#grand applause for me
pucksandpower · 19 days
Going Once, Going Twice
Charles Leclerc x Red Bull engineer!Reader
Summary: getting roped into participating in a charity date auction changes your life forever
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The lights in the grand ballroom dim as a spotlight illuminates the stage. The Master of Ceremonies, wearing an impeccably tailored tuxedo, steps up to the microphone.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!” His voice booms through the speakers. “Welcome to the 12th Annual Amber Lounge F1 Charity Date Auction!”
The crowd erupts into raucous applause. You clap politely from your seat near the back of the room, shrouded in shadows.
“As always, we have an exciting lineup of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes from the Formula 1 paddock, ready to be auctioned off for a romantic date in support of disadvantaged children everywhere.”
More applause.
“But before we bring out our first participant, allow me to go over some ground rules.” The MC adopts a mock-stern tone. “Winners of each date are required to adhere to Amber Lounge’s code of conduct. That means hands to yourself at all times-” A few hoots and hollers from the audience. The MC wags his finger. “Ah ah ah, none of that now! This is for charity, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s keep it classy.”
You stifle a yawn. You’ve attended this auction for the past five years as a guest of Red Bull Racing, where you work as a race engineer. And every year it’s the same — watch your drunk colleagues get leered at by moneyed Formula 1 fans willing to pay exorbitant sums for bragging rights.
No thank you. You always politely decline the organizers’ requests for you to participate.
“Alright, let’s get this party started!” The MC gestures to the wings of the stage. “Our first eligible bachelor of the evening is ...”
As he announces the first victim, an Amber Lounge organizer you recognize comes rushing over to you.
“Y/N! Thank god I found you. We have an emergency.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What’s wrong, Lucy?”
“One of our bachelorettes had to cancel last minute. Food poisoning.” She makes a face. “We need you to fill in.”
Your eyes widen. “What? No. Absolutely not.” You shake your head vehemently.
“Please Y/N,” Lucy begs. “We need you. The show must go on, for the children!”
“Get someone else,” you hiss. “I refuse to be leered at by old men with more money than sense.”
“Don’t be dramatic.” She gives you a stern look. “It’s unbecoming for someone your age.”
You bristle at the condescension. “I don’t care. Find another victim.”
You move to leave but Lucy grabs your arm, her eyes pleading. “Y/N, the money raised tonight will help provide life-saving surgeries for children in need. Don’t you want to help them?”
Damn. She’s good. You hesitate, cursing your bleeding heart.
Lucy presses on. “It’s just one silly little date. And you might meet someone nice!”
You highly doubt that. With a heavy sigh, you slump back into your chair.
“Fine. But you owe me. Big time.”
Lucy claps excitedly. “Thank you! I promise, you won’t regret this.”
Somehow you doubt that too.
You try unsuccessfully to calm the butterflies raging in your stomach as you wait for your turn on stage. What have you gotten yourself into?
Finally, the MC calls your name. “Our next eligible bachelorette works as a race engineer for Red Bull. But tonight, the only engine she’ll be working on is yours! Let’s give a warm welcome to Y/N Y/L/N!”
Plastering a fake smile on your face, you walk stiffly onto the stage. The lights blind you as the MC sings your praises, highlighting your “beauty, brains, and sass.” You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
As he finally wraps up, you scan the darkened audience nervously. A sea of unfamiliar faces look back at you, shadows obscuring their expressions. You shudder.
“Alright gentlemen, do I hear 5,000 euros to start?”
Immediately, a paunchy, ruddy-faced man in the third row thrusts up his paddle. Your stomach sinks.
"5,000 from the gentleman in row three! Do I hear 5,500?”
Another paddle shoots up from a bald man smirking lecherously at you. Your throat tightens.
"5,500! Can I get 6,000?”
The bids climb higher and you feel faint. These vultures want to buy you. Own you for a night. Your breaths come faster.
10,000 euros. 15,000. 20,000. Sweat drips down your neck as your heart hammers against your ribs.
Just as you’re about to flee the stage in tears, a smooth voice calls out, “One hundred thousand euros.”
A collective gasp sweeps the room. Your mouth falls open in shock. That’s an absurd amount, even for charity.
The MC gulps. “Erm … 100,000 euros from the gentleman in the back!” He peers into the darkness. “Sir, are you certain?”
That accent … could it be?
You crane your neck, squinting against the glare of the spotlight. A familiar mop of brown hair emerges from the shadows.
Charles. Freaking. Leclerc.
Your cheeks burn crimson. What game is he playing at?
The MC finds his voice again. “R-right then. Going once, going twice ...” He slams the gavel down. “Sold for 100,000 euros! Congratulations, Monsieur Leclerc.”
Charles saunters casually up to the stage, signature smirk in place. He takes your hand and presses a feather-light kiss to your knuckles.
“Bonsoir, ma cherie. I look forward to our date.” He winks roguishly.
You stare open-mouthed, brain short-circuiting. Charles Leclerc just bought you at a date auction.
Il Predestinato.
The golden boy of Scuderia Ferrari himself.
What. Just. Happened?
Backstage is chaos. Flashes pop as winners pose with their purchases, champagne flowing freely. You’re quickly shuttled into a cramped makeshift office and handed a stack of paperwork.
“These are your date waivers, dear,” the organizer says briskly. “Standard liability forms.”
You scan the dense legalese numbly. This can’t be real.
A figure plops into the seat beside you, sulking. It’s your friend Ava, Mercedes’ social media manager. She was auctioned right before you.
“Well, congratu-bloody-lations,” she gripes. “Aren’t you Little Miss Popular.”
You glance up distractedly from the waiver you’re signing. “Hmm?”
“Don’t play coy. Bagging the Prince of Monaco himself for your date!” She narrows her eyes. “Meanwhile, I’m stuck going for tea and crumpets with Lord Fartington the Third over here.”
She jerks her thumb at a white-haired man being attended to by a nurse, oxygen tank wheezing.
You wince sympathetically. “Oh Ava, I’m sorry...”
She waves a hand. “Don’t be. At least the old codger’s loaded. Clearly I don’t have your charm.”
You snort. “It’s not like I planned this.”
Ava arches a brow. “You expect me to believe you aren’t thrilled about a date with Leclerc?”
Your cheeks flame as you recall Charles’ roguish wink. “It’s for charity,” you mumble.
“Uh huh. Well, you’re welcome for the extra Instagram followers.”
You groan, burying your face in your hands. You hadn’t even considered the social media storm this would stir up.
Before you can spiral further, you’re pulled aside for a “date planning session.”
Charles is already there, looking completely unflappable. He greets you with a heart-stopping grin.
“Bonsoir, Y/N.”
You timidly return his smile. “Hi.”
A coordinator claps briskly. “Right! Let’s get your date scheduled.”
She turns expectantly to Charles. Your stomach flutters.
“I will pick Y/N up tomorrow at 7 pm sharp for dinner at my favorite restaurant in Monaco.” His eyes glint. “Wear something nice, chérie.”
He takes your hand, brushing a feather-light kiss to your knuckles. You shudder, face aflame.
“Until then, ma belle.” With a roguish wink, he turns and saunters off.
You stare after him, fingers pressed to the spot his lips touched. A date. With Charles Leclerc. Your brain short-circuits.
“Right, that’s settled then!” The coordinator chirps, oblivious to your inner turmoil. “We’ll have a car fetch you tomorrow evening. The press will want photos, of course.”
You distantly agree, mind still whirling. You survive the rest of the paperwork marathon in a daze.
By the time you escape the clutches of the organizers, you’re exhausted. Collapsing into an Uber, you text your roommate Cassie a SOS. Wine and girl talk, stat.
She’s waiting with open arms and your emergency rosé when you drag yourself in the door.
“Rough night, babe?” She asks sympathetically, handing you a generously filled glass.
You groan. “You don’t know the half of it.”
Her eyes widen as you recount the auction. By the end, she’s fanning herself dramatically.
“Shut up. Charles Leclerc really bid 100 thousand euros for you?”
You nod, chugging your wine.
“Holy shit.” She falls back against the couch. “You have a date with an F1 driver. Charles Leclerc. The Charles Leclerc.”
You chuck a throw pillow at her. “Don’t remind me.”
She sits up, affronted. “Are you kidding me? Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your shoes right now?”
You shrug half-heartedly. Honestly, you’re still processing.
Cassie narrows her eyes. “Wait. You do actually like Charles, right?”
“As a person, sure. He’s lovely.” You avoid her gaze. “But a date?”
She tilts her head. “So you’ve never thought about him … you know … in that way?”
You squirm under her scrutiny. “Maybe. Once or twice.” Or multiple times a day.
“I knew it!” She crows triumphantly.
You throw another pillow at her, cheeks flaming. “Okay, fine! He’s totally my type and yes, I’ve fantasized.” You bury your face in your hands. “But fantasizing and actually dating are totally different!”
Cassie rubs your shoulder consolingly. “So you’re freaking out because you actually like him.”
You nod miserably. “What if I make a fool of myself? What if there’s no connection in real life?” You look at her despairingly. “I don’t know if I can handle him rejecting me.”
She squeezes your hand. “Sweetie, from what you’ve told me about Charles, I doubt you have anything to worry about.”
You nibble your lip uncertainly. Cassie may have a point. But still.
“Even if he is interested, what happens after?” you whisper. “I’ll just be another conquest.”
Cassie tilts your chin up gently. “If Charles is foolish enough to let you go, then it’s his loss. But you’ll never know if you don’t try.”
You take a deep breath. She’s right. You can do this. It’s just one date.
You spend the rest of the night gossiping and polishing off the wine. Curled under the covers later, you toss and turn fretfully. What will tomorrow bring?
You replay the auction in your mind. Charles’ smooth voice calling out that astronomical bid. His signature smirk as he claimed you as his prize. The feather-light kiss pressed to your knuckles that still tingles hours later.
A date. With Charles Leclerc. Your pulse quickens once more.
What game is he playing at? There’s no shortage of women who would gladly go out with him. So why you?
You toss and turn, mind racing. Does he actually like you? Or was this all an impulsive stunt — a boast to tell his fellow drivers about later?
You groan into your pillow. This is why you never get involved with drivers. Underneath the glitz and glamour lies a tangled web of ego and politics.
Still … when Charles looked at you with those piercing eyes on stage, just for a moment, you let yourself believe he was seeing the real you. Not just another notch on his bedpost.
You huff, punching your pillow in frustration. You’re being ridiculous. This is Charles Leclerc. Motorsport’s resident heartthrob. You would be foolish to expect more from him than a fancy dinner and bragging rights.
Wouldn’t you?
Anxiety gnaws at your gut as the clock continues to tick. What if this is all some elaborate prank or publicity stunt? What if the date goes horribly wrong?
The silver lining is that at least you helped raise money for charity. Maybe the date itself won’t be so bad. Charles seemed pleasant enough backstage ...
Ugh. You force your eyes closed, begging for sleep to take you. What will tomorrow bring? With the morning light comes your date with Charles Leclerc … for better or worse.
The next evening, you’re a bundle of nerves as you frantically rush around getting ready. Cassie helped you pick out a stunning new dress and spent ages on your hair and makeup.
“You look hot, babe,” she proclaims. “Knock him dead!”
You pace anxiously, stomach fluttering. This morning you half expected Charles to cancel or send an assistant with excuses. But instead you got a text from him confirming your dinner reservation along with a winking emoji that made your cheeks flame.
It’s really happening. Your fantasy date with Charles Leclerc.
At precisely 7 pm, the doorbell rings. You nearly trip over yourself rushing to answer it. Swinging open the door, you find Charles waiting on the step, looking unfairly gorgeous in a tailored suit.
In his hands is a massive bouquet of peonies. Your favorite flower, though you’ve certainly never told him that. Your eyes widen.
Charles seems momentarily stunned as he takes in your dress and styled hair. He blinks several times before a slow, heart-stopping smile spreads across his face.
“Bonsoir, mon amour. You look absolutely ravishing.”
He presents the flowers with a flourish. “For you.”
You accept them, blushing fiercely. He even brought your favorite flowers? This has to be a dream.
“They’re beautiful, thank you. Let me just put them in water.” You rush to the kitchen, pulse racing. He called you his love. In French!
You take a steadying breath before rejoining Charles outside. He leads you toward a shiny black Ferrari parked at the curb.
“Sorry, I told the Amber Lounge to cancel the car they ordered for you. I wanted to drive myself so we could talk.” He holds open the passenger door for you.
You slide in, hyper-aware of his proximity in the intimate space. The car smells like his spicy cologne. You’re suddenly very thankful for Cassie’s strategic use of double-stick tape.
Charles pulls smoothly into traffic. His hand rests temptingly close to yours on the gearshift.
“You look very beautiful tonight,” he says, glancing your way. “I apologize for staring earlier. I was just … overwhelmed.”
You blush, tucking your hair behind your ear. “It’s okay. You look very handsome yourself.”
He smiles, visibly relaxing. Soon you’re chatting comfortably about work and hobbies. He asks thoughtful questions about your life and cracks jokes that have you laughing until your stomach hurts.
You’re so immersed in conversation, you don’t notice Charles parking until he opens your door, ever the gentleman. He guides you toward an elegant restaurant overlooking the glittering Monaco harbor.
The maître d’ greets Charles enthusiastically. “Monsieur Leclerc! Wonderful to see you again. Right this way to your usual table.”
You raise your eyebrows, impressed, as he leads you to a secluded candlelit table on the balcony. Charles pulls out your chair for you. Such a gentleman.
“You come here often?” You ask teasingly as he takes his own seat.
“Oui, it is my favorite restaurant in the country,” he admits. “The cuisine is magnifique, and the staff keeps things … discreet.”
Interesting. You wonder just how many dates Charles has brought here. For some reason, the thought makes your stomach twist uncomfortably.
You’re distracted as the waiter brings champagne. Charles turns to you.
“I took the liberty of ordering for us ahead of time, I hope you do not mind. I wanted to surprise you.” His eyes twinkle. “I think you will be pleased.”
You would normally bristle at men ordering for you. But the shy hopefulness in Charles’ eyes melts your reservations.
“That’s very thoughtful of you,” you say sincerely.
He beams. Soon, a parade of your favorite dishes arrives at the table — seared scallops, truffle gnocchi, crème brûlée. You gasp in delight and surprise.
“Charles, these are all my favorites! How did you know?” You narrow your eyes playfully. “Have you been stalking me?”
Charles laughs, rubbing his neck self-consciously. “No, no, nothing like that. I just … pay attention.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Uh huh. Are you sure you haven’t bugged the Red Bull kitchens?”
Charles winces. “You deserve the truth.” He takes a deep breath. “The fact is, I have, er, admired you for some time now.”
Your eyes widen. What is he saying?
Charles hurries on. “At first it was just a passing attraction. But the more I observed you, the more fascinated I became.” He looks up at you earnestly. “You are kind, funny, brilliant … unlike anyone I have ever met.”
Your pulse thunders in your ears. Charles Leclerc has noticed you — for longer than just last night. You’re reeling.
He fiddles with his napkin. “Over the years I have gradually learned your habits, your likes and dislikes. Little things, like your favorite flower, or food.” He ducks his head. “It allowed me to feel closer to you. Pathetic, I know.”
“It’s not pathetic at all,” you murmur. Your heart swells realizing just how long he’s cared. “It’s incredibly thoughtful.”
His answering smile is radiant. The rest of dinner passes enjoyably as you continue getting to know each other. Underneath Charles’ debonair charm, you find a sweet soul.
You linger over dessert, but eventually Charles pays the check. Back outside, the wind off the sea has picked up. You shiver lightly in your dress.
Charles immediately shrugs off his suit jacket and drapes it around your bare shoulders. The residual warmth from his body envelops you, along with his intoxicating scent.
“Can’t have you catching a cold, chérie.” His hands linger, squeezing your shoulders gently.
You clutch the jacket, suddenly shy. “Thank you, Charles. For everything. I had a wonderful time tonight.”
“The pleasure was all mine.” His eyes are dark, tender. “I have waited so long for this moment. You have made me the happiest man alive tonight.”
Your breath catches at his sincerity. Moving slowly, giving you time to pull away, he reaches up to tuck a windblown lock of hair behind your ear. His fingers trail lightly down your neck, raising goosebumps.
When his hand cups your jaw, you lean into the caress unthinkingly. Your lips part. Charles’ gaze drops to your mouth.
Heart in your throat, you sway closer. Is he finally going to kiss you? You’ve been thinking about it all night. His eyes flutter closed ...
A car horn blares loudly, shattering the moment. You spring apart, chest heaving. Charles clears his throat.
“I, er, suppose I should get you home.” He opens the passenger door for you, hand lingering briefly on the small of your back before he rounds the car.
The drive back passes in charged silence. Walking you to the door, Charles softly strokes your knuckles with his thumb.
“I cannot remember when I have had a more wonderful evening,” he says quietly. “I hope we can do this again soon?”
“I’d really like that.” Your cheeks hurt from smiling.
Charles presses a feather-light kiss to your hand. “Bonne nuit, ma belle.”
As he drives away, you press your hands to your burning cheeks. You just had the most perfect first date with Charles Leclerc. A pinch me, I must be dreaming date.
Hugging his suit jacket tighter, you lean against the closed door and sigh happily. Maybe, just maybe, your fantasy is on its way to coming true.
The week after your dream date drags by endlessly. You float through your days in a happy daze, replaying every moment in your mind. The suit jacket he gave you lives on the back of your chair, filling your room with his lingering scent.
Before you know it, you’re reunited at the next Grand Prix. You wait awkwardly outside the Ferrari garage, clutching Charles’ jacket. Your excuse is returning it, but really you’re just desperate to see him again.
Does he feel the same? Your stomach twists anxiously.
“Who are you waiting for, bella ragazza?”
You startle as Charles’ performance coach Andrea appears beside you, grinning knowingly.
“Oh, um, just returning this.” You hold up the jacket weakly.
Andrea winks. “Of course. I will let our boy know you are here.”
He heads into the garage and you fidget nervously with your hair. This morning it only took Cassie threatening bodily harm for you to change your outfit five times. You settled on a flattering sundress you know Charles will appreciate before you have to change into a team uniform come time for free practice.
Suddenly Charles comes barreling out of the garage like an overeager golden retriever. His face lights up when he spots you.
“Y/N! I was just coming to find you.”
Before you can react, he sweeps you into a tight hug. You melt against him, breathing in his warmth and familiar cologne. He’s really here, in your arms.
He pulls back just far enough to beam down at you, keeping his hands on your waist. “I missed you, chérie. The days apart were torture.”
You duck your head, smiling shyly. “I missed you too.”
You offer him the folded jacket. “I, um, thought you might want this back.”
Charles tsks, pushing it gently back toward you. “No no, you must keep it. Can’t have you catching cold until our next date, non?”
His eyes sparkle playfully. You hug the jacket to your chest, absurdly giddy at having an excuse to keep it longer.
“Charles! Fred is asking for you.” His race engineer calls out apologetically.
Charles sighs regretfully. “Duty calls. But I will see you later, yes?”
He lifts your hand to his mouth, lips grazing your knuckles feather-light. Your breath catches. Then, so quickly you almost miss it, he swoops in and presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth, sending lightning zipping across your skin. With a last lingering look, he jogs off.
You press your fingers to your tingling skin, smiling like a loon. Andrea winks knowingly as you float away on cloud nine.
Over the next few hours, you’re bombarded by smug comments and curious questions from fellow Red Bull crew. Apparently your “secret romance” with Charles is the paddock’s gossip of choice today.
You weather the teasing good-naturedly. After all, you’re daydreaming while remembering the sensation of Charles’ lips on your skin.
After FP2 ends, you’re startled from reviewing data by a knock on your office door. You open it to find a delivery man with a truly gigantic flower arrangement.
“Delivery for Y/N Y/L/N?” He consults his clipboard. “Says these are for you personally.”
You gape at the massive vase overflowing with huge, fragrant red peonies. There must be at least four dozen stems.
“Oh, um, that’s me, thanks.” You take the towering arrangement, stunned.
The delivery man chuckles knowingly. “Popular lady. Have a nice day now.”
Shutting the door, you bury your nose in the velvety petals, inhaling deeply. There’s only one person who could have sent these.
The card confirms it.
Thinking of you each and every second, C.
Red peonies are nearly impossible to find, yet Charles managed it.
It’s undeniably a public statement. Sending your favorite flowers in the color of his team for everyone to see. Staking his claim.
Normally such male posturing would irritate you. But from Charles, it feels different. Sweet. Affectionate, even.
You press your face into the blooms again, heart overflowing. Is this what it feels like to be falling for someone? You haven’t felt this giddy in years.
Somehow, you’ve captured the attention of the amazing, thoughtful, romantic Charles Leclerc. And you have a feeling this is only the beginning.
“Keep pushing Checo, just a few more laps to go,” you say into the radio as your driver, Sergio Perez, circles the track in final practice.
He’s been struggling with tire degradation all weekend. You’ve made setup tweaks and simulation runs, but there’s only so much data can tell you. The stopwatch never lies.
At least his pace looks improved this session. You watch closely as he enters the home straight again, sparring with the Ferrari of Charles Leclerc for position.
You try not to stare too obviously as the scarlet car glides by. The visor obscures Charles’ handsome features, but your heart still skips a beat.
Get it together, you scold yourself. You’re at work. Ogling drivers mid-session is unprofessional.
Even if said driver happens to be the charming, romantic F1 sensation you’ve somehow found yourself falling for ...
The session ends without incident. You breathe a sigh of relief reviewing Checo’s improved lap times. All things considered, not a bad recovery from yesterday’s struggles.
You pack up your station and make your way back to Red Bull hospitality to grab a late lunch before qualifying. Scrolling your phone, you can’t resist pulling up a photo from your dream date with Charles last week.
God he looks good in a suit. And that adoring smile ...
“No wonder your head’s been in the clouds lately.”
You jump, nearly dropping your phone. Checo appears beside you, leaning over your shoulder with a knowing grin.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you mutter, shoving your phone away.
“Oh come on, chica. I’ve seen the way you two stare at each other.” He nudges you playfully. “Like lovesick teenagers.”
You shove him back, rolling your eyes. “As if. Charles and I have barely even spoken.”
A bald-faced lie, but no need to feed the gossip mill further. Checo just studies you for a moment, smile turning knowing. “Ah, so it’s Charles now, is it? No more Leclerc?”
You feel your face heat. Have you been that obvious? “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh come on.” Checo bumps your shoulder playfully. “I saw the way you two were making eyes at each other all morning. Like a pair of lovestruck teenagers.”
You bury your face in your notes, mortified. Has your thing with Charles really been so noticeable?
Checo laughs. “Ah, do not be embarrassed, chica. I think it’s adorable. The race engineer and the driver, a paddock romance!”
You toss a balled up napkin at him in protest, which he dodges easily. “Stop it! There’s nothing going on.”
“Nothing, eh?” Checo’s eyes gleam impishly. “So all those flowers you got yesterday were just for fun? And I imagined you swooning over Leclerc in the garage?”
You flush even harder. Apparently you have not been as subtle as you thought.
Checo slings an arm around your shoulder. “Relax, hermanita. I am just teasing because I care.”
You lean into him, some of the tension easing.
“You know I just want you to be happy, right chica?” His expression grows serious. “Leclerc seems like a good guy. Just be careful with your heart.”
You nod, touched by his concern. “Of course. We’ve only been on two dates.” You hesitate. “But … I really like him. He’s so different than I expected.”
Checo smiles gently. “I am happy for you, truly. You deserve an amazing man.”
You grin. “Thanks, Checo.”
His smile turns impish again. “Just promise me one thing.”
You raise an eyebrow warily. “What?”
“No spilling Red Bull secrets to your new Ferrari boyfriend, eh?” He waggles his eyebrows. “I know he is muy guapo, but business is business!”
“Oh my god, stop! I would never.”
“Please. The heart eyes between you are obvious. Not that I blame you ...” He leans in conspiratorially. “Leclerc is quite the smooth talker, no?”
You lightly smack his shoulder, cheeks reddening. “Stop it. We’re just friends.”
“Mmhmm. Keep telling yourself that.”
He slings an arm around your shoulder. “Just remember your duties if you get distracted mooning over pretty Ferrari boys, yes?”
You make a face at him. “Gross. As if I’d shirk my responsibilities over some silly crush.”
Even if said crush is on Charles freaking Leclerc. You do have some professionalism.
Checo just grins knowingly as you reach the counter. He grabs a plate of food and you follow suit. Settling at a table together, he fixes you with a brotherly stare.
“In all seriousness though chica, be careful with your heart. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
You soften. Underneath his joking exterior, Checo is very protective of you. He’s like the big brother you never had.
“I will, I promise. Charles has been very respectful so far. We’re taking things slow.”
“Good.” Checo pats your hand. “No one is allowed to break your heart and get away with it. Even the Prince of Monaco himself,” he adds with a wink.
You roll your eyes, but smile, leaning against his sturdy frame. “I’ll sic you on him if he steps out of line, don’t worry.”
Checo laughs. “Please do. I have always wanted an excuse to wipe that smug grin off Leclerc’s face.” His smile softens. “But truly, I hope he continues to make you happy, hermanita.”
“Thanks Checo.” You squeeze him tight, overcome with emotion. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” He ruffles your hair fondly, ignoring your cries of protest. “And if Leclerc breaks your heart, I’ll break his legs, eh?”
You laugh. “I’ll remind him of that.” You check the time. “We should head back soon.”
You both bus your plates. As you exit, Checo slings an arm around your shoulders again.
“You’ve got this chica. Just remember, the heart wants what it wants. Even if it seems loco to the rest of us.”
You lean into him gratefully. “Thanks Checo. Seriously.”
He grins down at you. “Anytime. Now let’s go smash qualifying!”
You shake your head, smiling to yourself as you return to your data analysis. As annoying as Checo’s teasing is, it’s also kind of sweet how much he cares.
You know if anyone steps out of line and hurts you, Checo will come after them in a heartbeat. But something tells you that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to Charles.
Still … you appreciate Checo looking out for you. With everyone in your corner, you feel like for once, things in your love life might actually go right.
Qualifying flies by in a blur of adrenaline and data analysis. In the end, Max takes pole for Red Bull, with Charles slotting into P2 for Ferrari and Checo P3. A good starting position for both your drivers.
You’re on a high as you leave the garage after the debrief that evening. The sky is dusky purple, the paddock slowly emptying out. You hum to yourself, thinking of celebrating with Cassie over FaceTime later.
Rounding a corner toward the Red Bull hotel, you’re suddenly grabbed from behind and yanked into a shadowy alleyway. Heart leaping into your throat, you open your mouth to scream-
“Shhh, it’s me!” A familiar voice hisses as a hand clamps over your mouth.
You whirl around to find Charles pressed against you, eyes glinting in the shadows. Adrenaline pounds through you.
“Jesus, you scared me half to death!” You smack his chest, pulse racing. “I thought I was being kidnapped.”
“I’m sorry, chérie.” Charles grins, utterly unrepentant. “I could not resist surprising you when I saw you walking by.”
“So you grabbed me and dragged me into a dark alley? Real romantic.” You try to look stern, but can’t quite manage it. He’s just too charming.
Charles’ smile turns sheepish. “My apologies. I did not think it through properly.” His thumb strokes over your bottom lip softly. “I suppose I was … overzealous. I could not stop thinking about you all day.”
Your breath catches at the tender look in his eyes. He sways closer, backing you up against the alley wall.
“Truthfully, I just needed to do this ...”
His lips descend on yours, firm and seeking. For one stunned moment you freeze up — before kissing him back ardently, lost in bliss. His hands thread through your hair, angling you closer as he deepens the kiss.
It’s perfect.
After endless moments, you reluctantly part, gasping for air. Charles rests his forehead against yours, eyes dark.
“I have wanted to do that since our first date,” he confesses, trailing feather-light kisses across your jaw.
You clutch his shoulders, dizzy with euphoria. “You have no idea how long I’ve thought about kissing you.”
He smiles against your skin, nipping your neck playfully. “Oh, I think I do, ma belle. Why do you think I bid on you at that auction?”
You still can’t believe your dream man wanted you just as much as you wanted him. It seems too good to be true.
Charles nuzzles your cheek tenderly. “I must be the luckiest man alive to have caught your attention.”
Heart overflowing, you draw him down into another dizzying kiss. Charles groans, crushing you closer. It feels like coming home, being in his arms. Like this is where you were always meant to be.
The distant sound of teams making their way out of the paddock finally breaks you apart. Charles caresses your face wistfully.
“I should let you get back. You need your rest before the race tomorrow and so do I.” He hesitates, looking shy. “Perhaps we could … get dinner afterwards? To celebrate?”
Your lips curve in a teasing smile. “Are you asking me on a second date, Mr. Leclerc?”
Pink stains his sharp cheekbones. “I suppose I am, Miss Y/L/N. If you would do me the honor?”
You tap your chin playfully. “Hmm. I suppose I could clear my schedule for you.”
His answering smile is radiant. On impulse, you grab his collar and pull him down into one last hungry kiss.
“Good luck tomorrow,” you whisper against his lips. “Not that you’ll need it. Don’t tell Max or Checo I said this, but you’re the most talented driver out there.”
Charles looks endearingly dazed as you gently extricate yourself from his arms. With a flirty wave, you sashay out of the alley on shaky legs, mind spinning.
Pausing at the end, you glance back to see Charles leaning against the wall, gazing after you with pure adoration. He presses two fingers to his grinning lips that still tingle from your kiss.
You blow him one last discreet kiss before continuing on your way. Wait until Cassie hears about this!
Race day dawns sunny and clear — perfect conditions. In the Red Bull garage, you help Checo run through final preparations, tweaking setup and chatting strategy.
“Alright, the car is dialed in and ready to fly,” you tell him confidently.
Checo grins. “Perfecto. We will beat your boyfriend today, no?” He winks.
You roll your eyes, fighting a blush. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Sure, chica.” Checo ruffles your hair before heading to the grid.
It’s a chaotic blur of adrenaline and split-second decisions as you guide Checo through the field. In the end, Max takes the win for Red Bull, with Charles clinching P2 for Ferrari and Checo rounding out the podium in P3.
You rush to congratulate the drivers after, giving Checo a warm hug. “Great drive out there! The tire management really made a difference.”
He smiles. “But not enough to beat our rivals today, eh?” His gaze slides behind you.
You turn to see Charles approaching, fresh from the podium. His race suit is unzipped to the waist, hair adorably mussed. Your mouth goes dry.
Checo smirks knowingly. “I will leave you two alone. See you at the debrief.” He saunters off with a wink.
Charles beams, pulling you into a quick hug. “Congratulations. Your strategy was brilliant today.”
You grin. “Thanks, you did amazing too.” Your face heats realizing people nearby are staring and whispering.
Charles doesn’t seem to care, keeping your hand tucked in his. “I will wait for you outside the motorhome? Then perhaps we could celebrate ...” His smile turns hopeful.
You squeeze his hand, heart skipping. “Can’t wait.”
The debrief drags by endlessly. Finally you escape the garage into the late afternoon sunlight. True to his word, Charles is waiting, freshly showered and devastatingly handsome in a button-down and slacks.
“Y/N!” In two long strides he’s sweeping you into his arms and kissing you ardently, uncaring of the crowd of mechanics around you.
Catcalls and whistles break out. You blush fiercely as Charles sets you down, lacing your fingers together.
“Get it Leclerc!” One of his mechanics yells, making lewd gestures. Charles just flips him off casually, keeping his eyes on you.
“Shall we?”
You nod, face still burning. As Charles leads you away, your Red Bull colleagues join the teasing.
“Don’t wait up tonight boys!” One calls, making kissy noises.
“She’s ditching us for the red guys now!”
“Just don’t go spilling all our secrets, Y/N!”
You hide your face against Charles’ shoulder. He chuckles, wrapping a protective arm around you.
“Pay them no mind, ma belle,” he murmurs against your hair. “They are just jealous I get to spend the evening with the most beautiful woman in the world.”
You sigh happily, cuddling closer as you leave the paddock. The teasing means well — it’s their way of saying they approve. And nothing can dampen your euphoria at being with Charles again.
At the parking lot, a shiny red Ferrari awaits. Charles opens the door for you with a gallant bow before rounding the car and sliding in.
“So, where are we going?” You ask excitedly as Charles peels out onto the road. “Or do I not get to know the secret location?”
He glances at you sidelong, eyes glinting mischievously. “You will see. Let’s just say I … pulled some strings to arrange the perfect second date for us.”
You pout playfully. “Not even a little hint?”
Charles pretends to zip his lips. “Non, it is a surprise, ma petite.” His hand finds yours, thumb grazing over your knuckles. “But I think you will appreciate the … atmosphere I have created.”
The promise in his voice sends delicious shivers down your spine. You pass the drive chatting comfortably, exchanging soft, smiling glances.
After half an hour, Charles pulls up to a beautiful chateau perched on a vineyard-spotted hillside. You gasp as he escorts you inside the charming stone lodge.
“Charles, this is amazing! How did you arrange this on such short notice?”
He smiles, pleased by your reaction. “I may have called in a favor from the owners, who are family friends. We have the whole place to ourselves tonight.” His eyes smolder.
You wander the chateau in a happy daze as Charles gives you a private tour. He’s thought of everything — flowers, candles, and even champagne chilling by the roaring fireplace.
Dinner is sumptuous, featuring all your favorite dishes paired expertly with rich wines from the vineyard. Charles is attentive as always, hanging on your every word.
Afterwards you cuddle together on the sofa, pleasantly tipsy, exchanging lazy kisses as you take in the spectacular starry view through the expansive windows.
Charles nuzzles into your neck, lips grazing your hammering pulse point. “Have I mentioned how ravishing you look tonight?”
You shiver pleasurably. “I could stand to hear it again.”
He smiles against your skin. “You, mon amour, are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” His voice drops an octave. “And it is taking every ounce of my self control not to tear that dress off you this instant.”
Heat coils in your core at the unspoken promise in his words. Your fingers curl into his hair, guiding his lips back to yours. The kiss quickly grows heated, urgent.
With obvious effort, Charles forces himself to pull back, eyes blazing. “As much as I want you, we should take this slow. I want our first time to be special.” He strokes your cheek tenderly. “You deserve to be properly worshiped.”
Your heart swells at his care for you. You really hit the jackpot with this incredible man.
Cuddling against his chest, you look up at him adoringly. “You are … amazing"
Charles’ smile is soft, sincere. “I am only that way because you inspire me to be the best version of myself.” He kisses you sweetly. “I am the luckiest man in the world to have found you.”
You’ve never felt so cared for — so intensely adored. Here in Charles’ arms is exactly where you’re meant to be.
One Year Later
Strolling hand in hand with Charles along the Monaco harbor, you’ve never been happier. The sun glints off the water as he brushing featherlight kisses to your knuckles, making you giggle.
Charles lifts your hand to his mouth, pressing his lips to your palm as you walk. “What are you thinking about, ma belle?”
You smile up at him. “Just reminiscing about everything that’s happened since you swept me off my feet.”
His eyes soften. “The best year of my life. I fall more in love with you every day.”
Heart full, you tug him down into a sweet kiss. Charles hums happily against your lips.
“Well isn’t this cozy!” An approaching voice interrupts. You pull apart to see Lucy, the Amber Lounge organizer who convinced you to participate in the auction last year, beaming at you both.
“Lucy! Hi.” You accept her enthusiastic hug.
“Don’t you two make the cutest couple?” She winks conspiratorially. “I always knew there was a spark between you.”
You laugh, lacing your fingers through Charles’ once more. His answering smile is radiant.
“I’m so thrilled it worked out.” Lucy glances between you eagerly. “So, given it’s almost that time of year again … any chance you lovebirds would let us auction you off once more? Think of the publicity!”
You tense, old anxieties rising. But before you can respond, Charles’ grip on your hand tightens.
“Actually, I have a better idea.” His voice is lethally pleasant. “How about I simply drop off a cheque for an 100,000 euro donation, and you leave my girlfriend alone?”
A frisson of heat shoots through you at his possessive tone. Charles rubs his thumb over your knuckles soothingly, holding your gazes, before fixing Lucy with a warning look.
“We will of course still attend the gala to show support. But the auction is off limits. Understood?” His smile doesn’t reach his eyes.
Lucy gulps. “Y-Yes, of course. My apologies if I overstepped.” She nods at you both. “Have a lovely evening!”
With that she scurries back inside the Amber Lounge.
“Good day to you.” With that, he guides you away down the street, tension radiating from him.
You glance at him in concern once you’re out of earshot. “Are you okay?”
Charles drags a hand through his hair. “Yes, I just … the thought of them putting you on display again ...” He shudders.
Your heart melts realizing why he got so defensive. You halt, turning Charles gently to face you.
“That was very macho and possessive of you back there,” you murmur, walking your fingers up his chest.
Charles winces. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to be so overbearing-”
You silence him with a finger to his lips. “Let me finish. I said it was macho and possessive.” You lean up to purr in his ear. “And so. Freaking. Hot.”
Charles’ eyes widen. Grinning, you shove him back against the brick wall and kiss him fiercely. He grunts in surprise before responding in kind, nipping your bottom lip.
“If I had known getting possessive would get this reaction, I would have done it ages ago,” he gasps out between kisses.
You silenced his laughter with your mouth, desire burning through you. The raw protectiveness Charles showed took your breath away. You’ve never felt so safe, so cared for.
Finally you break apart and Charles pulls you firmly against his chest. “I love you,” he breathes against your hair. “More than I can ever express.”
“I love you too.” You can feel the beating of his heart beneath your ear. “Now take me home and show me just how much you missed me this morning.”
Charles’ eyes darken. With a roguish grin he sweeps you into his arms, making you shriek. Laughing joyfully, he carries you down the street toward your shared apartment.
If the rest of your life together is even half as magical as this past year with Charles, you’ll die a happy woman.
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uluvjay · 25 days
Winner, Winner-L. Norris
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Lando Norris x fem! Reader
In which Lando wins his first Grand Prix
Warnings?; smut, bathroom sex, quickie?, cursing, unprotected sex(a big no no), p in v, kissing, grinding, alcohol consumption, small mirror sex kink,uhh def some errors so i apologize, a week late bc writers block is a bitch!!, not the best ending.
You could feel your entire body shaking as you watched the screens, nails stuck between your teeth as the laps flew past. Jon stood next to you as you both felt your stomach’s twisting and turning.
When lap 57 hit the rest of the garage started to bounce, their bodies shaking with excitement and joy as your boyfriend turned that last corner.
You couldn’t help the tears and scream of joy that broke through when he crossed the line, cheers and applause filling the air as people jumped into each others arms.
You threw yourself into Jon’s open arms, hugging the older man as you both allowed the tears to freely fall.
“He fucking did it.” The man laughed as you two pulled away.
“He did, I’m so proud.” You smiled, lifting a shaky hand to wipe your tears.
“Go show him! Go, everyone’s heading out.” The man rushed as he pushed you away and you quickly followed behind the mechanics and engineers until you felt someone tug on your wrist.
“Y/n! This way, come on” Zak called pulling you behind him as he and Andrea rushed towards the barricades.
You made it just in time to watch your boyfriend launch himself into his crew, a laugh escaping you as they cheered for him as they held him high in the sky.
You watched on silently as he hugged Zak and Andrea, Lando hugging them tightly as they congratulated him and he thanked them for standing by him for so long.
When Lando’s eyes met yours he couldn’t help himself, quickly pulling away from his team principal he had you in his arms in seconds.
Your arms wrapping around his neck, hands diving into his wet curls while his hands gripped the material of your dress.
“Oh baby I’m so proud of you.” You spoke softly as you dug your head into his neck, one of large hands coming up to pull your head back.
“Are you crying!?” He laughed, his signature giggle filling the small space between you two.
“Yes! Leave me alone, you just won your first race I’m allowed to cry.” You laughed reaching up to wipe the tears.
“Aww baby.” He cooed pressing his lips against yours in a gentle kiss.
“I really am proud of you Lan, you worked so hard for this.” You smiled when he pulled away from your lips.
“Thank you baby.” He beamed dipping down to give you a few more kisses before he was being called to the cool down room.
“Go ahead, go do your champagne pop I’ll be right below waiting.” You pushed him.
“I love you!” He called behind him as he jogged off towards the people waiting for him.
You stood happily next to Zak as the boys came out, more tears brimming your eyes as god save the king played through the speakers.
Lando sending a wink your way as his eyes finally found yours, a bright smile on his face as he looked around the crowd below him.
You watched as max and Charles drenched him in champagne, the winner not even getting a chance to do his signature champagne pop before they attacked him.
But the second he was free his bottle smashed against the ground and was soon spraying the crowd, a wide smirk covering his face as he made sure to aim it at you.
Your head shook at his antics, a laugh breaking free as Zak stuck his tongue out for a taste.
Once the celebrations ended you made your way back to his driver’s room to wait, knowing he’d have a small debrief before the team celebration photo.
A little while later he finally stumbled into the room, his body drenched in champagne as he plopped down beside you on the leather couch, his head dipping back to rest against it.
“How you feeling champ?” You giggled running a hand through his sticky hair.
Lando opened an eye to look at you, a wide smile filling his face before he pulled you to rest on his lap.
“A whole lot of things, but right now sticky and hot and like I need three showers.” He laughed, his large hands coming to rest on your thighs.
“You wanna shower here or the hotel?”
“I’ll take a quick one here and a much, much, longer one at the hotel before we go out.” He replied, fully sitting up to look at you now, his fingers reached to fix your tangled necklaces, his thumb running over the golden four charm that hung on one of the three chains.
You smiled lovingly at him, unable to stop yourself as you leaned forward and captured his lips with yours, you hand reaching around the back of his head to pull him impossibly closer.
He groaned into your mouth, his hands sliding under the material of your sundress to grope your skin, his hips slowly beginning to buck up into your heat.
You whimpered as his bulge rubbed against your pulsing clit, moving your body to rest better over his cock as you allowed yourself to start grinding against him.
However your little moment was quickly ruined by the loud sound of his phone ringing, jumping back at the sudden noise you reached for the device on the table beside you.
“Just ignore it, already talked to my mum and dad.” He whined grabbing your hand to pull you back to him, his lips slanting over yours once again.
“Mmm, what if it’s important.” You spoke softly as you pulled alway from him once again.
“Then they’ll leave a message.”
You shook your head at him as he pulled you back in, his large hand tangled in your hair making sure you weren’t getting away again.
That was until the phone began to ring again, the sound once again disrupting Lando’s plans.
“Just answer it.” You laughed pulling back slightly, watching as he groaned dramatically but reached for the phone.
“Oliver what do yo-Oh! Hi Mila.” He quickly changed his tone seeing the face of his sweet niece on the other end.
“What do you say Mila?” You could hear his brother speak from the other end
“Yay lala won!” The young girl babbled.
“Yeah I won darling, thank you so much for calling.” He smiled softly at the girl.
You smiled at the heartwarming interaction, knowing how much he adores his nieces just never having much time to see them.
You slid off his lap, sending him a wink as he looked at you with a questioning look, moving around the room you began to pack up his and your things, leaving out a change of clothes for him after his shower.
“Okay bye bye, talk later love you all.” He spoke softly as he ended the call dropping the phone down he stood up and made his way towards you.
“Don’t even think about it.” You laughed as you saw him reaching for your waist.
“Go shower so we can get out of here, these shoes are killing me and I’d enjoy to change out of this dress as well.”
“Fine.” He groaned, stomping off into the small bathroom for a fast shower.
Two hours later you were stood at the sink in the hotel bathroom touching up your hair and makeup as you waited for Lando to finish getting ready for the club.
“Almost ready baby?” He questioned as he stepped up behind you, strong arms wrapping around your waist.
“Mhm just let me put some lip gloss on.” You nodded, leaning over slightly to reach for the small tube.
Lando whined as your movements caused your ass to rub against his still hard member, his hands reaching for the hem of your little dress.
“What time did max say to be there?”
“Nine, why?”
“just asking.” He shrugged, his lip tucked between his teeth as he took a peak at his watch.
It was 8:30, that gave him plenty of time to fuck yoy over this sink.
You gasped as you felt the hem of your dress get pushed up over your ass, the cold air of the ac hitting your exposed skin.
“Lando!” You scolded attempting to pull away from him however that only pushed you closer to the counter.
“What?” He chuckled, large hands palming your plump ass as he teasingly traced the band of your Lacy thong.
“We can’t, we have to go.” You whined feeling the material slide halfway down your thighs and the sound of his belt coming undone.
“It’s my win and my celebration, if I wanna fuck my girlfriend before going out, then I will.” He scoffed as he pushed your legs apart and slid his thick cock inside your awaiting cunt, filling you to the hilt.
“Feel so good baby.” He breathed into your ear, hands gripping your waist tightly.
His slow and measured thrust had your back arching as your cries echoed in the large bathroom, hands gripping onto the marble counter for some sort of leverage.
You gasp as one of his hands slides around your front, the pad of his finger sliding between your spread thighs as he found your clit with ease.
He growls at how wet you are for him, his fingers move in tedious circles as he coaxes even more moans from you, your body leaning on his as the pleasure began to become to much.
“So close.” You whimpered, feeling the heat in your stomach getting stronger and stronger as his thrusts kept up.
He hummed into the skin of you neck as his lips left a trail of wet kisses, sucking softly on the spot behind your ear earning him a purr of pure pleasure.
“Gonna come for me baby? Make a mess on my cock?” He teases, blue eyes finding yours in the large mirror in front of you.
You can see the hunger in his eyes, see the way he’s enjoying watching you fall apart for him, how your face distorts at any touch he places on your body.
“Fuck! Yes, so close Lan.” You cry as his hips speed up, his fingers matching the pace as he fucks you into your release.
A choked cry spills free as you reach your high, lando wrapping an arm tight around your waist in order to keep you up as your knees buckle from the pleasure.
Your moans get higher as he keeps fucking your, hips moving at an unholy pace as he feels his own release rapidly approaching.
“Cum for me.” You slur, a soft whine leaving you as his hands move back to your hips, nails digging into your skin as he comes inside you with a deep grunt.
His head tucked into the crook of your neck as his hips stutter a few more times before completely coming to a stop.
You reach back to play with his curls, his hands slowly moving around your body as he begins to leave chaste kisses to your neck.
Finally pulling away from you he smirks at you in the mirror, both of your cheeks flushed and hot, a post orgasm glimmer in your eyes.
“Just couldn’t wait till later could you champ?” You teased him slightly.
“No, you looked to good baby.” He smirked before placing kisses to your shoulder blade as he pulled out and tucked himself away.
He pulled your panties back up and your dress back down over your ass, giving it a small smack for good measure before turning your body to face him.
“I love you.” He hummed softly.
“I love you too my race winner.” You smiled right back before locking his lips with yours for a short kiss before the ringing of his phone once again ruined another moment.
“Shit it’s max.” He winced before answering the Dutchman’s call.
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caramelapplesauce · 1 year
if i could draw, i would be unstoppable in my fandoms. so really god was doing a favor for all of you. i would be everywhere
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agentstarkid · 11 days
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✦ pairing: charles leclerc x reader ✦ words: 2.4K ✦ warnings: female!reader, fluff. ✦ may's radio: my hands were shaking so much that they slipped and this got written :)) <3
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The roar of engines reverberated through the narrow streets of Monaco, the glistening harbor contrasting with the vibrant red of the Ferrari garage. I stood amidst the controlled chaos, the scent of burning rubber and fuel heavy in the air. Charles' family was beside me, their faces a mixture of tension and pride, reflecting my own swirling emotions.
In my hand, I clutched a small bracelet, its delicate threads intertwined with colors representing our journey together. Charles and I had made it during a quiet evening in Maranello, each bead and knot a silent promise of our shared dreams and love. I rubbed the beads with my thumb, seeking solace in their familiarity as the final laps of the Monaco Grand Prix unfolded on the screens before us.
Charles was in the lead. I could see his car darting through the tight corners, threading the needle between the unforgiving barriers. The commentators' voices were a distant hum, my focus solely on the scarlet blur of his Ferrari.
“He's doing great,” Pascale whispered, her voice tight with barely contained excitement.
I nodded, unable to tear my eyes away from the monitor. My heart pounded in time with the relentless rhythm of the cars on the track. Each second stretched into an eternity, every corner a potential triumph or disaster.
With just a few laps to go, the tension in the garage was palpable. I could see the mechanics poised for celebration or action, their faces masks of concentration. The bracelet's colors shimmered softly, a small but powerful reminder of the man I loved and the journey that had brought us to this moment.
The final lap began. Charles' car streaked past the iconic Casino Square, down towards the tight hairpin at Fairmont, and into the tunnel where the roar of the engine amplified tenfold. My grip on the bracelet tightened and all around, the horns of the yachts in the harbor were already blaring in celebration.
"C’mon, mia stella," I whispered, as if my voice could reach him through the cacophony of the race.
Through the chicane and into the swimming pool complex, his car danced on the edge of control, the very limits of physics and skill. The crowd's roar was a constant backdrop, a wave of noise that crescendoed as he approached the final corners.
Then, in a blur of red and precision, he rounded Rascasse and Anthony Noghes. The checkered flag waved, and Charles' car crossed the finish line.
“C'é l'ha fatta!” someone shouted, the garage erupting into cheers and applause. He did it.
Tears of joy sprang to my eyes as I watched Charles slow down for the victory lap, the realization sinking in. He had won. In Monaco. His home race. 
Monaco has finally loved him back.
It was a colossal victory for Il sole di Maranello, Il Predestinato, Il Principe Rosso, 
The brightest star in my night sky.
The screen cut to his in-car camera, showing his triumphant fist pump and the liberating scream he let out. My heart swelled with pride and love.
As the celebrations commenced around me, I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulders. Charles' mother pulled me into a hug, her eyes glistening with tears.
“He's done it,” she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.
We all moved towards the pit lane to greet him, the crowd's energy sweeping us along. The bracelet dangled from my wrist, a symbol of our bond and the incredible moment we were now living.
Charles pulled into the Parc Fermé, and as he climbed out of the car, he immediately jumped onto the nose of his Ferrari. He threw his arms up in victory, letting out a boisterous scream full of raw emotion, the sound echoing through the throng of fans and team members. The crowd's cheers reached a fever pitch, their collective joy merging with his triumphant cry.
He then jumped down, his feet hitting the ground with a determined thud. Amidst the jubilant chaos, his eyes scanned the sea of faces until they found mine surrounded by a sea of red uniforms and jubilant faces. He pushed through the crowd, making his way to me.
“Amore mio!” he exclaimed, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around.
“You did it, Charles! You won!” I laughed through my tears, my hands framing his helmet.
He leaned in, pressing his forehead against mine. “We did it,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. His fingers brushed against the bracelet on my wrist, I could see a hint of a knowing smile spreading across his face. “This is also for us.”
In that moment, surrounded by the cheers of the team and the adoring fans, it was just the two of us. The handmade bracelet, the race, and our love intertwined into a perfect, unforgettable moment.
The jubilation in the Ferrari crowd was palpable, the energy electric as the team celebrated Charles' monumental win. Mechanics, engineers, and staff swarmed him, lifting him up and congratulating him, hugging him and tapping the top of his helmet, their faces glowing with pride and admiration. Fred approached with a broad smile, clapping Charles on the shoulder and embracing him in a vigorous hug.
Next came Carlos, grinning from ear to ear, pulling into a brotherly embrace. "Amazing job out there, mate! You deserve this one."
"Thanks, Carlos," Charles said, hugging him tighter. "We did it together."
John Elkann, Ferrari’s chairman, stepped forward, his demeanor exuberant and congratulatory. "Charles, you've made Ferrari and all of Monaco incredibly proud today. Congratulations!"
Charles nodded, his gratitude evident. "Thank you, Mr. Elkann. This victory is for the team, for all of us."
With the formalities complete, Charles turned to the crowd. He moved towards the barriers, where the sea of red-clad fans erupted into deafening cheers, their love and admiration washing over him like a wave. He basked in the adulation, lifting his arms to acknowledge the fans who had supported him through thick and thin.
He spotted Andrea waiting by the edge of the crowd. The Italian had been with him through countless highs and lows, a steady presence in his life. Charles embraced him tightly, their bond evident in the heartfelt hug.
“You did it, Charles. I'm so proud of you,” Andrea said, his voice choked with emotion.
“Couldn't have done it without you, Andrea,” Charles replied, pulling back to look his friend in the eye.
Andrea handed Charles his jewelry and the other handmade bracelet, the one that perfectly complemented the one I wore. A significant piece that he entrusts to his friend every race. Charles took the items, his eyes briefly meeting Andrea's in silent gratitude before he turned back to the crowd. He moved to the front of the sign indicating his 1st place finish, ready to be interviewed by Jenson Button for the post-race interview.
The crowd's roar never dimmed, their adoration a constant backdrop. I watched him, my heart swelling with love and pride, as he fought back tears. Charles took a moment to gather himself, fidgeting with his cap and then with the bracelet. The raw emotion in his voice was palpable as he spoke.
“It means a lot obviously,” Charles said, his voice wavering slightly. “This is the race that made me dream of being a Formula One driver one day.” 
He paused, taking a deep breath. “I have to say that I was thinking of my dad a lot more than what I do while driving. Obviously he’d given everything for me to be here. It was our dream for me to race and to win here.”
The weight of his words sinking in. The raw emotion in his voice, the tears brimming in his eyes, spoke volumes. This victory was not just a personal triumph but a tribute to his father and their shared dream. I felt tears spill over, my heart swelling with love for the man who had just achieved a lifelong dream, carrying the memory of his father with him every step of the way.
While Charles spoke, I stood beside Pascale and his brothers. My heart ached with a mix of overwhelming pride and sorrow, mirroring the emotions etched on their faces. Pascale had tears running down her cheeks, her expression a blend of grief and pride for her son's achievement.
I reached out and grabbed her hand in mine, squeezing it three times—a silent gesture of support, love, and shared emotion. She squeezed back, her grip firm and reassuring, a small but powerful connection in this deeply poignant moment.
As the interview concluded, the crowd erupted into applause once more. Charles looked over at us, his eyes locking with mine, and in that moment, everything else faded away. The noise, the cameras, the crowd—it all disappeared, leaving just the two of us connected by an unspoken understanding and an unbreakable bond.
He made his way toward us, each step filled with purpose and emotion. When he reached us, he first hugged his mother tightly, their shared tears a silent tribute to the man they both missed so deeply. Then he turned to me, pulling me into his arms, holding me close.
I held him tighter, feeling the weight of the moment. “I'm so proud of you, Charles. Your dad would be too.”
We stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other's embrace, the world around us celebrating his incredible victory. The cheers of the crowd, the flashes of cameras, and the palpable joy of the team enveloped us, but all that mattered was the love and pride we felt for Charles.
Pascale joined our embrace, her tears now mingling with smiles. “He's always with you, Charles. And he's so proud.”
Charles nodded, his eyes glistening. “I feel him here today, maman, more than ever.”
As the celebrations continued, Charles' brothers took turns hugging him, their faces glowing with admiration and joy. He was then quickly rushed into the Driver’s Cooldown Room along with the other podium-finishers. 
The crowd's roar never dimmed, their adoration a constant backdrop to the unfolding celebrations. Charles made his way to the podium promptly being showered in overjoyed hugs and words by Monaco’s Royal Family. He took his place on the top, the Monegasque flag wrapped around him like a protective mantle. 
The Prince of Monaco, his eyes glistening with emotion, handed Charles his trophy first. Their embrace was heartfelt, filled with warmth and a deep sense of pride. As Charles lifted the trophy high, the crowd erupted into deafening cheers. He turned to the other drivers, congratulating them as they received their trophies, and then Fred accepted the constructor's trophy with a broad smile, lifting it skyward to the adulation of the crowd.
The Monaco anthem began to play, its solemn notes filling the air. Charles stood tall as the anthem resonated deeply, the pride of the nation evident in every note. As the final strains of the Monaco anthem faded, the Italian anthem followed, a tribute to the Ferrari team and their storied legacy.
The sound of both anthems being sung at the top of everyone's lungs was deafening, a beautiful cacophony of national pride and celebration. Tears streamed down faces all around, from the Prince and the royal family to the mechanics, marshalls, and fans. Even the seasoned veterans of the sport were visibly moved, the emotion of the moment overwhelming.
He lifted the trophy high, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. The crowd erupted once more, their cheers echoing through the narrow streets of Monte Carlo. He looked down at me, our eyes locking across the sea of faces. He mouthed the words “I love you,” and I felt the tears spill over again, tears of unadulterated joy and love.
The podium celebration reached its peak and the champagne bottles were uncorked with a resounding pop. Charles, Carlos, and Oscar grabbed their bottles, shaking them vigorously. The crowd's anticipation grew, knowing the champagne shower was about to begin.
Charles stood at the center as Carlos and Oscar turned towards him, their bottles aimed and ready. With a synchronized motion, they sprayed him with champagne, the sparkling liquid raining down on him as he laughed and tried to dodge it.
Fred, ever the spirited team principal, turned his champagne bottle toward Prince Albert. His Serene Highness, caught off guard but clearly delighted, laughed heartily and grabbed a bottle himself. He joined in the festivities, spraying Fred and the other drivers with gusto. The entire podium was a scene of jubilant chaos, the air filled with the scent of champagne and the sound of laughter and cheers.
Charles reveled in the moment, his face beaming with pure happiness as he shared the celebration with his teammates and the Prince. It was a rare and beautiful sight, the convergence of competitive spirit and heartfelt camaraderie.
Finally, the champagne showers subsided, and Charles descended the steps, droplets of champagne glistening on his suit and face. After a while, he made his way back to me, his steps purposeful and his eyes locked on mine. The crowd's cheers still echoed in the background, but all I could focus on was him.
As he reached me, he didn't hesitate. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me deeply, a kiss full of love, joy, and adoration—and even a hint of something more passionate, something more intense.
The kiss was electric, sending shivers down my spine. His lips moved against mine with a fervor that spoke of the countless emotions coursing through him. His hands gripped my waist tightly, pulling me closer as if he never wanted to let go. The world around us blurred, the noise of the celebration fading into the background.
His kiss was hungry and unrestrained, a raw display of the depth of his feelings. It conveyed everything words couldn't—the relief, the triumph, the passion that simmered beneath the surface. My toes curled, and I felt a heady rush as I responded with equal intensity, matching his fervor.
When we finally pulled apart, breathless and smiling, he rested his forehead against mine. “This is just the beginning,” he whispered, his breath warm against my skin.
I nodded, holding him tight. “I'm with you every step of the way, Charles. Always.”
And in that embrace, surrounded by the love of family, friends, and fans, we knew that no matter what the future held, we would face it together, hand in hand, heart to heart. The journey ahead was filled with promise, and with each other, we could conquer anything.
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pinkflower2003 · 17 days
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Ferrari Family
Charles Leclerc x Reader
a/n - pure fluff, i am a pregnancy trope girly, it just makes me feel all warm inside!
send your submissions<3
It had been months since you’d attended one of Charles' races. Your absence didn't go unnoticed, especially by the media. Speculation ran rampant. Had you and Charles split up? Was there trouble in paradise? The constant barrage of questions and rumors filled the paddock, but Charles remained tight-lipped, a small smile playing on his lips whenever the topic arose.
Today was different, though. Today, you were making your grand return to the circuit. And it wasn’t just any return—you were eight months pregnant. Charles had been supportive and loving throughout your pregnancy, but you had chosen to stay out of the public eye, relishing the peace and intimacy of your private life. However, with only a month to go before your baby was due, you felt ready to step back into the bustling world of Formula 1, hand-in-hand with Charles.
As you walked through the paddock, it was hard to ignore the stares and whispers. Eyes widened, jaws dropped, and cameras quickly turned your way. You could hear the hushed excitement as fans and workers recognized you, your hand resting protectively over your baby bump. It wasn't long before a crowd began to gather, eager to catch a glimpse of the spectacle.
Charles, who had been busy with pre-race preparations, spotted you from across the paddock. His eyes lit up, and a broad smile spread across his face. He quickly excused himself from the conversation he was having with one of the engineers and made his way toward you.
"Amour!" he called out, his voice filled with pure joy. He closed the distance between you in a matter of seconds, his arms wrapping around you gently but firmly. His hand instinctively found its way to your belly, caressing the curve of your bump tenderly. "You look beautiful," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smiled up at him, feeling the familiar warmth of his presence. "I missed you," you replied, resting your head against his chest. The chaos of the paddock faded away, leaving just the two of you in your little bubble of happiness.
"I missed you too," Charles murmured. "And I can't wait for everyone to meet our little one."
As if on cue, a small group of journalists approached, cameras and microphones at the ready. They had been dying for an explanation, and now they had it—plus, they couldn't resist the sight of Charles Leclerc doting on his pregnant girlfriend.
"Charles, Y/N, can we get a word?" one of them called out.
Charles glanced at you, his eyes seeking permission. You nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. This was a big moment, not just for you and Charles, but for your unborn child as well.
"Sure," Charles said, still holding you close. "What do you want to know?"
The journalist smiled, clearly eager to get the scoop. "First of all, congratulations! How are you feeling, Y/N? And why the long absence?"
You took a deep breath, smiling warmly. "Thank you. I'm feeling great, just a bit tired. As for my absence, Charles and I wanted to keep this special time private for as long as possible. We wanted to focus on our family and enjoy these precious moments without the added pressure of the public eye."
Charles nodded in agreement. "It's been important for us to have this time together. But we're excited to share this news with all of you now."
The questions continued, but Charles made sure you weren't overwhelmed. He answered most of them, always deflecting the attention back to you and your well-being. It was clear to everyone just how much he adored you and your growing family.
After the impromptu press conference, you and Charles made your way to the Ferrari garage. The team had been eagerly awaiting your arrival, and as soon as you walked in, they erupted in cheers and applause.
"Welcome back, Y/N!" one of the mechanics called out.
"We've missed you!" another chimed in.
You felt a rush of warmth and gratitude. It was wonderful to be back among friends who felt like family. Charles led you to a spot where you could sit comfortably, making sure you had everything you needed.
"Charles, Y/N, we have a little surprise for you," Frédéric Vasseur, the team principal, announced with a grin.
One of the team members stepped forward, holding a tiny red shirt. It was a baby Ferrari onesie, complete with the team's logo and colors. The sight of it brought tears to your eyes.
"We wanted to make sure the newest member of the Ferrari family is ready for the races," Fred said, handing you the shirt.
You took it, your heart swelling with emotion. "Thank you so much. This means the world to us," you said, your voice choked with happiness.
Charles wrapped his arm around you, his eyes shining with pride. "This is perfect. Our little one will be the best-dressed fan in the paddock."
The rest of the day was filled with joy and celebration. Charles couldn’t stop doting on you and your bump, constantly checking to make sure you were comfortable and happy. He introduced you to everyone who hadn’t had the chance to meet you yet, proudly showing off his beautiful, pregnant girlfriend.
As the race approached, Charles had to shift his focus back to his car and the upcoming competition. He squeezed your hand and kissed you softly. "I'll be thinking about you the whole time," he said.
You smiled, feeling a mix of pride and nerves. "We'll be cheering for you," you promised, placing your hand on your belly. "Both of us."
Charles gave you one last lingering look before heading to his car. You settled into a comfortable seat in the team’s viewing area, surrounded by supportive friends and team members. The excitement was palpable, and you couldn’t help but feel a surge of adrenaline as the race began.
Watching Charles race was always a thrill, but today it felt even more special. Every turn, every overtake, every strategic move made your heart race. You knew how much he loved this sport, and seeing him excel made you feel incredibly proud.
When Charles crossed the finish line in first place, the roar of the crowd was deafening. You jumped up, cheering and clapping, your heart bursting with joy. Charles had done it—he had won, and you were here to witness it.
As soon as he stepped out of the car, Charles made a beeline for you. The cameras followed his every move, capturing the pure elation on his face. He scooped you into his arms, careful not to press too hard against your bump, and spun you around.
"We did it!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with happiness.
"You did it," you corrected, laughing through your tears. "I'm so proud of you."
Charles kissed you, his lips soft and tender against yours. "I couldn't have done it without you. Both of you."
The team joined in the celebration, surrounding you with cheers and applause. It was a moment of pure joy, a memory that would last a lifetime. Charles' victory was sweeter because you were there to share it with him.
Later, as the celebrations continued, Charles found a quiet moment to sit with you. He placed his hand on your belly, feeling the gentle movements of your baby.
"I can't wait to meet our little one," he said softly. "To hold them, to show them the world. To show them how much I love them."
Tears filled your eyes as you looked at him, your heart overflowing with love. "I can't wait either. They're going to have the best papa in the world."
Charles smiled, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions. "And the best mama. We're in this together, Y/N. Always."
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hemmingsleclerc · 4 months
Best Price and a Trophy┃MV1
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The grand ballroom of the prestigious FIA Price Awards event sparkled, as motorsport's finest gathered to celebrate the year's champions. Max, who won his third Formula 1 World Championship, was the center of attention. Dressed in an elegant suit, stood next to his long-time girlfriend, Y/N, whose eyes shone with pride.
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Liked by 248,593 others
f1.updates Max and Yn at the FIA Price Giving tonight!
The couple walked the blue carpet, with cameras snapping photos of them every minute. Max couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the importance of the moment, so when they entered the room, Y/N squeezed Max's hand and silently offered her support and love.
The ceremony unfolded with the announcement of several awards, but anticipation for the highlight of the night grew. When Max's name was called, the room erupted in applause. The Dutch driver took the stage with a mixture of humility and pride on his face.
Standing in front of a shiny trophy, Max took a deep breath before expressing his gratitude. "It's been an incredible journey and I owe a lot to the incredible team behind me," he said, acknowledging the work and dedication of his racing team. The crowd cheered in response.
However, Max's gaze drifted to Y/N, who was watching him with the audience's adoration. A warm smile spread across his face as he continued, "But there is someone special who has been with me through thick and thin all these years, someone who deserves more credit than anyone."
Y/N's heart pounded as Max turned to her, a gleam of love and appreciation in her eyes. The room was silent, hanging on every word.
"My girlfriend, Y/N," Max said, his voice firm and sincere, "she has been my support since my beginnings and without her I probably wouldn't be standing here tonight. This trophy is as much hers as it is mine."
The smile on Y/N's face was huge and even more so when the audience burst into applause again. Max came down from the stage slowly with his trophy in hand and returned to his table to be greeted with a big hug from his partner. He took her hand and kissed her softly.
''I love you, and I'm so proud of you maxie''
''I love you too mijn liefje'' (my love)
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Liked by redbullracing, schecoperez and 1,998,492 others
maxverstappen1 I won the best possible prize and also this trophy today!
username STOP IMMA CRY 😭😭
redbullracing Best couple ever!!
landonorris parents
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Liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 1,953,739 others
ynln beyond proud of this beautiful human 💗🥲
maxverstappen1 ❤️
carolamtz1 👏👏
redbullracing mom and dad
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lxndonorris · 1 month
such a tease - Max Verstappen
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Y/N x Max Verstappen Theme: Smut (you've been warned) helping Max change after the Chinese GP, appreciating how good he looks in his racing suit and without x word count: 3570+ taglist: @game-set-canet EN: I had to use this picture, it lives rent free, got another for CL and LN planned, if you have any requests for others, let me know. Its my longest yet I think. Hope you like it. We need more body worshipping Max imo.
As you stood in the vibrant atmosphere of the Shanghai International Circuit, your heart raced with anticipation. It wasn't just any other day; it was the Chinese Grand Prix, and Max Verstappen, the love of your life, was poised to dominate the track.
As the lights dimmed and the engines roared to life, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through your veins. With each passing lap, you watched Max weave his magic, his driving prowess on full display for the world to see.
The tension mounted as the race unfolded, but Max remained unfazed, his determination unwavering as he led the others around each corner and each straight. Lap after lap, he danced with danger, his skill and precision leaving you in awe.
And then, as the checkered flag waved in the air, declaring Max the victor, you felt a swell of pride wash over you. You made your way toward the pitwall, just in time to catch him emerging from his Red Bull race car. 
Max's energy and excitement were infectious as he cheered loudly before he turned to meet your gaze. In one swift motion, he approached you and the rest of his team, hugging you tightly.
With a radiant smile gracing his features, Max held his throphy aloft on the podium, the golden light of victory illuminating his face. Dressed in his racing suit, adorned with the colors of his team, he looked every bit the champion he is.
As you watched from the stands, your heart overflowed with admiration for the man you loved. His determination, his dedication, and his unwavering pursuit of excellence were on full display for the entire racing world to see. And in that moment, amidst the cheers and the applause, you couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky to be by his side.
While Max soaked in the adulation of the crowd, his eyes found yours in the sea of faces, a silent acknowledgement of your unbreakable bond. And as he raised a hand in salute, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, you knew that this was a moment you would cherish forever.
As the press conference unfolded, you noticed Max's gaze constantly finding yours amidst the sea of flashing cameras and eager reporters. His smirk, subtle yet unmistakable, sent a shiver of excitement down your spine.
With every question fielded, his eyes lingered on yours, and as he spoke, his hand subconsciously drifted to his chest and thighs, a gesture that seemed to amplify his magnetic charm.
Watching him, so effortlessly captivating and utterly beautiful, a rush of adoration swell within you. You knew how he felt right now—the excitement and adrenaline of the race lingering deep inside him, and the desire to share this moment with you and you alone. 
For just anyone, this seemed unimportant, but you knew that with every stroke, every little move of his fingertips, he imagined it was you instead.
As the conference drew to a close, Max's haze met yours once more, and with a knowing smirk, he got up from the sofa. Together, you made your way through the paddock to his motorhome.
Now inside the cozy confines of his motorhome, Max wastes no time grabbing a cold can of Red Bull from the fridge, his go-to source of energy and focus. With a deft twist of his wrist, he cracks open the can, the satisfying hiss of carbonation filling the air.
Taking a long sip of the invigorating drink, Max's expression softens, a look of pure satisfaction crossing his features.
Turning to you, his eyes sparkle with a mix of exhilaration and contentment. Despite the intensity of the race and the demands of the press conference, he still manages to look effortlessly hot in his racing attire, clad in his sleek racing suit and signature cap.
As he stands before you, radiating confidence and charm, his presence fills the room. You let your eyes roam all over him: his racing suit hugs his athletic frame, the vibrant colors a stark contrast to the muted tines of the motorhome's interior. Paired with his cap, adorned with the logo of his team, he looks every bit the part of racing superstar.
With a playful grin, Max extends the can of Red Bull towards you, inviting you to share his post-race ritual with him.
Taking it from him, you marvel at the warmth of his touch, the electricity that seems to crackle between you. And as you take a sip of the Red Bull, you enjoy the cold, refreshing liquid running down your throat.
With an hour until his next interview, you put the can down on the table next to you before turning back to meet Max's gaze right away.
With a confident swagger in his step, Max closes the distance again. One arm wrapped securely around your waist, he pulls you close, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down your spine.
Steadying yourself against him, you can't help but be swept away by the intensity of the moment. His proximity is electrifying; his scent, a mixture of his cologne, sweat, and champagne, fills your senses as he leans closer, his lips grazing against your ear.
"Care to lend a hand?" he whispers, his voice husky with desire. His playful tone sends a surge of heat coursing through you, and you play along, relishing in the teasing banter.
With a playful smirk, you nod in response, your fingers trailing lightly along the contours of his racing suit as you begin to assist him in changing.
The adrenaline from today's race still surges through his veins, and his whole body tenses with the remnats of the high-octane action on the track. Despite the exhaustion that threatened to set in, there is a raw energy emanating from him.
You stroke his chest firmly through his racing suit; every muscle in his body seems to be coiled like a tightly wound spring, ready to unleash its power at a moment's notice. The fabric hugs his frame flawlessly, accentuating his athletic build and adding an air of intensity to his already striking appearance.
His eyes, ablaze with the remnants of the fierce competition, hold a magnetic allure that is impossible to resist. There is a primal energy to him, a wildness that sets your heart racing and your pulse quickening with every passing moment.
As your hands glide across Max's chest, tracing the contours of his racing suit, you feel the tension in his body gradually give way to a sense of relaxation. Enjoying how the sleek fabric feels underneath your fingertips, you stroke him even firmer, causing him to purr happily.
You let your hands run along his waistline as well, feeling his butt filling out the suit fully. Your hands are now freely encompassing all of him, from the small of his back, running along his spine and back around his shoulders, to his firm chest.
"That feels good." His smile widens as he pulls you closer, his grip firm yet gentle on your waist, a clear invitation to continue.
With each stroke, you sense the pleasure building within him, the sensation of your touch heightening the electric connection between you. His racing suit, once a barrier between you, now serves as a conuit for your intimacy, amplifying the intensity of your shared desire.
Max leans, his lips brushing over your neck and your ear, before he lets out a low, guttural moan, giving you goosebumps.
"Mhmm." You shiver as your hands gilde over his thick pecs and right his arms. As your fingers trail along Max's muscular arms, stroking the sinewy contours underneath his suit, he responds with a subtle flex, the muscles beneath his skin rippling with power.
He leans his head back, and with a knowing smile, he invites you to feel the strength of his arms. 
As you press your hands against his flexed biceps, you marvel at the firmness of his form, the raw energy simmering just beneath the surface. His muscles tense under your touch, a silent invitation to explore further to revel in the sensation of his strength.
With each flex, you feel a surge of excitement coursing through you, the heat of desire building with every second. Max's body is a canvas of power and grace, a testament to his relentless pursuit of perfection, both on and off track.
And as you continue to stroke him, tracing the contours of his arms with reverence and awe, you can't help but be captivated by the sheer beauty of his physicality.
"Oh, fuck." You speak quietly, watching your fingers run along his arms and back to his chest. As your gaze meets his once more, a knowing smirk plays on his lips, and he lowers his arms just to grab your waist again, securely holding you in place.
"Feels good, huh?" He licks his lips as his gentle fingers run along your waistline.
"Oh, yeah." You respond with a coy smirk forming on your lips, and then you let your hand run up his chest and right to the collar of his slick racing suit.
As you toy with the zipper of his suit, teasing him with the promise of what lies beneath, you can't help but revel in the power of your own arousal. The sight of Max, so strong and commanding yet vulnerable in his desire, stirs something primal within you, igniting a fire that burns with ferocious intensity.
And you tease him with the zipper while looking right into his sparkling eyes. You alternate between gentle caresses and playful tugs, causing a low, deep rumbling in his throat.
The firmness of his form beneath the fabric carries an intoxicating allure, pulling you closer and closer.
As you unzip his suit slowy, teasingly, you reveal the snug white fireproofs underneath, and a low growl escapes his lips, a primal sound of desire and anticipation. With his head leaning back, he surrenders to the sensations, his body tensing beneath your touch.
Sliding your hands inside his suit, you feel the warmth of his skin beneath the fabric, the firmness of his muscles, even more evident now, inviting your touch. 
With each stroke, you apply just the right amount of pressure, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from Max as he arches into your touch. His breaths come in shallow gasps, the rhythm of his heartbeat echoing in the space between you. 
And as you continue to stroke him, your movements growing bolder and more confident with each passing second, you feel the arousal within you intensifying as well, matching the intensity of his own desire.
With a shared determination, Max and you work together to remove the upper half of his racing suit, leaving the sleeves hanging down his waist. As the fabric falls away, his muscles are revealed, defined, and taut beneath the thin material of his undergarments.
Each contour is accentuated by the tight fabric, a testament to the physical strength and endurance required of a Formula 1 driver.
Unable to restrain the urge to touch him or feel him, you place both of your hands on his chest again. With every touch, every stroke, Max lets out a low, primal growl of pleasure. 
His grip on your waist intensifies as well, as he starts to stroke you in response. This spurs you on, fanning the flames already burning inside your belly, encouraging them to engulf your entire chest with burning desire.
Your hands explore the planes of his chest and the curves of his abdomen. The sensation of his muscles rippling beneath your fingertips only fuels your desire further, each growl serving as a symphony of passion between you.
Running your hands up Max's chest and neck, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your hand, you trace the outline of his lips with your thumb, a teasing question poised on your lips.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" You ask, a playful glint in your eyes.
Max's response is a simple nod, his expression softening as he meets your gaze. The tension that gripped his features now melts away, replaced by a look of pure contentment and desire.
With a mischievous grin, you reach up and remove his cap, letting it drop to the floor with a soft thud. His messy hair spills out from beneath, tousled and tousled from the excitement of the race. Running your fingers through his hair, you marvel at the softness, the strands tangling around your fingertips like silk.
Leaning in closer, you caress his cheeks, feeling the stubble beneath your touch. His skin is warm and smooth, in stark contrast to the rough texture of his racing suit.
At the same time, you keep stroking his tummy, tracing the tangible outlines of his abs with your other hand. The look in his eyes, dark with desire, tells you that he is enjoying every moment of the exquisite torture.
You let your hand wander even further down his body, and you gasp once your hand encompasses the desire bulding up inside his racing suit. In response, Max lets out a low sigh and starts to grind his hips against the palm of your hand.
Your eyes meet his, and the two of you smirk knowingly.
With practiced ease, Max slips off his shoes, the tension in the room palpable as he stands before you, his clothes clinging to his form.
As the racing suit falls to the floor, forgotten in the heat of the moment, your eyes trace the outlines of his body, mesmerized by the sight before you.
Max stands tall and proud, his muscles defined and toned beneath his tight fireproofs. The fabric is hugging his form like a second skin, and unlike the racing suit, it is unable to hide any of his features. 
His muscles ripple underneath, his biceps are thick with tension, just like his entire chest and thighs. The unmistakable bulge forming inside his trousers shows the effect all that teasing has on him, and Max isn't even trying to hide it.
Instead, he rubs the palm of his hand across his member while biting his lower lip and watching you closely. Still, you're not done teasing him yet.
Placing your hands back on his firm chest, you continue to stroke Max through his undergarments, eliciting a chorus of enticing sounds from his throat. With each touch, each stroke, the desire threatens to consume you both.
Max responds eagerly to your touch, pulling you closer until there is barely any space between you. His hands, once idle at my sides, now roamed freely, exploring every curve and contour of my body with a fervent hunger.
Feeling his hands on your butt, pulling you flush against him, sends a jolt of electricity coursing through you. The sensation of his touch is all-consuming, setting your skin ablaze with longing and need.
You suddenly can't wait to feel his bare skin under your fingertips. Tugging greedily at his shirt, you expose the hard lines of his abs. Responding to your need, he takes his shirt off in one swift motion, exposing his beautiful, toned chest.
Just like before, you stroke him and play with his hard nipples, just the way he likes it. His skin is so warm, tensed, yet oddly soft. His muscles react to the simplest touch, and you know he's longing for so much more.
Your eyes follow his hand, stroking himself, his chest, abs, and then further down to his member, tenting visibly. Max is letting out low growls, pressing his body against yours while biting his lips.
"Let me take care of that." You smirk and kiss him lovingly before you make your way down his chest. With every stroke, his breathing quickens, and you place kisses all over his chest, down his abs until you're on your knees.
Max runs a hand through his hair and across his face. His entire being is craving a release, to let go of all this pleasure and desire building up inside him.
Teasingly, you trace the outlines of his member with two fingers, causing him to moan quietly. Then, you slip your fingers inside his pants. As you play with the waistband, teasingly tugging at the fabric, Max's reaction is immediate; a low groan escapes his lips as he leans into your touch, his desire palpable against your fingertips. 
With each playful tug, his arousal grew, the fabric of his fireproofs stretching against the swell of his desire, its heat radiating through his clothes.
There is no room for restraint or hesitation. Both of you are consumed by the fire of your shared passion.
You pull his pants down and let your hands roam all over his thighs before you focus all of your attention on his dick.
As you take him inside your mouth, your entire body gets just as stiff as he is, and right away, Max lets out multiple low moans, leaning his head back while running a hand through your hair, encouraging you to take it all.
Easily, the two of you adapt to each other's movements, moving in sync with one another to an unseen, unheard rhythm.
Max moves deliberately, soft and gentle, even though he is already on the verge of cumming. All that teasing, paired with the excitement of winning today's race, dominating the entire grid, built up inside him, just waiting for this moment.
It doesn't take long for him to lean his head back even further and let out an exhausted, long moan.
His familiar taste spreads across your tongue, causing you to relish in that moment.
Max runs a hand through your hair as you separate yourself from him. He bends down, placing a hand at your neck, stroking you with his fingertips. 
"That felt so good." He moans as he leans in to kiss you gently. Then, he helps you get up and steadies you against his firm frame. 
"It was amazing." You lick your lips, savoring the taste still lingering on your tongue.
Max then steps out of his fireproofs, leaving them pooled at his feet. He stands before you, completely exposed, his vulnerability laid bare for you to see.
He touches himself a few times, still feeling that pleasure running through his veins, and you can't help but smile.
As you watch Max get dressed again, your gaze lingers on every movement, captivated by the effortless grace with which he moves. 
He starts by slipping into a fresh pair of underwear, the fabric clinging snugly to his form. Max struggles a little with his stiff member, but that just makes the two of you giggle.
"Always the same with you." You tease, but he just shrugs.
"I can't help it." He tilts his head slightly. "That's what you're doing to me." 
Rolling your eyes, you can't help but giggle again.
Next, he pulls on a pair of jeans, the denim hugging his legs in all the right places. With each movement, the tension in the room seems to grow again, amplifying the allure of his every gesture.
Finally, Max reaches for his signature Red Bull shirt, the fabric stretching tautly across his firm chest and shoulders. Even though it is a familiar sight, the shirt seems to fit him even more perfectly than usual, accentuating every contour of his muscular frame.
As he smoothes down the fabric, adjusting the shirt just so, you can't help but reach out for his chest once more. 
You run a hand over Max's red Bull shirt, feeling the warmth of his body radiating through the fabric. A shiver of excitement exhoes through you.
Your soft strokes elicit another guttural rumble deep from within his throat, and he places his hand on top of yours. The fabric of his shirt stretches and molds to the contours of his body, flattering him perfectly.
His familiar scent envelopes you again, filling the air with an intoxicating aroma that is uniquely his own. It is a scent you know and love—a blend of musk and sweat mixed with the subtle hint of his favorite cologne.
"Do I smell okay?" He asks suddenly, and you just nod.
"Yeah, so good." You smile and lean in to him, kissing him deeply while still stroking his chest through his tight shirt.
As you pick up the discarded clothes from the floor, you can't help but revel in the sensation of Max's racing suit and fireproofs between your fingers. The fabric is so soft yet sturdy.
As the two of you fold the garments neatly, you notice how they still retain the faint scent of Max—a scent that fills you with a sense of comfort and familiarity.
Feeling his arms wrap around you from behind, his touch gentle yet possessive, you melt into his embrace, savoring the warmth of his presence. His hand strokes your tummy with a tenderness that makes your heart flutter, each caress sending waves of pleasure through you.
Turning around to face him, you are greeted by the sight of Max in his signature look, his cap firmly in place, and a playful glint in his eyes. Despite the intensity of the day, he is ready for the next challenge, his confidence unwavering as he prepares for the next interview.
With a smile, you reach up and adjust his cap, making sure it is perfectly aligned. Max grins in response, a silent acknowledgement of your unspoken bond.
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foone · 1 year
A good teleport should be barely noticeable. One moment, there's no one there, and the next moment, there is. No flashes of light, no sound, you could literally blink and miss it. You often don't even see them at first, because the human eye is watching for movement, and a well-done teleport has no movement, just an instant change of nothing becoming something. It's a subtle art, the kind practiced endlessly by magicians, and that goes doubly for anyone trained as a war wizard. You want to turn the tides of a battle with arcane powers, or slip an assault team in behind enemy lines, to decapitate (sometimes literally) the opposing force? You have to be discreet. You have to perfectly balance the spell so that your strike force can slip in unnoticed, with a bit of magical help, and teleportation is one of the trickiest kinds of magic to make unnoticeable. The universe doesn't like it when nothing becomes something, and vice versa. It tends to notice, and people around tend to notice as well. So there's really an art to a good teleportation spell, and you sometimes see the grand masters of the field give demonstrations before crowds of less experienced magicians, often to roaring applause.
This was not one of those teleportation spells. This was a C-, barely passing, "SEE ME AFTER CLASS" written on your homework type of teleportation. The kind you do when you don't have time to prepare, when you don't give a damn who notices your arrival, because the one thing that's of highest importance is that you Stop Being Here and start Being Somewhere Else. This teleportation spell would give anyone magically sensitive headaches for days, and you would have trouble missing the bright flash and deafening noise that accompanies a body's-worth of air having to get out of the way in an instant. If you could hear the fabric of space, it rang like a bell hit with a sledgehammer when that teleport happened. Light-years away there was probably some little green men confused at why their new gravity-wave-detector appears to have told them a black hole merger just happened on the surface of a habitable planet.
And through that cacophony of light and sound and gravity, there stepped a man. He was silent for only a moment, and then screamed in terror, almost equaling the sound that had come shortly before. He ran, his rationality giving out, managing to function only at the instinctive reaction of an animal that is on fire and needs to move, now.
Because it's one thing to know, intellectually, that there are planets out there where the evaporated water from lakes and oceans collects in the lower atmosphere, and somehow condenses into visible structures of suspended water droplets, which then sometimes comes crashing down to the ground. That makes sense, in the way that you can read about sex or skydiving but it can in no way compare to experiencing the real thing (and hopefully not at the same time). There's a huge difference between knowing that there are planets with precipitation, and being in the middle of a rainstorm, because your emergency teleport dropped you on the outskirts of Seattle in the middle of the wet season.
Rudapedi Yonfer is being rained on for the first time in his life, and the master magician is terrified in much the way you would be if you opened the door to your bathroom one morning and there was a cheetah sitting in your bathtub.
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ferrariregina · 9 months
champagne kisses | cs55 × reader
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pairing: carlos sainz jr x reader
warning: none just pure cuteness, oh just that oc cries. a lot.
summary: after carlos wins the singapore grand prix the first thing he does is run into your arms
the checkered flag signifying the end of the race waved frantically in the wind as carlos crossed the finish line first. your heart pounded against your chest, mind exploding with euphoria. he had won, he had actually won the singapore grand prix! the cheers were deafening, the applause thunderous, but all you could hear was a melody of his dreams finally turning into reality.
tears of joy rolled down your cheeks, subtly blending with the sweat beads that had formed due to the humid singapore weather. you wiped them quickly as if stashing away precious pearls. seeing carlos win was an emotion that words fail to fully capture. it was happiness and relief in the rawest form, a testament to relentless passion, hard work, and an unyielding belief in your dreams.
carlos gracefully descended from his car, his hands raised in victory and his face beaming with pride. his eyes scanned the frenzied crowd, eventually finding your ecstatic and teary one. he ran straight towards the barricades, manoeuvring through his team members who understood who he was looking for. with a gentle push from them, you moved towards the front, your heart pounding like a wild drum.
the world around you became a blur as he shifted his helmet. leaning forward, he removed a stray hair stuck on your lips. his eyes shone brighter than the singaporean lights as he planted a triumphant kiss on your lips making the crowd around you erupt into fresh cheers.
underneath those night lights, with the taste of victory sweet on your lips and carlos' laughter ringing in your ears, you savoured the feeling of unadulterated happiness.
hoisting the trophy above his head, his face broke into a radiant smile, one that lights up the night brighter than the floodlights around the circuit.
and then, as a bottle of champagne is handed over to him, carlos does something that steals your breath away. shaking the bottle high, he pops the cork emphatically. champagne sprays in a golden mist, anointing the triumphant podium while a cheer erupts from the crowd. a moment of deliberate pause, he turns towards you.
with a devilish grin, carlos catches your eye, pointing the champagne bottle in your direction. lifting it to his lips, he takes a pull from the celebrating bottle and then directs the streaming alcohol toward the gleaming podium. he winks, a private celebration of yours own.
a camera zooms on you as you stand amidst the crowd, your face landing a punch of joy, a warm flush creeping up your cheeks. a laugh bubbles from you, choked between tears and giggles. he has won, and he wants the world to know who he is sharing his victory with. lifting your hand to your lips you blow him a kiss. his eyes sparkle with joy and triumph as he continues his champagne shower.
that night, under the gleaming floodlights of marina bay, with the taste of tears and champagne on your lips, you share a victory. embracing each other in the raw emotion, the gloating joy seeps through you.
getting down the podium he runs towards you again, picking you up he places another kiss but this one much more passionate. a kiss that made you go to heaven and back.
p.s.this picture of carlos did something very unholy to me;)
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starillusion13 · 7 months
RENT IS DUE! (Teaser)
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Pairing: housemates!(Jaehyun,Mark,Jeno,Jaemin) x fem!reader
Genre: SMUT, Housemates, Mature
W.C: (?)k (original plot)
Warnings: PERVERT (all of them are pervert and you can’t change my mind here) there is no important warning here but the original plot will have all necessary SMUT warnings and some manhandling(?) idk coz keep imagining things until the main post drops down.
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
From the ask poll!
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“Who are you? What are you doing here?”
Blinking your eyes, you pout a little at the man standing in front of you as to why the person is acting as if he does not know you. You have already checked the message in your phone twice and the third time now and it’s still showing this house. You have already texted the owner about your arrival for a quick look to the new place so the owner should know you would come. Wait you haven’t shared any pic of yours so it might be the reason of this weird introduction.
“Are you Jung Jaehyun, the owner of this house?”
Now the person before you has a frown on his face and blinking down at you. The bare face with red eyes and messy hairs with a white tee worn casually is still enough to reflect his handsomeness. You literally envy when people look good in messy stuffs as you look like you have survived a war.
“I’m not him but I’m one of the owners of this place. Myself Jaemin.”
“Owners? I didn’t know there’re others. Nice to meet you though, here this is Y/N.”
Awkwardly shaking hands with each other, he offers you to enter the house. This dude is really weird and he is still trying to understand the situation. His eyes never left your form after the introduction and the way he is checking you out, anyone can call him out as a pervert but what about you. Meanwhile your eyes roaming all around the big mansion and you are in awe with the luxurious interior of this grand place with expensive items decorating every corner and the most displayed area.
Hands fidgeting by your side and biting your lips, you turn around to find him already looking at you and you feel conscious of your look. Trying to smile a bit, you fail miserably because of his gaze which is piercing on your skin, your choice for wearing a skirt and a plain top is making you to regret now. This dude needs to be changed with his approach with people like why he has to stare at you like this.
“How do you know Jaehyun?”
You blink on his sudden question but clearing your throat, you try to form some words but it seems as if you don’t know how to speak yet.
He smirks at you, “what happened? Caught in a lie ?”
“Huh? No no. I…he is the owner with whom I had contacted few days back for a room to rent and he said that he has one vacant extra room in his house so for the advance payment and quick check through, I informed him about my arrival but it seems he forgot about it.”
“Renting the extra room? That even to a girl?”
You nod slowly.
Poking his tongue inside his cheeks, his eyes trail down your body and taking extra time on your exposed legs to which you shifted in your place and his eyes meet yours, straight away making an eye contact as if daring you to move again and see the consequences. A fear flashes through your eyes to which he gestures you to sit with a smile on his face.
Slow steps towards the sofa, you sit on the middle large one, no wait which do I need to sit on? The love seat one? Or the chair one? Ah. Forget about it.
Turning your head to his side, he is no more standing there but you see him walking away towards a passage way.
“Jaemin, can you call Jaehyun as I need to have a quick talk with him?”
Halting in his way, he looks back at you and nods his head but it doesn’t seem like as if he is agreeing with you but rather agreeing with something inside his mind.
“Who are you?”
Turning your head to the other side, you find a man with black tshirt and trousers staring down at you but not to so happy with your presence. His question is so cold just like his appearance but a guest is a guest. You are a stranger so why asking you like this as if he caught you stealing things in his house. His house? Who even is he?
“Myself y/n.”
“Oh pretty one! I didn’t want your name but thanks for giving me the name to this pretty face. So, what’s my dear Y/N doing here? Who brought you here during this bright daylight instead of night?”
“I’m not here for…on call of anybody. I’m here for the rental room.”
“You mean you are going to stay here? In this house?”
You nod your head with furrowed brows.
He asks again, “ Who let you even know about it? Are you sure that you are not at the wrong address? What’s the name of the owner who contacted you?”
“Jung Jaehyun. I have double checked it and it’s showing the same address where I am currently and Jaemin told me he is the other owner.”
Something click in his mind when his eyes go round and brows raise high as if he realized something very important. You haven’t yet noticed that you are standing on your legs while speaking to him and your hands gripping the skirt tightly, why are they so overreacting to have a girl over for the rental room? It should be you like panicking to see so many men in a single household without any trace of a female and you wonder if you have to live with them or they are just here for some reasons.
“Well hello there y/n! My name is Jeno, I’m another owner of this household and it’s really nice to have you here.”
Shaking hands with him, you feel shy because of his stare along with a sly smirk resting in the corner of his lips. He is not letting your hands go even when you try to pull a little.
You ask him, “Another owner? How many of are you here?”
You turn around on hearing a new voice, a man emerges from the passage way where Jaemin went to earlier. He notices your confused expression and approaches you with a hand hand offering for a handshake. Jeno has already left your hand and gone to sit on a chair nearby.
“So, Jaemin told me about your arrival. Y/n right? This is Jaehyun.”
If the previous men are angels from heaven then this one is the angel who has been created by every angel with a little touch of every beauty. Why all of them are so handsome and hot? I should take control of my mind as what stupid things I’m just thinking about my house owners.
“Yes. I am. Nice to meet you.”
His dimples deepen with the smile and nodding his head, he gestures you to sit back and unconsciously your legs give in and you touch the soft material of the sofa. You are really feeling too weak in front of them. Is it because you are unwell or something about their aura and the stares?
He takes a seat on the love seat and checks something on his phone.
“Is this ‘fantasy love’ your username?”
“Oh yeah. I’m so sorry I haven’t yet changed the name and I just like to keep everything private so I don’t use my real name there. But I can assure you that I’m clean, I don’t have any criminal records and all. Also, I will not cause any trouble while staying here. I need somewhere to stay so urgently that I was glad when you offered me this place on the site.”
He chuckles on your ramblings and also you can hear two chuckling voices from the place where Jeno is sitting. You feel shy under their gazes, you notice how Jaehyun is staring at you as if judging your whole appearance and on the other end, Jeno is being accompanied by Jaemin, who is standing by the side with a spoon in his hand and asking the other one to taste something but their eyes are on you when they caught you watching them.
Your attention brought back to Jaehyun when he clears his throat and lips close rightly making a line, dimples visible again.
“But you have already lied on one thing.”
“What? I haven’t lied anything. You must be wrong somewhere.”
“In the online generated space for some specific basic informations, you have selected the gender as male. But all I can see is a beautiful Angel sitting in front of me.”
Your eyes go wide on hearing his words so you quickly open the site and go through the form of basic informations and then your eyes stop on one place.
Gender: Male(☑️). Female ( ). Not mention( ).
Oh. You and your clumsy ass would never learn how to take things slowly and properly to avoid mistakes but this one is really about your identity of being a liar or not. He must be thinking you as a liar. It really doesn’t matter whatever pronouns people use for you and you need to refer to others but making mistake and have to get blame as a liar is not setting right.
“What the hell….”
“So, why did you lie there?”
“Jaehyun, I didn’t lie there. It’s just that I was must be in hurry and selected wrong.”
You are looking down, feeling guilty on the realization that they must have thought on getting a male visitor today but instead you showed up and that’s why they felt weird earlier. You were ready to apologize and take your leave with the disappointment on your mistake when he spoke up.
“When are you ready to finally come over?”
“It’s okay. Humans are meant to make mistakes and an angel should be forgiven as they are always so busy for looking pretty.”
You feel shy on the compliment with his seductive voice directly reaching your ears. You tug your hairs a bit and you can feel two other states on you this whole time but you opt to ignore it.
“Do I need to-“
“Gosh! Why nobody woke me up and now I’m running late for the meeting?”
A man with jet black hairs, dressed in a black suit, hands busy putting the watch on the wrist and eyes glaring all around the room. His steps fast while coming down the stairs. You didn’t know but you are again watching this man like you did with the others and when his eyes land on you, a frown appears on his face.
“So you all are busy with a girl that even early in the morning and forgetting about the event at the office. Are you all for real?”
“Calm down Mark, I have told them to start the meeting after one hour as how you came home late last night. Don’t worry.”
He even glared at you before making his way out of the door. Jaemin shouts to have the breakfast but the other ignored the shout leaving behind a grumbling man.
“So what were you saying?”
Oh yeah I was saying something before this little commotion.
“ In two days, I will be coming here to stay with my things and also, do I need to pay you in advance?”
“That’s fine. I will prepare the room for you. So you have the money?”
You shake your head to which he nods.
“It’s okay, you can arrange for it in one week time and if you have any trouble, feel free to approach to any one of us.”
You smile to his welcoming gestures and sweet words. You fell satisfied on finally getting the place to stay.
“Uh I have one more question.”
“Ask away.”
“Do you all stay here as well?”
“Yes. Why?”
Oh. Okay.
“I need to stay here with you all?”
“Yeah. It’s just under the same roof but you have your personal room unless you want to stay in any one of ours.”
He laughs in the end and you laugh along with him. He doesn’t mean anything else right? No no it’s not.
You stand up and he follows you to the door and you can see Jeno trailing behind him.
“It was nice to meet you all.”
“Same here. Also don’t mind Mark, he is like that when something is not in accord otherwise he is really sweet.”
You nod with a smile.
Jeno speaks up, “Also he is the fourth owner and the last owner you are yet to meet properly.”
With waving them and making your way towards the gate in the end of the garden, Jaehyun calls you again. Turning back, your eyes tell him to say.
“Remember, your rent is due.”
Rent is due.
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @eriny123 @jaehunnyy
(Open! Send ask/reply/dm) [CLOSED]
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izelascendant · 7 days
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Rating | Mature Summary | Young passionate tennis players messing around with lots of plot and complexity. Pairing | f!Original Character x Art Donaldson x Tashi Duncan x Patrick Zweig Word Count | 3.7K Tags | Tennis, Competition, Love Triangles (Squares?), Jealousy, Plot, Emotional Infidelity, Eventual smut, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships Author's note | I haven written anything in FOREVER. I'm still such a noob at tumblr and it still confuses me (I'm loyal to ao3), so I wasn't sure of what the best way to organize this was. There will be multiple chapters.
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Sportsmanlike on AO3 | Chapter 1 - US Open 2006, Chapter 2 - Finalist Fusion, Chapter 3 - Aftermath and Accolades, Chapter 4 - Stanford, Chapter 5 - Stanford, Part 2, ...
US Open, 2006
Not everyone is eligible to play in the US Open Tennis. The event is exclusive to players who have earned a certain ranking, as well as a few slots offered by invitation. That’s how she finds herself competing after having received a 'wild card' invitation. Surrounded by a supportive network of people who believe in her skills, she’s being pushed into the prestigious fourth and final Grand Slam tournament of the year—even though she is still technically considered an 'amateur'. In fact, it feels like everyone around her believes in her abilities more than she does herself.
She feels strangely out of place among the other players, all fully devoted worshipers of the sport. Her entourage is composed of tennis fanatics—who live and breathe the sport—while she feels disconnected from it all. Her skills are sure to be praised, but deep down, she still feels like she doesn't belong. Unlike them, tennis isn't the center of her life. She doesn't rely on tennis for survival—in fact, she wouldn't mind if it vanished, which sets her apart from the fiercely competitive and confrontational athletes.
Nonetheless, she plays well. Perhaps too well for someone who doesn’t take it as seriously as her opponents. It seems almost unfair how easily she gets through each round.
Her heart races as she wins match after match. The contrast between her polite, gracious demeanor and the fiery, hot-tempered reactions of her competitors is stark. Some throw fits of rage and tantrums. She can't help but offer sincere apologies and genuine praise to everyone she encounters, even in the most intense moments of the game. As the sweat drips down her forehead, she smiles coyly and humbly accepts the accolades, feeling a mix of exhilaration and sheepishness.
Art and Patrick
The umpire's voice echoes through the stadium, making the final announcements to the crowd as the eager spectators find their seats. Patrick adjusts his position beside Art, spreading his legs casually. Art, meanwhile, plays with the tag displayed around his neck, his eyes darting around the sea of merchandise that carries the "US Open 2006" logo. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation and excitement.
“D’you know about her opponent?” Patrick asks after letting out a small burp, gesturing towards Anna Mueler as she emerges onto the court, her entrance acknowledged by the applause and cheers of the crowd, and with her waving back in response.
“What about her?” Art replies indifferently.
“She’s a wild card; they brought her out, and nobody really knows who she is, but she’s been killing it. I’m just eager to see what she’s all about.”
“Huh.” Art remarks, narrowing his eyes a little.
They both shift their focus back to the court as the umpire announces her presence. Unlike Mueler, her entrance is reserved and humble, merely offering a modest wave to her coach as she acknowledges the applause. While her demeanor may be understated, there’s a sense of graciousness.
She strides onto her side of the court, grabbing her racket. Her copper hair is messily pinned into a casual ponytail, with a smattering of freckles dusting her shoulders, revealing her toned physique. Her simple dark green outfit clings to the contours of her figure—though her appearance is less formal compared to other female players, there’s an undeniable charm to her aloof demeanor, drawing them in.
Patrick leans in, studying her intently upon her settling into position. Art does the same by resting his elbows on his knees.
“She’s a pretty thing, too.” Patrick turns his head over at Art with a smug grin.
Art doesn’t reply but he sure can’t disagree.
“Ready? Play.”
The game starts as Anna Mueler serves, with virtually no dramatic build-up—Art and Patrick's eyes dart incessantly between the two. The atmosphere is almost eerily silent, save for the sounds of racket impacts and grunts of exertion from the competitors. They observe with bated breath, captivated by the swift movement of her legs as she dances across the court, her fiery locks swishing back and forth in sync with her brief skirt fluttering about, revealing the shorts hidden underneath.
She scores her third point, marking a victorious blow against Mueler with a powerful one-handed backhand. Her movements are noticeably disorganized and bordering on sloppy, and yet, to her advantage, it seems to be playing off brilliantly .
“Holy shit.” Art mutters, undeniably taken aback.
Patrick smugly looks toward Art, wearing a "told you so" expression on his face. As they lean in to get a closer look, their mouths hang slightly open, both fixated on the ongoing match. The intensity of her actions is so captivating that it borders on pathetic as they watch, their eyes glued to her every move. With each passing minute, their gazes follow the way her rosy cheeks redden and her breaths grow increasingly labored.
Surprisingly, she doesn't appear to be nearly as exhausted as Mueler, even despite her unstructured, chaotic playing style. She graciously acknowledges each point won by her opponent, a polite nod or smile as Mueler gains momentum. Her attitude leaves Patrick utterly amazed—given his past moments of unsportsmanlike behavior.
“How the fuck is she so unbothered?” Patrick ogles at her, his head unintentionally tipping to the side as he takes in her every move.
Unsurprisingly, he receives no reply from Art, as his awestruck state turns him speechless.
Mueler, her opponent, lashes out in absolute disbelief after the final point is scored, impulsively smashing her racket against the court floor in a fit of frustration.
She flashes a smug, coy smile as she glances at her coach, as though downplaying her victory like a stroke of pure luck. She ambles towards the net, extending her hand towards her defeated opponent, only to have it rebuffed with a heated outburst in a foreign language as Mueler storms away in a huff. She’s quickly interrupted as her friends, family, and well-wishers swarm around to celebrate her win.
As Art exhales deeply, Patrick locks eyes with him, his grin crooked but full of enthusiasm. “We’ve gotta talk to her.”
Tashi Duncan seemed to have beat them to it. 
“Hey,” She says as she approaches her after the crowd of family and friends has dissipated from her entourage. “Great game. You absolutely killed Anna.”
She meets Tashi’s eye with a warm, contagious beam, her cheeks flushed with a mix of lingering exertion from the match and genuine happiness at the interaction. She giggles softly, letting her bag fall gently to the ground as she tentatively steps forward, wholly captivated by their interaction. "I feel bad," she admits with a sheepish half-smile, her laughter bubbling up as she feels Tashi's gaze linger on her.
“Don’t.” Tashi replies, unfazed. “She’s a sore loser and a racist bitch, anyway.”
Her laughter continues to fill the air, even as a hint of tension underlies Tashi’s words. Sensing the need to maintain composure, she tries to keep her nerves in check, reminding herself that they're only facing each other in the finals—easy-peasy.
“I’ve, uh—been watching your games, too.” She breaks the slightly uneasy silence with sincere appreciation, her smile slightly crooked as she tries to hide any hint of infatuation. "You’re incredible," she says admiringly, looking up at Tashi and attempting to mask any potential starstruckness in her eyes.
Tashi's gaze remains unwavering for a moment before she softly breaks into a gentle smile.
“I’m kind of on the fence about playing against you.” She instinctively reaches up to scratch the back of her neck in a self-conscious manner, and a soft chuckle escapes her lips. 
Despite the growing sense of ease, a hint of insecurity still lingers, as if she's silently questioning if she's made a good impression thus far. It’s Tashi Duncan, after all.
“Why? Scared I’m gonna wipe you out?” There's a hint of challenge in Tashi's voice as she responds.
To her surprise, her opponent's response is one of continuous admiration—it's rare to see such genuine enthusiasm, and it's almost contagious in its sweetness.
“I’d actually prefer that.” She continues to look at her with a sort of fascination. “It probably means more to you than it does to me, and—” she hesitates for a second, “I wanna stay on good terms with you.” She can feel herself blush a little. “—Hopefully.”
Their whole interaction is refreshing to Tashi. 
“Oh, so you’re thinking of going easy on me?”
“I don’t think I’ll need to.”
A silent understanding seems to form between them, a bond taking shape through the few words they've shared. The smiles they exchange are genuine, laced with a subtle sense of kinship. Perhaps it's the shared adrenaline of the game, or maybe it's the knowledge that they'll soon be competing against each other in the finals—whatever the reason, there's an undeniable connection forming.
“You coming to the party on Long Island? Adidas sponsorship.” Tashi asks, breaking the silence once again.
A flicker of excitement dances in her eyes as she hears the question. "Oh, I doubt I was invited—Or maybe my coach just forgot to mention it.” She lets out a nervous chuckle.
“Fuck your coach.” Tashi shrugs nonchalantly, her hands disappearing into her pockets. “I'm the one inviting you.”
She smiles and nods in return. “Then I’ll be there. For sure, yeah.”
Tashi, amused by her opponent's excitement, can't help but wear a smirk on her face.
Fire and Ice
Donaldson & Zweig vs. Shaffer & Buchanan. 
This match determines whether Art and Patrick make it to the finals, a pivotal moment in their journey and a do-or-die scenario that determines their fate. The two of them are fully focused on the game; their expressions are a mixture of determination and playfulness. Art's golden hair is tucked away behind the white cap he wears backwards, while Patrick's dark curls bounce around as he moves, his features framed by the shadows cast by the bright lights of the court. They exchange smug grins and nudge each other occasionally, a bond of support and friendship that makes their journey through the tournament all the more enjoyable.
From their vantage points in the crowd, she and Tashi watch intently, their eyes fixed on the match unfolding before them. You would expect a fierce rivalry between two opponents in such high-pressure situations. 
Yet, there they are, sitting side by side, their gazes glued to the court.
Sure, they had only met yesterday, and their situation had already become somewhat volatile due to public opinion, but she had no intentions of outshining Tashi—leaving a lasting impression on Tashi—a sense of mutual respect and admiration cancelling out any potential rivalry.
As she reaches for her cup, she feels the unexpected touch of Tashi's hand on her knee—a small gesture that sends a rush of warmth through her body. Who knew such a simple gesture of physical touch from Tashi Duncan could be so exhilarating.
Tashi leans into her, pointing down at the court in full focus mode. “The blonde one; look at how receptive he is.”
She can’t help but smile a little at her level of focus. She also can’t deny how beautiful she looks when she’s like this. Leaning in in return, she tilts her head slightly and nods towards where Tashi is pointing.
She takes a moment to admire Tashi's intense concentration, her smile growing wider as she admires how beautiful she looks when she’s focused. She leans in closer, her head tilting slightly as she follows Tashi's gaze. A slight nod of her own acknowledges Tashi's observations, a mutual understanding as their minds sync in the moment, focused on the same objective.
“Your bet is on those two?”
“Hm,” Tashi leans back a little, a thoughtful expression on her face. “The other one’s nailing those dropshots.”
She follows Tashi's gaze intently, her own eyes flickering from left to right as she takes in every move on the court.
“They’re good.” She watches the dynamic between the duo below with a hint of surprise, her eyes widening at their unexpected coordination. She turns her head towards Tashi, unable to resist the sly smile pulling at the corners of her lips. “Never as good as you, though.”
Tashi eyes her suspiciously, her gaze narrowing as she attempts to decipher the real motive behind her compliment. "Are you trying to butter me up for some kind of weird strategy reason?" she asks, her tone a mix of seriousness and playfulness. 
There's a trace of amusement in her eyes as she waits for a response, clearly enjoying the banter and the lightheartedness of their interaction.
She chuckles through her nose, shaking her head slowly before she responds genuinely, “You know you’re going to win tomorrow. I have no ulterior motives.” 
Tashi leans in closer, her hand brushing a little higher on her opponent's leg, a hint of challenge in her voice as she teases her. "Playing little miss humble, are we?" The touch is subtle yet deliberate, and her words carry a hint of competitiveness. 
She laughs softly in return, her cheeks flushing slightly at the unexpected touch from Tashi. She takes a breath, her voice filled with determination. "I'm serious," she reiterates, her eyes locked on Tashi's. "Even if I feel like I am going to win, I’ll hold back."
Tashi pauses for a moment, a slight furrow in her brow, a hint of surprise tinged with doubt as she looks at her counterpart.
“I don’t want you to let me win. I want to win.”
“And you will.” She responds without missing a beat, her gaze locking with Tashi's in a way that speaks volumes—as if she had forever been loyal to her.
The bleachers erupt in applause as Patrick scores the final point, the sound drowning out the intense moment between the two girls. The blond boy sprints towards his partner, the duo celebrating and laughing uncontrollably, their joy infectious in the moment. 
The sight brings a smile to both girls' faces.
“Well, we’ve got our finalists.” She raises an eyebrow at Tashi, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Fire and Ice," she muses, a sly grin spreading across her face. "I've always preferred the heat." She leans back slightly, her braid cascading over her shoulder.
“And I’ve always preferred the cold.” She replies, her voice filled with teasing enthusiasm.
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Long  Island, pre-finals party
Tashi and her girl
She stands amidst the gathering of tennis enthusiasts, friends, and family, her heart pounding with both excitement and anticipation. The prospect of mingling with the elite in the tennis world is both intimidating and thrilling. The combination of nerves and anticipation dances in her chest, fueling her determination to make the most of the night.
Tashi's heels click against the pavement as she approaches, a seductive whistle escaping her lips as her eyes rake over her opponent's figure. A confident smirk plays at her lips as she takes in the sight of her, her approach oozing with charm and assertiveness.
Her voice drops to a low, playful tone, a mixture of charm and shyness lacing her words as she responds with a simple "Hi."
Tashi looks stunning in the strapless royal blue dress, her hair down and loose curls cascading around her face while the redhead in front of her wears an equally beautiful gown, her hair pinned up with a couple of strands falling loosely by the sides of her face.
She's taken aback for a moment as Tashi steps closer, her heart skipping a beat as she finds herself enveloped in a tight embrace. The unexpected hug leaves her slightly flustered, her cheeks flushing ever so slightly.
“Glad you could make it.” Tashi's breath is warm against her ear, the smirk on Tashi's face only intensifying.
“You look fucking amazing.” She chuckles nervously, her attempt to hide her infatuation with Tashi failing miserably.
Hand in hand, they navigate their way towards the dance floor, their fingers intertwined as they make a brief stop at the nearest drink stand. With a playful glance, they mix a dash of liquor into their soft drinks in hopes of not being caught. As they weave through the crowd, Tashi regales her with juicy secrets and gossip about the event sponsors and attendees, their conversation flowing effortlessly, and—once again, paradoxically—it feels like there’s no sense of rivalry between them whatsoever.
Patrick and Art
The two boys stand a couple feet away from the main crowd, their gazes pathetically locked on the two girls dancing together on the makeshift dance floor. Patrick holds the bottle of his Coca-Cola up to his mouth, a tiny sigh escaping his lips as he watches them from afar. Art, meanwhile, has one hand casually shoved in the pocket of his jeans, the other holding his drink.
Art leans in, a hint of surprise in his voice, "I didn't know she was friends with Tashi Duncan."
“Girls are like that; they act nice to each other all the time. They probably hate each other.” Patrick chimes in, sharing his theory about the girls' behavior.
“No way, man.” Art shakes his head. “Look at them; they look like—like they’ve known each other forever.”
Patrick playfully nudges his friend's arm, his smirk widening as he suggests, “Like us?” He looks back in their direction. “You almost can’t tell they’re competing against each other in the finals.”
"Yeah, just like us," Art replies with a chuckle, his expression tinged with a hint of self-deprecation. "I'm still sharing a hotel room with the guy who's set to beat me in the finals."
Patrick gives Art a firm pat on the shoulder, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "I've already told you I'll let you win," he says, his voice filled with playful determination.
Their attention drifts back to the dance floor, their gazes drawn to the spectacle before them. The music pumps through the air, the beat energizing the dancers as they move in sync with the rhythm. Both Art and Patrick find themselves captivated by the sight of the girls dancing, their eyes lingering on them longer than they realize.
“Fuck,” Patrick's voice cuts through the air, his reaction betraying his inability to tear his gaze away from the girls.
Art gives his friend a firm nudge, a silent urging for him to keep his focus and behave, all while being just as mesmerized himself, his focus never faltering.
"Hey, I mean, Tashi Duncan's a pillar of the community." Patrick attempts to redeem himself; however, the moment of sincerity is quickly undercut by his next statement, which is delivered with a big, smug grin on his face. "I'd let her fuck me with a racket."
Of course, it's nothing Art hasn't heard before—prompting him to chuckle in response, his eyes rolling in a playful gesture. "C'mon, Patrick," he replies, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Patrick continues to act smug, his playful demeanor on full display as he swats Art's arm with his hand in a teasing gesture. "Eh, don't pretend like you haven't been drooling over her friend," he remarks, a knowing look in his eyes. He leans in slightly, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone as he adds, "You never told me you have a thing for redheads."
A bashful smile forms on Art’s face. "Shut up," he replies, his voice tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement.
"I mean, don’t get me wrong—I’m happy with either one of them," Patrick continues with a mischievous grin, his playful nature infectious.
They shift their focus back to the girls, their attention drawn like magnets. 
“So, which one d’you think is gonna win the finals?” Art asks, his head tilting slightly as he asks the question.
Patrick chimes in, his words undecided. "I think she has good chances against Tashi," he explains. "Her scoring against Mueler was fucking crazy."
“Damn straight.” Art responds with a small huff. “But it’s Tashi Duncan,” he adds after a brief pause.
Patrick lets out a sigh, his eyes fixated on the dance floor. "I guess we’ll just have to wait and see," he replies, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Dancing girls
♬ Its gettin hot in here (so hot)
So take off all your clothes
I am gettin’ so hot, I wanna take my clothes off … ♬
Hair swaying to the beat, Tashi moves in sync behind her, their bodies flowing together effortlessly. As she leans into Tashi, their hips move in harmony, a choreography seemingly perfected in a matter of seconds. There's an obvious chemistry between them—-they both know what they’re doing—and they’re doing it well .
“How long d’you reckon they’re gonna stand there for?” She whispers to Tashi, her voice laced with amusement as she discreetly glances towards the boys who have been ogling at them.
Tashi giggles mockingly, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief as she speaks. "What a bunch of pussies."
She laughs in response to Tashi's remark, finding her bold demeanor both amusing and refreshing. Tashi grabs her by the hand, her grip firm yet gentle, as she leads her away from the dance floor.
 "C'mon," she urges, her voice filled with a sense of excitement.
She follows Tashi, curiosity getting the better of her as she tucks a loose curl behind her ear. "Where are we going?" she asks, her voice tinged with a mixture of wonder and anticipation.
Desperate boys
As the girls leave the dance floor, Patrick gives Art a nudge, bringing him back to the present moment.
“Where are they going?” Art asks, his curiosity piqued.
Patrick responds with a sarcastic remark, his eyes never leaving the girls. "How would I know, dumbass?"
Art scoffs in frustration, his thoughts racing as he tries to reason with his friend. "Well, we’re not gonna follow them around and seem desperate—”
"Yes, we are," Patrick asserts, his determination unshakable.
Art protests, voicing his hesitation about approaching them. "And say what?" he exclaims. 
Yet, despite his reservations, he finds himself following behind Patrick. Together, they make their way towards the girls, their footsteps filled with a mix of nerves and anticipation.
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sixosix · 8 months
i. summary the great magician lyney wooing nine-to-fiver reader
ii. tags 1.8k words, fluff, reader is a little slow but hey that’s what 9-to-5 does to someone, pining lyney, awkward flirting, and a lot of wilted flowers im sorry…
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You’ve heard of Lyney and Lynette in passing before. You might’ve rushed past one of their street performances once or twice, or maybe you stumbled upon flyers promoting their grand shows fluttering past. However, today, they are the center of every discussion, particularly Lyney, from your gushing coworkers. They swoon about how charming the young man was to them, and how exceptionally talented twins are.
You start to feel a little left out. You want to witness what all the excitement is all about, too. Your nine-to-five has you rushing back and forth the streets of Fontaine like there’s no tomorrow—and to your defense, with all the rumors and prophecies floating around, it might as well be that case.
Afternoon. Nearly evening. Your legs feel like water, liquid, and unable to keep themselves upright. You’re like a zombie walking back to your humble abode, drained of human life from too much human interaction.
A round of applause has you slowing your steps, your attention pulled towards a small crowd as if struck by a magnetic force.
A young man stands at the center, grinning devilishly as the crowd once again erupts into gasps of awe. He clutches a deck of cards in his hand, the classic image of what comes to mind when you think of magicians. Yet, you find yourself unable to move. It might be your water-legs; it might be how the man has everyone spellbound.
“Thank you, everyone!” he says, and the spell is broken at once. Was it a spell? It felt like one. “Be sure to come next week to Lynette and I’s performance at the Opera Epiclese, alright?” So he is Lyney.
Witnessing his elegance and heart-stealing smirk, you at least now know that your coworkers were certainly telling the truth.
The crowd filters out one by one. You do the same, wondering how much the tickets would cost. Hopefully no more than your usual dinner; that would mean you’d have to eat frozen bread for an entire evening.
“Wait, wait!”
You turn at the frantic exclamation, startled when Lyney is looking directly at you and rushing toward you. Panicked, you quickly scan your surroundings, only to find that there’s no one else he could possibly be referring to.
Just you.
“Hello,” you murmur begrudgingly once he’s at a close distance.
“Hi,” he says back, a little breathless. “You missed the show earlier.”
“I—I did.” Is he seriously talking to you? “But don’t worry! I saw enough. It was really cool!” Really? It was really cool?
He relaxes, his smile turning pleased. Lyney’s gaze feels heavy when you’re the only one holding onto it. “That’s a shame. I’ve seen you around before, zipping through. I won’t let you slip through my fingers this time around.”
His voice is smooth. You find yourself liking the lilac of his eyes.
At your stunned silence, Lyney continues, “Here, watch my hand closely, alright?”
You nod obediently, mostly to conceal how flustered his presence is making you feel. It feels as if his voice is right beside your ears, or it might just be how it seems like the world quiets down for this moment.
He closes his palm. You hear him huff a sweet laugh. You get distracted and glance up, though it seems it was a mistake. He grins at you knowingly, eyes twinkling—his stupid, dark eyes. You look back down, and a flower has magically appeared square on his palm.
It’s a flower you’re unfamiliar with, but it’s beautiful and smells sweet so you find yourself uncaring of whatever it could mean.
He stares patiently.
You blink, dumb-struck. “For me?”
“Of course,” he says with a dazzling grin.
“Oh, thank you, but I— I really don’t know how to take care of these things, and I’m so busy, I don’t know if I should—”
You reject it. Which, in hindsight, was most rude.
Lyney tilts his head, smiling like you’re some cute cat he found passing by—and that gaze has your words dying on your tongue. “I’m not giving it to you for you to feel burdened with the responsibility of taking care of it. Trust me, I just want you to have it.”
You look at him, uncertainty flashing in your expression. “You don’t want to give it to someone else…?”
“Why would I? I saved this one especially for you,” the sweet talker says.
You highly doubt his words, but it’s nice to hear nevertheless. With a bashful smile, you take the flower and vow to yourself to take care of it as much as you can. It’s the only flower you’ve received your entire life.
“Thank you,” you say quietly.
He lights up impossibly, standing out so easily against the crowd. Just like that, you’re captivated.
The next day, Lyney reappears in your life. You're beginning to suspect that his hat conceals an infinite stockpile of these roses, and maybe that's the true magic: the enigma of Lyney's never-ending supply.
This time around, he’s loitering the streets without plans for any performances, however small. Though, he still entertains you in different ways.
“My work’s not too nice,” you tell him when he asks why you look tired, all too aware of your sore feet and cheeks from straining smiles all day. “I don’t know how you performers do it non-stop. I feel like I could just sleep on this sidewalk.”
“It might be helping that I love doing what I do,” Lyney supplies after a thoughtful hum. It’s still a little surreal having the man printed in posters and pictures all over The Steambird is now casually walking alongside you, but it’s nice. You feel your world has just brightened up a little—the new change of pace painting over the dull back and forth you’ve been living through for a while.
“Hey,” Lyney starts, as your eyes flick up from the ground to him. He’s holding another flower.
You smile as you gingerly take it from his fingers, skin brushing against his glove-free hands. “You’re helping the flower shops thrive, that’s for sure.”
“What can I say? I’m wonderful like that.”
You laugh, but it quickly dies down when you catch a glimpse of how Lyney is staring at you so openly with a bit of awe.
You clear your throat, looking away.
Lyney does the same as you find your face heating up. “Sorry.”
“Um,” scrambling for a change of topic, you say, “Are you trying to get me to watch the show you and your sister are holding next week?”
“What?” Lyney blinks, caught off guard. He smiles lopsidedly as you await for an answer. “No, I’m talking to you because I like you. And here I thought I was making myself obvious.”
“Sorry, I’m a bit slow,” you say, in a daze at his blunt confession.
That was nothing (that has to be). That was probably just your imagination, honestly—fantasizing about a handsome face, a small braid, and a mischievous grin. And you definitely don’t find yourself lying awake at night thinking about it.
As always, Lyney comes with a flower in hand. And you find out that he wasn’t lying when he said he saves a special flower for you.
You’re not sure how it seamlessly became a routine with him. At times, you wonder if he’s actually keeping track of the roses if you haven’t been throwing them to the trash. You wouldn't be able to deny it; you eventually would have to discard a once again graying rose, no matter how heartbreaking the parting is.
This time, you’re prepared. You've been studying up, like a lovesick high school student devouring dating magazines during your spare moments at work. The rose will still most likely wilt unfairly fast with how you’re barely a presence in your own home; sleeping soundly as soon as you arrive.
Lyney is smiling softly as he gives this one to you, silent. Though that’s probably because you’re raving on about how you swear that the next ones he’ll give will live longer if you figure out how to do it right.
He likes doing that—staring at you like watching a film play even though he’s the one on stage more often than not.
“Do you know what all those flowers I gave you mean?” he asks as you’re twirling it around and counting the petals. They’re still bright pink, fading to yellow at its tips. You shake your head. It could mean anything, really. You haven’t gotten to that part of the book yet. “My feelings for you,” he says. “I give them to you every day so you’re reminded of it.”
Your finger catches on one of the petals, your skin burning. “…Is that what you think? I feel horrible; the flowers you’ve given me all die in a day or two.”
Lyney laughs. “Is that what you’re worried about?”
“How else can I show you I’m not just casting your feelings aside?”
You turn to Lyney, wondering why he suddenly went silent. Only then, you see how he has his face buried in his palm, a dazed smile peeking out from what’s visible. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
He recovers fast. “Don’t be sorry.” Lyney holds your jaw in a precise grip, keeping your gaze focused on him. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
It’s only the next morning do you realize that the petals haven’t changed at all. You’re not sure why you haven’t noticed earlier.
Then again, you should’ve realized when he brought up what they mean so suddenly, that slick bastard.
Lyney sees you around the afternoon, and immediately he sees something new around your collar, probably because he keeps staring at it.
Lyney pulls you closer with a hand on the small of your back, and the other inspecting your brand-new necklace. “Is this…?”
It was a bit difficult to craft your own accessory, but you tried nevertheless. If Lyney goes out of his way to purchase different kinds of flowers, the least you can do is show him that each one makes you as happy as the first one did.
“You said they’re kind of like your feelings, right?” you say, unsure as to why you’re whispering. Lyney’s expression looks a little fragile. “So I made them into something to remind me of you every day.”
He presses his face onto your neck, and you nearly lose balance, holding onto the back of his head to keep yourself upright. “You’re too cute, amour. My heart can’t handle all of this,” he weeps dramatically.
( “Close your mouth, Lyney. You’re drooling,” Lynette says as she follows his gaze, watching you flutter past.
Lyney’s mouth snaps shut, wiping at his lips. He frowns. “I wasn’t even drooling.” He shakes his head. “Nevermind that—do you know who that was?”
“No,” Lynette says simply. “But I’m sure you’ll find a way to figure out eventually.” )
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lyney went back to giving you real flowers after that btw
this was inspired by me daydreaming about lyney’s character quest and remembering that he literally gave us that flower accessory
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maxcuntstappen · 18 days
for a prompt,
max as the f1 world champion. charles is the heir to the monaco throne. [lorenzo is king currently]
max and charles love each other. max wins the monaco gp for charles. monaco goes crazy.
"Max," Charles tries to sound stern, he really does. But he doesn't think it comes across too well with how he cannot stop giggling.
It's not his fault really.
It's his boyfriend's.
His boyfriend who has him pressed against a wall of his motorhome, relentlessly kissing at Charles' cheeks.
"Maxxxx," Charles tries again, "You need to go."
A 'uh-huh' is the only indicator of Max having even heard him.
Max redirects his attack of pecks to Charles' neck and it makes Charles squirm.
"Max, that tickles!" he exclaims, trying to wiggle his way out from under his boyfriend's grasp.
Max chuckles, finally moving his mouth away from Charles' body, to look him in the eye, "I know," he grins.
It makes Charles' heart jump, how happy Max looks, how pretty.
Time seems to stop as Charles cradles Max's face in his palm, relishing in how Max turns his face to nuzzle into it.
Blue eyes twinkling, lips perpetually pulled upward, cheeks pink and puffed up. Max is a beauty.
Charles opens his mouth to tell him so when a firm knock interrupts him.
"Prince Charles," one of his guards calls out, "Nous devons partir maintenant. Prince Lorenzo et Prince Arthur attendent."
Charles sighs, wishing he could stay with Max longer.
Max seems to be wishing for the same, if his drawn out groan is anything to go by.
Yet, Max doesn't move away. He only snuggles into Charles harder, head buried into the crook of Charles' neck.
Charles laughs, running his fingers through Max's hair, "Come on, mon amour. Time to go."
Max huffs, "No."
Charles rolls his eyes, fondness seeping through his pores, and gently tugs at Max's hair.
Max pulls his head away with an exaggerated moan, "Ouch," frown lines covering his pretty face.
Charles pecks Max's nose and all of them disappear in a second.
"I'll see you after, okay?" Charles says, squeezing the nape of Max's neck.
"Yeah," Max says, a small smile on his lips, "Yeah, okay."
Max steps back and Charles walks to the door.
"Wait!" Max exclaims, making Charles jump.
He turns around.
"What about my good luck kiss?" Max asks, the corner of his mouth twitching as he pouts, clearly trying to suppress the smile trying to break through.
"You don't need a good luck kiss, mon amour. You're Max Verstappen," Charles reminds him.
Even after all this time, ever after multiple world championships, countless podiums and several records broken, Max still lights up when Charles compliments him.
He hopes he never stops.
"Charles, but what if you don't kiss me and the race goes badly? Do you really want that on your conscience?"
Charles scoffs, "Okay but what if I do kiss you and then the race doesn't go well? Will it be my fault then?"
"Of course not, schatje. Then it'll mean that your kiss protected me from anything worse happening," Max replies, like it's the most obvious information in the world.
Charles' heart throbs with adoration. He takes a quick two steps and grabs Max's face in his hand, pressing a firm, soft kiss to Max's lips.
When Charles pulls away, Max looks dazed.
Charles gets it. He feels it, the overwhelming rush he gets when he cannot believe this is his life.
"Good luck, mon amour," Charles smiles, dropping his hands, and walking backwards to the door, "See you on the podium, okay?"
Max simply nods, seeming to still be too lost for words.
That's okay. Charles knows what he would've said anyways.
"And the winner of the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix... Max Verstappen!"
The roaring in Charles' ears nearly blocks out the raucous applause of the Red Bull team. But Charles hears them still, faintly. Acknowledges them, thanks them for loving Max and appreciating him and taking care of him.
His cheeks ache because of how hard he is smiling.
And yet, when Max steps up on the top step, quickly turning around to catch Charles' eye, his grin somehow widens.
Charles winks at him, his hands not pausing their applause, and Max laughs, softly shaking his head, before facing the crowd.
Charles' eyes are glued to Max's back as the Dutch and Austrian anthems play. It's a beautiful back, all broad, strong shoulders, tapering down into a small waist.
The only thing that could make Max look any better is if he was wearing red, Charles thinks to himself.
Well, all in due time.
Soon, he's being indicated to step up to award the second place trophy.
Charles looks straight ahead as he walks to the platform, not risking turning into an ooey-gooey mess for a glance of Max's face.
Lando stands tall and proud on the podium, his face split into a grin.
Charles hands Lando his trophy and Lando holds out a hand for Charles to shake.
It makes Charles roll his eyes. There's no need to pretend that Charles doesn't see Lando every other weekend, that he hasn't seen Lando sloshed out of his mind and passed out on the floor of Max's jet, that he doesn't send Lando memes constantly and bitches about it if he doesn't give an adequate reply.
Charles grasps his hand and pulls Lando into a hug.
Lando yelps, and gosh, Charles so hopes that there is some camera somewhere that has recorded the noise.
"Good job, mate," Charles says, arms tight around Lando.
"Thanks, mate," Lando replies, and Charles can hear the smile in his voice.
Charles beelines back to his original spot, next to his brother, standing behind the podium finishers.
As Lorenzo awards Max with his trophy, Charles has to suppress the urge to shout and scream and hoot.
All he can do is clap a bit more aggressively than he did for the others.
It doesn't miss his notice how Arthur does the same.
It's soon after that Charles and his brothers, along with the other dignitaries, are being hurried off of the stage in an attempt to keep them safe from the champagne flying in the air.
Charles has just stepped into the protection of the wings when he's being pushed back out to the stage again.
"Va!" Arthur urges, literally shooing Charles away with his hand.
"Ne fais rien de trop stupide!" Lorenzo warns, but he's grinning wide too.
God, Charles loves his family.
It's Lando that spots him first.
The very next second, Charles is drenched head to toe.
But it's worth it to have Max's giggle in his ear as he hugs him tight tight tight.
His race suit under Charles' hands feels sticky and cold and like home.
"Mon Dieu, Max, tu es incroyable. So incredible. I love you. I'm proud of you," Charles rambles, trying to make the most of the couple of moments he'll get to speak to Max before he's swallowed up by his team and media duties.
Max pulls away, smiling at him, all crinkle eyed, "Thank you for your good luck kiss, schatje," he gives him a quick soft peck before gently pressing the trophy into his arms, "This one is for you," and then Charles is swallowed up in Max's embrace again, the roars of the crowd ringing in his ear, nowhere as loud as the beat of his own heart.
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luveline · 8 months
Hello! Would it be alright to request something where prince!steve and his Princess attend their first formal event together?
tysm for requesting ♡ prince steve au
"Don't spill anything," Steve advises under his breath. "Your corset is alabaster." 
"I know. I feel like breathing the wrong way is gonna crack it like papier mache." 
He snorts, adjusting your hand on his arm to the correct position where you stand around a corner from the grand staircase. You wince as rich laughter bounces off the marble steps, the sound wrought with a feeling akin to hounds snapping at your heels. 
"Your nails look nice," Steve says. 
He's already complimented your face, your hair, and your dress. There's not much left to praise, but he finds something anyhow, and a flush of pleasure warms your skin. "Thank you," you say, looking down at your painted nails, a shimmering mother of pearl lacquer coating each one. The cost rivals a month's groceries. "They had so many colours… we started with red, but I thought it looked silly on me. My hands are weird." 
"Your hands are perfect." His eyes shine with sincerity, lips pulled into an amused smile that feels like a well-aimed bop to the chest. "I can get you more. Nail lacquer, I mean. There's a small Sri Lankan boutique by Cordelian House, they have all that intricate cosmetic stuff. It's where Munson gets his kohl sticks." He smiles at you reassuringly. "I'm trying to distract you. It's not working, is it?" 
"I'm going to mess up. Your mom– the queen–" 
"You can call her my mom. That's what she is." Steve nods his understanding of the things you've said without saying them. "She'll be disappointed if you mess up. But I won't be. I'm proud of you for even putting on the dress. I'd be proud of you if you didn't." 
You lick your lips, cherry balm sticky on the tip of your tongue. "Thank you, Steve." 
He says things like this with little regard for how forward it is. Not that subtlety is required. While antiquated in some aspects, the contemporary royal society is loudly lustful. You and Steve could be intimate together now weeks before the wedding and nobody would bat an eye, but you suspect that he's just as unprepared for that as you are, no matter how gently he covers your hand with his. 
There's a short sound like a bird call. Steve straightens his back, his thumb drawing a half circle across your fingers. "Ready?" he asks. 
You nod. You don't really have a choice. 
They announce you together, Prince Steven and his Soul Marked Y/N. It sounds ridiculous to hear his name after weeks of Please, call me Steve, or anything else but Steven. Doubly so to hear you announced as his and not yourself. A simple 'Miss' would have sufficed. Braced for a night of similar small agonies, you hold tight to Steve's arm and begin your descent down the grand staircase and into the foyer. The palace is a structure of white stone that shines silver in some lights, impossible walls of selenite and gauzy silks. The steps are more solid, a plain marble that clicks under the soles of your short heels. 
"Don't let me fall," you say under your breath, the hush of the crowd nearly occluding your voice completely. 
"Never." You can hear his polite smile. "Don't panic." 
You can't not panic, sweat at your naked collar, pearls like beads of ice bobbing with each step you take. The second you reach the floor you deflate with an exhale, your back clicking at the sudden decompression. There's a brief round of applause at your arrival before the cheery music begins anew, the dancing begins again, and the many faces that surround you blur into jewels and elegant clothes, fabrics coloured manilla white, snailshell purple, emerald green, a rainbow of satins swirling this way and that as girls are pushed into spins to the right of the foyer under the ballroom chandelier. 
"You'll dance with me, yeah?" Steve asks tentatively. 
You meet his eyes, all their soft brown gazing at you like you're worth his worry. His lashes twitch as his gaze darts swiftly down and up again. 
"Do I have something?" you ask, lifting your chin. 
"Lipstick. I can fix it?" He brings his hand to your lips before you've answered, using the trimmed nail of his pinky finger to wipe at your lip. You turn still as a porcelain statue, a shiver rushing down your chest at the warmth of his touch.
"You'll dance with me?" he asks again, his knuckle brushing your chin as he drops his hand. 
"Of course I'll dance with you, Steve. We're expected to." 
He throws a glance at the people around you and steps closer. "I want to dance with you because you want to dance. We don't have to do anything. Not this ball, not the dance. Not the wedding." He sighs. "You have choices." 
"No. I don't." Because there glows your wrist. Threads of translucency like spider web and downy feather combined, a sorry hue of blue. 
"Yes, you do," he whispers. "You want to leave? We'll leave right now. I just want you to be happy, and with me." 
You think about it. The weight of hundreds of eyes on your shoulders and the restriction of your corset is making you nauseous. If you left, that sickness would go. But Steve wouldn't get to dance with you.
"I don't want to leave," you say, not sure if you're lying or not. You'd quite like to have his hands on your hips again. And sometimes before the dip he breathes in your ear, says something soft, like Keep going, you got it. 
"No?" he asks, relieved. 
"No. Let's dance. We need the practice…" You offer your hand. He takes it, the smudge of lipstick on his pinky finger like a heart. "I'm sorry. I want to dance." 
"What are you sorry for?" he asks, leaning down to kiss the highest point of your cheek. "Let's dance. If you mess up, I'll mess up worse. I promise. I'll chicken dance in front of everybody." 
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
You Kissed the Clown? Part 1
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(Notes: Hello new friends! I have found myself fallen under the spell of the flashy fool himself and felt compelled to create something for him.)
(EDIT: This was my first ever fic on Tumblr. It was only ever meant to be a one-shot and it turned into a 15 part series 🤦‍♀️. I have so appreciated each and every one of you liking, commenting and inboxing me about this series and others. Thank you so so much 🥹)
(S1:E2 OPLA timeline)
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Upon waking, you found yourself in an unfamiliar environment. Stuffed into a small crate with your three travelling companions, your dark haired friend referred to as a “crew”, your senses were still groggy from the crimson powder exploded above your small rigging.
After your “Captain”, Luffy, disclosed to the group he had consumed the map to the grand line to “keep it in a safe place”, the crate opened to reveal a darkened space. Applause rang throughout the area and your eyes were drawn to a spotlight being placed on a man dressed as a white lion. Several circus-type performers littered the room and directed the large crowd to respond with prompts written on large white panels held by several members. You noticed the features of the crowd were bearing terrified expressions, crying streaks littering their cheeks and some crusted over wounds adorning their faces and bodies.
Through the small opening of the red and white tent, a displeased figure appeared out of the shadows. You were immediately mesmerised by the figure, brightly coloured facial paint adorning his cartoonish features, a large brim hat with blue tassels hung over the folded edge and a collection of mismatched stripes, spots, fur and feather upon his physique. He had a dangerous air around him, full of malice, ill-temperament and a small amount of desperation amongst his features.
The blue haired man immediately berated his companions, yelling at them for the wrong timing, the queue being off, the lighting contrasting over a lion-like man instead of his own features. You looked to your green-haired swordsman companion, making brief eye contact with him and quirking up your brow in question. He shook his head at you and nodded back to bring your attention to the scene playing before you.
You had no idea how you were among this ragtag trio of misfits, especially as piracy was never an occupation you fancied for yourself. You and those within your family line were skilled jewellers; antiquity restoration, appraisal and fine gold and silver smithery was your trade. You and your father were requested to appear before Captain Morgan and add a new gem encrusted embellishment to his recently acquired new head for his Axe-Hand.
You witnessed the fight that was brought out with Helmeppo and several other marines at the skilled hands of Roronoa Zoro. At that point, your father decided he was no longer going to be working with Captain Morgan; no payment was enough to continue working for a man that allowed his child to bully those lesser than him. You were given a choice then to find your own way in the world and bring attention to your own skilled crafts or to sail home with your father to return to work in the shop as a finery smith. Opting for the former of the two, you bid farewell to your father and found yourself upon the small rigging with three companions of whom you had grown fond of.
Bringing you away from your thoughts and tuning back into the conversation, your gaze fell to your orange-haired friend, Nami, as she attempted to bribe the blue-haired clown with a new crew member with untold abilities. Before you could stop her, she threw Luffy’s straw hat into the air and bolted for the opening of the large tent. Two members of the circus crew managed to drag her back to the group which she then berated the jester before you for destroying the town the tent was situated in. The conviction she held in her voice sounded quite intimidating, but the clown just laughed in response. He used a small knife to cut a piece of apple and place it into his mouth, while nonchalantly saying he didn’t destroy everything in the town – he allowed the townspeople to keep their hands to applaud his act.
You inhaled through your nose deeply and widened your eyes at his comment, breathing out slowly through your mouth while fixating your gaze onto his relaxed form. He continued to look over the four of you with a twinkling smile as he consumed his crisp apple before his gaze fell over you.
“You,” he began, pointing at you with the small knife in his hand, “you have been awfully quiet.” He gestured to the rest of the crew with the same knife, “that one threatened me,” he said pointing at Zoro, “that one attempted to bribe me,” he pointed the knife at Nami while sauntering over to the spot you were situated, next to Luffi and Zoro.
“Your Captain lays claim to what’s rightfully mine,” he continued while stalking your form. Your eyes leave his form to look to your companions.
“Don’t you look away from me!” he yelled suddenly at you, causing you to flinch in response. Your body began to tremble slightly at his demands, not used to threats of great violence being thrown at you at a whim. He almost danced over to your place on the ground, bringing his body within an uncomfortable proximity to your own. He made no effort to hide his gaze raking over your body from the hair on your head to the shoes adorning your feet.
Although he had a large nose that immediately drew your attention to it, you couldn’t help but to notice the hue of his irises hidden amongst white, red and blue paint. The intensity of his gaze was drawing you in like a moth to a flame. The hue was akin to several fine gemstones you worked with in your family’s smithery. Jade, sapphire, tourmaline and emerald being the first stones that sprung to your mind while gazing at the angry and menacing clown before you.
“And what would you do, hm?” he condescendingly smirked at you, “you’re no fighter, by the looks of you.”
You held his gaze, staring deeply into his mischievous teal eyes while searching your mind for a response to his pointed question. He placed the small knife into his breast-pocket within his long fur coat and stalked slowly over to you like an animal prowling over to their meal. You trailed your eyes over his form slowly, raking and sizing him up with a small amount of unbridled suggestion held behind your eyelids.
Unsure if what came over you was bravery, stupidity or something else entirely, you reached your right hand forward and swiftly grasped the mustard coloured cravat hanging tightly from his neck and pulled him into you with all of your strength and successfully closed the distance between your bodies.
He was right of course, you were no fighter. Your skills lay in appraising fine metals, gemstones and hand whittled crafts. You read books filled with fairytales, poetry and refrains whispered between lovers. With your occupation, an aura of charisma would often aid in sales; whether you were doing the buying or the selling. You were known far and wide in your homeland as someone with a small amount of flirtatious charm, which was why you were asked to aid your father in his journey to the “tight-pocket” Captain Morgan. You were to charm him as you did many others, swindling them out of their apprehensions and bringing more berry to the till of your family’s business.
A shocked whimper left the lips of the Genius Jester as you tenderly placed your own lips against his, bringing your left hand to his side and using it to bring his body flush against your own, cradling him into a tender embrace. Your eyes were closed as you deepened the kiss shared between you. You began using your lips to open his and caressing them slightly with your tongue.
You slowly felt him relax into your embrace as he placed one hand to the back of your head and the other hand wove itself around you, placing it to the small of your back. He almost gently laced his gloved hand into your hair and held you tightly against him. He released a stifled gasp into your mouth as the hand on your lower back squeezed slightly, pressing your bodies closer together. You released your right hand and moved it tenderly from his cravat to his jaw, feeling the slightly prickled skin beneath his painted face.
Not a word was uttered, silence engulfing the space. In this instance, nothing existed to either of you apart from the moment you were sharing with one another. The map? Gone from both of your minds as you held each other tenderly. You arched your back, pressing your chest further into him as you began lacing your fingers into the hair peaking out from the bottom of his broad hat. You snaked your left hand around his waist, beneath his fur coat and raked your fingertips over his skin, causing him to moan into your mouth and cradle you further into him.
You utilized your head to nudge his own head upward for you to deepen the kiss further. Trailing your hand from the hair under his hat down towards his neck and exploring his pectorals, you massaged down his body while holding him tightly and skillfully in this heated embrace. Your fingers began to explore the flesh of his back, lifting the material slightly to expose his flesh to your administrations.
He did not withhold any sounds from escaping his lips, as small groans released from his lips between kisses alerted you to how much he was truly enjoying your touch. You even allowed some gasps to escape your own lips as you continued to caress, massage and cradle him to yourself as he held you.
You were not foreign to the romantic touch of others by any means, but this kiss felt unlike anything you had experienced prior. You could almost feel his desire for affection as he hungrily held your body against him. Waves of loneliness escaped from his form and onto you as he began to be filled instead with your freely given affection, unlike the painted women he would pay berry for their time.
He groaned slightly and furrowed his brows together at the thought, releasing your lips from his own and holding you to him. His eyes bore into your own as your lips parted from one another, almost gazing into your very soul with the intensity he held.
Without warning, he pushed you from his body and swatted your hands from their position on his back. He turned to face away from you and brought his gaze to your captain before monologuing.
“Ok, here end the theatrics,” he began as the spot lights filter onto the four of you.
“I know one of you have my map, and I’m gonna get it back,” he said with malicious intent.
“What was it you said, rubber boy? That it was ‘in a safe place’?” he mocked with a small glint in his eye. Luffy looked to you in confusion.
“Oh, don’t look so surprised. I have eyes and ears everywhere,” he laughed. You trailed your eyes over his features, noticing the paint over his lips appeared more smudged than it had been moments prior. You then began to imagine how your face may appear after you shared the kiss with him moments prior.
“So,” he clapped his hands together and looked to his gang of circus members, “please make our guests uncomfortable in the green room.”
You felt hands clasp your wrists. You looked around to see a large man in a leotard grasping your form before you looked back to the clown. Your eyes met briefly once more, an unfamiliar emotion that could almost be described as a combination apprehension, longing and desire located in his eyes as your body was dragged to another location, this time without your captain amongst you.
You held little resistance as your body was escorted away. You looked to Luffy once more and attempted to reassure him with a nod as you walked briskly to be caged with your friends.
Nami was placed in a small cage suspended above the ground, whereas Zoro was bound to a large spinning wheel. As they were placed into these positions, their movements protesting and making it difficult for your captors to place them in these restricting positions; you held no such apprehension.
An aura of calm was coming from your form, confusing the large leotard-clad man. You placed your wrists together and held them out in front of you with a shrug and almost taunted him with how easy you were making this for him. His brows knit together in a puzzled fashion as he began to bind your hands in rope and tie you to a post away from your companions.
Once successfully restrained, the circus people left you with your thoughts as cries of laughter were echoing to the chamber that sounded like it was being pulled from the mouth of your captain.
“You kissed the clown?” uttered your green-haired, tri-sword wielding companion in a low accusatory tone, “why did you kiss the clown?”
You laughed slightly at the question, looking down at your bonds as you wiggled your hands against the tightly clasped rope, testing it for any sort of weakness amongst the restraint.
“I honestly can say I have no idea,” you smiled while pressing your knee against the post you were bound to with a small shove to assess its strength.
“It was incredibly stupid,” Nami commented from her enclosure, “if you were that touch-starved, I’m sure Zoro or Luffy wouldn’t have minded if you wanted to give them a little smooch.”
You turned your gaze over to Nami momentarily before rolling your eyes.
“Oh please,” you replied, “Zoro, I’m sure you are a wonderful kisser but unfortunately you don’t quite have what I’m looking for.”
He scoffed slightly at the comment while you moved your hands down to the hilt of your belt and began searching the folds of your skirts with your wrists.
“And if you don’t mind me asking, what does the dangerous clown-man have that Zoro doesn’t?” Nami asked with a teasing tone. Your wrists find the object within your belt and you smiled broadly, gripping it and bringing it to the light.
“Right now?” you said with a small twinkle in your eyes as you held the small object up to your new friends, "a knife."
For the first time in a while, the three of you shared a laugh before you all began to attempt an escape from the bonds of the green room.
Part 2
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Roy Kent*Charitiy
Pairing: Roy Kent x reader
Word count: 1535
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Warnings: Rupert existing and Roy being Roy
Masterlist here
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Ever since last year when Rupert crashed annual charity ball and donated a butt load of money to steal her thunder, she was determined to make this year's even better. It was odd to you that someone donating so much to a good cause was grounds for revenge but then again, you'd met Rupert. He really was the worst. 
She'd gone all out this year, making sure she lined up at least 3 famous performers that equally hated Rupert and inviting everyone who was anyone. You were automatically on the list as her assistant but and also as Roy's plus one. It was at last year’s ball that Roy ended up walking you home from and kissing you in your doorway. Cut to this year and you were now in a semi-secret committed relationship with Richmond’s newest coach. You had both decided not to share to the press and after much convincing Roy let you tell Rebecca and the team.
One of the nights biggest earners was of course the charity auction. Roy had refused at least 19 times to do it but eventually with enough eyelash batting and promises of favours you'd convinced him to sign up. All the boys had signed up, even Will was forced to sign up.
To make things even more bizarre Rebecca herself was being auctioned. Though you as her assistant had also hired someone to come bid on her so she'd never have to have the date but still she was technically on the roster. What you hadn't expected was for her to turn to you with puppy dog eyes. 
"We need more women on the list. Cmon, you know how it is. Think of the children,"
Roy was more outrage you had said yes than the fact he had been convinced to do it as well. You however were sure that it would be fine. After all people were there to bet on the footballers to play a game with their kid or show off to their friends or whatever other questionable activities they had planned. Not some assistant. 
What you hadn't accounted for was that you were no longer just an assistant. Not only did you often appear in pictures with the team, but rumours floated around that you were dating at least one if not multiple of the boys. Between always being around famous footballers or the fact Keeley Jones was your best friend you’d forgotten people actually knew who you were now.
The night was fine to begin and halfway through the auction Rebecca had already hit the same record as last year but that was not going to stop her. Danni had gone for £5000, Sam for £6000, Keeley for £10,000. Yes, even Keeley had donated one of her Friday nights to Rebecca's cause.
Roy had practically begged you that if the old lady who won him last year was going to win that you steal the win and he'd give you the money so sure as fate you had just won a night with your boyfriend for £8000. This was only going to fuel the fires in the tabloids, but it was worth saving Roy another painful night with a toothless granny.
"Up next we have my dear, dear friend who many of you will recognise as the teams shadow. Come on up"(y/n)," Rebecca said, clapping as you walked up with an awkward smile.
" Can we start the bidding at £500?" You thought this would be over and done with in less than a couple minutes.
"Five thousand pounds," Ruperts voice came booming from the back of the room followed by the sound of Roy’s chair scrapping against the floor as he stood up, "Forgive me for being so late my dear Rebecca. A family emergency kept me away, but I couldn't miss this for the world," he said gesturing to the crowd who gave him a round of applause he didn’t deserve, “After all it is for the children,”
For once Rebecca stammered for words before finally stuttering out "Yes well thank you Rupert. Do I hear six?"
"Ten thousand," Roy boomed across the room. Small gasps left several tables as you stood, eyes bulging out at the moment happening. You’d got to witness the bidding war that went for Jamie last year with Keeley spending twenty-five grand, but you knew that both Rupert and Roy were far more stubborn. this could go for a while.
"This isn't how auctions exactly work boys-" Rebecca tried to cut in, knowing how stubborn Rupert was and how violent Roy could get, but to no avail. she looked at you with a sympathetic glance as the carnage began.
"fifteen thousand," Rupert said, walking to stand by Roy's table, his wife a few paces behind standing awkwardly. 
"thirty-five-" you heard Jamie's voice pipe up followed by a loud growl from Roy who was glaring daggers in the previously laughing boy, "withdrawn!" Jamie yelped as he shuffled his chair towards Keeley. you almost felt bad for Jamie as you tried not to laugh.
"forty-five," Roy yelled before turning to Rupert, whispering something in his ear as he went to say fifty.
You could practically see Ruperts sweat dripping down his forehead as Roy pulled away, a satisfied smirk on his face, "Hard to beat that," Rupert smiled as he carefully stepped away from Roy, slowly moving back to his wife, “I withdraw,” Rupert said before pulling his wife to go join some random table filled with old white men.
"Forty-five going once, twice," Rebecca said as she scrambled to grab her gavel, "sold to Mr Kent. What a generous donation, everyone let's give him a round of applause," Rebecca said as she started the claps as everyone followed suit to try mask the awkward tension. “Always such a generous soul,”
You gave Rebecca a sorry smile as you walked back down to Roy, wondering how you’d explain this to the tabloids, but Roy had other plans. As you walked up to him, ready to quietly thank him, Roy stepped forward, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into his chest. The kiss was brief, but it knocked the wind out your lungs and left you wishing you had a private room as whoops and hollers came from the room around. You pulled back, breathless and grinning like an idiot. 
"Just to be clear that isn't included in the final sale," Rebecca said from the stand, trying to avoid lawsuits and trying desperately not to laugh since the auction still had its final prize left, Jamie.
"What did you say to him?" you asked, as you finally say back down, hand in hand with Roy. 
"I told him I knew where he lived and enough people to hold him down if he didn't back off what's mine, “Roy said as cool as a cucumber as if he didn't just threaten to beat a multi-millionaire, possibly billionaire at this point. "Plus, I said I'd tell his wife about you know who," 
This however caught your, Keeley’s, and Jamie's attention, "Who's you know who?" Keeley ask as you all three leaned in for the dirt. 
"Fuck knows," Roy barked making you all look at each other confused, "once a scumbag always a scumbag. There's probably some poor girl out there he’s fucked I just don't know which one," 
The three of you began to cackle as Rebecca announced her last prize of the night. “Time to shine,” Jamie said as he got up, running a hand through his hair before jogging up to join Rebecca on stage. His cocky joy went from pale faced terror when the woman who won Roy last year won him this year but for £9000. Jamie returned to the table, no pep in his step or swagger in his walk as he sunk down into his chair, “Why did you save me?” he whispered in betrayal.
“I’m not your girlfriend anymore, remember,” Keeley teased as she sat back in her chair, “Call us even for last year babes,”
Jamie turned from Keeley to you and Roy, looking like a kicked puppy, “Roy?”
“Mate I’ve just spent 50 grand tonight. go fuck yourself,” Roy said before what was left of his drink.
“It’s for children Roy,” Jamie said as he sulked back into his chair.
“Fuck the children,” Roy said with no hesitation, “I’ve just bought them a really fucking nice orphanage to stop some old prick touching my bird,”
you couldn’t help but laugh at how Jamie pouted in his seat, trying to avoid the old woman’s little waves. “You do release your little stunt means we need to do press now?” you said, glancing up to a now groaning Roy.
“Already on its babes,” Keeley said from where she sat on her phone, “I’ve been waiting for this for months. knew you two wouldn’t go for my soft launch option,”
“Fucks a soft launch?” Roy said, confusing racking his face as he turned to you.
you patted his arm and shook your head, “You just let me and Keels deal with this yeah?”
Roy sighed as he sat back in his chair shaking his head, “I fucking hate charity,”
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