#graceful parenting
momentsllc · 3 months
Dear Teachers, Thank You...
Go ahead… have a drink. You deserve it. Dear Amazing Teachers, As we sail through another school year, I wanted to take a moment to send a heartfelt thank you your way. Your patience, kindness, and ability to wrangle a classroom of energetic youngsters never ceases to amaze me. Seriously, you all deserve medals… or at least a lifetime supply of caffeine! Now, as a single mom navigating the…
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
everyone talks about "oh what if Percy could bloodbend" but I think there is woeful little discussion about other potentially fucked up big 3 kid powers:
I mean it's already canonical Hades/Pluto kids can just. straight up kill you. Like literally Nico can just tap people on the shoulder and they get Thanos Snapped. Totally fucking dusted. Sometimes bones are left and he just starts controlling that but that seems to be optional. He does it like three times in Tower of Nero.
Not to mention Nico also being able to just rip people's souls out of their still living bodies. Is that a Ghost King thing or a Hades kid thing or a combo from both? Who knows.
All the different ways Big 3 kids can make somebody just. Explode. Zeus* kids can just build up air pressure, Poseidon kids can build up water/blood pressure, and Hades kids can just make your bones splinter and shoot out.
I don't think Zeus kids would be able to mind-control people by controlling electrical impulses BUT they could just send several thousand volts directly through you via touch so like. That's not great.
Bloodbending for Poseidon kids is obvious but Hades kids have SO many options to potentially control people. Puppet their bones? Control their actual literal soul? If you go the route of "shadows are connected to the person" then dragging somebody around by their shadow? Or given that Hades kids are heavily implied to just have nearly all abilities ghosts are said to, there's a decent chance they could Just Straight Up Possess You.
Poseidon kids can control blood (and actually exemplified in canon - seemingly just about any bodily fluid, as Percy makes Achlys start choking on her own tears/snot). They could also theoretically completely dehydrate you in an instant.
Zeus* kids meanwhile can. Make air bubbles in your blood or etc. Which is VERY bad for those of you who are unaware. Hades kids can probably just yoink all the metals out of your blood. Casually revokes your iron privileges. Poseidon kids are just yoinking your blood In General. Etc etc.
And then yknow, the casual natural disasters stuff. Zeus kids making tornados and hurricanes? Plus the aforementioned just throwing massive amounts of electricity around. Probably also able to make dust storms and stuff. Poseidon kids making hurricanes and floods and earthquakes? Or being able to create geysers just wherever they want? Hades kids also being able to make earthquakes or just shatter the ground or create giant ravines and etc. And, yknow, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. And aforementioned insta-killing I guess. Bonus Hera kids probably being able to also do tornados and dust storms and etc, possibly moreso than Zeus kids.
*Zeus with an asterisk because wind/air powers actually seem to be more of an Hera/Juno thing and so exclusive to Jason and not Thalia, while Zeus/Jupiter seems to be just the storms/electricity.
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'let them say fuck' this 'let them swear' that
let them cry
let them sob in the shower
let them soak their friend's sleeve with tears
let them wake up with red eyes
let them laugh cry with their friends over a forgotten inside joke
let them cry while kissing their partner, finally finished with whatever hell they were going through
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starkidenjoyer · 7 months
if max didn't fall
Since he loved the “party” they threw for him, he shares his beer with everyone (grace of course does not participate) 
He finds out that shockingly enough, ruth and him are equally as obsessed with sex when they both scoff and say “watch some porn!!!!”
Pete and steph can’t help glancing at each other as they sip on beer (pete is getting very quickly drunk because he has never had beer even though ted offers him some of his jack at home)
As he gets tipsy he uses stephanie to help him get up, giggling nervously when he brushes her hair off her shoulder showing her neck 
Ritchie explains how attack on titan is actually super cool, it has tons of blood and guts and fighting, and that it’s not lame let me you show you a clip
Max smacks his shoulder and calls it “nerd shit” but *does* remember the name, where he will look it up and watch the whole first season in a weekend.
When they get back to school the next day, not much changes for the whole school. Kyle still can’t date brenda, nerds still (overall) are poorly treated.
But it gets better
They can go to the football games (if they don’t cheer for him enough, they may change though)
Theyre allowed to be in the same hallway
He’ll smack them on the shoulders and he does slap peter on the ass but not even close to the level as before
They win the big game (fuck clivesdale!!! Fuck em straight to hell!!)
Max gives ritchie a chest bump and after this he can join the huddle SOMETIMES
Steph and peter celebrate a bit more than they intended (watching it sarcastically right) and may or may not hug and get very flustered when the winning play is made.
Maybe they go study at pasquales for real next time and max shouts “I DID NOT CONSENT TO THIS RENDEZVOUS!!” every time he sees them together. 
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Nah. the fact that Jason remembered getting picked up by his mom as a baby, and even remembered her telling him not to be afraid of thunder bc it's his dad's way of letting him know that he's loved, has me in SHAMBLES goodbye.
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poisonheartfrog · 8 months
I think Grace being okay with committing massive idolatry in order to spread her ideals of chastity is very telling of her relationship with religion. Something something fundamentalist Christianity is actually more about strictly controlling both your own and other people's behavior than it is about your relationship to the divine
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demigods-posts · 2 months
I've seen a lot of discourse about Virginia Kull's portrayal of Sally Jackson in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians TV series, and I'd like to say that I loved her. Don't get me wrong. I love Sally from the original book series, and I, too, would fight the God of War on her behalf. But something that I enjoyed about Virginia's portrayal of Sally that we don't get in the books is the character depth. We don't hear much of Sally's backstory in the TV series, apart from a couple of flashbacks with younger Percy and that scene with Poseidon (Toby Stephens). However, those scenes do an excellent job of showing us that alongside being Percy's mother, Sally is also a young woman who fell in love with a man she could not be with and is enduring the natural consequences of having Percy. She struggles to communicate with him when she's frustrated, gets teary-eyed when she lies to him to prolong the inevitable, and actively sacrifices her happiness to ensure his safety. Virginia Kull's portrayal of Sally Jackson reinforces the character's humanity, imperfections, and determination, and it's everything to me.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
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Someone add an Apollo dodgeball meme
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hey can we talk about how princess katherine of glimmer grove was canonically eighteen years old. how the great witch shelby was young enough to be a student in school. because that is a really fucked up part of their character arcs that does not get mentioned enough
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delicate-sketch · 4 months
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A family Luke, you promised
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happyk44 · 1 year
Hestia going to Olympus for some shindig and watching Poseidon and Zeus argue about something stupid, which is mostly Poseidon saying the dumbest thing possible with the intent to piss of Zeus who knows he's being stupid on purpose but can't stop himself from getting frustrated by it, while Hades very deliberately ignores them and straight up turns around and walks off every time one of the two try to bring him into the argument.
And then she comes back to Camp to find Percy and Thalia arguing about the same fucking thing - Percy specifically being dumb on purpose to aggravate Thalia who keeps falling for it despite knowing better, while Nico literally crawls under a table with his dinner to avoid being dragged into the conversation.
As it is in heaven, so it is on earth or however the saying goes, idk, I'm not Catholic.
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godofstory · 7 months
my favorite thing about shipping Reyna and Jason is that they both mentaly adopted Nico
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ellena-asg · 8 months
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Daddies to the rescue!
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There was no Steve & Danny & Gracie family hug (alas! also: crime!) BUT Danny gave Steve a hug and a kiss and he said "I love you both, most in the world" and "We saved her, we saved our Monkey" and "Thank you for always being there for us, we adore you and need you so much". How? With his eyes.
"Steve, it is you. I want to share Gracie with you".
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webbelzebub · 2 months
thinking about postcanon grace once again. people have mentioned that she doesn't really have friends that we're aware of- she talks to some people in ab camp I guess but they're never mentioned again. she was never really close with any of the nerds other than sort of rudimentarily being on their side. lautski have each other and neither of them particularly liked her- after the end of the show she's most likely totally alone.
even in the community she presumably has in regards to her faith- she based her entire worth on her chastity and now that's gone. does she ever tell her parents about all the shit that happened? do they support her anyway? do they make her beg forgiveness?
all of this is to say who does grace have in the end... other than the 5 eldritch deities using her as a puppet
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behavior-also-color · 15 days
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hymnsofheresy · 1 month
anyway I loved my toddler baptism 💓 and I love that I had no choice in the matter. God's grace is forever with me and I can't say or do anything about it! literally it's just this shirt:
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hot take but I can't wait to baptize my future babies. the baptism party is gonna be fire 🔥🔥🔥
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