#she tries to stop rick from leaving by saying he’ll be killing her AGAIN. but accepts it with no other comment when he picks morty
fearhole · 6 months
i would love to learn more about diane from beth’s pov. almost everything we know about her comes from one rick or another, and before this it was all through the lens of trauma and grief. we know her as the lost wife but i want to know about her as a mother, i want to know about the versions of her that raised beth alone after their rick left.
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 10 months
Oooh I just spotted the character headcanons! So, for Rick Flag how about: ☆ ♦ ▼
Oh yay!!! Thank you for the ask, Katy!!! I absolutely ADORE doing HCs and as you know I've been in my Rick feels again lately 😘 I hope you enjoy these!
Happy Rick Headcannon:
Rick doesn’t get along with most people (at least not right off the bat), but he absolutely adores dogs. He has never met one he didn’t like.
He was never allowed to have a dog growing up because he moved so often and they were never sure if their new place would allow animals. Then while in the Army, he is gone so often it's not fair to keep a dog in a kennel for that long. However, he sets up an arrangement with his elderly neighbor once he gets his more stable position at Belle Reve where whenever he is home, he walks her dog for her. He makes it seem like he is doing it to be nice and help her out but in reality, it is one of the simple pleasures he enjoys in life and is almost therapeutic for all the terrible stuff he experiences in his job.
Rick Hobbies Headcannon:
Rick is one of those people when he has free time he is either extremely active and moving non-stop or he is horizontal on the couch all day with a bag of chips and six beers. 
On days where he is active, he usually gets up just before dawn and goes for a brief three-mile run. Then he grabs a quick breakfast that he can eat on the go and depending on where he is located at the moment, he’ll seek out some sort of recreational activity. When he is in DC or anywhere close to the ocean, he spends most of the day at the beach surfing or swimming. When he’s in the mountains and it’s snowy, he goes snowboarding or skiing. Just things that keep both his body and mind active and distracted from the mental and physical toll he’s taken from his latest mission.
On the days where he finally hits the wall and decides to rest, he barely moves the entire day. The extent of his walking is from the bed to the couch to the bathroom to the couch to the refrigerator to the couch to the front door for his food delivery to the couch to bed. He uses this time to catch up on sports he DVRed while he was gone (mostly football) or binge some trashy reality shows. Sometimes when Harley is out of prison, he invites her over and they commentate the latest episodes of the Real Housewives or The Bachelor. 
Rick Childhood Headcannon:
Rick is fourth generation military so when he was young, he moved around a lot as his father was deployed to different places. While most of the time it was different locations in the southern US (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, etc), he also lived in Germany and Italy for a short time. It taught him to absorb as much as he could from his environment while he could while also not getting too attached to the people around him because he would be leaving again soon anyway (something that made him initially standoffish with the ever-shifting members of Task Force X years later). 
Rick admired his father and viewed him as an American hero who he strived to be like one day, but his mother was his whole world. Because his father was gone so much, his mother was basically a single mom for long stretches of time. She couldn’t have a career of her own with all their constant moving at a moment's notice, so she would find retail or waitress jobs where ever they ended up (Rick loved whenever she worked as a waitress because she would always sneak him home some food at the end of her shifts). Even at a young age, Rick realized how hard his mother worked to keep things going and she never complained when his father came home to say they were moving again, so he always tried to do whatever he could to make life easier for her whether that was cleaning the house, doing the grocery shopping, cooking meals, etc. 
Rick’s father was killed in action when he was 14. Because of this, he was given a scholarship from the government to go to a prestigious military school for all of high school. He almost turned it down because he felt guilty leaving his mother all alone, but she knew how much Rick wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps so she insisted he go. He came back to see her every chance he could (vacations, summers, etc) and she was there in the front row when he graduated at the top of his class a few years later. 
Headcannon Meme
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Inspired by a recent discovery regarding Barbara and a sniper rifle (I can send pics if you wanna see) who do you see among bat affiliates as most likely to kill, or if they have, kill again?
ANYWAY, let’s go ahead and just leave Jason as a free space.
I’m going to break this up into Batfam Who Have Killed (And How Likely They Are To Kill Again), and Batfam Who Haven’t Killed (And How Likely They Are To Do So).
(Also, sticking with the usual “core,” minus Jay for obvious reasons, so—Alfred, Bruce, Barbara, Dick, Cass, Steph, Tim, and Damian.)
(I’m also leaving Duke off because I just don’t know much about his character, I still have so many arcs to catch up on.)
Batfam Who Have Killed (And How Likely They Are To Kill Again)
Alfred is number one on the list. He’ll straight up kill people (his weapon of choice is a goddamn SHOTGUN) and pretty much only holds back out of consideration for Bruce.
Next up I’d say Damian, because, as per the recent Robin series, he’s pretty much Krombopulos Mike from Rick and Morty (he just loves killin). Granted, he knows killing is bad and yadda yadda, but…kid wants to cut loose, and he’s good at it. Also, he’s trying to figure out his “thing.”
Third is Dick, in this category because he did, canonically, kill the Joker. Honestly, metatextually, I don’t think Dick is going to kill anyone again (even if Batman can bring them back to life). I think he’s become too “core” to the entire Batman ethos. (Hence why he keeps being chosen to kill Batman in the horror elseworlds, lol.) On a character level, I think Dick would absolutely kill again, BUT I think it would be less of a “I am choosing this” the way I see Alfred (and could see Damian) doing it, and more of an act of desperation or intense stress.
Fourth is Cass. OUTSIDE OF SOME HORRIBLE OOC BITS WE DON’T TALK ABOUT, Cass is the Batfam member who most believes in Batman’s No Killing philosophy. It’s not an optics things for her, or because it’s Batman’s rules, or about a symbol…she genuinely, whole-heartedly believes that killing is wrong. (But she did kill a guy so she goes in this category.)
Okay, now…
Batfam Who Haven’t Killed (And How Likely They Are To Do So)
Okay, possibly controversial, I’m going to put Tim as number one, for two reasons.
One—Captain Boomerang Death Trap.
Two—In the Robins mini he argues for letting the guy died who killed his mom and paralyzed his dad. It turns out to be (*sigh*) someone disguised as him, BUT their deception was based on Tim’s psychological profile, so even Tim’s like “Yeah, no, I probs woulda done the same thing, lol.”
So, yeah, Tim can definitely get pushed too far.
Next is Barbara! She’s actively associated with heroes who kill, her thoughts when Dick killed the Joker were “idk, maybe he shoulda stayed dead…would that’ve been bad…???” She’s the one I can most see choosing to kill someone as part of her philosophy, but she’s never put anyone in a death trap, so she’s second.
Third is Steph. Mostly because she’s one of the least likely Batfam members to completely fucking lose it, and I can’t see her taking up killing as an active philosophy. (Even outside of the fact that she believes in the Bat, I think if she were on the edge, she wouldn’t want to damage her relationship with Cass.)
Finally, there’s Bruce. Okay, this one is tricky because, on the one hand, Bruce is never going to outright kill someone in the actual canon continuity. It’s just not going to happen.
On the OTHER hand, he’s tried to kill people multiple times(!!!)—both in a “I’m making the active choice to kill this person” way AND a “heat of the moment” kind of way—and only been stopped by circumstances/other Batfam members.
So, metatextually, he’s last in this category, because it just won’t happen. On a character level, he’s first, because Bruce Wayne is like…constantly one ill-timed Kick Me sign away from finally going ape shitt.
Everyone, please feel free to disregard if it doesn’t line up with your thoughts, and apologies if I left out stuff from canon that would have impacted the list—see note above about Duke and being behind on reading.
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sanzoumon · 3 years
Seriously, if you wanna write any of these just go for it and then let me know. Spoilers for S5E10. Some are more gen but could also be shippy, smut encouraged but optional. All of these are definitely bottom!Morty btw. Others are straight up smut.
Non-rickorty prompts (really just Morty x Summer) are are the bottom.
Trapped on what remains of the Citadel, Rick confesses that he recently realized he’s in love with Morty and that he wants to be by Morty’s side forever - in whatever way Morty wants (as in be it romantic, familial, platonic, whatever, it’s Morty’s choice). How does Morty feel and what will he decide?
After the whole Planetina thing Morty gets much needed comfort from Beth. Tho he feels better after that, Morty feels the overwhelming need to be with Rick. As it happens, after that whole ordeal with Daphne, Rick feels an overwhelming need to be with Morty. Bedsharing and comfort ensue.
Morty notices that ever since the Citadel was destroyed, Rick’s been way more physically affectionate. Little touches, petting his hair, hugging, casually rubbing soothing circles on him when they relax, wanting to cuddle, affectionate kisses, handholding, even nuzzling him. Morty likes it. A LOT.
In a rare moment of relaxation, Rick and Morty snuggling up together, they share a kiss. Both are shocked but then immediately begin an intense make-out session.
Rick wants to make up for his prior mistreatment of Morty. Morty asks for something be never expected: A kiss. And Morty means a full on kiss - tongue included. Who is Rick to deny him?
Rick and Morty have a rather intense incest kink. Lots of dirty talk.
Morty finds out that Rick has feelings for him. Rick freaks out, feels like a piece of shit, and tries to run away. Morty stops him, clings to him, begs Rick to calm down and to not leave him. Rick is practically hysterical, Morty gets him to shut up and calm down the only way he can - a kiss.
Morty preys on Rick’s guilt for having mistreated Morty in the past by guilting him into having sex. Morty knows Rick doesn’t want it, but he’ll do anything Morty wants. Morty feels like shit doing this but he can’t get about of how good Rick feels inside him.
Morty royally screws up on an adventure, almost getting himself killed, and Rick opts for a good ol fashioned punishment - a bare bottom spanking. Aftercare happens because Rick was terrified for Morty and needs him to understand this is why he spanked him.
Rick suffers from Domdrop after a really emotionally intense session with Morty. Morty provides Rick with the aftercare he needs.
The family finds out about Rick and Morty’s relationship. Shocking everyone, it’s Beth who attacks Rick square in a blind rage. The whole time Morty is begging her to stop hurting Rick, who doesn’t even try to defend himself, and it’s Jerry and Summer who have to hold her back so she’ll actually listen to Morty.
Rick and Morty get married at the alien equivalent of Las Vegas. Summer was a witness and recorded the whole thing.
In another dimension it’s considered a rite of passage for a boy to have sex with the household patriarch when he turns 14. Morty never felt the need to do that but then Rick comes along and says that’s because Jerry wasn’t man enough to do it, so Rick takes it upon himself to do so.
Morty is attracted to Rick specifically because Rick is a dirty old man.
On the Citadel, some Morty’s are bred purely to be sex slaves for Rick’s. Bred to be more compliant, submissive, and who love Rick’s unconditionally no matter how badly they mistreat them.
Rick and Morty have an emotionally incestuous relationship. Basically: “when a parent or caregiver relies on a child for the support that an adult partner would usually provide. They may also treat the child like a romantic partner.”
Morty deliberately gets himself into trouble on adventures because Rick will, out of worry and adrenaline pumping through him, fuck Morty afterward like an animal. Like a twisted version of “glad to be alive sex”.
Rick and Morty have to hide in a tight fitting enclosed space while facing each other. Awkward boners and grinding / dry humping ensue.
Omegavese. Morty goes into heat and Rick knocks him up. It wouldn’t be so bad if Rick wasn’t seriously turned on by Morty being pregnant with his baby.
Omegaverse. Unclaimed Omega’s have it rough and are constant targets for harassment. One day Morty gets assaulted by some Alpha’s at school and before they’re able to violate and claim him, Rick shows up and makes them wish they were never born. Morty knew right then that Rick was his Alpha and begs for Rick to claim him.
Rookie Cop Rick x Cop Morty. Rick likes how chubby Morty is.
Toxic Rick x Toxic Morty. They’re both made up of the irrational attachments they have for each other. Without their healthier selves to reign them in they can’t keep their hands off each other. Basically, in between all the science, Toxic Rick fucks Toxic Morty and Toxic Morty can’t get enough of just how much Rick loves him.
Evil Rick x Evil Morty. Sometimes Morty lets Rick have control of himself again just so Rick will rape him like he used to before Morty took control.
Morty’s fantasy is for Rick to fuck him against his will while Morty cries and begs Rick to stop. Rick can’t deny Morty his perverted fantasy.
Rick goes on a rampage to save Morty and, by the time all is said and done, Rick is mildly wounded and is practically drenched in the blood of his enemy. And it’s the hottest thing Morty has ever seen in his life. Morty wants Rick to fuck him right then and there, raw and primal, using the blood as lube.
Morty’s just so small and cute. Rick loves it a little too much.
Rick loves to degrade and humiliate Morty in bed. Morty loves it too.
Breeding kink. They like to pretend Morty can actually get pregnant when they have sex.
Summer asks Rick to shrink her giant space incest baby down to normal baby size. Everyone tries to talk her out of it because she’s young and not ready to raise a baby, but she knows she can’t live without him and that she wants this.
Morty x Summer. It may have been under very weird circumstances but fact is they have a baby together. Summer says she doesn’t expect anything from Morty and is cool with it, but Morty wants to be involved. Raising a kid together can make you feel things you never expected to feel.
Morty x Summer. Morty liked attractive redheads and Summer is no exception.
Morty x Summer. After everything they’ve seen and done, sex with each other to relieve stress isn’t that noteworthy.
Morty x Summer. Summer is humiliated that she actually enjoys being fucked by her little brother. Worse yet, Morty knows it and taunts her with it while fucking her. Worst of all, him doing that makes it even better for her.
Morty x Summer. Set during the time Rick was in prison. They’re always fighting lately, sometimes to the point of physical aggression. One thing leads to another.
Morty & Summer. After the whole Morty Jr. thing, Morty isn’t sure he wants to be a dad again. But Summer is worn ragged with school, taking care of their recently-shrunk-to-normal-size space baby, and their family giving her crap for raising him instead of leaving him in space. And, well, he is responsible for the kid existing in the first place. Basically they raise their baby together.
Summer sees Morty getting picked on at school and she ends up beating up his bully half to death.
Morty x Summer. Something happens and they end up bound together face to face with Morty’s head buried in Summer’s boobs. They’re so big and soft that he gets aroused in spite of himself. Summer feels it, insults him like expected, but tells him just to hurry up and get rid of it by grinding against her thigh so they can start pretending this whole thing never happened sooner.
And that’s all I got for now, folks! I know it’s a long list and it’s all over the place but I have so many ideas in my head and the S5 finale just sent my imagination into overdrive.
So please, if you’re a writer, I hope these prompts inspire you. Let me know if you write anything, please!
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lololova · 3 years
Beyond the words - 47 reasons
Prompt: “Fic prompt I’m throwing out there: 47 Seconds arc - Beckett receives the DC job offer during the time Castle starts shutting her out.” Tweeted by @/bunysliper
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Until next time, xxxx
Kate Beckett looks down at her phone, still not sure if she should call or not. How is she supposed to make a decision like this? She thinks back to the conversation with the agent from F.B.I. who’d said she’d be a great addition to the bureau if she decided to make an appointment for a job interview. She thinks back to how badly she’d wanted to tell her partner but he’d been nowhere to be seen. She thinks back to the case and how he’d all of a sudden literally been nowhere to be found every time she wanted to discuss a new lead with him. She can’t stop thinking about the glances of - what? Hate? Disgust? - that he’s kept throwing at her the past week. And she can’t think of a reason why.
“It’s like he’s pulling away,” she’d told dr. Burke no more than a couple hours ago.
“What are you most afraid of Kate? That he won’t wait for you, or that he will?” he’d asked back and she’d held back a groan.
The therapist was of no use when it came to the talking about her partner. He never gave her a straight answer when she asked something. And today has been no different.
“Argh,” she groans as she once again puts away her phone. She wants to smash something, anything. But she also knows it won’t actually help.
One part of her just wants to make the call, do the interview, get the job, move and never look back ever again. But another part of her can’t even fathom the thought of leaving her partner to never see him again. Not when they were so close! Which brings her back to the constant thought screaming in her mind for the past week. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THEM?! Why has he pulled away? Why doesn’t he text her anymore? Why doesn’t he answer when she calls? Why is it killing her? You know why it kills you. She shrugs the voice away, tries to ignore it and pretends she didn’t hear it. But you did.
Kate feels the tears prickle her eyes as she picks up her phone once again. But instead of calling the DC-number she touches the screen until she has the photo of him covering the entire screen. It’s a photo she took not that long ago. She’d actually taken it without his knowledge, even though he’s staring at her she’d managed to take it without him figuring it was a photo she’d taken with her phone, and he just looked so relaxed and so in love with her that it made her sick to the stomach. He hasn’t been looking at her like that since their bomb case. What did she do?
Before she can do anything about it her cheeks are wet from the tears and she can’t stop the crying no matter how much she tries. Can’t stop feeling the pain of her heart aching inside her chest. It’s worse than she thought at first because suddenly it’s also hard to breathe. She tries taking deep, calming breaths, but she has a feeling it won’t help fully. What she needs is confirmation from her partner, any type of confirmation. She needs to know if he still loves her or if she’s screwed it up completely. Without thinking she’s calling his number, phone to ear as she hopes he’ll answer for once.
“Hi, you’ve reached Richard Castle. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now but please, leave a message after the beep.” Beep.
Kate doesn’t know what to say, and so she just hangs up. Instead she goes to messages, and starts to type one out. Before she knows it she’s clicked “sent” and can see the message turn delivered before freezing. She actually sent it.
-Please give me a reason to stay in NY.-
To her surprise he answers within seconds.
-What do you mean?-
She takes a deep breath before typing out a reply. -They want me to do a job interview in DC. And right now I can’t see a reason to stay.-
She waits patiently, hoping he will answer soon.
-What makes you think I have a reason? You’ll do whatever you want anyway.-
Ouch. She sighs, thinking about all the conversations she’s had with dr. Burke about her partner. -You’re the only reason I want to stay.- She writes it and sends it before she can regret anything.
When he still hasn’t answered after ten minutes she feels disappointment in the pit of her belly. She lets her phone fall out of her hands before she sets her steps towards her bathroom. Once in there she starts to strip her clothes off. If she showers it won’t be as obvious that she’s crying. He doesn’t want her anymore and he can’t even find the words to say it.
“What are you most afraid of Kate? That he won’t wait for you, or that he will?”
That he won’t, she decides. Everything had been going so great and she knows it’s her fault it’s all falling apart but she can’t for the life of her figure out what she did. It’s killing her not knowing, but she has a feeling that even if she’d get the courage to ask him she wouldn’t get an answer. She’d just get an “We’re fine”.
Kate’s so focused on her thoughts, on trying to calm down her crying and take deep breaths, that she doesn’t hear her phone ring. She doesn’t hear the knocking later on either. It’s not until she’s walking out of the bathroom in only a towel wrapped around her body that she’s realizing she’s not alone. When she sets her foot inside the living room she lets go of a yelp when she sees her partner stand by her front door.
“I-sorry! S-sparekey,” he says as he clenches his eyes shut. “You didn’t answer,” he adds and she holds the towel a little bit tighter around her.
“What are you doing here, Castle?” she questions with a hoarse voice. She hopes he doesn’t figure out it’s because of her crying.
She observes him as he puts his hands over his eyes as if he’s making sure he won’t accidentally look at her.
“You can’t leave New York,” he says and she feels her pulse quicken.
Is he going to say what she’s hoped for during the last week?
“Why not?”
“You’re needed here, your dad is here, Ryan and Espo are here. How are they going to keep their jobs if you’re not there to help them keep the closing rate up? You already have forty-seven reasons to stay so why did you send that text to me? I don’t mean anything to you so why send those texts to me?”
She takes a step back, what makes him think she doesn’t care for him? Again, what did she do?!
“What are you talking about?” she asks, her voice raspy and she can hear the desperation herself.
He sighs and she can tell he’s about as irritated with her as she is with him. Maybe even more. “Call your dad and ask him what to do, you listen more to him than me anyway.” He starts to turn around and she sees his hands go down to reach for her apartment door again.
Oh no. She’s not going to let him get away that easily. Not when he’s the one to come to her apartment. She takes quick steps to put herself in front of him, and therefore in front of the door, blocking his way out. And she’s suddenly well aware of their height difference.
“What are you doing?” he asks and she sees his widened eyes flinch down to her chest before they focus on her eyes.
“What did I do?” she asks, emotion raw in her voice without her intention.
She’s standing here, right in front of him, literally open and naked. Completely vulnerable. With only a towel separating his eyes from seeing her body, her scar.
“Nothing, let…”
“No.” She stops him by putting one hand on his chest. “Don’t lie to me. Castle, I’m… sick and tired of this behavior! Rick, just tell me what I did to make you hate me so much!” she can’t stop the anger and frustration and pain from starting to spill from her eyes as she starts sobbing again. And here she thought she didn’t have any more tears.
She hides her face behind her hands, grateful she’d fastened the towel before she went out to the living room. Her knees start to give out and so she simply lets them, slowly moving down to a seated position on the floor. She’s not sure what she’s supposed to do, if she’s supposed to do anything else.
“Beckett?” she hears his hoarse voice ask before he clears his throat. “Kate, what… what’s going on?”
She shakes her head, she can’t form words anymore. She’s just focusing on her breathing and her attempts to stop the breakdown she’s feeling. Why is this happening right in front of him?
“Hey,” she feels his hands land on her shoulders, his thumbs electrifying against her naked skin. “Deep breaths, Kate, deep breaths,” he says in a slow soothing voice which she finally recognizes as his. The real him.
And so she does what he says, she starts taking deeper breaths to calm herself down. He keeps mumbling the mantra as she feels her body start to relax and find strength again. When she’s breathing normally again she feels his hands let go of her as he’s slumping down on the floor in front of her. She carefully looks through her lashes to glance at him.
“You okay?” he asks when his blue eyes meet hers.
She bites her lower lip before she shakes her head slightly. “No,” she tells him honestly. “One part of me wants to take that job interview to get away from you.”
He gulps. “And the other part?” he asks carefully.
She takes in a shaky breath. “One part of me… just wants… you.” She just whispers the last word, too scared to say it too loud. She’s still scared he’ll leave her and never talk to her again.
“I don’t think I can do this partnership anymore, if you only want me as a partner in crime I… I don’t think I can do it,” he tells her and she feels her insides clench.
“What do you mean? I don’t only want you at the precinct,” she whispers as she looks up at him.
He’s avoiding her eyes, concentrating on the fiddling of a piece of the rug that’s been crippled for months now.
“I heard you,” he confesses and she wrinkles her forehead. “In interrogation you told a suspect you remember everything from your shooting. You heard me telling you that I…” he sighs, “that I love you. And I assumed the reason you haven’t told me is because you don’t feel the same way. I can’t…”
Kate shakes her head violently. “No, that’s not… I was not ready to… hear it or deal with my feelings for you just yet.”
He looks up at her and she looks down as her hand runs through her hair, only to stay at her forehead, leaning against it.
“Your feelings?” he asks and she nods.
“I like you Castle,” she confesses. “I really like you. And the thought of losing you…” she has to stop to try and get the lump down her throat as she sniffs. “Just tell me now if it’s too late for us, because I can’t… I can’t…”
She feels her eyes tearing up again and isn’t able to stop them from going down her cheeks. She knows she won’t be able to talk without breaking down again.
“I still love you, I’ve tried not to but I do,” Castle confesses and Kate feels her heart skip a beat before her insides start to melt with relief.
Without missing another beat she crawls over to him and throws her arms around his neck in a hug. She’s surprised to find herself falling as he’s losing his balance, ending with Kate laying on top of him with his arms around the middle of her body.
“Sorry,” she mutters but doesn’t move away. In fact, she snuggles even closer with her head into his neck.
She hears him gulp as his hands don’t seem to know where to stay on her back. That’s when she realizes she’s still in her towel. Only her towel. She starts to roll off of him, carefully placing her hands to keep the towel from falling off. As soon as she’s off she’s sitting up, eyes on him as he, too, sits up.
“Sorry, I should probably go… get dressed,” she says with a blush exploding on her cheeks. “Will you stay?”
He nods without a word and she has a feeling it’s because he’s surprised about everything. She moves to stand and goes to her bedroom, quickly putting on some clothes, including some black yoga pants and a gray N.Y.P.D. shirt. She picks up the speed as her mind starts to wonder if he’ll actually stay or if he might’ve changed his mind and gone again without saying anything. What if he decides it was a bad idea coming here? The second her shirt is on she’s leaving her towel on the ground to go and find out if her partner is still here. When she returns to the living area she does find him in her kitchen, brewing coffee for the two of them. He looks up at her almost immediately, as if he can feel her coming into the room, or he just heard her.
“You stayed,” she breathes out in relief and he nods.
“I made coffee,” he says as he pours the black beverage into two cups. “Figured we could use some if we’re going to talk.”
“Yeah,” she says in a breath as she nods. “Good thinking.”
As she comes closer he holds out one of the cups for her to take and she accepts it with a smile and a thanks. Once he has his own cup in his hand she’s gesturing towards the couch and they both go there to sit down.
“So,” he says as she takes a sip of her coffee, “you’ve gotten a job offer in D.C.?”
She feels a blush come on. “It’s only an interview, but yeah,” she says.
“And you’re planning on…?” he asks and she looks at him with fear in her eyes.
“No,” she quickly says. “I want… I want to be with you, I want you. I don’t want to leave, I don’t want our partnership to fall apart.”
“I don’t want it to, either,” he says and she smiles. “But,” he says and her smile falters a bit, “does this mean you’re willing to give us a chance?”
She bites her lip as she looks down in her coffee for a second before he looks up again to meet his eyes. “Yes.”
“Good,” he mumbles as he takes another sip from his coffee but keeps his eyes set on hers.
She licks her lower lip and sees his eyes spark in that way they usually do when she flirts with him, or he observes her and she does those little extra teasing acts she does sometimes. Now that she knows he still loves her, she can’t help but feel the want to tease him even more. She pulls up her knees on the couch, setting her arms around them with her cup on top in order to take sips a bit now and then.
“So, do you want to stay for the night?” she asks, stretching her foot towards him to nudge his thigh with her toes.
His eyes widen a bit before they narrow with his lips turning into a smirk. His free hand, the one that doesn’t still hold his cup to his lips, sneaks down and lets his fingers run up and down her foot, making her shiver.
“If you allow me to, I will,” he promises in that deep voice he’s used so many times without even knowing the effect it has on her. He will soon.
She nods, taking the last sip of her coffee before setting the cup on her coffee table. His soon joins hers and she locks eyes with him as soon as his fingers climb from her foot to her knee along with his body growing closer to her. She sits up and meets his lips halfway, the kiss a lot more passionate than either of them had intended. Probably because of all the tension between them that went unanswered for so long. Too long. His hand on her leg doesn’t stop at her knee but keeps stroking its way up to the hem of her shirt where it continues to slide under to end up at her hip, his hand slightly touching her naked skin at the hem of her yoga pants. She gasps at the feel of his thumb stroking her skin and his mouth immediately takes advantage of her parting lips by letting his tongue find hers. As his taste fills her senses she finds herself moaning and one of her hands lands on his cheek, her fingertips moving into his hair as she holds him close. She deepens the kiss which makes him groan with her and she smiles at that, their lips pulling apart.
“Thank you for coming tonight,” she whispers against his lips, her fingers caressing his scalp.
He pulls slightly back in order to look at her and he smiles. She giggles when he kisses her nose carefully. “Always,” he says their promise to her and she feels such relief to hear it once again.
She runs her teeth on her lower lip again as she lets go of his cheek to reach for his hand, intertwining their fingers. “I’m staying,” she says and sees his eyes fill with relief of its own. “I can’t say it just yet but I really want you. Just you.”
“I understand,” he assures her and she nods.
“Good,” she mumbles before she stands up and pulls him with her. “What do you say we go to bed?”
He smirks, but it’s so much more than just a smirk. “Lead the way.”
And so she does. And she doesn’t regret sending that text, desperately needing a reason to stay. She didn’t need the 47 other reasons he suggested she had, she only needed one. Him. And looks like she got it.
The end
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Vows Pt.1
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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Series Summary: 
The last battle with Negan doesn’t go as it should, with Negan coming on top, and so reader, Daryl’s girlfriend, offers herself as a wife to Negan if he doesn’t kill Daryl or anyone else. Negan accepts, he won’t kill anyone but will take reader as a wife, and he’ll take Daryl and some of the others to the Sanctuary as prisoners, promising not to hurt anyone if reader is one of his wives and the communities work for him.
This has both flashbacks to reader and Daryl’s story since meeting to now, and the present with reader living at the Sanctuary as a wife, trying to keep Daryl and their people safe, and she and the other wives dealing with Negan, plotting... (This is not a Negan x reader fic!)
N/A: I wrote several chapters of this months ago (Before 10C...) , but never felt like posting them once the show came back (and saddened me), and so I kept them for myself. But here’s the first chapter I wrote, in case any of you might be interested in reading this.
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Everything was wrong.
You were supposed to win this.
You all had gone to fight Negan and his Saviors even if neither of you were sure about being able to come on top, wondering if you all were going there to die, trying to make use of Dwight’s intel…only to find that Negan had used him, misleading you all, right to an ambush, towards which seemed almost the whole group of Saviors aiming at you, and it was a big, huge group.
Daryl had stepped in front of you as if he could shield you, before you could do the same for him, while Negan made one of those stupid speeches of him and berated Rick…Daryl got his rifle ready and so did you, if you were going to die, you’d die fighting and putting down as many Saviors as you could.
But then, something had happened. The guns of the saviors had malfunctioned, exploding on the Savior’s hands, hurting them. It seemed that Eugine had done something to those, judging by the punch that one of the Saviors gave him. You all had taken advantage of it and of the distraction that it created, and for a moment, you had dared to have hope, to believe that you could win this…
You couldn’t. Maybe in another universe, but not in this one.
There had been too many saviors who hadn’t used those manipulated guns, gunning down your friends and people, until Rick called to a stop, and you weren’t sure if the Saviors weren’t just going to just shoot you all dead, but Negan called to a stop too.
So there you were now, on your knees, next to Daryl and your people, both dead and alive, while Negan walked around you all, grinning and swinging that barbed bat, while the Saviors pointed guns at you all. It reminded you of your first encounter with Negan, which you had survived…you supposed you wouldn’t survive this one…you looked around at your defeated friends, feeling like crying, but you wouldn’t give those assholes that satisfaction.
“You all have balls, I give you that,” Negan was again talking, you knew by now that he loved to hear himself speaking. “But you all are idiots. This could have worked, we all could have been happily together, but of fucking course, Rick here had to do something and lead you all with him, and now, people have to die.”
Negan had stopped in front of Rick, and he placed his bat under his chin, the spikes digging into Rick’s skin, drawing blood as he made him lift his head to look at him. “Look at you. You didn’t have enough getting Carl killed, now you are going to get all these people killed too.”
Rick lost it at that, trying to get up, growling, trying to throw himself at Negan, which seemed to be what that asshole was expecting and hoping. He hit the head of the bat onto Rick’s stomach, not hard enough to hurt him badly, but enough to leave a bruise and to knock the air out of his lungs and send him to the ground with a grunt as he tried to recover his breath.
You heard Michonne and Daryl growl next to you and you shook your head at them, terrified of them trying something and Negan killing them right there, you thought he might kill you all either way, probably, but if there was a chance of some of your friend not dying, you’d do whatever you could to ensure it.
Negan noticed it, giving you a smug smile before he looked at Michonne, the smile turning into a full grin while Michonne glared at him, looking just a second away from trying to cut Negan into pieces with her katana, but finally reaching to help Rick instead.
Then, Negan stopped in front of Daryl, and dread filled you. “Look at this…my escaped, feral, stupid dog…” He grinned, lifting Daryl’s head with the bat like he had done with Rick, though Daryl’s eyes were still low.
You knew how the time that Daryl had to spend tortured at the Sanctuary had traumatized him, and now you could see it right there in front of you, how Daryl was looking, so defeated and done. You hated it.
“Well, dog…you’ve been a bad boy.” Negan pressed the bat harder into Daryl’s skin, drawing blood, and you dig your nails into your palms to stop yourself from doing or saying anything. “I’m going to take you back home to your kennel and I’m going to show you what happens to bad dogs that run away, and it won’t be only like what I did to Dwight.”
Negan threatened with that grin still on his face, but Daryl did nothing, still seeming so defeated, he didn’t move or made a sound while Negan ran the bat from his chin down his neck and to his shoulder, the spikes scratching the skin, creating blood patters, and you almost couldn’t control yourself at that.
Negan stepped back, signaling to some saviors to go and grab Daryl to take him back to the Sanctuary, and sure, it was good that he wasn’t going to kill him, but you couldn’t deal with Daryl being taken prisoner again, to that place that had traumatized him, to be tortured in an even worse way until he died or Negan got bored and killed him…no, you couldn’t let Daryl go through that, you couldn’t…
“Wait!” You jumped onto your feet, startling everyone, and Daryl, who hadn’t moved a muscle for himself, seemed to try to go to you, eyes betraying how scared he was, but the Saviors were already holding him back.
“Someone wants to die first.” Negan turned to face you, bat ready.
“No, no, wait, wait! Please, please!” You begged, holding your hands in front of you and dropping onto your knees again, in front of him, ready to beg on your knees if that’s what it took to save Daryl, hoping like hell that Negan wasn’t just going to bash your head, but he stopped the bat right on time. “You want wives, right? That’s what you do with women, yeah?” You said, voice shaking, you had heard about that. “I’ll do it. I’ll be your wife!” You heard Daryl struggling, but you didn’t look back at him, eyes on Negan.
“Well, now, now, now…look at that…” Negan chuckled, giving you a smug smile while he twirled his bat. “Someone’s throwing herself at me with open arms and open legs to save her pretty neck.” You bit your tongue at that. “Sure…why not, it’d be less wasteful than killing you. Alright, sweetheart, deal, you can come with us.” He nodded to the Saviors behind him.
“What the hell are you doin’?!” You heard Daryl’s yelling, and you wondered if he thought that you were betraying them or if he knew what you were trying to do. You ventured a look at him and you saw it in his eyes, he knew what you were doing, and he was not having it. You knew he wouldn’t have let you do this, that he’d have gotten himself killed to stop it, and you were glad for the Saviors who were holding him back as he struggled.
You saw some of your friends looking at you like they wanted to do something, whether they thought that you were betraying them or knew what you had in mind. But after what had happened in your first encounter with Negan, everyone seemed not to want to risk it, doing nothing, and you were glad of it. You didn’t want to turn this into an even bigger blood bath.
“Poor doggy…” Negan taunted Daryl while the Saviors who were holding him threw him to the ground when he kept struggling and cursing, holding his arms behind his back, tying them and pinning him to the ground, from where he looked at you, scared and desperate, and you couldn’t keep looking at him. “His girl stepping out of him…don’t blame her, she’s a smart girl.”
You got up again, looking at Negan trying not to let your anger get the best of you, you wanted to solve this, not make it worse. “I’ll marry you,” you repeated. “But you won’t kill any of these people. That’s the deal.”
Negan looked you up at down as if surveying you, a smirk growing on his face. “That’s a shitty deal, don’t you think? I let everyone live while getting one single wife? Half of the people here should be proposing to me so I let the other half live.” Negan waved the bat around as he chuckled.
Well, damn. This wasn’t going as you had hoped. “I…I can be a handful,” you said, giving thanks for whatever had made you come with a quick answer that seemed to amuse Negan.
“I see…” Negan seemed to survey you again.
“Nobody dies, they keep working for you, and I marry you and do whatever you get those women doing for you,” you said, trying not to shudder. “Seems like a pretty good deal, if you ask me.”
“Well…” Negan looked from you to Daryl, who was struggling on the ground, pointing his bat at him. “I should ask him if it’s a good deal. Is it worth, doggy? Letting all your sorry asses live…just so I can have a piece of that ass?” Negan seemed thoroughly amused with himself and he slapped your butt, making you gasp in surprise, which seemed to amuse him more.
“You don’t fuckin’ it touch her!” Daryl growled, trying to get up, but Saviors kept holding him down, shoving him back to the ground roughly. “Don’t touch her!”
“Oh, it seems I’m going to be touching my new bride a lot...” Negan was enjoying this, that much was obvious, his hand was back on your butt, and you summoned all your willpower to not slap him, before he looked at you. “Okay, darling. We got a deal.” Despite the situation, despite what you were walking yourself into, you were so relieved at those words that you could cry. “Get him into the truck,” he told to the saviors who were holding Daryl, and they lifted him from the ground, trying to drag him and hitting a rifle into his stomach when he kept growling and struggling.
You looked at Negan at that, stopping your impulse of throwing yourself at the Saviors who were hurting Daryl. “What?! I’m marrying you! We have a deal!”
“Yes, sweetheart, we have.” Negan grinned at you. “You marry me, I don’t kill him, but he’s coming with us to the Sanctuary, his cage is waiting for him.”
“No! You-”
“You rather have me killing him right here, right now?” Negan threatened, pointing his bat to Daryl, and you shook your head quick. “Then he’s coming back to the Sanctuary, and I promise you, dear bride, I won’t kill him.”
You hated that Daryl was going back to that damn place, but it didn’t seem like you could get anything better, and you couldn’t let Negan kill him, so you nodded. “You won’t torture him. That’s part of the deal.”
“A little demanding, aren’t you?” Negan told you, sounding amused, before he turned his smug grin to Daryl. “Is she like this in bed, too?” Daryl growled, struggling against the Saviors that held him, and he was hit again, to the face this time, and you winced, fighting against every fiber in your body that urged you to go help him. “I guess I’ll find out soon…I’m gonna be fucking your girl this night.”
Negan chuckled and Daryl struggled again, even if he looked defeated, his nose bleeding, and when his wet eyes looked at you, you almost break down. “Y/N. Don’t do this.”
“Don’t worry, Daryl.” Negan wrapped an arm around you and you almost shoved him out of instinct. “I’m going to be taking such good care of her.” Daryl struggled again, growling and yelling, only to be hit again and dragged towards a truck, and you tried your best not to cry, hoping that it would be the last time that Saviors hurt him, if Negan kept his part of the deal.
“Alright, darling…” Negan addressed you again, but he was looking at your people, not at you. “Nobody dies. But Daryl is not the only one we are taking with us.”  You didn’t say anything, it didn’t feel like you could do much else, and you hoped that being taken into the Sanctuary would be better than being dead…
“Those two backstabbing assholes.” Negan waved his bat towards Eugine and Dwight, and then to the truck. “Load them up…you’re gonna regret this.” Then, Negan crouched down in front of Rick, grabbing his chin and digging his fingers in his cheeks, making him look at him.
“Rick, listen to me, listen, okay?” He made Rick nod. “You’re coming with us, and you and I? We are going to have so much fun.”
“You can’t torture him, that’s part of the deal!” You rushed to say. “Not killing, not torturing!”
Negan looked at you without letting go of Rick. “I wonder if I’m going to regret marrying you soon…” You didn’t know if that was a threat or not, but he went back to look at Rick, turning his head to make him look at Michonne.
“I’m leaving your woman here, okay, Rick?” He made him nod again. “So she can be in charge of Alexandria and make sure everything is going nice and smooth, and if any of you cross me again, if anyone gives any trouble, I’ll cut something off Rick and deliver it to you,” Negan told to Michonne, smiling in that menacing way. “Starting with his cock in case you’ll be missing it. Got it?”
Michonne nodded curtly and Negan smiled before waving at his Saviors, who tied Rick’s arms like they had done to the others and dragged him to the truck, while Negan walked your people’s line up and down again.
“You…” He pointed his bat at Maggie. “You’re pregnant…and I think that could become much of a fuss, you're staying…unless…” Negan grinned and you didn’t like it. “Unless you’re looking for a new baby daddy?”
You wanted to kill Negan at that, and for sure, Maggie wanted to. You had seen her angry and murderous before, but nothing like that. She growled, trying to get up and go for Negan, but Michonne was fast, reaching for her, making her kneel again, holding her and struggling to keep her in place.
Negan didn’t do anything, though, just turned to look at you, seeming amused, and he seemed to wait for you to snap again, as if trying to get a reaction out of you, but you didn’t, and so he kept walking, stopping in front of Carol and Ezekiel, studying them. “You.” He pointed the bat at Ezekiel. “I want you to meet my kingdom now.” Negan chuckled and Ezekiel just nodded while the Saviors tied his arms and made them get up. You weren’t sure if Carol was going to do something, but Jerry reached out to hold her arm, and she stayed silent and unmoving.
“You.”  Negan stopped in front of Aaron and you couldn’t help yourself.
“No, not him! He has a baby to take care of…please?” You tried, Negan seemed to like it when you begged, and so he nodded.
“Alright…wedding gift…” He chuckled before pointing his back to Rosita. “You…unless you want to marry me too, sweetheart? I saw the way you were looking at me in Alexandria once.” Negan grinned, winking, and Rosita stayed silent. “No? Okay…load her up…also, you.” He pointed the bat at Gabriel this time. “You and I aren’t done speaking, Gabby…and I’m gonna need more absolution.” He chuckled.
Once the Saviors had dragged Rosita and Gabriel to the truck, Negan kept walking around your people, twirling his bat. “I know that you all have at least a doctor with you…Come out, come out, wherever you are…” Siddiq got up at that and Negan grinned menancly at him. “You work for me now, got it?” He asked, and Siddiq nodded in silence. “Good boy, come on, get yourself in one of those trucks.”
Once Siddiq had been scorted to another truck, Negan looked at everyone else again.
“Okay…okay, I think that’s enough for now…Now I want you all to bury all these people that you got killed, and you go back to work, getting stuff for me, and you all better fucking behave for now on, are we clear? Or not even…what was your name, darling?” He turned to look at you again.
“Or not even Y/N’s sweet piece of ass is going to stop me from sending you parts of the people that I have in that van.” He waved the bat towards it. “And coming back for more. Got it? I want you all to say: yes, Negan, now.”
“Yes, Negan.” There was a chore of angry, defeated, mournful voices, and Negan’s smug smile was back on his face. You resisted the urge to scoff, he really got off to this.
“I’ll see you all next week, starting with Alexandria.” Negan looked at Michonne, who didn’t say anything, before turning to you, reaching out his hand. “Come on, sweetheart, you’re riding with me in my car. Time to become one of my awesome, awesome wives.”
Everything seemed to move faster from then, or maybe you just were feeling dazed, but soon you were sat down in Negan’s car, anxious, scared about the people that you had left behind, scared about the people inside the van that was following Negan’s car…your people, your family, your Daryl…you hoped that this would work, that they would be safe if you married Negan, or at least alive and not tortured…you knew that they didn’t want to be prisoners at the Sanctuary and that the others didn’t want to work for Negan either, but it was better than being dead.
You hoped so bad that this would work…
Negan was glancing at you all the time and it was making you more nervous. When you finally looked at him, he gave you that smug smile, looking you up and down. “I can’t wait to see what’s under all that dirt, sweat, blood, and baggy clothes.” He chuckled and you scoffed, looking away from him again. “You’re going to love the Sanctuary.”
“Yeah.” You scoffed again. “Sure I will.”
It didn’t matter if you hated it, though, or how it would be your life there, what mattered was that your family would be okay, that Daryl would be as safe as you could get him, and to get that, you knew you’d endure anything.
Once at the Sanctuary, you watched anxiously as your friends were unloaded from the truck. Everyone seemed to know that there was no point in fighting, they’d get killed and there might be potential retaliation on the others, and so they let the saviors lead them inside the Sanctuary without any struggle…all besides Daryl. He began struggling as soon as he was dragged out of the truck, cursing and trying to shake the saviors off him, until he was hit again.
“We wouldn’t, if he stopped making a scene,” Negan said before you could say anything about that.
Daryl kept struggling nonetheless, his eyes looking for you, until he found you. “Please,” you mouthed silently, looking at him, begging him to not make this more difficult, to not end up more hurt, while your eyes filled with tears. “Please.” Daryl looked at you, struggling again, but he seemed defeated, and you hated that look on him, but it was for the best, and finally, he was dragged away with the others.
“Well, well…this…” Negan waved between you and him, seeming amused. “Might end up killing your bitch Daryl after all.”
You could have punched him, it was a dart to your heart, but you tried your best to stay in line. “Yeah, well…” You muttered. “A bat to the head will kill him for sure, so I’ll take the chance with this.”
Negan didn’t say anything, just chuckled, tugging you with him into the Sanctuary. You had to stand yet another of those damn speeches of him to everyone in the Sanctuary, perched up on top of the staircase, and then he led you through the Sanctuary and to the part that was reserved for him and his wives.
Negan opened a door that was guarded by two saviors, and as you walked inside, you found yourself in a big room, decorated with what looked like expensive, luxurious furniture, a tv, bowls of fruit, fake plants and flowers over the tables, and a bar on a corner. It seemed so out of place in this new world and in this shit place, that you had the same surreal feeling as you had the first time that you walked into what would become your house in Alexandria.
Several women were sitting down on the couches, some talking, some going through magazines and books, but all eyes went to Negan and you as the door opened.
It seemed like Negan didn’t have a single type of women, or that he married anything that allowed it. There were two blondes, one younger than the other, the older one looking at you suspiciously, same than a redhead, a black woman who looked at you with more kindness, a brunette whose pretty hair was pinned into an intricate bun, and another brunette with tanned skin and dark eyes that darted from Negan to you. All of them were wearing black, short dresses in different sizes and models, and their makeup and hair were put together as if it weren’t the end of the world, a  stark contrast with how you were looking.
“Hi, ladies, daddy is home.” Negan grinned and you fought the urge to roll your eyes at him.
“Hi, Negan,” they all greeted, stopping whatever they had been doing…he trained them well, you guessed.
“Look what I brought, a new friend for you all and a new wife all for me,” Negan grinned, pushing you in front of him. “This is Y/N and…look at this! We lost Sherry but now with Y/N I got to have seven wives again, one for each day of the week!”
Some of the women said nothing, a couple gave him tense smiles, one tried to giggle awkwardly, and you couldn’t help your snort and the roll of your eyes. He was such a prick and an idiot.
“Something to say, dear?” Negan looked at you with that menacing smile and you shook your head. “Okay, ladies, I want you all to be good girls and show Y/N the ropes. I need to take care of some things first, but when I’m back, I want Y/N cleaned up nice for us to…consume the marriage.” He chuckled and you began to take conscience of what was going to happen and what you had agreed to be. The women nodded in silence and Negan turned to look at you. “I’ll see you soon, dear wife.”
Suddenly, his lips were on yours, and you almost shoved him away, shocked, but managed to stop yourself. Still, when Negan pulled away, he seemed amused, giving you a teasing look as if he knew what was going through your mind. Negan didn’t say anything else, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.
It’s the first time I post something that I haven’t finished, as you know, 10C killed my writing Daryl mood, can’t barely think on him anymore (therefore, this is not as curated and edited as my other fics because I didn’t re-read that much), so I even though I have several chapters of this writen, I can’t promise what I’ll do with it.
As always, comments and reblos are more than welcome, and excuse my English, is not my first language.
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[SUMMARY: Rick's daughter Melody cant help her curiosity about the man locked up in the prison cell. Being kept secrets from her father, she takes it upon herself to get to know Negan and one day sneaks into the cell to find him asleep with morning wood.]
Negan and Melody
Rick never really allowed you anywhere near Negan. Hell, you never even saw Negan yourself up close and personal. Although you were twenty, your father still treated you like the little five year old girl he used to carry on his shoulders. It was frustrating at times, he always wanted to keep secrets from you about what was going on in the group and he always said it was to protect you. The only times you ever saw Negan he was tied up being led into the prison cell. Truth was, you didnt know what he had done that was so bad. Your father seemed to keep everything from you that involved anything serious. You looked out the window and saw Daryl pass Eugene the keys for cell, each night someone was on guard. Looking to the right you saw your dad heading your way and quickly pulled down the blinds. After you were told Glenn had died in an accident on a run a few months ago many things changed. Maggie left, everyone seemed more distant and it left you confused.
"Get ready for bed, Melody," your dad spoke low as he entered the house making you sigh.
"I'm not tired dad."
"Mel, it's getting late-"
"And is there something we need to be ready for in the morning?" You responded with sarcasm looking back out the window.
"Besides...you never told me what that guy Negan did."
"I told you that's not up for discussion," he insisted making you roll your eyes.
"Is anything up for discussion? Whatever, I'm sure what he did wasnt that bad if hes being kept alive." You got up from the chair and walked past your father as he looked down with a straight face. There was no way he could tell you the truth of what Negan had done. Your father tried to protect you the best he could and losing people was enough, he didnt want to leave you with images in your head.
Waiting to be sure that your father was in his room you quietly snuck out of yours. Your curiosity ate at you and you were tired of your father treating you like a little girl. Making sure you werent heard, you stepped outside and walked towards where Negan was held captive. Eugene was heading back to the cell with a tray of food for Negan. You knew itd be easy to get around Eugene regardless of what your father instilled in his mind. Creating casual conversation with Eugene and some jokes to break the ice you offered to take Negan his lunch. Right away he made a face filled with doubt.
"I dont know about that, Melody..I'm in charge of his cell-"
"Yeah but you're in charge of the entrance. Who's going to watch while you are distracted handing him the food?" Eugene raised an eyebrow in thought, he felt like you had a point.
"Alright but your dad cant know about this, he'll kill me. So dont take too long."
"Dont worry I got it," you assured him before taking hold of the tray of food and the keys from his hand.
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, you were nervous yet so curious to know the man that was hidden from you. Unlocking the door you walked down a dark hallway before reaching the cell.
"Well its about time one of you fuckers remembered to feed me," you froze at the sound of Negans voice before stepping out of the dark hall and into the light, revealing yourself. Negan looked up as he leaned against the wall not expecting to see a young attractive woman before him.
"Well excuse my French, where the fuck did your pretty little self come from?" Negan looked you up and down observing your skin tight jeans and crop shirt. Right from the jump you found this man to be very intimidating, taking a deep breath you stepped closer to his cell and bit your bottom lip nervously.
"Um...my name is Melody.. I came to bring you your meal," Negan slowly stepped closer to the bars with a smirk on his face and looked down at the tray in your hands.
"I see that...so you're gonna put that down for me, sweetheart?" He spoke slowly with an enticing voice.
"Oh..um, yes" you smiled before slowly bending down not noticing Negan tilt his head eyeing the curve of your ass as you slid the tray beneath the bars.
"Very nice.." he murmured low to himself before you got back up. Your eyes met his and you suddenly didnt move, his eyes were alluring and inviting all at once. Nervously clearing your throat you backed away brushing your hair back.
"I gotta ask, princess. What's a fine young woman like you doing alone with me here in my prison cell?"
"I wanted to see who you were...I'm not allowed to know things so-"
"So you're telling me no one knows you're here?" He raised a brow getting closer, although this man was behind the bars you still found yourself feeling nervous.
"No...everyone treats me like a little girl. I'm twenty years old and I'm tired of people covering up things for me," you explained.
"Shit, you are very young."
"Not too young where I cant be told what the hell you did to be in here, cant be all that bad if you're still alive."
Negan raised his brows sliding his tongue behind his lower lip.
"Oh no sweetheart, I'm no good." He spoke in a low voice.
"So let me guess, you're going to treat me like a little girl too and not tell me why?" Negan couldnt help himself but chuckle making you cross your arms.
"What's so funny?"
"Ohh...princess, if I was out of this cell right now I'd gladly show you how much of a grown woman I think you are."
"What?" You asked a little shocked not expecting him to express himself the way he did. You were quickly learning Negan had an unfiltered mouth.
"Dont mind me," Negan shook his head with a sigh.
"Its been a while and I'm just fucking frustrated."
"Its been a while since what?" You asked making him slightly lean back with a frown on his face.
"You really are innocent huh," you rolled your eyes.
"Listen, if you're going to say it just say it-"
"Its been a while since I've had some pussy." Negan blurt out making you stumble over your words.
"Oh-um...-" Negan grinned raising his brows at your reaction.
"Oh yes," he laughed as you nervously licked your lips.
"Shit..." he suddenly turned serious.
"How long has it been for you? Or wait let me guess, you haven't even had your cherry popped yet." Negan moved closer to the bars to get a closer look at you.
"Actually, I'm not a virgin but it's been a few years since I lost my virginity to this jackass. I havent slept with someone since."
"So you've gone a few years with out any relief?"
"Well um-obviously I've had relief-"
"Oh..so you like touching yourself," he bit his bottom lip in excitement.
"-But yes, it's been years since I've had sex and I'm okay with it, I dont need it." You couldnt believe you were even explaining this to him.
"Hm. Looks like whoever was hitting it wasnt hitting it right, shit I'd always have you coming back for more." You rolled your eyes holding back a smile, you kind of liked the attention he was giving you.
"Are you always this vulgar, Negan?"
"Only when I'm horny," he teased making you shake your head.
"Shit, do you blame me princess? You're the first woman that's spoken to me like I wasnt a damn monster. Plus I love some dirty talk." Negan had to admit the company was refreshing for him. You sighed with a smile and looked down at his food.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you to your food. I'll come by when I can again...if you want me to." Negan smiled sliding his tongue between his teeth.
"Oh I definitely do." You couldnt believe this man was flirting with you but you had to admit to yourself it was a fun interaction.
"Your secrets safe with me, Melody." Negan winked before you quietly left and locked the door shut.
That night you lay in bed smiling to yourself thinking of your very flirtatious talk with Negan. Your dad hadn't suspected a thing and you knew the next morning he would go on a run. It would be a perfect time to see Negan again. You were the first person in a long time to not make him feel like a monster and he was the first person who made you feel like a grown woman. Distracted by his flirtatious ways you didnt focus on the reason of him being held in a cell and Negan had no idea you were Rick Grimes only daughter.
The next morning just as suspected your father left on a run with Daryl and Michonne. The person on guard today was one of the men that you knew wasnt the biggest fan of your father. Of course you were to use this to your greatest advantage. Setting up a tray of breakfast with extra fruit you had grown in your garden you made your way to Negan. Unlocking the door, excitedly you walked down the hall to find Negan asleep with his back facing you as you set down his tray of food.
"Good morning, Negan." You spoke softly making him open his eyes. He groaned with a stretch and turned flat to his back making you gasp.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Negan looked at you confused before noticing exactly where your eyes were. The imprint of Negans very hard cock was practically bulging out of his pants.
"Ah shit-"he muttered to himself adjusting his pants.
"Sorry, sweetheart must've been having a nice little dream." He chuckled as he noticed you wouldnt stop staring at it.
"What, never seen some morning wood before?" He teased as he stood up.
"I mean, of course I just didnt expect to see you..I mean for you to be that way right now." You responded nervously as he made his way close to the bars of the cell.
"Right now?" He laughed.
"Oh princess, you have no idea how horny I am. How much I'd kill for the feel of sweet pussy...shit for a woman to just relieve me." The two of you were face to face now, only the bars separating you from each other.
"You know what I was dreaming about, princess?" Negan spoke as he noticed you would not stop looking down at his crotch area.
"I dreamt about you riding my cock." His voice was raspy, his words making you look up in shock.
"What?" You whispered.
"You left me last night thinking about things I wanted to do to you and this is the outcome." He motioned towards his erection.
"Why dont you touch it for me...just once." He spoke low, your lips parted at his request. Your heart was racing, it was arousing how much this man wanted you. Looking back at the door behind you making sure it was locked you looked back at Negan and nodded.
"Just once." You agreed making him grin.
"Atta girl."
Negan watched as you hesitatingly moved your hand in between the bars and began to slowly rub his crotch. A deep noise escaped his lips the first moment you touched him, his breathing was heavy as you moved your hand up and down.
"Oh my...-" you whispered feeling how rock solid he was.
"Oh, Melody.." he whispered as he closed his eyes. You could tell he obviously wanted more, you could tell how much he needed it. Without saying a word you began to unzip his pants and instantly his cock sprung out. It was thick and hot, you could feel him throbbing in your hand. The man was aching for some kind of relief, he was about ready to explode.
Spitting on your hand you began to move along his shaft. Negan moaned holding onto the bars as he watched you jerk him off. He could tell you were getting turned on as you began to breathe quickly. Negan reached through the bars and grabbed your throat applying pressure making you moan as you began to move your hand faster.
"Fuck baby, I dont think I can hold it-" he held his breath and grunted struggling to not let himself cum just yet.
"Hold on just a little bit more, I want you to cum hard." You whispered as he frowned holding on to the bar tightly, his knuckles turning white. It had been too long since he had been touched, too long since he had ejaculated and Negan had an intense rush. His other hand quickly sliding down your neck and pulling your v neck shirt down revealing your breast.
"Touch me, Negan. Do what you want." You whispered as your hand moved faster. Your words making his jaw clench as he squeezed your breast and let out a very loud and deep groan, loads of cum spilled out of him falling to ground.
"Yes.." you whispered loving the sight of him giving in.
"Dont stop-" he struggled to speak as he continued to cum all over your hand. He panted as you began to slow down before he let go of your breast and leaned against the bars. Releasing his cock from your hand you stepped back and looked at him from head to toe. His eyes were closed as he leaned his head on the bars, his cock twitching as you noticed all his cum on the concrete floor.
"Wow.." you whispered making him open his eyes. Grabbing a rag you had on you, you cleaned up your hand then handed it to him before he closed his pants. Negan cleared his throat before looking back up at you with a smirk.
"I guess I owe you one," he chuckled still trying to catch his breath making you laugh as you fixed your top.
"Glad I could be of help," you joked before the two of you locked eyes. The smiling fading from his face now.
"Seriously, it's been nice having you here."
Negan liked the sexual connection the two of you had, he also liked how you naturally conversed with him. You didnt treat him like an animal, you treated him like a human being. Negan knew he had messed up in life but he knew there was nothing he could do to change the past. All he could do was not repeat the same mistakes. What he did know was that he now knew for sure that he did not want you knowing his real reason behind being locked inside. He knew youd never look at him the same way again.
"Its been nice for me too. I havent really had conversation with anyone in my group." You sighed crossing your arms.
"After my friend Glenn died things changed." You whispered making Negans face change at the mention of Glenn's name. He looked away feeling a knot of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
"Everyone started acting different. I miss the way things were." You continued as you looked to the side and thought back of some memories.
"I think you should get going, Princess." Negan spoke low, his words making you look back at him confused.
"Wh-what? I thought we could talk-"
"Listen, I'm not your fucking therapist. Now get going." Negan snapped just wanting you to leave, his guilt eating up at him he felt like utter shit.
"So what jerking you off is all you needed so I'm good to go now?"
Negan remained silent, his head down not being able to look you in the eye.
"You know I know we dont know each other and you dont give a shit about me, but I thought we had an understanding that we both needed someone to talk to and not talk to them like something they're not." You snapped as he carefully listened to your words.
"That's the problem, sweetheart. They're not treating me like something I'm not. You are." His words left you speechless, what the hell did he mean by that?
"I told you I was no fucking good. Now get out of here." Negan turned his back to you, you couldnt believe what he was saying or what the hell even made him say these things.
"Screw you." Negan heard the crack in your voice before you stormed out and slammed the door shut. Negan sighed knowing he didnt want to hurt your feelings, hell he didnt even want you to leave. Angrily you walked back to your room and slammed the door shut, you felt so stupid you could scream. You swore you'd never see Negan again nor let your father ever find out of what had just happened.
Part 2? Trying to think of where I can go from here. Feel free to send in any ideas if you have. Xx
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veryreallyfuckinbad · 3 years
FIRE AND MOSS // Daryl Dixon X Reader// CHAPTER 6
TW: Strong language, implied abusive relationships, injury.
The Greene farm basked in the light of the impending sunrise, coating the land in a blanket of oranges, yellows and pinks. Birds began to sing, chirping away, oblivious to the dead people stalking every corner, every street, hiding in every shadow. Your heart filled with strange nostalgia and envy,- you wished you could be as free and uncaring as the winged critters. A strange phenomenon began taking place when the apocalypse hit; the world ended only for people. Nature seemed to be thriving more than ever without people slowly but surely killing it. Vegetation grew from cracks of abandoned houses’ floors, apartments previously filled with chatter and laughter were now home to wild animals. Nature took back what was hers quicker than you expected, signs of her healing around every corner, in every single flower, weed, blooming tree, moss. Most of the previously heavily populated areas smelled like death, the sickly sweet-ish stench of rotting bodies, both of the ones that perished forever and the ones that walked. The forest and the Greene farm, however, smelled like the life you knew. Like carelessness, confidence.
Your feet made slow but steady steps, avoiding making too much noise- Daryl was asleep in his tent and the worst thing you could do was wake him up as he hardly ever got any shut eye. You were certain you were the only one awake, so you stepped through the grass with care, avoiding any twigs that could snap and wake the others up. As you made your way to Dale’s trailer, deciding to take watch duty, you heard a faint, familiar sound coming from behind the trailer. Jake heard it too, instantly tensing, ready to pounce at any danger that might cross your path. You signaled the fox with your hand to relax when you recognized the sound- it was crying. You peeked from behind the RV and instantly felt your heart drop.
Carol was sat on the wet grass, crying, her hands on her head as she tried to control her weeps. Deciding it’s best to let her know you’re there instead of sneaking up on her, you spoke in a half-whisper, “Carol? Are you okay?” when the words left your mouth you realized how plain stupid that question was. Her daughter, all she had left, was missing. Carol’s head whipped to face you, her eyes red and puffy from crying, her cheeks stained with many glistering patterns of where her tears rolled down. When she realized it was only you, she sighed with a mixture of relief and something akin to confusion. She tried, immensely at that, to stop herself from breaking down once again and gave you a sad, unconvincing smile. You dipped your head and took a step towards her, taking a seat beside her.
“I’m just so scared, (Y/N). What if we never find her? Or if we do, it’ll be too-“ her voice trembled, just like her hands did.
“Stop it.” You silenced her, choosing your next words carefully. “I’m not going to say that I have no idea what you must be going through- it’s true, but you’ve heard it a million times already” you looked at her and stared deep into her horrified eyes. “Carol, I know you’re afraid. I do. Hear me out, though; you’ve got two grade A trackers at your disposal.” You gave her a warm smile.
“You can track?” she asked, clearly surprised.
You chuckled lightly, “Nope. He can.” you stroked Jake’s soft fur and watched as Carol’s eyes lit up slightly and shimmered with a glimpse of hope.
“How can he do that? I-I mean,” she stumbled over her words, “what does he need? A scent?”
“He’s not trained or anything, but he’s fantastic at finding stuff.” Your hand left Jake’s head when he shifted and stood up, walking up to Carol and sitting between you and her. He must’ve felt how heartbroken she was because he lowered his snout down to the woman’s hand and after giving it a brief sniff, he licked it and bumped it with his nose slightly. You smiled with pride and happiness.
“See? He promised he’ll do his best.” You said and watched Carol’s eyes light up again.
Carol sniffled and dug in one of her pockets, quickly handing you the item she was looking for. It was a piece of fabric, carefully cut around the edges.
“It’s a piece of her blanket. I keep it in my pocket to at least have a piece of her with me.” She explained and handed you the soft fabric. You knew she trusted you- she wouldn’t give the last of what she had left of her daughter to just anyone.
“We’ll go search right now.” You smiled at her and felt her fall apart all over again, this time because of gratitude. She crawled up to you and wrapped her arms around you, engulfing you in a warm, thankful embrace.
“Thank you so much” she nearly cried again. You hugged back and whispered a soft ‘you’re welcome’. Carol let go of you to face Jake and look into his eyes with the same respect she’s given you. “Thank you, too.” She extended her arm to touch him and you were about to jump in to stop her, afraid of Jake’s response, but stopped when you saw him pull his head into her hand, allowing her to touch him. It seemed like he was comforting her, as well as reassuring her he’ll do everything he can.
The farmland was still covered in the pink-orange light when you returned to your tent to retrieve your bag, just in case you found something worth taking. You’d hoped Daryl was still asleep and worried that your shuffling might’ve woke him up, so you carefully stepped closer to his tent to make sure he was sleeping. With each step, it became increasingly more clear that the archer was, in fact, not in his tent- the zip entrance was left open. You didn’t want to be nosy…but you wanted to check if he was okay. At least that’s what you told yourself- you’ve always wondered how his tent looks from the inside. You couldn’t tell whether it was pure curiosity or the burning need to find out more about the man. Before you could poke your head inside, you felt a presence right behind you, looming over you. Daryl stood right behind you.
“Found what ya were lookin’ for?” he asked, his voice not carrying as much weight as you’d expected it to. He didn’t appear mad, just irritated. Or so you hoped. You tried your best to keep your cool and turn around to face him, taking a step back when you realized how close he was.
“Now I did.” You smiled at him but your eyes betrayed you- he could feel your anxiety and uncertainty. He was usually frustrated with how hard you were to read, but the look in your eyes seemed familiar, like he’s seen you do it before but couldn’t put his finger on it.
Ever since the night Jake allowed Daryl to touch him, he was more confused than ever. The archer couldn’t understand how you- someone who’s been through so much, more than you’d let on, could be so friendly and loving towards her group. She never took and only gave, thinking of her fox and the group before herself. There was one more thing he couldn’t wrap his mind around and it drove him crazy- why would she give him special treatment? She opened up to him and him only, never allowed anybody except him see her cry, gave him handmade gifts, trusted him with her beloved companion. Not that you didn’t annoy him at times, but everybody did. Sometimes, you didn’t know when to stop talking and while he tolerated it for the longest time, sometimes he just had to send you back to your tent to give him room to breathe. He loved that you never took it personally, always conscious of his need for space.
“What’s the bag for?” he eyed you and patiently awaited your response before adding, “Ya movin’ out?”
“Oh, I would never.�� You smirked at him and crossed your arms. “You’d miss me too bad, Dixon” you teased and expected a grunt or shrug in response, but to your surprise he retorted.
“ ‘f course. Who would sit with me when I cry my eyes out?” he smirked back at you, clearly a jab for the time you broke down in front of him. You rolled your eyes and stood on your tiptoes to affectionately ruffle his hair, much to his displeasure. You enjoyed how you could crack jokes at each other now, he had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that you found hilarious in his own, strange way.
“You know you love me.” You teased him while turning your back to him and walking away, finally about to go out searching. “I’m going out to look for Sophia with Jake.”
“I’m comin’ with ya.” He said matter of factly, as if you had no say in it.
“If you do, Shane won’t get off my ass for the rest of the day. He already dislikes me, just wait until I ‘unnecessarily take away manpower from the farm’ or some shit like that.” Everything you said was true. You got along with every resident of the farm, with the exception of Shane. He never began trusting you and didn’t even think of trying. He always tried to control the group, but you never listened to him, probably because of the lack of mutual respect. The only people anyone in the group took orders from were Rick and Hershel.
“He can try. Screw ‘im. I’m comin’ with.” His mind was made and you decided not to argue with the stubborn archer.
“To be fair, I can see why you’d want to spend time with me. I’m the shit.” You heard Daryl scoff and shake his head, but once you looked at his face more closely, you realized he was smiling. “C’mon, let’s get the horses ready.”
Hooves hit gently against the ground, the horse’s head swaying subtly as he walked. You felt quite confident on the animal’s back, but Daryl seemed anxious. His broad shoulders looked even wider as he tensed, cautious- he didn’t trust the animal. Jake trotted alongside your horse, occasionally running off to check something out, but always came back. Your trusty knife was sheathed and safely buckled to your pants- ever since you got it back, you didn’t leave camp without it.
“You know, you gotta trust the horse a little. At least try.” You tried to nudge him, but you knew it was futile. If you were honest, you just wanted the awkward silence to end. Daryl looked at you and raised his brows.
“These things are unpredictable though,” he began and shrugged, “Merle ‘n I once…borrowed a neighbors horse, he had a stable or some shit.” He smiled to himself “Fucker bucked me off ‘n I fell right on my ass.” He finished and looked at you, awaiting your reaction. When you burst into laughter all he do was shake his head and grunt in response. “Couldn’t sit proper for days.”
You chuckled some more, your smile so contagious that even he mimicked it. For some reason, he didn’t mind you laughing at his story all that much.
“So it is a childhood trauma?” you nudged him again, half-joking and offered him a playful smirk. To your surprise, that didn’t seem to amuse him, his smile quickly fading before he gave you a sad smile. You realized you probably hit a nerve with that statement. “I’m so sorry.”
“ ‘s fine. What hurt me more was yer laughing at my sore ass.” He turned his head slightly to look at you from the side with the same smile as moments before appearing on his face. Quickly, silence fell upon you once again. This time, it was almost deafening and you didn’t understand why- when you sat with him by the campfire, you felt completely comfortable in silence with the man. It was like the warmth of the flame engulfed you like a soft blanket and made you immune to the man’s frustratingly quiet nature.
Daryl grasped the reins tightly as if to comfort himself- the feeling of leather straps digging into his palm was strangely comforting. The hunter’s hair fell upon his forehead; it was growing longer. He didn’t care but wondered whether it was practical to live in the death-ridden world with strands of hair falling over his eyes. He glanced upon you, your eyes on Jake. You stared at the fox with such love, nothing but pure affection. Not in the way you’d look at a puppy or any other pet- you looked at him as a valuable, fully capable member of the group. You saw him as a survivor, and Daryl admired that. He watched as your hair swayed and jumped gently with every step your horse took. He was lost in his own thoughts while he gazed at you, he wondered why he couldn’t force himself to push you away or tell you to move your tent back to the group. He guessed that that’s what it was like to have a friend.
“So, since we’re gonna be riding for a long time” you began, cutting through the silence and Daryl’s thoughts as he immediately averted his gaze and hoped you didn’t catch him looking at you. You did. “Tell me something about yourself” you smiled at him sincerely.
“Ya sound like a god damn hairdresser” he scoffed and shrugged, “make sure to ask me how’s school, too.”
You chuckled and shook your head, giving him a side-eye. You awaited his response, but it never came. If you had to take one more minute of that awkward silence, you’d rather dig a hole and jump straight in.
“Let me start, then.” You began and rolled your eyes. “I’m (Y/N)” you heard him mumble a ‘wow’ underneath his breath and shushed him with a smile, “For real, though. One thing you might have noticed about me is I make horrible decisions.” You grinned at him
“Such as?”
“Like setting my tent up next to yours” you joked and heard him chuckle- it was a fantastic sound. It made you happy in all kinds of ways, maybe because it was so rare, it was special. “Anything, really. Laying on broken glass that one time”, you grinned at your dry joke, reminiscing about how that very day led you to meeting your new family, “I dunno, anything really. School, back when that was a thing, the people I hung out with, relationships.”
He stilled at that last word. Not because he was uncomfortable or unwilling to listen to her talk about it but because he was worried that someone hurt you.
“What d’ya mean?” he glanced at you curiously, “The relationship part.”
You smiled uncomfortably, unsure whether you should share or not. You mentally slapped yourself for letting that last part come out- you should’ve expected him to ask. Even though you’ve somewhat healed, talking about it out loud was never easy. Moss still grew on your heart.
“Oh, you know. Jackasses that, uh…” you stumbled over your words as Daryl watched you carefully, “Whenever they were mad, they took it out on me.” You gave him a reassuring smile, trying to show how confident you were, how you’ve healed. It was only partially true- sometimes it still hurt. “This one dude,” you began, this time with a chuckle, “got so pissed at me for wanting something stupid, flowers I think, for my birthday.” You smiled at him half-heartedly. Daryl stared at you and tried to decode your expression. He, however, was easy to read at that very moment- he was pissed. Not at you, but at the men you’ve been with. The archer guessed you didn’t want his pity, however. He knew it would only make it worse.
“Ya didn’t lie when ya called him a jackass” he smirked at you for a brief moment, “I get it.”
You’ve finally reached your destination- a small creek with a two-way path. Twigs grew out of the ground where the drop of a small trench-like pit began. Deciding it’s best to split up to cover as much ground as possible, Daryl took the left and you- the right path. You’d promised each other to meet at this very creek later on.
As the hours passed, nothing came of your search. Jake ran around, sniffing the cloth Carol gave you from time to time but found nothing, say for a rabbit that he promptly caught and ate. You couldn’t believe the girl was just gone, without a trace at that. You couldn’t allow yourself to believe that- you’d lose all the hope you had left. With a heavy sigh, you turned around and began heading back through the dense woodland, back to the spot you were supposed to meet Daryl at. The forest smelled fresh- the repulsive stench of death was replaced with the sweet scent of flowers and the gentle smell of grass and trees.
When you reached your meeting spot you looked around and quickly came to the conclusion that Daryl was still out looking. With a sigh, you hopped off your horse and tied it’s reins to a sturdy branch. Before you could sit down and relax, you heard a horrifying grunt coming from the trench. Sure it was a walker, you grabbed your knife and took careful steps, making sure not to slip on the wet, muddy grass. Jake beat you to it, running to whatever was making the noise and immediately beginning to shriek and call for you. Your legs moved on their own, not caring about being cautious anymore. When you arrived to where Jake stood, just over the ledge, you looked down into the hollow and felt your breath get stuck in your throat.
Daryl was trying to climb out of the trench, slipping on the mud and desperately grasping for any branch that could support his weight to pull himself up. He was covered in blood, his mouth was red and something was hung on his neck. Blood was trickling from his side and dripping on his pants, staining his shirt. He quickly noticed you and stared at you. He looked different, no life in his steel-blue eyes. None of the spark they usually had, they were glossy, confused and afraid. Thinking quickly, you grabbed onto a root sticking out of the ground for support and extended your hand to him. He looked dazed, as if unsure what to do, whether he should grab your hand, but quickly decided to do so. You felt his strong grasp on your wrist as you tried to pull him up, heaving and wincing from the pain of his grip on your wrist. Your feet began slipping and you almost fell down the trench. The grip of his hand was so strong that you were sure he would eventually break it.
“Hold on!”
You braced yourself and with one last, painful pull he was out of the creek. He laid on his back next to you, both of your chests heaving and breathing deeply. You didn’t allow yourself to rest though, quickly kneeling next to him and inspecting his wound.
“What the hell happened?” your eyes were full of fear and worry, “Daryl, talk to me. Please.”
He grunted, clearly in pain and in a feverish state.
“Arrow. Fell on it”
A/N: I'm so sorry this took me so long, I was super busy and then had a massive writer's block. This chapter definitely isn't the best but I promise the next one will be much better! <3
taglist <3
@writers-adversary @kimchiwen @mileysnavely @srhxpci
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mcbride · 3 years
Walking Dead Origins: Carol and Daryl tidbits in Daryl’s story
the thing to know about Daryl Dixon: he speaks his mind and he knows what he’s doing. that goes with what Norman always says about the character - he says what he means and he means what he says. no bullshitting!! Daryl is also described as a searcher as in he is always searching for something - food, friends, redemption, a place to belong, etc.. 
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this might get a bit long... so all the Carol/Daryl related quotes, and some of my thoughts after the jump...
s2 - “Carol’s daughter Sophia runs off (...) Daryl remains the loner of the group, continuing to search for Sophia. Daryl’s search gives Carol hope and we begin to see a change in him, too (...) while he recovers, Carol and Daryl really start to bond, whether he likes it or not. And he begins to have a kind of a softer touch with the rest of the group now (...) He won’t let his injury stop him searching for Sophia, but he doesn’t know how to accept Carol’s affection. So he rejects it. But soon, Daryl is the one who’s comforting Carol. Daryl doesn’t hold people. He finds them. [he says this as we watch Daryl holding Carol as Sophia exists the barn lol]. He couldn’t find Sophia in time and he feels like maybe he failed Carol. After losing Sophia, Daryl detaches from the group.”
Daryl is a searcher.  that's exactly who Daryl is ever since we first met him - looking for his brother Merle, then Sophia, Beth, Rick, Connie... he never gives up on his people!
s5 - “Daryl’s about to become dinner, when a good friend helps him escape.”
s7 - “Daryl learns of a plot to trick Ezekiel into fighting the Saviors, but there’s one problem - it means killing Carol. [full Richard scene plays] (...) Daryl goes to see her and he doesn’t tell her about Abraham and Glenn. He lies to protect her.”
again, Daryl always doing everything to protect Carol even from emotional pain.
(34 mins to sum up 8 whole seasons of TWD. the rest is focused on S9 and S10)
s9 - “Just like after Sophia died he detaches from the group (...) Daryl thinks if he lets another person in, he’ll lose them (...) While he’s been away Carol has married King Ezekiel, and they’ve adopted a son, Henry. When she and Henry visit, Carol asks Daryl for a favor. Daryl can’t say no to Carol and they all go to Hilltop (...) Daryl reunites with the group and they make a horrible discovery (...) It’s Carol’s son, Henry. This is literally his worst nightmare. He was entrusted with protecting Carol’s child, and he failed her again. Just like when Sophia walked out of the barn, he holds Carol up as her world comes crashing down.”
s10 - “Carol returns. (...) He respects Alpha’s borders because he doesn’t want to start a war. She thinks it’s bullshit. Carol’s ready to leave again, but he’s not ready to say goodbye to her. And then Carol sees Alpha. With Carol hell-bent on finding Alpha, he realizes he needs to keep an eye on his friend. But when they catch up with the herd, there’s no stopping her. She runs off and takes a whisperer hostage. Carol is losing control and Daryl doesn’t know how to protect her if he can’t trust her. She ignores his advice and leads the group right into a cave with Alpha’s horde (...) Daryl tries to talk some sense into his friend. They find a way out, but Carol’s run off again. Daryl finds her just as she’s about to blow up the horde and probably herself. He pulls her to safety but the whole places starts caving in. They make it out just in time. (...) The Whisperers are coming for Hilltop, so everyone starts preparing for what may be the last night of their lives [I’m never gonna hate you scene!] (...) The whisperers have been silenced and the group reunites, so Daryl checks in on Carol. [You still got me scene!]” THE END! 
what’s next for Daryl Dixon? Blah blah blah. We don’t know what’s next for Daryl... bitch, pls! you gonna spin off!!! Whatever it is, he’ll find a way to protect the people he loves at all costs. YEAH, he will. even if that means running away with his fav bestie Carol. love that for him!
i always thought that losing Sophia was a turning point for both Carol and Daryl. it changed them, it still has a huge emotional impact in everything they do and who they are now. it was so important to their storylines that Norman refers back to it a few times. 
what i don’t like about Origins is that it’s basically one hour narrating action and events in chronological order in an almost completely emotionally detached way. the emotional side only really comes out when he’s talking about Merle, Rick, but specially Carol.
i like how there are many, many small Caryl scenes while Norman is narrating (even if Carol isn’t mentioned!), or they just let Caryl scenes play out in full with no commentary. they let the scenes speak for themselves and that’s a powerful thing for who’s watching, imo.
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shxllxfx · 3 years
Family pt 1 || Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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Summary: Y/N and her little brother meet Daryl and Rick.
Warnings: none except for language? English is not my mothertounge
A/N: if you wanna be added to my taglist just let me know ;*
Taglist: @browngirldominion​  
"Ty I need you to climb up there and be super duper quiet, can you do that for me?" The y/h/c haired boy in front of you gave you a small nod. You looked around quickly, checking again for any walkers near you. Lifting him up you made sure that he was high enough. High enough to be out of sight of any walkers or people. You couldn't risk him getting seen. "Okay, Ty. Stay there. If anything happens, you yell for me, alright? Other than that stay up there and be quiet." Again he nodded. You gave him a small grin, before heading off. Quietly you made your way through the trees, putting one foot before the other, your bow and arrow raised high, when you heard a noise. A deer. It couldnt be too far away. Slowly you followed the prints on the ground, the bow in your arm ready. Never have you been happier that your dad was obsessed with the end of the world. He taught you everything. You were standing behind a tree and walked around it. There she was standing in the middle of a clearing eating grass. You pointed your bow and arrow at the deer, pulling the string back. Deep breath in and...
"Sophia!" The deer looked up and ran away. "Son of a bitch!" You muttered and tried to shoot your arrow to still hit the deer but it was gone. Rustling behind you made you turn and face two men. "Idiots! 'Cause of you my dinner ran!" One men was wearing a sherrifs uniform, the other one a plain tank top and some pants. They looked at you with surprise, your bow and arrow pointed at them. "Maybe try an' hold tha bow righ' for a start." The one in the tank said and you raised an eyebrow. He had a crossbow, easier than bow and arrow so what's he to judge? "Shut up, dumbass. You have to be nuts to sream some name through the whole forest. Tryna get yourselfs killed?" You lowered you bow and looked at them through squinted eyes. Turning on your heel you tried to make your way back to Tyler. "You all alone out here?" You looked at the sheriff over your shoulder. "Nah, cant you see, sheriff? Got plenty of company."
He followed you. Weirdly enough it didnt make you feel uneasy. At no point either one of them raised their weapons against you. "You gonna buy me dinner now, or why you following me, huh?" He laughed. "No. I'd like to ask you somethin'" You stopped, looked up the tree and to Tyler. "Its okay, you can come down." Both of them looked up. "So what did you want to ask?" You eyes were still on Tyler, making sure he doesnt fall down the tree. He was a good climber, always has been since the day he started to walk. When he jumped from the last branch you catched him. "You seen a little girl?" The one with the crossbow looked at you, eyebrow raised. You sat Tyler on the ground, kneeled down and got a bottle of water out of your backpack. You shook your head as you handed it to your brother. "Cant say I have." Tyler gave you the bottle back and smiled at you. "Have you got one? I am hungry." Shaking your head you searched in you backpack. "Sorry, buddy. Couldnt get a deer. But you want that?" You held out a granola bar. He nodded and took it with a smile. "Just the two of you, huh?" You looked at the sheriff. Giving him a small nod you put your backpack on again. "I am Rick. That's Daryl. You are?" Tyler raised his arms at you and yawned. He was tired. You were too, you hadnt slept in days. Lifting him up he clung to your front like a koala. "Y/N. An' the little koala bear is Tyler." Daryl looked at you. "Dangerous to be out on ya own." You nodded. "Well what am I suppos'd to do? Get me sum walkers as company?" Tyler put his head in the crook of your neck. At least someone can sleep. "You ain't got a group?"
"Doesnt look like it. Only the two of us at this point." Daryl and Rick looked at each other till Daryl nodded. "You could join us. We're a big group. Something like 10 people or so. Got other kids there as well. My sons one of them." You were surprised. Not only that they asked you to join but also that they were that many people left and near you. "I...I dont wanna cause any trouble." Daryl shook his head. "Cant leave you outta here with a kid. You a kid yourself." Your mouth opened and closed again. He was right. Atleast about Ty, you couldnt stay in the forest with a five year old. Not on your own.
You followed them back to the highway, Tyler still clung to your front. It wasn't a long walk, about 5 miles maybe, but having a 5 year old that weighs 18 kilograms on your front and a backpack on your back made things more difficult. You stopped next to a tree, trying to catch your breath. "You a'right?" Darly asked and you looked at him. "Having 'bout 25 kilograms to your torso and walking a steady pace is a bit difficult. Specially cause he feels 2 times heavier when he's sleepin'" He tilted his head. Rick stepped forward and put his arms toward you. "I'll take him for the last couple miles." You nodded and let him take Tyler from you. He immediately clung to Rick and you laughed. "Like I said he's a little koala." You took your bow off your shoulder and one of the arrows out of the side of your backpack, putting it to the string. Rick started to walk in front of you and you followed. "Need ta keep ya elbow lower, makes your shot cleaner." Darly muttered beside you and you side eyed him, lowering you elbow slightly. "Who taught you?" He asked and you turned your head to him. "My dad."
"Did you find her?" A woman with short, grey hair ran towards you, looking at Darly with big eyes. Rick put Tyler on the ground and he walked to you, hiding behind your leg. Daryl shook his head and the woman started sobbing and another one with long brown hair stroked her back. "We will find her tomorrow." Then she looked at you. "Who's that?" You smiled at her. "Hi. I am Y/N, that's my little brother Tyler." Everyone was looking at you now. She smiled but looked st Rick. "Couldn't leave her out in the woods alone with that kid." He shrugged and she looked at you again. "I'm Lori. How old are you?" Daryl was talking to the gray haired woman and Rick to an older man. "He's....he's five. I am nineteen." She introduced you to everyone else. They were nice and welcoming, gave you food and told you about themselves. You sat by the fire, knees pulled to your chest when Rick sat next to you, Daryl standing behind him. "How you feeling?" You stretched out your legs and looked at him. "Havent been around this many people in months. I have food, water, a fire right infront of me and I dont have to look around every second to make sure there ain't one of this things, so pretty good i guess?" You smile and he nods. "I have to ask you some questions, is that alright?" Now you nodded. "You have family except for Tyler?" You took a deep breath. "Another brother and my fathers somewhere out there, but they not together. My father left once all this shit started and Jack is 15 years old and somewhere out there, I lost them." Rick nodded. "Wait, them?" Daryl asked and you looked up. "Yeah. After my father left we...we were 4. Jack, Ty, my ex-boyfriend and me. Ty and I lost them when a group of walkers chased us." Rick put a hand on your shoulder and smiled. "Is Jack dead?" Shocked you turned to Tyler who was sitting next to you. "No, Ty. You know Jack. He's strong, he'll be fine." Tyler gave you a small smile and leaned into you. "I'll go and help Shane look out." Rick got up and left you alone with Daryl and Tyler. "Do you think we will see him again?" Ty muttered and you took a deep breath. "Hey, ya kno' what? My brothers out there too an' ya kno' what they'll be a'right." Tyler looked at him. "Do you think?" Daryl nodded and looked at you. You kissed Tyler's head and ruffled it softly. "Thank you, Daryl."
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New World CH. Six
Title: Fallen Home
Words: 3410
Warnings: Strong language, character death (major and minor), canon-typical violence, kissing
A/N: If you’d like to request something, send me an ask. I’d love to write for you!
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Daryl Dixon Masterlist
The Walking Dead Masterlist
When it had gotten dark, you, Daryl, Shane, and Rick had taken Randall to the barn. You were holding the lantern and Daryl held Randall by the arm. He was trying to get you to stop, but none of you listened. Rick opened the doors to the barn and you all walked in.
 “Put him there,” Rick said, pointing to the middle of the barn. You set the lantern down and leaned against a post, arms crossed.
 “It’ll all be over soon,” Shane said quietly. He put a blindfold over Randall’s eyes and Rick went to stand in front of him.
 “What’s gonna be over soon?” Randall asked.
 “Just relax.”
 Rick went to check his gun and when Randall started crying, he looked up.
 “Would you like to stand or kneel?” Rick asked.
 “Oh no, please,” Randall cried. Rolling your eyes, you pushed yourself away from the pole and shoved him to his knees. Grabbing his hair, you made him look forward.
 “Shut up,” you muttered. He kept sobbing, but you didn’t care. When he was gone, the threat of something happening to your family goes away too. Rick made eye contact with you and you nodded, Shane and Daryl doing the same.
 “Do you have any final words?”
 “No. Please,” Randall begged. “Please don’t. Don’t.”
 Rick stayed silent and raised his gun. Pointing it at Randall and cocking it, he was just about to shoot when Carl appeared.
 “Do it, dad. Do it,” he said. Your head whipped to the doors and you looked at Rick. Shane let out an angry breath and walked to Carl, taking his arm and leading him outside.
 “You kidding me? What did I say to you?” Shane said to Carl. “What did I say?”
 Rick took his gun away from Randall’s head. “Take him away.”
 Daryl looked at Rick before picking him up. You took the lantern and the two of you led him back to the shed. Daryl tied him back up as you watched.
 “I don’t know if he’ll kill him now,” you said after he was restrained and the door locked. “Why did Carl show up? We told him to stay with his mom.”
 “I think he just wants ta be involved,” Daryl said.
 “Maybe, but he’s just a kid. He shouldn’t have to see all of this. I was talking to Dean and I think he and Beth are being desensitized to everything. I’m gonna have to keep a closer eye on him. What if one of the girls had followed him and he didn’t notice?”
 Daryl didn’t say anything, but he pulled you in for a kiss. Once his lips touched yours, you could feel your worries wash away. Letting out a soft sigh, you kissed back gently and put your arms around him. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was soft and gentle. Exactly what you needed in that moment.
 “I’d love to keep kissing you, but I’d like it if we took it away from where Randall is,” you murmured, lips brushing Daryl’s. He chuckled and pulled away, taking your hand.
 “Are ya tellin’ me that ya want ta go somewhere else?” Daryl said lowly.
 “Only if you wanna.”
 Daryl looked you up and down before licking his lips. The action made your cheeks heat up and Daryl tugged you close to him before attaching himself to your neck. You whimpered, fire coursing from your neck down to your belly. He was focusing on one spot; kissing, biting, and sucking. You were clinging to his jacket and Daryl started walking you backwards until your back hit the shed with a thud.
 “D-Daryl,” you cried when he pulled back. He kissed your lips again, and grabbed your waist.
 “Hope ya don’t mind a mark,” Daryl said cheekily.
 “I certainly don’t.” Your eyes were hooded and you had forgotten where you were. Going back in for another kiss, a scream pierced through the air.
 “Oh my god.” You and Daryl ran towards the screams. Your gun was drawn and Daryl had his knife in his hand.
 “T-Dog, grab a shotgun!” You heard Sam say.
 The screams got louder and you saw Dale on the ground, a walker on top of him. Daryl was faster and got to him first, tackling the walker to the ground before plunging his knife into its head. You slid next to Dale and looked up to see if there were any more of them around.
 “Help! Over here!” Daryl yelled, waving his arms around. “Help! Run!”
 “Come on, Dale. Stay with me,” you said. “You’re gonna be alright.”
 “Hang in there, buddy,” Daryl said.
 “Who is it?” Dean asked. Everyone came at the same time and Rick knelt down by Dale’s head.
 “Oh my god,” Shane said. Lori had Carl and Glenn had Adeline in his arms.
 Adeline screamed and you gathered her up, pushing her face into your shoulder. Rubbing her back, you tried to calm her down.
 “Listen to my voice,” Rick said. “You’re gonna be okay. Get Hershel! He needs blood, we gotta operate right now!”
 “Hang on, Dale.” Andrea had fallen to her knees and took Rick’s place next to Dale’s head. Everyone was either yelling or freaking out and you only looked up when you heard Hershel.
 “What happened?” He asked.
 “What can we do? Can we move him?” Dean asked.
 “He won’t make the trip,” Hershel said.
 “You have to do the operation here. Glenn, get back to the house!” Rick yelled.
 “Rick!” Rick looked at Hershel and when he shook his head, Rick spun around.
 “No!” He shouted. You were holding back tears and when you felt Daryl put his hand on your back, you threw yourself into his arms. You could hear some of the others sobbing and you clung tighter to Daryl as Adeline started crying louder.
 “He’s suffering,” Andrea said through her tears. “Do something!”
 You looked up and saw Rick pulling out his gun. He pointed it at Dale’s head but didn’t pull the trigger. That’s when Daryl gently pulled himself away from you and your daughter, taking the gun from Rick. Kneeling down, he cocked the gun.
 “Sorry, brother,” he said before pulling the trigger.
 You didn’t get much sleep that night, Dale’s screams echoing in your head, his ripped open chest flashing beneath your eyelids whenever you closed them. So you helped dig his grave and decorate it with stones. Daryl and Rick were the ones to bring his body over before you and your brothers helped cover him with dirt. The funeral was held at sunrise and even though Rick was talking, all you heard was mumbles. The air was crisp, but you didn’t feel the cold. All you felt was numb.
 After the funeral, you helped pack up everyone’s belongings to be moved into the house. You didn’t have much yourself, but since Lori was pregnant you did all the heavy lifting for her. Bringing some stuff into the house, you walked back outside with T-Dog to find her lifting something too heavy.
 “Whoa. Don’t-Don’t strain yourself,” T-Dog said.
 “You know you shouldn’t be lifting that,” you chided softly.
 “Thank you,” she said. “My family and I are taking the corner of the living room.”
 “You can put that in my room,” Hershel said to T-Dog. To Lori he said, “You’ll be more comfortable there.”
 “We can’t do that.”
 “A pregnant woman sleeping on the floor while I’ve got a bed to myself?”
 “This is still your house.”
 “It’s our home. I’ll take the couch downstairs. I’m very well acquainted with it.”
 “Thank you, Hershel,” you said. “I’ll take the last bin up.”
 “Thank you.” Lori smiled at you and you walked upstairs.
 As you took a look at the room, you set the bin on the bed. You were about to leave when Lori showed up.
 “Well this is cozy,” she said.
 “It looks comfortable, that’s for sure.”
 “Thanks for helping me bring this up.”
 “It was no problem,” you said. “I’ll leave you to unpack.”
 You walked around Lori and down the stairs. Setting up yours and Adeline’s blankets and sleeping bags in a corner, you jumped when Daryl dropped a bag next to you.
 “Ya don’t mind me stayin’ with ya, right?” He asked. There was nervousness in his voice and you smiled.
 “Of course I don’t.” You saw him visibly relax and he touched your cheek gently.
 “Gotta go plan with Rick and Sam. I’ll be back later.”
 After you set up your sleeping space, you helped Beth and Jimmy board up the windows. It was something mindless to do and it helped you clear your mind. When that was finished, you walked around the porch, always watching the horizon. You knew that there were better vantage points, but they were away from the house.
 It wasn’t long before Daryl and Rick were ready to go drop Randall off and when T-Dog went to go get him, you heard a shout.
 “What’s wrong?” You asked, running towards the shed.
 “Randall’s missing,” Daryl said. He looked to woods.
 “The cuffs are still hooked, he must’ve slipped ‘em,” Rick said.
 “Is that possible?” Carol asked.
 “If someone really wanted to, they would find a way,” you said.
 “The door was secured from the outside?” Sam asked.
 “Maybe he slipped through the rafters?”
 “Couldn’t have. I sealed those shut today,” Daryl said.
 “Rick! Rick!” Shane yelled. You turned around and saw Shane coming from the woods. Blood was all over his face and was dripping onto his chest.
 “Oh my god, are you okay?” Carol asked him.
 “He’s armed! He got my gun!” He said. “And I’m okay, little bastard just snuck up on me. Clocked me in the face.”
 “Alright, Hershel, T-Dog, get everybody back in the house. Glenn, Daryl, come with us.”
 “I’m coming too, Rick.” Rick looked at you like he wanted to argue, but you shot him down. “I can track just as well as Daryl, you need me.”
 “[Y/n], no. Stay here,” Dean said.
 “I’m the best tracker next to Daryl and you know it. I’m going.” You kissed both your brothers cheeks and checked your gun before securing it in its holster.
 “T, I’m gonna need that gun,” Shane said.
 “Just let him go. That was the plan, wasn’t it? To let him go?” Carol said as she hugged herself.
 “We were gonna let him go far away from the farm. Now he’s armed and in the forest. He’s to close,” you said.
 “Sam, make sure Adeline stays occupied. I don’t want her freaking out,” you said to him. He nodded and corralled Carl back into the house, Dean following reluctantly.
 “Get everybody back in the house. Lock all the doors and stay put!” Rick walked away and you followed closely behind.
 “I saw him head up through the trees that way before I blacked out,” Shane said. “Not sure how long.”
 “He couldn’t have gotten far,” Rick said.
 “He’s still slightly injured and exhausted. Don’t think he’s been gettin’ much sleep since he came here,” you said.
 “But he’s armed.”
 “So are we. Can you track him?” Rick asked you and Daryl.
 “No, I don’t see nothin’,” Daryl answered.
 “Yet. But we’ll find him.”
 “Hey look, there ain’t no use in tracking him. He went that way, gotta split up to cover more ground,” Shane said. “We just gotta chase him down. That’s it.”
 “Kid weighs a buck-twenty five soakin’ wet. Ya tryin’ ta tell us he got the jump on ya?” Daryl looked at Shane.
 “I’d say a rock pretty much evens those odds.”
 “Alright, knock it off. [Y/n] you go with Daryl and Glenn. Head up the right flank, see if you can find anything. Me and Shane’ll take the left. Remember that we’re not the only ones out here.”
 “Alright. Be careful, Rick.”
 “I will.” He gave your arm a pat and walked away with Shane.
 It had gotten dark quick but luckily Glenn had brought a flashlight. After about thirty minutes Daryl had had enough and led you back to where you started.
 “We’re just back to square one,” Glenn said.
 “If you’re gonna do a thing, ya might as well do it right,” Daryl said back.
 “It kind of bothered me that Shane said tracking wouldn’t matter,” you muttered. “Something’s wrong.”
 “There’s two sets of tracks right here.” You walked over to Daryl and looked at the ground. “Shane must’ve followed him a lot longer than he said.”
 “And there’s fresh blood on this tree.” Daryl shined the flashlight on the tree and you couldn’t help but think that it was the perfect height for Shane to hit his head.
 “More tracks here. Looks like they’re moving in tandem,” you said, shaking yourself mentally. Glenn followed Daryl and bumped into him. You could tell that he was nervous and you put a calming hand on his arm.
 “There was a little dust up right here.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “I mean somethin’ went down.”
 “This is getting weird,” Glenn said quietly.
 “That’s an understatement,” you quipped.
 “Looks like there was trouble here too.”
 Daryl shined the light on Randall’s blindfold and Glenn picked it up. Then a branch snapped and the three of you rushed to hide behind some trees. You kept your breathing steady and carefully looked back. You saw a walker and turned to Daryl. Signaling that it was just one, Daryl whistled softly to Glenn and threw him the flashlight.
 The noise of the walker got closer to where you were hiding and you readied your weapons. When it was basically on top of you, you got out of your hiding place and Glenn shined the light on his face. It was Randall. Glenn was surprised and before Randall could push him to the ground, you kicked Glenn away. In turn, that made you get tackled by Randall. Daryl shot at him, but missed slightly. The noise made Randall go after Daryl and before you could get to him, Daryl went down too. Glenn was closer and tackled Randall, knocking him off of Daryl. You rushed to help Daryl up and Glenn stabbed him in the head.
 “Nice,” Daryl said to Glenn, patting him. To you he said, “Ya alright?”
 “I’m fine. You good?” Daryl nodded and touched your cheek. Glenn took his knife out of Randall’s skull and stepped back towards you.
 “Doesn’t seem to be any bite marks,” you mused, looking over the body.
 “Wait, what?”
 “There’s no wounds other than his head. No other blood or scratch marks.”
 “His neck broke though,” Daryl said.
 “Are you sure?”
 “I’m tellin’ ya, he died from this.” Daryl gestured to his neck.
 “How’s that possible?”
 “It shouldn’t be.” You were frowning, but got up. “We should get back to the house. See if Rick and Shane are back.”
 Daryl grabbed his arrow from the tree and the three of you started walking. You heard a shot as you were walking back and you all picked up the pace, eager to get back to the farm. It didn’t take long to get back and Adeline was happy to see you.
 “Rick not back yet?” You asked Lori as you picked up your daughter.
 “You’re back first.” You frowned and looked outside.
 “We heard a shot,” Daryl said.
 “Maybe they found Randall?” Sam said.
 “We found Randall,” Daryl said. “He turned.”
 “The weird thing was that there were no bite marks, no scratches,” Glenn said. “His neck was broken and he died from that.”
 “Shane and Randall’s tracks were right on top of each other,” Daryl said. “And Shane ain’t no tracker. He didn’t come up behind him.”
 “They were together,” you said quietly.
 “Would you please get back out there and find Rick and Shane?” She asked Daryl. “Find out what on earth is goin’ on?”
 “Ya got it.”
 “Thank you.”
 “I’ll go too,” you said.
 “No mommy!” Ada said, clinging to your neck.
 “Alright. I won’t leave,” you said after a second. Adeline in your arms, you went outside. Spotting Daryl, you saw him staring out at the barn, Andrea, Dean, and T-Dog with him.
 “What’s wrong?” You asked before your voice died in your throat. Some of the others had joined you.
 “Kill the lights, Patricia,” Hershel said.
 “I’ll get the guns.” Andrea ran inside.
 “Maybe they’re just passing? Like on the highway? Should we go inside?” Glenn said hurriedly.
 “Not unless there’s a tunnel I don’t know about,” Daryl said back.
 “Herd this size will tear the house apart,” you said. “We either have to fight back or leave. Now.”
 “Carl’s gone,” Lori said, running outside.
 “What?” Dean said.
 “He’s supposed to be upstairs. I’m not leaving without my boy!”
 “We’re not,” Carol said. “We’re gonna look again and find him.”
 “Fuck!” You muttered. You watched the walkers converge at the barn and looked back when Andrea tried to hand you a gun.
 “Thanks.” You set down Adeline and grabbed the gun from Andrea, checking it quickly.
 “Ada, baby, you’re going to stay with Lori and Carol, okay? Wherever they go, you go with them.” Adeline nodded and Carol took Adeline inside.
 “It’ll be no use ta fight,” Daryl said.
 “You can go if you want.” Daryl looked at Hershel.
 “Ya gonna take ‘em all on?”
 “We have guns and cars,” Dean said. “We might have a fighting chance.”
 “Kill as many of them as we can. Use the cars to lead the rest off the farm,” you said, getting the gun ready.
 “You serious?”
 “This is my farm. I’ll die here.”
 “Alright. It’s as good a night as any.” Daryl hopped over the fence and you followed him.
 “I’ll ride with you. You drive and I’ll shoot,” you said.
 He nodded and you got on the bike behind him. Daryl drove up to the fence and you both started shooting at the walkers that got too close. Glenn and Maggie were in a car and Andrea and T-Dog were in another, your brothers in the Impala. The barn had gone up in flames and once there were too many walkers, Daryl drove to the RV where Jimmy was.
 “Maybe Rick and Shane set the fire. Go get ‘em!” Jimmy nodded and drove off. Daryl left again soon after and you kept shooting as he drove.
 “There’s too many of them!” You shouted. “Nothing’s gonna happen ‘cept us running out of ammo.”
 Despite that, you kept shooting until you were completely out.
 “I have nothing left! Drop me off at the house.”
 Daryl drove to the house and before you could leave, he kissed you fiercely. You kissed back and reluctantly pulled away, running to Lori and Adeline.
 “Still haven’t found Carl?” You asked. She shook her head and you ran into the house. Grabbing your pack and some of the girls things, you went back outside. “We gotta leave Lori. We can’t stay here.”
 “I can’t leave without Carl!”
 “You have to trust, Lori,” Carol said. You grabbed Adeline and Sophia while Carol went inside to get Beth and Patricia. The six of you started running and T-Dog and Andrea drove up. Patricia got swarmed and Lori pulled Beth away.
 “Get in!” Andrea yelled, getting out of the truck to shoot.
 “Get Carol!” Lori said to her as she got in. She, Ada, Sophia, and Beth sat in the front while you got into the bed.
 “Got a gun, T?” You asked. He handed you one and you started shooting. Looking at Andrea, you saw her fall and slammed your hand on the roof of the truck.
 “Go, T, go!” You screamed. He started driving away and you kept shooting at the walkers that got too close. After moving away from the farm, you heard fighting in the car. It was getting light out and you hit the roof.
 “What’s going on?” You said. Beth opened the window and you heard Lori talk about going to the highway.
 “She’s right, T-Dog. If anyone survived, they’ll be going there.” After another minute of fighting, Lori threatened to open the door and walk there herself.
 “You turn around or you let us out right now!”
 “You’re out of your damn mind!” He said. But he turned the car around and started going back to the highway. You let out a sigh of relief, sitting back and letting yourself relax slightly. Hopefully everyone else was there.
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grimessbitch · 4 years
I’ll always protect you - Mafia! Daryl Dixon x Reader
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This is a Mafia AU, no zombies just..mobsters
Hilltop- Aaron / Alexandria- Michonne/Daryl / Oceanside- Cyndie / New sanctuary- Maggie
Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault, suspicion of cheating, hella angst
Beta is the bad guy in this just..fyi
Word count: 1.5K
You’d think dating a mafia boss would be wonderful, especially whenever he was technically like a sugar daddy for you, but it was a lot harder than that. Yes you could spend all the money you wanted but you had to be Mr. Dixon’s show pony, you had to stand behind him or sit on his lap during meetings or game nights. You couldn’t be any type of independent, you weren’t allowed alone unless you were in your bedroom or bathroom.
Walking down the hallways of the family house, Daryl had a meeting with Hilltop and Oceanside so he wanted you to be there with him. You weren’t scared of many men but there was one man you were still felt uncomfortable around and that was Eugene, maybe it was the way he could sneak up on you or maybe it was that he paired up with the enemy before Michonne and Daryl took Negan down. Walking upstairs and into the giant conference room, your hands were shaking as you walked through the doors, Eugene right behind you, him being the one who went and told you the meeting had started. You tried to secretly speed up your walking towards Daryl which picked up Negan’s attention who stood in the corner guarding the doors.
“Aaron, Cyndie, you know my fiance, Y/n” Daryl said blowing out the smoke from his cigarette, you always hated the smell but you knew not to tell Daryl, he tried as hard as he could not to blow it in your face or smoke around you for that matter, so you respected that he tried to stay away from you while he smoked. “Hello y/n, nice to see you again, you look lovely” Cyndie said smiling at you, Aaron nodding in agreement knowing better than to seem like he was flirting with Daryl’s girl. “Hey baby” Daryl whispered kissing your cheek, you only hummed in reply laying your head against his, you were exhausted, most of the day was helping Negan- teaching Negan how to do gardening so he could repair the garden in the backyard that baby Judith ruined. You feet hurt and your back was killing you, you definitely deserved a hot bath after this, your soon-to-be-husband included in the hot bath. The mobster was tough and didn’t put up with anybody’s bullshit, but at the end of the day he always had a weakness, you. The power you had over him was crazy, he’d do anything you’d say once you said it, but he’d never show that side of him in front of his men. You sat there for what felt like forever until you heard Daryl’s voice in your ear “What’s wrong princess?” he whispered to you rubbing your lower thigh gently “You’re tense and you looked scared whenever you came in..” he added on, you knew you couldn’t express the way you felt about Eugene because Daryl would probably take it the wrong way and end up killing him. 
“It’s just been a long day..” You whispered back to him while Michonne argued with Cyndie, Daryl frowned a bit leaning against you kissing your shoulder gently. “How about afterwards whenever I’m done talking with Michonne you take a shower and I’ll get you a massage ready with Frankie” He whispered to you rubbing your shoulders to try and release some of the tension. “Or we could both take a bath then watch a movie or something-” You were cut off by Aaron pulling Daryl back into the conversation, sighing a bit you got up, you never got anytime with him anymore, it was always hilltop this, Oceanside that- and don’t even mention Carol or he’ll be on a four hour rant about how magical she is. You knew Daryl cared a lot about his work and your respected that but you hated that he never spent time with you anymore. “Hey hey where are you going?” Daryl asked a little bit quieter not to disrupt the conversation “I’m going to go to work. You’re obviously business and don’t plan on being with me for awhile so I’m leaving you alone” You snapped quietly before walking out, the last thing you see as you leave was Daryl blowing out the smoke from the last of his cigarette. 
You knew you shouldn’t of disrespected him but he needs to learn priorities, if he’s not talking about work then he’s talking about Carol and if not then he’s at the kingdom talking to Carol. It’s not that you were jealous it was just heartbreaking knowing the man you were marrying would rather spend time with a woman he used to have feelings for than you. You marched to your bedroom grabbing a small suitcase starting to pack some clothes, maybe leaving for a few days would help Daryl realize things. Negan followed behind you watching closely sighing once he saw you pulling out your clothes and shoving them into the suitcase “You okay, sweetheart?” He asked shutting the door slowly “No...I feel like Daryl’s sleeping with Carol..” You whispered looking at Negan tearing up “sweetheart...I’m so sorry..” he whispered hugging you gently, you hugged him back letting out a sob “what am i supposed to do” you whimpered looking up at him. “What fuck is goin on?” Daryl said loudly “You fuckin her!? Huh!? Motherfucker!” He screamed tackling Negan punching him right on the jaw “Daryl! stop!” You screamed trying to pull him off, Once you managed to pull Daryl away from Negan he got out to find Rick. “So you fuckin him behind my back huh!?” He screamed at you after a good few moments of silence “No! What the hell Daryl!” You yelled trying to shove him back a bit, his body stayed still, shaking with anger “You’re a fucking cheating piece of shit!” He yelled throwing his arm out to express his words “Oh you would know about being a cheating piece of shit!” You yelled “What the hell are you talkin about!?” he yelled stepping closer “You and fucking Carol!” You snapped grabbing the bag quickly “I’m not fucking Carol!” He yelled following you as you walked downstairs “I’m leaving! I’m leaving! fuck you!” You screamed rushing to your car, the car you paid for before you became exclusive with Daryl “Fuck you!’ You screamed “I never should’ve loved you!” You screamed pulling down the driveway “I never fucking loved you!” Daryl yelled watching you drive off. 
Those five words would break you for the next week, you’d be staying on your best friend’s couch for those seven days, alone and heartbroken. You loved Daryl, probably more than anything in your life and you always will love your now ex fiance. The tv made a small ding alerting you the front door was open, thanks to your friend’s security system. “Hey f/n I got you more groceries!” you called jerking your head up whenever you heard a cough, Beta, Daryl’s current competitor. “W-Why are you here?” You whimpered standing up grabbing your phone ready to call the only person you hoped to save you. “Dixon has protected you long enough.” Beta said stepping closer to you, you ran towards the kitchen, Beta not far behind you, before you could grab something to defend yourself he had slammed you against the counter. The next few hours would leave you traumatized forever, You sat in the corner of your friends apartment, Beta laid dead on the living room floor, your shirt was ripped open and your pants button and zipper were broken off, the bloody knife sitting on the ground. The blood was almost dried from sitting out for so long. You had tried to call Daryl repeatedly before and after the murder, nobody ever came to rescue until midnight of that night. The door was kicked open and Daryl rushed in “Y/n!? I’m so sorry I just got back from seeing Michonne I didn’t see your...oh my god are you okay?” He asked quickly rushing to you hugging you tightly, you just slouched against him, not emotionally or physically ready to move. 
“I called...thirty times..You ignored every call..just..be honest..were you with her?” You asked, your voice hoarse and strained “Y/n...darlin..I swear I was talking with Michonne..I wasn’t with Carol..and I ain’t fuckin her” he said leaning back against the wall holding your body in a hug “I killed him” You Whispered looking at the limp body in the living room floor. “Hey hey it’s okay..it’s okay baby..come on...they’ll clean this up just please come home y/n...” he begged resting his lips against your head rubbing your back gently. You were sitting on his lap now, your back facing the body and front door, you rested your head against his shoulder, Daryl watched as Negan and Merle walked in starting to handle the body. “Come on, baby” Daryl whispered carrying you outside towards his bike “I’m always gonna be here..till death do us part..”  
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twdeadlysins · 4 years
Don’t Listen
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader 
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: The Governor wants information and will do whatever it takes to get it from you and Daryl. // Set during Season 3
Request: Could I request a Daryl x Reader with the prompt “How come she loves you?” Where basically the Governor has captured them both at some point during season 3 and is trying to get them both to talk. Daryl and the reader can each hear what is happening to the other, and the Governor tries some emotional manipulation by saying the prompt. Then Rick&Co come to rescue them and they have a tearful reunion. If you decide to write this thank you! Your fanfics are the best ❤❤  // @harpersmariano
Warnings: angst, fluff, abuse (physically + mentally), the usual walking dead themes, and possible typos by yours truly 
A/N: I apologize for the wait! I changed this fic SOOO many times because there were so many routes I could take with it. 
The gifs I use aren’t mine, so all credit goes to their respective owners.
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The constant shouts, grunts, and the deafening sound of fists colliding with skin made you viciously thrash against your restraints. The rope that bound your wrists was harshly rubbing against your sweaty skin as you used all your strength to lift them, hoping to somehow break free. 
It was useless, you were very aware. 
There was no way you could tear the material just by tugging on it, but you refused to sit there and do nothing while Daryl was relentlessly getting beat on for information.
You and the hunter were on a supply run specifically looking for baby formula for the newest addition to the group, while also keeping an eye out for anything else that could be useful. After you had walked out the store with what you needed and some other necessities, you were met with a gun and a familiar face.  
Merle Dixon. 
The presumed dead redneck had grabbed you and placed the weapon to the side of your temple before Daryl stepped out the door, having no choice but to abide by his brother’s commands. 
You arrived at a town and were discreetly guided to a building where they separated you from your lover. The wall was super thin, so you heard every sound that was emitted from the room. You’d bet that you could hear a pin drop from where you were seated. 
The methods of getting information were no more, which left you confused as you halted your struggle. Were you supposed to feel relieved or worried? Did they leave and give Daryl a break or did they end it and kill him? 
Before you could ask if he was okay, there was sudden noise of someone fiddling with the door knob to unlock it. Your head whipped to the sound that was once trained on the wall beside you, waiting with an anxious, but curious gaze as to who would step through. The numerous failed attempts of breaking free, and the unknown of who was behind the door and what would happen to you made your chest heave, replacing air faster than the punches that were thrown in the other room. 
When the door swiftly opened, your blood began to boil, orbs filling with rage that replaced your anxiety. The amount of hatred that spilled from you prompted you to clench your teeth, refraining yourself from snarling at the man that strided in the room with pride and a smile plastered on his face. 
He pulled a wooden chair out with the back facing you, situating himself before he nonchalantly rested his forearms on the top. 
“Got yer panties in a bunch, sweetheart?” 
“Shut up, Merle.” 
You had no patience for his bullshit and since he was in such a fantastic mood, you assumed Daryl was alright. Despite Merle letting them torment his brother, he would be devastated if he was hurt beyond return. 
His features crinkled with amusement as a chuckle rumbled through him, which earned you to scoff and roll your eyes, not finding anything humorous. 
“Yer a feisty one, can’t believe my baby brother got a fine piece of ass like yerself.” He laughed once again, making you furrow your brows as a question swirled in your head, despite wanting to drop kick him for that comment.  
“Speakin’ of your brother, why are you letting them do this to him? Thought you were supposed to protect him? You're his big brother.” 
His smirk morphed into confidence. “M’baby brother tough, but he’ll eventually cave. Always does. We were plannin’ on robbin’ the group blind and leavin’ before y’all even knew what hit ya. But y’all left me on that roof before we could, leavin’ me to do this.” Merle lifted his arm, presenting the creation that was made to replace his hand. “So I doubt it’ll take long for him to rat where yer keepin’ each other warm at night,” he said through a smile.  
He was alive, that was your confirmation. You didn’t care about their plan, it wasn’t news to you. Daryl had admitted their intention with the group to you during the winter months when you had to travel to different places to find shelter.  
Your head tilted as you hummed in disagreement. “Don’t think so. Daryl isn’t the quiet, obedient follower you knew — that you turned him into. He’s helpful, reliable, strong, smart, a leader, and much more, but most importantly he’s himself — something he masked to please you.” 
Before the older Dixon could retort, a muffled cough came from the other room followed by a voice. The voice of his torturer. He was elated that Daryl was finally awake and ready to resume their previous activities, except physical torture wasn’t on the agenda anymore it seemed. 
“So you and — what’s her name?”
You could only imagine Daryl’s reaction. He was very protective over you, so you knew he was clamping his jaw shut — trying his hardest not to give in.
“Ah! Y/N, that’s it. You and her a couple?” 
It fell quiet once again, which only encouraged the man to push further. 
“Gotta speak up, Daryl,” his voice boomed. “Cause I’m gonna take your silence as a no and walk in that room. Show her who a real man is.” His voice was taunting and whispery towards the end, making you assume he moved to speak behind the archer, right next to his ear. 
“Don’ ya touch her,” Daryl grunted and you heard the chair scrape against the floor.
You were his weakness and it was a conflicting feeling.
He wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, he would do anything to protect you — he loved you. Daryl didn’t have to say those three words for you to know, he easily did it by his actions or with different words like the ones he just spoke. 
But if the wrong people knew, you were in a great deal of trouble like you were in now. 
The man in charge was going to use your relationship to his advantage, to get what he wanted. Although you didn’t want him to know where your family was, you also didn’t want Daryl to get hurt anymore than he already had — but you’d have to cooperate for that to happen. 
“Just gimme what I want n’ I won’t touch a hair on her pretty lil’ head.” 
You closed your eyes, hoping he wouldn’t reveal the location. Although you had faith in Daryl that he wouldn’t utter a word, there was a chance he would confess so nothing was inflicted upon you. If the roles were reversed, you would do the same, so you didn’t blame him one bit.
When his offer didn’t receive an answer, you let go the breath you were holding and slowly opened your eyes, giving Merle a side-eye when he tsked and shook his head that his brother still wasn’t giving in. 
Before you could make a snide comment towards the one-handed man, you heard the leader tell Daryl that he had enough, he wasn’t going to wait anymore — that he was going to pay you a visit. That had finally gotten a rise out of your boyfriend, he was yelling and violently twisting in his seat, spilling threats. 
“It’s okay, Daryl!” You had screamed over his protests and brutal promises, you couldn’t let him cave because it was your turn. He was strong, he took the physical pain while you dealt with it mentally and emotionally. The roles were going to be flipped, but it didn’t matter, you still weren’t going to say anything.
“Don’t give in, don’t give in for me, please,” you begged, not getting an answer — just silence. It was better that way, he wasn’t stopping it — wasn’t offering his compliance to the leader. 
Merle stood up and turned the chair around to face you before opening the door, finally revealing the face behind the voice that hurt the man you loved. The older Dixon left, leaving you alone and for once in your life, you wanted Merle to stay. 
The man in charge introduced himself as the Governor while he slowly stepped to take a seat in front of you, acting as if he didn’t just come out of the room Daryl was in — the room that he beat and taunted him in. 
Before the so called Governor could continue, you interrupted him, tired of the long game. “I don’t care what you have to say. I’m not going to tell you jackshit, so go ahead and do whatever you gotta do to me.” 
He chuckled with his arms crossed, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “Is that what you want?” He curiously asked, getting up and squatting down to your eye level with a smirk still etched on his face.
Smiling sadistically, you leaned forward as much as you could, mere inches from his face. “Can’t let my boyfriend get all the fun, now can I?”
Of course you didn’t want to get tortured, but you weren’t going to let him think he had all the power — he wasn’t going to get anything from hurting you. You were scared, but you weren’t going to show him — you were going to mask it. 
It went on for what felt like hours. The Governor had punched, slapped, and cut while he berated you, your group, your relationship, and Daryl. In the beginning you retorted back to him, but the energy you once had dwindled. 
After a few good hits, blood filled your mouth, making you choke on your own words despite the amount of times you had spit it out. You had heard Daryl shout for him to stop, but your torturer paid no mind to him. His pleas were soon drowned out by the thumping in your ears and the Governor screaming that you were nothing, that the group was better off and weren’t looking for you. 
The Governor stumbled back as he tried to regain his breath, leaving you on the ground still tied to the chair. Once you weakly turned your head to the side to get rid of the liquid that collected in your mouth, you let out a laugh. “Is… is that all you got?” 
He let out a grunt before heading out the door. 
“Nope, I got somethin’ else.” 
You heard the door to the other room open followed by a chuckle. 
“Y/N is something else, I’ll tell you. What I don’t get is why she’s with someone like you?” 
“Shut up,” you muttered under your breath. 
“How come she loves you?” The Governor questioned. “She got tortured ‘cause of you — ‘cause you wouldn’t comply.”
“Shut up!” you weakly defended before coughing up more blood. 
“Something so simple and you couldn’t do it to spare her the pain! It’s all your fault, so why does she love you? Someone who let this happen to her? Someone who’s weak and not worth a damn of her time!” He screamed, getting louder with each sentence he spoke. 
“Don’t listen! Don’t listen to him, Daryl! This isn’t your fault!”
“You’re weak — you’re a coward — you don’t deserve her or the blood she’s spilled for you! Why does she love you, huh?” 
What you didn’t expect was Daryl’s response. 
“I don’ know why!”  
You froze at his answer, not understanding why he would say something like that. Did he really believe that he wasn’t worthy of your love? That he wasn’t good enough? 
Your heart shattered at the insecurities he held. 
“Merle,” you heard the Governor say before silence followed.
Next thing you knew, the older Dixon entered and paused, taking in your state before picking up your chair. He sliced your restraints and gently grabbed onto your arm, dragging you out the room.   
Another door opened and you caught a glimpse of Daryl at the end of a long table. He was tied to a chair with fresh tears streaming down his battered face, he looked so tired and worn, your heart ached at the sight — the same for him seeing what The Governor had done to you. 
Unknownst to you, the Governor gave Merle a look and the redneck reluctantly pushed you onto your knees, making you fumble, but you never tore your eyes off of Daryl. The Governor told Merle to leave as a gun was cocked and you didn’t have to take a peek to know that the weapon was pointed down at your head. 
“No!” Daryl cried out, wide-eyed at the scene in front of him. 
“Tell me where you and your group are staying at or I’ll blow her brains out,” he threatened. 
The hunter slowly connected his teary orbs with yours.
“Don’t tell him. It’s okay,” you put on a smile, despite the tears that wanted to spill. “I love you, Daryl. Don’t you ever forget that.” 
You closed your eyes, waiting for the bastard to pull the trigger, but Daryl hurriedly shouted out the location. 
You let out a breath and cried, trying to muffle your sobs with your hand. 
You weren’t mad at Daryl or disappointed, you would’ve done the same if a gun was pointed at his head. All you felt was relief. Death was far from what you wanted, but if that was the outcome to protect Daryl and the group — so be it.  
“The prison? That place is overrun. How’d you manage to clear that place out? How many people are in your group?” The Governor asked in bewilderment. 
“Eleven,” Daryl replied, not skipping a beat.  
The Governor was amused by that number, not believing eleven people cleared the prison to be suitable to live in. He removed the gun aimed at your head, switching on the safety before placing it back in his holster. 
“Kill them both and don’t tell Merle,” you heard him order someone when he opened the door. 
Although your body screamed at you not to, you pushed yourself up and sprinted towards Daryl, throwing your arms around his neck to clutch onto him. Your fingers were carded in his hair as he buried his face into the spot between your neck and shoulder, apologizing to you over and over again. 
You withdrew and grabbed his face, forcing him to look at you with his guilt-ridden eyes.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, you hear me? You’re the strongest, bravest person I know and I’m lucky to call you mine. I love you,” you assured him before pressing your lips to his. 
Once you rested your forehead on his, a hand snaked around your waist and vigorously pulled you back, making you shout in denial. 
“Let me go!” 
You thrashed against the man that held you while another man cut Daryl free to take him too, but the hunter was quick and punched the guy in the face. 
The man that had you in his grasp hesitated, conflicted on whether he should help with Daryl or continue taking you. You used the opportunity to elbow him in the stomach before grabbing his arm, twisting it back and kicking his leg so he would kneel down. 
Before you knew it, two more men with guns came into the room and pointed it at you, forcing you to let go of the advantage you both had. 
They compelled both of you to your knees next to each other and that was when you knew that you were done for. 
That this was it.
“I love ya,” Daryl whispered and you both instinctively laced your hands together before your vision of each other was blocked by a bag going over your head.
The grip he had on your hand was strong, but eventually they pried your hands apart and you whimpered, instantly missing his touch. Despite the life-threatening predicament you were in, you felt safe by the hunter’s side. Not being able to see him or feel his warmth stripped that security away as they began tying your hands together. 
You could hear Daryl grunt and struggle, not making it easy on your captors as someone guided you forward and you assumed out of the room before something loud went off, making everyone halt their movements and panic. You yanked the bag off your head to see smoke and — Rick?
He grabbed your bounded hands and cut them before quickly taking you out onto the street, sneaking down it with the others close behind to an empty building. 
Once you entered the vacant building, your legs gave out, causing you to make contact with the floor. Daryl was by your side in a matter of seconds, checking you out and making sure you were okay. 
The look on his face made you caress his cheek, his eyes held guilt, so you shook your head, silently communicating with him. It caused him to divert his orbs to Rick who was trying to come up with a plan as he cautiously looked out the window. 
The events of what happened and what could’ve been caught up with you as you stared at Daryl. You choked back a sob at the thought of losing him mere moments ago and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your head in his neck. 
He wasted no time in securing one arm around your waist and the other to cradle the back of your head. He soothed circles on your back and pressed a lingering kiss on the side of your temple while Rick and the others decided on what to do next.  
You both almost met death and the last thing you wanted to do was to let go of the love of your life, but that was what motivated you to push forward. 
To live and fight for not only yourself, but for Daryl and your family so you would never have to let go. 
TAGLIST:  @jodiereedus22​ @sourwolf-sterek32​ @haleypearce​ @gruffle1​ @lonewolf471​ @dashesoflipstick​ @aristocracy-y​ @harpersmariano​ @maydayfigment​ @yes-sir-hotchner
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rrickgrrimes8 · 3 years
Normality is Death
Chapter Five ~ Left Behind
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The group rushed out of the hideout carrying half of the guns they came with, Glenn and Addie trailing behind. Glenn looked around at their faces confused about where Rick was. 
"Hey, hey slow down," Glenn shouted over to Shane. 
Shane looked at the pair, "what?" 
"Where the hell is Rick?" Glenn pressed him. 
"Went back to camp," Shane shared, confused with the urgency of the question. 
"What? Why? We need him here," He stated looking over to the younger girl her face consumed with worry as well. 
"And why the hell is that?" He snapped sick of the questions. 
"It's Jacey!" Shane face turned to stone at that name. 
"How the hell do you know that name?!" The man yelled in his face. 
"She's alive," Glenn nervously told him. 
"Jacey, she's alive. She's in Addie's group." Shane looked at the boy shocked and stepped away, a little. 
"She's here in Atlanta. That girl that was with Addie, that was her," Glenn smiled at him happy to partake in this reunion and happy for his new friend to get his daughter back. 
"Who the hell is Jacey?" Daryl asked slinging his crossbow over his shoulder. 
"R-Rick's other kid," Shane muttered the realisation finally setting in. Daryl mumbled an 'oh' and distracted himself from the situation he didn't feel the need to be involved in, by shooting any nearby walkers  
"She can't be. She died, I saw her die," He insisted to which Addie shook her head. 
"She told me that she fell with a biter - it pushed her right?" Shane nodded, "She hit her head and the biter that was on her was about to kill her until you killed it. She tried to call out to you. I guess you didn't hear her. You left her behind that night but she's alive. I swear to you she is." The older man looked at Addie completely frozen. How could he have left her behind? He really thought she died. 
"Rick needs to see her, Shane," Glenn declared snapping Shane out of his daze. 
"Y-yeah he does." Shane ran his hand through his hair, subconsciously, "But how do you suppose we do that? I'm sure you understand how big Atlanta is and s-shes just a kid. She could be lost o-or..." He trailed off.
"I assure she is not just a kid officer. She's saved my life more times then you could imagine," Shane smiled softly to the girl, "and as for finding her, I know exactly where she'll be."
Jacey rounded the corner struggling against the rancid odour of the walkers that were closer then she liked. She still hadn't found Addie and minute by minute she was losing hope that she actually would. The girl sighed, hatching a new plan, which she thought would be best, to go to their meeting point and just hope that she shows up eventually.
Hours go by and Addie still hasn't shown up. Jacey sat down on the curb burying her head in her hands, whimpering softly. She couldn't believe that she had lost her, the person that means the most to her in the world. One of the only people she had left.
 Hope returned however when the illuminating lights of a torch got nearer to her. "Addie?" She susurrated looking into the glowing lights. Footsteps echoed into the area, putting her on edge, her hand flinching to her side, grasping her gun. "Who's there?" the girl shouted to whoever was zoning in on her.
"Jacey?" A masculine voice called out. Her head snapped into the direction it came from and a tall buff man emerged from the bright lights. 
"S-Shane," She spoke, her voice barely coming to a whisper. Shane looked at the girl he once thought to be dead and could feel a smile reach across his face. She's alive.
Shane came closer looking at her face closely as if he hadn't seen it for years when it had only come to a few months.
"I thought you were dead," He almost cried.
"Not dead, just left behind," Coldly she spoke the anger bubbled inside of her - he left me behind. The older man stepped forward causing her to take a step back.
"Jacey please..." He trailed off his voice cracking. 
"Please, what? Forgive you? Let you hug me like everything's okay? Like you didn't leave me in the middle of the woods with no weapon and nowhere to go?"
"I-I thought you were dead... I thought the walker got you," He attempted to justify still looking stunned by the girl in front of him.
"Well should've looked harder. I called out to you. I called out to mom a-and Carl and none of you stopped," Her voice trembled with every word as she failed miserably to stop the tears. 
"I didn't hear you, I'm sor-"
"Bullshit!" Jacey shouted to him, "If you really fucking cared you would've come back to me. You would've saved me but you didn't! You didn't because I think you wanted me out of the way - you all did."
"W-what? Jacey, no."
"Don't tell me I'm lying because I know it's true. I looked for you. I looked for you everywhere but I could never find you because you were never looking for me!" She snapped.
"I did, Jacey! Carl made me. He thought... he knew you were alive somehow, and he told me to go look for you. A-and I tried, believe me, I did but you were gone. You were dead," He almost begged.
Jacey stopped for a moment looking at the man in front of her, the man she had known since she was a child, someone she looked up to and scoffed, "Fuck you."
"Jacey please," He spoke sterner than before.
"What are you even doing here? How did you know I was here?" The younger girl spoke suspiciously her hand rushing to her gun once again, aiming it towards him.
"Addie... Addie told me okay? Put the gun down," Shane told the distressed girl.
"Addie," She whispered, "She's alive. Where is she? What did you do to her?" Jacey shouted getting closer and closer to the man.
"Nothing... I did nothing okay? Put it down you know me I wouldn't hurt her. So put your gun down." Jacey looked at the man she once knew and sighed but refused to lower her weapon.
"Jacey calm down I'm okay," Another voice called to her, "Put your gun down dumbass."
"Addie!" She screamed to her friend dropping her arm and engulfing her in a hug, "I thought... God, I thought you were dead."
"Shh, it's okay. I'm fine," She chuckled at the child who was clinging to her, "I'm okay you can let go now." 
Jacey sheepishly let go and looked over to Shane, "You're with him?"
"He saved me, Jacey," Addie informed her, "He's not the villain here. He really thought you had died." The girl looked at Addie and then at Shane, she wasn't ready to believe that just yet. To her, the pain of being left behind wasn't something she could just get over in a second. 
"Look Jacey I'm so sorry okay? I truly am. I understand if you can't believe or forgive me," He croaked, "But you've got to come with me okay?"
"Why?" She pondered. 
"It's your dad," Jacey felt her heart quicken as she waited for him to continue, "he's alive." The younger girl looked to him as if expecting him to say he was joking but he remained silent - it was true. 
"N-no he's not. You told me he died."
"I know I did, I'm sorry but he wasn't moving a-and-" He started but was interrupted, "Save it. Seems like it's a habit for you to do that, leaving people behind."
"And what about Mom and Carl, did they get left behind as well?" She whimpered.
"No, Jacey, God no. They're alive, back at camp - safe," He corrected looking at the girl with pained eyes, "And you're gonna see them again, you have to come back with us."
Jacey remained motionless - was she going to come back with them? The way Shane said it made her think that she didn't have a choice. 
"No," She sternly put, "No I'm not."
"Jacey-" Addie began. 
"No, I won't. I can't," Jacey snapped at her.
"Not even for your dad?" She shook her head slowly, "But you lost him and now he's back and you're going to throw that away."
"I have a family with you and Mitchell and everyone else. I don't need them. They left me," Addie looked to the girl and let a heavy breath out.
"I'd kill to have the chance you are getting right now," She admitted dejectedly, "How can you not go back to them?"
"No don't! For months you cried over them - over losing your father - and I was there for you. You told me about the pain it brought you to even think about him. So what the hell happened to that? What changed between then and now?"
"I don't need them. I don't need any of them, not even my father," Addie glared at the girl knowing how much she wanted to just go with them, but her pride got in the way of that. She knew that Jacey didn't mean what she said no matter how much she attempted to convince herself she did.
"You'll regret it."
"I doubt that," She muttered, "I made my decision, Addie, respect that."
Jacey looked over to Shane and spoke sharply, "You too, Shane." 
He nodded in response and looked away sorrowfully, "What do I tell them?" She glared at the man not wanting to answer the question, "Nothing." 
She nodded, "As far as they know, I'm still dead." 
"Jacey as much as I respect your decision not to go back. T-this... this is cruel. Rick... he's, I don't know, he's broken. I had to tell him to leave today because he couldn't keep his emotions in check," He told her, "They deserve to know. Carl deserves to know that his sister is out there, so does your parents." 
"It's easier if they think I'm dead, Shane," he gazed at her, shock evident. 
"How could you think that, Jacey?" 
"Because it's true." 
"No, it's not," Someone said from behind her. 
She spun around quickly coming face to face with the man that tried to save her earlier, "I know its none of my business but uh Ric- your dad when he found out he broke down. A-and that night, when Lori was explaining what happened to him, I was walking by, and all I could hear was his sobbing. It lasted all night." 
Jacey looked at him, trying to console her tears, "I've made my decision." 
"I think you've made the wrong one," He shot back, "Names Glenn by the way." 
Jacey smiled at the man, "Jacey, but I'm not going to change my mind no matter what you tell me. My dads a strong man he'll get over it." 
"He won't," Shane apprised, "I know him and he won't. Neither will Carl nor will your mom. They still haven't and its been months. I still hear Carl having nightmares about it." 
"Shut up Shane." 
"No, I won't because you mean so god damn much to that kid! He can barely sleep at night because you're not with him. And your mom constantly worries about him because she thinks the same thing will happen to him. Glenn already said what your dads like, but I guess you don't care right?" 
"Shut up." 
"You don't have to watch it or hear it, so it doesn't bother you. You can live happily while they are forced to live without you." 
"Shut your fucking mouth!" She screamed at him, stopping him from continuing, "I'm not coming back with you." 
"I have to tell them, kid. It's what's right," He told her. 
"How will it make it better?" Shane just looked at the girl, "You know that Dad won't stop looking for me and will probably get killed doing it. Mom will continue worrying not only for Carl but for me as well. Carl will still have nightmares, and he'd have to live knowing he left his sister behind. How could any of that be possibly better?!" Shane studied the girls cold and unbreaking face.
"Face it Walsh grieving is easier than any of that."
Glenn sighed, looking at the scene unravelling. "If you change your mind this is where our camp is," he tells her taking his map out of his bag and giving it to her. 
She mutters a thank you and looks back at Shane, "I'm sorry Shane, but things are different now. The world has changed and so have I. If you do end up telling them um... just tell them that I love them. Shane saw the tears form in her eyes and nodded, "It's getting late. We should head back." Jacey hummed a small 'yeah' and waved them off as they left. Shane turned around last minute and told her, "Your dad would be so proud of the woman you've become. If only he could see how strong you became." Shane walked away after finishing causing her to finally breathe. 
She looked over to her friend, who was still angry that she just brushed them off, "I can't believe you." 
Jacey sighed, picking up her bag and walking closer, "Can we stop talking about this? All that matters is that I've got you back, okay?" Addie reluctantly nodded and set off back to camp. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
10x21: Diverged - First Analysis
Okay, how did everyone like the episode? Did you see all the symbolism? If not, fear not, I’ll show it to you.
***As always, spoilers abound below for 10x21. Don’t read until you’ve watched!!!***
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So let me start by saying this. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. The point of the six bonus episodes it retell, symbolically, every facet of Beth’s story. So 10x17 represented Inmates, but also 4b in general. I said HERE that it reminded me of everyone being split into small groups in 4b. But they were also tracking children’s foot tracks (in this case Hershel Jr) which is weirdly specific to what Beth and Daryl did in Inmates.
10x18 retold most of Beth and Daryl’s story through Leah. So there were elements of Inmates, Still, and even Coda in it. But it’s pretty much a play-by-play of Alone. Play. By. Play.
10x19 with Aaron and Father Gabriel can be called a retelling of Still. They get drunk. Playing drinking games. Play golf.
10x20 is all about Grady recalls, with the imprisonment theme and all.
So, where does that leave 10x21? As with all of them, there is lots of symbolism I’ll point out, but it’s kind of a scene by scene retelling of Them. I know others may go through it in more detail to show the exact parallels, so I’ll just go over the broad themes today. Tomorrow, I’ll do my normal details post.
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So, it starts with Daryl giving Carol Leah’s knife, which is a retelling in reverse of her giving him Beth’s. She does try to return it to him at the end and he declines, which is super important. I’ll get into that more as we get into the weeds of this, but let’s go over this template first so you can see the broad strokes.
Starting with 10x18 (and I’m following the Daryl/Carol template here, so put Leah aside for the moment), Daryl and Carol get on his bike and leave together. They’re on the outside together for a while, searching for something. Mostly food in this case, though Daryl might have originally been planning to search for Connie. After a time, they come to a place where they spend the night, that has ties to one of their pasts. (In this case, Daryl/Leah.) Then they have an argument. The next day, they part ways.
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We’ve actually seen this exact template before, in S5. It comprised 5x02 and 5x06. Daryl and Carol left together in a vehicle (car rather than bike that time). They were out for a while searching for something (Beth). They came to a place where they spent the night that had ties to one of their pasts (in that case, Carol and the abuse center). 
The next day, they have a fight. In that case, it was about Noah and Carol wanting Daryl to help him. Not nearly as big or impactful a fight as in 10x18, but the conflict parallels are there. Then, they part ways. The mechanisms, again, are different. In 10x21, they chose to part ways. In Consumed, it’s because the Grady cops hit Carol with the car and took her into the hospital. But I don’t think the reasons matter. Just the basic events.
So what happened next in S5? Daryl went back to get Rick and TF, but then returned to where Carol (and Beth) were at Grady, right? Well, we’ve already established firmly that Dog = Beth. And notice that in this episode, Dog went with Carol. Are we seeing the symbolism? 
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So what follows with Carol is very reminiscent of Grady in some way. Now, unlike Princess, they can’t actually have Carol imprisoned here, because it wouldn’t work for where they need her to be in the story going into S11. So it’s all going to be symbolic.
I said a few days ago that Rat = Beth. Think of it this way. Rat was minding his own business when Dog suddenly attacks him. So you could see that as Dog and Rat kind of being synonymous symbols. Actually, if we want to get really granular, Rat was in Daryl’s room. We’ll ignore the obvious romantic/sexual pun and just say it represents that rat (Beth) was hanging out with Daryl. Then someone tries to kill Rat. In this case, Carol. 
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We even have rat getting caught in Carol’s trap (Beth being kidnapped and taken to Grady) but escaping. Then Carol traps Rat in the wall by plugging up the way in with the scarf. 
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At that point, Rat is not only trapped, but kind of entombed behind the wall. And Carol can’t see Rat. (What is not seen theme.)
Now, in terms of Carol herself, I’ll talk about what they said on TTD, because it’s very helpful in deciphering all this. But in terms of the symbolism, we think what she does here probably equates to stuff that happened during the missing 17 days and whatever role she played in leaving Beth behind. Because of that, it’s kind of hard to pin down.
Other clues? Dog = Beth right? And not only is Dog present with Carol here, but he even watches over her while she sleeps, same as Beth did while Carol was unconscious at Grady. And Carol is definitely a “prisoner” of her own past and her own mind here. She’s clearly obsessing about things like Rat and soup and the scarf because she can’t “fix” bigger things in her life, like her relationship with Daryl or that Connie is still missing and that’s on her. I’ll talk more about this theme in a minute.
Daryl’s arc here is also chalk full of symbolism that I don’t think I’ve even entirely pinned down, yet, but I really love it. In Daryl’s case, the bike breaks down, right? There’s a hole in one of the hoses that’s leaking stuff, which makes the bike stall, and he has to go find the tools and resources to fix it.
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So, here’s how we’re interpreting this: bike = Beth. Why? Well, I think we can all get behind music box = Beth, can’t we? (If not, I don’t know why you’re following my account.) And remember that I said this was a replay of Them. Just as Daryl fixed the music box in Them, 
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he fixes the bike here. 
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The train tracks are another clue. He takes the bike to the tracks and leaves it there. You know I think train tracks are indicative of Beth’s path, but I’m also sure they’re a multi-layered symbol with many meanings.
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In S4, Beth was the only one who didn’t actually follow the tracks. She crossed them. Daryl did too, initially, but he later followed them to Terminus with Rick and Michonne. Beth was the only one who never did that and therefore never ended up at Terminus. Her path would be completely different. We saw hints of this symbolism in 6x08, when Daryl crossed train tracks on his bike after being hurt, and we see the same thing here.
The “hole” in the bike hose represents Beth’s gunshot wound, dripping blood. Daryl leaves the bike to go look for something to fix it with. So, this part is kinda non-specific. 
You could say leaving the bike where it was in the woods = leaving Beth behind. But where does he search for the part? 
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In a group of 3 cars with a walker inside, which is also indicative of where we think they left her. So, this whole sequence kind of points to the missing 17 days and leaving her behind. With the bike being “dead,” (read: unconscious for a human) Daryl pushes the bike manually, which may parallel him carrying Beth.
My fellow theorists and I discussed the idea that back in S5, Daryl didn’t have the “tools” to fix Beth after she was shot, or the understanding not realize she wasn’t really dead. But at some point, he will. We don’t know what the “fixing” point refers to overall, or how it will manifest in the show. It could be lots of things. Literal, medical, emotional. Who knows? But it’s interesting.
Now, on the one hand, this points backward, to those missing scenes. But I always say every callback doubles as a foreshadow. After all, if Daryl had “fixed” Beth during those missing 17 days, she wouldn’t be missing and presumed dead, right? And in Them, we see him fix the music box, and the next scene is Aaron showing up with “good news” and the music box waking up. Clearly that didn’t happen with Beth in S5. So at some point, this shifts from a callback to a foreshadow of what will happen when he actually finds her again.
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Now, in order to understand (as far as we can) this symbolism, I will have to get somewhat granular. Because the whole sequence is very strange. Daryl stops the bike on the tracks and looks through his binoculars. (Binocular Theory). It doesn’t really show us what he sees or what he’s trying to do, but I think the idea is that he sees the military walker and is hoping to find a smaller knife on him that he needs to fix his bike.
Imma come back to the knives, because they’re a theory all their own, but let’s examine the events first. He leaves the bike on the tracks and moves forward. Now, I had to watch this several times to understand it. I think the idea is that there were walkers on both sides of the tracks that hadn’t noticed him. They’re milling around but not focused on him. So he’s hoping to slip, unnoticed, between them. Unfortunately, he snaps a twig under his foot and they all turn toward him.
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Everyone’s been asking about the Beth walker. She’s definitely here in this scene. I almost wonder, if she represents Beth, if it’s supposed to be that she’s there, close by, but he’s focused on something else, and doesn’t notice her. I kept thinking he would kill this walker, but he never does, and I think that’s significant. 
Also, these military walkers probably represent the CRM. So, for example, this may represent a future storyline where Daryl has a run-in with some members of the CRM. He manages to get away here, which probably means during that future interaction, he’ll get away, too. But he may not realize Beth is with the CRM. So she’s there, hanging around, but he’s too focused on other things to notice. 
(Disclaimer: I’m not saying this is exactly what this scene foreshadows. As always, the details will probably be wrong, but it’s something along these lines.)
Now, there are a lot of weirdnesses in this scene. He suddenly starts limping, for one thing. He wasn’t limping before this, and he doesn’t have the limp when he returns to Alexandria. So to me, that screams that this is a foreshadowing of something we haven’t seen yet. When whatever this sequence foreshadows plays out, Daryl will probably be dealing with an injury of some kind.
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He hurries toward a ravine where a military walker is caught in a tree. (Tree/Trunk symbolism anyone?)
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So, in terms of this episode, he obviously saw the military walker and hoped this dude might have a knife on him that Daryl could use to fix his bike. That’s what he’s up to here. And it turns out, he does.
Symbolically, it’s a whole other ballgame. In terms of the binocular theory, I always thought Red Poncho Guy, who Daryl and Aaron looked at through binoculars, represented Beth. Both because of the red poncho (red garment in Beth’s cell in 4x01) and because he was taken by the Wolves. It’s possible the Wolves are the symbolic antecedent of the Reapers or the CRM. Or both.
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So, I think this whole sequence where he walks along the tracks, past the Beth walker, and then interacts with these military walkers that probably represent the CRM, is a foreshadow or future telling of how he’ll find Beth. Because of the limp, maybe he gets injured and the CRM take him somewhere—like they did with Rick—and that’s where he find Beth.
How is that represented here? He finds the knife he needs to fix the bike.
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And again, we don’t know what the “fixing” will mean in a literal sense when this plays out. Maybe fixing is just finding her. Because that will “fix” the hole she left in his heart when he lost her. Maybe it will mean something else.
But the knife itself is important. Why? Because it’s…kinda cooler than Leah’s knife? It’s bigger. It does more stuff. It’s a better tool and a better weapon. It’s kind of life Knife 2.0. And how many times have we talked about how when Beth returns, she’ll be tougher, stronger, a better survivor. She’ll be Beth 2.0. They even said that in the TTD after Still. Remember the phrase they used? “Raised by Hershel, trained by Daryl, meet the new Beth Green.”
So, remember that Leah represents everything that came before in S4 and S5, so her knife then represents the old Beth. The one that died at Grady, emotionally if not physically. Knife 2.0 then represents the new Beth as she’ll be when Daryl finds her again. And where he did find Knife 2.0? With the military/CRM walker.
See what I mean?
A couple of details that parallel this to Them: When Daryl fights the military walker, he slides down into a dry creek bed. There was a dry creek bed in Them. There’s also a small bridge behind him (Bridge Theory) with a circular opening for water to pass under it. (Beth = Water.)
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When he gets out of the ravine, he sort of goes a different way and all the walkers that were coming after him just sort of fall into the ravine. That’s exactly what happened in Them. Remember? TF was on the bridge and they would wait for the walkers to come close and then jump out of the way so they all fell off the bridge? Yeah. Replay of Them.
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So then Daryl goes to fix the bike and two more military walkers come at him. Yes, two. At first, you’ll probably only see one because they show it weird. But there are actually two. He pulls ammo off one and food rations off another.
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What does that mean? I don’t want to go into too much here, but I think it’s just all part of the CRM story arc, which we won’t truly see play out until the spinoff. I think this lack of food they’re dealing with will continue, and at some point their water will become undrinkable. So, it won’t be a matter of grabbing Beth and Rick and running back to Alexandria. They’ll all die without the CRM’s resources. (Hence why Daryl finds food and ammo on these walkers and is like, “nice.”) Much like with Negan/AOW, they’ll have to find some way to integrate and all live together peaceably. Which is also what Rick’s confrontation with the Governor in 4x08 foreshadowed.
Next clue. It takes Daryl a while to fix the bike and it gets dark before he’s done. I totally didn’t catch it the first time until @frangipanilove clued me in, but we hear a wolf howl in the distance. The subtitles confirm it is a wolf, not a coyote or dog, and Daryl even looks over his shoulder as though acknowledging it. So to me, that’s wolf symbolism, and shows that the Denise/Wolf template will be in play when Daryl finds and ‘fixes’ Beth.
It’s actually way more complicated than that, but this is part of that second rabbit hole I mentioned this morning that I won’t be posting about until after ep 22.
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Repeat of Still Theme
Okay, the only other thing I want to draw your attention to today (Details tomorrow) is that there is a theme of letting go of the past in order to move forward. And that’s very much a Still theme. Beth and Daryl burnt down the moonshine shack as a symbol of letting of their pasts and moving forward. And we see that same thing here.
People are going to say this is boring bc Carol makes soup and chases a rat around the kitchen, and Daryl fixes his bike. And on the surface, they’re right. But I’ve already explained the significance of him fixing the bike.
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For the rest, not until Carol gave up on the rat did it actually get free and get out of her hair. And I think the scarf represents something that really couldn't be saved, and wasn't worth her time, but she started to obsess over it. She couldn't control or fix the bigger things in her life, so she's trying to fix small things that actually don't matter much. And when she finally made her peace with that, she threw the scarf away because she didn't need it anymore.
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Same with Daryl and Leah’s knife. They actually say on TTD (which I’ll post about in more detail on Wednesday) that Daryl letting go of Leah’s knife and letting Carol have it represents him letting go of Leah. So, we still think she’s mostly hallucination anyway, but even if we’re wrong about that, they’ve pretty much confirmed that the Daryl/Leah thing is completely over.
But think about what we’ve said about Leah. She represents his time with Beth IN THE PAST. He has to let that go in order to move forward. And I think he was always going to have to reach this point, emotionally, before Beth could return.
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Another way to think about it: just as with Beth’s knife, he probably needed to hang onto Leah’s knife for emotional reasons. It has to do with his guilt and trauma and grief over whatever happened. Now, I don’t think they wanted him to give Beth’s actual knife to Carol because that will probably figure in the plot eventually, but this is a symbol of the same thing. The knife, like the hallucination of Leah, is something he created to get himself through the hardest time of his life. Now, he’s past it, and letting it go. Just as Beth taught him to do in Still.
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It's about letting go of small things in order to move forward.
So, I’m really looking hard at knife #1 (Leah’s) vs. knife #2 (leatherman that he gets from the military guy). Because, I think just as we always talk about how Beth from S4/S5 was not only younger, but naïve, innocent, less mature in her character development, etc., when she comes back, we know she’ll be tougher, more badass, Beth 2.0, etc. right? Hence, she just changed. 
And I think the knives represent that. The old model being left behind (by Daryl) and he finds the newer, better knife, which represents him finding the new Beth. Hence the train tracks and the military walkers (CRM). And incidentally (haha not so much) we do see the Beth walker in that same sequence where he finds the knife.
In Still, we learned he has to let his past go to move forward, and he’ll have to let his past go to find Beth. So again, I’m wondering what the knife will represent that he gives Carol when they part before he actually runs into Beth.
I did have one idea: maybe it’s not a tangible object. Maybe he gives her the truth about Leah. That she’s a hallucination. He finally admits it to her, and then later realizes he can’t function without it (just like he needed the knife). But he’s gonna need to let it go and find something better before he actually finds Beth.
And I actually think the scarf/leatherneck thing works with this. I mean, Leah wore the fox scarf. So in that way, it may function similarly to the knife. Something that needs to be let go to move forward, even if it’s kinda painful. And Carol throws away the scarf in this episode.
I was thinking about when Carol went to see him the last time in 10x18, she gave him a scarf, right? But it was kind of a token gift. He didn’t look particularly pleased with it. And she admitted it wasn’t the real reason she was there. First she said something about how she shouldn’t need an excuse to give him a gift, but then she says, “okay, the REAL reason I’m here…” And he took it, but you could tell he was kind of like, “okay, whatever.” And that’s similar to the knife here. She offers it to him, but he doesn’t want it. So yeah, at least in this respect, I think scarf and knife are somewhat synonymous.
Okay, I’ll stop there for today. I have TONS more to say about the specifics and TTD, and plenty about where all this is going. But I’ll leave you with that today. Thoughts?
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Vows Pt.8
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Series Summary:
The last battle with Negan doesn’t go as it should, with Negan coming on top, and so reader, Daryl’s girlfriend, offers herself as a wife to Negan if he doesn’t kill Daryl or anyone else. Negan accepts, he won’t kill anyone but will take reader as a wife, and he’ll take Daryl and some of the others to the Sanctuary as prisoners, promising not to hurt anyone if reader is one of his wives and the communities work for him.
This has both flashbacks to reader and Daryl’s story since meeting to now, and the present with reader living at the Sanctuary as a wife, trying to keep Daryl and their people safe, and she and the other wives dealing with Negan, plotting… (This is not a Negan x reader fic!)
Warning, Daryl is tortured.
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Negan dragged you into the main hall of the Sanctuary, where everyone seemed to be gathered, and you gasped in horror when you saw Daryl.
He was tied up to a beam, hanging from his arms. They’d removed his sweatshirt and someone seemed to have decided to have their sick fun with him already, either Negan or any other savior at his orders, because you could see bruises over Daryl’s torse and face, as if he’d taken a beaten already, and his head was hanging low.
Up the stairs, you saw Rick, Rosita, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Eugine, and Dwight on their knees with guns pointed at their heads. This had to be your worst nightmare.
You tried to go to Daryl, out of instinct, but Negan was still holding your arm and he tugged you back roughly. “You don’t move unless I tell you,” he warned you, letting go of your arm to approach Daryl.
Negan grabbed his face and lifted it, making him look at him. “Now, Daryl…look who I’ve brought.” He moved Daryl’s head to make him look at you, even if he looked half gone, and you hated how in pain and hurt he looked, making your eyes fill with tears. “You wanted to go see her, uh?” Negan made Daryl nod. “Trying to sneak into my wive’s rooms like a dog in heat, sending one of my men to the infirmary…that’s more than a no, no…”
“See what I did to Dwight?” Negan moved Daryl’s face again so he looked at Dwight. “And to Mark, that was my dear Amber’s boyfriend.” Negan made Daryl look at Amber now, who was half-hidden behind the other wives. “He died…but I didn’t plan that, it just…happened…” Negan shrugged as if nothing. “But with you…no, I’m tired of you, I gave you too many chances…no, I’m marking you and then you’re going to meet Lucille…and you all here are going to watch and remember what happens if you pull up shit like that, because I feel I’ve been too soft and you all have forgotten!”
Negan let go of Daryl’s face, and you wanted to do something, anything, but you were paralyzed by fear. Negan walked around Daryl, circling him, and then he chuckled, looking at his back. “It seems that someone marked you pretty well already…”
Negan headed to the oven where an iron was begin heated, and you finally managed to push past your shock, running to him, not caring if you ended up being ironed yourself.
“Please, please, no, wait!” You didn’t care if you had to beg a million times, but you weren’t sure that would work anymore. “Please, he…he was worried about me, that’s why he did that, he wanted to check that I was okay, please, it’s my fault.”
“Get out of the way, doll, before you burn yourself,” Negan warned you, but you didn’t.
“Please, please don’t.” You kept trying. “I’ll do anything you want, please.” You didn’t know what you could offer, you had already married him. “I’ll clean this whole place every day, I’ll manage walkers on the fences, I…I…”
“I already have people doing all that, doll,” Negan said while you kept trying to think on stuff to do. “You’re my wife.”
Yes…and there was nothing that you could offer as a wife because he already took it when he wanted it… you felt so desperate that you felt tears in your eyes again. “Please…please, just ask me anything and I’ll do it, please…I’ll fuck you every way you want in every room here the same day every day, I’ll have a threesome if you want…” You weren’t sure if any other wife would be on board, but you just kept thinking stuff that you could give as one of his wives. “I’ll fuck you right here in front of everyone…I…I…” You couldn’t think on anything, no matter how much you tried.
Negan looked at you, and you weren’t sure if he was just going to iron you and then Daryl, or spare you and go for Daryl…but then he smirked, chuckling, and dropped the iron back on the fire…you didn’t dare to have hope, though, not with the look in his eyes.
“I see…you sound, oh so convincing, doll, with you those beautiful ideas…” He chuckled and then grabbed your neck, making you walk around Daryl and in front of him again, while everyone else looked at you in silence.
“On your knees.” Negan instructed and you did as told, dropping onto your knees on the floor. “Open my belt,” Negan smirked when you looked at him at that…so he really was going to take your word. “Open my belt, doll.” He repeated, grinning darkly. “You’re going to blow me here in front of everyone and then I’ll see if I also fuck you here as you so kindly suggested.”
You heard Daryl struggling and then him grunting as he was hit again, but you didn’t look at him, couldn’t, and you kept your eyes on Negan. “And then you’ll spare Daryl?”
“Maybe…” Negan shrugged with that dark smile.
You weren’t sure he would, but it was the only chance you seemed to have, and so you’d do it. You opened Negan’s belt and unzipped his trousers, but he grabbed your wrist before you could go any further, making you stop. He looked at you, smirking, seeming to be considering you, before he tugged at you so you’d get up again.
“So…you’d really do it…” Negan muttered, chuckling, and you nodded. “Hmm…I don’t feel like it, not now, not here, but…later.” He smirked, winking at you, and you stayed silent, even when held your chin and kissed you. “Now, doll…if Daryl misbehaves in any other way, he’s dead, understood?”
You nodded and Negan smirked, letting go of your chin. He approached Daryl and you looked at him warily. Negan held’s Daryl’s face, which was hanging low, making him look at him as he dug his fingers into his cheeks.
“Understood?” Negan said. “If you try anything again, I’ll kill you. But first, I’ll drop Y/N into one of the cells, she’d eat dog food and she’d leave only to work at the fence with the walkers…I don’t want to, it’s not what I’d do with any of my wives at all, and I like her, I like fucking her.” He chuckled. “So don’t make me.”
You forced yourself not to say anything at that, but you couldn’t keep silent when you saw Negan approaching the oven and taking the iron. “What are you doing?!”
“Don’t worry, dear, I won’t kill him…probably.” Negan chuckled, and before you knew what was happening, he pressed the iron onto Daryl’s shoulderblade, over his tattoo, making him cry out in pain, and you gasped aloud.
“I’m sorry, doll,” Negan said, pulling back the iron, the burning smell almost making you gag. “But I couldn’t let this pass so easily…he’s lucky enough I didn’t kill him…isn’t him?”
Daryl was beyond answering, he seemed unconscious, but Negan was looking at you, and you understood the threat, so you composed yourself. “Yes, Negan,” you said blankly.
“Good…” Negan gave you that dangerous smile of him. “I’ll even let that doctor friend of yours, Siddiq, treat him so it doesn’t infect…so probably he won’t die, yeah?” You didn’t say anything and Negan chuckled before looking at his saviors. “Take Daryl and bring him to the infirmary.” He looked at the other wives then. “I want you all back to the room…and you,” he turned to look at you. “You are coming to my room.”
You nodded, swallowing all the instincts that were telling you to try to kill Negan right there and then. “Yes, Negan.”
Negan kept you in his room until the next morning, and you couldn’t pretend to enjoy his attention, not then, but at least you tried not to appear as disgusted, sad, and mad as you felt, not wanting to risk him taking it out on Daryl.
When you went back to the wive’s room the next morning, the other women seemed to be waiting for you, looking sad and worried, and you were grateful, but you didn’t feel like being around people, feeling like you might either snap or start crying and not stop for hours.
They looked at you in silence, but finally, Noemi was the one to speak. “Sweetheart…how are you?”
“I’m okay…” You muttered, shrugging and looking down, and nobody seemed to believe it, but they didn’t press it.
“I know you don’t want to, but we got you some food,” Noemi said, but you shook your head.
“I’m not hungry, I just…I’m going to bed, I’m tired,” you excused yourself, heading to your room without looking at the other women, and you closed the door behind you.
You had just dropped onto the bed when the door opened, and Lila looked inside. You let out a sigh, trying not to snap. “I really want to be alone,” you said, hoping not to sound too harsh.
“I know, but I have to tell you something, it’s about Daryl,” Lila said and your stomach dropped, and you almost felt dizzy as you waited for the worst. “I made Arat check on him and Siddiq.”
“He’s in pain and the wound is bad, but Siddiq said he thinks he’ll recover without an infection,” Lila told you with a small smile and you let out a breath as your eyes filled with tears.
“Good…that’s good…thank you, thank you really.” You knew that Lila had put herself at risk asking something from Arat, they could be discovered and Arat might get tired and turn on her.
“It’s nothing…I’m glad I could do something…just…it was an asshole thing to do, not only burn him but burn his tattoo like that.” Lila let out a sigh. “Anyway…I’ll leave you alone.”
Yes…Daryl’s tattoo must be gone, burned, but he was alive even if hurt, and Siddiq thought there would be no infection and he’d recover…that was good…
You smiled when you heard Daryl hum as he woke up at the feeling of your fingers softly stroking over his bare back, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he snuggled to the pillow. The bed in your cell was small, but neither of you seemed to mind it.
You knew that Daryl had to go out hunting soon, but you both still had a little bit of time just to lie together in the bed, and so you kept stroking his back for a bit, before leaning to press kisses across it, and Daryl let out another sigh, still with his eyes closed and that soft smile. He was just so cute sometimes, you’d have never imagined it if you hadn’t seen it yourself.
You pulled back and caressed the ink of the tattoo on his shoulder blade, those two winged figures that looked like demons. You’d wondered about it sometimes, when you saw it, but had never asked.
“How did you decide to get this tattoo?” You asked, leaning to press a kiss on it, and Daryl just shrugged.
“You just went to a tattoo shop and picked it?” You half teased, Daryl had other tattoos, but that was the bigger one, and you’d always wondered if it had any meaning to it.
“Nah, someone drew it for me,” Daryl murmured, eyes still closed, moving his shoulder under your hand so you’d keep caressing it, and you couldn’t help your smile at it…purring kitten Daryl asking for pets. He’d get so offended if you said that aloud.
“Yes?” You asked while you kept running your fingers over his back. “Who?” He’d picked your interest now, and you hoped that he wouldn’t stop talking about it now.
“Girl from my high school,” Daryl muttered, still sounding sleepy.
It was stupid, but you felt a bitter pang of jealousy on your gut. A girl had drawn that for Daryl and he’d gotten it tattooed…what, twenty years ago?  How could you be jealous of such a thing. It was ridiculous…
“High school girlfriend?” You found yourself asking nonetheless. Daryl rolled to lie on his back, looking at you, eyes sleepy but questioning as he arched an eyebrow at you, and you wondered if you had sounded jealous. You hoped not because it was embarrassing.
“No.” Daryl looked half confused, half-amused, and you wonder again if you’re failing at hiding that stupid, silly pang of jealousy.
“So, who was her then, that drew you the tattoo?” You asked, trying to sound like you didn’t care that much. It wasn’t out of jealousy, though, not really, you were really intrigued.
“Girl from my town, same school…We both used to be grounded after class,” Daryl said, and he moved his head to nuzzle your hand as if asking you to keep cuddling him, and you almost snorted at it, but resumed your caresses.
“Aw, little troublemaker Daryl, weren’t you,” You teased, earning a scoff from Daryl, who reached to jab at your ribs as if trying to tickle you, and you squealed and moved away.
“People were assholes, I just fought back.” He shrugged. “But I was the one blamed for shit always…a Dixon and all that.”
You guessed so, and your heart broke for little Daryl. “So that girl, did she start the fights or did she just fight back too?” You asked while you played with Daryl’s hair.
“Neither.” Daryl closed his eyes when he felt your fingers on his hair. “She was grounded all the time ‘cause she didn’t care for the classes or the teachers or nothin’, spent the classes just drawin’, teachers didn’t like it,” Daryl kept explaining. “She was supposed to do like homework when we were grounded or some shit but she didn’t, just kept drawin’ anyway.”
“And so she drew you that tattoo?” You asked.
“Yeah…we were grounded a lot so we ended up hangin’ together sometimes, I didn’t have any friends, but she wasn’t bad to be with. She wanted to drop out of school as soon as she could, like me, but she wanted to be a tattooist…I wanted to be nothing.” Daryl shrugged.
You always hated it when he said stuff like that about himself, but you didn’t say anything, letting him speak, it wasn’t usual that he talked about himself and his past, and you always cherished it when he did it.
“So…you were friends with that girl,” you said, trying to encourage him to keep talking. Daryl hummed a yes, closing his eyes again and tugging at you, and so you lied down, snuggling to his chest when Daryl wrapped his arm around you.
“We hang after school…Merle wasn’t around, but he eventually came back, and when he did…well, she and him…let’s say they didn’t get along much…” You felt the rumble of Daryl’s chest as he let out a chuckle, and you snorted. You could imagine, you had suffered Merle yourself.
“So…uh… we kept hangin’ but she’d talk shit about Merle…sayin’ that he’d always get me doin’ whatever he wanted, draggin’ me everywhere…so…yeah I didn’t take it well...we fought…Merle’d talk shit about her too, they really didn’t like each other…” Daryl let out a sigh.
“So, uh…I stopped hangin’ with her… But then one day when we were grounded, she passed me this tattoo drawing she’d made. It was like a demon thing and an angel, she said those were the Dixon’s, my brother’d be draggin’ me to hell and anywhere he wanted and I’d just gladly take his hand or some shit.” Daryl shrugged, seeming shy and defensive. “I just got more pissed…yelled at her so much that I got grounded for another hour.” He snorted bitterly.
“I just ignored her since then even when she tried talkin’ to me, I think she was tryin’ for us to be friends again but I’d just yell at her to leave me alone…then one day Merle left, as always. Left me without a word and with a damn mess of his  to deal with, people he owed money to, drug money.” Daryl let out a sigh and you felt sad that teen Daryl had to deal with that bullshit…you decided to not voice your opinion on Merle, though, it wasn’t like Daryl didn’t know it enough already.
“Then I realized that the only friend I had was that girl…but I’d been a dick to her, I knew she wouldn’t want to see me anymore. I hadn’t seen her in a few days, I guessed she’d tried not to get grounded so she wouldn’t have to see me, ‘cause I was a prick to her…” Daryl sounded remorseful and you knew he was. “Turned out she’d just moved to the city with their parents, they got better jobs there and she could study art…so, yeah…she didn’t tell me and never saw her again…”
“I’m sorry.” You moved up from Daryl’s chest so you could look at him, caressing his cheek, but he didn’t look at you, seeming shy. You knew it was hard for him to talk about himself and his past, and you appreciated it.
“So…uh…I still had the tattoo drawin’ she made, one day I was wasted and I went to a guy who sometimes hung with Merle and tattoed him stuff to tattoo it for me,” Daryl explained. “But uh…I ain’t no angel…just a prick like my brother…so I made them both demons…”
“Daryl…” You let out a sigh, shifting over his chest so you could look down at him and stroke his cheek. “You’re not like Merle…” You weren’t sure if you weren’t risking to upset or anger Daryl saying that, his brother was important to him. “You’re much more than you think you are.” Daryl just scoffed at that without looking at you, and you cupped his face, searching for his eyes. “You’re an amazing person, Daryl, loyal and selfless, and I’m lucky to have you, I couldn’t have anyone better than you.”
“Stop it,” Daryl grumbled, you knew that your words made him shy, but you would tell him stuff like that until he believed it. He tugged at you until you were lying over his chest again, hugging you to him, and you smiled when he kissed the top of your head.
You weren’t going to say anything else, not wanting to make him shyer, but you thought on something and couldn’t help but tease him a bit again. “Also…you should have kept the angel. You are an angel, darling, you got the wings and all, on that vest that I love.”
You heard Daryl half scoffing, half snorting at it. “Stop it…” He murmured again, nuzzling your hair in that way he did when he was shy and trying to hide.
You smiled at it, closing your eyes and snuggling to him with a content sigh…
You were lying on the bed, hugging Daryl’s shirt to you, barely any of his scent left, your face buried in it as you cried. You looked up when you heard the door opening and saw Abby walking inside. She didn’t say anything, just walked to lie next to you on the bed.
“I have to get Daryl out of here…” You whispered, sniffing.
“You know you can’t…” Abbi told you softly.
“No, I only don’t know how to do it,” you retorted. “But I will. I will get him out of here, I’ll free him and the others…and I’ll kill Negan,” you half whimpered half hissed. “Kill his saviors, and then…then we all burn this place down…”
If you enjoyed this, comments and reblogs are always more than welcome, thanks.
Also, as always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
New taglist for Daryl,I trimmed it, if you want to be tagged let me know and also, please, if you are not interested in being tagged anymore let me know too
@coffeebooksandfandom​​  @gruffle1​  @yenne-yen-illustrations​  @sourwolf-sterek32​  @lonewolf471​​  @daryldixonandfrogs​​    @collecting-stories​​ @princessxpunk​​    @smiithys​​    @captainbuckyboobear​​   @dazzledamazon​​   @spidergirla5​​ @lilythemadqueen​​ @lightning-butterfly​​ @purplebtsmagic​​  @courtnytrash04​​       @seizethesam​​    @fuseburner​​ @phoenixblack89​​  @boywivlove​​  @amaroho​​ @woundmetender​​  @classyunknownlover​​ @tenderlyunlikelyexpert​​ @kaitieskidmore1​​ @sttrawberries​​ @huffledor-able541​​ @browneyes528​​ @soraitmnt​​  @thereshallbenoother​​ @leej2468​​  @heartlessmarvello​​  @redneckstrash​​ @bitchynicole​​   @supernatural79impala​​     @thiccblondeliv​​ @maggie-l-m​​ @baseballbitch116​​ @sweatywildpanda​​ @theteaset​​  @amaroho​​ @my-current-fandom-is​​   @whitexwingedxdoves​​ @nickangel13​​ @oceans-daughter-3​​  @tuttifuckinfruttifriday​
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