#gaara oc
kobayashisoul · 3 months
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》 ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀɴᴅ 《
"ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀɴ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢ. ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇꜱ ᴡᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ɪꜱ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ."
I always dreamed of having a Family Picture like that, and the amazing pun_shun made my Dream come true. 😍 Isn't it simply amazing? I love it so much. 💙
He even gifted me the Single Pictures of the Portrait.
I think these Pictures of my Family brings their Personality perfectly on point. Aoi the little wild heart, extroverted and always happy and troublesome. Jiro, a lot like his Father, introverted, calm and serious from a very young Age on. Shiina, the little Crybaby, but she also was a very happy Child. And Shinki of course, in this Picture everything was still new to him, so he's reserved and a bit shy. And of course, the happy Parents. 💙
I am really in love with this Picture. I hope that you like it too. Enjoy. 💙
Art (c) pun_shun
Raziela, Jiro, Aoi (c) @xkobayashisoulx
Sabaku No Gaara & Shinki (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Naruto & Boruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto
This Picture was a Comission for me from pun_shun. I am NOT the Artist of this Artwork. I have the Artists written permission to upload this drawing to my Social Media. ⚠️
The Ocs, their Designs and Stories belong to me. Without my written permission you have no right to recolor/repost/trace/edit/use this in any way. Also please don't ask me to roleplay with my Ocs because I don't allow that. ⚠️
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japandita · 2 years
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Mariya. Boceto en un día de aburrimiento :)
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pfpanimes · 2 months
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⌕ naruto - gaara.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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vote-gaara · 5 months
Positive Results - Gaara x (Fem) Reader
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(NSFW under break)
Read on A03
Summary: You're at the stage in your life where you desperately want kids…Actually, you've always dreamed of having a family, and now that you've been in a relationship with Gaara for a few years now, you're thinking of broaching the subject with him.
There's just one problem, though: You have absolutely no clue what his opinions are on the matter!
Could it be that due to his past he might refuse to start a family, spelling the end of your relationship with him? Or are you just getting ahead of yourself and panicking over nothing?
You suppose there's only one way to find out: You need to build up your courage and simply just ask him…
Warnings: lots of fluff, impregnation, pregnancy, wanting to get pregnant, talk of kids, sex, creampie
Authors Notes: I don't know what happened with this fic, but it just got on the wrong bus all of a sudden and ended up in fluff town. Don't worry, though, there's still lots of steam.
This fic is read best by someone who wants children or can imagine themselves having children/getting pregnant. If that's not you, you could probably still enjoy it for what it's worth, but it might not be your thing.
Anyways, enjoy.
Positive Results
Everything you desperately yearned for was dependent on the answer you would receive in the next three minutes.
You were standing alone in your bathroom with an anxiety so great it nearly made you nauseous. To steady yourself you held your breath, but when you began hearing the blood flowing through your ears along with the hard drumming of your heart, you changed tactics and opted to take slow, deep breaths instead.
In front of you was a white, plastic pregnancy test you had purchased only half an hour ago. You had promised yourself that you would wait until Gaara got home so that you both could endure the torture of the wait together, but you couldn’t help yourself. You simply had to know.
Now you occupied yourself the best you could, covering the test with the instruction booklet so that you didn’t have to look at it; then, quite abruptly, you changed your mind and ripped off the paper pamphlet to stare eagerly down at the result window. This compulsive action repeated so many times that you were certain you could have set your own world record for most amount of paper moved in 3 minutes.
It was torment. Utter torment. 
You began reasoning with yourself the best you could, “If it’s negative now, it’s really no big deal. We can always try again next month.” 
This thought comforted you and eased the tension from your shoulders as you reminisced over the last few months leading up to this very important moment.
The question on whether or not Gaara wanted to have children was something that burdened you with a doubt so strong that it paved its way to dread.
You had always wanted to have children, but now you desperately wanted to have children with Gaara, and the prospect that he didn’t feel the same anguished you greatly.
“In the way he was raised, of course he wouldn’t want to have children!” You reasoned, advocating against yourself. “And of course even if we did have children, they would be expected to be shinobi and he wouldn’t want that! Ever!” 
For each logical explanation you offered as to why Gaara wouldn’t want children, you sank further and further into despair. You loved him with all your heart, but having children was something really important to you.
“Could I really carry on being in a relationship with him if he never wanted kids?”
While you were busy tying yourself all up in knots over his stance on the subject, the fact had slipped your mind that you had never actually asked him how he felt about it. In truth, you had absolutely no clue where he stood on the matter, and it was a very real possibility that you were dreading an outcome that didn’t even exist!
Gaara was, to many people, a mystery. With his difficult to read expressions, his calm demeanor and to-the-point attitude, he was a perplexing mix of being extremely difficult to gauge and yet simultaneously extremely open with his expectations and ideas. Though throughout your relationship you could pick up and recognize even the most subtle changes in his expression, voice and demeanor with near 100% accuracy, there were still certain things you still needed to ask him about; after all, your ability to notice his tells him didn’t make you a mind reader.
Gaara, though reserved with his emotions, was upfront and honest about his intentions. When he wanted something, he would work hard to obtain it. When he was curious, he would ask questions. If he was upset about something….Well, eventually you could pry that out of him, too. 
Yet when it came to having children, the jury was so far out that they may have well conspired together to skip trial to never be seen or heard from again. He never mentioned his thoughts about the subject, and he never asked you your opinions on the matter, either.
“Did he not think about having kids at all?!” You thought to yourself from where you were sitting next to him on the couch, some months ago. Admittedly you were squinting hard at him, as if straining your eyes could help you peer inside his mind and find the filing cabinet in his brain labeled “whether or not to have children”. 
He turned to look at you.
“Y/N…” He said, his voice was level but the way he trailed off made you realize that there was something important he wanted to say. This made you flustered and you deflated backwards, giving him space.
Could it be that he was the one who had peered into your mind?
“Yeah?” You asked, glancing away quickly trying to play off how intently you had been staring at him just seconds before.
“I wanted to know…” He began and then stopped as he collected his thoughts; a troubled expression overtook his face.
“What is it?” You leaned forward again, but this time out of worry.
“It’s just…well…” Gaara began again and faltered again. He steadied himself, placing his warm hand on top of yours and he gazed into your eyes; eyes that were so soft and full of love, and yet you could see that pain resided in them, too. “I wanted to know if you were upset at me for something.”
The question caught you so off-guard that you let out a small gasp.
“What? Of course not, why would you think that?” You asked frantically, pulling your hand out from under his so that you could place it affectionately on his cheek.
“You have been acting differently lately,” Gaara explained, eyes still darkened, as if he didn’t believe you when you assured him that nothing was wrong. 
You pulled your hand away from his face, but nestled closer to him. “There’s nothing I would be upset at you for,” You said but still Gaara didn’t budge, forcing you to probe deeper. “What have I done to make you think I’m upset with you?”
“You just seem to be acting differently lately,” Gaara asserted again, but this time he opened up with an explanation. “I have noticed it for a while now…that there was something on your mind, but I could never place what it was…” Gaara drifted off and now you could really see the hurt pooling into his seafoam green eyes. “I wondered if maybe you had changed your mind about us.”
“That’s not true at all!” You exclaimed, pushing yourself towards him so forcefully that you were nearly sitting in his lap. Your arms wrapped around him tightly and your face found its way to the crook of his neck; when you felt his arms wrap around you, you began splashing his neck with little kisses.
“I love you very much,” you said, pulling away just enough to meet his gaze.
“I love you, Y/N.” Gaara said as he snaked a hand behind both your knees, pulling you close so that he could cradle you in his strong arms. 
You didn’t complain, and rested your head on his shoulder, one hand reaching out to affectionately caress his cheek. The two of you sat, nourished by each other’s company until Gaara spoke again.
“Then…What is it?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” You were puzzled. The alarm you had felt mere seconds before had completely wiped your mind clear of any previous thought.
“What has been bothering you?”
You moved away from him slightly to stare into his eyes, thinking back to all the interactions you had had with him lately; of course, nothing came to mind. You hadn’t been fighting or arguing, you both had been making ample time for each other; your sex life was active and intimate…
Suddenly it became clear to you and you let out a small giggle. You had to hand it to Gaara, he had always been a shrewd one.
“Nothing about you has been bothering me…but there is something…” You trailed off, seeing your opportunity to finally ask him the question that’s been itching in your brain for months now. “I wanted to ask you, but I guess I’m afraid of the answer.”
“What is it?” Gaara asked patiently.
“Well…it’s not so easy to just come out and ask.” You admitted as you deflated, leaning back away from him. “The trouble is that if you give me the wrong answer, then…Well, then you would have been correct to assume that we couldn’t be together.”
Your heart was beating hard against your ribcage as fear pooled into your navel; yet at the same time, you felt a deep comfort come over you, as if there was a spirit wrapping you in a warm blanket and telling you everything was going to be okay.
“Why?!” Gaara asked, his voice hoarse with pain.
“It’s just…Well…” You thought to explain the complexity of it all, but then you simply just blurted out, “Gaara, do you want to have kids?”
Gaara’s eyes widened in shock and his mouth fell open slightly before he caught himself. He gazed into your eyes, searching into the depth of your soul. It made you flustered - the expression on his face which you could not place - but you held firm.
“I’m relieved…”Was all Gaara said after what felt like years of intensity, but the simplicity of it made you bristle slightly.
“What do you mean?” Your voice came out more cross than you had meant.
“I’m relieved that this has been what has been bothering you,” Gaara said, again quite simply. He let a small, relieved smile come across his face. “I had been worried this whole time that there was something else…Something that meant you didn’t want to be with me anymore.” His smile fell and he lifted a hand to gaze solemnly into his palm. After a heartbeat he said, “I’m glad that’s not the case.”
The tightness in your muscles relaxed and you reached for Gaara’s hand, holding it delicately. You could feel his soft, warm skin in yours and you squeezed. “No, that was never the case,” You reassured him before pausing awkwardly. “But…Gaara…What do you think? I mean about having kids?”
Gaara blinked and looked over at you, his calm demeanor never wavering. “I had never thought of having children on my own, but not that I was against it. I felt perhaps that I would never have the fortune of having a partner, but now that I have you….Well, I think I’d really like to have them.”
Your body moved faster than your mind and suddenly you dove towards Gaara, kissing him clumsily and hard on the lips. Your reaction had surprised him and moved away slightly before he oriented himself and began kissing you back.
Reaching his hands to cradle your face, he pulled away slightly, but you were adamant. “Gaara, I want you to fuck me.”
A deep crimson blush came over his face which you found so adorable, you dove in for another passionate kiss.
“I…” Gaara sputtered, his mind still reeling, abruptly and clunkily switching tracks.
“I want you to fuck me right here on the couch.” You asserted, adjusting yourself so that you were sitting upright. “I want you to fuck me for all you’re worth, I want you to bend me up in knots, I want -”
“Y/N!” Gaara cut in gruffly, the sound of his deep, authoritative voice sending a shiver of excitement through you as if a cold breeze had suddenly passed through the room. Gaara took you by the wrist, his grasp firm which drove you even crazier. He had composed himself now and was staring at you deeply. “I don’t know if I have ever seen you so worked up…” He said, but there was a slight sliver of playfulness in his tone.
“Please Gaara -” You began to beg, but he cut you off with a kiss; the kind that firmly put an end to your inhibitions - not that you had any in that very moment, anyways. You let him push you backwards onto the couch and you spread your legs wide for him so that the two of you could fit together perfectly. He kissed you over and over until it made you dizzy, the hot wetness pooling between your legs.
“Ugn…I just want you to fuck me so bad…” You whispered into his ear.
“I will.”
Gaara’s voice was assured and you turned your head, allowing him access to the sensitive skin on your neck. He began kissing you over and over, all while you squirmed with pleasure and bliss from beneath him. You could feel the bulge in his pants as you pushed your hips forward, desperately grinding against him in the hopes that he would take you right then and there.
Though Gaara was far more reserved than you in that moment, pulling away so that he could help you remove your shirt. You didn’t need any help with your bra, however, for as soon as he had your shirt free from you, you had swifty undone the clasps and thrown the pesky article across the room at lightning speed. 
Gaara’s eyes widened in surprise but he was smiling now, too; the type of rare smile you didn’t get to see often, but that always made you fall in love with him all over again when you saw it. It was just a shame you couldn’t savor it for longer as  your tongue had found its way into his mouth as he once again leaned overtop of you, matching your energy this time as both of your tongues met in intimacy and pleasure.
You felt his wandering hands; how his caress traveled upwards towards your left breast. You felt him squeeze and as he did so, you moaned into his mouth which encouraged him further. Soon your tender nipple was between his fingers, and he began pinching it lightly, gradually applying more pressure until you let out another gasp. Now he couldn’t compose himself, he broke away from kissing you, turning his attention fully towards your breasts. He dove forward, sucking on your nipples so relentlessly that you knew he would be leaving his mark on you. All you could do was surrender to the sensation as butterflies fluttered and danced in your stomach, and more heat built up between your legs.
“Gaara…” You moaned as you tangled your elegant fingers through his thick, red hair. You relished how he moaned back. You loved feeling him moving his hips forward, pressing firmly against your womanhood. 
“If only he would take off his clothes!” You thought impatiently, pushing him away so that you could work at the buttons on his shirt. You didn’t have time for games, you wanted him to enter you so desperately that it almost hurt. You wanted to feel him pulse inside you as he orgasmed, releasing the seed that would give you your baby.
His shirt was off now and you got straight to unbuckling his pants, all while he let you set the pace. He could appreciate the mission you were on so he didn’t interfere by slowing things down, and you could tell by how hard his erection was once you had freed it from the confines of his pants that he didn’t want to wait much longer, either.
Now you were working on his underwear, tugging at the elastic band to free his stiffened member. It looked so swollen that it appeared to you almost uncomfortable, as it twitched impatiently, a bead of precum budding on the tip.
You wrapped a hand around his thick member, but Gaara grabbed you by the wrist again, pinning you back onto the cushions of the couch. When he was confident you would stay there, it was his turn to reveal his prize. He wasted no time, hooking his fingers into your waistband, he rid you of your pants and underwear both, and you opened your legs wide, revealing yourself fully to him.
“You are so beautiful,” He whispered, admiring your naked body with his gentle gaze. His hand was on your shin, slowly working its way upwards until you couldn’t take it any longer. You grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close to you, your tongues dancing together once more.
“Fuck me,” You said simply, and Gaara obliged. 
With one hand, he guided his cock towards your entrance; your heart filling with giddiness as you heard him moan softly at the slick, warm, wetness of your flesh.
Pushing forward, you connected with him, throwing your head back in bliss as the tip of his penis entered you slowly. Gaara leaned forward, his elbows resting on both sides of your head as he let out a pleasured gasp, pushing harder and harder until his full length was inside you.
“Damnit,” He grunted, pressing himself so hard against your entrance that you could feel his balls against your flesh. 
It drove you wild.
You began rocking your hips forwards, your fingers tangling through his hair until they traveled downwards towards his back. You dug your nails into his flesh like an animal, but Gaara didn’t seem to mind. He was giving it to you in hard, passionate strokes until he was making noises you had never heard him make before.
“Oh god!” You cried out as he abruptly hooked his hands around your knees, pushing your legs towards your chest. Now you could feel the tip of his cock rubbing relentlessly against your g-spot, and the sensation made you moan and pant. Better yet, you could feel from this position how deep Gaara could reach inside you, and you begged for him to cum in you.
“Please cum in me, Gaara!” You cried, your own dirty-talk pushing you closer to ecstasy.
“Tell me…” Gaara panted without breaking stride. “Tell me what you want.”
Now your womanhood was pulsing, drawing nearer and nearer to orgasm. You tried grinding against him, desiring him to go faster and harder, but from your vantage point you couldn’t. However, Gaara was observant and he drove his cock into you with such strength and speed you could barely think straight.
“Tell me what you want!” He repeated, demanding this time.
“I want you…” You moaned loudly, “To put a baby in me!”
Gaara fucked you harder and harder, you could tell how close he was, and you would meet him there. You concentrated deeply on the blooming pleasure that was stirring deep inside you, so near that you wanted to chase it. Then something truly sent you over the edge.
“I will put a baby in you.” Gaara growled in your ear, and that was it for you.
Your orgasm was strong. Your legs shook so hard you thought they might permanently turn into jello, and the pleasure was so great that you couldn’t even moan or breathe, you simply just had to endure wave after wave of bliss as your womanhood tightened and spasmed around Gaara’s thick, hot cock.
Gaara himself was close behind you. You felt him pushing deeper and deeper into you; so deep that it nearly made you wince as the head of his cock pressed up against your cervix. Then you felt as his cock began pulsating, joining you in orgasm, as ropes upon ropes of his cum filled you up, pooling against the entrance to your womb. You swore that sensation alone extended your orgasm for so long you could barely take it.
Gaara collapsed on top of you, panting hard. You could feel his penis softening inside you, but he was in no rush to withdrawal from you. With your legs still pinned upwards, the two of you caught your breath before kissing affectionately.
“I suppose we’ll have to do this more often,” Gaara said, his lewdness taking you by surprise - if you could even call that statement lewd. 
“As many times as we can both handle,” You replied with a big smile. You took him by the face and kissed him again, taking your time to pull away. However, it seemed that this stirred something inside Gaara, as you could feel his cock waking up, stiffening once more inside of you.
“Again?” You asked, your grin still big and bright.
Gaara let out a sheepish scoff but his answer came as he pushed into you more deeply again. His lips met yours, but in a less hurried manor this time. This time, it was slower, more attentive. 
This time it was lovemaking. 
The three minutes were up and you snatched the pregnancy test from the counter, casting a quick glance at the result window to receive your highly anticipated answer.
Just then, you heard Gaara coming down the hallway, and you flung open the door and dove into his arms. He caught you, receiving your celebratory kisses without much question.
“I’m pregnant!” You announced with joyful tears in your eyes.
Gaara’s eyes widened and a big, genuine smile warmed his face; his eyes softened as he held you in your arms. “Y/N…” He said breathlessly, “I’m so happy. Congratulations.”
You kissed him again, your embrace long and intimate as the two of you relished the exciting news together. 
“Your baby is inside me,” You said softly in his ear as he held you close. You weren’t sure what to expect from this comment, but the sudden poke you felt from his groin was a pleasant surprise.
“Does that excite you?” You asked, teasing him slightly.
Gaara turned his head away slightly out of embarrassment. “Yes…it does…”
Now you felt it too, and your hand strayed downwards, cupping his bulge. He tensed up at this, but gazed yearningly into your eyes.
“What do you say we go for celebratory dinner?” You asked with a spark in your eye. “But before we do that…What do you say we have some celebratory sex?”
With that Gaara scooped you up into his strong, unwavering arms and carried you to the bedroom. Little did you both know that by the time that you were finished with each other, all the restaurants would have been closed for the night.
This was okay, though. The celebration could always wait until tomorrow. 
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sischan · 2 months
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An update so far for this alternative Au where Sasuke marries Karin while Sakura is with Gaara. Naruto and Hinata are standing together, as this would've been sometime after their own marriage. =v= In the part two, that hasn't been worked on just yet, I plan to draw Hinata showing. ^-^ Please excuse my rambling.
Here's the sketch for Part one and Part two! No Ocs & no private messages please, but before I finish this request with next update what other characters from Naruto Shippuden should I add? They must alive at the point in the series story this Au for SasuKarin wedding is set for, mostly between Naruto Shippuden-the Last. For example, Kakashi standing next to Naruto. Characters already included are Orochimaru, Tsunade, Ino, Shino, Jugo, Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Gaara, Kakashi, my ocs Ai Hyuga(next to Ino), Kasumi Nobuyuki(next to Jugo),(plan to add the next few when I update again) Suigetsu, Chino and Nowaki (going by different looks to hide their identities.)
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green-kat331 · 4 months
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jackce · 1 year
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Thank you so so so so so so so much to my lovely patrons of March - April ❤️ you really change my world to a better one 🤧❤️
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baileythebean · 1 day
well i guess more of a photo dump but here
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@toniothegammafish @thesilliestofallqueers @rebootgrimm @ask-sora-aguilar @schnozzlebozzle
@bioexorcismss @piigeonss @weirdassartist @clown-prince-of-gay @lilacquintet 
@wakatoshi-main @metal-mage @vv4loe 
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brooseweyn · 5 months
commission info!
i am opening my commissions to fund my daily needs🥹!!! please help me out🫶🏻
i'll be taking 5 slots first but the commission will stay open👌🏻
✨here are my pricelist and types of artwork that i offer!✨
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artwork samples below!!!
✨photocard style and pose refs✨
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✨more recent illustration samples✨
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✨read my terms and conditions here:
✨ DM to book a slot!
✨ Don't find what you're looking for? DM me and let's figure things out. I'm always eager to hear about your characters' stories and dynamics, be it OCs or canons, let's hype together xD🫶🏻
✨ Shares / reblogs are highly appreciated!🥺 Thank you so much✨
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kobayashisoul · 4 months
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》 ɢᴀᴀʀᴇᴇ - ʟᴜɴᴀʀ ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀ 《
Happy Lunar new Year!
笑口常开 (xiào kǒu cháng kāi) – May your year be filled with abundance of smiles and laughter
Aaaah here it finally is and it's such a Masterpiece!
Gaara and Raziela are celebrating Lunar new Year in their brandnew matching Outfits! I waited for such a Picture for such a long time and I love this Artwork so much.
ɢᴀᴀʀᴀ ᴀꜱᴋɪɴɢ ʜɪꜱ ʙᴇʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴅᴀʏ ~ 🐉💃
Art (c) yukuid
Raziela Kobayashi (c) @kobayashisoul
Her Outfit designed by cid_ercherry
Sabaku No Gaara (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Naruto & Boruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto
This Picture was a Comission for me from yukuid . I am NOT the Artist of this Artwork. I have the Artists written permission to upload this drawing to my Social Media. ⚠️
The Oc, her Design and Story belong to me. Without my written permission you have no right to recolor/repost/trace/edit/use this in any way. ⚠️
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japandita · 2 years
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
Day 6: Hair-pulling
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At Wit's End
Pairing: Gaara of the Sand x Reader
Genre: Oneshot, smut, kinktober prompt
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: afab!reader, oral sex (female receiving), hair pulling (male receiving), little bit of dirty talk, Gaara is a bit of a dom in this ngl, vaginal fingering, lots of teasing, there's a little bit of fluff at the end
A/N: Man I love Gaara, like so much. This prompt was a prompt I was looking forward to and I'm sorry its so short but the ending just felt right. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy~
Read it on AO3
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The flat press of his tongue against your folds had you letting out a noise that was a mixture of a gasp and squeak. The next swipe of his tongue placed a good amount of pressure against your vulnerable clit and you bit your bottom lip to help smother the noise. The young Kazekage had your legs pushed up against your chest, his hands pressed against your knees, while he gave the entirety of his attention to your weeping sex. You smoothed his fiery locks against the back of his head, but the more involved his tongue became the stronger your grip on his hair.
“You’re twitching so much,” his gruff voice and hot breath fanned over your flesh and made you shiver. “But we just started.”
“Don’t tease.”
“Hm.” He brought one of his deft fingers down to rub around your wet entrance. “I’ll think about it.”
Gaara began to rub his thumb against your sensitive bud and lap at your opening. His attentions were too light, only enough to stimulate you but not enough to bring you to that blissful edge. He pressed his thumb down on your clit, roughly, and you gasped and pulled on his spiked strands. It was a sharp tug, only for a moment, but it was enough to get that sharp hiss of breath from him that you loved so much. The former jinchuriki began to move his thumb quickly, keeping that same rough pressure, and focused on worming his tongue’s way inside of you.
“Mmm.” You bit your bottom lip and curled your free leg overtop of his pale shoulder. He moved his tongue slowly, torturously, as he dragged it against your sensitive walls. Rarely did he lose his patience, especially when it came to these sorts of things. The young Kazekage loved nothing more than to tease, to give pleasure but only to the extent he allowed. All in order to see your reactions, but his favorite was when you pulled on his soft strands.
The first time was an instinctual reaction, a sharp tug to try and ground yourself during your orgasmic high, but his response to it had been more surprising. A gasp with wide sea-foam greens, an involuntary buck of his hips, and a tremble down his spine were not a reaction you had expected but definitely one you savored. From then on, when given the opportunity, you’d make sure to pull at his hair at some point during your trysts. Gaara was the one who told you how he preferred it when it was a response to his actions, and you were never one to deny him.
His tongue curled against your vaginal walls, and you let out a weak moan. That devious muscle could play you like a fiddle. The way he knew how to work you, how to get the most out of you and yet chose to keep you on that ledge drove you insane. “G-Gaara, please,” you whined, your fingers gripping his strands tightly. You tugged again, attempting to spur him to go faster, but his self-control was too great. He continued his languid thrusting, his lazy manipulation of your turgid bud. You whined, your hips trying to move against his face in attempts to reach your release faster, but he moved his grip down from your knee to your pubic bone and pressed down on your center, thwarting your plans.
Against your wishes, he removed his tongue from inside of you, as well as his fingers, and you groaned in frustration. “So impatient,” he muttered. He sounded so gruff and raspy, and when you looked down at him you could see the telltale sheen of slick against his lips and chin. You wanted to pull him right back to your center by his hair. That’s exactly what he wants, you thought as you watched him tap his fingers against your skin gently. “What are you so eager for?”
He swirled one finger around your sopping entrance before gently pushing it inside and pumping it languidly. You tugged on his hair in response, groaning at the minute amount of relief and giving in to your baser need to have his mouth on you again. The quiet moan that left him at your pull made you tug on it again. “I’m always eager for more of you,” you muttered, to which he chuckled.
Giving into your needs, but only a little, he began to lap at your clit while he added a second finger, the pace only a bit faster than before. You needed so much more, the pleasure and teasing had created a knot in your stomach that was begging for release. Without thinking, you pulled at his strands again and tried to buck your hips. The hair pulling made him close his eyes for a moment and groan into your sex. He paused his ministrations briefly before starting them again, scissoring you and licking your bud with random zigzag patterns, and it could have just been your wishful thinking, but you thought, or rather hoped, that he had gotten just a bit quicker.
You moaned, your back arching as he added a third finger. That damned teasing pace continued. You were almost at your wits end—he hadn’t teased you for that long before! With three of his pale fingers moving so lazily inside you and his tongue seemingly practicing shapes against your overly sensitive clit you could hardly feel the tears beginning to well in your eyes. Truly, this was madness. Your legs twitched, both now locked behind his shoulders in order to keep your teasing lover in place, your thighs trembled, and your hands shook as they kept their ever-tightening grip on his hair.
“You’re clenching my fingers rather roughly,” he grumbled into your soaked flesh. “Do you need something?”
You swore you’d never felt so aggravated with the man in your life.
With the last remnants of your sanity, you let go of his hair and that made him pause. He looked up at you, those heated eyes of his seemingly questioning if he’d gone too far and if you were alright, his hand at your pubic bone removing itself to hold your trembling thigh gently. But your response came slowly, as you carded your fingers through those messy locks, scratching his scalp lightly as you went. His eyes closed again, and a soft breath left his lips and blew against your aching sex. Gaara resumed his movements, his frustratingly slow movements, and you gathered as much of his hair as you could from the back of his head.
You kept your legs locked behind him, made sure you had a satisfactory amount of hair, and waited. The quiet schlicks, the wet sound of his tongue moving against your throbbing clit, and your quiet pants were drowned out by the sound of blood rushing in your ears. Maybe he sensed something was coming, or maybe not, but all the same he seemed to pick up the pace by a noticeable amount. It was too late, as wonderful as it felt to finally have a bit more of that heavenly friction that you’d been seeking, you weren’t going to let him continue to tease you. You were tired of the edge, you wanted to fall off.
On the next curl of his fingers, you pulled at his hair, hard. Harder than you’d ever done before, and you pressed your heels into his back to get him as close as you physically could. You were sure the pulling had hurt, but he only let out a loud gasp in surprise, a very similar sound to the first time you’d pulled at his locks. And it worked, that incredible patience finally seemed to snap as you kept your tight grip and he began to devour you like a man starved.
A loud moan left you, your back arching above the bed. He let you roll your hips against his mouth and fingers at the erratic pace you had so desperately been waiting for. “Nnnn, Gaara.” You squeezed your eyes shut and felt the very beginnings of that release you so desperately needed. His tongue licked your clit rapidly, his three fingers thrusting so hard and deep inside of you that you were sure to be sore later. “Yesss, coming!”
With only a few more bucks of your hips, laps of his tongue, and thrusts of his fingers you were coming undone. To the best of your ability, you tried to keep that strong hold on his hair, knowing that was what he needed the most. He moaned as he felt your walls flutter around his fingers and your clit throb against his tongue. Gaara lifted his head just a bit, just enough to watch your face and body contort as you lost your grip on his head. Your legs fell from around his shoulders, and he held them open.
He sat up, watching you closely as you basked in the blissful feeling of release after being pent up for so long. His hair was a disaster, some red strands having been pulled off remained in your hands. His chin was soaked with the evidence of your desire and his eyes told you everything you needed to know. That heated gaze, those gorgeous orbs, told you that the two of you were far from finished. So, you gave him as best a wink you could in your state.
Gaara let out a puff of breath at your sloppy wink and crawled further up your form until he was right above your face. “You drive me to my wit’s end,” he muttered before placing a soft kiss on your temple. You loved the small smile that had found its way to his lips.
“I can say the same about you.”
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tagged list: @therantingfangirl @justmyownreality @hashira-mal @nightingaleflow
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venerawrites · 3 months
I need a Gaara hc or small fic where his s/o took an interest to kankuro than him ❤️
If u see this (have a great day!!) 💕
Gaara x gn! reader
author's note: thank you so much for your request! Gaara is one of my favourite characters in the show, so it was an absolute pleasure to write this one! I think it got a little bit longer than intended, but I hope you still like it! Also, I hope you had a pretty great day yourself <3
Warnings: none, slight angst? (not a warning, just a note - also I tried to make reader gn, since it was not specified in the request. If anyone sees any pronounce other than "they/them" used, please let me know.) <3
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Memories of that one particular night often invaded his thoughts uninvited. Sweet memories, filled with soft music, heavy smoke, and a pair of dark eyes, which have haunted his being every waking moment for almost a year now...
The war was officially over. After a long period of struggles, losses, and the lost lives of countless young men and women, the citizens of Suna finally had the chance to continue their lives, free from worry and fear. And what better way to acknowledge this new freedom than a village festival?
Gaara reluctantly has agreed for the Council to organize a celebration, despite the current "black hole" in the village's finances. In his view, a priority was the rebuilding of the buildings and strengthening the economy, rather than hiring questionable street performers and musicians.
"Stones and sand blokes are easily replaced, My Lord", one of the old councillors has said to him earlier that day, "But is the spirit of the people that need to be brought back to life. They need an escape... a way to forget the painful and bloody reality we all live in."
That night he found himself silently following his siblings through the busy streets of Suna, his pale eyes observing the smiling faces of reunited families and the cheerful laughter of warriors, who eagerly shared stories of their bravery and courage to their fellow villagers. Maybe the councillor was right after all..
"Gaara, look", his brother shouted excitedly, pulling his sleeve and pointing towards a large tent towards the end of the village square. An old wooden sign was hanging next to the entrance stating: "Exotic dancers from far away lands... Come and experience the magic!"
The young Kazekage signed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He already felt irritated that he had to postpone his work for the day, but having to deal with his older brother, who acted like a hormonal teenager, made his mood even more sour.
"Kankuro, I don't think-"
Before he can finish his sentence, Kankuro has already wrapped his hand around his elbow and was dragging the redhead towards the tent. Temari, who was murmuring something under her breath, soon followed, looking just as annoyed as Gaara.
"We already visited three of the village attractions chosen by Temari", Kankuro finally said, looking at his sister, who crossed her arms and rolled her eyes in response, "Now it is my turn."
The siblings entered the tent and Gaara had to immediately squint his eyes to adjust his vision to his surroundings. The air was heavy with white smoke, carrying a certain sweetness to it, a product of the numerous pipes placed on the tables around the space. The light was dim, coming only from the small candle lights hanging around the ceiling.
"Kankuro", Temari coughed, waving her hand in front of her face, "Where did you bring us? I can barely breathe here."
The puppet master clicked his tongue, taking a seat at one of the empty central tables.
"Ah, stop complaining", he smirked, waiving her off, "I endured an hour of half-naked men twirling fire sticks. I am sure you can enjoy a few minutes of real art."
Temari opened her mouth to protest but stopped herself once Gaara glanced at her. He shook his head, signalling her not to argue. The two eldest siblings have been bickering all evening and the Kazekage's patience was running thin. He preferred to just agree to his brother's wish and hopefully after that, he would finally manage to escape back to his office and continue his work.
"Ah, what a surprise! What a surprise!", an excited voice sounded behind them and they all turned around only to find a tall blonde woman dressed in a red kimono. She smiled widely, before moving in front of them and bowing.
"We did not expect to be visited by the mighty Kazekage today", she said, looking directly at Gaara, "We are delighted to have you, My Lord."
The redhead remained expressionless but nodded his head at her words. Truth to be told, he did not want to be seen in a tent full with "exotic dancers", but at this point, when almost the whole space was full with people, he would draw more attention by standing up and exiting, than just sitting quietly on his chair.
"Thank you", he politely said, throwing a quick glare to Kankuro, " We are excited to see the show you have prepared for tonight."
"How long is this show?", Temari asked impatiently, looking and noting that the audience was predominantly drunk males, "And where is it going to take place? I don't see any stage around here."
The woman laughed, tilting her head to the side.
"The show can be as long as you want it to be. You can stay only for one dance, or you can enjoy a full night full of music and dances. And there is no stage. The dancers are going to create their art right here, in the public. We prefer to create an atmosphere which is more...", she paused, moving her eyes back to Gaara.
The Kazekage tilted his head, crossing his hands in front of his chest. Something about this woman was making him feel uneasy. They had chatted with her for a few minutes now and he had more questions, rather than answers about what to expect.
The loud sound of rhythmic drums suddenly rang around the space and the crowd, which was enthusiastically chattering, silenced itself. The lights became slightly more dim and everyone's attention shifted towards the middle of the space, where a lonely petite figure raised itself from the ground, scanning the unfamiliar faces all around.
Dark eyes moved from across the room till they stopped on his pale ones. And suddenly, the whole world stopped... the music, the applause, the unamused murmur of his sister beside him. All he could see was the piercing gaze that bore into him, unmoving and not even blinking. It was almost as if was putting him into a hypnosis and he involuntarily leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table before him while he followed each move of their body.
From bold dark make-up to a body covered with gold jewellery, gemstones, and pearls, they were moving under the seducing rhythms with such ease and grace, Gaara could have sworn they were floating off the ground. Their hips swayed from side to side, while their body was twisting and turning, pearl beads clicking against their gemstone covered suit with every move they made.
Gaara has never seen anything more beautiful in his life.
Expertly moving between the tables, without losing even a beat of their rhythm, the dancer moved in front of the Kazekage's table with their back facing the siblings, before they bent backward, their dark gaze locking with Gaara's mesmerized stare once again. Without breaking eye contact, they sharply turned around and jumped on the table, their head tilting as if silently inviting the redhead ninja to say something.
Unable to resist this silent request, he leaned forward even more, raising his voice a little so the dancer could hear them:
"Who are you?"
They only smirked, swiftly moving once again in such a gracious way, that before the Kazekage could realise, they were behind him, their warm breath next to his ear.
"I can be anyone you want me to be..."
They stepped away, briefly focusing their attention on other members of the crowd, who just like Gaara had already fallen under the ethereal spell of this siren.
After a few minutes and a final loud sound of the drums, the lights went completely off and just like that the dancer was gone. Everyone looked around in confusion, before they stood on their feet, loudly clapping and whistling. Gaara also stood up, but instead of clapping, he quickly started to make his way towards the back entrance of the tent, where he caught a glance of a bare foot covered with pearl anklets exiting the tent. He heard the sound of his siblings yelling his name behind him, but he could not focus on anything other than catching up to the dancer.
It took him just a few seconds to get out of the tent, but once he did and he scanned his surroundings, he couldn't see anyone but drunk ninjas, who were stumbling down the road. No sight of the person he was looking for or of any of the "exotic dancers" for that matter. He made a few steps, peering behind the corner, only to find the alley behind it empty.
His lips immediately pulled themselves into a frown and he shook his head, looking up at the sky. What was wrong with him? He was never one to act impulsively or without thinking... but then what was he doing out here? He didn't even know this person. For all he knew, they could actually be an assassin, trying to trick them.
Gaara has just turned around, when he heard a voice behind them.
"I did not take you for one to give up so easily", a melodic laugh followed the words and he quickly turned around to find the dancer he was looking for sitting on top of one of the empty performers' carriages. They smiled, swiftly jumping down and making a few slow steps towards him.
"I assume you were searching for something... or someone", they laughed, raising their eyebrows slightly. Gaara's cheeks warmed at their words and he opened his mouth, before closing it again and gulping loudly.
Why was he feeling so nervous?
"No, I... I mean, yes. I was looking for you", he admitted, nervously moving his hand behind his head and scratching his neck, "I... wanted to tell you that your performance was truly beautiful."
This time it was the dancer's turn to smile and blush. They looked down, their right feet making small figures in the sand beneath. After a few seconds of silence, they lifted their eyes again, boring into his.
"Thank you. I am flattered that the Kazekage himself enjoyed my performance."
The redheaded male gulped again, his thoughts racing with ideas of what to say next, yet his whole body stayed frozen. If the slight blush on his cheeks and the top of his ears did not give him away, his stoic expression could easily be mistaken for indifference.
"Well", they finally broke the silence, peering behind Gaara's shoulder to see if the other dancers had finished their performance yet, "I better go. I have one more performance to do before we have to pack."
Gaara's heart leaped at their words. He nodded his head, gesturing with his hand towards the entrance.
"Apologies! I did not want to keep you, I just...", he stopped himself, unsure how to finish that sentence, "I am excited to see you dance again."
The dancer looked at him, biting their lip before giving him a small smile.
"Actually, the performance is going to be... private."
"Private?", he asked too quickly and with a voice too high pitched. He closed his eyes, mentally cursing at his reaction, before clearing his throat, "What does it mean... private?"
They let out a small laugh at the Kazekage's awkwardness, but quickly regained back composure, before tilting their head toward the well-lit noisy house at the end of the street.
"As performers, we are often hired by people for their own celebrations. The family that lives in that house over there just got their two sons back from war... so they wanted to organise something special."
Gaara listened carefully, the sound of their words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. The idea of them giving a show to other people, where he had no chance to join and watch them, did not sit right with him. Who was that selfish to keep such beauty and grace to themselves, barring everyone else from seeing it?
The dancer gave him a small bow and a polite "goodbye", before swiftly turning away. They made just a few steps, when the Kazekage's voice stopped them.
They turned around, a curious smile playing on their lips.
"Yes, Lord Kazekage?"
"You can call me Gaara", the redhead said, closing the distance between them. His eyes shifted between their dark eyes and the house where they were supposed to go. Knowing he had little time, he had to choose his next questions carefully.
"What is your name?", he asked, his feet stopping right before them. The performer smiled at their question, battling their eyelashes and clasping their hands behind their back.
"Why do you want to know?", they arched a beautifully painted eyebrow, "With respect, Lord Kazekage, it is not my style to give my name to members of the crowd... even if they are the village leaders."
It was Gaara's turn to look at them questionably.
"How do one book you for a private performance if they do not know your name?"
Their gaze fell to the floor and for a second time, their cheeks turned a rosy colour. It was barely visible in the darkness of the night and under their stage makeup, but Gaara saw it as bright as day. He bit his lip, fighting the urge to let out a smile. His efforts quickly became pointless once they looked up at him again and he couldn't help but let the corners of his mouth twitch upwards.
"Speak to Izumi, the woman who was annoying your table earlier", they laughed, before turning away and starting to walk away. They did not get too far, however, before they turned to look at him again.
"They call me Pearl", they shouted, before lifting their hand and gently shaking the pearly threads hanging from their sleeve. With a final smile, they continued walking, soon getting lost into the darkness.
It did not take long for Gaara to find a reason to call the dancer for a private show.
Just two weeks after the village festival, it was one of the Councillor's birthday. Unlike his usual self, Gaara insisted on throwing a grand celebration. And just like the "selfish people who kept beauty and grace to themselves", he hired a private performer for the occasion, which just so happened to be Pearl.
A few months after that, there was a visit from Naruto and a few other Leaf ninjas to the village. Another reason for a feast to be thrown, as well as another reason for Pearl to be there.
Then it was Kankuro's birthday. And as a gift, he hired the same dancer again, this time offering to pay for them to stay for a full weekend.
Thinking back, this was the biggest gift he had ever given his brother and probably the only one he regretted
It would be foolish of him to think that he was the only one who had fallen under the magic of their body and gaze. Deep inside he had already expected that his brother would fall victim to their charm.
What he had not expected, however, was that they would fall too... for Kankuro.
Maybe it started the first night they met. Maybe the whole night they were actually looking at his older sibling, rather than him. Maybe he has mistaken their glances across the room for harmless coincidence, rather than silence promises to meet somewhere private once the moon is up high in the sky. Maybe he had lived in his own fear of rejection for so long, that he accidentally gave Kankuro the chance to snatch the thing he wanted the most right under his nose...
There were a lot of "maybes" racing through his head as his blue eyes stared at the object of his deepest desires and his brother embracing each other under the pale light of the moon, their lips locked in a passionate kiss, while their hands explored each other's skin.
Gaara's fingers involuntarily snapped the flower he was holding in his hand, resulting in one of the thorns on the stem piercing his skin. Scarlet drops of blood started to drip on his pale skin, forcing him finally to look away.
People always said love was supposed to feel beautiful. That it gave you wings and made you see the world in a different light...
But where was that beauty? How was he supposed to see the world, when it seemed it was all fading in darkness?
Throwing the flower to the ground, the Kazekage turned away and hurried back towards his home. Not daring to look back, he thought of the night he met them for the first time.
The night when it was just him and them.
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lady-divine69 · 10 months
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It took me forever but I’m so happy I got it done! 😭😭
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honeybxbygirl · 2 years
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green-kat331 · 18 days
A little piece I made a little over a year ago.
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I was really proud of it so i decided to post it here too. Might remake it one day bc I love these two 💚❤️
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