#guys hes not actually sexist its a bit
drawfee-quot3s · 28 days
we just like to complain 'cause we're women
that's kinda what i always thought :/
i just get really emotional about. the most rAndom thiNgs
yeah :/ nah i get it :(
- julia, karina, + jacob
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autistic-katara · 7 months
scrolling the open atla tag nd stumbling across the weird takes i was not subjected to when scrolling only the zukka tag
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quasi-normalcy · 8 months
Which Star Trek series should you start with?
The Original Series: Advantages: + The one that started it all + Has some sophisticated and socially conscious science fiction that has held up exceptionally well + The lead characters all have really good chemistry and fun to see play off of one another + It's what most people probably think of when you say Star Trek (together with TNG) Disadvantages: - It can feel very dated and kind of sexist, particularly in its treatment of women - The sci-fi and social commentary may have held up, but damn it, the special effects really haven't - When TOS is bad, it's really, really bad.
The Animated Series: Advantages: + Basically just more TOS. Disadvantages: - Basically just more TOS, but substituting extremely cheap animation for bad special effects
The Next Generation: Advantages: + Probably the most popular one at this point + The crew is full of interesting characters and they're fun to spend time with + Just really smart people solving Space Mysteries + Socialist space utopia + Geordi-And-Data! + Lots of cool sci-fi concepts and social commentary + It's what most people probably think of when you say Star Trek (together with TOS) Disadvantages: - Although not in the same way as TOS, it can feel dated at times, particularly in terms of its treatment of women and it's near complete refusal to acknowledge queerness - Without wanting to bias viewer opinion, the first season is widely considered to be pretty bad - The series makes no bones about the fact that the socialist space utopia is better than every other society that has ever existed and will reiterate this point over and over again
Deep Space Nine: Advantages: + The most popular Trek series on Tumblr + Has a complete story arc, as well as arcs for all of its characters, including the extremely minor ones + Plain, simple, Garak. The humble tailor. + Garashir, if you're into that + Seriously has a really sophisticated treatment of things like post-colonial politics, anthropology, worldbuilding, and the horrors of warfare + Just the characters in general + Is the only Star Trek prior to the 2010s to even look meaningfully at queer representation Disadvantages: - Has an absolutely massive inferiority complex with respect to TNG and this drives a few poor writing decisions that seemingly exist just to poke the Socialist Space Utopia in its eye - Introduces a space religion and then just slowly turns it into Christianity with the numbers filed off - Seems to think that sexual harassment is just a quirky eccentricity - There's no women in its writers' room, and frankly it shows
Voyager: Advantages: + Probably the clearest instance of found family in space + Lots of really good episodes + Lots of fun new characters + Strong female role models + "Set a course...for home." Disadvantages: - Continuity? I never knew her! - Probably about 90% of Trek's reputation for technobabble comes from this one series - Even less queerness than TNG. - Only like...3 characters actually get arcs. - The first few seasons lean very hard into bullshit fake "Native American" spiritualism with one of the characters - How do these guys have warp drive but can't find any water?
Enterprise: Advantages: + Chronologically the first series + 90% less technobabble + The only series to plausibly frame our heroes as astronauts...on some kind of...star trek. + Still has probably the best production values of any series + Makes alien cultures of the week feel somehow richer and deeper than other series + Faith of the Heart is good, fuck you. Disadvantages: - Oh my god, the decon scenes - Seriously, if you've ever wondered what a "sexy" series written by a 14 year old boy who's only ever seen a bit of scrambled softcore porn on late-night cable would be like, this is the show for you - Somehow feels more sexist and racist than the show from the '60s - Seriously, the POC characters mostly exist to fill seats on the bridge; the women constantly have to undress themselves - Hellooooo, Bush II-era political analogies - Scott Bakula is a good actor but you wouldn't know it from this series - In season 3, they add a tambourine beat to Faith of the Heart and ruin it
Discovery: Advantages: + Noticed the lack of queer characters in the first 50 years of Star Trek canon and decided to make up for lost time + Seriously, the "Bury Your Gays" tally for this series is like...negative two + Just incredible representation in general + Some really good science fiction plots, particularly in later series + Some really fun, memorable characters + It's still running, so it has an active fandom on Tumblr Disadvantages: - Makes Elon Musk out to be one of the great visionary geniuses of history - Not really representative of Star Trek as a whole - The series swerves wildly in tone because of constant, behind-the-scenes churn in the writers' room - Offputtingly grimdark first season - Let's be honest, none of the season-long arcs have actually had satisfying conclusions - Half the cast feels like it's just there for exposition and to be killed for cheap drama
Picard: Advantages: + Has the best dramatic acting of any Star Trek series by a fair margin + Has the best musical score of any Star Trek series + Introduces a whole crew of fascinating new characters + Introduces all kinds of fascinating transhumanist concepts + AGNES. JURATI. Disadvantages: - You know all of those fascinating new characters that I mentioned? Yeah, it unceremoniously gets rid of all of them to bring back the old TNG gang. - You know that all of those fascinating transhumanist concepts that I mentioned? Yeah, it gets rid of those too so that to give us some generic action - Oh my god, someone teach the set designers to operate a fucking light switch - Grimdark - Nossssstalgia - Each season is basically unrelated to every other season - Depends so heavily on TNG that its final season is basically unwatchable if you haven't already seen a 30-year-old TV series
Lower Decks: Advantages: + It has probably the most efficient storytelling that I've ever seen; seriously, it's incredible how much it can fit into a half hour episode + It has a bunch of delightful, archetypical characters you get to know and love + You like hanging out with these people + The ship is kind of crap and you will learn to love it that way. + Basically a sitcom version of TNG. + Has a big fandom on Tumblr Disadvantages: - The art style is pretty Rick & Morty-ish - It takes most of its first season to really strike a good balance between being a sitcom and being a Star Trek series - The main character, Mariner, is kind of unlikable for the first season or so (she gets better) - Lots of callbacks to other series (though always either incidental or clearly explained) - Given that it's the first Star Trek sitcom, the comedy is honestly kinda the weakest part? Subjective I know.
Prodigy: Advantages: + Absolutely gorgeous to look at; the most visually stunning Star Trek by quite a ways + Lots of fun new characters on a cool ship + Gives you clear on-boarding notes to the Star Trek franchise if you're watching it for the first time + Can be watched on its own, but also works as a direct sequel to Voyager and a prequel to Picard (making both of them retoractively better, in fact) + Kind of like the Clone Wars or Rebels of the Star Trek universe, I guess? + Found family in space! The next generation! + Soon to be running on Netflix, so if you already have a Netflix subscription, you don't need to pay for another service + Written for a younger audience. Not necessarily an advantage, but nice if you happen to like family friendly animation or YA. Disadvantages: - *sigh* You basically need to pirate it. Thanks, Paramount. - Has a second season that we may or may not ever actually get to see even through piracy. Thanks, Paramount. - Isn't airing on the same streaming service as all of the other ones. Thanks, Paramount
Strange New Worlds: Advantages: + Basically what the original series would be if it were released today, rather than 57 years ago; all of the cool, socially consciousness sci-fi adventure, none of the weird 60s sexism + Fun, awesome characters you get to like spending time with right away + Incredible visuals + Nifty sci-fi concepts, mostly without the 90s-style technobabble Disadvantages: - A huge cast with only ten episodes a season, so many of them feel underdeveloped - Unfortunately, a bunch of its characters are younger versions of the characters from The Original Series, and they hog most of the spotlight; and the characters whose futures aren't locked in stone are kind of treated as disposable - In general, it needs to spend less time being a prequel, and more time being its own thing - "What if Starfleet ran into the Xenomorphs from Alien?" "Well, they'd probably kill them." "Okay, let's spend several episodes on this."
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hezuart · 7 months
New helluva boss episode is out, any thoughts?
Season 1 Fizz: Robo Fizz was mean and called children ugly. Real Fizz called his guests “freaks”. Called Moxie an "ugly little bitch". Bragged about his fame and the money made off his robots and was even really pissed off his robot was destroyed at that theme park and wanted to sue
Season 2 Fizz: Extremely insecure, extremely nervous, hates the robots produced in his image, never bad mouths anyone and is really kind and nice to his competition, knows ASL and gives inspiration to children 
Who on earth is this guy???? You’re not Fizz??? By god, she’s done it again! Another male main character has been uwuified!! 😰When will it end???
Mammon: “You’ll be like the son I never had!” Fizz is elated at this, but Blitz’s dad already treated Fizz like the son he never had? Literally gave him a card saying he wished Fizz was his son. He was treated super well and was the most beloved within his circus. I mean, he did lose that, and him explaining everything he has is because of Mammon, and so I get it, he has an attachment to all this. I like that we are expanding on his character, but I feel like its overdone. The insecurity is a little too much. The panic attacks are a little too much. (Dude lost his arms and legs in a freak fire accident and its a creepy fan that he probably has to deal with on a daily basis that sets him off? I feel like he would be a tad bit mentally and physically stronger to deal with. I mean, he fricken talked back to STRIKER, a serial killer holding him for ransom locked in a cage last episode??? But he freezes up when an annoying fan criticizes him? Just feels inconsistent.) 
Mammon saying “If you’re a chick, give up on your dreams, because woman ain’t funny” and then Vivziepop’s name appearing in the corner… there’s so much to unpack there. I think Viv meant it as like “I’m a woman, so I can write that joke!” or “I’m a woman, who wrote this show and is therefore funny so Mammon is wrong and it's ironic!” But it's been established that Viv neglects and mistreats her female characters. They’re either all bitches or cardboard cut outs whose entire existences revolve around a male character. It’s low-key sexist. On top of the fact that, Viv may not actually be funny because most of the actually funny jokes in the show were written by Adam and Brandon, who are both men. So its VERY ironic, but not in the way she believes it to be. 
The irony of Mammon hiring an Imp who idolizes him only to exploit him and treat him like garbage… weren’t their exworkers of spindle horse that felt that way? 
Some people think that Fizz’s creepy fan is like.. Viv’s poke at her critics but I don’t see a comparison at all. This guy is a super super big fan that wants to work with Fizz, which isn’t what the Viv critics want. I’m pretty sure that’s the whole point- is that they want nothing to do with her? So I’m pretty sure this guy just represents a creepy fan, which everyone gets. Like a Syndrome character. 
Also in season 1, Blitz killed imps left and right for Stolas, but when that fan is actually getting close to Fizz and threatening his life, Blitz doesn’t kill him on site. He just hits him with a gun. Thank goodness he kills him later but Blitz has never really been discreet. It was just weird forced timing I guess. Season 1 Blitz would have never hesitated. He would have killed that guy on site.
I will never get over Asmodeus’s weird coat, his anatomy changes with whatever he’s wearing lkdsgjldkfj 
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Mammon and Fizz are pretty much just Valentino and Angel Dust , but no physical exploitation (other than his robo replicas)
The Glam and Glitz sisters are really cool I’m obsessed with their performance, but we go right back to Viv’s 2 types of women: bitches. They’re bitches to each other too. They’re sisters who have like amazing choreography and on stage chemistry, and yet they constantly fight, like… how do they even function 
Also… the ASL imp
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…. “I want to be a clown just like you! : D “ Fizz: Exploited for money as a clown ever since he was young, gained a boatload of insecurity because his boss was so pushy, forced to deal with sexual encounters, sold his likeness into a popular sex doll without actually wanting to, lost his arms and legs in a freak fire accident because the circus tents aren’t safe- Also Fizz: “You can do whatever you want to : ) “ This would have been a sweet moment if this wasn’t Helluva Boss!!!!!! This is Hell!!! what on earth are you doing Viv!!!! Kid pls do literally anything else with your life  Also how and why does Fiz know ASL
Ozzie and Fizzie getting a love song is cheesy you know, but…. Stolas X Blitz fans wish man… they WISH Oz x FIz is literally just the better Stolas x Blitz. Like this what the Stolitz fans want but its given to the side characters for some reason. Fizz’s end song was nice but All our main characters are just so flat Sad uwu special sweeties that have done nothing wrong... I'm just so sad to see them become former shadows of their badass selves. Our main characters were greedy, selfish, mean, sometimes creepy assholes. Now they're not. It was either an accident, they're hypocrites, or they were abused- and im like... this is Hell, can't we still have our main demon characters be assholes? I'm so curious what the explanation is gonna be for Blitz x Verosika. Is she gonna be framed as the bitch who ruined the relationship? Did Blitz "accidentally" steal her car and credit card because he was drunk? Like what else are we gonna strip away so he's "relatable"?
Nice to see Wally Wackford back I missed him 
I like how fiery Ozz’s design gets Ozzie confessing he loves Fizz to an entire crowd so all of Hell knows and everyone is like “OMG I KNEW IT! GOOD FOR THEM!” Being with a low class demon was something to be ashamed of. A power imbalance. Something seen as taboo in Hell. Now we have 3 top sin embodiments dating the lowest of low class in Hell and not only do people not care negatively, they’re happy for them. There’s no stakes. Our main characters can do whatever they want “You’re gonna regret revealing that Ozz!” how who are you gonna tell? the romance police? fricken Now we have Mammon! Add him to the reoccurring villains I guess!!!! yeesh 
(Clowns are apparently also like… influencers in this world for some reason???? I still don't understand Vivziepop's clown obsession I think this is just not my jurisdiction )
All things considered, not a bad episode for season 2, but im kinda at the point where I don't think helluva boss is gonna deliver anything outside of abused main characters with cute relationships I don't think they're gonna do anything else
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
thinking about how yellowjackets portrays sex & sexual situations gender & the… not unique but certainly rare way this show focuses on men versus women & I know we’re all tired of phrases like “male gaze” & “female gaze” but I think the show almost like… purposefully repurposes the male gaze from the perspective of its female characters.
jackie’s introduction pretty much is a sexual situation but it’s not a fun hot scene. it’s uncomfortable & awkward because it’s very clear jackie isn’t being pleasured. jeff just kind of looks like a tool. then later we get the sex scene between jeff & shauna & it’s different because both characters are into it but also it’s all about shauna, & the focus is mainly on her making jeff tell her that he loves her. it sort of reminds me of the scene in buffy the vampire slayer when buffy is feeling down because she just saw her most annoying ex living his best life so she demands spike tell her he loves her. it’s not a healthy situation. it’s… concerning & toxic. and even a bit manipulative & predatory to use someone that way.
and the other thing we know due to the focused shots of shauna looking at jackie is that this is not about jeff at all. he’s just the guy who happened to be between these two girls. when I first watched the show I disliked him but more & more I’m realizing… this is all about shauna & jackie. this entire relationship between shauna & jeff that turns into a marriage never has much to do with jeff himself at all. jeff is the epitome of literally just Some Guy.
anyway. I’m getting off track. I wanted to discuss jackie’s introduction versus her death. jackie being left to die because she had sex, on the surface seems like misogynistic writing. typical “female character is punished for sex” (not to harp on buffy again but..) trope. especially because the other girls are angry when they see the blood stain from her lost virginity.
but… the other girls aren’t angry at jackie because of sex. it’s because she’s “taken what didn’t belong to her.” & it’s interesting how none of the other girls care about or are invested in natalie & travis’ romance until this point. because it’s not about that. they objectify travis to the point of seeing him as literal food.
the framing of the jackie/travis sex scene is fascinating, the way it’s shot back & forth with the girls in the forest going feral. and the way in the end, travis is disoriented & confused & immediately following this the other girls begin sexual assaulting him & hunting him like an animal. like everything about travis & his arc, it’s such a subversion of the way female characters are so often treated in media.
and that brings me to travis & natalie & how they subvert gender roles. travis starts off seeming a bit sexist but the more we learn the more it’s clear he’s just an inexperienced teenager. he’s a virgin scared for his first time & he’s falling for the experienced bad girl who’s kinda scary. we literally always see that set up but with the shy inexperienced girl falling for the bad boy. even the way travis haunts the narrative & serves as part of natalie’s pain arc is reminiscent of the dead girlfriend trope. he is to natalie as jess from supernatural is to sam winchester. he’s fridged but the boy version. & that’s why he’s a babygirl to me <3
and like… we could talk all day about the pine cone in travis’ mouth & the sexual assault blood orgy scenes but let’s move on to the most functional couple of the entire show with some of the only sex scenes that actually seem like a fun sexy time where it’s just two people in love having sex
taissa & van! their conflict develops throughout the season as van is almost eaten by wolves because taissa is busy being possessed by the wood spirit & taissa’s frustration with van’s belief in something supernatural grows but… beyond that? they’re actually just super into each other. they are constantly talking about how gorgeous the other is, being all over each other, skinny dipping & doing more typically fun & romantic activities than all the other characters. & it’s 2 women
from shauna having sex with adam who ends up dead to whatever the fuck misty has going on with ben (not to mention adult! misty’s introductory scene where she manipulates a man into coming home with her by faking insecurities - or perhaps playing them up & using them, it’s unclear) it’s just totally fascinating to me the way this show subverts expectations with gender & sex
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luckyladylily · 5 days
Followed from the 'men or bear' post and simply trying to be social,
never read (or watched) dune but why do you feel its over rated?
So I've overplayed it a bit over the years because it's fun, but I have basically two major problems with Dune.
The first of course is the standard early to mid 20th century problem of it was written by a sexist racist white guy, but also I can't exactly judge if Frank Herbert was unusually racist and sexist for the time. But it is very much there, and it very much impacts the quality of the series for me. I don't really talk about this much because a given when dealing with older sci fi.
The second point is where I really get my rant on. See, the thing is Dune isn't the worst book ever. But for many years, well into the 2000's, a very large and very vocal group of people insisted it was the greatest sci fi novel ever written. So, in high school, I pick up the novel.
Now you need to understand, I read voraciously as a teenager and at a very high level. I'm not saying I'm better than other people but when you've read Moby Dick you get an idea of what a master can do with words. When you've read Issac Asimov you begin to understand how ideas can be woven together in a mind expanding way.
So I pick up "The greatest sci fi novel ever written" expecting it to be, at the very least, good. It was not good. It did not even come close to meeting the least of my expectations. I was astounded that anyone considered *this* the greatest sci fi novel. Really? Better than Foundation? Better than Frankenstein? This shit won a fucking Hugo and a Nebula? People compared this favorably to Lord of the Rings?
It's not fucking Lord of the Rings.
Anyway, what is actually wrong with it. Starting off, the book has decent ideas, but they are not presented in a particularly inspired way, nor is it the best presentation of those ideas. It was the first time that a white guy presented many of these ideas that he borrowed from other sources to other white people, and I guess that counts as originality back then. But in that respect it is just uninteresting. The real problem is how it is written. Which is badly, both in terms of prose and plot.
I am going to link you to my rant on Dune chapter 1. I discuss prose and presentation in that rant. It is difficult to summarize because there is just so much wrong with it. But to give an example of where it falls short in plot, lets talk about an event early in the first book. This is a spoiler, so fair warning. I call this the most uninspired and unearned betrayal ever.
Paul, the main character, is the heir to the House Atreides. In order to set up the rest of the plot, Herbert needs House Atreides to be destroyed through treachery. But Duke Atreides, Paul's dad, has to be shown to be a brilliant, wise, and capable leader. No run of the mill treachery can get past him. To solve this problem, Herbert introduces Duke Atreides personal doctor, and Duke Atreides directly states to everyone (especially directly to the audience) that this man is 100% trustworthy and unbreakable because he has undergone special mental conditioning making him incapable of causing harm. In X many hundred or thousand years no man so conditioned has ever broken. He is an unbreakably loyal man. And thus we have a character Duke Atreides can trust implicitly, so he can later be stabbed in the back without looking like an incompetent moron.
So now you probably think this is where we set up the dangerous nature of the Baron Harkonnen (greatest enemy of House Atreides), somehow brilliantly finding some mental weakpoint, or maybe inventing a brand new form of mental torture that successfully breaks the conditioning, or something else establishing Baron Harkonnen as a force to be reckoned with. So, how did Baron Harkonnen break the unbreakable man?
He kidnapped his wife. That's it. Didn't even torture her in front of the man, just nabbed her and said "hey do my bidding or I'll kill her!" And the unbreakable man folds like a cheap suit. He doesn't even bother to get proof of life. So in the hundreds or thousands of years these supposedly unbreakable people have been around the secret all along was kidnap their loved ones. No one has ever tried that before? Really?
I need to stress, this is not a misdirect and no other explanation is given. We are genuinely supposed to buy that the doctor is effectively unbreakable, that the Duke is wise and correct to have accepted this at face value, and that kidnapping the doctor's wife was actually the twisted, brilliant treachery it's place in the story would suggest.
It is astoundingly bad plotting that only exists because Frank Herbert couldn't be arsed to give a fuck about the plot of his own book. Even worse, it isn't a hard plot hole to fill with a better betrayal that also made logical sense. For example, Herbert could have written a character that the Duke naturally trusted implicitly, perhaps a brother or close friend, and shown why and how that trust exists. This would make more sense, give the betrayal real emotional weight, and matter in a much more personal way to our protagonist.
But no, that would take effort. Frank Herbert, master of tell don't show, just parades out a character and directly tells the audience that he's 100% totally trustworthy no for realz bro, and then expects us to just go along with the idea that the betrayal was earned and isn't fucking stupid. This is the level Frank Herbert is on.
But anyway greatest sci fi novel ever written, am I right? Winner of both a Hugo and a Nebula!
This is why I hate Dune. Not because it is the worst thing ever, there are even things to like in it, but it is like millions of people collectively decided that Bicentennial Man was the greatest science fiction movie of all time and it won the best film oscar and people are comparing it to the all time greatest films ever made and I'm over here just. Sure, it tries to play with some interesting ideas but it's got structural problems, there are acting issues, the script is poor. There are things to like but it's mid at best! Is everyone in on some collective joke? Am I in the fucking twilight zone?
Now, in the couple of decades since I first read Dune the "best sci fi novel ever" nonsense has pulled back a lot. I don't think I've heard someone make that claim in years. But it can be fun to be a hater, especially when something deserves it.
Edit: I want to make it clear I don't think less of anyone for liking Dune. Dune is probably a great playground for fandom and god knows I don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to my personal favs. I also hear the new movies are good, and nothing about Dune makes me think it couldn't be adapted well.
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sahaquiel43 · 1 year
My thoughts on IY ships:
Sesskik: OTP. objectively the best ship. best themes. Go read The Rift Between Auras. It also has the best art and the best fandom.
KogKag: Personal favorite. Love the pure unadulterated passion of it. And theres lots of good content on it. And admittedly….I think it's the sexiest relationship.
InuKag: Wonderful ship, Canon, good, nothing really to say.
MirSan EDIT nope, screw this ship, Inusan is best!: best. It makes sense. I always have some misgivings (Sango deserves better after the shit she’s been through, and Miroku’s antics get unfunny at times, and I like strong women), it sometimes feels a bit disrespectful. But I admit there's a genuine bond; they’re a decent couple. Heck, even the more sexist elements make sense. It’s feudal Japan, literally, the 1500’s even if it’s a fantasy setting. The fact they have 3 kids immediately makes sense. Not bad, but I feel like she deserves better.
EDIT: and it doesn't help that the author basically locked in mirsan from the start with not even the slightest consideration for other possibilities. It's basically a forced ship, for good or bad.
Inusan: UPDATE: I am really starting to like this ship, it suffers from having very little content, but what does exist is intriuging, and its starting grow on me. I would love to see it explored more. Its definitely moved up to one of my top ships.
InuKik: really good ship, it's deep and complex, even in canon, but personally I find it a really good pair with KogKag. Two pairs where everyone is happy!
Sesskagu: a spicy couple, the most common theme being they end up being a sassy couple of assholes, revelling in each other’s evil, but with the undertone of a deeper emotional bond.
Sesskag: I don't like it. one of the more popular ships that I actually have genuine grips with. I can’t get aboard, I don’t like it. They don’t fit well. And I get the feeling that it’s the “sesshomaru fangirl-self-insert ship”. The “badass guy going with the bubbly semi-normal girl.” They don't fit. It almost feels a bit....predatory?
Koh/rin: A really cute relationship, childhood friends.
KagSan: Love their interaction they’re really good friends, and I would love to see more interactions between them. But taking it to the romantic level also is would be great.
Kagkik: would have loved to see more interactions between them, there’s so much chemistry. I like it both as friends and even romantic partners. I just want them both to be happy and get past their angst and issues.
KaguKik: I can definitely see the dynamic, and this one would be 90% romantic. Two lost souls finding a bond with each other.
EDIT: a few extras.
AyaKag: makes no sense, but there's one tumblr Artist that makes really cute art of it. Thumbs up.
InuKog: I can respect it. full disclosure, I'm a guy, so I never was into M/M ships, but I can respect it, probably the most reasonable M/M ship.
Naraku X anymone: nah,, Naraku is "pathetic evil", he's the type that you can't even like for being a "dark badass". He's just an all-around looser, he's literally an Incel. So I don't care for it, but whatever floats your boat.
InuSess: just.....why? And all the content involves some form abuse/rape/nasty stuff.
Sessr*n: No.
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i-like-anything-water · 10 months
Oh man, that fainting scene was PERFECT!! If my questions ever get to be a bother, don't hesitate to let me know; I'm just excited to find another Chloenette fan, and your thoughts are amazing to me. What do you think of these ideas?
AU where Marinette finds the Butterfly and basically becomes an anarchist passing out powers and is convinced she's the hero, Chloe gets the Ladybug and is struggling not to crack under the pressure of being a hero and unknowingly becoming a good person.
AU where the only change to canon is that, at the start of Origins, Chloe and Marinette are dating... but Chloe's the exact same brat she is in canon. The two are genuinely in love, but tend to feed each other's bad habits; for a dash of irony, Adrien and Marinette end up rivals due to Adrien's concerns that Marinette is enabling Chloe, and Marinette thinks Adrien is trying to get between her and Chloe.
Pure, fluffy Crack Chloenette where Chloe goes full Karen and channels her inner Audrey at a fast food restaurant when they screw up Marinette's order. Everyone is afraid, except for Marinette, who is just reminded why she loves this girl.
Like, again, I hope I'm not being a bother, and if I ever get to be, please let me know.
no not all. i actually enjoying answering asks about my ships hjsizjajskskw. thank you, I try my best to make my thoughts coherent.
first one, I'm guessing this is aged up or when they're adults. young Marinette doesn't seem like the type to do that let alone have resources and time for that. Marinette one her twenties just trying to help people while also juggling life and its challenges. she thinks she's doing everyone a favor but with power comes consequences and humans have always had greed. so sometimes it does more annoyances than helping.
Chloe is always on the spotlight, especially now that she's prepared to take over their business. she's still young , around 24-27, but her family is anything but unprepared. becoming ladybug at age 20 was the biggest shock of her life and biggest blessing. if Tikki wasn't here she would have already lost her mind and said 'fuck it, all of you suck' and became her mother 2.0
there's drama, there's sexual tension and 'oh god she's my enemy I shouldn't be blushing like a teenager!' they get paired up in work together in their civilian forms and sparks fly (literally lmao). but they can't. because how could they when they still had someone to capture? someone to keep an eye on and capture? how can they think of each other when they should be thinking of someone else (which is still them lmao silly lesbians).
second one reminds me of that one wenclair fic I read where they're not even remotely good but god their romance was epic and lovely. Marinette is actually the more dominant and initiative in their relationship but she's so much better at hiding it. It thrills Chloe whenever they go on their dates and escapades where they beat up people they don't like (which in their defense are mostly sexist, pedo, homophobes etc.) after obtaining their miraculous. i have to do a bit of Kwami swap and have the ladybug, bee and cat on the same tier. still ladybug and queen bee though and they're a trio.
Adrien is just worried for his friend but he wasn't there when Chloe had no one, when Marinette was cornered, when Chloe had beaten up a guy that was way too close, when Marinette had talked Audrey shit in the face after Chloe's 13 bday. He wasn't there, so of course he didn't understand. It doesn't stop him though. He tries to reach out to his childhood friend only to be stopped with a glare from Marinette. He glares back.
"I think he's interested in you," there's a pout to her voice and Chloe smiles. She reaches a hand to brush the hair that's fallen on Marinette's face, cupping her cheek, "Nonsense. He only sees me as a friend. My best guess is he's worried I'm corrupting you."
Amusement flashes into the girl's eyes, "You? But you're an absolute angel, my love."
Chloe snorts as Marinette wraps an arm around her, "Screw you."
this one could be connected to the second one in terms of their relationship. Marinette is kind and shy and still a bit clumsy, but she's also more confident with her love and doesn't have much inhibitions whenever she wants to know something or gets things done. Especially when it's for Chloe.
She watches in amusement as Chloe chews them out, garnering eyes from anyone inside the store. She should stop her girlfriend, tell her it was only a mistake. But her girlfriend is so damn attractive right now and it fills her with butterflies that Chloe would make sure she was pampered even at the smallest of things.
She does the same of course. She wouldn't hesitate to manipulate or blackmail anyone that comes too close to her liking. So far Adrien hasn't crossed the line, but the idea of toying with him crossed her mind. She wouldn't do it because Chloe is his friend and she doesn't want Chloe upset at her.
After they're done in the restaurant she pulls her girlfriend to the side, smirking at the blushing blonde. "You looked absolutely beautiful there, mon amour."
And that's all. I've been thinking about slightly darker/grey Marinette in my fics but I have yet to find the perfect formula on how to execute her. She's fun though, I like playing with her obsessive characteristics. Also, it's never a bother to me regarding asks about my ships or anything in particular long as it's respectful when asked. Thank you for the asks! Lovely aus indeed.
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jennaissantes · 1 year
footnote — p.sh
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SYPNOSIS: Sunghoon was your best friend. You were his best friend. You love sunghoon. He loves you too, just not quite the same way. You know that you'll never be able to take the place she has.
or:: where falling in love with your best friend is the worst situation you could fall into. especially when hes got his eye set on another girl.
PAIRING: besf!sunghoon x besf!fem!reader [features some of the other enhypen members]
GENRE: angst,.. unrequited love
WARNINGS: sunghoon kinda leads the reader on for a while..... hes a bit of an asshole at that part. its a bittersweet ending tho like &
MUSIC: listen to footnote by conan gray
WORD COUNT: 3K.....haha remember how i said it wont go over 1k... yeah same...
NOTE: hi so i recovered my fic 😰 i love this one so much so im reposting it THANK GOD i still had it in my docs. love u guys mua happy reading!!
extra note!!: the way i depict sunghoon in this fic is purely imaginative and i am not saying in any way that he is actually like this so do say weird shit. also his character is a bit of an asshole….but high schoolers happen to be like that now. ugh.
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i. i remember thinking how pretty you looked in the moonlight
You don't remember when you realized you liked Sunghoon first. You guys had always been friends, having gone to the same school since pre school. High school Sunghoon was a lot different than elementary and middle school Sunghoon.
You remember how loud and cute he used to be in first grade. You remember the first time he hugged you in front of the whole class because you had to leave half-day to visit the doctor. You remember how he used to barely care about anything else other than playing around with his friends.
Those were just memories now.
You loved your conversations with him on instagram, but there were times you wished that he'd talk to you in school too. Then you thought that maybe he just wasn't comfortable with talking to people much.
You loved your conversations with him on instagram, but there were times you wished that he'd talk to you in school too. Then you thought that maybe he just wasn't comfortable with talking to people much.
You loved your conversations with him on instagram, but there were times you wished that he'd talk to you in school too. Then you thought that maybe he just wasn't comfortable with talking to people much.
By the time you reached high school, the two of you had become the best of friends. It took a while for him to come out of his shell but eventually he did. It went from shy ‘good mornings' to the most unfunny jokes he'd crack when he saw you.
You don’t remember when exactly you realized that you liked him. You just knew it somewhere in your heart that you liked him a lot more than as just a friend.
You knew it was wrong. You shouldn't be feeling this way about someone who was just your best friend. But you couldn't help it.
He wasn't the best person when you’d both just become friends. He’d often make sexist comments, but you waved it off as an immature boy's thoughts. Once it got too much though, you'd given him a good scolding and ignored him for a while. That set him straight. He became a much nicer person after that. (‘Weird’, you thought. ‘Why didn't he listen to his other girl friend when she said the same thing?’)
ii. i told you i liked you, you said sober up.
“You like who?” Your friend, Isa’s eyes are as big as saucers. You regret telling her the moment you did.
You hide your face in your hands. “Yeah go ahead, say it even louder so the people at the back can hear you too.”
She grins at you apologetically, “Sorry about that. But why him? He’s like the last person a girl would like.” You raise an eyebrow at her “Half the girls in our grade used to obsess over him and youre saying this?”
“Point taken.”
You groan into your hands ``Why is this so hard oh god. Did I have to fall for him, out of all the people I would have liked.”
“Fall for who?”
You hear the familiar voice and look up to see Sunghoon and his other best friend, Jake (“Oh so you’ve replaced me now I see Hoon” “Please shut your mouth”)
You widen your eyes in panic. “Uh NO ONE. Pshh we were just joking around Hoon.” You see Isa smirking at you and glare at her. Sunghoon rolls his eyes, sitting down next to you and opening his lunch.
“I'm gonna find out sooner or later anyways so you should just tell me who this little crush is about.” He nudges you with his shoulder.
“No, I'd rather eat Jake's terrible pies.”
iii. we’re perfect together but ill never be.
If you regretted telling Isa when you told her, you regretted it a lot more now.
You thought you'd be able to trust her with the secret, not having told anyone else. All that goes to shit when you find out that she not only told sunghoon, but also lied to your face.
You always had a pretty rocky friendship with her, and Sunghoon had already told you many times that he didn't trust her, but you’d ignore his words.
When you find out that she had told him, you were absolutely sure that hed never talk to you again, that you had officially, royally fucked up your friendship with him.
Isa was hanging out at your house when she left her phone out near you to go to the washroom, unlocked and in hers and Sunghoons chats. You really didn't care about what was on her phone and didn’t even want to pry, but a certain message caught your eye.
sunghoon: i think i'm gonna be nicer to her now that i know this
sunghoon: but like not in a way i lead her on
sunghoon: she's still my best friend yk
What the hell.
You opened the chat.
It was wrong of you to pry but you had a bad history with most of the girls in your class and they’d constantly bully you and lie to you, so you thought she was telling him shit about you.
Then you find out that she had told him everything about your crush on him and the two of them had talked about it in detail, even going to the length of planning how he'd act around you now.
‘Why would she tell him? I thought I could trust her with this.’ You thought. On top of it, you were so confused. What did he mean by he was going to be nicer to you since he knows? Was it going to be out of pity?
The last thing you wanted was to be like this.
You wanted to cry.
You remember telling her that she should leave, cooking up some random excuse. You don't really think she believed you but you promised you’d explain to her later on.
So he knows.
Now what? Is it gonna be awkward in school? What’s gonna happen?
You hated that you liked him.
iv. they think we’re together
Much to your surprise, he didn't make it awkward. Nor did he tell anyone else, promising to keep it just between the three of you.
He didnt even confront you about it, deciding against making you feel bad, since h truly cared about you.
He was actually nicer than before. A bit too nice.
Sunghoon usually never talked to many girls, or at least he thought most of them were bitchy. So him being your best friend was pretty much news to a lot of people.
There were already enough rumors that you and him were so close. To make it worse, the next day at school, during a free period, you, him and your small group of friends decided to have a pen fight.
It went really well and he was sitting opposite to you, your knees almost touching since you were sitting opposite on the same desk.
When you almost lost, he tried to say that you didn’t die and that your pen was still in the boundary so it didn't count and even went so far, claiming it as ‘Women's rights guys’. Your friend started making fun of you (“Yeah for sure.”)
You were even more surprised when he got up and walked over to your side, for his turn, leaning over your shoulder to hit his pen. You remember holding your breath in because he was so close to you.
This, obviously, did not go unnoticed by the other girls in the class. It was uncommon to see something like that.
You thought he was just teasing you like he normally did. But deep down you knew that he had never done something like that with you. Both of you always knew your limits and where to draw them when it came to terms of your friendship. But this was not normal.
You also thought that it would be a one time thing.
The next day, during your language class, he asked you to sit next to him when there was no other space. You would've taken a chair and put it next to one of your girl friends, but he insisted on making you sit next to him.
That wasn't all.
After a while, when everyone was fidgeting around and just talking, he noticed a sharpie and turned to you.
“Can you draw on my hand?”
“What? Why?” you were clearly surprised. Sunghoon had never asked something like that to you, or any other girl for that matter. He just wasn't that type of person.
“Why not?” he fires back. You roll your eyes. “Fine. What do you want me to draw?”
“That weird skeleton thingy.”
“What the hell Sunghoon thats so emo.”
“Shutup and just draw it.”
When you imagined holding hands with Sunghoon, holding it while drawing on his hand is not what you had in mind.
You could tell he was a bit nervous too, by the way his hand was shaking slightly (which didnt make it any easier for you.)
“Stop shaking so much.” you whispered. “Sorry. I just can't help it.” He said.
You gulped back your emotions and tried to focus on the drawing, which wasnt really coming out expertly.
“Hoon c’mon I dont even know how to draw it properly. See, it looks like shit.” You hold up his hand to show him what youd drawn.
He wanted to laugh at it but he didnt. “Okay then ask someone to teach you how to draw it.”
There was only one person you knew who could draw said skeleton.
“Hey Isa. You know how to draw this right? Teach Y/N how to do it too.” He called out to her. She raised her eyebrows. “But I'm not that great at it though.”
“Better than me for sure. Wait, why can't you just ask her to do it for you?” you ask your best friend.
“No you do it for me.”
V. every line i would write for you
This wasnt good.
Oh no this was nowhere near good.
Since when was Sunghoon this cute?
Your best friend usually went home by the bus since there was one that went directly to his neighbourhood. While you, on the other hand, went home by the subway. You could go by the bus, but it would take a while longer to reach home, and your mom always wanted you home by the earliest.
But there were a few days where you took an exception.
You were currently on the sub, texting Sunghoon.
gaeuls dad: so ur coming by bus tmrw right
you: i'll think abt it. depends on how quick mom wants me home
gaeuls dad: idc. js come w me tmrw
you: no
gaeuls dad: nooooo plsplsplspls
you: why cant u just ask dahyun to go with u? doesn't she always go the same way as you?
gaeuls dad: yeah but u also come
you: fine ill see (gaeuls dad liked this message)
Dahyun was a common friend of your boths, and a junior. You loved talking to her. You were very aware of Sunghoons and Dahyuns friendship. You knew that they texted a lot and Sunghoon didnt usually talk to younger girls. You didnt really think much of it, way too bothered by your own feelings for him.
Was he leading you on? There is no way he likes you as anything more than as just a friend. But then what were all of these mixed signals? All the subtly flirty texts and the weird behaviour in school?
Chances of him liking you back were small but not impossible. You knew you were giving yourself false hope by thinking that way. You needed to talk to someone about it.
“I personally think he might like you back.” was what Isa had told when you told her everything. You could only talk to her about it since nobody else knew about it.
“Now that he knows, he’ll start thinking of you more often, and maybe he needs some time to realize that he might like you back. Don't lose hope, okay?”
“Ill try not to. I just really don't understand what he's doing.”
Isa nodded her head in understanding,”I know you must be super confused right now. But don't worry, it'll be okay. At least you guys are still best friends! You thought you wouldn't even be his friend if he knew right?” She had a point.
You were more than sure that he'd cut off his friendship with you if he knew that you had romantic feelings for him. But he hadnt.
Maybe she was right.
Maybe there was a small chance for you.
vi. so ill stop being pretentious and loathing our friendship
There was no chance for you.
Just when you thought that things might be escalating for the two of you, you realized that it wasnt.
He talked to Dahyun way too often for your liking.
You had nothing against her, she was a really nice friend and you really did love her, but there was always that feeling of…resentment against her. Why couldn't it have been you?
What were you lacking? Was it your looks? Your body? Your personality?
What you thought was just a small crush on your best friend, turned out to be something much more, making you question yourself and your insecurities.
You hated the feeling.
You hated seeing their texts on her story. You hated the realization that maybe he hadnt really meant all those signals. You hated how he made you feel how you felt.
You wanted to be happy and cheerful whenever they'd send you something they had already sent to each other first, but your heart always tore a little more, everytime you did.
You hated the feeling of being the second option.
Why, just why couldn't it have been you?
You wanted to scream at him, tell him that you were there first, you had always been his friend, since childhood. She had just entered his life.
You also knew that he wouldn't ask her out.
Which angered you even more.
You don't know why, but it hurt more to just see them like each other; or rather see him slowly fall for her.
Truth be told, you didn't even know if he actually liked her either, but it looked that way for sure.
You tried to move on, you really did. You tried to ignore his messages and calls, tried to leave him on read and delivered for days, but your heart always found a way to go back to him.
You remember crying yourself to sleep for a few days because you had never felt so much love for one person ever before as you did right now.
And they didn't love you back.
He didnt love you back.
vii. its just like the novels
Sunghoon was in a state of dilemma.
Ever since he had gotten to know about your crush on him, he had no idea what to do.
You were constantly on his mind.
He would’ve told you that he liked you too, but he didnt see himself as worthy of being with someon like you. You always looked after him and you were always there for him.
He would do anything for you.
Anything but tell you that he wants you.
As much as he wanted you, he couldnt have you.
So he settled for Dahyun.
With Dahyun, he didnt have to think about anything, he could just be. And he liked that. He liked not having to worry about the whole thing.
What he hadn’t thought about was how hurt youd be if you found out that he and Dahyun were dating.
viii. you taught me a lesson, love isnt precious
Sunghoon and Dahyun were dating.
The news spread like wildfire, throughout the whole school. You couldn’t say you weren’t surprised. But that didnt make it hurt any less.
When you thought that your heart could finally do you no more damage, it got worse.
You couldnt bring yourself to look at him. When Dahyun texted you the news, you had left her on read, causing her to send a string of messages asking you what had happened and whether you were okay.
Damn you for being so nice and likeable Dahyun.
You knew you needed time away from them both. As much as it hurt, it had to be done.
So you stopped talking to him, and lost your best friend in the process.
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i. but a footnote will do.
The last year of highschool.
You had not quite recovered yet, despite it being a year since they started dating.
Sunghoon and Dahyun were still together, and you knew you were out of the picture. Not entirely. You just wouldnt be the one standing next to him in all his big moments anymore. You wouldn’t be the one hugging him on his bad days, you wouldnt be the one laughing with him at his terrible jokes.
You wouldn’t be the one giving him all the love he needed.
Love is a bitch, you find out in your last year of highschool.
So you’ll just take a footnote in his life.
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pinkacademic · 9 months
Actually Studying Literature
The bit we’d all rather avoid… or maybe that’s a me thing. But here’re the methods I suggest for actually learning about literature! As you guys know, you need to break things down in the way that works best for you, study in whatever way makes the information stay in your own brain. Here’s just a few ways that you can improve your understanding of literature specifically.
Using Other Forms of Media to Learn the Story. Audiobooks are your friend, podcasts are your friend, and any film or TV adaptation can be useful if you’re struggling with the book, but make sure to check reviews and make sure the majority agree that it is faitful, and/or learn any flaws that there are or changes.
Discuss. Oh, my GOD, discuss. A freind of mine could not figure out a particular detail of Dracula, not from reading it, not from the lecturer, not until I explained “mate, you know it’s Mina’s notes, right?” And then they loved it. I’m not going to explain in detail, but the point is, ask more than just your teacher/tutor/whatever if you have any questions.
Practise Tests. But not in the way you think. Yes, you should do normal practise essays and practise exams, but I also reccomend doing a chaotic version that helps you just get your main points into your brain, then it’ll be easier to do the practise tests.
Here’s an example of what I mean:
Is Jonathan Harker a Sexist by pinkacademic
Intro: fuckin. this bitch does not drink respect women juice. man fuckin… my wife in the kitchen, my wife is weak, all day, every day, then he sexualises dracula’s girlfriends in the middle too?? bitch?
point one: fuckin… idk, this man thinks women can only do care stuff eg women in the kitchen, the nuns who look after him, mina caring for him
context interlude: the victorians hated women!
point two: women are for sexy- the brides- but also sexy is bad and for whores and my wife is good bc she’s not a whore
counter point: jonny does in fact love mina a whole lot and trusts her!
point three: look at mina being so susceptable to dracula, jonny thinks she’s so weak, ugh women are so weak.
context interlude: gothic novels think women can’t walk without fainting!
conclusion: therefore jonathan harker hates women, actually
This is stupid, but I know what all my basic points are! And I can learn this along with my actual facts and figures, instead of trying to store an entire essay in my brain! Now, of course, you will need to learn the facts and figures, such as key dates and what have you, BUT, the combination of the basic structure plus a handful of facts will give you a basis to work from without trying to store everything.
Ok, let me know if you want anything else! It occurs to me that I don’t have literary methods anywhere- so bonus post on literature on its way!
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heronpoxed · 1 year
I decided to re-watch SOA, idk why because I know how painful it will be lol. Anyways, I loved tara when I first watched the show and I love her now. I truly do not understand the hate she gets. I have my own theories on why she get's so much hate, but I'm wondering what your take on it is. I find it especially disgusting the hate she gets from many women in this fandom. They seem to hate tara yet give a free pass to all the horrible things most of the men on this show did, its wild lol
hii<33 i’m so happy you deemed me worthy enough to ask for my opinion on this topic lol
First off, don’t be hard on yourself for rewatching SOA. God knows I’ve rewatched it way too many times even though it always results in my anxiety and unease.
Anyway, I truly believe that i’m gonna get k!lled for this but still, buckle up we have much to discuss. Honestly, this is gonna be a long one.
SPOILERS for anyone who hasn’t seen the show till the end!
There are many reasons why people hate Tara and I’m sure you notice most - if not all - of them but at the end of the day it all comes down to misogyny, internalized misogyny and favoritism. As you said, they excuse every horrible thing that men do because it’s a men-centered show with very attractive male characters. Trust me, if Charlie was not conventionally attractive everyone would’ve hated Jax lol and it’d be absolutely laughable if anyone said otherwise.
It shouldn’t come as news to anyone how sexist and misogynistic most of the SOA fandom is. I’ve talked about this before and say it again that the fans of this show (especially women) are so quick to put blame on female character’s horrible behavior for the shit that male characters build the foundation for. For example, as much as I dislike both Ima and Colette it wasn’t exactly their fault that they were so present in the club life. It wasn’t as if both Jax and Opie hadn’t been more than willing to sleep with Ima. They both let her be a part of SAMCRO, which as a result affected their families. And then seeing both these men treat Ima like shit and even get physically violent with her was fucking awful to watch because they were the ones who had done the damage in the first place. Same goes for the Colette situation. Jax was the one who allowed her to sleep with him yet the fandom is calling her a wh*re. As if sex doesn’t happen among multiple people.
Disgusting and frustrating as hell!
People hate Tara for numerous reasons:
- they think she’s annoying
- they think she’s indecisive
- they hate that a wife tried to take the sons away from a father
- they think her methods were questionable
- ‘she had an out and she didn’t take it and now reprimands Jax for it’
- they think she never cared about Jax and didn’t love him as much.
- ‘she betrayed him’
- she knew what she was signing up for when she decided to date Jax
- she doesn’t own up to her mistakes.
- some of them actually hate her because they don’t see chemistry between Maggie and Charlie which blows my mind. You may think that a couple lacks chemistry but hating a female lead for it is a bit extreme, not to mention utterly misogynistic.
To me, Tara’s only crime was her hair in season 6 lol but on a more objective note:
Y’all see selfishness and betrayal while what I see is Tara prioritizing and choosing Jax over and over again because she’s holding onto the promises that Jax made to her (that he ultimately kept breaking), the idea of having a peaceful family and onto the bond that they had when they first fell in love (she says as much in 6x13). Anyone who says that Tara was selfish and never cared for or deserved Jax is completely out of line because if anything, Tara loved and valued Jax more that he ever did her (see: constant infidelity). The answer to why Tara didn’t leave until the last possible minute is simple: she loved him.
People also seem to ignore the fact that leaving Charming and giving their children a peaceful life was what both Tara and Jax wanted. The guy literally gave his baby up to some strangers FFS even after everything that he and SAMCRO went through to finally track Abel down (one of the saddest scenes on the show, mind you). Taking one look at Abel’s adoptive parents was enough for Jax to know that his life would only be harmful for the baby. I don’t see anyone reprimand Jax for that?!?! If it weren’t for Gemma’s non-stop gnawing and Opie’s death, he wouldn’t have lost sense of what he wanted since the fist episode(!!) - to give his kids a better life.
People accuse Tara of being ‘indecisive,’ saying that she willingly turned down an out when she had it etc. well let me ask you this: and Jax wasn’t?!?! It literally goes both ways. I could write a whole goddamn essay on this one. Tara couldn’t make up her mind on whether or not she should’ve stayed with Jax just like Jax couldn’t make up his own on if he wanted Tara gone or not. I’m sick of people ignoring that. Jax and Tara’s entire dynamic is this constant back and forth between their morals. People call Tara annoying and indecisive for this but call Jax ‘complex’ and ‘complicated’ and ‘conflicted’ while doing the exact same thing. Another case of sexism and misogyny.
When people say that Tara knew what she signed up for when she decided to be with Jax, they aren’t wrong. She did know. However, it was very clearly shown on SOA that despite being involved in a risky illegal business, this constant trouble and bloodshed was not normal for the club. The entire time Tara was gone, everything unfolded discreetly and with minimal trouble that never affected the families of the club members. Almost the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 Gemma kept assuring Tara that it wasn’t always this troublesome with them and Jax kept assuring her that he’d fix things. Tara just came back at a bad time when everything went to shit and kept going to deeper shit. What Tara signed up for was the promise that things would go back to normal because peace and discretion used to be SAMCRO’s normal.
To all those questioning Tara’s methods for taking Thomas and Abel away let me tell you this: while it was risky and morally gray, it was literally what Jax wished John Teller had done for him and his brother Thomas. If you rewatch 4x01 Jax says that John should’ve ran Gemma’s ass over, taken him and Thomas and gotten the hell out of Charming in response to Tara reminding him that Gemma wouldn’t have let them go. This, once again, comes back to Jax losing his sense of direction after Opie’s death. If Jax was okay with John ‘running’ Gemma over, then he’d also be okay with Tara doing the same thing.
So this is what Tara did, ‘ran Gemma’s ass over’ (in a sense) to get her kids away from that life - something that Jax wanted his own father to do for him and something that he himself actually would’ve done if it came down to it.
And don’t forget that it was the circumstances that forced Tara to consider being a rat. She never wanted to rat on her husband and the club. She says as much to Lee Toric in prison. And those saying that she wasn’t owning up to her mistakes clearly ignore or fail to see that Tara hated her plan the entire time and she was constantly at war with herself. She knew full well that her plan wasn’t that of a saint but she did what she thought she had to do. Her heart was in the right place from day 1 and if anything she was the one who got betrayed in the end because Unser, Wendy, Lowen - they all chickened out and left her to fend for herself in complete chaos.
People even prefer Gemma to Tara even though she’s literally evil incarnate willing to kill her husband to maintain the power that comes with the club. It’s all because Gemma is a w*t dream of every person that’s a victim of patriarchy. Most of the fandom believes that you only deserve rights as a woman if you’re badass like Gemma lmao.
We all know the entire point of the show I’m not gonna elaborate any further on that one. The scene between Jax and Patterson in 6x13 speaks for itself. Tara, as a character, served as a reminder of that point. People literally take Jax’s side over hers only because he is hot lol. Every single decision that Tara made in the entire show is literally backed up by logic and reasonable evidence within the TV show itself. Even Kurt Sutter was shook on the amount of hate that she got and has stated multiple times that Tara was always right.
However, it is also worth noting that most of us Gen Z are team Tara, which makes me think that the hate toward her comes from the more closed off mindset of the older generation (obviously this doesn’t include everyone).
So yeah, the answer to your question is misogyny.
Sorry for this enormous answer but I can literally defend Tara non-stop till the day I d!e. If there’s anything else you’d like to know you can ask me or message me any time It’d be my pleasure<3 and feel free to share ur theories. I’m very curious about them.
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olithetalker · 10 months
Why I think Chad Charming is even worse than he seems
Needed warning: Not Chad friendly. If you are a fan of his, please proceed to read with caution.
I've noticed on Tumblr, Chad is a fairly popular icon. And that in itself isn't really an issue. Many people like characters that I don't, and that's okay. And I'm sure many people dislike characters that I do like.
But at the same time.... People appreciate certain aspects of his character that I personally feel uncomfortable with. And in this post I will explain what those aspects are and why.
His friendship with Audrey is actually quite troubling to me
Chad and Audrey's friendship, often named "Chaudrey" is quite well liked. I.... Find it a bit shady.
When I first watched through Descendants, I wasn't under the impression that we were supposed to take Chad's romantic feelings for Audrey seriously. I thought it was more of a joke that he had a crush on her and was ridiculous about it, so more of a comic relief thing than a serious aspect of the story.
But I've heard that in Audrey's Diary it says that after Audrey's breakup with Ben and humiliation, Chad was very much there for her and was supportive.
Big red flag.
What I find troubling about this is that it's during this very specific period of Audrey's life, that all of a sudden Chad is being so doting. As a guy myself, I would be somewhat suspicious of a dude who fancies a girl suddenly being very attentive and comforting to her after a breakup, suspicious that maybe it's just him trying to slip through and become her new boyfriend.
Of course it would be ridiculous to say that this is a general rule. Of course there would be guys in Chad's situation who genuinely would just want to be there for a friend in need. Maybe it really is that case with him.
But here's the thing.... Knowing Chad, would a logical conclusion really be that his intentions here were pure?
In School of Secrets, its shown that Chad was dating 11 girls at the same time.
In Descendants 2, we see that Chad actually holds somewhat sexist views on women.
And in Descendants 1, we can all remember how he was more than happy to pretend to be romantic toward Evie to just get her to do things for him, and then sold her out when it suited him.
In a way, whether or not Chad's comfort toward Audrey is sincere is a bit beside the point. At the end of the day, suppose you knew a guy with a similar personality and history as Chad's suddenly being a super friend to a girl he liked when she had just broken up with her boyfriend and was devastated about it. Would you not find him shady? Why should Audrey be any different to him than the other 11 girls he clearly fancied? What really indicates that he isn't using similar charms and manipulation that he used on Evie?
And this interpretation kinda is furthered to me by my next point.
2. In a way... Chad takes advantage of Audrey while she is mentally unwell
Descendants 3 on the surface seems as if Audrey is cruel to Chad and he is the poor victim.
But... Let's again, analyse this from a logical perspective, in oppose to the perspective the writers intend for us to take:
Audrey gets taken control of by the sceptre. It plays on her thoughts, her insecurities, and mental damage to turn her into this pink demon figure. It's messing with her brain.
Chad sees Audrey like this, and rather than act with concern that she is not being herself.... He actually genuinely sees this as an opportunity for him. He rushes toward her and offers to become her boyfriend (no seriously watch the scene, he does), or her sidekick, and also offers his support in whatever it is she is planning to do.
He's not worried for her. Not at all. He's *delighted* with this turn of events. Is this really the behaviour of a loyal best friend who cares deeply for this girl? Or the behaviour of a guy who is more than willing to take advantage of her situation to potentially become her man?
Contrast this with Ben's response when Audrey confronts him. He is concerned for her. He knows she isn't being herself. He immediately puts two and two together that she is under a spell and offers his help. How messed up is it that her ex boyfriend who she hasn't seen for an entire year is behaving more caring to her than her best friend?
It could be argued that Chad offering his help to Audrey is to be seen as him simply being afraid that she would put him under the sleeping spell unless he was of use to her. But look at his body language, his lines, and his attitude in the scene. Does it really seem like he is scared for his life? Or does it seem like he's happy?
Not to mention, even as she batters and intimidates him throughout the film, he still doesn't give up trying to get a date with her. At one point, rather than show self preservation instincts and go along with her quietly, he asks if they can hang out at his place. So... Even if he was afraid, would it really change him trying to pull this off?
If a true friend sees you making questionable decisions and not being yourself, they try to steer you back to the right path, they try to find out what's going on with you so they can help appropriately. Chad does neither of these things.
3. He is a hypocrite towards Ben
Okay this one is a bit more speculative. It could just be my protectiveness of Ben talking, but in D3, when Ben says it has been beneficial to Auradon for the VKs to live in it, Chad yells "yeah, especially for you!". Considering that Chad is standing by Audrey as he says this and it seems bitter, I get the impression that he is calling Ben out for Audrey's heartbreak.
And I get it, Ben didn't speak to Audrey after the love spell came off him. That wasn't acceptable.
But... As I said in my previous post, of all the people in the series, is Chad really one to throw stones here?
First of all, as of my aforementioned suspicions of his character's motives, I would find it more believable that this would not be anger at Ben for the idea that he has *hurt* Audrey, but rather envy of him being king and having formerly been Audrey's boyfriend. And using the fallout of the stadium performance as a self righteous justification.
Secondly, even if I were to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is mad at Ben for the right reasons..... He has no room to talk here. Chad literally has cheated on multiple girls, led on and manipulated Evie and just treats girls like utter trash. Ben's one situation of questionable neglect of Audrey is absolutely nothing compared to the hijinks Chad has pulled throughout the franchise.
Just for the record, I'm unsure the phrase "taking advantage of" can apply to a situation not involving sexual abuse. I'm pretty sure it can, but just in case I'm wrong there, please hold me accountable so I can correct it. Thank you.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
About JDM. I agree that in a ideal world no one should be talking on behalf of everyone else, show business or not, "normal work place" (ah ah) or not. But we re not in an ideal world, and people are bound to make mistakes in the heat of the moment..people are human and flawed, even tv super stars.
Also, not to blame her because she does what she wants of course, but MMB never spoke herself publicly on the matter so its kind of hard to know what she thinks.
Also again, the pb for me should not be, as i 've read, that he's a man talking on behalf of a woman. Im not saying there isnt mysogyny or sexism in hollywood or "the real world" (ah ah), but as far as im concerned (and im not a man before anyone comes at me for this), he spoke as a collegue abt another collegue . Well, former collegue, now. Also, apparently he's one of NR best friend, so if ur best friend is attacked and u feel its unfair, yeaaah u re gonna publicly defend him.
Mind u: NR didnt speak himself for quite a long time after the inital mess, i think the first thing he said was after a few weeks with an answer to a fan on line who was like "eh norman have u seen whats being said" blablabla, and he answered something like "what did i miss? 😎" in a sort of ironical/cynical way. Correct me if im wrong.
But my point is that i personnally saw a collegue speaking for a collegue, and a friend defending a friend. If it had been Lauren Cohan saying "eh guys your wrong!" Would people have been more kind to her because its ok for a woman to talk on behalf or another woman?
JDM might no be super close to Melissa but last time we checked, they were more than fine with each other (i still think abt this lovely bts picture of both of them for 10.12, yes, its just promo but still).
And he didnt say anything bad abt her. He just said "they love each other, they re both very sad abt the situation and Norman's not the bad guy here". Maybe he knows them better than we do?
Was it clumsy of him? Yes. He might have actually been hurt for Norman and didnt think straight, who knows?
Was it inappropriate? Not his role? Probably. But the argument of him being a man here, while i do in a way understand where its coming from, still cant help but feel uneased by it. I for one think if we are going to be outraged, we should be outraged at whoever is speaking on behalf of Melissa, but im pretty convinced that if Lauren or Danai had defended Norman, nobody would have bat an eye. We are complaining because he's a man, and because he's supposedly the closest to Norman amongst the cast. Feel a bit unfair.
Its ok if u or your followers disagree of course. Again, im not saying that there isnt a pb with men vs woman in hollywood or the world in general, i just think that in this case, this is not the pb.
The idea that Melissa needed a break is inherently sexist because it implies she couldn't keep up with the same workload that her male colleagues had been given. Also, blasting it on Twitter has major ramifications for Melissa because people are far more likely to accept that a woman needs a break vs. a man needing one. You may recall that Andy said himself that being overseas, away from his family, became too difficult, yet no one criticized his fans for demanding Rick back for four years.
Even if contracts allowed a lead actress to back out that way (they don't), even if it was true that Melissa needed a break (-_-), it makes her look flaky and weak to other studios who might consider casting her on another project. Melissa and AMC legally agreed to announce that the location was "untenable" for her, nothing else. That's important. Regardless of whether or not JDM said what he said to defend his friend, it went off script and that's unprofessional.
Do I like that Norman was being cast as the evil villain? No. Do I think he was the evil villain in all of this? Ultimately...no. I'm frustrated because usually when a show is dealing with a controversy, the go-to strategy is to not say anything until the situation is further assessed, yet AMC and one of their male leads acted pretty fast to directly address the backlash in defense of another male lead. Melissa didn't get the same treatment. In fact, she's been dealing with fans saying sexist and ageist things about her and Carol for years without anything being done about it. And for the record, that doesn't have to mean calling out every fan who insults them. It is worth noting though, that the one person who did come to Melissa's defense last April (in an appropriate way) was Laurie Holden, who is no stranger to mistreatment herself. That should tell us something.
So in conclusion, anon, the issue here might not come down to a man speaking for a woman, but there is absolutely a gender bias in this whole mess. JDM's actions have unfortunately changed my perception of him, and while I might be able to support Norman again eventually (provided Melissa does too and provided I don't feel alienated as a Caryl fan), it's probably going to take a lot more than a Narol tweet for me to support JDM again (not that I had much interest in watching the same drama unfold between Negan and Maggie anyway). Every time I see someone insist that Melissa needed a break and try to scold others for "robbing her of her choice," it makes me angry all over again because how can you ever really undo all that damage?
ETA: If a woman had jumped the gun like JDM did, she would've been fired so fast. JDM still has his show.
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popstart · 2 months
Yeah you know what i'll send G1 for sexuality and gender HCs. why not
Alejandro: Ive never sat down and thought about this but bisexual seems correct.
Beth: I think ive always operated under the assumption shes lesbian lol. brady is SUCH a comphet boyfriend
Bridgette: I have a hard time seeing her as anything but straight I cant even lie? like i love wlw bridgette ships but not in a way that I wouldn't be unsurprised if they were canonically shut down lmfao 😭😭😭I really like the lesbian bridgette hc I just cannot get behind it in a way that aligns me with actually thinking bridgette would be a lesbian
Cody: I have no opinions on what I think his sexuality is but I cannot get behind relationships between him and girls
Courtney: LESBIAN. but i do like seeing other hcs for her. I see cases for her being bi, I see cases for her being straight. shrug emoji. I do really like duncney as a ship though which throws some wrenches in that hc just a little bit lmfao
Dj: I operate in a world where Dj is a lesbian even though I dont think i seriously think that. Its just how it goes
Duncan: i have a hard time seeing him as anything other than straight. like. im sorry this guy would be so homophobic. he would use the word gay as an insult. However, i do like aleduncan. so take of that as you will (its funny and makes me laugh) he has gay friends though omg🙄🙄🙄🙄
Eva: LESBIAN. yes its stereotypical. no i dont care. shes such a dyke
Ezekiel: straight??????? idk. this isnt even a "hes sexist so he would be other flavors of bigoted" I just dont live in a universe that I think ezekiel could be queer
Geoff: bisexual except i dont think he would label it. he thinks its normal for everyone to be a little attracted to the same gender. my friend that has only seen a little bit of total drama also likes him being a trans man which i mostly find funny but i could see lmao.
Gwen: lesbiannn. I really like the hc shes a trans girl as well, or nonbinary. im fine with either of those. regardless she is not cishet in any fashion. i genuinely think she is very very lesbian coded aligned because the way she behaves with men in the show is just???? so strange? i dont think it was intentional from the producers though which has me hesitant to mark it as actually "coded". Also i so seriously believe she was one sided crushing on courtney in all stars. why is she so weird. like im not a big gwourtneyer but wanting to impress a girl that bad teeters into "theres no straight explanation for this" territory
Harold: idk. trans in some direction. last year I remember seeing one of those your fave is posts and it was transbian harold and i remember laughing so hard bc i wasnt in the fandom at the time I had no idea someone would hc harold of all people as transbian.
Heather: trans girl lesbian though im less heavy on her being trans I just like it symbolically. saw someone forever ago say t4t gweather and I liked it a lot. her bald era was such an interesting look into her mind bc that is straight up gender dysphoria. I dislike aleheather bc i hc her as just so so lesbian.
Izzy: nonbinary unlabeled. she dgaf about labels so hard so im not gonna try to break it down either.
Justin: hes always given me gay man energy
Katie + Sadie: I love them as lesbian but i prefer them staying just friends (though im fine with the ship.)
Leshawna: Ive never thought about it. i think she plays a straight bff role very easily but she could be bi or lesbian
Lindsay: I prefer her as lesbian but I also like lyler in a way that has me thinking she could be bi. unlabeled maybe but lesbian aligned. dunno, I guess it could depend on the universe lol.
Owen: bisexual. ik this isnt "canon" but its canon enough to me.
Noah: Seeing people argue over this has me not giving a shit at all. bisexual i guess. i dont care
Sierra: i LOVE lesbian sierra. hill i'll die on is that shes a lesbian that made up a guy to crush on to try and appear normal since she has no friends in school.
Trent: i have quite literally 0 opinions on trent that are based on canon. hes a straight man
Tyler: straight to me i cant lie, but i like transfem lesbian tyler its cuteness
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
Weird that they are placing so much emphasis on having bio kids as the ultimate form of happiness and legacy, when Mr. Miyagi is like, right there. Do the writers think of him as different/a tragedy because he would have had it if his wife and son didn’t die, or did they just forget?
I answered and I deleted and I answered and I deleted, because I agree so much with you and I don't want to ruin the enjoyment for anyone, so let's put this below the cut:
maybe miyagi was actually secretly evil the whole time........ 🤔🤔🤔(joke)
that family structure is suspect dude, sounds queer to adopt a kid who's being bullied, years after your wife and child died and then not even knock up his mom, what are you gay?
at the very least don't pretend it's a real family you've got there, you'll always be a tragic sad man, without your biological progeny, which is the only kind that matters, and only if done in the Correct way (single parents need not apply)
weird we had the "tanmee" line in s3, but this season just straight up forgot a lot of its own building blocks in favour of some weird aggressive and regressive heterosexual bullshit -- the more I think about it the more discomfort I feel, which isn't to make this deeper than it is, I don't think there was bad intent. I think there was a tragic lack of imagination and it coincides with some real-world Politics that the show doesn't care about and is tacitly conservative about, but I sign onto the show not to be reminded of that world
a lot of people have mentioned that the show bears very little resemblance thematically to the core of the original (two) movies -- it's always been conservative in its depiction of military and war and violence, and simplified an actually incredibly complex, and yet incredibly clear-cut messaging that positions Miyagi (and his ideals) on one side and Kreese (and his ideals) on the other, with very clear reasoning as to why one is right and one is not
the show has been antisemitic, it's been racist, it's had a lack of queer characters that is all the more obvious in a story about a group of outcast kids with found family themes (first produced in 2019), and it's been sexist/underwritten the value that women have in a story about legacy and toxic masculinity and gender roles
and in fandom there have been interesting bits of analysis and writing from very talented and clever people to acknowledge these unexamined prejudices and flaws. they have been challenged in art and in narrative, and there has been plenty of discussion about where we can suspend disbelief and what we (individually) won't take onboard in our own various tellings of the story
up until s5 I have been able to hold that tension, because I truly enjoyed the story and the underlying themes and characters and was baseline expecting those themes and motivations to still matter
but oof the way that this season became entirely divorced from any of the show's own grounding themes, hasn't only made the characters hollow to me, but it's also made me realise (and hey, maybe I should realised this sooner, more fool's me) that they really don't give a shit about Miyagi
which is crazy because the story's about him.
EDIT: and i do still feel deeply uncomfortable about the final fight, and generally how daniel “defeating” anything was done totally absent of miyagi’s ideals -- the only way to solve anything is violence now. beat the other guy into submission to beat your fear i guess. meaningless to what daniel’s journey was, but good to know he’s also manly enough now
and more importantly than anything in a story that's just about liking or disliking trajectories and reads... I am deeply uncomfortable with its politics now
I think how I felt about s4 was that it had some moments I didn't like, but the trajectory made sense to me. with s5 there are moments I do like, but it's empty. I don't know why anything in the last episode happened. I feel intense discomfort about the treatment of women and girls. And to be clear I don't think that there was an intentional drive to make the messaging... that about queerness versus dominating toxic heterosexuality, but honestly I'm living in a pretty shitty world these days with a lot of backsliding in equality and I don't think that I can happily shut off my brain and watch something that conservative anymore
it's not technically anything deep as such, it's not real life. I've really enjoyed the show, I've made some lovely friends through it, and read some of the best fic, and gotten to hype up some wonderful artists and I'll stay in fandom, but I think I might be done with the show itself
but hey, miyagi adopting this skinny little punk from new jersey and giving him some valuable life lessons only for this kid to adopt him right back, that I can rewatch a million times and like I said -- the story is all about that (and it most certainly isn't a tragedy)
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minimutty · 6 months
Minis FE Awakening Blind Playthrough Chp 11
I'm a bit late but we back! Back to plot and more marriages! And apparently a time skip I suppose. First up: Gank Gangrel in what was the most anticlimactic revenge ever, but Emmeryn's been avenged, so that's already been squared away, woop woop.
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First up, suppports marriages. Maribelle and Ricken. Idk they seemed to be around the same age range, so I just went with it. Also Ricken and her interacted in story so that's more than enough inventive for me. Still continuing with the theme of just marrying as opposed to like dating or getting to know each other. It's a miracle any marriage in this game lasts more than a year.
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Next, Lonqu and Cordelia. Honestly I'm just gonna marry em off bc Lonqu wasn't like, violently sexist to her. He actually was pretty nice and teaches her lance stuff, and he blushes in like their C support, and in a FE support game this is more than enough. They should get married soon.
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Back to plot plot plot. Gangrel is backkkk.
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Typical dumb villain stuff. Shoulda just killed us when we were 10 levels lower. He's so dumb. Uh, anyway, he is being evil and so evil that eventually the mook soldiers realize how evil he blatantly is, so they all leave.
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This soldier probably died for saying this lmao
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For some reason the game and plot try to make what Emmeryn did like a super impactful thing, but she literally said one thing about "war is bad" and then chucks herself off a cliff and its portrayed as this super moving and motivational thing? I really don't get it. I've seen people do a lot worse and it not move people, but I guess this is a kid's game so welp welp. Good enough contrivance.
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I guess it's good enough to make our lives easier.
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We finally get our dancer! Wooop best girl is here by factor of being dancer! Dancer important!
As a reward I'm gonna try to marry her off to Libra idk. I actually haven't checked if he can.
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Gameplay-wise I was a dumbass and didn't see Gangrel's range and he killed Chrom with the leven sword, which I recognize from Smash! Be glad there's image limits bc it cuts out a lot of my stupid deaths because playing as many FE games as I have doesn't stop me from being an idiot. I think that's just a given for my life I think.
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Anyway we win, I try to get some more lvls for Virion, and we finish the Plegia arc! At least that's what I think this arc is.
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Chrom lampshades that the credits screen didn't show and we have a temporary happily after after where all the hets all get married and have kids asap, which I think is historically accurate to the end of irl wars.
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Actually this does explain why Chrom didn't call himself this. Coulda sworn FEH said differently but I'm actually surprised they explained it, props.
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Apparently ppl who play this part blind get jumpscared if they don't know Chrom gets force married here to whoever has the highest support. I knew this thanks to the power of FEH and memes, so I just married him off to first girl.
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TIMESKIP. Chrom asks what his eugenics kid's stats are still looks the same but now he has a kid. Isn't he like 19 now? Did he have the kid at 17? Well I guess medieval times idk. Sumia, Chrom's wife doesn't want to bother mothering and demands to join Chrom in I think the next bad thing to happen.
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Suma dgaf about the kid it's time to more fight. Who cares about postpartum recovery. Also Lucina's eye automatically denotes her as a main character. The benefits of royal wet nurses I guess.
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The Roommates(tm) have married banter that's more emotional than any interaction between Chrom and his wife, and then we get revealed to the next Bad Thing plot.
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Apparently this place called Valm is attacking us bc some guy named Walhart (?) is being mean and evil, I sure hope his motivations are like 2% more interesting than Gangrel's.
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Virion is back and acts like he wasn't part of our army like 2 years ago, and comes with what I think is his retainer, Cherche, whom I recognize from FEH.
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Anyway Viri here says that he was from Valm and came back bc Walhard and wants to help stop before he invades the world or whatever, so I guess that's our next plan!
Agh, I ran out of images again, but anyway Virion is being a weird womanizer so in response I probably will just keep him single, and then I get Donnel & Lissa support, Lonqu & Cordelia, and Virion & Miriel. More supports, more plot!
Conclusion: I think that's the end of Arc I. Gangrel existed to kill of Emmeryn and make Chrom exalt, and I'm guessing this next guy Walhart will probably do something similar? For now I'm focusing mostly on trying to get as many ppl married off as possible, but I'm looking forward to whatever happens next bc I honestly have no idea.
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