#so yeah aaaaaaah it’s just a really amazing compliment to me anon bb thank you so much
inkykeiji · 1 year
I want to let you know every time you talk about the Todoroki boys I'm so impressed by your big brain Clari!! If you said you wrote a 10K character analysis, ramble, essay, etc. I would read it. I would listen to you talk about them for hours!! The way you capture their essence and preferences is so intriguing to me but every time I'm just thinking "yes!!! Clari is SO right!!" Anyway thank you for sharing your Todoroki boys thoughts they sustain me and im always ready for more.
anon i want to let you know that i love u <33333 this ask made me smile so big!!!!!!! you are so so sweet waaah my whole heart is bursting hehehe thank you very much for this!!!! it’s such a compliment!!! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) i am ecstatic to hear you think so!! aw hehe ur the cutest anon bb thank YOU for reading my work and taking a moment to send such a lovely ask!! <333
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