#god i hope this isnt like… cringe
snekdood · 1 year
I think in the whole convo around why its hard to make friends today really understimates how technology has essentially ripped peoples masks off to show how toxic they can become and how repelling and even scary it can be interacring with ppl bc of it. Bc of tiktok. Bc of ppl filming you secretly. Bc the "bullying is good, actually" people. Literally that video of that lady lying to her neighbor and then the neighbor confronted her and she gaslighted the neighbor like. You might laugh but deep down you know youd never hang out w that person on a deep level. You know that person would just be toxic. At this point being alone seems more appealing bc you dont have to risk all this weird bullshit. Its almost worth the touch starvation n all the other physical and mental bullshit that comes w loneliness n shit if every friend geoup is going to try to eventually moralize their hate of you and kick you out of a friend geoup for being too "cringe" and then put you on blast online and then all the commentors just laugh and dont think deeply about the situation bc theyre just there to laugh and are prolly just as fuckin toxic. Like we got a real issue here yall. Wtf is going on. Ppl in my generation are so fucking unlikeable.
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chococoveredsmores · 1 year
Like anything miles 1610. I feel like everyone is writing for miles 42 and forgetting about the og!
midnight cravings - miles morales
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SUMMARY: texts at 3am + a mcdonalds notif = a recipe for chaos
A/N: i love midnight snacking. mcdonalds always hits harder at 2 in the morning! also sorry i keep writing miles in like situations where he isnt usually 100% Himself (sleepy, sick) so um,.. i will get to a proper one soon
WARNINGS: nothing seriously bad just fluff, food i guess, reader doesn't know miles is spiderman, reader is highkey a simp
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"Ugh..." You wake up with a groan, rubbing your eyes and assessing your surroundings. Noticing the still-dark environment surrounding you, you reach out for your phone which was on the bedside table.
2:42 AM. The phone lights blare onto your face, causing you to squint. As you scroll through your notifications, two catch your eye— a text bubble from Miles sent a few minutes ago, and a promo from McDonalds for their new meal.
Miles’ message was rather cryptic, and a normal person wouldn’t understand what “ruawkkekkrkx” meant. But a few months of these kind of typos (which meant Miles was either on patrol or barely awake), and one learns the language.
On the other hand, the McDonalds notif… if it was a propaganda technique, it was definitely working on you. You click on the advertisement, and damn did that chicken burger look good…
You decide to go back to Miles’ text. After opening the app and keyboard, your fingers feel too heavy to type… so you tap on the call button instead.
After exactly three rings, he picks up; in place of his normally spunky voice was a low, raspy one.
“Hey. You good? What’s with the random call?” Damn, his voice was unintentionally sultry as hell. Would it be weird if you started screen recording? He wouldn't know, right?
Ahem. Anyway.
"Oh, I'm fine, a little hungry though. I just didn't wanna type. Um, nice voice by the way." You hear a chuckle through the screen.
"So, you hungry? I mean, I could like, get you a snack or whatever."
"It is literally 3 in the morning right now." Though you expressed disapproval at what he said, your facial muscles tugged into a smile.
"Whatchu want?"
One link to a McDonalds meal later, you're patiently waiting in a now dimly lit room, phone in hand and still in bed. You decide to watch a show while waiting.
You're midway through your show, engrossed in a particular fight scene when you hear your window open with a click. Your fight or flight senses kick in, and you jump out of your bed and grab your phone and lamp (it's the nearest weapon, so...).
You watch as a dark figure comes out of the window in fear, you are ready to swing your lamp and dial your nearest police station when the figure raises both their hands in the air, to signify peace...?
The person pulls up their mask to show their face, one that you'd instantly recognize anywhere.
You drop everything and sprint to his arms— literally nothing, not even a meteor, could stop you at that moment from wrapping yourself around his lean figure. Miles places his hands on your back, and the two of you relish in each other's presence.
You wish the two of you could stay like that forever, but the enticing smell of a chicken burger and drink eventually draw your attention towards it and you pull away from him.
"Can we talk about how the hell you got to my window with me living in the 21st floor? I seriously thought that the moment you clicked open the window was going to be my last for a few seconds."
Miles smiles and slightly bites his lips, and God forbid the kinds of things you would do for this man.
"Maybe over a chicken burger?"
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a/n: to be completely honest i cringed so hard typing this fanfic but i just need to finish it so i hope none of you umm.. feel what im feeling rn at my own writing...
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Everything at Once part 3
Dieter Hellstrom x Original Fem Character
(I apologize if this fanfic is dumb, I've wanted to make one for a while but never gotten around to it. Again, English is not my first language, so I apologize for the grammatical errors and the some parts that make no sense. Also thank you for the support! ♡♡)
Warnings: cursing, N*zis, discrimination, dieter is smittennnn, flirting, smut in the future, violence and angst in the future. I do not support N*zis in any shape or form!
I'm sick of translating so everything is in English now. 😘
(not my gif)
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A week later, Dieter found himself thinking of the French baker. He can still taste her coffee on his tounge and feel her fingers accidentally touching his. He wondered how those fingers would feel on other parts of his skin. The thought sent shivers down his spine.
He felt absolutely horrible about snapping at her for no reason. Her startled expression made his heart sink more and more.
His alarm clock buzzed. 5 o'clock.
"Shut up" he grumbled trying to turn off the damn thing.
He fumbled it in his hands for a minutes, eventually throwing across the room, hitting the wall. It broke.
"Shit." Dieter mumbled.
He looked over at the calendar. Sunday. Rest day... finally.
After getting ready for the day, he decided the walk around the city.
There was no one out, due to church goers and the ungodly hour.
There was something peaceful about walking the streets of Paris alone, but also strange
Isnt Paris the City of Love? Where is his love?
He made it to Camille's bakery and stopped the entrance. The door was blue and the windows blue floral drapes were closed.
He looked up at the apartment above the establishment and saw the window was open and the white lace drapes were softly blowing in the wind. Suddenly, a young woman appeared in a cream colored nightdress and leaned over the black metal balcony.
Dieter panicked slightly, and hid in the small alleyway around the corner; he could still see the woman.
It was the waitress.
The stupid waitress....
He watched her for a moment, basking in her beauty and she smoked her cigarette on the balcony.
The sight was almost too perfect.
Her golden curls were loose around her shoulders and her nightdress had the perfect sheerness that he could almost see her silhouette.
Dieter realized he was watching her for too long when that beautiful face saw his...
Camille gasped so hard she nearly choked on the cigarette smoke. She ran back inside clutching her chest, hoping he didnt see anything. Oh, but he did and he will never forget.
Dieter mentally kicked himself for being a peeping tom.
"Now my reputation is even worse now." He thought to himself as he trudged back to his flat.
When back home, he poured himself a glass of whiskey and sat on the sofa.
He drank his sorrows and embarrassment that night never not thinking of that stupid waitress.
The next evening, Camille was cleaning up the cafe, wiping down the counter, cleaning the dishes, and now he least favourite...mopping the floor.
Some idiot German officer's wife let her child throw a God awful fit and tossed a perfectly made hot chocolate to the ground.
Camille groaned and cringed when realizing the floor has been stained.
Small tears prickled in the corners of her eyes. That morning, she got a letter from the landowner stating if she doesnt make anymore money in the following week, her cafe will be shut down.
Out of a fit of rage and exhaustion, she threw her favourite vase full of flowers to the ground.
I'll never make as much as they want....I'll never make the bare minimum anyways...
Without notice, a pair of black leather boots came into view as she looked up from her fit on the ground.
Her eyes traveled upwards the black clad legs, to a long thick leather jacket and a swastika on a red cuff.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sir. What would you like?" Camille panicked, not meeting the eyes of the officer.
"Nothing miss..." the voice spoke. She looked up and saw the face of the pale man...
She opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it.
"Your flowers are on the ground." Dieter said plainly.
Camille giggled softly.
He cracked a small smile. "Need new ones?"
She looked up at him again in confusion. Then, he moved his hands behind his back and presented the bouquet. It was multicolored with different roses, lilacs, and baby's breath. It was beautiful.
She smiled and took the bouquet from him.
"I dont know your favourite colour, so I got all of them." He said proudly. Camille laughed and took a smell of the flowers.
"Merci... but why did you get me flowers?"
Dieter's face went red as a tomato.
"I felt sorry for bring rude the other day and spying on you. Trust me, it was not my intention. "
Camille rolled her eyes playfully and looked directly into his eyes. "Isnt that your job, to spy?"
He chuckled softly and shrugged his shoulders.
They shared this peaceful beautiful moment together a little longer. He plucked a small flower from the bouquet and but it behind Camilles ear.
"Would you like some help with cleaning?" He asked without taking his eyes off of her.
She felt droopy, relaxed finally.
"Oh...the mess..." she replied quietly looking up at him. His features more visable to her. She felt herself closer to him and slowly close her eyes.
Dieter panicked.
"Mademoiselle... the mess."
Camille immediately snapped out of her love bitten stupor and got right back to cleaning.
Dieter helped out on what he could with picking up the broken glass. As he leaned to pick the glass up, Camille was already on her knees trying to scrub the stain off the floor. They were inches part. Dieters heart raced.
She looked over at him and smiled.
He got up quickly before anything tempting would happen.
What is wrong with me...
As he threw out the glass he saw the small peice of paper containing the for closure of the bakery. His throat felt dry and his hands got clammy.
No...dont leave me just yet...
"I think I got most of it." Camille admitted as she got up from the floor.
Dieter looked her in the eyes.. she cant leave me yet...
"What is your name, Mademoiselle?" He asked her.
"Camille Robichaux." she answered. "Yours?"
"Major Dieter Hellstrom."
She giggled playfully and took his hat off his head and put it on hers. He laughed and tried to take it back, but she was too quick and ran away from him. He followed her, lagging behind on purpose. He watched her legs as they ran away from him. I wonder how those legs feel around my...
She turned a sharp corner and up a flight of steep stone stairs. The stairs to her flat. Should I? Dieter thought.
He heard her giggling and her feat running upstairs.
Fuck it. He ran after her, following her laughter.
@whore4waltz @rurivu @xoxocillian @fridaycanbesadsometimes @racheljo47 @whitechoc135 @officerh4t @blueberrypancakesworld @hanslandasstrudel
To be continued...😘😘
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juyomiao · 1 year
take the chance - ricky
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ricky x gn!reader
genre: fluff !!! , best friends to lovers
word count: 791
warnings: ENGLISH ISNT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!! so theres going to be mistakes !!! , alcohol consumption but its barely mentioned , is it considered underage drinking if it'd only be considered as underage drinking in countries where the drinking age is above 18/19 ,, (i feel bad for u if u r from any of those countries fr)
note: first actually written work im kinda # nervous my writing skills r .. definitely writing !! this is cringe cliché and based on a dream i had like a month ago . yes im a lesbian yes i dream abt kissing ricky thats completely normal . (friends dont read this i want to disappear rn as i speak)
You've been to countless parties since the half of the previous school year when your best friend Ricky became popular out of nowhere. You still don't know where that popularity came from, he's always been good looking, it's not like he had some kind of glow up.
Sometimes you think it's more of a curse than a blessing, with all the times you've been dragged to a party you were not invited to because Ricky, being the introvert he is, refuses to go anywhere without you and, consequently, getting dirty looks from everyone for tagging along and 'leeching' off of Ricky's popularity.
Even now, when people have more or less come to terms with the fact that you two are a package deal, you still despise parties, only appreciating a few things about them, like drinking for free and… nothing else, really.
It's not like Ricky enjoys them either, he'd rather stay home with you and watch some romance drama as you eventually fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. But it's not like he can reject every single invite thrown at him. So you two came to a compromise: one weekend at a party, one weekend at your house.
The boredom of awkwardly standing in a corner as you silently watch yet another drunk couple make out, careless of the countless other people surrounding them, soon gets to you, and you blurt out a question.
"Have you ever kissed someone?"
Ricky's calm expression falters for a second, his eyes widening. He just hopes the dimly lit room is hiding the blush creeping on his cheeks.
He's your best friend, how do you not know?
Well, Ricky is a private person and, even having known him for years, he barely talks about his romantic life, so you've never dared prying into it.
"Of course," he says, after composing himself "You?"
You shake your head, breaking eye contact with him. "And I don't think it's going to happen any time soon," you sigh. At this point, it's a hopeless mission.
Ricky is convinced if it wasn't for the loud music in the background, everyone would be able to hear the cogs turning in his brain as it processes this information.
His best friend – whom he has had a crush on since forever – has never kissed someone.
Ricky looks at you through the corner of his eye, wondering if he should take the chance and possibly change your relationship forever – for the better or the worse, he doesn't know.
To you, though, it just looks like he's side-eyeing you with his usual unreadable expression, and you think you fucked up. You assume he's judging you, because not only are you a complete, bitchless loser, but you brought the conversation up yourself.
"Forget it, I don't know why I said that, sorry, now you probably think I'm weird and…" you start rambling, and to Ricky, that's the cutest thing he has ever seen.
God, he's really that down bad.
Suddenly, an idea pops up in his head.
"Can I kiss you?"
The abrupt question leaves you speechless, your words dying in your mouth as you look at him like he has grown a second head.
"What?" It sounds dumb once you say it, but you genuinely think you misheard him. There's no way Ricky, of all people, would ask you something like that.
Ricky smiles, "I said," he turns with his shoulder leaning on the wall so he can look at you directly "Can I kiss you?"
You blink at him, dumbfounded "Wha- what? Did you… what? Did you actually say that? Am I hearing this right?"
Ricky nods, clearly amused by your reaction
"If this is a joke, it's not funny, like, at all."
"Why would I be joking?" Ricky's expression goes back to deadpan serious, he inches closer to your face "So? Is this a yes?"
You nod slowly, still trying to process what's happening. You shouldn't want this, you shouldn't be so tempted to kiss your best friend. But you are.
Before you can overthink it any further, Ricky closes the space between you two. He's hesitant at first, his lips barely brushing against yours, but when you clumsily try to reciprocate the kiss, he takes the lead.
It doesn't feel special, or magic, or like anything else people have described their first kiss as. It's just two best friends who realized their feelings for each other. And to you, that's perfect.
"So… now what?"
"How about we get out of here and go on a date?" You sigh, shaking your head, "Ricky, it's…" you check your phone "1 AM, where would we even go?"
He seems to genuinely think about it for a solid one or two minutes "McDonald's?"
note 2 bc i cant stfu : WHY IS THE ENDING SO RUSHED I WANT TO SCREAM.. but i've wanted to post this for like a week now so im posting it anyways , pls leave some feedback if u liked it 🫶🏻
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I want to request like. A cuddling session with Slenderman, who is having a bad day and we comfort him
I'm addicted to the idea of him pretending to be okay with people calling him monster, but deep down he has this longing for it to stop, since he wanted to get along with the proxies and others he deemed second family.
So he like, rant about his day while reader comfort him.
Maybe get him a little fluster aswell (〜^∇^ )〜
(Take your time and have a good day/night)
All Entwined in One Web
obligatory im stuck in the 2015 era of the creepypasta fandom and ive been mulling over this sort of approach in my head for the past month because i revisited an old slenderman x oc fanfic that had a death grip on me and shaped the way i will interact with + and consume creepypasta stuff for the sake of saving grace and not revealing HOW cringe i was im not going to drop the fanfic name (unless yall dm me because!! i still wanna support the author even if it seems theyre inactive now!) i blame this author for making me a demon sympathizer/j/lh written kinda different than my basic bullet list of hcs! got silly with this one, sorry if its jarring compared to my usual stuff </3 this post is mostly just my hc on like. slender (and by extension all demon characters) being neutral and a simple part of nature that stems from zalgo (yay im finally dropping zalgo lore for my au since he functions differently in my au/hc!!) so take this with a HUGE grain of salt since i feel this deters from the main take people use (that ive seen, at least) this one ended up being more.. sad than i first intended and imma be honest i kinda got into my feelings when i was writing this anywaus i hope this isnt too cringe since i dont talk much about my HUGEhcs/au stuff/rewritten stuff so!! plus i dont usually write BIG detailed stuff like this sobsob tldr; slenderman isnt good or evil hes just a neutral piece of nature in the world and hes trying to cope with it. the demon gods really fucked up by making him sentient and able to process human like emotions
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death is a force of nature and people curse it for simply being a part of life; people curse wild animals for being, and people will curse the weather
in this universe, or timeline, demons exist in a similar manner. slenderman exists simply because hes a part of that huge web of nature. of course, that includes every single ugly instinct that humans hate so so much. and he can understand why, even if its his nature.
the one responsible for that web, is zalgo. the beginning and end of everything. neither alive nor dead, all demons stem from zalgo in one way or another.
a solitary creature that prefers to stay alone in the comfort of its home, it doesnt tend to reach out to harm others unless theres harm. only really attacking people that threaten to expose it or get too close...
except, you... you were the one exception. regardless of how you managed to worm yourself into his heart, and become his lifelong companion, hes grateful for your presence when things begin to build up.
he knows that in the eyes of others, he ugly and vile, but he knows that ultimately thats what protects him. he insists that its better this way, sticking to the forest away from the prying eyes.
SURE, he could follow in his brothers footsteps and make a false human body and try to blend in with the people. but is that really efficient? is that really something he wants? hes a powerful being but that would eventually take its toll on him..
ultimately he resigns himself into your arms; once oozing powerful and command, now crumpled and curled.
he never had a childhood, when zalgo created him, he simply.
no adolescence, no developing, no growing. he was always what he was meant to be, but he likes to think that when youre holding him, that this is what it feels like to be so small and vulnerable.
humans had it so easy, hed think. theyre born and they die and the process repeats itself for everyone. they dont have to be feared or hated, or kill to survive.
yes, to him, being mortal was far more preferable to being condemned to being a lonely hermit who corrupts and breaks everything it touches.
even with your comfort, theres only so much that you can do; youll eventually pass on as well and hell be stuck in his cycle once more
but for now, as you hum softly and whisper nothings to him as you let him crumble; hell let himself weep just this once.
because as much as he envies your life, and what humans have, he cant deny that he cant bring himself to truly hate them, because like him, theyre simply a piece of natures web.
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mystic-helena · 1 year
hello! can i request a kuroo x reader where kuroo and the reader are childhood friends but he doesn’t know how to tell her he loves i love your blog by the ways its really cute ok have a great day bb hope you’re doing well ♡︎
Childhood crush ft Kuroo!
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Kuroo had always been there for you and you’ve been always there for him.
Since the beginning of times—okay, maybe not the beginning of times, but the beginning of your life—Kuroo has been there, it could be laughting at you when you fall after helping you get up or simply existing beside you on a sleepover at a half past eleven when you both should be sleeping—because for twelve-year-old kids that is pretty late according to his parents—but are instead looking at the bedroom ceiling and forming constellations with the glow-in-the-dark stars he has over his bed.
Right now, as strange as it may be for you, Kuroo isn’t glued to your side...
...because he’s talking to his reflection in your bathroom.
For the past twenty minutes.
His hands are on both sides of the sink, upper body leaning towards the reflective surface, brown eyes digging holes into it, as if starting too hard would magically put his ideas in order.
“Tetsuro, we both know how the childhood best friend never gets the love interest—he said while pointing at the mirror, eyes fixed in his own face—, but, we also have advantage because our fate isn’t written as if we were mere characters in a book. Wait, maybe that’s even worse”
“Tetsu, you’ve been there for forever, come out already” you practically yell, cheek pressed against the coffee table in your living room “you know I promised I won’t laugh-”
Oh, right. He almost forgot about it. The reason why he was at the bathroom.
“-if you finally admitted you are shit putting make up on and finally let me help you.”
Many ‘make up stuff’ as he named it, was untouched in front of him. All of it belongs to your cousin, who also implanted the idea of downloading tiktok in your head. Which is also the reason why he was supposed to make himself look like one of those people who had glitter almost all over their faces, imitating the Euphoria series look, thing he agreed to do just because you asked him with the only reason of him being ‘pretty’ and having perfect skin. And yes, his heart skipped a beat when you called him pretty.
“I’m done y/n, just give me five more minutes” he says as he rapidly tries to find the ‘black thingy’ they used on videos to ‘paint lines on their eyes and look like a cat’. He thinks he should have paid more attention when you were telling him which thing does what. But five seconds prior that you called him pretty. Not handsome but pretty, how is he supposed to feel about that? He has mussels, has a deep voice, is tall and is very intelligent. Why would you call him pretty? I mean, being called pretty is better than not being called pretty. And now he’s back to staring into his reflection.
With much difficulty he steps out of his spiraling thoughts and finds the eyeliner—that’s what it’s called, he celebrates—and tries to paint a straight line on top of his eye. It’s comes out pretty decent, he’s glad his hands are steady. He goes for the other eye. This one is a little bit wonky but probably you won’t notice, he thinks as he puts down the eyeliner and looks for the glitter. He’s gonna regret this later, glitter gets everywhere when he opens the little container. He coughs and closes the glitter container.
“Are you ok over there? You sure you don’t need help?” you sound concerned and he cringes when he looks at the mirror and sees the glitter got into his mouth. How did he do that? Shit, that will be a pain to take off. Well, another problem for future him, he shruggs and thinks a way to stick the glitter to his face and make it look good. The lipgloss is looking at him and he’s looking back.
Kuroo opens wide the door—he was in there for more than 5 minutes—and looks at you. You were about to fall asleep on the couch but bolt right up at the sound of the bathroom door slamming against te wall.
“Took you long enough” you wipe your eyes and stare at his face for a couple of seconds. He stares back and hopes he’s not turning red, why are you staring at him? Did he fuck up that badly? Are you amazed by his make up techniques? Maybe he should say something. “Take a photo, it will last longer” he winks at you and smiles when he sees your eyes widen for a second.
What were you thinking in that moment? You looked shy for a moment before smiling wide and getting up. You walk towards him and grab him by the wrist and drag him to the couch. Kuroo sat and watched as you did the same next to him, and he knows he should be thinking about what to do on the tiktok you were about to do but instead he was getting distracted by how close you are. Maybe one day he would tell you how he feels but for now being your best friend was more than enough.
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cupoftaae · 11 months
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ fondness (chapter 16)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5-6k
warnings- swearing, mentions of miscarriage, tae is sad sad, kaito is back, drinking, um i think thats all? lmk if not!
a/n- Lovies!! hi i hope ur all doing good. Im trying to write a lot more because i literally just quit my current job (they treated me like shit) after 2 months. Im applying to so many places rn but in the meantime im having fun giving my tumblr a little luv <3 also apologies for any mispellings, I had read over my previous chapters and cringed at some of the words I spelled wrong. I have been learning english for years now but apparently its still not to a 100, oh well! Anyways, please enjoy! -Nini <3
"I had my suspicions"
You blushed, eyes down on your water bottle as you sat in your childhood bed again, your mother sat comfortable at the end of it as you both talked.
You arrived back home around 2am yesterday, and to say that you already felt a little better was an understatement.
"you did?" you mumbled as your mother nodded, smiling.
"when you came to visit a while ago, I saw a lot of touchiness" she giggled "but I minded my business"
"ah this is embarrassing" your hands flew to cover your face, now knowing your own mother knew about your relationship before you could say anything.
"no, I dont think so" she hummed, looking at the carpet. "I just know when a boy is in love, i remember your father-"
you inhaled sharply at her words, biting your lip and looking away.
"-...he would always look at me like I was the center of the universe"
You stayed quite for a moment before speaking up softly, "what happened?"
She smiled sadly, "he chose a different life, and I resented him for so long, but I accept it for what it was, and now that I have..I feel like im free to live again. And thats what you need to do, accept it, accept whats happened." she whispered, calming voice infiltrating the bedroom at such a late hour of the night.
Your eyes met hers, a glimmer of love was bright enough to see through her dark brown orbs. You nodded as she began to speak again,
"Taehyung and you.....I always knew it would happen" she giggled, "I remember once you guys hit middle school, and the moment I caught you sneaking into my closet for makeup before he came over to play video games-"
"oh god, stop" you blush, shaking your head
"it was cute even if you wouldnt admit it" your mother waved her arm at you.
You hummed, crossing your arms over your chest as you got lost in thought.
"so, how is he taking everything?"
she nods, eyes burning a laser into yours.
"well...i dont know" your answer was honest as she sat up.
"what do you mean?"
You sighed once more before speaking, "he and I kinda argued before I left paris...im an asshole mom" you offered a sad laugh, looking down. "im an asshole...because, I got mad at him for trying to help"
She tilted her head, listening, "Im sure he just wanted to be there for you, he was hurting as much as you"
"i know, and thats the thing mama...but I just needed to be alone and away....and he got mad when I expressed it...its not like we are married" you roll your eyes
she giggles, "I understand my dove, but listen" she grabbed your hands, "things like this happen all the time, we cant run away from our loved ones when life gets bad. What happened between you both was terrible, and im so sorry sweetheart" she whispered, your own eyes getting a bit misty, "but running back home isnt gonna do anything"
You nodded before smiling, "I came here because its comforting, you're comforting.....now you're scolding me?" your voice had humor.
She laughed, "you are a 23 year old woman, I cant control your actions, like whether you stayed with Taehyung or came back to me, however I can tell you my opinion, and if your decision was right or wrong, not trying to guilt you, just being a mom"
You nod slowly, fidgeting with the heating pad sitting on your stomach to help ease the lasting cramps that only served as a painful reminder.
"you make your own choices hun, but...let me ask you this, do you love him?" she whispered
Your eyes shot up at her, your heart singing with sadness yet love.
"....yeah.." you whispered so quietly it was barley heard. "yeah I do" you couldnt help but begin to cry as she wrapped you into her arms.
A mothers loving embrace.
It could heal all, and this is exactly why you came back.
"You find comfort here, but as you get older, you need to find comfort in new things." your mother began, " life is scary, but its all about changing. Without change, life would be rather boring, huh?" her hands ran up and down your back as your face rested on her shoulder. "Taehyung has been here forever, youve grown together, but these new feelings? they offer new experiences,...amazing ones too. Im sure he loves you just as much, thats why he let you go..." she whispered, "but my dear, you have to fight through the darkness to find the prize, to find why you had the connection at all"
You were full on Niagara falls into your mothers sweater. Her words provided insight, but as well as pain. You shouldnt have left him behind, it was wrong, and you hoped he understood.
you realized that you were your fathers daughter, and not just in DNA. Your first instinct was to run away from your loved ones, run away from family when they would give you everything.
You were becoming your father.
And you hated how much you still loved that man even if he left you. and you hate that you take after him in such painful ways.
But most of all...you hate how you didn't even see it happening.
"shh" your mother cooed, holding you as she rocked back and forth slowly. "my child, life will settle, but you need to find your way, and if thats with him, you need to tell him"
"i know" you whispered, wiping your eyes as you clutched the tiny bear you packed.
The bear.
Fuck, you wish you didnt bring it in your suitecase.
It was the teddy bear taehyung bought the day after finding out you were pregnant, The perfectly placed initial on the middle that always made you remember he thought of you as a Kim, as well, even if you werent married.
It was a reminder he wanted you in any way he could grasp you.
As a girlfriend, a mother to his child, eventually a wife, but always....always his best friend in life.
Your mother looked down at the bear, smiling. "y/n..."
"hm?" you mumbled, leaning back as she put your hair behind your ears.
"im so sorry this happened to you" her voice was quiet again, "you would have been a beautiful mother....and if you decide to have kids in the future, thats exactly what youll be"
You nod sadly, "thank you...."
It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up again, "when I was in my twenties, your father and I decided to try and have another child..we saw how you clung to your pre-school friends and called them your sisters" she chuckled "so we thought maybe another baby would be good. Well- I got pregnant right before your 4th birthday" her voice choked softly as you watched, this being news to you.
"unfortunately I, too, had lost it" she teared up explaining the situation. "it was one of the most painful things I ever went through....but looking back at it" she smiled at you gently, rubbing your back, "im so greatful"
"grateful?" you whispered, in shock
"I had you, my little best friend whos always stuck by me even in the worse situations...you never had to fight for my attention, we were always together"
You wiped her tears as you smiled sadly, agreeing.
"and you have always been more than enough." she mumbled, "so my love, I guess the lesson here is...that once you learn to accept it and know the situation for what it is.....you'll heal"
You hugged her tightly as her words struck your chest with a great force.
She was right, whether you liked her advice or not, shes been through exactly what you have, and if she can make it out and be such a wise, resilient woman today, than you can too.
But you'll be damned if its in the steps of your father.
Later after she went to bed, you were left alone, the covers up to your neck as the tv played some old school tv show that only got airtime in the late hours of the night.
You found your hand resting on top of your stomach as you laid calmly. You had to acknowledge it to get past it. "im not pregnant anymore..." you whispered, feeling an overwhelming sadness fulfill you. Your eyes drew down to your hand as you rubbed your stomach, feeling a bit stupid at what you were doing.
taking a few deep breathes, you opened your eyes and looked up at the ceiling, "its okay to be sad....its okay to cry" you remind yourself aloud, voice quiet and shaky, "but I can heal....its not my fault" you nod, tears falling for the millionth time within the past few days.
You were exhausted, mentally and physically, but after tonight you feel like perhaps you made a breakthrough, you were proud of yourself even if it was just a baby step.
You turned over in bed to look at your phone, the time was 3:55 am, yikes.
You barley had time to register it before the lock screen caught your attention, now all you could think about is how Taehyung was feeling.
"why are you already back?"
"dude just give me my fish and dog so I can go" Taehyung mumbled, standing at the front of his friend Jin's apartment.
He laughed and turned away for a moment before returning with Hae swimming around in his tiny tank, the packet of food wedged underneath jins chin. "here"
Taehyung took the bowl and the food, nodding "thanks..."
"mhm" he smiled, "so wheres Y/N? The last thing you posted was a photo of her standing on the edge of some fountain, did you push her into it?" he snorted, trying to be light hearted with his friend.
"no shes just, busy I guess" he shrugged, trying to leave quickly, "wheres yeontan?"
Jin looked behind him and picked up the small dog, putting the leash on him securely before handing it to taehyung, who took it with his free hand.
"thanks for not killing my pets and taking care of them, even if it was probably Stephanie who did everything" taehyung referred to Jin's wife, who stood behind him with a wide grin of acknowledgment. "i'll see ya" he nodded before turning down the hall to leave, Yeontan leading the way on his leash.
Taehyung walked on the sidewalk, his feet finding the familiar path to his own apartment.
He left Paris a day and half after you did, only communicating with you through occasional texts that left much to the imagination when it came to how you were doing.
He unlocked the door and walked in, wincing at how messy you two left it before leaving. His hands gently put Hae down on the kitchen counter as he began to pick laundry up, tossing them into a ball and making a mental note to do a washing load this weekend.
Tae checked his phone for any sign of you, frowning when he was met with 0 notifications.
Would it be wrong to call you? he didnt know anymore, things felt awkward...you left with no closure or definitive answer on what was okay or what crossed the boundaries.
It definitely felt uneasy being alone in the apartment, he missed your loud laughing, and the good food you always made for him.
He even missed when you would force him to watch shitty reality shows with you because it meant he got to cuddle with you on the couch for a few hours.
The rumbling sound of his stomach knocked him out of his head as he turned to the kitchen. There wasnt much, other than a few now rotten bananas sitting on the counter.
His hand gripped the fridge handle as his eyes were met with an ultrasound photo hung up by a hello kitty magnet, it felt like salt was poured into his wound...his hand slid off the handle. he wasnt hungry anymore.
Beside the photo was doctors reports hung up for upcoming appointments and reminders.
This upcoming weekend was supposed to be the gender reveal. Deep down Taehyung didnt care if it was a boy or girl, but not that he'd be having neither, it felt more upsetting.
It was a reminder of something that he might never get to experience with you.
He found his way to the kitchen counter, sitting in the quiet room as yeontans tiny pitter-patter paws echoed through the apartment wood flooring.
Taehyungs eyes were drawn to hae, the tiny yellow fish swimming around in his spongebob tank, a toy pineapple placed perfectly in the center for him. For some reason he teared up.
suddenly he felt the urge to hear from you, but he felt selfish for doing so. You should be the one to reach out, right?
He didnt know anymore.
"oh hae....I miss mama" he sighed, leaning down to rest his head in his crossed arms over the table.
"are you gonna just sit in bed?" your mothers voice echoed into your room, the lights were off and the curtains were closed as two large blankets covered your body....it was noon.
"I'll get out soon"
She shook her head, leaning against the door frame "Hun, I need to go shopping, I need to know you are up and alive before I leave you here alone"
Reluctantly you sat up, wiping your sleepy eyes as nostalgia from high school mornings hit you.
"there she is!" your mom cheered, directing her cat to follow over to you as she turned to leave.
You smiled at it as you stretch, "hi baby" your voice cooed before turning over and unhooking your phone from the charger
2 notifications
"oh" you mumbled, quickly unlocking it and going to your texts. You wish it was Taehyung, unfortunately it wasnt...
Kaito: hey, I know this is sort of inappropriate to text you like this, I get it, but I cannot stop thinking about you. I cant stop thinking about the baby. Can we please talk about maybe getting a paternity test?
you frowned, petting the cat as she climbed into your lap
kaito: and I know btw that you dont want me to be the father figure, which is fine. Ive taken time to understand that...however i need to know if its mine, I cant live without knowing y/n. please call or text.
Oh thats just great, another person you had to break the news to.
Your mother came back down the hall, knocking on the door frame "so are you coming or not? im leaving" she smiled
"I'll stay here, thanks though mama, hows your back?"
She waved her hand in dismissal "oh im fine honey, I got my brace"
You smiled sympathetically as she turned to leave, knowing she was probably lying about the pain.
Shes always been stubborn, thats where you get it from.
After getting cleaned up a bit, you made your way outside to sit on the front deck, propping your phone up as you sit in the rocking chair. Were you really about to facetime Kaito?
....guess so...
After a few rings, you began to feel the tightness in your chest...the anticipation...the nervousness...
"hello?" his voice echoed through your ears, for some odd reason you felt like crying already.
"hey....are you at work?"
"on break" he smiled softly, eyes looking into yours through the phone screen. It felt odd to sit here on call with him, you havent done it since you both had been dating.
He sat down, propping the phone up against a wall as he watched you, making it clear he was ready to talk. "listen, please understand this isnt me trying to make my way back into your life"
You nod, picking at the skin around your fingernails.
"I just want to know if its mine is all, I mean, I figured theres a chance it is, no? so this is warranted right? i dont want to seem pushy...."
You sigh, looking at him, "um, well I called you because I wanted to discuss everything"
"what do you mean?" his head tilted softly
"kaito, I uh, I lost the baby" you said aloud, nodding as you did so. In some way, the words left your mouth a lot easier than just a few days prior.
You were knee-deep in the healing process
"oh." was all he responded, his face appearing confused and unsure, "you lost the...baby?"
"miscarriage" you add, "it happened a few days ago, I never had the chance to tell whether it was yours or taehyungs"
He frowned, "y/n, im sorry"
"dont apologize its fine, im fine"
"god...."he ran his hands over his face, obviously deeply upset by the news.
"its okay" you assured again as he watched you for a moment,
"do you think it was mine? genuinely?" he whispered
You shrugged, eyes dragging away from the screen to look at the cars driving past the house "I dont know"
You did, you were 90% sure it was taehyungs, this was decided last night as you carefully calculated the dates between periods, and the breakup vs when you and taehyung got together.
If it was kaitos, that would have meant you were close to being 5-6 months pregnant, and at the time of the miscarriage, you were about 3-4.
regardless, it was still upsetting, and in hindsight, it didnt matter anymore especially when you had to sit and break everything down to your ex.
He sighed again, "how are you managing?" he whispered
"im good, im at my moms house right now"
"wheres taehyung?"
you scoffed slightly, even after telling him the situation he only cared about you and taehyung. "Kaito I called to inform you about the baby and the baby alone, we dont need to discuss my personal life, you dont get to know information that no longer involves you"
He sat watching you for a moment before nodding "okay....sorry?"
"thank you for being understanding during this, and all I ask is that you continue to be respectful to not only me, but taehyung"
He rolled his eyes slightly "okay"
"okay" you repeated, sitting near the phone, "well...thats all I suppose, text me if you have more to discuss on the topic, have a good shift"
with that, you hung up and couldnt help the slight smile that popped up on your face, you finally stuck up for yourself, and taehyung
It felt good.
so good that you almost called taehyung out of instinct.
would he be okay with that?
you decided against it, putting your phone away as you sat back and swayed in the rocking chair.
Taehyung gently creaked open the door of what used to be his bedroom, but was now reserved in the space of a future nursery.
He hadnt been in here in a while, and now as he sets his eyes on it all, he wishes he didnt walk in.
There were boxes of items you ordered online piled up in the corner, he smiled sadly and looked through them.
The crib you bought, he promised he would put it together for you, you were never good at building things, instructions or not.
The thought made him giggle softly as he looked at the other things, the vanity and picture frames. The familiar grief found its way into his chest as he went over and laid on the rug in the center of the room.
It was a lilac purple rug, you picked it out and decided the nursery will be just that color scheme, regardless if it was a girl or not. His fingers weaved through it as he began to cry, eyes scanning over the room that will forever be empty, items put to waste. The small bundle of baby toys that never get to be played with.
He never realized just how much he was hurting, but he had to say not having you at his side made it sting even more.
Yeontan nudged his way into the room and grabbed one of the stuffies, making his skilled exit quickly as taehyung got up
"hey! thats not yours!" he frowned and chased out of the room after the small dog, following him around the living room before running into your room. He gave up and dropped the giraffe by your desk, his tiny legs leading him away to hide.
Taehyung kneeled to pick it up, unable to help the way his eyes scanned over the items on top of your desk.
Unorganized homework for school, binders left open and messy, he smiled a bit at it as he walked over, his arm accidentally pushing some of the books off the side.
"shit" he sighed, leaning down to pick them up.
There was a smaller brown notebook that caught his attention, he didnt want to snoop around your things, but when the front of it says "to my love", its pretty hard to ignore.
He carefully sat on the ground and opened it, feeling wrong for doing so but unable to stop.
The first page was full of your handwriting.
May 11th
so...today I just found out the biggest news of my life. im pregnant, its weird to even write. I just bought this notebook at the flea market because I need to tell someone. Im really scared, and im unsure of what you will think of me. I love you a lot, and I hope I get the chance to gift this to you after all is said and done
suddenly he felt like he was doing something wrong, reading something forbidden.
He scanned over the next page quickly, seeing how you spoke about dedicating this as a future love note for him, a chance to let him see inside your mind.
He tossed it back on top of your desk and sighed softly, he missed you so much and it seems like every second only let that feeling grow.
He wasnt sure what position you two were in, but he loved you dearly, probably a lot more than a person should love another human being.
He hoped you felt the same deep and burning desire.
Thoughts passed into his brain, he realized he was grateful you went through the crazy process of the past few years, in which referred to the friends with benefits situation.
If it never happened, you would have never been this close now.
Little does he know, that miles away from Busan, you laid on the floor of your room too, looking over older texts between the two of you and giggling
even if it was about groceries, or a small message asking him to pick you up from class, it made you smile.
Taehyung and your mom have been the only ones that you can say have never left you, the only ones who are there when you need them.
were you going to let him go over something that can be talked over and fixed?
you looked out the window and silently spoke,
"i'll see you soon”
Going back to your old doctor in Gwangju was an odd experience, you had too have been no older than 18 the last time you visited her.
“It seems that everything is going smoothly, and you said you’ve stopped bleeding?”
You nod, fidgeting with the gown you put on as the doctor wrote down everything.
“Your tests seem good, i would say you are coming along healthily after this, which is a good thing, right?” She smiles cheerfully, “do you have any questions for me?”
You shrug, looking up at her “I don’t really know”
She sighed and sat down “y/n, what you went through would be hard on anyone. You are so young and you already are stressed with work and college, and this being thrown on top had to have been difficult right?”
You nod, resting your head in your palm.
“Do you think seeing a therapist would be helpful to you?” She asked sweetly
You quickly sat up “well…im going back to Busan eventually and-”
“I can contact your doctor in Busan and have them find you a therapist”
You sighed deeply, therapy was something you never really considered. Would it help? Maybe. But bottom line was that you never liked discussing your problems, you have always been closed off and the thought of being vulnerable with some stranger is terrifying.
“Look y/n, I’ll send your doctor a note and you can discuss it with her once you go back, how about that?”
You nod reluctantly “okay….”
Once you arrived back with your mother at the house, she began to cook something up for lunch as you laid on the couch, cuddling the cat.
She purred in your lap, making you smile.
"how was the appointment?" your mom spoke from the kitchen, peaking over to you as her hands chopped veggies up on a cutting board.
"well...It was fine I suppose"
"just fine?" she smiled, adjusting her glasses, "did she say anything bad?"
"no, no, nothing bad, but just...she wants me to do this therapy thing and I just-"
"oh that sounds like a good plan...I think therapy would be beneficial"
You sigh, looking down at the cat, "well I probably wont be doing it so..yeah"
She stopped cutting, looking over at you "and why is that?"
You simply shrug in reply
"you know theres nothing wrong in getting help...right?"
"yeah but im not sure im ready to go talk to someone yet"
She laughed softly, "thats when you should talk to someone, when you are unsure, get it out before its all locked up"
sitting up a bit, you look back at her, "I guess, I dont know, we will see...."
Your eyes returned back to the tv in front of you as your mother continued to create a meal for the two of you. As a mom, she felt defeated, she knew the other alternative here but knowing you, the reaction may be less than ideal.
The last thing she wants to do is interfere with your current situation, but hey.....
what is a mom if she isn't nosey?
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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winryofresembool · 5 months
Hey My English is pretty bad but i have a questions for You, on the dark profecy Calypso said that leo isnt her saviour but leo think he is, i don't understand why she thinks he doesnt do You have any throughts of it?
First, don't worry about your English! I'm a non native English speaker myself :)
Second: you know what? That is a valid question. A disclaimer before I get into it: It's been a few years since I've read The Dark Prophecy so my memories of the exact context of that scene are (more than a little) hazy. I don't have the book in my hands so I could check it right now. But I do remember that that exact line made me kind of cringe too when I was reading it.
Anyway, from what I can remember, Calypso was having some difficulties in adjusting into her new life. Living in the modern USA is so different from the life she was used to, and even though Ogygia was also her prison, I believe she was occasionally feeling some homesickness and she also missed having her powers. Well, all of that and the fact Leo and Calypso didn't really manage to talk about their issues (=lack of communication) caused her to snap. Leo is absolutely one of my favorites in HoO, but he isn't perfect either: he didn't always respect or listen to Calypso's wishes, such as when she told him to not call her Mamacita (there were more examples but I can't remember the details right now).
So, from there we get to the question: was Calypso's snapping justified? Not really, not in my opinion at least. It is a fact that she can't/shouldn't deny that without Leo she /would/ still be in Ogygia and would likely never get out of there on her own, because the gods didn't want to release her. In other words, Leo /was/ her savior in that sense.
But was her snapping surprising? Again, not really, not for the reasons I explained earlier. The girl has a lot to deal with and sometimes we say things we don't really mean when we are frustrated. What these two need in order for their relationship to work is to talk about what's bothering them. In TDP it seemed both were bottling up things inside them and then waiting till things were at boiling point, which caused them to fight. (Tower of Nero spoilers ahead if you haven't read that book!) I think the break that was mentioned in ToN is probably a good thing in the long run bc that way they both can process what they want and what they should do differently. Honestly, I feel that at that point Rick had just read so much Caleo hate on the internet that he was like 'screw it'.
Why do I think Rick wrote Calypso that way? He was likely afraid of presenting her as a damsel in distress. These days the books targeted for younger audiences are all about having badass female characters, and Rick is someone who doesn't take criticism well (see f. ex. the way he wrote a whole essay about why he presented Piper the way he did when he got criticism for it) so he was probably worried that Calypso admitting that Leo did save her would probably paint her in the wrong kind of light. Well, if that was his reasoning, he was wrong there. Admitting the facts doesn't make someone weaker. (To be honest I disliked TDP so much that I prefer to just ignore the whole book, I don't understand why he ruined good characters that way.)
This became way too long and rambly, I'm sorry. I hope you still got something out of this answer! TLDR: I don't think Calypso actually meant what she said about Leo not being her savior, she was just so frustrated with her whole situation that it caused her to snap.
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rayclubs · 1 year
whats your opinion people writing out foreign words in fics vs their actual spelling? i. e. “nyet” instead of «нет». like which do you think is better?
i only ask because while I can read russian (the cyrillic alphabet, at least), i know many others cant and wouldnt know how to read it if the translation isnt provided
in any case thanks for all these language posts and tips, hope youre having a great day!
Good question!
In an ideal world where all translit (transliteration, aka spelling out how a word sounds in a different language that uses a different alphabet) is perfect and pretty, I would say it depends on what you're trying to convey within the story. If you're writing from, say, Heavy's perspective, it wouldn't make sense for him to have Russian lines written in the Latin alphabet. He thinks in Russian, and so his Russian lines would be understandable to him as they appear originally in the language. You can provide the translation via narration, or context, or the end notes - end of the page notes, if it's an actual book, and god I wish Ao3 had a function for this because Three Blokes Who Do Fuck All is 8K words long and you have to scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN-
If you're writing from the perspective of someone who doesn't understand the language, however, occasionally it would make sense to spell the words out phonetically. The character knows what they sound like but cannot perceive their meaning. In some cases, it might add a layer of nuance because you could provide the translation in an unreliable manner or not provide it at all.
But then there's the cringe factor.
See, no matter how narratively understandable it is to spell the words out in a different alphabet, I still internally cringe whenever I see "nyet" or "moya lyubov'" or whatnot. Some words are fine - names ("Misha", "Sasha"), simple phonetically English-adjacent words ("mama", "da", etc etc), while others... Well, they just look plain ugly. That is, of course, subjective and all, but I think if I see another instance of "borshchtch", I'm gonna start killing.
So that's my take on it. For spelling out accents see this post, it's really good, I think.
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lemonade-luvr · 2 months
I MEAN THATS AS FAR AS I KNOW. to be fair all i’ve heard abt it is You fucking hallucinate shit .thats literally it .
Tumblr media
where the fuck did i get the idea you were having hallucinations then......... hmmm. however, i also dont get many hallucinations! at least not visual ones. im much more privy to tactile and auditory stuff!
im gonna infodump. autistic style. and if i accidentally desstroy your worldview, im so sorry. you have been warned.
schizophrenia is actually very similar to an autism diagnosis! at least from an outside perspective. it comes with flat tone and struggles with facial expressions and all that jazz! it can also make it really hard to think and leads to a very scattered mind??? idk how to describe it . because of the . well we call it brain scramble! i think its called something like word salad though.
the main defining thing about schizophrenia is the presence of psychosis, which is further defined by hallucinations, delusions and paranoia o^_^o
hallucinations CAN include seeing stuff that isnt there, though thats a really simple understanding of visual hallucinations. the visual hallucinations i tend to get are stuff in the corner of my eye and the walls kinda.. Shifting. nothing immediately distressing. but i know there are people with way more scarier things going on.
auditory hallucinations are something i experience a lot more, and theyre just.. hearin stuff that wasnt ever there. my brain loves the discord notification sound and like. splatoon sound effects. sometimes i hear someone yell the body's name!
there are also tactile hallucinations which is feeling a sensation that wasnt real. we get these ones the most. a good example isssss well rn im getting The Bugs. like buddy theres no bugs here you are feeling hair probably and yet even then i still feel it eugh eugh eugh. our headmates can make use of our tactile hallucinations to give me pats on the head though, which is nice o^_^o
delusions are simply believing something that isnt true wholeheartedly. i dont reallly like to share mine because im scared of people playing into them or thinking theyre cringe BUT i will share that we have fully believed ourselves to be in future london before. which is really fucking funny you are allowed to think this is funny. we are in the wrong country for that buddy. you can be fully aware that somethiing isnt true and still believe it! its fucked up! they should make that illegal. these are the mind killer i hate these little bastardsssssss... delusions are very versatile. its also like thinking mundane things are signs.... theres a lot to say on delusions.
paranoia is the one thats really easy to comprehend its just intense and unfounded anxiety. me when i overthink everything to death. me when everyone on the bus knows im gay.
also it makes it really hard to Word Shit. sometimes i cannot comprehend the english language despite it being the only one i fucking know. On that Topic. Sorry if this is Incomprehensible. i actually genuinely Cannot Tell. its usually fine but sometimes i just feel like i cant get ANYTHING across correctly.
impaired motor coordination is also a thing? which makes it hard for me to type sometimes and also do things like, idk, drink my monster energy without spilling it and pissing off charles. sorry charles. damn. UH theres also a lot of repetitive behaviours, and catatonia. it can come with memory issues and FATIGUE BIIIIITCH and BUDDY am i FEELING the fatigue today. AUGH AUGH AUGH.
oki think thats all i have to say on the matter unless u have questions
i feel so fucking nuts right now i dont know if its the rush of i just got to infodump or if im manic :sosonormal: <you are manic <thanks babygirl in my head. god i hope this is comprehensible
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respiteresponse · 8 months
i wonder if these same people would laugh at tommy if he got upset on stage over techno
most of the people i see on tiktok and whatevs doing this kind of stuff dont strike me as the kind of people who frequent the mcyt/streamer sphere, only haters of dream and anything "cringe" ig so i feel like to see tommy upset the same way on stage would honestly garner a lesser/different reaction. cause idk, i cant imagine someone chronically online enough to know who tommy is but uninformed about most details of his online life and career seeing a video of tommy upset in a similar way in front of a crowd and really caring enough to comment on it . and this isnt like a comparison between the two like oh dreams more famous blah blah whatever, just i think dream is bashed more loudly and publicly (at least as of recent) than tommy is, esp outside of our little spheres. but honest to god after seeing all these videos comments and such i would hope to god that no one would ever get a response like that ever again, its beyond odd and horribly cruel : (
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nonbinarygerard · 2 years
this is a rant about AI generated art because I am enraged.
if you want to hear a professional artist speak on AI art more elegantly than me then I highly recommend Steven Zapata’s video. he said everything better than I ever could: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjSxFAGP9Ss&t=5s
the more i learn about AI art the more i literally believe in like 10 years or so we will somehow live in a worst capitalist dystopia where most artistic professional jobs don't exist. You pay a subscription fee to some AI company that just spits out art, movies, comics, novels etc whatever you want on mass, so fast, that art will be personalised to you as in you know how google and other companies track you everywhere on the internet well so will AI companies. they’ll know you more than you know yourself. their algorithms will be fine-tuned just to ur tastes. you won't even need to type in prompts, it will do it for you and show you hundreds, thousands, of art in your feed. You can scroll forever and the algorithm will just make more art. the AI will be so trained to keep ur retention, making ur session time longer and longer and you’ll lose more hours.
Like how many tiktoks do you actually remember? vs how many hours do you stay on the app? do you think the time you spend on tiktok is worthwhile? i use tiktok as an example bc that's only the start of how good AI algorithms can get. give them a few more years with more silicon valley companies competing to be the next big app and they’ll get smart and better in ways you can never imagine.
in the eyes of companies, humans make flaws and humans take too long to make art. it's ripe for automation. companies don't give a fuck about real art and human expression. they only care about profit, profit, profit. what all tech companies want is ur time, your attention, they want to fill all ur waking moments with their products. literally billions of dollars have already been put into AI and though some of the AI art right now might be cringe or just funny, it wont be at some point. In a few months, years, decades, who knows, it will a lot more indistinguishable from human art. that's going to be a problem. you're not going to be able to avoid it because you're not going to be able to what was made by a human and what was made by an AI.
you may think that humans will stop watching or consuming AI art that is bland and seems well AI generated but thats the thing, it will always evolve. In fact companies might just make up fake people to say it was made by and you will never know how much of it was made by humans and how much was made by AI algorithms. if you dont think at some point a bunch of big budget movies, video games, tv shows etc wont be written by AI when it's possible to create a script that doesn't seem like it's written by an AI then you’re crazy.
its going to be a lot harder to make living if you’re not one of the top artists because how the fuck do you compete again AI. you can’t and that’s the point.
its so fitting for evil capitalists that they would rather fund billions of dollars into AI that was designed to replace artists than ever pay artists fair wages.
i dont think people will stop creating art but i do think that a lot of professionals are going to find a hard time keeping their careers without serious changes. you really cant become a master of ur craft without being a professional artist, it just takes that long to gain the experience, knowledge and insight to walk in the footsteps of the masters before. thats what art is. hard work, dedication and discipline. its not something that only a divine few who have the gifts of the gods can do. anyone can become a master artist it just takes devoting ur life to pursue your craft and what a fucking insult it is for billionaires to just fund their extreme amount of money into some goddam shaddy af AI companies to replace professional artists' job, well thats their hope anyway.
this isnt the same like photography was to painting or digital was to traditional. its true that those technological innovations did destroy a lot of jobs but also created new artistic jobs, and they did have massive effects on the industry and i dont want to minimize the number of people who’s careers were destroyed bc of it. But those were massive changes in tools. They didn't actually replace the concept of artists themselves. AI is meant to do as much, if not all, of the artists work for them, so artists don't need to exist in a professional sense.
why would a games company hire concept artists if an AI can come up with hundreds of different concepts in a matter of seconds? maybe human artists might be better but when the AI is good enough a company won't give a shit.
I dont know when this change will happen or how it will occur and how people will react to it but mark my words these AI companies are going to try to make it happen while maintaining the face of just their just simply pushing human progress and this was somehow just a natural evolution of technology.
none of this was natural it was funded by billionaires.
this is not even to mention how these AI’s train on copyrighted artworks with no permission from the artists. and this process is not like how humans learning from other artists, AI’s dont think, they just copy, steal, combine artworks very fast and on mass scale in away no human could ever do. You cant compare how AI’s and how humans learn. there are not the same no matter how big shot programmers try to make them more similar, AI is a machine we could never do what it does. and it is stealing from artists every time it generates art.
I study programming and literally you dont even know the number of jobs there are in AI. its a field that's expanding every day. it's not just a few companies but every big tech company putting massive resources into it. for them, algorithms are the future of humanity.
I am not saying there isn't some actually usefulness in AI created images for example i think getting insane highly specific poses and references at the click of a button is extremely useful but that's just a by-product of what these AI companies want out of their product. they are meant to replace artists' jobs by the click of a button. that's their dream.
AI companies dont care about integrity or intention or the artistic cannon or mastering one’s craft. Companies don’t pour billions of dollars into a technology just for it to be used for meme culture or quirky images. Every time you type in a prompt you are training the AI, its how neural networks work, by releasing them for free to the public you are training the AI for them. and they will train faster than you ever thought. i cant even imagine what the AI images will look like this time next year and they will improve drastically. mark my words.
You are a fool if you dont think AI won’t have a massive and very dystopian effect on society. Capitalism is somehow killing art even more.
maybe you think I’m being dramatic and I hope I am wrong but there is no doubt that AI generated art will change commercial and professional art as we know it.
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minjiarchive · 2 years
dc reaction to their crush using a pet name on them!!
DREAMCATCHER REACTION! when their crush uses a pet name on them
a/n- she/her pronouns are used in this! i will change the pronouns to they/them if you guys like :)
lets just say shes gonna start running laps
"hi my love how are you doing with your classes?"
"im doing fine! what about you?"
she seems okay but after when you leave she literally cant breathe
her hands would start sweating, i know shes gripping onto anything cus of how nervous you got her
"siyeon i cant do this anymore officially! at this point im not even gonna attend school, i love her so much and she probably doesnt like me back"
"she just called you my love... it isnt the end of the world minji please calm down!"
will most likely flirt back with you to make it known she likes you
she'll do anything to make you know her feelings
"hi babe, how are you doing today?"
"hi baby! im doing good how are you?"
probably feel confident while saying that but when you go out of the classroom, sua will cringe hard at herself
"why did i just say that."
still calls you pet names back though cus shes strong with her feelings for you
sooo many things processing in her head when you talk to her like that
"hey darling, you look pretty as always."
*in siyeons mind*
-help what do i say
-oh my god she did not just call me darling im loosing it
-lets play it off siyeon please freak out another time im making myself look like a fool
when she does get herself together she'll play it off saying she just zoned out or some other excuse
literally might scream cus of how embarrassed she is from processing everything
you reassuring everything is okay will make her feel better though!!
stunned to even speak at that point
literally starts speaking gibberish cus of how shy she got
"oh hi sweatheart! you look so cute today!"
"havsjejfhsjhfdnw thank youmrnjdjfnenf"
shes fine with compliments but when it comes to you god she goes through a roller coaster of emotions
she finds it so cute though and loves pet names!
no matter how many times you call her pet names she'll never get tired of them
might be taken back by it cus of how unexpected it was
"hey come here love, can you help me out with this homework question really quick?"
"yes you yoohyeon! come here please"
her knees will turn into jelly
shes gonna scramble to get herself together and everything else
most adorable girl ever
yoohyeon will show off to her friends on how she got called a cute name by you
"i got called love by my crush and you guys didnt"
acts cool and doesnt show that shes affected by it
she doesnt want to embarrass herself infront of you so she tries her best to keep it to herself
"darling, hope it isnt a bother but can you pass me my backpack beside you?"
*in damis mind*
dami is good at hiding her feelings but eventually she will break infront of you
the next time you call her a pet name she def squeal out of excitement
she needs one of her friends beside her because she will go crazy if its just the two of you
"babe, do you mind if you lend me one of your pencils? mine broke."
"of course!"
*gives you a pencil with her hand shaking*
she's so funny bye
texting and spamming her groupchat like crazy
yoohyeon: gahyeon were in the middle of class.
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straykats · 1 year
I did a whole album review again may I… pass it across the table to you 👀👏🏼 (aka can we exchange thoughts)
hehe hi izzy here is my lil review (that isnt much of a review and more a reaction/commentary thingy, as all my stuff always is HAHA) BUT !! imma read ur review now and kinda make comments in relation to yours? like a really bad one way email discussion hm AHAHA i avoided reading ur review until i did mine so i don't go into the album with other thoughts (although??? i've listened to all the songs on the album at least once before doing the 'review' so?? idk man HAHA) anyways relistening to the album as i read through yours/reply below HAHA sorry to make this kind of a two-part thing heh (with the review post and then this as well) (dont feel pressured to read both 😭😭)
hall of fame // i agree, it's such a good intro to the album with it's message // yeah the bass is so COOL AND OMGOMG YOUR SCI-FI COMMENT RIGHTTTTTTT RIGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTT i thought i was a weirdo for comenting on the alien-esque sounds (thats what i called that recurring riff in the background AHHA)
s-class// your comment about it showing a bit of everything? so true.
item // yes @ having changbin and lix do the 'item' lines // omg i didnt mention this in my post but i love the vocal pre-chorus thing // oh!! you mentioned the mix of happy and aggressive and it reminds me of one of my first thoughts on the song: okay hear me out idk how to explain this but i feel like if anyone can get me its you HAHAHA so this song gives me like. hacker vibes. BUT LIKE but like the happy go-lucky hacker that acts kinda childish and takes risks and is really. tricksy. like they hack in a way that annoys people and they leave little messages on their targets screen or smth idk man HAHA but like on this relisten of the song and ur mention of the aggressiveness, i'm seeing less of an individual and more of a group? like, a.. rebel kinda group but not rebel. i forgot the word. but like you have ur happy go lucky hacker, you have ur aggressive gunsmen or weaponsmaster and your sniper and the cool leader that always smirks (like think kuroo tetsurou but the Cool part of him not the annoying or dorky part HAHAHAHAH i miss him <//3) and like this song gives me a SUPER specific vibe that i want to write as a fic ARGH
super bowl // yeah i love the chanting/group lines !! it kind of really fits the vibe of this song? cant explain it properly. but haha i applaud u for loving the whispers w headphones; im gently cringeing JNVDJSKNVJDSK HAAHAHA
topline // this song would be so funny at concerts bc everyone will say fuck and then chan will have another meltdown // YES the transition to jisung's verse from tiger jk's is so uGH AND THEN TO HYUNJIN THAT WAS SO SMOOOOOTH // yes this is such a concert song i just hope its one of the songs where they can run around the stage freely bc for the final chorus i can see them hyping up the crowd w them and it would be so fun
get lit // YES THE LIL TRILL THING AFTER 'dance like crazy' right theyre so fun theyre so nice they're so--- wait i though i was typing in caps this whole time (i was reading ur comments while typing and just looked over LMAO) im having so much fun w that part on the piano. its stressing me a little but in a really good way like its so fun // really interesting (that sounds really rude/like online forced politeness and i dont mean it that way okay ily i mean genuinely interesting) how ur seeing this as such a happy cute song and in my thing i was like 'god this song is so bittersweet and sad' HAHAHAHA like YES it does have a lot of happy fun vibes to it (i called it a 'tropical' vibe LOL) but smth is also like. hm. // by little vocals at the end, did you mean the lalalalas? bc yeah same hehe
get lit // ur comment about the bass FJDKD UR RIGHT but im sorry idk why im laughing ur comment just made me laugh // yeah that verse really is harsh, i didn;t notice before // YEAHH THE CHORUS SYNTHHHHHH it kinda gives me like. i can see a girl group going nuts to this but in a really good way idk how to explain it haha // WAIT THATS HYUNJIN W THE SLURRED LINES????? // yes the little sound at the end hehehe
collision // RIGHT RIGHT THE TRUMPETSSSSSS // dont mind quickly editting my post to include collision as one of my favs. i forgot 💀 // i see you are having a lot of verse 2 > 1 moments hehe // yeah the phone ringing !!!!! its so cool i HBVJDSBVHJSVHSJ
fnf // yeah felix vocals :(((((((( love sm and then followed by hyunjin too i ahhbvdsjbvhsjbvhs // oh i only just paid attention to the lyrics bc of ur comment and now im feelin a lil sad HAHA // oh omg hyes it does give tmt vibes // ohoho??? gotta find out what chan said about 'catching up'
youtiful // smth about channo opening it feels so comforting, right? like, the whole song is comforting and feels like sitting on a rooftop swaddled in blankets with them (all of them, one of them, some of them) but opening it w chan specifically was the cherry on top. // omg yeah the disney vibes >>> // (re: one of ur comments) that was the saddest 'woohoo love that for me' ive read in my life
and i'll stop here. sorry again if this was such a long response ahhh heehfhshjs but it was really fun to make my own comments and then listen to the album again and read ur comments.
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zi-ve · 4 months
damn the year of cynicism and hate for me. i got so judgmental so quick wtf. everyone doesnt know whats going on tho and so many people are insanely annoying. have to listen to my numerology ugh. give me my antidepressants so i can be an empath again everyone sucks lol. id rather sit alone in my room and think about things than go an meet you and your 50€ depop cap. everyone sucks lol i cant see clearly i just look for niches and buzzwords. indie sleaze is over and im going to rot soon if i keep heading this direction. becoming ugly again? but also kys. i look for such specific norms in out of norm. but everyone is annoying. i like people who dont know whats going on better than people who know the surface and then clout their words around it . like me ? but no i know how to shut up.ithink.
anyways im meeting this guy from bumble in the evening who claims to be “clearpilled” and texts in an incredibly annoying gen-z fashion. i hope he doesnt hit me withthe “youre so unhinged 💀😭😭» typa shit though god knows. he has some interesting interests and texting isnt real life etc etc but im already so bothered. thanks for sending me asian girls talking on reels about how nice it is to be clearpilled; i saw a core core video in an art gallery yesterday and it already feels so worn out to me . i dont want to go to a middle eastern restaurant where i cant buy anything anyways i want to find the what comes after corecore . i want to find new depictions of the raw form of content and internet and whatever the CRINGE human condition is . or just dance around all the previous forms of it in video art. i dont care i do . this tik tok compilation on gallery wall is already so old but its something coming closer to something and i know there are steps to talke to get even closer to thaaat. ill just never be happy or something i have to do the opposite and look at sky touch grass and love thy neighbour. full loops whatever. everyone sucks though. i am running in place and i think way too much atm. bLegghh
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
2/3 ‘POOR SUNSHINE? DEB SUNSHINE IS THE ONE THAT *CHEATED* AND YOU OUT OF EVERYONE HERE KNOWS THAT BRIAN LOVES HIM WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED? Did I hallucinate that episode where Brian was all hot in that green light? thank you linds- HE SHOULDVE SHOWED IT? Fuck you Debbie, fuck you. You know! And you clearly know that Justin cheated but you don’t care? I THOUGHT SHE CARED ABOUT BRIAN?! Does no one care about him except me?! Fuck you too Ted. BRI!!! I AM YOUR REAL FRIEND! I DEFENDED YOU THE ENTIRE TIME! Oh look it’s cheater! BRIAN DONT SHOW HIM YOU CARE! Fuck all of you!..okay Mikey, maybe that’s a bit much..is that why he got punched?’ He is so stressed that he genuinely looks like he’s two seconds away from a stroke ‘oh no Bri Bri is home. Is this his first time coming to an empty loft since the prom? OH he knows Justin was here, what is he holding, is that Justins? If he holds it to himself like in Brokeback mountain, I’m killing myself. Oh you sweet poor baby, it’s okay, you still have me. OH NOT THE DRAWING! Good for you Bri Bri. But damn that hurts.. OH MY GOD HE TALKS ABOUT IT WITH LINDSAY?! SO HE WENT TO HER AND IS JUST POURING HIS HEART OUT? *NEVER* beg! (Linds says she saw it coming) Oh did ya? I fucking wonder why? No wonder he found someone else? (My name) can you play the episodes where she gets cheated on and how Bri reacted to it? You know who says shit like that? Horrible bitter evil people! (Lindsay says bri can get justin back) but people have the right to change and i always admired that about them! YOU NEVER LOVED HIM? that’s because you still love him. (Brian says hed never ask him to be something he isnt) this motherfucker would burn down the house with him still inside it if it meant everyone else got to be okay and happy.‘ ‘Debbie is about to beat Michaels ass! Why doesn’t she ever defend Brian?! FUCK YOU DEBBIE! EVERYTHING BUT LOVE HIM? IT WAS YOU WHO GOT HIM TO ADMIT IT! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! HE CANT LOVE ANYBODY?! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU ALL! Each one of you is a horrible friend!’ He is once again outside smoking while walking up and down the yard. ‘Oh absolutely not! You are not bringing Ethan to a party that everyone else is at! FUCK YOU MEL! Literally everyone hates Brian. Fuck you all selfish assholes’ ‘i love Emmett and Ted as friends! I’ll like them as a couple if this dynamic doesn’t change.’ ‘BRIAN! he is miserable alone, isn’t he? YES BEN! HE NEEDS SOMEONE! FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS IT! Ben there is still hope for you!’ ‘Bri, doesn’t look good. He literally looks like he’s about to drop dead. And people dare to say he’s okay? All this is showing me is that they all suck as friends….*he winced and i was about to ask if he’s okay* oh dancing isn’t their thing, huh? or do they suck on purpose because he’s drugged up?’ Said with the biggest smile on his face ‘oh i forgot Mikey gets punched’ ‘can you take me to a gay bar? It looks fun and i think I would make a lot of friends. I think I’m fun- OH IS BRIAN GONNA GO? (The cringe scene with Debbie/Ethan/Justin happens) Why is he following Justin around? He is literally not even a step behind? That’s embarrassing. Go to hell. Dude just stay where you are. Or better yet, leave. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE TO SAY SUNSHINE! NO HE IS NOT ADORABLE! No offense to the actor, I’m sure he’s nice but HE IS NOT ADORABLE. OH MY GOD ITS BRIAN! What is wrong with Mel? She fucking invited him. Man fuck her. She makes it difficult to like her. *pauses ep* sorry, he just reminded me that I too have to go to the bathroom’ He is making this 45 minute ep last way longer than needed because he keeps pausing it to make an ‘ughhh’ sound whenever someone other than Brian is on screen. ‘OH MY GOD JUSTIN AND BRI! Are they for real gonna pee together? JUSTIN HE JUST TOLD YOU TO WASH YOUR HANDS! *said like Eric in Sex Ed* DIRTY PIG! (brian says thee line) *pauses tv on him and walks up to it* THIS *waves his hands all over Brian* is killing me! He looks sad! And telling him he hopes he gets what he wants? FUCK! he wants you, dont think otherwise!’
Oh yes, the beginning of S3 when Team Brian needs to be extra fucking protective because nobody but Michael (ugh) is taking Brian’s side. To the extent they have sides (I feel like Brian especially is not interested in “sides”). They both fucked up and no one sees it.
“this motherfucker would burn down the house with him still inside it if it meant everyone else got to be okay and happy.” HE REALLY AND TRULY GETS BRIAN KINNEY
Ohhh the ill-fated Ted/Emmett relationship. I’ll be curious as to his thoughts as this progresses and unfolds.
Can you take me to a gay bar? I love your brother. I think the entire fandom wants to take him to a gay bar.
And yes that bathroom scene is so heartbreaking. Brian is devastated but just wants Justin to be happy…
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