#for one. ​would she really be like that towards morty?
fearhole · 6 months
i would love to learn more about diane from beth’s pov. almost everything we know about her comes from one rick or another, and before this it was all through the lens of trauma and grief. we know her as the lost wife but i want to know about her as a mother, i want to know about the versions of her that raised beth alone after their rick left.
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hazbinwhoree · 4 months
This might be an odd request and by all means you can ignore this and pretend it doesn’t exists but I was wondering you could do an incident like what morty had to go through with mr jellybean? What would his reaction be and would he like- kill this guy? You don’t have to do this request because it makes you uncomfortable or if you simply don’t want to do it. Love your works ❤️❤️
The Incident
A/N: As a SA victim I really liked writing this comfort piece.
TW: Implied sexual assault, sexual assault discussed.
It happened when they were in Hell for a meeting. Adam usually didn’t let (Name) go very far, but she had to use the bathroom, so he watched her round the corner to the bathrooms before refocusing on the meeting.
When (Name) came back, it was evident something was very wrong. “Are you almost done?” Her voice cracked like she was about to cry. “I want to go home.”
Adam was confused and about to ask her what had happened to make her like this, when a demon rounded the corner from the bathrooms, looking at her angrily. (Name) glanced at him and her eyes widened, turning back to Adam. “Please. I know you’re not done, I’m sorry, I just…”
Adam quickly put two and two together. “The meeting is over,” Adam announced. He opened a portal to Heaven. “Go, babe, there’s just something I have to take care of, I’ll be right behind you.”
(Name) looked like she wanted to protest, but there was something in Adam’s eyes that made her not question him. She stepped through the portal. Adam closed it behind her, stalking up behind the demon who’d done this.
(Name) paced anxiously. She felt gross and violated and just wanted to be in Adam’s arms. True to his word, Adam opened a portal and stepped through a moment later. (Name) gasped. He was covered in blood.
“Adam–” Adam held up his hand to stop her. “Don’t fucking worry about it.” He scooped her up into his arms and took flight, flying back to their place. Once they were there, they stood still in the privacy of their living room, Adam’s wings wrapping protectively around them.
“How far did he get?” he asked quietly.
(Name) sniffed. “Just some groping. When I tried to get away he grabbed me… he pulled me into a stall and tried to do more. H-he fucking licked me… I was able to get a solid punch in and it threw him off and while he was off guard I slammed his head against the toilet.”
“That’s my girl,” Adam said, kissing the top of her head. (Name) buried her face in his chest. He was shaking slightly with rage.
“Did you kill him?” (Name) asked, voice soft. “I told you not to fuckin’ worry about it.”
(Name) let out a choked cry.
“No, babe, I’m sorry–” “It’s not you,” (Name) cried. “That was just really scary.” “Oh, baby,” Adam soothed, his heart hurting. “You’re okay. I’ve got you now.”
Adam never failed to make (Name) feel safe. She cried softly as he held her. All she could see through her blurry vision was Adam’s robe and golden wings. “I love you,” she mumbled.
“I love you too,” Adam cooed. “Do you want to try and get some sleep? You might feel better. I think you’re… fuck, what’s it called? Emotionally exhuasted, that’s it.” (Name) chuckled. “You’re not wrong. I would like to go to bed.”
“So to bed we go,” Adam said, carrying her towards the bedroom.
He pulled back the covers and gently placed her down in the bed before joining her on the other side after shedding his bloody robe and mask. He pulled the covers up and over them before pulling her into his chest. He covered her with his wing.
“You’re safe,” he whispered. “No one will ever hurt you again. I promise.”
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piosplayhouse · 2 months
I don't know if you'll answer but I need to know the lore behind sexy times with Wangxian, like is it a fanfic? why do people hate the author??
It was the longest mdzs fic posted during its time in 2021 and gained extreme notoriety for its absurdly long tag list, frequent update schedule that consistently forced anyone scrolling any of its tags to see it at the top of their page, and escalating poor, racist, and trolling authorial behavior that ultimately culminated in the author virtual1979 being suspended from ao3 for a month because she posting an author's note saying she hoped that all her haters would contract covid and die. She deleted the fic from ao3 a little while after this happened, ig bc she wasn't getting enough attention anymore, but allegedly the thing's still up on dreamwidth under strict friendslock. The fan lore article goes pretty in depth about it:
The best summary for why it pissed people off so much is really just showing you these screenshots of what the fic looked like towards the end of its life on desktop and mobile (be warned opening the full image):
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From my personal experience:
from 2019 up until around 2021 the fic really was just a normal-ish, if very strangely written and kinky, wangxian porn fic about them basically just fucking around post canon and enjoying day to day life. It updated pretty frequently and had a fair amount of tags because the author was literally just tagging anything that she wrote. But like the first few hundred, maybe even a thousand tags were pretty accurate to what the fic was because of that, and were relatively manageable for the first few years that it didn't pick up any attention really.
At some point in 2021 when cql was really starting to blow up online and the tag count was starting to pile up to the point of annoyance, the fic started receiving some comments that were just like "hey can you try to cut down on tags, I don't think it's necessary to be so specific as to tag 'Korean food' or 'eggs' or whatnot". The author did not share this idea, evidently, and instead built a grudge against commenters who would tell her to delete tags, subsequently adding more and more as time went on.
As the tag count and updates increased, the content of the fic did too-- it got a lot, lot weirder. I'm sure someone's saved it all somewhere but for reference it spun out into what I can only describe as like if Rick and Morty's plot was cut to be just the parts of the show with underage/incest plotlines with All Tomorrows level sex dystopian world building exclusively to elicit the most visceral audience reaction possible. Around this time is when more people started to notice the fic and its escalating tag issues, leading them to leaving more comments complaining about it, leading to the attention seeking author spitefully adding more tags. Around this time is when she also started adding fake tags that didn't apply to the story whatsoever (sorry to disappoint, "talking vagina" was one of those. I did check) just to boost the count, take up more space on people's screens, and bait people into commenting hate for attention.
By this time, it had become a fandom-wide annoyance as she had begun to tag entirely unrelated ships, therefore putting the near-daily updating titanic of a fic at the top of any mdzs-related tag. People were outraged about this, and calls came for ao3 to step in. Ao3 waffled around for a bit as there was no official rule at the time that imposed a tag limit, so there wasn't established ground to ban virtual1979 (who btw many people suspected of being 40 whole years old due to the username and allegedly some other internet sleuthing on Facebook or something). Meanwhile, she began to tag other fandoms-- tgcf, svsss, BTS, basically anything that would get a lot of attention and draw hate with the advent of The Monstrosity suddenly drowning out all other recently updated fics of the targeted fandoms.
People had been trying to retaliate without ao3 action, though, by coding their own themes/skins that would allow someone to block a user or work and other fic writers made their own parody, the "bland times with wangxian" collection, which were minimally tagged sfw shortfics typically featuring wangxian just doing laundry or things like that. A good amount of them were actually like just fics where wwx would explain to lwj how to install custom ao3 themes and block fics that were taking up too much space on his screen. Imo it was pretty funny, but these also sparked some controversy as people disagreed with fighting annoyance with more annoyance to people trying to find content.
Either shortly before or after ao3 staff said they'd step in due to an insane amount of reports and backlash, I forgot which atp, virtual1979 began perhaps the worst tagging spree of the fic's life by changing the title, many of the tags, and the summary to a slew of racial slurs, sexually explicit imagery, and other generally offensive statements. I'm pretty sure this came after the fic was temporarily hidden once, as this update gained considerably less attention than the rest of the tagging saga, but people were still rightfully pissed about it. Ultimately, like I mentioned before, the author was then suspended for a month for wishing covid and death on her haters, and attention seemed to die down during this time to the point where she didn't really fight much more when her suspension ended and deleted her account and the work shortly after. Again she seems to have moved to dreamwidth, but most have forgotten her and I'm not sure if her presence is public at all on there. But that's the story of the worst mdzs fic ever written
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ms--lobotomy · 28 days
Happy Mermay to all who celebrate! Here's the beginning of a little series with Mothman. [Next]
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Summary: You and your crew are called in to rescue a large beached mammal. The creature is more human than you expected.
Word Count: 1301
Content Warnings: Injury and blood, needles/injections, Morty's kind of a prick but he's HURTING ok??
Image Credit: @squishyowl (the tentacles fit really well here)
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It was beginning to get ungodly hot out this time of year, even at this time in the morning. You'd woke up, donned a tank top and some shorts and went out with a team of wildlife rescuers from the aquarium nearest you, ready for anything. From the conversation between the other six rescuers, you gathered that it was a rather large, mammalian creature. A manatee, most likely. You shuffled your feet, excited for your first manatee rescue. Other animals were quite nice too, you'd just never rescued an entire beached manatee before.
The vehicle pulled up at the beach, not bothering to find a parking spot. You exited the vehicle with your coworkers, grabbing supplies for marine mammal rescue. Looking at the ground, you bumped into the tallest one, a large, bulky man you'd known as Typhus.
"Sorry!" you exclaimed, and he chuckled in front of you.
"You're okay," he said as you and your team found your way to the boardwalks. Typhus and some of the more physically strong members were carrying the stretcher, you were carrying one of the signs for civilians to keep away. You never knew who would be at the beach at 4 am.
The two at the front stopped dead in their tracks when they saw what was beached. You ran into Typhus's back again as he stopped suddenly, and he didn't respond. You peeked out from behind him, and your eyes widened.
"No way..." the other at the front said, a short, portly girl with a brown ponytail. She shone her phone light on the merman in front of everyone.
You were the first to come up to him, running towards him from behind Typhus. He and the rest followed you, but he didn't break out into a sprint like you did, your sneakers digging into the rough sand. As you came closer, you heard faint cries in a low, raspy voice.
You knelt next to him after casting the sign aside. He was pale, paler than most people you'd seen. His hair was stark white, but his face wasn't too lined. His eyes were seaweed green, and his tail shone in the phone light. It was yellow and green, spotted with a forked tail. He was large, very large. Your head and torso combined were less than his torso. And he was covered in scars, fresh and still bleeding. There was blood pooling in the sand.
"You're..." you said as Typhus and then the others came up to you, standing behind you.
The merman groaned, moving onto his side to face your entourage. "Who are you," he rasped, retreating back into himself.
"We... we're here from the local aquarium," you said as you and a few others began to dress his wounds. He winced as you touched them, towels lapping up fresh blood. "We're going to fix you up for a bit and then release you, okay?"
You felt one of the others' stares hot on your back. You looked behind you towards a shorter man, skinny with hair going just beyond his shoulders. He looked down, and you turned back and cleared your throat. He regarded all of you with a glare.
"Release me now," he huffed.
"I..." you started before Typhus cleared his throat. He knelt down next to you.
"We can't release you," said Typhus. He was closer to his face, and you looked at him. He had a little bit of scruff on his face, and his olive skin glowed in the light of the phone flashlight.
"That's bullshit," cried a voice from behind you. You turned to see another shorter man with cropped hair. "If the government finds out about this guy, they're going to take him and..." he stopped, folding his hands.
You gulped. "He's right," you said. "We get a lot of our funding from the state. If they find out he's a merman, they might do things to him that I personally don't want," I said.
"Well, are you just going to release him then?" asked a girl just a little taller than you. She crossed her arms as you ran your towel along another wound.
"I can go back--" he started before you interjected.
"There's a saltwater pool at the place I rent," you said. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you out like this. We're going to give you some stitches in the van, and then you're going to stay in my pool until you recover. After that, I promise we can release you."
He sighed. "Fine," he huffed. "My father will be wondering where I am, though..."
"He'll know in due time," you said as the stronger members of your team began to hoist him onto the stretcher. His tail and his head peeked off of it, and you dashed towards his head to steady it. He looked at you with a gruff expression as he was carried off of the beach and onto the boardwalk.
"Look. I barely know you, but my job is to keep you safe and healthy, alright?" you said quietly towards him. "Can you tell me your name, at least?"
"That's lovely, Mortarion. I'm..." you said your name just like you've said it a thousand times before.
He grumbled in response as you hauled him off of the boardwalk and into the vehicle. The back was filled with medical supplies, old things repurposed into animal rehabilitation equipment. But what was before you teetered on the precipice between animal and man like you had never seen before.
"Quickly!" shouted the last one to get in the van. They put on a long white lab coat, tying back their long blonde hair as the rest of the team rushed around them. "Get me the anesthetic."
You turned around. There was a general anesthetic behind you. Perfect. You grabbed it and strode over towards the doctor, putting it in their hand.
"It might take me a while to find his veins," they whispered in your ear. "Can you... can you calm him down while I figure him out?"
"Yes, Stella," you nodded, looking at him. He was groaning in pain again, his eyes half open. You sheepishly walked your way down to him and knelt to his eye level. His hair was in his face, so you brushed it out of him. He recoiled at first, but after breathing a little bit, he relaxed.
"We're here to help you," you said quietly while the rest of the group scurried around you.
"You've said that," he sighed. "I want to go back."
"Whatever hurt you hurt you good," you replied. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? I promise you it will be a few weeks at the most."
"I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter," he said. Stella grabbed his arm, looking for a place to insert the needle.
"How well do you do with needles?" you asked, assuming they had needles underwater.
"I am nothing if not resilient," he grumbled. "A needle is nothing."
"Alright, I found a vein, I'm about to inject him," said Stella.
"Okay, Mortarion," you started. "You're going to be knocked out for this, but we're going to stitch up your wounds. You're going to recover in my pool for a short period, then we're going to release you. Then you can tell your father everything that happened. I promise you, you're going to be safe here." You grabbed for his free hand, and he let you take it, your fingers barely able to mesh with his.
"Very well," he sighed.
"Alright, it's going in in 3... 2... 1..."
"Count for me," you said.
"Just count?" he asked, puzzled.
"That's what the doctor told me to do when I went under last time."
"Doctor?" he asked. "Alright. One, two..."
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starrbitez · 2 months
Is it a coincidence that both Rick AND Beth abandoned morty for summer? Like father like daughter? And isn’t it interesting that in this universe she doesn’t regret not aborting summer? They way rick hugs summer back in the gotron episode. But he never hugs morty back until fear no mort, but even that has hesitation. He said summer reminds him of Diane. Does Beth think that too? would rick abandon morty for Diane if given the chance— morty clear thinks so from his pov in the hole, but the question is, would Beth give up morty and summer to see her mother? I really want to dissect why everyone in the family dislikes morty.
Jerry calls morty stupid multiple times, and always yells at him for not trying hard enough. I see this as projection, personally. Jerry projects his own insecurities onto his son because he cant be the Only one like this. Morty even says he’s just like his dad, when someone asks “is everyone in your family an idiot?” And morty says “well for sure me and my dad are” in the Pluto episode.
Rick dislikes morty early on because he is supposed to. He knows thats how Ricks are supposed to treat morty, but we clearly see that rick cares the most, especially in Close Encounters of the Rick Kind, where he cries watching memories of morty. Evil rick says that no rick cares about their morty, and from then on we see rick continuously overcompensate with insults towards morty. However, we see that rick truly cares in multiple episodes, to name a few; Meseeks and Destroy, Get Schwifty, Look who’s Purging Now, Rest and Ricklaxation. These are all episodes prior to season five, where rick realizes he is a bad partner and leaves. Something interesting is that in GoTron, Rick only abandons Morty when his ideas are not being backed, and are instead being backed by summer, who he says reminds him of Diane (in fear no mort). It’s interesting because we can assume that rick is looking for comfort and acceptance from Diane, and the closest person he can get it from is Summer. He also values summer in this episode because she has never really stood up to Rick on adventures, something Rick dislikes about Morty.
It’s also interesting to add to the mix that his Morty is Morty Prime, the grandson of the man who killed his family. Rick had no problem leaving the rest of the Prime dimension behind, but on some level i think he knew that he needed Morty Prime (before he had even really gotten attached). Rick values the one thing he has against Prime, but he knows that Prime is in Morty’s blood, and I think every time Morty stands up to Rick he sees a small flash of Prime in the kid’s personality, and it scares him to death. It’s a juxtaposition between one grandchild representing his dead wife, and the other representing his mortal enemy.
Finally, I want to talk about why Beth seems to dislike Morty so much, only really showing she cares when he’s in distress—and when she’s right. Beth obviously seeks Rick’s approval, and because of that she has a lot of the same traits. Again, Morty stands up to her, (i forget what the episode is called) but when Summer is turned giant, Morty tells Beth that she is just as arrogant and reckless as Rick, and that being like him isn’t going to make him like her more. Beth wants attention more than anything, and when she and Jerry are going through the divorce in season two, Summer immediately chooses her mother, refusing to talk to Jerry at all. Morty, however, talks to both of his parents. Beth values loyalty and trust over everything, and her abandonment issues are obvious when she appreciates people who stay more. In the Prime dimension, Beth Prime tells Jerry, “a real man stands by his woman,” and in the post credits scene they have this exchange:
Jerry: do you ever wonder what happened to rick and morty?
Beth: sometimes, but i hate to admit that now that they’re gone, im finally happy.
Beth knows that Rick would always abandon her, and on some level i think she believes that morty is betraying her by putting trust in rick, among her disappointment in a lot of Mortys actions in school and socially. This episode really shows that she values Jerry and Summer above Rick and Morty, because Jerry and Summer would always stay.
Beth and Summer both know that Beth had almost aborted Summer, and Beth wants to prove that she’s not like her father; that she wont suddenly abandon or betray her daughter. Choosing Summer over Morty in Morty’s Mind Blowers is Beth’s way of showing her devotion and loyalty to her daughter, saying that she wouldn’t leave. She’s better than Rick. Again, in the GoTron episode, Beth is willing to leave morty behind because she trusts Jerry, summer, and Rick more, because she knows they could leave, and she needs them to stay with her, because they have shown that they’ll stay with her. the only time Beth truly comforts and shows affection to Morty is in the Planetina episode, where she consoles him after the break up. In some way, this reminds me of something Rick would do, and has done. She and Rick had both at one point manipulated a loved ones relationship for their own benefit, or simply to hurt someone else. Rick sabotaged Beth and Jerry’s marriage multiple times, and Beth (even though she was right bc planetina was lowkey weird as hell) sabotaged Morty’s relationship—actually his happiness, and the first time he had felt valued—because she needed to feel valued more, the same way rick wanted to be valued over Jerry.
Idk if this makes sense im just kind of spitballing here but . I think everyone in the family has a distinct reason for disliking and excluding morty, and while they have their moments, i don’t really think they matter compared to the sheer amount of disrespect morty gets. I didn’t put summer here because they both have their own problems, and for the most part they value each other the same amount because they both want to break the cycle their family is stuck in.
If u read all of this thank u :) lmk what u think
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Hi, sorry to ask but have you written any fanfics where Jerry is autistic? I've read your autistic!morty fic and thought that was excellent. I'm trying to find Jerry-centric fanfics where he isn't mischaracterized/demonized. (Way too many people write Jerry as transphobic which -_-ll no he isn't)
Hi, no need to apologise! I haven't written any autistic Jerry fics and I'm not sure if I know of any (if anyone else does, please leave recs on this post!). I do 100% view him as autistic though. Thank you!
Yeah honestly Jerry being portrayed as transphobic is something that bothers me as a trans guy? I headcanon him as supportive but clueless/cringe at times (he a little confused but he got the spirit).
I do have a trans Morty WIP with a scene between Morty and Jerry, although Morty is still very early on in figuring out that he might be a guy, and Jerry kind of knows something is up but assumes Morty is a lesbian rather than a trans guy and so kind of fumbles but ultimately is trying to be supportive/nice. Morty does worry about Jerry not loving him anymore if he's trans, although this is Morty's POV rather than being objective/a thing that actually happens.
I'll leave the scene below the cut in case anyone's interested. Warnings for mention of periods (and them being referred to in a gendered way), fear of transphobia from parents, accidental misgendering (and misgendering/deadnaming of Morty in the text since this is only the very start of Morty's gender questioning).
“Morti? Rick said you’re sick. Are you OK?” Jerry opens the door. Morti quickly shoves her phone under her pillow. Thankfully, her dad is as oblivious as ever as he walks over and rests a hand against her forehead.
“You don’t feel warm. Is it, uh, you know,” Jerry points down towards his own abdomen, “woman troubles?” he asks in an exaggerated stage whisper. Morti wants to die all over again. She presses her face into her pillow.
“Hey, sweetheart, i-it’s OK.” Morti feels Jerry rest a tentative hand on her shoulder. “Do you need anything?”
Morti takes a few deep breaths to calm herself and then sits up.
“N-no, Dad, I’m OK.”
“OK, honey.” Jerry wraps his arms around her and Morti can’t help but wonder if he would still hug her like this if he knew what she’d spent the past couple of hours reading about. She hugs him back tightly, suddenly unable to stop thinking that she might have to make the most of the affection while it lasts.
When Jerry pulls back, his face clouds with concern and Morti realises she’s once again been crying. She’s getting really sick of that.
“Morti, honey, what’s wrong?”
Morti feels the question writhing around in her gut until it chokes its way out of her mouth. “Dad… you’d love me no matter what, right?”
“Of course, sweetie. No matter what, you’ll always be my daughter.”
The words are meant to be a comfort, but all Morti can think about is the possibility that she’s not his daughter.
“Morti? Are you gay? It’s OK if you’re gay, you know.” As always, Jerry is well-intentioned but clueless. Truthfully, Morti’s not really put much thought into her own sexual orientation, and it’s not her main concern right now. She shakes her head, and Jerry looks doubtful but leaves it. 
After a few minutes, Morti works up the courage to speak again. “Dad? Could-could you… tell me a story? Like when I was little?” she cringes as she says the words, knowing she’s far too old to be asking for something like that. To her relief, Jerry smiles.
“Sure thing, sweetie.” 
He launches into an improvised story, very similar to the ones she remembers him coming up with when she was younger. She has a memory of Summer complaining Jerry’s stories were boring, always demanding more action. However, once Summer had aged out of wanting a bedtime story and left Morti as the sole listener, Jerry had settled comfortably back into his original stories, which Morti found calming and reassuring. 
Her dad’s voice relaxes her and she rests her head against the pillow, feeling her eyelids begin to droop. Jerry’s hand rests on her hair and strokes it gently, just as he used to all those years ago. It’s enough to block out the negative thoughts for the time being, and Morti is so exhausted from the recent events that she soon drifts peacefully into sleep.
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
yan Beth (Rick and Morty) romantic concept?
While I primarily write Rick and Morty (the characters) I really do like Beth so here you go, probably the only Beth yandere thing to exist to go with the Jerry one.
Yandere! Beth Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Drinking due to stress, Obsession, Rebounding implied, Manipulation, Dubious relationship, Violence, Murder mentioned, Kidnapping, Fear of abandonment, Divorce briefly mentioned.
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Beth is a character of many flaws yet isn't all bad.
She's normally a very compassionate and caring character when it comes to her family.
Although Beth is shown to be a very insecure woman who has been lonely in her life due to Rick's neglect.
Beth is similar to Rick, her father, in some traits.
She drinks when stressed and tends to have a superiority complex to hide her insecurities.
Like with the Jerry concept, this would take place after their divorce situation.
Beth needs someone to lean on by this point due to her high stress level after being abandoned.
I forgot to mention it is canon that Beth had abandonment issues... which would feed into her obsession.
During this time I feel Beth would need a darling who wishes to help her through hard times.
A close friend of hers maybe, one that managed to stick around despite her oddities.
Beth and Jerry may have similar darlings in this situation, as in someone who tries to help them out, but they act different.
Jerry is a pathetic yandere who worships you for helping him out, completely believing fate brought you here.
I feel for the most part Beth is caring towards you.
She's sweet to you and you get along, maybe sharing a drink with each other as you help her through her divorce.
Beth seems like for the most part she's considerate and very nice to be around.
But due to being Rick's daughter I feel deep down she may be influencing things behind the scenes.
She may feel like you need each other but not in the way you think.
Her insecurities tell her she needs you.
Her superiority complex created to hide such insecurities may make her think you deserve someone like her, that you need her.
I feel Beth would be good at manipulation similar to Rick, but she hides it.
She makes everything seem like it's natural yet she does have some sort of influence.
Beth doesn't want her darling to leave her so she'll plant little things in the way she talks to keep you interested.
She may do bribes or positive reinforcement.
I can also see her acting pathetic to keep you beside her.
She makes it seem like she's genuine and puts everything up front.
In reality she does hide things from you.
Beth is a yandere that would kidnap and murder but she makes it seem like she wouldn't.
She is still Rick's kid, it's pretty much inherited.
Beth would do nearly anything for you.
She's a family woman and wants to appeal to you as much as she can.
What scares Beth more than anything is the idea of her darling leaving her.
This fear is what drives her obsession and would make her do whatever she feels is needed to keep you.
Thus, she'd kill others around you and kidnap you.
I feel she is capable of murder but holds off.
She prefers to kidnap and try to coax you and her into being together if you ever tried to leave.
If you stay by her and say you love her when she confesses, she'd probably won't kidnap you at all.
She only does so when she feels stressed about losing you.
Beth isn't really a stalker.
She likes to be as close to you as possible and just feels comfort in your warmth.
If you ever tried to leave she'll make you regret your decision.
Either by making you feel bad or doing something that scares you into compliance.
Beth appears to be a yandere who puts up acts to get you to adore her with subtle manipulation...
If that doesn't work then she'll resort to more twisted means of earning your affections, she's more like Rick than you think.
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
Rick losing his original family makes me even sadder when I think about the fact that Morty and Summer are basically his kids. He lives with them and takes a much more active role in their lives than most grandparents. He's also pretty much raising Morty (he's doing a terrible job lmao, but he is.) He lost all his children. He lost Jerry, too.
yeahhhhh, 100%.
he’s morty’s primary caregiver at this point, and it kind of feels like the first time in his life morty has ever actually had a primary care giver.
i mentioned this in one of my other posts, but for the longest time after the s5 finale/s6 premier i assumed that rick would pop into the s1 prime dimension on occasion to see if prime had come back, and ran into little morty then. that entire assumption relies on the the inference that morty was pretty heavily neglected and left to his own devices, even at such a young age.
i mean, who in their right mind would leave their baby completely alone in the front hallway while they’re learning to walk?
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we ofc don’t know if that’s how rick really knew a morty baby, but it really says something that that’s what someone would immediately deduce.
morty himself even confronts beth about the neglect in “a rickconvenient mort,” and we have plenty of scenes (like in “raising gazorpazorp”) that are open about the neglectful/horrible parents beth and jerry are. even though jerry is shown to be more affectionate towards the kids, he’s always been too busy orbiting beth to be a decent father. (you could also get into the state of morty’s room compared to the rest of the house, or even summer’s room. it’s full of childlike toys and posters because he’s really just a little boy, but there’s mold and mildewy spots- even though he keeps his room relatively tidy.)
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one scene that really stuck out to me is when rick takes morty to school in “juricksic mort.” it seems like rick has been one of the people making sure that morty gets there for a while now, considering how the whole scene goes down. (which, what a great contrast from his character in s1. he’s gone from making excuses to justify ruining morty’s education to making sure he gets there on time.)
“rick! mom’s working and dad’s still asleep! i’m gonna be late.” “… just get the keys.”
no pushback from rick at all, just casually taking morty to school. i also like the detail that rick is up that early in the morning, like he’s part of the smith family weekly morning rush routine. he’s just relaxed after summer’s off to school and beth’s at work, drinking some beer and watching the news.
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that really seems like rick’s been taking morty to school everyday, or at least often. it’s also a great example of a moment where rick steps up as the “dad” or “patriarch” of the house to fill in for jerry again.
rick doing household chores and shaking his head at the kids in disappointment in “final desmithation” is something that makes me feel like rick is more of a parental figure to the kids than the actual smith parents, too.
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(rick sanchez in his matriarch era lol)
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(i also just love this little scene of him drinking wine with beth while she plays “operation” and the kids sit around. it’s such a sweet little detail that makes me think about what a subtle act of affection it is to drink wine with her because that’s her drink of choice. it’s also reminiscent of rick “making up for lost time” with his little girl, because it’s horse operation. some things never change- like your daughter playing with horse toys while you watch and have a little drink- even if you’re an old man and she has kids of her own now.)
another episode that i think really embodies rick being the only one who goes out of his way to care about/look after the kids is “rickmancing the stone.” sure, he has that whole blurb about how summer is completely replaceable, but he never actually tries to replace them with versions of themselves from other realities. he just kind of tries to buy time and hopes that they’ll eventually want to come back.
i love the scene where he says, “we need to get you guys home so you can properly deal with your parents’ divorce!”
it seems so genuine to me. he’s a dick, but he’s a dick that’s worried about his grandkids.
being a nurturing father figure, especially with children, is something that seems to come naturally to rick. it’s like part of his nature that’s just been waiting to peek out, even though he’s a jaded old asshole now. “a different kind of rick,” exactly.
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fear-no-mort · 6 months
rick and morty is just what happens when a story that normally would be told through something like an indie game or a webcomic or a book series is instead a mainstream show aimed toward adults. and i think it’s beautiful it’s somethign i really love thinking about. rnm has like one of the most interesting foundations for a narrative ive ever seen. extremely normal family just living their life, sure the mother had kind of a rocky childhood but she’s Mostly Fine but then her dad comes in and he’s this guy with literally billions of enemies literally wanted by Everyone in some way for something he has and he’s here because he got tired of hunting his nemesis who is literally himself because he killed his wife which he can’t even see through any of his weird interdimensional travel shit because she was literally wiped from everything ever. and now the family just has to live with him at first only because they think he’s making their son smarter but over time it becomes more apparent that really isn’t the case but they let him stay anyway because by then they’ve all sort of trauma bonded by the things brought on by this guy anyway. but the problem is i see a lot of people getting into the show purely because of that and only expecting the show to always do huge deep lore stuff. which it cant. it has to go for at least 3 more seasons after this (that’s what i heard) so of course it’s gonna drag on with stuff that seems nothingburger and pointless to people who originally only got into the show for the overarching plot. it’s an animated adult show it’s gonna be like that. to me all the extra fucking awesome lore and deep characters and insanely interesting concepts is just extra good stuff. nothing big could ever happen in rnm again and id still love it id never get tired because unfortunately i Love the show!!!!!
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winxanity-ii · 4 months
⌜Tactus Mortis | Chapter 00 Chapter 00 | Blurb⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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❘ prev. chapter ❘༻✦༺❘ next chapter ❘
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Your body shakes uncontrollably as the voices escalate, their demands piercing through the fragile peace.
❝Please, let me tell my family that I love them!❞
❝My husband deserves to know what his sister did to me!❞
❝Help us... Help us... HELP US!!❞
❝I can't. I can't. I can't,❞ you trembled as you covered your ears in hopes of drowning them out, but it was no use.
Just as you're about to succumb to the overwhelming despair, a sudden grip on your shoulders jolts you, and you brace for the familiar mockery of a spirit's deception. Instead, a voice cuts through the chaos, clear and unmistakably real. ❝Hey, Y/N. Calm down. Please, calm down. I'm here.❞
Cautiously, you open your eyes, meeting two pools of green filled with worry.
Your heart wants to believe it's truly him, but your mind rebels, scarred by too many deceptions; too many times than you could count, you found yourself in a similar predicament, yet when you allowed yourself to relax, you found that instead of really being someone you cared for, it was just a spirit playing jokes.
Flinching back, you shook your head, ❝No. No. No. You aren't real. You aren't real. You aren't real,❞ you chant, body curling in on yourself as you expected a spirit's mocking laughter to follow.
Yet, the laughter never comes. Instead, you feel two hands cover the ones you held over your ears.
They were...warm...a sensation both unfamiliar and comforting.
Spirits have never possessed warmth; their touch has always been a cold reminder of their otherness.
Slowly, your breathing steadies under his touch, and you dare to lift your gaze, allowing yourself to truly see him. 
Golden-brown skin that speaks of sun-kissed days.
A wild mane of curls that defied gravity, seemingly untamable, no matter how much it was brushed.
Two gorgeous green eyes that made you feel as if you were lost in a forest of evergreen trees.
And freckles—so many freckles to count—scattered across his nose and cheeks  like stars against the dusk of his skin.
Noticing your attention, Camilo offers a gentle smile. ❝There she is,❞ he whispered, his hands moving from your ears to cradle your face.
❝Y-You're real,❞ you manage, the statement half question, half revelation.
Camilo's smile widens, and he hums in affirmation, his gaze softening as he looks at you. ❝Yeah, Y/N,❞ he gently caressed the side of your face. ❝I'm real.❞
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You were blessed with the gift of seeing the undead.
Though seen as evil and devilish by many, the Madrigals showed you the beauty that comes with it and that your gift doesn't define you.
Now, turning 17, you find that your gift continues to grow—from being able to just see the dead, to being able to allow them to communicate with the living through you.
You find yourself drowning under the pressure from both the living and the undead, yet before you can completely hit rock bottom, a certain curly-haired trickster vows to be the one to save you.
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╭─↬ ❗𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆❗  ↫─╮ There will be mentions/descriptive scenes of the following:
╭ ⁞ ❏. Death/Mentions of death
Lol, I don't know if I got them all, so if you see anything I didn't list, come back and comment right here so I can add them to the list later ➡
Enjoy (•͈˽•͈)
ㅡ   This book takes place 2 years after the main plot in Encanto, so just think of it as a canon-divergent, since all that happened in the movie stays true.
ㅡ   Also, no smut since Camilo is underage. IDC if he got aged up, it still wouldn't make it any better; 17 is a minor. Now, Uncle Bruno tho 👀 jkjk. Unless??
ㅡ A few headcanons will be immersed into the story, just to make it a bit towards my liking (you'll know when you see them) and I would like to just paste the link of a few of what I liked; I may or may not include them, who know?
**Most of these won't be from the reader herself, but fromㅡAAHHH! I want to say it, but I don't want to give away any plots 😭. Just know it won't be the overall theme of the book, just a few scenes. So don't worry, and if it'll make anyone feel better, I'll put a warning in a chapter that has these.
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sad-rod3nt · 11 months
My (very specific) Young Rick Sanchez head-canons :
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- Rick was far closer with his mother than his father, especially when he was young. She absolutely adored Rick and only ever wanted her family to be happy, obeying her husband to keep things civil.
- She was the more nurturing and caring of Rick’s parents and also very much fit the traditional housewife archetype. Mrs Sanchez wasn’t super smart (a bit like morty) and was very much a woman that enjoyed simple pleasures. She was caring and affectionate, but also didn’t go against Rick’s father or how he wanted Rick to be raised.
- Rick’s dad didn’t like Rick’s mom giving him so much attention and affection and put a stop to it because he thought it was making Rick too soft. Mr Sanchez wanted his son to be capable and, ahem, manly. Rick was young at the time but probably noticed the sudden cold shoulder from his mother. 
- Though Rick would have grown up somewhat unaware of it, he grew up resenting his mother. He thought she was weak.
- Rick’s dad was a hard-ass and believed in the value of a good character. He worked hard to support his family and didn’t have time for screwing around. He probably started at the very bottom, and through his own hard-work and diligence he succeeded in giving his family a very comfortable, somewhat upper-middle class sort of life. He wasn’t abusive, but a harsh, stoic sort of guy.
- That being said, Rick was spoiled. Like. Really fucking spoiled when he was young. His parents had money and spending it on Rick and supporting his science stuff was definitely commonplace. They both loved him dearly, and did what they thought was best for him.
- Rick’s father is perhaps the parent he inherited more of his intelligence from. His father was handy and very skilled with his hands and building things. It’s perhaps one of the things they shared as father and son. Rick’s dad would take him into the garage and they’d work together.
- Rick’s dad wasn’t the type to show his emotions or deal with nonsense. He was the disciplinarian and was the one that punished Rick when he got out of line. Rick’s dad wasn’t the type to openly express affection towards Rick and never told him he was proud of him. Growing up, Rick felt like his accomplishments were never enough for his father which made Rick even more rebellious and resentful.
- Rick’s mother was the one that struggled with addiction, though it went undiscussed in the house. She was an alcoholic behind closed doors and probably took pills too— all while keeping up the facade of the ideal, 50s housewife.
- The conflict between Rick and his father especially was a massive burden on his mother, especially when Rick was a teen.
- Though Rick was incredibly intelligent and gifted, he most likely didn’t succeed in school for numerous reasons, which didn’t jive well with his father who believed Rick needed to get an education in order to succeed. Rick HATED school.
- Rick’s family went to church every sunday.
- Rick was a really nice kid. A bit like Morty, he was somewhat ditsy and could be spacey. He was constantly preoccupied with ideas and daydreaming. Rick was relatively happy and precocious, of course. As a boy, he was worried about getting into trouble with his father and would try (and fail) to live up to certain standards. Rick struggled to pay attention in school and would often get into trouble because he just couldn’t sit still or follow instructions.
Bonus: The kids in his school liked to bully Rick and he was never popular. Rick was the scrawny ‘weird’ kid, and an easy target. That’s why when he becomes Tiny Rick in season 2, he finds being in highschool so addicting because he finally gets a taste of that validation he was denied all throughout his own school years.
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This will serve as a dense summary that supports my previous Season 3 and onward Summer analysis blogs. This shows the basis stemming from Season 1 to 3. I highly recommending reading my analysis blogs, but this serves as a great place to start
Summer Smith is a character that I have not seen anyone pay attention to on the same caliber as Rick or even any other character of the family. Despite the small pool and consistent focus, I constantly see her be summarized as being both a typical teen girl and a badass, as if the latter is all that’s done to make her stand out as a character. Luckily, fans who’ve paid more attention to the narrative and her character can at LEAST pick out scattered parts of her characters through focused moments. I do not want to instantly discredit anyone, especially anyone who has known this about Summer but just never shared their thoughts. However, I still see a lack of any meaningful summary, so I wanted to give my own sort of timeline and summary of Summer’s character. As much as I’d like this to be as in-depth as possible, I will be writing this in one go and whatever is fresh on my mind
Summer is incredibly insecure about her self-image, like many teens her age. The difference is how this plays into being a part of the Smith family. She has no one to talk to about it directly because every member of her family is already involved in their own relationship or somewhat gets over it, which she points out in ‘GoTron Jerrysis Rickvangelion’. Rick’s philosophy was something the show practically revolved around for earlier seasons which is exhibited in every character in different ways except Summer. We don’t really see any moment of Summer burying her fear or getting over it even with some amount of silver lining. Instead, she embraces any caliber of attention and love no matter the ramifications. A great example of this is ‘Something Ricked This Way Comes’, where Summer seeks the attention of Mr. Needful, who Rick aptly points out is ‘literally the Devil’. Despite this, she still works for him, accepts his gratitude, and even saves his life
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This is a persistent part of Summer’s character, but in later seasons it is the basis of who she is NOW, not her entire personality. These insecurities can range from not feeling pretty or simply having no friends or partners. There’s also a unique aspect to her dynamic, that being she tends to go along with whatever is happening around her as long as she gains from it or at least survives
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‘Ricksy Business’ shows a raging party that Summer hosts solely to have attention drawn towards her and feel popular. Even when Rick invites his alien friends, she doesn’t act like Morty. Morty is shown to be on his toes, trying to stop anything bad from happening and making sure not one thing goes wrong. Summer is neutral to the party while Rick insists it continues on through any means, literally sending Morty out to get drugs for him. In this episode, Summer wanted the party to simply go on for her own popularity. However, it would backfire because of one detail we can’t ignore. Summer isn’t innocent.
She dismissed Nancy as a dork she didn’t want to be around, which later on meant no one wanted to be around her once Nancy talked about how shitty she can be. In Season 4, we see she’s invited her to her house with Tricia at least, but in Season 1, Summer is dismissive of others if they don’t give her some form of attention in return
‘Rixty Minutes’ is an episode that shows that her parents had Summer when they were very young and still in high school. When Summer ties to look into other versions of her life across the multiverse, it’s entirely blank and because these are connected to the versions Jerry and Beth see. THIS IS A CONSISTENT DETAIL! On the TV, we see the version of Jerry that Beth also runs into. That means Summer looked into the same universes, but she was absent. As a result, she blames herself for being a burden and someone holding her parents’ potential back.
One detail worth mentioning is that in the other universes, she mentions she’s playing Yahtzee with her family each time. As I keep mentioning and WILL mention here, she values family in high regard. If these universes are focused on successful outcomes, then the happy ending for Summer she didn’t know about back then was bonding with her family. Board games are sometimes used as bonding moments in the show. Two examples that come to mind as I write this include ‘A Rickconvenient Mort’ when Morty originally brought Planetina to the family and then ‘Rickmancing the Stone’ when Beth plays with the robot versions of Summer and Morty, saying she never gets to do this. It’s clearly something the family almost never does but when they do, the times we have seen them pop up is in the context of being too good to be true - the family being together.
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We constantly see Jerry reference television and media, it’s clear he wanted to be an actor
Beth mentions she performs surgery on humans instead of horses
And Summer doesn’t realize that her dream is being achieved - having a normal life and a loving family that bonds
Of course, Morty convinces Summer to not run away as she basically realizes someone DOES love and appreciate her in the family. When she says ‘You’re not my brother?’, it also speaks volumes that another Morty was willing to love another version of his sister after the events of ‘Rick Potion #9’. Furthermore, the idea that no one BELONGS anywhere doesn’t mean everyone aimlessly wanders. It just means that Summer wasn’t entitled to any standards at all, standards that she feels the need to abide by that are the entire root of her insecurities and the idea that she is holding her parents back
‘Get Schwifty’ focuses on Summer’s place in the new religion of Headism. She takes it as an opportunity to be seen as perfect in the eyes of her parents. In an episode like ‘Total Rickall’, we see her mother drinking instead of driving her to school, then bruising her eye with a bottle of wine. And of course, the crux of ‘Rixty Minutes’ is Summer feeling like she’s holding back her parents. Her parents didn't show her love and she didn’t know why, which led to her ignoring anyone who didn’t instantly love her back. She was careless and snappy, but in ‘Get Schwifty’, she realized one way to get their attention - ignore her flaws
Whether or not this detail was intentional too, she was following a philosophy her family followed as well, which was ignoring those flaws. Her own unique spin on it and the point of her place in this episode is having a religion to follow that she can not only align herself upon, but as a reference point for others to realize how much she’s changed. This works not only for her parents but for Ethan as well. Summer is shown to be more active and seemingly happy but incredibly devoted to this religion. When she sees the heads, she uses it as proof that she can achieve a form of improvement that is legitimate, which is why she’s so dedicated to it
However, just because Summer goes along with any means to be popular, it doesn’t mean that she will ignore her family. Again, she wants their attention and love. Summer wouldn’t harm her family entirely if she thinks they already hold a negative view of her, except ARGUABLY Jerry. With these next two examples, you’ll see that Season 2 has outliers because her character is fleshed out
‘Big Trouble in Little Sanchez’ shows that Summer cares for Rick’s well being and is frustrated when no one else seeks his safety. She was selfless enough to risk her own popularity when she ‘ratted out’ Rick, she just didn’t know the extent of it. However, she doesn’t cry about it and insists on still saving Rick. This is around the time she begins to hold her family closer. ‘Total Rickall’ shows the family needs to stick together and tries to find a silver lining from how toxic they all are to one another. ‘Rixty Minutes’ shows Morty’s love for her while ‘Something Ricked This Way Comes’ shows Rick’s love for Summer. As a result, she values them for the happiness they bring one another and goes out of her way to save Rick even when he thinks he doesn’t need help
‘Look Who’s Purging Now’ shows how she’s found her place within the family. She gravitates towards Rick and Morty more instead of her parents. Rick entrusts Summer to save them both while Jerry pesters her. The constant character traits are on FULL DISPLAY in this episode and I’m kicking myself for not mentioning it before. She nearly cries as she remembers moments with her father and is insulted that he used family bonding moments to ease her into giving Jerry money. And although it probably isn’t intentional, saying The Purge sucks opposes Jerry’s view of just liking and referencing all movies. This point is also supported when she asks if all interdimensional cable needs to be juvenile violence. Furthermore, this small detail is contrasted when she’s more aggressive and fine with killing in Season 3.
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In this episode, we understand more of who Summer favors in her life - Rick and Morty and not Jerry. This branches out from Season 1’s showing of Summer as a careless teenager, as ‘Raising Gazorpazorp’ and ‘Something Ricked This Way Comes’ cement how she holds Rick close too
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So we’ve moved past holding people close to just love them and get something out of it. In Season 2, she realizes she appreciates the genuine love her family has for her. At the same time, she’s finding out who she loves and why. The ending of Season 2, however, utterly changes this
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I can go on and on for days about how this scene needs to be recognized as one of the most pivotal across the entire show. I consider it the most important scene when it comes to understanding her character. If you want the episode where Summer changes into her more rebellious and strong side, watch ‘Wedding Squanchers’ after understanding everything that came before.
As I’ve said again and again, the reason I regard Summer breaking into tears when Rick mentions the consequences of the Galactic Federation being on their heels is because so little is said and it shows a lot about Summer.
This is a scene where she’s the only one crying and blames herself because her insecurities have played a part in leading to Tammy murdering Bird Person and successfully rounding up any terrorists. And again, she’s so lonely and out-of-place alongside her family that it’s just looked over, ironically by many fans too
I will wrap this up by summarizing what follows
Because Summer holds herself heavily accountable for befriending Tammy to begin with, she holds her family closer than ever. She swears to bring back Rick and hates the Galactic Federation. This is branching off character traits in Summer and removes the idea that Summer will listen to authority or take their word. Even across ‘Wedding Squanchers’, she comes to an ultimate realization by telling Jerry, “You don’t love someone in hopes of a reward”. This single line removes Summer’s old trait where she quite literally loved other people in hopes of a reward, meaning yes, the previous scene IS her ego death and the moment her character changes.
She despises the Federation and is the only one in the family willing to act against them - again, showing her alienation. This is why Summer is fine with acting violently to address an issue, why she doesn’t listen to a form of authority, and is close with her family. Later seasons show she keeps them together. If Summer didn’t rebel, then there’s almost no chance she would’ve convinced Rick to come back (side-note, another Rick holds Summer hostage instead of Morty in ‘The Rickshank Rickdemption’). Her subconscious potential manifested as Night Summer, which is nothing more than Summer being totally brutal and speaking however she pleases. The Night family listens to Summer, because they recognize that she also keeps them together. This implies that even though no one else in the family says anything about Summer’s role, they HAVE thought about it. Night Summer is not inherently evil or a ‘dark’ version of Summer despite the name. If anything, this is identical to Summer playing Yahtzee - finding her place in her family, being trusted, and being loved.
This is meant to be more of an analysis compilation to break down Summer’s character. To oppose what many have said, Summer is actually a fleshed-out and very consistent character.
She is not just a bratty teenager.
She is not just a badass.
She is not just insecure.
Summer Smith began as an insecure teenager because she has never found attention or love that stayed. As time passed, she found shelter by being loved and loving others. However, this all changed when her past insecurities and the need to be loved caught up and she blamed herself for the Galactic Federation. She needed to keep her family close after nearly losing them, she went against any authority figures from now on, and she went on her own accord. The aforementioned descriptions aren’t entire fractions of her character or something that she instantly falls back on. This is always changing and sometimes is erased as time passes. She’s always changing, and that’s why for me, she is the most overlooked character in the show due to how much depth she carries that isn’t noticed. And of course, why Summer Smith has got to be my favorite character. So much so that a ‘short’ recap ended up being over 2,300 words
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vampire-ink-777 · 1 day
I saw my friend do this and it looked fun!! So here are my Rick and Morty headcanons, expect most are actually based off the show and I’m only extremely non-canon about like two! (Inspired by @lycanpunk666 go check him out gang)
Beth: Beth is definitely a comphet lesbian who only actually found out about this because of space Beth. There is no way that girl likes Jerry like that. Have you seen them. I also just don’t see her liking men generally, she’s their number one hater and I love her for that.
Jerry: Jerry is incredibly bisexual. There is no other way to put it, he adores Beth obviously, but he YEARNS for sleepy Gary. Come back sleepy Gary. We all miss you. #TheYaoiWeNeverKnewWeNeeded. Jerry is also demisexual! We see that he only really started lusting after Gary after being friends for such a long time, and at the titanic episode, we see him get really grossed out by what would be his “perfect partner” so, I rest my case!
Summer: I see summer as being straight or pan, I just feel that she wouldn’t care much about gender or labels at all. We don’t see a many real partner choices for her that aren’t just about popularity or something like that, so I can see her in about any given situation. She definitely has a strong preference towards masculinity though!
Rick C-137: That man is most definitely pansexual, he doesn’t care, he just wants to fuck. There isn’t much to say on him tbh, the whole damn show is just him getting it for 7 season straight sooo!
Morty Prime: (Yeah this is probably where I go off script) He’s bisexual. PLEASE guys listen to me!!! I know he has literally never ever shown any attraction to men in his life but TRUST!!! He likes men!! He’s a boykisser I promise!!! I also see him as being trans, but I feel like if he was it would be poked fun at a ton and honestly him being cis makes more sense to me, so I fw both hcs!
Rick Prime: Okay Rick simps…I’m so sorry to let y’all know like this. But this man is Aromantic. He does NOT give a fuck and he would NOT be your little meow meow….I fear he literally got rid of every Rick’s wife ever!!! I can’t say much on his sexuality, since the sexual nature is a core part of most Rick’s we see but I see him not really feeling it towards other people. Guys this man does not have time for actual love and intimacy I hate to break it to you
Evil Morty: (again another a bit out there one) Evil Morty feels gay to me, but in the way that he’s never realized it and just thinks he’s better than the other Morty’s for never having “stupid crushes”. I think it also has to do with the way his whole persona is messing with the system, it feels very in character that he would go against a key Morty core characteristic like that.
Tbh that’s everyone I care about SO!!! Let me know what you all thought and what your headcanons are!!
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padme-amitabha · 8 months
I just saw a post calling ahoska and obi wan anakins truest loves and uh what? It brought up the mortis arc of tcw and essentially minimizing the anidala love for one another as some form of escapism and how its poison ( even tho vader literally gets saved bc of luke - padmes son🙄) Its so strange how ahsoka fans want to make her a more prominent character than she really is. Also a recurring opinion that gets brought up is ahsoka knowing/understanding anakin better than padme and obi wan when she didn’t even know things about him (like he was a slave) and we consistently see anakin confide in padme its just so odd how alot of star wars fans diminish her
That doesn't surprise me at all since Star Wars is Ahsoka Wars at this point. And even if it wasn't, you have to give the Skywalkers at least some rest uk? The constant retconning and addition of new stuff most people didn't even ask for is tiresome. Ahsoka from the start felt very OC-ish to me because she was constantly hyped and favored in a way not even Anakin was. She felt like a self-insert jedi character so her place is canon is just weird. And forcing her to be important in places where she's not needed just shows Filoni's favoritism. At least GL wasn't ever really biased towards Anakin and Luke. Anakin mainly suffered through so much and had enough flaws and complexies which Ahsoka never had. She's constantly in a plot armor and just overpowered imo. But ofc she's a badass Jedi so she is more popular than Padme. I cant even.. I just hate the way TCW and Filoni wrote her. I don't see Anakin as being a big brother to anyone. Or being a teacher. The only other natural interaction he has except Padme and his mother is with Obi-Wan and even that took time. They didn't get along well in the first two movies and although he does joke around with Obi Wan in ROTS, he has his own slightly awkward and shy way of doing it. And I imagine he's semi reserved and shy with other Jedi. Or when we see him interacting with Padme's family. But to make him a responsible master is strange because even in ROTS he was too young and not mature enough to be level-headed and responsible all the time. And I like that because he has flaws but he was trying to learn and wanted to be a good father. And I do believe he really gained that maturity (which was stunted due to obvious trauma) and fatherly affection for Luke after ESB and not before. I think he would have had trouble connecting with Leia as well post ROTJ because he wasn't prepared to and had no experience being a role model for anyone. Meanwhile, 22 year old TCW Anakin with Ahsoka acts like a 30 year old man with anger issues...
It's also frustrating to see Padme being reduced to a love interest when she was a main character and part of the trio. She, like Han, didn't need to be a Jedi to be one of the main characters and it's boring to see a trio of Jedi only. I don't really blame Ahsoka fans - only Filoni for constantly dragging her into everything and I'm glad it's backfiring because I see fans who previously liked her are beginning to get tired of her being shoehorned into every single SW thing and acting all Mary Sue. Also, see the amount of concept arts and storylines they wrote for Padme during the prequels. She had more arts than Anakin and Obi-Wan. GL clearly wanted her to be important even more than Leia in ANH because we see much more of Padme and the first movie directly involves her and her planet with Anakin's discovery being a sideplot. It's disrespectful to reduce her to a love interest.
This video puts it really well (although he isn't a fan of the prequels as far as I can remember): "Dave Filoni's biggest problem as a writer apart from his complete inability to write interesting dialogue or craft stories that are more than just fetch quest for Magical McGuffin or create people who actually make smart decisions or his borderline fetish for the boring mediocre character he's trying so hard to insert as the driving force behind the entire Star Wars narrative is his constant [ __ ] around and reconning of past events and World building to suit the needs of his own narrow story. It's like he's staying in a hotel room for a couple of days and decided that he now has the right to completely remodel the place because he feels like it. This isn't your job Dave you're supposed to work within the rules of the world that George created not write a whole bunch of new ones just to suit yourself that now affect everyone else."
Lol applause for saying that out loud
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spopsalt · 2 months
Honestly while Rick and Morty has a million flaws (I enjoy it despite the flaws) at least they know that one big gesture doesn't make up for consistent abuse. An example I would like to use is when Rick sacifrices himself for Morty in "A Rickle In Time" You may know about this if you are or were in the Rick and Morty fandom, but if you do not know, I'll tell you. So to make a long story short, Rick, Morty, and Summer's time was messing up, everytime they were uncertain about something, they would create a feedback loop, making their time more unstable and therefore more dangerous. They had to put time collars on so their time will be stable again. Rick broke them so Rick had to fix the collars. He suceeds in him and Summer's collar, Summer puts hers on and therefore she is safe. She goes back to stable time so now it's just Rick and Morty. Morty tells Rick that his collar is broken, Rick originally brushes it off saying he fixed it and to just put it on, but Morty insists that it's broken.
Rick told Morty to bring it here so he can fix it but then Morty fell down a hole created by the unstablity of the time. Rick screamed Morty's name and just looked down the hole. He looks around and jumps in the hole to get Morty. If those of you that don't know, there's infinite Ricks and Mortys, so Rick could've just gotten another Morty, but chose not to. He grabs onto Morty and tells Morty to give him his collar, Morty said that he dropped it. Rick looked worried, looked around, then, gave Morty his collar, saving Morty's life over his. And his choosen last words were "I'm ok with this, be good Morty. Be better than me." Now of course he sees the collar Morty dropped and turned out to be fine, but for the moment he was 100% willing to save Morty's life over his.
Now was this a selfless act? Yes, absolutely. Should he have done it? Yes. Does this scene makes me cry? .....Admittidly yes. Does it make up for the consistent emotional abuse Rick inflicts on Morty? No. Now if this was another show *cough* spop *cough* This would mean that everything Rick did to Morty is ok! But no, he's still called out mutiple times and his behavior doesn't change after this, (I mean it does but not for a few seasons) I like that it actually shows that one big grand gesture does not make consistent abuse ok, that should be obvious, butttt a certain show *cough* spop *cough* seems to not get that.
Another show I'd like to praise for this is Bojack Horseman. Bojack does do big gestures, and while these are sweet, none of them solve the root of his problems, the root of his toxicity. He saves Todd from an improv group (Long story makes sense in context) and gives a legitmentally heartwarming speech about how when Todd first moved in with Bojack and thanked him for letting him stay with him, Bojack didn't hate himself, which is not something he feels often. Now while this was sweet, he doesn't bother to try and solve the root of his toxicity with Todd, and is still consistently horrible towards him, and Bojack says it perfectly "The big gesture isn't enough, you have to be consistent and that is so hard"
Now with that, all I want to say is that I love how those two shows acknowledge that big gestures don't make up for consistent abuse, we can find them sweet, but we must notice that unless the behavior changes, these big gestures really don't mean much. It's a really mature perspective for these shows to take, unlike another certain show *cough* spop *cough*
With that, how does spop handle big gestures? Well Catra saves Glimmer, now the best friend squad goes over to save Catra because she saved Glimmer, now when they get Catra she imminetally regresses and yells at Adora for insulting her, and calls her an idiot which Adora again interenlizes, yippe! Now do they regonize that while her saving Glimmer was sweet, that doesn't mean that they have to put up with her? Nope! Adora vents to Glimmer about it as she should, but Glimmer just brushes it off saying that Catra wasn't going to instantly become a different person, but Adora said she thought Catra would at least try, and Catra doesn't, she never thanks Adora for risking her life to save her, she never stops her abuse of Adora, and she is still horrible to Adora. And they still put up with her again because she holds Adora's hand and asks her to stay.
I know I'm comparing a kid's show with 2 adult shows, but kid's show have the oppurtunity to be incredibly mature, and that's what the stans always call it. But it shouldn't be teaching kids that "If you're consistently horrible, it's ok as long as you do some big grand gesture to show how much you care!" It's just an incredibly harmful message to send to kids, and if you teach kids this I can imagine them very easily falling into a toxic relationship.
So my final point, while you can appreciate grand gestures and find them sweet, those gestures don't mean much if they do not put in the work to change, you can't just forgive someone just because they did some big grand gesture for you if they don't at least attempt to change the way they treat you.
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He’s Like Me
This is an autistic Morty oneshot I’ve been sitting on for a while because I didn’t know where to go with it. I’m still not too happy with the ending but I think this is the best I’m gonna get it lol.
Summary: Morty is keeping a secret from Rick and Rick wants to know what it is. Hurt/comfort. ~3k words
Warnings for mentions of ableism (including internalised ableism).
Rick suddenly snaps back into reality after being absorbed in his latest project to find that his bladder is full and his stomach is rumbling. A glance at the clock tells him it’s been at least four hours of uninterrupted work. It’s not unusual for Rick to get so into something that he can spend hours at a time on it without a break, and four hours is fairly mild for him. Still, now that he’s aware of his body’s needs, he can no longer ignore them.
Standing up from his desk, he stretches his back and arms, hearing the former crack in a way that’s half-satisfying, half-concerning. The joys of ageing, he thinks wryly. He lets out a groan and makes his way to the bathroom.
Once his most pressing need has been satisfied, he directs his attention towards food and drink. He makes his way down the stairs, the usual family hubbub sounding from the kitchen. As he approaches, he can begin to make out details that indicate that it, in fact, isn’t the usual family hubbub. The raised voices, while not uncommon in the Smith household, are laced with strong emotions that betray a deeper conflict at hand. Rick pauses outside the kitchen, trying to decide whether it’s worth getting involved or if it would be easier to simply travel off-planet for some dinner instead.
“Mom, p-please don’t tell Rick!” he hears Morty cry out, a note of fear in his voice. Rick frowns, wondering what secret Morty wants to keep from him and why.
“Now, sweetie, come on, I think it would be good for him to know. It’s not anything definite yet, anyway, and if he knows, maybe he can help you.” Beth speaks as if trying not to frighten a wild animal, a tone Rick remembers using himself when she was little.
“No! Y-you don’t get it, Mom! It’s alright for you, you’re not the one being told there’s something wrong with you! You’re smart, like him! Rick already thinks I’m dumb, what is he going to think if he hears about this?” 
OK, now Rick’s really starting to get worried. He takes a moment to set his face into a mask of disinterest before entering the kitchen.
“What am I going to think if I hear about what?” he asks, trying to keep his tone casual and unbothered.
“N-nothing!” Morty blurts out, too quickly to appear innocent even if Rick hadn’t overheard the conversation.
Beth takes a deep breath. “Dad, Morty’s got a new teacher, and she thinks-”
“No! I told you not to tell him! Why do you never listen to me?” Morty shouts, tears running down his cheeks, and storms out of the room. The family hears his footsteps stomping up the stairs and the door to his room slam.
“Geez, wh-what’s with him?” Rick asks, quirking a thumb in the direction of the door, disguising his concern with an air of annoyed detachment. Beth opens her mouth to respond, but Jerry jumps in.
“Morty’s just a little upset about something his new teacher said in our meeting with her. I’m sure he’ll come down when he’s feeling better.” 
Something in his tone is unusually protective and harsh, directed at both Beth and Rick, his eyes flicking between them both. While Rick usually isn’t fond of Jerry’s behaviour, he feels a grudging respect for the man’s ability to actually grow a spine and stick up for Morty for once.
“Jerry, don’t you think we should tell him?” Beth stage whispers to Jerry.
“Beth, don’t you think we should respect Morty’s privacy?”
Rick tunes out the conversation, not interested in their usual bickering, and instead makes for the fridge. He roots around inside, grabbing a drink, then reaches for the cupboard door. Beth breaks the argument to turn to him. 
“Oh, Dad, dinner’s almost ready. Don’t spoil your appetite.” her tone changes seamlessly from angry to bright as she shifts her attention from Jerry to Rick. Rick drops his hand from the pack of wafers he was reaching for and sits down at the table, sprawling out in his chair as he waits.
“Morty, Summer, dinner!” Beth shouts to the kids and begins plating food. One bedroom door swings open and Summer comes down to join them, scrolling idly on her phone. 
Beth turns around to see only one of her children present and sighs. “Summer, get Morty.”
“Morty!” Summer shouts, not looking up from her phone. Rick has to give it to her, the volume is deafening. There’s no way Morty could have missed it.
“Ugh, that’s not what I meant.” Beth pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration. “You know what, fuck it, if he doesn’t want to eat, that’s his problem.”
Four-fifths of the Smith family eat in relative silence, Rick taking advantage of the quiet to try to figure out what’s going on. Morty still hasn’t appeared by the time they’ve finished.
“Do you think I should go check on him? Take some dinner up to his room?” Jerry suggests.
“What? Jerry, no, it’s just a tantrum. He’s at that age. If he’s old enough to be a moody teenager, he’s old enough to heat up his own food when he misses dinner.” Beth replies dismissively.
“I’ll go.” Rick offers, trying to sound bored. Beth seems surprised, but doesn’t question her father. Rick takes the untouched plate of food and heads upstairs to Morty’s room. 
“Morty?” he calls, knocking on the door. No response. 
“Morty?” he calls again, slightly louder, continuing to drum his knuckles. Still getting no response, he barges his way in.
The room is dark except for the light Rick is letting in from the hallway. Morty is curled up on his bed, facing the wall and clutching a pillow to his chest.
“Morty?” he allows his voice to soften slightly.
“Go away, Rick.” Morty’s voice, already quiet and strained, is muffled from speaking into the pillow.
Rick sits gently on the edge of Morty’s bed.
“Look, wh-whatever this is, I’m gonna find out eventually, so you might as well just tell me now and get it over with.”
Morty turns to face Rick, seeming surprised. His eyes are red and swollen, and Rick feels a pang of hurt at the idea that Morty is this upset at the idea of Rick finding out… whatever it is he’s hiding.
“M-Mom and Dad didn’t tell you?” he asks hopefully.
“Nope. I just came here to give you this since, y’know, you didn’t bother to come down for dinner.” he keeps his gruff facade in place as he holds out the plate of food.
Morty sits up and takes the plate from him, setting it on his lap but making no move to eat it. He hesitates in the way Rick has come to know means he’s building himself up to ask something. Rick reels in an impatient urge to demand that Morty just spit it out.
“R-Rick?” Morty stammers. “You, um, w-would it be OK if… there was something wrong with me?”
Rick snorts to hide the concern he’s feeling. “Buddy, there’s already plenty of stuff wrong with you. Wh-wh-what’s one more thing?”
Morty winces at this comment, and Rick knows he’s fucked it up. “Yeah, but what if it was something… something actually wrong with me? Like, medically.”
OK, now Rick’s really confused. What is medically wrong with Morty that could be picked up by a school teacher?
“Morty, I can take you to any number of super advanced alien hospitals. Hell, I could probably fix it myself, if you just tell me what it is.”
Morty withdraws into himself even more. “I, um, I don’t think it’s something that can be fixed.”
“For cry-for God’s sake, Morty, what is it?” Rick demands. Morty refuses to answer, refuses to even look at him. Rick waits for as long as his patience can take, but Morty doesn’t yield. Feeling frustrated and defeated, Rick gets up and leaves to find an answer elsewhere.
He hears the rest of the family in the kitchen, and decides to ask them, when he’s distracted by an envelope on the couch with the distinct look of a letter from school. He reaches inside and pulls out Morty’s report card, scanning past the grades, which don’t interest him at the best of times, let alone now. He’s about to give up when he notices another sheet of paper inside the envelope. Unfolding it, he reads,
‘We recommend Morty for ASD assessment. If you wish to proceed or learn more, please contact-’ 
Rick stops reading. ASD? Autism? That’s it? The kid was acting like he had terminal cancer or something. Besides, Rick could’ve told Morty he was autistic within minutes of meeting him.
However, his indignation fades as stronger emotions take its place. He remembers the way he was treated as a child, the way adults talked about him like he couldn’t hear them, like there was something wrong with him. Like he was evil, or stupid, or something to be pitied. He remembers the way other children reacted to him, able to tell that he was different even at their young age. He remembers conversations between his parents late at night when they thought he was asleep, not quite hushed enough to avoid him overhearing. 
Rick swallows hard and pushes the memories away. Instead, a sinking feeling sets in as he realises that not only is Morty now experiencing these exact same thoughts and emotions, but that Morty thinks Rick will treat him like this. The feeling is some sort of sickening mix of shame and anger that curdles uncomfortably in his stomach. 
Rick turns to go back upstairs and speak to Morty, only to be met with Jerry.
“Did you read it?” Jerry asks.
“N-not now, Jerry.” Rick tries to brush past him, but Jerry catches his wrist to stop him. 
“Rick, wait.” 
Rick yanks his arm out of Jerry’s grasp, fighting the urge to rub away the residual feeling of touch. 
“You know I don’t like you taking Morty out on these adventures. If I had my way, you wouldn’t see him at all. But whatever you do, don’t you dare start treating him differently because of this, got it?” 
Jerry’s tone is surprisingly defensive in a way Rick never expected from the man. Sure, his voice is shaky and he’s clearly on edge, but he’s actually standing up for Morty. Still, Rick resents the implication that he’s the same as the people who made his own childhood hell.
“Jesus, Jerry, wh-wh-what do you think I am, some sort of monster? Why do you think I don’t like Morty going to that school in the first place? Why do you think I dropped out? It’s not a place for smart people, Jerry!” 
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Rick knows he’s given too much away. Just the reminder of his own childhood has regressed him into a weak little kid who can’t hide his feelings. Thankfully, Jerry’s too shocked to respond, so Rick takes the opportunity to slip past him and make his way up to Morty’s room.
He doesn’t bother to knock this time, barging right in. Morty is lying on his front with his face buried in his pillow, his body shaking, the plate of food untouched on his desk. Rick sits on the bed again and rests a hand gently between Morty’s shoulders, feeling the boy trembling.
“Morty, it’s OK. I know.” he forces the words out, his voice toneless. Morty turns and lifts his head, looking at Rick through fearful, teary eyes. Rick takes a breath before continuing.
“It’s OK, Morty. M-m-me too.”
“Autistic, yeah.”
Morty sits up and throws himself at Rick with such speed and force it takes Rick a second to understand what’s happening. Morty clings to Rick, sobbing into his chest. Rick hesitates before wrapping his arms around the boy, one hand gently stroking his shoulder.
“Sh, Morty, it’s OK.”
Rick remembers his own past and squeezes Morty tighter. When Beth was born, he’d worried about her experiencing what he’d had to, sworn that he would shield her from judgement if she had been like him, but… well, she’d never made it that far. Now, with his grandson shaking in his arms, he feels those protective feelings bubble up all over again.
Gradually, he hears and feels Morty start to calm down and eventually, Morty pulls back, wiping his eyes.
“So is it… OK? That I might be autistic?”
“Kiddo, there’s no ‘might’ about it.” Rick feels Morty tense and quickly scrambles to make him feel better. “I-i-it’s fine, Morty! It’s not something bad. It’s just another variable of humanity, like… like the shape of your nose. You got my nose, dontcha?” 
Morty nods, but doesn’t look convinced. “But… I’m not smart like you.”
“Morty, nobody is smart like me, I’m a genius. Everyone else is dumb to me, even all these other so-called ‘smart people’.”
“So… you’re not smart because of autism? I thought autism made you either like a super-genius or dumb.”
“What? No, Morty, you’ve been watching too much bad TV. A-anyway, you’re focusing on the wrong thing here. Autism is just… your brain works differently to other people. Sometimes it makes you smart, sometimes it doesn’t.” 
Morty is quiet for a second, mulling this over. “My teacher said that’s why I’m struggling in school. You never struggled in school.”
Rick feels a reflexive burst of anger at that assumption, but tries to fight it back. 
“Morty, I struggled in school so much I dropped out. I struggled so much I ran away from home.” 
Again, the truth spills out more than he wants it to, the emotion eroding his filter. Morty looks at him in shock.
“N-n-not that I’m saying you should do that, Morty. Y-y-you need to stay here so you can go on adventures with me.”
“What? No, Rick, that’s not what I mean. I-I don’t get it. You’re a genius, how did you struggle?”
Rick shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. 
“I didn’t like the way they treated me, like I was an annoyance, or a pity project, or a problem. They didn’t get me, I didn’t get them. They wanted me to do things the way they wanted, when they wanted. I didn’t like that. If they thought I was too smart to be struggling, they didn’t believe me, thought I was just being difficult. If they just saw me as a problem, they didn’t believe I was smart enough to do things myself or make my own decisions. I-I had to constantly act, just so they’d believe I was competent. It’s tiring, pretending to be someone you’re not all day, everyday, just to be treated like anyone else. I got tired of it, left so I could be with people who didn’t care what I did.”
Somewhere in his story, Rick realises his hands have curled into balls and his leg is bouncing. He pulls out his flask and swigs from it, partially for the enticing numbness promised by the alcohol, but mostly to give himself time to rein in his emotions before continuing.
“Out there in space, Morty, they don’t care. They don’t even know what a human is, let alone how humans should act. I-i-if an alien thinks you’re weird because you breathe oxygen and have hair, they don’t give a shit if you flap your hands o-or don’t know when it’s your turn to speak o-o-or whatever.”
“So I can only be normal to people who already think my species is weird enough that they have no idea what I’m supposed to behave like?” Morty responds despondently.
“No, Morty, I’m saying it doesn’t matter. You can do whatever you want, be whoever you want.”  
Morty doesn’t respond to that, and Rick remains silent. Eventually, Morty speaks up.
“I-I always knew I was different, y’know? I could never make friends or-or understand things as easy as other kids could. But hearing my teacher talk about me like there was something wrong with me… it made it real.”
Morty’s words choke themselves into silence as he ends the sentence. Rick can’t reply, emotions hijacking his brain. He pulls Morty back into a hug instead. After a moment, Morty continues, his voice quiet and muffled against Rick’s shoulder.
“A-and I know I’m not smart like you, or Mom, or Summer, and I thought that if you knew there was something wrong with me… you might not take me on adventures anymore. Or you might get a new Morty instead. One that’s not… broken.”
“Hey, stop that.” Rick scolds Morty, shaking him gently. “You’re not broken, OK? Neither of us are.” 
“Y-you mean it, Rick?”
“Course I do, buddy.”
Morty nestles into him even closer and Rick feels his grip tighten without meaning to.
“Thank you.” he hears Morty mumble, so quietly he almost can’t hear it.
After a while, Morty loosens his grip and Rick responds in kind. Morty pulls back to wipe at his eyes before his stomach growls loudly.
“Oh. I guess I should eat, huh?” he chuckles sheepishly.
Both of their gazes turn simultaneously to the plate of food on Morty’s desk. Rick has to admit, it wasn’t the best even when it was fresh, but after sitting out for a while it looks outright unappetising.
“You wanna go to that place we found on Epsilon 12?” he finds himself offering.
“Really?” Morty asks, finally seeming to perk up.
“Sure thing, buddy.”
Rick rests a hand on Morty’s shoulder as he shoots a portal and guides his grandson through it. It might be too late to shield Morty from discrimination completely, but he resolves to try his best anyway.
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