluso si no lo puedo tener, extraño su amistad". (And even if I can't have him, I miss his friendship.)
"Joder Pedri, lo extraño, nunca debería habérselo dicho". (Fuck Pedri, i miss him so much, i should have never told him.) She leaned her head on the counter. "No es tu culpa cariño." (Its not your fault darling.) Pedri resting his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.
"Sé que tampoco es su culpa, lo emboscé con mis sentimientos, pero joder, me destrozó cuando dijo que no me amaba porque pensé que- Hasta Belen lo señaló, me siento tan tonta, Pedri". (I know its not his fault, I ambushed him with my feelings, but fuck did he break me when he said he didn't love me, because I thought- Even Belen told me, I feel so stupid Pedri.)
"Nena, no eres tonta, te hice decirle que técnicamente fue mi culpa, pero no puedes dejar que no te ame, que te destroza, eres increíble y hermosa". (Hey, you aren't stupid, i forced you to telk him, so its technically my fault, but don't let the fact he doesn't love you break you, you're incredible and beautiful.) He smiled lifting your chin off the counter with his finger.
"¿Tu crees?" (You think so?)
"Lo sé". (I know so.)
You both just stared into eachothers eyes, Pedri leaned closer, "No deberíamos". She whispered. (We shouldn't.)
"Lo sé, Entonces, ¿por qué no te has alejado si no deberíamos?" Pedri smirked leaning in closer. (I know, but if we shouldn't why haven't you backed away?)
"Pedri, estoy enamorado de Pablo". (Pedri, I'm in love with Pablo.)
"Lo sé." (I know.) He whispered "Olvídate de él por un segundo". (Forget about him for a second.)
You nodded hesitantly, closing the gap inbetween the both of you. His hands finding your waist, his lips now on yours.
You felt the butterflies you felt for Gavi growing in your stomach. Except now you were feeling them for Pedri.
You admit this was wrong, but if it was wrong why did you enjoy it?
Did you enjoy the fact one of the most handsome men in spain was currently making out with you? Or what is it the fact it would hurt Gavi if he ever found out about this?
Or what is the fact that you enjoyed it, because in the past month you have managed to develop some kind of feelings for Pedri?
I mean how could you not, when those chocolate brown eyes were hypnotizing you, the more you hung out with him.
But you couldn't do this, no matter how much you wanted to. He was Gavi's bestfriend and even if you did want to hurt Gavi this was not the way.
Yes you lost your friendship with him, but that didn't mean he had to loose his with Pedri.
Pedri was your anchor, he was the one helping you get over Gavi. But you didn't want to get over him by moving on with his bestfriend.
You continued to kiss him, his body trapping you against the counter, you knew it was wrong but you couldn't stop he was addicting, his smile, his eyes were addicting. He was like a drug, a drug you wouldn't mind getting high on everyday.
You snapped back in reality when you felt that his lips weren't on yours anymore, but on your jaw. It was getting to far, you had to stop yourself because if you didn't,
Who knows how far you would go.
You pulled away, looking at him, "No deberíamos haber hecho eso, lo siento, Pedri, tengo que irme". (No, we shouldn't have done this, i'm sorry Pedri, i have to go.) You pushed him away walking towards the door, the pasta long forgotten about.
Why did you do that? You knew it was wrong and you still did it. What would your friendship with Pedri be like? Did you have to start ignoring him like Gavi as well?
You were in love with Gavi, so why did you kiss Pedri?
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therobotmonster · 17 days
Since Hasbro's decided they don't have to manage their own core lines anymore...
I have complex feelings about that largely summed up by 'time to break up the big IP houses like Ma Bell' and the following image:
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But if we're going to be stuck in this universe, we might as well get something worthwhile out of it. So I propose that the Big H make nice-nice with their historical arch-foe Mattel, for one or more Masters of the Universe: Origins crossover lines.
For those that haven't been paying attention, Mattel's MOTU origins line is awesome, in large part because it has no pretenses about what He-Man is: Fun, and Dumb.
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They've been making (not enough, mind you) new characters, resurrecting old ones, buying compatible concepts like Sun-Man and throwing them into the mix, and when they do crossover-stuff, it isn't just two figs from the two lines packed together...
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They slam the very concepts together. I own a MOTU John Cena that is clear blue because he's 'invisible.' OF COURSE Ram-Man is going to turn into a mutant ram when they crossover with TMNT! It's the Demogorgon! And his weapon is a dice-mace.
It's a beautiful symbiosis. MOTU gets more crazy fun and reusable parts for their internal build-a-figure system and the other party involved gets a sip of what actually fun toyeticism tastes like.
So, since Hasbro's open to this kind of thing now, I propose the following:
Dungeons of Snake Mountain (D&D/MOTU Crossover)
Obvious crossover is obvious, but that doesn't mean 'bad'. In a battle with Skeletor, the planes intersect, sending the artifacts from both universes scattering into a sprawling multi-dimensional dungeon. Everyone's questing for it. Fun stuff.
Big Figure:
Granamyr - A little D&D'd up, but the classic MOTU dragon is the big boxed get for the set. To make this affordable, he's in a build-a-figure format, and his parts (minus head) are reused as build-a-figure incentives through the line to build a black dragon with a head evoking snake mountain's snake.
Every figure that does not have a build-a-figure bit comes with a bonus sidekick/familiar/little creature pulled from this list: Kowl, Madame Razz's Broom, pseudodragon-dragonblast dragon (free-standing), Zoar and Screech-colored birds that lock onto the forearm, Imp (She-Ra and D&D), Slime/ooze (one sculpt, many colors), flumph, demilich (doubles as bonus head), stirge, intellect devourer and gazer (mini-beholder).
MOTU Characters:
Bard of Power Adam - Slightly 'rockered up' and midevalized version of the classic Adam togs. Carries a 'poweraxe' anachronistic electric guitar-by-way-of-jack-kirby style lute. Short sword. Alternate "singing" head.
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Paladin of GraySkull She-Ra - In strongheart-inspired armor. Sun sword, shield, adventurer's lantern.
Dragonborn Cleric Frosta - backpack piece replicates whiplash/rattlor style tail, white dragon (obs), breath-weapon plugin, Mace of Saint Cuthbert, multiple potions.
Elf Ranger Bow - Elf version of Bow (PoP if available, OG if not), uses a version of the Dragon Blast skeletor pack (animal companion). Hank's energy-bow from the D&D cartoon. Bear traps.
Dwarf Monk Fisto - shorter 'dwarf' legs and arm buck, Gauntlets of Ogre power. torch.
Aaracocra Wizard Stratos - Has full sorceress-style wings, Arcane Grimoire, wand of magic missiles. Scroll.
Rogue Buzz-Off - Buzz-Off in rogue's gear, boots of speed (wings on them), daggers, torch.
Warlock of Orcus Skeletor - Head is a ram's skull, using the heavyset wrestler torso buck. Havoc staff, rod of Orcus.
Fighter Orchead - Pighead geared up like the stock D&D cartoon orc / orc of the broken bone figure. Mace of Terror. Torch. Shield.
Barbarian Beast-Gnoll - Bright orange gnoll, carrying beserker axe, torch, whip.
Assassin Catra - Tabaxized Catra with cloak of displacement (irridescent shiny cloth), displacer-beast themed tentacle-whips, and poisons (potion bottles).
Sorceress Yaun-Teela - Oh no, she's been snaked again. Give her a proper snakey head this time, snake-fang whip, shield, Jake the Snake's snake.
Shadow Weaver - It's just Shadow Weaver, she has the hand of Vecna (alternate), two wands (recolors of Stratos and RingleRune's) and an alternate, un-hooded lich-face.
D&D Characters:
Having found Skeletor's half of the power sword, Warduke empowers himself and a host of captive monsters, awakening them as per the awaken spell, and changing their type to monstrous humanoid.
Battle Armor War-Lord - Warduke using the battle-damage armor torso and carrying Skeletor's half of the Power Sword. Has that MOTU laser gun. Brighter, toonier colors than original.
Klaws-All the Hook-Horror - Mix of Mutant Ram Man, Andre the Giant/Krang parts, with clawful hand on one arm and a true hook on the other, new head (obviously). Chain/shackle harness and accessories in glowing or at least translucent plastic (magic bonds). Guards shaping staff.
Flarefang the Dragonborn Fighter - Classic Red Dragon. Whiplash with a new head, energy-blast plug for mouth. Very eternian looking sword/shield combo. Torch.
Hoot-zor the Owlbear - Grizzlor with bird-like face, bestial feet, and new claw-hands. Has terror-claws skeletor accessories to boot. Guards book of living spells.
Pu-Tryd the Troglodyte Queen - reuse of tailed female buck (Frosta), with troglodyte head. Carries the sword of the serpent (MOTU). has special shoulder-ports that plug in 'stink cloud' accessories (compatible with breath weapon ports).
Grotek the Duergar Artificer - Uses mostly the Extendar parts in a black knight scheme, new head. Comes with a grab-bag of techy MOTU gear and Mekaek's telescope-club. Golden disk of knowledge.
Greencleave the Troll - Uses a standard body buck with extra-long forearm and shin parts to produce a taller, gangly build. semi-translucent green, has two extra hands and 'stump parts' that those plug into, to make free-crawling troll hands out of whichever fists aren't in use. Guards masks of power.
Battle Armor Strong-Heart - Same deal as Warduke, just with the roles reversed. Has that other MOTU laser gun and He-Man's half of the power sword.
Clank-or the Warforged Scout - Roboto torso with armored knight-like arms and legs, new head. Uses roboto forearm for the weapon parts and includes mekanek's neck. Staff of Avion.
RingleRune - Reuses a lot of Eldor parts. Eldritch book of spells, wizard's staff, wand of acid arrow.
Now for the challenging part, stuff that is essential but would need major tooling excuses. This is accomplished via the introduction of a 'kid' or 'sidekick' tooling.
Wild Mage Orko and Mimic - A new sculpt for a 2005 style Orko, in green robes (allowing for later reuse as canon 2005 Orko) with an eternian-style chest that springs open to reveal fangs and eyes. inner bits can be swapped out for normal treasure (allowing for tooling reuse)
Rust Monster and Rogue Loo-Kee - Loo-Kee in adventuring gear with a little rainbow colored dagger against a rust monster.
Cursed Adam and Cu-Boid the Modron - 2005 "kid" Adam (compatible buck with Loo-Kee) and a modron quadrone with dice numbers incorporated into his body designs. Cu-Boid is a rogue modron, with a spinning Man-e-faces like feature.
Zarak the Goblin and Meteorb Dinosorb - Yes, OG Zarak was an "orc" but he was also small in stature and not a pig-man like AD&D orcs at the time, and so I'm categorizing him as a goblin. Meteorb should be designed for maximum head/tail swappage for future reuse, has energy-flare trail that plugs in via standard FX plug.
Of course, each figure would come with all the stats for themselves and their stuff.
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caashmoneynae · 8 months
AUTHOR'S NOTE: i cut off the beginning of this chapter because i lowkey stopped liking it… enjoy! ☠️🤎
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SUMMARY: in which Alayna falls back into the arms of her ex-entanglement Clifford, despite the fact that she's dating his friend. ✨
"C-Clifford!" Alayna whimpered loudly, her nails digging into his back, as Clifford's forehead rested against hers and they stared into each other's eyes, his strokes slow and passionate while he made sure she could feel everything.
"say it again. tell me you love me." Clifford demanded, wrapping his hand around her neck, as Alayna's eyes fluttered a little and she bit down on her lip, her emotions clear as day in her eyes while her lips parted a little.
"i-i love you, baby. i love you so fuckin' much." Alayna moaned, cupping his face in her hand, as Clifford smiled a little at her and chuckled softly, pecking her lips while he swirled his hips into hers.
"mmm, that's my girl. i love yo' fine ass too, shorty." Clifford smashed his lips onto hers and Alayna wrapped her arms around his neck, succumbing to his pleasure acts while she moaned in his mouth.
Alayna couldn't contain her feelings any longer. she was in love with her boyfriend and his homeboy who she was entangled with, but she loved one more than the other. as much as she loved her boyfriend, her body called for Clifford, and she could no longer ignore that call anymore.
she was picking her side, and she sided with her entanglement.
Alayna and Clifford's lips moved in sync as Alayna's hand gently caressed the nape of the man's neck, her legs sitting loosely around his waist while he stroked her with passionate precision.
the veins of his phallus throbbed against the slickness of her walls and moans and groans slithered from their plump lips as Alayna's brows lightly furrowed in pleasure and Clifford's hand slipped down from her neck to her legs, placing both of them on his shoulders and shoving his length deeper.
"C-Clifford!" Alayna whined loudly, their lips parting, as her hands gripped the man's shoulders and her stomach muscles contracted, the tip of Clifford's dick hitting her g-spot roughly.
"yeah, you like that rough shit, don't you, mama? i know you like when i fuck you like this." Clifford smirked, laying the weight of his body down on the woman, as Alayna's eyes widened and soon rolled back, her hands scrambling rapidly before they began pushing at his abdomen.
"...t-toodeep! toodeep! y-you'retoodeep!" Alayna squealed loudly, her words jumbled and nearly gibberish, as Clifford grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, pushing his body down on hers more while he rested his forehead against hers.
"fuck all'at, you gon' take this dick, shorty. why you rejectin' my love, huh? you don't love me no more already?" Clifford spoke lowly, his low tone making his voice sound deeper than usual, as Alayna whined and bit down on her lip, her knees grazing her ears while her body writhed under his.
"i-i do love you, baby! i swear i do!"
"then take this dick like a good girl, ma."
Alayna's anklet — which Clifford bought for her — dangled close to Clifford's ear and he gently bit down on his lip whenever the cold steel grazed his earlobe as Alayna's vision faltered and she released a cry, gripping the man's forearms while her eyes crossed.
"tell me you'll leave him for me, 'Layna. i know you don't love him like you love me. he could neva' make you feel like this, shorty. and we both know it. so, say that shit.. tell that motherfucka' you're leavin' him for me." suddenly, Clifford's tip jabbed a spot in Alayna's walls — one very different than her g-spot.
the spot he touched sent Alayna into overstimulation, and she lost all control of her body as her body jolted and tears of pleasure brimmed her eyes while her legs began to shake in his grasp.
"mm-mm, fuck that. you betta' say that shit."
"i'll leave him, Cliff, i'll leave him! i-i swear! just don't stop! don't stop fuckin' me! don't stop lovin' me! d-don't stop, baby— unh!" Alayna shouted, her back arching and her body folding like a lawn chair, as she clung onto Clifford tightly and Clifford gripped her jaw, bringing her rosy face to his while he forced her to look at him.
"look at me when you talkin', shorty," Clifford muttered, biting down on his lip, as his low eyes stared into Alayna's watery ones, "now say it again."
Alayna's fuzzy eyes looked up at Clifford in a daze and she bit down on her lip a little before speaking, "...i'll le-leave him. just please... don't stop."
and Clifford did just that.
his strokes were now slowed and his roughness was replaced with sensualness as he took her legs off of his shoulders and wrapped them around his waist, letting go of her hands and wrapping his arms around her body. the passion was back and it was stronger than before as Alayna's arms wrapped around his neck and his forehead rested against hers for a third time, her legs locking around his waist while her breathing sped up.
Clifford loosened his grip on her jaw and he gently pulled her into a slow kiss as her body tingled in his arms, her nails gently digging into hie back while heavy breathing and moans filled the kiss. it felt like everything was all falling together, causing butterflies to fill Alayna's stomach - and she was sure Clifford could feel them in his as well. the way Clifford was fucking her let her know that this wasn't just sex.
this was love, and Alayna had finally realized that she was in it with Clifford the whole time.
suddenly, Alayna's stomach muscles tightened up and her body temperature began to rise as her brows furrowed and she struggled to kiss Clifford back, their eyes opening in sync while her lover smirked at her.
"you finna cum, ain't you? you finna bust all over yo' dick, huh?" Clifford's words sent Alayna over the edge and she suddenly went silent, her mouth agape and her grip on him tightening, as she began to lose control of her body and she released a loud squeal, tossing her head back against the pillows while her lips remained parted.
"yes, yes, yes, i'm cumming! i love you so fucking much- fuck!" Alayna shouted before her climax hit her, the intensity hitting her like no other, as she harshly bit down on her bottom lip and her eyes screwed shut, her brows furrowing while her juices leaked out of her entrance and coated Clifford's phallus.
"just like that, baby. wet this dick up." Clifford groaned, watching the woman lose control underneath him, as he bit his lip at the sight of her and Alayna buried her face in the crook of his neck, her cheeks rosy and her lips quivering with pants while her grip on him loosened.
Alayna knew that this was a new beginning for her and Clifford, and she was ready to explore life with him. she also knew that she'd have to leave something in the past.
and she chose her boyfriend.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 24 days
Enjoy this protective Rick story I wrote!
Morty was getting books at his locker, Rick hadn't come to drag him outta school yet, but it was only a matter of time. After all, what Morty wanted didn't matter right? Not to Rick. All Rick cares about is himself, and what he wants. Morty could be hanging from the edge of a cliff, and Rick would let him fall just so he could take a sip of his flask, Morty scoffed at the thought. He knew it was true. He slammed the locker shut.
Frank, a senior who frequently bullies Morty, quickly pinned him to the locker and took a knife out. "Oh, are you mad at me you creepy little grandpa's boy!? Do you think my family is poor?!" Morty gulped "Aw jeez Frank! I-I wasn't mad at you Frank! I just- I just-" All words left his throat when Frank took out a knife and pressed the side of it to Morty's cheek. Morty flinched as he felt the cold metal pressing against his cheek "Well, Grandpa's not here to save you now! So I'm gonna cut you because my family is rich!" Morty quickly attempted to salvage the situation "L-l-l-look! I-I wasn't talking about y-you ok, Frank?! L-let's just talk this ou- OW!" Frank started cutting Morty's cheek, slowly, creating a cut that was getting bigger and bigger each second. Morty shook with the pain and the feel of the cold metal, Frank said, "Got anything else to say with that big mouth of yours?" Morty trembled. He didn't want to see the scene in front of him, so he shut his eyes. Tight. He begged, not caring how pathetic he sounded "P-please just let me go…ok?" Frank just laughed as he dug the knife in deeper while Morty held in a scream.
But then nothing happened, he peeked and saw Frank with his head turned to the left, staring at the hallway, Morty heard rough footsteps and he looked to the left as well and saw Rick storming down the hall, unibrow furrowed, fists clenched. Frank sighed "What is it? You old ma-"
Rick grabbed the back of his shirt and threw Frank against a locker. Rick glared at Frank, his unibrow furrowed, his eyes narrowed. Rick roughly gripped onto one of Morty's shoulders and used his other hand to pull on the collar of Frank's shirt, he lifted Frank up to his eye level, lifting Frank's feet off the floor, he glared at Frank again and asked in a low growl "Do we have a problem here?" Morty's face flushed with embarrassment when he realized that people were starting to stare. Morty saw everyone pulling out their phone, Morty tugged on Rick's labcoat and whispered "Calm down!" The last thing he needed was more attention. Frank took an audible gulp and shook his head "N-no! No problem at all sir!" Rick rolled his eyes "Oh don't you fuck-burp-in' act like I didn't just see you cutting my grandson! Do you think I'm a fucking IDIOT?!" Rick threw Frank on the cold, hard, tiled floor and Frank landed on his side with a loud thud, wincing in pain, and clutching his side tightly. Morty cringed and attempted to hold Rick back, his voice just above a whisper "H-he's had enough, Rick!" Rick gently got out of Morty's hold, grabbed onto Frank's hair, and pulled him up "I'm the smartest fucking man in the universe, I'm a fucking genius and a GOD!" Frank let out a pathetic wince. Frank wiggled out of Rick's iron grip and tried to zoom off, but then Rick grabbed Frank's arm and commented casually as if this was just some normal occurrence, "Aren't you forgetting something?" Frank said "W-what?" Rick's grip on Frank's arm seemed to tighten as he pulled him towards Morty "Maybe an apology?" Frank flinched due to the pressure Rick was applying on his arm, and cried out "Sorry Morty! I'm sorry!" Morty mumbled, "W-whatever, it's ok." Rick let go of Frank and he dashed off, Morty could've sworn that Frank was crying. A bunch of people were laughing at Frank, and Morty groaned, face red with embarrassment.
Everyone was surrounding them, some just staring with wide eyes and jaws on the floor, some were whispering, some were giggling, and others had their phones out, great. Just great. He couldn't just have one normal day of school, huh? Guess that was too much to ask. Morty could've sworn he heard some people say "Creepy little grandpa's boy" That's what everyone thought due to Rick always dragging Morty out of school damn near every day, Morty severely doubted that this situation helped change anyone's mind on that. Morty covered his face with his hands, but it was too late, everyone had already seen. He groaned, Rick really couldn't go one day without doing shit like this huh? I mean, anything was better than keep getting cut by Frank. But it would've been a lot better if Rick learned about this cool thing called "subtlety"
Rick put his hand on Morty's back and led him to a portal "C'mon Morty, I need your help with something." Morty sighed, bracing himself for another traumatizing adventure. Once he got through the portal, Rick got down to Morty's level, holding Morty's chin to keep him still as he took out some ointment, Rick stated "This is going to sting, but it will heal you almost instantly, so just stay still." Morty gulped and inhaled sharply, clenching his fists tightly, as he felt the sting of the ointment on the cut on his cheek, after a few seconds though, the cut was completely healed, Rick put the ointment back in one of his many, MANY pockets in his lab coat. Morty mumbled "Thank you." and Rick just replied with a shrug and a "Whatever."
They both stayed quiet and as they walked, an awkward silence surrounding them like a veil, Morty decided that it'd be best if he talked to Rick about what just happened in the school, not that he thought Rick would listen. Morty said "Rick, did you seriously have to make a big scene! Everyone was staring!" Rick scoffed "You'd rather I let that ed-burp-gy kid keep cutting you?" Morty sighed "N-No! But you could've been a bit more subtle about it! You couldn't have just moved him away!? You don't think you were a little too hard on him!?" Rick laughed "Yeah, the k-burp-id looked like he was about to piss himself! He was acting all big and bad, but as soon as I was around, he was imminently like" Rick continued in a mocking, high-pitched tone, making puppy dog eyes "I'm so sorry sir!" Morty groaned "Everyone was staring and whispering! It was so embarrassing! Everyone already thinks I'm a 'creepy little granda's boy' thanks to you dragging me out of school almost every day! That situation doesn't help change anyone's mind that's for sure!" Rick rolled his eyes and cocked up one part of his unibrow "Are they wro-burp*-ng?" Morty blinked "I- Fuck you Rick!" Rick rolled his eyes and mumbled something about Morty being "ungrateful" and something else he couldn't decipher. Morty sighed, he knew Rick wouldn't listen. He just put his hands in his pockets and followed Rick, ready to conquer whatever was next.
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garadinervi · 8 months
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Emily Dickinson, Could mortal Lip divine, [ca. 1877] [Emily Dickinson Archive. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA]
Bibl.: The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, Edited by Thomas H. Johnson, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA, and Toronto, 1960, p. 602; Emily Dickinson's Poems. As She Preserved Them, Edited by Cristanne Miller, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, and London, 2016, p. 609
Could mortal Lip divine (J1409, F1456A) Could mortal Lip divine The elemental Freight Of it's a delivered Syllable – 'Twould crumble with the weight – The Prey of Unknown Zones – The Pillage of the Sea The Tabernacles of the Minds That told the Truth to me –
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catominor · 4 months
more c. martinus & l. furius literature :)
Smithson, Emily. "Toward a queer subjectivity: Lucius Furius Camillus, Gaius Martinus, and Shakespeare." Classical Receptions Annual 5 (2012): 55-72.
Conical, William H. "Gaius Martinus and the 'palace on the Esquiline.'" in Luxury and display in the Roman republic, eds. Ben Daiquiri and Lydia Stone, 277-291. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000)
Durant, Will. "Furius and Martinus." in Caesar and Christ: A History of Roman Civilization and of Christianity from Their Beginnings to a.d. 325, 135-36. (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1944)
Griffiths, Hillary. "Reexamining political marriages in the late Roman Republic: Furius, Furia, and Martinus." in The University of Minnechigan Classical journal 32, no.3 (2014): 26-43.
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thesakuragarnet · 7 months
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Summary: Keigo comes home late one night with new leather gloves. (a K!nktober oneshot that takes place between chapters 68 and 69 of my PHOENIX AU; inspired by the Maneskin song)
Non-Spicy tags: heavy smut, established relationship, Hero!Dabi, engaged DabiHawks, swearing, alternate universe, making out, shenanigans on a couch, they're so in love I swear
Word Count: 1,494
AO3 link
Spicy Tags: k!nkt0ber, DabiHawks but they're both sw!tches, fr0ttage, mutual ma$turbat!on, dry h u m p i n g, l3ather k!nk, gr!nding, handj0bs,
Toya felt restless. He and Keigo had been working overtime between wedding planning and actual field missions. It was a nightmare. Keigo, on the other hand, seemed to be obsessed with the adrenaline rushes. He’d rattle on about the day’s events while they got ready for bed, and they were both so exhausted that intimacy had been scarce. It was getting ridiculous.
For once, Keigo was requested for a late-night solo mission, and Toya had the night off…so…naturally…he stayed up to wait for Kei to get home…or at least, he tried. It’s five o’clock in the morning, and Toya is passed out on their couch in nothing but black sweatpants. 
The elevator softly drones from down the hall, and Keigo carefully steps out. He’s in his Pro Hero suit complete with a pair of shiny new leather gloves. He makes his way down the hallway, feathers perking up when he senses Toya’s faint snores and sleeptalking mumbles. A small smile plays at his lips as he sneaks into the living room, peering over the couch to look at his fiancé. Toya’s sound asleep on his back, his bare chest rising and falling with each breath. Keigo hovers off the ground, slowly and silently lowering himself until he’s straddling Toya. Delicately, he leans down and presses his lips to his forehead, resting his open palms on Toya’s shoulders. Immediately, the Pro’s eyes snap open, but his expression softens when he sees his lover’s familiar silhouette. 
“Hey,” Toya yawns, blinking hard, “How was work?”
“Boring,” Keigo replies nonchalantly before pressing a chaste kiss to Toya’s cheek. He rubs the space between Toya’s shoulder and neck with his thumb, and Toya seems to freeze. Something feels different. Good different. As his eyes adjust in the dim lamplight, he sees the shiny new leather. 
“Are those new?” Toya clears his throat, and Keigo raises his eyebrow.
“Yeah?” He answers, taking note of the way Toya’s twitching underneath him. Toya can’t explain it…but he’s fairly positive Keigo hasn’t caressed him with his gloves on before. He’d remember this feeling surely …the sensation of the soft leather pressing into his skin. Silently, the puzzle pieces click in Keigo’s head, and his eyes grow heavy-lidded. Deliberately, Kei drags his hands down, palms pressing down on Toya’s chest, pausing just above his nipples. Toya sighs, eyelids fluttering as he focuses on the light massage. 
“Someone’s getting excited,” Keigo chuckles darkly when he feels his fiancé's arousal pressing between his legs. 
“It’s been weeks , Kei,” Toya groans, trying to push himself up only for Keigo to keep a firm pressure to pin him down. The winged hero leans forward, tenderly connecting their lips, and Toya shudders as he runs his fingers through Keigo’s hair. Keigo continues passionately kissing Toya, bringing his hands down to pinch his nipples. Toya moans into the kiss, pleasure clouding his brain at the sensations. Keigo rocks his hips, and Toya breaks from the kiss with a gasp. 
“God, I wanna fuck you so bad,” Toya huffs, rolling his hips in time with Keigo’s to increase the friction. Kei’s feathers seem to stand on end, and he curses under his breath at the stimulation. 
“Nuh-uh…not tonight…not yet,” Keigo pants before he softly sinks his teeth into Toya’s neck. Toya swallows a whimper, hands caressing the back of his lover’s head as he focuses on Keigo’s touch. He can’t get enough of the leather on his skin.
“You sure about that?” Toya sneers, a devilish grin on his face as he bites his bottom lip. Keigo lewdly licks up the side of his neck before sitting up. Toya’s eyes widen as Keigo takes off his utility belt, and his gaze locks onto the growing strain in Kei’s cargo pants. He shrugs off his Hero Suit jacket, letting it fall to the floor beside the couch before he starts stripping completely…well… almost . Toya’s heart stutters for a beat as he stares at Kei’s hands. 
“Don’t worry…I’m keeping the gloves on,” Keigo smirks before he starts pulling off Toya’s pants. Blood rushes to both of their cheeks. 
“You’re not wearing your boxers,” Keigo practically whispers, and Toya just blinks back, swallowing to soothe his suddenly dry throat. 
“You alright if I do something we haven’t tried before?” The winged Pro mutters, and Toya nods vigorously. 
“Mhm,” He murmurs in response, practically shuddering with anticipation. 
“Get on your side,” Keigo hums, and Toya complies, turning so he’s on his side and pressing his back up against the pillows on the couch as Keigo climbs up next to him. They’re facing each other, breaths heavy and heated as Keigo positions his cock until it’s resting on top of Toya’s. Toya sharply inhales at the sensation, twitching and aching for more. Keigo interlocks his hands, squeezing their cocks together, and it makes Toya’s eyes roll back into his head. The combination of Keigo’s dick pressing up against his with the sensation of Kei’s leather gloves is fucking intoxicating.
Toya almost yelps in surprise, nerves burning at the combination of stimulation. God, it’s almost too much to bear. 
“Keigo… fuck ,” Toya moans lowly, his voice cracking as he feels the delicate leather rubbing against his skin. 
“You like this?” Keigo chuckles darkly as he reaches around with his other hand and squeezes the flesh on Toya’s ass, making him wince ever so slightly. 
“Feels nice,” Toya admits under his breath, his heart skipping a beat.
And when Keigo starts pumping his hand, Toya almost goes cross-eyed. Instinctively, he slaps his hand over his mouth, muffling his needy moans that come tumbling up from his throat. Within seconds, his hand is already covered in spit, and he can’t help but buck his hips shallowly, desperate for more tantalizing pleasure. 
“ Fuck , baby,” Keigo groans, watching his fiancé completely fall apart; he’s so turned on his feathers are practically curling and flexing at the tips. “Who knew you had a thing for leather?” He tries to make a flirty joke, but it’s cut off by his own satisfied sighs. Without warning, Toya pulls his hand down his face and grabs Keigo by the neck, jerking him forward for an amorous kiss. Kei whines into Toya’s mouth, their tongues sloppily intertwining and sliding against one another. They simply can’t get enough of each other, their bodies and minds craving more and more and more. It’s been too long. Too long without one another’s touch. Too long without indulging in their tangle of love and lust. They’re practically drowning in it. 
“ Kei ~” Toya moans, breaking free from the kiss to bend forward and sink his teeth into Keigo’s neck. Soft words of praise spill from Keigo’s lips as he keeps moving his hand, effectively getting both of them off as their cocks squeeze together. Toya pulls back after leaving a dark bite mark on Kei’s sunkissed skin, eyelids fluttering as he grabs onto Keigo’s broad shoulders, almost like he’s holding on for dear life. Keigo winces when he feels Toya’s fingernails digging into his skin, but part of him loves it when he gets like this. When all Toya can do is say his name and grasp at him; it’s so desperate and so gorgeous.
Toya can feel his orgasm pooling in the pit of his stomach, and, judging by the sounds coming out of his fiancé, he’s just as close. He knows the patterns. Some of the Pros their age always comment on how their sex life must be boring with how long they’ve been together. The truth is, they know exactly what makes each other tick…well, unless it’s something new…like this leather thing. 
“C-close,” Keigo starts stuttering, jaw clenched as he fully focuses on the rhythm of his glove. 
“Me too,” Toya pants, tongue slightly lolling as his gaze flicks from his lover’s golden eyes to the precum-soaked mess between their legs. With a few more thrusts of his hips, Toya’s coming undone with a broken gasp, toes curling as it gushes onto the sleek black leather. Keigo rushes closer, sloppily colliding his lips with Toya’s as his own orgasm comes crashing down through his body. Gently, he slows his motions to a halt, and pulls back from the kiss. The lovers stare blissfully into each other’s eyes for a moment, shining cerulean melting into liquid gold. Then, the momentary spell of clarity breaks, and Keigo releases his grip. 
“I-I’ll get you new gloves,” Toya huffs, still catching his breath from being so pent-up. 
“Don’t worry about it. I made the choice,” Keigo smirks, tenderly kissing his fiancé on the cheek before slowly rolling backward off the couch, landing on his feet with the expertise of a cat. 
“I don’t know about you, but I need a shower,” Keigo laughs half-heartedly as he stretches. “Care to join me?”
Toya just grins blissfully, blinking away the pleasure-filled fog in his brain. 
“How could I say no to that?”
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