#ethnic oldest daughter things!
adamanteine · 17 days
many thoughts about shams being able to sympathize with her mother but still being angry at her father (and having this one part of her that isn't able to forgive him) despite the fact that she is much closer to her father
#ethnic oldest daughter things!#her relationship with her mother is strained#yes!#but even tho shams feels a very good connection to her father due to the fact that he actually acted like a father#she feels angry at almost everything#at the fact that she lost her wings bc of the feud her father has#which deep down shams can understand is not entirely his fault#but its not something she can control#so even though her and her father spend a lot of time together and she trust him greatly there is still this part of her that cannot do it#100%...... she loves him YES but she is angry with him#i wouldnt say her relationship with him is bad in any way tho just a bit more complicated#and then you have her mother#who never actually acted like a mother#who just did her responsibilities without the actual motherly aspect of caring#who had her life ruined due to the misogyny of their society#and decided to reflect that same misogyny unto shams#(which took shams some time to genuinely be able to get rid off and make a choice for herself)#but she???? understands where her mother is coming from#she's helped so many women in her lifetime that she understands enough of what they go through in a society like theirs#and she knows her father may have been a good father but he was not a good husband#so any time she thinks of her mother its more sadness than anger#bc she wants so bad for them to have a better relationship#but at some points she also had to step back bc of how draining dealing with her is#but she understands in the end!!! where her mother is coming from#sorry i'm listening to ethel cain i'm just insane rn#&̲.   ¹   out of character.
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starfxkr · 4 months
What kinds of names would the boys gravitate towards for their kids? Does that even make sense😭?
oooo this is such a good question actually bc i hateeee most of the names ppl be givin their kids…jj is not naming his daughter no damn daisy
BUT the funny thing about all of them is theres a clear class divide even with their names? like sorry im abt to dig deeper than u asked but i find names to be so interesting how some go in and out of fashion but others (like john) are forever 😭
joh b and jj have some SOUTHERN ass names okay…john booker routledge and jj (whether you think its john james or jesse james…COUNTRY) are both technically double names and in the south those kinds of names are super common! normally the first name is something common or a family name and the second is more unique (hence booker) and john b was probably one one many johns which is why he became john b, and if u believe jj is also a john then well thats how you get jj but if u go with jesse james theory he goes by the shortened version bc its just simpler
and names like these are often associated with the lower class nowadays and theres also the fact that naming conventions in families tend to follow a pattern like my grandma has a traditionally southern double name, then she moved and over time her kids went from popular names (60s) to afrocentric names (70s) and then my mom with the most afrocentric name turned and named me something in swahili like theres a pattern!
so i think its likely for john b to name his son john with his own second/middle name much like his dad did with him or go with a relatively common but short name. nothing too outrageous. for a girl itd probably also be a pretty classic girls name, short and simple but i don’t think she’d have a double name at all
jj is a wildcard but i do think he’s be simple too? like i could see him going for relatively unisex names bc again if u think his name is jesse thats a p unisex name and i think hes a no fuss no frills namer bc hes also dirt poor from the cut like john b. i do think he’d hive at least one kid a double name as well and one of ems being named jj boy or girl i dont think he’d care. also has to be nicknameable because hes big on that edit: also meant to say of you go by jesse james theory hes prob naming a kid after a historical figure, the badder the better
pope is actually a very like…southern black name i dont know how to describe it in a way that makes sense to non black ppl but if ur black u cant tell me pope heyward doesnt sound like a toni morrison character 😭 theres this slight foreignness to it where its not traditionally a name but he couldnt be anything else i think he’d likely do a literary name tho! but none of the obvious ones because thats try hard, but it would also be slightly unusual like his because like i said in families the names tend to be one step up from the parents so boy or girl itll likely be one syllable, pretty short, not able to create a nickname for it because hes insistent on people knowing his kids name as is (another black thing)
rafe is most interesting because all of the camerons have very interesting names from a class standpoint. sarah and louisa (wheezie) are both traditional names with the latter being the oldest and more outdated even with the nickname wheezie, and rafe could be short for rafael it also could just be rafe but the exoticness of it is used to establish wealth, they can use older or more “ethnic” names to signify both their familys longevity because louisa is prob a relative and wealth because rafael gives “i travelled to Spain and met a local with that name i had to give it to my son.” so i think rafe would probably go for something either super traditional with a name from the family or “exotic” with a like italian or spanish name
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mydreambatfam · 1 year
Batfam Fancast Part 13: The Al Ghuls
Oh baby my first request! @callmekohaii asked and they shall recieve.
The eternal Al Ghuls. Ra's,Talia,Dusan,Nyssa and Damian. For centuries this family has affected the world in more ways then we will ever know. Integral to the League of Assassins this family are known to be pompous and pretentious aristocrats. So who will be these immortal individuals?
Before we go any further we do have a major conflict to resolve. That problem is the ethnicity of the family. When potrayed before they had rather problematic castings, however the very concept of these characters are problematic in of themselves. Being Middle Eastern aristocratic type people that create conflict based on personal extremist ideals. Similar to the Drake family I have to be careful with how I elaborate and edit on these characters stories and must be thoughtful with how I want to portray these characters without stepping on anyone's toes.
I also have to remember to cast people that aren't completely Americanized, unlike most of the Batfamily who are all east coast American besides Alfred. Actors who are of Middle Eastern or Asian descent seem to be my best bet and have some actors be mixed as well.
Ra's Al Ghul
The leader of the League of Assassins, the Demon's Head, Grandpappy Stabby Stab. The figurehead of the family, Ra's Al Ghul is a legendary DC character, a well-known Batman villain that can keep up with the likes of Batman. Obsessed with destroying the world to remake in his own image he will do anything and everything for his goals, but still hold himself to degree of honor. However he is hypocritical holding onto old ideals that won't have him accept more liberal ideas. He still respects people of similar status though. Even seeing the like Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake as potential successors. Yet still forgoes someone like his Son or Daughters as successors no matter their enthusiasm for it.
There is only one actor that can covers all the things needed for this character and has been with him for over a decade. Oded Fehr has been voicing Ra's Al Ghul for Young Justice since 2011. He is 52 years old, has experience with action thanks to the Mummy movies and is Israeli. He is by far the best choice for this mastermind.
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Nyssa Raatko
Nyssa Raatko also known as Nyssa al Ghul is the oldest known daughter of Ra's and half-sister to Talia. She was born early 18th and disassociates herself from her father sometime in the early 20th century. She has lived through WW2, her family she had were victims of the Nazis concentration camps. Even when she begged for help her father did nothing leaving her there. This left her spiteful and out for revenge.
Unlike canon a major change I'm going to make is the WW2 backstory, instead of a Nazi Concentration Camp, It's a Japanese prison in the Philippines. They tried to escape to the Philippines till the war spread there, her husband and sons dying after the "Bataan Death March" and Nyssa becoming one of the many women who are victims of the Japanese, becoming a Comfort Woman. Her evolution post WW2 however is to have her path of vengeance though violence changed into kindness... with violence. Using the generations of wealth she had acquired she becomes an icon of peace to the public, helping third world countries develop, using her sect of League Assassins to kill whoever stops her development, no matter their morals or even compassionate actions. She accidently becomes the very thing she wished to not associate with.
For Nyssa I need an actress who is most likely more mixed compared to Ra's, living in Southeast Asia. She doesn't have to be white and has to be active enough to do some to little fighting.
Elodie Yung is the only actress I thought of. She's the only half asian actress with martial arts training and enough experience in both action and acting. You might remember her as Elektra in Daredevil and as the main character in The Cleaning Lady.
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Dusan Al Ghul
The tragic Dusan Al Ghul son of Ra's Al Ghul. A disappointment to his father's eyes he would do anything for his respect, even rising through the ranks under the guise of the White Ghost. He also albino for some reason. I think instead of him being Albino I want to emphasize him being an unintended child. Using those old ideals the Al Ghul's follow he is a bastard in his eyes, it's not just Ra's Al Ghul but the whole family that shuns him.Think Jon Snow or Gendry from Game of Thrones. Decades of longing lead to Dusan's obsessive drive for his family's love.
Joe Taslim has been nothing but delight finding international stardom thanks to The Raid:Redemption and later the HBO/Cinemax show Warrior. Staring in one of the best contemporary action films and martial arts drama, he is perfect to play this bastard son.
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Talia Al Ghul
Daughter of the Demon and Mother to Damian, she is a main stay when it come to the Al Ghuls, a master manipulator like her father she later commanded the organization known as Leviathan. From villain to ally, then back to villain it's hard to say where her true loyalty will stand. She sees her methods as absolute and only the most stubborn of personalities could ever change her mind. Not even her own son persuade her, even willing to kill her own son for her own ambitions.
Many of the castings are rather difficult, yet this was a rather easy character to make. Known for her work in the show The Boys and as the character Farah Karim in Call of Duty Claudia Doumit is a Austrailian actress of Lebenese descent. Her prolific filmography has shown she is more than capable of playing this popular anti villain.
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Damian Wayne
The newest Robin and biological son of Batman Damian Wayne is DC current wannabe shonen protaganist. He's a great character when writers remember that League of Assassin training means nothing when you fight beside the people who beat them constantly.
Brutal, short-tempered, and looking to be accepted, his assassin upbringing has left many holes in his ability to socialize in modern society. Unable to relate to anybody besides the more upscale aristocratic part of the world. He wishes to grow up so fast only to forget that growing up is part of the process. A major change I want to address is his upbringing, I want to emphasize the brutally conservative nature of the League of Assassins and the cycle of abuse his family continues to use. By embracing his father's side of the family he learns to forge his own identity and unlike many writers right now, learns that he does not want to be Batman and luckily has Brothers willing to carry that weight for him.
Another major character dynamic I want to switch is between Tim Drake and Dick Grayson. I want the antagonistic nature between him and Tim to go from rivals to family, with Tim filling in as the Big Brother role. Dick being the oldest needs to fill the mentor role, especially since he is the Batman to his Robin. By Dick having the more begrudging frenemy nature allows for them to grow as master and student. Think of Damian as Ahsoka Tano with Tim and Dick as Anakin and Obi-Wan during the Clone Wars. Damian grows on you as a character while the other two are more established and likable.You can even fit Drake and Josh on here with Damian as Megan.
Boy have I seen some terrible fancast for this boi. Like I hate all of them, why you casting 20 something you heathens? IMDB, Google, the damn Disney Channel. Can you not find 1 non white child actor? Gordon Cormier is a 13 year old Filipino Canadian actor who is going to play Aang in the Avatar The Last Airbender live action adaption. He is the only actor who can fit all the criteria that I have put for this character. I have scoured the globe and no one in his age bracket will work besides him. If this young man can play Aang, he can play Damian Wayne.
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oceana-official · 1 year
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( 🐬 ) . . . — ELEANOR SAGE PARKER, better known as SAGE, is a korean-american artist under BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT. she's the first member announced of OCEANA, as a LEADER, LEAD VOCALIST & SUB RAPPER.
in the group's story line, she is the oldest and FIRST PRINCESS in the kingdom of oceana.
( ⚓ ) . . . — BASICS !
BIRTH NAME : eleanor sage parker
KOREAN NAME : han seulgi ( hangul: 한슬기 )
NICKNAMES : gigi, park, ele, green, sagie
BIRTHDAY : 8 june, 2000
BIRTH PLACE : colomar, france
ZODIAC SIGN : gemini
ETHNICITY : korean
FAMILY : mother and father, one older brother,( 1997 ), one younger brother ( 2004 )
LANGUAGES : korean (native), english (100%), french (85%), japanese (75%)
( 🐚 ) . . . — BODY !
HEIGHT : 167 cm (5’5″)
BODY MODIFICATION : earlobe piercings on both ears, three tattoos on her arms.
FACE CLAIM : roh yoonseo ( actress )
( 🦭 ) . . . — PERSONALITY !
STRENGTHS : kind, empathetic, compassionate, intelligent
FLAWS : perfectionist, stubborn, impatient, overthinking, self doubt
( 🪸 ) . . . — MEMBER'S INFO. !
AGENCIES : bighit Entertainment ( 2015 - now )
TRAINING PERIOD : 2 years and 6 months
GROUP : ØCEANA ( 2017 - now )
POSITION(S) : leader, lead dancer, sub rapper, sub vocalist
( 🦀 ) . . . — MISC. TRIVIA !
since sage is the oldest of the five, she naturally tends to act as a motherly figure to the other girls. She often checks on the members to see how they're doing and takes care of them when things are well.
she is known to have a strong intuition and often times, her gut feeling and her intuition turns out to be true.
sage is also a great actor. she made her acting debut in the Korean drama our blues as a character and captured the hearts of many. she has also since then acted in a Korean movie named 20th century girl as the second female lead and in the kdrama crash course in romance as the main female lead's daughter.
she is the type of person who would drop anything and everything for the people she loves. she is said to be one of the many social butterflies in the kpop industry as her friends list is too long.
originally born in the picturesque town of colomar, the parker-han family has moved a several of times and sage has lived in a lot of places that she hopes to visit one day. currently her family lives in the Scottish highlands living a peaceful life with sage in Seoul.
true to her name, eleanor is a true nature lover. she tries to be in nature as much as possible and it's quite easy to spot her on a walk outside on the days where she doesn't have any schedule.
eleanor is also known for her creative ability and her beautiful paintings. after much pressure from fans, she has a seperate instagram page just for her art. rumours say that she and hyunjin of straykids talk for hours long about art.
when oceana did live in the dorms, she used to have a seperate room whereas the other members shared it with eachother. this was the outcome of a intense game of rock paper scissors. the groups go-to decision maker is the said game. now all the five girls live in their own in their apartments but are within 30min distance within eachother.
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© layout heavily inspired by @hvurglass 's, @saesvns and @n-vrld 's aesthetic, all the rights goes to mona and matty !! ♡♡
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the iconic trio but if they were normal kids with normal lives, normal parents and in a normal town
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this is a little peak of my modern/slice of life au that I love, it's literally one of the first things me and my bestie did when getting into mgs. it's very wholesome and cutesy, the exact opposite of its source material. I will talk about it fully later though, as I have other things planned for this month. This au is completely safe for other people to insert their OCs in. It is also set in Alaska, and most birthdates remain unchanged. But I'll give you some fun facts about this three little fucks and their normal lives as kids in my au.
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Eli Sears (12 y/o)
Son of John and Eva Sears
half white American half Italian (in my head Eva is Italian stfu)
is the middle child (for a few seconds) and gets treated like it
lives in a very fucked up family (fucked up in the Family guy way)
vapes (thinking it's cool)
the vapes are stolen from uncle Venom
he despised his brother since the day they came out of their mother
acts all mean and angsty but still cries to his mama when he can't do his math homework
thinks he is the leader of the trio
cant tie his shoes
has braces
is a bit of a bully, or at least tries
is in their chuch's choir (in this AU the Sears are Catholics)
has a skateboard
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Azedi Miller (14 y/o)
Adoptive daughter of Kaz Miller, that single-fathered her for most of her life
has a very deep and healthy bond with her dad, even if he is very overprotective
her race and ethnicity are the same, and she is still in touch of her culture even if she has been raised by an American man. But now she has a more southern accent, coping her dad.
at 14 she became a loving older sister of Catherine Miller was born
tomboy, and is a soccer champion
is the bodyguard of the trio (the one who protects and takes all the countabilty of their actions because she is the oldest)
tries to hold Eli from doing dumbshit most of the time, but at the end joins him
is a scout girl
has lived in the countryside in her first years.
gets herself into dangerous shit because her little ADHD brain tells her to do them
Azedi is neighboors with Quiet, that is Eli's cousin bcs in this AU she was adopted by Venom (don't ask why), and they are besties even if Az is 14 years younger than Quiet.
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Tretij Rebenok (12 y/o)
lives in a foster-care home
autistic and has been nonverbal since 7th grade
knows that he is slavic, doesn't know much else of his past
trans boy, but only his friends know about it (even though, since he didn't talk, they only ever adressed him with "It")
he is the racoon of the trio (lives in a trash can and bites)
scares a lot of people just by the way he looks and is banned from most public spaces
instigates Eli into doing dumb shit
deadname is unknown. Before he asked them to call him Tretij they just called him "the other one" or "third friend"
literally eats bugs
in his foster home he is a neglected a bit, so he may often look messy and he may stink
he has a burnt scar on half of his face (I had to make up for the canon scars)
evilest fucking kid ever
just hangs in the background most of the time thankfully though
Some other fun facts about the trio in the au
Azedi and Eli have known each other since they were born, since their dads are buddies. they met Tretij when they entered primary school and became the neighborhood's terrors ever since
they raid Ocelot's house every once in a while
Eli and Azedi used to communicate with Tretij with mostly sign leanguege, that they learned with Quiet (since she is also autistic and nonverbal in this AU), when he was nonverbal, even though they also didn't really need to sign anything with Tretij bcs he understood them even without gestures (since they are that close with each other :3)
Eli and Azedi had started dating at the end of Eli's 7th grade, but the only thing that they do different from what they do with Tretij is giving each other little kisses and calling each other petnames
also Miller despises Eli, but this is in all universes
they all have matching bracelets made by Az
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archivalofsins · 3 months
Lope: This one considers herself a bit of a funny girl. She's not that comedic though. Hm, this pair is a bit on the nose...
Lope's Commencement
Daniel Prisoner 001
Mirelle Prisoner 002
Zareth Prisoner 003
Afra Prisoner 004
Nell Newell 005
Ooopsie did you need that?
Ina Faraday 006
Geraud Princeton 007
008- Vinya Artley
Place of birth: Wyoming, Ohio
Date of birth: 05/18/2007
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Jamaican American
This one is a bit of a blank. A real space cadet. She was the last one to wake up. Seems she might take sleeping medication of some sort. When she woke up she was incredibly hyper. This one is chatty in all capital letters. It seems like she always has to be talking and she talks incredibly fast on top of that.
Prisoner Color: #CEB02A
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Permanent Record
Vinya could be applying herself much better. She’s currently sitting at 2.00 GPA. She’s inattentive in class and disruptive. Her social skills are flourishing but she has a bad habit of disrupting people before they can speak, shouting out answers when she wasn't called upon and is prone to getting distracted. She also has poor balance sometimes tripping over nothing. She plays it off very well usually getting a laugh out her peers.
However, many of the teachers are concerned that she may not understand when people are laughing at her and not with her.
XXXXX: Vinya go on do the thing again it was so funny.
Vinya: Oh, I don’t know-
XXXXXXX: Please?
XXXXX: Yeah none of them got to see it and it was so funny.
Vinya: Oh, alright I guess.
XXXXXXX: Ha, that was hilarious you were right.
Vinya: Ha-ha yeah glad you liked it.
Dear Mr.Artley,
We are contracting to inform you that your daughters behavior has gotten out of control. Her habits are not only immensely disruptive but could end up causing her great physical injury if she continued. Please, take some time to talk to her about her behavior at your earliest convenience.
Sincerely, XXXXXX
Mr.Artley: Vinya you can’t keep being disruptive in class. Plus what is this about great physical injury.
Vinya: Oh I just tripped a few times it’s no big deal. Everybody thought it was funny. It got a lot of laughs just like your stuff does. My friends loved it.
Mr.Artley: Look sweetie you can’t just go falling on cue. That stuff takes practice. You could get really injured doing that incorrectly. Plus no real friends would sit back and watch you make a fool of yourself for entertainment.
Vinya: I am not making a fool of myself! They think I’m funny because I’m being funny. You don’t know what you’re talking about- In fact you’re being a jerk! I’m funny I am- You just don’t get the joke because you’re old!
Mr.Artley: Vinya get back down here- Slapstick is older than both of us and you know it. Falling down or off of stuff is literally the oldest joke in the book!
Vinya: I don't hear you jealous old man says what?! La,la,la-
Mr.Artley: What-hey!
Vinya: Ha; you said it.
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sweetnxthngs · 1 month
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[ lizeth selene,  non-binary, they/she ] — whoa! XOCHITL REYES just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 6 YEARS, working as a/an WAITRESS AT STARDUST/MUSICIAN that can’t be easy, especially at only 25 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit CHAOTIC and SARCASTIC, but i know them to be OPINIONATED and DARING. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to STATEN ISLAND! — character parallels: mazikeen smith, rosa diaz, santana lopez
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FULL NAME: Xochitl Soledad Reyes
AGE: 25 
DATE OF BIRTH:  August 5th, 1999
CURRENT LOCATION: Havenwood Suites, Staten Island, New York City
PLACE OF BIRTH:  Acapulco, Mexico. 
GENDER: Non-Binary
PRONOUNS: they/she
RELIGION: raised catholic, still spiritual, not involved in the church. 
LANGUAGES: Spanish, English
OCCUPATION:  Waitress at Stardust, front woman for Divine Them
FACECLAIM: Lizeth Selene.
MUSIC CLAIM: Daisy Grenade
VOICECLAIM: Lizeth Selene
HAIR COLOR: Naturally dark brown, appears black.
EYE COLOR: Brown, they call them mud brown
PIERCINGS: both of their ears are pierced three times each, a spectrum piercing as well as a basic nose piercing. 
TATTOOS: you can find a tattoo tour here. 
SCARS|MARKS: a smattering of scars all over their body from skateboarding and general roughhousing as a kid. 
MOTHER:  Alejandra  Mariana Reyes (nee Martinez)
FATHER:  Emmanuel James Reyes
SIBLINGS: Estefania Reyes, Yahajira Reyes
RELATIONSHIPS:  coming soon
 PETS:  an Australian shepherd puppy, named Joplin.
FAVORITE FOODS: her abuela’s pozole verde, paletas de fresa con crema, ramen but like the good kind, garlic butter noodles, tropical fruit salad, hot cheetos either covered in nacho cheese or dipped in cream cheese. 
FAVORITE COLOR: Deep forest green
LIKES:   the way music can settle into your soul so perfectly it almost feels like magic, the smell outside just after it rains, and similarly, the way the sky is a yellow-orange color just then, too, when one day it’s cold and the next there is a patch of daffodils outside of your window. 
DISLIKES:  people who refuse to acknowledge “female” fronted rock bands, pretentious people, especially those who are about art, injustice, 
HOBBIES:  skateboarding,  bike (motorcycle) repair, running as a form of exercise, growing their herbs, community organizing
Acapulco, Mexico,  August of 1999.
Xochitl Soledad Reyes is the second daughter of Emmanuel and Alejandra Reyes, their first daughter, Estefania is three.  They are pretty sure they’ll stop at two, but less than a year later Yahajira is born,  rounding out the Reyes family. 
They live on a ranch and the girls spend their days in school, or their summers playing dolls or chasing chickens around their family home. Still, their parents are planning to take them out of Mexico and into the United States, for their safety, their education, and a better life. They don’t talk about the risks, simply the benefits. Xochi is only five years old when they make the trek over. 
America, New York, is so different. They move into a small apartment, with two bedrooms and a fifth-floor walk-up in the Bronx. Their mother, who worked to be a teacher in Mexico, has to go back to basics here, working for tips as a waitress, and her father takes a cash-only job in a repair shop down the street. It’s not easy.  But the girls don’t know that, they have food on the table, they go to school where they are trying to learn a new language, and the rest is just life.  
They all have their things. Estefania is the oldest, and so smart that Xochi knows early on she’ll go places, Ya-ya is fanciful and a handful but smart enough to get by, and Xochi? They made average c’s in school, but they had street smarts, and they preferred to spend their time with their papa in the repair shop than anywhere else, flipping through copies of Rolling Stone and listening to the oldies rock music the guys played in the garage. 
                                    I’ve got sun in my motherfuckin’ pocket best believe.
Xochi is what one would normally call the problem child in the normal early aughts definition of it.  She refuses to wear a dress to church,  she doesn’t care about school, and her free time is spent singing along to her papa’s records and skateboarding with kids her parents don’t approve of.  But they don’t exactly know how to reign it in, and they have two other daughters to care about, too. One’s who will listen and obey.
Xochi sort of falls to the wayside, her parents still take care of her and love her, and she’s sure they always will, but she sort of just floats in and out, her grades are low but not failing but they have no college ambitions, and this is confirmed when they walk into a music shop one day taking in the lines of electric guitars on the wall. She tells her parents she’s going to skateboard, or sometimes, if they can believe, even study when she’s trading volunteer clean-ups for music lessons. It turns out she’s a natural with a decent voice to boost, and suddenly it consumes her.  Music makes them feel something other than dreary school days or weekends spent at the skate park, it ignites something so deep they feel on fire. 
She eventually gets a job at the music store, spare income going to more lessons after helping out at home, and their thoughts are simply rock and roll, much to their parent’s chagrin.  
Xochi watches as her older sister goes off to college, and she knows in two years she’ll have two options, go off to college,  or stay at home, working at the music shop. She had never considered college as a realistic option, and her grades weren’t up for it anyway,  and after watching her sister go through the process with applications as well as DACA, she wasn’t sure she wanted to, either way.
When senior rolled around, Xochi found themself with a job in her dad's repair shop part-time, a degree she didn’t plan on using, and a brand new pink Fender Stratocaster.  Her parents would let her pursue music if she took it seriously, and so the search for a band began.
A lot of the auditions were mostly a miss, until meeting BAND MEMBER A and BAND MEMBER B, they connected right away,  they were all misfits and they all loved music just as much as Xochi, it made forming Divine Them the easiest decision they ever made.
It starts in the garage of the repair shop at night for practice, barely paid gigs at graduation parties, birthday parties and anywhere they could get booked. Sometimes the shows sucked, and sometimes they had to play covers of songs they despised, but it was a good learning experience, and it helped them save up for expenses.  
By the time Xochi was 21, they were playing gigs at dive bars in the Bronx, and living in a three-bedroom apartment on Staten Island with their bandmates.
Xochi is 25 and working in Stardust as a singing server, where most days they sing their favorite show tunes, but recently have found themself as part of a Donna and the Dynamos trio with two co-workers.  Divine Them is still together, and while still playing in dive bars, they’ve also been playing some underground rock shows, and have recently put out an EP, although their goal is to go on tour.  They have a decent number of fans, and have had a few features in local zines, but they haven’t made it big yet. 
Xochi still lives in Staten Island with their other band mates, and they recently adopted an Australian shepherd puppy, naming it joplin.  Xochi recently acquired a motorcycle license, and is working on a used motorcycle for themself. It has become a bit of a hobby for them. 
Their sisters, Estefania and Yahajira would be so fun, they all live in New York, so it wouldn’t be implausible for them to see each other, although tumultuous or close relationships are up to plotting!
Their parents! I have perfect fcs for this and would love to have these people that Xochi has a sort of weird back-and-forth relationship.
 Their bandmates/best friends/roommates! Divine Them just clicked when they met, and they had become this rock-solid friend group and band. They all live together in a 3 bedroom in Staten Island, and even if the commute sucks, they make it work!
Romantic connections of all sorts, exes, current hookups, lovers, whatever! Xochi is queer, and to them, this just means they don’t have a gender or sex preference! They like who they like. 
Their tattoo artist! Xochi has a lot of tattoos, and loves getting more, so someone they trust and whose work they love would be so cool! I’d imagine they have a good rapport and just genuinely like each other! 
I would love some activist friends for Xochi, who is very politically active, and likes to involve them self in local movements!
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Beta Particle (Villainous Oc)
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Name: Cara Kirby
Ethnicity: Biracial (Caucasian/Black)
Age: Same Age As: Coywolf And Trejon
Residence: Atom City/Ruthford Springs
Headcannon Voice Actor: Kat Graham (English); Azul Valadez (Spanish) 
Love Interest: Coywolf
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Superheroine
Affiliations: White Hat Organization
Powers: Nuclear powers: Strength, Agility, Ability To Fly, Endurance
Relatives: Omega Nuclear/Todd Kirby (father); Megan Kirby (mother); Kassandra Kirby (older sister); Leona Kirby (oldest sister); Billy McDuffie (grandfather); Ruth McDuffie (grandmother) ; Moesha McDuffie(aunt) 
Personality: Just liker her father and sister, she is a passionate supporter of justice and liberty. She does what she can to follow in her father's footseps to become a great hero. She often tends to compare herself with her big sister who always assures she does good as her. She also juggles her relationship with Coywolf as as her enemy, childhood friend, and lover. She sometimes can get more distracted than her father and sister which can lead her wide open for attacks. She can also be a bit more impulsive and can jump right into things without thinking which makes her father and sister reel he in. She is very protective of the ones she loves and will fight hard for them anytime. She is very girly and proud of it, while also being a big bruiser. 
Background: She is the youngest daughter of Omega Nuclear and his wife Megan Kirby who also like her sisters inherited her powers. She always looked up to her father as a hero and would dream of one day joining him in the skies. Her sister first joined their father then years after she would join as well. She would also become a member of the White Hat Organization, but just like her sister she wouldn't join PEACE. She also would have a nemesis/romantic partner in her old childhood friend turned villain, Coywolf, who is the son of her father's archnemisis and family friend, Green Rod. 
* She and Coywolf get married later. 
* She and Trejon sometimes team up together and they are still close in adulthood. 
* She also is close with Polecat who she sees as a big sister figure. 
* Like her sisters, she is a huge daddy's girl. 
* Coyote allows her to be his daughter in law on the condition he will come after her if she ever does something to hurt his son. 
* She gets along well with Green Rod and she very much approves of her relationship with Coywolf due their long childhood friendship and because she thinks it reminds her of her own relationship with Coyote. 
* She and Coywolf from the day they were kids to adults loved doing strength tests with each other. 
* Despite herself being a girly girl, she managed to endure herself to Coywolf and Trejon as kids due to willing to be on board with their most rough and tumble aventures. 
Created through picrew.me/en/image_maker/61490…
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If it's ok with you, may I send in a matchup request for an OC of mine?
Here's a reference and her info
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Name: Parvana Chowdhury
Race: Human
Pronouns: She/her
Ethnicity: Bangladeshi
Birthday: November 20 (Sagittarius sun)
Height: 165 cm
Likes: Books, herbal tea, classical music, lofi hip-hop, video games, anime, drawing, spicy food, affogato, outer space
Dislikes: Incompetence, unnecessary conflicts, bullies, fake friends, dishonesty, cruelty, dog-eared book pages, anyone who dares threaten her family, loud noises, itchy fabrics
Personality and interests: Parvana is calm, collected and hard-working. She has a self-possessed air that makes her come across as cold and aloof. While she can be a bit arrogant sometimes, she is careful not to let it get out of hand. Her hard-working, curious and perfectionistic nature as well as her academic intelligence (though she sometimes struggles with impostor syndrome.) has gained the attention and praise of many teachers and other adults throughout her childhood. It has helped her get into university to study engineering but it also isolated her from her peers and her younger sister, Saima. She has also found herself becoming increasingly overwhelmed with the workload from university as well as the pressure to be the perfect oldest daughter, and being an impromptu therapist for the seven demon brothers (despite psychology not being her major, more of a special interest). Despite her cold facade, she is much warmer and gentler than she lets on. She cares deeply about her friends and especially her younger sister, so she tries to make as much time for them as possible. She’s also more of a romantic than she lets on. Parvana has a tradition to bake the people she’s closest to a cake on their birthday. She usually writes something silly on their cake if they’re particularly close to her. Sometimes she gives it to them a couple days late due to her workload. She also has a soft spot special interest for outer space and loves to stargaze wherever the skies are clear
Hi Ithseem! Thank you for your request! I like writing for peoples OC's; it's a nice change of pace. Sorry it took a while. I hope you like the matchup!
In Obey Me, I match your OC with...
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Parvana and Lucifer would be able to bond over many shared interests. They both enjoy classical music and coffee, and they both care deeply about their family and close friends.
Lucifer loves that Parvana is a calm presence. He already has to deal with his brothers (and Diavolo) on a daily basis. And as much as he loves them, it can be a bit much sometimes.
If Parvana makes a birthday cake for him, Lucifer will enjoy every bite. Since his fall, he hasn’t really had many people care about his birthday or be coordinated enough to plan something out. So getting a specially made cake makes his day a whole lot better.
I feel like Lucifer is a reasonably honest guy. He doesn’t see the need to lie often since, if the truth has physically negative repercussions, he’s strong enough to deal with that.
However, he does lie if he thinks reputation is on the line, especially that of Diavolo. His standing in the Devildom is based on reputation and no matter how strong he is, he can’t take on every demon at once.
But because he knows how Parvana feels about dishonesty, he will do his best to never lie to her. He doesn’t want to betray her trust like that.
Stargazing dates are a must in this relationship! Lucifer knows a lot about stars (and most other things) so Parvana will be able to learn everything she could ever hope to about celestial bodies.
Stargazing is also a good way for both Lucifer and Parvana to relax and forget about their overwhelming workload. It’s a time when they can both just be in the company of the one they love.
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ghcstlyhearts · 9 months
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Full Name: Dawson Elliot Porter
Nickname: Dawsey (very very rarely)
Age: 50
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: He & Him
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: Veritean
Education: Schooling on the island
Occupation: Groundskeeper for Moonshadow Inn
Hometown: Moonlit Creek
Current location: Moonlit Creek
Species: Werewolf
Written Aesthetics: feeling homesick whilst home, not recognising yourself in the mirror & shattered phone screens.
trigger warnings:
Face Claim: Skeet Ulrich
Height: 6ft
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Dominant Hand: Right
Distinguishing Features: bags under his eyes, a constant tired expression, a slightly crooked nose
Abilities:  heightened strength, speed, agility, and reflexes, enhanced senses, accelerated healing, shapeshifting, enhanced endurance & tracking abilities.
Have you always been aware of your abilities?: "Yes. I was born a wolf, and my father made sure to make sure I was trained in my abilities."
Favorite Magical Items: he tends to avoid magical items actually, being wary of them.
What supernatural creature is your character most scared of?:  Vampires. Doesn't trust them. Hates them, actually.
Who or what would they die for? His siblings, despite the fact they don't talk anymore. His adopted kids.
Does your character fight or flee? Oh he would absolutely fight.
Positive Traits: compassionate, active
Negative Traits: stubborn, guarded, bitter
Neutral Traits: hesitant, unforgiving
Goals/desires: His goals changed when he gained custody of Clara, his adoptive daughter, and with him technically adopting Weston too, his main goal is for his children to be happy.
Fears: Something happening to Clara or Weston, being attacked by a vampire.
Hobbies: restoration - finding old, broken things and restoring them back to their original state, going for a run, axe throwing
Habits: huffing in frustration, punching walls or trees when he's angry and pissed off.
QUESTION ONE: were you born on the island, if so, what kind of curiosities do you have about the world beyond? if you weren’t, what do you miss about the world outside veritas isles?  "Born and raised, I also used to be a recruiter. I enjoyed the outside world, but Veritas is my home."
QUESTION TWO: what is your favorite part about the island?  "The fact that I don't have to go anywhere near vampires if I can help it. They can stay in their little caves."
QUESTION THREE: if your character is supernatural, do they fear humans? if human, do they fear the supernatural?  He does fear humanity, after having a rather rough run in with hunters in the outside world. Hunters are also the reason Clara ended up coming into his care. He's afraid of the lengths they'd go to, just to hunt someone down for something they were unable to control - being born supernatural.
QUESTION FOUR: share a fun headcanon or fact about your character! this doesn’t have to be long, just something to introduce us to your character!  Despite having his regenerative healing, Dawson got into many fights as a teenager enough that he often had a broken nose. Eventually, it would heal, but it healed wrong. He can't be bothered to fix it.
Ex best friend - will post a wc, but basically the two of them were very close growing up, and he adored them. He eventually realised he had feelings, but it was too late - they were with another. The other's partner made them choose, and after an argument, they chose their partner, which broke his heart. They haven't really talked since, but I have the idea they've split from their partner and have come tumbling back into his life.
His siblings - will post a wc, but he has two siblings ! A sister and a brother, and he's the oldest. However, after a rather horrid falling out with his father, their relationship is strained. He loves his siblings, but they often try to get him to return home, and he's too stubborn too.
Friends - probably just as grumpy as he is, but perhaps someone who softens him a little.
Ex pack mates - he kind of abandoned his pack years ago when he ended up marrying a wixen and temporarily leaving moonlit creek.
Perhaps another ex or two since he got divorced at 23? I imagine it didn't end well, especially with him travelling a lot and generally being a grumpy git.
The reason he hates vampires so much - unsure as to why, but im imagining something dramatic happened. But if anyone wants to throw a vampire at him to really loathe, hit me up.
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chya-nimations · 11 months
OC MasterPost - Noa Veiko
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Basic Information:
Nicknames: N/A Age: Varies, but typically drawn in mid-late teens Height: 6′2″ / 188 cm Birthday: September 4 Personality Type: INFP 1w2 Build: Athletic Eye color: Violet Hair Color: Black Skin tone: Medium with neutral undertones Other features: N/A Ethnicity: Japanese, Columbian (Vanta’s side) Greek, Norwegian (Atlas’ side) Blood type: B Handedness: Right
-Volleyball -Floral patterns -Working out
-People who assume her sex/gender because of her looks -People who underachieve by choice -Being late
Love Language:
Acts of Service
Favorite Color:
IQ: 128
Shy, goal-oriented, self-conscious
Noa’s a rational girl, except when it comes to rationalizing people’s perceptions of her.  Even when no words are said, every look her way feels like a “she’s too tall” or “she’s too buff” in Noa’s eyes.  This intense and constant awareness of social perception is draining for Noa and often leads to pressing social anxiety and insecurity.  Overwhelmed by a desire to feel viewed as feminine, Noa rarely strays from a full face of makeup and girly clothes.  Despite her dainty aesthetic, Noa loves athletics and frequents the gym.  She firmly believes being a Jack-of-All-Trades is the ideal way to thrive in life, and loves exploring new activities, whether it be volleyball, learning ASL, or picking up info about her loved ones' hobbies as she listens to their stories.  She has high standards she puts on herself and others, and while she can get a little passive-aggressive when people let her down, she’s much harder on herself than she is on anyone else.
Mom (Vanta):
Noa often feels like the shy version of her mom.  They’re both overachievers with perfectionist natures, and because of that, Vanta often cuts her slack when Noa gives others in the household a hard time.  Vanta sees the world through similar eyes to her daughter, just a foot and an inch lower.
Dad (Atlas):
Noa gets a bit easily frustrated with her dad.  Blaming his genetics for making her tall and broad and getting constantly stressed by his lack of ability to leave the house on time when the family is going places together, she often feels a disconnect of understanding of each other between her and her dad.  However, she understands that at the end of the day, her father loves her deeply, and would never want her to feel stressed or insecure on purpose.
Hana Veiko:
When Noa has a problem, whether that be in school, relationships, or even style, she goes to her big sister Hana.  The two are alike in their goal-driven attitudes and admiration of all things girly, so Noa feels understood most when around her.  Despite having the biggest age gap, Noa feels closer to Hana than she does her other siblings, and puts her oldest sister on a bit of a pedestal.
Nagi Veiko:
Out of the five siblings, Nagi and Noa are by far the shyest, and they connect on that similarity.  Being social and putting themselves out there for criticism is something that is anxiety-inducing for both of them, and Noa feels understood by her brother in that regard.  Due to Hana’s busy schedule that she enforces on herself, she sometimes doesn’t have time to sit and help Noa with her homework.  During those times, Nagi will usually step in, feeling happy that his little sister sees him as a positive academic role model. 
Niko Veiko:
Noa and Niko bicker a bit more than your average pair of siblings.  Noa often feels that by spending all his time partying and socializing, Niko is wasting the years that are crucial to obtaining a stable career and future.  She sometimes gives her big brother a bit of a hard time when it comes to his partying habits, but the two will still sometimes carpool to the gym together, and sometimes even compete with each other in regards to weightlifting and stamina.
Melody Veiko:
Despite being the closest to Noa in age, her and her sister don’t have a ton in common.  Noa often struggles to understand Melody’s lack of passion for academic success, and while they don’t hate each other, they don’t spend a ton of time hanging out with one another.
Noa meets Noah after she signs up for an ASL class in her sophomore year (2nd year) in high school.  Noah had recently moved from China to study abroad with the intention of leaving his family and home country for good and was taking the course to learn the differences between CSL and ASL, so he could communicate in his new community.  After teaming up on a partner project in class once they learn they have matching names, they both develop feelings for one another.  However, because of their height gap and Noah’s apprehensions about how Noa might feel about having a Deaf boyfriend, it took him a long time to build up the confidence to ask her out.  However, he eventually caved in, feeling too strongly about her to pass up the opportunity to see where their relationship may lead.  Noa happily accepted his date offer, and the two become an official couple.
Pollen (Hay Fever)
Food Palette:
Noa loves traditional foods from all the cultures that make up her ethnicity.  She eats a lot, but while she mostly enjoys savory dishes, she loves to indulge in sweet treats like ice cream and cupcakes.
Music taste:
Examples: Wallows, Bôa, Dodie
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Body Type:
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jaigny · 1 year
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Jesse Ross
Age: 23
Sexual Orientation : She/Her
Ethnics: Al Simahara & Del Sol Valley
Traits: Foodie, Family Oriented & Animal Enthusiast
Likes: Black,Red & Blue/ Music wise she likes Electronica, Metal & Summer Strut
Growing up as a kid in Al Simahara certainly had its good times as well as its drawbacks. Her parents though approached Jesse when she was 6 saying that they were moving to a place called Del Sol Valley for their jobs as well as better schools for Jesse.
Jesse is the eldest child of her family and they refer to her as a "Wildcard" due to the fact she's always doing something to occupy herself whether it be with her father in his car workshop or with they mother baking goods or painting til dinner time.
She has 3 other siblings that are all boys. Josh (2nd oldest, 18), Jericho (Middle Child, 16) and the baby of the family James (12). And her mother is pregnant with twins.
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Ursula Landgraab
24 Retired celeb chef/Celeb mixologist
Being the single daughter of famous celebrities San Myshuno's Art Critic Malcom Landgraab and Celebrity Platinum List Actress Venessa Jeong and the granddaughter of the greatly known Nancy and George Landgraab certainly is a job in itself. Full of expected family expectations as itself is exhausting but she decided like her uncle Johnny Landgraab Zest to forge her own path into bobbies she enjoyed into a very successful career.
Though the deal with her scholarship with both her parents and grandparents was that she study other things she may or may not enjoy as a backup plan incase her main career goal didn't work out. Hence she has a few distinguished degrees from both Foxbury and Brichester Collages. (her grandparents peered to her that anything less was unacceptable)
What's your ideal type if your looking for romance on Love Island?
She doesn't have an ideal type really but she does look for more personality wise then just looks. She wants a partner who is genuine, calm but always down for fun and one that appreciates her needs etc but always does the same for themselves and can stand up to her pressuring family.
Why is she applying to Love Island and what does she hope to get out of the experience?
To have fun, take a well deserved break and meet new people and connections/friendships whether there's love or not in the cards for her.
More Backstory:
Her parent's met during Simder's filming location as they required a large enough vault at San Myshuno's Art Museum owned by Art Critic Malcom Landgraab.
Venessa and Malcom at first didn't get along at first portraying their passionate personalities that didn't mesh at first until their first kiss which was at a night time film location at San Myshuno's Central Park and as they walked and argued with prodding fingers and hands flying both didn't notice where they were walking and fell into the large park fountain and emerged locked in a very spicy and passionate embrace much to the excitement of a few paparazzi that sneaked in past security.
And thus the sim world learned of the great romance between Landgraab and Jeong. Though through numerous paparazzi trash articles and other things that tried to pull them apart only made their love stronger and so when both were in their early 30's welcomed their own precious bundle into the world and named her Ursula Anastasia Jeong Landgraab into a quiet small town of Cooperdale from prying paparazzi and media eyes (and Malcom's parents).
Through the years as they resided in that quiet town, Ursa grew into a beautiful and well educated woman with her hobbies in cookery/baking etc as well as biology mainly the mind as well as art and physics when she turned into distinguished degrees much to her proud parents and grandparents (Because let's be honest George and mainly Nancy wouldn't accept anything less.)
A few of Ursa's own paintings actually are hung in the gallery by her father and the Landgraab mansion in Oasis Springs under her initials though no one actually knows who she is for obvious privacy reasons. She's had her own few dates and relationships but sadly they didn't work out due to the restless nature of paparazzi and the media or they were only after her Landgraab fortune.
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Makoa Kealoha
Child of the ocean
Age: Adult (35years)
Pronouns: He/Him/They
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
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After a surprise and devastating Monsoon swept his wife Liliana who was in severe labor on the beach as they waited for the coastal helicopter/boat to rescue them during a quiet beach walk on Mui Pua.
Now all that's left is 2 marked memorial stone graves left where he last saw his wife. Some say he's still lucky to be alive after rescuse patrol found him stranded in a abnormally shaped coconut tree trunk but unconscious.
For nearly 5 years all Makoa could do is search the waters and nearby islands for anything left of his wife. Hope diminishing with each search until he was finally persuaded by Duane and the Island Elders that enough was enough and he needed to look after himself as he had concernedly lost much weight and he looked ill.
So Duane and Makoa went on a boating trip around the equator, making pit stops to different places and trying new foods etc and healed over time with his grief. When they returned back to Sulani Makoa decided to leave his old home and with Duane by his side as his only family left (Liliana and Makoa adopted him when Duane was 10) and moved into an old beach shack on Mua Pua Retreat that student conservatists stayed during the long months if they didn't have any other place to stay and though it was in bad shape they both soon over time began to rebuild their lives with each new day as they lived off the land.
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Liam Tuttle is back! Back for love!
Last time Liam was seen was on C1air3 Bachelorette Challenge by @mvlkavian.
Since then Liam returned to his cute cabin back at Mt Komorebi, and after staying as great friends with C1air3, she recently gave him a makeover after coming back from her honeymoon declaring that he needed to get back in the saddle! So Liam reached out to an old friend of his Khepri and asked her to create him a cure for being a vampire, and soon came to visit Liam from her home in Tartosa.
And thus Liam was now after a long time human again! With a few twists of the fact he for some reason still had amber glowing eyes and was still quite strong.... but you know not everything is fool proof! And If Liam wanted to ever become immortal later on in life all he had to do was ask!
So despite becoming human again, he also had a clothing makeover and though he only got a slight trim and he now is a man who is quite into self care and skincare nowdays and becoming every woman and gay mans wished dream come true (As Khepri and C1air3 would joke with their own spa facials on) and is thinking of becoming maybe his local towns vet and would love his wife to be a fellow vet nurse and run the show together so to speak.
And so that's all that we've caught up with the devilishly handsome but broody Liam Tuttle.
Age: 28
Occult: Ex Vampire
Sexual Orientation: Allosexual
Pronouns: Him/His/They
Traits: Bro - Neat - Perfectionist
So yeah l couldn't decide who to enter so pick whoever you'd like for Love is blind lol @slothseasims
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xespietamayo · 1 year
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Esperanza Carmelina Tamayo
Playing Next: 🎶
Smooth Operator by Sade [x]
Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson [x]
Sunday Morning by No Doubt [x]
Esperanza came to be because I wanted an older character who had their life together, for the most part. As opposed to most of my other characters.. in constant chaos. Espie had to have already gone through and come out on the other side of the toughest parts of her life. In came her backstory. Divorced, single mom of four. With that, she had to be a local, around family for support. A decade removed from that time, she had since built her life back up, happily enjoying her fourties thus far.
I had had this idea for a few weeks without selecting an FC, until I randomly thought of JoAnna (we all loved Cheyenne right??) and realized that she was in fact in her fourties now, a perfect FC. Then binge watched Sweet Magnolias, pulling small bits of inspo from Maddie. Mostly the headbands. Actually, definitely the headbands. JoAnna is also Cuban, meaning that I get to talk all I want about my love of fried plantains through Espie! Look, she’s who I relate to most ethnically so I will talk all about tropical fruit and the struggles of being bilingual through her. She’s my outlet! Relating on that cultural background also played a role in developing her family. To me, it only made sense that she, the responsible independent oldest daughter, would have at least a few siblings, making for a larger extended family. Being the ray of sunshine that she has always been, Espie grew up in a loving and nurturing home, one which would take in the neighborhood kids whether for a meal or place to stay. It was what taught her to be the kind and generous person she grew up to be.
Additional inspiration for Espie just came from the people in my life in their early 40s, women who had been divorced after stay at home mom-hood and had to start over from nothing. I’ve watched them get a chance to simply enjoy life now as their kids grow up, and have mirrored that experience in Espie’s life. Where Espie pulls from my own personality, would be her interests. I love art, and while I absolutely suck, find pottery classes to be so fun! So I made that her little special hobby. She also loves plants and gardening which, as much as I’m not very outdoorsy, I grew up doing and felt fit Espie personality wise. Living in a coastal town, Espie is one of a few characters who borrows her love of the beach and lake from me as well.
And because I cannot be completely without a little bit of drama, I convinced Katie that Espie would fit the bill for Josh’s on and off girlfriend connection. Then we made it worse by making it span over nearly 30 years. I mean, we’ve all gone back to an ex, right? Maybe just not one from twenty years prior.. Over the course of a near decade.. Originally, the idea was exactly that; comfortable, on-again off-again, for the fun and potential drama of it all. She’s done the whole marriage and kids thing, she’s not looking for that again. Then they started being all cute and shit! Now here she is dressing up his poor dog for holidays and he’s treating the kids that she doesn’t make him play stepdad to. LMAO, IT JUST WORKS! Clearly Katie and I enjoy complicated family dynamics and I wouldn’t have it any other way <3
Espie is just pure love and joy, kindness and generosity. When many characters have had tough stories and traumas, Espie is that calm for both myself and anyone who interacts with her to gain even just a moment of peace from.
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Dorothy Darren (Welcome Home Oc)
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Name: Dorothy Darren Headcannon Voice Actor/Actor: Teyonah Parris (Young) Residence: Los Angeles, California Relatives:  Douglas Darren (husband- deceased); Darlene (nee Darren) Dashing (daughter); David Dashing (son-in-law) ; Doli Dashing (granddaughter); Deshawn Dashing (grandson); Dennis Darren (son); Daisy Darren (daughter in law); Destiny Darren (granddaughter) ; Dania Darren (granddaughter); Dawn Darren(daughter) Ethnicity: African-American Species: Human Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Puppeteer DOB: 194X, April 14 Personality: In life, she was a very jovial and approachable person who had no problems making friends with those around her. People who knew her remember her as having a colorful personality and standing out from the crowd. She also was very caring and put her heart in her work. She really was passionate by using her skills to educate and delight children. She also was very close with the Welcome Home characters and was protective of them. But when she had no choice but to leave them behind she was heartbroken. Despite the fact that Playfellow Workshop wouldn't make anything else, she would go to do other types of work to rekindle that love she had for the puppets. She also was a very protective and loving matriarch who was always there for her family. She tended to be closest to Doli due to her being her first grandchild. This resulted in Doli gaining her love for puppets and even being on one of her grandmother's shows for an episode. She was also very devoted to her husband and was always devastated when he died from AIDS during the pandemic. Overall, she kept her head up and did what she could for her family. Background: A former member of the now defunct Playfellow Workshop she was one of it's original team members who came on board when it first was created. Despite lingering biases against African-Americans at the time, she became an integral part of the team and one of it's best puppeteers. She also one of the closest of the team to the puppets that she occasionally was able to enter into their world among with other members, including Ronald Dorelaine. However, things became strange when certain activity began happening on the set and there had been a corrupting force on the production. As a result, the show was canceled to prevent it doing any more harm so she was cut off from the friends she made and left a lot of information from the show in the house she had in the Welcome Home world. She then went onto do other puppet productions including the Block Building where her granddaughter, Doli, was on. She would doing puppeteering until her retirement and she would move in with her oldest daughter and her family until her death. She wouldn't be able to reconnect with her friends in Welcome Home but her grandchildren would. * She kept in touch with many former members of Welcome Home but they didn't discuss the show due to the history behind it. * She had a habit of singing out songs when she was in one of her happy moods. Some of her favorite songs were "The Clean Up Woman", "Love Train", and "Ooh Child". * Her time with the Playhouse Fellow also turned her into a LGBT ally and was always a vocal proponent of gay rights. * She and her husband married around the time they got out of high school. * She's inspired by my grandmother's own life. * Her husband died from a blood transfusion that had AIDS in it. * Her closest characters were Wally, Julie, and Poppy Partridge. * She was a fan of Diana Ross, Aretha, Tina Turner, Donna Summer, Chaka Khan, and Cheryl Lynn Created through www.dolldivine.com/groovy-retr…
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oflkoaenoka · 1 year
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meet luca
tw: death mention, divorce mention, infedelity
full name: luca koa enoka nickname: koa, lk, doc preferred name: luca age: forty-five birthday: march 23rd zodiac: aries birthplace: auckland, new zealand current residence: new york city, new york nationality: canadian and new zealand ethnicity: italian, irish, scottish, english affiliation: civilian occupation: orthopedic surgeon
gender: male pronouns: he/him sexual orientation: heterosexual romantic orientation: heteromantic relationship status: divorced education: bachelor's degree in biology and anatomy from the university of auckland, doctor of medicine degree from queen's school of medicine, orthopedic residency at the university of ottawa positive traits: intelligent, playful, dutiful, loyal, studious negative traits: lustful, secretive, sarcastic, arrogant, vindictive
birth father: manu enoka birth mother: lydia menton sibling(s): sister, kinsley enoka ( deceased ) children: ten year old daughter, lyla enoka
Being the oldest child brought on a lot of responsibilities; Luca was expected to be the man of the house whenever his father wasn't home, take care of his sister no matter what, and be responsible for a lot of the duties around the house. Luca grew up really fast when his sister was born and even with five years between the two of them, he acted like his sister was the greatest and no one could tell him differently. Before his sister was born, Luca really didn't have much of a care in the world; he did sports as a kid, hung out with his friends and was just a regular old kid. After she was born, Luca put on the big kid pants and willingly took on more responsibilities around the house, more than what was even asked of a ten year old. His parents had him walk his sister to and from the bus stop, make dinner for the two of them when his parents were working, and be in charge of her when it came to most aspects of her life; Luca was even named as her primary emergency contact since he was around more than his parents were. Luca and Kinsley were fifteen and ten respectively when their parents got divorced; Luca wasn't stupid, he could see that their parents were having troubles even before Kinsley was born and it seemed to only get worse as the years went on. Luca had to comfort his sister during the entire process and even when their mother made the move back to her home country of Canada. Luca's father began to work more, leaving the two siblings to only have each other and rely on only each other.
Luca did everything to make his sister happy following their parents' divorce; he even took time out of his free days to show up to any and every event she had, every ballet recital, every volleyball game and every debate tournament even though he had no idea what they were even debating about. She was his biggest fan and number one support at all his games; their father would come when he could and Kinsley would record all his great moments so their mother could still see them. People in his school knew that wherever Luca was, Kinsley was not too far behind and she was the unofficial cheerleader for his basketball and baseball team; they even had custom jerseys for her to wear at all their games. Despite the unhappy home life, things were working out well for Luca and his family until one day things turned completely upside down. It was a few weeks before his graduation and Luca's mother had flown back to New Zealand to watch her son receive his diploma with other close family also joining in on the celebration. Kinsley wasn't home from school and while Luca offered to go and pick her up himself, both she and their parents told him not to and to enjoy the celebration for him. After thirty minutes past when Kinsley should've been home, Luca's father called the school to see if she was still there and the news that followed is something Luca will never forget. Kinsley and the rest of the kids on her bus left the school on time but on their way to a stop, there was an accident that caused the bus to go off-road and roll. The bus driver had died on the scene along with a few other kids while the rest were taken to the hospital, Kinsley was one of the kids taken to the hospital and unfortunately sustained greater injuries than expected.
Kinsley arrived to the hospital unconscious and was placed on a ventilator as she wasn't breathing on her own. The family was completely devastated and Luca couldn't help but blame himself for not fighting harder to drive her himself no matter what his parents and family said to tell him otherwise. Tests were run and the hours ticked by when Kinsley's doctor delivered the grim news; Kinsley was still not breathing on her own and was showing zero brain activity, there was nothing more they could do. There was nothing felt but devastation by the Enoka-Menton family who were faced with the hard task of pulling the plug on thirteen-year-old Kinsley Enoka. Word had spread about the loss and the neighborhood had come together to be the support the family needed; Kinsley's school had renamed their gymnasium to honor the thirteen-year-old and Luca's basketball and baseball team hung Kinsley's custom jerseys in the school. At graduation, the school had honored his sister through several speeches and Luca spoke to everyone to thank them for all that they did to honor his sister's memory. He felt like he wanted to do more to honor and did so decided his career path; Kinsley had dreamed of becoming a doctor to help people and Luca decided that was the way he was going to go so he could pay respects to his sister's dream.
Luca ended up staying in New Zealand to get his undergraduate degree, mostly staying as to not leave his father alone following so closely after the tragedy. His father was proud of him and even though Luca didn't need it, his father gave him his blessing to leave New Zealand and continue on his journey to becoming a doctor. Luca's mother welcomed him home in Canada, eventually get his own place after staying with his mother for a few months. It was there in Canada that Luca met his now ex-wife; she knew his mother and it was actually his mother that introduced the two. Luca was unsure about starting a relationship with anyone given he knew he was going to focus on medical school and his residency but she supported him through it all. She would help him study, made food for him, and made sure he ate on the nights when he was up late studying. After finishing medical school and getting accepted at the University of Ottawa, Luca proposed and the two were married in a ceremony attended by their families, even Luca's dad and family in New Zealand flew over for the wedding. It wasn't long into his residency that the good news was broken of Luca and his wife expecting a child. Luca was beyond excited and told everyone he knew about the baby on the way; he even spent most of his free time getting everything set up for the baby. Nine months later and little Lyla Kinsley Enoka was born; giving her his sister's name for her middle name was his wife's idea and it brought him to tears knowing Kinsley would've been so moved by the action. Things were tough in the Enoka household with Luca going through his residency and trying to be home to help with Lyla, lucky for him his mother was able to lend a hand when needed on days or nights neither he or his wife could be home. The first five years of Lyla's life played the same tune that his own had and Luca couldn't help but see the same cracks his parents' marriage had; he threw himself into work to not think about his crumbling marriage but that only escalated the problem. She felt that Luca wasn't around or cared for her anymore and he felt that she cared too much about being the "perfect" family.
When Lyla was seven years old, Luca and his wife separated before eventually filing for divorce. It was a tough and grueling process as Luca and his wife were both filing for sole custody of Lyla; Luca had more of an upper hand as he didn't travel for work like she did and being that he could be home and provide a stable household for his daughter, sole custody was awarded to Luca. The year that followed the custody hearing and divorce were very rocky for Luca and his ex-wife; she was furious she lost and he was upset about how the entire situation affected their daughter. His mother was a godsend as she took over to watch Lyla as his board certification occurred and he began work at a local hospital. Things with his ex, his daughter and the looming anniversary of his sister's death sent him into a tailspin when he found himself in the bed of a married woman. She was from New York, in Canada visiting someone when they'd met; he hadn't known she was married when they first went out or even after they'd spent the night together. It was after one of their many dalliances that she broke the news to him and he was shocked; he was never one to break up anyone's home and he wasn't going to continue to do so. Or so he thought. The one thing she gave him that he was lacking was someone to listen; she let him vent about his divorce and his sister and his parents and she gave him remarkable advice and help, even setting him straight on the things he had messed up on knowing he didn't want to own up to his mistakes. They carried out the affair for a year before the rumors started swirling around about Luca and his married lover; word got back to her husband who fortunately for her had not divorced her but forced her to end things. Even with the affair ended and the woman's marriage still intact, Luca still got and maintained the reputation of a homewrecker which he didn't have a problem but what he had a problem with his the parents of the kids his daughter went to school with talking about his business for their kids to overhear and then repeat to his daughter. Luca had many words and moderated meetings to get his point across but at the end of the day, Luca's mistake and everything that followed was no one's fault but his own.
After Lyla's tenth birthday, Luca's mother thought it was a good idea to get a fresh start and get away from all the gossiping parents and neighbors. Lucky for him, the woman he had an affair with still considered him to be a friend and connected him with someone at Bellevue were he was able to transfer. Soon, Luca and his daughter packed up their life in Canada and moved to New York City. Luca did everything possible to make sure that Lyla was happy in her new home and even her grandmother ended up moving to New York to be closer to them. His ex-wife still traveled a lot for work but it was easier being in New York where she mainly worked out of than Canada so more time for their daughter to spend time with both of them. Luca didn't stop his charming and flirty says at this new hospital but he was more cautious now than ever with who he got into bed with, at least he tried to be.
luca does everything he can to provide for lyla in hopes that it makes up for her mother no longer being in the picture; sometimes he feels like it's his fault which is why he does so much to distract her from times her mother isn't around
he constantly felt like his parents' failing marriage got in his head so much that he let what happened to them affect his own marriage
even with the hours he keeps and how much work he does, luca was awarded full custody of his daughter, which was made easier when his mother moved to New York shortly after he did to be closer to her granddaughter and son
luca has a tattoo with his sister's name on the inside of his forearm and sometimes he looks at it in times when he's stressed or overwhelmed
he still has a bad habit of falling for or lusting after women he knows he shouldn't, especially after the affair
he has a reputation of being a flirt with the other doctors and nurses
luca played baseball and basketball in school and still plays as an adult with the hospitals softball team and basketball on his off days
luca's daughter's middle name is kinsley after his sister to honor her
he tends to have a hard time around the anniversary of his sister's death, typically working more and choosing to shut his emotions down to not focus on her death
EX-WIFE (35-40): the maintain an ambicable relationship, especially in front of their daughter, despite the divorce being slightly bitter.
MARRIED WOMAN HE HAD AN AFFAIR WITH: luca tries not to contact her much, especially since word had gotten around that he had an affair with a married woman, but sometimes they still see each other
HOSPITAL COWORKERS: some could be friends, flirtationships, and/or flings
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orphancookie69 · 1 year
Now Watching: Wednesday
It kind of pains me to write this. I love The Addams family, The Munsters, and all those wonderfully creepy people representing the rest of us on the tele. As a kid, I grew up on the 90′s Addams Family movie and sequel, as an adult if I ever need a “pick me up” it is one of my favorite things to rewatch. So you can imagine when this was coming out, I was pumped. 
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Let’s start at the beginning- in the 60′s this started off as a sitcom on tv. Black and white, and most likely where we get our idea of what Morticia and Gomez and all the family members “should be like”. I actually get clips from the 60′s show that come up on my Tiktok and man it looks like virtual gold to me. Cute, normal, but otherwise creepy kooky family. 
Who is in the Addams family? Mom and dad are Morticia and Gomez. They are typically a very happy couple. Lurch is almost a family friend or servant? Morticia has her mom living with them, Gomez’s brother Fester sometimes does. There are two kids: Wednesday, the oldest daughter, and Pugsley, the second born son. Depending on what version you follow, there is a third child. You can’t forget about Thing, he’s a handful. 
From the sitcom, to a movie and sequel 30 years later, the story of the Addams family is very timeless. The transition from the 60′s to the 90′s gave the characters a deeper transition into the goth/alternative realm. It is very likely they were in there in the 60′s but in black and white its hard to see, and societally speaking, that would be a hard time to have most of america accept a family that “dark”. 
From the 90′s to 2022, Tim Burton makes an 8 episode season but changes things...a lot. With something so, iconic, it is hard to make major changes. It is more smaller stylistic changes that add up as one watches it. I get it, the appeal but also the challenge to want to do something so iconic. This show is about, not so much the addams family, but the oldest daughter...Wednesday. Hence the name. In a world where feminists want “domination” not equality, the change of direction for the show is not surprising. 
This is a related side rant, but really, if you are ever bored look at TV in different decades of society and see how they reflect the time they are made in. For example, The Sandman. That is based on a comic book that has been around for some time, and in the comic books there is a more normal mix of ethnicities for all the characters. When it gets made into a show in 2022, all the “bad people” are white, most people are black, Constatine is a gay woman. While there is not that much wrong with “creative liberty” in bringing a material to life, ask yourself this-had this been made in any other decade...would it have been made like that? 
Anyways, back to what we are actually watching...or not watching. Wednesday. This show is in some ways about the family but its about the family as they get older. I guess as one gets older they start to define their own lives and spend less time with family. I will not spoil much, but I only watched the first episode. Wednesday gets kicked out of public school and goes to a private school both her parents went to. Wednesday is full of teenage angst. And a modern day feminist. There is also a heavy dose of magic and fantasy added to this show, as everyone is not human or a gifted human. 
Before watching it, I had heard some issues people had with the show. Mom and Dad, while they are in timeline older, are being played by the oldest actors ever to have portrayed them. Catherine Zeta Jones doesn’t do a bad Morticia, but as one gets older, the classic morticia body is hard to pull off. I would of loved to see that look be in the vain of the older look but more appropriate for an older Morticia. Gomez is played by a short older mexican dude with a beer belly. I must say, personally speaking, I prefer gomez taller, because even when he’s taller he’s always shorter than Tish. But Jones towers heavily over Gomez, and appearances aside-their chemistry is attempting to be good but not? 
When it came to actually watching it-The first episode actually did a fair amount of work fairly well. I always feel bad for how much work the first episode of any show has to do. It has to introduce, snare the viewer, and set up the plot. I could see, and mostly agree, about Gomez and Tish. The “modern” changes they made to Wednesday, don’t feel like her to me. The story, while possibly interesting, heavily detracts from the value the show has from the iconic family as there is not much family in it. Wednesday on her own is too dry and almost grinding of a character. Also, maybe its been too long since I have been a teenage female with angst-but I think Tish would of been a better mom than my mom was to me, and I did not hate my mom that much then. (It happened eventually but that was more in adulthood for me). 
This seems like a long winded way to say, if I had to say it in a simpler fashion, that I hate this. I don’t want to. But I don’t plan to finish the season or watch any more. I thought it was interesting too that they did not get permission to use the Addams Family theme song. At first I was like wow, but after I am glad they did not. I believe the show has had record numbers of viewers, so maybe it is a case of I am not the target audience for this “modern” version of a cult classic. What do you guys think of the show?
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