#future diary holders
meryizza · 3 months
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Even 11 years later, this anime means a lot to me 🩷
I like drawing in traditional too ewe.
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yunoteru4ever · 3 months
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here's a good quality if you don't already have it <3
THANK YOU! This is easily the best-quality copy I've seen of this particular card.
Anyone wanting to see more of these tie-in cards that feature unique Mirai Nikki/Future Diarty artwork (mostly of Yuno, ofc) should check out @sunniedesi's detailed writeup over here and/or my older, less informative post showing/talking about the cards, which at least has since been edited to link to various updated scans/details at the bottom. (Looks like I'll be linking to this very post next.)
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worlds-4th-best-dad · 7 months
Deus: Death is a natural part of life. Deus, referring to the Diary Holders: Not your deaths though. All your deaths are going to be super fucked up.
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teeniedaeva · 5 months
Hello! My mutual saw you take requests for Mirai Nikki and wanted to ask you for a little drabble (I guess scenario fits as a synonym) of Takao Hiyama killing Y/N.
I also saw that someone asked for a fanfic of a someone else’s characters and you said that you needed some info about the characters and since Takao is relatively obscure in the eyes of the fandom, I suppose I should give you some additional info to work with.
Takao Hiyama Info: He is the Third Diary Holder. His age is not outright stated, but he is believed to be in his 30s. His appearance differs as he has auburn hair in the anime, but orange hair in the visual novel. Despite these differences, he still maintains his eye color of green. He is an English teacher at the Sakurami Middle School. He is also a serial killer by night. Although he isn’t shown much in the manga and anime, he is depicted to be quite distrustful of others to the point of paranoia. In the visual novel, he is depicted to be quite optimistic and cheerful when he is a teacher. Additionally, the visual novel depicts him as quite sadistic when he murders people, taking great pleasure in the despair of his victims.
Hopefully this added info helps! :)
You landed on the floor with a thump, feeling your heart race. your eyes wide with fear. He looked down at you through his orange goggles. If he hadn't had the gas mask you'd be able to see his lips stretched into a wide grin. Your nose was bleeding, you had bruises, and you were weak. His eyes were wide, shimmering with a sadistic glee.
You're panting, backing away. ''Where are you trying to go huh?'' Takao said teasingly. Stepping right on your knee, and breaking it with ease. You scream in pain, holding onto your knee. He laughed, enjoying your suffering. He gripped his large machete tighter. ''I'd love to have more fun with you, but I think it's time to put an end to this.'' He says, raising the large machete above his head. You tried shuffling away, but with the blink of an eye he slit your throat as he watched the blood spurt out of you with joy. Proceeding to stab you right in the chest, then pulled the knife out, as you choked on your own blood.
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talldecafcappuccino · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @chainofclovers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 301,363
3. What fandoms do you write for?
It's really just Ted Lasso. I wrote a bit for The Lizzie Bennet Diaries years and years ago and then a couple one-offs for Schitt's Creek and The 100, but it wasn't much.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
my body over yours
when we were young
It's Great to Stay Up Late
love the lasso way
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, but I fell off for a while at the end of the last year. I feel weird not responding to comments and also it's just really nice to chat with people in comments. It's where I first met many of my fandom friends! Alas, it's harder to respond to comments on a multichapter because the story isn't done and I don't want to give anything away so I'm just like repeatedly saying "thanks for sticking with this fic!!"
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
home again - I pretty much only write happy endings, but the most open-ended thing I wrote was this post-finale fic for Ted Lasso that I suppose some people might find angsty for reasons (it's really not angsty, but like...I could see making an argument for it).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
leader of the pack - To me this is the happiest possible ending to AppleTV+ Ted Lasso: a future fic with Ted and Rebecca happy together, splitting their time between London and Kansas until Ted's eventual retirement from coaching, but they still visit the games in the fan section (where the season ticket holders have a permanent seat saved for Ted).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I'm aware of.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not really. I've only written it as part of a larger story and I guess I don't tap into writing it very easily without a larger story to frame it (basically I need a whole lot of build up or context before I can write it which I suspect is thanks to demisexuality lmao)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I’ve never set out to write a crossover, but I realized after the fact that my Ted Lasso goes on Queer Eye fic is in fact a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, just brainstormed with a friend or had a convo that sparked something, but never actually co-written anything with someone else.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't have one! I don't like picking favorites in general and for ships there are different faves for different things and different faves for different seasons of life. I'm currently hyper-fixated on Ted/Rebecca, but that doesn't necessarily make them my all-time favorite ship.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmm idk. I think the ones I want to finish are still able to be finished and any other ones I'm good with them remaining WIPs. I only have one active Ted/Rebecca WIP posted on ao3 and I plan to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think it’s dialogue. My honors English teacher said I was funny once and I've latched on to that as well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to get focused on plot and what's happening and I find it harder to just write someone's thoughts and emotions without it veering into melodrama (or at least it feels like melodrama to me).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it's very cool if you are someone who knows another language or has the resources to do so and it works for the character/story/fic. Unfortunately I am terrible at languages (including my own) so I'll just appreciate it when someone else does it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I definitely wrote some very terrible HP one shots when I was like...13?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Idk about favorite but I'm proud I finished my bodyguard au the way I wanted to which makes it a fave based on that alone.
leader of the pack might be my personal fave because it's how I initially pictured an idealistic happy ending for the show (post-season 1)
But also I liked writing lots of my fics for different reasons. I really truly hate picking favorites!!
Tagging: I'm late to this and I feel like everyone I know who writes has been tagged already 😅 Please participate if you want to!!
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httyddragonfox · 1 year
Observations on Palismen: Differences between holders.
I noticed something when comparing life goals for connecting Palismen to their owners, and that's that some goals are kind of similar. That got me thinking...what differentiates the Palismen to their specific owners? I realized...it's the conviction or the certain feeling behind the dream that makes it different.
For example, one kid wanted to make it to graduation. When talking about Luz's goal didn't work at the time, ("I want to be a witch") I compared it to "I want to be a human" or "I want to live in this world." That sounds similar to "I want to make it to graduation," which most people end up doing. The difference here is the conviction. "I want to make it to graduation," the feeling behind that is endurance or survival, the kid probably had trouble thinking he was going to make it; that is why he got a sloth, a creature that takes life as it comes and just tries to survive. Luz saying "I want to be a witch," that's not her saying she wants to make it in the world because she has doubts, that's not her saying that she just wants to take life as it comes. She wants to do more than that. She wants to become a great witch, like Eda or Azura, she wants to shine at what she's good at and be recognized for it. That's not enduring, that's not survival, so what she said wasn't the brass tacks. She had to get to the heart of what she wanted for a Palisman to connect to her, she had to understand what she was, how she acts, what she wants and what she is striving towards. In thanks to them, she admitted she wanted her whole life was "to be good at something," "to not be the dummy in the principal's office anymore," this didn't make her Palisman hatch because this wasn't the brass tacks of what she wanted either.
There's also feeling involved. What she said when she said "I want to be a witch," it was full of excitement. The problem was highlighted in that episode, and as I said earlier. In a world full of witches, "I want to be a witch" is not much of a goal, especially when she's already using magic and is technically already a witch. If her feelings matched what she said it might have worked, but being a witch at that point would be to keep doing what she was already doing, it's not a dream of hers if she's already lived it. There's also the matter of "you get your wish, but now what." Luz wanted a life in the boiling isles, but she also wanted to go home eventually, so apparently she didn't want to truly be a witch. Her feelings did not match what she said, similar to when she was making her diary entry. She wanted to be good at something, but when she said it she was feeling regretful, it wasn't her true desire or conviction. It's in 'For the Future,' where she realizes what her driving goal throughout the series was. What she said was she wanted "to be understood," but I think she meant and felt that she wanted to feel okay with being herself. Throughout the whole series she was constantly judged: for being weird, a human, naive, impulsive. She wanted someone to truly accept her for herself, and she felt she could be herself on the Boiling Isles, but she didn't realize that until 'For the Future'. What she felt matched what she said about what she wanted, and thus she connected with her Palisman. Her Palisman becomes a snake-shifter, Luz's fondness for snakes and desire to be whatever she set her mind to be matched the Palisman.
This brings me to another point of discussion: Amity vs Hunter. When analyzing their desires, I found they were very similar. "I don't know what I'll be when I'll grow up, but I'll figure it out on own," vs "At least you can figure out your own (I want to decide my own future). Why didn't they both get cats/birds? I feel that had something to do with the feeling and conviction behind what they said, making their personalities distinct as every witch is different, thus the different Palisman.
Eda's family for example, they all tend to go with birds. My reasoning for this is because they are all related and thus have similar personalities to each other. Lilith it seemed wanted the power, authority, and also knowledge that came with the emperor's coven, and Eda wanted to be a powerful witch to be able to do whatever she wants, both exert an element of freedom, thus their palisman are birds. (This is important.)
When we dive into Amity and Hunter, as shown in 'Eclipse Lake,' they have a lot in common, they both have controlling guardian figures. Why are their Palisman different? Hunter didn't really get to pick the form his Palisman took, and Amity probably got hers from a Palisman carver, picking a cat because she likes cats. That's one reason they're different. Hunter and Amity, while having the same desire, are in different situations, thus have different convictions. Hunter was born without magic, while Amity did have magic, able to access a few kinds as shown in 'Reaching out.' Her mother is controlling, her father as well to a lesser extent. She has many options out of life, many paths that she could follow, but her path is being decided for her. "I don't know what I'm going to be when I grow up, but I'll figure it out on my own." Her desire is to decide her future without her parents, this could be freedom, but this is more independence. She wants to separate herself from anything that could influence her, and decide for herself what she wants, striking it out on her own away from the Blight name and legacy. Her Palisman is a cat, a creature known for their strength, elegance but most importantly, independence.
As I said earlier, Hunter doesn't have magic, unlike Amity. Hunter literally wouldn't have had a future if Belos didn't give him one. Belos holds over his head that Hunter should be grateful to him for this, and as such he's not allowed to do anything Belos doesn't like, even if Hunter thinks it could help Belos. He wants to study wild magic...but Belos said no, so despite it fascinating him he has to give it up. Hunter wishes things were not like this, not that he doesn't appreciate Belos for helping him, it's just his lack of magic is a major sore spot for him. He wishes he could be like the other witches, and have a normal life. "At least you can figure out your own," is him saying he wishes he had more than one option. He wishes he wasn't trapped in this condition. Despite his authority, he has no other option but to do what Belos wants. What Hunter desires is freedom, the freedom of choice, something he doesn't have. This drives his entire motivation, something Flapjack pushes him to achieving: freedom to act on his own despite orders, freedom of a larger social circle, freedom of doing what he wishes to do. His Palisman is a bird, hence Freedom. The difference between Amity and Hunter, Amity has choices but is being forced into a group not of her choosing (Independence), while Hunter has no choices but wants more (Freedom).
I guess I should also talk about Caleb, as Hunter's Palisman is a Cardinal and those are symbolic of being guardian angels. Caleb also has a lot to do with Hunter's being, as Hunter was made from him. Of course, just because he was doesn't mean he's Caleb. This is a similar case to the Clawthornes, the family all had birds because they had a similar personality and desires, the same could be said between Caleb and Hunter for they are akin to being father and son. Caleb is still a big influence on Hunter: it's why Belos raised Hunter the way he did, and it's where Hunter got his interest in magic and moral compass from I'll bet. Palisman awaken due to connecting to a certain emotional heart-to-heart with their owner. When their original owner gave forth their honest desires, that like minded connection to said desire rested in them forever. Flapjack's was along the lines of "the freedom of deciding one's destiny/future;" this could tell you a lot about Caleb. Caleb also wanted freedom from a future he felt he had no choice but to have. He came from a time of Witch Hunters: if you didn't join them you were against them, and if you were against them you were killed, and if you mourned those who were killed you were killed. Caleb and Phillip would have died if Caleb didn't rope them into becoming witch hunters; of course, the witch hunts of Connecticut got a lot of innocent people killed. Caleb (being the smiley person he was in Belos' memories) probably didn't enjoy hurting people deep down (also deep down Hunter didn't enjoy hurting the Palisman). In the memories he seemed very enthused about the unsavory practice, until he meets Evelyn. In that photo, the pitchfork is pointed down as he's walking towards her, fascinated by her magic (like Hunter was fascinated by wild magic). He then runs away with her, marries her and sires a child with her. He got the freedom to be who he wished to be, someone who didn't have to hurt others to survive.
TLDR: This was my TED TALK on how the covictional desires of the characters resonated with the palsiman more than the words of their desires.
P.S I totally think my Palisman would be a Bird or a Dragon if I didn't get to choose the form, but if I did it would be a dragon all the way. My desire is similar to Luz's, but not exactly. Hers was "being okay to be herself," mine is in convoluted terms "I want to be recognized. I want everyone to hear my stories, know what I believe and what is in my head." Yes, I was bullied too, but I didn't want to be understood, I didn't care about that. Even when I was accepted, I wanted more than that, I was always someone to share what was in my head like word vomit. I want to be known, I want to be heard. It's expression, so it would probably be a loud, rare or exotic animal. I want people to see me for who I am, not to be understood, but just to be accepted and known about. I'm a weirdo, who wants to express herself, so why not a dragon.
You can mention what you think your palisman would be in the comments.
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ultraericthered · 5 months
So I felt like making a hot take post about this audacious bitch:
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Minene Uryuu, Ninth Future Diary Holder from The Future Diary. (Yes, she and Black Lagoon's Revy Two-Hands are almost the same character, I know.)
Losing her parents as collateral damage in religious extremist militia warfare when she was 8 years old, Minene was forced to live a brutal life as an orphaned, homeless street rat in a Middle Eastern nation overrun with the religious extremists' ceaseless conflict, possessing little of her own and having to resort to theft in order to survive. The result of this was Minene developing a burning hatred towards the idea of God and of all religion as a whole, organized or otherwise.
Carrying this disdain for everything related to religion and letting the wrath and hatred fester inside her heart as he got older, Minene was eventually able to make her living as a terrorist bomber, specifically targeting religious structures, religious organizations, and prominent, influential religious individuals, in order to destroy them in the name of atheism and shit. Before it was turned into her Future Diary by Deus, Minene's Escape Diary was a regular journal that she used to chart out all the possible escape routes in whichever area she was planning to attack. She is very tactical and intelligent, able to easily gather information and make deductions based on it. Having spent her adolescent years alone with no love or guidance, she believes she is fated to be all alone in the world, does not need anyone else in her life to help her, and must survive and endure at all costs so she may one day see the stated end goal for all her evildoing realized: the erasure of the very idea of gods and all religious faith built from the world. Throughout her life, Minene appears to be haunted by her eight-year old self and the memory of crying over her dead parents, symbolizing her desire to escape her own past and be saved.
So where I am going with this? Well, here's my hot take:
Minene Was Right.
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...Except for all the ways in which she was not.
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While wanting to erase the concept of deities and higher powers from the collective of humanity is childish extremism in her thinking (people have believed in such things for ages and I really don't think there is anything that could stop them), Minene's want to see the total abolishment of all religious institutions, depowering of religious leader figures, and cessation of both all damaging religious practices and of the relevance thereof, is honestly completely understandable. Sure, she cannot and should not force atheism onto all peoples of the world, and I'm sure once she was gifted god-like powers by an actual deity she'd find herself beginning to understand that, but when she looks at religion and its place in the world, Minene sees flawed, fallible, needy, selfish, hideously ignorant and deluded human beings taking the fact that conceptualized notions of divinity, spirituality, and higher power over all physical reality that is sacred and holy exist in life, and using it as an excuse to interpret spiritual faith in very human ways and apply them to human work for the fulfillment of human desires. Thus can religion become the driving force behind wars, behind crimes, behind abuse, behind oppression, behind classist, racist, sexist and homophobic practices, etc. If defined very broadly and stretched to meet the requirements that humans want it to meet, religion can be a vehicle for sin, all while the sinners hypocritcally preach that they're doing the righteous and holy work of their god(s) and stand against evil, vice, and sin that corrupt this world.
I feel I don't need to ellaborate on how much suffering is wrought upon too many innocent human lives due to violent conflict driven by extremists who use their religion to justify their acts of inhumane atrocity, who cling to the sacred dogma of their faith and the way in which they've chosen to interpret the words and will of their priests, prophets, messiahs and deities as being permission, or a mandate to satisfy their hatred, bloodlust, and hunger for power and dominance. Or on which currently going conflicts in particular I've in mind when I say all this. I've seen or heard the rhetoric of "our religion tells us..." or "our faith dictates that...", or even "our God commands us to..." applied to blatantly worldly matters and very human-centric, material-based disputes. And it strikes me as fucking ludicrous. So I just have to think that Minene had it right the whole time: if human religion and all the harmful ways religious faith gets utilized ceased to be, the world would be a far better place to live in. To me, this ideal is just.
So how did Minene then end up going oh so very wrong in her life?
I could easily point to the fact that she's a bloody terrorist, that she has gleefully bombed, gunned down, slashed up, and decimated populated areas with much human cost that she didn't seem to give a damn about, and clearly that's wrong....but that's a bit too obvious. Anyone with a functional moral compass can tell that the clear cut bad guy doing clear bad things is in fact bad and their actions cannot be considered right. I could go deeper and point to her hypocrisy, how she became what she'd hated most - someone who persecutes and victimizes other human lives due to her own belief that evil, sinful acts committed in the name of her own brand of faith (atheism) are justified or "necessary evil" - and that she's been every bit the demon that she'd come to see Murmur #1, 1st World Yuno Gasai, and John Balks as being....but nah, her worst error of all isn't even that.
Where Minene went wrong most of all is that her anti-religion ideals aren't and were never the true reason behind her turn to crime and terrorism, but merely the rationale she told herself. Meaning she was out committing impersonal, indiscriminate acts of mass harm and murder for the sake of no vision of a greater good, but over small, deeply personal psychological burdens that are really no good reason to do any of this awful, heinous shit. See, when I mentioned in my summary of her character that "Minene appears to be haunted by her eight-year old self and the memory of crying over her dead parents, symbolizing her desire to escape her own past and be saved"? That's what it's really all about. She chose to become a destructive, mass murdering terrorist and a public menace as a cry for help. Terror was her language for saying "someone help me, love and accept me, save me the way I was yearning to be saved, tell me it's okay for me to be human, to move beyond my painful past, live in the here and now for a better future, and not throw my life away doing horrible things....or if not, then please kill me! Just put me out of my misery now!" Anyone of sound mind and clear consicence truly motivated by a desire to make the world a better place for others to live in would never think terrorism to be an effecive recourse. Ever. That's how you can tell that Minene was never acting for the sake of that cause. It was always about her internal cycle of self destruction and the crying of her buried inner child for the healing and salvation of her soul, for the help she'd never recieved when she was orphaned years ago, never about the erasure of religion and how that might help the world at large. Minene's war was truly with herself.
With such a well thought out, disturbingly mentally and emotionally malnourished character to work with, it sucks that Sakae Esuno didn't always know how to work with her in the most effective ways. When you have a very realistically human set-up for someone who represents realistic human evil but then use it to depict instead a cartoonish, costume-wearing comic book supervillain and then still go for nuance, redemption and heroism with that character, it's gonna feel more than a bit awkward. But while I wish she'd have gotten more interplay with Yuno and Kurusu (and none at all with Nishijima), I do really appreciate that the core of her character arc was kept focused on her association with Yukiteru. What Minene truly needed was someone who'd be steadily open and understanding with her, which prompts her to be open and understanding with them, which itself taps at Minene's concealed humanity and draws out her better qualities, and Yuki was this person to her. What compounded this with the healing of Minene's heart and soul is that Yuki himself was, in his current state, reminiscent to Minene of what she'd been like as a kid: a naive, hopeful, and good-natured yet troubled youth walking towards a dark abyss as their innocence dies and their heart cries out for anyone or anything to pull them back away from the edge. While Minene realized the truth about what she'd yearned for and re-embraced her humanity too late to save Yuki from taking the plunge, it was just in time to save her own soul and make some difference, as ensured by, ironically enough, an Act Of God - literal Deus Ex Machina (but I remain torn on how this was implemented by the writing within canon, it sort of diminished Minene's arc tbh.)
And what she did not need was someone telling her "I love you as you are, warts and all, but only really because I love the idea of the person you could be and who I can see you becoming, because if you did become like that, then I'd want to marry you and get laid with you!" Goddamn, I hate the writing for that fucking character so much.
Hey, I now just realized - Minene and Cyrus from Pokemon could be considered like inversions of each other. Both characters suffered hardships in their young lives that brought them to some very valid points about worldly issues in need of being addressed yet their untreated personal pain and all the defects born from it in both mentality and personality steered them in the wrong direction, towards extremism and terrorism in their pursuit of a solution. But Minene seeks to eliminate the very idea of the divine while utilizing mundane human means, while Cyrus wants to eliminate human spirit while utilizing the exploitation of higher power in hopes of ultimately becoming a deity himself. And this is actually the second time one of the Diary Holders in The Future Diary has been likened to Cyrus!
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peace-coast-island · 1 month
Diary of a Junebug
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Ice cream sweets, cotton candy candles, and colorful ceramics
A collaboration between Milkcloud and Flickering Dreams is everything I could have hoped for and more. Plus, it’s an honor to host an event at the camp to celebrate the launch, as well as what could be the start of many more fun projects in the future.
Junia and Kati have been working on these designs for months and it’s understandable why they’re proud of their creations. Kati made these colorful and whimsical ice cream themed candle holders to go with Junia’s ice cream and cotton candy scented candles. You can buy them separate or as a set to brighten up any cozy space. Knowing me, I’m a sucker for soft pastels, so I had to get some. All the designs are so pretty, it took me over an hour to finally settle on two, and that was not easy! The ones I chose was the peachy dreams and strawberry boba.
Of course, what’s a celebration without good company? Of course, Nina and Millie are here, as well as Maddie. And we also got some visitors from abroad too - Sumi, Eloise, Kana, and Meggie. The four of them just finished with a mission and decided to stick around since Sumi and Kana wanted to visit some places around the area. The camp is towards the direction they’re traveling so they’re staying here for a couple days.
From what I remember, the four of them often travel for work - Sumi’s a courier, Eloise is a reporter, Kana’s a fashion designer, and Meggie’s an astrologist. The reason why they’re traveling is because there’s a fashion show in Owlfeather Park next week and Kana wants to check it out. A quick check tells me that Owlfeather Park is south of the camp, and if traveling by train like they are, it’s a 9 hour ride. Since they’ve been on the road a lot, and they have the time, it makes sense to take it easy for a couple days as long travels can be draining.
Sumi often accompanies Kana on her travels so she can see more of the world, which she says helps her become a better courier. Ever since her company went international, it’s important for her to be able to adapt to traveling to all sorts of different places. Although it’s unlikely that her work will extend beyond the Celestine Onyx - which refers to the 7 nations under the alliance - Bonsai, Yuexing, Sango, Adrikha, Marippe, Sazona, and Melovka - Sumi wants to keep her mind as sharp as possible. I’ve heard that she’s pretty good at figuring out the lay of the land no matter how unfamiliar the terrain is, so even if she does get lost, it won’t take long for her to get back on track.
Although most missions regarding the guild are usually limited to the borders of the Celestine Onyx, there are some occasions where they dispatch people for missions outside of that jurisdiction, though that depends on your rank and status. Connie, being an outlander, is granted these privileges, and so that’s another perk for joining their party. Kana said that’s what made her accept Connie’s offer after turning down so many similar proposals. Yeah, I imagine that would be something to use as leverage that allows you to distinguish yourself from other like-minded adventurers.
As it turns out, Maddie, Eloise, and Meggie know each other because they’re in similar circles. Eloise is a reporter for The Peregrine, also known as the center of Marippe’s news, so it’s safe to say that she’s well connected. When The Peregrine pops up, most people immediately think of people like Eloise. She’s one of those reporters who go above and beyond, which inevitably brings trouble, though she refuses to let that stop her from getting down to the truth. Like Kana, she stands by her principles, and if that makes her an enemy, well, such is fate.
Meggie is a writer for an astrology journal that’s published monthly. She said she originally came on as a guest writer, only to unexpectedly end up popular not just with other fellow astrologists, but casual audiences as well. Layla, who’s studying in that field, is a huge fan of Meggie’s works, often using them in her research. Even though she can get technical - which makes sense because it is more on the academia side - she writes about various topics in a way that makes it engaging and interesting.
Maddie’s also a journalist, though for a small independent outlet, nothing in the same league as The Peregrine, she says. However, she has corresponded with them and is acquainted with Eloise. In fact, before arriving at the camp, Eloise and Maddie stopped by somewhere for an exclusive interview with someone who had stepped away from the public decades ago. I’ve heard a bit about that as it’s become a bit of a hot topic, and so we were interested in what they got out of that conversation.
Earlier this month, former child actor and musician Christoph Starr of The Starr Family band released a memoir about the family’s fame. From what I’ve heard, the his story’s not too different in terms of the dark side of show business, especially for a child, and how things are rarely as harmonious on screen and stage as in real life. Thankfully, he didn’t wind up like most child stars and teen idols who fell by the wayside, mainly because the attention was more on his older brothers, so he was able to slip into obscurity when the show and the band’s recording career finished.
The reason why it’s getting attention is because of his older brother Dan, who is intent on refuting the autobiography. To sum it up, the book doesn’t paint him in a positive light for many reasons and he felt attacked. Dan and eldest brother Keith became teen idols and they developed big egos about it. Predictably, they’ve lived tumultuous lives thanks to their stardom and are known for being temperamental and arrogant.
There’s a lot that Dan is throwing a fuss about, the hot topic in particular has to do with their older sister Laurie, who is estranged from the family. She also faded into obscurity, but for completely different reasons that have to do with her Keith and Dan. Basically, they got a hold of her diary, found some stuff they could use against her, and had parts of it published in a local paper as blackmail. She obviously never forgave them, especially after she was targeted by various hate groups when she was outed.
Since this was over 50 years ago, they kinda buried the incident and the family just acted like it never happened. Their mother, Joan, who helped with the memoir, regretted telling Laurie to get over it and put those thoughts regarding questioning her sexuality out of her head. In other words, she told her to stop being gay, which does absolutely nothing and just further alienated Laurie to the point that she cut herself off from the family. Christoph and younger sister Tracy were kept in the dark about Laurie for the most part, and part of the reason why he brought it up in the memoir was to hopefully bring more clarity to what happened and try to make amends.
So far, no comment by Laurie, though Christoph said she’s aware of what’s going on. He rarely agrees to interviews, though after doing some research on Eloise, he felt that she was trustworthy enough. Like they said, she gets right down to business. Maddie came along to help her out and he allowed that after seeing that she’s trustworthy too.
Obviously they can’t reveal too much, other than he was kind and gave a lot of insights that won’t get just by reading the book alone. It really is fortunate that he was able to step away from the spotlight and live a fairly uneventful and quiet life without being burdened by stardom. Because he was the second youngest, he didn’t receive as much attention compared to his older siblings, which he was completely fine with as it allowed him to have a somewhat more normal childhood than most. The public may have dubbed him and Tracy the forgotten Starrs, but considering how their brothers ended up, their obscurity was the best thing that could’ve happened to them. Good to know that not all child stars don’t end up falling.
Like I said, the main purpose of the interview, like with the memoir, is to make amends with Laurie. I don’t blame her for feeling betrayed because outing someone is never acceptable. I haven’t read the book nor know too much about The Starr Family, so I can’t say if I agree or disagree with how they handled the situation, Like, I get they were somewhat on the conservative side and things were a lot different back then regarding views on lesbianism, but making someone feel ashamed of being themselves is not the right way to go about it. At least Joan seems to have come to understand that, which was why she gave her son her blessing to open up about it. From what I gather, she doesn’t seem to be the overly pushy show business parent - she’s made a lot of mistakes and poor choices, but it appears that she does care about the wellbeing of her kids more than stardom.
Anyway, so a lot of the interview involved refuting Dan’s claims as he thinks the whole thing was self-inflicted on Laurie’s part, as well as talk about the dangers of outing someone. In other words, it’s her own fault for writing out her thoughts in private. Um, okay. Whatever you say. Somehow he thinks he’s the victim and being gay is wrong, yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s already bad enough that he’s a stuck up bitch and apparently he’s a bigot too? I’d say he should shut up forever.
Eloise plans to use the downtime at the camp to write up a rough draft while the interview’s still fresh in her mind. I’ve heard about her impressive work ethic, so it’s another thing to see it for myself. No joke, she could easily pump out an essay in a couple hours! She’s definitely gonna have the whole thing ready for publication before heading to Owlfeather.
Junia feels for Laurie as she’s dealing with something similar with her brother, who’s also a bigot with a big ego. Had Junia not decided to come out to her parents, she knows for sure that if her brother found out first, he would not hesitate to out her. She’s lucky that her parents and grandma accepted her for who she is with an open mind, though it did take them some time to adjust because it was all so foreign to them. Too bad most families can’t be accepting like that, which is a fucking shame.
It ties into Kana’s philosophy of you can’t help but be who you are. She grew up in a culture where people would prefer that you’d fit neatly into some box. Be this, but not too much. Act like this, not this? Why? Because we said so. Oh, so you want to do things your own way? Wrong! Something’s wrong with you, but we’re not gonna tell you because you should figure it out yourself! Damn, it’s tough living such a stifling existence. Luckily, Kana says her parents were a lot more open minded and pretty much gave her free rein to do whatever she wanted, even if it annoyed the elders. If she wasn’t allowed to live her life on her own terms, she never would’ve become the famous fashion designer taking on the world by storm.
I think the best way to sum it up is don’t let others make you feel ashamed for being yourself. If they have a problem with you and the way you express yourself, that’s on them. Being different, whether it’s being gay, trans, nonbinary, neurodivergent, etc, is not a personality flaw or something that needs to be fixed contrary to what some people think.
There’s nothing like crafting and having deep conversations to pass the time. By crafting, I mean making ice cream, which I guess is more like cooking? We did do some actual crafting too, mainly little trinkets like stitch markers and paperweights. It’s one of those stash busting kind of things where we just used whatever bits and bobs we had lying around, which was a lot of fun!
Kana and I bonded over making clothes, her with sewing and me with knitting. I’ve been meaning to make my own stitch markers, mainly because I keep breaking the plastic ones. I know I’m a tight knitter but do I really have such a tight grip? To be fair, they are kinda cheap - they came with my interchangeable set, which is also on the cheap side, but still? Also, I just want an excuse to use my small collection of cute beads and charms, especially after seeing other people’s cute DIY stitch markers online with their WIPs.
Making ice cream was definitely the highlight of this little event. We were obviously inspired by the collab, making cute pastel inspired ice cream treats. We used various berries for flavoring as well as color, making sundaes and ice cream sandwiches. We made more than enough to take home, and I packed them in a lot of ice so they could withstand the long trip back.
Since we haven’t done a contest in forever, I figured, why not throw one now? Everyone put their own spin on their ice cream creations, so it was fun seeing what everyone came up with. I was inspired by Junia and Kati’s strawberry boba candle set, so I made strawberry vanilla black tea ice cream.
Kana made red bean paste and also used strawberries and black tea, taking some elements from taiyaki, her favorite dessert. Meggie used an assortment of fruits and nuts, resulting in a colorful creation she calls a fruit salad sundae. Maddie combined her two favorites, cookies and cream and coconut, which go really well together. Nina went for a tropical theme inspired by Junia and Kati’s pineapple citrus breeze, coming up with a blood orange and pineapple sorbet. Junia, taking inspiration from the collaboration as well, making a peach, mango, apricot, and matcha ice cream. Sumi added cherry blossom flavored mochi to vanilla and matcha swirl ice cream with assorted berries. Kati added caramel and cinnamon to go with her apple pie inspired treat. Eloise put her own spin on peaches and cream by adding matcha and almond cookie crumbs. Daisy Jane made a vanilla latte flavored ice cream with hazelnuts and chocolate chips. Millie went all out with her own spin on Neapolitan, but instead of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, she made blueberry muffin, asian pear and dragonfruit, and strawberry lemonade.
Later on, I was feeling a bit adventurous and tried my hand at fried ice cream. Turns out I was a bit too ambitious and got a bit of a gloopy mess. Tasted good though, just not worth taking a picture of. At least I know with practice, I’ll get it someday!
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hopeymchope · 1 year
I'm aware that Yuno is a pretty terrible person herself, but I honestly still dislike Tsubaki for what she did to Yuno. Yuno absolutely did not deserve that
Feels weird and strangely wonderful to see a Mirai Nikki/Future Diary-related Ask on my main instead of my side blog where I exclusively overthink about this series (and sometimes other Sakae Esuno works). So thank you for chiming in. :)
A response in two parts:
Response Part 1: Yeah, I absolutely agree with your primary point. I mean, of course! I think any reasonable person would. Tsubaki's perspective on the world is best summarized as "Reality is a primarily horrific experience full of suffering and cruelty, so the best course of action is to end all existence." And while that's... a very extreme stance, and certainly one that would traditionally be seen as villainous by most observers.... I confess I'm a pessimistic enough person about this fucking world of ours that I couldn't argue against her much. :( But here's the rub: Even if you take her pessimistic perspective as the gospel truth, that would still absolutely NOT excuse her to force the same horrors and violations she's endured upon other people. That would still be TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. It doesn't matter what she's endured, and it doesn't matter if she expects the world to end soon and wipe out all traumas. Even if she legit expects to win and end existence as she plans, still: HOW and WHY in the fuck would that make it okay to INCREASE that cruelty and darkness you hate so much?! You'd think the victim of such trauma — y'know, someone who has been so blackened by that trauma that they wish to END EXISTENCE because of it, FFS — would know that visiting that same trauma upon other people is fucking beyond the pale. But she's too far gone by the time we meet her, it seems, to realize that she's now become everything she hates. And that's not even getting into the fact that she shouldn't just ASSUME she's 100% going to win. Because, listen here Tsubs: If you don't win and existence doesn't end, your sins are gonna carry a grim weight for a looooong-ass time after you're gone. And yet, despite her blatant hypocrisy and evil intentions... I still find it hard to not see Tsubaki at least somewhat sympathetically. Moreso than like half of the other diary holders, even. Because she's just been through so fucking much, you know? Life really HAS been unfairly cruel to her.
Response Part 2: On the flip side, I'm a confessed Yuki/Yuno defender. So I'm compelled to state: Yes, Yuno is a terrible person by real-world measures. HOWEVER! I often argue that by the very extreme circumstances of her reality, she becomes a lot more sympathetic and arguably understandable... maybe even, on occasion, heroic. All despite it being something of an accidental outcome. I'm talking about situational morality at its most extreme: She's forced into a mutual killing game, and the entire world is rocketing towards its end if a successor to the God-of-Space-and-Time throne isn't chosen promptly. (In fact, we eventually learn that the longer the game drags on, the more singularities appear in the form of mini-black holes that start to eat away at reality, endangering everyone around them.) When you take all that into account, suddenly her murderous impulses + stalking-level protective instincts become problematic but also beneficial. Not only does she HAVE to "kill or be killed" because of the game, but you can also see the other people she hurts/kills as being an expeditious way of dealing with obstacles in the way of her ultimate goal: Making Yuki the new God of Space and Time. (Immediately AFTER she achieves her dream of having one day of unimpeded happiness with him, that is. .... Which is a totally unattainable goal, but that's another story.)
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After being transported back to my teens by listening to Mirai Nikki's (Future Diary) OP song...
I can't stop thinking of shoving Odile in it alsjdkla. Am I going to make a dumb AU for her?
This is for those who don't know about this anime: practically some people are given future diaries (whether traditional or digital) by Deus (God) and each one has a different function that predicts the future: e.g. the main female protagonist Yuno has a diary called "The Yukiteru diary" that writes everything that her crush is doing every 10 minutes. These diary holders are then put into a survival/battle royal game where they hunt each other and fight to the death to become the next God of the universe.
Oml... her having a dairy called "The Frog Prince diary???" Where it writes about the life, hobbies and pros and cons of guys she meets? And like, maybe the diary writes a bad thing her current crush is going to do to her and she disposes of them depending on the situation??? Her goal is to basically still find her prince charming and become god to maybe rewrite her life???
You know the saying, you need to kiss various frogs to find your prince??
Also, the characters in the og manga/anime are based on the 12 Roman Gods!!! The song also talks about that <3
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meryizza · 2 months
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W I P 💚
It has been almost 5 years without drawing something related to Mirai Nikki ewe ...
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yunoteru4ever · 3 months
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落描き所有者ズ by こおぼ
Permission to post granted by the artist.
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worlds-4th-best-dad · 8 months
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MN visual novel could never top this man like I can't date the ugly ass 30 year old men there but here I am free. Looking at all my top top faves my blorbos and all 3 of them have epic problems with love and affection.
Yomotsu is so sad sad kids throw rocks at him give him kne compliment and he's AAA Takao will not believe you if you say you love him he hates himself so much he's gonna kill you. This was meant to be a silly prom dance but I'm fine with marriage mister. Love you pocketkitty. All of this is not related to my own mental health I'm sure.
Maybe I can ask this guy to kill the kids that were throwing rocks at Yomotsu maybe the world is a better place without their horrid selves. But gotta do it in secret so Yomotsu doesn't hate me forever...
I need to eat lunch my brain dieee
Yeah, I was expecting something more from a Mirai Nikki visual novel, like finding more about the neglected diary holders like Karyuudo, or Kamado, or Bacchus. At least we got to see Takao’s canon (in heavy quotations) personality for both of his personas and it was something.
Second, I kinda like to see the Happy Ends of the other diary holders. It sucks that we only got to see one, maybe two, play out, and I hoped we couldʼve helped other diary holders in the visual novel to achieve their ends. Sadly, itʼs just more Yuki and Yuno.
Third, on the topic of Fungerʼs visual novel, itʼs very interesting that you ask Pocket Cat for a dance and he ends up marrying you. There something wrong about him and I like that. Also, as much as Yomotsu would appreciate that those kids were “told to stop bullying him”, he would not be happy if he found out Pocket Cat killed them.
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narsicen · 2 years
One Americano and One Caramel Macchiato
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Part 2/2
Pairing: Bang Chan (Skz) x GN!Y/N
Genre: slice of life, college!au, lab partners!au, loving from afar, angst, fluff, bittersweet, Popular!Y/n, Quiet kid!Chan, first loves, meet cute,
Warnings: none? Please tell me if I missed some or one though !!
A/n: HELLO omg stop I’m so sorry I- stop I swear I was DONE WITH THIS EARLIER BUT I——— 😔 my beta readers were so slow OMF but like I do hope you understand that, I’m so sorry also bc I already edited the last one which was part one and dude…… I FORG,OT THAT ???? THIS WAS A TWO PART STORY OMFFFF??? i tell u i cried lmao, but like PLS IM SO SORRY THIS IS THE ENDING 😔😔 ILY GUYS TY FOR UNDERSTANDING
Part 1
Your door made a soft creak as you opened it to enter your room. Wiping your hands on your sweater, you’ve always hated how your fingers turned into prunes after washing the dishes from dinner. Sitting down on your bed, the mattress dipped which let the letters that you had left, slide near your lap. 
Picking the nearest to fall off your mattress as it slid dangerously near the edge. You sighed heavily, your chest has never felt heavier with regret? Probably the lack of responsibility that you couldn’t figure out why was digging a pit in your stomach. 
You stood up to walk over to your desk. Find some old, barely-used pad paper and some pen in your pen holder. You find your fingers fidgeting with the pen you subconsciously picked, it’s been a while since you’ve actually sat at your desk with nothing to worry about, maybe you still had two things to worry about but there hasn’t been a recent memory of you writing in your diary without a care in the world. Just you in your little world.
Before you knew it something in your chest took over. It wouldn’t hurt to be careless again. If this ever haunts you again in the future just like what the movies portray it to be. You brushed the feeling of worry off as you blew a piece of hair that hell over your eyes. You hadn’t even past your 30’s and you’re worried about your future so much, this was supposed to be the time of your life, no one your age cared about how a simple letter would affect you in the future, hell, if Chan could do it, would that mean you’re worse than him? You’d be considered a coward even if you’ve taken a lot of risky turns in your life. Even if those turns weren’t your choice, you took them anyway. 
What’s one more risky turn going to do to you?
Dear Chan,
I know you said to throw the letters away once I’m done reading, but I think I’ll hold onto them for a while. Thank you for writing these, really, it may seem unbelievable but no one’s ever written me a letter in my time being here. To be honest, I thought the letters were endearing actually, it’s nice to know what you’ve been up to on those days, it felt like I was actually talking to you. Today was our graduation day and to be frank, ever since I got home, I just flopped onto my bed and it felt weird knowing I had nothing else to do, you know without my extracurricular activities to worry about or the people to reply to. I know you said to read your letters at least a week after, but I was really curious to see what you wrote, and I thought your letters were incredible despite you admitting you find languages and literature arts unbearable. You sounded like a professional writer, it brings my “editor-in-chief” label to shame. Jokes aside, I thought your latest letter was meaningful, I mean all your letters were meaningful, I just thought the last one was like the cherry on top. This might never reach you because I just know you’re probably already done with moving out of the dorms, and you seem to have a bright future ahead of you, and we’d probably never get the chance to meet again, but I’d like to say that, I, too, was intrigued by how you treated me. I must have fallen in love with you as well because of how you, in comparison to everyone else around me, were normal. Chan, you were a breath of fresh air. exactly what I needed within the elite school we attended. Maybe fallen in love as a friend? Or romantically? I will never know because these feelings were something that never even reached the top of my stomach, it never ached my lungs nor tore my heart into shreds. It’s funny because you would have thought I have been in a relationship or even felt these types of feelings towards people, especially with the “exceptionally special” people I was surrounded with. I have felt similar before, but I knew it was nothing more than peer pressure. Do you know that saying? Being the normal one in a group of unique people makes you equally as special? It’s not a widely known saying, Heck I don’t even remember where I had heard it, but I know you made me feel that way, I felt so indifferent but with you by my side? I felt like I was living a normal life, I felt like a student for a moment in my life, and that’s thanks to you. I wouldn’t say this is a love letter to you, but it’s a letter with feelings I don’t usually talk about to just anyone. Does it matter if it’s a love letter? I think letters store a certain feeling in them, whether it is fondness over someone or curiosity or hatred, that’s what makes it a letter right? I don’t think it’s bad to consider this a love letter, and I don’t feel any hatred or disgust for your letters either, yes it can be unsettling sometimes, but your letters didn’t hint at that at all, it was like talking to you and if anything? I’m rather fond of the fact that I got the honor of receiving letters. You may not know this, perhaps no one actually knows this, but I love arts, I love artworks of artists and I love written works from authors, a major reason as to why I wanted to join the school’s paper team. The reason why I’ve never taken up any arts classes or courses was because no one finds that intriguing anymore. No one really appreciates the arts with awe and stars in their eyes. And it's clear that not a lot find it enjoyable, even though you went out of your way and for some reason you resorted to writing letters and not just texting me or catching my attention in class. It has always been a dream of mine to get letters just like in fairytales. How’d you know that I always wanted to be the subject of a letter? I think writing letters to someone or writing a letter in general is one of the most romantic gestures someone could do. I don’t mean romantic as in a courting way, or a declaration of love, at least I don’t see it that way. We do have something called the “Romantic period”
don’t we? It had nothing to do with a plague of lovesick couples and a ton of love letters and unrequited love. It was just the literature of romanticism, it’s all about subjectivity and an emphasis on individualism; freedom from rules; solitary life rather than life in society and the beliefs that imagination is superior to reason and devotion to beauty. You get what I mean. It’s just known for its intense energy and passion, and never was about romance, not the kind of romance you’d find in the way couples kiss or hold hands. It’s just beautiful to write a letter, to receive one, and to address one. It's a nice change of pace from the odd confessions from a random guy I spoke to once, and suddenly he thinks we’re on our 3rd year of dating. I feel that writing a letter is one of the purest forms of declaration(?)Whatever you put into words on a piece of paper is hard to remove, especially with how much you could have written. It’s just whatever is burdening your heart or pushing you to write about. Nothing can compare to the thought that someone writing that letter was just everything that they couldn’t say to your face. Or it could be everything that they’ve been meaning to explain or say, and the fact that it’s addressed to you, has to be one of the many butterfly-filled stomach experiences one can encounter in their life. Who knows if this is my last letter to you like you said yourself, I don’t know if I’ll keep writing to you, or I’ll forget in the process, or if I’ll ever show this to you when I meet you again. Also, Chan, I’ve always wondered who gave you your nickname. I hear Jisung say your nickname a lot so I also guessed this was something your friend group calls you. Wow, writing a letter makes you realize how empty a conversation is. All I can think of talking about is about my day, and I’m sure you already know how our graduation day went.
Are you mad at me? You should be. The social divide between us was very apparent even from the start and I appreciate that you regardless tried your best to befriend me. I also wanted to be your friend, so very badly. I want you to know that I didn’t and I never wanted to lose you as a friend either, I was just scared. I know it must have hurt for me to just draw away so quickly, and only for me to realize how you never looked at me with hate and spite, but you genuinely thought I was a good person. I’m telling you this now as a way to make up for all the unsaid feelings of yours that I never got to read. Chan, I really do thank you. For the short time, we were friends, you taught me so much knowledge that I value, but if there's one most crucial lesson that you taught me it would be that nothing and no one is perfect in this world. Especially myself. Since then I felt free. You didn’t tell me that, you made me feel, and after 4 years of people telling me these things, actions always seemed to be more meaningful to me. I wish I knew this sooner, I wish I knew better too. In regret, I want to promise you that with the new people I’m going to meet, with the new people I’m going to surround myself with, I’ll know my place and I’ll know better. I know you won't even know of this promise, and I know I might break this promise in the future somehow, intentionally or accidentally, I just want to confide this promise in you, know it’s safely tucked away in this letter makes me feel safe, comfortable, and this feels like something I missed out on in the years of my youth. Regardless, I’m happy to be able to experience it just as we are to part our separate ways. If a miracle happens, and we end up seeing each other again, I hope you won’t look at me any different, and I’ll be sure to ask you to be my friend again.
Oh, and before I forget, my favorite color is yellow. And people meeting each other for the first time ask that question too, I would’ve told you the answer if you asked and if you weren’t so focused on telling me that americanos are just “superior.”
Goodbye Chan. I, too, hope to see you soon.
Sincerely yours,
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Mystery Incorporated with a Motherly!reader Headcannons
Uh oh, I think that Shaggy Headcannon thing screwed me up
I promise I did it for the hell of it
Did not mean to start Scooby doo Headcannons
Anyways let’s start
* Mother of the group
* You make sure the group stays in check and don’t feel lonely
* Like Ik they canonically get along well and have their dynamics
* But with you there to give each individual love the gang could never be back to normal
* How did you get involved in the group anyways?
* Well you were a one-person detective in your town
* And despite being and doing well you were ridiculed often
* Anyways there was this big mystery that you were trying to solve but the town doubted you and called up Mystery Inc.
* Despite the fact that it hurt with the lack of trust and belief from the town you partnered up with the gang and helped them with the information you had
* And that’s when the mothering started
* Beginning with Shaggy and Scooby
* Not once did you ever get mad at them for eating so much
* You just kept on cooking and/or ordering food
* All you wanted was for everyone to be well fed and happy
* Always checking in on the two for if they want snacks or if they have a tummy ache
* In the future you’re the holder of the Scooby Snacks
* And when they get chased and scared by the monster?
* There you are babying them and making sure they’re alright and feel safe
* You got Scooby and Shaggy hooked and next was Velma
* Lowkey Velma was annoyed thinking you wanted to sabotage them or making fun of Scooby and Shaggy behind their backs
* Only to find out that you were very sweet and talked well about them
* But the townspeople didn’t like this
* And that made Velma suspicious
* Anyways you were smart and always helped her with work
* Good with tech and always made her go to bed on time and get enough sleep
* Don’t forget always making sure she ate
* Basically Yk, mothering
* Daphne felt the same as Velma but ended up finding it diary
* All the nice heartfelt thoughts and concerns for the group was there
* She never felt so ashamed of herself
* She falls quicker than Velma
* Loves the affection and that she isn’t just the cool pretty girl to you but an actual person
* Also suspicious of the townspeople
* The hardest person to sway was Fred
* He refused to eat, get rest and was so focused on solving the mystery
* Highkey disliked you as you made the team stop working so hard in his POV
* So yeah, annoyed with you
* Eventually caved in tho seeing how happy the group was
* Maybe you weren’t so bad?
* Starts doing what you ask and say
* And finally starts making headway on the case
* And despite disliking you from the beginning he was the first to be suspicious of how much the townspeople were upset with you
* He lied he wanted the affection he wanted to test something out
* Probably the first to like you do to dedication despite being told to quit and how well you are
* Anyways he falls last first
* Congrats, you now have Mystery Inc. obsessed with you
* Lowkey extends the case cause they don’t wanna leave you and your care
* But you the oblivious you does not realize this and pushes full ahead
* Eventually the case is solved and they find whose under the mask
* The mystery person was just someone of the town trying to discourage you from being a detective
* The whole town was in on it and that’s why they were never actually caught by you
* Turns out you’re very motherly and nice to literally everyone in town, and I mean everyone
* Even the cranky mean old person in the street loved you
* The people didn’t want you to be a detective and leave them and instead wanted you to stay and be a caregiver in the town
* After the incident though they believed it was best for you to continue being a detective, have fun, and be happy
* You being such a nice person didn’t take offense to it and instead was happy
* You’re just glad the townspeople didn’t hate you or think you’re a weirdo
* They just cared too much for you and tried to make you stay despite being really harsh and manipulative about it
* With this in mind the gang got excited cause they might not have to leave you
* So they invited you to join them
* And you accepted
* Now you spend all your time with the Mystery Inc. Group mothering them and helping solve mysteries
* Btw you’re rich rich is which is why you were a detective in the first place
* And why you could make and/order so much food for the gang especially with Shaggy and Scooby’s stomachs
* Now that money is being used for both all the time and you’re happy
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burning-sol · 1 year
List of AUs in case you are curious.
Poketide and Apokeosis <- Riptide/Apotheosis crossover with Pokemon!! The battles have not been replaced by pokemon battles, pokemon battles are a combined effort with their trainers to fight.
Apotheosis x Madoka Magica <- Celestials are witches in this AU. Peter has the potential to be a magical girl himself but is not yet one, and he has Exandroth (a witch) attached to him; Thanatos is a magical girl straight up; Rumi is a magical girl is becoming a witch over time. Whether this has a good end or bad end is up to you.
Apotheosis x Mirai Nikki <- A battle royale for godhood where each partaker had a future diary assigned to them, diaries that have entries from the future that can be used to strategise attacks against others. Exandroth fills a role similar to Yuno Gasai - an imposter from another timeline who won the game, but had been left heartbroken being the only diary holder alive with no way to revive Rumi or Thanatos.
Exandroth Time Loop <- Exandroth manages to dodge the fatal blow in episode 12, but after the god slayers have reached their goal the world resets and the timeloop starts. Exandroth is stuck attempting to end the loop only to realise that she herself is the anomaly that started the loop, who should have died but was left living on cheated time.
Most Common Eldrichstrings AU <- Rumi and Exandroth grow closer and decide to take the matter of becoming god into their own hands. Thanatos and the duo have a falling out earlier on, Thanatos dying in the process and leaving the remaining two in a complete moral/emotional/mental mess (Peter is most likely prevented from being involved in events from here on out at Rumi's insistence). Exandroth is loyal to a fault and Rumi's scapegoat, Rumi is set on a mental decline as they gradually slip away from the image of themselves they'd tried so hard to embody. This is a bad end AU.
Eldritchstrings But Worse AU <- An aftermath of the former AU wherein Rumi becomes god and puts the world to sleep. This sleep is a freezing winter that is burying the world in a blanket of snow as everything slowly decays. Exandroth and Rumi are the only ones awake, but Rumi is so swallowed in regret that they're letting themselves slowly die. Ahhh this AU does not bode well.
I think that's all of them.
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