#harumi has always been rotten
jardinvrm · 8 months
Okay I REALLY wanna know now, what was Fuyumi's punishment for Harumi? Did she make her witness horrors beyond human comprehension? or was it relatively light but with a constant reminder of what Harumi had done to make her hate her life?
Oh god so, I usually put warnings on posts that like, are awful yes but, nothing compared to this one... for a good reason, SO PLEASE BE AWARE
TW FOR: drugs, torture, implied emotional abuse
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Harumi was Fuyumi's breaking point, after crystalized Fuyumi tried, she tried so hard to let go of the past and just let C.O.C.K go, spending the rest of their lives in prison is more than enough but... Harumi had other plans
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Fuyumi wants to let go of the past, she spent most of her time sulking and drowning in grief and misery and not to mention her executing S.O.G
I didn't like the whole redemption Harumi thing in crystalized so here's my view on her: she's not redeemed and she's still pretty much the same
So Fuyumi wants to cut Harumi out of her life, she's sending Harumi to spend her entire life in prison and that's that! she's never hearing from Harumi ever again... but, that didn't go as planned
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Harumi is unfortunately, still Harumi, she would assault other inmates and due to her reputation they would just let her get away, and she obviously takes advantage of that
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Due to Fuyumi being the only family Harumi has left, the police department brought Fuyumi back in...
Fuyumi is tired, she's trying so hard to let go of the hate in her heart, she WANTS to let go of the past but she can't, because the only thing that got her here in the first place, that's still connected to the past is still tormenting her and not letting go
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Harumi just takes in the thrill and torments Fuyumi more
triggering Fuyumi on purpose and reminding her of what she did to S.O.G... yeah it's not doing so well
Harumi's mouth was literally spitting venom until Fuyumi just... snapped.
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Harumi wants Fuyumi to stay? fine! SHE'S STAYIN.
And then Fuyumi sorta started her... party of executions on C.O.C.K see here and left Harumi for the end... but she can't just leave her like that without doing something to her until she comes back after finishing the job, right???
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Harumi obviously outdo Fuyumi in everything and that includes strength, if Harumi wants to throw Fuyumi out of the window? she could!
So she started by putting Harumi in an asylum
Fuyumi orders people to create a specific drug just for this case, claiming only SHE COULD DO IT, the drug basically does this; Harumi won't be able to move a muscle, to talk, to do anything, she can only see and hear
And Fuyumi obviously gives it to her, now you can imagine how many times the needle was put in the wrong place due to Fuyumi not rlly knowing much about needles... ouch.
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Fuyumi mocks Harumi for this, she would keep mentioning Harumi's 'quiet one' nickname and mock her when she can't respond, sometimes Harumi would try blinking but Fuyumi doesn't really let anyone see her let alone focus that much on her eyes
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it gets worse actually, remember the one time Harumi recorded Lloyd and Garmadon's fight and made the entirety of Ninjago see it? yeah well...
Fuyumi does that, Fuyumi recorded what she did to each C.O.C.K member and force Harumi to watch, sometimes Fuyumi would watch and sometimes she wouldn't, that's if she had any sense of humanity left in her anyways
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Now when Fuyumi doesn't do these... things, she would just, mostly cry in Harumi's cell, like straight up sobbing and asking what happened for all this to happen and pretty much blames Harumi for everything that happened
AND THAT'S IT! honestly this seems pretty merciful compared to what Fuyumi put Pythor and Asphera through... well I can't rlly go beyond this anyways-
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sasorikigai · 4 years
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The Castigating Flames of Salt and Skin and Blood (rōnin verse)
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His bones will bleach, his flesh will flee; so help his lifeless flames and frame to breathe.... Hanzo Hasashi wears fire on his sleeves, as his goal of the soul is to be cleansed of water to become pure fire, since worldly pleasures make the soul “moist.” His brain is his heart, as what was once tepid is now impassioned and scorched in eternal, endless fire. For how much time it has passed when he felt like burning for years when the prominent clan of called the Shirai Ryu (白井流, "Style/Flow of the White Well") went beneath the trampled rubbles of extermination as castigating flames cast him in hardened plaster, his body melting within like a stew of organs and broken soul. Hardening - in his breaking, as time sharpening the time sharpens the time. Agony and tribulations of his shortcomings, loss and the inevitability of that very fear and shock rampant, painted through the look very distant and devoid of life, confirming butchered, slaughtered death of Harumi and Satoshi Hasashi. Hanzo remains dead alive, forcibly awake beneath the veil of his ebony, obsidian kamishimo.
Over the gray background of his reverie, after the tempest of all winters, Hanzo would briefly stare at the garden of delight that is Geisha’s House; turning their branches, searching for the rays of absent Sun shining relentlessly against his hardened heart and soul. His depression is a harassed feeling, and he sees the mountains in the sky; the great clouds, and the moon which has risen over the absence of the hidden moon and celestial bodies exuding such great and astonishing sense of something there he couldn’t fathom. Even when Hanzo Hasashi has seen all the unspooled violence with calm as if he had been under a demon’s spell, it’s when the night falls that he feels ugliness of vulnerability enrapture him, coaxing with its glut. 
The feeling overwhelms to leave his quiet, insignificant sanctum as he tries to understand the root of wretched idea of dominance and possession, gone beyond the entreaties of held prisoners as he wring his hands in his rage and grief. He would usher in the great silence as his pain would further decorate with desiccated leaves and branches from witnessing years of unmoving life, long perished, rotten, gone putrescent by infestation of maggots and decomposition. And through his vagabond wandering days in eternal grief and delivering well-deserved justice and honor, his intimate proximity of protection offered a front row seat to his satiated vindictive righteousness. 
His long taichi and daito remains sheathed, and despite him still levitating on hope as the fraying garment of his hope was being ripped cleanly out from under him, Hanzo could only watch with bound wrists and ankles, and his heart floats as if he’s being tasted, combined and swallowed and stolen in prolific consumption. In fabricated coolness from menacing heat of before, in stilled-warmth from wintry ice, in vivid calm from the uncertain fog as the literal proflamations shot into him as direct and decisive as an actual arrow to his heart and eyes. 
What is Hanzo Hasashi made of? Shattered glass glued together by the held stretch of time, with bits and pieces sticking out. Cut off, shaved down - once-aureate, pristine and flawless form made beautiful in every imperfection and numerous impressions etched over his heart and eye. He will eliminate uncertainty and become who he needs to be; a protector, a catalyst, a harbinger of equality and equilibrium of balance. For once he knows a thing, he cannot ever unknow it and he will continue to stand beneath a black abyss as he wears brevity on his sleeve; for it is not a choice because if it was that easy, all the humanity would choose it. 
And through being a part of Akane’s world; the part of her world that hasn’t been explored by the sun or any flower. How wonderful and sincerely grateful Hanzo becomes to have been her allegiance and worth; and only the one who would be transcended into her being - a wonderful insight to his soul which governs his heart, a morose sentiment, a beauty illuminating the stars; untamed, temperate, golden and beholding. As open passages of veins and crimson blood crisscross over his chest, and they thread into a fabric that pulses and bleeds, ensuring that he can never not care. There’s always something to beat, something that twinges, something that needs. 
As Hanzo deciphers and pours the words on the page, to translate those tingles and taps inside his chest, inside his mind to ink - as once-white void of the mulberry paper and the black permanence of the ink pen makes him to reminisce and step out of this haunting, melancholic illusion, into another world; fatefully granted, yet entirely unexpected. 
For Hanzo Hasashi and Akane’s world is rooted in permanence and yet everything changes. There will be less torrents of saltwater tsunami and sanguine eruption that will break his heart again - without the venom drawn out from a wound turning gangrene, as he would wait for death to take him away. As his heartstrings come undone beneath the life scented in cherry blossoms and honey, dipped and painted in warmth as the coldness melts in her touch and caressing fingers lead his soul into the night, until they exquisitely burn out, still warm together.
He spins around and he doesn’t recognize this place anymore, though he will grow to, eventually. 
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