#galavant was so real for this
takeme-totheworld · 1 month
When you're still living the starving artist life of struggle and chaos but you know your 23-year-old self would be IN AWE of the fact that you clean your apartment and file your taxes and know how to make chicken stock:
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airenyah · 5 months
instead of practicing the violin i have now ended up crying over the fact that galavant was canceled. thanks @ timothy omundson
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xoxoemynn · 1 year
I'm just a simple bitch who bawls like a baby when King Richard beams triumphantly at the camera and says "I have a dragon."
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kaijudyke · 2 years
what's your favorite song from galavant and if it's not galavant recap why are you wrong
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lacollectionneuse1967 · 5 months
remembering you - part 2
Theseus Scamander x Reader
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summary: the truth of your and theseus's shared past comes to light at a very public venue.
fem!reader. theseus scamander x reader.
category: romance.
warnings: brief but GRAPHIC descriptions of gore (war flashback).
part one / part two
“I don’t think I’ve ever done anything that wasn’t expected of me.” The curse of the good son. The thought comes to Theseus unbidden. 
Even joining the magical resistance at the beginning of the war felt like some preordained line of reasoning that he only had to follow.
He’d vowed to his parents that he’d always do what’s right for his community. He’d been asked to help, so he did. In all realms of life, he tried to be helpful and do what was asked of him.
He didn’t have to think about it. 
But then: You.
Y/N swept into his life and spun his head around, turned his whole belief system upside down. He can only think of one other girl who struck him so profoundly, reached inside his chest and tugged him back into his body and the present moment, but that was years ago, and their encounter had been so brief… 
The principles by which Theseus lived his life were simple ones.
Restraint. Generosity. Order.
All dashed to pieces with the touch of your lips. When you'd asked him to kiss you his only thought had been "Mercy." He’d started undressing you by instinct. He’d taken you on his desk, it seems more like an unwieldy fantasy than a memory. 
He’s at home now. Dumbstruck at his kitchen table, glass of whiskey untouched.
He has the strangest desire to call his brother.
Newt, of all people! But he was probably galavanting around the world looking for Wrackspurts or trying to teach a Doxy to play fetch. They hadn’t spoken in so long, and Theseus had been negligent when it came to showing interest in his brother’s work besides that. He couldn't call on him now.
Theseus just needs someone to tell him what to do. 
He doesn’t know what happened in his office. He just wanted to put his hands on you and then, once he did, he started burning up inside and couldn’t stop. 
Y/N, Y/N, Y/N….
Your name was like a drumbeat driving him to insanity. A trance-inducing chant. 
“What’s become of me?” he thinks, helplessly, head in his hands. “I’ve gone mad.” 
He was supposed to marry well, unfussily and unremarkably. Find a respectable woman from a good wizarding family after building up his reputation as an Auror. He’d never touched a woman the way he'd touched you, so brazenly, so honestly, so entirely overcome with desire.
He’d never thought much of love. 
Even before today, he’d been distracted at work. Powerless, really. Writing to you occupied his every thought. Even when you took a little longer to respond, what he felt wasn’t impatience but agony. He hung onto your every word. His default daydream had become storming down to the Department of Magical Games and Sports and standing before you, making you see him, he loved you and he wanted you to deal with it too.
“Tomorrow,” he thinks and it eases some of the tension. He blows out the candle floating above his kitchen table and gives up on the whiskey, snatching the glass and pouring it down the drain.
Tomorrow he’s decided to tell you that he needs you, that he loves you, although he’s not sure what it means yet. Maybe that will help him clear his head, silence that roaring need. Confessing to you will be like letting blood. 
Yesterday your beauty had taken him by surprise, discomposed him, yes. But he reminds himself that he knows you. From your letters. 
He loved you then too.
And, aside from his feelings, he doubts there are any real secrets now between you.
You want to ask Theseus if he dreams about the war too.
You wonder how many people in Britain return there, to that same reeking, muddied place lit-up with gunfire, in their dreams every night. You wonder if you could meet him there.
But no, Theseus wasn't in the trenches. He wouldn't know about how the mud is different there. Evil. Cursed. You'd long given up on trying to describe it to your sister, make her understand.
No wizards, not even those a part of the underground resistance, were in the trenches.
Your powers were wasted down there, how silly and indulgent magic seemed with people dying everywhere, dying badly, with less dignity and honor than stray dogs.
You remember trying to use magic wherever you could anyways. You remember your hands and your medical knowledge being, shockingly, more useful. When a man's limbs are shattered in opposite directions, when a man's face has been shot off, when a man is bleeding out, when a man....
You remember that first night, after Theseus and your family had left you, the numb-shock of seeing a man's brains for the first time. The sensation that came over you was less startling and more like paralysis or ice water. They were grey and had splattered onto your face and the ground before you. The men shoved his body over the top of the trench, throwing him at you to save him, not realizing he had a hole in his head. You stared at the soft, grey chunks on the floor and your mind unfeelingly conjured up images from the kitchen: chicken hearts, boiled ground meats, uncooked egg whites. It was so random you'd almost laughed.
War made the grotesque banal.
And all for what? That pointless tract of wasteland. Bodies at various states of decay, laid out like a rotting carpet.
You wonder what Theseus did to get called a war hero, you didn't think there were any heroes in the Great War. To you it was a tragedy of gross political malpractice.
They made a grave of your home in France. You couldn't have returned there, not ever.
You only ever went back there in dreams, where you couldn't seem to remember that the war was over.
It made you feel guilty in a distant, half-realized way, how you never wanted to talk about it or think about it in your waking life. When your siblings wrote down your name in a tribute to the combat nurses at last year's Armistice Day, you'd been blind with rage. Inconsolable with a nameless, blooming betrayal. "Nameless" because you couldn't say what they had betrayed.
Which is why this year's Armistice Day, today, you'd resolved to avoid all grief celebrations and talk of glory and war and to think only of the future. Of happy things. Of Theseus.
Yesterday you'd slept with him.
You'd actually taken him into your arms and body and then just let him take and take and take. You'd only asked for a kiss, but you'd found yourself unable to say anything but yes and please to him.
This fact made you blush the whole way home. Made you unfold his "goodnight" message from days before and read it again and again just to see the ink of his writing on paper, just to prove that what existed between the two of you was real.
At work yesterday he'd kept writing to you, just like he promised. Afterward, at the end of the day, he came to your desk and walked you to the Atrium, kept his hands in his pockets and looked at you fondly when you spoke, with an attention like sweetness. He was a gentleman--what happened in his office aside--indisputably so. You'd felt good and safe by his side. Like you belonged there.
Until you got home.
It was your mistake to open up to your sister. It didn't help that she kept saying that she couldn't believe you, that she'd kill him, that "it's all so unromantic."
You spared her the details, but you wanted to just blurt out and admit that it was the both of you begging for the other at intervals.
He'd gotten down on his knees, for crying out loud! He didn't coerce you into anything. All he coerced were inappropriate noises from your mouth, but, no, you couldn't tell your sister that...
Your argument continues in the morning, picks up where it left off right after breakfast.
"I just feel like you gave up more than you bargained for, Y/N. Because you like him so much you're more at risk of-"
"I didn't 'give up' anything! God, I can't believe you."
"I didn't mean it like that."
"No, it's fine, really!" You're grabbing your keys and shoving them into your purse with force, pointedly not fine. "For the record, he was the one who said he liked me. And I was the one who asked him to kiss me, again! I'm not a child. The only thing I'm at risk of is finally getting what I want."
Your sister cries easily, famously. You can see it mounting now in the tremble of her lip. It almost topples over into a sob when she whines, "I love you Y/N! I don't want you to get hurt."
"He likes me! He's my friend. We've been talking for weeks."
"What if he..." your sister hesitates and for some reason it humiliates you, her censoring herself for the sake of your feelings.
Your shoulders go rigid.
"What?" you snap. "What if he what?"
She shakes her head but when you don't relent she speaks grudgingly.
"What if he does this a lot? Casual sex. Spontaneously sleeping with women. Maybe even coworkers. I just want to be sure you're on the same page, Y/N. He means so much to you, I know that, and he always has. But he doesn't even remember you...."
Sick. You feel a swaying illness in your chest and gut. For a moment you taste bile.
Her words hurt so bad that you don't even feel pain, the fight in you just dies instantaneously.
He doesn't even remember you...
"Okay," you say, staring blankly at her. "Okay..."
"Y/N-" your sister stands from her chair suddenly, but you jerk away from her.
"It's fine. Theseus can do what he pleases. Thank you for your concern, but I don't want to talk about it anymore."
You leave for work.
The chaos at the Ministry mirrors the chaos in your head, which isn't any real consolation.
Whizzing baubles and streaming banners are still being put up in the Atrium, the center of which lies a hulking, rectangular platform, scattered hauntingly with red poppies. It sort of reminds you of gallows, though you doubt anyone else would appreciate the humor in your observation.
The Ministry always did some sort of luncheon or memorial for Armistice Day.
Speeches, honors, sometimes a little parade, sometimes, conversely, observing four minutes of silence. The thought of being asked to go on stage horrified you more than the Western Front had.
As you walk to your desk, you think about Theseus again. You think about the war. Both inevitable, given the circumstances.
You think about the service he rendered your father and your siblings that night. You think about the chivalry he demonstrated in letting you hold onto your girlhood for a bit longer, his hand framing your face as he left it untouched and denied you a kiss.
You think about him letting you stay for the Battle of Verdun, and how it never made sense to you and it still doesn't now...
You have to know.
"I'll tell him," you think. "I'll tell him today."
There's a memo waiting for you at your desk. It makes your heart patter in gross relief.
"He likes me. He likes me," you remind yourself.
Your sister's words this morning must've really gotten to you.
"Urgent matter for the Interdepartmental Liaison of the Department of Mysteries!!!"
You roll your eyes. You're smiling stupidly at the paper as you write your response.
"Theseus, you can't keep writing 'URGENT' at the beginning of all of your memos. It's cryptic and dishonest and it loses its intended effect."
"Okay, fine. I was just going to ask if it would be terribly uncouth if I asked you to meet me in my office before the memorial so I could kiss you a bit?"
The thought of him putting his hands on you affects you more than you'd ever admit. You look around the office, blushing, as if anyone could read the paper from so far away. This man was driving you insane.
"Well, that's one way to honor the troops. You are a veteran so I suppose there's no turning you down."
You want to see him, you do. But you have a mission today from your Department. It couldn't wait and he couldn't know.
You're hoping to use the Armistice Day events to talk to Mr. Bragg, the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, or maybe sneak into his office. Too much time has elapsed already, you need to find out whether or not he is really betraying the Ministry for Grindelwald.
Theseus's reply is surprisingly earnest.
"Huh, I always thought today was more about honoring the fallen than honoring the veterans."
"True. Maybe no kissing until it's over?"
"Deal. I'll see if I can write you into my schedule."
"Not funny."
"If you want to see me so bad you could always commit a crime and I'll come arrest you?"
"Hey, you're the one who asked to see me!! And threatening me with a good time is beneath you."
You see a lone blot of ink fade-in from where his quill is pressed down onto the paper on his end. He's trying to decide what to write.
When the words come at last they are so simple and candid and enticing. Theseus has never been afraid of honesty or affection.
"I like you so much."
You laugh aloud. If he was here you'd kiss him breathless.
"Yes, you said that already."
"Forget the kiss, I'd kill even to hear your laugh in person. To see your face."
"I like you so much too."
You're the last person from your level to make your way down to the Atrium for the Armistice ceremony. The noise from below sounds more like a motorcade than a memorial. Honking trumpets, trilling drumroll, applause. Funnily enough, you think your coworker Ana is the one speaking now, snatched the microphone from the Minister of Magic himself.
In fact, by the looks of it, you might've missed some of the ceremony already.
The Atrium is packed with people. Ministry workers brought their spouses, some their entire families. Well-dressed witches and wizards not affiliated with the Ministry have also come in droves.
You scoot along the edge of the room, moving sideways towards the stage, craning your neck to find Mr. Bragg.
The periodic sound of applause crashes down like heavy rainfall, the way it drowns everything out. It's a bit stuffy from all the body heat, and your clothes cling to your body uncomfortably.
As you approach the stage, you stop pushing forward and look up in shock to see Theseus's face. He doesn't see you, and you're glad for the chance to just look at him outright. God knows you could look at him forever.
He's waltzing down the steps of the platform smiling broadly. His gait is relaxed, he's comfortable in his skin despite the attention of being on stage, which is something you envy. There's a ribbon on his lapel and a red flower stuck in his suit pocket, a few men and women are trailing behind him.
They must have just honored the wizards who fought.
Next would presumably be some ceremony for the Ministry workers to honor their dead. Last year they'd done a magical memorial with floating lanterns. This year you'd been told it would involve stones, or maybe it was flowers? You didn't want to stick around.
It was painful enough carrying your losses inside of you, seeing loss and grief paraded and exploded all around you didn't feel therapeutic or healing for you the way it seemed to feel for the rest of the nation.
You turn without grace, neck jerking painfully. The sight of Mr. Bragg's face startles you, makes you feel found out. It's difficult for you to rein in your surprise. You have to shout over the sound of Ana talking onstage.
"M-Mr. Bragg!"
The older man smiles. He's with his department friends and his cheeks are rosy. Drunk, maybe. They're holding the flask between them like schoolboys, drawing more attention to it really.
It seems disrespectful to you. Most Ministry workers waited until after the memorial ceremony to start celebrating the end of the war and drinking to "peace."
But Mr. Bragg and his colleagues look positively jubilant.
"My girl! I was just telling these gentlemen how we have a real Unspeakable in our midsts now! Tell them how good the Department of Magical Games and Sports has been treating you, why don't you? Better than the Department of Mysteries, eh?"
The men he's with laugh and jostle him, they're about to turn back to the stage.
You're still reeling, sputtering from surprise, but you have to spit it out now, take your chance.
"Mr. Bragg! Wait!"
His colleagues' eyes go wide in delight, one of them looks as if he's about to bark an inappropriate comment. Mr. Bragg looks taken aback at your newfound attention.
It was nearly 1930 and some of the men in the Ministry still had such backward ideas about women, even coworkers, it took everything in you not to roll your eyes.
"Yes, darling?" Mr. Bragg's answering smile is eager and smug. Self-satisfied.
"Um, I was hoping to talk to you in your office after the ceremony? About my position as liaison." He looks suddenly bored, turned off, so you give him your most flattering smile and add, coyly, "Alone. If you're not too busy, that is?"
That seems to gratify him. He adjusts his jacket impressively in front of his colleagues. One of them wriggles his brow indiscreetly and nudges him.
"Of course, Miss Y/L/N! It's about time you and I had a good talk, one on one."
Again, gag.
You smile, and it's a strain to, before bowing your head in thanks and moving on.
Well, at least that was settled. You could drill him with questions after the ceremony and, during the ceremony, you could poke around in his office for evidence of betrayal. It was perfect.
Too perfect.
It was your mistake for lingering near the stage. For coming at all, really.
It sends a jolt of liquid panic down your spine when you hear your name, magically amplified for the whole crowd to hear. It booms throughout the entire Atrium. It's bizarre to the point of feeling dreamlike.
"Oh, and is that Y/N? Miss Y/L/N! Please join us on stage! Everyone, how can we forget to honor our wartime nurses?"
This isn't real. If the crowd hadn't parted to stare at you after all of Ana's pointing, you would've continued walking away.
A man jumps off-stage to escort you to the staircase.
You're past the point of being able to speak or object.
Once onstage you stare out at the crowd unseeingly. The tops of so many heads. You'd rather be at the summit of some great height, looking out at some cloudscape. Your fear of heights seemed healthy, whereas your stage fright was a simultaneously useless and formidable thing.
You regret befriending Ana. You regret telling her about the war, telling her anything about yourself at all.
You are sweating.
And, impossibly, Ana is still talking.
"-and at only sixteen years old! As a volunteer wartime nurse, Y/N Y/L/N stayed for the entire ten months of brutal fighting at the Battle of Verdun in Northern France. 300,000 dead and 400,000 wounded. She saved countless lives, muggle and wizardkind alike, indiscriminately. These combat nurses were the foundation of-"
Her last commendation draws some uncomfortable shifting and impressed gasps from the crowd. It's a mixed reaction, as views of blood purity were equally mixed.
Ana, in an asinine but expected turn of events, is still talking.
But you're no longer listening. You can't.
There are so many people in the crowd, but your gaze locks on Theseus almost immediately. You see his expression change in realization, his eyes widen and his jaw flexes, almost undetectably.
When he tears his gaze from Ana to you, you turn away.
He knows. Even if he doesn't remember, he knows.
You only know Ana's finished talking because of the crashing noise of applause, like the shore breaking on a cliffside. Your ears burn. You keep your head low as you exit the stage.
This isn't how you wanted it to happen.
You're torn between wanting to explain yourself and wanting to escape. Heart hammering, cutting through the crowd, you choose the latter.
You make for a secluded alcove of the Atrium, far from the crowd at its center, and sit on a marble bench.
You never lied to Theseus. If anything he was the one who lied. He said he'd remember you. He'd promised.
"It's okay," you repeatedly run your hands over the material of your skirt, over your thighs. It's meant to be reassuring, grounding. You don't feel like it's working. "It's okay, Y/N."
You'd like to say it was the stage fright at work, but no. It was the way he looked at you that was so upsetting. He looked at you like the earth was shattering.
Your head lurches upwards from where it's bent over.
It's shocking to you, the sight of him. As shocking as it was to see him in his soldier's uniform, standing in your doorframe on that night all those years ago.
"Y/N," Theseus walks over with heavy footsteps. He looks winded and undone, like he'd run to find you. His voice is weak. "It's.... How can it be you?"
There's a desolate longing to your returning stare. Your chest hurts. You're shaking your head, trying to dispel some of that tightness in your heart.
"You said you didn't need a name to remember me...."
"Did you remember me?"
"Of course," you're speaking so fiercely, he doesn't deserve it but you can't help it. "Right away."
Why is it more embarrassing to be the one who remembers? It's even more embarrassing than being forgotten.
"That's why I stopped writing to you that day," you add pathetically. "After I saw your face at the Ministry, I'd put the pieces together. All it took was once glance."
Theseus sits down beside you on the bench, still looking adrift. At a loss of what to do with this information.
"You must be disappointed," he says at last. "And you must think me a fool."
"Well... I don't think you're a fool," you hope that doesn't reveal your disappointment, but his pained wince suggests the opposite.
"I should have known," he says with newfound vigor. "You really haven't changed, have you? Even after your coming-of-age, you're still as stubborn as ever."
That makes you laugh, dreary as the sound is.
"I didn't come of age I just sort of... came through."
He laughs at that. "You know, I've seen far more of your siblings."
"They didn't tell you?"
"No, not really..." None of you liked to talk about your father's death or the period surrounding it. Too painful.
"Well, I spent a good week with them. With your father too, obviously. I had to make sure he was receiving proper care."
"Did you speak to them?"
"Your sister didn't understand much of what I was saying, the same for your father. But I spoke with your brother often, his English wasn't half bad."
You groan. "What did you talk about?"
Theseus seems pleased. Eager to demonstrate to you how much he remembers.
"Of course I asked him if you really were a combat nurse, had to make sure I didn't just send a teenager to her death," Theseus explains. "So he told me about the first time you came to help out in the trenches. Some story about the men catcalling you, telling you ways to make yourself prettier, and you shouting 'It's not my job to be beautiful!' at them and tightening the tourniquet of the man you were working on. Your brother told me he yelped so loud that none of the other men dared to bother you again."
You laugh breathlessly. It's so strange to hear the memory come out of Theseus's mouth. Everything about this feels impossible. Ridiculous.
"Did my brother share any other anecdotes about me?" You turn to Theseus with a wry look on your face.
This is oddly pleasant. Doesn't feel so awful anymore, unearthing the past together.
"I wish," Theseus's smile is toothy and endearing. Sly look in his eyes. "Naturally I asked almost exclusively about you. When he talked about you he called you by some pet name? I tried to use it to find you after the war before I realized it was only a nickname."
That makes your heart stir.
It was stupid. Impossible.
An unhappy coincidence. Those were all that seemed to keep you apart.
Theseus had tried to find you.
But [your brother's name] was so young at the time, he'd only ever thought of you as [your nickname] and never "Y/N." It wasn't his fault.
"I was so curious about you," Theseus continues. "Although I was proud of myself for not kissing you... You were too young. And I was relieved it was me who left last and not one of the other poor sods who came along, who knows what they would've done if a girl like you asked for a kiss."
"I wouldn't have asked them!" you protest, and his smile as he shirks off your playful hit splits your heart, you love him so.
Theseus raises an eyebrow, still smiling. "No? I thought you just wanted your first kiss before the battle. Didn't matter from who."
You shake your head.
"No.... I didn't even think to want to be kissed until I saw you. And until I realized my life was going to change forever. I'm an opportunist, I guess..."
The last part is meant to be a joke but he's not reacting accordingly anymore, he's hanging onto your every word.
And he's definitely looking at you too seriously for you to admit that you found him severely attractive. And kind. Observant and receptive, like he saw through you. Mostly handsome.
"I just," you cringe at yourself. Cower away from his searching eye-contact.
"What?" he prods. His smile is teasing this time, like he's hoping to charm the truth out of you.
"I just wish..." you wince at the words as you say them. "That you would've remembered me. It sounds silly, but I used to think about that night a lot as a girl. I handed over my siblings and my father to you, and I would've given you my first kiss, and more than that maybe... I still don't understand why you let me stay and fight in Verdun. I suppose it makes me feel even more silly, knowing it didn't mean as much to you."
The more you speak the more you watch his expression dampen. Theseus purses his lips unhappily.
"I'm new at this, Y/N."
"New at what?" You don't know what he means.
"And I'm already messing it up, aren't I?"
"Theseus," you say. "I haven't any idea what you're talking about."
"I just," he dips his head back in frustration. "I have thought of you and that night, often. I just never imagined you as a grown woman, Y/N. During the war, you'd become something like a guardian angel in my mind. Forever sixteen. But when I met you two days ago, I knew..."
It's so difficult for him to find the words it seems. He keeps grimacing and shaking his head to himself.
"I knew when my body reacted that way to seeing you. Every part of me rejoiced when I saw you sitting at your desk. It wasn't like meeting you for the first time, it was uncanny. Like... immediate recognition. It felt like I was remembering you, Y/N."
You place a hand over his sympathetically. It's warm under yours. It still makes your head spin, touching him at all.
"You made such an impression on me, Y/N," he reassures.
"I was just a girl," you say, dismissively. "I was naive."
"You were courageous, more than me or any of my men. Braver than all the British Ministry. It shook me, meeting you. Reminded me why I decided to fight, I'd become so jaded."
You have nothing to say to that. He fills in the silence.
"So you didn't want to become a nurse after all then? After the war, I mean."
"I never wanted to be a nurse, I just..." Death all around you. You just wanted to stop feeling helpless. "I wanted to help."
"I never wanted to be a soldier," Theseus offers congenially. "I just wanted to do what's right. That night you reminded me why I was there in the first place. You reminded me to be brave. I was ashamed of how little I thought of the muggles. And there you were, going off on your own, risking your life for them. Before you, I just wanted to minimize losses. But you made me want to save people."
Your lip wavers. You're staring into his eyes, into that pure blue, that dark sea. It's entirely inappropriate, but you'd like very much to kiss him now. You won't ask this time. You'd like to press yourself against his suit, no words can articulate what you feel for him, but maybe you could show him.
But then he speaks again.
"Y/N," there's a guarded, defensive edge to his tone that makes you hesitant. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer this at all, but I have to ask. Was that your first kiss yesterday? In my office."
You can't help but bristle. You're embarrassed. The look on your face reveals everything, so there's no use in hiding it. Damn him.
"Yes," you admit, hotly. "Was it obvious or something?!"
He groans, looks pale. His reaction horrifies you further.
"I shouldn't have done that," he's saying, he looks like he's going to be sick. "Falling all over you like a dog---I should've made it gentle. Sweet. Demonstrated an iota of self-control-"
"It's fine," you raise a hand, made shy by his self-deprecation. "We didn't do anything wrong."
That does give him pause. Theseus stops mid-sentence, mouth hanging open. He has to recompose himself.
"You're right," he relents with a gentle shake of his head. "We didn't. I just mean... I would've made it good for you, Y/N."
"It was good," you insist. You're not sure if he's talking about kissing anymore.
"Let me try again, I'll get it right this time."
Your heart races.
You wonder when you'll get used to this, the knowledge that he wants to touch you, that he's going to give you what you want. Wonder when your body will stop reacting like a prey animal's every time you're near him, so strong is his effect on you. You want to run. No, you want to bare your neck, submit. Let love kill you.
Your sister's words from this morning are the only thing stopping you.
You have to close your eyelids before speaking.
"Theseus, do you...."
"Yes?" his smile is almost too dazzling for you to formulate a response.
"With other women... Do you do that sort of thing often? Not that it matters..."
For a stunned moment he doesn't react.
Then he is laughing at you. It startles you and hurts your feelings.
"Y/N, I don't--Oh, Y/N!" He hurriedly moves to reassure you when he notices the look on your face, reaching out and grabbing your arm. "Oh, no! I wasn't laughing at you, I swear."
"Theseus," you groan, hiding your face, humiliated.
"No, no," he says again, trying to gently pull your hands away so he can look you in the eyes. His hands are firm and persistent. He's still half-laughing as he speaks. "It's just that I've never done something like that before. Y/N, I don't know how to say it better, but I am dreadfully in love with you."
You look up sharply, instantaneously, to read his expression. It is serene and sincere.
No sign of a prank, no sign of a psychotic break.
Oh god. Your stomach plummets. He loves you.
He loves you.
"Theseus, I-"
Once again, Mr. Bragg has taken it upon himself to surprise you. You jerk away from Theseus on the bench.
Theseus closes his eyes and doesn't turn to greet him, his wrath is only barely veiled.
"Mr. Bragg!" You stand abruptly. "What-What are you..."
"The ceremony is over!" He seems annoyed that you don't remember, his pride bruised. "If I'm not mistaken you and I have a date in my office?"
Theseus makes a comically disgusted face, looking between you and Mr. Bragg in rude astonishment. If you weren't afraid of offending you might've been amused.
"He means an appointment, Theseus," you hiss in clarification. That seems to sedate Theseus if only slightly.
"And yes of course," you say to Mr. Bragg with a placating smile. "I'm all yours."
next part here
author's note: part 3 (LAST PART) incoming! i had to break this part into two because it was getting too long :(
hope you enjoyed! more drama and smut in part 3
(spoiler: mr. bragg sucks + drunk!Reader and caring!Theseus)
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bookofmirth · 4 months
Can I ask who's side you were on from the Ember bonus chapter? Or are you kind of neutral on it?
Oof this is so complex, anon. This is going to be so long. And I doubt that this conversation will be settled any time soon.
I wouldn't say that I am neutral because I have Thoughts and Feelings, but I think Rhys and Nesta both had good points and did dumb things. I know this post leans in Nesta's favor, but it's not anti anyone. It's more my thoughts about how complex the situation was, and why I think people did the things they did, what was motivating them. Let me explain:
Should Nesta have consulted someone about giving the mask to Bryce, even just to borrow it? Yeah, I think she should have. I knew that she had done that prior to having read the bonus chapter, and in the back of my head I thought it was so... weird for her to have given this important object of power to Bryce without asking for anyone else's opinion? I felt like I was missing some context, like why does Nesta just hold onto these objects all the time and do with them what she wills? Guess my unease was right, because other characters do NOT like how she handles the trove.
The stakes from Nesta being wrong about this were insanely, astronomically high. And "astronomical" isn't even a metaphor in this case, it's literal. She wasn't wrong, but that is a huge, gigantic, ridiculous risk to have taken. Everyone in acotar knows that the Daglan/Asteri are the beings who oppressed them thousands of years ago, and now they have proof in Bryce's arrival that the Daglan are still up to their old tricks. For the Daglan to then have these objects of immense power, potentially?? OOF. And Nesta is newer to the fae world, she may not fully grasp the gravity of the situation, so she probably wasn't working with complete understanding of the implications.
I mentioned that the group chat has been ACTIVE on this topic, and @areyoudreaminof (I think it was Kelsey, if not correct me) said that perhaps Nesta was thinking that by doing this, she could help humans in some way. Maybe not the humans she grew up with, but somewhere, Nesta thought, maybe she could do something good for other people who are effectively powerless. So I understand why Nesta did it. This was also after she had spent a bunch of time with Bryce, they learned about each other's worlds, and I think they had attained a sort of understanding.
Also side note, but people didn't trust Nesta with Made objects in acosf either and that was condescending as fuck - maybe she didn't want to be just as shitty to Bryce as everyone had been towards her. I get why people don't trust them with these objects, but in a way it comes down to underestimating them and not understanding their intentions.
Was Rhys right to have lost his mind about the mask going to another world? Absolutely. The Night Court is his responsibility, which means that everything that happens there ultimately falls to him. His fears about the Daglan invading again have been real since he saw Aelin falling through the sky. He's been thinking about these very real threats for a while. Merrill is researching other worlds and although this hasn't been confirmed, I feel like she was brought there for that reason? To give him answers? Whether or not that's true, Rhys is the High Lord and the fact that some of the most powerful objects in their possession were off galavanting in another world without his knowledge, in a way that could literally lead to the destruction of their world - Rhys being understanding and nice about it in this situation would be totally unrealistic.
Rhys has also Been Through It in terms of war, court politics, fae bullshit. He has a much better grasp of what the consequences could be if Made objects get into the wrong hands. His fears aren't hypothetical, they are very real.
HOWEVER - was Rhys right to have treated Nesta the way that he did? Absolutely fucking not. I am honestly so sick of him being a dick to Nesta just because of shit she's done to other people. Not to him. It was so hard to read descriptions of Nesta's body language when they came back into the scene, after their fight. "Nesta's shoulders tensing, her head bowing". For Nesta to have been so thoroughly chastised by someone who already has a history of treating her like shit, it made me so mad. For Nesta, who has gone through so much growth and made so many strides to not hate herself, to regain confidence and better awareness of herself, to have been made to feel small - it makes me so, so mad honestly.
The thing is, we don't actually know the content of their argument, what Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel said to Nesta. All we have gotten thus far is the aftermath. Maybe Rhys tried to be tactful and then Nesta pushed his buttons, as she's done in the past. All we know is how Nesta acts afterwards, which doesn't make me feel charitable in terms of how Rhys handled it.
I think - and again I'll need to read more of the context of this fight which I assume we will see in acotar5 - but I think that one of the main reasons Rhys was pissed off and reacted the way he did was because of his ego (and fear, even if it's justifiable). He's so used to calling all the shots, to having everything under control, that I think he's not used to anyone else having power on the same level as him. Power in this sense refers to authority, the ability for other people to make these kinds of decisions without consulting him. He's used to being the Big Man in Charge and Nesta is clearly a threat to that. This is all my headcanon/assumptions about how he's feeling, but... I'd be surprised if I'm off the mark, based on his past behaviors and the way he makes executive decisions without consulting the IC, who ostensibly exist in order to support him.
Basically, I think that Nesta was on shaky ground in letting Bryce borrow the mask even though it did turn out okay in the end, but Rhys was wrong for acting out the way that he did.
This is only somewhat related to your actual question, but I think that this is one of the scenes that we will see in acotar5, made possible by having Azriel's POV, him as the main character.
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Round 3
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Propaganda for Gwynne:
I mean were it not for Chef chickening out, she would have fully succeeded in engineering a plan to kill absolutely every powerful person in the world of Galavant except for Galavant and Isabella and Sid who hadn't arrived yet but she later gets on just fine with.
My money’s on Gwynne. She’s got the brains and ruthlessness to carry out schemes while also being sincere enough to form alliances that won’t betray her, and being a servant means others will underestimate her until it’s too late
Gywnne already thinks she's in GOT tbh. Her poisoning plot is very red wedding. She failed because she's in Galavant.
Gwyn is smart enough to avoid situations that would put her in danger. She keeps allies at arms length and avoids enemies, can throw down if she needs to but knows to do that as a last resort, and most importantly: knows when to hit the fucking bricks.
Honestly I think Gwynne is crafty enough and she's in a low enough position people won't expect her (or suspect her). She's not royalty or a fighter
Not only would Gwynne survive GOT, she would win it. She DID win it when she nearly killed every significant character and threat to her, she only failed because Chef was in Galavant and not GOT. (But a reminder that she would then have killed Madalena, another of the people's top choices for winner here. I don't think she'd bother taking out Tad Cooper because he's nice but there's good reasons to assume he'd die in a GOT world.)
Propaganda for Tad Cooper:
In bearded dragon form no one would bother with him since he's nonthreatening. In dragon form he'd be a target but he's also a dragon and breathes fire so he'd certainly be able to fight back. It's established that Galavant has killed a dragon, so clearly there is an in-universe way to kill dragons but it's also told as a brag so it's got to be difficult at least.
tad cooper’s gonna win solely because he isn’t enough of an apparent threat for anyone to kill on GOT until he’s grown up
I think tad cooper’s gonna win solely because I SUPER BELIEVE IN YOU TAD COOPER!
Tad Cooper is a big target by nature of being a goddamn dragon. Everyone and their mother would be coming up with a strategy to take him out. What's worse, he's a loyal dragon--more specifically, he's loyal to Absolute Buffoon™ King Richard. By nature of Richard being a figure in power many would want deposed and his biggest piece of protection being a living WMD that Richard's enemies would be planning to take out first, I'm afraid Tad Cooper is toast.
We've got to remember that Tad Cooper isn't a dragon that no one is after, he's either a totally defenseless little creature that no one's after or he's a threatening dragon that everyone would be after. And even in his defenseless and unthreatening state, he's probably in the blast zone of any attacks on Richard since he's kept in Richard's coat, and let's be real, Richard would be being attacked so much.
He nearly did die in the finale of Galavant when Wormwood smacks him from Richard's hand, he just survives because it's Galavant not GOT.
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memoiich · 1 month
Obi wan Headcanons my lord? feed the poor
God, I have a lot of them .I'm going to split this up in a few parts just because it makes sense . Strap in !!!
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Part 0: baby obi wan
His parents noticed that he was a surprisingly bright child, and since they were farmers from stewjon, they weren’t well off. When they had their second child (a son) they brought obi wan to a near by testing unit on the neighbour planet Klommet , in hopes of giving both him and his brother a better chance at survival.
Obi wan was tested at the age 1 and a half. He was clearly gifted but nothing special.
He used to cry a lot when he first got to the jedi temple. Most jedi got rather annoyed at the younglings crying, except one ,qui gon jin .
Qui gon voluntured a lot at the creshe , he believed that crying children needed confort not a lecture. Obi wan got attached to qui gon rather quickly as a 2 year old ( qui gon looks a bit like his late dad)
As he grew up , he got along well with the other children and formed close friendships with them ( po ,kit ,quinlan) . Seeing this, qui gon went back to helping the new kids.
Part 1 : padawan years
Obi wan is rather talented at most things, not on a “ WOW YOU’RE THE BEST “ way but more like a “…that shouldn’t go so easily “ . He picks things up quickly, which causes him to be rather inpatient. Not impulsive, he doesn’t rush he simply hates waiting. That's why he hates meditating. He doesn’t understand it.
He doesn’t know it but when discussing who would get which apprentice , his name fell quite a few times . Obi wan likes to learn and so many suspect that he would be a nice well behaved padawan.
He was so happy when they informed him that qui gon would be his master . Qui gon had always stood out as the nicest jedi , not that the others weren’t but he had seemed to understand obi wan a bit more.
The first thing qui gon asked of him was to meditate. Obi wan started stressing immediately, and it went pretty bad in the beginning. Qui gon thought it was hilarious how quickly he was distracted. “ the wall paper does not need your attention right now “ he would quip or “ breathe through your nose and dont rush it” . It took obi Wan's a year to truly be able to meditate properly.
Luckily time wasn’t wasted because his fight skills and knowledge were unmatched.
Piloting took some getting used to. Not only was he scared of heights , but he also wasn’t a fan of rollercoasters. Qui gon always noted how slow he was . “ If you keep flying like this, we won't get there before im 60 “ or “ we can always walk , it might be faster” . But his master did help him, he would go to more desserted planets with obi wan . The planets that even if he would fly faster, he couldn’t hit anything . Obi wan got his red piloting bead 5 months later with the promise to let go a little.
He picks up quickly with missions , like i said he’s a natural . His first mission was a bit stressful but after that hes pretty much set . Also when they get back to their ship , qui gon cooks a home cooked meal because hes not going to let obi wan live on war rashens and blue milk.
He also teaches him how to cook
Obi wan starts feeling a bit quilty because he starts thinking of qui gon as his dad since well he is a little. But the jedi code says no attachments and he will follow that . Until he has a nervous breakdown because if qui gon is a jedi master that follows the jedi code he probably doesn’t care about him , he ends up getting in quite a lot of danger on a mission because of this . When he confesses to qui gon why he did all that he doesn’t respond,he just pulls his padawan into a hug . “ you are my kid obi wan “
When he turns 20 , he starts to really push qui gonn to let him take his trials. He just wants to be a jedi master.
That all changes a bit when he meets the dutches of mandelore Satine . He falls inlove quickly but he’s a real coward about it ( Satine notices) . Satine ends up pulling him into a kiss 2 months later at a gala she had to attend. They had a night together……
Qui gonn knows 100% . He finds it hilarious how his bumbling fool of a padawan got himsel into this mess . He prepares for the inevitable “ im leaving the order “ not that he wants him to . Obi wan is just that kinda kid .
When he sees obi wan the next morning, he looks like he cried acts rather somber and asks when they are leaving . Qui gon figures out what happened but doesn’t say anything. They leave and he gives him some space .
For the next 2 years it all goes smoothly until…
Part 2: early Anakin years
Obi wan isn’t too happy with the orphan. They are on a dangerous mission in the middle of who knows where with the queen of a planet that’s about to die . And now they have Ani , he wasn't going to lie it was a sweet child . But why now.
Obi wan has a quiet panic attack when qui gon says he will take anakin as his apprentice . He doesn’t feel ready to take the trials since his self esteem plummeted a bit after the Satine debacle and no one helped him take care of that ( fuck the jedi council) .
During the flight back to Naboo, padme went to her room and qui gon had a call with the council, leaving obi Wan to babysit ani . The child would yap non stop “ Did you make your own lightsaber?” “Yes” “can i hold it?” “No” “ when do i get mine?” “ When you're ready” “ but i am ready” “ no you’re not “ “yes i am “ “ no you’re not “ “ Did you choose THAT color?” “ Yes, i did” “ It's kinda ugly” “…” . A true test of patience but strangly lovable.
About 2 hours later was when the child fell asleep next to obi Wan . Anakin was still shivering , tattooine was a warm planet, something the ship heaters couldn’t compete with. Obi wan draped his long outer coat over the boy in hopes of giving him some warmth . Seeing the child peacefully asleep, Obi wan realised why his master liked him.
It took 48 hours to get to Naboo . It also took 48 hours for Obi wan to look at Anakin as his little brother.
When he first sees Maul he’s scared . He doesn’t want to be, but he simply is . Back in school him and his friends would joke about the sith and how cool it would be to defeat one . Right now , face to face with the first sith in ages , he’s horrified, and the red zebrak seems to kick on it
All he hears are the red force feels buzzing . He doesn’t hear his own scream or the blood dripping from his master . He feels an immense amount of pain, but the moment those shields lay down, he's up . He only focuses on gett to his master in time .And when he’s hanging in the hole , he snaps back into his jedi mind. The sith shows a new hubris, and he sees his chance. He wins
When qui gonn tells him his final wish , he can only lie to him . He doesn’t feel fit to be a master ,he might be the only jedi who pased the old trials ( to kill a sith ), but he feels like a fraud to weak to safe his master. Qui gon passes in his arms and obi wans let the tears fall.
He sees Anakin after he returns from his “trip” and he almost wants to cry again . Anakin looks so confused “ where’s qui gon ?” “ he passed away , anakin” The tears start to well in the little boys eyes, and all that obi can do is pull him into a hug .
The next weeks are quite hard , anakin becomes his padawan, and he becomes a jedi master. They attend qui gons' funeral, and anakins enters the academy since he needs to do both his padawan ship and the basic training. He is a bit pissy about it , but obi Wan cheers him up with home cooked meals .
They are not allowed to go on mission yet together just obi wan alone, and its extremely hard breaking to leave anakin alone .
When they are home together, obi wan pampers the little guy rotten. He brushes and braids anakins hair he buys him miniatuur planes in hopes of getting a better piolet than he is . He helps him with his homework, and he is just a total single dad .
When about a year has passed obi wan realised that he didn't know his birthday so he asked ani and he didn’t know either . They chose marche 5th because its a week from then and obi Wan can plan his birthday.Ani loved it.
Anakin doesn't make a lot of friends in school or anywhere. Which bothers obi Wan greatly , he thinks anakin is a great kid who can do no wrong. It all escalated when a child calls Anakin a slave ( obi wan does not know how they got here )
Obi wan threatens to destroy him to the boys face . He ends up crying, and Anakin isn’t bothered ever again. ( the jedi council was not happy )
And so it pretty much continues for a few years
Part 3: late anakin years
Anakin is now 20 years old, which is double the age he was when obi Wan met him .
Many people think that obi Wan is past his prime, but this man is absolutely ribbed. He has perfect physique, he’s just covered in robes and coats and stuff
He keeps extra kyber crystals around because Anakin keeps losing/breaking his lightsaber
Anakin requested black robes, and the council wouldn’t let him because of the association with the sith, and obi wan was like “ No , let my padawan express himself . Plus, I killed the last sith years ago “ so they let him because nothing is scarier than getting on obi wans' bad side
When they meet padmé again, obi Wan is almost laughing at how bad anakin is hiding his feelings for her . He also realises that he will have to talk to his padawn about it .
Obi wan gets a little stricter over the last year since anakin definitely doesn't think before he does anything
When the council decided to let Anakin go with Padme , he couldn't help but warn anakin once again. He reminds him of the problems that might occur or the heartbreak ( he's definitely not projecting)
When shmi dies, he tries his best to support anakin best he can . He doesn’t remember his parents, but he assumes it's like losing Qui gon, so he does everything he needed back then . Home cooked meals ,hugs ,pep talks, pulling him out of mission….
He noticed from the moment they set foot into the arena that they were together. On the one hand, he was extremely nervous about it, and on the other, he was a bit proud of his boy.
ALSO, he gets that shiver down his spine because he realises that qui gon knew about him and Satine, and he's a bit embarrassed about it .
He doesn't tell it to anakin because just like his master he thinks that it might be better to give them space .
He gets really offended that he wasn't invited to the wedding. He knows it was supposed to be undercover, but please
Padme and anakin will sometimes invite him for dinner as if they aren't dating, and he truly enjoys those evenings together.
He likes padme immensely . She helps to calm anakin down, and she's all around a great person .
She's also the first out of her and anakin to realise that obi Wan knows . Sadly, this happens after the wedding, so now it's like a shared secret.
Now that anakin left the nest , he gets to enjoy hobbies. He starts experimenting with cooking until Kit , Quinlan and Po are so done with it that they start ordering out . Then he gets a pet a feathered veractyle he names boga , when the planet he’s visiting allows it she will be his transport . He also keeps a variety of plants ( they remind him of qui gon) and books .he collects golden trinkets. Anakin jokes that it all goes against the jedi code, but he likes it .
HE ALSO LOVES TO GOSSIP with his clones anakin padme kit po anyone that wants to listen.
Talking about his clones , he loves them dearly not as much as anakin but like coby is one of his closest friends.
212 has tried to give him nicknames before, but it never sticks , they do like saying the negotiator in funny voices .
Obi wan thinks that his clones are the best clones, but it seems that every jedi thinks that.
He is now a jedi council member, and he still has that off feeling that he doesn’t deserve it . His ideas dont link with the others, and he feels that he doesn't have a lot of influence on it . Qui gon was never part of it, and he understands why more and more. He loves being a jedi master but kinda hates the council.
That also makes it really hard for him to help Anakin with his dissatisfaction with his position rn . Being on the council but not a master feels like the worst-case scenario, but he has to help anakin not be pissy, so he does . It is a great honor to be on the council.
He didn't know about padmé being pregnant. So he just thought anakin was so stressed out about his career and the jedi order . After everything happened as it did , he felt that he didn’t support anakin correctly.
Obi wan objected when they wanted anakin to spy on Palpetine . He doesn’t want his boy near any danger and definitely not in the front line . He yells and fights for it until it goes to a vote, just as his seat on the council, obi Wan would leave the council immediately if it meant that Anakin was 100% safe . In the end , the vote goes for the spying and obi wans demands to tell anakin himself. It doesn’t go well, obi Wan feels like he's betraying his brother.
In the coming weeks, he will see the loveable orphan of tatooine change to a traumatized war veteran, and he's not happy about it. He tries to calm him down and speak to him just like he did when shmi died . Sadly, this time, it doesn’t seem to work.
When his clones betray him , he feels fear for the first time since the deul of the faiths . Not only is he in danger, but they are in danger , anakin might be in danger . He feels his life falling from betw his fingers . Boga and some of his dear clones die when he gets back to his ship . He calls to anakin, but he doesn’t pick up . He flies to the temple.
When yoda and him visit the temple, dread fills his mind. He still didn’t receive anything from anakin and was really worried about it . They see the temple lithered with death children, and all he sees are small Anakin's death on the floor . Then they see the footage of the night before, and the world falls beneath him . Anakin is a murderer, a sith, and still his brother . Obi wan chooses to go alone to face him ….
{that one deleted scene }
The deul with anakin is the worst moment of his life. Nothing compares to it . He tries to enter with an open mind and the little voice in the back of his mind telling him to redeem anakin . Sadly hes to far gone. The deul ends with his dying friend near the fire , obi wans whole life in pieces and a almost death padme.
The birth of Luke and leia is a small piece of hope, but padmé passes away . Obi wan has no one anymore.
He's extremely happy with the organas asking to adopt leia, and he himself asks to adopt Luke, but that did not happen because of the circumstances. If the sith starts hunting jedi , Obi wan will be at the top of the list
In the end, he lives near Luke until he grows to be a jedi .
He tries to meditate, but his bond to the force is pretty much broken .
Part 4: obi wan alone
Since moving to Tatooine, he has got some new dreams . He gets flashbacks to his childhood before being a jedi, but the worst once are the anakin once . They all start the same , meeting ani quick flashes through their years together and then Mustafar .
He believes that he killed anakin and that he burnt to death .
He has mixed feelings towards his actions. On the one hand, he as a jedi had to kill him, but as his brother, he is simply broken.
He doesn’t think of himself as a jedi anymore. Over the years, he has come to question the jedi order . For how they treated anakin and ahsoka even padme . He promised to himself that he wouldn’t teach Luke to throw away his emotions.
When darth maul shows up on tattooin, he's in some strange way. Sorry for him . They were both just children raised for war , he wished partly that they could have got Maul out before Naboo or that he wouldn’t hold the anger he had towards him for the death of his father . He took a deep breath and let it go . In the end, Maul died in his arms , the same way he had hoped he would have pulled anakin up after their duel.
He tries to meditate again in hopes of connecting to qui gons' spirit or anakins . He hopes to apologise to anakin to pet his hair and tell him it's alright to get one last evening diner with padmé and Anakin . From qui gon, he just wants comfort a long hug or a smile that shows him he’s proud of his padawan, even a home cooked meal .
He starts working as a butcher for sand whales . In the beginning, he used to walk there, but then lars pointed out that that was really suspicious for the other people in town . So he went shopping for a transport that was nice and easy to maintain . That's how he ends up with his eopie Akkani .
Akkani is a bit of a lazy animal , she just wants to eat and walk and eat again. He's happy he has a pet, tho because he gets a bit lonely.
He keeps all of his jedi things in a chest in his gave , including his own lightsaber and 2 sets of beads . One set is his own padawan braid beads, and the other are anakins . He also has some other stuff such as qui gon' s old kitchen knife and some pictures of his clones scrabs of r2d2 when he needed repairs a feather of boga some model airplanes anakin used to play with and so on. ( NO BURYING IN THE DESSERT I HATE THAT)
He really wants to train Luke, but Lars won’t let him . Which hurts obi Wan a lot . He wouldn’t push Luke to be a soldier like the once before , he would connect him to the force just like qui gon wanted with Anakin .
That's why he started reading up on the ancient scripts about the jedi . He loves the Yawa sellers just because he can buy his books without the empire noticing.
He will wait forever in hopes of setting the universe back to balance for the mistake he made on Mustafar.
This took so long and its not even all of it .( i left out the kenobi series because i didn’t want to rewrite it and i couldn’t figure out how to add to it without rewriting it srry)
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Also i wrote a little obi wan reacting to ahsoka being Anakins padawn not that long ago ( link below )
And i left his later relationship with satine and maul out because it might be a bit long . If you want that you can always ask in my requests ( i do have some thoughts about those)
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Yandere! Adventurer x Fem! Reader HCs
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I do not condone this behavior in real life. If you or someone close to you has a partner who displays any of these unhealthy behaviors, please contact the Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233. If you wish to message, text "START" to 88788. If you believe your messages or calls are being monitored, then use contact: 800.799.SAFE (7233)
- Yandere Adventurer is someone who knows how to do very thorough research on anyone and any artifact in the world. Someone whose learned various different methods to subtly knock someone out, someone who has found even the most magical relics and prevented the wrong people from getting their hands on it.
- Yandere Adventurer is highly notorious in the rings of archeologists and historians but not in a good way. All of them sticking their nose up at him because of his "juvenile methods" and because he's so "young and impulsive". He knows they're just a bunch of uptight old men but it really gets him pressed when they talk shit behind his back after he went through all the trouble to bring them back a LONG LOST ARTIFACT.
- Yandere Adventurer who isn't really appreciated by anyone, all of them thinking he's just so arrogant upstart whose allowed to galavant all over the world whenever he wishes. Effortlessly fighting off armed men, beasts, and other threats. As if he hadn't sustained nearly serious injuries, as if he wasn't fighting for his life. But he won't tell them about that, they didn't deserve to know that. They could talk all they wanted too for all he cares.
- Yandere Adventurer who nearly thinks about giving up. No one respects him, no one appreciates the thing he does for the sake of preserving the past, and no one can get passed the glamour of his lifestyle to see he faces actual danger everyday. That is, until, he met you.
Maybe you're a museum curator, maybe you're a new historian who started working at the same university as him, or maybe you're just a big fan. Either way, you both meet at a grand opening to display his most recent adventure and you just had been working ALL night to try and talk to him but you were too shy, favoring to just look at the giant bone display of an undiscovered dinosaur species and feeling small. What on earth were you thinking? You couldn't possibly have anything interesting to say to a person like him, you were ridiculous for thinking you could approach him.
- Yandere Adventurer who has a strained smile as the owner of the museum, aka the person who simply owns the building, takes great pride on having such a ground breaking discovery in his museum and not even crediting the Adventurer who STOOD RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. However, he was too tired by the uncomfy suit to say anything so he just rolls his eyes and downs his glass of wine before looking over at the dinosaur display. His eyes landing on you immediately.
- Yandere Adventurer who does have a bit of a reputation of being a flirt, charming women no matter where he went. Hopefully talking to a pretty thing like you would get his mind off of his exaughstion and near burn out. So he just walks next to you, you didn't even notice until he spoke up.
"Quite the specimen, ain't he? Won't believe how many black market dealers were after this thing."
"O-Oh, it's you!"
- Yandere Adventurer who smiles softly as you try to stammer and introduce yourself. You tell him how you absolutely loved his work and his dedication and how you were a big fan. His heart leaps in his chest in a way no other woman has done before but he brushes it aside. Of course you know who he is, everyone knows who he is, he's just lucky that you're not one of those people who act like they can do his job.
"Sure is, darlin'." He says suavely before kissing your hand. You're very clearly flustered as your eyes can no longer make eye contact with his and you give him a shy smile.
Fuck, you're cute.
"And may I get to know yer name, ma'am?" He asked politely, his hand still still holding yours.
"(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." You say timidly.
- Yandere Adventurer who spends the entire night regaling you with his stories. His hand somehow made its way to your waist and you stare at him with such adoration in your eyes with each exciting detail. Not to mention when he mentioned any parts of him getting hurt on these adventures, you'd show some kind of concern for him.
"Ah, it happened a while ago. M'all better now~" He snickered. Your brows furrowed, concerned, as you tell him: "But it must've been so scary to deal with by yourself. Don't get me wrong, it was very brave of you, but I also can't help but feel concerned.
- Yandere Adventurer who starts to think that maybe he won't stop adventuring yet when you exchange numbers after talking and it soon gets late. He offers to walk you to your car and as he watches you leave, he feels like you took a part of him with you. Of course, he wasn't one who thought too much about love at first sight. It didn't exist. His past lovers are a testament to that but even when driving home, you're still on his man. After he showers off the gross smell of rich old people, your smile still plagues his mind and the last thing he thinks about is your face as he goes to sleep.
- Yandere Adventurer who sees that you've been transferred to a position or job that is coincidentally right near him. If he didn't know any better, he'd say it was fate, but he knew such a thing didn't exist. He isn't complaining though, he loves about around you. Despite not having a super cool job like his, you always seem ready to brighten up his day. Making a habit to chat with him in the morning and, once you figured out how he liked it, bringing him coffee since you knew he had a tendency to pull all nighters to find leads on a new relic.
- Yandere Adventure who grows closer to you. Both of ranting about the men who are as old as the fossils in the archive, snickering to each other like little kids when one of them scolds you two for not being more formal with each other, and just opening up with conversation. You actually make him look forward to working. Usually most of the day, he'd be praying and hoping someone needed his assistance finding something or another hitman attack that'd send him around the world, but now his eyes eagerly flick to the door. Waiting for when you walked in to start your shift.
- Yandere Adventurer who goes on another adventure, not as long as his other ones, but during the entire time he can't stop thinking about you. Man, he can imagine how excited you'd get over the architecture. How you'd be so enchanted by the various different foods and eat yourself silly. How you would be infodumping random information about the region, the people, the culture, the clothing- anything. Honestly...maybe he should bring you back a souvenir or something. It's hard choosing one since he can't really find anything that would fit you. Like yeah maybe you'd find the bobble head cute but he wants to get you something a bit...more. Like, I don't know, maybe a necklace worn by a royal princess that was in an old jewlery box he discovered along with a lot of other hidden treasure.
- Yandere Adventurer who comes back, eager to show you his gift when he goes back to the University the next day, only to see that you were waiting for him at the airport. His heart stops when you make eye contact. Why were you here? More importantly, why did he feel so goddamn happy that you were? At least until your face contorts into one of annoyance and he knows he's in trouble.
"I understand what you do but I thought we were friends!" You scold, "Do you know how worried sick I was when you didn't show up for four days!? Then one of those uptight archivists told me you were halfway around the world!? Without giving me a heads up or saying: "bye!?"
Ah, thats right. He left without saying bye...
"Aw, shucks, m'sorry, darlin'" He frowned, his southern drawl becoming sad and dejected. You were gonna continue to pout until he gave you a sheepish smile, "I guess I just never had anyone care enough about me to give 'em a heads up."
Your angry expressions turns into a shocked one and soon, you can't find it in yourself to be angry anymore.
"O-Oh, then...I guess I understand. I'm sorry...But don't you dare ever do that again, okay!?"
"S'a deal, (Y/n)...Oh, by the way, I got ya something!
- Yandere Adventurer who never asked to keep any portion of the relics he brought back but he made an exception for you and it was so worth it to see your face. The way it lit up as he put the necklace around you and you checked yourself in the mirror, fawning over it. When he says you can keep it, you grow timid. After all, should you really keep it? It is a historical artifact! But he insists. Telling you that: "Pretty ladies should have pretty things." like the flirty friend he is.
- Yandere Adventurer who is no longer easily tricked by femme fatales or women who flirted with him because they just weren't you. He used to love the thrill but it was nothing compared to the feeling of his hand touching yours when you both went to grab a history book or when you had eaten so much at his house that you fell asleep on his couch and he got admire your cute little face and make you breakfast.
- Yandere Adventurer who begins to write letters and send messages and call you during his trip sometimes and who doesn't hesitaite to answer when you call him. He could literally be in South America jumping across snapping crocodiles to get across the river when he hears his phone ring.
"(Y/n)!! Huh? Aw, don't worry you didn't catch me at a bad time!"
*Croc nearly bites his leg off*
- Yandere Adventure when he's excited to come home, his newest prize now in his hands. He's exuaghsted and tired but is so excited when he hears from a hotel staff that someone had sent him a letter. He doesn't snatch it fast enough as he runs into his hotel room and rip it open, his smile bright but soon fading as he reads the letter. Don't get him wrong, he loves hearing from you and he was happy to know you were getting a promotion. However, he wasn't happy when he read a certain part of your letter.
"The university hired someone to help me whenever you're gone so you don't have to worry about dumping the workload on me anymore. I actually think you guys would get along really well together, he's just as much of a fan of you as I am and he's so excited to meet you when you come back!"
- Yandere Adventurer who has to reread the letter to make sure he read it right. Beg his pardon but HE!? WHEN DID THE UNIVERSITY SUDDENLY NEED SOMEONE TO HELP YOU? THEY BARELY CARED WHEN HE TOOK OFF FOR A FEW MONTHS AS LONG AS HE GOT MUSEUMS TO FUND THEM. WHERE WAS THIS WORKLOAD AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHY WASN'T HE NOTIFIED!? Until he looked at his notifications on his phone, which didn't get the best wifi or data in the heart of a lost forest and saw that he was, in fact, notified about the new guy. Ah...
- Yandere Adventurer who packs his stuff then and there, he's going home as soon as possible. When someone is concerned and tells him he should rest, he assured them that he's fine. Absolutely fine! Everything is fine! In fact, he's fine enough to go home, back to where you are! Fine enough to excite you with his newest gift, which he'll make sure to give in front of the new guy so they know EXACTLY whose the more impressive man, and fine enough to strangle the mystery bastard who snuck in while he was gone!
- Yandere Adventurer who shows up at his usual early time at work to get things prepared and situated. However when he walks in, he sees a stranger organizing the papers and archives and his mouth just grows into a frown. So this was the new guy? Bet he couldn't even stop multiple Japanese Triad members armed with katannas. The new guy lights up when he sees him and immediately gets excited and maybe Adventurer would've been flattered, if it didn't feel like that prick was mocking him. Talking nonsense about how he made sure everything was organized everything while he was away and how you were a good guide. OF COURSE YOU WERE, you were good at a lot of things.
- Yandere Adventurer who finds himself acting like his Aunt Darlene whenever she got jealous, putting on a fake venomous smile and using that southern charm to cover up her passive-agressiveness. The new guy either is ignoring it or too star struck by Adventurer to care, which really annoys him. His hatred only grows when you finally come in at your normal time, two coffees in your hand.
"YOU'RE BACK!" You cheered.
Adventurer's smile grew, more genuine and softer. You hand one of the coffees over to the new guy and then go to hug him.
"I'm so glad you're here! You're so early, though! If I had known you were coming back today, I would've gotten you one too!"
Adventurer hugs you, a bit tighter than usual but you don't notice. The new guy, however, notices the way that the Adventurer is giving him such a brutal death glare.
"Ain't nuthin' to worry about, sweetheart."
- Yandere Adventurer who hates seeing you both have inside jokes. Who hates the way you treat the intruder so gently when he can't do his job right. Who hates it that whenever he tries to give his gift to you, the new guy immediately can recognize the ancient carvings on the gift and starts info dumping about its history, your eyes now looking at him with intruige while Adventurer just briefly scrunches his nose. He already knew that stuff, he was going to tell you about it, so why did that disgusting worm steal his thunder!?
- Yandere Adventurer who starts comparing himself to this guy. This guy can't ever measure up to Adventurer. Not when he's fought warriors that came back from the dead, escaped ancient death mazes hidden inside temples, been hunted down by various crime syndicates, so why...why is he so jealous of this guy? This awkward, ordinary guy. Was it because of you? Well, he knew he liked you a bit more than a friend and he knew that you had a thing for him...but what if you wanted someone who wasn't always half way across the world? Someone who wouldn't worry you about being in life threatening danger.
- As far Adventurer sees it, he has three options:
1. Be straight up and tell you about his feelings and then work out your relationship from there because he's willing to compromise.
2. Invite you with him on his next adventure while somehow keeping you safe. who knows, you guys might have to share a tent
3. Get rid of the new guy.
- Yandere Adventurer who decides to try and text you to meet up but you apologized since you had to help the new guy reorganize everything because he messed up. Adventurer them shoots a text saying he'll come over and help and grabs his keys, a dark glint in his eyes.
- Nevermind, he only had two options because he was getting rid of that man one way or another.
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I was wondering what happened when Steve's wife found out that he cheated or has been cheating if she does.
 Steve (Unwanted)
Mildy Dark! Reader X Cheating! Steve
Go below the marker if you'd like to skip to the story.
Warnings: Mentions of Cheating, restraints. MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. MINORS DNI.
So I would like to state that when I read darker pieces with Steve, I prefer him as the dominant aggressor (if you will). Why? Well, because in canon, he’s such a goody-two-shoes. The thought of someone so well-regarded doing such depraved things really gets me going. However, when I received this ask, I never really put much thought into what kind of person Steve would get married to in this regard. Of course, Steve is obsessed with his wife, much like Bucky is with his. Of course, Steve would do anything to keep his wife, things Bucky had already done in Unwanted. But then I thought, what if she was a Sociopath? 
Then this fic was born. Enjoy. 
Check out my series Unwanted if you haven't alread (The universe where this Steve is from)
You never thought you’d find yourself in this situation, it was expected, but you didn’t take it seriously. 
THE Steve Rogers, the Golden Boy of the US of A, was being unfaithful to his wife. Ouch! Galavanting across the city with a coworker who had a husband of her own… Double Ouch!
You weren’t usually a vengeful bitch, but this circumstance had you seething. The affair had been with Sharon Carter, a woman who’d been in your home multiple times. Someone you’d even gone on double dates with until last year when you found out that she and Steve had been exchanging extremely friendly text messages and ridiculously long phone calls at ungodly hours.  
You tried not to let it get to you, with the threat of insecurities being brought up, but eventually, you had to tell Steve to stop messaging her and to stop inviting her into your home. 
He was always bad at listening. 
When you found he was still messaging her, he insisted it had only been due to some issues with work. 
A few weeks ago, Steve had gone to ‘visit’ Bucky, and you didn’t believe him. You thought he planned on seeing Sharon and was using Bucky as an excuse. You suspected it wouldn’t have been the first time. The thing was, you had no way to prove it, and you knew you couldn’t follow Steve without getting caught. You tried.
To your surprise, he’d been back in 45 minutes and spent the entire rest of the night fucking you into the bed. The feelings, the noises, and the smell all grew to be a bit much, and frankly, you couldn’t keep up. 
‘Did Sharon not feel like fucking?’ you asked when he finally laid on his back to rest. Your own eyes closed, and your body set in fatigue from the rigorous bonking.  
Sometimes you just couldn’t keep your fucking mouth shut.
Steve just about had a fit, one would’ve thought that you questioned his manhood with the way he was berating you for your uncouth language. He left to get ready for work in a fit, and you just shrugged your shoulders. 
It wasn’t until you checked your phone that your suspicions had been confirmed.
Steve just admitted to me that he’d been cheating on you. 
The message comes in a few hours into your coital activities. It came from Bucky’s wife. You’d only met her a few times, but she seemed lovely.
 Why would she message you this? Did this mean that Steve went to go see her? Why would Steve go to visit Bucky’s wife? Why would Steve admit to cheating, to her? 
Receiving this news has been a blow to you. You loved Steve, and he loved you, at least you thought he did, and you suspected the cheating, but it didn’t feel as real as when you received that message. 
One moment, you didn’t know what to do, but then you knew exactly what to do all at once. 
Back to present day, you had Steve tied up in the buff, cock rock hard, pointing to the ceiling. He had a smirk on his face, and you had his eyes covered with a blindfold. 
You bent over the bed, giving a long lick on his frenulum, and sucked the tip into your mouth. The action causes your own pussy to dampen. You pulled him into your mouth a few more times until you felt a twitch in his shaft and removed yourself. 
“Babe,” he groaned. 
“Patience,” you say, climbing on his head and sitting on it. He engulfs your clit in no time, lapping away at your folds like a man starved as you grind your pelvis into his face, chasing your climax. When you finally release, he guzzles you down like a delicacy lost.
When you finally perch yourself on his cock, you push down a gasp escapes from your lips.  Steve groans impatiently as you stay still, basking in the stretch he gave you. 
You move your hips, grinding your clit  against his pelvis as you move him in and out of your cunt, you bend over to push your mouth against his in a sloppy kiss, resting your feet on his thighs, as you fucked yourself on his cock. The moment gets more intimate as you take charge and your juices flow. Steve braces his legs against the bed as he fucks upwards into your pussy, intensifying the sensation.
God, you were going to miss this. His penis, his mouth, his face, his body. Stevie Boy was a fine fucking specimen, and the thought that you lost him to fucking Sharon Carter, did something to you, and it wasn’t good.
Your anger, forced you down harder on his manhood, pushing both of you into a mind-blowing climax. He releases inside you, and you collapse into his restrained form. 
After a moment, you felt him twitch, indicating that he was ready for  round two. But you were done, so you got up, and started getting dressed. He seemed to sense that something was off and finally opted to speak. 
“So, What was that about?” He gave a nervous chuckle. 
You grab the TV remote and sit next to his subdued form on the bed, removing his blindfold, in the process. 
“Honey?” he asks. 
You turn on the TV, and several images of him and Sharon popped up on the screen, and that seemed to shut him up.  You had asked Nat for help in gathering evidence, and she was more than willing.
“It’s funny how brave people get when they think no one is paying attention,” you say, when gesturing at a photo of him and Sharon fucking on a beach.
He pulled on his cuffs and seems to be surprised when it doesn’t work.
“Vibranium cuffs,” you say. “I told Tony to make them, for more excitement in the bedroom.” you shrugged. That was a lie, you asked Pepper and she had Tony make them for you. You felt like he would’ve asked too many questions.
“Besides you haven’t even gotten to the best part,” you press a button on the remote, and there you are, getting railed doggy style by Sharon’s husband. “His cock isn’t as good as yours, but that hardly mattered.” you paused  “I still got to cum,”
Steve is livid, he pulls hard against the cuffs and for a moment you think the bed frame will break, but when you inspect it, you are safe, for now. 
“Tit for Tat,” you say.
“You grew cold and we stopped having sex-” he started, but you interrupted.
“Oh I’m sure you were fucking her long before then,” you state. “Don’t worry, I sent Sharon a copy of the presentation,” 
“You bitch! you’re going to fucking pay for this,” he growls. 
“Oh, look at that, the golden boy is making threats,” you say in an apathetic voice.
He pulls again, and you hear a ‘ting’ of something popping off, but he seems too angered to have noticed. 
You go into the nightstand and pull out some divorce papers, placing them on his chest and patting them twice.
“Don’t forget to sign these and send them to the office,” you say.
You pull a bag from under the bed and walk out. The last thing you hear before leaving is.
“Alexa, call Bucky,” with a loud growl. 
You laugh all the way to your car, and drive off. 
Of course, you were hurt, but it felt good, knowing that you sent the knife back.
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thr-333 · 1 year
I’ve had most of this in my drafts for at least since the first few comics of mystic tots. The only reason I didn’t post it was because I didn’t now how to continue the scene with Raph. Well now I’ve gotten my ass in gear and finished it off. So have an excerpt from this au that is a full arc late.
Lou was starting to understand why his ancestors had been so ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. He would too if that meant an eternity of rest. Although with his luck the shredder would turn out to be real and it would be more like an eternity of violence and endless suffering.
He should have never become an actor. He should have found a farm in the middle of nowhere somewhere and sat in a rocking chair until he was old and grey. Now he was young, grey and no rocking chair in sight.
“Dada up,” little hands slapped at his face pulling on his ears.
“No Dada sleep,” Lou tried to roll over, hands fisting in his hair coming along for the ride, “Orange night night,”
“Dada up,” His youngest insisted a hot patch growing on his scalp.
“Alright! Dada up! Dada up!” Lou bolted upright his fire hellion giggling delightfully, “I happen to like my hair, as greasy and disgusting as it is,”
Orange giggled letting go of his hair and falling a touch too slowly to be natural gravity… hm probably not a good sign but that's a tomorrow him problem.
“I thought I left you in your cot?” Lou scooped up his youngest blowing raspberries on his shell, chasing away the last embers of heat, “Did Blue break you out again? Did he? Did he?”
“Bu! Bu!” Orange kicked his legs smiling widely, that was also a plus. Probably wouldn’t get to see that on a farm.
“Yes yes let’s go find Blue,” Lou rolled off the alley mattress he had placed on the floor. He needed to find a bed frame or some cinder blocks at some point. Not because his knees and back were getting creaky he refused to admit it. As far as he was concerned time simply didn’t pass in the sewers. No mirrors, no cameras, no wrinkles.
Before getting up properly he slid an oven mitt on and one of those arm protector things he was pretty sure was from hockey. He held Orange in his mitted hand rubbing his eyes with his free arm. He couldn’t have gotten more than three hours of sleep. Which was honestly more than he was expecting but probably not a good thing if Blue had been galavanting about.
Lou stopped by the nursery first. It was clear of any fire hazard furniture other than the four ‘cribs’ Containment Required for Incredible Baby sh- Well the last part probably wasn’t very family friendly.
Reds was a very nice comfortable pile of (shredded) blankets… with a flipped over crib stacked tall with random items and furniture. Or at least it was supposed to be the crib was flipped over, furniture scattered and Red nowhere to be seen.
Blue’s was close by because Red liked having his brothers near. Honestly Lou wasn’t sure what to do with that one. He always tucked him in very snugly and had a bungee cord tethering him to the crib. Not that it ever worked since the crib was empty, bungee cord snapped.
Orange’s was actually a busted up clawfoot tub, with very shallow water. Sue him for child endangerment and all that but he was pretty sure that ship had sailed when he was forced to move them down into the sewer. Say what you will but it had an almost one hundred percent success rate(when Blue didn’t interfere) keeping orange in and the lair not burnt down.
Purple had a verifiable mountain of pillows and blankets. Lou would like to pretend that was for good parenting reasons but some days it felt more like a bribery to convince the soft shell to stay put. A makeshift wall was formed around it with old pieces of wood held up by loose bricks and a few chairs. That was usually enough to keep him from accidentally rolling away. 
“At least one of you can appreciate sleep,” Lou sighed, taking a closer look at the curled up soft shell. His head snapped up when Lou’s head came into view holding his arms out demanding attention, “Or not,”
Lou balanced Orange in one hand thankful his boys were small enough to fit in his hands. He didn’t know how he was going to survive when plucking them up wasn’t an option anymore. Purple kept making grabby hands demanding to be held which Lou had full intentions of doing right up until his knuckles cracked painfully against a suddenly there purple shield.
“Ow-dammit! Don’t repeat that,” He told both the hatchlings very seriously. Orange giggled because he was secretly a sadist. Purple gave him a mighty baby glare tearing up insisting more to be held, “Purple, sweetie, honey, I can’t help you until you take down your shield,”
He said for what had to be the thousandth time. Once again for the thousandth time Purple proceeded to cry while his walls kept up.
“Alright, buddy I’m sorry I really can’t go through this with you right now, I need to go find your brothers,” Who were both missing and in best case scenario just tearing up the lair. Not some government officials house who would have the means and motivation to track them down and destroy them out of revenge. This is why he should know better than to fall asleep, “But that does not mean I am abandoning you, I will be back… soonish,”
He attempted to back away, Purple glaring at him the whole while. He made it to the exit wiping his brow in relief as the crying died down-- then started up screaming at twice the volume.
“Whhahhyyyiiiyy,” Lou whined looking down at orange who was gnawing gummily at his oven mitt, “I can’t abandon him can I? Alright purple you win but you’re not going to like it,”
Lou went back kicking aside one of the panels. From there it was a slow process of gently rolling(kicking) Purple in front of him. The turtle didn’t like getting rocked around any more but it was his own choice. This could probably be applied in some life lesson somewhere. So technically this was good parenting.
“Oh I know you’re not pleased with me,” Lou told his son, stopping for a second to reposition the orb to get around the kitchen doorway, the softshell glared up at him, “But consider this,” he kicked the sphere forward sending Purple tumbling through it, “Oh ho ho… I’m a terrible parent,”
Splinter chuckled miserably to himself, following his son into the kitchen. Purple bumped against the bench unharmed but dizzy. The kitchen on the other hand was very much harmed. Lou was glad Purple was in the bubble because there was shattered dishes all over the floor. Cupboards were thrown open and the left overs they had was thrown across the counter, a striped turtle looking up at him guilty.
“Blue,” Lou said in warning. A blue glow started under him his boy disappearing through it. Lou went on high alert looking around the kitchen for a sign of his son reappearing, “Blue!”
A portal reappeared dropping Blue over the glass covered floor. Lou ran lunging to make up the distance. He landed on the broken shards hissing as they dug and cut into him. His hands remained outstretched just off from where his baby blue was falling, his son hurtling towards the hazardous floor making Lou’s heart stop… a portal appeared just in front of his hands, Blue disappearing never touching the floor.
Lou hardly had a second to sigh in relief before he was up again and looking for the next portal. Luckily enough it formed not far away and he just had to reach out half lunging over the counter to catch  the hatchling.
“Gotcha,” Lou caught Blue in one hand juggling orange in the other. Both of his sons giggling at him. It was cute until the moment of panic wore off and he became aware of the piece of glass digging into him as he pressed against the counter, “Ow ow,”
Lou didn’t have time to remove the jagged shards sticking out of him. Both of his hands full he carefully tiptoed over to purple kicking him to the next room. It was a lounge of sorts given the face he had only managed to drag one arm chair in here. Lou dumped Blue and Orange in their makeshift playpen, a wooden crate that hadn’t been set on fire yet. He wedged Purple under the footrest so he wouldn’t go rolling anywhere before collapsing into the chair with a sigh.
He took a moment to groan loudly but he couldn’t wallow too long. He was still down one son and filled with glass. Lou started to pry the pieces out of him. Luckily he was wearing jeans so all but a few large pieces had missed his legs. Same with his torso, most were fairly shallow and easy to find. The worst of it was his arms, which he had to bring the tweezers out to get all the pieces. Thank goodness his mutation had at least given him increased healing, with these kids he needed it.
Lou stood up, he would still need to bandage the cuts but that could be done after he had found and made sure Red was safe. Blue and orange were occupying themselves with the rattle Lou had made by putting a couple of screws in a container. He knew soon they would start fighting over it but for now it wasn’t a fire hazard. Purple was pushing against his shield trying to free himself from being wedged under the footstool.
“All of you stay put, I’m looking at you blue,” He told the turtle seriously, Blue happily babbled back at him, “I need to go find red,”
“Yes RaRa- NO Blue!” In a flash of light Lou was in freefall, barely registering the change before he was landing in a dumpster in a place too bright to be the sewers. There were dogs barking and growling not far from him and the bustling sounds of passersby a little further away.
Lou groaned letting his head thunk back against a very nice soft rusted washing machine. Well if he wasn't at risk of infecting his cuts living in the sewers they definitely were now. He’d have to raid a pharmacy for antibiotics on their way back to the sewers from wherever in New York Blue had dropped him. 
Speaking of, he pushed himself up looking around the alley. Sure enough one end had a busy street with people too busy to look down the narrow gulley even with the dogs barking up a ruckus. Lou cast a wary look at them doubling back when he saw what they had been barking at.
“Red!” He jumped out of the bin grabbing a busted up piece of what had once been a broom.
He hit the nearest mutt surrounding his son. The boy wrapped up in his larger projection cowering against a wall. The others snapped their attention to him growling. Lou hissed in turn not entirely conscious he was doing it as he started hitting the dogs causing enough grief the pack decided they weren’t worth it.
Lou growled lowly at their retreat, his fur on end. He tried to shake himself out of it. Or find it in himself to be ashamed at the animalistic behavior, but that was hard when it helped protect his son.
“Oh little Red,” He cooed the hatchlings projection still pressed against the wall.
Lou could only hope that New York lived up to their reputation and no one spared a second glance at the rat man and his giant red son in the alleyway. Lou held out his hands trying to encourage Red to jump down to them. Instead the giant version of his son leant down until his head was resting in Lou’s hands.
“It’s alright sweetie,” He cradled the projection, patting his son’s head while looking inward to the small snapper hidden within, “Dada’s got you,”
Red whined reaching out to grab him. Lou winced as he was crushed in the too strong baby grip smooshing him against the red energy field. Half his face was pressed up against it inside he could see the real Red trying to reach out for him.
Lou smiled sadly, how scary for his boys to have powers completely out of their control. He didn’t struggle doing his best to comfort his son through the projection until he felt safe enough to take it down.
When it finally dissipated Lou’s fast reflexes from always catching Blue kicked in scooping up Red no problem. The snapper giggled as Lou cradled him close. He smiled, booping him on the snout quickly pulling back before Red could live up to his species name.
“What do you say we try to find Dada a pharmacy then sneak into a sewer and try to find our way home?” Red squealed which Lou took to mean agreement.
Thanks to Blue he had already gotten a crash course in getting around the city so soon enough they were back in the sewers close to home. He heard the damages his sons had wrought on their lair before he saw it. Good thing he kept that dumpster broom.
“Blue you’re in big trouble young man,” He called into the lair. 
The boys were still in the living room. The crate was on fire Purple in the middle of it protected by his force field. A random assortment of items were thrown around things from basketballs to surfboards, a roller skate and a pile of odd socks. So perhaps Blue had been trying to get them back and Lou couldn’t be too mad. Other than the fact it provided Orange with more kindling. 
“Go wrangle them up for me,” He set Red on the ground patting the snapper on the head and the rat went to grab a fire extinguisher. 
Both Blue and Purple had instantly flocked to Red’s side climbing over the snapper and patting his head. Orange was attempting to do the same but was still on fire. Thankfully a combination of Red and Purple force fields were keeping him at bay. Interestingly enough the colors seemed to be flowing into each other where they intersected.
Ignoring that for now Lou went about putting out fires, including orange. The hatchling was never pleased to be doused but got over it when it meant he could finally join his brothers. Putting the near spent fire extinguisher aside, Lou scooped up his sons. Grateful that his chair was only half singed he sunk down in it cradling the turtles close.
“You four run me absolutely ragged,” He complained to the squealing giggling tots. 
Orange was attempting to climb him, making a suspicious beeline for his hair. No thank you Lou could still smell the burning from the goatee incident. Blue opened up a portal above them. A shiny crown fell from it directly onto Lou’s head. He tried not to worry where that had just been stolen from as the portal closed behind it. Hopefully the news reports would make up something outlandish like a heist rather than the reality of mutant magic turtles.
Purple decided he both did and didn’t want to be held. Creating a field around him and smooshing Red into the crux of Lou’s elbow. The snapper didn’t seem to mind teething on the one patch of skin Lou hadn’t bandaged. Considering his jaw strength that would likely change. But telling him off was a slippery slope into giant tantrum time.
Lou smiled, squeezing all of them close.
“I wouldn't have it any other way,”
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 11 months
The reason I have an issue with Tau is because it doesn't have the prerequisite as said before. The Eldar had to birth their own fucking Chaos God and are now deeply aware of Chaos as a whole and have to navigate literal hell just for something as basic as procreation, the Grey Knights and Adeptus Sororitas are both zealots even compared to the fucking zealotry of the Imperium, the Orks and Tyranids are a galaxy spanning THREAT with the former having two Warp Gods literally backing them up 24/7 and the latter is a hivemind that wants to eat the galaxy, the Adeptus Custodes are literally so rare that in a setting where millions is a small units there's just 10k of them and the process is so rigorous people fucking DIE to become them, and he Necroms literally have to be removed entirely from their flesh and turned into robots with weapons powered by gods to be 'fully immune' by it. And then Tau as a race just are barey affected by Chaos effects at all because... What nothing really. They can galavant across the galaxy barely touched by the Warp corrupting them, when Khorne can decide to look at a group of Guardsman and decide that it's be funny to turn that sector red.
My guy, a T’au got possessed because he was standing too close to a damaged warp drive. T’au are not “barely affected by Chaos effects at all”. T’au are passively resistant to corruption and less visible through the warp. It doesn’t give them any edge, it just means that daemons have left them alone a bit more than usual.
That is it. As I have said.
Twice now.
They aren’t directly resistant to shit. If Khorne decided to, in your own words, look at a group of T’au and then uber radiate their whole sector with warp energy, it would fuck them, or anything, up.
Your entire ask comes off as “I want something bad to happen to the T’au.”
Also, if you wanna talk about something being contrived, humans have both a gene that allows some of them to be immortal, and a gene that allows some of them to have negative souls that give them actual anti-warp capabilities. Neither of these things have been explained in any real capacity, despite being monumentally important to 30/40k’s narrative at various points.
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fanonical · 7 months
so did buttons...actually turn into a goddamn bird?
please tell me ofmd is doing a galavant, where in the second series magic is just explicitly real and it's great
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darriness · 2 months
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Everything I know about this scene so far is giving me real ‘I was at home taking care of OUR SON and you’re out here galavanting with helicopters and HIM’ vibes.
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Round 3
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Propaganda for Madalena:
gaslight gatekeep girlboss
seriously she's so compellingly written as pragmatic and gleefully evil
wouldn't want to deal with her in real life but she's just so much fun as a character!
She is thinner, cooler, clearly much crueler
Got the guy first
Got the sharper weapons
Got the fiercer horde
Got Isabela's booty pinned against the wall
Propaganda for Isabella:
this is easily the most badass underdog battle speech in sitcom tv history! Isabella: Good people of Hortensia, it is true the Valencians have three to our every one. And you are right to worry, because how can so few of us dig the graves of so many of them? King of Valencia: She twisted it. Isabella: If you want to leave, leave now. I will not mind. For it will leave more glory for the rest of us! Queen of Valencia: She twisted it again! also vote for isabella for her sweet dance moves and how she yoda'd galavant back into fighting form, there'd be no show without her
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azrielsshadows42 · 3 months
Trespasser, Azriel x oc
This is my first fic ever on any platform, so pls be nice and I'm sorry if it sucks. Also, I haven't actually read the ACOTAR series yet, I really want to but... shit's expensive ya'll T-T, so if any details are incorrect I sincerely apologize (I know he could have winnowed but, for the story we're gonna pretend he can't)
Description: Azriel is coming home from a mission and is a little careless with his flying and crashes, while getting back home, he comes across someone who is unlike anyone he has ever seen.
Warnings: swearing, very very slight mention of injury, reader has she/her pronouns, eventual use of y/n, the smallest amount of suggestiveness it barely even counts and mystery maybe? idk
italics = thoughts Bold = actions/sound effects Both= plant speak, it will make sense, just wait
Azriel had been on this mission for a few days now, he couldn't wait to get back home and have dinner with his family. He was exhausted, his wings dragging, and all he wanted was to collapse in his bed, but alas, he still had to make the long flight home, back to Velaris.
Knowing that the longer he waited, the longer it would be until he gets to see his family, he picked up his wings and started making the long flight to the Townhouse.
You had had a relatively normal day, if you could call what you do in a day normal. Your life consisted of flying through the treetops, making sure that the animals and vegetation were healthy. Your job was to keep the cycle of forest life running smoothly, or well the life of this particular forest, although you did sometimes go out and help with the forests under your siblings care when they wanted to go galavanting about disguised as the locals.
You had never under stood there fascination, I mean sure, you understood wanting some company that wasn't your family from time to time, and life as a forest deity was quite a lonely one, being that technically, the fae and mortals of the land were not supposed to be aware of your existence (hence the need to be disguised) . But you failed to see what was so amazing about them, it's not that you didn't like them or had a problem with them, it just.... didn't appeal to you. And so to this day you had never, in your 750 years of life spoken to, or formally interacted with another person outside your siblings.
That was until today of course...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Azriel's POV
'Just a little bit further, almost there' I thought nearing the greenery that surrounded Velaris.
'I can't wait for some warm food, and a real bed... and to think of it a proper shower couldn't hurt either-' My thought track was interrupted by a sharp pain along my wing, as it hit a particularly tall tree I hadn't noticed, subsequently, my whole body was thrown violently off course, and hurtled towards the ground hitting it, hard.
'Well fuck... that hurt' Groaning, I slowly got up and looked around, I wasn't too far from home, I recognized the trees around me, I could walk the rest of the way, though flying would be easier... not likely though, the tree canopy is to dense for me to break through, even the part where I fell seemed impossibly dense. sigh. 'Walking it is then.'
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your POV
You had been idly walking around when a shiver went up your spine and then you heard a commotion from far away.
Crack! Snap! Thump!
You mentally asked the plants what was going on but they were all unusually quiet. 'Strange, they normally rush to tell me the smallest of things' you thought. Naturally you had to go and investigate the disturbance yourself. Quickly traversing the forest you called home, you made your way to whatever had made the noise and was very surprised in your findings. Hidden in the leaves you watched from afar. An Illryian, I haven't seen one in centuries.
He flew to close to the trees, nicked his wing. He fell. He crashed. The plants added in the same hushed whisper they always spoke to you in. You almost wanted to roll your eyes because now they wanted to tell you? When you could very much see that for yourself? you could see the slight dent where he had landed and the small scrape on his large black membranous wing, very different from your own. You also couldn't help but notice how beautiful this male was, dark hair, flawless skin, black ink-like markings creeping up the side of his neck, and he seemed to be shrouded in shadows despite the fact that the sun hadn't even started to set. 'He must be the shadowsinger'
You continued to silently admire him as he looked to be gathering his bearings, trying to determine exactly which way he should go to get to.... wherever he was going. The town house, you presumed. He turned to face your direction, revealing his absolutely stunning hazel eyes. Well you hadn't talked to any fae, you had seen them in passing, and had flown over the city once or twice, but none of the fae you had seen were quite as stunning as he was, though if there were more of them that held even a fraction of the beauty he did... well... then you finally understood your siblings appeal for wondering to the places they did.
You couldn't seem to pull your eyes from him, completely enamoured with this spectacular male, clad in black fighting leathers that enhanced his muscular figure. You definitely weren't complaining about the view. You knew you should be careful about how you approached the situation seeing as he donned seven siphons, but you just couldn't get over how pretty his eyes were! His deep, amazing, wonderful eyes that were...
Staring. Right. At you.
Not past, not behind, not in your general direction. At. You.
Shit. Shit shit shit shit SHIT You fled immediately. It would be alright, logically you knew that. You don't live this long and never get spotted by anyone, you and your siblings have all been seen at least three times each, unintentionally. That's how stories of spirits started, sightings of you and your siblings (especially certain brothers who loved to prank people and make them think the forest they tend to is haunted *cough cough* Ethari). But that didn't mean you would willingly let this male, no matter how beautiful, see anymore of you then he already had.
You silently moved through the trees, expertly navigating any looping vines or low hanging branches, not even looking back to see if he had followed until you reached your favourite spot. A sort of clearing that ran against a large stream, dimly reflecting the stars that have started to appear, where you could properly spread your wings without hitting anything, yet the branches reached out unnaturally far over the area so that anyone flying above would be oblivious to anything that happened below. (Which you may or may not have had anything to do with)
Once you felt that you were far enough, you stopped and asked the plants if he had followed you.
He attempted to, but has lost sight. He is now returning home. No damage done. Safe. You breathed in and out silently, still feeling like any noise would alert him of your location. Calmly strolling to the edge of the water, you gracefully sat down on the lush grass, flowers slowly growing around you as you fed them some of your own energy to help them grow faster. Small flowers of bright yellow, soft blue, and fierce red all made subtle appearances. And you thought of the gorgeous male you wish you could have talked to.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Azriel's POV
Looking around, trying to find out exactly which direction home is, I couldn't help but get the feeling that I was being watched. My shadows had yet to leave my side, still checking for further injury. Once sure that there was nothing other than the small scrape on my left wing, they started to look for the source of this feeling.
I looked around and almost dismissed it entirely until my shadows notified me of a presence in the trees. I looked to where they told me to. But, no one was there, briefly wondering if they've been mistaken until my eyes locked with another pair.
They were a dazzling light green, like the leaves around them but darkened around the edges. I couldn't move, couldn't blink, I couldn't breath they were so gorgeous. It seems that whoever this was had been equally as stuck until suddenly, they were gone.
I ran after them, but they were so fast and I hadn't seen anything but their eyes, I had no idea what to look for. Eventually I stopped, and listened, choosing to track them by sound rather then sight, which I realized very soon that had been a mistake because they were as silent as I am. But apparently I need not worry, my shadows keeping up just fine.
I crept along the path my shadows guided me upon, until I saw a clearing, and in it, the person I'd been chasing...
And she was absolutely beautiful... No beautiful didn't cut it, radiant, luminous, ethereal, angelic, nothing seemed to describe her quite right. Getting a proper look at her, I could see why she was so hard to track, she blended in so perfectly with her surroundings, like she was made for this place, like this is where she belonged.
She had large wings in every shade of green, flowing from dark to light seamlessly, that looked like over lapping leaves, and a smaller pair just like the first ones, beneath them. She had a smooth tail hovering just above the ground, moving in slow, elegant sweeps, back and forth with dull spines running along it, adorned with yet another leaf at the tip. She also had small horns that looked akin to the bark on the trees around us, and unblemished brown skin. Her dark brunette, waist-length hair in a neat braid swaying with a light breeze. The energy and power she held emanated from her, in waves, it was... soothing.
My eyes couldn't stray from her figure as she sat down without a sound, her wings relaxed at her sides and her tail curled around her form perfectly. Who is this female? What is she? And, most importantly, is she a threat to the court? Despite my instincts telling me to be wary of her, despite not knowing what she is capable of, if she is or isn't dangerous, I just couldn't help but get a just a little bit closer to her.
Fuck Seriously?, years of spy training and centuries of experience only to be caught because I stepped on a twig, such a fucking cliché.
Her head whipped around and she stood up, our eyes met again. Instead of running away like I thought she would, we just kinda, stared at each other. She eventually broke eye contact and looked off to the side muttering something that sounded like "Went home my ass" before looking back to me.
I looked at her in silence for a moment longer before the logical part of my brain caught up with the rest of me, I stood up straighter, brought my wings in closer and narrowed my eyes.
"Who are you and what are you doing in Velaris?" She raised a thin eyebrow "What am I doing in Velaris?" She ignored my first question instead choosing only to repeat the second as if she couldn't believe I had the audacity to ask her that. I narrowed my eyes further, a strong grip on Truth-Teller. "Yes" I hissed "You are not allowed to be in Velaris unless you are a citizen or have explicit permission, you're trespassing" "I'm trespassing?" She laughed, and ignoring the shiver that amazing sound sent down my spine, she laughed at me. No one laughs at me.
Before I could say something back to her she said "Honey, I am no trespasser, if anything, you're the one who's trespassing" "How am I trespassing?" This is ridicules, I'm the spymaster of the night court, who in the name of the Mother does she think she is? "You are in my forest" She said casually. "Your forest?!" I scoffed. She narrowed her eyes "Yes, my forest" "This forest belongs to the high lord; Rhysand" I stated "The high lord may be the ruler of this land, but he is not the owner" "Who are you" I asked again, more sternly this time. Her eyes studied me for a moment before she said "My name is y/n, and I am the deity who tends to this forest"
"What in the cauldron does that mean?" "It means, that I am responsible for keeping the forest healthy, making sure there is no over or under population of any species, treating the plants when they get sick, I make sure the forest stays strong" I regarded her skeptically before letting my grip on Truth-Teller loosen and my wings relax a little, something about her made me want to trust her, it scared me but, I also couldn't ignore it. "Alright, if you're a deity, then prove it" "What?" "Prove it" She looked at me like I had just said the most bizarre thing she had ever heard in her life. "You want me to prove to you, that I'm a deity" "Yes" I said matter-of-factly, she laughed softly to herself and lightly shook her head as if she couldn't believe that this situation was happening, before finally locking eyes with me once again. She wore a warm smile, a light shining in her eyes with the smallest shimmer of mischief breaking through.
"Alright, I'll prove it" She sunk down to her knees and my mind flickered for a second, to a place it really shouldn't, her tail lay lightly on the grass below, just the tip slightly burying itself into the soft dirt, she brought her wings around her splaying them out on the ground so the edges were also shallowly submerged in the ground. Y/n closed her eyes.
Then I could see a small green light where her heart would be, it grew larger and brighter, soon, a ring of light pulsed from her heart, and another, and another until the rings came in sync with every one of her heart beats. It was magical, it felt like the whole forest, every plant and animal, even the very air, was breathing with her. I realized that even my breathing now matched hers, and everything around us just felt more alive. I was mesmerized.
She stood up slowly with the grace that surely only a deity could posses and opened her eyes, they glowed slightly in the late evening light. "Believe me now?" she asked with amusement at my wide eyes lacing her voice. Even when she's mocking me her voice still sounds like the best music that has ever blessed this world.
I wasn't able to get a word out, I just nodded. Her smile grew and the amount of pride that filled my chest for being the cause of that smile was unfathomable. She languidly walked closer, her eyes never leaving mine. "You know" she started "I'm not technically allowed to show you what I just did, so you'll have to keep this a secret between us" " Not allowed to?" I questioned "I thought you said you were a deity, doesn't that mean you make the rules?"
She tilted her head downward, and smiled, it almost looked... sad. Something in my chest did not like that thought, not at all. "You would think that, but even the most divine beings have rules to follow, the 1st, or well, the 2nd one is that no one is supposed to know of our existence" my eyebrows furrowed at that. 'Why is it required for such a beautiful person to be hidden from the world' "Why?" She looked down to the ground and said in a voice barely above a whisper "Its just the way it is" I could see the topic displeased her and so decided to change it.
"Are there any other deities?" She smiled, a true smile this time "Yes, my siblings, we each tend to a different aspect of nature some tend to oceans, marshes, cities, although I'm closest with the other forest deities" While she was speaking, a brach bent down between us, low enough to sit on. Y/n moved to sit on the branch and silently motioned for me to join her. "Tell me about them" I asked
We sat there, on that branch for over 2 hours, just talking about everything and anything, her family, what it was like to be a deity, the similarities between her and her plants and my shadows, how they both talked to us, knew us better than anyone else. And it felt good. Talking to her felt good. Seeing her smile at me, because of me made me smile. Our wings brushing against each other ever so slightly just adding to the peaceful euphoria of it all. I never wanted it to end.
"You should probably get back to your family, it's getting late, they might worry"
'My what? Oh right! My family, the one waiting in the town house for me so we can have dinner together, I told them I'd be back by now' I'd been in such a daze that I hadn't even noticed the time passing and had completely forgotten about the dinner plans made before I left for my mission. "Uhh, r-right, yes, of course" I stuttered, I fucking stuttered. Cauldrons what is this femal- deity doing to me? "See you around shadow-singer". Before I even had a chance to respond she had spread all four of her wings, and I couldn't help but admire them again, how they looked so fragile that if the wind blew to hard they would break. Yet they held strong without faltering. Lifting off into the air with the same grace she had shown the entire day, the canopy opening so she had direct access to the sky, she disappeared before I could blink.
I decided that, yes, I would definately be 'seeing her around' sometime. And with that I beat my wings lifting of the branch which slowly bent back to its original place, using the same break in the canopy that y/n had, and made my way home, thinking of how I would go out and try to find her again tomorrow.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y/n's POV
Leaving the shadow singer with a dumb-founded look on his face, I flew away to a deeper part of the forest.
'You know, maybe my siblings had the right idea with the whole 'visiting fae cities' thing, I might just need to ask one of them to take care of my forest for a while.' Just to see what I've been missing out on, obviosly. Not at all to see a certain shadow singer 'I never got his name.' Oh well, guess I'll just have to accidently stumble across him during my visit.
Ok so how was that? Let me know if you think it was any good, constructive criticism is welcome, have a good day, love ya
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