#forget the themes of devouring I'm here for this
infernumequinomin · 4 months
Have we considered what it means that Laois is so good at killing monsters, the one thing he loves, and so bad at fighting humans, the thing he feels most distance from. And inverse Kabru is terrible at killing monsters, the one thing he wants to destroy, but so good at killing humans he would have killed Falin 6 different times when he tried to kill her if her anatomy had been more human, despite his love for and drive to protect humanity? Have we considered what it means to be able to kill that which you love but not that you hate? Has anyone fucking considered the imposter syndrome that has to come from only being good at killing that which you love most??? The fear of not being able to protect yourself from the thing you most think is a threat simply because you cannot find a way to understand it enough to take it's life?
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calisources · 3 months
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Sentences were taken from different sources of literature that depict dark romance, these include possessive language, jealousy, power trips, some kinks, innuendos. Some sentences are tamer than others, please use wisely. Change names, pronouns and locations as you see fit. This meme is not safe for all audiences, as it contains adult themes.
Cara is mine, and only mine.
You didn’t seem to be in any danger when you were being my good, little girl.
A crush? I had consumed at least three of that woman’s bodily fluids, as she had mine. 
I worship you.
Very, very bad girl.
So you admit it, I make you scream.
See, my sweet gift? I knew you’d f/cking come around.
My beautiful, sweet gift. I am forever lost in you.
Let me heal those wounds and soothe that ache.
I’m gonna fuck you now. It’s gonna be fast and hard because I’ve waited too long for this.
In this fucked up world of ours, we're meant for each other.
I may have broken you, but know that you've broken me just the same.
Let me free you of the constraints of virtue. Better yet, free yourself.
You're supposedly protected by god, but here you are fucking the devil.
Like this you are powerful. Learn what it is to command the attention of a god.
I need you to take me the way you want me.
I hope you never forget about me and that the thought of me haunts you for eternity.
I was born to be your god, born with the power to make you do what I want.
You've captivated my soul and breathe life into me.
No escaping. I told you I'd never let you go.
I am a poison that all of humanity must fear.
You  ruined me and I can’t be bothered about it.
I forgot how good you taste. 
Real men get their girls nice and ready first.
This girl. She’s living, walking art. And she’s mine.
Do you want me on my knees?
You’re a bad man and you do bad things. You will always do bad things. But not to me.
You are painfully beautiful, do you know that?
Every time you look at me, it feels as if you start a wildfire inside my heart
Such a perfect girl you are, put on this world just for me.
I have killed for you, baby. And I’ll never stop.
You forgot I was a siren.
I just wanted to keep you forever.
I have missed you for so long. And now you are in front of me, but you’re afraid to touch me.
 There can never be anything in the world that would hurt me more than when you left me.
I don’t know if I want to cry or if I want to scream or if I want to fucking kiss you.
Christ, I wish you could see yourself. You look otherworldly.
I used to smell your dirty shirts when you weren’t looking.
In order for me to fuck you, I’m going to need you to be healed first.
 How I’ve missed that filthy mouth.
What else did I teach you?
You taught me how to be a good girl for you.
How to let you ravage me so badly that I feel like I’m on the brink of death.
I'm a simple man who's been reduced to his base instincts to hunt, capture, keep.
If she is my devil, then I will gladly burn.
If you don’t protect what belongs to you, then sooner or later, it belongs to someone else.
The power he holds over me―
You like to be owned by me? Knowing that I will kill anyone that ever tries to steal you away?
You want passion. A love that completely devours every inch of you. 
I know that you long for a little danger, too. I saw how you thrived on it.
It only hurts because I want you so much.
 if you could see yourself through my eyes, you’d know why I chose you. 
You taste like sin.
You're doing so good, Handsome.
No one touches what's mine.
And you are mine. Whether you agree is irrelevant.
I caught you, so now I get to ravish you.
Let’s do something about that mouth of yours, hm?
Be my woman, Ana. Allow me to call myself yours.
I want you to know that you can’t hide from me.
Play nicely, little lamb. Or else, I won’t.
I will do with you as I please.
Show me how much you want me.
You haven’t been getting what you need, have you?
Would it make you feel better if I call you Daddy while you fuck me?
You’ll never know when I’m going to drag you into the darkness.
I’m rough with your body sometimes, but I’ll always be gentle with your soul. 
Fucking hell, you’re sweet. You’re so goddamn sweet.
The flesh wants what it wants.
If you continue to behave like this, I'll actually start to believe you don't hate me.
Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes Power.
And I will break you. I will make it so you can't breathe without me. 
What happened to the thrill of the chase?
I just like the way wrong feels.
I swear I won't touch you even with a finger until you ask me yourself.
I need to hear a yes, sir.
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stargirl-writes · 7 months
pairing : f! reader x anakin skywalker
word count : 1.3k
masterlist | ao3 link
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when you decided to sleep with anakin skywalker, you have set an arrangement to keep it purely physical. but it was getting harder to repress that you've fallen for him. and tonight, you aren't sure if you can keep seeing him in like this anymore.
tags : angst, hurt/no comfort, pining.
warnings : !mature content! (implication of sexual themes, but not discussed) and drinking. kind of a cliffhanger (i'm debating whether i should make another part still)
notes : hello lovely people, i'm currently hyperfixiating on media referring/relating love to faith and cannibalism (as smone with religious trauma haha!) so here's my tiny drabble on that, i hope ya like it 🪽
likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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Corruption begins at the mouth. To consume the flesh— the wanting. The thought of being ready to devote entirely. And to be devoured with the same intensity.
So when you agreed to have sex with Anakin Skywalker, you convinced yourself it was purely physical. The attraction has always been there, one of you is bound to break, and to your favor, Anakin had been the one to come to your quarters.
But it doesn't matter. Whatever you feel is overcome by your fear of intimacy. You can satiate the physical sensations without ever needing to commit.
He wanted you. And you wanted him — in the same manner. Purely physical, that was the arrangement you set.
The days are most exhausting but you can give into the relief of coming apart by Anakin's touch, and his hungry kisses, and his deep thrusts. You'd forget the stresses of the galaxies. You'd allow him to hold you, without him knowing that no one has ever stood to your soul as he does when his eyes fix on you at the edge of your climax.
And Anakin would fuck like you were the most beautiful thing he'd got his hands on. He becomes greedy, he'd become the closest thing to intimacy you can define.
It never mattered how you felt before.
He always made sure to have you feel good first, and you'd always make him crumble by your touch after.
It was a mutual exchange.
There's no need to complicate such a clear line by confusing his kisses as something romantic.
You knew he was carnivorous about love— he'd want to be teeth deep in possession. He could love you, if you let him, you could become his God.
And that terrified you more than your fear of intimacy.
You stood up from the sheets, legs still trembling.
Despite the moments earlier, you wrapped your robe around your body, feeling exposed.
You know Anakin would never stay after. It was good that he didn't. At least, then you can reestablish some space after such a binding ritual of fucking and vows that leave his lips in the heat of the moment.
You sat down by the chair away from your bed, pouring yourself a drink. It was a vice you developed during the war. One you can't entirely quit because it sends you straight to sleep.
Anakin was steadying his breath. You heard him shuffling, as if he too was trying to come down from the high.
You downed your drink and poured another. Begging for that warm buzz to come over quickly so you'd stop feeling so... excessively.
Through the mirror, you saw Anakin put back his garments— his hair stubbornly a mess.
You take your gaze away from lingering on his bare torso. Or his sharp jaw. Or his tight back.
You drank your shot once more.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Anakin says, his profile the only thing you could make out from the reflection.
Your heart aches, torn between wanting to say yes, i'll see you tomorrow, please come find me tomorrow, hold me tomorrow, and no, i can't keep doing this tomorrow, i don't want to see you tomorrow.
You cannot admit that you knew loving would destroy you. if he comes tomorrow, you fear you'd break and finally tell him. But then again, if you refuse, he'll know how you felt.
The stage is finally set; for you and Anakin to dance and circle around waiting to be consumed by one another.
Possession is cruel, it corrupts. You thought, with all the love you have— you could eat him whole.
You don't speak, Anakin steps forward, standing very close to your back.
The heat of his body emanates to your robes— casting imprints on the fibers of your soul.
You saw Anakin's gaze land on the drink you were having. He never did like how you turn to alcohol for some sort of relief.
"Did you not want me to come tomorrow?" He insists after noticing your silence.
Your lips purse, "No"
He tilts his head, lost by what you meant.
"No— no, you can, if you want to" you clarified, unsure how committed you were to your own words.
You downed the rest of your drink— feeling the familiar haze of its effect.
"Then what's bothering you?" Anakin speaks softly, you hated how much you didn't want to ruin this.
You sigh, shaking your head "Nothing"
"Nothing at all"
Anakin kneels down, wanting to see your eyes. His eyes were dark, intent, you wondered what they'd look like if he fell in love.
"Did I—" He begins, Your eyebrows furrow at the concern coating his voice.
"Did I hurt you? Did I do something?"
You pressed your palm against his cheek, forcing him to look up. "No, Anakin"
Under your touch, he looked like everything you asked for. Underneath your sinful fingers, he becomes something you could worship.
You caught yourself dreaming and withdrew your hand, taking the glass of alcohol instead.
You could feel his eyes burn at your skin watching you drink.
"I'll see you tomorrow" You dismissed, standing up, trying to establish some space, so you can stop being so encased by his warmth, or his eyes, or his hair, or his hold on you he was so blissfully unaware of.
Your head spun, you fought through the blurriness.
You found yourself at the balcony instead, a breath of fresh air would do you good.
You waited to hear your door lock— held your breath til he left.
But he stays.
"You know, you really should stop depending on alcohol" Anakin appears next to you.
You ran your finger to the rim of your drink, huffing a breathless laugh.
"It's the only thing that comforts me nowadays" You sigh, not intending the double entendre.
Besides, you doubt he'll interpret your attraction to him as anything else.
The silence hung once more. The cold of the midnight air felt crisp against your bare legs, so you hugged your robe against your skin.
"I worry about you" Anakin's voice was husky, exhausted. "We used to be able to talk about everything before"
Your heart tinges in guilt. Along the way, you somehow have pushed him farther away by denying how you felt.
"I'm sorry, I've just been trying to figure out some things"
You're doing it because of love. And for love, you disappear.
"Well, come to me. You know you can always come to me, whenever you need me." Anakin stresses.
You look up, biting your tongue. Begging to stay in one piece.
If you offer yourself— it'd be the most selfish thing you'll do.
You'll be mine. You thought as you get lost in his eyes.
Burning devotion. For all eternity.
"Anakin, we can't keep doing this anymore" You said finally, submitting to your truth.
Anakin's eyes furrow in focus. "Doing what?"
You frown, trying to explain something incommunable.
You've always felt ashamed for wanting. For taking. It wasn't a virtue, it was a disguise. Because you can't love without giving yourself entirely, bones and all. Ravenous, intense, unforgiving devotion.
Because isn't bite also a form of touch?
Finally, Anakin seems to understand the expression painted on your face. You held your breath, bracing for his reaction.
"You wanted this" He reminds. The sterness of his voice made you flinch. It felt like the cruelest rejection.
"I know"
"You said clear lines. No attachments"
"I know" You felt like you were being caught in the act of doing something forbidden.
Anakin's expression hardens, seeming to process your admission.
Your tears were threatening to fall, but you refused to let them. You didn't want him to feel sorry you felt that way. You didn't want him to know how far you've pathetically fallen for him.
He turns to his heel and your heart breaks.
The tear finally leaks your left eye, as your hand reaches out, just enough to grip on the end of his robe.
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part ii?
© to @cafekitsune for the borders!
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theinnerunderrain · 1 year
The apple of his eyes [Yan! Kazuha x Amnesiac! Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, amnesia, manipulation and gaslighting, objectification.
Love is a fruit that is always in season and within everyone's fingertips. There is no fixed constraint on who may gather it.
Kazuha reasoned that even if the affection was contrived, it was nevertheless a fruit of blessing and therefore only needed just that little prodding in the right direction. It was his own fruit, which he voluntarily spent time tending to by providing it with continual water, ample food, and trimming at the margins to allow for the healthy growth of new twinges.
"Who are you?"
Kazuha was a bit saddened by your sincere interest as she heard the inquiry leave your lips. But perhaps it was the results of his own behaviour—his failure to effectively manage his emotions. It was an error that he didn't intend to make but committed due to his strong sentiments towards you, which he vowed to better control.
He simply lost control and devoured a touch too much of the fruit.
But how can you condemn him when you're just too sweet for your own good?
"...Ah, you do not seem to remember me."
He mumbled, attempting to seem as miserable and distressed as he could, hoping to elicit your sympathy and cause you to shed your sense of guilt.
"I-I apologise for forgetting. If you just tell me, I might be able to recall certain things..!"
The sound of your bewildered voice prompted a ghost smile to briefly trail the edge of his lips, but the room's obscurity prevented you from seeing any of his smile because of how quickly it vanished.
"[First Name]."
He pronounced your name fluently, as if it were a weekly incantation he repeated to himself as part of his meditations. As though he was so accustomed to saying your name that it became an intrinsic part of his personality.
"There's no need to panic. You can refer to me as Kaedehara Kazuha, your friend."
His statement fell off the tip of his tongue, however it wasn't entirely a lie given that you two were friends prior to the occurrence. He wasn't really lying about anything; considering how close you two were to one another, some people might have even assumed you two were in a relationship.
So he didn't have to feel guilty about anything.
"Ah, so we're friends..!"
You inquired, gazing at him with anticipation as he finished speaking, as if it were a comfort to have a friend by your side who could assist you find your way down the memory lane. As you searched for memories of this alleged friend of yours, the term "friend" kept resonating in your head.
Yet nothing came to mind.
But the name Kazuha does sound oddly familiar, doesn't it?
"You were involved in an accident, one that rendered your mind unconscious and blank. We are lucky enough to have you alive and well."
His lips were as seamless as caramel as he chatted, examining your visage for any indications of emotion as his crimson gaze skimmed over it. However, the only impression on your face was one of utter uncertainty, as if he were some kind of parent attempting to explain to their infant child the significance of the very first day of preschool.
"What sort of accident was I involved in?"
You asked, concealing a few stray hairs behind your ears while you awaited the man's response. The murmur of small ripples squirting against the ship seemed to resonate in the atmosphere, and the wobbling of the vessel made you feel somewhat apprehensive, even if you already got a sense of déjà vu simply being inside the boat.
"That's something I'm not sure of. A Crux crew member discovered your body lying on the shore. Here, drink some water."
Kazuha leaned over the bed and reached for a cup of water, pressing the rim of the grey cup on your lips and tilting your head back so the water would easily flow down your throat.
"I hope that helped you feel much better."
He smiled, setting the cup back to its original position, and then wiped the excess moisture from the corner of your lips with the sleeve of his shirt. Even someone with no memories would be able to tell that possibly Kazuha had a bit too much fondness for you based on his almost too endearing stare.
Yet you made no attempt to question him, only allowing him to gently care for you. Perhaps too afraid or too hesitant to freely question the young man.
"Now, as much as I would love to answer your question."
Kazuha positioned a gentle caress on your shoulder and cautiously eased you into the mattress. He then reached for the blanket and slid it over your body merely enough to encompass the majority of your body. The blanket smelled like syrup and leaves, much like Kazuha, and felt warm against your body amidst the cold night.
"Why don't you rest, and when the moment is right, we'll discuss tomorrow?"
What he was doing wasn't wrong.
Kazuha didn't force you to do anything and he didn't tell you any nasty falsehoods. He just added more components to the story.
Kazuha wouldn't even perceive it as pressuring since he wasn't employing any violent methods to ensure you comply with his dictates. So what if he was required to coerce the intimacy between the two of you?
He was essentially repainting over your image of him, as though he were commencing with a blank canvas and rewriting one of his compositions. Kazuha might even claim that your creation is his finest. Given that Kazuha was not a scientist and could not just concoct a love potion, it certainly necessitated some trial and error. He was aware of your doubts about him, yet you were forced to rely on him because you had no other reliable source.
To ensure that the fruit he sought blossoms properly, it just required a small amount of encouragement and a few words. He'll just have to erase your memories when you start to retrieve them, persuade you that you're mistaken, and how could you honestly trust yourself. Shouldn't you be relying on him instead since your mind is filled with voids and empty memories of the past?
You don't have to think of anything.
Let him serve as your compass, like a gardener steadily guiding his fruit in the right direction.
He should manoeuvre the fruit into his hand since there are no set restrictions on who has access to you.
Kazuha wasn't going to let anyone steal from him or ruin the quality of his produce.
Not after he worked so hard.
Not after he had to give you a little shove.
Not while you're clutching to him so affectionately and feeling grateful to your close friend for saving your life.
Not when his fruit is so luscious and red that it is at the pinnacle of its prime, able can be devoured at any time.
If Kazuha had to eliminate innumerable vines in order to obtain the fruit he desires, it wouldn't be beneficial for anyone, would it?
Just be good and listen to him.
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adastra121 · 3 months
Touchstarved Romance Themes (Musical Version)
I like musicals, so I paired each Touchstarved LI x MC pairing with songs from musicals! These will probably be inaccurate since I'm going off of vibes from the demo. If you guys have other musical songs that you think would fit, please feel free to reblog or comment (I always like to find new musical songs!).
Kuras x MC
“All I’ve Ever Known” (Hadestown) — I associate Kuras with sunlight and devotion, and this song has both. There are a lot of lyrics that remind me of his path in the demo.
"I was alone so long I didn't even know that I was lonely. Out in the cold so long, I didn't even know that I was cold."
"You take me in your arms And suddenly there's sunlight all around me Everything bright and warm And shining like it never did before And for a moment I forget Just how dark and cold it gets."
"I don't know how or why Who am I that I should get to hold you?"
"Suddenly the sunlight, bright and warm Suddenly I'm holding the world in my arms."
“No Good Deed” (Wicked) — Can you imagine Kuras healing us to this?
"Let their flesh not be torn Let their blood leave no stain Though they're beaten, Let them feel no pain. Let their bones never break And however they try to destroy them, Let them never die."
"My road of good intentions Led where such roads always lead No good deed Goes unpunished."
“The Hill” (Once) — I think it would be interesting if, as a foil to Vere, one of his flaws is that he doesn't actually see us as a person? MC is either a path to redemption or another tragedy.
"But where are you my angel now? Don't you see me crying?"
"I'm on my knees in front of him But he doesn't seem to see me. With all his troubles on his mind, He's looking right through me."
Leander x MC (sidenote, there are so many musical songs that fit this guy why is he so musical-coded, also why are so many musical songs terrifying when you imagine it with Leander? XD)
“All I Ask of You” (Phantom of the Opera) — To be fair, I guess this song is also still unsettling in its actual context, too, if you know the story. XD
"Let me be your shelter, Let me be your light. You're safe, no one will find you, Your fears are far behind you."
“Something Wonderful” (The King and I) — From MC's perspective, Leander being toxic af.
"The thoughtless things he'll do Will hurt and worry you Then all at once he'll do Something wonderful."
"He has a thousand dreams That won't come true You know that he believes in them And that's enough for you."
“Only Us” (Dear Evan Hansen) — This is the sweet song that is mildly concerning when you pair it with him.
"What if it's you And what if it's me And what if that's all that we need it to be And the rest of the world falls away?"
"I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me. So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go."
"We can just watch the whole world disappear. 'Til you're the only one I still know how to see. It's just you and me."
“Our Love is God” (Heathers) — The Heathers songs are here because I cannot listen to these without imagining Leander anymore.
"They died because God said they must The new world needed room For me and you."
"I worship you. I'd trade my life for yours They all will disappear. We'll plant our garden here. Our love is God."
“Meant to Be Yours” (Heathers) — Leander outside the room he gave us.
"Those assholes are the key! They're keeping you away from me! They made you blind, messed up your mind But I can set you free!"
"You were meant to be mine. I am all that you need. You carved open my heart, Can't just leave me to bleed!"
Vere x MC
“Natasha & Anatole” (Natasha, Pierre, & The Great Comet of 1812) — This song is unsettling but there are so many lyrics that remind me of Vere. And I guess the unsettling vibe suits him well, it does feel like he's putting you in a trance before he devours you.
"And I never remove my smiling eyes From your face, your neck, your bare arms."
"And looking into his eyes, I am frightened There's not that barrier of modesty I've always felt with men I feel so terribly near I fear that he may seize me from behind And kiss me on the neck."
"Look straight into my eyes Nearness Tenderness Smile at me Gaze straight into my eyes There is no barrier between us There is nothing between us."
“Take Me or Leave Me” (Rent) — A more lighthearted song, and I think it suits his unapologetic attitude.
"Take me for what I am Who I was meant to be."
"A tiger in a cage Can never see the sun This diva needs her stage baby, let's have fun!"
"You are the one I choose Folks would kill to fill your shoes You love the limelight too now baby So be mine, And don’t waste my time."
Ais x MC
“You Matter to Me” (Waitress) — This song feels very straightforward and true and quietly comforting, like companionable silence. So it feels a bit like Ais's path in the demo.
"Come out of hiding, I'm right here beside you And I'll stay there as long as you let me."
"You matter to me, Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody."
“Sunrise” (In the Heights) — Since one of his likes is learning new languages, I thought this would be a cute song with him and an MC who knows another language teaching him a few words. The lyric "promise me you'll stay" makes me think of the end of the demo where Ais asks MC not to choose the Seaspring so quickly.
"Calor. Heat. Anoche. Last night. Dolor. Pain."
"Promise me you'll stay beyond the sunrise I don't care at all what people say beyond the sunrise."
Mhin x MC
“Falling Slowly” (Once) — It seems to have a lot of yearning and a bittersweet ending, which I got from their demo path.
"I don't know you, but I want you All the more for that."
"Falling slowly, eyes that know me And I can't go back And moods that take me and erase me And I'm painted black."
"You have suffered enough And warred with yourself It's time that you won."
“What You Mean to Me” (Finding Neverland) — To be honest, I put this here mostly because they like stargazing. But I think it does fit Mhin when they don't have the words to express their feelings.
"I won't lie I'm a little bit frightened."
"Every star that's ever fallen Knows the way to where we're going Now I really know just what you mean to me."
Elyon x MC
"Epic III" (Hadestown) — I'm basing this off of the short description of him searching for the one thing money can't buy.
"What has become of the heart of that man Now that he has everything? The more he has, the more he holds The greater the weight of the world on his shoulders."
"He's grown so afraid that he'll lose what he owns But what he doesn't know is that what he's defending Is already gone."
Sen x MC
"The Next Ten Minutes" (The Last Five Years) — I feel like her ultimate goal being her own death adds another layer to this song, making it less about a proposal and more about treasuring the time you have together.
"Will you share your life with me For the next ten minutes? For the next ten minutes, We can handle that. We could watch the waves, We could watch the sky, Or just sit and wait As the time ticks by, And if we make it 'til then, Could I ask you again For another ten?"
"There are so many dreams I need to see with you. There are so many years I need to be with you."
*******Bonus********** I'm sorry
Ocudeus x MC
“Hey, Little Songbird” (Hadestown) — Okay. So, in all honesty, I think this could fit Elyon, too, but I thought this was funnier. Also Ocudeus using bird nicknames because Ais does that, like a petty eldritch horror. XD So. Ocudeus trying to convince MC to drink from the Seaspring.
"You'd shine like a diamond down in the mine. And the choice is yours, if you're willing to choose, Seeing as you've got nothing to lose, And I could use a canary."
"Strange is the call of this stranger I wanna fly down and feed at its hand. I want a nice soft place to land. I want to lie down forever."
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shaylogic · 10 days
Baby Doll Spider Symbolism
I'm a fan of dream interpretation. Below I will quote symbolism pulled directly from the website DreamMoods, which I always use for this.
I was thinking about the abstract symbolism of Hell and the Sandman universe, so I was curious about what the baby doll spider that hunts Edwin could represent.
Here are the relevant findings from DreamMoods:
"I'm Being Chased!"
Being chased in your dream is one of several common dream theme stemming from feelings of anxiety in your waking life. In such dreams, you could be running from an attacker, an animal, a monster or some unknown figure who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. Fight or flight is an instinctive response to a physical threat in the environment. Thus it is natural to run or hide or try to outwit your pursuer.
Being chased signifies avoidance:
To dream that you are being chased is an indication that you are avoiding some issues in your waking life. The actions in your dream exemplify how you respond to pressure and cope with fears, stress or various situations. Instead of confronting the situation, you have a tendency to run away and avoid issues that you are uncomfortable with addressing..
Being chased signifies close-mindedness :
If someone is chasing you in your dream, then it may also refer to your close-mindedness. You are refusing to acknowledge a certain viewpoint or idea and don't even want to give a listen to any opinion that is different from yours.
Being chased signifies running away from yourself :
Another way to analyze your chase dream is how the pursuer or attacker may be an aspect of your own Self. Perhaps you are suppressing or rejecting certain feelings or certain characteristics of your Self. Anger, jealousy, fear, and even love can manifest as a threatening figure in your dream. And you could be projecting these feelings onto the unknown chaser.
Being chased signifies fear :
Running from an attacker in your dream may simply represent your fear of being attacked.
To see a spider in your dream indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in some situation. Or perhaps you want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation.  The spider is also symbolic of feminine power or an overbearing mother figure in your life. Alternatively, a spider refers to a powerful force protecting you against  your self-destructive behavior. If you kill a spider in your dream, then it symbolizes misfortune and bad luck. To see a dead spider in your dream implies that you have overcome some strong feminine temptation.
To dream that a spider is coming down on you from the ceiling indicates that you are unable to escape from some relationship. If you dream of baby spiders, then they symbolize a new or recent relationship.
To dream that you are bitten by a spider represents a conflict with your mother or some dominant female figure in your life. The dream may be a metaphor for a devouring mother or the feminine power to possess and entrap. Perhaps you are feeling trapped by some relationship.
To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted. If you dream that the baby is smiling at you, then it suggests that you are experiencing pure joy. You do not ask for much to make you happy. If you find a baby in your dream, then it suggests that you have acknowledged your hidden potential. If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it suggests that you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities; you do not want to let others know of your weaknesses. Alternatively, forgetting about a baby represents an aspect of yourself that you have abandoned or put aside due to life's changing circumstances. The dream may serve as a reminder that it is time for you to pick up that old interest, hobby, or project again. Dreaming of holding a baby is analogous to holding onto an earlier part of your life where you felt more depended on and more needed.
To dream of a crying baby symbolizes a part of yourself that is deprived of attention and needs to be nurtured. Alternatively, it represents your unfulfilled goals and a sense of lacking in your life. If you dream that a baby is neglected, then it suggests that you are not paying enough attention to yourself. You are not utilizing your full potential. Alternatively, this dream could represent your fears about your own children and your ability to protect and to provide for them. To dream about a starving baby represents your dependence on others. You are experiencing some deficiency in your life that needs immediate attention and gratification.
To see a dead baby in your dream symbolizes the ending of something that was once a part of you.
Seeing an evil baby or a demon baby in your dream implies that you are apprehensive or afraid of a new project that you are undertaking. You may be taking on more than you can handle.
To dream that a doll comes to life signifies your desires to be someone else and escape from your present problems and responsibilities. The doll serves as a means to act out your wishes. To see a doll in your dream symbolizes childhood innocence and light-hearted fun.
DOLLHOUSE [realm they're in]
To see or play with a dollhouse in your dream suggests that you are idealizing family life. You have the notion that everything is perfect or problem-free. Perhaps you are in denial about any problems. Alternatively, the dollhouse in your dream may serve as an indirect way to solve and work out waking problems with family members.
To dream that you are dismembered suggests that some situation or circumstance is falling apart in your waking life. You feel cut off, isolated and disempowered. You may also be experiencing some great and significant loss. Consider also which part of your body is dismembered as that body part may offer additional significance or needs special attention. Alternatively, the dream may coincide with some significant life change as in a new job, new school, marriage, moving, etc. You are feeling a loss of power, potential, or identity.
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verysium · 5 months
what do you read in your spare time? you’re one of the most eloquent users i know, id love to hear how you find the media you consume and what your favorites are
omg ei 😊 welcome back to the inbox! thank you for your sweet words although i'm probably not qualified enough to be considered the full definition of eloquent. i am going to preface this post by saying that i definitely don't read as much as i should, so this list is not going to be comprehensive whatsoever. the last time i even visited an in-person library was like half a decade ago, and since then my spare time has been nonexistent lmao. anyways, here are some of my favorite/most recent reads as listed by author:
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richard siken: i think siken is already well-known both in the literary world and in whatever booktok deems is popular culture. if you don't already know him though, he is best known for his poetry collection crush, which delves into themes of obsession, gay love, and violent eroticism. i actually read this chapbook unknowingly. as in i was hounding sketchy pdf download sites at 3 AM and saw a man with bloodied lips on the cover and decided to read it. he basically became my summer fever dream after that. the way he juxtaposes images is seamless, smoother than water. only richard siken can talk about violence without making it sound violent. i also enjoyed his other poetry collection war of the foxes, especially "portrait of fryderyk in shifting light." i think light is a common motif throughout most of his poems, and he manipulates it effortlessly. the most recent piece i read from him is "piano lesson." i have nothing left to say that he didn't already say, so i would just recommend reading it for yourself. he is the og big brain when it comes to word play.
ocean vuong: he's unforgettable, and i mean that literally because nobody forgets a person named ocean. time is a mother was exactly what the name suggests: an exploration of grief, loss, and the rewind of time after his mother's death. some of the poems are almost cinematic in quality. "künstlerroman" is my favorite because it feels exactly like watching a video tape in reverse. i think his most famous work is "someday i'll love ocean vuong." it was the first piece i ever read from him, and to this day, it remains my comfort poem.
silas denver melvin: i only recently discovered him through his chapbook grit. i think he's also on tumblr @/sweatermuppet. he writes a lot on the trans experience, and his work gives me a mix of southern gothic and country vibes. would definitely read his other publications if i had the time.
chen chen: one thing about chen chen is that he always comes to devour. my favorite works from him are "self-portrait as so much potential" and "song of the anti-sisyphus." you have to put on your thinking cap for some of his poems, but once you grasp the meaning, everything makes sense all at once.
franny choi: "disaster means without a star" was the entire inspiration behind my first rin fic. i relate to her more personally in regards to the diaspora experience, but her collections are worth reading in general because of the sheer quality.
pages matam: his poem "piñata" was what got me into slam poetry. his work mostly consists of political commentary which i feel is particularly relevant in today's social climate. "on learning america's english" also resonates with people who have encountered the entire losing/learning immigrant tongues experience.
laura lamb brown-lavolie: i've only read one spoken word poem from her, and tbh i only needed to read one. "on this the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the titanic, we reconsider the buoyancy of the human heart" is my two-headed calf poem. one day i will get this tattooed.
brendan constantine: once again, this was the result of me being chronically online coupled with the boredom of an august heat wave. i found "the opposites game" through TED. honestly, i was a bit unsure about it at first, but it's a cute little poem that makes you really delve into the intricacies of craft.
yasmeen khan: she could mouth her words onto every square inch of my body, and i would still be coming back for more. ingraining them into flesh is not enough. "movie stars" is by far my favorite work from her. she writes about femininity and womanhood so profoundly. it's tragic, but really i wouldn't have it end any other way.
kaya dierks: her writing is basically middle-of-nowhere small town stoner teenage life but personified. "crushed" is my favorite piece from her. the soundtrack for this work was definitely by ethel cain, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
madeline miller: i was first introduced to her when i read the song of achilles. let's just say that book had me nonverbal for the greater half of three months. it was my metaphorical hatchet. i buried it once, and i never want to dig it up again. i read circe a few years later. the first time was during the blue hour at an airport, right between one red-eye flight and another transfer. i don't even remember that experience because i was heavily sleep-deprived. i read it again recently for a literature course, this time for academic analysis. overall, i enjoy the the heroine-centric narrative. typically, i'm a bit wary of novels with heavy feminist themes because they either project their agenda too strongly or they run the risk of misrepresentation. circe doesn't exactly have that problem. it was more about empowerment and less about exercising power over others.
charlotte brontë: as a historical figure, brontë was questionable, but jane eyre most certainly was not. that book rewired my brain, and that is saying something because i have never read any classic by choice. and it is so important to me that jane was the ugliest, plainest girl you could ever imagine. also cus i unironically enjoy angst, and this book was full of dramatic misunderstandings.
yoko ogawa: i love japanese literature, so there is no reason not to include this one here. "a peddler of tears" is one of my favorite short stories. i did not expect the ending at all, but it was welcome. something about violence, body gore, and dismemberment being framed as romantic and semi-erotic just gets to me. sign me the hell up. hotel iris is a hit-or-miss with some people. either you like the fact that art makes you uncomfortable or you shut it down completely. for me, i was alright with exploring some of its darker themes, but read at your own discretion.
ross gay: he lives up to his name both in optimism and in carefree joy. probably one of my favorite creative nonfiction authors simply based off the accessibility of his writing style. easy to read and understand but still hits you with the full force of a semi-truck. i would recommend his book inciting joy. it's a collection of essays that delve into grief, but since this is ross gay, he makes it seem like a quintessential part of life.
paul kalanithi: sixteen-year-old me was mind blown by him cus before that doctors were shrewish old men with bald spots and sterile coats, not poetic surgeons who dissected the anatomy of word and recited t.s. eliot in the most heart-wrenching way possible. he is everything i want to become in both life and death. when breath becomes air literally does take your breath away.
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♥ don't waste my time . oneshot ♥
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. pairing : vampire!elvis x reader
. summary / request : being in a relationship with arguably the most attractive man on the planet must seem like a dream-- that is, for anyone but you. you've tried numerous times to bury old memories deep down, but you can never quite stop them from resurfacing.
. word count : 1.6k
. notes / warning : yandere themes, mild sexual content that involves coercion and allusions to sex, mentions of blood, mentions of death, allusions to kidnapping and forced affection, manipulation, domestic abuse, and angst. this is kind of like a drabble, but it's pretty dark, so please read the warnings just in case.
(♥) . . . request something . masterlist . taglist . navigation
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Pleasure was never something that was perfectly pure.
"Tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you. I'll give you everything."
You shivered at cool metal brushing against your bare skin, slender fingers gliding along your vulnerable body ever so delicately.
"I want you, Elvis. Only you."
You could practically see his smile grow as you felt his fangs penetrate your sensitive neck, teeth barely piercing your skin. He was teasing you.
"Well, I'm right here, baby," he muttered, before allowing his sharp fangs to break through your skin. Deep inside of you, they went, and you let out a groan as Elvis's free arms roamed your body, heating your body impossibly more.
Pain, as you'd come to learn through so many late nights, was very similar to pleasure. It was almost sweet, yet so desperate, and you found yourself enjoying it-- enjoying the pleasure and pain mixed into one hazy blur. You enjoyed the feeling of Elvis sucking your own life force out of you.
You savored the feeling of Elvis's tongue, wet against your neck, greedily taking what he could from you-- savored the feeling of his teeth gently biting your lower lip, just enough to draw some blood. And then, after some time that felt much too soon, Elvis must have decided that it'd been enough, and you let out a displeased groan as he did so.
"Oh, c'mon on now," he coaxed, crawling off of you and choosing to lay beside your figure. A tangle of legs, you smiled as Elvis moved impossibly closer to you, eyes focused intensely on your facial features. "Can't bleed you dry all in one night. I love ya' too much for that."
At the last comment, you smiled widely, and Elvis did the same as he devoured you in a hungry kiss. You could still taste your blood on his tongue as he did so, the taste salty and metallic on your own. You completely and utterly adored it.
It was nights like these that you truly loved, you and Elvis, alone with no other distractions. It was because of nights like that that you forgot about his numerous crimes. And it was because of nights like these that you felt oh, so guilty.
Because, no matter how many times you tried to forget about the deaths, to forget about the bodies, to forget all of it, you couldn't. You couldn't simply let something like that go.
You tensed in front of Elvis, who, after noticing your resistance towards his affection, albeit reluctantly, pulled away.
"Baby?" he questioned softly, a perfectly confused expression present on his features. His hand traveled up to cup your cheek at your lack of response.
"Y/n, darlin', is anything wrong?"
You wished that you didn't reply at all, wished that you had merely shaken your head and let him continue, wished you would have simply indulged more of his intoxicating poison. But you didn't, simply muttered something about needing to go to the bathroom as you slipped out of the sheets and over to said room.
You closed the door and locked it behind you, knowing your heart was now beating much faster than it was before-- knowing that he could hear it, could hear the blood rushing through your veins and your ragged breath and your quiet coughs.
But that didn't matter. Not now. You needed a moment to breathe.
From outside the room, a deep voice beckoned for you. You knew he knew. This always happened. But you couldn't help it. You couldn't simply let it go.
You'd convinced yourself that Elvis loved you, a while back. Convinced yourself that everything he did-- all the bad and the good-- it was all for you. It was to make you happy.
But, staring at your unnaturally light skin tone and fragile figure, you knew that wasn't the case. You knew those had only been ideas that Elvis had implanted in your mind.
Elvis was always so good at that, you'd learned over the years. He could fabricate such sweet, blissful lies that would make you give anything for them to be true.
And, with help from Elvis, they were.
But you knew that this delusion of his-- the delusion that you'd learned to accept eagerly-- was crumbling. A delusion of affection and serenity. A delusion of love.
But infatuation was something very different to love, and so was obsession. This was something that most could understand conceptually, but could not grasp in the real world. Treating someone as if you possessed them-- as if they were some prized artifact that had to be isolated from the outside world-- was not love.
Elvis beckoned for you once more, this time with a more stern tone. An uneasy feeling slithered down your spine-- a venomous snake, waiting for its moment to attack.
You didn't reply-- you should have, but you didn't. You merely stared at the ghost of your reflection in the mirror, all but disappointed. You had to wonder, how could things have gotten this bad? How could circumstances have gotten so bad that you couldn't tell the difference between love and his own infatuation with you?
A knock was heard on the door. You froze. You wouldn't reply. You couldn't reply.
"Y/n, darlin'," Elvis's tone was dark; a warning. And yet, you stood paralyzed by fear, frozen by the simple idea of what he'd done to get you where you are right now.
"I'm gonn' have to open this door if you don't let me in."
You wished that you could simply move your body to unlock the door, but your limbs refused to move.
"I'm gonna count to three," his voice was threatening. You knew he was mad. You knew he would be even madder if you didn't open that goddamn door, but you were frozen in your fear. You were completely utterly terrified of Elvis-- of the man he truly was.
"1..." One. You remembered the first time you'd met Elvis-- so handsome and charming, he could have fooled anyone with just a smile.
"2..." Two. That was the time it happened. 2 in the morning. He didn't expect you to be awake, or even at your home. You'd told him that you'd be out for the next couple of nights, anyway.
"3..." Three. The number of dead bodies sprawled on the floor that very night, bodies that he'd killed. You couldn't speak or move when it happened, could only watch as he drained the life out of your own family-- your own flesh and blood.
It all felt so surreal, now-- it felt as though you were reliving the moment in its entirety.
Your limbs finally moved when the door was busted open, but not in the way you wanted them to. They buckled underneath your own weight, no longer able to support your fragile figure.
You would have been lying to yourself if you didn't say that it was all his fault-- your current condition.
In came a furious-looking Elvis who, after noticing your shaking figure on the bathroom floor, allowed his expression to soften. He knelt down in front of you, wiping tears off of your face that you hadn't even realized you had shed.
"Oh, Y/n..." he muttered, guilt heavy on his chest. He didn't want to see you like this-- he hated it. He only wanted to keep you safe.
"You..." The accusatory words refused to leave your mouth, and as you tried to pull away from Elvis-- to create some distance between the two of you, his grip on your face suddenly grew firm. You let out a soft whimper as he brought your face closer to his own. You'd never wanted things to end up like this.
"Why don't we go back to bed, hon'?" Elvis's grip was brought from your chin to your arm as he softly tugged it.
You didn't know what had overcome you in that moment-- perhaps fear, perhaps rage, or maybe it was simply a sadness so incredibly intense that you couldn't stop it-- but at the suggestion, your eyes widened and you jerked your arm away from Elvis, backing yourself against the bathroom wall as you screamed in protest.
Because you were scared of him. Because you were angry at him. Because you knew that he wasn't the soft man that he portrayed himself to be.
Elvis's normally electric blue eyes became dark and stormy as he approached you-- a quivering mess on the floor, hardly able to breath as tears blurred your vision.
You knew the weight of what you'd done. You knew what was to come next.
You snapped your eyes closed, and in moments, a hand was felt across your cheek, with a stinging pain to follow. Another sob escaped your lips as you hugged your bare figure tightly.
"El-Elvis-- P-Please..." You managed to stammer out the plea after a pathetic amount of time, your sobs prohibiting you from muttering any coherent words.
At the mention of his name, Elvis just stared at you, blankly.
He wanted an apology.
"I-- I'm..." Your breathing was shaky and your voice fluctuated in tone as you spoke. It didn't help that your body was all but trembling. "I'm-- s-sorry."
You didn't look up-- you didn't need to in order to know that Elvis was smiling.
"Good girl," he praised, bending down and gently picking up your frail form. You wanted to smile as he kissed your temple ever so delicately, but found that you lacked the strength to even curve your lips into the slightest of smiles.
"Now, how about you relax and let me make it up to you, hmm?" He whispered into your ear, and you nodded, giving him permission to lay you back on the bed and to forget your troubles once more.
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want to join my taglist?
taglist: @iloveaustinelvis, @powerofelvis, @kendralavon7
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thegalaxysedge22 · 2 months
i need some feedback please <3 (see below the cut)
so i wrote this song about astarion's character progression (different from the one i mention here), particularly his development when romanced, and i am just not sure if i like it or not. personally, i think the verses slay but the song overall feels like it is a bit too on the nose in theme if that makes sense, but maybe thats a good thing? idk please help
i need to know if i am too in my head about this or if it is justified for me to kinda be iffy about it. i just don't really want to waste my time finishing it completely if its gonna suck lol. below the cut is both the audio and lyrics
warning: my voice is messed up from allergies
heres the lyrics along with easter eggs if you feel so inclined
Verse 1: I'm stuck on my name from your lips, and the curves of your hips (Oh) Who thought it would end like this? Getting lost in your neck, and the heaves of your chest Darling, I'm only doing what I do best Hook 1: You're tempting the temptress, I tend to be reckless Now let's get lost in the throes of passion Oh baby, can't you see, all you want you can find in me? But there's a heavy weight I carry Verse 2: It's like a veil's been lift, and I'm confused on what it is All I know is that the curtain's been closed Honeyed words slid off my tongue; I've done things I can't outrun But now that I'm clean, I think I might be falling Hook 2: You're tempting the temptress I tend to be reckless Chaos reigned in by the weight of my sins But something here is different, it's devouring and it's innocent I don't know what this is [Hook 1 repeats] Bridge: I've been told it's depravity, carnal lust it is savagery Oh, what a tragedy Rumors run larger than life you know, but I am done with putting on a show Grown sick and tired of being their spectacle Hook 3: You're tempting the temptress, I tend to be reckless I'm so sick of playing pretend, but with you I forget Nothing else feels Important God(s) I never want this to end [Hook 2 then Hook 1 repeat] Outro: I'm stuck on my name from your lips and the curves of your hips (oh) Who thought it would end like this?
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2x4plank · 1 year
I'm absolutely going out of order going over these episodes but if I don't talk about Season 2 it will kill me.
⚠️This post is very long. It's a commitment to read, so be ready to scroll if you wanna!⚠️
We start with Omid getting shot. I feel like how it played out was pretty realistic. His quiet sneak-in--it made sense. I don't know if I entirely feel bad for Michelle, but I don't feel good about her getting shot neither. And then Christa dies off screen. Maybe not the choice I would've made, but I'ma let it slide--if only because Clementine was trying to be outta there! I love Clementine's lil backpack. I wish she kept it.
I honestly don't dislike Clementine as a protagonist. In fact, I like spending a lot of time with her and letting her have more autonomy in the story. However...it does bring its own set of problems.
The theme of this story seems to be dangerous incompetence--which is a personal pet peeve. There is so much reliance on Clementine and this burden of accountability the adults around her make her take. Like, it was good of Luke and Pete to carry her back. I liked Pete (and then he died real soon after). But then they fumble on locking her in a shed. To die of either illness or the walkers that surround her. And Nick almost shoots her too! It was cool of him to draw the walkers toward him, but like...you're very trigger happy buddy. I never really warmed up to Nick before we turned his head into a salami log. He was on a streak of poor decisions (see: Matthew's murder).
Leaving Clementine to do her own sutures in the cold and rain instead of just having Carlos at the very least fix up the obvious animal bite is really stupid of them. I felt like I was CPS reviewing a case while playing this game, and I'm not even a decade older than Clementine here. So to find out that these adults (with Luke, apparently one of the younger members at 26-27) were okay with leaving her there? That makes me mad! She shouldn't have had to do that.
Then we have Sarah, the tall dork kid, who is willing to help you out because she has more than an ounce of good sense and understands that this is unfair. But then they do her real dirty! She is abused and dies a horrible painful death after being riddled with anxiety and watching her dad get devoured. And then everybody just...forgets about it! Not even a forlorn look at her pair of glasses or whatever remains of her. Wow! That is awful! I completely disagree with those choices. Sarah absolutely deserved better. I mean, I don't really care about Carlos, but Sarah deserved better. Forget Arvo! We need more cute fanart of her.
Then there's Carver. Pretty good and believable antagonist. He has a doctrine that is unfairly and irregularly enforced. Less a ruleset and more of whatever he feels like at the time--which is mostly anger. He does some recon before striking which is also pretty cool. And maybe it would've gone better if Carlos hadn't let two children stay home alone. Ain't that like...Parenting 101? If you're so keen on protecting your daughter, why ya leaving her alone in the apocalypse? Maybe she wouldn't be taking photos if you were there with her. Maybe she would've been better about not opening the door. Don't force children to watch children.
And then Bonnie does the second round of recon, which was really obvious. If I walked around the corner of the lodge and saw some guy looking into the window and acting real surprised to see me...I would probably think they were counting how many people were inside to launch some sort of attack. I knew she wasn't a good person, and that remained true to the very end. Despite her sorry attempts to make amends, she really wasn't nothing. She ruined Christmas! I'm not even religious, but the decorations were so pretty...and she was an agent of its destruction.
Reuniting with Kenny at the Ski Lodge was nice. I felt happy to see him. As I said before, I was absolutely sitting at his table because he is Clementine's secondary dad. As we'll find out later on, he kinda toxic, but I was still loyal to him because...the devil you know, right?! That is literally one of the worst perspectives, don't listen to me, but it's the one I had. And also I felt like he wasn't really going to hurt-hurt the kids, but he did still hurt Clementine emotionally. I felt like he was the best guardian out of the ones presented to us (outside of maybe Rebecca).
The addition of Sarita brought some problems too. They did not flesh her out. She deserved better also, outside of being Kenny's new wife. I know that:
She likes...Christmas.
She found Kenny somewhere.
She thinks his beard got bigger.
She had to listen to Kenny tell his sad backstory before she went to sleep at night.
She got bit on the hand.
Sarita didn't get enough space outside of Kenny--who I still like, for some reason.
Then there's Kenny's other friend, Walter. After watching Breaking Bad, I was not ready to trust this dude. I mean, he mixes peaches and beans for Pete's sake. But he was actually factually nice! Not even taking vengeance on Nick after he shot his bestie--that was a real kindness. And yes, I did tell him. Seems kinda hypocritical considering my position on Ben telling the truth, and maybe it is, but I think he deserved to know and that he'd find out pretty soon otherwise. I felt like it was wrong for Luke to cover for Nick so hard--especially sending Clementine out there to do so, putting her in the line of fire as they so often do. I mean, they're friends...but your friend has a history of going off and killing people with no real reason. I completely forgot where Nick was during the Carver Cult situation, so no more about him. But back to Bill Depot.
We meet some dude named Mike and another one named Jane. They help the crew escape while Kenny absolutely defaces Carver with a crowbar. He deserved it, no question about that. I think it's hilarious how if Clementine just insists, she can stay and watch. "No, you can't watch this guy get massacred. Okay, only if you really want to."
Carver's behavior towards Rebecca is extremely disgusting. This ownership of her is gross and the entitlement towards AJ, regardless of their prior relationship is gross. And while I do not blame Rebecca one bit, it's all Carver's fault, I couldn't help but keep thinking: "If I hadn't got mixed up with this group, this wouldn't have happened to me! I don't even really care about these people!" It was moreover the group's collective incompetence that made me feel that way.
Reggie was pretty funny. One thing this game is never lacking is in humor, and I liked Reggie...kind of. Course, his cavalier attitude towards imprisonment is not good, but he had been left there. I'm still confused as to how his arm was cut off. Was it really a walker bite, or a punishment? I really felt like he was lying to make Bill Depot look like a better place to be, and as we can see with Lee, amputation doesn't typically work. But maybe it's a time thing and something to do with using sterilized tools.
Clementine being the linchpin in their escape is kinda cool, kinda not. She is the smallest and least likely to get noticed. But they let her out in that bright ass jacket. Get 'er in something darker, at the very least! And of course, I was thinking: "Lee wouldn't let her do this. Lee wouldn't make her do any of this." But Lee did let her sneak through the vents, so...? I don't know.
Mike & Jane are pretty cool at first. Mike is funny, seemingly reasonable, and Jane is strong and collected. That definitely changes pretty soon with catching Luke and Jane fooling around and the introduction of Arvo.
I was completely against robbing Arvo and disagreed with Jane escalating things. She did still rob him of his gun, but not his medicine, but that put Arvo in danger on his return so I understand him being mad at HER about that. But the way he treats Cleemntine no matter what and holds the wrong people accountable really soured me on him. He held Clem at gunpoint first, even though she's not even a preteen in a rainbow sweater.
However, the way Kenny beat on him? I didn't agree with that, nor did I agree with leaving him in the cold. Additionally, the xenophobic names Kenny called him were rude and nonsensical. You're calling him a commie but you want to go to Wellington? A supposed COMMUNE?! Aight.
But Kenny's anger is not unjustified. It's not like Arvo didn't lead a crossfire that put everyone, including the kids in danger. If they weren't shot, they could've died of hypothermia. And in Kenny's eyes, being held up might've led to Rebecca turning.
I didn't want Arvo to be tortured regardless. He was young and there really wasn't any point to beating on him. That is, until the very end--but it's not like Kenny knew what was going to happen.
When Kenny is talking to Clementine alone in that truck, my soul was screaming. I know exactly how she feels, what position she's in, and God it is icky. I still like Kenny for the most part, somehow. I still feel like he was there for the kids, kind of. However, this bouncing off of Clem to make serious decisions after snapping at her, telling her she was at fault for Sarita's death (he did apologize at the very least, which is more than I've gotten most of the time). This isolation and weight Clementine felt is awful. Not to mention he was so consumed by anger at Arvo that he let Clementine sit there freezing and wet for longer than she should've had to instead of finding a log or something. Some of the burdening on Clementine is realistic. Children of color especially are often expected to act more adult than they should, but uh, don't ask me why I know what that feels like. On the other end, some of the decisions Clementine has to make are purely done for story reasons.
The betrayal? I thought it was pretty good. I don't think it came out of nowhere and it riled me up. I know Mike seemed like a nice guy, but his connection with Clementine was shallow. People normally have the common decency to protect kids, but it's hard to tell until you gotta. And he'd been talking to Arvo, seeing how Kenny mistreated him, he wanted to get them away from Kenny. But he was content to take away all the food that could've been used for AJ and Clementine. In the cold. In the snow. He thought less about protecting the most vulnerable and more about taking his favorites with him. And then there's Bonnie!
I knew she couldn't be trusted. She clearly didn't know her place after being part of the reason the crew got kidnapped. And then she pulls that stuff, after blaming Clementine for Luke's death. Saddling the pre-preteen with something else. By the way, I didn't feel much at Luke's death. Maybe he should've got some skis from the lodge. The only thing Bonnie did was give her a cool jacket THAT SHE STOLE FROM THE SKI LODGE!!! I hope she didn't make it. Flaky-like-a-pastry-ass-Bonnie.
But then they make you mild with that Lee flashback. Lee is just so concerned with keeping this child safe and comfortable. He really was father of the year.
I'm glad Clementine survived, but then comes another ordeal. Jane v. Kenny. Okay, I was half with Jane. She wasn't completely clean (seriously? you were so willing to give up on Sarah twice), but neither was Kenny. She seemed to want to get Clementine out of a possible volatile environment. But that stunt she pulled? You heard of leaving a baby in a hot car. Now how about LEAVING A BABY IN A COLD CAR TO DIE AT SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES! I wasn't willing to shoot Kenny because I didn't know what Jane did to AJ. "Just trust me," told me nothing. I was certain he wasn't dead, but I still didn't know if he was in danger. So I let Kenny kill her. Guess I'm going with truck freak--at least he won't leave me in a car.
Now, Kenny did make me uncomfortable. Especially with his steep change in emotions, like saying, "Race ya!" after violently killing someone Clementine was close to. Like, I understand why, but still.
Finally, Wellington. Kenny's last good deed. He does what's best for Clementine and AJ without giving Clementine shit about it. He helped her get there and seemed genuinely happy to make sure they'd be safe. That's one reason...I still kinda like this guy!
But damn, Clementine has to watch another person she trusted and felt like watched over her disappear. That is very bitter, slightly sweet. I hope they have apples at Wellington.
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transjlawrence · 7 months
I'd devour anything hawkmeat-related from you, although I've really been in the mood for dark!Demetri lately 👀 He doesn't get to go apeshit enough in fics!!!
Sorry for the late response, anon!! I've been a little bit busy!!
But tysm for the request!! I had sm fun writing this and I absolutely agree, I think Demetri needs to go way more batshit, both in fics and in the show.
Like let that man lose his cool!!
Anyways, here it is!! I'm not used to writing darker themes, but I really enjoyed writing this one!! I decided to write Cobra! Demetri with some darker themes mixed in!!
To be honest, Hawk is a little surprised that Demetri actually agreed to give Cobra Kai a chance after everything that had happened. 
He'd definitely been a little suspicious at first, but Demetri had seemed open and ready to commit to Cobra Kai, so Hawk had dropped it.
Anyone who was willing to be loyal to the dojo was cool with Hawk. If you could rock it with the other cobras, who gave a shit about how much of a baby you were in the past? 
Demetri takes the jabs when he first arrives, both verbally and physically. The other cobras have seen him at Miyagi-Do and they want to fuck with him. Want to test his limits to see just how far they can push Demetri. 
(Hawk almost wants to step in when he sees it. Demetri was always more of a crybaby than Hawk was when it came to the karate shit. Always crying to the fucking adults about everything. 
Hawk never cried to the adults about anything after joining Cobra Kai. He toughened himself up, made himself stronger. That was what you were supposed to do.)
Demetri takes it with grace, because he’s Demetri and even though he’s a whining bitch, he’s also somehow managed to fit himself in with the other cobras.
He ribs them back whenever they make comments about him, silver tongue as sharp as ever. It’s like he’s not even doing it for fun sometimes, like he’s cutting down the other cobras just to cut them down. 
Demetri never does it to Hawk though. Really, it seems like any of the shit Demetri gives the other cobras, he refuses to give to Hawk. 
It kind of pisses Hawk off. What do the other guys have that he doesn't? 
What, does Demetri think he's too soft? He's not. He's not fucking Eli who has to hide behind his sweaters and Demetri to get by. He's Hawk, who's kicked the shit out of people who used to spit in his face. 
He's not soft. And he doesn't need to be treated like he can't take it. 
Hawk tries to rib Demetri a little more after that. Tries to tease him like the rest of the guys do, elbows him just a little too hard to be an accident, demands Demetri be his sparring partner. 
Somehow Hawk feels like Demetri is holding back from him when they spar too. It's like he refuses to give his all and actually meet the challenge. 
Hawk isn't an idiot. He sees the way Demetri puts his all into every other fight he has. He sees the almost feral look Demetri has on his face whenever he spars the other cobras. 
(Demetri making Kyler bleed is a sight he'll never forget. 
Kyler had walked away clutching his nose and swearing after a flying tornado kick to the face. 
Hawk had been impressed as he was pissed. Why wasn’t that him? Why couldn’t that be him? Why did Demetri pull his punches like Hawk was going to fucking break?)
It all comes to a head when Kreese decides he’s going to take them out to the woods for some practice. It’s some kind of capture the flag thing. 
Frankly, Hawk thinks it’s stupid and super un-badass but whatever. Kreese wants them to do it and Hawk’s not going to argue. He probably wants them to do it for a reason, right? Probably something about knowing your enemy and all that bullshit. 
It takes Hawk a while to find who he’s looking for. 
Demetri isn’t even fighting anyone when Hawk finds him, just sitting on some log. 
Seriously? The asshole joins Cobra Kai and figures the best use of his time is to just sit on a fucking log? What the fuck is he doing, contemplating getting his ass kicked? 
Hawk approaches slowly and quietly, one hand flexed out in front of him. He’s going to get Demetri’s flag, he fucking promises that. 
“Did you follow me here?” 
Hawk jumps. 
Shit, has Demetri been watching him? Fucking impossible, the guy’s not even looking at him. 
“No,” Hawk says truthfully. 
He didn’t. He’d just walked far from the group since he hadn’t seen Demetri with any of them. He’d kind of been wondering where he’d gone. Apparently doing fucking nothing. 
Demetri turns around to face Hawk slowly, lazy smile on his face. He looks almost too relaxed right now. Just what kind of game is he playing?
“Y’know, I’d be just like Blofeld if I had a cat right now,” Demetri tells him out of nowhere. 
Hawk blinks a little. 
“I thought you hated those movies,” Hawk replies, because Demetri had. He kept talking about how unrealistic they were or how Sean Connery would always be a better James Bond than Daniel Craig. 
(“He’s classic! You can’t beat the classics,” Demetri had said like he wasn’t a regular consumer of every new season and adaptation of Doctor Who.)
Demetri shrugs, looking off to the side. 
“Not really the point, is it?” Demetri deadpans, causing a sort of prey-like feeling to well up inside Hawk. Which is fucking stupid considering the fact Hawk literally named himself after a bird of a prey, so he has no reason to fear Demetri of all people. 
Hawk doesn’t respond, because he doesn’t owe Demetri’s disrespect an actual response. 
Demetri suddenly stands up, stalking towards him. 
The way he walks is unmistakable. 
It’s the exact type of walk wolves get whenever they’re hunting prey. 
A shiver goes up Hawk’s spine. 
Demetri gets right in his space, using his mere inches of extra height to his advantage. Fuck, he’s way too close. He needs to back the fuck up. 
Hawk puts his hand up, pressing at the grey material of Demetri’s shirt. Demetri grabs his wrist. 
What the fuck? 
“Let go, man,” Hawk growls, glaring. He’s not going to let Demetri fucking intimidate him. 
Demetri only looks amused though, tightening his grip on Hawk’s wrist.
 It only hurts a little. 
Hawk doesn't even think as he throws his free hand forward to punch Demetri in the side, effectively dislodging Hawk from his grip. 
Demetri’s got this look on his face that Hawk has seen only in documentaries. 
It's the kind snakes get when they spot prey in the wild, only instinct and animalistic hunger driving their every move. 
Hawk can't help the way he starts breathing faster. 
Demetri moves toward him and Hawk moves back, fists raised. 
He feels messy, uncoordinated, unprepared. Nothing like the championship fighter he knows he can be. Knows he should be. 
Hawk parries Demetri’s punches as they come, Demetri too fast for him to actually fight back. Someone who was so sloppy just a few months ago should not be this fucking coordinated. 
That’s what Cobra Kai does to people though. It happened to Hawk too. 
He used to be just as sloppy, just as much of a skinny, useless kid. Just as small, unaware of all the power he had inside of him. Everything he could have been doing with his fists to protect himself. 
He shouldn’t be so surprised it happened to Demetri too. 
Hawk only stops walking when he almost slips, whipping his head over his shoulder. 
Behind him, a rocky cliff sits with miles and miles of trees below it. If Hawk were to slip off of it, he probably wouldn’t die. He’d probably just break his arm or get a concussion. Probably both, actually. 
Hawk turns around to face Demetri, who’s only getting closer and closer the more Hawk thinks about his options. Fuck, is Demetri really going to…? No, fuck, wait.
Hawk knows it’s cowardly, but he figures the smartest option right now is to probably run away. Run as fast and as far as he can before he gets pushed over a cliff.
His collar chokes him a bit as Demetri grabs his shirt and drags him to the edge and no, no, no. Shit. Shit, shit, he’s been caught. 
If Hawk fights, he falls. 
Something about the grin on Demetri’s face tells Hawk that he knows that already. 
He holds onto Demetri’s arm tightly. 
Hawk isn’t sure what to do. He’s not even fighting for a stupid fucking flag anymore, he’s fighting to not get seriously fucking injured. So fucking stupid. 
How does he play this in a way that doesn’t land him with a broken arm? Just what the fuck has gotten into Demetri? 
Shit, he has to be smart about this. He has to-
Demetri did always love the old him. The weak him. The one who would rather cry to his mom than actually fucking handle the problem. 
That’s how he’ll get him to let go. 
He’ll be Eli. Loser, stupid Eli. Pathetic, precious Eli. 
“Demetri,” he says softly, stupidly small and weak. “Demetri-”
“You’re not innocent, Eli,” Demetri cuts him off. 
The hair on Hawk’s arms raises. 
Demetri smirks at him, brown hair falling over his forehead. He could really use a haircut or something once they get back into civilization and away from this fucking cliff. 
“I’m not going to fall for you little Eli act,” Demetri tells him. “You can try it on someone else though. I’m sure Kyler would be more than happy to have his little Eli back.”
Hawk’s eyes widen. 
What the fuck is Demetri playing? The fuck is he-
Hawk scrambles to hang onto Demetri’s arm tighter as he lowers Hawk further back, staring up at Demetri.
The trees rustle faintly below. 
There is a black hole where Hawk’s lungs used to be, no air making its way in or out. The pads of his fingers are sweaty and part of him is worried he may accidentally let go of Demetri in this state. 
He’s being so fucking weak and yet that recognition doesn’t stop the zipping of fear up his spine. 
“I miss Eli,” Demetri sighs out, shaking his head condescendingly. “He was just so nice and kind. So loyal. God, he was perfect until Cobra Kai fucking infected him.” 
Hawk rejects any notion that he was perfect before Cobra Kai. He was ugly and weird and soft, and those are the worst fucking things to be in a school full of teenaged sharks out for blood. 
“Fuck off,” Hawk spits. “Cobra Kai made me stronger, better-”
Hawk yelps as Demetri lets go of more of Hawk’s shirt, leaving him hanging further and further over the cliff. Hawk digs his nails into Demetri’s arm. 
He refuses to go like some fucking worm. 
“Save me the talk,” Demetri tells him, rolling his eyes. “You’re nothing more than a dog that follows orders, a puppet being led around by its strings. You were less pathetic playing DnD in my basement.” 
Hawk definitely fucking wasn’t, but fucking whatever. 
(He always played a cleric, because he wanted to help. Not like it fucking mattered in the long run.)
Demetri’s eyes go soft at the edges, his free hand coming up to cup Hawk’s cheek. Hawk wants to bite him. Hawk wants to tear his fingers off and spit them back at him. 
He settles for glaring at him. 
“Eli,” Demetri says softly, tone too condescending to even remotely trick Hawk. “Sweet Eli. I miss when you were more than just a dog. But I guess if you can let go of our friendship so easily…”
Demetri tips him further over the edge. 
Hawk digs his nails in harder, trying to still the tremors going through his body. He can’t fucking speak, not able to catch enough breath to fucking do so. 
“...I guess I should too.”
This is it. 
Demetri’s going to let him go. Demetri’s going to let him fall and hurt himself. Demetri’s going to make him feel the exact same pain he did when Hawk broke his arm. 
Hawk clenches his eyes, preparing himself for the fall and the imminent impact of the forest floor. 
But it never comes. 
Hawk peeks an eye open, solid ground beneath his feet once more as Demetri hauls him up. He’s smiling like an idiot, waving around the little flag Hawk had tucked into his belt loop. 
“Kidding,” Demetri sing-songs, turning around. “You’re out.” 
Hawk can only stare blankly after Demetri’s retreating form. It hadn’t even occurred to Hawk to try and take Demetri’s flag, too busy clinging for his fucking life. 
Hawk laughs a little, if only out of pure shock. His hands are still shaking. 
He jogs after Demetri, ready to go meet up with the rest of his teammates to tell them he’s out. They’ll probably be pissed at him but whatever. Who gives a shit. 
(It occurs to Hawk later that Demetri could have let him go with no real consequence. His main goal was Hawk’s flag, not protecting Hawk. 
Fuck, the fucker still went easy on him. 
He’s so going to kill Demetri tomorrow at training.)
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macverse · 6 months
does anyone else finish writing and just not know where they are?
this happens when I play The Sims as well but that is a different conversation
1722 words and 3 hours later. my friend texted me when I got inspired so I know when exactly my brain got devoured by this fic. it was 5:08 pm. I stopped at just before 9 pm. my brain hurts.
I like that some people post the last line they wrote on Threads (are you all on there?) so I'm gonna copy that here cause, wow, it is spicy. y'all know me like that. Threads don't know me like that. oh, did I forget to mention this is an Evans x reader fic? yeah, enjoy my last line more with that knowledge.
"The scrape of his tongue over where he'd marked you himself with the mirror image of the flower on his neck, had you wanton and whimpering."
this is the first thing I'm writing on the first laptop that I bought for myself. yep I did that. I'm so proud of me. used my adult money to improve my adult life. instead of buying plushies or stickers or digital items that wont improve my physical life. I technically wrote another short fic on here but that was with the Bluetooth keyboard so it doesn't count.
it's good though. I like it a lot. very spicy. I'm not good at writing overtly smutty content. I turned my head away at some points like it wasn't happening, hahaha. the resources I reblogged are helping a lot along with some posts from @empty-sigh (NSFW), @regencyroaster, @sarahdonald87 (SNSFW), and @babyjakes (NSFW) to name a few.
I suddenly remembered once I came back to reality that this was supposed to be a Christmas fic. I'm 50/50 on things being obviously holiday-themed. I like it when things are more evergreen. I wrote 'winter holiday". Should I just say Christmas? Maybe mention "you quickly lit the candles to enhance the soft, warm lights on the Christmas tree"? What do you think?
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silver-and-shadow · 2 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH for introducing me to Studio Ghibli by the way. (through your reblogs :)) I have watched Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky and Arrietty so far and they're such gems!!!! Next will be Kiki's Delivery Service. I can't believe I didn't know these movies so far, they are so gorgeously and thoughtfully made...I LOVE THEM!!! Do you have any more recommendations?
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Studio Ghibli films are magical, aren't they? I'm so excited I got to introduce them to you!!!
I stumbled across Only Yesterday years ago and it was a revelation! A beautifully animated slice-of-life drama about a 27-year-old woman contemplating her past and her dreams for the future?!? I’d never seen anything like it, quickly fell in love, and then devoured all the Studio Ghibli movies I could get my hands on (and they have been revisited many times since). I hope you enjoy your Ghibli rabbit trail as much as I did!
I’ll try to limit this list to works that evoke a similar feel/themes to Studio Ghibli films—or I’ll start listing every animated title that I’m attached to 😆
Hopefully there’s something new here for you to enjoy!
Cartoon Saloon's Irish Trilogy
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THIS. STUDIO. The work this Irish animation studio puts out is always stunning, authentic, and full of heart. And their fantasy-folklore inspired Irish Trilogy (The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, Wolfwalkers) is great place to start for Studio Ghibli lovers. With their unique style and nuanced storytelling, these hand-drawn films will make you feel like you jumped into the pages of an old Celtic fairy tale.
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This is such a charming show! It feels like Scandinavia folklore by way of Miyazaki—and there's depth beneath it's beautifully wistful aesthetic. 26 episodes + 1 film follow the adventures of Hilda as she reluctantly moves to the city of Trollburg where she encounters new people, mysterious creatures, and magical spirits. Though it feels episodic early on, they weave into the larger story that shines in the final film.
Your Name.
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I’m a big fan of Makoto Shinkai’s work—breathtaking animation and emotional storytelling that explores themes of love, loss, separation, and connection. His work always tugs at my heartstrings and Your Name. is one of my favorites (close second: 5 Centimeters Per Second). This modern slice-of-life sci-fi film (about two teenagers who long to meet after suddenly swapping bodies) is definitely worth a watch!
More favorite titles you might like:
Kubo and the Two Strings
The Iron Giant
Tokyo Godfathers
Kids on the Slope
*Mushishi is one of my absolute favorite anime series—highly evocative and thought-provoking with an entrancing eerie/calm atmosphere. However, the horror elements might not be your cup of tea. If so, but you like this concept/feel, give Natsume’s Book of Friends a try—another favorite "chill" anime that's more on the heart-warming side.
A few Ghibli-esque films worth checking out:
A Letter to Momo
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Mary and the Witch’s Flower
Wolf Children
Summer Wars
(Also, if you don't mind older stuff, I'd definitely recommend doing a deep dive to Miyazaki's and Takahata's early Nippon Animation work like Future Boy Conan and Akage no Anne. They are charming in their own way and it's fascinating to see Studio Ghibli's roots.)
I'm sure there's a bunch I'm forgetting and even more on my to-be-watched list that might fit the bill. ...but that's enough of my rambling for now 😉
Have you already seen any of these? Anything new strike your fancy?
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jin-zixun · 2 months
MDZS Rereading - Chapter 3 (Part Two) - The Prideful (Arrogance 6-10)
Manhua Chapters 13-26
Guess I should uh...
Chapter 3 Part One ; Chapter Two ; Chapter One
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Oh boy this uh. Hey boys you don't notice anything wrong with that statue, do you? No? Alright just checking. I'm sure it's fine.
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Alright now it's definitely not correct you guys.
"This Heavenly Maiden statue had once been an ordinary rock, but it just so happened to resemble a person, so it had received centuries of worship that led it to gaining spiritual power. However, its greed was insatiable. One single, deviant whim gave it a mind to expedite the elevation of its spiritual powers by way of consuming souls. Offering the fulfillment of a wish in exchange for the devouring of a soul—it operated on the same terms as those wish-makers who offered their own souls up to be devoured. It was a fair trade, by all appearances. Everyone got what they wanted, which was why the needle of the Compass of Ill Winds did not move and the spirit-attraction flag summoned nothing. The treasured swords and talismans were all ineffective because the creature on Mount Dafan wasn’t some nefarious being, but instead a god! This was a rogue god, raised up by centuries of worship, so to use devices made for attacking malicious spirits against it was the equivalent of attempting to extinguish fire with fire!"
I dunno, god or not, still seems pretty nefarious to me. Also with all the adaptations I always forget what's actually going on with the Heavenly Maiden. I still don't entirely know tbh. Is it important? Is it foreshadowing for Guanyin Temple? Who knows? Not me! What is this supposed to be, analysis of the story or something?
Ok but like the idea of someone asking a god for their husband to love them for the rest of their life and the god just killing him to cash in on that deal... Like fucked up monkey's paw situation but the monkey's paw eats you and your soul, and none of that shit was in the contract.
(I had a picture of the Heavenly Maiden eating people here but I was like. No I don't think so. I don't like it. I'm not going to subject anyone else to it if they don't want to see it. Just watch Attack on Titan. Same vibes.)
"Just then, clinking and clanking sounds resounded within the forest of Mount Dafan. Clink clank, clink clank. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, the noise came haltingly and reverberated in the deathly silent forest. It sounded like iron chains hitting each other, dragging on the ground. It was coming closer and closer, louder and louder. For some reason, this sound was oppressively threatening. Even the soul-eating Heavenly Maiden stopped her dance, her arms raised in the air as she stared blankly at the deep darkness from whence the sound came. Wei Wuxian put away the flute and stared intently in the same direction. Although the ominous feeling was growing stronger and stronger, since this creature was willing to answer his summons, then at least it was one that would obey him."
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Best Boy Wen Ning! He's so cute? He's so cute! He's... The cutest corpse under the Yiling Patriarch!
"His face was pale and delicate, and as a matter of fact, he had a certain easy and somewhat melancholic handsomeness."
Wei Wuxian's hotness scale returns: "Wen Ning: actually pretty hot, for a corpse. Most corpses? Would not, but Wen Ning can get it, probably." (Wen Ning: Wei-gongzi... What does any of that mean?)
"This melody was one that came to his mind naturally, gentle and tranquil, a significant contrast to the strange, sharp sound from before."
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You know that feeling when you accidentally play your love theme while demonically cultivating because you completely forgot that's your love theme? Yeah me neither. Wild.
"Yet unexpectedly, Lan Wangji’s eyes were locked firmly on him, and he’d never spared a single look Wen Ning’s way."
uNeXpEcTeDLy oh my god Wei Ying. I've got nothing.
"Seeing that nothing had happened to Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng was greatly relieved. However, that relief soon turned into a furious reprimand: “Do you not have a signal flare on you?! Don’t you know to set one off when you run into those creatures?! What are you pretending to be so strong for? Get the hell over here!” Jin Ling was angry at not having captured the soul-eating Heavenly Maiden as well, and he yelled back, “Weren’t you the one who said I had to capture it at any cost?! That I couldn’t go back to you until I caught it?!” Jiang Cheng really wanted to slap this stinking brat back to his mother’s womb. But he had indeed said those things, and he couldn’t possibly eat his own words."
Jiang Cheng is the Uncle of all time.
"There was a certain current of unspeakable anticipation as they hoped the Lan and Jiang clans really would fall out. Things would be more interesting then."
Jianghu confirmed for messy bitches who love drama but like that's nothing new. We knew that. We *opened* on that.
"He had been ranked fourth in looks and character among the young masters of the prominent clans. “Charming and cheerfully handsome,” the people had called him— and this hot-tempered Sect Leader Jiang had happened to be ranked fifth, defeated by one rank, so no one dared raise the subject with him."
Ah yes, the canonical hotness rating scale. Gotta love that we do have a canonical hotness rating scale. So there's precedent for Wei Wuxian immediately rating the hotness of whatever guys show up. He came with receipts! His sources are cited!
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"Wei Wuxian continued, “Your kindness is too much, thank you. But you’re also overthinking things. Even if I like men, I don’t like all men, and I definitely don’t just go home with any man who waves at me. I’m not interested in your type.” Wei Wuxian was trying to disgust him on purpose. Jiang Cheng hated losing; no matter how nonsensical the competition, if someone were to say he wasn’t as good as so-and-so, he’d be so angry that he’d stop eating and drinking until he’d thought of a way to win against them. Sure enough, Jiang Cheng’s face darkened."
So his plan for Jiang Cheng trying to torture and probably kill him is to make him jealous that "Mo Xuanyu" doesn't want to fuck him. And this works somehow.
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"Lan Wangji, on the other hand, could never tolerate such frivolous and senseless jokes. Once he grew disgusted, he would definitely draw the line and keep his distance on his own. Disgusting both of them would be like killing two birds with one stone!"
At least this works distinctly less well.
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Yeah, 'Mark Your Words' coming in as the next iconic scene.
I haven't said a whole lot on this part, but on the other hand, at least I didn't go off on the Nie Sect this time! You're safe for now Qinghe Nie!
Guess that means it's time for the Cute Lan roundup! (ft bonus Wen Ning!)
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im-poe-dameron · 3 years
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A Guiding Force
a/n: this was requested by @themarcusmoreno. poe and angst is where it's at honestly and i'm here for any that i can write. i hope you enjoy it! i was listening to leia's theme while writing this and it got emotional.
request: “ we're not just friends. you know that. “ “ i think i'm in love with you. “ with my boi, poe? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
summary: both of you were unsure of how to explain your feelings. until it all came tumbling out.
word count: 1.4k+
pairing: poe dameron x reader
warnings: not explicit, none that i know of, some angst, an insane amount of fluff
The call of a certain species of bird called in the air as you wandered through the forest. You weren’t exactly sure where you were heading - what you were seeking out, but there was no heading back to base any time soon. Right now you were drawn in by the greenery, by the calmness nature seemed to exude the farther away you walked. Until the sounds of people faded in the air, leaving you alone at last.
“Finally,” you breathed out, closing your eyes as the sunlight washed over your skin. Freedom from being a part of an ongoing war felt nice; even if it was only for a few hours at most.
Eventually you’d have to go back to being a pilot. Back to fighting for the freedom of the galaxy, but for now you were content to sit here on this fallen tree, a piece of fruit in your hand and no plan in your mind. You could do anything. Scream as loud as you wanted - you were far enough away from camp for no one to hear you.
Only then you caught another sound. One that didn’t match with nature in the slightest. Getting to your feet, your hand reached for your blaster quicker than you anticipated, pointing it in the direction of the person stepping out of the thicket of trees behind you. Whether or not you’d have to put up a fight was something you didn’t think you’d be contemplating, but once the sight of Poe came into view you felt the thoughts dissipate.
“Don’t shoot.”
“You scared the shit out of me,” you said, lowering the blaster as he immediately raised his hands in surrender. “What are you doing here?”
He watched as you settled yourself back where you were sitting, the piece of fruit now in your hand, ready to be devoured. It had taken him fifteen minutes of pacing the outskirts of the forest, debating on going after you before he entered. Knowing that once he took his first step he wouldn’t be able to go back, because the words were stuck in his mind. On the tip of his tongue and the longer he played off his feelings, the more they would haunt him with every passing day.
“Can’t a guy come spend time with you?” he asked, sitting carefully next to you.
Smiling, you tossed him half of the fruit that you had cut easily with your blade. “Come spend time with me huh? I thought you had things to do, General.”
Poe winced at the reminder of his new title, the pain of losing Leia still prominent in his chest. He knew for a fact that he would never be able to forget her - not after she had done so much for him, for the cause as a whole. The only wish he had was to be as good as her, to lead with the same resilience she held every day of her life.
Instead of allowing the emotions to play freely on his face, he simply smiled, biting into the fruit and watching the trees. Hoping for a sign that he knew wouldn’t arrive. No matter how much he begged for one - anything to show that you harbored the same feelings for him as he did for you. Perhaps he could get lucky just once in his life - could win rather than completely and utterly lose.
He didn’t want to crash and burn, but the fear of ruining a friendship that had flourished over the past three years bugged him.
“Hey Poe,” you said, drawing him out of his own mind.
Taking in a breath, you glanced up at the sky that was dimming, shifting into the dark etherealness of nightfall. “What do you think she’d do if she were still here?”
He froze, eyes trained on the half eaten fruit in his hands instead of you, knowing already who you were talking about. If anyone had more of a past with Leia than him...it was you. The young child she took in after Ben left, after she didn’t have another child to raise anymore. Leia had been your protector, your friend, and your leader. A guiding force in your life that even Poe knew you would never lose.
So, he took in a shaky breath, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall. “I think - she’d wonder what the hell we’re doing sitting in the forest while everyone else is out there working,” he said, earning a laugh from you.
“I can see that,” you replied, glancing back towards the stars, wishing even for a moment that you could see her once again. That you were able to wield the Force even the slightest bit...just to speak to her one more time.
Shifting your hand you interlaced your fingers with Poe’s smiling as his eyes lifted to yours. “Thanks for being here.”
His mouth opened, but words wouldn’t come out, because he couldn’t get over the sight of you. Bathed in the glow of dusk, your smile just as warm as the sun itself. He wanted to confess everything to you; how he had loved you since the first moment he met you. How he wished more than anything that he could take the pain from your heart and bear it for you. A weight that he’d happily hold if it meant he could see you smile like this every day for the rest of his life.
Poe was no Jedi - didn’t even qualify for the job, but he knew...that if souls really spent all of eternity within the Force - he’d want to get a chance to spend it there with you.
“I have to tell you something,” he said, trying not to shake with anticipation at finally revealing the truth.
“What’s wrong?”
Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion and he nearly sighed at the sight, just another aspect about you that he found he loved. “We’ve been friends for a long time...you and I.”
Taking in a breath you glanced at your hand intertwined with his and knew that you had your own thing to say as well. Knew that if you didn’t reveal the truth now you’d never get a chance to do it again, and like Leia was there - placing her hand on your shoulder and offering a way through. You began to say the words that had been lodged in your throat for what felt like decades.
“We're not just friends. You know that. “
Only his words overlapped with yours until you were speaking in unison. “I think I'm in love with you.”
You froze, glancing up at him as his eyes widened at the realization that he finally said it. “What did you say?” you whispered, hoping that he had in fact said what you thought he said.
He smiled, huffing out a laugh before scooting closer, the piece of fruit now hitting the forest floor. “I - I love you.”
“I know it’s a shock, but I’ve loved you for years. Far longer than I even thought, but I guess some part of me has always been in love with you. Ever since Leia introduced me to you.” It seemed the second he allowed the truth to spill free he couldn’t get the words to stop. Not even for you and all your disbelief to cut in and say the same thing.
So you cupped his face, dragging him forward and pressing your lips to his in a kiss. One that was meant to be quick, something to just prove you liked everything he just said to you, but this was Poe and he understood immediately. His hands came out to drag you even closer until you were nearly on top of you, lips pulling into a smile even as you continued to kiss him.
“I love you too,” you whispered, forehead pressing against his until you were burying your face into his neck, wrapping him in a hug.
Poe let out the breath he’d been desperately holding, eyes glancing back up to the now darkened night sky - watching the stars as he held you close. The shock, joy, every emotion he didn’t think he’d get to feel again, now coursing through his body. He smiled, eyes shining with tears as he whispered to the one person who he knew was responsible for this.
“Thank you Leia.”
He closed his eyes, breathing in your scent as he felt something press lightly into his shoulder. The hand of someone who would always be there as a guiding force - for the both of you.
poe dameron tags:
@aaliyasaurus @unlockyourmind-wp @queenbbarnes @jenrebloggingfics @tiffanyblew
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@pamguini @blondekel77 @the-purity-pen @princess-and-pedro @phoenixhalliwell @justanotherblonde23 @autumnleaves1991-blog @Greeneyedblondie44 @amelia-song-pond @ladylothlorien @littlebopper96 @a-little-counter-esperanto @cap-n-stuff @agirllovespancakes
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antialiasing · 2 years
Elysium Book Review: A Sacred and Terrible Air
Btw there is an English-language review of A Sacred and Terrible Air/Püha ja õudne lohn. I'm gonna put the synopsis of the book under the cut for convenience but this is a link to the review itself. It describes the plot of the book so there are spoilers. The book seems very surreal (much along the lines of Mieville, an author who greatly influenced Kurvitz) and difficult to describe.
If you're unfamiliar with the book, it's a novel written in Estonian by Robert Kurvitz, a founder of ZA/UM. It's set in the world of Elysium. It was published in 2013 and was set to be translated into English in 2020, but this hasn't happened and we have received no updates. It was a commercial failure but a critical success. It describes events that happen 20 years after the events of Disco Elysium.
If u dont want to read the whole thing, the gist is: there are two parallel narratives, one of children looking for their missing classmates, and one of two men conducting an investigation into it 20 years later. While this happens, the Pale begins to overtake everything and time itself begins to become...weird, until the world finally ends, the pale overtaking everything. The reviewer also states that one person returns from the Pale, but doesn't say who, not wanting to spoil it.
Now, for the synopsis:
On the day before the last of the summer break, four daughters of the education minister Ann-Margret Lund disappear on a public beach. A new ship with one thousand five hundred passengers vanishes on its first trip. Three classmates of the missing girls do not stop their search even after twenty years. The world comes to its end, but the hope to find Lund children is still alive.
The book starts slow, with two alternating realities, one of the crime itself, the girls' disappearance, and the second depicting grown-up men who meet again after twenty years to resume an investigation. The parallel lines go hand-in-hand, and there is not much to speculate about. The interesting thing happens when the story strays aside and multiplies to the level of surreal. Differences in time can be one day or one hundred fifty. Space pulsates, expanding to the whole fictional world and then deflating to a single car. Languages - Estonian, Swedish, Russian, Finnish - are shuffled like colors in Rubik's Cube. The stakes rise higher and higher until the slow, yet unstoppable greyness destroys the whole planet.
The central theme of the book is vanishment. Death means vanishment. To vanish means to die. One of the examples is the missing girls. They disappear and stay exceptionally in the minds of their grieving classmates. Nobody cares about them like they never existed. The greyness (similar to the wave in 'Far Rainbow' by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky) is the epitome of vanishment. Everything that it devours dies, if not instantly physically, then mentally.
The book is constructed as an RPG game. In the game, the main character moves, unaware of the upcoming dangers, thus creating a surrounding area map. Yet, in a sense, the map is still unreal, like the contorted figures in the twilight. Like the past and future compared to the right here and right now. The only reality lies in the eyes of the observer.
Communism vs. capitalism, vanishment vs. dizzy reality, and otherworldly Sweden vs. Estonian language. I'd recommend being patient and wait for the English edition. The book is much more than worth reading time.
The review author also left the following as a comment:
It is very likely that my Greyness will be translated as the Pale :) In the book, it dissolves people into protein chains, and nobody, except for one character (no spoilers!) could temporarily return from it. The theme of forgetting is the same, I think :)
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