#for fanfic reasons
inkonssstantgeissst · 9 months
how normal normal eyes see things:
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how Gojo sees things with his eyes open:
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how Gojo sees things with his eyes closed:
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at least, this is how i imagine it, and part of why i think Gojo is crazy
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ink-inkonstantin · 7 months
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Naoya before going through hell vs. after going through hell
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jeromeclarke107 · 9 months
Would anyone be willing to make a map/layout of the gemstone family compound based on what we've seen on the show? I just think it would be cool and I don't have the um.....artistic capabilities to make this a reality lol.
Love ya'll TRG fandom! This would be awesome if someone could do it!!!
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phantomboo · 8 months
bruh my last account went bye bye. so art!
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spookysexy · 2 years
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Gifs by me @spookysexy
Some gifs to help with those smaller scenes in fanfic!
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navysealt4t · 1 year
quick! choose a number 1 - 25!!!
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sanguinarysanguinity · 8 months
Expanding a thought from a conversation this morning:
In general, I think "Is X out-of-character?" is not a terribly useful question for a writer. It shuts down possibility, and interesting directions you could take a character.
A better question, I believe, is "What would it take for Character to do X?" What extremity would she find herself in, where X starts to look like a good idea? What loyalties or fears leave him with X as his only option? THAT'S where a potentially interesting story lies.
In practice, I find that you can often justify much more from a character than you initially dreamed you could: some of my best stories come from "What might drive Character to do [thing he would never do]?" As long as you make it clear to the reader what the hell pushed your character to this point, you've got the seed of a compelling story on your hands.
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sassasafreeaction · 7 months
Has it been established where Crowley takes the Bentley in Episode 5? Aziraphale brings it back and they have that 'did you miss me' moment, but then the next time we see them, it's when Crowley is rolling back up in time to watch Aziraphale penguin around to the different shops. I thought it was all the same day though. Did he just go take a quick nap? What happened???
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loz-tearsofahomo · 10 months
I was telling my dad about ao3 and he asked "But why would anyone do it if they're not being paid?" And that genuinely makes me so sad. The fact that the majority of people are told things are only worth doing if there is financial gain in it. Oh you're an artist? Artists don't make any money.
Sometimes the point isn't money. Sometimes it's just to create.
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acemdzsfan · 1 year
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inkonssstantgeissst · 10 months
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these are the shirts Toji's wearing in my TojiGo fic. because of Gojo's influence. for entirely practical reasons.
wanted to draw him in these but had no patience for drawing lol. so i couldn't really bother to clean it up, but i think it still gets the idea across
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ink-inkonstantin · 7 months
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creepy gojo
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Sirius, after finding out about Jegulus: How could you do this to me? WHY would you do this to me?
James, distraught: Sirius, I'm so sorry, I didn't think you'd be this-
Sirius, crying: I was supposed to be best man for BOTH of you! Now I only get ONE chance?
Regulus, a bit irritated: Sirius, we've been dating for like two mon-
James, freaking out as well, now: FUCK, you're RIGHT! Oh Merlin, Reg, can we share him? Which side will he stand on? Will he go to both stag parties?
Regulus, leaning into the chaos, absolutely done: Remus is my best man.
Sirius, furious: WHAT?
James, triumphant: YES!
Remus: Absolutely not. I'm not being dragged into this.
Regulus, smirking: You'd walk down the aisle with Sirius.
Remus: ....alright.
James, several hour later: Wait, Reggie, we're getting married?
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ageofstarkey · 9 months
soft glow ✰ m. riddle
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summary: sleepy mornings with matthéo
pairing: bf!matthéo x reader
warnings: slightly suggestive at the end, but nothing really other than that!! just tooth rotting fluff n théo who’s soft for u and no one else!! :’))
note: hi!! i’m not sure how i feel about this one but i still think it’s a lil tiny bit cute so i’m posting!! feel free to send in requests!!
comments & reblogs are so appreciated! <3
✰ ✰ ✰
when you wake up, matthéo’s bedroom is warm with the soft glow of morning. golden rays of sunlight peek stubbornly through his drapes, and soft white noise filters steadily in through the window.
as you slowly come to, you begin to register the familiar sensation of matthéo’s touch. his calloused fingers glide almost curiously across your face; carefully tracing each curve and dip, as if to memorize your every detail.
with a soft hum, you finally blink open your eyes - squinting into the sunlight. you roll towards matthéo with a yawn, offering him a sleepy smile. “hi”
matthéo grins, smoothing a mess of tangled hair away from your face. “hi, darling.” his voice is raspy and painfully fond - and your heart aches pleasantly behind your ribcage. his hand slides casually to the back of your neck, and you quietly hope that your cheeks aren’t as red as they feel. “how’d you sleep?”
“me? oh - i slept terribly” you’re aiming for deadpan in a desperate attempt to play it cool, but you wear a giddy little grin that almost certainly gives you away. “worst sleep of my life.”
“oh yeah?”
you nod with all the conviction you can muster - which admittedly isn’t much. “mhmm” with a little stretch, you’re leaning upwards to kiss his cheek. “you snore louder than my granddad.”
matthéo scoffs in mock offence, fingers poking teasingly at your side. “‘s that so?”
you nod once more, trying desperately to stifle a giggle. matthéo’s teasing is relentless, and you squirm clumsily away from his prodding fingers. in the end - it doesn’t take long for you to give in. “okay! okay - fine!” you laugh breathlessly. “you don’t snore and i had the best sleep of my life. is that what you wanted to hear?”
“yes actually. because you on the other hand - you do snore and it’s really quite loud - sort of like-”
“matthéo!” he’s being mean on purpose and you pretend to hate it. “i do not snore!”
“okay but how do you know you don’t snore, hm? i mean - if you’re asleep when it happens…” he tugs you towards his bare chest, one arm wrapped firmly around your back. “you wouldn’t really know, would you?” he punctuates his words with a soft kiss to your forehead, and you all but melt into his gentle embrace.
“i hate you.” with your face smushed against matthéo’s chest, your words come out awkward and muffled. “like - i really, really can’t stand you sometimes.”
he tugs you impossibly closer with a pleased laugh. “don’t lie, sweetheart”
“i’m not lying!”
he tilts your head upwards before slowly kissing your lips. you feel warm all over, and you chase him with a quiet whine when he pulls away. “if you really hate me, why were you screaming m-”
“you’re so awful!”
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emkini · 1 year
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For Hearth and Home by @sword-and-stars has been giving me brainrot for the better part of a month
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recurring-polynya · 7 months
Me, writing the parts of my fanfic I want to write: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Me, trying to string those parts together into something that resembles a narrative: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
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