#especially if he's co parenting with harry
cubeberries · 3 months
delphini riddle must have MAD daddy issues
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elysianymph · 1 year
post jegulily break up au where james and lily are hiding with baby harry during the first wizarding war when one night regulus shows up at their door, bruised and bloodied with a strange locket in hand, begging them to let him explain
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starship-butterfly · 4 months
voyager pairings who may or may not have kept their lizard babies had they, too, crossed the transwarp threshold:
Harry & Tom: definitely would’ve kept the babies. having been turned human again, Harry would give Tom one (1) look and they’d turn voyager around to pick up their kids
Neelix & Janeway: no. no one matched w Janeway would keep the babies except for
Chakotay & Janeway: very uncomfortable conversation happens in sickbay that the EMH terribly eavesdrops on, resulting in them going back for the babies that they steadfastly refuse to verbally acknowledge as their children. the UST is even more unbearable than ever
Tuvok & Tom: can you think of a worse pair? Tom wouldn’t want them. Tuvok wouldn’t want them with Tom. unfortunately he’s a great dad and he feels guilty. Tuvok raises them w sole custody
B’elanna & Chakotay: no. B’elanna can’t look him in the eye for weeks and Chakotay wouldn’t do the lizard dad thing w anyone but Janeway. Tom makes fun of them forever
Kes & Harry: the best combo. they co-parent their kids and enthusiastically collaborate. they form a PTA. (there’s no school.) Samantha Wildman is coerced into joining and tries to drop out multiple times bc they’re so intense
Tuvok & Neelix: the lizards parent trap them in a series of comical events that involve everyone on the ship
Tom & B’elanna: they abandon the babies faster than Chakotay can say ‘first officer’s supplemental log.’ they never get together bc the experience scare them so deeply. everyone is much happier, especially the lizard babies, who would not have flourished under their messed up care
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kaaaaaaarf · 6 months
Hey you, I'm here for Wolfstar raising harry recommendations 🤗
Hello!! I'm also going to tag @imsiriuslyreading because I know Lana was also looking for some recs!
This is by no means a comprehensive list, but these are some of my very favs:
Wolfstar Raising Harry
Ten Reasons (To Go To Michigan) by @greyeyedmonster-18 (I also love these two unrelated wolfstar raising harry microfics by the same author) — This is a Sirius raising Harry and meeting recently divorced Remus (who happens to be a writer) on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A must read! that's the art of getting by by sarewolf — Remus becomes Harry's guardian and they move to a muggle village in the middle of nowhere. Eventually, Sirius is freed and comes to stay with them, but can they get back what they once had? Honestly, majorly obsessed with this one, but watch out for the angst! Stealing Harry by copperbadge — In an alternate universe where Sirius Black never went to Azkaban, Harry divides his life between the Dursleys' house and Mr. Black's bookshop -- until Sirius realises what the Dursleys are doing to him, and takes him away from their care. This series is fucking amazing and actually spans several of the books!! Mr Mouse by TracingPatterns (which continues in their wolfstar raising harry series) — A lovely little piece in which a young Harry learns about grief.
Like Real People Do by third_crow (part of the coffee shop au series) — Sirius raising Harry, when he starts falling for local barista Remus Lupin. This is also a beautiful story about what it's like to live with epilepsy and I am extremely obsessed with this series. The Things I Did by Lolo_row — canon compliant, Remus gets custody of Harry and works to get Sirius out of Azkaban. A bit of angst, but tasty! the dogfather au by hollimichele — Harry was raised by his adoptive muggle family, when one day a big black dog shows up. His parents just thinks he's a stray, and Padfoot becomes the family pet (to keep an eye on Harry, and protect him from Voldemort). Eventually this morphs into Remus also coming into the picture.
Wolfstar Raising Teddy
the mayors of simpleton by @fruityindividual — Divorced wolfstar are co-parenting a very mischievious Teddy who is not about to let his dads stay divorced!! Honestly this fic is so funny, so heartfelt, so fucking lovely. It also features the most beautiful portrayal of a blind character that I ever seen. A must read! Of Memories and Milk Thievery by @mayescapade — Divorced wolfstar raising Teddy again! Wolfstar have been co-parents for years and they wont stop terrorizing/pranking one another. An Infinte Ocean by orphan_account — Single dad Remus. Remus Lupin knows two things--working and caring for his son, Teddy. When his babysitter sets up crowdfunding so Teddy can go swim with the sea turtles at the local animal rescue, Remus doesn't realise how completely their life is going to change. Especially when he meets Sirius Black, the weekend merman in the aquatic show, and someone who might convince him of love at first sight. Honestly a lovely piece, and it also features the Potter clan.
Other (raising both teddy and harry, wolfstar girldads)
Let's Play Pretend by MsAlexWP — My current obsession!! I can't tell you how many times I've read this. Single parent Remus and single parent Sirius meet at a play date and end up pretend dating so that the old women in Sirius' building (who basically stalk him) will stop trying to set him up. Neither of them can date at the moment, so what could possibly go wrong?? Ultimate comfort fic. Of Quiet Hearts And Thundering Dreams by TracingPatterns — This is single parent Sirius and single parent Remus, both having moved to a small village and meeting at Harry & Teddy's school. A Cup of Sugar by MsAlexWP — Again, they are both single parents. Harry Potter is recovering from surgery and facing the worst summer ever until a guy with the same crutches as Harry moves in across the street with his son. So lovely!! Hide-and-Seek by onehundredflamingos — Wolfstar girldads raising their adoptive daughter Cassie, who is also a werewolf. This is the story of her first transformation. It's soooo sweet! @industrations has done a bunch of wolfstar and Cassie art, which you should absolutely go and cry over!
For supplementary material, feel free to check out my Wolfstar Raising Harry, Wolfstar Raising Teddy and Wolfstar Girldads tags!
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cupid-styles · 6 months
a good life
in which harry and y/n decide on a name for their baby (with minimal bickering).
I think for now this will be the last blurb I write while y/n is still pregnant</333 going to start expanding to blurbs about them parenting so feel free to send requests in!!!!
word count: 731
content warnings: pregnancy/pregnant y/n
part of the ymls universe
main masterlist | talk to me
. . .
"How about Reign?"
"We're not the Kardashians, Harry."
He resists the urge to roll his eyes as Y/N shoots down another one of his name suggestions, using the ball-point pen to scratch the words out on his list. She glances down at her phone and purses her lips.
"Okay, my next suggestion was May."
"That's cute," Harry murmurs, "Although, I had a cat when I was little named May. She got rabies because we found her on the street. It was kind of traumatizing if I'm being honest."
Immediately, Y/N deletes the name May from her list.
"Do you have any other good ones?" she asks as she leans forward to grasp the cup of tea Harry made her when she got to his place. She's still struggling with not drinking coffee, even though it's been months since she stopped. Harry insists that green tea is a good substitute, but so far, she doesn't believe him.
"I feel like you'll hate the ones I have left," he replies, peering up at her. She shrugs, a silent response of try me. "Alright, the last few that I came up with are: Noel—"
"Cute, but I think it's too Christmas-y."
"Are you just really into Christmas-themed names?"
"And Clementine."
She pauses. He can see the gears turning in her brain as she contemplates it, the pad of her finger running over the rim of the ceramic mug in her hands.
"I think I really like that, actually," she says softly. "Clementine. It's sweet."
Harry nods, a jolt of energy firing through him. "Yeah, I was thinking we could call her Clemmie or Clem for short. I don't know, thought it was unique."
"It is," she agrees, her left hand finding her bump, "Are you our little Clementine?"
He smiles. "And I know we decided she'd have Styles as a last name, but I was thinking, since you've always loved having the name middle name as your sister, maybe we could give her the same one. Or maybe the same one as your niece."
Y/N swallows, attempting to get rid of the lump in her throat as she nods quickly. They'd decided on carrying the Styles last name on with her a few months back — she didn't feel very strongly about them all having the same last name, explaining that she would always be her mother regardless of whether or not they shared that. (Harry couldn't agree more.) But she'd only mentioned once or twice that she thought her niece's middle name was adorable, and she liked her family tradition of keeping middle names the same. When she and her sister were younger, it always felt like this little connection they had that no one else did.
"Grace, right?" Harry asks, breaking her out of her thoughts. "Your niece's middle name?"
She nods, "Yeah, Grace."
"Clementine Grace Styles."
"I like it," she says quickly, unable to ignore the tears clouding her waterline, "It's pretty. I really like it."
"Me too. I think Grace fits perfectly."
They stare at each other for a moment, the gravity of finally giving her a name settling in. She's no longer this little nameless fruit floating around in her tummy (although Harry still provided weekly updates on her size — currently, she's a cantaloupe, which is slightly terrifying for Y/N to conceptualize).
"Do you mind if I...?"
Even with the boundaries they've broken, nearing "couple" territory as opposed to platonic co-parenting, he's still extremely cautious of Y/N's boundaries. He never wants to make her feel uncomfortable, especially because he knows she's been on the receiving end of some awful side effects.
But, even if it's a secret she keeps to herself, she really adores when she gets to lay back and watch him talk to her belly.
She nods at his open-ended question and settles against the cozy pregnancy pillow he bought months ago. Gently, he flips her sweater up and presses a chaste kiss right above her belly button, making her shiver.
"We can't wait to meet you, Clementine Grace," he mumbles lowly, "Please give your mummy an easy time for the next two months, okay? She's getting really tired, but she's been so strong. She even lets me sing to you without pushing me away."
Y/N snorts and Harry glances up with a small smile. She raises her eyebrows expectedly, encouraging him to continue.
"Anyway... we're just really excited." his eyes flicker up to hers and she swallows. "I think we're gonna have a good life together."
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Still Together, Still Going Strong
Synopsis: One where Harry and YN are getting a divorce but they can't seem stay away from one another
More of my work
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YN has never been this mad and upset on Harry.
Why wouldn't she be? When he's ready to throw away a decade they spent together under the bus like that.
It was just five months ago Harry had said he wanted a divorce. Why, you may ask?
Is because he has been feeling he's lost himself. No doubt, that is a valid reason and she respects it. She has been there for him through all his lows she was willing to do so now too. She knows he needs a break, it is not easy to be a parent and have a job which asks so much of your time and energy.
He had his own reasons which by all means are very valid, he's never cheated, he's not cheating now. Nothing made sense to YN.
Every Monday evening when he'd drop off the twins at hers and they're off to bed, he's back to being her Harry. The same soft and living guy she fell in love at eighteen, the same guy who kissed her over and over again thanking her for giving the two most beautiful boys to love and care for.
YN had moved to the flat her parents bought her a year prior she moved in with Harry at his. It wasn't as big as the house which were their home, but it was big enough for her and the little toddlers and the cat Harry and her adopted just when they moved in together. They had been very good at co-parenting considering the twins are just two years old now. She had them for the whole weeks because the boys are just so used to her being around, though Harry came in to see them in between whenever he could.
Living apart felt like a norm, especially to YN as she's so used to her husband (now soon to-be-ex-husband) being on tour so much. She just didn't had her soft space to fall back to now.
He says it isn't her, or the kids. But he can't run away from the kids, unless he verbally says he doesn't want the responsibility of a father anymore— it wasn't him conveying the reasons to her but his legal representatives. He doesn't want to be away from the twins, he's been very firm about it. So it must be her.
YN still can't put a finger on what she has done to probably piss him off so much he wants a divorce now. Though she haven't got the time to think about it either with looking after the twins and working. She had a desk job and her dad's business to look after now thay he's retired, she doesn't get even the weekends to herself.
To make it all worse for her, he still says his I love yous to her, he still kisses like the first time he did, he still calls her by the little weird pet names. Hell, they even made love just last Monday and days he'd visit the twins mid week. This wasn't fair for her. And she didn't know how to process it all.
"Harper." YN ran after the little boy who was running away from eating his dinner whilst his twin was being nice, shirtless in just his little pink shorts. "Come back here."
"No!" Harper squealed but he fell down on his bum laughing.
"Gotcha!" YN announced scooping him up.
"Bum-bum!" He pointed out saying he fell down on his bum.
"Yeah, you did fell on your bum-bum." YN laughed giving him a kiss, she placed him on his highchair next to his brother. "Harlow, do you like it?" The other blond boy was already chomping away at little pieces of chicken and picking carrots from rice in front of him in the bowl.
"Yes!" He announced.
"You're giving your Mummy a hard time, aren't you?" Harry's spoke serving Harper his dinner, he dipped his head down to press a kiss on his boy's head.
"It's okay he's still little." YN spoke walking in kitchen. She knows he's just joking but she didn't like it for what she didn't know, nor she wanted to know. She is just mad. He'd just decided to stay over for dinner like he lives there with them, like they're not getting a divorce in two weeks. Like they're not having their assets divided equally in between. Like the media didn't already knew he's separating from his partner of ten years. It made her so furious just because she haven't gotten the time to sit by herself and process everything. Everything was happening so fast.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"I think you should leave now Harry," YN suggested, as she furious started cleaning around the kitchen, the mess he made in attempt of helping hera. She never mind him making a mess in the kitchen, until now. "I've got work tomorrow."
"I can help put the boys to bed," he offered.
"I don't need it, I just need you to leave my house now." She deadpanned, stopping dead in her actions to glance at him once. Harry was taken back, he glanced at the boys who were busy exchanging their food and eating before he walked back in the kitchen.
YN felt his hands on her hips as he pulled her back from scrubbing the counter like it's got some deadly disease on it, she watched as blood rush back to her finger tips on the release of her death grip on the wash clothe. She didn't liked the way his hands felt on her body for the first time, it felt so wrong.
"Look at me," he requested. For a moment there YN found herself leaning into the warmth of the palm of his hand cradling her face.
"Don't, don't touch me," she reluctantly pulled herself away, "I don't like it no more." He would kiss her there, she'd give in and they'd be huddling their way to the bathroom leaving the twins to eat their dinner.
And she proceeded to clean around. Cleaned up the twins and put them in their PJs and finally off to bed they went. Harry still lingered around, he cleaned up the highchairs and put them away, until YN came back out.
She sighed in defeat seeing him still sitting at the dining table, like he did whenever he managed to piss her off waiting for her to cool off before he could go talk to her. He did more than just piss her off now. She walked back to her bedroom and sbut the door behind her getting ready for bed. She pulled out her laptop to email her boss about wanting to take her yearly paid vacation, her leave was going to be accepted as she's that annoying employee who has to be forced to take days off. She even proceeded to call her parents to ask of she could go over and stay with them for a couple of weeks with the boys. Luckily for her, they lived just four hour drive away from her in Kingston. They didn't knew Harry and YN were getting a divorce until it became a public affair, of course they said she could go live with them for as long as she wish for.
Was she overreacting on this? Hasn't she been so understanding about the reasons Harry gave her for their separation? But was it inevitable not to be heartbroken? She had never grieved for anything or anyone before, is it really this overwhelming? This overwhelming that she has to cry?
She took in a deep breath and wiped off the tears which had managed to trickle down her eyes when she heard the door crack open. The boys liked to sleep in her bed, close to their Mummy. Something Harry isn't a fan of but she cherishes a lot. All it would take for him to give in was three pairs of doe eyes begging him and he'd be scooping up the little humans onto their bed and tucking the under the sheets. The boys are well aware that it is easy to butter their Mummy than it to their Papa, they only request to sleep in with her when with her. Smart little toddlers!
It was Harry, he still hasn't left yet. He just closed the door behind him carefully as the twins are light sleepers like their Mummy, he proceeded to take a seat in front of him on her bed. No words were shared as he just looked at her trying to figure where he should begin. He didn't know how to approach this. She is not going to say a word, he knows. They're both stubborn when it comes to confrontation.
"YN," Harry cooed trying to reach for her hand.
"You're a fucking hypocrite!" She snapped, swatting his hand away with a jerk. "You say one thing and do the complete opposite of it. Just stick to one thing! You want a divorce then set up some boundaries for fucks sake. What part of divorce do you not understand?"
"I'm trying to be there for the boys, what are you talking about?"
"I am not saying you are. I want you to stop being around me, okay? I want you to stop making it harder for me than it already is." She made it clear, "I don't want this. I don't want you touching me, I don't want you kissing me, sleeping with me, I don't want you to say you love me."
"But I do love you," he rushed, "doesn't mean we're getting a divorce that I don't love you anymore. I can never stop loving you, I don't think I can even do that. I gave you my reasons. We're separating mutually, aren't we?"
Answer to his question was, no. It's not mutual. She's agreeing just for his sake. She doesn't want a divorce, she wants to work through it.
He was coming home late after being out with his friends, drunk and high his ass off after long studio sessions now that he's been writing his new album, he never bothered anyone and went straight to bed. Whilst YN didn't liked that, she still let it slide for a month and a half. It started getting on her nerve when he'd be grumpy all day with a major hang over, she snapped when he yelled at the boys who were just wanting to play with him. It was the very next day he told her he wants a divorce and left for the studio.
"Be honest with me, do you not want it?" He asked when she said nothing. "YN?"
"No!" She exclaimed, "I don't want this. Why would I want to break a relationship that we spent a decade to make perfect? It's just not me and you anymore, we have two little ones now."
YN's trying hard not to break down in front him. Whatever it is he does not need to see her cry, and it usually made her feel weak. It usually is easy for her to cry bit deal with everything which comes her way calmly without a breakdown. She felt the sinking feeling in her stomach, physically.
"I am going to go stay with my parents for a couple of weeks." She shared, "you can come over to see the kids and I think you should leave now." She walked over to the door to open it for him. He's got no other option than to leave. It's better he did that and get his shit together for him to talk about this.
"YN, come help me." Her dad said, he carried the gardening tools. Twins were out with their grandma and Aunty for grocery shopping. She was lied on the sofa staring at the ceiling as some episode of Friends played in the background.
It's been a week and half and YN's fallen sick as she expected. It was meant to happen with how overworked she has been, she's had a fever and has been throwing up every morning. She has been sick and more lost especially today since morning.
Her parents haven't bought up the topic of her divorce yet, they can still see how it has been affecting. God, how they didn't liked him for their daughter at first. They had no idea how much she loved him, that for the first time she rebelled against them. It wasn't just her teen phase, they came to realise soon enough.
"Do you want me to take you to doctor again?" Her asked.
"No, I'm fine now." She shrugged and started with cleaning out dried out leaves from her dad's garden.
"How do you like these? Harper picked this." He showed her the new rose plant he'd got just yesterday when he took the boys out so she can rest.
"Good." She nodded. "I, I want to go sleep."
"Okay, did you take you medicines?" Her dad enquired.
"No, I, I'll take it." She assured him before she walked inside, just as she was about to go to her room she saw the mess that was her sister's room. Her kids were sleeping in her sister's room because she was sick. Toys everywhere. Not that her sister was rhe tidiest person she knew, she still picked up after her toddlers.
"Mumma!" Harlow came running to her followed by Harper, both of them tackled her with hugs. "Nani gave chocolate!" He showed a tiny packet of Reeses cups, his brother got one too.
"Yay!" She celebrated, "did you say thank you to Nani?"
"Yes!" Harper nodded, "open, pwease?"
They'd already had their lunch so YN opened the chocolate wrappers for both of them, had them sit down with their toys. There were so much to play with at their Grandparents' place, but the boys hardly fought over the same toy. When her sister got back to her room, YN went back to hers to get in a nap.
"YN?" She heard her mum calling her from the living room. Sighing she got out of bed to check what her mother had to say. "Harry's here to see the kids."
"No, I'm just here to talk to you for now." Harry rushed, "would you please?" He gestured her to go out with him. She walked him to her room. "Baba told me you're sick."
Yeah, he called her father Baba.
"I'm sorry." He started, "never asked you if you wanted this."
"Thank you." She nodded, now sat on her bed.
"I was just being stupid." He admitted crouching in front of her, "but I never lied when I said I feel like I've lost myself. You know we never talked about boys until recently to anyone. It felt like I was living two different lives. It is very hard, I feel so guilty that I can't be there for you and our babies but I also love to tour and be on stage." He voice cracked as his eyes brimmed with tears, "it looked easy to do this. Guess I was being selfish with choosing what I want, I don't know how I feel about it yet. I just needed a break to get my shit together. Can't stay away from you, I realised, or I can't stay away from our boys. It's just that I haven't been able to give the three of you much of my time, but also don't wanna stop touring."
"All this while you've been nothing but so supportive of me, I am so sorry I didn't realise you'd support me through this too. You respected the reasons I gave you which I now call bullshit. You don't want this yet agreed to it. You've been through all the highs with me, guess I didn't wanted you to be through the lows. Just want you to be happy and not worry about anything. I am sorry lovie, I don't want it anymore. Still want to be with you." He grabbed her hands in her lap, "you think you can forgive me, please?"
He looked just like the boys with his doe eyes looking up at her (or you can say the twins are xerox copy of him), he was crying. Tip of his nose turned pink, same shade as his lips.
"You need to take a break, from everything." She spoke, "it's not stupid or bullshit to feel overwhelmed, okay? You don't have to make a choise between what you love, it's not how it works. You're an amazing father to the boys. It hurt me so much that you didn't wanted to be with me anymore, did I do something? Do you not feel attracted to me anymore? Have you fallen out of love with me? Is there som—"
"No, no, no, no!" He rushed cutting her off mid sentence, "It's not that, I don't know why I said I want a divorce. God I love you and only you. It's just you. Please, please, please don't ever think about it!" He brought her hands to his mouth pressing little sloppy kisses on her knuckles as he sobbed quietly, he didn't even imagine it would come out this way to her. God he never even looks at anyone else other than her. It was a stab in his heart that she thought he's in love with someone else. Hell, he's on his knees for her now! "Let's take it back. I don't want to get a divorce. Don't want you to leave, please!"
He broke down sobbing even more when she pulled him in a warm embrace, he just cried with his face buried in her chest like a baby. His arms wrapped around her like he's falling off a cliff.
Harry honestly didn't know why he did that, why he let things go this far with the divorce. God he couldn't imagine his life without her. He loves her too much. He thought maybe he could have one less thing to feel guilty about if they separate. But he was proved very just this morning when he went to her flat to see the kids and also her just to realise she's at her parents, four hours away, he straight away drove to her.
It scared him. Even though she was still close by yet he felt like she's out of reach. He's never felt that way before, cal him overdramatic for acting on this as fast he could and go back to her. Her dad was probably mad at him as he texted him about how sick she's been, turned out he was just telling him how YN is doing. He also missed his little boys.
"We're never going to complain about you not being there for her," she started speaking for the kids as well, "they love you Harry, so do I. We'd nothing but for you to be happy with us. Don't want you to feel guilty, you're a dad now doesn't mean you have to feel pressured to leave what you love to do. I knew what I was signing up for when I said yes to be with you, never once I thought you were a bad partner. I don't know where it all came from, but I love you so much. We're going to work this out, I'm not going anywhere, our boys are not going anywhere, okay? I promised you, didn't I? Through highs and lows."
"We are!" He said, firmly as he pulled away enough to look at her sniffling. "I love you so much!" He peppered her face with more sloppy wet kisses before pulling her in a bear hug. It was her turn to cry her heart out, feeling the assuring weight of his hand on the back of her head, his finger flexing in gentle strokes on her scalp. "Hey, it's okay, we'll be okay." She wrapped her arms around his middle tightly.
YN's been a mess since Monday and it's only Thursday, especially since her last doctors visit with her mum. She has been going through same symptoms she went through when she was pregnant two hears ago, sore breasts, nood swings, nausea, morning sickness. God she was put into such a bad mental space when the doctor suggested she takes a pregnancy test. There were chances she was pregnant, her and Harry were still having sex being careless about using the right protection, she hasn't got her period in a month. But YN's also been a hormonal mess since giving birth, breastfeeding and then stopping to breastfeed, that messed up with her periods too.
On one hand she wanted the test to turn out to be positive so she can just have her husband call off the divorce thinking about another child, the selfish and cruel side of her spoke. On other hand she didn't wanted it to be positive because she just can't bear another pregnancy after such a short time, physically. Especially since her first one has taken such a huge toll of her. The first time she was pregnant, she had twins.
She was glad the test came out negative. She started with her period the very next day, explaining her nausea and sore breasts. That also explains her breakdown in the moment.
"Hey sweetheart, it's alright." He assured her trying to calm her down, "no, no you're gonna get more sick." The last time she cried like this was when she failed one of the most important entrance exam for the course she was wanting to take up and made herself sick. He worried.
Harry noticed it's started to get dark outside, they've been locked in her bedroom for so long talking it all out. He heard the twins screaming and squealing outside, probably playing with YN's brother and sister. "Baby did you fell asleep on me?" He checked on his wife who hasn't moved in a long moment. She was letting letting endorphins settle in her.
"No," she pulled away enough to look at him, "I didn't."
Should she tell him about the test?
"I, I had to take a test on Monday." She started nervously glancing at him before he fixed her gaze on her hands in her lap, "it came out negative."
"You wanted it to be positive?"
"I don't know," she sighed, finally looking up at him he was sat back on his heels now, still close enough to her. She flet bad for even thinking of guilt tripping him into staying there. But did she also had the heart to tell she doesn't want to separate in the first place? When he told her he's been overwhelmed with responsibilities.
"You want to take a nap?" He asked, "we can go out to get dinner, just us, later?"
"I don't want to go out." She shook her head, "don't feel well."
"That's okay, I want you to take a nap now, hmm?" He proceeded to pull back the blanket on the bed and slip off her house slippers off her feet, urging her to lie down. So she did. "They're having fun outside, don't worry about them just get in some rest, sweetheart." He cut her off before she could even utter a sound, he tucked her in softly.
"Harry, I—"
"We'll talk more later, baby, I promise." He interrupted her again, but watched her face turn into more of an angry one, "just want you to rest, look at you, sunken eyes, runny nose. Okay, what is it?" He rested his head on her pillow as he scooted closer to the bed still sitting on the floor.
"I wanted it to be positive, the test at first." YN shared. She just can't keep things which are bothering her to herself.
"I don't think we should have another baby. Did you wanted one?"
"No, I don't think I can do it again. Not this soon. Be pregnant I mean. I thought, this is so very wrong, I thought if it were to turn out to be positive you'd change your mind about this. Be—because I didn't know how to tell you I don't want to get a divorce." She stuttered, as new set of tears pooled in her reddened eyes. "Sorry."
"It's alright. Why didn't you wanted to tell me you don't want that?" He cooed, his hand running soothing strokes on her back.
"Because..." She sighed as she trailed off, "because you said you were overwhelmed by everything. I didn't wanted to hold you back when you wanted one less thing to worry about."
"Well, I was very wrong." He started of with a firm statement, "I felt like I was just a bad husband to you, the worse one to ever exist. I mean, I can see it clearly now. You've been overworking yourself..."
"You're not." She commented.
"Yes, I am. Cancelled my tour, I want to try this and put the boys and you first for now." He shared, "I don't want to hear anything about it, I want this and will not complain about it, I promise."
He knows her way too much, doesn't he? He can really tell what she's about to say just by looking in her eyes.
"You really want that?" She still asked.
"Went regularly to see my therapist last week, talked to her about this. I realised I really want this. She really helped me through when I was confused. Lemme do this for me, for us, yeah?" His voice was nothing but assuring. Now he rarely talks whereabouts of his therapy sessions, to anyone for the matter of fact, but when he does it's when he's made firm decisions which he plans to stick to. Though YN would have supported him if he still wanted to go on tour.
"Okay." She agreed.
"Can I get a kiss? Missed you so much!" Harry was already leaning in but she pulled back.
"Don't want you to get sick!"
"I don't care." He shrugged, dipped his head lower to press a gentle kiss on her mouth. "I love you."
"I love you." She leaned into his touch, little puppy kiss they shared.
"You want to come home?" He asked.
"I want to stay here for the rest of my days off." She shook her head. It was just going to clear her mind and give her some rest now, plus she doesn't feel like driving back to Hampstead when one of her organ is literally bleeding haywire.
"That's alright." He nodded, "are you going to come back home on Monday then?"
"Mhmm." She nodded. He gave her another firm kiss on her mouth.
"Rest now, okay? I'll go see our babies." He gave her yet another kiss, before he reluctantly walked to the bathroom to wash off his face first. He headed out to see Harper and Harlow.
"Yay, Papa!" Both of them went running to him as expected.
Harry was gonna be pulled y YN's dad to a side to give him a bug talk. He could sense it. Her dad is protective of her. Harry wouldn't blame him, he'd do the same if anyone to hurt his kiddos. So he braced himself.
To his surprise, he was forced to stay over for the weekend with the family. They never brought up the topic of divorce which was now being scrapped, though all of them were happy to hear they're planning to stay together.
YN knew people online are gonna hate her, if they didn't already that Harry cancelled his entire tour just because he wants to give his family the time and love they deserve from him. Also the pull back from divorce was gonna divid his fandom into two parts for sure, just like their wedding did.
YN and Harry both got married at just the age of 19 and 20, which was their own decision after dating of year and half and he was still in the band. Very young indeed but it was their decision. It wasn't taken very well by the media. But who cares?
They're still together and going strong!
N O T E :
1) I wrote this in like few sittings. Sorry if there are any typos or words missing. 🥺 I didn't proofread this.
2) Hope you liked this one.
3) Pls lemme know what you think, what Harry should have done in your opinion?
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@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries Lemme know if you want to added to the tag list
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fate-motif · 1 year
harry: don’t be deceived, this doesn’t mean harry would go to therapy willingly. but i am 90% sure at that whatever posting he took after voyager, he was asked to do therapy and he scoffed because he didn’t go through the dominion war, why would he need therapy? but he’s still convinced to do it to go with the flow, you know, make everyone else feel a little less bad for needing therapy. but no matter how he ends up in therapy, that therapist is just shocked by all the shit harry’s telling him, and he can tell harry’s not telling the whole truth, but because he can’t make harry tell him anything he doesn’t want to, especially if it’s about the others’ insane psychological issues, that therapist needs to start getting therapy themselves. i’m half convinced this was migleemo and this is how he ended up on the cerritos.
chakotay: he’s perfectly well aware that he needs therapy, but he puts it off successfully for a long time by justifying that with so many dominion war veterans, he does not want to take away their more urgent care when he’s relatively well off in terms of functioning. of course, he’s hiding the trainwreck of a personal relationship he had with seven, and by the time he takes the protostar posting he’s like, okay, alright, i’ll take a therapist with me on the protostar, this is going to help. and then he vanishes. and the therapist probably dies. rip.
tuvok: tuvok’s first inclination is to look for a psychiatrist, not a therapist. he can compartimentalize his trauma so much easier if he just points to any kind of damage he might have incurred between all those mind melds and head trauma in between missions. this lets him look a lot saner than most of the voyager crew who refuse to see any kind of professional but eventually t’pel outs her foot down and confronts him with the fact that his time on voyager has had a lasting impact on his rationality and control and he Requires assistance in addressing it. even then it’s most likely some kind of spiritual guidance, which is pretty close to therapy for vulcans considering their spirituality revolves around psychological control and all that, but he still dodges the needing therapy allegations publicly like a pro.
the emh: he recognizes that he needs therapy, would most likely want it, but he doesn't last more than a couple of weeks with anyone he tries because he thinks they're too dismissive of his issues because he's a hologram, so he tries to pour out his issues into trying to defend the right to mental healthcare for holograms while avoiding any kind of therapy himself because he doesn't want to go through all of that again.
seven: the federation has universal healthcare so therapy is available to seven, but she still refuses mental health care services when she realizes what the attitude towards xBs is in the federation. the closest she ever came was considering couples therapy when she was still with chakotay but that was a passing consideration and it was the prelude to her breaking away from the federation entirely after she broke up with chakotay. if she has received any kind of therapy afterwards it’s unlicensed, highly questionable, and probably self-managed which really shouldn’t have been the case. 
tom: he’s fully well aware he needs therapy, but he refuses to on the principle that he knows the therapists are going to blame his issues on voyager when clearly it all started with his dad and his unfair expectations of him and — but he does end up going to therapy specifically as couples therapy when his relationship with b’elanna was beginning to fall apart. the therapist recommends they both go individually for their own issues and they reject that vehemently. they probably continue to attend just for the insane task that is co-parenting miral between the two of them and they continuously rotate their therapist when they start getting into voyager a little too much.
b’elanna: it’s a miracle tom even got her to couples therapy at all. in the meantime, she’s mostly journaled, read books about therapy, done everything in her power to prove to everyone that she has her own mental health in her own hands and she’s doing great, but she can’t engineer her way out of depression since the age of 6 so you know. it would take a huge crisis for her to finally end up caving to suggestions that she go to therapy.
janeway: everyone who’s worked with her since voyager is telling their therapist about janeway and the way she is. no one directly asks her to go to therapy and the few people that do get shut down because clearly she’s keeping everything together, right? but the psychology academics’ circle of the federation and probably beyond know that they need to be ready for the day kathryn janeway gets therapy. they’ve been talking amongst themselves about who’s going to do it, who’s ready for it, how the dsm is going to have like 42 new mental illnesses at the end of it all and how they’re going to divide the work when they all start working on the scientific papers that make their careers based on how this woman’s brain works.
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sassyfrassboss · 4 months
“since in this country we suffer from selective amnesia, the sooner H puts on an uniform and starts kissing ass again, the faster the brass will accept him.”
This brings up something I’ve thought about, but I disagree with the anon on one point. Yes, the BRF are very good at reviving a reputation. This hasn’t just applied to Camilla and Fergie but also past Harry himself. After the whole Vegas-party-Harry debacle, he got rolled out as a working royal who had his crazy days but was now grown up and contributing. This redemption arc, however smaller than what the likes of Camilla needed, worked well and worked fast.
I firmly believe Harry thinks the BRF can do another pr campaign for him. Like a child who knows that if a financial emergency happens, their parents will help out, and subsequently lives their life differently from a child who doesn’t have that back-up.
But Harry has gone too far, too fast, too many times. He has no true ally in the BRF who is willing to go to bat for him - he’s too unpredictable, emotional and dim to be trusted and his running mouth is a liability for anyone and everyone. There is also no sentiment in the UK that he can build on. Camilla 1) loves Charles and 2) has always been willing to be a contributing working royal. And the palace worked with that because it mattered enough for enough people. Harry has no cache left, not even being Diana’s son. He’s explicitly soured any avenue he had for redemption.
As for the military - Harry 1) gave his alleged kill count, 2) excepted awards for his very basic co-pilot work that he only did for a few weeks before he became bored, 3) is too willing to talk about politics (which can include military decisions) and 4) has weaponised the Invictus Games for personal gain and allowed Meghan to turn it into her personal catwalk. He’s done.
Great points!
You are right. The BRF can't spin Harry as a loving and devoted son because he complained bitterly about Charles putting his childhood emotional trauma onto Harry. Even went as far to say that he never got to ride a bike (proven false) or that Charles never hugged him, especially when Diana died. We have pictures of Charles hugging Harry. Heck at Balmoral after Diana's death, the family came out to look at the flowers and Harry & Charles were holding hands and Charles was very affectionate with Harry. Don't tell me he didn't give his son a hug when telling him that his mother died.
There is no PR angle that will work here because Harry has burnt all of his bridges. From family to the military to even the BRF staff.
He could never be trusted on his own at engagements or near a mic.
Before Meghan he was a bit of a wild card but that was part of his charm. Now he is a loose canon and the family can't take the chance on him.
The BRF would have more success bringing Andrew back at this point.
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thistlecatfics · 6 months
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the grace unasked for by @leftsidedown (17k, T, Remadora)
What if… instead of going to Bill's after the Malfoy Manor, Harry and co. flee to Tonks' parents' house, where Remus and Tonks are hiding with Andromeda? How would Remus and the others react and handle this? Remember, Tonks is in her last trimester, her dad just died, she's still being hunted down by Bellatrix and everyone is in hiding, and suddenly Undesirable No 1 shows up with a tortured Hermione, former hostages and a dead house elf and his presence is now potentially threatening everyone's safety...
I LOVE a "what if this one small thing changed" concept which has both big ripples and also keeps the fundamentals the same - this fic is so deeply rooted in canon and canon characterizations which I just love. Each character (Andromeda, Remus, Tonks especially but also Harry, Ron, and Hermione) is portrayed with such deep flaws and strengths in a way that really honors their humanity.
This has one of my favorite Andromeda portrayals and includes one of my favorite headcanons -
"A memory came flooding back. The letter she'd desperately mailed off: your little boy, your Draco, he must be one now? You must understand, then, dearest sister, I am begging not for myself, only for my daughter. Everything I know, anything I can do—She let herself fall back against the cool wall, and cast her eyes blankly upwards. Ted. I promise, I will protect the only piece of you left to me."
The fic left me with no coherent thoughts but just this deep and echoing respect for grief and purpose and devotion and connection.
For @hprecfest <3
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ashesandhackles · 1 month
what are your thoughts on the Harry/Dumbledore relationship?
hello! so most of my feelings about harry-dumbledore equation are captured in these metas:
A cold blooded walk to destruction
the lightning struck tower
my favourite moment of Harry and Dumbledore's relationship though is captured in the Life and Lies chapter in Deathly Hallows. I am obsessed with that chapter and obsessed with Harry's feelings in those chapters:
here are my notes from the chapter, cutting it down to Harry-Dumbledore stuff:
The chapter opens with the smallness of Harry against the vast sky, a bird's eye view shot to really highlight how vulnerable he feels. On the heels of the chapters where he sees himself and his family immortalised in statues and have their old home preserved, it feels so stark.
The throughline of connection Harry makes from "People don't like being locked up! You did it to me last summer" to Dumbledore's apparent confinement of Ariana. Unresolved abandonment issues from OOTP, Sirius grief all coming to the surface here.
I am especially struck by the image of Harry's angry shouting making blackbirds fly into the pearly sky, and spiral over him. Blackbirds are associated with mystery, secrets and are seen as messengers to netherworld - this combined with the image of pearly white sky (heavens/God) seems intentional.
Harry and Hermione throughout Dh have oppositional positions: faith vs rationalist (hallows vs horcruxes), acceptance vs fear of death, and here Rita's book lies between them, a line on the ground.
"Look at what he has asked from me!: :The image of Harry, arms flung over his head - "trying to hold in his anger" or "protect himself from the weight of his disillusionment" is the thing that stays with me from this chapter. (it is reminiscent of Snape's "you have used me! I have spied for you, lied for you, put myself in mortal danger for you" - basically, "why have you forsaken me?" moment. The chapter being set in whiteness and emptiness, reminiscent of King's Cross chapter where Harry does get his answers from Dumbledore is very striking)
Hermione, who has modified her parents memories, can confidently assert that "He loved you, I know he loved you", because her love for her parents, for Ron can also be sacrificed at the altar of greater good, even if it means doing things that would hurt them and dismiss their agency (as is with her parents). It doesn't mean she doesn't love them. Harry dropping his arms when she says this - he wants to believe it, he hopes to believe it but doesn't. But with Ron's return in Silver Doe, Harry will be on his path to be Dumbledore's man again.
From the Silver doe chapter: The discussion on Dumbledore with Ron shows the nature of faith Harry has in the moment: "Dumbledore's dead. He's definitely gone" vs in Chamber of Secrets where he says, "he will only be gone from the school when none here are loyal to him". With the faith in Cos, he was rewarded with Fawkes and Sorting Hat. Further illustration of where Harry is - Ron not thinking the Grindelwald stuff was a big deal ("he was really young") vs Harry ("he was our age").
Malfoy Manor chapters: In keeping with the faith aspect of the book, when Harry is at his most helpless- he asks the shard of mirror, where he kept thinking he is seeing Dumbledore's eye -for help. Dobby comes through.
Shell Cottage chapters: Harry understands the path Dumbledore laid out for him, but wishes he could understand Dumbledore himself. ( Ron and Harry's conversation about Voldemort - "You really understand him." "Bits of him -- I wish I understood Dumbledore as much.")
By the chapters where Harry meets Aberforth, Harry gains an understanding of Dumbledore's emotionality - "He was never free... never. The night your brother died - he took a potion that drove him mad. 'Don't hurt them-please, hurt me instead' " Harry points out how watching Aberforth and Ariana being hurt was torture to him, and emphasises his commitment to Dumbledore's cause, "Because sometimes you've got to think of the Greater Good! This is war!"
King's Cross chapter - Harry gets his answers. :)
Harry's journey to understand Dumbledore is extremely profound, and Harry's forgiveness of what Dumbledore put him through (with regards to his agency - which is Harry's main issue) comes from a very reflective, thoughtful space. Therefore, he names his second son after the two men riddled by guilt, seeking to atone for the harmful things they had done by committing to a greater cause.
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shivstar · 2 months
My take on pining Prongsfoot
Often when I read prongsfoot, Sirius is shown as the guy who has been in love with his bff James Potter, who was oblivious in the best case senorio Or finding some sick kick in his friend's suffering in the worst case scenario.
Though for Sirius as a person who has been brought up in a household where he he has never been subjected to any couple which was truly perfect, it is hard for me to believe canonical Sirius being able to understand what it truly means.
So shouldn't it be the reverse? Like even if Sirius fell in love, shouldn't he be the one out of the two who can't differentiate and define his love for James as a friend and James as a romantic interest.?
James's parents were more likely in a well adjusted relationship. His upbringing in a non bigoted society would also have helped him in witnessing true love and asking questions about what it feels like to be in love and how does one know if they have fallen. Especially knowing how much of an extrovert and confident guy he was.
I know that technically most writers do it because making Sirius suffer is more fun to people these days and James remains the golden kid of the fandom whose worst suffering had been a painless young death.
But if we leave this desire for whump Sirius aside, what is your take on my take?
I know many ff you will say that Sirius was more emotionally grown up out of the two of them who just didn't give fuck about many people while James was the morally strong one.
Still seeing the devotion of canon Sirius who lost so much to Potter family as a whole. First James and then Harry. He became side character in his own story because James will remain the main character even there. His love was so absolute and unconditional that i personally find it hard to believe that he was the one who consciously knew that he is in love.
This makes me believe that Sirius will never sit and think what I want back from James. Because that is what being in a romantic relationship means. The give and take. But his utmost loyalty makes me think that he would be just happy for James and for that to be possible he has to believe himself that he loves James as a person and nothing about being in love.
Also, I don't know how many of you will agree but any real person with so much pinning and unrequited love will need to deal with it. Means having negative emotions. So if he were really pinning he would have to be either- 1) hating any person James date or 2) distance himself from James or 3) hate himself and feel insecure for being so pathetic.
And i don't think he is capable of either of the three.
Also with the level of closeness and co dependence they have. Adding along with that James's years worth of habit of picking Sirius's emotions, moods. Knowing instinctively when he is hurt or upset. Him being so much attuned to any discomfort Sirius feels because Sirius being a dark scion must have landed him in muddy Waters quite so many times among the so called light side of people. So, a scenario where James just straight up not recognizes Sirius's self acknowledgement of his change in love for James feels like it does not justice their closeness.
James on the other hand makes much better person for the piner role. Like dude just goes about dating random people knowing that Sirius doesn't feel the same.
Also it matches my head-canon that James only married because Lily got pregnant with Harry.
But even sweet is to think about a scenario where James is not only in tune with his own deep feelings but also has unimaginable trust in his love that one day Sirius will reach where he is now. He will wait and pass his time with average people. Bidding his time for the absolute best. And one day, true to James' belief, Sirius comes to his big discovery that James is his life partner in the literal sense of the word.
James being all calm and patient and letting Sirius reach there but not being in any hurry knowing that Sirius loves him one way or the other is just so them.........
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frytk-a · 4 months
I saw all of us strangers for the second time today and cried like a baby (again)
I have a lot of thoughts so here are my theories cos I needed to get this out of my system
(major spoilers below)
okay so after the first time I watched it, I wasn't sure, but now I really think that adam dies in a fire during the movie. in a twisted way, thinking of it this way hurts me less cos at least he doesn't have to live with all that happened :")
there is so much red in the film. red/sunset coloured lighting is a recurring theme, especially when adam is shown. there are also so many red props, clothes, decorations, literally so much of it. a lamp in Adam's apartment, multiple things in the box from his childhood, red lining of Adam's jacket, his father's shirt, his mother's belt, earrings, nails in a later scene, so many things in his childhood home and room
and when the film starts, there's this red reflection of adam in his window, and then we see a red point on the horizon, kinda like the sun but not really, that grows and then the whole screen turns red/orange and the title appears
the film starts with a fire alarm going off. when adam and harry first meet, adam is listening to the power of love and the last verse before he pauses it to open the door is "feels like fire"
then there is harry's comment regarding the alarm, that one day it's going to be for real
when Adam is at his parents' for the first time, his dad says something like must be hard, leaving with all this smoke (about living in a big city like london) and then when they're reminiscing, they talk about a bonfire night and adam being scared of fireworks
in the club scene, there's a lot of red lights as well and at one point, adam starts yelling like he's in great pain. I feel like this is the moment when in real life the fire gets bad
after that, he's suddenly in his parents' house again
when they are decorating the christmas tree, there's a shot of adam sitting on the floor with a fireplace right behind him
when he's in bed with his parents and then turns and harry's there instead, blue lights appear like from an ambulance. there are background noises that you could hear inside an ambulance as well.
the first time I watched the film, I thought it's about his parents accident, but now I think it's actually him being in an ambulance, as he wasn't anywhere near his parents' car crash
then he's on the tube and starts coughing real bad as you would from fire smoke (coughing and breathlessness also come up a couple more times throughout the movie) he sees his distorted reflection that changes into him as a child and wakes up with harry
one more recurring thing is adam being hot. that's what harry tells him before he has a bath, what his mom tells him when they're decorating the christmas tree, and again during their last meeting
after the tube scene and adam waking up (why is it still sunday?), I feel like there's less red lighting in the scenes that follow (however, the lighting in the last scene is very red and the last scene with his parents is quite golden)
maybe I'm reaching, but it really feels like all these can be subtle cues that he dies in a fire and we see him in between life and death. most of those can be attributed to different things that are happening, like being hot after getting caught in the rain, screaming when he's on drugs etc., but I feel like when put together they paint a different picture
there are also a lot of scenes where we see Adam's reflection (basically every time he's on the train, on the tube, in the first scene)
and when he's in the elevator with harry in the early stage of the film, it's shot in this way that we see their reflections, and cos there's a mirror on the other side of the elevator as well, there's an infinity of them, each reflection getting smaller and more blurry
I feel like all these symbolise being in between the worlds and the passage from life to death
(side note, when adam takes harry to his parents, I feel like this is when harry realises he is dead and that's why he gets so freaked out when he notices them. cos they're dead. so if he can see them, it means he is too 😭)
thanks for coming to my ted talk
edit: I'm listening to an all of us strangers playlist and one time Adam's at his parents', a song called "I don't want to set the world on fire" plays (i think it's when he's there for the first time?)
also the song that plays in the club scene is literally called "death of a party" :")
I'm also now thinking that in the club, the lights keep changing from red to blue and these colours could also be associated with ambulance lights, give me a break I can't do this anymore
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seriousbrat · 1 month
I actually think that dumbledore wasn't entirely wrong to compare the snape-james dynamic to draco-harry. it's just that draco is the james of it all, not harry. he's the one with the privilege, the loving parents who buy him nice things and send him sweets (which i'm also sure the potters did for james) and the more aggressive of the two.
perhaps draco wasn't quite as extreme as james in the end but things like the potter stinks badges, making fun of him publicly for fainting etc, all the rita skeeter stuff in GoF, trying to (presumably) get him to fall off his broomstick by dressing as a dementor, that is bullying. the nastier stuff draco did to harry and co. throughout the books was almost entirely unprovoked and unmatched by harry's actions towards him; draco fired the first shots trying to get harry expelled with the 'wizard's duel' when like, what had harry ever done to him other than not like him/reject his friendship.
I do think it's a less extreme version of snape-james as I said, but the parallels are definitely there, especially when you consider that it culminates in harry using sectumsempra on draco- a spell it's implied that sev created to use on james. it's somewhat more equal perhaps because harry is generally more popular than sev was at school, but there are also various points where harry is very unpopular, such as the entirety of OotP when Draco lords his status as prefect and then inquisitorial squad member over harry to torment him. like it is a rivalry but also draco is considerably nastier to harry and more aggressive than harry ever is to him.
harry typically holds his own better than sev appears to in SWM, but with the exception of HBP he usually has much more pressing matters distracting him to devote much energy towards hating draco. I also think Sev often could hold his own and probably did, that doesn't make it not bullying.
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sidemenxyn · 8 months
Hey would u be down to do a platonic Sidemen fic??? Like she's a bit younger than them (maybe like 19-20?) and she's also a youtuber and it's just like headcannons on their friendships???
Yes of course! Hope you enjoy this!
Sidemen x Y/n (Afab) (Guernsey reader) 
Tw: slight language (like one or two words)
How you all met was because you practically came with Harry. Like a pack of beer or a pack of sweets, you came with the package aka Harry.
Since you weren’t shy at all, you were able to get along with the boys. You helped them record their first lot of videos and encouraged them to be their best selves and be the best YouTubers they can be.
So since you were the ‘younger’ one, you were more up with the trends so you’d tell them what the latest ‘video’ could be.
You had different types of friendships with each person. So let’s get into the details!!
First off Josh! Since he’s been with Freya you see them as your non-biological parents. Freya is literally like a mother, she gives you the motherly vibe (in a good way obviously.) and Josh is always there for you like a dad and he’d (plus the boys) would be protective of you. Sometimes he’d teach you things, they may be random things but it’s a way you two would spend time together besides recording things. He’d teach you how to do YouTube, you already knew the basics but he helped you learn even more.
Simon- he felt the most like a big brother, like the out of the ‘family’ you all were he would be the oldest sibling. He thought you football (along side Harry) but you pair would just have a kick-about together in the garden since the boys were filming for their own videos. He would take you to go get food for you all, you were his co-pilot when getting food for you all. When you have a bad day, he’d be the one to vent to. Like he’s a listener rather than a talker so he’d like to listen to you rant and then try and help you find a solution or to comfort you.
JJ- gosh, he was such a wind up! Especially when you lived in the sidemen house. Pranks left right and centre and if they weren’t for you then you two would team up and prank someone else. He would definitely be the type of ‘brother’ you’d have to keep your eye out for. Either play fighting or pranking. But if someone bothers you that’s isn’t in a ice way or isn’t someone you know; best believe he’s buy your side ready to fight the guy or girl who’s harassing you. Since he’s been boxing people don’t want to try and go against him. He’s the type of person who ‘only I can beat up them’ like bus brothers who play fight with their sibling but if someone else tries, expect murder.
Tobi- he was definitely the ‘twin’ type. He knew just from a look or your body language how you felt. He noticed the small details/aneurisms you’d do. If you didn’t do them he knew something was wrong. You talk to him about boy drama, girl drama or whatever drama. He heard all the gossip. He helped you learn to drive since he drives the most and in your opinion the best. Definitely helped you style your clothes or show you what your style could or can be like. Definitely protective of you if you all went clubbing. Since he’s the sober friend, he’d protect you from creeps when you were drunk. Helped you whenever you needed help he was there (so was everyone but he’d usually be the first).
Vikk- he’s was definitely the kindest when it came to meeting you for the first time. Like he’d made sure you were comfortable in any situation possible and always checked up on you. He’d got you into Minecraft and games in general. You didn’t do it as much as the boys but when they’d ask you to join their gta race or Minecraft challenge you’d be amazing at it. Always helped you with anything you’d struggle with. If you choose to do uni or collage and it was online he’d help you if he was free. You guys definitely have a cute friendship.
Ethan- definitely in recent days helped you become more confident in yourself and your body. I mean come on! He had an amazing body transformation so of course he’d help you feel better in your body. You helped Faith and Ethan become the amazing couple they are today. Ethan mentioned that Faith was pretty and you said she liked him and so poof! Relationship created 😂 but he was definitely the more stern and would be a very good friend and role model. You love going over their house and seeing Olive and having some fun with them. Definitely a person you can feel safe with.
Harry- definitely like the younger brother, I mean you grew up with him you knew everything about him and vice-versa. Football video almost every weekend. You two being the dynamic duo of the sidemen video. Both of you being the younger one of the group. Being a girl it helped him be somewhat more confident in himself while talking to women. You two would take the piss out of each other and sometimes Vikk would try and stop it thinking you pair were actually arguing 😂 like siblings and their mother.
You and Harry moved in with Calfreezy and Callux. Let me tell you it was a blast! Something different happened everyday, either it being a cooking video that you’d judge in or Harry making a diss track.
As time moved on Callux moved into his own house and the three of you bought a new apartment (the one Harry had before he moved recently). If you were making a video Cal or Harry would casually walk in and join or when you were streaming and the chat would blow up. You’d be stealing their hoodie left, right and centre. It was comforting if it was just you in the apartment if they were filming outside the apartment. You’d cook them food as you were the best as they quoted. Harry would steal your comfy blankets as Cal would steal your cozy pillows. You lot would most definitely have the ‘bin shoes thing’ like where if you were throwing the rubbish out you’d chuck on Harry’s sliders and go take the bins out. You three definitely doing a cook off in the new apartment.
You all love going and playing seven aside or if not eleven aside. Growing up with these lot, you grew to love football. So playing football with them is fun. Sometimes you’d even see that some random boys would join in if you were low on numbers.
One time you were all playing football with a few random lads. You had scored for your team, on the other team the random lads were losing. So of course they shouted “she can’t play!” So the boys especially Harry, Ethan, Calfreezy and Tobi became protective asking the “why is she a problem?” “Do you have a problem with her?!” So the boys obviously said “yeah! She’s a girl and we are all boys.” So Ethan and Cal started arguing and got them kicked out of the Astro you were playing on. Tobi sarcastically asked “is it cause she’s good and your losing?” The boys walked off losing the argument and then you all decided to carry on and just evened out the teams more.
When you were on the sidemen videos you’d know it was a good video. Like the holiday ones, they were the best cause no matter what team you were in you’d make everyone feel better. Or the hide and seek, you had a thing were if the seeker walked past you’d joke about them and chat shit. Just for a laugh.
If you were having a rough day or something bothered you which ruined your day; Cal and Harry could sense that. So what they’d do is a little ‘spa’ day. So what they’d do was you’d all do some skin care and some face masks. You’d all order some takeout and have a ‘girls night’ so you’d gossip and tell the boys all the drama and they’d get hooked. Then you’d watch a movie or tv show, thats when Harry would be filming cause he isn’t a movie person.
All together they loved you no matter what and everyone adored you for who you were. The fans adored you either it was your own fans or sidemen fans. You’d helped the boy get to where they are now so obviously you all grew a strong relationship with them all and you’d obviously loved them so much! So you can definitely say “I love the boys and they love me!”
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cupid-styles · 7 months
Yes please!! It’d be so cute to see Harry really step up and become the very doting father figure, super cautious with the kid and turning very silly while playing games. While y/n is just watching it all happen and getting more of a crush on her baby daddy. They’d be so cute 🥰
this is a lil bit longer than I anticipated it being fjsjsksjdjs and I also changed some things around butttttt I hope u enjoy !!!!!! . . .
”What if she doesn’t like me?”
“Harry, she’s three.”
“Three year olds have opinions.”
Y/N sighs as she twists her hair up into a claw clip. She notices his grip tighten on the steering wheel as he pulls into the driveway of her sister’s house, where they’re spending the night babysitting her niece.
(What had started out as a favor for her sister was now an experiment in co-parenting and toddler communication skills — once Harry found out she was doing this, he wanted in. And frankly, it was damn near impossible to say no to him, especially since he had a minimum of two parenting books on him at all times.)
“You’ll be fine. Stop stressing.” She mumbles when he puts the car in park, climbing out of the car, a hand pressed against her budding stomach. She’s a few weeks out from her fifth month, nearly halfway through, and her bump seems to be growing by the day — not that Harry’s complaining.
With their bags over his shoulder, Y/N’s sister, Rena, answers the door as they’re approaching it. She’s sweet — much friendlier than Y/N — and doesn’t mention anything about their unusual circumstances, much to Harry’s relief. She gives them a rundown of everything they need to know (she and her partner are going away for the weekend), complete with a 5-page packet on the dining room table consisting of Eden, Y/N’s niece, favorite foods, nighttime routine, and the names of her stuffed animals.
It’s all going pretty well until Rena and her boyfriend attempt to leave. That’s when the breakdown ensues.
It’s a mess of ear piercing screams and crying on Eden’s behalf. Every time Rena tries to put her down, her chubby little hands just grip her shirt tighter, burying her face into her neck through her loud wales.
“Edie, c’mon baby,” Y/N tries to soothe her, doing her best to maneuver her little body from Rena’s to hers, “Mommy and daddy are gonna be back so soon! In the meantime, you get to have fun with me and Uncle Harry!”
Harry’s heart swells at that and he clears his throat, stepping forward.
“Eden, I know it’s scary. We all get a little nervous sometimes.” He murmurs, testing the waters by reaching out to smooth his palm over her messy hair, “Right, Y/N?”
“Auntie Y/N gets nervous all the time, bug. But I promise, we’re gonna have the best night together.”
Eden sniffles, eyes peering over her mother’s shoulder to size Harry up. Finally, she loosens the fist clutching her shirt.
“Uncle Harry, do you like Peppa Pig?”
. . .
Rena and her boyfriend all but made a run for it the second Eden showed some sort of comfort. As soon as she allowed her mom to put her down, she wrapped her fingers around Harry’s hand and guided him to the living room, requesting that he put Peppa Pig on. The more he showed interest, the more she trusted him — currently, they were playing princess tea party, with a tiara tucked into Harry’s curls as they sip imaginary concoctions to the tune of Peppa’s snorts.
“Edie, it’s time to get ready for bed,” Y/N says sometime around 7:30. Per the packet left by Rena, her usual bedtime is 7, but Harry pushed her off for another half an hour.
“No!” Eden immediately yelps with a stubborn shake of her head.
“We can keep playing tomorrow, bug—“
“Not sleepy!” She exclaims, even though her eyes are already hazy with exhaustion.
“Eden, it’s past your bedtime. It’s time to go upstairs.”
For the second time that day, Eden begins to wale in Y/N’s face. Her lips part and Harry watches on as her cheeks redden, his stomach tight with anxiety from the discomfort of the situation.
“Why don’t we just start with brushing our teeth and putting our jammies on?” Harry speaks up, “You can pick out a book to read, too.”
In classic toddler fashion, her cries immediately cease and she nods her head sadly, her bottom lip formed in a pout. He chuckles at that and Y/N swallows a sigh, standing from the couch.
“No!” Eden suddenly exclaims, and Harry’s stomach drops again, “Want Uncle Harry. Not Auntie Y/N.”
Y/N blinks before sitting back down, giving a curt nod to Harry.
“Go ahead. I’ll be fine.”
Feeling guilty, he nods, accepting Eden’s small hand in his as they go upstairs to her bedroom.
. . .
Y/N has never cried in front of Harry, but she supposed there’s a first for everything.
When he comes back down from putting Eden to sleep, she can’t even pretend like her eyes aren’t watery, cheeks stained with salty tears and a tired chest from keeping her sobs silent. As soon as he sets his eyes on her, he rushes over, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“Shhh,” he murmurs into her hair, “Breathe, Y/N, you’re okay.”
“I’m— I’m gonna be s-such a shit mom!”
His heart breaks and he shakes his head, holding her even tighter to his chest.
“Don’t say that, it’s not even close to the truth. You’re gonna be amazing.”
“S-she hates me though! And she loves you! That’s what the next 18 years a-are gonna be!”
“Y/N,” Harry sighs, leaning down to catch her eyes. He presses a gentle thumb to her face, wiping away the fallen tears. “She’s a toddler. She’ll hate me tomorrow and forget who I am in a week. Three is a tough age, I just finished the toddler chapter in that parenting book I’m reading.”
She swallows a hiccup, smiling gently. His recent addiction to parenting books always makes her laugh, even if she teases him about them all the time.
A silence takes over as he continues rubbing small circles between her shoulder blades. She sniffles periodically before peering up at him through slightly damp eyelashes.
“Do your parenting books say anything about ordering ice cream for dessert?”
A dimpled smirk appears on his face. “Mm, not sure. I brought a few, we can look through them together.”
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heyjude19-writing · 3 months
I have not been an active participant in the Harry Potter fandom in a very long time and it's just recently that a coworker of mine suggested that I give Dramione fics a try.
Her suggesting was both a blessing and a curse—ever since I started looking into Dramione, I've found more than a handful of fics that I absolutely loved, Remain Nameless being one of them. Of course, I've done nothing but devour fanfics in my free time ever since, placing other hobbies and social outings on hold. I can't say I regret it much, though my sleeping schedule took quite a hit as well :')
I'd like to start by telling you how much I enjoyed the plot for Remain Nameless. I never was a fan of slow burns before, but it might seem like aging has mellowed me out quite a bit. It's either that, or the fact that I've been feeling like time just flew by lately (to be completely honest ever since the pandemic it feels like every time I blinked, another year passed by), and I desperately want things to slow down a bit, just so I can enjoy them properly—both in my life and in my reading.
There are plenty of stories about Draco and Hermione and them falling in love, but this one is definitely a favourite. I loved how the accent was placed on them and their evolution as people and their journey as lovers.
It was heartwarming to see Draco's transformation throughout the story and each interaction between these two characters, especially the initial ones at the coffee shop, brought me such joy.
The pacing of their friendship and then romantic relationship felt so natural, and I couldn't help but sit at the edge of my seat, waiting with baited breath to see if things are going to turn out well for our main couple (even though I knew it would be a happy ending, according to the tags :') )
Also, the characters that made an appearance fleshed out the story wonderfully. I'd like to say that the moments including Ginny, Theo and Sasha were some of my favourites, but then again, can I really have favourites when I loved each chapter so much?
The familial relationships were also points of great interest for me. I enjoyed seeing how Hermione interacted with her parents after everything that happened and her relationship with the Weasley members really warmed up my heart. The acceptance of Draco into Hermione's friend and family circles was also quite emotional for me, since he went through such complex experiences with his own parents and friends.
The writing was also marvelous and it really captured me, though I feel like I couldn't fully appreciate it since my eyes were flying over the words to know what happens next. I would love to pick up this fanfiction again for another read, just so I can fully appreciate the craftsmanship that was put into it.
Honestly, being reintroduced into this fandom reminded me why I love fandom and fanfiction so much. Sure, there might be people who sully the experience with their greed and pettiness (I've read a bit about those people what bind your fics and sell them on etsy and I recall reading an AN of somebody reposting your work on Wattpad and I'm so sorry that these things happened/are happening to you and many other fantastic writers) but it can also bring people together and be such a great source of comfort.
I apologize for the long message, I feel like I rambled quite a bit. I know there's much more that I would have loved to say, but words seem to evade me today. But I would like to thank you again for putting in so much of your time, effort, love, and passion into writing this wonderful piece of fanfiction and for sharing it with us.
This story made me giggle, it made me cry, and it made me feel so many emotions, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it.
hello hello!
wow, thank you so much to your co-worker, this was lovely to receive. sorry about the sleepless nights 😅 but i am happy you enjoyed your time with my story and other fics.
and yes, there's some bad actors out here making fandom a not-so-fun place at the moment, but as you rightly noted "it can also bring people together and be such a great source of comfort." It's certainly why i stick around and thank you for this beautiful message that reminded me why i've loved my time here. your kind comments about my writing brought me so much joy, thank you 🥰
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