#finally the long-awaited reunion ]
bietrofastimoff23 · 8 months
Lately I've been thinking a lot about how Aegon won't have the opportunity to bid farewell to his brothers, sister-wife, son. and the funeral of Jaehaerys will be the first and last for him, not because others will be saved, but because the bodies of most of them will not be found.
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springtyme · 4 months
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 ♡
afab/mom!reader x Price, König, Ghost, Gaz, & Soap
tags/warnings: Some angst but mostly fluff, (like, so much fluff!) Pregnancy, mention of birth. Makes more sense if you read part one first, but can easily be read as a stand alone.
word count: 6.3k
Part two of Confessing They Want A Baby
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Price ♡
As you stand at the airport gate, holding your little boy in your arms, anticipation and nervousness consume you. This is a day you have looked forward to for a long time—the moment John returns home from deployment. It’s been a long and challenging journey for both of you, especially since John had to leave shortly after you gave birth to your son.
The airport is bustling with people, each lost in their own world of arrivals and departures. You scan the crowd, searching for any sign of John’s familiar face. Your heart skips a beat each time you see a man in uniform, but it’s never him. Doubt begins to creep in, but you quickly push it aside, reminding yourself that he’ll be here soon.
Your little boy squirms in your arms, sensing your restlessness. You adjust his blanket, feeling the warmth of his tiny body against yours. His innocent eyes meet yours, and you smile, finding solace in his presence. He is a constant reminder of the love and strength that binds your little family together.
Just as you’re about to give in to panic, you spot a group of uniformed soldiers making their way towards the gate. Your heart leaps with joy, recognising the SAS emblem on their sleeves. Among them, you catch a glimpse of John’s familiar face, his eyes scanning the crowd. 
“John!” you call out, your voice filled with relief and excitement.
He turns towards you, a wide smile breaking across his face. “Darling!” he exclaims, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and joy.
As he finally reaches you, you see the weariness in his eyes. “I missed you so much,” you say, tears welling up in your eyes as your husband’s strong arms embrace you and your little boy.
“I missed you and our little guy too,” he replies, his voice filled with emotion. 
You hold each other tightly, cherishing this long-awaited reunion. At this moment, time stands still as the chaos of the airport fades away. It’s just the three of you, together again, united by love and an unbreakable bond.
“I can’t believe you’re finally home,” you whisper, your voice trembling.
John pulls you even closer, his arms wrapped tightly around you and your son. “I can’t believe it either,” he  murmurs, his voice filled with a mix of relief and disbelief. “But I promised you, didn’t I? I promised I would come back.”
You nod against his chest, the tears flowing freely now. It has been a challenging six months for both of you - the sleepless nights, the endless worry, and the long distance that separated your family. But through it all, you held on to hope, to the love that strengthened your bond. You hands your little boy over to his father, letting him hold him for the first time since he was a newborn 
As John cradles your son in his strong arms, you watch their interaction with a mixture of awe and tenderness. It’s a sight you’ve longed to witness, the connection between father and son. You can see the love and adoration in John’s eyes as he gazes down at your baby boy, his fingers gently tracing the contours of his tiny face.
The fatigue from his journey is evident, but it doesn’t dampen his spirits. John’s smile remains unwavering as he looks up at you, his voice filled with gratitude. “Thank you for taking care of our little man while I was away,” he says, his voice filled with emotion. “You’ve done an amazing job, love.”
Tears stream down your face as you watch the two most important people in your life bond in this precious moment. You can’t help but feel a sense of overwhelming joy and relief. The weight of the past months slowly lifts from your shoulders, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and happiness.
“He is so wonderful, John,” you say, your voice filled with awe. “He’s grown so much since you last saw him.”
John’s eyes well up with tears as he continues to hold your son. “He has, I can’t believe how much I’ve missed,” he admits, his voice choked with emotion. “But I promise, I’ll make up for lost time.”
You smile, feeling the warmth of his words. “We are just happy to have you back again,” you assure him. 
John looks at you, his eyes filled with determination. “I’m not going away again, love, I’m retiring from fieldwork, I should have done that a long time ago, should have done that when we married,” he says, his voice filled with determination and relief. “I want to be here with you and our boy, to build a life together that we’ve always dreamed of.” 
Tears of joy fill your eyes as you embrace this news. The thought of having John by your side, no longer having to endure the hardships and uncertainties of deployment, fills your heart with an indescribable sense of happiness and peace.
“I couldn’t be happier to hear that,” you say, your voice filled with emotion. “God, John, I’ve missed you so much.”
John smiles, as he transfers your son back into your arms, a soft and tender smile that shows how much he longed for this moment as well. His strong, protective arms sneaking around you and your boy, holding you both close. “I’ve missed you both more than words can express,” he whispers, his voice filled with love.
As you leave the airport, the weight of the past months begins to lift. With your baby boy in your arms and John by your side, you walk towards a new chapter, grateful for the strength and resilience that has brought you here.
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König ♡
You let out a tired groan as you stare into the fridge. It’s 2:43 at night and you can’t sleep. You’re feeling hot and uncomfortable, and now you’re also hungry. 
You’re so done with being pregnant, having to waddle around like a penguin, your feet and back always hurting, your ankles constantly swollen, and not being able to see your own feet anymore. The weight gain feels like a burden you can’t escape, and you yearn for the days when you could move freely and comfortably and you still have two months left of this, despite looking like you could pop any minute. 
You’re pretty sure you’re already the same size as your colleague was at full term, but you also have two in there, and it doesn’t really help either that the father of your babies is a bloody mountain of a man. 
You’re always tired, and if you’re not tired then you’re hungry. König is taking good care of you though, making sure you have everything you need and indulging your cravings whenever possible. He’s been incredibly supportive throughout the pregnancy, always reminding you how beautiful you are and assuring you that he loves every inch of you, baby bump included. 
But none of that is really able to comfort you at this moment. You are so looking forward to finally meeting your little ones, and having all this pregnancy stuff be over with, but having to go through this for two more months seems like an eternity. You are so tired and you hate that you don’t feel like yourself. Your hormones are all over the place and you find yourself constantly on edge. The smallest things can set off a wave of emotions, leaving you in tears one moment and irritated the next. It’s frustrating, knowing that you can’t control these sudden shifts in mood, and you can’t help but feel like a stranger in your own body. 
There is nothing in the fridge that seems appetising to you, despite it being well stocked, and you feel how  tears are beginning to well up in your eyes. The overwhelming mix of exhaustion, discomfort, and hunger is getting the best of you. You’re just about to let out a measly sob but instead you let out a surprised shriek as a pair of big, strong arms sneak around your body. The shriek turns into a relieved sigh as Königs big palms settle at the underside of your belly, gently lifting up your heavy bump. You instantly feel the relief in your sore back.   
König’s deep voice whispers soothingly in your ear. “I woke up and you weren’t in bed. Are you okay?” 
You lean back into König’s embrace, grateful for his strong presence, both physically and emotionally. “I just couldn’t sleep,” you mutter, trying to mask the maelstrom of feelings you’re having, but failing, your voice shaking with emotion. 
“You could have woken me,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You can feel his warmth behind you, his calming presence bringing a sense of comfort to your tired body.
“I didn’t want to disturb you,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper. “You need rest too.”
König’s hands continue to support your belly, his touch gentle yet firm. “Schatz, you are carrying our children,” he reminds you, his voice full of love and adoration. “Your well-being is my top priority.”
Tears blur your vision as his words wash over you, and you find yourself choked up with gratitude for this man who has been your rock throughout this pregnancy. He’s gone above and beyond to make sure you feel loved and cared for, even when the weight of it all feels overwhelming.
With a small sigh, you turn your body around to face him, resting your head against his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat against your cheek. He holds you tighter, but still being careful of your bump as he leans down to place a tender kiss on your forehead.
“I’m just so tired,” you admit, your voice trembling with exhaustion. “I feel so exhausted and uncomfortable all the time. I miss feeling like myself, and I’m tired of being so emotional. I just want this pregnancy to be over.”
König rubs circles on your back, his touch providing a soothing rhythm. “I understand,” he murmurs, his words filled with empathy. “But remember, meine Liebe, you’re growing two beautiful lives within you. Your strength is immeasurable. And when they are finally here, all of this will be worth it.” 
“Yeah, it will,” you agree. Despite all the tears, sleepless nights and sore muscles, it really is going to be worth it in the end. You take a deep breath, trying to gather yourself. “I just... I don’t feel like myself anymore,” you whisper, your voice breaking slightly. “Everything feels so different. I know it’s for a good cause, but still…”
König’s arms tighten around you, providing a sense of security. “I know it’s been tough for you,” he says softly, his voice filled with understanding. “But please remember that you can always talk to me.”
He wipes away a stray tear from your cheek and leans down to place another gentle kiss on your forehead. “I may not fully understand what you’re going through, but I will always be here to listen and support you,” he assures, his voice filled with love and reassurance.  
You are just about to answer him when you’re cut off by the beeps of the open fridge behind you. König releases his hold on you to push the fridge door close but his arms find you again as soon as the door shuts. 
“We don’t have any food, by the way,” you murmur into the soft cotton of his t-shirt. 
König chuckles softly, his deep voice rumbling against your cheek. “I don’t know if that’s really true, Schatz.” 
“Well, we don’t have the right food,” you retort, letting out a small sigh. König’s arms tighten around you, bringing you closer to him. 
“Would ice cream be the right kind of food right now?”
“It would, but we don’t have any,” you sigh, nuzzling yourself into his broad chest. 
“Yes, we do,” he hums. “I bought some more yesterday.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise as you look up at him, a mixture of disbelief and delight washing over you. “Really?” you ask, a glimmer of hope in your voice. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, clearly amused by your reaction. “I knew you’d crave it sooner or later, so I stocked up.” You can’t help but smile at his thoughtfulness as König releases you from his embrace and walks over to the freezer, rummaging around before emerging with a tub of your favourite ice cream flavour.
He returns to you, a triumphant smile on his face, and hands you the tub of ice cream along with a spoon. You can’t help but let out a small laugh, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. 
“Thank you, König,” you say sincerely, taking the tub of ice cream from him. “You always know how to make things better.”
He smiles warmly, his eyes filled with love and adoration. “It’s the least I can do, my love,” he replies, leaning down to press a tender kiss to your temple. “Seeing you happy and comforted is all I want.”
You waddle into the living room and settle back into the sofa, snuggled close into König’s side, and as you take your first bite of ice cream, snuggled up against the giant man beside you, you can feel the stress and exhaustion slowly melting away, as you rest your head on his broad shoulder.. 
As you continue to eat, König wraps his arms around you, his presence providing a comforting stability. The two of you chat softly, sharing light-hearted moments and making plans for the future. It feels like a respite from the weight of the pregnancy, and you find yourself able to let go, even just for a little while.
You’re so grateful for this moment of solace and for the unwavering support König has shown you throughout the pregnancy. Together, you finish the tub of ice cream, savouring every last bite. As you place the empty container aside, König pulls you closer, his arms enveloping you in a warm embrace.
“Thank you for being there for me,” you whisper, feeling a sense of peace wash over you.
He presses a gentle kiss to your temple, his voice filled with love and tenderness. “Always, meine Liebe. Always.”
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Ghost ♡
As you sit in the car, your heart swells with a mix of emotions. The exhaustion from giving birth to your beautiful baby girl still lingers, but so does the overwhelming joy and love that fills every inch of your being. Next to you, Simon grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white as he slowly drives the car forward at a much slower pace than the speed limit. The weight of responsibility rests heavily on his shoulders, and you can see the mixture of excitement and nervousness in his brown eyes.
You can’t help but smile as you look at him, his blond hair tousled and his strong jawline set with determination. You reach over and place your hand on his, intertwining your fingers. “We’re really parents now,”  you say softly, the reality of it sinking in. 
Simon glances at you, his lips curling into a tender smile. “Yeah, we are,” he replies, his voice filled with both awe and disbelief. “I can’t believe she’s ours.”
“I can, she looks so much like you,” you say with a soft smile on your lips, constantly stealing glances at the tiny bundle of joy in the rearview mirror, marvelling at her delicate features.
As the car moves along the familiar streets towards home, you can’t help but notice how the people outside are going about their daily routine, seemingly completely oblivious to the life-altering event that has just taken place in your little world. The inside of the car being your own little cocoon of love. You can’t help but reflect on the journey that brought you here. From the moment you found out you were pregnant and telling Simon, to the hours of labour and delivery, it’s been a whirlwind of emotions and anticipation. And now, you’re finally taking your little girl home, to start a new chapter of your lives together.  
As you pull into the driveway, Simon turns off the engine and looks at you, his eyes filled with a mix of love and concern. He unbuckles his seatbelt and reaches over to unbuckle yours, his touch gentle yet reassuring. “Are you okay?” he asks softly, his worry evident in his voice.
You smile gratefully at him, nodding your head. “I’m tired, but I’m okay,” you reply honestly. “Just a little sore and adjusting to everything.”
Simon nods understandingly, his thumb gently brushing over your cheekbone. “You were amazing,” he whispers, his voice filled with admiration. “I’m so proud of you.”
Tears well up in your eyes at his words, overwhelmed by the love and support he continues to provide. Becoming parents had not been planned, but it was the best surprise life had thrown at you.  
Simon opens the car door and steps out, walking around the car and opening your door, extending his hand to help you out as well. As you step onto the pavement, you take a moment to soak in the warmth of the sun and the scent of blooming flowers in the air. It really feels like a perfect day to bring your little girl home. 
Together, you make your way to the backseat. In the car seat lies your beautiful baby girl, fast asleep with tiny, peaceful breaths. You can’t help but marvel at her, feeling a newfound sense of protectiveness and love wash over you.
With carefully coordinated movements, you lift your daughter into your arms, cradling her close to your chest. Simon stands beside you, his hand resting on your back as you both walk towards the front door.
Inside the house, you’re greeted by an excited bark as Riley, your furry family member, rushes to see the new addition to the pack. Simon gently scoops up your baby girl, cradling her in his arms, and introduces her to her four-legged sibling, making sure that Riley doesn’t lick or touch the baby, despite seemingly being very eager to do so. You watch with a mixture of love and pride as Simon gently guides Riley’s sniffs and licks away from your precious bundle, ensuring both the safety of your newborn and the happiness of the overjoyed German Shepherd. 
As the introductions between Riley and your baby girl continue, you take a moment to admire the scene before you. The bond between Simon and Riley is undeniable, and seeing them both showering your daughter with love fills your heart with warmth. You can already tell that they will be inseparable companions as she grows up.
As the initial excitement settles down, and your little girl has been changed and fed, you make your way to the nursery, where everything has been prepared with utmost care and love. Soft pastel colours adorn the walls, and a cosy rocking chair sits in the corner, ready to cradle you and your little one during those late-night feedings. Simon follows you quietly, his eyes still filled with awe and disbelief.
Gently, you settle your baby girl into the crib, ensuring she is comfortable and at ease. Simon watches every movement, his expression a mix of tenderness and protectiveness. Simon wraps his arms around you from behind, his warmth and presence offering you solace and support, and together, you stand beside the crib, gazing down at your sleeping angel. “We created something beautiful, didn’t we?” he whispers into your ear, his deep voice filled with awe and wonder.
Tears of overwhelming happiness escape from your eyes as you look at the little sleeping girl. “Yes, we did,” you reply, your voice barely a whisper.
Simon gently rests his chin on top of your head, his grip on you tightening slightly. “I never thought I would have this,” he confesses, his voice filled with sincerity. “I never thought I could deserve something so precious.”
You turn around in his embrace, tears streaming down your cheeks, and look into his eyes, filled with love and gratitude. “Simon, you deserve everything,” you say softly, your voice filled with emotion.  
Simon’s eyes well up with tears as well, and he presses his forehead against yours, his thumb gently wiping away your tears. “I love you,” he whispers, his voice filled with so much love it almost takes your breath away. “And I will spend the rest of my life making sure you both know how loved and cherished you are.”
You lean in and capture his lips in a tender, heartfelt kiss, sealing your love and commitment to each other and to your little family. In that moment, as your lips meet and the world fades away, you know that everything will be alright. As you break the kiss, you rest your forehead against Simon’s chest, relishing in the closeness and connection you share. “I love you too,” you whisper, your voice filled with an unwavering certainty. 
“Thank you for having given me this, sweetheart,” Simon whispers, his voice choked with emotion.
You look up at Simon, a soft smile playing on your lips. “You’re welcome,” you say sincerely. “I couldn’t wish for a better man to do this with.”
Simon pulls you into a tighter embrace. He leans down and kisses the top of your head. “I wouldn’t have wanted to go on this journey with anyone else,” he murmurs, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. You close your eyes, resting your head against his chest again, feeling the steady beat of his heart against your cheek.  
As you stand there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the room fills with a peaceful silence. The sound of your baby’s gentle breaths lulls you into a state of tranquillity, and you can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment and gratitude for everything that has brought you to this moment.
With a newfound sense of peace, you both turn your attention back to your daughter, who is still sleeping soundly in her crib. The room is filled with a serene calmness, and you can’t help but marvel at the little miracle that is your daughter, and the love you and Simon share.
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Gaz ♡
“Babe!” your voice echoes through the flat. “Babe, quick, quick, come!” 
“What, what! Is everything okay!?” Kyle comes running into the living room, his eyes blown wide as he looks at you with a worried expression. He has always been a little overprotective when it comes to you, but it has reached a whole new level after you found out you were pregnant. 
Now, at a little over four months, you have started to show, not by a whole lot but enough for you to finally look pregnant, which only has made Kyle’s protective instincts kick into even higher gear, he won’t even let you carry your own purse when you walk up the stairs to your flat anymore, you can’t even imagine how he’ll be when you enter your third trimester, but you know that he only means well, and you do find it cute how much he worries about you and the baby. He is so excited to be a dad and you love seeing him embrace this new role. 
You can’t believe that it was only a year ago he accidentally confessed that he wanted to have a family with you, and last week you found out that you’re having a little baby boy. The sonogram of your little bean now hangs on the fridge and you have caught Kyle looking at them with a mixture of awe and anticipation many times throughout the past week. It warms your heart to see the love and excitement radiating from him whenever he catches a glimpse of those sonograms.
But now, as you beckon him urgently, his worry is etched all over his face. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart before speaking. “He kicked!” you exclaim, your voice filled with a mix of excitement and disbelief. Both your hands placed at your slightly protruding belly you look up at him with teary eyes and a smile threatening to split your face in half . 
Kyle’s worried expression instantly turns into one of sheer amazement. He takes a step closer to you, his hand trembling as he reaches out to touch your belly.
“He kicked?” Kyle repeats, his voice filled with awe.
You nod, your own excitement beginning to overflow. “Yes, just now! It was like a little flutter, but it was definitely a kick!” you confirm, feeling another surge of emotion welling up inside you. This moment, this connection with your baby, it’s everything you’ve been waiting for. “Our little guy is definitely making his presence known.”
Kyle’s eyes well up with tears as he gently rests his hand on your belly. He places a soft kiss on your forehead, his voice filled with overwhelming joy. “That’s our boy, already letting us know he’s here. I can’t believe it.”
You wrap your arms around Kyle, feeling a surge of happiness flowing through both of you. It’s a moment you’ve been eagerly awaiting, the first tangible connection with your unborn child. The months leading up to this point have been filled with anticipation and wonder, and now, with this simple kick, it feels like everything is falling into place.
As you both stand there, basking in the joy of the moment, you can’t help but reflect on how far you’ve come. From that accidental confession a year ago to now experiencing the first movements of your baby, it feels like such a beautiful journey of love and growth that is just about to grow even deeper.
“He’s going to be so loved, Kyle,” you say softly, your voice filled with tenderness as you look deeply into his eyes. “And he’s going to have the best dad in the world.”
Kyle’s face lights up with a mix of emotions - pride, happiness, and a touch of nervousness. “I hope I can live up to that,” he admits, his voice tinged with humility. “But I promise you, I will always strive to be the best father I can be. Our little boy will never doubt how much he is loved.”
You lean in closer, brushing your lips against his in a gentle kiss. “I have no doubt about that,” you whisper, feeling overwhelmed with love for both Kyle and the baby growing inside you.
Kyle chuckles as you break the kiss, a mixture of pride and adoration shining in his eyes. “And he’s going to have the most amazing mom, someone who will love and protect him every step of the way.”
With a smile, you rest your hand on top of Kyle’s, pressing it gently against your belly. “We created this little miracle together,” you say, your voice filled with awe. “And now, we get to watch him grow and I can’t wait to witness the beautiful person he will become.”
Kyle’s eyes never leave your face as he listens to your words. “I can’t wait either, thank you so much for giving me this, I’m so grateful for you,” he says sincerely, his voice laced with emotion.
You are just about to open your mouth to answer him, to tell him how grateful you are to have him, but you stop up your eyes widening with surprise, Kyle’s beautiful mahogany eyes mirroring yours. Your little boy just kicked again, this time even stronger than before and his tiny foot had aligned perfectly with where Kyle’s palm is resting against your tummy.   
You both gasp in amazement, feeling the undeniable connection between you two and your son. It’s as if your souls have already intertwined, creating a bond that will last a lifetime. Tears stream down your face as you witness the look on Kyle’s face as he feels his baby move for the first time, overwhelmed with emotions you can’t quite put into words.
A mixture of awe and disbelief radiates from Kyle’s expression as he looks down at your belly, feeling the strength of your son’s kick against his hand. “Did he just..?” he whispers, his voice filled with a mixture of wonder and excitement.
You nod, tears of joy streaming down your face. “Yeah, he did,” you reply, your voice trembling with emotion. “I think our little boy wanted to say hi to his daddy,” you sniffle.
A radiant smile spreads across Kyle’s face, his love and amazement shining in his eyes. “Is that right, buddy?” he says, his voice full of affection. “You’re already showing us how strong and determined you are. We’re so proud of you, little one.”
He kneels down in front of you, placing gentle kisses on your belly. He whispers sweet words to his unborn son, promising to be the best dad he can be and vowing to protect him with all his might. It’s a beautiful sight, and it makes your love for him grow even stronger.
In this moment, you know that the love between you and Kyle will only continue to grow, nurtured by the beautiful bond you are forming with your unborn child. And as you stand there, you can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the incredible journey you are embarking on as parents. 
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Soap ♡
You stand at the threshold of the living room, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you take in the heartwarming scene before you. The last sunlight of the day spills through the window, casting a gentle glow across the room, and there, on the middle of the carpet stands Johnny, tenderly cradling your precious little two-month-old daughter in his strong arms. 
You watch as Johnny softly hums a lullaby, his voice soothing and comforting as he gently sways back and forth. Your daughter, oblivious to the world around her, nestles contently against his broad chest, her tiny fingers curling around his shirt.
Mesmerised by the enchanting sight, you lean against the doorway, your heart swelling with an indescribable joy. You drink in every detail, the way your boyfriend’s eyes sparkle with adoration as he gazes upon the tiny being in his arms, the way his fingers carefully trace the delicate features of her tiny face.
The warmth in your heart fills your entire being as you witness the immense love and adoration Johnny has for your little girl. It’s a sight that makes you realise just how lucky you are to have him by your side. The way he handles her with such care and tenderness reassures you that your daughter is safe and thriving, and that you chose the best man in the world to be the father of your child. 
The three of you are staying at Johnny’s parents house for the night. There had been a big family gathering earlier in the day, but now the last guests have left. Only you, your daughter, Johnny and his parents are left in the house, but the joyful atmosphere from the gathering lingers in the air, still infused with laughter and love. It had been the first time that a lot of Johnny’s extended family had met your daughter, and the love and excitement they had showered upon her had made your heart swell with gratitude. 
Johnny had been so proud as he introduced his daughter to everyone, beaming with pride as he showed off her tiny fingers and button nose. 
Johnny’s nephews, who have seen her multiple times before, absolutely loves her, already wanting to play with her, and showering her with affection. Noah and Oliver had taken turns holding her, their joyful laughter filling the room as they interacted with the newest member of their family. Even little Alfie, at only a year and half, had been curious about her, clearly intrigued by seeing a human even smaller than himself. It was truly adorable, and you and Hannah, Johnny’s sister in law, had laughed heartily at their interactions.     
As you stand there in the doorway, taking in the beautiful moment between Johnny and your daughter, you feel a warmth in your heart that is unmatched. It’s moments like these that make you appreciate just how fortunate you are to have Johnny by your side.
Suddenly, you hear a soft rustling sound, and you turn your head to see Johnny’s mother, Teresa, quietly walks up next to you. The smile on her face mirrors your own as she watches her son bonding with his little girl. She gently places a hand on your arm.
“Isn’t it just incredible?” she whispers, her voice filled with awe and joy. “She is so wonderful. You must be so proud, my dear.”
You meet Teresa’s eyes, feeling a lump forming in your throat. The love and admiration that shines in her gaze mirrors your own feelings. “I am,” you reply, your voice barely a whisper. “I know I’m biassed as her mother, but she really is the most wonderful little girl in the world. And I truly couldn’t have asked for a better father for her. Johnny has been so amazing.”
Teresa nods, her hand tightening ever so slightly on your arm as she looks back at Johnny, a proud and tender smile gracing her lips. “He’s always had a big heart, but seeing him with his own child... it’s something truly special.”
You both watch in comfortable silence as Johnny continues to sway and hum, apparently unaware that he has an audience, the room fills with the enchanting melody. The love in the air is palpable, and you can’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for this precious moment. Taking a deep breath, you turn to Teresa and speak softly, “Thank you for raising such an incredible son. I really couldn’t have asked for a better family to become a part of.”
Teresa’s eyes well up with tears, and she pulls you into a warm embrace. Her voice is filled with emotion as she whispers, “No, my dear, thank you. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into Johnny’s life, and ours. You are truly a blessing, dear.”
You hold each other for a moment, basking in the love that surrounds your little family. As you break away from the embrace, you glance back at Johnny, still lost in the world of fatherhood with your sleeping daughter in his arms.
As the late evening sets in, and you and Johnny have bid his parents goodnight, you retreat to the guest room. The soft glow of the bedside lamp casts a warm light on the room, creating a cosy atmosphere. You gently lay your daughter down in her travel crib, careful not to wake her from her peaceful slumber. Johnny, still beaming with love and adoration, watches the two of you with a tender smile.
Once your daughter is settled, and you and Johnny have changed and brushed your teeth, you climb into bed, snuggling close to each other.
As you lay there, Johnny reaches over and intertwines his fingers with yours. He leans in to press a soft kiss against your forehead. “I love you,” he whispers, his voice filled with a mix of affection and gratitude. You smile, feeling the same emotions swell within your heart.
“I love you too,” you reply, your voice filled with tenderness. “And I love our little girl.”
Johnny pulls you closer, his embrace comforting and reassuring. “I couldn’t ask for anything more,” he says, his voice sincere. “Everyone really loves her, huh?”
You nod with a smile, the room filled with a gentle warmth. “Yes, everyone adores her. They have good taste.”
Johnny chuckles softly, his laughter filling the room with a sense of joy. “Well, who can blame them? She is truly something special.” He brushes his thumb against the back of your hand, his touch sending shivers down your spine. “I never thought I would get her back from Maighread,” he chuckles, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and adoration. You laugh softly, recalling how Johnny’s aunt had playfully refused to give your daughter back after holding her for the first time, claiming that she was too sweet not to keep. 
“I have to say, I’m glad she finally handed her over,” you tease, playfully nudging Johnny’s side. 
He grins, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “Yeah, she put up quite the fight. But I prevailed in the end.”
You both share a moment of lighthearted laughter before the atmosphere turns more tender. Johnny’s expression softens as he gazes into your eyes, his voice filled with unspoken love. “I’m so grateful for you, and for our daughter. I never knew I could feel this much happiness.”
You reach up and gently cup Johnny’s cheek, your touch conveying all the love and gratitude that fills your heart. “I feel the same way,” you whisper, your voice filled with sincerity. “Having you, and our little girl, has brought so much joy and meaning into my life. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.”
Johnny’s eyes shimmer with unshed tears, his voice cracking with emotion. “I promise to always be there for you both, to protect and love you with everything I have. You two are my entire world.”
Tears well up in your own eyes as you lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to Johnny’s lips. The air is filled with an electric mix of love, contentment, and a promise for a future filled with happiness. As you lay there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, you silently savour the moment, knowing that this love, this bond, is something truly extraordinary. You drift off to sleep, grateful for the blessing of having each other and excited for all the beautiful moments that lie ahead for your little family.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated 💕
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karinab00bs · 2 months
Karina x named reader
tags: smut, first crush, swearing, pool sex, rough sex, blow jobs, teasing, flirting, dirty talks, dirty jokes, dirty thoughts, hair-pulling, biting, begging
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Karina hadn’t anticipated the long journey to visit her parents, who lived quite a distance away from her current work and living situation. However, seizing the opportunity of a rare two-week break, she arrived at their doorstep, suitcase in hand, greeted by the warm sun above. The familiarity of her childhood home flooded back as she climbed out of the taxi.
Deciding against informing her parents of her arrival, Karina didn’t want to inconvenience them if her holiday plans fell through last minute.
Her father's joyful face upon opening the door made the trip instantly worth it, enveloping her in a bear hug and leading her inside.
"Why didn’t you tell us you were coming!?" he exclaimed happily, guiding her to the kitchen where her mother was busy cooking.
Their much-awaited reunion was interrupted by a knock at the door just as they settled down for dinner.
“I’ll get it,” her mother insisted, giving Karina a quick squeeze before heading to the door.
“So pumpkin,” her father started, looking a bit disappointed, unable to resist using the old nickname.
“Your mother and I had booked to go away tomorrow, for our anniversary. But if you want us to cancel, we will,” he offered, but Karina quickly stopped him, not wanting them to change their plans for her.
“Don’t you dare cancel that! We can celebrate when you guys get back. I do have two weeks off,” she reassured her dad, who visibly relaxed.
Before he could respond, her mother returned with a man Karina didn't recognize at first. Then it hit her, that is her childhood friend.
“Karina, honey, you remember Ethan,” her mother smiled, introducing Ethan as he stepped forward, all charm and green eyes.
Suppressing her smile, Karina shook his hand, noticing the size of his hands with a silent observation. “Ethan Lee, right?”
“Right,” he confirmed, maintaining his hold on her hand. She watched as his tongue swiped across his lips, unable to look away.
Finally releasing her hand, Ethan cleared his throat and turned his attention to her father. “I was just coming over to ask if you wouldn’t mind me doing the pool tomorrow, rather than next week,” he asked respectfully. As Karina’s mother handed him a drink, he thanked her before returning his gaze to her father.
“Of course. Is everything okay?” her father inquired, still engrossed in his meal as Karina resumed her seat, observing the exchange.
“Yes, sir. Just made some plans for Sammy’s birthday; he’s back in town for the next few months,” Ethan explained proudly, giving her a subtle wink as he caught her watching him.
“Yes, all fine with me, but we won’t be here so you’ll be dealing with Karina here,” her dad remarked with a roll of his eyes. Karina playfully slapped his arm when he chuckled, unable to suppress the nostalgic smile that crept onto her lips. His deep chuckle reminded her of her childhood.
“I’m sure I can handle her,” Ethan grinned directly at her, while her mother distracted her father.
“We’ll see, Lee,” Karina smirked, swiftly changing the subject to avoid losing her composure.
”So, how is Sam anyway?” Karina inquired, turning in her seat to look up at him where he stood.
“He’s good, not so little anymore. Got a fiance and he’s a lawyer,” Ethan informed her proudly as she stood by the kitchen counter, refilling her drink.
“Always thought the two of you would end up together,” Ethan revealed, completely confusing her.
Hearing her mother laugh, Karina's eyes widened. “Oh no, this one here had a thing for his b-” her mother stopped abruptly, noticing Karina's flushed face and the way she was looking at her.
Before her mother could say anything else that Karina would regret ever telling her, she led Ethan to the front door, he laughed, willingly following her. That is until they reached the door frame; he stopped, turning to look down at her.
“So best friend, or big brother?” he smirked, his green eyes practically sparkling. Karina thought to herself, cocky son of a bitch.
“See you tomorrow, pool boy.”
“Are you gonna come keep me company, while I do a favor for your parents?” he asked cheekily, throwing an arm above his head to lean against the door frame.
“I might,” Karina shrugged off her answer, wishing that he didn’t still have this insane effect on her after all of these years, but she tried not to let him get to her.
“Wait, you mean that’s not your only job?” Karina asked mockingly. Ethan smirked when she stepped closer, shaking his head at her.
“Nope,” he winked, popping the 'p'.
“My job, my real job, involves me getting a lot dirtier,” he revealed, licking his lips when he noticed her staring. She swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling the heat of his chest against hers.
“I’m a mechanic, sweetheart,” he added at her confused expression, and okay god, it got worse.
“R-Right, yeah. Makes sense,” she stuttered, and there were the nerves she remembered so well.
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow then, sugar.”
“Yeah, sure,” Karina replied quietly, watching him walk away. He headed over to the car parked in the drive, the one that used to be his dad's.
Closing the door, Karina turned to find her mother behind her, quickly noticing just how sheepish she looked.
“I’m so sorry, baby! I completely forgot!” her mother rushed to explain, and all Karina could do was laugh it off.
“Stop it! I swear, it’s all fine! A little embarrassing admittedly, but still, it’s okay,” she assured her, pulling her into a hug. Her mother quickly relaxed against her, wrapping her in her arms.
She pulled back with a watery smile.
“I’m so glad you’re back, baby, we really missed you,” smiling, she cupped Karina's cheeks, like she was trying to memorize her face.
“I know, mom, let’s go eat.”
The night passed quickly, talk of the old days and how Karina was considering coming back home. Before she knew it, she was waving them away, watching the taxi disappear.
She looked at the time, swearing under her breath. Her dad had told her Ethan would be over in the next hour, and she really wanted a bath before he got here.
Taking a longer bath than she meant to, Karina left herself only ten minutes to slip into her new red bikini and shorts.
It was so hot outside, and she was determined to drive him crazy. He wanted to be all sexy; two could play at that game. She’d put up with it enough when she was younger, having a somewhat filthy crush on her best friend’s big brother was definitely not ideal.
She just about heard the knock at the door, which was quickly followed by the unmistakable noise of the doorbell. Heading downstairs after a quick glance in the mirror, taking a deep breath, she opened the door.
“Mornin’ Karina,” he winked, giving her an appreciative once over before walking past her into the house.
Closing the door behind him, Karina frowned.
“Really, Ethan, jeans? You are cleaning the pool, right? So why not wear shorts?” she questioned as she followed him into the back garden.
“I don’t do shorts, sweetheart. Why? Do you wanna see some more skin or somethin’?” he asked suggestively, unlocking the shed to get the things he needed. She didn’t see his face, but she was sure he was smirking to himself.
She scoffed at him, moving aside as he began pulling things out of the shed.
“No. I just wondered, it’s so damn hot today. Seems kinda odd weather for that,” she stated, nodding at his attire, brushing it off as easily as she could.
“Well, something is definitely hot” he grins, eyeing her shamelessly as he pulls off his shirt, hanging it on the back of the chair. “There, better?” he asks knowingly, a smug look on his face when Karina choke back a moan, almost swallowing her own tongue.
He doesn’t wait for an answer as he locks the shed door, leaving her to stare at his back.
The sunlight bounces off his tanned skin as he walks over to the pool with the equipment, and Karina realise that she never seen someone with so many muscles in their back. She can just imagine dragging your nails down it as he–
Karina manage to stop that train of thought before it gets out of hand. But she can’t stop herself from watching the very slight swing of his hips, how those jeans fit so snugly against his toned ass and legs, sitting perfectly on his hips.
All she can do is watch him walk away. Safe to say he gives as good as he gets.
Slightly bewildered, Karina follow him after a moment longer of staring, taking her seat on the sun lounger by the pool. She watch him work closely, seeing those muscles visibly rolling under his skin. He seems to be biting on his tongue as he concentrates on the job at hand. Something particularly stubborn makes his jaw tense.
Karina slip out of your shorts easily, letting them fall to the floor, she lay back, deciding to at least try and relax while Ethan works.
It wasn’t like she could stare at him all day, right?
A little while passes, the sun beating down on her is much needed. However, Karina’s sunbathing is interrupted by a large shadow, which completely blankets her body. Shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand you open them, quickly meeting Ethan’s.
“You should probably put this on sweetheart.” He instructs firmly, holding out the sun cream to her.
Karina can’t help but notice the sweat that coats his skin, glistening in the sun, she pause reaching for the bottle with an idea in mind.
“Is that an offer, Lee?” Karina question sweetly as possible, crossing her legs at the knees as she run her fingers from the top of her thigh to her knee, acutely aware of the way his eyes are taking in her body.
He shrugs with a smug look on his face, “Sure, we can’t have you burning can we,”
Karina hum in approval rolling onto her front, she rest her head on her folded arms. Turning her head to watch as Ethan's kneels beside you.
“Such a gentleman.” Karina reply sarcastically, smiling against her arm when he chuckles.
The second his cream covered warm hands touch her skin goosebumps cover her body, she bite back a moan, a little unsuccessfully when his thumbs press into the muscles of her shoulders and around her shoulder blades. Pushing under the strap of Karina’s bikini top, where he’s so close to brushing the sides of her breasts.
Ethan's hands are so big, as they rub the cream into Karina’s skin it doesn’t take him long to reach the bottom of her spine.
Karina arch back into his touch even more, when his thumbs push just under the top of her swimming bottoms, fingers curling around the front of her hips, digging in but not quite the same way. After a few minutes he continues down her body, his touch remaining firm as he quickly does just under Karina’s ass cheeks. Spreading her legs a little as his hands move down her thighs, the perfect amount of pressure against every muscle.
Karina knows that she’s wet, this is without doubt the best massage she’s ever had and very unexpected, god she hope he can’t see it.
“Fuck.” Karina hear him grit out quietly, as his hands move down her calves.
Gently he taps Karina's ankle and clears his throat.
“Turn over, I’ll do the front.” Ethan rasps out, voice breaking a little with each word.
Swallowing hard, Karina as nervous as hell, but there is no way she's backing out now. He’d started this, she's weren’t about to stop him if he wanted to finish it.
Closing her eyes she turn onto her back, shielding her eyes with her arm.
Ethan starts on Karina's legs, the higher his hands get, the more her muscles tense and her pussy starts to flutter. His hands run along the line of her swimming pants, right in the crease of her groin.
The moan that slips past Karina's lips couldn’t have been stopped if she'd tried, she feel the wood creak beneath her as Ethan climbs between her legs on the sun lounger. His calloused hands rubbing cream into Karina’s stomach, fingertips slipping beneath the cups of her bikini top, running along the underside of her breasts.
Ethan leans over her further, and Karina feel his hard cock brush against her thigh as he takes her arms, rubbing the cream in. Karina finally dare to blink open her eyes, the wild beating of her heart and the blood rushing in her ears are unbearable.
Biting into her lip when her eyes meet his again, Karina watch him squirt more cream onto his palms, before placing the bottle on the table.
Ethan's hands move over Karina's chest slowly, pushing the straps down her shoulders, she tilt her head back when he rubs the cream into her neck, his hand resting on her throat as he leans in closer.
“Ain’t even been swimmin’ yet and your panties are soaked.” Ethan groans, moving in closer still, but she stop him before he gets too close, resting her hand on his bare chest.
Pushing him back gently, watching the way he sits back on his feet, eyes completely focused on her as she sit up. Karina slip out from beneath him, smiling at the look on his face.
“Better make sure you’ve done your job properly.” Karina smile seductively, loving the way he watches her as she make her way over to the pool.
When Karina reach the steps she turn to find him standing from the sun lounger. Clearing his throat he rearranges himself in his jeans, but the thick line of his cock is still clearly visible, he quickly focuses those green eyes back on her.
“You coming, pool boy?” Karina ask cheekily, as she lower yourself into the cool water, watching the smirk that appears on his plump lips.
“You remember that I’m older than you, right? More like the pool man,” Ethan quips, undoing his belt and leather slaps against leather. Leaning against the pool’s edge as Karina's chin resting on her arms and she look up at him.
Just in time to watch him pop the button of his jeans and pull down the zipper.
“Guess you’ve got me there. So, since you don’t like shorts, are you wearing boxers?” Karina ask curiously, trying but failing to hide her smile.
Ethan laughs at that, dropping his jeans and pulling them off his legs, “Normally you would’ve been right, but on this occasion” he leaves the reply hanging in the air. Letting Karina's eyes drop with his jeans, she couldn’t even be disappointed that he was still wearing boxers. Not since the sizeable bulge was still very much present and accounted for, even more visible in the thin fabric.
Sitting down on the side of the pool Ethan's legs dangle in the water, his ass right on the very edge. Karina swimming over to him and stand between his open legs. Looking up at his face as she rest her hands on his thick thighs.
“So what’s the verdict sweetheart, did I do a good enough job?” Ethan questions leaning back on his hands, grunting in surprise when Karina’s breasts brush against the bulge in Ethan pants.
“Not too bad, for a part timer.” Karina giggle watching the comical eye roll he gives her. The image of him in overalls and covered in grease hits her. Karina almost certain he would look even better dirty than he does clean, which is saying something.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing just how good you are at your real job though, see how dirty you get.” Karina reveal, chewing on her bottom lip as her hands slip into the legs of Ethan boxers. Ethan hisses at the sting of the pain, when her nails sink into the tops of his thighs, his rock hard length laying untouched between them.
“You should come down the garage some time, I’ll show you just how dirty I get” Ethan grunts through gritted teeth.
Licking her lips, Karina hum appreciatively, “I’d really like that.” She admit, dragging her nails back down Ethan's thighs, feeling his muscles tense beneath her touch. Leaning up against the pool’s side on her elbows, Karina tuck her fingers into the sides of his boxer shorts.
Ethan seems to be nervous as he looks around the garden, like he’s expecting someone to pop out.
“Everything okay, Ethan? You look nervous.” Karina acknowledge cheekily, as he debates lifting his ass for literally a second, seeming to ignore any doubts he has he finally lets her tug the boxers down, over his ass and down those strong bow legs.
Karina watch Ethan's Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he glances around one more time. Then he focuses back on her, as her small hand wraps around his cock. That perfect green of his eyes has almost completely been swallowed by the black of his pupils when his eyes meet hers again.
Ethan shifts where he sits, trying to wiggle closer to Karina when she start to move her hand up and down his thick length. Karina other hand rests on his strong thigh, helping her keep her balance. Karina lean forward, licking her lips, hearing Ethan swear under his breath when her lips wrap around the swollen head of his cock. Running her tongue over his slit, moaning when the taste of his pre-come hits her tongue for the first time.
“Fuck, sweetheart that’s it,” Ethan groans, tossing his head back, hand fisting in Karina's hair as she take him further into her mouth, Karina's tongue pressing to the underside of his cock.
Karina love the way his hand tightens in her hair, short nails that dig into her scalp.
Karina's hands are now resting on both his thighs, as his cock bumps against the back of her throat. Ethan thrusts his hips, letting himself go a little, she watch him, almost positive there has never been a sexier sight in the world. The speed in which he snaps his hips causes her to gag a little. But even after his surprised gasp, Karina continue when his hips stop moving, letting her take the control back.
Karina continue to take him as deep as she can, saliva leaking from the corners of her lips. Nails sinking into his thighs when she swallow around his cock. Then it slips into her throat briefly and Ethan can’t stop the choked out whine that slips past his perfect lips at her actions.
Ethan's tugging on Karina's hair becomes more insistent, she finally relent, gasping for air when his cock is popped from between her lips, smacking back against his stomach.
Karina's pussy is still throbbing almost painfully, she look up at him and lick her lips, with her most seductive smile she step back, further into the pool, beckoning him towards her with a single finger.
Taking a moment to catch his breath he watches her, reminding her somewhat of a tiger ready to pounce on their meal.
Then all the air gets stuck in Karina's throat and she have to fight not to choke on it, when Ethan slips into the pool, skin still slick with sweat and he looks like a male model. He’s fucking stunning, slipping beneath the water briefly, he reemerges, running a hand through his now dripping wet hair as he walks towards her slowly, Karina suddenly not sure if she even remember how to speak.
The confidence from before is slipping and she sure that he can see it, which is made clearer when the corner of his mouth curves into a half smirk. Clearly someone catching the two of them was the last thing he was worried about now.
Crowding Karina back against the pool’s edge, Ethan presses himself close to her, resting a hand on the edge behind her, while his other hand tucks some wayward hair behind her ear.
Leaning in closer his nose nudges hers, hot breath fanning across Karina's lips, and she finally manage to swallow the lump in her throat.
“How’re you still so nervous about kissing me, sweetheart? With what this perfect little mouth just did, felt fuckin’ incredible wrapped around my cock”
Ethan pauses to let his thumb brush over Karina's parted lips, she lick her lips as his hand moves down slowly and he captures her chin. “I still remember that time at that end of year house party, the one which you and Sammy snuck into” he smirks, causing her to suck in a breath when his free hand grips her ass roughly, pulling her closer to him.
Karina blushed like crazy at the mention of that night, “You were drunk off your ass Ethan, I didn’t b-” Karina cut off by Ethan plump lips pressing against hers in a demanding kiss, his big hand cups her neck, thumb pressing into her jaw as he angles her head right were he wants it.
It takes her mind a moment to catch up with her body but she finally breathe, relaxing into the kiss. Ethan's free hand moves behind Karina's back, tugging the ties of her bikini top until it falls loose and Ethan tosses it away. Moving those big warm hands down Karina's body Ethan cups her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples with his rough fingers and thumbs.
Karina's lips part at the same time as Ethan's, her tongues effortlessly moving together. As Ethan pulls back she capture his bottom lip between her teeth, delighting in the groan that bubbles up in his throat. He doesn’t stop there, kissing and nipping his way down her neck, sucking marks into her soft skin.
“You believe me now?” He all but growls against her ear, she nod quickly, tugging at the strings of her bikini bottoms, pulling them loose.
Ethan pulls away from Karina's neck, finally meeting her eyes again, his wet hair spiked up in all sorts of directions from the pair of her carding her hands through it. Water still clings to his eyelashes, dropping from the tip of his nose, water droplets rolling down his chest distracting her a little.
“Yes Ethan, I believe you.” Karina answer obediently, taking his hand and positioning it between her own thighs.
Ethan looks down the very small gap remaining between the two of them, sliding two fingers between Karina's folds, she grab at his shoulders when those fingers push inside her. Karina's walls stretch around his fingers, one of her hands falls from his shoulder, dropping beneath the water she wrap her small fingers around his thick cock.
Karina's forehead drops against his, panting breaths begin to mix together. Hitching a leg over his hip Karina rock against his fingers, feeling his cock pressing into her thigh.
“You want my cock in your pretty pussy baby? You wanna fuck the pool guy, like a dirty little girl?”
“Jesus Ethan,” Karina moan as his filthy words wash over her. No guy had ever spoken to Karina like this before and there was no denying that she were loving it, but she don’t have a clue about how to respond to him. “Not so worried about the neighbours seeing us now then?” Karina question breathlessly, as Ethan carefully pulls his fingers out with a final tap against her clit.
“Fuck it, let ‘em watch.” Ethan grits out when Karina release his cock. Karina running her hands up his chest then grip his broad shoulders, using them to balance when he roughly grabs her ass and squeezes, she jump a little, hooking her other leg over his free hip.
As Karina rocking her hips, Ethan’s thick cock easily slides against her slick pussy, nudging between her folds he repeatedly taps against her clit, she can’t help but whimper, clinging to his broad shoulders.
Pausing for a moment Ethan lifts Karina higher, “You ready sweetheart. C’mon talk to me? You want my cock baby?” Ethan questions huskily smirking when Karina bite her lip, his thighs shaking trying to resist the urge to just snap his hips forward.
Karina moan pushing her ass harder into his hands, hoping that he’ll give her what she need. Ethan lines up with her entrance, so that the head of his cock nudges teasingly against her opening and she meet his darkened green eyes.
“C’mon pool boy, show me what you’ve got.”
A long drawn out moan leaves Karina lips when Ethan finally breaks, slowly lowering her onto his hard cock. Clenching his jaw, veins becoming more visible in his neck as he enters her slowly inch by tortuous inch.
“So fuckin’ tight.” Ethn groans dropping his head forward, so that he can suck and bite marks into Karina's neck. Karina cling to him, curses and whimpered plea’s leaving her lips.
Tugging on Ethan’s hair harshly Karina force him to look up at her.
“Fuck! I need it Ethan, please!” Karina begging but she don’t care, because the words are barely out of her mouth before Ethan gives her what she need, snapping his hips forward, filling her in one blissfully hard thrust.
Ethan's fingers are digging into Karina's ass when he starts thrusting, the movements slow and rough but precise, hitting her g-spot on every movement. Karina's feet dig into his ass, water splashing around them with every powerful movement.
“You feel so good baby, shit.” Ethan pants breathlessly, pulling his head away from Karina's neck and his gorgeous green eyes lock onto hers. Karina pushing her hands into the back of his hair as she kiss him, tongue meeting his and messy uncontrolled kiss, angling her hips just right she start to rise and fall on his cock.
Breaking apart only when she feel her pussy beginning to clamp down around his thick length.
“Ethan.. please I’m g-gonna come..” Karina gasp out as she begin to lose her rhythm.
“Fuck, C’mon baby give it to me. Come all over my fucking cock!” Ethan practically snarls low in his chest.
Karina hooking legs over his arms a squeak of surprise leaving her lips when Ethan starts fucking up into her more faster. He’s so deep, it’s like a fire is building in her stomach.
Karina cling to him, his rough movements cause the water to create waves around her. Ethan feels so fucking good that Karina barely notice, she drop her face into the crook of his neck, hot breath fanning against his skin. Sucking and biting marks everywhere she can reach, then out of nowhere Karina orgasm hits her full force, causing her eyes to roll almost painfully, she have to sink her teeth into his shoulder to stop herself from screaming his name.
Ethan hisses as the pain throbs against his skin, carefully he lowers her legs letting her feet touch the floor again. Feeling a little dazed, Karina run her fingers along the bite mark on Ethan's skin, she can’t help but wince a little.
“I’m sorry pool boy, got you all marked up.” Karina giggle lightly, biting into her bottom lip when those eyes turn on her again.
A growl bubbles up in Ethan's throat, he spins her in his hold; roughly pressing Karina into the side of the pool, his chest pressed tightly against her back. Karina spread her legs as his lips press against her ear.
“Oh you wanna see marked up sweetheart, I’ll show you.” Ethan snaps harshly, causing Karina skin to practically buzz as he drags his teeth over her earlobe, those big hands spread her ass cheeks and his cock nudges at her slick entrance again.
“I’ll give you fuckin’ pool boy.” Ethan grunts as he pushes inside Karina in one thrust and bottoms out, muffling her screaming moan with his hand.
Karina fall over the side of the pool with a whimper when Ethan releases her mouth, grip tight and unyielding on her hips. His thrusts are nothing like they’d been before and she can’t get enough, the water sloshes over the edge of the pool as Ethan’s hips bounce off her ass with every brutal thrust he delivers.
“You’re so deep.. Fuck! Feels so good Ethan,” Karina cry out loudly, completely giving up on keeping her voice down, Karina push her ass back meeting his thrusts the best that she can.
“Shit, Karina! I’m gonna come.” Ethan grits out as his hips begin to stutter. His big hands move further over the curves of Karina body, wrapping those talented fingers around her ribs, and she sure that bruises will form there the same way they were beginning to on her hips.
Ethan shifts so that his knees are resting on the ledge between Karina legs, leaning over her so his body is almost draped on top of hers.
“Give it to me Ethan! Please, I need it! Don’t stop.” The words leave Karina lips without her really thinking, nobody has ever had her this wound up and ready to snap, not this fast and definitely not for a second time.
Pushing a hand between her legs Ethan rubs rough circles around Karina clit, forcing her orgasm forward, It’s practically bubbling in the pit of her stomach. Squeezing her eyes shut Karina feel her thighs start to shake. Ethan stills behind her, a broken moan leaving his plump lips when he finally comes, her pussy clamps down on his cock as he spills inside her.
His fingers and hips keep moving, his hands feel like they’re everywhere. Karina can’t take it anymore, she gasp his name and with a final rough thrust of his hips pushing her into the side of the pool, she fall apart around him all over again.
Karina shivering as her body collapses against the cold stone in front of her, Ethan's sweaty forehead drops to the bottom of her back, his soft lips pressing kisses into her skin waiting for her to come down.
Karina breathing finally slows down and Ethan helps you down, back into the water, he turns Karina in his arms. “Fuck that was the sexiest thing that’s ever happened.” Ethan grins happily, pulling her body against his as he kisses her, she melt against his lips.
Smiling when she pull away, she push the wet hair from his forehead.
“Think we’ll be remembering this for a few weeks.” Karina giggle, running her fingers gently over the marks on his skin, as his fingers skim across the bruises he’d left behind on her body.
Biting his lip his eyes move across Karina body, still standing so close to his own.
“Oh yeah sweetheart, I’d say so.”
“Trouble is Mr pool man, you’ve definitely got more work to do.”
Ethan rolls his eyes, but she can see the smile that’s curling at the corners of his lips, when he dangles her bikini bottoms from his finger, right in front of her face.
“Oh you ain’t gettin’ out of this one young lady.”
Karina squeal as he tosses the bottoms aside and throws her backwards, she land in the water with a splash. Karina re-emerge from the water, gasping for breath and glare right at Ethan.
“Oh you’re so fucking dead, Lee!”
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moamidzyism · 7 days
too much (k.th)
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wc. 3087
summary. when your ex-boyfriend shows up at your door, the last thing you want to do is to let him in. but his phone is dead, and the storm outside isn’t letting up anytime soon, and he really needs some dry clothes (and a warm body)
genre. angst + smut
tags. minors DNI!!! taehyun x fem!reader, exes to lovers, unprotected sex
a/n. the long awaited honeymoon avenue part two!! thank you for being patient with me for this. i’m so happy it’s actually done!
more of my work
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he’s standing outside your door, his hair and clothes drenched by the relentless downpour, an awkward smile clinging to his face like a mask. his soaked clothes also cling onto his frame and your mind swarms with confusion and frustration.
“what are you doing here?” you demand.
ignoring your question, he looks past you. his eyes fixated on the warmth emanating from your cozy, dry apartment. without waiting for an invitation, he asks, “can i come in?” reluctantly, you step aside. not because you really wanted him there, but because you wanted to shield your wooden floors from the relentless storm outside.
the wetness that clung to him mirrored the unresolved tension between you – heavy, uncomfortable, cold.
“thank you,” he mumbles, shedding himself of his sodden jacket and hanging it on your coat rack. the wetness drips onto your floors but he doesn’t acknowledge it. instead he pushes his usually meticulously styled hair, out of his face, where it clung in disarray.
your irritation grows as you press him again. “taehyun, again, what are you doing here?”
“i was in the area, and the storm started. this was the only place i knew that was nearby,” he casually explains.
“you live half an hour away from here.” he shrugs again, as if everything had lost its significance in the face of the storm outside, even space, time, and the months of silence between the two of you. “let me get you some dry clothes,” you relent. you disappear into your room. a brief flashback to your painful breakup flickers in your mind.
you looked at your phone again. it had been five minutes since you last called him and forty five minutes since he was supposed to meet you at the restaurant. he was the one who had originally planned to come here, but fifteen missed calls and twenty five unread text messages later, he was nowhere to be seen. and once again, you looked like the idiot who actually believed that your boyfriend was capable of changing.
you looked up at your waiter, who shot you an apologetic glance. gathering your things, you walked out the restaurant, but not before leaving a fifty dollar tip to your waiter for the second hand embarrassment he probably faced that evening on your behalf.
you fished around the back of your closet for old clothes and grabbed a towel from your dresser. you return to the living room and hand him the towel without a word. he takes it, you fingers brushing briefly. he dries his face and his hair, his eyes never leaving you. you try your hardest to avoid eye contact with him. another crash of thunder rumbles through the house, and for a moment, you both look towards the sound.
when your gazes return to each other, you shove the dry clothes towards him. taehyun’s eyes linger on the clothes, an extra large pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt. he quirks an eyebrow and scoffs. “moved on already?”
“they are my brother’s,” you respond bluntly, a subtle defiance in your tone. “and you can leave when the storm clears up.” you leave him to change in solitude. the storm outside rages and you can’t shake the feeling that this unexpected reunion might dredge up more than just old memories.
you got home that night and stripped yourself of the new dress that you had just gotten earlier that day. you ought to burn it. any reminder of the humiliation you just faced had to disappear off the face of the earth. you checked your phone, seeing if taehyun had finally remembered that you existed or finally decided that you were worthy of a response. but the only notification you had received in the time since you left the restaurant was an email with a free shipping coupon from an online store that you swore to never shop at again.
you turned off your phone and went to bed. there was no point in staying up, checking your phone every five minutes to see if he would actually text you back. tomorrow, you decided, you will be done with taehyun, for good this time.
you are pulled out of your thoughts when you hear a knock on your bedroom door. you look up to see your ex-boyfriend standing in his newly dried clothes. “hey,” he says softly, his hands finding a home on the back of his neck. his gaze is uncertain, as if he’s not entirely sure how you will receive him.
“yes?” he slowly opens the door further.
“i just wanted to apologize for what i said earlier.” he cautiously inches towards you.
“it’s fine, tae.” you take a deep breath, your voice softening ever so slightly. he stops himself from smiling at the use of the nickname.
“no, it’s not fine,” he begins. “you let me into your house and i insult you after ten minutes of being here.” he shifts uncomfortably, his eyes darting away from yours as if unable to bear the weight of your gaze.
“taehyun, what are you doing here?” a note of frustration creeps into your voice.
“i wanted to see you.” he replies simply.
you run your hands through your hair. “god, i can’t do this right now.” you say, mostly to yourself – a reminder, almost, that you cannot let yourself fall for him again.
“i’m sorry, i just…” his voice trails off, as if he is struggling to find the right words to say.
“you can’t just show up like this, taehyun. it’s not fair.” you sigh again. “it’s not fair to either of us.”
as each second of this conversation passes, he sees the stress lines deepen on your face. he slumps his shoulders. “i know, and i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have come here unannounced, especially with everything that happened between us.” he cannot meet your piercing gaze. “but the rain just reminded me of that night after my parents, and i couldn’t get you out of my head. i just had to see you.”
when you got to the hotel that night, he went straight to the front desk and asked the receptionist for a cot to be delivered to your room. in the room, he went straight to the bathroom, not saying a word to you.
you couldn’t figure him out – was he mad at you? did he not want to talk to you because he thought you didn’t want to talk to him? regardless, you slip out of your wet clothes and sit on the desk chair waiting for him to get out of the bathroom. when he does, you shower, trying so hard to scrub off the entire evening from your body.
stepping out of the shower, you took a look at yourself in a wiped out section of the obscured mirror. your face was exhausted and your eyes were red and puffy. you slipped into your pajamas and returned to the bedroom to find all the lights and taehyun fast asleep on the cot.
“i fucked up; i know i did,” he looks at you now, trying to find some glimmer of hope that you could forgive him. “but i just needed to see you – talk to you. i’ve been thinking a lot about us and about what went wrong.”
you swallowed hard, the memories of your break up still fresh in your mind. you know it doesn’t matter. you know that you can’t change what happened. you even know that getting an actual answer would ruin all the work you had done to get over him. but against everything in you, you ask him, “why didn’t you show up?”
“at the restaurant, why didn’t you come?” you feel a pang in your chest, the familiar ache of unresolved feelings bubbling up to the surface. “taehyun, you just let me wait there. you didn’t call me or text me, not even the next morning.”
“i don’t know. i’m sorry.”
you’re not sure why you asked or what you even wanted from him. you just wanted the pain to end and part of you hoped that he could end it. but you had come to learn not to expect much from taehyun. “you can’t keep saying that every time you hurt me.”
“i know, but i mean it.” he inches closer to you, hoping that by seeing him and the regret that marks his face, you would let him in again.
and it almost works.
you almost forgive him but your better mind fights with all its might to keep your hand, that is itching to reach out for him, down. “i should get you a blanket.” you stand up from the bed and move over to your closet to fish for a spare blanket. you give it to him and you go your separate ways for the night – him on the couch and you in the quiet of your bedroom.
you lay in bed, trying hard to fall asleep but your mind drifts to the man in your living room, wondering if he is still awake, thinking about you. you stare at the space underneath your door. after what feels like thirty minutes, the hallway light suddenly turns off.
you get out of bed to see what caused the power outage. when you open the door, you see taehyun outside your room with his phone flashlight glaring right at you. you jump back in surprise. “what are you doing?”
“sorry,” he quickly apologizes, stepping back. “sorry, the power went out and i came to see if you had a candle or something. i didn’t want to keep using my phone because it’s about to die.”
you go to your bathroom and bring out a cheap scented candle to the living room. “this is the only thing i have.”
the two of you sit on the couch together, the worn fabric feels familiar beneath you. the candle sits on the coffee table between you, casting an uneven glow onto your faces. the wind howls outside, rattling the window panes of your small living room.
this scene, with the uncomfortable silence as you both shift in your seats, is almost laughable. you pull your knees to your chest, hugging them tightly as you stare at the flickering flame. occasionally your eyes flick to him, tentative, as if gauging the right moment to speak.
“did i wake you up?” taehyun finally fills the silence.
“no,” you begin, scratching the back of your neck. “i couldn’t sleep.”
lightning flashes, followed by a loud crash of thunder. you wince, your hands gripping around your legs tighter. he moves closer to you, his hand finding yours, intertwining his fingers with yours. you close your eyes for a moment, focusing on the feeling of his hands – the warmth and familiarity of his touch.
when you opened your eyes, you loosened your grip on his hands. “sorry, about that.”
he shrugs it off, “i forgot you were scared of thunder.”
“yeah,” you sit up straight. taehyun doesn’t move from his position next to you.
“maybe it was a good thing that i showed up after all.”
you couldn’t even try to stifle your laughter. “yeah, you’re my knight in shining armor.” you joke.
“i’m just saying, what would you have done if i wasn’t here with you and the power went out?”
“if you weren’t here i’d probably be asleep, i wouldn’t have noticed it.”
“you wouldn’t have noticed the power went out?” taehyun teases you. “you’re the lightest sleeper i know.”
you don’t know why you allowed yourself fall back into comfortable conversation with him but everything goes by in a blur and suddenly you’re laying on the couch with taehyun hovering over your body. he slowly closes the distance between your bodies. he puts his hands on either side of you, giving you no option but to stare deeply into his big brown eyes. “tell me to stop and i will,” he whispers. “hell, i’ll even leave right now. i’ll go home and never bother you again. just tell me to stop.”
his eyes scan your face and you gulp at the feeling of his eyes gravitating towards your lips. “i don’t want you to stop.” you move slowly towards him, part of you hesitant to close the gap between the two of you, because closing the gap means willingly opening yourself up for him to hurt you again.
but when you see how the candlelight twinkles in his eyes, it’s easy for the other part of you to ignore your fears. it’s this part of you that pulls him into a passionate kiss, your hands delicately cupping his face.
your hands slide underneath his shirt but he stops you. your brows furrow in confusion. “what are you doing?” you ask him.
“i just need you to know that i’m sorry.”
“i know,” you run your hands through his now slightly damp hair. “i know you are, baby.”
he brings you upwards to gently peck your lips before leaning you back against the arm of the couch again. you pull him to kiss you again and as the kiss depeens, he takes the opportunity to suck on your lower lip, using his hand to slowly graze your covered breasts. you arch your back, bringing your chest closer to his body.
“i missed you,” taehyun confesses in between the kiss. “i missed you so fucking much.”
“me too,” you mirror him pathetically. all of your sense and self restraint flew out the window. taehyun stands, lifting you effortlessly, wrapping your legs around his waist. he leans in to kiss you again. you respond eagerly, parting your lips to make way for his. he holds you tightly as he leads you away from the dimly lit living room towards the darkness of your bedroom. your hands tangle in his hair, pulling him even closer as if afraid that he might vanish.
the two of you stumble through the hallway, bumping into walls, laughing breathlessly between kisses. taehyun pins you against the wall. your back hits the wall with a gentle thud, and you gasp, giving him a moment for his lips trailing along your jawline and down your neck. you tilt your head back, closing your eyes, a soft moan escaping your lips. he tugs at your sweatshirt, pulling it over your head in one swift motion, throwing it somewhere on the floor behind him.
you arch into him, and your bodies mold together as you inch closer to your bedroom. taehyun pushes the door open with his food, stepping inside and laying you gently on the bed. you pull him down with you. “i need you.” you breathe out. you feel his hard dick through the fabric of his sweatpants. you squeeze him tightly, the way you know he likes it and you’re reassured when he gasps.
you don’t remember the last time you felt like this, like a horny teenager, sneaking a boy who should not be there into your bedroom, doing everything you can to get off. but regardless, taehyun feeds off your excitement, hoping that by you releasing your inhibitions with him, there still remains even a one percent chance that he can slide back into your life as you always let him.
you let taehyun guide his cock inside of you, anticipation and excitement fills your entire body when he pushes in. he takes all of you in, pressing his lips against yours as he slides in. you’re both moaning pitifully into each other’s mouths. you hate to admit how much you wish you could go back to when you guys were together. there’s just something about him being here in your bed with you that feels so normal, so natural, so good. for a second, you allow yourself to forget all the bad parts about your relationship – all the arguments and the fights, all the late nights waiting for him to come home, all the longing and all the pain. for a second, you only focus on how good he’s making you feel right now.
he wastes no time in picking up the speed, knowing how desperate for him you must be. your nails dig into the skin on his back, holding him closer to you. “you’re so big,” you moaned.
“i know baby,” he cooed. he’s so big inside of you. your walls haven’t felt this stretch in so long and you can’t stop yourself from clenching around him with every thrust. the way he grunts into your ear from the exertion has you clamping around him even more. “you’re so perfect to me,” he says between each thrust. “so so perfect for me.”
blood rushes up to your face and you try to hide it in the pillow by your side but taehyun turns your head. “i wanna see your face,” he says with a smirk on his face. he knows you fold every time he looks at you and of course you quickly nod your head, bringing his body closer to you with your legs.
his pace is unrelenting; you can’t last another second. you can’t stop yourself from crying out his name as a wave of ecstasy washes over you. he lets your walls spasm around his dick erratically as his hands press into your hips to hold you in place. taehyun realizes that he’s still weak for you when he sees your orgasm take over.
taehyun quickly cums too. “i love you,” he says as he does, finishing inside of you, his hips stilling as you milk him dry.
taehyun comes back down to earth first, slipping out of you, but still holding you close to his sweaty body as he lays back on the bed beside you, wrapping his arm around you. it takes a while for you to join him, but when the hallway light flickers as he whispers i love you, you quickly come back down in a panic. your body freezes up as you try to wrap your head around what just happened.
beside you, taehyun notices your change. he starts caressing your arm, kissing your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, your chin, every part of your face he can reach, anything he can do to make you go back to how you were just a few moments ago. you allowed yourself to fall into his trap, do as he wanted. you snuggled closer to him and allowed yourself to be lulled to sleep by the sound of his breathing slowing down.
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grippingbeskar · 1 year
coming home - simon ‘ghost’ riley
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— simon ‘ghost’ riley x fem!reader
— warnings - adult content minors dni (18+) mxf, ghost has a filthy mouth, praise kink (?), pretty soft compared to all the ghost s*** out there tbh, slight description of injury and mentions of death. kinda sad ghost but he fucks it out :)
a/n: i have fallen down the ghost hole. just wanted some domestic shit, also the shower description is just something i want in my dream home so it’s self indulgent as fuck! hope you enjoy. xx (also shout-out to @dinahmadanimybeloved for the lil nudge in the right direction!! i appreciate u. xx)
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He’s quiet, and that’s how you know somethings off. Most people think it’s just the way he is, being able to count on one hand the amount of words he’s spoken to them over the years. Ghost doesn’t talk unless he has to, or unless he gives enough of a fuck about whoever’s talking to him, which is rare these days. He could go hours without talking when he was away, a fact that always broke your heart a little.
The truth is, you can never get him to shut up. When he’s home, he’ll talk your ear off about anything. The dog he ran past that morning, the way you should organise your socks, how good you looked wearing his shirt. He was talkative, which is how you knew that something was wrong when he came home this time.
Being the biggest guy you knew, it amazed you how he could walk with such stealth. Even the floorboards seemed scared to creak under his frame as he came through the door. You shot up, nearly flying over the back of the couch. He wasn’t due home for another two weeks— you knew because you were supposed to pick him up from the airport. He was home early, and of course you were ecstatic, but then you saw his face, still covered in that bone white mask, and you knew it wasn’t all good news.
“Simon.” You whisper as you walk towards him. He’d closed the door behind him, locking it, but hadn’t moved from there. Usually you were both bursting with energy when he came home, excitement and adrenaline pumping through your bodies at the long awaited reunion. He was looking down at you, and when you finally stood close enough, one of his hands came up, gingerly cupping your face. “You’re home!”
“Hey, baby.” He says slowly, eyes holding yours. The hand he had behind his back touched your side, and you looked down, seeing about a dozen roses in a bouquet, stalks fisted in his gloved hand. “Got ‘em for you.”
“They’re gorgeous. Here—“ You take them, letting the sweet smell fill your senses and move quickly to put them in a vase on the counter— a spot reserved for whenever Simon brought you flowers. It seemed to be a constant thing, and it never failed to have you feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. “I love them. Thank-you.”
“‘Course.” The tone of his voice only confirms your suspicions about something being off, and it has your heart dropping through the floor.
“You should of told me you were coming home. I would of come picked you up!” You smile up at him, trying to gage where his mood is.
“Finished early. Thought I’d surprise you.” His hands come back to your face, holding your head up at the perfect angle. There was a significant height difference between you, so you were in a constant state of looking up at him.
“Did everything go… good?” You ask tentatively. He’d told you some of the things he’s done over there with the 141, but you always try not to pry. You know it’s brutal, and he sees the worst of the world, so when he trusts you with something, you take it to the grave. When he doesn’t, you don’t ask.
“No. Nothing did.” He says, still holding your face up to his. You bend up on your toes, pressing a soft kiss to the nose of his mask. “I just needed to see you.”
“I’m glad you’re home.” Your arms wrap around his back, pulling him closer. You press your face into his chest, sinking into the feeling of him being home. After so long, it never gets any easier. Watching him leave, never really knowing when he’d be back. If he was safe. “You want something to eat? I can make dinner.”
He shakes his head, gently pulling your face back from his chest. When your hands snake up his front, he just watches you. He hadn’t even changed out of his clothes— still had that black paint smudged across his eyes. He must of gotten straight on a plane after whatever he was doing had come to an abrupt end. Your fingertips brush his jaw, the bottom of his mask, and when you go to pull it up over his mouth and nose, he doesn’t stop you.
“Can I take it off?” You check, feeling how stiff he is under your hands. He nods once, and tilts his head, allowing you to pull it all the way off. “There you are.”
“I missed you.” He says simply, but the words pack such a punch when he looks like this. To an outsider he’s hard at nails, sharp and pointy and dangerous to get close to, but you see him under the paint and the body armour. “Missed you so fucking bad, baby.”
“Prove it.” You see a flash of his teeth, just the smallest hint of a smile, and your stomach does a backflip because it feels like a win. Then, he leans in, kissing you softly, with the care he would hold broken glass— hands guiding you forward and up, thumbs tracing gently along your cheek bones.
You sigh, nearly melting into his body. Your hands wrap around his neck, toying with the short hair that he’d cut while he was away. You always have to fix it for him when he comes home— he just hacks away at any hair hanging out of his mask, mostly getting frustrated and buzzing it off until he can get you to cut it again. When your fingertips scrape lightly along his skull, he groans into your mouth.
“Fuck.” He mutters as you catch his bottom lip between your teeth, careful to only apply a little bit of pressure. You were sure he was covered in enough painful marks as it was— you didn’t want to add to it. He leans down further, chasing your mouth, foreheads pressing together.
“You wanna talk about it?” He shakes his head then dips down, kissing your jaw, nose nudging you to the side to get better access to your neck. Your breathe hitches and you sigh his name, him smiling in response against your skin. You can feel the black smudge of his face paint slowly covering your own, like a trail of all the places he’s touched you.
“I only wanna hear you sayin’ my name like that. Don’t want to think about—“ You say his name again, drowning out the thoughts of whatever happened over there. That wasn’t now— he was here, and safe, and if he needed to be distracted, that’s exactly what you would give him.
“Need you to wash this paint off first.” You murmur, your voice a little lower than normal, making him almost shudder. You drop your hands from his neck, letting them fall slowly between your bodies before you loop your fingers in his belt buckle, walking backwards. “You’ll get me all dirty.”
“I would’a thought you’d like that.” He grabs a handful of your ass, nearly making you trip over as you step back, but he catches you easily and picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. He presses his paint covered face to yours, kissing your nose and face wherever he can reach, and you can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous you must look now, covered in smears of black.
“I do. Just want an excuse to see you naked.” You taunt in his ear as he finally reaches the shower and flicks it on, still fully clothed. “You buzzed your hair again.”
“You know I can’t do it right without you.” He puts you down, quickly ripping off his own shirt before reaching for the hem of yours.
He’s slower with it, the fabric brushing against your sides, giving you goosebumps. It doesn’t matter how many times you take your shirt off in front of him, he always looks just as dazed as he did the first time, and you always get just as nervous.
“You’re so fucking perfect, baby. Come ‘ere.”
He pulls you fully under the stream of the shower. It’s one of your favourite places in your shared house— a giant shower head that let the water fall as fine as rain, with enough space for his giant body not to have to bend at awkward angles to wash his hair (when he had some). It was also well big enough for the both of you, a feature you both utilised every morning and night you spent together.
He works at your shorts next, easily slipping you out of the now wet cotton, leaving you just in a set of underwear. They weren’t particularly cute— like you said, you would normally dress up for him to come home, but he wasn’t due for two weeks. Simon didn’t seem to mind, hands running wildly over your body, eyes on fire. You were starting to see him clearer now, the paint running off his face and down his bare chest in shadowed droplets.
“God, Simon…” You lean back just an inch, seeing the new marks on his chest and shoulder. A new bullet wound in the right arm. A gash that extends all the way up his left side. It still looked like it was healing— the stitches must of only come out a few days ago.
“I’m okay.” He says, kissing your collarbone.
“I don’t like when you get hurt.” You whimper, feeling his strong hands grab your hips, pushing your underwear down. “Are you sure—“
“Let me take your mind off it.” He leans down further, kissing your chest, and then drops completely, landing on his knees in front of you. He was so tall that he still needed to bend lower to kiss his way down, feeling his lips press softly on your hip bones, then your stomach. “Look at you. Such a pretty girl.”
He taps your inner thigh with two fingers, a silent command. You follow, spreading your legs slightly. He’s not satisfied, hooking one leg over his shoulder while the other is pinned between him and the wall. At this point you weren’t even holding yourself up— the display of brute strength making your head feel fuzzy.
“Dreamt about this.” He kisses closer, skin that hasn’t been touched in weeks nearly sparking under his manipulation. “Out on base. Couldn’t keep this pussy out of my head.”
“Simon, please.” You beg shamelessly. You have no pride when it comes to him, not when he’s holding you like this, reducing you to putty in his hands before he’s even really touched you.
“Never leaving this house again.” His words nearly get lost between your thighs. You arch your back to encourage him, but he holds you flat. “Gonna keep you here forever. Right here, just like this.”
“You’d let me, wouldn’t you? You’d say my name all pretty like that and let me do whatever I wanted.” You were nodding furiously, hands finding little purchase in his short hair but it was all you could do to get him closer— “Want you to ride my face. Give me everything you’ve got.”
“Okay, please… please just—“
“What, baby?”
“Fucking touch me, Simon. Please.” You know he doesn’t respond to bad manners, so you throw as many around as you can. He smiles between your legs, kissing your thigh once more before you lose sight of his now clean face, burying himself in your pussy. “Fuck!”
He’s no stranger to eating you out— he always tells you how much he loves it, like it’s a reward for him. He always makes you see stars, too, but right now, the way he’s practically taking you apart from the middle out, it wasn’t like anything you’ve felt before. He keeps one hand on your hip, pinning you under him, the other slipping a finger inside of you, working in perfect tandem with his mouth.
You can’t decide what it is, but fuck— maybe it’s the water, how soft it falls on the both of you, combined with the overwhelming feeling of having Simon back early and safe— it was having a physical affect on you. Weak knees that were taking none of your weight in them, choked gasps of his name— your eyes roll back in your head before long, hips bucking wildly against his hold as your whole body shudders with pleasure.
“God— so fucking good for me, princess.” He says, taking a second to pull back and admire how strung out you look before diving back into you. His gaze never leaves you then, watching as your face contorts with every glide of his tongue over your clit, or how every time he moves his hand just right your whole body jolts. He seeks it out again and again, and you can feel him smiling underneath you, watching you writhe as liquid heat spreads all the way through your veins, carrying pleasure to every nerve ending you had.
It was an entire body experience, and you couldn’t even keep your eyes open anymore. You let him get rougher, at some point hooking your other leg over his shoulder, so you were completely suspended in the air. Your thighs clamped around his head, trapping him in position as you neared your high, and Simon only gripped you tighter, his hands kneading the flesh of your ass. He held you hard, in a way that you knew would leave the good kind of bruise, and the image only sky rocketed your state.
“Don’t stop, Si. Fuck— you’re so good, so fucking good, I… ah—“ You cut yourself off when he groans— really groans into you, and you feel him switch gears at the praise. He must like hearing it, how good he is at this. How good he makes you feel. While you still have the ability to talk, you keep going— anything to get him not to stop. “You feel so good, Simon. Gonna make me c— oh fuck, right there.”
You feel the stretch of two of his thick fingers, easing you open, and you know it’s out of your control. There’s an electric feeling in your stomach you don’t recognise, bordering on too much of a good thing. You almost don’t want to fall into it, but Simon, with his talented hands and mouth that’s never satiated, you wouldn’t get much of a choice. Your brain couldn’t move your legs anymore, only able to blank out and take it— take all of what Simon was so desperate to give you, and who were you not to indulge your man?
“C’mon, princess. Let me see you… just let go. Want it so bad, pretty girl.” The pet names, his tongue lapping at your sensitive nerves, his fingers curling inside of you— there was no way to avoid the plummet into overwhelming pleasure, Simons hands being the only thing holding you to the real world.
You cum with a choke of his name, and a string of indiscernible words babble out of your mouth. You hear Simon saying something, but it sounds so far off, your only focus on that feeling. He doesn’t stop, still buried inside of you as close as he can, and he doesn’t let up until your physically clawing at him, flinching away from the lap of his tongue.
You feel wrung out— like you’d just been suffocated and were slowly coming back to consciousness. It was possible you really did pass out, if you were honest. Simon was still holding you up easily, hands now holding your thighs to his shoulders, eyes wide and staring at you in fascination.
“Holy fuck, baby. That was fucking… you are so hot.” Out of breath and energy you manage to burst out laughing at his compliment, feeling yourself slowly sliding down the wall of the shower. Everything felt like jelly, but as Simon bent down to kiss you, your hand brushed against his boxers, and you tugged at them. “Yeah? You want me to fuck you now, baby?”
“Mmm.” You hum, body still twitching from the aftershocks of the biggest orgasm of your life. You tug harder at the seam of his boxers, and he kisses your forehead.
“Shh. Take a minute.” Your eyebrows furrow together, feeling a little juvenile in your fuzzy state.
“Please, Si. I’ve waited so long for this. Please, just…” You slip the fabric over his cock, already hard and waiting, and duck your hand under to stroke him gently. He swears, shuddering under your soft touch. “Don’t make me wait.”
“Turn around, princess.” He breathes, and you smile victoriously, getting another laugh out of him. “Fuckin’ insatiable.”
“Only for you.” He helps you get onto all fours, rough palms of his hands smoothing over your ass and lower back.
“Mhmm. Mine, aren’t you?” You nod, feeling him lean down to kiss your shoulder blades before you feel his cock, sliding between your legs and settling at your entrance. He gives you a second or two— it always takes you a while to adjust to the pure size of him when he gets home. You’d never say it, but you hope you never get used to it. A bit of pain with the pleasure he rings from you seems a fair trade for all the dirty things he says when he finally enters you.
You push back against him, making him hiss as a little more of his length disappears into you. He lightly smacks your ass just once and you arch into the touch. He’s never been one to throw you around, not wanting to even think about the possibility of hurting the one good thing he has in this life— but he can’t help but be memorised by the way you react when he treats you a little tougher. He does it again, and hearing your moan is apparently the last thing he needs to bottom out behind you.
You both sigh— finally feeling each other this way. There was something to be said about the first fuck when he came home. It was so much more than that. It was like something from a movie, how they called it making ‘love’. You’d always thought it one and the same— until you met Simon. He starts slow, purposeful as he drove his hips back and forth in a pace that had you feeling dizzy after just a few thrusts. He was so strong without even knowing, you had to smack your hand to the wall to keep from sliding away every-time his hips collided with yours. He hit spots inside of you you never knew you had until you met him, and it was borderline embarrassing how quickly you felt that ball of pleasure in your stomach tighten— preparing for release.
“So tight. Always t-take me so fuckin’ good. Jesus Christ.” Hearing Simon Riley stumble over his words was the ego boost of the century.
“Just like that, Si. Fuck.” You feel one of his hands sliding up higher, touching any part of you he could reach— hands brushing over your side, your tits, reaching up to tangle in your hair. When he pulls slightly it has you squeezing your eyes shut, the combination of his touch all over you making you dizzy.
He starts to come back to himself, talking constantly as he drives his hips harder and faster. Constant praises come out in a low, raspy voice, only interrupted by you chorusing them back to him. It had always been like this with him, the filter between his brain and mouth broken as soon as he got inside you, leading to a string of compliments too dirty to repeat anywhere else— but it was the hottest fucking thing in the world to you.
“C-can’t last much longer, princess. S’feels too good.” He slurs, and you look over your shoulder. His shoulders are completely relaxed, jaw slack and eyes half open, and there’s none of that stiffness from before when he came home. Now, he was in his element, not thinking about whatever went wrong on the outside— he was just here with you.
“Fuck, gonna cum, Simon— just a little m-fuck.” You didn’t have to tell him, he knows your body better than you do, and when his hand slips under your hips so that he can circle your clit in soft, quick movements, your arms drop out from under you as pleasure overwhelms you. This time, you’re pretty sure you do pass out, the only thing you can hold onto in that in-between is Simons voice.
“There it is. Fuck—yes… yes. Fuck!” He swears the whole way through as he cums, and you feel him pull out at the last second, warmth spreading over your ass and lower back. You try to pick yourself up, giving him a pretty picture, but your body is so weak that you just stay right where he puts you. His free hand grips your waist, keeping the backs of your thighs pressed to the front of his.
The water was still running a warm stream over the both of you, and when Simon’s orgasm wrings out the last few jolts of pleasure, he’s just as fucked out as you are. All but collapsing over the top of you, he keeps himself up with one arm, the other wrapping underneath both your bodies. He kisses along the back of your shoulder blades, murmuring praise into your skin.
“Baby… baby. Missed you.” He repeats, and you turn your head, finding the strength to hold yourself up a little to kiss him. Once he knows your starting to come back, he switches positions, using the arm underneath you to hold you to him as he leans himself against the wall of the shower, your back tucked to his chest.
“Missed you more.” You look up, finding him staring down at you. He smiles then, and your still a little dazed but he just looks so good when he smiles— “I love you.”
“I love you.” He repeats.
It might just be the heat of what you just did mixed with the warm stream of water above you, but you swear he blushes. No matter how many times you say it to each other, he still reacts like that. You both sit in silence for a little, your body now tired and slumping against him, held up by his arms wrapped around your middle, holding you tightly.
“You scared me a little, when you came home.” You say softly, your hands tracing along his forearm. “I never know how to make it all okay— I can’t make it okay.”
“You just gotta be here. That’s all I need.” His head dips to lean down, leaning on your shoulder.
“I will be. Always.” You say, never meaning anything more. It’s been years of you knowing Simon, just a little less than that being his, but you know this is it for you. Even when you first met him, you knew you’d always be there when he came home— waiting for him.
“We… we lost some good people this time. Just makes me think.” He hugs you closer, feeling his hands splay out in your sides. “This guy got caught in the crossfire, I don’t know what happened, but I watched them tell his girlfriend. She just lost it.”
You swallow hard, hearing his voice crack.
“The boys said they found her photo in his wallet. A ring, too. Was gonna propose.”
“Jesus.” He nods, head still firmly tucked into the crook of your neck. “I’m so sorry.”
“I had to get out, come home for a bit after this one. I don’t want… there’s so much stuff I need to do, stuff I want to tell you about, and if I didn’t make it back—“
“Don’t think like that. You’ll always come home. You promised me you would.” Your throat tightens, trying your best not to cry at a time like this. You couldn’t help it when he spoke like that.
“I know, baby. I just mean…” He takes in a long breath, then looks up, tilting your head so he could look you in the eye. “I don’t wanna leave here without you knowing how much I— that I…”
“I know.” You let your fingertips drag softly along his jaw, but he shakes his head.
“No, I… fuck— I’m sorry.” You sit up, a little worried about where this is going. His hands leave your waist, holding your face in the same gentle way he did when he came home. “It just… you deserve so much, and I want to give it to you. The whole flight over— longer than that, I’ve been thinking about asking you something. I just don’t know how.”
“You can ask me anything.” Kneeling between his legs, your hands press to his chest, feeling the racing of his heart. You lean forward, kissing him, telling him all the words you can’t fit into the moment. Whatever he takes from it seems to be enough— because as well as he knew you, you knew him too. He pulls away, and when he does, you don’t see any traces of the man people seem to fear, or hate.
You just see him.
You nearly hold your breath in anticipation, watching as his eyes flit between your mouth and your eyes.
“Simon.” You say again, and his eyes flutter closed. Then he pulls you forward, and utters two words that shift your entire world on its axis.
“Marry me.”
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daydream-cement · 7 months
Seven Minutes in Heaven (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x Reader
Larissa joins you for seven minutes in heaven.
Author’s Note: THIS IS SO LATE! BUT THIS IS MY FINAL CONTRIBUTION TO SPOOKY SEASON with @alexusonfire (even tho spooky season is over). This weeks prompt is Halloween Party and I kinda followed that HAHAHAH.
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Your class reunion wasn’t something you had anticipated enjoying. Between fielding questions about the current state of your life and if you remembered trivial details from your high school experience, you weren’t keen on repeating the same answers over and over.
But then again, it wasn’t often you had the opportunity of seeing your high school friends, especially at a huge Nevermore Halloween party. 
You hadn’t wanted to shop for a costume, so you threw together some things from your closet to be Dr. Ellie Sattler from 'Jurassic Park' - a costume you figured you would have to explain frequently, but it was better than buying something. 
As you walked into the old high school gym, you began recognizing classmates. Some you kept in close contact while others you had gone 30 years without speaking to. You saw one of those latter individuals immediately - Larissa Weems.
At least you thought it was her. 
She had grown a couple more inches and her body had filled out, but the pinup girl aesthetic remained. You couldn’t tell what her costume was supposed to be as she had maintained her business professional dress. 
You knew you were staring, but you were having trouble comprehending your newfound attraction to your old classmate. And Larissa must have noticed when she approached you with a wide grin, “It’s been too long!”
“It certainly has, and look at you now! The Headmistress of Nevermore?” You grinned and teased her a bit.
“It wasn’t my intention when I first began teaching here, but I must say I love it.” 
The next flirtatious words left your mouth before you had too much time to think about it, “The job looks good on you.” 
There was a brief silence and you then chose to fill it with a compliment, “Everything looks really great, Larissa.”
“I’m grateful for all the help I had… Speaking of…” The shapeshifter checked her watch and glanced back at you. She reached a hand out and squeezed your shoulder, her smile holding a sense of mischief, “I should get this party started. It was really nice seeing you. I hope we can catch up more later.”
Larissa took her position at the front podium and addressed the group, “I am so glad all of you could be present for our 30th class reunion. I am particularly excited this event lands on Halloween! It is so nostalgic seeing your 90s costumes you have put together.”
The platinum blonde gave a short speech about Nevermore and its ability to bring outcasts together. She finished her speech with a great big smile, “There are games and activities for you all throughout the building for you all. Have a wonderful evening!”
You wandered the halls with your old friends, shifting from game to game. All of the activities seemed to be reminiscent of your high school days. 
As the evening progressed, new (and probably not approved) games seemed to pop up throughout the school. Spin the bottle popped up in the english classroom, strip poker was beginning in the employee break room, and seven minutes in heaven was starting in the janitor’s closet. 
You paused near the group gathered outside the janitor’s closet, listening to Larissa politely scolding the group for playing such a childish game. You considered supporting her, but your friends had suddenly volunteered you for the next round. 
For a few cocky seconds, you agreed to the game, glancing at Larissa as you agreed to be shoved in the closet to await your partner. Her eyes were wide, almost shocked that you would be willing to play such a game.
As the door shut in your face, you couldn’t believe you were doing this. Anxiety and shame coursed through your body as you awaited the group to pick your seven minutes in heaven partner. You hadn’t wanted to get your hopes up, but you were hoping Larissa would get picked to join you. At least then you would be able to shoot your shot with her. 
Moments later, the closet door opened and the outline of Larissa Weems towered over you. Your dreams had come true, but now you were paralyzed at the notion of kissing her. 
Larissa squeezed her way in the closet, chest pressed to yours as she beamed down at you, “Hi, Y/n.”
Before you could respond, the door was closed behind her - your time had begun.
One minute.
“Hi, Larissa.” You mumble, grateful for the darkness of the closet. She would have been able to see your blush otherwise. 
The shapeshifter leaned in close, her fingers tucking your hair behind your ear as her lips lingered near your ear, “We should probably make wise use of our time together.”
Your tongue instinctively darts from your lips, wetting them as your hands timidly reach for her hips. 
The first kiss from Larissa was to the corner of your mouth followed by another to your cheek followed by another just below your ear. 
Your building nerves had you about to explode. To deal with this, your brain decided it was a good idea to have you start chattering anxiously, “I think you’re really pretty… Like… really pretty.”
“Mm… thank you, darling.” Larissa hummed. Her hand came to rest on the back of your neck, gripping it softly as she held you close. 
Two minutes.
“I was actually thinking of talking to-” You began, swiftly being cut off by Larissa.
“Maybe we should stop talking, hm?” She whispered as she took a step forward, pressing her body to yours. The increased proximity allowed you to feel the way she trembled lightly - she must have been just as nervous as you.
You nod slowly, gripping the sides of her dress in your fists to keep her close. Finally, you begin to return her affections - pressing a kiss to her jawline before timidly working your way towards her lips. 
Her other hand had wound around your middle - the pads of her fingers stroking the skin of your side as they pushed your shirt up the slightest bit. With every move of her fingers and lips, you found yourself losing your ability to control yourself.
When Larissa felt you drawing closer to her lips, she paused her own kisses to your skin, choosing to turn towards you instead, connecting your lips.
The first kiss was soft and quick, but once you both realized the potential of your chemistry you both dove in for another kiss.
Then another.
And another.
All growing in duration and intensity.
Three minutes.
You felt dizzy from desire. Absolutely drunk off Larissa’s lips. 
Only if you could have seen the lipstick smeared around both of your mouths. 
Larissa’s fingers squeezed your sides with a ferocity that made your eyes wind shut. In an act of desperation, one of your hands flies to the back of her neck to prevent any opportunity for her to pull away. 
You wished this moment would never end. 
All of those years of crushing on Larissa in school were finally coming to fruition. 
Her teeth tugged and sucked at your bottom lip - a preamble of her growing passion.
Four minutes.
It came as a shock when her hands clamped down on your cheeks and she pressed her lips to yours with an intensity that made your brain short circuit. 
Her tongue slipped past her lips, swiping it up across your lips before nipping at your bottom lip. 
The kisses became searing pecks as Larissa began interjecting her desires between them.
“Aren’t you just darling?”
“I bet our time is running out…”
“Perhaps we should meet back in my office when this little game is over.”
“We could have our own extended version of seven minutes in heaven…”
Five minutes.
Larissa was overcome by her desires for you. In a flash, she had you with your back against the wall. Her kisses were soon open mouthed and sloppy - evidence of her growing arousal.
Her passion made you brazen. Your hands fell to her backside, cupping and groping her ass rough enough to make the shapeshifter moan in your mouth. Larissa’s hips bucked against your pelvis, continually searching for more proximity that was no longer physically possible.
With enough grabbing of her plush ass, her shirt began to ride up and you took total advantage of the situation. Your fingers gripped the edge of her skirt and peeled it upwards enough to expose Larissa’s underwear to your wandering hands. 
The shapeshifter smiled against your lips at her newfound exposure. She then pushed a thigh between your legs - not to pleasure you, however. Larissa was too focused on her own neediness as she began grinding herself on your upper thigh.
Six minutes.
“It’s been so long, darling…” Larissa moaned in your ear, bucking and grinding herself against you with reckless abandon. Your hands positioned on her ass allowed you to play a role in guiding her hips to roll against you.
“Whatever you want… I’ll do whatever. Just tell me what you want.” You whimper before pushing your hips upward against Larissa’s needy pelvis.
“I want you… I just want you.” 
It was clear the shapeshifter had had enough talking when her lips crashed back onto yours and her tongue plunged back into your mouth. 
You gave yourself over entirely.
Only wanting to be of use to her.
Seven minutes.
Banging on the door caused the shapeshifter to pull away with a groan. Her eyes scanned your face through the darkness of the room before she dipped back down, grazing your lips with hers once, then twice - teasing you. 
“Times up.” She whispered, readjusting her skirt before wiping at her smeared lipstick with the back of her hand. “See you later, darling?”
“Yeah.. yeah.. I-I’ll see you- uhm- later…” You sputter out as she leaves you alone in the closet - disheveled and out of breath, leaning against a wall with lipstick stains covering your face and neck. 
As soon as you collected yourself, you knew you would be sprinting to her office.
Taglist: @charymobile , @bri-sonat , @weemswife @smutuniversesblog , @opheliauniverse , @teashock , @enchantressb , @alex-nyx , @renravens , @whenyouhaveanobsession , @scream-queenlover , @shyladyfan , @lilfartbox1 , @rubberduckiesbathing , @mcufanisme , @peanutbutterprincess , @larissaoftarthweems , @sicklygrlsicklygrl , @lvinhs , @myzzjolanda , @principal-weems09 , @emilynissangtr , @xuukoo , @brienneswife , @dumbasslesbi , @oculusalien , @sweetderacine , @giogwensversion , @milciak , @gela123 , @thevillagegay , @katiemcgrathsbitch1 , @naomi-m3ndez , @mysaviorfalsegod , @h-doodles , @salems-spaghettios , @imgayforwoman69 @bychrissi , @alexusonfire , @weemssapphic , @kimiinou @hiiamkatana , @mountain-bikingwitch , @willowshadenox , @aemilia19 , @mommyslittlebaby , @agathaandgwenslesbian , @gay-frogs08
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sarhcameron · 2 months
i feel like i haven’t even processed the reunion yet but i need to talk about it because it was just so real and so beautiful in so many ways.
judith and rick hadn't seen each other since she was two years old and rj had never seen him before, so it wouldn't make sense if they had an exaggerated reaction during the reunion.
watching rick get completely anxious when the helicopter was about to land and during michonne's moment with the kids made me want to cry. he was clearly very nervous and insecure, not knowing how to act, and then judith hugged him and you could feel his emotion at finally being with his little girl.
and then came the long-awaited meeting between rick and rj, and even with all the nervousness on both sides, they had that beautiful dialog that, once again, had me in tears. the brave man and his little brave man are finally together.
the scene was just perfect, better than we could ever have imagined, and i honestly might fight anyone who insists on saying otherwise.
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thedensworld · 3 months
Rewind Button | J.Ww
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Pairing: Wonwoo x reader
Genre: angst, time travel, bestfriend
Summary: If Wonwoo had a time machine, he would definitely go to crash your wedding.
Warning: mention of arranged marriage, sexual abused, suicidal activity, depression.
Wonwoo stirred from his sleep, disoriented and bewildered by his unfamiliar surroundings. He glanced around, his eyes adjusting to the dim light filtering through the curtains of his old apartment studio. Confusion clouded his mind as he realized he should be gearing up for an action scene shoot in just ten minutes, yet here he was, inexplicably back in his past.
Memories flooded back as he recalled the sensation of being in his car, the soft melodies of music playing in the background. But why was he here now?
Before he could fully process his confusion, the shrill ring of his phone shattered the silence, jolting him from his thoughts. With trembling hands, he reached for the device, his heart pounding with trepidation as he saw the caller ID: Mingyu.
It had been nearly five years since they last spoke, and the sudden call from his old friend only added to the surrealness of the moment. Wonwoo's mind raced with questions, his emotions a turbulent whirlwind as he hesitated before answering, unsure of what awaited him on the other end of the line.
"Hello," Wonwoo's hoarse voice greeted Mingyu, his mind still reeling from the surreal experience of being transported back in time.
A rush of urgency flooded through the phone line, Mingyu's voice filled with frantic energy. "Hyung! Where are you?! The ceremony will start in 2 hours!"
Wonwoo blinked in disbelief as memories of this very conversation, this same heated exchange with Mingyu, flooded his mind. It was a moment from the past, long gone, yet here he was, reliving it once again. Why was he experiencing this déjà vu?
"Hold on, Mingyu," Wonwoo managed to utter, struggling to process the situation unfolding before him.
"Hyung! Are you listening to me?" Mingyu's voice cut through Wonwoo's thoughts, pulling him back to the present moment.
"I'll be there," Wonwoo murmured softly before ending the call, his mind swirling with confusion and disbelief. As he hung up, a sense of unease settled over him, leaving him grappling with the inexplicable phenomenon that had just occurred.
As Wonwoo's mind raced, replaying the moments leading up to his unexpected reunion with you, his heart pounded with a mixture of apprehension and longing. He wasn't accustomed to making requests or wishing for things, always content to be the grateful, considerate person others admired. But tonight, as he lay in bed, his silent plea had been answered, thrusting him into a whirlwind of emotions.
Meeting you again after five long years, on the set of his latest film where you were cast as a cameo, had ignited a torrent of memories and regrets within him. The scene played out in his mind like a haunting film, your presence stirring feelings he had buried deep within himself.
As you both discussed the upcoming scene, the unspoken tension between you hung heavy in the air, overshadowing the easy camaraderie you once shared. Wonwoo couldn't help but notice the bruises hidden beneath your hair and sleeves, a stark contrast to the vibrant spirit he remembered from your past encounters.
When he finally mustered the courage to approach you in private, your first question pierced through his defenses like a dagger to the heart. "Why didn't you come to my wedding?" you asked, your voice calm but laden with disappointment.
Wonwoo was rendered speechless, his throat constricting with guilt and regret. He had never prepared himself for this moment, never anticipated facing you again under such circumstances.
"I read your letter, and I was so disappointed you didn't come," you continued, mentioning the drunken confession he had penned before your wedding day, a stupid letter.
"Mingyu too, he felt the same about our friendship," you added, invoking the name of their mutual friend.
Unable to meet your gaze, Wonwoo could only mutter a feeble apology, his fingers fidgeting nervously.
But when you rolled up your sleeves, revealing the bruises marring your skin, his heart shattered into a million pieces. He longed to reach out, to offer comfort and solace, but fear held him back, afraid that even the slightest touch would break you further.
"Did Mingyu know about this?" Wonwoo finally managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded solemnly, confirming his worst fears. "But he couldn't do anything," you confessed, your words heavy with resignation.
Silence enveloped them both as Wonwoo struggled to process the weight of your words, the guilt and helplessness threatening to suffocate him.
"I was waiting for you," you whispered, the memory of your wedding day haunting your expression. "Since you promised."
Your laughter, tinged with bitterness, echoed in the cramped confines of the van, and Wonwoo felt his heart shatter all over again. "But you never came."
Wonwoo, dressed in his usual attire, rushed to the venue of your wedding ceremony, his mind spinning with confusion and urgency. Was this all just a dream, or had he truly been thrown back in time as he had desperately wished for earlier?
Mingyu's surprise was evident as he greeted Wonwoo, his eyes scanning his friend's unconventional choice of outfit – a black hoodie and baggy faded denim pants. Wonwoo's appearance, fresh only from a quick face wash, stood in stark contrast to the formal attire expected for such an occasion.
"Why are you dressed like this? Today is a special day!" Mingyu exclaimed, his concern evident in his voice as he pulled Wonwoo aside, shielding him from prying eyes.
Wonwoo blinked rapidly, unsure of how to explain his sudden appearance and disheveled state. If he were to tell Mingyu the truth – that he had traveled from the future to prevent you from suffering in an abusive marriage – he knew his friend would dismiss it as absurd.
"I need to meet Y/n," Wonwoo replied impatiently, his sense of urgency overriding any concern for social norms or propriety.
Mingyu furrowed his brows, his hand resting reassuringly on Wonwoo's shoulder. "We talked about this, man. You said you'd give up on her."
Wonwoo's heart clenched at the memory of his previous conversation with Mingyu, where he had resigned himself to letting you go. "Yeah, I know," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret.
"But I changed my mind. I can't let her go," Wonwoo confessed, his determination shining through despite the obstacles ahead.
Mingyu sighed, realizing the gravity of Wonwoo's intentions. "Isn't it too late? You know her husband is someone with power," he cautioned, his concern for both Wonwoo and you evident in his words.
"I promised her that I'd come today, help her cancel the wedding," Wonwoo explained earnestly, his gaze unwavering as he met Mingyu's widened eyes.
"No way! You know what would happen to both of you," Mingyu protested vehemently, his concern for their reputations and public image overriding any sense of recklessness.
Wonwoo took a deep breath, steeling himself before dropping a bombshell on Kim Mingyu. "She's pregnant with mine," he stated firmly, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.
Mingyu gasped in disbelief, his eyes widening in shock. "What?!" he exclaimed, unable to comprehend the gravity of Wonwoo's revelation.
Wonwoo nodded, his expression solemn as he tried to convey the truth of his words to Mingyu. "I'll explain everything later, but right now, I need to meet her," he insisted, his voice tinged with urgency and determination.
As the weight of Wonwoo's revelation sank in, Mingyu could only nod in reluctant understanding, realizing that his friend's resolve was unshakeable. Together, they stood on the precipice of a decision that could change the course of your lives forever.
"When he found out i was pregnant with other man, he practically almost murdering me everyday. He made sure that i was suffering and i ended up losing the baby. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you poured out the painful truth, revealing for the first time to Wonwoo that you had been carrying his child. The weight of your words hung heavy in the air, each syllable laden with the agony of your suffering.
Wonwoo held you tightly in his embrace, his heart breaking as he realized the extent of your torment. Guilt gnawed at him relentlessly, a relentless onslaught of remorse for his past actions. He closed his eyes, unable to bear the weight of his cowardice – the cowardice that had cost him your love and the life of his own child.
In that moment, he saw himself for what he truly was: a coward who had let fear dictate his every move. He had been too afraid to pursue a relationship with you, convinced that you were too perfect, too good for someone like him. And in his cowardice, he had stood by while you suffered unimaginable horrors at the hands of your husband.
As you spoke of the threats and abuse you endured, Wonwoo's heart shattered into a million pieces. The thought of you enduring such torment while he remained silent filled him with a profound sense of shame and regret.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I should have protected you. I should have been there for you."
But your confession only deepened his anguish, as you revealed the depths of your despair. "But I'm so tired," you admitted, your voice trembling with exhaustion. "Every day feels like hell, and I just want to die."
Wonwoo's heart clenched at your words, the pain in your voice echoing the turmoil in his soul. He vowed in that moment to do whatever it took to save you, to break free from the shackles of his own cowardice and finally stand by your side. For he knew now, more than ever, that he could not bear to lose you again.
A week later, news of your attempted suicide rocked Wonwoo to his core. As he stood in the hospital corridor, waiting anxiously for any update on your condition, the weight of his guilt threatened to crush him. The letter found at the scene revealed the depths of your suffering, documenting the abuse you endured at the hands of your husband.
Finally, after five long years, Wonwoo came face to face with Mingyu in the hospital aisle. Mingyu's eyes held a silent accusation, and Wonwoo couldn't bring himself to meet his friend's gaze. He bowed his head in shame, unable to deny the wrongs he had committed.
But to Wonwoo's surprise, Mingyu's arms enveloped him in a tight embrace, his own tears mingling with Wonwoo's. "Hyung... She'll be alright, right?" Mingyu choked out between sobs, his voice thick with worry and fear.
Wonwoo wished desperately that he could offer Mingyu reassurance, to tell him that you would indeed be alright. But the truth weighed heavily on his conscience, threatening to suffocate him. He longed to confess that everything that had transpired was just a dream, that you were safe and alive, and that you belonged to him. But his fear held him back, sealing his lips shut once again.
As the situation began to calm, Mingyu turned to Wonwoo, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and frustration. "Did she tell you?" he asked, his voice tinged with resignation.
Wonwoo nodded silently, his heart heavy with remorse.
Mingyu sighed, his gaze drifting towards the room where you were being tended to by medical staff. "I just hope that asshole didn't use his money to free himself," he growled in anger, his fists clenched in frustration at the thought of your abusive husband escaping justice.
"For these five years, she's suffered a lot," Mingyu continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I want to help her, but there's nothing I can do besides offering emotional support."
He paused, his expression pained as he revealed the truth behind your intentions to reconnect with Wonwoo. "She told me that she was going to meet you for a shoot. She actually just wanted to be friends again. There was no intention of telling you the whole situation. But I forced her."
Mingyu's words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the consequences of Wonwoo's actions and the pain he had caused. As he listened to his friend's words, Wonwoo felt a surge of remorse wash over him, knowing that he had hurt not only you but also those who cared for you deeply.
Mingyu accompanied Wonwoo as they approached your room, his hand gesturing for Wonwoo to enter and have a conversation with you. Wonwoo, visibly nervous, stepped into the room, scanning the space until his eyes fell upon you sitting on the couch. However, instead of your usual charm and charisma, he noticed a subdued air about you. Nevertheless, your face lit up when you saw him, and you rose from your seat.
As Wonwoo rushed towards you, pulling you into his embrace, you felt a mix of surprise and comfort flood through you. "Let's take you out of here," he whispered urgently, pulling back slightly to meet your gaze.
Your eyes widened, a hint of fear flickering across them. "But I can't," you protested, your voice trembling. "He's not just a random person, Wonwoo! He would sue us."
Wonwoo shook his head, determination etched into his features. "We confront him," he insisted, his voice firm yet reassuring. "And tell him the truth." His words carried a sense of resolve, offering you a glimmer of hope in the midst of uncertainty.
Tears welled up in your eyes, reflecting the turmoil within you. "But what about our careers?" you choked out, your voice thick with emotion. "We're going to be doomed after this... Think about yourself, Wonwoo!" You pleaded, trying to shake him out of his determination.
Wonwoo held your shoulders firmly, his gaze unwavering. "In another universe, I was selfish," he confessed, his voice tinged with regret. "But I ended up losing our friendship, losing Mingyu. I ended up losing you..." His words hung heavy in the air, carrying the weight of past mistakes and missed opportunities.
Confusion furrowed your brow as you searched his eyes for understanding. "What are you talking about?" you asked, your voice trembling with uncertainty.
Wonwoo's grip on your arm tightened, his resolve unyielding. "We don't have much time," he urged, his voice urgent. "Let's go to the groom."
Quickly, Wonwoo waited for you to change into comfortable clothes, both of you donning masks and hats to conceal your identities. With Mingyu's help, you found the groom, who was engrossed in conversation with guests. Mingyu motioned for both Wonwoo and you to retreat to a private area before confronting him.
The groom's surprise was evident as he laid eyes on you standing outside your room without your bridal gown. Before he could react, Mingyu and Wonwoo restrained him. Wonwoo realized the groom had no control over himself; he wasn't your husband yet.
"Let's stop the wedding," Wonwoo declared, his voice firm as he initiated the discussion. The furrowed expression on the groom's face spoke volumes about his response.
But before he could utter a word, Wonwoo dropped the bombshell. "She's pregnant with my child. We've been having an affair even before you entered the picture." The groom's composure shattered, his anger palpable.
"What does it mean, Y/n? We discussed this already."
As the groom moved towards you, Wonwoo and Mingyu intervened, shielding you from harm. Wonwoo signaled for Mingyu to escort you to his car while he dealt with the groom.
With an imposing presence, Wonwoo approached the groom, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the groom's agitation. "Y/n will pass away five years from now," Wonwoo revealed, his words laced with a solemn warning. "And you'll be behind bars for abusing and murdering her. I know your violent tendencies with women, so don't come near us unless you want the media to know."
Enraged, the groom grabbed Wonwoo's clothes, but Wonwoo effortlessly freed himself, straightening his attire. "I'm from the future," he declared, his voice steady. "We could stand here all day discussing your future, but let's prevent it by canceling this wedding."
Dear Yoon Y/n,
It's your friend, Jeon Wonwoo. I want to start by apologizing for my absence after that night. I couldn't bring myself to face you because everything changed between us. I no longer saw you as just a friend.
To be honest, it's been a long time since I've seen you that way. You've become more than a friend to me; you're a woman. I confided my feelings for you to Mingyu, and when I admitted I liked you, he punched me. Yet, he confessed he saw it coming.
For a fleeting moment after that night in your apartment, I was happy. I knew we were both intoxicated, but I didn't regret a thing. Yet, I couldn't shake the uncertainty of whether you felt the same way about me. Did you feel the same love as I did for you?
Today, I received your wedding invitation, and I couldn't muster the courage to confront you in person about how much I love you. Mingyu mentioned it was an arranged marriage, which gave me a sliver of hope that you might not love him. But at the end of the day, he'll be the one who owns you, right?
I want to be him. I want to be him so badly. If I were to attend your wedding and ask for your love, would you want to run away with me?
If your answer is yes, then I promise to be there.
With all my love,
Wonwoo sat beside Mingyu, the weight of grief heavy in the air after attending your funeral. Mingyu handed him a book, your diary, a crucial piece of evidence detailing the abuse you suffered at the hands of your husband. Wonwoo's fingers traced over the cover, feeling the weight of your words within.
As he flipped through the pages, his heart clenched at the entry describing the morning of your wedding day, when you discovered your pregnancy. "She must have been waiting for me," Wonwoo thought, his throat tight with emotion.
Each word in your diary painted a vivid picture of your pain and suffering. Wonwoo read with tears streaming down his cheeks, feeling every pang in his chest as he absorbed the honesty and rawness of your emotions.
The diary was a testament to the strength you had to endure such torment, and Wonwoo couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by a mixture of sadness, anger, and admiration for you. It was a journey through your deepest struggles, and Wonwoo vowed silently to ensure that justice would be served for you, no matter the cost.
"Gyungmo raped me that night. He wanted to kill my baby." Wonwoo closed the book, barely able to continue it.
Anger, guilt, and regret crashed over Wonwoo like a relentless tsunami. Jung Gyungmo, the source of your suffering, must pay for his atrocities, Wonwoo thought, his fists clenched with fury.
"We hadn't spoken for months after her wedding," Wonwoo recounted to Mingyu, his voice heavy with remorse. "But she called me in the dead of night, desperate for help. Her husband was nowhere to be found when I arrived. She was barely holding on, her body weak, blood staining her legs."
Mingyu turned to face Wonwoo, his expression mirroring the sorrow etched in his friend's features. "She was five months pregnant, enduring unimaginable stress and abuse," Mingyu explained, his voice cracking with emotion. "And she lost your... your baby."
Wonwoo's heart shattered into a million pieces as the weight of your pain crashed down upon him. The realization that he could have done more, should have been there for you, gnawed at his soul like a relentless beast. The guilt and anguish threatened to consume him whole as he grappled with the cruel reality of your suffering.
Mingyu's voice trembled as he struggled to continue speaking, the weight of your absence crushing his heart freshly from your recent funeral. Tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably, his grief pouring out in waves. Despite his own pain, he reached out to Wonwoo, his arms wrapping around his best friend in a tight embrace, seeking solace in their shared sorrow.
"It's not your fault," Mingyu whispered, trying to offer some comfort amidst the overwhelming anguish.
But Wonwoo's voice quivered with guilt as he choked out his words, his tears mingling with Mingyu's. "This is my fault!"
Mingyu shook his head vigorously, refusing to let Wonwoo bear the burden alone. "No, hyung," he insisted, his own anguish evident in his voice.
"If only I had intervened at her wedding, if only I had stopped everything, she would still be with us! She wouldn't—" Wonwoo's words dissolved into sobs, his pain too raw to articulate.
Mingyu nodded in solemn agreement, his own grief consuming him. "Me too, hyung," he confessed, his voice thick with sorrow.
"If only I could turn back time, I would stop the wedding in a heartbeat."
If only...
The words hung heavy in the air, a bitter reminder of the irreversible tragedy that had befallen them all.
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otomehoneyybearr · 9 days
The Beast's Love is Unstoppable
Kagari's Story MDNI please!
This is the script version of the story. The lovely @caffedrine posted amazing summaries of Kagari, Matias and Azel's story! Please check them out (≧◡≦) ♡! Thank you!
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Today’s the day Kagari will be coming to Rhodolite.
There’s still a few hours until our meetup, so to calm my excited heart, I went out, but then—
Kagari: "Princess, I've finally found you."
Emma: "K-Kagari!?"
My eyes widen at the sight of him as I was dragged into an alley and pinned against a wall.
Our long-awaited reunion was unexpectedly sudden, and my surprise outweighed my joy.
Emma: "You came much earlier than the scheduled time."
Kagari: "I wanted to see your face, even if it was one second sooner."
(So Kagari felt the same way.)
Emma: "I've been restless wanting to see you too."
As he caressed my cheek, a warm feeling spread in the center of my chest.
(As much as I want to savor this reunion.)
(Right now, taking him home is my top priority.)
Kagari "...Princess."
Suddenly, his perfectly handsome face came close enough that I could feel his breath...
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Kagari: "Finally, I get to be with you. Hold me as tight as you can."
(I was too late… No, I think he was already like this.)
Before I knew it, there was a thick, syrupy heat in his emerald eyes, and alarms started going off in my head.
Dealing with this needy general outdoors is akin to fighting a losing battle.
Emma: "Of course, I'll give you plenty of hugs and kisses. Now, let's head home."
Kagari: "I've had enough of holding back. Now is fine."
Emma: "Please just hold off on... Ah..."
Ignoring my plea, Kagari entwines his legs with mine as he presses his body against me and starts to kiss my forehead, cheeks, and neck without reservation.
I struggled desperately to escape, but he didn't budge. Needless to say, my resistance only encouraged him more.
Kagari: "Your heart is pounding so hard and your body is so warm... It’s adorable how you're so conscious of me, Princess."
Emma: "It's not because I'm conscious, it’s just because you’re coming on so strong—ah, please don't bite too hard..."
Kagari: "I'm being a good boy, so I won't leave any marks.”
Emma: "Doing this outside makes you a bad boy...!"
(It seems like the disliking for doing this outside doesn’t apply to the current Kagari.)
While enduring frustrating stimulation, I desperately searched for words to break free from this situation.
Emma: "I want to be alone with you without anyone interrupting, so please wait until we get home!"
Kagari: "To be alone with me, huh…? I'd like that."
The sparkle of anticipation I saw in his emerald eyes wasn't just my imagination.
Kagari: "You won't go back on your words, will you?"
Emma: "..."
Kagari: "Princess."
Emma: “I… I won’t."
As if urging me for an answer, he nibbles on my neck, and I nod repeatedly...
Kagari swept me up in his arms and dashed towards my house at a terrifying speed.
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Kagari: "Ah, I love you... Without you, Princess, I'd be left with nothing but killing people."
(Well that’s alarming... But what's scarier is that it doesn't seem like a joke.)
Kagari: "Princess, you're loosening your grip."
Emma: "Oh, sorry."
As I readjusted my arms, I ran my fingers through his red hair, and he, much like an affectionate beast, nuzzled into my neck.
For the past few hours since we arrived home, I had been sitting on Kagari's lap on the bed.
As expected, our time apart seemed to have turned him into quite the needy general.
(No matter how many times I see it, this behavior is always such a stark contrast to his usual self that it baffles my mind.)
Emma: "Isn't it uncomfortable to have me on your lap for so long?"
Kagari: "Not at all. In fact, I've been wanting to do this."
Kagari: "Your warmth, heartbeat, weight, scent, texture, touch... It’s all of you. Having you here with me."
(He looks so happy.)
(But since I've invited him into my home, I should start offering some hospitality. And if possible, prepare dinner too...)
As I gently moved my hand from around his back, he held onto me tighter, as if unwilling to let go.
Looking up at me with his face buried in my chest, it was clear how much he yearned for this.
Kagari: "No, I still want to hold you. Please, don't leave me."
Emma: "I'm just going to get the tea and dorayaki I prepared."
Kagari: "As tempting as the tea and dorayaki sound, right now, I just want your attention, Princess."
Kagari: "Are you going to leave even when your kitty is purring so contentedly?"
Kagari: "Your kitty can be quite a handful when he’s sulky, you know."
(I... I'm well aware.)
I still vividly remember the time when I got so engrossed in reading that I ended up ignoring Kagari.
…Only to be kept in bed the next day, unable to get up due to his overwhelming affection.
(At least if I get the dorayaki—)
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Kagari: "Please dote on me... I'm begging you, Princess."
(Welp, there goes that plan...)
Under the rain of pleading kisses, my lips naturally part, tickled only in the most vulnerable spots inside my mouth.
His eyes and voice were so sweet they almost made me feel dizzy, and my resolve wavered...
Emma: "...Just a little longer, okay?"
Kagari: "I love you, Princess."
Seeing his smile, overflowing with affection, made me realize I could never truly win against him.
Suddenly, the hand that had been around my waist moved to my head, gently stroking my hair as if combing it.
It was unexpectedly soothing, and I tilted my head in response.
Emma: "Um, what is this?"
Kagari: "Turning the tables. You could also say I’m returning the favor."
Kagari: “I must have made you feel lonely while we were apart.”
Kagari: "That’s why this time, I’ll be the one to dote on you, Princess."
Pulling me closer, he embraces me and resumes stroking my head.
Kagari’s hand moved downward, gently patting my back in a soothing rhythm.
(Being pampered like this feels a bit embarrassing.)
(But somehow, it’s also comforting. Maybe because it’s Kagari doing it.)
(…I was pretending to be fine, but I was actually feeling really lonely.)
Unable to resist the realization of my own feelings, I buried my face into Kagari's neck.
Kagari: "You're just as needy as I am, Princess."
Emma: "I don't think so."
Kagari: "Is that so? Maybe you’re also just as clueless as me."
Emma: "Ah, it tickles!"
Kagari: "...is that all it does?"
Emma: "Huh...?"
(Come to think of it... His touch feels different…)
His previously indulgent hand had somehow slipped off its gloves, boldly trailing up my thigh and slipping beneath my skirt.
The moment I felt the warmth through my underwear, alarms went off in my head once more.
Where did the gentleness from earlier go?
Emma: "Ah, Kagari...if you keep this up, it won’t be ‘just a little longer’."
Kagari: "I know."
Emma: "So you lied...!"
Kagari: "Can you really say that when you've been carried away the whole time?"
As I stumbled over my words, his green eyes narrowed with what seemed like amusement.
No matter what I say now, they’ll just sound like excuses.
(If that's the case, maybe I should just throw away all restraint and let my true feelings flow.)
(Just as Kagari was doing in front of me.)
Emma: "...Then please don’t hate me if I become an insufferably selfish, needy brat."
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Kagari: "I never planned to."
Before I knew it, I was lifted and gently pushed onto the bed.
His eyes, gazing down at me, were endlessly sweet, binding my body and soul so tightly to the point where I could hardly breathe...
Kagari: "I won't let you go for as long as I live. No, even in death, I'll always love you."
Kagari: "No matter what you do, I’ll fall in love with you over and over again, Princess."
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circeyoru · 3 months
I can have Yandere Alastor dying for Adam and saving the reader... And because he said he went to heaven and became an angel... ( that would be funny Alastor angel )... What would happen?
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}.
Pretty sure Alastor would just die and not go to heaven cause it's more like Sir Pentious' scene. Alastor would have regretted that he'll be leaving you, and while self-sacrifice can put him in Heaven as a redeeming element, it's not enough.
BUT! Let's say he got into Heaven. What happens then?
Let's start with your side. Previously, there's a recently posted ask about Reader being powerful, as noted by Lucifer. Seeing Alastor's death and final protection to you, you'd definitely unleash hell on Adam and fatally injure him before you enter your slumber mode (then Charlie and Lucifer take over the battle).
You are still brought to the hotel and nursed back to health, but it's Lucifer that does it and your process is speed up because he knows what to do and there's no Alastor to slow it down. When you wake up, the hotel members all question you. You just replay what happened before you slept. Right, Alastor's dead. You're very very tempted to follow suit, but Lucifer stopped you. What you did in the end was went back home to try and forget about it all. But your home was filled with reminders of Alastor and your moments with him.
Unable to bear with it, you asked if Lucifer could arrange somewhere else for you. He did and you moved, not without casting charms to keep the place off limits to other demons from the within. Then started your journey to drowning out your sorrow without Alastor's presence. This was what you meant when you shouldn't have fallen for him. The back of your mind laughed at you.
With Alastor. He met with his mother. Can you believe it? He talked things out with her, and caught up with her and his life. When it came to the topic of love came up, Alastor was knocked with a painful headache.
There's a theory (that I think can be applied here) that the souls in Heaven forget their lives before entering into Heaven. The moment Alastor was redeemed and appeared in Heaven, he forgot everything, he forgot you.
The headache was a distortion or disruption done by your powers. You held his soul, secretly, you have given him Perfect Memory when it came to your memories with him after accepting your feelings towards him. Now he's conflicted because Heaven's power is battling against yours.
Alastor's wings brought him the closest he could to Hell, a portal that was only accessed to specific individuals. The closer to Hell he was, the more he remembered and vividly felt that possessiveness and obsessiveness he had towards you. It was all coming back to him.
Let's say when he remembers you, he's grateful and prideful that you secretly protected him against Heaven's lies and attempted to take him from you or you from him. This level of care and attention shows you want him in your life! He has to return to you now!
"If that love of yours means everything to you, you should go." His mother advised, she only wanted his happiness, it didn't matter if he was there with her or if she wasn't the cause of his happiness. She truly is an angel, isn't she?
With his new memories, Alastor signed up as an exterminator, raising in ranks, he became one of the leaders that could go down to Hell. He could feel it, the long-awaited reunion between him and you.
Will you like his new look? Or prefer his old one? He'll fall and return to you. He will. He definitely will. Nothing will separate you two.
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emotionaldamages · 3 months
surprise- charles leclerc
summary- Y/N's adventure surprising Charles Leclerc at a Grand Prix.
authors note- been gone for along time but I’ll be trying to post more, send requests please!
Y/N had been counting down the days until the off-season of Formula 1, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to see her beloved Charles. Despite the distance, their love remained strong, and Y/N wanted to show Charles just how much he meant to her.
With the help of Charles' team, Y/N hatched a plan to surprise him at a Grand Prix. It was a secret mission that required utmost secrecy and coordination. Y/N traveled to the country where the race was taking place, heart pounding with excitement and nerves.
On the day of the race, Y/N found herself in the bustling atmosphere of the Grand Prix. The sounds of roaring engines and the smell of burning rubber filled the air. Y/N had butterflies in her stomach, knowing that Charles had no idea she was there.
As the race started, Y/N anxiously waited for the perfect moment to reveal herself. The team had arranged for her to be in a VIP area, giving her a prime view of the action. Y/N couldn't help but cheer for Charles as he zoomed past, showcasing his incredible talent on the track.
Finally, the race came to an end, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Y/N knew it was time to make her move. With a racing heart, she made her way towards the pit area, where Charles and the team were celebrating their successful race.
Just as Charles was about to step off the podium, Y/N appeared before him, a smile beaming across her face. Charles' eyes widened in surprise, his expression a mix of shock and pure joy. Without a second thought, he pulled Y/N into a tight embrace, holding her as if he never wanted to let go.
The team members cheered and clapped, thrilled to witness such a heartwarming reunion. The love between Y/N and Charles was palpable, and everyone around them couldn't help but feel the warmth and happiness radiating from their embrace.
As the cheers subsided, Charles leaned in and gently pressed his lips against Y/N's, sealing their reunion with a passionate kiss. In that moment, time stood still, and the world around them faded away. It was a kiss filled with love, longing, and the promise of a future together.
From that day forward, Y/N and Charles continued to conquer the challenges of a long-distance relationship, knowing that their love was stronger than any distance. They cherished every moment they had
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hoshifighting · 4 months
oh my god…. seungkwan fingering …..
what about him punishing u in public after he catches u touching urself without him
Reader X Idol! Seungkwan
Word Count: 1,1k
Warnings: Smut, fingering, public sex, bathroom sex, public teasing.
The anticipation bubbled within you as you prepared to reunite with Seungkwan after his long tour. He had been away for what felt like an eternity, and the nights without him had been lonesome echoes of longing. The touch of his hands, the taste of his lips, and the way he effortlessly made your heart race were distant memories that fueled your eagerness.
Finally, the day arrived when Seungkwan returned home, tired yet excited to be back. Eager to make up for lost time, you decided to gather some friends and head to a local bar for a night of laughter and catching up. The evening promised to be a joyful reunion, a celebration of love, and shared moments.
As you arrived home from your classes, the apartment seemed unusually quiet. It took a moment for you to realize that Seungkwan was probably in the bath, freshening up after the long journey. You couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing him, feeling the warmth of his presence enveloping you once more.
You entered the apartment to find a faint aroma of his favorite bath salts wafting through the air. the bathroom door was slightly ajar, and you could hear the sound of water running. Your heart fluttered with excitement as you imagined the joyful reunion awaiting you.
While Seungkwan indulged in the bath, you couldn't help but reminisce about the nights you spent alone, yearning for his touch. The loneliness had etched a longing in your soul, making the prospect of being with him again all the more enticing.
Unbeknownst to you, your hand absentmindedly found its way under the waistband of your shorts. the memory of Seungkwan's tender touches, the way he made you lose yourself during sex, overwhelmed your senses. A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you succumbed to the yearning that had built up during his absence, your fingers circling your clit, the arousal already dripping from your pussy.
As you lost yourself in the moment, the bathroom door creaked open, and Seungkwan emerged, a towel draped loosely around his waist. His eyes met yours, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he took in the scene before him.
"well, someone's been missing me quite a bit, huh?"
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Seungkwan's teasing comment hung in the air. Yhe surprise of being caught was enough to make you gasp, freezing in place.
"I won't let you get away with this," he declared, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
As you got ready, you couldn't help but steal glances at Seungkwan, who was now dressed and waiting for you.
The bar was alive with energy, the laughter of friends and the music creating a lively atmosphere. however, the lingering effects of Seungkwan's playful teasing had left your body feeling weak, and as you leaned against the bar.
Seungkwan, always bold and affectionate, wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. His lips brushed against your ear as he whispered naughty things that sent shivers down your spine. The sensation of his hips pressing against yours made your heart race, and you bit your lip nervously, trying to maintain composure.
As you waited for your drink, you looked around, hoping that the bar's lively ambiance would distract others from his bulge pressed tight on your ass. You could feel the gaze of strangers, but you chose to ignore it, savoring the closeness you had missed during Seungkwan's tour.
A sulking expression crossed your face as you shot a glance at Seungkwan, silently expressing your discomfort with his teasing. He, however, only grinned in response, his eyes glinting with mischief. Clearly enjoying the effect he had on you, he teased, "What's the matter, love? Can't handle a little excitement in public?"
The sudden urgency in Seungkwan caught you off guard as he wasted no time, steering you towards the nearest bathroom. Your back pressed against the cool surface, Seungkwan's hands worked swiftly to rid you of your jeans. The sensation of his touch after such a long separation made your legs tremble with anticipation.
Seungkwan, his desire evident, licked his fingers before skillfully working them on you. His digits getting inside of your pussy without trouble, since youre already so wet.
You couldn't help but let out a whimper that was swallowed by his kiss, capturing the sound of your pleasure. The bathroom seemed to shrink, the warmth of his mouth against yours only intensified the pleasure coursing through your veins.
The sudden fear of being caught sent a thrill through your body, and your breath hitched as the realization hit you. Just as the bathroom door seemed like it could open at any moment, Seungkwan's hand found its way to your throat, pressing gently against pressure points.
Seungkwan's lips were dangerously close to your ear, and he whispered in a low, husky voice, "Imagine if someone walked in right now, catching us like this. Would you be able to keep quiet, or would you let out those sweet little sounds you make for me?"
His grip tightened ever so slightly, a silent reminder of the control he held in that moment. "You're mine, and I want everyone to know," he continued, his voice a seductive whisper. "Let them see just how much you crave me, how much you can't resist when I touch you like this."
Seungkwan's whispered words seemed to penetrate straight to your core, weakening even the strongest resolve. The combination of his seductive voice, the pressure on your throat, and the anticipation of someone potentially entering the bathroom created a cocktail of desire that was impossible to resist. In response to his words, you arched your back from the wall, a small whimper escaping your lips as you succumbed to the pleasure building within you.
Seungkwan reveled in your reaction, his confidence evident in the devilish smirk that played on his lips. "That's it" he murmured, his voice a velvet caress against your ear. "Let them hear you, love. Show them how good I make you feel."
As your body quivered with pleasure, Seungkwan continued to exert a controlled pressure on your throat, his fingers skillfully exploring the wetness that had already pooled between your folds. The intensity of the moment reached its peak, and with a soft moan, you finally orgasmed.
You found yourself leaning on Seungkwan for support, your head resting on his shoulder. Your knees felt weak, Seungkwan, always attentive, gently helped you readjust your clothes, ensuring you looked presentable once more.
Once you were composed, Seungkwan held you close, his arms wrapped around you protectively. In the dimly lit restroom, he looked into your eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips. "God, I missed you so much," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity.
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lightlycareless · 2 months
Pussy inspection with Naoya 😫😫😍
Before going to his mission he tells us to not touch ourselves and when he comes back, he makes sure that we listened to him🤭
And if we didn’t…
It’s up to you to decide 🤓
( you don’t have to write it , don’t force yourself please 😭)
Heya anon 😏
well damn now that is something that... yeah wow. I'm not gonna lie and say that isn't something Naoya wouldn't do lol he's 10000% in it. You might encourage him to it too—y'all perverts like that.
Although with what happens after not so much 🤭
warnings: NSFW minors DNI. Smut. Naoya is a pervert, the ask is self explanatory.
Happy reading!
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There are no words exchanged between the two when Naoya eventually makes his long-awaited return home, already knowing what he’ll demand of you by simply guiding him to your shared bedroom, laying down onto the futon, legs wide open and void of any underwear, which gave him enough space to fill in.
Once ready, he begins to corroborate if you’ve kept your part of the agreement the two struck before his departure, the same one he kept in his mind throughout the longevity of his tedious mission.
Reunions with him weren’t always like this.
This… meticulous.
If anything, both you and Naoya were far too eager to be back in each other’s presence to bother doing anything else.
But there were moments where your husband simply desired to do something more, perhaps take advantage of your seemingly endless devotion to him and get his fair share of fun with it, make this marriage slightly more exciting, and thankfully for him, that’s exactly what’ll happen—much to your dismay.
Your breath shudders when his fingers finally make way to your slit, thumbs gently pressing at the edges of your lips and spreading them apart, giving him sight of the lovely pink color that has made him mad with pleasure countless times.
Alongside the sensitive bud he’s teased far more times he could bother to remember, diligently pushing you over the edge time after time, yet always leaving you wanting more.
The purpose behind his search was to find any indications that you might’ve gone against his word, the slightest hint that your desire was bigger than self-restraint, unable to keep your hands to yourself while he came back from his mission and tainted it.
But from what he was able to see, you hadn’t. Dutifully keeping your pleasure solely for him as seen in your seemingly untouched cunt; soft, shaved, and well-trimmed, just like he liked it. Alongside the warm tightness of your walls as he pushed his fingers past your dampened rim, scissoring them as if to check there wasn’t anything different, anything wrong he might need to correct.
His cock twitched at the thought of being enveloped in your cozy walls, God knows how much he missed the way you squeezed him.
Yet, you’d be greatly underestimating his attentiveness by believing that appeasing to him through the things he enjoyed was enough to save you, which is what ultimately sentenced your fate, gaining you his rejection in the way he pulls away from you with a dejected face instead of giving you the praise you so desperately craved, the sourest of emotions inundating your chest soon after.
“Naoya—” you whine, quickly reaching out for Naoya, only for him to swat you away. “Naoya, my love—!”
“You think I wouldn’t notice that you went against my word?” he hisses, as if you’d done the greatest transgression yet against him. And to him, it might’ve been.
“I—I didn’t!” you gasp, moving closer to him to the point where he was just mere inches away. “I would never!”
“Don’t lie to me! Not when I know the truth.”
When he uses that tone, alongside the fact that he indeed knew the truth, you quickly understood there was nothing else to fight for, nothing else to do, except…
“How... how did you know?”
Simply because he knows you so well.
He rightfully assumed something was wrong the moment you saw him back at the estate, in the subtle manner you lacked to show the eagerness you always did when receiving him after a week’s long mission.
The absence of your pouty lips and flustered cheeks as you repeatedly told him how much you missed him and making up for all those nights he spent away.
And if that wasn’t evidence enough, the intimate details of your reaction were also there to consider—such as the way your cunt didn’t twitch when spreading it. You didn’t curl your toes, you didn’t hold your breath, your hips didn’t even lean into his touch as he prodded you.
It was plain obvious that your body wasn’t responding to him because those needs were already met, by you nonetheless.
And how endearing it was for you to believe you had fooled him, behaving like an innocent little dove in hopes he’ll oversee your mistakes.
But he knew you; he knew you better than yourself; and thus, it only took him one quick glance to see through your lies and call out the truth.
However, just as he knew you, down to the smallest aspects, you knew him as well, enough to understand that the anger in his eyes and the avoidance of his touch wasn’t real but rather, an act made to further arise a response from you.
Because Naoya would never dream of doing something that might hurt you. You are the love of his life, after all.
That wouldn’t stop him from being cruel from time to time, though.
“I— I didn’t mean to!” you cried, tightly holding onto his arm and pulling him closer to you. “It’s just that I… I missed you so much, I couldn’t help it! What was I supposed to do while you were gone??”
“Wait for me, like the good girl you swore to be.” Naoya darkly murmurs. “But it seems I underestimated your lascivious nature.”
“I am a good girl!” you persist. “Please, I’m sorry, Naoya, I won’t do it again!”
“It’s too late for that, Y/N. I don’t know if I can trust you again…” he smirks. “Unless you prove to me that I can.”
Whether this was the real purpose of his reaction, or something that later came to him that day, it didn’t matter, because you’d neither hesitate to do so, or at least try to— for your commitment to regain his embracing devotion was stronger than any ulterior motive:
From tending to him first thing in the morning by preparing his favorite meals, with the perfect temperature and seasoning, just how he liked it, having his clothes warmed up and pristine, so he’d look good as he always did…
Or if needed, a warm bath to ease his tensions, mind fuzzy and muscles relaxed as your body and the water washed all worries away, keeping him solely focused on you and the pleasures you could provide if only he’d been willing to oblige…
Yet, as much as you did your best, it wasn’t enough for Naoya, who opted to keep you at bay in favor of getting more of your adorable behavior, acting like an eager bunny by giving him those soft, pleading eyes of yours to incite him into rewarding you for your misbehavior.
To receive, if just the slightest brush of his fingertips against your cunt and leave all this behind.
But did you really think that by doing what you were meant to do anyways, you’ll achieve that?
That he’ll be able to look past your neediness, your incapability to not touch yourself, behaving like some kind of insatiable whore that couldn’t look past her own satisfaction, ignoring her husband’s simple request and tossing away a lifetime of pleasure for a mere instance?
No. Of course not.
He’s not going to pass by the opportunity to remind you that as much as he loves you, there are things that must remain undeniably true, such as the fact that every inch of you, every crevice, curve, down to parts you hadn’t even seen yourself—
All belonged to him.
So, you’d do good in continuing to please him, from upkeeping his role as heir to the eyes of others, portraying a sight of duty and respect before the clan— to whore in the calmest hours of the night, where he’d use your body for his own release, marking you with his seed yet cruelly denying you release…
 You were born to be his.
And by the end of his torment, you’d remember well.
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Naoya be like: you have to make me cum 3 times and then i'll touch your pussy.
y/n: *does it*
naoya: *asleep*
😏 that's kinda hot tho. he won't like it if the tables turn tho hahaha
Anyways, thank you for sending in this ask!! 😏 Naoya has some specific kinks, and I 100% believe this was one of them. Thankfully, I have something written for the bath part... (planned, more likely. I haven't written it lol)
I hope you enjoyed it!!
Thank you so much for your patience, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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tsxkkis · 9 months
# tsukishima kei - wait
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a/n = ahh i fear this might be too out of character T-T also i've been so busy with reading jjk lately i might just start writing for it too
summary = old feelings to a certain blonde resurface and are accidentally revealed by none other than tipsy you.
warnings = making out, mentions of alcohol (all characters are aged up a bit so they can legally drink), nothing else i think
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his eyes were glued to you the entire night.
you noticed, obviously. the bar you decided to meet up at was just big enough for all of you to fit inside, the long-awaited karasuno volleyball team reunion finally happening. it's been a few years since high school ended for you and your friends, saying your emotional goodbyes as you all went your separate ways.
but it was the hardest thing in the world for you to say goodbye to tsukishima kei.
it wasn't a secret that you had a crush on him ever since you saw him for the first time, sitting right in front of you in your english class as you gently pat his shoulder, asking if he had a spare pencil in the quietest whisper you could let out. you were hooked from that moment on; and yet for the entirety of high school, you didn't act up on your feelings, not even once.
as cold as he was to most people around, tsukishima seemed to treat you just the slightest bit differently. he would always lend you money if you forgot yours for lunch, making sure to call you an idiot in the process as he put the coins inside the vending machine, getting your favorite drink. helping you out with studying, something other first years could only dream of, and doing all that without you having to beg him for it. a sight so genuinely rare that even yamaguchi himself was surprised.
everyone always asked one question; 'why didn't you confess?' maybe it was the fact that you were scared of ruining your perfectly good friendship. maybe you were afraid of it affecting the dynamics in your friend group, or maybe you were just terrified that he wouldn't treat you seriously.
so when you found yourself lying in his apartment, the soft pillow from his couch under your head as he hovered over you, lips attached to yours in an eager kiss, you were almost sure it was all just a dream. the few drinks you had downed earlier definitely helped your confidence in that moment, as you were the one to start all of this, but it still felt unreal to be in this situation right now.
tsukishima breathed heavily, his hand squeezing your hip, thumb lazily drawing circles on it as he used the other one to keep himself from falling with all of his weight on top of you. he was sure it wouldn't end well for you, considering how he was significantly bigger. he gasped as he felt your hand traveling to his hair, lightly tugging on it as you deepened the kiss.
"wish i've done that sooner," you mumbled lazily in between kisses, his lips quickly back on yours as his hand wandered higher, resting on your cheek gently. you were surprised to see him pull away, the faintest smile on his face as his eyes locked with yours.
"i know." your eyes widened at his response, the alcohol slightly clouding your mind seemingly dissapearing from your body entirely. "can't believe it took you five drinks and all these years of waiting to actually say it."
you immediately sat up, eyes as big as ever, face flushed a deep shade of red (from both the alcohol and the embarrassment) as you looked away from him, your hands coming up to hide your face. tsukishima still hovered over you, his signature grin gracing his face as he chuckled at your state.
"don't tell me you knew all this time." he could barely hear you mumble, your hands stopping most of the sound from coming out. you didn't want to believe it, but at the same time, tsukishima was damn smart. and he wasn't blind, either; he could probably see how you tried your best at hiding your feelings from everyone.
"yamaguchi told me at the end of our third year." he shook his head, a small laugh leaving his lips. "apparently he was 'fed up with the mutual pining', or whatever he said."
"mutual?" you whispered as you slowly uncovered your still red face, tsukishima shifting to sit down next to you. a sigh left his lips, his eyes closed for a few seconds, as if to muster up the courage for whatever he was about to say.
"you know i'm not good with expressing my emotions, and i definitely was even more shit at it in high school." he started explaining, eyes looking everywhere else but you. "only yamaguchi knew about me liking you, but when he finally told me that you actually liked me back i was..."
"scared you wouldn't be able to survive a long distance relationship since you knew i was going away for college and that it would ruin our entire friend group if we didn't work out."
he looked at you, a stoic expression on his face as if to say that you got that correctly.
"tch. you're being annoying reading in my mind like that, you know?" his words made you giggle, his hand up to gently flick you in the forehead. in reality, tsukishima was glad you finished that sentence for him; he probably wouldn't be able to express himself correctly if you didn't step in. "yamaguchi still curses me out for it."
you took a deep breath, thinking of your next words.
"you know, we could always try it." his head turned towards you, a puzzled look. "when we finish college. if you're willing to wait, that is."
tsukishima smiled, at it almost took your breath away. he didn't smile much, and even if he did, it was almost never like this. this time, it was the most genuine smile you ever saw from him; warm and gentle.
"of course i am. you don't even know for how long."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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feuxx · 1 year
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2022-12-24: Long awaited reunion
"Stop crying you dollophead."
"Hey that's my word you clotpole! ... welcome back."
Happy 10th anniversary to the finale of Merlin!! 💕No words suffice to express how I love this fandom and how I'm blessed to be with you all. Thank you for having me! 😭💕
I took upon myself the duty of drawing their reunion, because it's time for Arthur to finally rise from that damned lake. 🥺😭❤️
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sagesolsticewrites · 3 months
Welcome Home
Rosie finally returns home after his second tour, and you take the opportunity to show him exactly how much you missed him
Special thanks to my bestie @winniemaywebber for making a whole playlist for this fic??? What??? What in the world did I do to deserve such wonderful friends 😭
Warnings: mature content (oral (f receiving), PinV penetration), some dom/sub dynamics if you squint (Rosie’s switchyyyy in this 🥰), swearing, mentions of scars/wounds, historical inaccuracies (18+! minors begone!)
Word count: 1.8k!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
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You wait anxiously on the train platform, amongst a hundred other wives and mothers and friends waiting for their loved ones’ safe return.
When Rosie had told you that he was re-enlisting after his first tour… a thousand emotions had run through you at once. Terror. Disbelief. Pride. Of course your Robert wouldn’t be satisfied until the job was finished.
And now it was. Germany had surrendered, and Rosie was finally coming home to you.
There was a hiss and a squeal as the long-awaited train pulled to a stop, and then a cacophony of shouting and joyous cheers as loved ones called to each other.
You scan the sea of joyful reunions, searching for a familiar head of curls.
A shout of your name makes you turn your head, and there he is.
Eyes sparkling, mustache neatly groomed, looking as handsome as ever in his dress uniform, stood Rosie.
Your feet carry you to him as if they have a mind of their own, and Rosie fights through the crowd to meet you halfway, catching you as you launch yourself into his arms.
You laugh in disbelief— he’s here, holding you, he’s real— as you urgently press your lips to his, the tears you’ve been trying to hold back spilling over your cheeks.
You pull away just enough to catch your breath, noses pressed together, lips brushing as you murmur soft, hurried greetings of “welcome home, baby,” “missed you so much,” “so, so proud of you.”
After what feels like an eternity of being back in his arms, lips locked in a passionate kiss, Rosie pulls away just slightly.
“Take me home, honey pie,” he murmurs, and you nod eagerly.
You let out a yelp of surprise as, rather than setting you down to lead you out to the car, Rosie simply turns and carries you out to the lot with you securely in his arms.
He pulls you in for yet another urgent kiss when he sets you down as you arrive at the car, and the promise of more sparking in his eyes has you speeding to your Brooklyn apartment.
It’s difficult to unlock the door with his lips attacking your neck, never mind his wandering hands, but you manage it, and close it quickly behind you as Rosie wastes no time in leading you to your bedroom.
“I missed you,” he murmurs between kisses, pulling you flush against him, his hands resting low on your waist, “so much, honey.”
“Missed you,” you whimper, fumbling with the buttons as you make quick work of tossing his jacket off to some corner of your room as he does the same to your dress.
He catches on quickly, yanking off his tie and drab olive shirt, leaving him just in his slacks as he walks you backwards, leaving a trail of hot kisses all down your neck.
“Been dreaming about this for so long,” he mumbles against your skin, “Thinkin’ about what I was gonna do to you when I got home.”
You shiver as he lays you down gently on the bed, his fingertips tracing the satin edges of your brassiere.
“Want me to show you?”
His voice is hoarse and raspy against your ear, making goosebumps appear all over you.
“Yes,” you gasp, your hands wandering over his exposed skin for the first time in far too long, “Please.”
You feel him grin against your skin as his mouth attacks your neck, making your back arch off the bed. 
Once your neck has been thoroughly kissed, sucked, and nipped into submission, he steps back to admire his handiwork.
You let his gaze linger on you until you can’t stand it and lift one leg to nudge him into doing something, your breath hitching when he grabs your ankle, his eyes darkening.
A glint in his eye, he bends down to brush a kiss to your ankle, your calf, your knee… he kisses his way up your leg, making you whine when he avoids your increasingly damp core in favor of continuing his path up to your hipbone. He stops to scatter kisses all along your stomach before mouthing at the valley between your breasts as he makes quick work of your brassiere.
“Oh, fuck, sweetheart,” he says, one hand coming up to cup your breast reverently, “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs against your skin, trailing his lips to wrap around your nipple and suck.
His name leaves your mouth in a cry as he swirls his tongue around your peaked bud, pulling away with a pop to turn his attention to your other breast. 
Your hand buries itself in his curls as he pulls away once more, tugging him up for a kiss. His tongue meets yours as you moan into his mouth, grinding up into him with a whine in an attempt to ease the pressure in your core.
“I gotcha, honey, I gotcha,” he breathes against your lips, his searing blue gaze locking on yours as his mouth follows a trail down, down, down to the waistband of your panties.
“Robbie,” you whine, the old nickname tumbling from your lips as he digs his teeth softly into the flesh above your waistband, gently easing your underwear off.
“Oh, honey,” he gasps, taking in your damp core, “When I tell you I’ve been dreaming about this for so long…”
Before you can grind out an impatient stop talking, his mouth is on you.
You moan, long and loud, as he licks deep through your folds, his nose at the perfect angle to add just the right amount of pressure to your clit.
“Shit, darling,” he groans as he licks and sucks at your core, the vibrations making your toes curl, “Taste even better than I remembered, fuck—”
Unable to keep eye contact, your head falls back against the bed with a choked whine, your hands finding their way down to grip at Robert’s curls.
Each talented movement of his tongue brings you closer to release, that string of tension in your belly growing tighter and tighter. 
Robert’s tongue brushes a very particular spot inside you that has you gasping for air, giving his curls a particularly aggressive yank, which in turn causes him to growl against you— and that’s the moment that the string snaps and sends you over the edge.
You feel Robert’s mouth move frantically against you as you ride out your orgasm, his mouth and mustache damp with your release as he pulls away, brushing a gentle kiss to the inside of your thigh.
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about doing that, honey,” he says, kissing his way back up to your mouth, “But none of them came close to the real thing.”
You smile into the kiss before he pulls away, hovering over you.
You take the chance to scan over Rosie’s body, tracing the lines and curves of him with your fingertips, taking in the scars and scrapes and bruises.
He freezes above you, avoiding your eyes as you try to meet his gaze, concerned.
Eventually, you realize what he’s having difficulty with.
“Robbie,” you say softly, cupping his cheek so his eyes meet yours once more, “You’re beautiful. These scars don’t change that. And I know you may not believe me right now—” you begin to brush featherlight kisses to the scrapes and bruises decorating his face and neck, “— but I’ll keep reminding you every day until you do.”
At his unconvinced nod, you take a chance. You leverage your weight and flip so that you’re now the one hovering over him.
“These scars—” you say between gentle kisses to each and every mark decorating his skin, “are a reminder to you and everyone who knows you that you’re a fighter. You— you stayed, honey, you did what you knew was right and saw it through to the end and even though I was absolutely terrified of losing you—” you inhale shakily as some of the fear you’d felt over the past few months seeps into your voice before you collect yourself, “I couldn’t be prouder. My brave, brave boy.”
You capture his lips in a tender yet heated kiss, and he melts against you, one hand moving up to fist into your hair as he pulls you impossibly closer.
You slowly begin to grind against him, your bare skin gliding deliciously against the fabric of his slacks covering the bulge at the apex of his thighs.
“Sweetheart, I—” he gasps desperately into your mouth, “shit, I need to be inside you. Lemme show my girl how much I missed her, please—”
You moan, the sound swallowed by his mouth as you fumble with his belt, Rosie wriggling out of his slacks and boxers impatiently.
You can’t resist grinding against him a few times, his breath catching at the feeling of your damp folds gliding against his bare cock.
“Honey,” he whines, burying his face in your neck, “Quit teasing, please, waited so long for this, lemme fuck you, please—”
You relent, nearly as unable to stand your own teasing as he is. Your breaths mingle as he positions himself at your entrance and you slowly, slowly, sink down onto him, biting back a stuttering moan as you stretch around him.
“Oh sweetheart,” Rosie groans, pretty blue eyes fluttering shut, “Fuck— you feel so good, honey, so tight—”
You whine at the praise, slowly rocking in his lap as you adjust to his size, gradually moving up and down his length at a toe-curlingly slow pace.
“Y/N, Y/N,” he gasps into your mouth, gripping at your hips in a futile attempt to speed you up, “Shit, you’re gonna kill me, sweetheart.”
An entirely too innocent giggle escapes you as you continue to ride him agonizingly slowly, teasing yourself as much as him. 
After several minutes of teasing, Robert’s soft pleading only adding to the growing tension in your core — “waited so long for this, honey, please, please don’t make me wait any longer,”— your breathing becomes heavy. Robert’s hands wander over every inch of you, leaving trails of fire as you finally, finally, speed up in earnest.
“Robbie,” you gasp, “Missed this so much, baby, missed you—”
“Missed you more, sweet girl,” he breathes, burying his face in your neck to muffle the stuttering moan that escapes him, “F-fuck, ‘m gonna—”
“C’mon, baby, please,” you breathe into his ear, fisting his curls as you feel your orgasm building, “‘M right there, please, Robbie…”
His fingers dig into your skin, groaning your name, hips stuttering as he spills into you, your release following almost immediately after.
Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath, Robert letting out a soft whine as you carefully lift yourself off of him.
“I’m so, so happy you’re home, honey,” you whisper breathlessly as you curl up next to him on the bed, fingertips tracing his jaw, pulling him close so your noses brush, “I love you.”
“I love you more, honey pie,” comes Rosie’s soft reply, grinning against your lips as he pulls you in for a long, sweet kiss.
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