#fucking revolting
khaire-traveler · 2 months
Hello, I am from Gaza, due to the shortage of medicine in Gaza, my mother who is a type 1 diabetic and was supposed to undergo urgent eye surgery, has not been able to get insulin or any medical care for the past three months. . Some members of my family fled to the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. But my parents and sisters have nowhere else to stay. They are forced to stay in the Nuseirat refugee camp, which has been bombed since the beginning of Christmas. "I am on my knees asking for your donations. Please help me. where you can.
Goal: $700
All the casual readers need to know is do not donate to this person; they are almost certainly a scammer (I say this after looking into it further). Scammer, please, by all means, continue reading. I'd love to hear your defense. c:
Let's dissect this, friends. One incorrect piece of information at a time.
List of Scammer Red Flags Within This Ask
This account has quite a few posts, but all of them are reblogs dated only up to three days ago. The only original post is their pinned post, and even that was posted three days ago. They even reblogged sending this very same ask to another person who asked for a link, as they did not give one. This, too, was dated three days ago. This is fishy to me.
After looking into your claims about having a Type 1 Diabetic mother who needed "urgent eye surgery" without any access to insulin for supposedly three months, I doubt the validity of your statement. It sounds like your mother has pretty severe diabetes, seeing that she needed urgent eye surgery. Sounds like she's reached the criticality of risking blindness as a complication. That's pretty intense, and I highly doubt she would last three months without insulin. "Without insulin, people with T1D will die from hyperglycemia within days or weeks." She is no longer with us. Why does she need money for treatment if she is deceased?
This is a very real article discussing the very real consequences of the fall of Gaza's healthcare system. There is no healthcare system in place currently - nothing substantial or official. There are freelance doctors providing support where they can, humanitarian organizations with their limited authority and ability attempting to provide aid, and medical professionals of all kinds trying their damnedest to put their skills to use in ways they've never had to before. So I ask you, where the fuck is this money going? Are you going to pay ANERA $700 for your deceased mother's insulin?
Seems you have done your research on these tent and refugee camp locations. However, there was an unfortunate airstrike on the Nuseirat refugee camp in early March. From my understanding, it may no longer be standing at all. Even if it is, I doubt, very much so, that you are there. I'm not sure where you are, but I feel it is not there. And where are you posting from, if I may ask? I'm curious how you've gotten internet access. Although I'm aware it's possible, from my understanding, it's extremely difficult to come by.
The Internet thing leads us into our fifth point. How will you access this money? If you were to say, run out of Internet connection, where would this $700 go? How will you get it out of your PayPal account? From your local refugee camp ATM?
PayPal does not work in Palestine, dumbass. You are as bright as a black hole and twice as dense.
If you need genuine help, I'm sorry, but this isn't the right way to ask for it. I wish I could do more for you. I wish I could go there myself and give you the relief that you need. I'm not sure what money could do for you in Gaza, especially when medical care is literally impossible to find with many doctors having, unfortunately, passed away and many more fleeing the country, but if you're real, I hope you receive the care that you need. I hope you find somewhere safe to reside.
But I do not think you need help. I think you are someone preying on the kindness of others, taking advantage of a goddamn genocide to earn some extra money. Your money is soaked in the blood of innocents. Innocents who could've used it themselves. Scammer, you disgust me. Children have fucking died while you were busy trying to earn some extra cash, profiting from their suffering. Fuck you, truly. There's a special place in the deep, deep depths of the afterlife, waiting to drag you kicking and screaming to the consequences of your actions. I hope you regret this scam. I hope it haunts you.
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ivanttakethis · 7 days
Me thinking about how if Till wins Alien Stage he’ll become even more entrenched in a system that has abused him his whole life, killed his friends, and severely traumatized him beyond human comprehension and that’s probably the last thing he would ever want.
How death might be preferable to being trapped in a gilded cage that he hates with his entire being…
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sailorgundam308 · 4 months
Starting immediately. Like an unhinged barbarian, my rage fuels me. There’ll be lots of kissing in the near future until I get this bitterness outta my system.
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Only Astarion and Karlach because I’m nothing if not consistent - or sick in the head, your pick.
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furiousgoldfish · 6 months
abusive parents @ their kids: stop being so sensitive! you just need to toughen up! you can't complain when you're being forced to work or beaten or punished for things that you can't control, or shunned or scapegoated or neglected or threatened or insulted or humiliated or blackmailed or rejected or betrayed or being told you're utterly unlovable and worst thing that's ever happened to humanity. Stop making such a drama out of everything!!!!!
abusive parents if their kid looks at them wrong or says 'no' once: you've ruined my entire life you demon, you monster, you are evil and you need to be punished, what you've done just made me lose my job sanity and last bit of happiness I had, you horrid creature you'll pay for this, this is normal and totally not overly sensitive dramatic behaviour, it is you who are wrong for daring to stand up to me and ruin everything good in my life this way!!!!
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arson-09 · 2 months
tonights acotar thoughts are with the Illyrian women and how rhysand has utterly failed them despite his supposed efforts
Hes ‘allowed’ them to become warriors if they wish. But thats not even the bare minimum. from my memory he acknowledges that he doesnt enforce the wing clipping laws (smooth move) so that’s basically useless and as to be expected of a man, he misses the point of feminism and equality laws. WHERE are the laws and protections for women in marriages?? if the illyrian are so ‘brutal’ and ‘backwards’ the assumption can be made that divorce isn’t a thing unless the man requests it. No women requested divorces and probably no such thing as no fault divorces. As well as forced marriages (which also brings up the consent age) Adding on, what about abortions and other pre natal and natal laws and protections? again, assuming women arent allowed to have abortions or simply any bodily autonomy, where are those decrees rhysand? Im not even getting into the potential of LGBTQ+ illyrians and their rights (Logically there are LGBTQ+ illyrians but ofc sjm wouldn’t mention them)
He makes such a fuss about it being a womans choice (a hypocrite as we see in acosf) yet unless a woman is able too or wants to fight he doesnt seem to care. Which is also a major flaw of sjms writing, women only gain their independence if they can kick ass and fuck as they want. Which is of course valid but thats a very shallow way to view feminism and equality. The whole point is that a woman can choose, wether its to be a warrior or a stay at home mother, but theres nothing done for those women who want that lifestyle.
This has influenced me in my fic writing a lot to where a this topic has become a major focal point in my fic somewhat by accident. I think that logically there would be a rebellion from mostly illyrian women against rhysand, hes promised them so much yet has delivered so little.
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teecupangel · 8 months
Normally, Desmond is sent back in time to mess with things.
But what if it wasn't him?
Like, maybe Desmond couldn't go back in time himself but he could, in the split second he touched the apple, send someone else.
What if one of his ancestors went back in time? (Upon their deaths or something.)
I imagine a young Altair (who might be using a fake name) running around Italy with a tired Ezio following like a worried mother hen. (No, Claudia, he is not hovering he is just concerned) He ends up taking Altair under his wing (No, Claudia, it is not adoption.)
Or maybe Altair ends up in Bayek's time, Oh! Or Connor in Ezio's time. (Edward and Ezio would either get along badly or be too powerful if they were together in the same time period.)
These boys ruin the timeline and somehow save the world/future by simply stumbling through everything with no clue what's going on. and of course the power of friendship and really sharp blades.
Desmond and Clay are laughing their asses off in the afterlife as their ancestors destroy centuries worth of carefully calculated plans. (They might also manipulate things a little to help.)
And the time traveling ancestors for the most part, are doing the best they can in their current situation.
They are freaking the fuck out the whole time but are excellent at hiding it.
Poor Ezio.
(No, Altair, you can't kill that person because that have information we need, yes, I'm sure, Claudia don't encourage him.)
Well… How about we add some… ‘order’ to the chaos?
Desmond only had a fraction of a second to send his ancestor back in time.
And he hesitated.
He didn’t know which one to send.
Should it be Altaïr? Altaïr always felt like he would find out what to do even if he was given only minimal clues.
But Ezio was his prophet, the one he had been with the longest…
Ratonhnhaké:ton though… he deserves answers. He deserves the truth.
And when he woke up…
In that endless sea of gray…
The first word he heard were…
“’Morning. Which fucked up timeline do you want to hear first?”
Desmond sat and blinked as Clay stood before him, arms crossed with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Do you want to hear about how Edward Kenway managed to save his grandson and his grandson’s mother from the fires that should have killed her?” Clay asked before adding, “Oh… and he’s learned that his son’s a Templar by the way. At least, one of his old friends believe he’s actually Edward Kenway. If you think the Kenway Family Drama is bad when you were reliving Connor’s memories, then you gotta see the top tier drama that’s happening with Edward and Haytham right now.”
“Or maybe you want to hear about how Connor got kicked into Ezio’s time? He has no idea what’s happening but he got appointed as Federico’s combat instructor. He knows jackshit, by the way, about the tragedy that’s about to happen but, hey, at least Giovanni believes he’s an Assassin from another country or something. Oh.” Clay rubbed his chin as he added, “Connor doesn’t like how close Giovanni is with the Medici by the way. Lorenzo reminds him a bit of Washington or maybe he’s projecting, who knows?”
“Maybe you’ll like to know how your dear prophet is doing? Well, he’s doing badly in preserving the damn timeline that’s for sure. Let’s see… he got in touch with Alamut and managed to bluff his way into making them believe he’s the mentor of a destroyed Assassin branch from the crusader lands, he got the mentor’s permission to make his own branch in Levant, made a deal with said mentor to become a thorn in Al Mualim’s side and find out what he’s hiding, adopted Altaïr and even went as far as adopt Abbas because he believed he could ‘change’ things.” Clay was quiet for a moment before he added, “Oh and his branch is in the underground temple in Jerusalem so he has the Apple with him already.”
“Then there’s Altaïr.” Clay said with such… annoyance Desmond was actually afraid of what Altaïr had done. Clay rubbed the side of his forehead as he started, “See, they can only be transported into what counts as their past so we can’t have something like Altaïr being pushed into his future in Ezio’s time or something. And, since your only instruction to the Moraes was to ‘change the past’, they had to improvise with Altaïr considering he’s more or less the starting point. They had to pick another one of your ancestors who was important to your past and this world’s future so…”
“Altaïr’s been sent to the time of the Isu-Human war and his knowledge of the POEs and getting unconstrained access to the POEs at their full power… well… let’s just say…” Clay’s tone was drier than the desert as he said, “The Isus didn’t know what hit them.”
Desmond could only stare at Clay as he said.
“Soooo… which one do you want to contact first as their ‘patron’?”
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claireneto · 8 months
To supposed "leftists" who turn away from revolutions because the people doing them aren't white.
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milkinthefreezer · 17 days
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loudlyunladylike · 2 years
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fight back !!!!
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the-senates-one-fear · 3 months
Omega really be serving girlboss
Wanna see her punch Hemlock she deserves it and I feel she would given the chance
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khaire-traveler · 10 months
Let me make this very clear:
When it comes to Hellenic Polytheism, there is no human religious authority, especially not one that stands before or speaks for the gods.
It does not matter what someone tells you. It does not matter if they claim to be a priestess/priest of X deity or a messenger for Y deity. It does not matter what their supposed past life was like. It does not matter if they claim to be the literal fucking Oracle of Apollo.
No one has the right to tell you how to worship the gods. No one has the right to assert their authority over your religion.
And most of all, remember that people can and do lie.
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e-the-village-cryptid · 7 months
i want bix to deal with her trauma in messy fucked up ways in season 2. put actual healing second to avenging her old self. burn like a sun that destroys the empire around her while simultaneously consuming herself. suppress fear and sadness while trying to convert them into more, more, more rage. get beyond angry if anyone tries to stop her from her single-minded goal of killing every imperial on ferrix, even out of concern or to try to get her to take a break. meet up with cinta. burn hot in contrast to cinta's burning cold. detach from everything but reclaiming ferrix. realize at some point that the drive for revenge can’t sustain her and she's hollow and she's imploding but she can’t stop and she won’t stop she'd rather burn herself to ashes if it means taking just one more imperial with her
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joskippy · 8 months
There is such a big racism and antisemitism problem in the nightvale fandom that its fucking crazy
#jontalks#wtnv#ill main tag this what fucking ever im gonna delete this immediately anyway#stop drawing carlos tan with brown hair stop depicting him as a dead beat lying predatory sex pest#stop fucking demonizing him for his character flaws you wouldnt be calling him some of the shit you people call him if he was white#ive seen the biggest artist in this fandom say they wish cecil got put in a cage and expiremented on in the year 11 arc like that#isnt revolting to say about a jewish character#ive seen the same people dissapointed that did not happen like the two writers arent jewish and would write something as disgusting as that#ive seen an artist draw a white character fantasize about brutalizing a brown character#and no one gives people shit for it and they still fucking do disgusting shit with these characters#ive seen people mad carlos didnt do something awwful to lubelle to give her reason to hate him like#the whole point of that wasnt that lubelle was a privilege white women jealous of a brown gay mans success#you people are so fucking aggravating and disgusting#and you need to start giving people shit when they are fucking weird about these marginalized characters#because some of you do not think when you depict carlos. a dark brown latino gay man as a predatory sex pest who is a dead beat#and treat cecil who people either draw lighter than or white as this perfect angel who has done nothing wrong#you would not be calling carlos a impulsive lier and a piece of shit for just being written as a emotionally closed off character#if he was white or if he was a paler latino man#it just fucking boggles my mind this is still an issue in this space and that it ALWAYS has been#its not surprising to me at all that this is the same fanbase in the early days that were refusing to see carlos as a dark skinned man and#that people who didnt want to depict him as such were fucking defended#this is the same fanbase that started shaking in their boots when people were questioning why everyone defaults to white for cecil its like#some of yall are very racist and you need to revaluate the bs you say about#a cast of majorily marginalized characters#and why you demonize the brown character for the same shit the one that is aracial in podcast and you draw as white as a perfect sweet ange#lol
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wolfpoets · 3 months
regardless of whose name it is it drives me fucking insane that the tattoo exists. izzy with his whipping scars and his carefully buttoned demeanor and all of his soft, bleeding places he keeps hidden away from the world. all of the love and devotion that he keeps solely to himself. izzy hands is the one character in this show most consumed by love.
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