#⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ where i stand is where i fall / headcanons
sylleblosscm · 3 months
XVI Headcanons 3 : The Third One.
The Fleuret line has borne the Eikon of Seraph in its first daughters going back countless generations. While not strictly royalty, the nature of this Eikon afforded the family their own following. As I’ve touched on before, the Fleurets of old were nomadic by circumstance; after all, Seraph’s blessing may only be rendered in person. They’d sleep in towns, and in encampments between, relying on the goodness of strangers and, steadily more over time, the growing community of people who would leave their worldly possessions behind and travel alongside them.
It is these people who made up the first generation of Tenebraeans. Upon deciding to hide Seraph away, the Dominant of the time found an abandoned cliffscape. Well secluded, they built off the remains of ruins that appeared to be old as time itself. Nigh endless tunnels drilled into the cliffside, with pulley elevators to get from level to level. Bridges constructed over dozens of years. Plateaus with small fields, enough to farm their own agriculture. Waterfalls and streams, sun and shade, and of course plenty of room for Seraph to spread her wings in safety. 
The image that once brought comfort far and wide vanished from memory as loyalists worked to remove every trace of their revered Eikon. No longer did mothers of sick children and children of wounded soldiers look out the window, praying for a maiden with pale skin and fair hair, a flowing gown of white stained at the hem with dirt. Still, within the hidden halls of Tenebrae, it is a beloved image which persists.
It leaves a foul taste in Luna’s mouth to carry it forth. Even still, she wears those traditional long dresses, though no longer for travel; often the pure white fabric is indeed stained at the hem, but from leisurely strolls in her garden, not from wandering from place to place, bringing her healing touch to the needy. To covet a symbol that, in her view, no longer stands for anything is anguish. For all light Seraph once shone onto the world, her family has failed to sustain it. 
Considering this, it’s not impossible that more Eikons might exist, lost to time. Hidden, stolen, or simply refusing to choose their Dominant until…
Oh, and speaking of other Eikons.
I’m branching off of @infideliis' idea about Ravus becoming the Eikon of Alexander the Protector, because of-fucking-course I need to talk about how much Luna loves her brother. 
Since their bloodline was chosen by Seraph, not a single boy has been born to it. To call Ravus a surprise would be to understate beyond the telling of it. But of course, of course Sylva loved him. So what if she could not one day pass on her Eikon to him? He was perfect in every way.
Then, of course, Sylva finally gave birth to a daughter. Lunafreya was coveted from a young age; smothered, even. While Tenebrae looked to her, she looked to Ravus. She never sensed a hint of disdain from him. He never seemed to blame her for her circumstances. On the day Sylva died, the entire community held its breath for a new Dominant to awaken.
And awaken the new Dominant did. Only, it wasn’t the one they all expected. 
Alexander the Protector is, by the more devout members of the community, seen as a bad omen. A sign that this happy, untouched corner of the World will be disrupted and Seraph will need the protection. Try as they might, their remaining loyalists scoured Valisthea for any mention of this Eikon, only to return empty-handed. He is believed to be something new.
Even still, this awakening barely raised his baby sister’s brow. To Luna, Ravus was always a protector. Her sword, her shield and her very legs when she couldn’t stand. If there is indeed an Eikon of Protection, he would find no better Dominant in all Valisthea.
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sylleblosscm · 1 month
Why do I get the impression Luna deals with some form of chronic pain? Afaik there's not a shred of canon evidence for it but it just feels true yk???
You know what, Anon? I think you're absolutely right and we need to talk about it.
Imho, one of the biggest indicators that this whole prophecy isn't going to turn out well for the people involved, is the depth of suffering required for those closest to the Gods and the Crystal. There's a real, "the human body wasn't meant to be put through this"-ness of it all. People like Luna and Noct aren't exceptional in any particular way, other than the powers bestowed on them. They're not especially fortified to handle the strain. And don't even get me started on how Luna was essentially trained from childhood to ignore her most basic needs. So let's talk about some of the more physical sideeffects that being the Oracle has taken on Luna:
Chronic Pain & Exhaution: As you said. It's probably not as severe as Noct or Regis', but I guarantee it's there. Luna's under strain 24/7, there's no way that won't take a toll on her body. We've seen how differently she carries herself after she starts awakening the gods: she slouches, can barely speak, can hardly carry her own weight. While that's more on the extreme end, I do anticipate a smaller degree of that suffering to be a part of her daily life. After all, while it's not every day she's awakening gods, that power and duty are always there.
Sensory Overload & Nightmares: Luna more than just speaks to the gods. She's almost like a conduit for them. Summoning them - both for her and Noctis - takes energy and power. Noctis even mentions at some point finding summoning in-battle to be particularly difficult. Though most of the Six were in slumber most of her life, I don't imagine that to mean they were idle. Imagine you head being filled with the echoes of the thoughts of deities. Ancient beings in your mind, speaking in languages so lost you couldn't hope to make heads or tails of. If one of the Six is feeling particularly restless, imagine how distracting that must be for her. Imagine the strange and vivid nightmares (not unlike what we see in DoTF), both imposed and incidental. Imagine the constant pull toward something else, like someone in your ear every waking moment. My personal headcanon for this is that proximity to the bearer of the Ring makes this noise, for lack of a better term, far more bearable. As a child, she once slept for eight hours straight in Regis' arms, and out of the goodness of his heart, he let her.
Lack Of Physical Self-Awareness: Have you ever been so busy, you forgot to eat or sleep? That, but all day every day. At this point, does Luna even have hunger or sleep cues? Can she even tell what she needs moment-to-moment? Part of this is psychological, stemming from years of restrictive training and the like, but part I'd imagine it's quite physical also. After a while, if you're ignoring all your needs, your body is bound to stop trying. This can lead to things such as stomache aches if she eats too much, forgetting to sleep for days on end and the consequences thereof, dehydration, headaches, dizziness, you name it.
Anyway, long story short: our girl deserves the world. Also, fuck Bahamut.
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sylleblosscm · 1 month
HC: Luna used to spray the pages of her and Noctis' journal with perfume before sending it back.
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sylleblosscm · 3 months
Today we're thinking about Mama Luna and what a culture shock it is for her to raise children in Lucis. Tenebrae is a matriarchal society, and for more than 100 generations, one woman was Queen and Oracle and Mother all at the same time. It is not uncommon for Tenebrae's monarch to perform her duties with children underfoot; it is the responsibility of those in attendance to make allowances for that, not the other way around. It is not unheard of for Tenebraean children to loiter and play while their families go about their day-to-day business. On the other hand, Lucis is more akin to a society I'd wager is familiar to most of us, where there is a place for children and a place for adults. She's oft criticised on a slow news day for reportedly "coddling" her children because she attended a meeting with her baby in her arms, or met an important delegate with her toddler on her hip. And she's definitely ruffled an important feather or two for pausing mid-sentence to listen to her child speak. She'll find a balance after a while, but that Tenebraean mindset never does leave her.
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sylleblosscm · 3 months
V: FFXVI Headcanons
Luna’s Eikon
Without priming, Luna has very rudimentary access to her Eikon’s abilities. These abilities are directly proportional to her own physical strength, and represent but a fraction of Seraph’s true potential. In all states, she channels her abilities through her hands. 
Of her two primary abilities (healing and protection), she can only use one at a time as each takes a great deal of her concentration. In other words, she cannot heal someone and maintain a shield at the same time. Without her Eikon fully present, her shield resembles a flat plane of gentle blue light. Her healing abilities come with a warming glow that often puts people at ease.
In her default state, Luna can heal minor injuries and summon a shield no bigger than her torso which, while impervious to penetration, does not render her immune to the force of any given blow, and she can still be knocked down or knocked back. 
Semi-primed, she’s capable of healing serious wounds and summing an impenetrable shield big enough to protect herself and, depending on her physical and psychological state of mind, up to several other people. She can summon no more than two shields at any given time - one for each hand. Though stronger in this state and therefore less vulnerable to brute force, her shield can be physically overpowered. 
Seraph is capable of bringing a person back from the brink of death, healing even the most devastating injuries. Her shield is far larger; a dome-like structure nigh impervious to force - unless, of course, that force were to come from another Eikon or Ultima himself. In that case, she’d stand no more than a fighting chance.
Seraph's strongest ability - her Limit Break, if you will - is to reverse the effects of the Crystal's Curse. But it is difficult and comes at a cost. In order to remove the Curse, she must take it on herself. Even attempting to do such a thing risks leaving Luna in a weakened state for weeks or even months. And, well, the Dominant of Seraph cannot heal herself. It is said (though remains unconfirmed) that several former Dominants met their end this way. 
More On Seraph
Seraph takes the form of a woman: ageless, with soft features and long brown hair, a flowing gown, barefoot and blue-eyed; her hands oft clasped before her as if in prayer. She is the image of an angel with large white feathered wings, impervious to rain, snow, and heavy wind. Thus she can fly in all conditions. 
Seemingly like other Eikons, she is prone to the whims of her Dominant. Like the Phoenix, she is loyal to one bloodline alone. Perhaps a reflection of the Fleuret line, or perhaps the reason she chose them - she is enamored with the presence of life, preferring to observe rather than participate, and appears to bear no desire for worship. This is suspected to be the reason she takes the form of an angel: a servant commanding no glory of her own.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Luna’s relationship to her own self-image is complicated and oft fraught. She has lived in public all her life, with scores of people awaiting her every milestone - and present to critique her every mistake. As Princess and Oracle-to-be, Luna was raised with incredibly strict standards. Whatever lenience she was shown easily outweighed by her teachers, trainers, and later on the Empire themselves. 
 As children, we all craft our self-image from the things we are told about ourselves. Luna knew all her life that she did not “belong” to herself; rather, she existed to serve a greater purpose. Whether it was to her people, her public, or the Gods, she was to remain presentable and accountable for every decision she made. In DotF, it is mentioned how Lunafreya does not have much of an inclination toward fashion, not out of a lack of interest, but simply because she crafts her image to please others and not herself. She dresses as she is expected to be perceived - clean, chaste, and inoffensive. The idea of seeming unkempt makes her deeply uncomfortable, and she is easily embarrassed by the smallest misstep. Furthermore, without her title to cling to, she genuinely struggles to befriend Sol as she was never taught to interact with people as anything other than their Oracle. 
 Luna began her training proper at the age of 16, however it can be gleaned that she was preparing for her role well before then. Some of her training, she genuinely enjoyed - namely music and dance. Some of it she found rewarding, such as athleticism. But some of it was horrible. Forced into isolation for days at a time, made to fast - all under the guise of making her stronger, more durable for the task ahead of her. The idea of training somebody by pushing them to the limits of their endurance is all over media, yet rarely does such a thing work in real life. Often such cruel treatment serves to sew contempt within people. 
 But remember, this is what she was born for. This duty is ordained by the Gods themselves. If it becomes more than she can deal with, that is a fault in her, not in them. Complaining, setting boundaries, advocating for herself - these things are actively discouraged.
 The deprivation of food as a sign of “strength” is also incredibly dangerous, especially for a young woman who feels pressured to be pretty all the time. It is not hard to imagine an older version of Luna who struggles to finish meals and considers eating too much or gaining weight a moral failing on her own part. Eating for pleasure - even foods she enjoys - would become a minefield of triggers that can take years to disarm. 
 As she was taught to place others ahead of herself, this also leads to a subclinical inability for Luna to read her own needs and desires. This is also hinted at in DoTF where Luna struggles to define herself beyond her duty, or identify her own dreams and passions. Indeed it seems she has next to none, outside of being with Noctis. It is even explicitly stated to be a result of her upbringing - she is not encouraged to ruminate on her own needs, or seek her own happiness. Only when the world is free and at peace may she consider such things. And since there’s really no such thing as a perfect world, well…
 None of this takes away from Luna’s natural compassion or empathy. Rather, I’d argue that it has been weaponized against her in order to keep her compliant; that those above her could ask her to give anything, even her life, and she would do so willingly. It is not until others are threatened that she dares intervene. When she is asked about her own desires, Luna not only cannot name anything, she is actively confused and upset by the question. Likewise when she is asked about being compensated for her efforts. 
 At a certain point in the game itself, she mentions having nothing to offer Noctis, save for the voice afforded to the Oracle. Luna thinks so little about herself, that she really seems to think little of herself. All her life she has been hailed as a saviour, desired for her status, that in her heart of hearts she really, truly believes she is, to borrow a phrase, worthless if she can’t be of service. Without her title to protect her, she would probably be taken advantage of by bad actors left and right. 
 Even as her duty is complete and she is given the chance to grow out of this mindset, I don’t believe it will be easy to shed; in fact, she may never fully move on from it. Though she doesn’t have the vocabulary to articulate what she’s experiencing, or the damage that’s been done to her psyche, Luna is fortunate to have people in her life who love her for who she is, and will try to uplift her where they can. Here’s hoping one day that boundless compassion can extend to herself for once.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Hc. Luna's gift is accessed through prayer and channelled through touch. Her hands, specifically - so when you see her rest her forehead upon someone else's, it's not actually a part of the ritual as one might presume. That's all Luna. Just as she takes time to reassure the person before and after, this is her way of offering comfort and affection.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
❣️ + Luna/Nyx :3c
Important Survey [accepting]
Who is the little spoon? In this cruel world, it is snuggle or be snuggled. Though I wouldn't say "spooning" is the right term for their situation so much as "Luna makes herself comfortable, and there they stay". Like so.
Who sings in the shower? Luna, often forgetting that motels have thin walls. Enjoy the show while you can, Nyx.
Who plays pranks on the other? I wouldn't say they play a lot of pranks, so much as Nyx is just a very mischievous person, and brings out Luna's inner gremlin.
Who is the one who listens to pop music? To be honest, I think Luna has had a lot of fun with the radios in their various stolen vehicles. Some people would search for gil or weapons - Luna pries through their music collection.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe? Nyx makes the food and Luna makes the drinks. It's a balanced partnership. She likes to try different teas that they find.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night? I could see them channel-surfing and landing on whatever seems the least boring, since goodness knows they're going to chat through the whole thing anyway. Between them, these two do Not have the focus for an entire movie.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public? Once while they were on the road, they had to go undercover as a couple for Reasons. Nyx played it up a great deal, just because it's fun to watch Luna squirm.
Who gives the other random little compliments? Nyx probably gives more by sheer volume, but Luna is the most direct. Once she gets over her hangups, ofc.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate? Nyx does it then dares her to take it back so she will come closer and he can steal a kiss. It's very smooth and all, but after a while, it might just be easier if they share a plate.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?  Nyx drives, period. Unless they need to make a quick getaway, because Luna drives like the laws of physics don't apply to her.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping? Nyx makes the list, partly because he knows better what they'll need, and partly because he knows Luna will inevitably get distracted looking at interesting things she's found. ("Nyx, look! It's candy but it's shaped like little chocobos! Isn't that novel?") (He always leaves room in the budget for her because she's too cute to say no to.)
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick? Oh, they're both stubborn when they're sick, but at least Luna will allow her injuries to be tended before charging back into battle. They could fund their entire journey if Luna had a gil for every time Nyx pretended to be fine, it's just a scratch Luna, don't worry about it - and she had to calmly explain that one does not build an immunity to gunfire or stab wounds.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules? Luna has no idea what's going on, no matter how many times Nyx explains it, but she's glad he seems so excited. Conversely, she's dragged him along to a few live Tenebraean sporting events, but they're all hopelessly complex and look more like performances than athletics anyway.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room? They're both the type to do this. Once, Nyx pretended he didn't know how to dance just so Luna would "teach" him and he'd get to hold her and also mess with her at the same time, the sly dog.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late? I wouldn't say either of them are inclined to be regularly tardy. But if they don't want to be there, they will complain to each other the entire event and talk so much shit.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name? Ok this is actually an interesting one - because of royal protocol and public image and whatnot, I don't see Luna as the type to get inked in any way, shape or form usually. However, those small tattoos are an important part of Galahdian culture, presumably marking something about the person or their life events. So I could imagine her getting something as part of a major event in their lives as per tradition, as a way of embracing his culture. Nyx, obviously, has no qualms with cultural tattoos, and there's probably something traditional for commitment, so. It's all very sweet, they're doing their best trying to bring their worlds together.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
❣️+ ardyn/luna for science
Important Survey [accepting]
Who is the little spoon? Ardyn but he lies about it.
Who sings in the shower? Luna's a big singing-in-the-tub kind of person. She likes to throw bubbles around and light scented candles and enjoy her bathtime. Ardyn, however, strikes me as more of the "pours a glass of wine then drinks from the bottle" type.
Who plays pranks on the other? Ardyn's not allowed to play pranks anymore, ever since The Incident. No, Luna won't talk about it.
Who is the one who listens to pop music? I feel like Ardyn would have a soft spot for 90s/00s-type pop music and no, I won't be explaining that. It's his brooding music.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe? It doesn't matter how many times Ardyn claims he can't taste it, Luna's going to keep making him tea and he's going to like it.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night? Luna doesn't know much about movies, so she leaves that decision to Ardyn. And regrets it, usually.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public? In public, probably neither of them. But Luna will try and make him eat, presuming food does anything for him anymore. He has to keep his strength up ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ
Who gives the other random little compliments? Ah, this is Luna's forte. Ardyn will go on a ten minute rant about how he's rancid to the core and all the world will be engulfed and Luna will be like "well I think you're neat 🥰" and then he has to lay down for two days.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate? Ardyn does it to be extra and annoying. He doesn't even want it.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?  Luna has a particular...style when it comes to driving, in that traffic laws are more like suggestions in her eyes. I can completely buy that Ardyn was the one who taught her - in fact, it is the only explanation I will accept now.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping? No lists, we rage.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick? When the scourge gets too much for his body to bear, Luna is usually the first person to try and help Ardyn out. It matters very little to her what his origins are or what his conflict with the Gods might be, she just wants to help.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules? Regrettably, Luna knows nothing about televised sports. Luckily, Ardyn is here to teach her. And that is why, at the only game Noctis ever took her to, she asked loudly, "when do they bring out the guillotines?"
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room? It's Luna, obviously. Ardyn needs more harmless fun in his life.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late? Considering he spent an age in chains, I feel Ardyn likely has a rather ambiguous relationship with time. Luna, on the other hand, is punctual to a fault. The two trying to arrive somewhere at the same time is a nightmare.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name? Ardyn would do this as a joke ngl. There are no depths this man will not sink to to drive Luna completely nuts, I actually love him for that.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Hc. You can easily read how Lunafreya feels about a person by the physical distance she places between them. On one hand, as a Princess and a very public figure, she is well-trained in the art of public relations and how to address people from a distance; on the other, her gift - the very thing she feels is most worthwhile about herself - is spread through touch. She is also just an affectionate person by nature. As a result, she will find ways to be as close to those she cares for as possible, albeit subconsciously. Standing near them, taking their arm; plenty of small, innocuous touches. Conversely, she will keep as large a distance as is polite from those she dislikes. And if she is ambivalent towards someone, she is inclined to stand near as a gesture of kindness, but she will not go out of her way to reach for them. Closer still if they are someone she does not yet know, but wishes to make good with.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Hc. In Tenebrae, multigenerational households are not only ubiquitous, they are the norm. It is not expected (though, it's not forbidden) for children to move out as soon as they are grown. Tenebraean culture has a heavy focus on family and community, so the idea of living alone is actually quite strange. Socially and legally, there is no distinction between biological family, step family and adopted family - except for in regards to the royal family, of course, as the Fleuret bloodline is pretty important to the nation as a whole and thus needs to remain pure. Often, smaller communities will form around a group of households and share responsibilities; for instance, a few people from multiple families will care for all the children, cook for everyone, share the income and advocate for the needs of the group as a whole. The leaders of these communities are usually women since Tenebrae is a matriarchal country, on account of their ruler always being a woman. That said, duties within and outside the home are distributed pretty evenly among men and women, with no type of work being viewed as especially gendered. Mostly the citizens are complacent in their ways, and do not push for change. The downside is that this can lead to antiquated ideas taking longer to be fully eradicated, and individualism is often shunned. Also, Tenebraeans are just big ol' gossips - everyone is in everyone's business all the time. The upside is that Tenebraeans are often welcoming, accepting, willing to help anyone in need, and come together easily in times of crisis.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
❣️+ luna/noctis
Important Survey [accepting]
Who is the little spoon? Usually Luna because Noct has big protec instincts, however when he is tired or he's had a hard day, Luna will snuggle in behind him, kiss his shoulder and hum him to sleep.
Who sings in the shower? Luna sings in the tub, we've established this. Noct does not, but he does loiter outside the bathroom door and listen, because he's loved the sound of Luna's voice since she sang for him when they were children.
Who plays pranks on the other? They're a tag-team couple actually, watch out.
Who is the one who listens to pop music? Close enough, but Noct probably introduced Luna to pop punk. Actual footage.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe? Idk about Joe, but Luna makes the tea in this relationship. She likes to import different flavours and try them together.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night? Since she didn't grow up with access to electronic entertainment, Noct has an entire list of must-watch movies for Luna. They're working through it as a team.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public? ...Oh no, they are that insufferable, aren't they?
Who gives the other random little compliments? Look, if tooth-rotting adorableness isn't your thing, I am begging you to stay away from these two because they will "no, you hang up first" right to each other's faces. Keep that shit at home, you two. No one wants to see that.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate? Noctis is always putting his veggies on Luna's plate, does that count?
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?  Noct trusts his wife very much, but. Maybe it's safer to just get a driver, hm?
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping? Literally anyone but them.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick? Once a healer, always a healer. My instincts just tell me that Noctis is the miserable type when he gets sick, and you just know Luna will drop everything to take care of him. (Ofc he'd do the same, but she rarely stays ill long, so.)
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules? Luna missed out on a lot growing up, and Noct can't wait to show her.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room? Luna does this because she genuinely enjoys dancing. When Noct does it, it's to elicit some extra cuddles.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late? Nobody. Luna has long since learned the art of pretending they have to leave an hour before they actually do.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name? I don't really see either of them as tattoo people. Royal image and all. But they have thier rings, and they have their precious book tying them together - that's enough for these two.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
❣️ + Jackson and Luna!! His retainer verse!! :D
Important Survey [accepting]
Who is the little spoon? Whoever needs to be. They have an equitable partnership in which cuddles abound.
Who sings in the shower? Luna's more of a bath person, but yeah, it's her. She doesn't realise how far her voice carries and would be deeply embarrassed if she knew, so sometimes Jackson likes to hum those same melodies back at her later, just to be a lil shit.
Who plays pranks on the other? Yeah.
Who is the one who listens to pop music? Pop music as we know it doesn't really exist in Tenebrae, so Jackson probably had to sneak in an mp3 from the Empire. They're both jamming though.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe? Making tea is Luna's love language.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night? This one would be Jackson, but again - electronic media is limited in their country. He has his sources, however. But don't get it twisted, they're not watching sappy romcoms in there, oh no. They're watching the most incredible, plot twist-filled overdramatised soap operas, often in languages neither of them speak, and getting deeply invested. Actual footage.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public? They're on their best behaviour in public for obvious reasons. In private, Jackson has been known to shove a croissant into Luna's mouth whenever she proclaims that nothing could possibly cheer her up. (It usually works.)
Who gives the other random little compliments? They're both pretty complimentary, but Luna is especially so. She's so heartfelt too.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate? Funny story, it's actually the opposite - Luna doesn't eat much due to dietary restrictions on account of her title and public image and whatnot, so Jackson is always sneaking extra food onto her plate.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?  For the love of god please do not let these two drive please.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping? During the rare occasion in which Luna has been called upon to shop, she tries to be prepared. She makes a list, but she doesn't actually know what they need so they usually get like three times the stuff.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick? Luna is the one always trying to force Jackson to take better care of himself and rest when he's sick. He's a stubborn boy.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules? Tenebrae has live sporting events, which Luna has dragged Jackson to once or twice. She gets very excited and talks the whole game.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room? Jackson is the one dragging Luna onto her feet when it's just the two of them, but at events and such, it's Luna who tries to encourage Jackson to relax, have fun, and "put a load off" (she's not good at slang, be patient pls).
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late? Luna is a punctual woman and she's always ready ahead of time. Thus she's the one telling Jackson to hurry up even though they still have an hour and a half to be ready for the Thing they need to do.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name? Jackson faked having done this once as a prank and Luna still hasn't forgiven him.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Luna's greatest strength as a lover is her ability to care for a person so completely, even when they are not at their best. She bears an uncanny ability to make others feel good about themselves, because she can so easily see the best of them - and this is especially the case for someone she loves. In sickness and in health, vows or no, even when they are at the lowest point of their lives, she will look at them like they hung the stars in the sky. She is empathetic and compassionate by nature, and a wonderful support system in herself. Most of all she will remember every important detail she is told; Luna is reverent when it comes to sensitive matters, as she knows what it takes for a person to fully open up. Thus, her partner can feel safe knowing they will face no judgement from her. Once she decides she loves someone, she will love them for all time, come whatever may. It's just how she is. Perfect wife material if you ask me.
Her greatest weakness comes from exactly where you'd think. Due to the way she was wired from a young age, Luna oft struggles to identify her own feelings and desires, meaning she can't always effectively communicate them. Sometimes she doesn't realise something will upset her until she's waist-deep in it. Her partner must be secure enough to understand there shall always be a part of Luna that cannot belong to them - whatever she perceives her duty to be will remain a defining aspect of her existence. There's no running off into the woods with this girl. She will not readily share her burdens as she was made to believe they are hers alone to carry (and again, she cannot always recognise that the bad things in her life are bad). As a result of not utilising the support systems in her life, when Luna crashes, she crashes hard, and it can take a long time for her to find her way back onto her feet emotionally. She does not mean to push anyone away - though she both despises and genuinely fears being alone, it has been her default state for such a long time, and she has a great deal to un-learn about life and relationships. You need the patience of a saint, is what I'm saying.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Luna's greatest strength as a mother is her ability to make her children feel safe and loved no matter what. She is warm and compassionate; she never judges them, never makes them feel ashamed or scared, and most importantly, she never turns them away when they need her. She would rather guide and teach than command and punish, and empowers them to speak as they see fit. She wants only for their happiness and safety, and thus makes a point to encourage whatever will do that for them, regardless of the opinions of others.
Her greatest weakness is that she is so enamoured with her children that she can become blind to their faults. This makes it harder for her to properly assess a situation where maybe they haven't acted as they ought to. She also hinges so much of her emotional wellbeing on being a successful and attentive mother that she often prioritises it over other duties, leading to problems in other areas of her life; likewise, as her children grow older and don't need her to manage them as much, she's liable to feel abandoned or depressed, and struggle to find her own sense of self again.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Hc: Luna’s first word was her brother’s name. Well, sort of. 
She began speaking around 14 months old. Not worryingly late, but hardly ahead of the curve as she had been in so much of her development. Why ought she be, with a doting mother and several attendants standing ready to give her everything she laid those big, blue eyes on? But that fateful afternoon, she’d wanted none of them. Looking restlessly around the room until he walked in, and only then did she hold her tiny arms out and squeal, ❝Ay-bus!❞ (Look, Ravus is a complicated name for a baby, okay?)
❝Mama,❞ followed shortly afterwards. Then ❝fowah!❞ (or flower). ❝Peese?❞ (please?) and ❝Wee-ah!❞ (for Maria). From there her vocabulary took off and she flew ahead of her peers, evolving into the eloquent young girl who would one day inspire the future King. But no word hence has been quite as precious as that first: genuine and wholehearted in its delight, as if no one else in the world existed.
 To this day, Luna will go to the ends of Eos to deny it.
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