#especially fuyumi
jardinvrm · 9 months
Okay I REALLY wanna know now, what was Fuyumi's punishment for Harumi? Did she make her witness horrors beyond human comprehension? or was it relatively light but with a constant reminder of what Harumi had done to make her hate her life?
Oh god so, I usually put warnings on posts that like, are awful yes but, nothing compared to this one... for a good reason, SO PLEASE BE AWARE
TW FOR: drugs, torture, implied emotional abuse
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Harumi was Fuyumi's breaking point, after crystalized Fuyumi tried, she tried so hard to let go of the past and just let C.O.C.K go, spending the rest of their lives in prison is more than enough but... Harumi had other plans
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Fuyumi wants to let go of the past, she spent most of her time sulking and drowning in grief and misery and not to mention her executing S.O.G
I didn't like the whole redemption Harumi thing in crystalized so here's my view on her: she's not redeemed and she's still pretty much the same
So Fuyumi wants to cut Harumi out of her life, she's sending Harumi to spend her entire life in prison and that's that! she's never hearing from Harumi ever again... but, that didn't go as planned
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Harumi is unfortunately, still Harumi, she would assault other inmates and due to her reputation they would just let her get away, and she obviously takes advantage of that
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Due to Fuyumi being the only family Harumi has left, the police department brought Fuyumi back in...
Fuyumi is tired, she's trying so hard to let go of the hate in her heart, she WANTS to let go of the past but she can't, because the only thing that got her here in the first place, that's still connected to the past is still tormenting her and not letting go
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Harumi just takes in the thrill and torments Fuyumi more
triggering Fuyumi on purpose and reminding her of what she did to S.O.G... yeah it's not doing so well
Harumi's mouth was literally spitting venom until Fuyumi just... snapped.
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Harumi wants Fuyumi to stay? fine! SHE'S STAYIN.
And then Fuyumi sorta started her... party of executions on C.O.C.K see here and left Harumi for the end... but she can't just leave her like that without doing something to her until she comes back after finishing the job, right???
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Harumi obviously outdo Fuyumi in everything and that includes strength, if Harumi wants to throw Fuyumi out of the window? she could!
So she started by putting Harumi in an asylum
Fuyumi orders people to create a specific drug just for this case, claiming only SHE COULD DO IT, the drug basically does this; Harumi won't be able to move a muscle, to talk, to do anything, she can only see and hear
And Fuyumi obviously gives it to her, now you can imagine how many times the needle was put in the wrong place due to Fuyumi not rlly knowing much about needles... ouch.
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Fuyumi mocks Harumi for this, she would keep mentioning Harumi's 'quiet one' nickname and mock her when she can't respond, sometimes Harumi would try blinking but Fuyumi doesn't really let anyone see her let alone focus that much on her eyes
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it gets worse actually, remember the one time Harumi recorded Lloyd and Garmadon's fight and made the entirety of Ninjago see it? yeah well...
Fuyumi does that, Fuyumi recorded what she did to each C.O.C.K member and force Harumi to watch, sometimes Fuyumi would watch and sometimes she wouldn't, that's if she had any sense of humanity left in her anyways
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Now when Fuyumi doesn't do these... things, she would just, mostly cry in Harumi's cell, like straight up sobbing and asking what happened for all this to happen and pretty much blames Harumi for everything that happened
AND THAT'S IT! honestly this seems pretty merciful compared to what Fuyumi put Pythor and Asphera through... well I can't rlly go beyond this anyways-
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nohoney · 10 months
thinking of fuyumi’s bestie being in a relationship with hot older brother! Touya
“Hey! Sorry I’m a little late! Kinda got held up a little, sorry.” You sit down across from Fuyumi, just a few minutes late from the lunch reservation she had made for the two of to have some alone time. “Just ah, traffic and all that. You know?”
Your best friend giggles, fixing her glasses and pouring you a cup of water. You call it traffic but Fuyumi has noticed the pattern early on that it’s just code for ‘Touya made me run late’ and she’s polite enough to not say a word. You had always been punctual before when it came to any plans the two of you made together. Since dating her older brother, there were a few times that you’d send the ‘running late!’ text and always send your apologies.
Fuyumi didn’t mind though, it wasn’t a terrible habit that happened too often.
You and her do a small catch up over tea sandwiches and little cakes served on delicate tiers. How are the kids in the classroom? How are your office clients? This happened when I went grocery shopping. I saw this really interesting video about compassion fatigue the other day.
The two of you are bouncing off one another and decide that it’s time to pay and leave the tea room. It’s supposed to be your treat today but you look into your purse and find your wallet missing.
“Ah fuck! I think I left my wallet in my other bag!” your face heats over the embarrassment of not having any means to pay for lunch, searching twice again despite knowing that your credit cards won’t magically appear looking into your small purse. “Dammit! This is Touya’s fault!”
“My fault?”
Both you and her look to see Touya walking up to the little table you’re seated at, standing out in the flowery pink tea room. He holds up a little wallet, one that Fuyumi recognizes as the one you’ve had for the last few years, holding it limply towards you and you take it from his hand. “Don’t pin the blame on me, you’re the one who forgot it.” he’s nonchalant as he sits in the empty chair beside you.
“Yeah, because you-“ you start to speak but then your eyes glance to Fuyumi before you pipe down. She knows damn well that the reason why you were late was because of her brother but she doesn’t need to know the details of how he made you late.
“Say thank you.” Touya tells you as he reaches for a leftover sandwich on the cake tier, “I paid for your guys’ bill.”
“Okay, thank you. You can go now.” You try to wave him off, “I’ll text you later.”
Touya scoffs and peers into your tea cup, wondering if drinking it would be worth it to quench his thirst. He’s not exactly a fan of tea itself. “Are you really blowing me off?” he directs his gaze to his younger sister, “Stop hogging my girlfriend.”
Fuyumi laughs, “I’m not hogging her. I’m just spending time with my best friend.”
“Yeah, and you girls have had plenty of years together. Now I want my time.”
You step in with an audible groan to cut off the dialogue, “Alright, I will not be in a Todoroki sibling competition for my attention. Touya, thanks for bringing my wallet. I’ll… reward you for it later.”
It’s all he needs to hear, springing up from his chair and saying that he’ll expect you to keep your promise. All you give him is a sigh and a little nod, rolling your eyes when he kisses your forehead and bids the two of you goodbye.
“Sorry about… your brother, I guess.” You’re a little sheepish but there’s no mistaking the happy smile that comes on your face.
And Fuyumi smiles back at you, having noticed that Touya had been a little happier since having met you.
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jemeryl · 6 months
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For @miruyumiweek - late forgot to post to tumblr - day 4 and 5: enemies to lover/firelight!
The idea was that Miruko couldn't bring herself to hurt her lover, so the only way to stop her from destroying the city was to confess her love, promise to change sides, kiss her (and perhaps more??), and slip the quirk cancelling cuffs on while she was distracted
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
Not to expose myself as an eldest sibling who spends a lot of time in fandoms but i think only children should be oppressed
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nillabean · 6 months
Not Seishi just lying face down in despair when he jumps to the conclusion that Gyousou's dead
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Well, that was a short and sweet chapter. No complaints for the first time in a while.
Though, one observation: With how many plots are being juggled this close to the end; spending a whole chapter effectively just on half the Todoroki family arriving to talk with Dabi is some pretty casual pacing. Which I’m perfectly fine with, but I can’t help but see as potential support for this war not being the end of the series after all.
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s0fter-sin · 1 year
“maybe if i, an 8yr old, managed to talk sense into my groomed and deeply traumatised 13yr old brother, maybe he wouldn’t have accidentally almost killed himself and become a villain” and no one in that room disagreed with him??
#none of them?#not one of them went hey maybe it wasnt on us literal children to try and help him?#this is where the endeavour redemption completely lost me#it was as well written as it could be up until this point#natsu still hating him fuyumis trauma response of lets just bury everything and be a normal family shoutos conditional forgiveness#especially when endeavour said ill buy you all a house and you never have to see me again#i could live with that. i hate it (make him face a lasting consequence for the love of god) but i could live with it#he doesnt deserve forgiveness and he deserves every ounce of emotional pain hes experiencing bc holy shit he irrevocably ruined five lives#but then they really turned around and said yeah us victims share the blame for how touya turned out#what the fuck#reis level of blame is debatable since even if she was mentally stable she was still always in the mindset of hey this guy Bought Me#and his continued Buying Me will fund my parents who Sold Me to him#even before any anbuse happened she was never going to be able to stand up to him#endeavour groomed touya just like afo did with shigaraki except even worse bc it happened from day dot#then he completely cut him off from the thing he groomed him to be and dumped him on rei until he got the child he wanted#dabi was never anything but endeavours fault and the fact that the narrative is trying to make them all share the blame#and frame it as a see endeavour when we all share fault and support you isnt it easier for you? cant you stand up and solve the problem now?#its the most classic victim blaming ive ever seen and were supposed to just take it and be like aw theyre facing dabi as a family#fuck off#and even then he still freezes and makes shouto fight dabi#you cant do it so i the 16yr old you also abused will fight my brother the kid you drove to accidental suicide for you#and when he finally gets over himself (after shouto is nearly killed dont forget that) and decides hes finally strong enough to fight him#were supposed to cheer that moment?#yay hes finally going to look at touya! were the fuck was he an hour ago cause he aint done shit against afo#the family needs to share blame and support him so he can face the blame and support himself fuck off#go beyond plus ultra#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#endeavour#dabi#todoroki shouto
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willowser · 1 year
Enji wouldn't dare upset Fuyumi by yelling at her kid because if he did, I'd kill him
Sorry Freudian slip, I mean the todobros would kill him (I'd kill him)
In all seriousness I do think for as much as Fuyumi would foster a connection even she's got her limits. I would think Fuyumi would protect her child first and foremost
i agree !!! i am projecting that if he is even still around (💀), then he'd know better LOL and i ABSOLUTELY agree that fuyumi would NOT HAVE IT if he tried to be an idiot. i think, of all the todo kids, she'd probably hurt him the worst LOL not physically, ofc, but she would be so disappointed in him as a father — and grandfather !! — and would probably kick him out of her child's life until he got it figured out lol
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touyahoedoroki · 1 year
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voraxiia · 1 year
ㅤㅤwas writing a long time draft and realising some of my muses really do fit the 🌧️ drenched puppy look 💔 lmao
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artemis32 · 1 year
Who in bnha has a mommy kink and why is it the Todoroki kids
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kiritouyadeku96 · 1 year
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inkykeiji · 1 year
I want to let you know every time you talk about the Todoroki boys I'm so impressed by your big brain Clari!! If you said you wrote a 10K character analysis, ramble, essay, etc. I would read it. I would listen to you talk about them for hours!! The way you capture their essence and preferences is so intriguing to me but every time I'm just thinking "yes!!! Clari is SO right!!" Anyway thank you for sharing your Todoroki boys thoughts they sustain me and im always ready for more.
anon i want to let you know that i love u <33333 this ask made me smile so big!!!!!!! you are so so sweet waaah my whole heart is bursting hehehe thank you very much for this!!!! it’s such a compliment!!! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) i am ecstatic to hear you think so!! aw hehe ur the cutest anon bb thank YOU for reading my work and taking a moment to send such a lovely ask!! <333
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Can't stand people who look at fictional siblings with toxic dynamics with eachother caused by abuse or ones where they start off as brutal jerks and are potrayed as antagonists for it but then get redeemed by starting to be nice to them and say 'Siblings are just like that🙄'.LIKE TAKE A FUCKING HINT,DUMBASS
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hellflcmes · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: I heard Fuyumi and Hawks went on a date.
He hadn’t heard that. Neither of them had mentioned being interested in one another nor did he even know they had met. Still, it did stop him from frowning and wanting to burn a certain someone’s feathers for even looking at his daughter. “Did they now...” he softly growled. He was definitely going have to have a talk with a certain bird.
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
my sad headcanon for the week is even reaching towards ew fuyumi still hasnt properly grieved over haurch.efant bc after his death she kept getting dragged around and taking care of other things. she only got to visit his grave twice and that isnt even for her to accept hes gone and move past it
and anytime she gets to breathe after that shes too busy processing trauma that has happened since then or mourning another person’s death :’) any mention of him or his famous quote sends her to tears immediately
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