#gremlin brain cell
asinnersalibi · 2 years
Tips and Tricks
I feel like indulging myself in something beyond mindless cleaning and keeping my cats out of the trash can so here are some tips and tricks to make your writing feel more fleshed out.
Knowledgeable Writing
And I cannot stress this enough, write what you know. The more you research it and the more you try to understand it the more you sound like a text-to-speech system trying to include everything you'd learned in the last forty-five minutes. If you need to go back and look into some things, that's fine, but to stop in the middle of a chapter to research anything from the point system of tennis to how long the human body can survive in less-than-ideal circumstances is fruitless and overall harmful to your progress.
That being said if you are extremely knowable about natural poisons and how they could affect the human body or anything with a similar mass, keep in mind the audience you're writing to. Not everyone understands the difference between belladonna, henbane, and jimson weed.
Don't be afraid to validate yourself, a quick google search is not nearly as harmful, as making yourself feel like it's just not right and fretting about it for the next quarter chapter.
If you don't know, you don't know, there's no shame in it, you slap one of these [], bad boys, in there and review at a later time. Let momentum carry you if it's there.
Critic Management
You are your worse enemy, and your worst critic, literally. There are moments when your writing looks comparable to a toddler's and it's a part of the process. People who look down on you will always compare you to someone better or more talented but that's just smoke and mirrors, they have far more time and experience and you just haven't gotten there yet. Until you die love, time's the only thing you got.
Write for yourself, first. Yes, one day you want to be published and have a fanbase that writes fanfiction and draws fanart of your wonderful process, though, do remember who you started writing for, and why. More often than not I am writing because what I want to see and read and interact with is not there, so I need to put it there. Sure, it sucks sometimes, but you've got to want it, or you've got to need it, those are the choices.
Write it out and see, sometimes it's shit, sometimes it's this wondrous thing you didn't think you were capable of. That's writing, and sometimes our skills are flexible, sometimes we wonder if we ever really learned how to write or if we're randomly pulling this stuff from our ass hoping it's at least comprehensible. That is writing, it's a craft, and you're not always going to be good at it, that's where the going gets tough and you've got to be tougher.
Write, Keep Writing, Yeah- Keep Going
Trust me, it's really easy to notice a mistake three chapters back that disrupts your whole plot, and you think, let me fix it, just real quick, and now you've rewritten chapters three, four, and six, and envisioned your entire plot. Shit happens, and shit will keep happening but that's life. Try not to edit things in the middle of your novel. You'll notice so many mistakes and begin to doubt yourself as a writer but that's the writing process, mistakes are going to happen, you're writing will grow with you and you will grow with your writing. Make a note of it, physically, and write it somewhere correlative to whatever it's referring to (because you won't remember it, trust me.)
On that note, write things down, I have separate notebooks for every serious WIP (and one I use for when I cannot for the life of me find the other ones) I have in progress right now so I can randomly jot down things I need to revisit, keep in mind, or adjust. It's a paper trail and if you're anything like me you'll hate yourself for forgetting those little details. It'll help you immensely in the long run when you start editing and working on the second, third, and sometimes even ninth draft.
It's draft lovely, your first one at that. It's a rough outline of an idea you had last night or that you've had since you were a child. It's meant to be on paper, grammatical errors, plot holes, inconsistent characters and speech patterns and all. It's supposed to be rough, it's supposed to be imperfect, it's supposed to. I promise, your writing is an extension of yourself most time and you've got to admit at some point, that you don't feel all that perfect, no matter how much you love yourself. We have bad days, your writing has bad days too. It's okay, that's why we edit, take all its hard edges, and sand them down to something more tolerable and we mold it into something we consider perfect, in all its imperfections.
Do not be discouraged by progress. Whether it's a lack of or overwhelmingly sum of, take it all in, take a break when you need it and tackle it piece by piece, arc by arc, chapter by chapter, line by line if you have to.
Don't Forget About You
Taking care of yourself is believe it or not a part of the process. You can't forget to eat and drink water and rest your eyes. You can't write for six hours nonstop, or at the very least you shouldn't. Regrettable things come from the general act of self-neglect.
Water is important, so is realizing what you've done is all you can do for the day. Whether it was a chapter, or four, there's a limit to everything and it doesn't make you less of a writer if those limits aren't consistent.
You are writing a legacy love, it takes time, it takes energy, it takes effort. Moderation is key to everything and I'm sure the last thing you want to do is neglect whatever you're working on in a burnout.
Take time for yourself you crinkly little gremlins, water is important and so are sleep, food, and eyeball breaks for the blind bandits such as myself. It can be a lot but shit what are you gonna do? Try?
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Lloyd: [throwing Skittles at Cole, Jay and Kai to catch] TASTE THE RAINBOW Ingest the light!
Lloyd: FEEL IT'S POWER. Absorb all the color. Devourer the sun! [Hits Jay in face]
Jay: OW!
Lloyd: EAT THE STARS. You are unstoppable! [throws Skittles into Kai's hair]
Cole: Lloyd, you don't have to be so aggressive about it- [gets hit on forehead]
Lloyd: Just be grateful that I'm sharing my candy. Now, go long!
Cole: Whatever [catches a Skittle]
Lloyd: [gremlin laughs while throwing handfuls of Skittles at everyone]
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yardsards · 2 years
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this scene is really funny because you'd expect eberwolf to be the chaotic one who impulsively rushes headfirst into situations but no, they're just chilling in the back
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darkhatkid · 5 months
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This is a callout post of my sibling's cat warcrimes
The little gremlin woke me up at 3am and once attempted to steal my food once
My food
If I I could I would put him in kitty jail
@midnight-smallwood your cat is a gremlin and a master of manipulation
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lover-of-skellies · 1 year
I see I'm now allowed to make polls on Tumblr Dot Com
Idk what I'll do with that yet, but I'm sure it'll be great
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fwizard · 4 months
rAAAh i am so tired of being sore and not able to do anything because Too Cold or Sore. My brain is melting
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asinnersalibi · 2 years
"It's wonderful, isn't it?" Cerulean wondered.
"This!" It was a boundless response, and Aquamarine tried to see it. Somewhere in the vast expansion of self, there was something spectacular Cerulean saw that Aquamarine couldn't. "All of it, every little bit of it, you could just, you could fall into it."
"Fall into what?" Aquamarine asked again, exasperation growing as their friend peered longingly into the increasingly dejected void.
"The everything." Cerulean concluded, "The nothing."
"You're worrisome." Aquamarine sighed, "You've turned Prussian." Cerulean looked down to their bare feet, their toes inked with a color acute to azure, or admiral.
"Have you ever wondered what we're all here for?"
"Not particularly." Aquamarine shrugged, "I've wondered what I'm here for, sometimes."
"Isn't that the same thing?" Aegean asked. Aquamarine shrugged again.
"Is it?"
"I don't think so."
"You've already thought too much."
Steel-blue didn't respond, a color like dark cobalt swirling over their skin.
"Do you always change so much?"
"Change?" Gentian blue asked,
"Yeah, you were excited, now you kinda look, contemplative."
"Contemplative?" Capri-blue thought, "Like a muse?"
"Are you musing?"
"Not really." Traffic-blue answered quietly, "I'm wondering, maybe."
"You don't know?"
"I don't know a lot of things, Blue."
"Blue, huh? Maybe I'm musing too, Aquamarine."
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heathenistic-moron · 1 year
Tinkaton vs Tinkagun who would win?
Look at this hammer. Look at it. You think my little natural disaster could make a GUN?!
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This thing is being held together by spite and ignorance. I am 100 percent convinced if this little war crime even thought about applying logic to it it would fall apart in self defense.
There is no way in hell they could put a gun together that would last more than a single firing. And then, EVEN THEN, the only gun a Tinkaton would ever build would fire one of two things: rocks at Corviknights, at which point they'd have to rebuild the poor thing from the ground up between firings; or one that would launch THEM at the Corviknights so they could take the natural predation to those flappy metal fuckers in PERSON.
In conclusion, my vote is for TinkaTON, if only because TinkaGUN wouldn't survive field testing.
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hypermaddj · 7 months
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OC-tober 2023 day 1. Favorite OC Favorite OC? well who else to draw than my favorite necromancy wizard, my murderous 13-year-old looking vampire child Namira von Ravenwatch! She is a little sassy murderous gremlin and she is very precious to me ^^ A little bit about Namira she is a bookworm, a powerful wizard, a fashionista, and a frequent breaker of the Geneva Conventions during her time in the lovely land of Barovia when I played her in a Curse of Strahd DnD campaign.
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Kai: [drinking a Capri Sun]
Nya: [videoing Lloyd, in the background]
Lloyd: [to Kai] Did you know that Capri Suns were specifically designed to teach kids how to do an emergency tracheotomy to teach kids how to do an emergency tracheotomy when inserting the straw? Anyway bye! [Runs away]
Kai: [chokes] L- Lloyd what the fuck?!
[Nya and Lloyd cackling in the background]
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autisticlee · 5 months
random thought. I always thought it's weird that family lines are based on the men, like the kids only get the men's last names. the wives have to take the man's last name. families get so upset that the family line/name dies when there's only daughters. that's so weird to me. I know why it's a thing. because ~men own and run everything~ historically. I remember my grandpa being upset that out family name/line ends with my generation because his sons all had only daughters.
but why didn't they just stop doing that if they want their names and lines to continue so bad. (rhetorical question. I know men hate women to put it simply. but realistically, why not overocme your misogyny you weird ass peasants. anyway.) women pass on genetics too. they technically pass on the family line. and it's 2023, with people still in that mindset. women 99.9% of the time take the man's name as well as the kids. you can legally let your daughter pass on the family name to her kids if you want some family name honor thing, idk. use your brains, break out if misogynistic traditions, and do what you want. (not that I completely understand the big deal about passing on family names or whatever either but you know 🤷)
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
it shall stay up as an archive. i may rb stuff from it if relevant. also i will be closing the ask boxes on all of them soon™. in light of such, i will also be closing the @archaeology-f-jones ask box for a little while so i can try and get through the ~20 asks left on the old blog and the (i kid you not) 39 asks on the active one!
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starsabovesadie · 2 years
is cat spam an acceptable first post? Now it is.
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meet phineas and ferb.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
❣️ + Jackson and Luna!! His retainer verse!! :D
Important Survey [accepting]
Who is the little spoon? Whoever needs to be. They have an equitable partnership in which cuddles abound.
Who sings in the shower? Luna's more of a bath person, but yeah, it's her. She doesn't realise how far her voice carries and would be deeply embarrassed if she knew, so sometimes Jackson likes to hum those same melodies back at her later, just to be a lil shit.
Who plays pranks on the other? Yeah.
Who is the one who listens to pop music? Pop music as we know it doesn't really exist in Tenebrae, so Jackson probably had to sneak in an mp3 from the Empire. They're both jamming though.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe? Making tea is Luna's love language.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night? This one would be Jackson, but again - electronic media is limited in their country. He has his sources, however. But don't get it twisted, they're not watching sappy romcoms in there, oh no. They're watching the most incredible, plot twist-filled overdramatised soap operas, often in languages neither of them speak, and getting deeply invested. Actual footage.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public? They're on their best behaviour in public for obvious reasons. In private, Jackson has been known to shove a croissant into Luna's mouth whenever she proclaims that nothing could possibly cheer her up. (It usually works.)
Who gives the other random little compliments? They're both pretty complimentary, but Luna is especially so. She's so heartfelt too.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate? Funny story, it's actually the opposite - Luna doesn't eat much due to dietary restrictions on account of her title and public image and whatnot, so Jackson is always sneaking extra food onto her plate.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?  For the love of god please do not let these two drive please.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping? During the rare occasion in which Luna has been called upon to shop, she tries to be prepared. She makes a list, but she doesn't actually know what they need so they usually get like three times the stuff.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick? Luna is the one always trying to force Jackson to take better care of himself and rest when he's sick. He's a stubborn boy.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules? Tenebrae has live sporting events, which Luna has dragged Jackson to once or twice. She gets very excited and talks the whole game.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room? Jackson is the one dragging Luna onto her feet when it's just the two of them, but at events and such, it's Luna who tries to encourage Jackson to relax, have fun, and "put a load off" (she's not good at slang, be patient pls).
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late? Luna is a punctual woman and she's always ready ahead of time. Thus she's the one telling Jackson to hurry up even though they still have an hour and a half to be ready for the Thing they need to do.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name? Jackson faked having done this once as a prank and Luna still hasn't forgiven him.
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commanderfloppy · 1 year
Doing these shitposts has made me realized how funny of a dynamic Tori and Rytlock would have
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keikakudori · 2 years
you know, it's such a good thing that aizen is as courteous and polite because if he was your typical murderous antagonist, there'd be bodies everywhere. there isn't, though, so -- people should really appreciate that aizen is so polite and well-mannered.
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