#fuck the HOH and i said that shit
exilebussy · 9 months
Okay hear me out:
Anonymous HOH! The person gets told in the DR they have won HOH and makes nominations in private. They would probably have to give up their guarantee to play in the veto but that's okay cuz no one knows who they are in the first place. Now we won't have a week of "honoring the HOH's wishes" and we get to watch people campaign and play and scramble!
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pinkhysteria · 7 months
i need matt in that jury so bad so i can stop being subjected to these annoying ass, infantilizing takes from both fans and the other players. his refusal to play his own game being twisted into 'poor matty is being taken advantage of by the evil monster jag' is so unserious.
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mazojo · 2 years
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We are on the dark timeline
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champagnefountains · 4 months
CHAPTER III (Finale) - Prompt: Lucifer continuing to wear his wedding ring despite being in a relationship with you.
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Previous chapters: I [x], II [x] Word count: 2.6k+ words (unedited) Genre/other tags: Angst with comfort. Good ending. Jealousy. Warnings: Cursing (of course). Gets a little bit heated towards the end, but nothing too explicit. Alastor being an asshole.
Much to your surprise, you found yourself enjoying Alastor’s company. When he wasn’t being the maddening person that he can be, he was actually quite pleasant to be around. After grabbing the items that Charlie had requested (which had all been teleported back to the hotel), Alastor convinced you to have a leisurely stroll around the outskirts of town. There, he introduced you to the many places he frequented, from the small, homey cafe he would always go to, to even the butchers where he purchases his premium meats. All the while, you tried to ignore the looks that you got from the surrounding residents – a mixture of fear and distaste were sent towards the radio-demon, whilst others stared at you in question, wondering who you may be and what you were doing with the Overlord. 
Even though you weren’t in the mood to chat, Alastor was more than happy to fill in the silence, sharing a couple stories and cracking corny jokes here and there, which you had to admit were pretty funny. After an exhausting week, it made you realise how nice it was to actually smile and laugh again.
After a couple hours, you both made your way back to the hotel. All the while, Alastor had been recounting a narrative from his times in the living world which had taken a particularly hilarious turn, causing you both to chuckle aloud. You wiped the amused tear that escaped your eye as Alastor pushed through the front doors of the establishment. 
“Oh, fuck no!” A familiar voice shouted from the distance, startling and causing you to flinch on the spot. Swiftly turning your head to the source of the ruckus, you were dumbfounded to see Lucifer himself, stomping his way towards your direction with a vexed expression. Behind him, you saw a distressed Charlie staggering towards him as Vaggie followed suit.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, you asshole!?” Lucifer growled, getting up close and personal with Alastor, whilst poking an accusatory finger against his chest. Before you could’ve reacted, you were then pulled back by the deer-demon, who draped an arm around your shoulders.
“Now, now, why the sudden hostility? I was only taking my darling [Name] out for a much needed breath of fresh air!” Alastor chimes, feigning innocence and batting his lashes. “I took it upon myself to look after her wellbeing. We’ve all been so worried since she’s just been so, so dispirited and blue lately…and I’m sure you know why that is, your highness.” The backhanded comment caused you to swiftly peer up at the Overlord, baffled by the harshness of his remark. But as you observe his ever-growing grin, it only then struck you, the sole purpose behind his kind display towards you. 
Meanwhile, it had Lucifer fuming. Literally. “Why you little, piece of shit–” The King then grabbed Alastor by his dress-shirt, the fabric scorching under his touch, “who the fuck do you think you are, talking to me like that?” Seeing the growing tension between the two men, Charlie immediately stepped forward. “Dad, stop it,” she sternly said, grabbing his wrist in warning. Lucifer was quick to shake the girl’s hand off, tightening his grip on Alastor’s shirt, “No, Charlie, I need to put this pompous asshole back in his place! It seems he doesn’t know basic courtesy, and how to keep out of other people’s business.”
Alastor chortles mockingly in response. “Oh, hoh? You speak of courtesy? I believe you should take your own advice, your highness, as you seem to lack consideration to those around you,” he pushed even further, all the while peering down at you from the corner of his eyes. Lucifer follows his line of sight, his eyes landing on the troubled expression etched on your face. His gaze softened for a brief moment, before hardening once more as he fixed his attention back to the Overlord.
“You better shut that damn trap of yours if you know what’s good for you,” Lucifer warns deeply. “Now, I’m merely sticking up for a dear pal of mine. So tell me, what exactly is so wrong about that?” Alastor shoots back, harshly flicking the man’s hand away. Tutting, he patted down his now-tattered suit, an eye twitching in mild annoyance. 
“It is when you decide to overstep boundaries.” With a blink of an eye, Lucifer’s scleras suddenly switched over to a red hue, sending you into sudden caution. Alastor’s grin turned almost sinister at the challenging tone. “Perhaps it’s necessary to do so. After all, dear [Name] over here had a pleasant time. There was no harm done.”
The King gritted his teeth, his horns threatening to reveal themselves, “Oh, but that’s what you think. ‘Cause someone will be harmed if you decide to keep this shit up–”
“Lucifer, stop.” Almost instantaneously, the King’s fumes were extinguished as he turned his gaze towards you. He felt shame fill him to the core at the sight of your disappointed expression, glaring at him in disapproval. Baffled, he opened his mouth to speak, “[Name], I–” 
“Don’t,” you sternly intervene, raising a hand to silence him. You then send a critical glance back at Alastor, forcibly pushing his arm off of you, “And you. I don’t know what the hell you were thinking of, pulling a stunt like this and using my vulnerability for your sick entertainment, but I expect you to apologise to Charlie and everyone else here for causing all this ruckus.” You ignored the way the radio-demon’s eyes rolled as you pushed through, stepping forward to grab Lucifer by the wrist, before dragging him along towards the staircase leading to your rooms. In doing so, you offer an apologetic look to your friends as you pass by the bar, who nodded back in silent understanding and awe.
The walk towards your shared room was painfully silent as the both of you dreaded the upcoming confrontation. As the number of your shared room came into view, you let go of Lucifer to wordlessly invite yourself inside. The King followed suit with hesitant steps, shutting the door behind him with a soft click. Rubbing his arms self-consciously, his downcast eyes trailed up to you. You had plopped yourself down on the furthest side of the bed across the room, your back facing towards him and posture slumped over. Lucifer let out a shaky breath. 
“...[Name], darling. I’m sorry,” he starts softly, nervously squeezing his hands into fists, “I shouldn’t have let him get under my skin. It was–It was childish of me. I didn’t mean to upset you–“
“Y’know, you’ve got some nerve acting the way you did…” you suddenly cut in, voice surprisingly faint but filled with melancholy, “...acting all resentful and jealous towards Alastor–who mind you, was actually just taking me out for a walk–when you yourself still seem to be preoccupied with your ex.” Lucifer grimaced at the venom laced in your tone. Ouch. Though it was deserving, he dejectedly thinks to himself. 
“[Name], please, I-I can explain everything. I didn’t mean for tonight to go the way it did,” Lucifer pleaded whilst staring at the back of your head. He didn’t know whether his sincerity was effectively making its way through to you.
“Then what were you planning?” You say sharply, your voice raising a bit, “I…Lucifer, just please tell me what’s going on. Just tell me the truth.” Your eyes started to blur as a sob threatened to escape your throat. “Because I’m tired of this. I-I’m so tired of feeling so insecure, confused and lost, and I...I-I don’t even know what you want from me anymore.” You hang your head down low, hugging yourself tightly as the tears begin to pour out uncontrollably, “If…if you’re planning on breaking up with me, just go ahead and say it! I-I don't want to be waddling 'round like some–some idiot, waiting for you to–”
“No. Wha–[Name], no. Don’t even go there.” Lucifer said incredulously, immediately marching towards your side of the bed. He kneels down in front of you, reaching out to grab at your shaking hands. “That’s not why I’m here, okay? It’s not even remotely close to what I have to say. So please get that idea out of your head,” he reaffirms, while rubbing his thumbs against your hands in a reassuring manner. You decided to keep your gaze down, having no strength to look Lucifer in the eye, knowing fully well that you’d break even more if you were to do so. Your tiny gasps and hiccups were what filled the room, tearing the King’s heart bit by bit, with every second that passed. With no words spoken on your behalf, Lucifer took this as a cue to continue. 
“[Name]…I’m sorry for upsetting you. That’s the last thing I ever wanted to do. I-I know I’ve got a lot of baggage, and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for making you carry that burden with me. I…I did a lot of thinking during our time apart, and it made me realise how much of a fool I was–of how blind I was to what was in front of me. I took for granted your love and kindness. I-It wasn’t fair to you, and you didn’t deserve that. I-I truly didn't know what I was thinking, continuing to wear that ring. I came to terms and knew deep down for so long, even before we got together, that there wasn’t a possibility that Lilith and I would ever get together again. And yes, I do love Lilith. She’s been with me since the beginning of time and for most of eternity, and is the mother of my only child. Perhaps it was the memories that we shared that kept me hanging on for so long, I thought. She didn’t do anything wrong by me either…we just…sort of grew apart after a while. I-I don’t know why, but regardless…it hurt a lot. And even despite her absence now, I still do love her.” 
At that, you felt your heart drop to your stomach. His words were like a harsh punch to the gut. It was nauseating, and the room felt like it was caving in on you. Devastated, you attempted to pull yourself away to leave the room, but was forced to still as Lucifer reached up to cup a hand over your dampened cheek. He gently tugs your face upward, his eyes softening and staring deep into your crestfallen, reddened ones. 
“But darling, it’s not the same anymore. It’s different now. And it’s because you changed that. Yes, Lilith will continue to be an important person in my life, there’s no doubt about it. But…it’s you, darling. I choose you. You mended and opened up my heart when I was a hundred-percent certain that I couldn’t for another soul again. Each second and moment I spent with you made me become so hopeful and excited for the future and whatever lies ahead of us. Alongside Charlie, you've made me the happiest I’ve ever been in so, so long. And it’s you who fortunately gave me a second chance in this life. I'm so grateful for you, and words can’t even express how much you mean to me. A-And I’m sorry it took a while for me to realise that, and for hurting you in the process.” Eyes closing, he leans in to press his forehead against yours.
“And yes, it might take a bit more time to put this all behind me, and I-I apologise. But…I’m finally ready to take that leap with you. My heart is yours for the taking–as long as you’ll have me, that is. And I-I don’t expect you to forgive me now–I wouldn’t even forgive myself either. But, if it’s space that you want and need, I’ll respect that. But just know that I love you. And I’m sorry if I made it seem that I don’t, or don’t  show it enough. But believe me…I love you. I love you so damn much.” 
The sincere confession left you speechless, feeling yourself practically melt into his hands like pudding. A sensation akin to relief crashed over you like a wave, finally hearing the words that you longed for, for over a week. With a broken sigh, you cupped a hand over his own, leaning in to bask in his touch. Your breath then hitched at the realisation that he had taken off his wedding ring, no longer feeling the cold metal against your skin – it was only his warmth alone that welcomed you. Your chest suddenly felt immensely full, overwhelmed by his love and affection, but also by the guilt that came for your previous words and actions that night. Your furrowed your brows, your tears clouding your vision once more,  “Luci, I…I’m so sorry. I-I’m sorry for pushing you too much. I was being too selfish a-and I didn’t even stop to think about how you felt. I-I should’ve been more understanding and–” 
Lucifer was quick to hush you, wiping your tears and shaking his head. “Darling, no. There’s no need for you to apologise, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong. I was the one in the wrong. And if anything, I needed that push.” He then leans in to press a lingering smooch on your forehead, “But I truly mean it when I say it, though. I do really love you. Being without you these past few days drove me insane–it’s crazy how much of an effect you have on me.” He tearfully chuckles. 
A smile made its way up to your quivering lips, a blush dusting your cheeks from the sweet remark, “I love you too, Luci.”  
Despite the wide grin that erupted on his face, it was humbled down by a tentative guise. “...Are we going to be okay?” He quietly asks, his eyes peering up at you in a hopeful manner. Your eyes softened at his uncertainty. Sniffling, you reach out and pull him into a hug, your face huddled into the crook of his neck. Lucifer was quick to return the gesture, holding you close and breathing in your comforting scent. Mumbling a response into his neck, you say something incomprehensible, causing the man to chuckle softly into your hair. “Come on. Use your words, love,” he teased against your ear. You giggled, all the while nodding your head, “Y-Yeah…we’ll be okay.” 
At that, Lucifer gently slowly pulled away, before leaning in to close the distance between you, pressing his lips against yours. The King inhaled your whimpers as the kiss grew increasingly sensual and near-desperate, his hands beginning to wander down your waist. Lucifer then stood up from the ground, your lips remaining connected as he pushed you flat against the bed. Straddling your hips between his legs, his lips began to trail down your neck, biting and pecking at your feverish skin, all the while dragging his hands up your sides to pin your hands beside either side of your head. "Luci, please," you whined, feeling his sharp teeth graze above your pulse. He slowly made his way back up to meet you once more, pushing his tongue inside your mouth.
Eventually, the both of you unwillingly parted for air, foreheads pressed together as you both took a brief moment to catch your breath. You both stared at each other lovingly, basking in each others' presence. “You’re perfect for me, my angel,” Lucifer whispers, softly pecking both your cheeks, your nose, then at your lips, “never forget that.” 
It was clear that the both of you had some work to do, there was no question about that. He wasn’t as perfect as he made out to be, but neither were you. But since you have each other’s company, and with your newfound reconnection, you both knew that things will eventually turn out okay. 
A/N: And that brings us to the very end! Thank you for reading and all the support you've shown for this mini-series! I'll now be focusing on requests~
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gayelderstourney · 11 months
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Dr. Coomer/Bubby:
theyre both so fucking weird<3
They're the old man yaoi of all time. Their official ship name is Boomer. Bubby has no canonical gender as his creator said he's "too cool." Coomer is canonically bisexual. Please. They're all I have.
theyre old as fuck. coomer is one of bubbys only friends, if not his ONLY friend, they play off of each other so well… i love them
not canon but very very popular ship in the fanon. they're both genetic freaks of nature. one was made in a lab and the other is just cybernetically augmented and also has a shit ton of clones. they're very old gay men. their ship name is Boomer. what else can I say. two freaks in love <3
test tube baby with fire powers married to sentient scientist ai who packs an insanely strong punch
love blooms in the apocalyptic scientific research facility. a man whos become increasingly more cybernetic than man who has an infinite number of clones and has unlocked the secrets of the universe and really likes boxing and led an underground boxing ring for the best research facility in america meets a man(?) who was made in a test tube already as an old man who has pyrokineses and "prototypes" which are just really fucked up and creepy versions of himself and is canonically agender. they fall in love and together they slaughter hundreds of innocent scientists and aliens <3 aww so cute
Gay grandaddies for the win
is there anything gayer than being a hater with another gay old man. Those two queers have done so much for the lgbt community
Waldorf has a wife, but it's literally just Statler in drag. In the wiki it says "Astoria often wonders why her husband keeps coming to this 'irritating, mindless, incessant nonsense' while he could stay home with her. The only answer from Waldorf was 'no comment.'" And I like to think it's because he gets to go on dates with his boyfriend. Every show they're always heckling the Muppets but end up sitting back in their balcony seat every show, meaning they must have to enjoy it enough to come back. They're, like the kids say, a little tsundere. -"The internet is a completely different culture isn't it." -"You said it. Everything here is immediately followed by sarcastic comments and nasty responses." -"Yup, we're finally where we belong." -"Do-ho-ho-ho-hoh!"
They hate everything together
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mytheoristavenue · 2 days
MHA Mezo Shoji x Reader 🍋 - Make Believe - VIII
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Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: language, slightly OOF, virgin!Shojix virgin!reader, fem!reader, oral (both receiving), 69ing, use of his quirk, cum eating, dirty talk, full nelson, corruption kink, perv!shoji, unprotected sex, p in v
"Shhhh...." Shoji's voice was low and gruff and you couldn't be entirely sure where it came from if you were honest. Not that you cared. Fingers slipped past your kiss-swollen lips, pinching your tongue between as a form of teasing. "Hush baby, you'll wake your parents up."
The snide remark typically would have had you slapping his arm but you were in no such position now, currently perched atop his face, hips grinding desperately as his tongue worked your nerves. You were an utter mess, stringing together loud attempts on his name that almost always came out mispronounced. "M-Meh-heh-zoh-hoh!"
"Try again, sweetheart," He encouraged, a hand kneading your breast, pinching the nipple and rolling it between his fingers. "Mezo."
"M-Meh-!" You tried. "Hah, ahhh!" You melted, slurring your speech as you felt his tongue breach, slithering inside you as a disembodied pair of lips laughed in your face.
"So close, try again." He mocked, peppering kisses on your sweaty, drooly face.
"C-Can't!" you sobbed, stumbling forward, locked in place by his arms around your thighs.
"Can't never could do a damn thing," he replied, kisses trailing down your throat.
"P-Please, Meh-zo..." you finally choked out. "C-Can't take it anymore!"
"That's my girl," he purred beneath you, heart swelling with pride as you finally said his name, somewhat properly. "Knew you could do it, baby, such a good fucking girl."
"T-Thank you..." you heaved, on the verge of creaming just over his praise alone. "F-Feels so good!" You crooned, dragging your pelvis along his chin.
"Oh, I know it does, baby." Shoji cooed, thumb tracing circles on your hip. "I bet this little cunt just aches to be licked-! F-Fuck!" You put his big talk to rest with one ghostly touch to his tip, still concealed by your brother's old pajama bottoms. "B-Baby, careful there,"
"W-Wanna touch you too..." you pout, dazed and lovesick, only thinking of giving him pleasure in return.
"No need, baby, I feel good just knowing you feel good." He reassured the thought of gaining pleasure without giving it foreign to him. Deciding his answer wasn't good enough for you, you suddenly wiggled free of his grasp, taking advantage of his distraction.
Laying your tummy, and his, you nuzzled his bulge, flustering him so much, you'd think his face wasn't just buried in your pussy. 'B-Baby, really you don't have to..." He said, body feeling like static under your touch. An embarrassing gasp left his lips when you suddenly yanked the hem of his pants down, his stone member springing up, giving your face a gentle slap. "Fuck..." he breathed, relieved to be free of the constriction.
Shoji's dick was massive, to say the least. Not only did it match his stature, it surpassed any fantasy you could have dreamed up. It was long, extremely thick, with a dark pink bell end, and a throbbing vein running up the side of the shaft.
He shivered when you exposed it to the cool air, and even more so when he could feel your hot breath tickling the tip. "Y-You don't have to.." he repeated against your labia, sending intoxicating vibration through your body. "Don't force yourself..."
"I want to make you feel good, Mezo..." You whispered, finding your wits as the thought of you potentially touching him distracted him from his 'meal'. "Wanna know what you taste like..."
"B-But-" You could feel him tense under you before every single one of his muscles relaxed in unison at the sensation of your slobbery tongue licking a stripe along the vein. "Ahhh..." he sighed, head hitting your pillow as he lost the stretch to keep his neck craned. "Shit..."
Shoji had always known oral would feel amazing but this- this wasn't something he could have ever anticipated. Just your breath had him nearly in tears and now you were licking him like that much-needed lollipop after a brutal dentist appointment. His breath hitched as your licks became more and more shallow and finally your lips fount his bell, devolving into a shy suckle. "Fuck, princess..." he groaned, a duplicated hand finding the base of your skull as his fingers dug into your hair.
You continued to slurp on the tip of his cock, noting how salty his pre tasted, but recognizing that it wasn't a taste you necessarily hated. Over the span of what felt like years, you began to sink further onto him, swallowing more and more of his saft as the minutes ticked by. Shoji was eating his words, this was punishment for him teasing you so harshly. You were reducing him to a drooling mess without even trying, he couldn't imagine how unpreapred he'd be if you actually did have malicious intent like he had. "Shit..." he groaned, eyes threatening to roll back as he stayed intoxicated by your musk, his face still between your thighs. "So fucking good, baby..." he cooed nonsensically.
Finally realizing the power you had over him, you sunk your mouth lower onto him. You knew you had no shot at taking his entire vascular length, but from the sound of him unravelling beneath you, you guess you wouldn't have to. "Y-You should really learn to be more kind, M-Mezo..." you finally whispered, spitting his cock out momentarily.
This was it- this was his payback. He was dead in the water. "I-I'm sorry for teasing, princess, I-!"
Before he could pray for mercy, you refused it, pushing against his shins and planting your seat firmly against his muzzle. "E-Eat it," you demanded, cheeks burning. It sounded a lot sexier in your head. "A-And you better not stop 'til I say so."
No matter how you internally cringed at your words, they ignited a fire in Shoji's belly that not even self-gratification could put out. Before, he just wanted to hear you say his name, now he was playing for keeps. "Ditto," his voice came rumbling a low against your labia as he split it with his tongue. A hand came down and planted on the back of your head, forcing it down onto him, but not harshly. You just needed a nudge.
With that, the competition was on, who gave better head? How could make the other finish faster? Who could make the other lose control first?
You really did give it your best effort, poking your tongue out so it licked the underside of his dick as your head bobbed, hollowing out your cheeks, and kissing and fondling his arousal-swollen balls, but in the end, he did you in. You were just too overstimulated from his prior work that you didn't stand a chance, especially with how the adjusted position allowed his tongue to explore you deeper, finding that special bit of spongy tissue and abusing it.
"N-No f-fair!" you shuttered, tears slipping down your cheeks as you felt your climax begin to wash over you, even trying to push up from his face to stop it. It was futile, though, as two strong arms kept your thighs locked in place. Your eyes rolled back as the forced orgasm began to take hold, rendering you nearly brain-dead as you struggled to come up with coherent speech. "M-Meh...zoh!" You wept for him, silently thankful for his gentle thumbs caressing your skin.
"'M right here, baby, fuckin' ride it out for me..." he cooed, voice muffled for obvious reasons. "So fuckin' good for me, cumming all over my face? Say it, baby." You hardly noticed as you shrunk against him, that you'd neglected his cock, or the hand that appeared to wrap it in thick, calloused fingers. "Say 'I love cumming all over your face, Mezo,'" He, pleaded sternly. "C'mon, so fuckin' close...'
"I-I love cumming all over your pretty f-face..." you repeated, shy and fucked out without even officially being fucked yet. "M-Mezo..."
There was that word again, the one that made him lose all control in the first place. 'Pretty'. The extra adjective spelled his downfall as his head fell back against your pillow again, lips dripping with the prettiest, most desperate moans you'd ever dreamed of hearing. "F-Fuck..!" He wept, breath ragged as he fucked into his fist, hips wild and legs trembling, no care for were his milky ropes landed.
You'd have to have another bath for sure, but that wasn't on your mind yet. What was on your mind was the way you felt so incredibly shy atop him, frozen as his seed rested in strings on your skin. The pearlescent substance stuck to your knuckles, seeping into the crevices of your fingers. It congealed on your tear-soaked lashes. A spatter on your cheek and connected ropes across your lips and nose made for a beautifully shiny spider web. You felt incredibly...pretty with his jizz decorating your face, and though you didn't understand it at the time, it had awakened something in you.
"S-Shit, my bad," Shoji said sheepishly, pulling back his hand and opening his palm to assess the flood, realizing his load was largely missing from his person. "D-Did I get any on you?"
You looked back at him, love sick and flushed, showing him your own hands, clear strings sitting across the gaps between your fingers as if they strung them together. "I think so..." you answered, daze.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," he blushed, wide-eyed as he reached for your hands and frantically searched the room for anything to clean you off with. Finally, he remembered the towel on the floor and multiplied his arms until he could reach it without getting up. "Fuck, that's so gross, I'm so sorry, I-"
Nothing could have possibly prepared him for the site of you, his cum all over your face, with your fingers in your mouth licking it off. "O-Oh my God," Shoji breathed, breath hitching as post-nut clarity gave way to even more intoxicating lust. "Jesus fucking Christ, a-are you...?" He huffed, eyes now half-lidded and hungry. "Fuck, are you eating my cum, baby?"
You hadn't really thought of it that way, it just felt like the natural thing to do. "I-I guess so.." you murmured, shyly. "I-Is that weird?"
"Oh my God, no," he replied out of breath. "It's so fucking hot," He marveled. "I just have to fuck you, oh my God." It was almost embarrassing to see him fawning over you like this. He seemed so infatuated- so obsessed, chanting about how he had to have you now. "Please, princess, I need you bad, so fuckin' bad," he hissed, breath ragged as he rolled you over on your back, caging you again in his physique. "Lemme fuckin' have it, baby, please. I can't take it any more."
A small nod was all it took for him to capture you, repositioning you on his lap, back to his chest, legs held in the air by his many hands. There was no way, you thought. There was no way he was putting you in a full nelson to lose your virginity, surely not. You'd always imagined it'd be in missionary with you on your back, gazing into your lover's eyes softly as he breached. Yet here you were, doing absolutely nothing to stop him from living out his tentacle monster dreams.
"M-Mzo..." you winced as you felt his bell slide against your skin, parting you even further than the position did. "W-Will if hurt...?"
Yeah," he confessed with a love-drunk laugh. "Wish I could make it not hurt..."
You swallowed hard at his words. If he was on the giving end and even he was promising pain, you knew you were doomed. "Y-You'll stop if I say so, right?" You questioned, trying not to melt at the way him rubbing in your slick felt.
"Of course," he confirmed with bated breath.
"A-And you'll be gentle?"
"Promise," he nodded, one of his hands finding yours and hooking your pinky with his. "Ready, baby?"
With a shaky breath, you nodded as well, crying out when his tip breached. "M-Mezo!" you wailed, tears pricking your eyes. Already, onto just those swollen few centimeters, the stretch was agonizing. It crossed Shoji's mind that he probably should have fingered you first, trained your hole a bit better before stuffing his monstrous cock in, but that time was long passed. All he could do now was ease himself into you at a snail's pace, listening intently for any sign that you needed him to pull out and wait with a clenched fist to keep himself from cumming again, just by your sheer tightness alone.
"Ahh, fuck baby," he sighed, head hitting the headboard as his eyes rolled in ecstatic potential energy. "You take me so well, 'ts like you were fucking made for me..." he hissed, struggling to keep lucid as he sunk into you and bottomed out, holding oh so still to let you adjust.
You wanted to drool at his praise, but the searing pain in between your legs wouldn't allow it. You felt so incredibly full, like a balloon with too much air that pops when you try to tie it off. "So fucking tight for me, princess..." Shoji whined again. "Love the way you squeeze me so good, can't wait to fuck out this pretty little hole..."
"Mez...M-Mezo..." you heaved, head having long since fallen limp against his shoulder. His filthy pillow talk was finally beginning to melt your nerves. Though it wasn't enough to kiss the pain away, it made for a delicious distraction. "T-Talk to me..."
His muscles relaxed a bit, finding you asking for more. It let him know that, just because you weren't enjoying yourself at this moment, you wanted to give the pain time to pass, you wanted to keep going. "Do you one better," he smirked, bringing a dupli-mouth between your legs, its tongue dragging slobbery, soothing licks up your entire sex, not caring if he got a taste of his own cock- it wouldn't be the first time. Meanwhile, his true lips pepper kisses over every bit of skin they could reach, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. "My God, you're such a good fucking girl, taking my cock like this. Fuck, you've no idea how long I've waited for this. Baby, fucking you is my wildest dream come true..."
You hadn't even realized it when you began to rock your hips against his, so entranced by his words and his warm tongue easing your aching heat, you'd lost focus of the penetration almost entirely. "Atta girl..." Shoji exhaled through gritted heat, breath tickling your ear as he felt you begin to move, no matter how minuscule. "Doing okay, love?" He aksed, planting absent-minded kisses across your shoulder. "Tell me what you need, baby, I'm all yours."
"G-Go slow..." you finally consent, much to his delight.
"Anything for you, princess," he grants, shallowly rolling his hips up into yours, making sure his strokes are long, slow, and thoughtful. The exhaustion and overstimulation are almost enough to lull you to sleep, your eyes closing as if the lids were made of lead. "Shit, you're so fucking sweet, baby..." he muttered, uttering anything kind that popped into his head.
A disembodied eye slithered under his cocked knee to see between your legs, witnessing a sight that made his mouth water. Steadily, his cock disappeared within you and dragged back out, covered in a slick sheen each and every time. "Oh my God, so fuckin' pretty..." he remarked at the pornographic scene, eye occasionally glancing up to revel in your fucked out, overwhelmed expression.
To Shoji, you were a painting- one of those Renaissance ones that always depicted Greek orgies and women with soft tummies. He was Hades: dark and corrupt, and you were his Persephone: innocent and perfect and so very fertile. You were ripe for the taking and he was taking everything you had.
As is the natural progression of things, neither of you noticed much as slow and steady turned to winning the race. You were a drooling, incoherent mess, no longer even attempting words, not even his name as he bounced you on his cock, coming undone himself. He was all grunts and embarrassingly desperate sighs as he pumped into you, fingernails leaving dozens of crescent moons on your skin.
"Fucking shit baby," he hissed, face falling into your shoulder, pearly teeth finding sweet flesh to anchor to. "Oh my fucking God, gonna paint this little pussy white, I swear to fucking God, I will!" He rambled obscenely, gripping onto any bit of you he could find with all six arms for dear life.
"Please, please, please," was all you could muster, as you chanted for him to bust inside you, and to be honest, you would have let him in your stupor. "Cum inside, cum inside," you begged, feeling your second coming breach the horizon.
"You want me to fucking fill this little thing to the brim, baby?" He grunted, voice hoarse and beastly. "You wanna take all my fucking cum in this pretty cunt?" You muttered something akin to an 'Mhm!' and his speed boosted again, thrusts becoming sloppier by the second. "Fucking say it baby, fucking beg for my cum!"
"Please, Mezo, fill me up! Gimme your cum!" you wailed, magically finding speech again as your second climax hit, crashing against you so violently it left you sore and with tears streaming down your face. "F-Fuck, Mezo, I'm cumming!"
"O-Oh, fuck-!" Shoji sputtered, regaining self-control at the last possible second, lifting you off him as his cock slipped out, just in time to toss ropes into the air, twitching as it did. "Fucking shit, baby, oh fuck," He panted, voice high and needy. Exhausted, he let you back down, resting you against his chest again, ignoring the icky feeling of his jizz sliding against his skin between the two of you.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, both on the brink of drifting off. Finally, he caught his breath enough to say something. "This isn't just the sex talking when I say," he paused, heaving. "I've never felt any more attraction and overwhelming love for anyone than I feel for you right now." You weren't in any shape to respond just yet, so you let him talk. "I don't want you to think I only said all that earlier because I wanted to get in your pants, I really do like you..." He confessed with surprising conviction for a man on the edge of sleep. "You mean everything to me, (Y/N) and I don't care what people say when we get home. I'd be proud for people to know we're together, I want to be with you."
Shoji continued to ramble and you just listened, heart swelling at his passion for you. "Please, give me a chance to make you happy beyond this," he finally begged, officially asking you out. "Don't send me back home with nothing to show for our time together, don't pretend this was nothing, anything but that."
"M-Mezo...I..." you hesitated, weighing the consequences of each option.
"I love you, (Y/N), and I want us to be together, achieve our goals, become heroes, grow old- together..." He said, trembling beneath you with anticipation. "Please, say you love me too, I know you do."
"I-I..." Finally, the dam broke and tears freely flowed down your cheeks. "I love you too, Mezo, I always have..." You smile weakly, glancing up and pressing a kiss to his lips. "You're intelligent, brave, strong, beautiful," you gush tiredly. "What's not to love?"
"So you'll be mine?" he asked, muscles relaxing at your confession.
"Of course I will, I never had a chance at not loving you."
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A/N ::: I'm so obsessed with this it's not even cute. Itadakimasu (いただきます) is a Japanese phrase that translates "to humbly receive". Often said before eating a meal, the phrase is used as a way of showing gratitude and respect for everyone and everything that made the meal in front of you possible.
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A couple of teensy tiny spoilers about a couple of his personality traits. They're not anything that would ruin the whole show. Just spoilers about his cute ass personality. Ok, carry on.
C/W ::: Being rudely woken up, oral M->F, some mild name calling, exhibition kink if you look too closely but not really. I think that's it. Overuse of italics!
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Thinking about Mikey laying there next to you. Disgruntled. You're snoozing away like a little baby who just polished off a full 8 ounces. He can't believe how peacefully you're sleeping like that. The nerve of you to actually do that shit while he's right there.
He shifts multiple times. Coughs, really, way too hard for someone who's not exerting themselves in anyway whatsoever. "Accidentally" elbows you in the tit.
"The FUCK, Manjiro! What's your problem right now, man?" You sit up and glare at him.
"Can't sleep. And you wouldn't wake up." He whined.
"Yuh, 'cause I'M sleeping, you brat!" You felt bad immediately after saying that to him. It's rarely like this and you wondered if something was bothering him. Sighing, you ask, "Are you ok, though? You have your blanket?"
"I ... mean, since you're asking. 'M a little hungry." He raised his eyebrows softly and smiled so fucking sweetly at you that your tooth hurt.
"Fine, c'mere you big baby." He rolled over onto his belly and began kissing up your legs to your panty clad cunt. Pushing the sheer fabric aside, he licked your slit once, twice. You moaned out as quietly as you could. Draken and Baji were on the floor, hopefully asleep themselves.
"How are you this wet already!" Mikey whisper-yelled. "Were you faking being asleep? Tell me the truth, y/n." He laughed and shook his head before lowering his face again.
"I - hoh Je-Jesus - no, I wasn't faking. I think it's just you. Being so close to you. Fuckin' ... I'm always horny." You blushed.
"Good girl ... good ..." he started to suck on your clit and trace his tongue in circles around the sensitive spot, "... girl."
You arched your back and bit your lip to stifle the moans that were threatening to escape your mouth. He was going down on you like he hadn't seen you in days. You reached down and ran your fingers through his hair, tugging at the roots, encouraging him.
Mikey took his time licking your pussy from top to bottom, occasionally sucking your clit hard, then switching to flicking it with his tongue. He loved your taste and how wet you always got for him. How responsive you were to his touch.
"I want to make you come, y/n." He said, his fingers softly brushing your entrance.
"Who's this about, huh? You or me? You're the one who can't sleep. Shouldn't you cum?"
"Love, it's about both of us. Quid pro quo. Eye of the tiger and all that shit. Now shhh. Lay back, let me eat so I can pass out. Yeah?"
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @viburnt @darkstarlight82
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thewallshaveeyes · 2 months
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KALLAMAR!!!!! My husband!!!!! His cunty ass <3333
I hate that all of my shitposts have different designs for hym ESPECIALLY since I made them before I solidified my style for drawing him... fucked UP dude
Headcanons for him below the break
Uses he/hym pronouns
Sir Pentious coded. Meaning that he's a weasely little shit but the second hy is shown even a sliver of unconditional positive regard he immediately changes hys mind and will follow anyone to the ends of the earth
Deaf in one ear and HoH in the other. Will ask you 20 times to repeat what you just said only to give you a 1-5 word answer.
Has golden eyeliner/creme paint that hy uses to paint in his scars when he's feeling fancy. Also dresses up his little cross horn thingies with golden chains because hy's just extra like that
Easily flustered and emotional. Hys siblings give him a lot of shit for it too probably.
Closest with Shamura, since they're the most understanding and would probably be willing to defend him more than any of the others.
Narinder HATES hys ass. He cannot STAND that Kallamar has a soft whimsy to hym that Narinder could never attain.
Believes in crystal healing and energy and accepts amethyst/fluorite offerings from his followers. Many altars dedicated to him (including his personal altar) have crystals
Slimy man,, literally he is covered in a layer of goop much like a slug
Either gives the best hugs ever or is a sensory nightmare to hug. Either way hy'd probably be the most open to hugging you if not to drag you to the depths of the ocean to feed his sickly followers
And yes I whole-heartedly believe that the bishops still maintain some level of connection to their followers even after they become YOUR followers. Fight me I'm right
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hyperfixation-fix · 7 days
I will never stop talking about how much Nico's queerness mattered back in 2013.
Don't get me wrong, representation is always important. But back in 2013, queer representation in kids media (and remember, HoO is kids media - it's aimed at middle school children) was still extremely taboo. Queer characters were occasionally hinted at, even confirmed by writers off-screen/off-page (mandatory fuck you to JKR), but explicit confirmation was by and large considered inappropriate. And Uncle Rick, bless his Texan soul, just did it.
Yes, I have issues with the fact that he shied away from the word "gay", but he left no room for realistic denial of Nico's queerness. Nico was in love with Percy. He was queer, in one way or another. And to have an important long-term main character who was vital to the plot be openly and explicitly queer... that shit matters.
I remember I was just barely 13, and I read the Cupid scene with a confused little frown. I understood, logically, that they were saying that Nico was gay, but...
I closed the book with a funny little ache in my stomach.
A year later I crushed hard on a boy 2 years older than me. My soul ached for him.
A year after that, I noticed for the first time how the soft, full, rosebud lips of my friend parted slightly when she was thinking. Every inch of my body yearned to kiss them.
I spent years, before and after reading HoH, feeling confused and wrong and weird. Having a character like Nico didn't make it all that much easier, but reading that scene gave me that first pang, an instinctual undefined aching just out of reach that said, you're okay. You're not alone.
It laid the foundation to who I am today, and for that I will always be grateful to Uncle Rick.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 5 months
Not Part of the Plan (Walking Dead Drabble)
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Negan Smith x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: Negan discovers that you've been sent to spy on the Sanctuary
Fic type: non-romantic espionage, dark fic (idk man)
TWD: @nervoussystemss (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Did you really think I wouldn’t figure your shit out?” 
You winced, knowing this was probably the end for you. You’d hoped he wouldn’t find out why you were here at the Sanctuary, but your luck had to run out at some point, you supposed. Being sent to spy on an entire community was easier said than done. 
“Answer me!” He roared, leaning over in front of you, Lucille poking over his shoulder. Your eyes zeroed in on the bat. That one weapon having done so much fucking visceral damage to you and your family. Even the sight of it made you want to spit on him and run them both over with a semi about seventeen times each. Maybe you’d run Lucille over first and make him watch.  
“Well, obviously I hoped you fucking wouldn’t, didn’t I?” You snarked back, shifting your weight to your other knee, the pebbles in the hard ground digging into your skin.
“Is that- fuck me, Simon. Are you hearing this shit? That’s fucking attitude.” 
Simon clicked his tongue from Negan’s right, looking down on you with an expression that was very much akin to a disappointed father towards their child who’d just broken mummy’s favourite vase. You didn’t care for it.
“Sounds very much like attitude to me, boss,” he replied back smoothly, shaking his head. “Shall we teach ‘em a lesson?” 
Negan stood back up, looming over you like an immovable boulder. You’d be lying if you said the sight didn’t fill you with fear, or that you were fighting not to fucking piss yourself right now. But you’d never let him see that. Never. 
He looked down at you thoughtfully for a few moments, chewing on his bottom lip. Something that you’d only ever seen him do when he was truly enraged. 
“Nah, Simon,” he finally said, and the man in question stepped back and away from you. “I think we might just go on a fucking trip. What do you say, darlin’?” He gripped you by the hair and forced your head back to look him in the eye. You glared daggers, and that signature grin slid right back into place. “Oh-hoh, look at that. If I weren’t the shit around here, that might just scare me.” 
He let go of your hair aggressively, and you ignored the tug on the muscle. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that he’d managed to hurt you. 
“Get up, darlin’,” he said, voice dripping with charm. “We’re gonna go on a little drive to see your buddies. Then, I’m going to line them all up and make you choose someone for Lucille.” 
Negan’s grin grew impossibly darker, and he leaned in to whisper into your ear-
“And after that, well, shit- I might fucking kill you, too.” 
You betrayed nothing of the fear that wound tightly up your spine, and Negan laughed, pulling away like he hadn’t just threatened to kill you and someone you love. 
“But we’ll see what happens, yeah? Good. Alright. Load ‘em up, Simon.” 
You fought the man as best you could but still found yourself in the back of the truck anyway. 
Well, shit. This was not going to plan.
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This has been a worse than average endgame (to say the least), but I want to acknowledge the highlights of bb25. I’ve been watching since bb16 (been a feedster since bb17), and this has truly been the most invested I’ve been. Despite how frustrated I’ve been with production this year, I really think this season has some really stellar stuff in it (especially pre-jury). So here is a (lengthy) list of how I’ll remember this season:
Cirie motherfucking Fields showing up!!
Izzy immediately clocking that Jared was Cirie’s son before the live premiere even ended
Izzy immediately clocking that Cameron gives serial killer vibes
Felicia destroying four mics by the end of the first week
Felicia falling into the hot tub
“Clean that shit up a bit”
Cameron thinking Felicia was related to Denzel Washington
“Izzy Fields” and the beautiful friendship between her and Cirie
Hisam’s villain arc
Cory in Blue’s pink outfit (and later Americas jumpsuit)
(Honestly just Cory being a genuinely good dude who would call out things that crossed a line and fought against toxic masculinity)
The target flipping every other hour for like the first six weeks of the game
Every time Zach Wurtenburger tweeted about BB
The nickname “fucking Bowie Jane” which was then just shortened to fbj
The still of Cory’s mouth wide open while he was saying “what the fuck” when they were thinking of keeping Hisam
Meme’s storage room rants
“If I’m a have not next week, I’ll self-evict” “I’ll be a have not with you” *america leaves* “(to self) Cory, are you the most pathetic person? They were right about you — you’re a pick me”
Felicia yelling at Jag while he was in a chicken suit
Felicia and “Mr. B” (smooches!)
The slow burn Americory showmance (I could write a thesis on how much I love it but I’ll spare you)
The fact they brought the pressure cooker back
Izzy crying about how much she hates being in the same room as Cameron
“Fuck jag and I said that shit” -America Week 4, a prophet
When Matt used the power on jag and even live feeders were shook because we had no idea
The fact that Cameron’s 14 hours in the pressure cooker didn’t matter because jag was just brought back into the game
Blue sucking up to Felicia bc she thought she was Jared’s mom for a solid 24 hours
Felicia’s sleep screaming/singing
The dramatic and out of no where red/Cameron break up
“Cam thinks he’s like a father to me, but really he’s like an absentee father who wants to sleep with my girlfriend”
Blue volunteering jag to go up as a “pawn” during Jared’s hoh
Cam winning hoh after being blindsided by the red vote (hate him but the absolute silence and his thumbs up is so funny)
“Okay Jasmine” “*crying* who’s jasmine?” “*singing* a whole new world”
Cam not telling anyone including production who he was putting up
Matt winning the prize swap veto but choosing the punishment bc he thought he’d get to hang out with the real Josh Duhamel
The Josh Duhamel punishment in general
Izzy’s kick jump during the piggy pals punishment
Jared destroying his game because Cirie was stuck in a kayak with Felicia for 48 hours
(The fact the izzy flip happened bc she told Cory that he couldn’t sleep in the same bed as America anymore lol)
The Cory/Jared humiliverse fight
“To all my friends and family, trust I know that they are all liars and snakes… and cowards!”
“See you soon, pig!”
The Cirie/Felicia fight post-Jared’s eviction
Peak Unreliables when Jag fought for Cory’s LIFE against cams plan to backdoor him
People retweeting Meme’s tweets from over ten years ago that were weirdly relevant to the season
America lifting Cory after it was confirmed that they made jury
The musical that Cory got for his zing
The one time all the different stans came together was to celebrate Cams eviction
The “exquisite” bit
America causing Jag to want to shit his pants after telling him to “literally fuck off”
“Literally in this world, I am your biggest fan” 😭😭😭
Felicia being Cirie’s best friend and worst enemy (aka when she shaved her foot on her bed)
Americory saying “I love you” on Cory’s way out the door
Americas shrine to Cory/transforming into him
Cirie’s DR of her flipping off Jag, Matt, and Bowie
Izzy/Paige going as Americory for Halloween
The Americory “cradle robber” Halloween costume
“I’d be more impressed if [the wins] weren’t against two senior citizens, an airhead, and an idiot”
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banes-favourite · 3 months
I can imagine Gortash went mute for some time while he was in the HoH because nothing he ever said was "right" and always resulted in him being abused, so in his mind it was best to just not say anything at all
Not that that ever stopped the beatings. If he's so quiet, he must be scheming, after all.
RIGHT I always had that thought!! Like I think initially he started stuttering more and more out of just the raw fear of being a 9 year old constantly on the brink of another beating, but eventually he just stopped talking altogether. There was no point to it - his voice didn't hold any weight and it didn't take him long to realise it didn't matter whether he begged or apologised or cried. Nothing he said would be good enough to earn him anything less than a beating, so why bother?
I can so clearly seeing him fall more silent the more time he spent there, just doing his chores and being quiet, not responding to any mocking, only nodding or shaking his head with his eyes pinned to the floor when questioned about stuff. And I bet Nubaldin enjoyed it greatly because the best thing about breaking in a prisoner is to see them break down psychologically. Plus he could fuck with him more, insisting he's OBVIOUSLY scheming and planning on doing shit he's not allowed to, so whether he spoke or not, he was still punished the same for it.
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tyran-the-tyranical · 2 months
I have some discourse with the boudoir in the HoH and not for the reasons you may think…
My issue is that I think there’s some merit to the idea that the boudoir is specifically Haarleps lil place, especially with its name being boudoir and not just a bedroom or chamber or whatever, even though it can mean bedroom, it’s that they specifically used the term boudoir instead.
Now onto my issue, I quite like the theory that’s it’s just Haarleps room because it explains away a big issue I have with that room, said issue being how the fuck are those two supposed to fit on that tiny bed, HM? Hypothetically if Raphael was in human form this wouldn’t be an issue, BUT WHY WOULD HE? He wouldn’t, there in lies the issue, if both are in the cambion forms, they just wouldn’t fit, I couldn’t see it working out with their wings and shit, nahhhh
Now here in lies the crux of my issue. In game, if you hover above the bed, it reads “Raphael’s bed”. CAUSE WHY TF NOT, you are not telling me that these two mf’s be fitting in the same bed, nah. Now, an explanation could be that since Raphael’s a cambion he needs sleep but since Haarlep isn’t, he wouldn’t actually use the bed for sleep. Even though if you boink him I think afterwards (or maybe before? I forget) he’s seen like resting or whatever, but that might be just resting and not actual sleep.
Maybe I’m just crazy, the bed could be bigger than I think it is, but from what I remember it barely fits you the player and Haarlep, so idk.
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ohsayit · 2 months
Haarlep and shape changing. Lore be damned lol
I think I've made my mind up. Actual lore be damned lol
Succubi are shapechagers yes. DnD says they can take an action to shape change. I think Haarlep's deal with the player to take their form isn't a Haarlep specific deal. It is a generic succubi deal.
However, without it, even if Haarlep changes into player's form and resembles it 100% accurate, the player wouldn't feel anything when Haarlep does shit wearing that.
So, Haarlep was probably doing as Papa Meph told to distract, and possibly sabotage, Papa's naughty son, when Player & Co. broke in to HoH.
Fucking and taking player's form is a kill time fun and also to make it difficult for the player. He just wants to have some fun. If that get his job done? Even better.
Ugh, I love that cruel bastard.
Haarlep said something about Raphael tells him everything or he doesn't hide anything from him. I believe Raphael knows damn well what Papa Meph told Haarlep. Whatever he tells Haarlep would be things he doesn't mind Papa Meph knowing.
One slip of tongue and one in a million chance, Haarlep just snatches the chance. Glorious. Cruel.
I wish we don't have to kill either of them and we can just fuck them. [Insert ugly cry face]
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thewingedwolf · 8 months
for non feed watchers here are the three most important things to know going into tonight (to ME)
1. Everyone has different targets and bc we haven’t been getting great cam talks or DRs (bc there wasn’t an episode Wednesday) it’s hard to see what targets are real or not. Meme & Fe want every single man out, Cameron & Matt & sort of Jag want Fe, Blue wants Americory gone, Cory wants Blue the fuck out of there, Cirie is keeping her mouth shut, who knows what Bowie is thinking.
2. Cory has taken to flirting with America by reciting parts of the constitution and various amendments to her. To be clear, it is really doing it for her, she thinks it’s super hot. They’ve done this like three nights in a row and I love them but I genuinely don’t know how Meme hasn’t murdered them yet.
3. Blue has been attempting to sway Matt and Jag to her side and it’s not clear how well it’s working (they have a thing with Cam too, and Matt keeps talking about feeling “used” by Cory and how Cory hasn’t “pulled his own weight” even though…Cory literally won an HOH that could have gone enormously bad for Matt) but the trio have been talking a lot. Blue spent all week shit talking Americory to everyone who will listen and last night said they should target them but Jag came in Unreliables Strong and said it’s stupid to target people who aren’t targeting them and it would be like Fe & Cirie evicting Hisam. Jag said we are not evicting my showmance dammit‼️
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buttbiscuit · 2 years
HoH Steve Harrington headcanons because I love him (ft a lot of Steddie)
He slowly developed hearing issues in his teens and early adolescence but didn't notice at first. He learnt how to lip read by accident because he just realised it was easier to understand people when he was doing it. He didn't know it was an actual thing.
He secretly loves that Dustin calls him a cool cyborg for having hearing aids
Going to Eddie's gigs and not giving a shit about not knowing any of the lyrics to any of the songs because he can't understand them anyway. He loves the way he can feel the loud music through his entire body.
"I can't see what you're saying!" When Eddie gets distracted and covers his mouth or turns away from Steve while they're talking.
Early mornings when he doesn't have his hearing aids in and Eddie tells him to stop stomping around so much but Steve doesn't even realise he's doing it and so Eddie calls him a dinosaur and Steve tackles him whenever he makes little t-rex arms
Absolute fucking bliss of taking his hearing aids out at night and letting the noise of the world disappear.
He can't hear those annoying cicadas everyone complains about during summer nights.
Eddie buys him an ASL book but he gives up after learning literally 3 words in ASL. He learnt enough just so he can communicate with Eddie across a noisy bar (The words are "drunk," "bathroom," and "let's go") and he never uses it anywhere else.
He loves when people see his hearing aids and assume he obviously knows sign language because he always replies with "of course" and flips them off 🖕
Saying "I can't hear you 🤷‍♂️ sorry" or "hearing aids broke this morning" when he can very clearly hear the kids but he doesn't want to listen to them
Family Video having the biggest stock of subtitled movies because Robin keeps secretly ordering them for Steve
After he gets his hearing aids he realises he really likes movies more now that he can understand the characters and follow dialogue and pick up on the musical cues
Calling out Eddie for gossiping about him across a room because even though they're not within earshot, he can clearly lipread that Eddie said his name.
Having the radio absolutely cranked in his car and it startles Robin every single time which makes Steve laugh. She'll learn to turn the volume down before turning it on eventually.
"Oh my god where are my ears" when he can't find his hearing aids in the morning and Eddie says "on the sides of your head" to which Steve shouts "Shut up!" its such a frequent occurrence that Eddie doesn't even have to say it anymore but Steve still tells him to shut up
Wayne got a bit annoyed at the boys having the TV up so loud but after Eddie explains he has to because Steve can't hear so well, he never complained about it again.
He absolutely loves that Robin and Eddie talk with their entire bodies and are so expressive and have good annunciation (which they probably picked up from doing drama in school) because he can understand them really well.
Dustin constantly trying to sneak up behind Steve to scare him but because he's so used to being extra aware of his visual surroundings it never works.
Robin learning to perfectly imitate the way he says "Huh?" every time he can't hear her from across the store
Eddie knowing immediately when Steve didn't understand what someone said because he always does the same "Yeah, totally!" nod and smile.
Steve constantly bugging Eddie to wear hearing protection at gigs and go for a hearing test.
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