#extremis tony
starker-sorbet · 18 days
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Tony using whatever means necessary to bring back his lover after his murder at the hands of the authorities. Alongside some improvements to both his and Peter's physical bodies to prevent this from ever happening again.
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oluka · 2 years
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My final piece for the Stony Darkfest RBB! Please check out @starvels‘ fic for some tasty smexy angst.
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angellyslion · 1 year
Rentrer à la maison
Je ne veux pas croire que les personnes que j'admire le plus au monde autant hors et sous le masque sont devenues des monstres. Tous les gouvernements et même le SHIELD sont tombés aux mains de tous les héros de la terre et même ceux venus d'ailleurs. Les Avengers, les mutants, les gardiens de la Galaxie ainsi que Captain Marvel et Doctor Strange. Le seul super-héros qui n'est pas tombé dans cette folie est Spider-Man, en l'occurrence moi votre fidèle serviteur, la gentille araignée du quartier. Et ils veulent que je retourne à la tour. Ils sont devenus fous quand ils ont appris mon mauvais traitements et que ma tante me négligeait depuis la mort de mon oncle. Ils sont devenus ultra protecteur et j'avais besoin d'air. J'avais besoin de mon espace. Puisqu'ils étaient toujours sur mon dos, j'ai décidé de fuir.
Je me cache dans mon ancien appartement du Queens. Ils ont tués ma tante et l'appartement m'est revenu. Monsieur Stark paye les factures pour que je puisse le garder et avoir au moins un point d'accroche lié à mon passé. Il m'a officiellement adopté. Il insiste pour que je l'appelle papa et les autres tontons et tatas. Autour de moi, ils agissent comme si de rien n'était, comme si tout est normal et qu'ils ne sont pas des tueurs au sang froid. Que nous sommes une grande famille unie malgré nos origines différentes.
J'entends des bruits de pas se rapprocher de ma position. Je rapproche mes genoux encore plus près de mon corps et cache ma tête. Je ne veux pas retourner à la tour. Je veux que tout redevienne comme avant. Je veux retrouver leur bon côté. Leur côté héroïque. Pas une pâle copie d'eux même.
« Petite araignée sort de ta cachette, nous voulons juste te ramener à la maison. J'entends Steve m'appeler
- Pete rejoins moi ! Je te promets qu'il ne t'arrivera rien. Déclare à son tour Tony.
Moi non. Je sais que des innocents le payeront à ma place. J'espère que Ned n'aura rien. Trop absorbé dans mes pensées, je ne remarque pas le changement brutal de température. J'ai froid. Je commence à m'endormir, mon corps ne supporte pas le froid. Ils le savent. C'est la seule faiblesse qu'ils utilisent quand je les fuis. Ma respiration calme et silencieuse s'accélère et devient bruyante.
- Il se cachait ici notre petit Peter. Maintenant que nous t'avons retrouvé, tu nous quittera plus.
Je veux protester mon corps pense autrement. J'ai froid et je m'endors dans les bras de Tony. J'étais trop épuisée par les dernières heures écoulées ainsi que le froid. Il me serre dans ses bras et fini par me déposer sur une surface confortable, sûrement un des canapés du jet de Tony.
Il dépose une couverture chauffante sur moi. Je m'enroule dedans. Je sens Tony jouer avec mes cheveux.
Quand je me réveille après que mon corps se soit assez réchauffé. Je remarque que je suis de retour dans ma chambre à Malibu. Je me lève et me dirige vers ma porte. J'essaie de l'ouvrir en vain.
- FRIDAY peux-tu ouvrir ma porte s'il te plaît ?
- Désolé maître Stark mais cela ne sera pas possible
- Pourquoi ?
- Je t'ai enlevé des commandes pour tout ce qui est des déplacement à Malibu ou à la tour où à toute autre installation Stark. Jusqu'à ce que je sois sûre que tu ne tente pas une autre fugue Pete. Je suis désolée mais cela restera ainsi. Tu pourras sortir de ta chambre juste pour les repas, les soirées jeux et cinéma et l'un de nous t'accompagnera. Tu ne seras plus seul. Aussi, tes pouvoirs sont bloqués pour un temps défini ceci pour ta protection. Je suis là pour venir te chercher pour le dîner. je lève les yeux et vois Tony adossé à l'embrasure de ma porte
- Je n'ai pas faim. Je réponds.
- Pete ne teste pas ma patience. Nous n'avions commis aucun dégâts pour l'instant. Si tu veux jouer les rebelles il n'y a aucun soucis. Je crois qu'une école aura besoin d'une nouvelle construction et de nouveaux élèves ainsi qu'un corps enseignant dans très peu de temps.
- S'il te plaît ne fais pas ça, je le supplie. Je ne veux pas être encore une fois la raison pour laquelle des innocents meurt. Je n'ai tué personnes directement mais indirectement oui et ça me rend malade. Peter réfléchi et donne lui une réponse qui le satisfera. Je fera tout ce que tu veux. S'il te plaît ne leur fait rien. Je j'implore. Je n'aime pas cet état de faiblesse. Je n'ai pas le choix si je veux les protéger.
- Tout ce que je veux ! Cela est une proposition très alléchante que tu me fais bambino. Tout ce que je veux que tu fasse Peter c'est que tu arrêtes de nous repousser. Nous sommes une famille et ton rejet nous fais souffrir. À part cela tu viens manger avec nous et tu assistera à tous nos repas en famille et tu participera à toutes les soirées. Si l'un de nous veut passer du temps avec toi tu acceptera. Tu auras un bon comportement et aucun gros mots ou injure ne doit sortir de ta bouche et la règle la plus importante tu m'appelles papa et les autres tontons et tatas et si tu enfreint une seule de ses règle Pete, cela ne sera pas que l'école qui sera détruite mais tout le Queens y compris l'appartement. Je l'ai gardé juste pour te faire plaisir et te prouver que nous tenons à toi. Si tu continues à être aussi irrespectueux et ingrat, je n'aurai pas le choix. Si aucun d'entre nous ne te donne de leçon tu n'apprendra rien et tu ne changera pas. Maintenant change toi et je t'attends pour le repas.
- Bien... papa.
- Bon garçon. Il embrasse mon front et se retourne pour que je change de tenue.
Je me change rapidement ne voulant m'attirer plus de problème et qu'ils changent d'avis. Toutes les règles sont simples à faire, je ne sais pas si je pourrai les respecter très longtemps. Je sais qu'is cherchent à ce que je craque. S'ils détruisent le Queens, ils n'auront plus de levier sur moi mais j'aurais tout perdu. Je refuse de perdre mes dernières attaches. Je ferai de mon mieux pour les satisfaires.
- Viens Peter maintenant que tu es prêts nous allons pouvoir manger. Il y aura ce soir juste Steve et Bucky. Demain Bruce nous rejoint. Le reste des Avengers sont en mission et seront là dans les jours à venir. Le reste des héros sont resté à la tour pour surveiller la ville et s'assurer qu'il n'y a aucun débordement.
Je le suis docilement. Je l'écoute d'une oreille et acquises de temps à autre. Durant le repas je reste silencieux et les écoutent parler. J'espère que le repas sera vite fini pour que je puisse retourner dans ma chambre et être seul. Je ne suis pas prêt à leur faire face. Malheureusement pour moi, cela ne s'est pas réellement déroulé comme je l'aurai voulu. Ce soir, ils ont décidé de faire une soirée cinéma et nous allons regarder le premier épisode de Star Wars. Même si j'adore cette saga, je m'endors rapidement sur Tony. Ces derniers jours m'ont épuisés et je me suis pas remis totalement du froid. À ce moment-là, j'ai l'impression de revenir avant tout ce qui s'est passé depuis Extremis. J'étais bien. Je ne veux plus bouger et je souhaite que le moment présent reste une éternité.Je sens qu'il me porte et quelque minutes plus tard, il me dépose dans mon lit.
- Buona notte Tesoro
- Nuit papa... Je marmonne.
- Comment va-t-il ?
- Il va bien, je pense juste épuisé de son escapade. Demain ça ira mieux et nous pourrons tous passer la journée ensemble. Pour l'instant, nous allons rien faire pour sa fugue. Je lui ai injecté une solution pour annuler ses pouvoirs pour quelques jours. En échange qu'il n'y a aucunes conséquences, il nous écoutes, il passe du temps avec nous sans se plaindre, aucune objection et injure de sa part. Et il doit m'appeler papa et vous tontons. À la moindre infraction, le Queens disparaîtra d'un claquement de doigt.
- Ce n'était pas que son école ?
- Si mais nous savons très bien qu'il ne supporte pas que des innocents soient tués. Jusqu'à ce que nous soyons sûr qu'il n'y a pas d'autres fugue et qu'il nous accepte, la menace planera au-dessus de sa tête. J'espère de cette façon, il restera calme et ne tentera rien ! Nous le connaissons tous et il peut agir de temps en temps sur un coup de tête.
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dirigibleplumbing · 2 months
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Superior Iron Man collage I made for @oluka for the 616 Steve/Tony server stockings exchange.
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jetblackfeeling · 2 years
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for the 2022 @cap-ironman rbb. steve arrives in their secret meeting while tony is toweling himself off and he likes what he sees.
the accompanying fic was written by avengersnewb!! check out her incredible fic here: you are the reason my ao3 post: you are the reason [FANART]
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ask-ursa-tonypeter · 15 days
[fic: double-blind] Question for extremis!Tony: you mentioned making it up to Peter after realizing the cure didn’t work, where do you first go from there? Obviously Peter did enjoy the sex even if it wasn’t all genuine, and the kiss after super genuine, are you capitalizing on that?
"Capitalizing." You people really think I'm just an opportunist, don't you? I did what he asked me to. He would have to work pretty hard to make me believe it was something he actually wanted after that stunt, so no, I wouldn't "capitalize" on anything.
I'd hear him out. I'd give him what comfort I could. I would show him that I love him and wasn't angry with him and would never hurt him. I'd build him a better world. I'd ask what he wanted to see in it. What else could I do?
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firelance2361 · 4 months
What If…The Iron Overtook The Man?
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Here’s another horror-centric idea for a What If scenario before the end of the year, based on the recent Darkhold Saga from 2021.
{In this alternate timeline, when Aldritch Killian and Maya Hansen kidnapped Tony Stark, instead of just merely torturing Tony with footage of Pepper being given the Extremis Serum, Killian decides to go a step further and inject Stark with the serum as well.
Moments after injection, when Tony desperately tries to call the Mark 42 suit back to help him, the fusion of the suit’s technology and Tony’s Extremis-fueled blood caused a horrific side effect, merging the man and his mind into the suit.
After the newly created Iron Maniac brutally kills Killian, Hansen escapes and frees Rhodey, escaping with Trevor Slattery before Tony can hurt them.
As the heroes attempt to handle the horrific situation and rescue Pepper, Tony’s mind begins to descend into madness as he binds up Killian’s men and starts bonding them to his now-Extremis-laced armors, dissolving them completely into the suits.
He soon learns from them the whereabouts of Pepper and decides to spread this newfound “gift” to her and all of the his friends.
As Rhodey, Maya, and Trevor attempt to free Pepper from the Roxxon Shipyard, Tony shows up with an Extremis-Empowered Iron Legion, including the now-armored remains of Happy Hogan.
The group then battles both Legionaries and A.I.M. Troops alike in a bid to escape, with Trevor getting turned and absorbed in the process.
As the group gets close to escape, Stark corners them, cutting off their exit. Rhodey and Pepper engage with him in battle to allow Maya to repair their escape boat; as they fight Tony’s deep paranoia and emotions then begin to surface, making him more dangerous and erratic.
After Tony injures and knocks out Rhodey, he then gestures Pepper to a suit of her own, claiming that it will “cure” her as well. While Pepper seemingly agrees with him for the moment, she then uses this distraction to kick him back and rip into the suit’s weapons arsenal, ripping out a missile from it.
As Rhodey regains consciousness, she then heats up the missile with her powers and throws it at the Iron Maniac, which Rhodey follows up with a repulsor blast, knocking everyone back.
Pepper, Rhodey, and Maya manage to escape the horror scene, but unfortunately, so does a now-damaged Tony. Then on Christmas Day, as the trio assembles with the other remaining Avengers to deal with this rising threat, the Iron Maniac publicly announces his ultimate gift: a suit of armor around the world, one for every person in it.}
I know this one is probably dark in a lot of places, and that many would understandably prefer an Iron Man vs. Wenwu episode, but I thought it would be another possibility to remix for Season 3 or possibly beyond.
IDK, let me know what you guys think!
Hope you like it and have a Happy New Year!
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massivespacewren · 10 months
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short gif animation for the winteriron pride prompt party, for day 5: Fluidity. 616 Tony undressing his Extremis undersuit, letting it flow away. Bucky does appreciate the view, but he also likes it when Tony can rest with him after a long day in the suit.
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thwip-snikit-art · 3 months
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dayfalwastaken · 8 months
Iron Bleeds Golden, Extremis - Iron Man Fanfic Preview.
“…Yeah… Yeah. No, good job. I owe you dinner. That Greek place with the belly dancer you like.” He waited for the ecstatic thanks on the other side of the phone before speaking once more. “Send it all over. Nice work.” Tony said as casually as he could in spite of what he’d just heard.
This job never gets easier.
He ended the call and paused for a second, looking quietly at the door in front of him. Maya was no doubt staring daggers into his back, her anxiety almost palpable throughout the plane’s cabin. If he hadn’t known her better, he would’ve sworn she was on the verge of a breakdown.
Tony inserted the eight-digit password into the door lock and opened it, then turned around to face Maya. He kept his mouth neutral for what he was about to tell her, not wanting to raise her distress further. Years of practice ensured his voice didn’t tremble. He had been doing this for a long while now, but being the one to deliver the bad news was always painful no matter what.
“My guy hacked your dead boss’ files. He gave Extremis to a group of militiamen local to you. Domestic terrorists.” She gasped softly, and Tony had to stop himself from placing a hand on her shoulder. “I have to make some calls.”
Her expression said it all. A hopeless glimmer in her eyes that swiftly betrayed the tough front she attempted to put up. She broke down right after, burying her head in her palms, tears beginning to spill. Tony didn’t blame her.
He wished he could’ve stayed there to comfort her. Tell her it’d be okay, that this would all be over soon, but he lacked the precious luxury of time, and he had a responsibility to uphold.
He walked into the tail end of the plane and closed the door behind him. Noticing his presence, the transparent screen in front of him lit up, permeating the small room in a dim blueish hue. Entering a special combination on his Stark Phone, he tuned in to a secure frequency and brought the device to his ear.
“Avengers intermediary channel. Priority A-1. Iron Man.”
A profile picture of himself popped up in the upper left corner, sporting a wall of text about his current location and so on right under it. To the right, a scan outlining his armor appeared, along with a vertical progress bar near it that was already starting to fill up. The word “Power” sat at the top. Beneath it all was another bar, this one numbering the loading time for each suit section, as briefly detailed by the \Sequence Activated plastered onto it.
“Information regarding attack on F.B.I Station, Huston. Forward to all relevant law enforcement entities.”
REMOTE WARM-UP AND DIAGNOSTICS, he read unconsciously.
Main Power Supply – Arc Reactor “STARTUP CYCLE” mode Engaged
A white line connected to the centre of the chest piece, highlighting the entire area.
\Capacitors Pending:
Unibeam… 100%
Chiming rang out upon the charging sequence’s completion. It was plenty effective at bringing Tony out of his thoughts, in particular those about the fifty burned bodies he had seen just twenty minutes ago.
“Upload of related files to follow two minutes behind this message.” He took a seat in the small chair, tapping on the table impatiently. The armor’s gloves were selected next, their progress visible on the bar bellow. They finished charging before he ever got the chance to finish his sentence. The tracker moved on to the next part.
Boot Jets… 100%
Electro-Hydraulic Exoskeleton… 100%
Multifaceted Pilot Interface… 100%
“Perpetrator is in superhuman aspect, possibly suffering side-effects of process.”
Main Circuits… 100%
Life Support, Medical Treatment Override… 100%
Magnetic Field Generators… 100%
Dampeners… 100%
“Perpetrator and associates likely to be in transit from Huston to Bastrop at this time.”
Auxiliary Power Supply… 100%
Munitions [Secondary]… 100%
Control Surfaces… 100%
Secondary, Tertiary Systems… 100%
\Capacitors Charged.
“Details of superhuman aspect pending.”
Onboard Assistant A.I Loaded
Full Diagnostic Scan – All systems “OK”
Main Power Supply – Arc Reactor “POWER SAFE” mode Engaged
Backup Nuclear Battery – Radioactive Isotope “PRIMED” for Decay
\Sequence Finalized.
Variable Threat Response Battle Suit “Iron Man”, model 25, codename [Liaison] – Online & Ready
“Iron Man is available for intercept and engagement.”
The screen cleared save for the armor hologram, which had stopped spinning and was reimposed in the middle, clicking repeatedly to draw his attention. Tony closed his phone and crossed his arms, leaning forward to stare into ole Shellhead’s newest incarnation. Field tested and deployed, that was… And yet he wasn’t satisfied. There was still so much to be improved, just at a glance Tony could see where he had gone “wrong”, even though thinking that was a lie by this point in his career. If he had truly made mistakes in the design process, he would’ve died long ago, and Iron Man wouldn’t have made it to the history books.
Nothing was wrong with the armor per se, he simply couldn’t help not accepting his achievements. Tony supposed that was in part the greed talking, but that’s just how he worked.
He’d make an armor, think it was revolutionary, take it on a test ride and be thoroughly impressed with it, then the next day be disappointed and begin working on the next instalment. It was like an itch- an addiction, always bugging him to keep tinkering, to keep improving. Because that’s what he did, and staying atop the competition was his whole deal.
What competition, the PR department would remind him to say. Well, at least they had a good reason for doing that. The phrase had become the most successful marketing slogan in his company’s history.
The point being; he always needed to wear the best version of the suit, otherwise it wouldn’t feel the same. However, when one went by the name Tony Stark “best” was a relative term. It was temporary, meaning he’d never truly be satisfied with any iteration of the Iron Man, no matter how far ahead of the modern world it’d be.
Which in reality was a weird metacommentary on his own person as well as his metal persona, but the distinction between those two he still hoped to blur. If he bled the best parts of one into the other… There was no telling how much good he could achieve. Really, Tony was the only thing holding himself back. Tony kept himself from being enough.
And what a depressing little thought that was…
Pillinger’s interview echoed through his head. He had asked the man if he had changed anything, if he was certain his journalism had improved anybody’s life over the years, even by a small margin, but truthfully speaking, Tony had asked himself that.
It haunted him that he didn’t know. He should, he knew more than most people ever would in their lifetimes, but regarding this matter he just… didn’t.
…And all he wanted was to help. To not be that Ghost of the Twentieth Century. To not leave behind a legacy of corpses, all piled atop the nigh infinite cache of Stark brand weapons hidden in the grounds of war ridden countries. Whether to make up for what he had done, or out of a genuine desire to aid others- the answer eluded him. Some days it was crystal clear, others he had his doubts for a majority of the time. But he knew he wanted to be more than what he had been.
Perhaps a… beacon like Steve? Tony half chuckled internally, dismissing the idea. That was a nice fantasy, wasn’t it? For people to look up to the skies and see a red and gold knight descending from high above, knowing then and there that everything would be okay. Those were the types of dreams he used to have in his childhood, back when he’d spend his afternoons playing with medieval knights in shining armor. Slaying dragons, helping the people and many such adventures.
Life had a funny way of coming full circle. What he’d imagined so long ago had become true to some capacity, but, well... Things could be better. Or maybe that was the ungrateful perfectionist in him talking, never content with the present.
Again he would have to brandish his sword, a regular practice these days, and make sure more people lived than they died. Somehow the prospect of helping people to continue on living made the sacrifices worth it. A small blessing if he’d ever seen one.
Tony caught his reflection in the glass and narrowed his eyes. The sight was identical to the one he saw in the morning every single day, but for the moment it didn’t bother him. The more he looked, the less he felt the need to turn away.
“Oh, now you can look at me.”
He had cut off his main propulsion as soon as he’d hit about 60 miles up, entering a controlled orbit right on the edge of the mesosphere. Sadly, He couldn’t appreciate the beauty of seeing the Earth’s curvature, as he could only stay there for exactly one minute before having to fly black down. Any more and the Earth’s rotation would lengthen his trip instead of shortening it.
“…Since the station burned to the ground, there’s no security footage I could ask for.” Tony thought out loud. “And anyone who did have access to it is either dead or injured. Give me a summary of his powers from publicized witness reports. I’d like to know what we’re dealing with.” He ordered the suit.
Processing data… Main powers include standard super-soldier enhancements. Quote: “The guards were shooting at him but he was too fast for them. You could barely see him. Some got lucky and managed to nail him but he just shrugged it off like it was nothing. Anyone that didn’t get out in time was torn apart or burned alive.”. Statements indicate suspect is also capable of fire breathing.
“Yeah, I gathered as much.” Tony tried not to associate what he’d heard with the pictures he had seen, but the images had already been carved into his head. He was reminded of the man whose face had been burnt off almost down to the bone. Poor bastard. “…Go on.”
Low to average imperviousness. Subsonic movement, possibly higher. Unclear if strength is a result of speed. Nature of “Extremis” compound raises the potential for further developments. Prolonged fight is ill-suited. Threat level five but remains unknown. Moderate caution advised.
Tony hummed, keeping his gaze on the countless stars hanging above. Having the armor speak to him had proven to be a good way of sorting through his thoughts. Things got messy if he talked to himself all the time.
Use his enhanced senses against him. Hit him hard and do it fast. Attempt a quick knockout or restrain him when his guard is down.
He cursed himself for not having asked Maya to explain what other stuff Extremis could do. Improving the human body was only half the equation. She’d been pretty adamant about the fact her serum wasn’t your typical Erskine rip-off. And, well, Tony could imagine the consequences… A biological compiler that could rewrite the brain to improve the body was a horrifying concept. Erskine’s serum bettered what was there to begin with, but Extremis imposed those changes, and could be made to do literally anything… What if those changes occurred during the heat of battle, or after a prolonged period of time? It’d make someone super adaptable to any environment.
What if the guy who had taken Extremis would grow more dangerous by the hour? What if he developed more powers, or cancerous mutations, or biohazardous side effects? If Extremis was still in the prototype phase, what stopped an error from forcing the brain to keep editing the body?
The guy was a walking timebomb. Every second spent out in the open could mean a potential epidemic, or worse. If he felt threatened, his brain could make him secrete poisonous gas to kill people around him and so on. The possibilities were endless…
…Okay, maybe he was being a bit too paranoid and didn’t trust Maya’s work, but how could he take any chances? He knew better than most what happened when people attempted to play God with human biology. These days the examples of such endeavours were visible at every corner.
The alert sound of his HUD’s timer snapped him back to reality.
One minute has been reached. Orbital repositioning successful. Execute re-entry manoeuvres.
And Tony did just that. He began by angling himself head first toward the ground and raised his hands to shield his helmet. Once in the proper position, he fired off into a nosedive without so much as a warning. Clocking in at Mach 6, he passed through the high-altitude clouds before the suit could even ignite into flames.
When the fires of re-entry did engulf him however, the heat was dispersed across the armor’s surface, plates further negating the melting temperatures. Tony was kept nice and cool beneath the metal, and as that was happening, the excess energy was syphoned into an afterburner for added thrust.
At the speed he was going, the ETA to Bastrop was two minutes on the dot.
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starker-sorbet · 1 year
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You see what happened with extremis was a miracle Peter. Oh I don't mean how it saved me after the snap, that was incredible obviously, but I mean how it opened my eyes. To just what it could do. All it took was a bit more tinkering to make a new strain what could do what I wanted it too.
So as soon as you calm down and let me do what I have to do we can be together. Forever. Without anything being able to take you away from me ever again. Because this strain of extremis I gave myself and am about to give you, it'll makes us immortal Peter. It makes us better than before, better than anyone else on this planet.
It makes us Superior.
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rottenesttocore · 1 year
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I feel a little bad that I like this character so much. But he's sexy, there's nothing I can do.
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starvels · 1 year
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vertigoartgore · 1 month
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2007's Civil War : The Initiative #1 cover by Marc Silvestri.
Also used as a variant cover for a What If ? Civil War issue.
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pandagirl45 · 2 months
Peter: Mr. Stark you have the shoujo hearts eyes
Tony: *blinks* what?
Peter: yeah, everytime Mr. Barnes walks by or comes in you get heart-
Tony: *shoves a bowl of ice cream at him* hey, kid, let not day things that'll get me embarrassed :D
Bucky: *comes in* *sees tony arc reactor with a hint of pink heart eyes* doll
Tony: ...wait you noticed?
Bucky: just now
Tony: *power walks out* -///- goodbye!
Peter: shoujo heart eyes *nods happily*
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kingoftieland · 2 months
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Hulk’s healing factor is so powerful, it can actually DESTROY HIM! 🤯
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