#either after leaving the order or order 66 happens
heyclickadee · 6 months
I want to know how Phee met the Hazard family. Did she meet them on Pabu, after making her way there as a refugee? Were they all refugees who happened to be looking for somewhere safe at the same time, and they met that way? Did Phee meet Shep a long time ago, before he even had a kid? Did Lyana grow up on Pabu? Did Shep grow up on Pabu, for that matter? Because it seems like they are people who come to Pabu late fleeing one violence or another, and others who have been there their whole lives, and I feel like Shep could fit into either category. Just. Generally, how did Phee end up being an honorary part of that little family?
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dontbelasagnax · 3 months
*curling like a cat against your ankles* Lasaganie, more Codywan headcanons?? 🥺👉👈 (only if you gave them/want to share of course. thank you, you’re amazing and I love you :3c)
I am late but I come bearing gifts in the shape of the codywan headcanons you asked for!!! And I love you too 🫶
- In a no order 66 setting, Obi-Wan has a caf mug that he considers to be Cody's. This would be normal except Obi-Wan bought it during the war and always meant to find the occasion to give it to him but never got around to it. That's to say he's exceedingly normal about this cup. Especially when Cody starts spending time around his apartment and Obi-Wan serves him caf in it. For the first time. Then all the other times as well. Feeling his heart crack open seeing Cody with His Designated Mug. A mug Obi-Wan's perhaps had too much time to place too much sentimental value onto. He's perfectly normal about it and doesn't act weird at all.
(more headcanons under the cut. it's a bit long)
- Cody is a hopeless romantic but won't ever admit it. He loves romance novels and holofilms. From trashy to highly acclaimed, sweet to stuffed with depravity, he enjoys them all. They're just a spot of escapism for him. A fantastical tale to distract himself from the toll of war when the night cycle is quiet and grief is loud. The stories are all so wildly outlandishly unrealistic to him. He's a clone. There's no future for him outside his role in the war effort.
And then one fateful campaign they're on their feet for a full tenday before they encounter an outcropping with flora and fauna that, finally, aren't actively trying to kill them and they are able to set up a tentative base of operation while planetside.
General Kenobi insists everyone rest while they can. Cody lost his bedroll to some sort of carnivorous plant along the way. General Kenobi acts like it's an affront to his very livelihood when Cody tries to sleep on the ground of their shared tent. Cody is tired. He doesn't have the energy to fight back on something so stupid. Which means they have to share a bedroll. His general's bedroll. Where they're physically incapable of both laying on the little mat unless they're plastered together. Cuddling.
It's the best sleep of his life.
...Exactly like how the romance novels describe it.
He's not dumb. He's been aware that he's in love with his general. He just thought the romance novels were all embellishing to a ridiculous degree and none of it was actually... realistic.
But if the romance novels are right about this, what else is just as magical in reality?
And maybe, just maybe, could there be some hope for a glimmer of a chance for him to pursue something else with Obi-Wan after the war, if they both make it that far?
- I am fully of the belief that, in a Tatooine husbands setting, the husband bit is a complete accident. Ben is stopping by for a quick pantry restock at the Pica Oaisis marketplace when it happens. He's lived at his hut long enough for the vendors here to have a familiarity with him so it's not exactly a surprise when one says to him, "Who's the shadow of a fella that's hangin' with you lately?" They mean well, he knows. And still, it's his business. He thinks his answer is quite crafty.
He says, "He's my partner," and leaves it at that. Partner could mean anything. Alas, either an older man living in an isolated hut with another older man implies a particular thing about their relationship or the vendors have a flair for the romantic because he quickly comes to discover on his next trips to the marketplace that he has a husband. Of all the assumptions one could make, it's certainly the most harmless and... he finds he likes it. Being seen as Cody's husband. It's all awfully embarrassing and he doesn't dare tell Cody any of it.
Cody discovers it for himself a few weeks later on a solo trip to the market to pick up some feed for Rooh.
"Here to do your husband's bidding?" a vendor asks and Cody blinks.
He blinks again. "Come again?" he says.
"Ben your husband; you're running his errand?"
His first instinct is to correct them, tell them he and Ben aren't married. But how would he even begin describe their relationship? After a few seconds deliberating he decides he's better off going with it. What harm could it do? Besides, on the ride home, he finds he kind of likes it.
And that's how they become husbands. Well, the beginning of it, anyhow.
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toastyrobos · 2 months
Never again (Rex X female reader one shot)
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Word count: 2478
((You and Rex met early during the clone wars. Soon things turned romantic between the two of you. You were off world when order 66 happened. Panicking to find Rex, clone force 99 finds you, and having grown close to Echo, you went with them. When Rex unexpectedly shows up at Cid bar you nearly break at seeing him))
��  "Twenty cases of those mantell mix things?! How long have those two been doing that?" Echo's loud voice carried as the four of us filed out of Cid's office into the narrow hall way.
   "I have surmised they have been partaking in this recreational activity for several rotations now". Tech configured, eyes never leaving his datapad.
You shrugged. "It's become a thing they do together after every mission".
Echo grumbled. "A costly one". He did have a point. Hunter wasn't too happy about it either from his narrowed brows and slightly clenched jaw. It was bad enough we owed Cid for basic rations, but now we owed her for this? You sighed.
Wrecker was just treating Omega to a harmless and delicious treat, but unfortunately that treat was racking up credits on your tab. That was exactly what you were trying to avoid.
Hunter let out a deep sigh. "I'll talk to them".
You knew how much he didn't enjoy seeing Omega upset, but maybe he could compromise with her. A way for her to still have the after mission snack while owing Cid a bit less. Frankly though, would you ever owe Cid less?
At this rate, it was doubtful.
Sounds of blaster fire and some sort of crash coming from the bar had your immediate attention. Hunter was the first of you to race ahead to the noises. You and Echo were not far behind, riding his heels. Reaching the bar all of you watched as the remaining species fled from the scene. Only individual left was a hooded figure, gripping on tightly to a singular blaster. The source of said blaster shots.
Something about his demeanor and cloaked face felt known to you. But you couldn't place it. Until your scanning gaze fell to his forearm armor.
White and and blue.
Your breathing paused. Unable to register what you were truly seeing.
It couldn't be.
It was not possible.
But it all became real when the hidden figure reached up and pulled back his hood. Revealing his familiar face to you.
You were stunned at the sight before you. At the person standing mere feet from you.
    "Rex". Hunter said surprised. He was just as shocked to see him here as the rest of you were.
You on the other hand forgot how to breath. Your eyes froze on his figure. Eyes roaming him up and down repeatedly to make sure that he was not a hallucination. A well of emotions came rushing into you. Like someone had punched you in the gut.
He was alive.
Rex was actually alive. Tears were beginning to swell in the corners of your eyes as you racked your brain for anything. But nothing.
Everything had left your head at just seeing him standing here. At the way he was looking at you. Surprised was not how he felt. No. If anything he was beyond thrilled to see you.
The second your name and where to find you left the sisters lips he plotted his course. He had to see you. Take you in his arms and never let you go. His chest rose and fell in rapidly succession at your presence.
It was as if everything and everyone around you two had faded into the backyard and you were the only two in existence. Just you and Rex. Your beating heart picked up speed the longer you stared at one another. The way he was looking at you. That smile painted across his lips, maker that smile. If not for the shock, you were certain your knees would buckle and give out from under you.
Even the way his essence was calling out to you. Beckoning you towards him.
You were hesitant, however.
Tech's earlier statements about the inhibitor chips coming to the front of your thoughts. Bracing yourself and taking a deep breath you pushed past Hunter.
Inch by inch you moved closer. Searching his face for proof that he wasn't here to hurt you, any of you. For any indication that he hadn't turned. All the while he continued to stare at you with that look that made your heart flutter and ache so desperately.
Being this close to him, even on edge, force, was he still himself. Still your Rex.
   "Starglow". The unshed tears filling your eyes, broke open. You instantly knew.
This was him.
Your Rex.
He wasn't going to hurt you. Not now. Not ever. Because of this you leapt into his awaiting arms. Crashing your body against his and tightly securing your arms around his neck. His arms found your waist and pulled you close. Orange blossoms. Oh how he had missed that smell of yours. How he had missed the feel of you.
    "Rex". Your voice cracked as you spoke his name for the first time out loud, in several rotations. "Y-your here".
   "I am mesh'la". He choked back his own sob. "And maker I've missed you". So had you. So much that it had ached like a festering wound. Neither of you dared nor wanted to pull away, but you did, reluctantly so.
You grasped his face between your hands, studying it closely. His piercing brown eyes staring into your green ones. How the came alive underneath the dim gray and blue lights of the bar.
The texture of his dirty blonde stubble underneath your fingers. The scratchy nature of how it felt. The barely visuals scars etched into his skin. The way his lips framed his face so beautifully. You had missed him. And you didn't know just how much until he was mere inches from your face. From your lips.
Both of you were aware of it. How you both longed to touch one another. Close the distance the feel the warmth of the others lips. Rex's eyes were the ones to make the first move. Gliding over how lush they appeared. Parted just so. And with the simple action of your tongue running over them in anticipation that's all it took for him to break.
Lips collided with yours in a desperate plea. Fighting to feel, to touch the other after thinking one another dead. The mere sensation of his lips molding into yours sent your body into overdrive. You always lost yourself in his kiss. In his embrace. No one else made you feel as alive as Rex did.
That smile of his, you knew the one, that gave you butterflies. And when it would change into a smirk, may the force have mercy on you. You heart couldn't take it. His infectious laughter that would echo off the walls of whatever environment he was in. Usually caused by one of his fellow 501st members telling a dreadful joke. Who would have thought you'd lose all of that in the blink of an eye. Only for it turn up weeks later. Safe and sound.
Thankful you were that those memories didn't have to become mournful ones. Instead they could continue to exist as they were. Ones that held promises for the future.
It had been a grueling time not knowing. Waiting and waiting for any signs, but now it was over.
You Practically slumped into his chest as he just held you close to his heart. The steady beating of it the only sound that could kept you grounded in this instant. The cold surface of his armored platting on your cheek was a welcomed sensation.
You needed this. To feel his heartbeat. To know that he was real. That he was right here, in this moment. Nearly losing him almost destroyed you.
You let out a shaky breath. "I though I lost you, Rex". Tears slid down your cheeks. "I though my —you—" you couldn't even finish that sentence. Rex knowing the pain you went through, as it was the same pain he experienced. He tightened his arms around you, nestling his head in the crock of your neck.
Feeling his arms around you, like a warm protective blanket you started to relax. The muscles in your body becoming less tense, Knowing that he was safe. That he was right in front of you.
His own muscles started to calm. Like a fleeting flame. He didn't have to worry or fret over searching for you anymore. He had found you.
As crazy as it sounded he would have gotten on his knees and physically thanked the force, to the stars and back again that he had you back.
He let out his own unsteady exhale. "I know".
He did not want to pull away from you, but like you he had the overwhelming urge to see your face. See all the marks and impressions he hadn't seen it what felt like a lifetime.
Needing something to anchor him, he sought out the one thing that could. You.
It was always you.
Bringing you closer, he touched his forehead to yours. Kissing you was so very intimate, but this. This was too. At least between the two of you.
"I'm here now, riduuar and I don't plan on going anywhere". He promised.
You shook your head, confused. "I don't understand. How—wh-what happened?"
Thousands of questions twisted around inside your head. How did this all happen? Why did it happen? Could no one have seen what had transpired? It was encompassing. Paired with Rex bring here. By the maker you were finally feeling the affects of todays mission catching up with you.
"I'll explain everything". He promised, seeing how exhausted you were becoming. "But right now, I just want to hold you". You simple nodded.
You wanted answers and you were certain that he'd tell you everything later, but right now his request, you could and would fulfill-it. As easy as breathing.
"Thank the f-force your safe". You whispered against his chest plate.
He ran his gloved fingers through your hair. Committing every moment he'd done this before to memory.
Kissing you was absolutely his favorite thing, without a doubt. But this. This was a close second. Something about it soothed him. Made any tense or stressful situation better.
Too engrossed in one another aura's, basking in it, you had forgotten that you had an audience. An audience that was rendered speechless by the affections exchanged between you and the now ex captain of the 501st Battalion.
All expect the ex arc trooper standing off to the side. Who had known the full extent and lengths of Rex's and yours relationship. He was present there that day. One of only a few who were witnesses to the pledge you both proclaimed.
It was undeniable, the love you two shared with each other. No doubt in Echo's mind that the both of you were meant to be together.
Wrecker was the first of the group to speak. "W-what...did I miss something?!"
Tech was the next one to speak, offering up an explanation, "Technically no. By my calculations Rex and Y/N have been in a committed romantic relationship for a standard 368 days".
His much larger brother simply stared at him in confusion.
"A standard year, Wrecker". Echo quickly explained. Understanding he formed an 'O' shape with his lips.
You and Rex both shook your heads. "Longer". Tech blinked. "It's actually been 2 standard years since we told one another how we felt". You locked eyes with Rex, your continued smile everything to him in that moment.
The Captain nodded. "It's been one since we said I do". That had their full attention.
Hunter took a step towards you. "Y-your married?"
You nodded. "Yes. Off record though. Only a few were able to know". You gestured to the former arc trooper. "Echo being one of them".
The Sergeant turned his eyes to the newest member of the group. "You were there?"
"Me and a few others were the only ones". He replied to which Hunter nodded. Satisfied. Knowing the full extent of the reprimand the Captain would receive if the Council found out the truth. That he was married to a princess.
The consequences for such an act could have cost him his position. Or worse. His life. Thus a secret their relationship needed to be. Unfortunately.
"Well then uhh congratulations to you both". Hunter replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
You nodded in acknowledgment to Hunter. When you thought you had lost Rex, he was the one to step up and comfort you. Reassuring you that you'd be okay. Even if in that moment you didn't feel as though you would.
All of them really made you feel welcomed. After all they were the ones who stumbled across you. Ushering you to come with them. Saying that they could protect you and guarantee your safety. You accepted. Thank the maker you had. If not, then maybe you would have never seen Rex again. And that left a bitter taste on your tongue.
"Thank you". You said at the same time as Rex slipped his hand into yours.
Love was a concept that Rex never thought was possible for him. He never dreamed of having it because it was instilled in him early on that clones were bred with one singular purpose. To fight for the Galactic Army of the Republic. Never had the thought nor idea of finding someone, in that regard, crossed his mind.
Until you came into his life. Changing everything for the better.
"Your here". You whispered into him. You were still in disbelief. Tears streaming down your cheeks like an endless river. Rex lifted his gloved fingers to swipe away your tears, that affectionate grin warming your body. "Your really here".
He was real, yet you still couldn't wrap your head around it, but that wasn't important. All that mattered was him. What this meant for you. For the life you promised to build together that day overlooking the lake when you swore an oath through vows. When you both said 'I do'.
"I am". He replied again. This time the power in which he uttered it, caused your body to shake. The weight those two words held. What they signified.
"I love you". Was your quick response. Even if Rex knew it deep down in his soul, to hear it again from your lips made him so beyond happy.
Another kiss found it's way to your lips. "I love you too".
Smiling, you pressed in closer to his chest. Wanting to be close to him for as long as physically possible. Rex was your everything. Your best friend. Your lifeline. To him, you were his entire world. All roads led you back to one another.
Determined he was that the force weld it so. And as far as the Captain was certain he wouldn't allow you to be parted from him ever again. Not while there was still blood flowing through his veins.
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david-talks-sw · 9 months
I think it's interesting that - in order to make his "free-thinking Jedi" characters hold any semblance of rationality in their arguments - Dave Filoni needs to resort to artificially dehumanizing the other Jedi and painting them all with the same "we dogmatically worship protocol" brush.
He does this with Huyang in the recent Ahsoka episode.
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"Lolz he's so narrow-minded, preachy and by-the-book, unable to think outside the box, just like the Jedi in the Prequels."
My first reaction was being amused at the fact that Filoni had to resort to making the Jedi Order's ideals and rules be embodied by a literal machine for his anti-Jedi headcanon to start making sense.
But then I remembered: Huyang isn't just any droid.
In The Clone Wars, he had a sassy personality, he had a pep in his step, he had a sense of humor...
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This character was human in his behavior, he was fun and whimsical.
But now he's been reduced to, I dunno, "Jedi C-3PO"? Basically?
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"Ha! He's blunt and unsympathetic because he's a droid, but it's funny because the Jedi were the same, they were training themselves to be tactless, emotionless droids."
And Filoni does this with Mace Windu too, in Tales of the Jedi.
Mace, who brought a lightsaber to the throat of a planetary leader to defend the endangered Zillo Beast...
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... and who went waaay past his mandate by mischievously sneaking around Bardottan authorities and breaking into the Queen's quarters because he felt something bad was afoot...
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... was reduced to being an almost droid-like, rule-parotting, protocol purist who sticks to his instructions (and is implied to be willing to let a murder go unsolved so he can get a promotion).
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I mentioned this at the end of my first post on Luke in The Last Jedi... while changes in personality do happen overtime and can be explained in-universe... if you don't show us that progression and evolution and just leave us without that context, that'll break the suspension of disbelief, for your audience.
Here, we have two characters with a different (almost caricatural) personality than the one they were originally shown to have.
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Now... we could resort to headcanons, to make it all fit together.
We could justify Huyang's tone shift 'cause "Order 66 changed him". And we could make explanations about TotJ's Mace:
Being younger and thus more ambitious and a stickler for the rules, and only really becoming more flexible after getting his seat on the Council and gaining more maturity.
Being such a teacher's pet in the episode because we're seeing him through the eyes of a notorious unreliable narrator, Dooku.
There'd be nothing wrong with opting to go with either of those headcanons to cope with this. After all, Star Wars is meant to help you get creative.
But the problem I encounter is that:
Filoni has an anti-Jedi bias, so the above headcanons clearly wouldn't really track with his intended narrative.
We'd be jumping through hoops to extrapolate and fill in what is, essentially, inconsistent characterization, manufactured to make Ahsoka and Dooku shine under a better light.
And that sours whatever headcanon I come up with.
Edit: Also, yeah, as folks have been saying in the tags... wtf is "Jedi protocol"? The term isn't ever mentioned in the movies, I skimmed through dialog transcripts of TCW, never saw it there.
So it's almost as if - if Filoni wasn't draining characters like Mace and Huyang of all humanity and nuance - his point about "the Jedi were too detached and lost their way, but not free-thinkers like Qui-Gon, Dooku and Ahsoka" wouldn't really hold much water.
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Hunter x Fem! Jedi reader
Summary: you reunite with your old squad after Order 66...
Warnings: Mild descriptions of injuries, a bit of angst, fluff, happy ending, kissing, Order 66 mentions, I think Hunter deserves his own warning as well ;-)
Hey! This is my first small one-shot on Tumblr. I have been writing a few stories and other things in my life, but it is not something I've done in a while, so it's probably not my best. But please, feel free to leave a comment with some ideas for other one-shots etc. Enjoy!
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Worst kriffing planet in your life! Not so much the planet itself, but more the traumatic events that happened there.
Before the war, you were a young Jedi Knight. Your old master, Plo Koon, had supervised most of your training, and you were thriving. At least, until the war came and you were thrown into a big pile of galactic bantha shit.
At first, you served with the 104th battalion along with your old master. You and Commander Wolffe worked well together and things were always a little bit easier, when you did it together.
But after a bit you grew more and more restless, not really having a feeling of being useful - at least, as much as you used to have. You tried pushing those ridiculous thoughts away, but that proved a lot harder than you thought.
Although you loved the Wolfpack who had all become your friends, despite the Jedi Code, you knew it was probably time to move on.
That's when Clone Force 99 came into the picture.
Those boys were everything you loved and longed to be. Diving headfirst into battle with a more or less reckless plan, but somehow always pulling it off. Sometimes, it honestly surprised you how well they worked, considering there were only 4 of them.
Crosshair was the most difficult one to connect with. He didn't really understand the need for a Jedi General, when him and his brothers had always worked alone. You did understand his point of view, but you weren't going anywhere. You loved this squad. It took many rotations, but after a rather difficult mission where you saved his life in a daring manner, he slowly began warming up to you.
Then came Tech. After you got over his ridiculously huge brain, you started paying more attention to his, as his brothers call them, 'info-dumping's' and it turned out that they were actually quite interesting. And when Tech realized that you were paying attention and sometimes even asking him questions, he always found you whenever he had something new to share about the planet you visited, or when you discovered an animal.
Wrecker was the easiest one to connect with. He was a giant with a heart of gold, always making you laugh until you couldn't breathe, always showing some new work out, and always having a blast with you, whenever you blew something up together. Being friends with Wrecker came as naturally as breathing.
And then Hunter.
The dark, mysterious, smoky and broody Sergeant of Clone Force 99. The first time you ever laid eyes one you, you were afraid your heart was giving out. Everything about him was captivating. His eyes telling but a million secrets, his voice sending shivers down your spine despite saying the most regular things, his majestic hair that you one time were allowed to braid because the temperature on Tatooine was unbearable Maker even his scent drove you crazy. When you learned about his enhanced abilities, you instantly knew that he must have heard your raping heart, but by the little smirk he send your way, he seemed to like it.
Although you cared deeply for all the boys, Echo as well when he joined the squad, Hunter was different. Your relationship wasn't labeled or anything. But it definitely wasn't platonic either. Not judging by the looks you always sent each other, or the way you always looked out for each other, touching each other in some small way like fingers brushing against each other, a hand on your back or on his arm. It was something much deeper. And you both knew it was so wrong. If you were caught, it would mean the end. But that didn't exactly stop you.
Not until Kallar.
When the troopers turned on you and Master Billaba, and you were the only one who got away, albeit with a nasty blaster shot to your shoulder, you turned and ran and you didn't look back once.
You heard the news. The Clones killed all the Jedi.
Your world was turned upside down. You thought about your old Master, about your old battalion, but mostly about Clone Force 99. If you faced them, you knew, you wouldn't be able to kill them.
So instead, you ran.
And for a while you hopped from planet to planet, earning credits by doing small jobs here and there. You hid everything. Your lightsaber was safely tucked away on you small ship, and instead you carried a blaster. You changed hair color, clothes and everything else you could, to change your appearance. You were constantly checking over your shoulder, afraid that the Empire would show up. Or worse, Hunter.
And then you met Phee. Completely random on the street, when you were running a job for some wealthy family. You were weary of her first, but then she showed you Pabu and now you owe her your life.
Life on Pabu was something else. Calm, warm, and everyone was so nice. And the best part of it, no one knew how you were. It was perfect.
As you were on your usual morning stroll, you got a comm from Phee, telling you to come to the square and meet her new friends. This wasn't the first time this had happened, and you were excited to see who Phee had met this time.
"Alright Phee, I'm here. Now who are..." you trailed off, freezing in your spot, when your eyes came in contact with the ship that had been your home many rotations ago.
Your brain was working overtime to find the best possible escape route, but it was too late. Four heads turned and starred at you, their eyes wide and mouths open.
"Y/N..." Wrecker was the first to open up, a smile spreading on his lips. But when he took a step forward, you took a step back on instinct and you saw the hurt flashing in his eyes.
"We... we thought, you were dead... is it really you?" He tried again, but you still said nothing.
"Uhh Y/N do you know them?" Phee was obviously confused
"Well obviously she must be rather cautios of us, given the circumstances in which we saw her last. But I believe she looks to be in good health" Albeit a surprised tone, Tech spoke up, adjusting his goggles.
It was too much for you. You were scarred, you couldn't look any of them in the eyes, especially not Hunter. So you turned and ran. Just like you did on Kallar.
Ignoring the calls from behind you.
They couldn't believe their eyes, when they saw you. Hunter had been heartbroken that day on Kallar, and he never thought, he'd ever feel better. Then Omega showed up, and he suddenly had a new purpose in life. But when he saw her standing there on the square... he felt his world turn upside down again.
"Who was that?" Omega asked carefully, making Hunter look at her with soft eyes.
"An old friend who we thought had passed away" Hunter explained, not wanting to go into too much detail right away.
"You should talk to her" Echo nudged him, "We'll go with Omega"
Hunter shot his brother a grateful look and rushed after his cyare.
When he found you on the beach, his heart did a flip. You looked just a beautiful as the last time he saw you. You had changed, yes, but you were still you.
"Y/N please don't run away again" he begged, and when you turned around and finally met his eyes, you had tears in them.
"I- Hunter" was all you said. All you could manage to say. You still kept a small distance.
"I thought, I had lost you. When the regs starting shooting at you and Master Billaba... we are not with the Empire, cyare. I promise" his words were firm, but his voice were shaking.
Carefully, he took a step forward, and you stayed.
"Why did it happen?" You asked, having about a million questions.
"It's a long story, why don't you come back and I'll tell you everything?" he moved closer and closer until finally, he stood right in front of you.
You felt yourself breaking again, tears streaming down your face as you let Hunter embrace you.
"Oh Hunter..." you choked.
"Cyare... I missed you" he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"I- I missed you too" you spoke, wiping your tears away after calming down.
For the first time you looked at him with love again, smiling softly at him. So much had happened. So much was lost. But now you had finally gained something again.
You didn't waist another second as your lips crashed against Hunter's, who let out a surprised groan, but quickly kissed you back, sneaking his arms around you as your lips moved in sync.
It was everything you and dreamed of for so long. It was perfect.
If possible, you pulled each other even closer and only pulled away to catch your breath, Hunter's forehead leaning against your own.
"Let's go back, I still have a million questions for you and the boys" you whispered, a pleasant smile on your face.
"On one condition" Hunter said, making you raise a brow at him. "No more hiding this. I love you, cyare. Will all my heart"
You didn't think it was possible, but your smile grew and you pecked his lips again.
"I love you too, Hunter. Now let's go back before Wrecker eats all the dinner"
And as you both laughed and bathed in the morning sun, you took his hand and for the first time since forever...
You were truly home.
Okay, this is not my best work, but I still quite like it. Hope you all enjoyed as well <3 Again, feel very free to comment ideas for other one-shots etc. also, which characters you want to see. It can also be other clones or other Star Wars characters<3
Also - I probably wont be writing crazy smut, maybe spicy stuff but not full on crazy haha.
Bye <3
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starrylothcat · 9 months
Hello there! I absolutely love your writing, I often feel bad I’m constantly littering your notifications 👉🏼👈🏼
I’m not sure if you’ve done this but I would love a hunter x f!Jedi reader with spicy prompt “make me forget today” with either side being angsty.
In my mind the dynamic between the two is similar to codywan- really close but duty comes first. Could take place during clone wars or bad batch show, whichever you think would work best! Can definitely be NSFW, whatever you’re comfortable with.
And of course, feel free to pass if this ask isn’t for you. I completely understand! All the love! 💕💕
Conquest of Spaces
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Jedi Reader
Summary: You and Hunter give in to one another, your hidden feelings set free. It’s something that you both know can’t continue, but when you meet again after Order 66, are you finally allowed to have what you’ve always wanted?
WC: 3600
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. PiV sex, angst, happy ending and Soft Hunter Bad Batch. Reader is a fem Jedi, looks not described and no pronouns used. Takes place before and after Order 66.
A/N: Never feel bad for spamming my notifications! Oh do I love me clone and Jedi angst. Thank you so much for the amazing prompt, I hope you enjoy it. It’s fluffy and angsty and hopefully kind of romantic? Lol 🥹👉👈
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“Please make me forget today.” Those five words, spoken in broken desperation, sealed your fate. “Please.
You didn’t mean for this to happen, to allow feelings to bloom between the cracks. You tried plucking out the weeds, clearing those aggressively growing sentiments from your subconscious but they resurfaced stronger every time.
Your voice shook as you whispered those words in his ear, grasping onto his armor like it was a lifeline, you knew it wasn’t fair.
It was unjust to both him and yourself.
He could have said no, pushed you away.
You could have attempted to hold yourself together, to put on the in-control, strong Jedi facade one more time, though that mask was beginning to fracture.
You weren’t sure how much longer you could hold it up before it would shatter completely into dust.
You were assigned to work with him and his brothers often, building trust with the team that few others had.
You and Hunter shared a strong camaraderie, a fellowship forged by mutual respect and dedication to your roles in the Republic. Your ability to understand one another with just a glance, how perfectly you fit together, could not be denied.
You tried to disregard the growing lingering glances, the way his tone would soften when he addressed you, or how he frequently invaded your dreams.
You could tell he was restraining himself, too. He knew the risks, the dangers of letting emotions divert you from your defined roles in this war.
Maybe in a different life, you could have more, but not in this one.
You locked those feelings away, though it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore them.
It wasn’t until you returned to Kamino after a disastrous mission that you left that hidden chest of feelings unlocked, whether you did it purposefully or not.
You had lost most of your squad. It wasn’t your fault, but you were bearing the burden.
You had known Hunter was on Kamino for a short leave, and comm’d him to meet you. He was the only one you could talk to.
Hunter met you, knowing immediately something was wrong. Hunter listened to you speak, your words quickly coming out as quiet sobs, feeling lost. You were supposed to be a protector, a peacekeeper. You felt as if you were failing. You told him of all your uncertainties about the war, and how you didn’t feel like a protector when all you did was fight for something that seemingly had no purpose or end.
You don’t remember the exact timeline of events, but after you breathed those words, his arms were around you, pulling you into a firm embrace as you leaned against his armor.
He murmured that he understood, and the burdens of being a leader weighed heavy on him, too.
You had looked up at him, locking on to his honeyed eyes you often found yourself lost in, almost too gentle to belong to a born and bred warrior such as him.
Hunter’s face was so close to yours, that you could see the speckles in his cornea and edges of his tattoo where the ink had bled into his skin.
His musky, spicy scent overtook your senses right before his lips met yours.
Hunter’s lips were warm, his stubble lightly scratching your face as his tongue slid against your own, your previous tears now long dried.
He pulled away, giving you the chance to say something.
“If I’ve gone too far-“ He started, but was cut off as you pulled him back in, your body buzzed with a craving you didn’t realize was possible.
This kiss was more fervid, and desperate as he wrapped his gloved hand in your hair. You were weightless in his arms, your mind spun with excitement, guilt, desire, and regret.
You shouldn't be indulging in this, letting him whisk you off your feet as he carries you into a nearby weapons closet, his mouth nipping and licking at every pressure and pleasure point on your neck.
The door slid shut, mouths crashing together again, tugging off armor and robes alike as everything that had been built between the two of you was finally set free. The thin, fraying tether that was keeping your professional relationship and what you truly desired apart had finally snapped.
It was a moment of weakness for you both.
But neither of you stopped.
You didn’t know where either of you began or ended, bodies burning with need as he slid into you, his mouth leaving marks along your collarbone.
Hunter’s pace was rigorous, knowing you didn’t have much time. Even as he desperately pounded into you, his touches were generous and worshipful, almost like you’ve done this a million times before.
He knew exactly where to feel you, he knew exactly what you wanted and when you wanted it. He rasped between strained groans about how beautiful you were, and how long he’s been wanting this.
You didn’t respond, knowing if you did, it would make this situation even more complicated than it currently was.
All you could do was gasp his name, pulling him closer and closer to you, wishing that you could stay in this weapons closet for the rest of time, just you and him.
Afterward, as you lay sweaty and messy, awkwardly perched on a weapons locker, there was so much you wanted to say.
Instead, the words hung in the air with your heavy breaths as you quickly dressed.
You could feel Hunter’s eyes boring into your soul, not knowing exactly what to do next. Hunter broke the silence, speaking the words he knew he shouldn’t say, the utterance like blades piercing your heart.
“I love you.”
You bit your lip which was now trembling, tearing your eyes from his, unable to look at him.
Why did he have to say it out loud?
Guilt weighed in your gut, as heavy as durasteel, knowing you shouldn’t have given in.
You wanted to cradle his face, kiss him, run your fingers through his locks, and tell him you loved him too.
Of course you loved him. You’ve always loved him.
You wanted nothing more than to just be with him, but you both knew that was a fantasy.
The war was only becoming more devastating, more clones and Jedi were needed by the day to keep the peace.
Hunter was the one his brothers looked to for leadership. He couldn’t leave his squad, his family.
For you to be the perfect Jedi the Council wanted, you needed a clear conscience and a pure heart. That meant no selfish attachments to cloud your mind.
Hunter placed his thumb and forefinger under your chin, seeing your face darken at his words. He tilted your head toward him.
“I know you can’t say it back. But I want you to know.”
His lips met yours once more, chaste and restrained, before exiting the closet without looking back.
You almost called out to him, to return the forbidden words. Instead, you let him walk away.
It was the last time you saw him before the galaxy erupted into chaos a few short weeks later.
Everything you once understood, once thought to be true, was burned and spread with the ash of the Jedi Temple.
You narrowly escaped, losing contact with everyone and anyone, hiding on remote planet after remote planet, not staying in one place too long.
You thought of Hunter, nausea wrenching your gut. Was he alive? How many Jedi has he killed? Was he with the Empire now?
The thought of him pointing his blaster at you, his viroblade at your throat, the tender glint in his deep, brown eyes replaced with bloodlust made your stomach lurch.
It made you sick, wishing so desperately you would have told him you loved him, said it out loud. You wished you had not been afraid, tethered to the Jedi Code that now meant nothing.
As you wandered and hid, you found yourself holding your comm, wanting to contact Hunter.
You knew you couldn’t, but not knowing whether he was alive, dead, or worse, ate at your soul.
Whether it was The Force, cosmic fate, divine intervention, or pure coincidence, you would see Hunter again.
You caught wind of a smuggler offering credits for jobs on Ord Mantell, in desperate need of work.
When you saw Hunter and his brothers sitting at the bar in Cid’s seedy establishment, you thought you were dreaming, or stepping into a trap.
They just stared, just as shocked to see you.
You whipped out your blaster, memories of clones pulling their own blasters on you, firing without mercy as you begged them to stop as you barely made it alive out of the Temple.
“I-I don’t want to hurt you!” You stood your ground, trying to hide the fear in your voice.
No, no, no, no, this can’t be happening!
Hunter was the first to stand up slowly, your name leaving his lips in quiet surprise.
You gripped your blaster, waiting for the moment he drew his.
Tech stood up slowly next, raising his arms.
“We won’t hurt you.” Tech said. “The chips did not activate in us.”
“Chips? What chips? What are you talking about?”
Your blood was ice, stepping backward toward the exit.
“Please I don’t want to…“
Your finger hovered on the trigger, not knowing if you’d have to fight those who you once called friends, the man who you once loved, and still did.
Hunter examined you, as if not believing what he was seeing was real. Maybe you were a ghost. You sure felt like one.
Your eyes darted between them all, none of them reaching for their weapons.
Your body shook, tears in your eyes, never expecting to see anyone you knew ever again, especially not them. You slowly lowered your blaster as Hunter approached you, placing his hand on your wrist as your legs almost gave out from the adrenaline coursing through your body.
“Is it really you…?” You choked out, your blaster clattering to the ground. Hunter nodded, pulling you in close for an embrace, saying your name with such profound relief you could have fainted.
Hunter pulled away, his eyes swimming with emotion, as were yours. Before you could say any more, the rest of the squad were surrounding you.
You hugged them all, too, happy to see them alive, and not trying to murder you.
It was a bittersweet reunion, catching up on all that had happened once they convinced you they weren’t dangerous.
They explained everything.
The chips, the conspiracy, Crosshair, Omega.
Your mind spun, trying to process it all.
All the while, Hunter’s eyes never left yours in all the hours you sat at the bar.
There was so much you wanted to say, but it had to wait.
They invited you on their next mission with Cid, even offering a small cut of the credits when the job was completed.
You agreed, having no other option than to say yes, though it made you nervous to join them, especially since the Empire was already on their tail.
Adding an (ex) Jedi to the mix could make things messy.
They didn’t seem too concerned, as long as you didn’t make yourself obvious.
Hunter gave you a small smile, a knowing look in his eyes flashing momentarily, his hand coming to your shoulder as you stood up from the bar to head to The Marauder.
“I’m happy you’re coming with. We’ve…I’ve missed you.” Hunter spoke quietly.
“I’ve missed you too, Hunter.” He nodded, wanting to say more, but Echo was gesturing to him to go over the mission details.
He squeezed your shoulder. “See you on the ship.”
You stepped onto The Marauder, and not much had changed, besides Crosshair’s absence and Omega’s new corner of the ship that she proudly gave you a tour of.
As you took off from Ord Mantell, watching the planet get smaller as you ascended into the atmosphere, it felt like before, when things were more simple.
Eager for your next assignment, ready to serve the Republic and make the Council proud.
You sat in a blast chair, watching the boys talk and Omega peering over Hunter’s shoulder as he set the hyperspace coordinates.
It felt like old times. Almost.
The job was simple, at least that’s how Cid described it. You were to retrieve a package from an arms dealer who was expecting you in a small village of the heavily forested planet you were heading for.
You weren’t to meet him until the next day, so you had downtime the evening before.
Tech landed the ship in a small clearing on top of a hill, most of the planet thick with old-growth trees. A lake was nestled amongst the trees down the sloping hill a few klicks away.
The water reflected the sun that was almost set as two moons drifted into the sky to replace the star in the sky.
Tech and Echo were busy looking at the map, deciding the best way to get to the village the next day while Wrecker and Omega played a game of Dejarik. Hunter was quietly and diligently cleaning his blaster, sneaking glances at you as he did so.
Hunter was respecting your boundaries, not wanting to push you into anything too quickly. He wanted nothing more than to kick everyone off the ship, wrap himself around you, feel you against him, proving that you were indeed real. He assumed you were still weary of clones, which he didn’t blame you for. He was just happy you were alive, and safe. That was enough for him, if nothing else.
You knew he was looking at you while you were organizing your things. You desperately wanted to talk to him alone, about the last time you saw one another.
Did he still love you? Did he mean what he said? Could you even pick up where you left off, after all that’s happened?
You peered at the clones you shared the ship with, tears filling the sides of your eyes, memories flooding back to you of your time with them. It seemed so simple back then. But now…what were you? They were still clones but now untethered by what they were bred for.
You were free as well, though the Jedi Code still burned into your skull, finding it hard to forget. If you weren’t a Jedi anymore, then what were you?
“Are you okay?” Omega noticed you, your hands trembling.
You sniffed, quickly wiping your eyes. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you, especially Hunter’s.
“I…just need some air.” You stood up, shoving your pack under a blast chair. “I’ll be at the lake if you need me.”
You smashed the button to lower the ramp and headed out before it even touched the ground, before anyone could say anything to you.
Intense emotions swirled in your chest, briskly walking toward the serene water. The cool air of the evening calmed the ache in your being slightly, your hands still trembling.
The man you loved was in the ship behind you, and yet your footsteps led you further away from him. It was almost too much, suddenly being back with them, with him.
You roamed silently to the lake, sitting down near the edge of the water.
You closed your eyes, trying to meditate, focusing on your emotions. You honed in on the water lapping at the shore, the breeze rustling through the leaves, and the distant call of a nocturnal predatory bird.
You knew Hunter was there before he spoke.
“Everything is different now.” His voice was low. “It’s…still hard for me, too.”
You nodded, biting your lip, your eyes still closed.
“I tried to find you, to see if you were alive. But I didn’t want to risk endangering you.”
You slowly opened your eyes, focusing on him. He was looking right at you, his form illuminated by the glow of the moons.
“I didn’t know…I was afraid…” You stammered. “I wanted nothing more than to know if you were alive…I’m sorry that I never…” Your next words were caught in your throat as Hunter’s lips met yours, soft and loving. You were transported to your first kiss, all that time ago.
That ache in your chest was suddenly gone, replaced with a weightlessness only he could make you feel.
He pulled away almost as quickly as he leaned in.
He silently gazed at you, a hand coming to caress the side of your face.
You leaned into his touch, bringing your hand over his. “I never stopped thinking about you.” He whispered, his thumb tracing your cheek.
“Can I kiss you again?” He murmured.
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Soon, you laid out underneath him, your clothes a makeshift blanket under you on the shore of the lake.
Instead of in a cramped weapons closet, you were free in the evening air, the endless sky above you.
You took your time re-exploring each other’s bodies, relishing in languid pleasure as the moons hung heavy in the night sky.
Hunter did not leave an inch of your body untouched, bringing you to your peak over and over again with his hands and mouth, making up for the lost time.
When he was satisfied you were ready for him, he positioned himself on top of you, his hair hanging from his headband, haloing his face above you.
He slowly entered you, moans leaving both of your lips, your hands coming around his shoulders, welcoming the stretch as he sank into you. It was mind-melting pleasure, feeling him so close and real.
Hunter stopped once he was fully seated in you, dropping his head to your side.
“I still love you.” His lips were right at your ear, deep inside you, but not moving. Not yet.
You cradled his face, just as you wished you did all that time ago as he searched your eyes for an answer.
Part of him worried you had just made the same mistake as before, giving into your carnal desires when there was still so much uncertainty.
Was this something you should be doing, was it selfish to want one another when others were still suffering?
You kissed him gently, tears catching on your eyelashes, his worried thoughts evaporating with your touch.
“I’m sorry I never said it back.” You traced his tattoo with your fingertip, his eyes closing, relishing your touch.
“You couldn’t. I knew you couldn’t.” He muttered, his brows furrowed. “I shouldn’t have put you in that position…”
“We can now. We can say it.”
Hunter’s eyes opened, a gentle smile on his face. “Then say it.” He pressed his forehead to yours.
“I love you, Hunter. I always have.”
He smiled as he nuzzled the side of your face, the world melting away as he began to move, bodies entwined as one.
You were boneless and safe in his embrace as his fingers and lips molded to you perfectly.
His thrusts were slow and purposeful, his eyes never leaving yours.
Hunter touched you like before, like you’ve been lovers for 100 years, mapping your body so lovingly, so exquisitely, so perfectly.
He was afraid if he didn’t intricately memorize every curve and soft swell of your body, you might slip away again, and he wouldn’t get another chance.
You locked your ankles around his waist, changing the angle. Hunter let out a low whine, his head falling to your shoulder as your pleasure grew.
You were thankful for the slight breeze coming off the water, sweat forming on your bodies as your passion intensified.
You lightly tugged at his hair, his name leaving your lips in breathy mewls, his baritone moans thick with longing, dropping an octave as you clenched around him.
Hunter brought a finger to your clit, drawing tight circles, his thrusts hitting you in such a way you couldn’t discern the stars in your vision from the ones in the sky above.
Your fingernails dug into his muscled shoulder blades as your body arched toward him.
Hunter was drunk on your smell, your body, his senses absorbing every small sound.
Your intense arousal filled his nostrils, tasting your sweet skin as he left open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
Your body was on fire, overwhelmed by his tenderness, his devout passion, wordlessly telling you how much you meant to him.
“I’m right here, I have you.” Hunter rumbled, pressing his lips to yours, feeling your body tremble as you teetered on the precipice of your final orgasm. “I’ll always have you.”
He swallowed your pleasured sobs as you came, constricting and trembling around him, sending him over the edge.
Hunter let out a shuddered groan, pressing his hips into yours one final time, filling you with his release, his lips still on yours.
Your hands delicately roamed his back, your eyes fluttering open to meet his as he rested his weight on his forearms around you.
Your bodies stilled, trying to catch your breaths, the only other sound the tranquil waves splashing on the shore behind you.
You held on to one another, not wanting this moment to end. Hunter left feather-light kisses on your jawbone, leading to your lips, sliding his mouth to yours for an immensely passionate kiss.
The future was uncertain and unmapped, just as it was back when you were Jedi and soldier. You may have to take up your old roles once again, putting duty before all else.
You made peace with that, knowing how you felt for one another would only make you stronger, having something real to hold on to as you traversed into the unknown.
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Taglist: @crosshairlovebot @blueink-bluesoul @kimiheartblade @wizardofrozz @clonemedickix @din-miller @sunshinesdaydream @kashasenpai @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @coraex @aconstructofamind @dreamie411 @dystopicjumpsuit @starqueensthings @idontgetanysleep @secretthegriffin @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @secondaryrealm @littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @king-chaos-world @the-cantina @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @sleepingsun501 @wings-and-beskar
Dividers by @idontgetanysleep
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jedimasterbailey · 27 days
Tales of the Empire Thoughts (Mostly About Barriss)
I know I’m a little late to the party in terms of laying out my thoughts on Tales of the Empire but honestly I needed a few days to process and digest what happened (not to mention being on vacation delayed that process as well). Obviously as a Barriss stan/fanfic writer/blogger y’all know that those episodes were the upmost priority for me and I will be rewatching those episodes on repeat like no other since it’s been far too long since Barriss has had her time to shine. 
The majority of this post will be centered around those specific episodes because I’m just gonna just go ahead and say that the Morgan Elsbeth episodes were boring and didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know about the character. Also the bullshit reasoning as to why Morgan doesn’t obviously look Dathomiran is so dumb in that my brain will malfunction if I think about it too much. If the “magic going away” thing was true then how do you explain Merrin and Ventress who still have power and retain their clear Dathomiran appearance? Either way, there is no way Darth Felonious could explain his “logic” to me there because it is all too clear that Morgan was never meant to be Dathomiran in the first place. She was just a bad lady with a spear and that’s that. Love the actress, but the character is just lame. Furthermore, it is so clear that the hat man knows absolutely nothing about Thrawn and I’m not even a Thrawn stan but why even if the guy involved if he just says a few words and leaves? Now before y’all come for me, yes I’m aware these episodes are shorts and the time is precious but to me they could have dedicated more time into explaining to me why Morgan is so loyal to Thrawn. Her reasoning for wanting to join the Empire is empty too in that the Separatists that annihilated her race is now the Empire so…to me that’s not enough reasoning for Morgan to be so dedicated. The only parts that had me engaged were the Grevious bits which were both beautiful and frightening at the same time.
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Now onto the meat which is the Barriss arc which has me both elated and frustrated at the same time. Let’s begin with the stuff I absolutely love.
1.) Barriss proving herself to not be committed to the Dark Side/Empire is a huge win for me and other Barriss super fans who have been preaching this for over a decade. We knew from the moment the trailer came out that Barriss was just going to do what it took to survive and even though she was forced into doing things she really did not want to do, she stayed true to herself and escaped before it was too late. The light in her never left nor did it ever leave her and I just know that Luminara would have been so proud of her. Barriss constantly questioning the Grand Inquisitor and the Fourth Sister had me smiling because that is just Barriss. She will always question things that seem off and will defend her beliefs and values no matter what the danger to herself may be. The line of reclaiming her position of a Jedi is my absolute favorite line and gave me all the feels I get whenever Luke tells Palpatine that he is a Jedi like his father. On a final note, I loved that she showed genuine concern/fear for what was happening to the Jedi when Order 66 was happening and demanded an answer. 
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2.) Barriss being a healer and a protector. It is so satisfying to see it canon on screen that Barriss remains to be a healer after years of being obsessed with the Legends Medstar lore. I absolutely loved that Barriss took off her mask to the terrified boy in the village and protected him against the Fourth Sister’s unnecessary wrath only to save the non-binary (yay representation!) Jedi from death later that day. It all just makes me so happy to get that validation that Barriss has always had a big heart which makes her stand out from other Jedi in my opinion. 
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3.) Barriss sporting that lesbian pixie cut with the adorable laugh/smile lines and being a healer in the mountains helping Force sensitive and the sick/injured just makes my day. It warms my heart to see Barriss be at peace and doing so much good after so much pain and trauma from her past. Though I do miss her hood and would like to see a head covering on her again. Also doing the math, Barriss should be in her thirties during the third episodes so why did they age her up so much? I’ve heard the theory of the Force healing taking her life force but damn Luminara was in her late thirties during the Clone Wars and she had like nothing 😅 One other note that makes me smile is that Barriss is referred to as a “wise mother” and that’s just everything.  Also she looks and acts like just like Luminara they truly could be mother and daughter it’s so sweet 💚💙
4.) Barriss defeating an Inquisitor without a weapon of her own and catching a blade with the Force is so fucking badass, I could re-watch that sequence on repeat forever. 
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5.)The vague Ahsoka mention had my Barrissoka heart exploding. I demand an animated Barrissoka show immediately. 
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Now here are the bits that have me frustrated and I demand that Darth Felonious fixes them later.
1.) The lack of closure between Barriss and Ahsoka/Luminara. Barriss hurt a lot of people from her actions but at the very least it would be nice to see her repair the damage she inflicted on the people closest to her. We never saw anything in regards to Luminara’s reaction to the bombing and knowing what gruesome fate awaits her in Rebels, I was so hoping the two would meet again, make amends before Luminara inevitably sacrificed herself as a final act of love and forgiveness for her Padawan. As for Ahsoka…if the two are able to work together in the future, could we at least see how exactly that came to be? I’m personally growing tired of major developments happening off-screen and we as an audience are just expected to roll with it. Again I’m aware these are shorts, but why do they have to be shorts? Why can’t we just delete the boring Morgan episodes and get like a movie or limited series on this exact journey? 
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2.) The return of yet another ambiguous ending for Barriss. I am a firm believer that Barriss is alive granted that people seem to get stabbed all the time in Star Wars and they get to live so why not Barriss? I understand what they’re doing with Barriss getting through to the Fourth Sister to show us that Barriss has come full circle in her journey from dark to light, however since I’m forced to believe that Barriss had some sort of relationship with this random Inquisitor pre-Empire instead of someone who did have a significant relationship to her, it falls flat for me and it enrages me that if Barriss were to die from this….well I just don’t have words for that. So now I’m wondering if I’m going to have to wait another 10 years to get answers. Thank the Force for fanfic and fanart to get me through. 
3.) Does Barriss even know what the Empire did her Master? Because… I feel that’s another huge story thats being missed here. Ahsoka was able to get some closure with Anakin, why can’t Barriss have the same with Luminara? 
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4.) Never getting anything in terms of what pushed Barriss to bomb the Jedi temple in the first place. That’s my biggest beef with the original Clone Wars series since we see no development as to how Barriss goes from a kind gifted Padawan healer to mastermind of a terror plot. That could a book or show on its own. 
5.) Star Wars continuing to miss what a satisfying redemption arc is. Not only do we need to understand what got a character to do the crime(s) but we need to see the growth that comes from it. That’s what makes the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so good to me is that I now know how Obi-Wan grew from RotS to where we meet him in ANH. I would love to see the same for Barriss, because you just know she’s been on very spiritual/emotional journey to get to where she was at the end of the show. 
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6.) Why was Vader even in this? Given the history Barriss and Anakin share, it is incredible that nothing happened between them post ROTS. And this is like fresh Vader still full of grief and anger by what’s happened so I doubt seeing Barriss even as an Inquisitor initiate would be anymore soothing. I just don’t understand…what a waste. Something more epic and cathartic could have come out of that interaction.
Well I’m done ranting for now, I’m curious to know what your guy’s thoughts are. Otherwise my brain is buzzing with fanfic story ideas and I’ll be getting back on the writing horse as I re-Watch the Barriss episodes into oblivion. 
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antianakin · 4 months
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Oh I have a LOT to say about this, this got really long.
For one, comparing ONLY Luke and Anakin ignores the MANY MANY MANY other Jedi we are introduced to in the PT who seem perfectly successful and happy as Jedi, most notably Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Mace Windu. If we include TCW, you can bring in a bunch of others like Luminara Unduli, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth, Saesee Tiin, Jocasta Nu, and Tera Sinube. All Jedi Knights and Masters of varying ages and species who are all VERY happy and successful Jedi. So it seems a little disingenuous to ONLY compare Luke to Anakin and come to the conclusion that full training doesn't work when there are plenty of OTHER Jedi from the Prequels era who weren't, you know, genocidal maniacs.
And sure, some Jedi can leave. The Jedi don't force anyone to stay. But let's look at those people who left. Nearly ALL OF THEM leave because they end up turning to darkness and becoming evil, so I feel like that doesn't really speak to the Jedi having done something wrong and more about how if you leave the path of the Jedi, you're probably going to lose your sense of compassion and selflessness. But even among those people, the thing that causes them to turn on the Jedi is generally NOT THE JEDI THEMSELVES, but an outside force or event. For characters like Barriss and Krell, it's the war and the hopelessness and despair it creates. For characters like Bode and Malicos, it's Order 66 and the loneliness and trauma of that sudden loss. For Ahsoka, it's being framed by a friend who was no longer a Jedi and a lack of trust in herself (this changes after the Disney buy-out and Ahsoka DOES start blaming the Jedi for leaving, but she doesn't initially, and for a while she's still intentionally said to ACT like a Jedi and is implied to be seriously considering returning to the Order before Order 66 happens). Dooku is more disillusioned with the Republic and the Senate than he is the Jedi themselves (this, again, has been more recently changed to be a disillusionment with the Jedi, but that's not at all true in earlier iterations of him). Even with Anakin, what causes him to betray the Jedi isn't actually a dislike of the Jedi themselves, but a fear of losing someone he cares about who isn't even a Jedi herself. So all of the people we know who leave the Jedi in this era don't actually do so because the Jedi do something wrong and most of them become evil as a result.
It's also notable to point out that if we're counting Luke as "half a Jedi" because he didn't get the whole experience that someone during the Prequels era got, Anakin counts as one, too. He came in late and wasn't raised among the Jedi, he never got that kind of experience, so making the comparison to Anakin is an even worse comparison than normal because it's comparing an abnormal experience to another abnormal experience. It's like comparing a Satsuma tangerine to a Mandarin tangerine and saying, "See? The first one is better than the second one because it's only half an orange." Neither one is a real orange, they're tangerines. Anakin cannot be used as an example of the Jedi experience during the Prequels era, so the idea that you could claim Luke "worked" and Anakin "didn't" specifically because Luke only got partial training makes zero sense.
For two, it seems a little ridiculous to act like the Jedi who exist post-Order 66 are "half a Jedi" at all. They're not. Just because being a Jedi looks different during this period doesn't mean they're not Jedi or only sort-of Jedi.
There's characters like Kanan Jarrus and Cal Kestis who were Jedi Padawans when Order 66 happened and were also "half trained" I suppose, but they were RAISED as Jedi in a way Luke was not and both choose to come back to it and that reclamation of their identity as Jedi is immensely important to them. I don't think either of them would consider themselves "half a Jedi."
And LUKE would never consider himself "half a Jedi" at all. The famous line from ROTJ isn't "I'm half a Jedi, like my father before me" is it? No. Luke is a JEDI, wholly and completely, I don't care how much training he got in comparison to PT Jedi, he considers himself a Jedi Knight and so does everyone else he ever meets, generally. And the only other character similar to him that we see is Ezra, who ALSO seems to consider himself a whole Jedi and not "half a Jedi" despite the fact that he, like Luke, came to training later than was normal during the Prequels era.
But also the entire statement of "If the Jedi had allowed people like Luke to exist" is so funny because like... gee who do we think TAUGHT Luke to be a Jedi? Could it perhaps be, I dunno, TWO JEDI MASTERS FROM THE PREQUELS ERA JEDI ORDER? The Jedi DO allow people like Luke to exist because OBI-WAN AND YODA LITERALLY TRAIN LUKE TO BE A JEDI. I don't know what more they need to see to understand that Luke WAS allowed to be a Jedi by GETTING TRAINED TO BE A JEDI BY TWO JEDI MASTERS. This isn't even like Ezra getting trained by Kanan who was only a Padawan before, this is YODA AND OBI-WAN, two Jedi MASTERS who were on the COUNCIL before. I guess the idea behind this statement is that they only "allowed" it because Order 66 happened and they had no choice, but like... this is ridiculous. If Yoda and Obi-Wan truly believed Luke shouldn't be a Jedi, they just wouldn't have trained him.
What I think this person means by "people like Luke" is people who were raised in a regular nuclear family and only start training to be Jedi in adulthood, with the assumption that this means Luke's first priority is still like... his family and friends MORE than being a Jedi. This goes along with the assumption that Luke succeeds "because of his attachments" and because he "goes against the Jedi's teachings" in the end with Anakin. There's this common belief that Luke choosing not to kill Anakin on the Death Star is Luke acting UNLIKE a Jedi, or at least, unlike a PREQUELS Jedi. All of these assumptions are wrong. Straight up flat out WRONG.
Luke succeeds because of his compassion, because he acknowledges his own anger and darkness and chooses not to act on it. It's not that he refuses to kill Anakin because Anakin is his father, he refuses to kill Anakin because if he did, then he'd be doing so out of ANGER and FEAR, because Anakin is no longer a threat and is lying defeated on the ground so killing him at this point makes him a murderer. Luke would have made this same choice NO MATTER WHO HE WAS FACING IN THIS MOMENT. And I find this to be something a lot of people miss and misunderstand about this moment. Yes, Luke cares about Anakin because Anakin is his father, but the connection he makes with Anakin in this moment isn't between father and son, but between two people who have felt fear and pain and let themselves be controlled by it. Luke sees the mechanical arm after he cuts off Anakin's hand and it forces him to remember Bespin, the fear he felt for his friends and the advice he chose to disregard from Yoda and Obi-Wan then, and what it ultimately cost him. And it forces him to realize that Anakin, for all that he's done monstrous things, was once a person who got scared and angry, too, who let it control him the way Luke once did, and it cost him. This allows him to feel COMPASSION for Anakin, to see Anakin not as a monster or as this broken dream of his father, but a PERSON. A person who was once like him.
And then by stepping back and refusing to kill Anakin and making the pronouncement that he is a Jedi like Anakin once was, it also then forces ANAKIN to see that same connection. Luke sees him as a person, a person who made mistakes just like Luke did, so maybe he can see himself as a person who can make the same CHOICE as Luke is making, too.
So it's not about their personal connection to each other as father and son at all, really. Like they HAPPEN to be father and son and maybe this allows Anakin to make that connection a little easier because he cares about Luke enough to make that sacrifice (I don't personally believe Anakin would've made that sacrifice for Han or Lando even if they'd refused to kill him either), but for Luke? It isn't about that.
The anger from earlier, though? THAT was the attachment. I imagine this person you were speaking to probably didn't know that Lucas (and the Jedi as a result) use the word "attachment" in the way Buddhism defines it, which refers to a relationship with someone or something (it could be a place, an ideology, a dream, even a piece of clothing) that you cannot let go of because of the way it makes you feel, even after it starts being detrimental to yourself and the people around you. Luke's feelings for Han and Leia are what push him to Bespin to save them, even though both Yoda and Obi-Wan are telling him it's a trap and there's likely nothing he can really do to help them so he's better off staying on Dagobah to continue his training. And Luke ends up getting some information he's not ready for, he doesn't save Han OR Leia, Leia and Lando have to actually come back to save HIM, and he loses a hand. Luke doesn't go to Bespin because Han and Leia need him, he goes to Bespin because he can't bear to LOSE THEM. On the Death Star, he attacks Anakin because Anakin threatens Leia, and his fear of losing her causes him to get angry. It's not really about saving Leia because what Luke is becoming in this moment isn't someone Leia would ever support, but because Luke can't bear to lose her. THAT'S what attachment is. His attachment to Leia nearly costs him his father (consider the parallel between how Anakin's attachment to Padme DOES cost him HIS father figure because he refuses to stop fighting Obi-Wan and reconsider the choices he's making).
The attachment isn't what saves Anakin, it's what nearly kills him. It's the Jedi COMPASSION that saves Anakin. It's only because Luke EMBRACES what being a Jedi means, wholly and completely, that Anakin doesn't end up killed by his own son.
So what this person MEANS is, the Jedi would've been better off they'd allowed people to be more Western, if they'd let people grow up in a nuclear family structure, if they'd let people get married and have children, and if they'd let their members prioritize their personal connections over the fate of the galaxy because that's how they define love. What this person might not REALIZE is that their personal biases are devaluing any kind of life other than the one they're familiar with. They can't conceive of growing up in a more communal family structure where this isn't a specifically clearly defined "mom" and "dad" raising their kid(s) together. They can't conceive of a culture that either never feels the NEED to get married or have children or doesn't mind making that sacrifice (this isn't even specifically Western, Catholic nuns and priests make the same sacrifice because their relationship to God is more important than getting married and having children). They can't conceive of a culture where they actively choose to love everyone equally and never prioritize their own family and friends above strangers.
So this person you were speaking to I think has a fundamental misunderstanding of Luke as a character and his relationship to being a Jedi as well as a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Jedi were and a personal bias against a culture they're unfamiliar with. We're so often fed this story that if you aren't in a romantic relationship, then your life is basically hell on Earth. Everyone everywhere must be looking for this one special person, they MUST want that above everything else, and if they don't, then something in them is BROKEN. So the Jedi can seem very aloof and distant and fundamentally broken to viewers primed to see something like this as like... signals of an evil character, signals of a repressed character who needs to be saved, signals of corruption. But in fact, the Jedi are supposed to be symbols of the best humanity has to offer. They are the LEAST corrupt people in this entire story, the least evil people in the whole galaxy. They are a people who have figured out how to become the best version of themselves and spend their entire lives in service to the rest of the galaxy, passing on their wisdom and using their abilities to help anyone they can. They are an ideal to strive towards, not a cautionary tale.
Luke is not a success because he DOESN'T act like the Prequels Jedi, or because he is able to rise above them and become what they could not or what they had forgotten how to be. He is a success because he DOES act like them. He is a triumph because he represents the return of these people who always symbolized peace and compassion and hope.
I've called the Jedi a barometer for the galaxy's health before. The more there are, the better it's doing. At the beginning of the Prequel Trilogy, there are thousands of Jedi and the galaxy seems like it's GENERALLY fine, but with the return of the Sith, we also see our first Jedi death. And then in AOTC, a war starts and almost 200 Jedi die. By ROTS, even more Jedi have died and the Sith are more in power than ever before, and it ends with the Empire rising as the Jedi are all murdered. If we ignore all the different TV shows and skip ahead to the Original Trilogy, things only start to get better when the Jedi start coming BACK. Obi-Wan leaves Tatooine and brings Luke with him, who has just started Jedi training, and the Death Star is destroyed, saving the Rebellion. Luke commits to being a Jedi and the Empire falls, the Sith are destroyed, and the prophecy completed. Jedi represent all that is good, they represent a healthy balance in the galaxy. The galaxy ISN'T OKAY with the Jedi gone and it's at its best when the Jedi are at their strongest.
The Jedi DO allow people like Luke to exist because Luke is representative of the Jedi who came before him, the BEST the galaxy had to offer. Luke is representative of a culture that only ever did their best to be kind. Long before Rey, LUKE was "all the Jedi" because there didn't used to BE anybody else. Luke was the sole person keeping the Jedi's culture alive and he is bringing with him the training he got from two of the best, wisest Jedi Masters of the Prequel era. ALL OF THE JEDI were like Luke. All of them. Because they were ALL compassionate, they were ALL capable of putting aside their fear and anger in favor of understanding and acceptance, they were ALL people who fought back against the darkness and won. Luke succeeds because he becomes more and more like THEM.
The last thing I'll point out is that the Jedi's defeat doesn't happen because the Jedi failed at anything. The Jedi did everything right. But as everyone knows, you can do everything right, and STILL LOSE. They lose because the world and people around them failed, becauase the Senate and Anakin gave in to their own selfishness and fear and greed. All those "normal" people who were raised in regular family structures and prioritized their personal connections above their duty, they FAILED. But it was the JEDI who paid the price for that failure, so fans continue to blame them for everything instead of recognizing them as the victims they are.
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radisprettysick · 5 months
Sukuna x Reader // A game of russian roulette
TW// guns, violence, mentions of death, mentions of drugs, p in v, mentions of blood, dubcon,
please let me know if i missed a tag
You were scared out of your mind. But that was part of the reason you were here tonight. You couldn’t help the attraction to danger and adrenaline. Your heart was beating out of your chest to the loud rave music.
You had heard about this club while high out of your mind with probably the worst people to be vulnerable around.
                “Sign here.” You are greeted with a brusque voice handing you a clipboard with a piece of paper attached to it. General Release of Liability. Great. You pick up the attached pen and sign away your rights. You are lead upstairs of the underground club. The pounding of the music somehow got more intense as you climbed the old metal stairs. At the end of the hallway upstairs there was an office door with the blinds shut tight. As you got closer you could see splashes of red peeking out from behind the door. A reminder of how stupid you were being right now. But rent was due in a week, and you needed the money.
                The security guard who was guiding you opened the door for you. “Good luck.” Before leaving, he attached two wires to your chest.  In the middle of the room was a pool table without any of the balls or sticks. White lines were drawn over it and next to the table was a defibrillator along with an IV stand. The rest of the room was too dark to see past the table. There was a chair in front of you on one side of the pool table, so you took the seat and waited for your opponent to arrive.
                After what seemed like 10 minutes, a door in the back of the room opened and closed. You could hear footsteps approaching you and the pounding in your chest returned with every heavy step. He reached the opposite end of the table before stopping. You brought your eyes up his stomach, his chest and finally to his face. This man was huge. Covered in tattoos. And another reminder of your stupidity.
                “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing here? Just so you know, I am not going easy on you just because you’re a girl sweetheart.” His voice definitely matched his aura. Something about him made you feel uneasy. Besides the fact that you were about to put your life in his hands, he made you feel a deep anxiety. Something you couldn’t quite place.
                “I-I don’t expect you too.” Your voice comes out so much weaker than you intended. This was not the first time you ever risked your life but something about him added so much more fear into your system.
                “Oh, you poor thing. You sound so scared already” He let out a light chuckle from your fear. “The rules are simple. I load the bullets in a random order without looking and we each get a turn to fire either at ourselves or the opponent. If you shoot yourself with a blank, you get to go again. Got it?”
                You had a feeling he didn’t really care for an answer, but you gave one anyway. “Yes.”
The middle of the table opened up and a shot gun along with 3 bullets next to it appeared. One bullet was red and the other two black. He grabbed the shotgun and the bullets and proceeded to fill the chamber.
“Since you’re a cute little thing you can go first.” He grinned and slid the gun across the table to you. With shaky hands you held it and contemplated whether you should shoot yourself or him. It was a 66% chance that the shot was a blank. There was a higher chance that you could shoot yourself with a blank and get a second chance for a 50/50. With a deep breath you held the barrel under your chin, closed your eyes and silently hoped for a blank.
With a pull of the trigger, you heard a click. Nothing happened. You got a blank.
“Someone’s lucky.” You look at him and see him grinning with no hint of fear in his eyes. It doesn’t feel like he is even a tiny bit scared of you possibly shooting him. More confident this time, you aim the barrel at him and pull.
Another click. It was a blank. And now it was his turn. The only one remaining was a real shot. You were going to be shot. You slowly put the gun back in the middle and felt your heart drop to your stomach.
                “Ah maybe not.” He picked up the gun and with ease aimed at you. “I did warn you I wasn’t going to go easy on you.” He pulled and the barrel let out a loud bang.
                I really should not have come tonight. This was how my life ended. In a shitty club playing Russian roulette with a guy who could most definitely end my life with his own hand if he wanted.
                You felt a huge shock and woke up coughing on the floor in front of the door. You heard the man laughing at your patheticness. You grasped at your heart when you felt the wires that the man had attached earlier placed. Ah. So that is how the game advanced. If you got shot, you would be brought back with a shock to your system.
                “You ready for round two doll?” More bullets rise from the table, and he again grabs them to start filling them. While sitting back down and still coughing, you notice a screen on the side of the table displaying the score. ‘Sukuna: 3 // Guest: 2’. So, he was already up by one. You felt your body start to focus up more as the pain from being shot wore off a little. You knew you would feel this tomorrow, if you made it that long, but right now that didn’t matter. You had to win. For the prize money. You gave him a silent nod and with that round 2 began. This time it was 3 red and 2 black. There were more real bullets than blanks this time. “You are first again.”
                You grabbed the gun, still with trembling hands, and debated silently whether to fire at yourself or Sukuna. “I’m curious of why someone like you is playing this game. Here.” You brought your eyes up to meet his. His eyes were red. And now you realize why he made you uneasy. He didn’t feel human.
                “I needed the money. Plus, I’m an adrenaline junkie.” You started to point the barrel at him, deciding that you would take your odds of the first shot being a real one. You pulled the trigger and heard a click.
“Hahaha… you know there are drugs to give you that rush right? Hand that over to me doll.” He reached for the gun as you slid to the middle. Without wasting time, he pointed it up at himself and grinned like a maniac. He pulled the trigger, and it went off.
He shot himself. Your eyes went wide, and you felt your heart stop. You stood up from the table to try and get a look at him before you heard a huge gasp of air and some coughing. He got back up and into his chair like nothing happened. Still smiling like the fucking devil.
“Shit luck. Your turn.”
The rest of the round went on until you shot him after the blanks had been used up. ‘Sukuna 1//Guest:2’ You actually had a chance at winning this. Bullets once again rose from the table and this time it was 5 red and only 2 blanks. And he started the round.
He held the gun in his hands and thought for a moment. “You know…it’s been so long since I only had one life left. Say what… if you win, I’ll throw in some extra cash. But if I win…. I want something in return.” What was he doing? He was on his last life right now. There was no way he could get two shots on you without getting one himself. “What do you say cutie?” You hesitated before giving him an answer. “Sure. But what is it you want?”
“Oh, you’ll find out when I win.” He then aimed the gun at himself and pulled. Click.
No fucking way. There was only one blank left, 5 real shots left, and now he gets a second chance. He then aimed the gun back towards you. Sukuna pulled the trigger and the barrel exploded. You once again felt a shock while regaining consciousness on the floor. You struggled for air and pulled yourself back into the chair to continue playing. ‘Sukuna:1//Guest:1’. With a rush to get the game over you grabbed the gun into your hands. If he can get lucky, maybe you can too. Your hands were shaking, you still couldn’t quite catch your breath, and you could feel your heart in your ears. You pressed the gun right under your chin and with one last breath pulled the trigger.
You felt another shock you your chest and was once again on the floor. You lost. You felt so fucking stupid for risking that chance.  You sat on the floor. Now that the game was over you started to realize what position you were in. You were just shot three times. Why did you do this? Why did you play this game?
Sukuna laughed as he stood up from his chair and walked around the table towards you. He crouched down to be closer to face-to-face with you. He raised his hand up and you instinctively flinched. He put a piece of hair behind you ear and held your chin in between his thumb and index finger. “Aw you poor thing. You lost… well that means I get my prize now.” He moved his hand from your chin and further down your body until reaching the edge of your mini skirt. “I see you came dressed for the occasion.” His grin grew even larger and now you really felt like an idiot. Your brain went numb slowly realizing what was about to happen. Your heartbeat started to drown out the noise of the club, your palms were coated in sweat, and your chest felt like it was going to explode at any moment.
His other hand reached for the wires on your chest and tugged them off of you without care. While the hand teasing the edge of your skirt moved on to gripping your exposed thigh. “It is really a shame you lost.” You heard the desire in his voice more than the actual words themselves. He was toying with you the entire time. This was never a fair chance. Why else would he make a bet with you?
His hand moved further up and started teasing your clothed slit. “Ooo well I guess you aren’t too sad about losing. Your pussy is fucking dripping.” He was right. You weren’t lying when you said you were attracted to danger. And this entire night has been nothing but that. This man in front of you was practically the devil himself. He pushed your back onto the floor and that is when it really clicked in your brain what was happening.
“Wait no please” You started to actually cry for your dignity. All the dumb stuff you did in life this had to take the cake. He used his thumb to wipe your tears before groaning to himself.
“Fuck baby, I barely touched you and ya already cryin? Just wait until I actually get started.” You tried to stop him from pulling your skirt and underwear down but there was no stopping him. His arms were probably bigger than your legs. “Shit doll you really were waiting for this huh?” He started to rub your clit with his fingers before using his other hand to unzip his pants.
His cock was huge. There was no way he was fitting. You started to cry even more and still attempted to push him away. He was still smiling at your pathetic state. Such a dumb little girl wandering into a place like this expecting to leave without giving up your body to him. Without bothering to actually prep you, he shoved his cock into your pussy in one go.
You let out a high-pitched scream at the sudden entrance. It felt like you were splitting open. It was too much. He wrapped his hand around your throat and started to move inside of you. “Such a dramatic little doll… don’t worry I’ll fill you so you’ll be begging for more.” With a loud groan he lifted your leg up and pressed you into your own body. The hand on your throat moved to rip your top and bra off leaving you nothing. “Fuck you’re so sexy. I knew your pussy was going to be tight from the second I saw you.” His thrusts eventually started to feel good. And you hated it. You hated that you liked this. Your body was actually enjoying this older man violate and use you. Against your wishes, you let out an involuntary moan and that was the end of your act.
“Let me hear more of how much you like being used like a good slut.” He had something over you now. You were his toy and you had to obey him, no matter what you thought. You continued to scream for him as he shoved his cock further into your pussy, hitting your sweet spot.
“Fuckfuckfuck ple-please don’t stoppppp” You were really dumb. But you were perfect for him. So easy to take control of. He loved it. He started rubbing you clit for you with his hands while continuing to bully your poor pussy. You could feel your stomach start to tighten up at the added stimulation.
“Come on why don’t you give me my prize now sweetie?” And with that, you squirted all over his dick and stomach and leaked out onto the dirty office floor. He flipped you over, giving you zero time to recover, shoved himself back inside of you. Spanking your ass and pulling you up by the throat. “Fuck I’m gonna make you mine.” He practically growled in your ear.
You could no longer think coherently with him inside of you. You could barely feel anything besides pleasure. Pleasure that only existed because of him. This man who could easily end your life. The man who was currently cumming inside of you just like he promised. He pulled out so he could watch his cum leak out of your abused cunt onto the floor with the rest of your juice. “I guess we both ended up lucky tonight.” You felt him stand up and heard a zipper before you felt a piece of clothing thrown on you.
“Put this on and come meet me in the back room.” And with that he walked away into the back leaving you completely alone.
You were stupid, but lucky. Because you had just found the embodiment of danger. And he wanted you too.
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utahimesgf · 1 year
to be yours
ahsoka tano x fem! reader
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as you lie awake at night, the feeling of restleness plagues you. forcing you to consciousness, staring at your white cieling.
Ahsoka is soundly asleep, her head burrowed into your shoulder; her face is calm, comfortable. precisely what you are not. all you wish is to fall asleep— but you know for certain that won't be happening, not right now.
looking down at ahsoka, a fond smile graces your lips upon seeing her. she’s always been so beautiful, on the inside and out.
you subconsciously hold your breathe as you decide to delicately untangle yourself from her arms. her brows scrunch, lips pursing lightly as you quickly replace your warmth with the warmth of your pillow beneath her arms, satisfying the struggle shorty after.
You turn away from her, pushing your legs out of the covers you sit on the side of the bed.
You’ve had a difficult problem sleeping these past few years, since the fall of the republic, the reign of the empire. order 66 is a common factor in your dreams— watching your friends die. Your master, slaughtered right in front of you, her blood coating your face as you fight for your life through fearful, heartbroken tears.
the clones betray you, clones you considered your close friends. it was unlike any fear you’ve ever felt. and it haunts you many years later.
squeezing the mattress beneath your fingers, you glance to ahsoka one last time before you stand up, slipping on your night shoes and grabbing your jacket, you walk through the small hall of your shared house and open the locked door, stepping outside and into the night.
The cold breeze washes over your body like a wave, sending a shiver down your spine as you walk forward, silently shutting the door behind you.
you could barely see, trusting the force and the dim light of the half moon to guide you were they wanted you to be.
It was silent, only leaves and sticks occasionally crushing under your shoes with every other passing step.
you thought back to ahsoka, how she dealt with her nightmares, her fear. the memories of you waking her up with your cries, tears falling over and over as she tries her best to console you. the memory of her waking you from her screams is not forgotten, either.
a gust of wind blew up your sweater— blowing your loose hair from your face. you shut your eyes, trying to connect to the force around you.
if it wants you awake so badly, where exactly does it need you to be?
opening your eyes you sigh, it was no luck, only continuing your path of a seemingly useless walk.
ahsoka awoke from her sleep reluctantly, reaching her arms out to retrieve your warmth, only to find you weren’t there.
her eyelids opened, revealing her sleepy blue eyes that scanned the bed.
you were gone, again.
this was nothing new, the nightmares. She herself has been followed by them in her slumber, not ever truly escaping reality. you were always there for her, and she wanted to always be there for you.
She sat up, blinking once, twice and a third time before throwing her tired legs over the side of the bed, coating her feet in her own night slippers; standing up.
Ahsoka grabbed her jacket, shuffling it on as she followed the path you once did down the small of your house and out the door— which she found to be unlocked.
She left the house, closing the door on her way out, setting on her way to find you.
your eyes stay closed, your breathing steady. you have not meditated for some time; too afraid of the memories that will follow. The scars that will reopen.
your masters dying face haunts you, the shock, the betrayal and pain. Her scream, the blood, her words.
“run, do not look back. Run!”
repeat, over and over in your head. The clones chasing you, a bullet that flew through you.
You know it’s not possible, but at the reminiscence of the shot, you swore you’d felt the scar spike with the same pain you felt on that day.
“nightmares again?”
Ahsoka’s sleepy voice erupts your dreadful thoughts, and you open your eyes to find her standing beside you, a sad smile on her face.
“no, no.. i couldn’t sleep.” you say, stepping closer to her, a smile following as you do so upon seeing her face.
“Did i wake you?”
“No, you didn’t.”
those words always brought some relief to you, knowing that your problems don’t always have to effect the ones you love so dearly.
“why are you awake, ahsoka? you looked so lovely in your sleep.” you ask, placing your cold hand on her warm, soft face as she smiles into it.
“I missed you. the bed was cold without you, you know.” you laughed, caressing her cheek before sliding your hand away from her, pulling away.
Ahsoka frowns, a knowing feeling in her chest.
“what is it this time?” she asks delicately, and you walk to a bench; a bench you and ahsoka had made when you both moved together, the wood was from a tree she had cut, almost crushing you as she apologized profusely and you only laughed at the misfortune.
You sit, patting the place next to you, ushering her to sit as well. she does. walking over and grabbing your hand; lacing it with hers.
“nothing that hasn’t plagued my mind before.”
“i know. but would you like to talk about it?”
you stay silent, too afraid to say the words aloud.
i’m scared.
Ahsoka rests her head on your shoulder, her warm breath fanning on your neck.
“I know you’re scared, my love.”
maker, she had know idea what she was doing.
“I know you’re scared, and I’m scared too.”
you look to her shorty, tears filling your eyes as your breath hitches, pathetically looking away as you let out a sob.
Ahsoka has seen you cry many times before, as have you seen her shed sad tears of her own.
Ahsokas stomach drops at the sound of your cries. quickly reaching her hand to cup your face, turning it to face her own.
“But please, don’t be scared alone.”
sad sobs and spews of sadness leave your lips, tears running down your face, onto your jacket.
Ahsoka watches in agony, nothing hurts more than seeing the one you love more than anything could ever, possibly dream of describing, cry from such fear right in front of her.
She kisses the tears away, the salty water making its way past her lips and into her mouth, yet you matter much more than sour water.
“It’s okay, y/n. it’s okay to cry.”
your tears continue to fall for a few more minutes, apologizes flowing from your puffy lips halfway through.
“i-im sorry, ahsoka. i’m so sorry, i—”
“There is no need to apologize. I have cried just as much as you, in front of you, my sweet.”
you let out a shaky breath, your grasp on her hand tightening as you sigh.
You’ve never had the guts to tell Ahsoka the whole story of what happened on that day, only brief moments, fleeing fears that are not much of a bother anymore. But with these fears becoming increasingly common, you begin to side with her words.
“You can tell me, I’ll love you no matter what. it will help you to speak your mind, to let someone listen, just as you have done for me.”
You inhale, and look Ahsoka straight in her beautiful, blue eyes.
“I’m.. ready to tell you. Everything.”
she smiled, her hand grasping yours.
“i’m ready to listen.”
you nodded, looking up to the moon.
“I was a Padawan, and my master, Shaak Ti, was going to take me to Kamino for the first time to show me the Clone Facilities. I was so curious as to how it worked, my friends were made in a jar.” you laughed a little at your petty pun, making ahsoka let out an airy giggle of her own.
“But.. then it happened. We were in the loading deck, and a Jedi was beside us. He was shot in the chest. I.. looked around me, and It was my friend, Ash, a clone— who shot that Jedi dead. right in front of me.. I..” Your breaths became heavy, and tears filled your eyes again.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to continue if you aren’t comfortable, y/n.”
You sniffled, clenching your jaw. “No, no.. i’ll.. continue, you deserve as much, Ashoka.” You said, and she squeezed your hand tightly in her own.
“My master grabbed my shoulder, and that’s when i heard her scream. I.. turned around and a lightsaber was coming out of her. I didn’t even dare to look up at who would do such an unimaginable thing. Only focusing on her. I took her hands, and they were covered in blood. She told me to run, to run and protect myself. So I did. I killed clones. I killed my friends, I saw younglings slaughtered, i saw masters killed, I saw.. Anakin.”
Ahsoka sat up, the weight of her head on your shoulder gone in a second. You didn’t dare look at her, jaw clenched so hard you could bite off your tongue.
you said nothing for moment, before letting go of her hand.
“Yes, I.. saw him do horrific things. I truly never wanted to tell you, Ahsoka. and I will not continue talking about him, For you.”
Ahsoka said nothing, and for a moment you were afraid she was going to leave.
“No. I want to hear. i want… i want to know what he did.”
“Ahsoka, I really don—” she put a finger on your lips, looking you in the eyes with a soft glance.
“I want to know.”
her finger left and you nodded.
“he.. was the one to slaughter the younglings, he was overtaken by the dark side of the force. I.. he wasn’t Anakin. it was someone else in his body.” You said sadly, closing your eyes.
“I tried to get by him, pleading, begging for my life to be spared— i was so scared I… I didn’t realize I had gotten shot until I was bleeding out. I don’t remember how, or if someone helped me or— what, but i woke up alone, in the sandy desert of the planet Tatooine. where we met years later.”
You finished, ahsoka breathing steadily beside you as you feared the worst of her response.
“I’m so, so sorry, Y/n. if I had gone with him, I could have helped stopped Anakin and he..”
You turned to her, a serious look on your face as you placed a hand to her cheek.
“Ahsoka, I know what you are thinking. He was not your responsibility, he was brainwashed. That was not Anakin Skywalker. That was darth sidious’ apprentice, Darth Vader.” You said firmly, trying to catch her downcast gaze.
Silence followed, the fresh night air flying by you two. Ahsokas eyes were filled with such sadness, it ripped your heart to shreds.
“I love you Ahsoka. I love you more than anything cloud ever love something. so please, look at me.”
her blue eyes met yours, and you smiled. taking her hands in yours, you stood up, her soon following.
You stood there for a moment before you poked her side, sending her a confirming grin: it’s okay.
you kissed her cheek.“You know, you were right about that whole “if you say it, it will help you” thing.” you laughed, bumping her shoulder with yours. She was silent for a while before you received a small, slick grin.
“am I ever wrong, dear?”
you laughed, and you two began to walk back home.
“you know, I think i recall this one time you—”
She let go of your hand, jogging ahead of you. “sorry, what? i cant hear you!”
You laughed, running after her.
she ran into the house, closing the door you had to open to reach her, her coat and slippers left on the floor trailing to your shared bedroom. You grinned, tiptoeing down the hall.
you entered the door way, and she grabbed you from behind, pushing you on the bed.
You both erupt in contagious, whole hearted laughter.
She grabbed your waist, putting her head in the crook of your neck as you continued to laugh.
“I love you.”
Ahsoka said, and your giggles died down a little.
“I love you, too, ‘Soka.”
she looked up at you, her soft burgundy lips meeting yours for the first time this night.
you rested your eyes, heart beating from the running and now sputtering from the kiss.
slumber came to you quickly after that, all thanks to the love of your life.
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
Ashe x Fem reader who is a new night shift employee for the Route 66 cafe. One night she wears a skirts that’s dangerously short and one of the other men get a little handsy. Ashe is having none of it.
Nw if this becomes a Drabble I’ll be so excited to see the other one shots you make! Also Ty for doings gods work, I speak on behalf of the lesbians: we love you 🫶
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✮ — SEE YOU AGAIN ; elizabeth caledonia ashe
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content warning ; afab reader. sfw ! — lowercase writing intended, reader being harassed, a bit suggestive just for plot reasons but nothing too too suggestive
wc ; 1,3 k
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moss’ notes ; SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG there were just not sufficient ideas to fulfill this amazing req, so moss apologizes and hopes you see this anonie :) moss loves the lesbians too 💗
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you worked at the diner on Route 66, a restaurant well out in the desert but still a popular place for locals to come around and have a bite. it was lively, with all kinds of people coming to eat, most of them going there after work or even just for fun. it was a nice change from being behind the register, where everything always smelled like food. it wasn’t your job to serve everyone, only take orders and deliver food when asked. it wasn’t easy, either, so the hours were long, which usually meant you didn’t get much sleep. your shift ended at 7 pm sharp, though, so you had plenty of time left before you would have to lock up and head home for some rest. you had spent a lot of sleepless nights lately, not sleeping because every time you closed your eyes you saw 
"hey, waitress- a coffee refill, pronto!" one of the savages shouted before turning back to his friends and laughing loudly, sharing snarky comments about you. there was not much you could do but pick up the coffee pot from behind the counter and walk to their table.
"anything else I can do for you, boys?" you gave them your best smile, taking a small, subtle step back to put some distance between you and the group. you did try, anyways. the customers never took anything seriously, but the one with the buzz cut was still staring at you. "uhm, yeah," he said, shifting slightly, putting his leg behind you to block your path, "just make sure my buddy here gets that coffee without spilling any on him." he grinned stupidly, his hand reaching across the table and his fingers going for the top of your thigh.
you swallowed thickly, nodding politely before tipping the glass pot and pouring the bitter black liquid into one of their mugs. his hand was moving to wrap or pinch your thigh and you normally let them play, it's silly to think more, you go home and sleep this off, men play smart with you all the time, not like it means something anyway. you picked up on seeing people flirt, especially after a few months at the diner now. they liked you because they thought you looked cute, or maybe they felt pity for the poor girl who was constantly trying to keep up with them. you preferred to think that you actually had more personality than that. and yet it happened every other night, these men coming in and harassing a desperate reaction out of you.
"leave her alone or I will be payin' a very special kind of attention to you." a tall, white-haired woman stepped to your side and placed her hand on your shoulder. she looked older, maybe mid-thirties, but definitely a woman that knew how to handle herself in a fight. she smiled warmly, giving her gaze from under her eyelashes toward the man holding you and letting her hand slip down to your hip. you flushed pink as your face got hotter, feeling your body tense at her sudden move. this woman is so cool, she's probably the most beautiful person you have ever seen, smiling nervously back at her as she began to rub circles on your hip with her thumb. you weren't used to such attention from women, not even women you'd dated.
the man scoffed, looking at his buddies before starting to laugh his fucking ass off. "or what, lady? you gonna paint our nails red hot like yours?" all of them started to laugh and the woman just sucked her teeth before whistling. a giant omnic appeared behind her, towering over all of you.
"you gonna be dealing with bob over here, he is heavy and knows I don't like my woman to be harassed."  she smiled wickedly, her hand sliding farther up on your hip until the tips of your breasts were pressed against her chest. you blushed harder, biting your lip and closing your eyes. it was just a play, to get those gross men to stop hitting on you, nothing more, you need to calm down.
the four-man looked at each other, laughing once again before the man with the buzz cut stood up, wiping his lips and giving a cocky smile to the woman. "okay lady, we get it, but sharing is caring, no? wonder how she would function on-"
"you are messing with deadlock property, boy." she cut him off, pushing a gun to his head, finger on the trigger, ready to pull it if needed.  you flinched as you noticed holding it close, using both of your bodies to make sure no one saw the gun, or even know it was there. it made you sick thinking about it. 
the man gulped before stepping aside and heading for the door. "it's alright, no need to hold a grudge, alright? we don't want to mess with the deadlock, okay? we were just going, excuse us... let's go gang!" he screamed like a little kid and they were out on the door within a blink of an eye.  you stared after them, wide-eyed, before lowering your hand from your hip and letting out a shaky breath. the woman laughed a bit, patting your cheek gently before grabbing you by the arm and leading you back to sit on a stool at the counter, ignoring your protests. 
"this is my number, don't be afraid to use it." she told you kindly as she scribbled onto your notepad she took whenever you were still in shock. she nodded, putting the stack of papers down on the counter and turned to go on her way.
"thank you... i'm y/n!" you started off quietly, but when it came to telling you her name you almost woke the dead of the desert around you. she turned around, a gentle smile plastering on her face before she brushes a longer white strand out of her face.
"the name's ashe."  she said with a small, sweet smile. she offered her hands to shake. you hesitantly grabbed hers, her hand feeling soft in comparison to how rough and dry yours were. "you call me if you are in trouble, any kind, alright sugar?"
"can i still call you if i am not in trouble?" you asked hesitantly, your eyes now staring past her form, trying to find something to focus on rather than that charming smile she is about to let pull on her lips.   she chuckled softly, squeezing your hand and releasing it quickly when she realized she was doing so.
"sure, I'll be waiting sweetheart" she winked at you as she slipped one of her hands into her pocket, the other tipping her hat before she could finally turn on her heels, throwing a couple of dollar bills on the table she was sitting at, you assume, and she left the diner with her friend named bob. 
your eyes sparkled as your fingers clutched the piece of paper now inside your apron's pocket, heart fluttering at the thought of seeing ashe again. you weren't even sure what you were gonna say into the phone once she picks up, but you were sure that you wanted to hear her voice once again, utter something like today. my woman...  you smiled softly as you headed back to the front of the diner, shaking your head lightly to clear it. tonight did not end up as planned, but at the very end of it you weren't complaining because you got to have her number and she was waiting for your call.
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lightwise · 1 month
TBB S3 E11 Reaction
I’ve watched this episode multiple times already but honestly it doesn’t get any easier. Here we go I guess 😩
- This droid guy looks like the one from episode 4. They’re kinda cute
- The return of Mel! (And Phee 😁)
- Both of them are in a mood 😆. What trip did they just get back from to make them so cranky? Love the throwback to Skara Nall too.
- Noooo not CX-2 😭
- He’s a sneaky boi
- I knew that Phee would inadvertently be how the coordinates to Pabu would be found 🥺🥺
- I’m just now noticing that the back office is playing music and that’s probably why Phee can’t hear the alarm go off. That is hilarious and also very frustrating 😅
- Of course the droid thinks it caused the alarm somehow
- There’s no way downloading someone’s flight log goes that quickly but okay
- Ooooh my girl knows something is up! Her spidey pirate senses are going off. Aghhhh if only she had been a second sooner!!
- If CX-2 ISN’T Tech there is zero reason why he would have stayed behind to watch Phee leave before he snuck off. Also how is he so incredible at hacking into and decoding things 👀
- Ugh I just want a show of Phee and Mel adventures around the galaxy!
- Why is his ship so freaking cool. These maps are incredible.
- Reallyyyy wanna get CX-2’s helmet off 😭
- Aw Pabu is so beautiful in the sunset
- Ha! I knew the boys would try to leave after Ventress warned them it was too dangerous to stay on Pabu. Hunter might be slow sometimes but he’s not completely stupid guys
- Aw poor Wrecker just wants an ice cream
- Crosshair shakes his head at him 🤣
- The little clone cadets outfits are so cool!!!
- Not going to lie, the first time I watched this was the closest I had cried all season. Tech’s goggles and Lula being placed in the Archium is so heartbreakingly fitting 💔
- Wrecker and Gonky banter 🤩🤩🤩 Gonk is such a part of the family I love it soooo much
- Okay seriously how is CX-2 able to both know he’s tripped a proximity sensor AND turn it off?? Come on
- I just realized how he knows where the cave is too. If he tracked Phee’s flight log it must have shown exactly where she normally landed
- Ugh that gold and purple is just too beautiful. Can Pabu be a real place that I can go to?
- Hunter’s spidey senses are also on alert. And I love how close he and Crosshair are again, their pre-Order 66 bond has been restored and is even deeper. Crosshair is attuned to when Hunter’s senses go off. And their helmets sitting together on the cart is so cute 🥹
- No NO no NOOO Nooooo. This moment was ruined by the Star Wars marketing team so it honestly didn’t hit as hard as it would have otherwise, but 😭😭😭. RIP Marauder. You will live on in our imagination
- I still can’t believe that they somehow heard our outcry about what would happen to Gonky, Lula, and Tech’s goggles if they blew up the Marauder, and decided to save EXACTLY those three things 🤣 (and Wrecker. So glad Wrecker is “relatively” okay, poor boy)
- Hunter’s slooow helmet turn until we see the starship above the island. Phew. And the Imperial March coming in.
- Omega comforting Batcher 😭😭😭
- Having LAATs swoop down into a town like that would be terrifying
- Man, where’s Maarva when you need her. Fuck the Empire
- “Search every domicile until you find her” is going to go down in Star Wars quote history
- I was genuinely afraid they were going to burn the whole island
- I’m sorry but I just can’t take the backpack clips on CX-2 seriously
- Batcher baby no! (Also genuinely thought we were going to lose her for a second)
- Damn Hunter. Nothing makes him shine like hand to hand combat and other things 🥵
- He’s never been hotter honestly
- Alright how in the world is CX-2 so good at *everything*. I’m honestly getting a little annoyed at it.
- Crosshair’s face 😭💔😭 he’s never looked more scared and pleading than when he says his baby sister’s name
- I’m kind of surprised that they didn’t just burn down the town anyway. Either CX-2 is just trying to be super efficient/he doesn’t care past accomplishing his mission, or the Empire gets much more petty and cruel by Kenobi and Rebels
- It’s so interesting to me how touchy CX-2 is with Omega. Why all the shoulder pushes? Shoulder touches are very much a form of affection and communication among clones. Has that impulse in him just been turned to violence?
- Sooo…we basically will never get wet hair Hunter 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll take this much dripping and cute Batcher scratches compensation though
- Okay. I’m just going to say it. The way they chose to have Crosshair miss the tracking device was so disappointing to me. Not the fact that he missed, but how he missed. Having him be distracted and fend for his life and be late for the shot was great. But I wish they had brought his hand tremble into play here as the main mechanism behind why he missed. They’ve been building that up all season and it would have made perfect sense. Instead he rushes and like trips and just shoots too early? So out of character. I didn’t like it and still don’t :(
- Welp, Omega seems to be less worried than we are. We’re in the end game now folks 😳 this music is awesome too
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t3mpest98 · 2 months
CT- 6799 never understood why the other cadets seemed to hate the pods they slept in.
The others would always complain that it was too tight, too constricting for their ever growing limbs. That the darkness felt like it was suffocating them and the cold was freezing them from the inside out.
But that’s not how he saw it. That’s not how his twin saw it either if the odd looks they both gave the other cadets was anything to go by.
To him, his pod was one of the only places he truly felt safe. It hid him from the Kaminoans glaring eyes and the other cadet’s loud voices. There he could just exist without worrying that he was doing anything wrong or be yelled at to keep going. Even if he couldn’t get any sleep like the past couple of nights it would be better than this.
The trainers had yelled a lot today, more than usual. They seemed to get more strict as the days passed. The other cadets acted like it was a game or a race they were going to win no matter what. If you were to ask him he’d say it was a test. To see who would be cut out for leaving Kamino and…who wouldn’t.
Either way he was getting tired of it. He just wanted to go back to his pod, to go back to the dark shell that kept him safe. CT-6687 kept shooting him looks full of worry making him wonder if he was really that bad at hiding his discomfort.
“Stop it,” he whispered, trying to do everything he could to not draw any attention. Their current trainer was busy chewing out one of the more abrasive cadets who had switched their blaster off of stun and nearly shot another clone, so it was unlikely they would be caught deviating from their task. Even so, he doesn’t want to be the next one getting a lecture for being disobedient.
“Stop what?” 66 replied while turning back to the blaster he kept taking apart then putting back together. He did it so quickly Nines wondered if he even needed to train for it anymore.
“Looking at me like I’m about to fall apart,” Nines shot back. He wouldn’t, he was fine. He had to be or else he’d fail, then what would happen? He doesn’t want to leave and come back with that blank look in his eyes that the other cadets who got taken away now always had.
“I’m just worried. You’re still not sleeping well.”
“Are you?”
66 went quiet for a while after that and Nines almost felt bad. Both of them had trouble sleeping but 66 always seemed to struggle with it more. At least until recently. Nines wonders if 66 just figured out how to hide it better.
66 turned back around so he could look at Nines clearly, trying to see if he could find any clue as to what was going on.
“The same as usual. But not you. You’re getting worse.” 66 didn’t even try to pose it as a question, he just seemed to know.
“What’s going on?” 66 pushed as he slowly inched closer to Nines.
For a moment Nines thought about telling his ori’vod, he almost let the cracks in his walls crumble. The sharp voice of their trainer calling their group to attention snapped both of them back, everyone going stock still as they waited for their next orders, blasters held uniformly at their side.
Even though 66 was no longer looking at him, Nines knew this wasn’t over. For now though it could wait. If he had his way it could wait until he died. Or at the very least until he could get back to his pod.
It wasn’t better.
He had been laying there for hours now, yet he couldn’t keep his eyes closed for more than a few minutes before turning around.
He was exhausted and his body ached from everything he’d done today. Or was it yesterday now? He wasn’t sure, he doesn’t want to know either. Knowing how much sleep he was losing might make things worse.
Less sleep meant a sloppy performance, it meant being singled out by his trainers. He had to do better than that.
Tonight he didn’t feel as safe in his pod as he usually did, the quiet air around him unnerving. The darkness wasn’t as calming, his skin felt like it was crawling and he was cold.
For a split second he considers going to 66’s tube. At least then he wouldn’t be alone. But if his brother was asleep then Nines would be angry at himself for waking 66. There was no reason anyone should get less rest just because of him.
The sound of someone moving around almost made him jump, the sudden noise striking through the silence surrounding him. His body went stiff as he tried with everything he had to pretend he was asleep.
The sounds stopped almost as soon as they started and he almost thought he was in the clear. Up until his pod came sliding out, exposing him to the outside. He was too tense now for anyone in their right mind to think he was asleep but he tried.
Instead of being scolded for still being awake like he expected, someone climbed into the pod with him, closing it quickly. Nines didn’t need to open his eyes to know who it was. 66 had already wrapped an arm around him by the time any small light disappeared.
66 pulled Nines as close as he could while directing Nines head underneath his own. Both of 66’s arms were now holding Nines protectively, the gentle pressure starting to bring Nines out of his head. He’s very glad they were both still small enough to fit inside one pod.
Nines didn't know he had started crying until he could feel 66’s shirt getting wet. Great, not only was he failing at getting himself under control but he was also crying all over his brother. Fantastic.
“I’m sorry,” Nines mumbled, ignoring the way his voice shook. 66 held on tighter and Nines squeezed his eyes shut. He did his best not to make another sound other than the occasional sniffle.
“It’s ok, I promise,” 66 whispered softly. “You’re ok. I’ve got you now, you’re safe.” Nines felt a hand carding through his hair, the tension inside him starting to bleed away. 66 said it with so much certainty that Nines didn’t even question it.
He knows he can’t keep relying on his ori’vod like this, not when one day 66 might not be there to help him. Just the thought made him shudder but he couldn’t ignore the possibility. A half broken sob escaped him and he struggled to keep it from escalating. What was wrong with him?
66 didn’t stop his comforting actions the whole time as he tried to make Nines feel as safe as possible. He’s glad it was happening now instead of during training, if any of the Kammies saw Nines could get in trouble. 66 would never let his vod’ika be taken away, not ever.
It took a while before Nines was able to stop crying, his head already starting to hurt. Now he just felt tired and weak.
“Shhh, it’s ok. Get some sleep, we’re supposed to get up earlier tomorrow,” 66 said with a slightly apologetic tone.
Nines made himself smaller at that, already dreading how he would feel later. Maybe he would get lucky and they were going over battle strategy or learning how to sneak into an enemy base.
Thinking was getting harder, every thought jumbling together. He was warm now and was once again finding comfort in the small confines of the pod. He still didn’t feel completely ok but at least he was safe now.
“No one will hurt you with me here. I’ll protect you. Promise.”
Nines didn’t doubt it for a second.
He had promised.
He had promised.
Instead of sleeping like he knew he should be Spade paced rapidly in front of a table covered in caf cups and datapads. His heart was beating uncomfortably fast and his breathing had been erratic for way too long now.
Even if he could try to sleep it would be impossible.
“Where are you?” Spade hissed while running a hand through his greasy hair, reminding him yet again that he needed to go to the sonic. It could wait though. Noir could not.
Spade had broken the one promise he had ever made and he wished for nothing more than to go back to the small tubes, to the long nights where at least they had each other. The nights where they were safe in that small secluded spot.
The room he was in was small and poorly lit yet somehow there was too much space, it felt too open. Something was so obviously missing, the feeling of wrongness tainting everything around him.
He wanted to hold Noir tight while telling him everything would be alright again, to say that nothing would hurt him as long as Spade was there.
Spade wanted to find the smallest space available and make sure Noir got some sleep before the next day’s challenges. He wanted Noir to be safe in the comfort of a small dark space with Slade there to protect him.
But he wasn’t. Spade had lost him. Spade had failed.
Some ori’vod he was.
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Catch me thinking about all the clones "waking" up in the past after their final brother (read Rex and Kix) eventually dies
I want to say they just kind of wake up a handful of years before the clone wars start
Most of the commanders are teenagers, and the original batchers like Fordo/Alpha-17 and all are in their early 20's
At first they don't act on anything, most of them having hidden tearful reunions while the longnecks don't seem to notice a change among their clones
--> Rex has the most challenging time adjusting, having been the last one for so long that it's almost too much to have faces of the past around him. It helps when Fives and Echo find him one night, and the three are just a crying mess in a corner where the longnecks won't think to look for them. Kix joins them wordlessly, having still been silent about his own life years and years after they all had died.
Once they all figure out that almost everyone has "woken" up, it's all too easy to take Kamino for their own. It's before the war, the Jetti don't know them yet, and the chips are told to those who died before/during their activation. Many tears are shed when Order 66 is discussed by the few survivors, and those who had a hand in killing their Jetti only feel guilt until they all collectively realize that it won't happen this time
The Kaminoans don't realize that the clones are taking the city for themselves until it happens. They move way too precisely for non-combatants, but they slice through security and lock down everything like they knew all the codes since birth, and by the end of a rotation Tipoca and its adjoining facilities are under their control.
Jango is confused by what just happened, and even more so when he starts to realize all the clones are speaking a set of mando'a that is entirely that of his clones, and apparently know this language despite not being very old. They don't seem to want to hurt him either, looking at him with eyes that are haunted like those of a veteran soldier. The one he calls Kote eventually takes pity, and after ensuring what he would hear couldn't be recorded or broadcast, they speak.
He speaks of a war that takes so many lives, how he was used and made easy to execute, and how his clones were used and abused until the fall of the Republic and everything else.
Jango is silent the entire time, and eyes Boba sleeping in his room more than once. He had come to Kamino a long time ago to give his DNA, another job on the list, but to hear that the clones adopted what they could from what culture he taught some of the earliest clones stirred something in him.
Overall, Jango doesn't step in their way, and they don't force him to do anything, just awed to see the Prime that only so few had seen the first time.
Someone eventually has the bright idea to alert the Jetti instead of waiting for a few years, and it's decided that Fox would lead the initiative. Fox is honored and no he doesn't tear up a little bit, you saw nothing (he's lying, and the former Guard commander doesn't want to leave Tipoca at first, if he sees Coruscant, it'll be too soon)
He goes anyways, with Hound, Cody, Fordo, and Ponds following suit, a silent Jango hopping onto their ship clad in full armor. The clones have decided to have only Fordo in his armor, and the others are wearing some "civilian" clothes they'd stitched together to try and not be obvious they're all alike. Fox nearly has a panic attack when he lays eyes on the Senate building they pass over, and is surprised when Jango of all people steadies the younger clone.
They don't just walk into the Jedi Temple, instead leaving some carefully placed data sticks where they know they'll be seen, and after refueling head back to Kamino, so as to not alert a specific someone. Fox knows that they'll be soon gathered up by padawans, and that darker forces wouldn't think to search in a random Temple wall.
It takes the Jetti over a month, but when Kenobi's interceptor pierces the stormy clouds, there is a buzz of excitement.
The Jedi in question doesn't understand the sheer outpouring of joy when he steps out of his ship, and has to take a second to ground himself otherwise he'll start grinning (seriously why were they happy, he's never seen them before)
He's not sure what to expect, but the massive facilities that seem to be run by children are...not what he imagined, children with the eyes of battle-worn soldiers that watch his every move.
They don't tell Obi-Wan everything, pretending that they have information from a source that the Sith lord they seek is on Coruscant and that they will not be conscripted for a Republic they know nothing of.
Obi-Wan can tell they're lying a bit, but doesn't press. He also doesn't understand why they would be conscripted in the first place, but the clones are nothing but kind and respectful, with not a hint of darkness amongst any of them.
He stays for a few days, and eventually, the Force itself decides to speed things along and gives Obi-Wan a vision of a future from a sleeping Cody's mind, showing the Jedi years of trust that ended in devastation. Cody wakes up to Obi-Wan wrapped around him, and his heart sings for the first time in so long.
I am Filled With Thoughts
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eriexplosion · 4 months
Tribe! Another fun one off.
Honestly with all the stress and everything of TBB lately given the Wait for season 3, I'm just appreciating these one off adventures, I honestly wish we had more of them putting me at odds with a ton of the fandom.
God I love Tech insisting they do not need to check the chain codes because HE MADE THEM HIMSELF like bby they don't know you and also that is the MOST suspicious thing you could have said.
I feel like Echo is on guard duty because they had DISAGREEMENTS about delivering fake chain codes to whoever the hell. Also the way Omega doesn't even wait ten seconds after Echo goes inside to start wandering off because she just feels something is Wrong.
His reaction to clones is painful, it makes complete sense after Order 66 but still. My heart ;_;
The droid hearing "We have a situation" and immediately looking up at the batch like this has to be their fault.
"The cause of that blaster fire is either Echo or Omega..... most likely Omega." Tech is the funniest man in this show.
God Gungi with sad eyes is the SINGLE MOST HEARTBREAKING THING. BABY. I want to cherish and protect this carpet.
Echo and Hunter conferring is one of my favorite things still, they're really co-leaders at this point, even if the orders still come from Hunter.
"He's a Jedi, he's not safe anywhere" WAILING
I'm sorry Hunter calling it a laser sword like he's never worked with a jedi before is still SO funny.
Gungi only remembering Kashyyyk from his dreams is the kind of thing I will think about and then immediately get sad again that is the saddest possible thing to say ever.
The music when they arrive at the destroyed village is GREAT.
"The Empire destroyed our home too. Don't worry, we'll find your people." - this is something that's going to come back in season 3 I'm sure, when Pabu is destroyed. This is why I think that what will end up being irrevocably lost through the show isn't people, it's places, dealing with the loss of a place you Belong, and moving past that by having your People, your community and your family, with you. It permeates through Echo's focus on rescuing other clones, Omega's desire to keep the batch together and reunite everyone, Pabu as a city of refugees who found and support each other.
Ugh the destroying the carved stones, the importance of culture and how the Empire just destroys it without any care while Phee tries to restore and preserve it. But tying in with the previous - as long as the people survive, not everything is lost.
"Jedi or not, he's still a child. He needs his people." MORE THINGS THAT MAKE MY HEART HURT IN THE BEST WAY.
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Today on 'Cultural Sensitivity With Echo' we cover 'eating unknown foods'
"We'll stay and help you fight them. You don't have to do this alone." AGAIN, THEMES THAT ARE IMPORTANT.
I love how open and chill they are with 'the trees have a plan' like fuck why not, we're following the trees lead here.
Goddddd waking up the giant spiders to attack the Trandoshans, I love it.
The bad guy just being dragged away screaming. Don't want to see what happens to Venomor! Though to be fair, we don't see him die he might be fine. Still, dragged into the spider nest is generally considered Not Fun.
The cut between 'the fire is spreading too fast' and 'the fire is out never mind' is still AWFULLY ABRUPT.
Echo finally trying some soupdrink and proclaiming it Not Bad. See your extreme disgust was unnecessary.
"They're both just kids. But they don't get to be. Not in this galaxy." "When a young one leaves, the trees weep. But when they return, the trees sing. As this child has found his new home, perhaps one day we all will find a new path."
This episode I think also gets passed over as filler a lot but literally Tribe lays out the themes of the show SO explicitly. I think that it would feel a little less terrifying to think of season 3 if we remembered more about episodes like this.
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
Part Six
Part five
Obi Wan Kenobi x F!Reader
Summary: You and Obi Wan’s new friends bring you to safety on Jabiim, but are faced with a challenge that leaves them stranded with you, causing tensions to run high
Warnings: Jealous Obi Wan, smut, angst?
Word count: 5.6k
A/N: So sorry for how long this took me to write! Thank you all for being patient <3. I have forgotten many details of Fallen Order so if anything is a little off, please forgive me, it’s been over a year since I played it.
Side note: if you are unfamiliar with Cal Kestis, the only details you need to know is that he was 12 at the time of order 66 (now 22) and was Jaro Tapal’s padawan. Cere and Greez are essentially his found family.
Gif cred: @mcgregor
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Absolute peace and focus overcame you. The wind swept your hair from your shoulder, sending a chill across your neck. The force was guiding you through your meditation, and you took in every essence of self reflection that it allowed.
The distant roar of speeders and transports barely reached you now in your subconscious. Your balcony in the temple was quiet enough, even with the commotion of a city planet. It was a small balcony, but it was all yours. Alone.
Or so you thought.
A disruption sucked your focus away from your inner thoughts and demanded your attention behind you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you”
“Master Kenobi” You affirmed as your heart skipped a beat. It had been weeks since you’d had time with him outside of your training. You weren’t expecting him to visit you in your personal quarters.
“What a terrible mentor I am to be interrupting your meditation”
“No it’s okay, really. I was nearly done anyways”
“May I sit?” He gestured toward the ground
You nodded. He sat next to you. Not too close. Not too far away.
“I’m sorry for my distance lately. I’m sure you still understand why” Obi Wan muttered, addressing the elephant in the room.
“I do” You looked away.
“It’s for the best” He said, using a tone that implied he was trying to convince himself of that as well.
“I know” You said, turning your attention back to him. The sun lit his face perfectly on this balcony. Stars, you could stare at him for ages. He stared back, allowing his eyes to dart back and forth between your pupils and your lips. Subtly was usually not something he struggled with, but maybe he wasn’t trying to be subtle.
“Although I…” He broke the silence.
“I don’t know if it’s doing much good” He admitted.
“What do you mean?”
You knew exactly what he meant. The lack of contact outside of your training did nothing but further fuel your imaginative thoughts about him. You assumed he was struggling in the same way.
He shook his head, wishing he hadn’t even said that.
“Never mind” He smiled.
“It’s not helping me much either” You confessed, refusing to look away from him or get shy now.
He raised his eyebrows, “I see”.
“Has this ever happened before?” You pondered. Surely there’s been some instance of this happening in all the history of the Jedi.
“Well, I certainly don’t have distracting thoughts about Anakin” Obi Wan
“I meant to anyone else, silly”
“I know, I’m only teasing” He laughed, “Yes, it has. I was only 15, right after I began training with Qui Gon. I wasn’t able to be told any details but I heard whispers of a Jedi Master and his Padawan running off together”
“Master Windu, um, he caught them together”
“Caught them doing what?”
“Exactly what you think they were doing”
Your eyes grew wide, “Oh”
Obi Wan cleared his throat, “Yes. Which is why he was careful to warn me when he noticed our attachment”
“Makes sense” You chuckled.
“Many speculated it was only lust between those two, but I could tell…it was love” He thought back to the couple who chose their attachment over the ways of being a Jedi. You pondered that for a moment, wondering how deep a connection must be to overrule everything you've ever known.
He stared off for a while, the memory of them replaying in his head. You wondered if he weighed the consequence of running off with you, and if his feelings were deeper than lust as well. You shook that idea away immediately.
“I don’t want to be the reason you struggle to succeed” He muttered. This seemed to come out of nowhere, but perhaps there was a connection.
“You are the reason I will succeed” You contested firmly.
“I hope that will remain true” He smiled at you.
The gentle breeze continued to brush the wild strands of hair off your cheeks.
"I am worried about Anakin" Obi Wan muttered.
"How so?"
"He's..." Obi Wan began, "He is losing his way"
The tone in his voice was broken. There was struggle within him, you could sense it and see it in his eyes.
"He is distracted. Ahsoka has noticed, too" You agreed.
"Anakin is far more than distracted" Obi Wan murmured.
"I think Padme is proof of that" You mumbled.
"You believe it, too?"
"She’s carrying his child. It may not be obvious to everyone but...a woman can tell when another woman is in love" You sighed.
"This is my fault" He shook his head.
"No, it's not, Master Kenobi" You quickly shot back,"No one, not even the galaxy's strongest Jedi, can stand in the way of love" You declared. He stared at you, thinking carefully about his next words.
"I suppose you're right" Obi Wan concurred, stroking his beard.
"You cannot blame yourself for any of Anakin's decisions. He is lucky to have your guidance. I am lucky to have your guidance"
Only a smile was offered in response, but you were glad to know you said that with confidence.
“I’ve received word that General Grevious is on Utapau. I’ll be leaving soon” He changed the subject, but you anticipated that this was likely what he came to tell you in the first place.
“I’ll come with you” You insisted.
“No, my dear, I can’t have you with me. Not against him” He said, placing a hand atop yours, sending electricity through your veins at the sudden contact.
“You can’t prepare me to be a Jedi knight if you don’t even let me in on the action” You teased.
“I can’t prepare you to do anything if you get yourself killed” He shot back.
“That’s fair” You conceded.
“I will see you soon, my young Padawan” Obi Wan spoke softly, looking at you with adoration.
You turned to listen only to his receding footsteps, longing for more time with him, more conversation, and more exchanged glances.
“And just in case I haven’t told you in a while” He spoke softly, turning to you again. You turned around to meet his gaze.
“I’m proud of you, Y/N”
Your heart melted at his praise. It was no surprise that he was proud of you, but, to hear him say it meant everything to you.
As you watched him walk away from you, a sinking feeling of dread settled into your chest. You couldn’t explain why, and you thought maybe you just didn’t want him to go.
Little did you know, it was the last time you’d see your Master before everything fell apart.
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“So where are we taking this hunk of metal?” Greez called from the pilot seat.
“Tatooine?” You ignorantly suggested.
“We can’t go to Tatooine. That’s the first place they’ll look for us” Obi Wan whispered in frustration.
“Coruscant?” Greez, the pilot, haphazardly suggested.
“Greez” Cal scolded him. The elephant in the room stated that was a terrible idea.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding” Greez threw his hands up.
“What about Jabiim?” Cal spoke up.
“Will they take kindly to us bringing the Empire's most wanted Jedi?” Cere pondered.
“I don't want to put innocent people at risk” You muttered, your nerves on edge.
“You’re not. These people on Jabiim help Jedi” Cere comforted you.
“Usually not the ones that Darth Vader himself is personally looking for, but who knows” Cal remarked.
“We will take you to a safe space but that’s as far as we’ll go. You two are being hunted, and I can’t risk that putting us in danger on this ship” Cere remarked. You understood, no matter how it may have sounded.
“We are grateful for any help” Obi Wan flashed a quick smile.
Cere nodded, still amazed to be in Obi Wan’s presence. She never really knew him before, but everyone knew of Obi Wan in some way. He was one of the greatest Jedi of our time.
The trip was long, several days would pass before you reached your destination, but it provided you the time to recollect yourselves after what had just taken place. Jabiim was located in the outer rim, and considering the dire need to travel in stealth, it took even longer than normal. To fill the empty void of nothing but time, you and Obi Wan visited with Cal and Cere, getting to know them better and looking back on a time you could all relate to. It was painful but necessary to discuss. Greez joined the conversation here and there when he wasn’t attending to piloting the ship.
You wanted to be alone with Obi Wan to ask him about Anakin. The shock of this revelation was continuing to sink in achingly slow, and you imagined it was tearing him apart, too. Everything happened so fast on Batuu, he hadn’t had the chance to talk about it, let alone process it. There was a lingering pain in his expression that no smile or laugh could’ve concealed.
“And Master Tapal, he’s—” Obi Wan inquired, unable to finish his own sentence because he assumed the answer. He knew Master Tapal, not well, but they were acquainted.
“Gone...died in my arms” Cal said coldly, “I barely made it out alive” He hung his head, making it clear that ten years couldn’t heal the wound that losing his master had inflicted.
“I am so sorry” Obi Wan whispered sorrowfully.
“I’m glad you two were able to find each other again. You’re lucky” Cal smiled, studying your every movement. It was noticeable, though, that he looked at you more often than Obi Wan, seemingly almost watching you at times.
There were shared glances at each other between you and Obi Wan, trying to hide the tension and hopefully discreet affection for one another. You were sure that neither Cere or Cal noticed this, and you weren’t going to address it.
“It was lucky. I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw him” You noted.
“Nor did I” Obi Wan smiled, placing a hand on your knee, and immediately regretting it. Subtly and slowly, he pulled away, hoping that Cere and Cal were none the wiser to this physical contact.
Cere told you both the heartbreaking story of losing her Padawan to the dark side, just to watch her perish at the hands of Darth Vader. You couldn’t imagine her anguish, but you could sense the pain that afflicted Obi Wan as she spoke of Vader’s actions. Your new discovery of Anakin’s identity would not be shared with anyone anytime soon for this very reason. Taking risks played a huge role in your life now, but potentially enraging those who are providing you refuge would be unwise.
Obi Wan had stepped away with Cere to the cockpit, leaving you and Cal alone on the seating area.
"Is this your droid?" You smiled, watching the BD unit cozy up onto his shoulder like a Loth cat.
"Yep. This is BD-1"
The droid voiced a series of beeps you didn't quite understand but you nodded anyways.
"You know it's nice finding another Jedi my age"
"Yeah?" You smiled in agreement.
"Yeah, its...refreshing"
"I could say the same"
The conversation was pleasant. You talked about how you’d both survived through the years, and the struggle of living with such crippling survivors guilt. You couldn’t fathom the pain he felt watching his Master die and making the decision to escape and keep pushing forward.
Cal was kind and empathetic. Before the purge, you would’ve viewed him as much younger than you. He was a child and you weren’t. But here you both were, full grown adults living in a galaxy where your life is at risk everyday. There was an automatic bond there, and you deeply enjoyed your conversation with him.
It did not go unnoticed that his eyes carried a deeper feeling than just listening. You sensed something from him. An unfamiliar feeling. Maybe he felt a connection to you that was out of his control. Perhaps it was attraction. You brushed it off, considering you wouldn’t be around him much longer.
The force was an odd and complicated thing…you were slowly accepting it’s influence again, and to differentiate your feelings and senses with that of a normal human and one that is force sensitive was proving to be a challenge once more.
You put away that confusion for now. You didn’t know where Cal’s feelings were. You were unsure if he felt anything for you beyond a quickly developed friendship.
Over the next day and a half, you got to know him a little more and learned about his countless adventures in the past. He had never ending stories to tell, and you were on the edge of your seat for every single tale.
Truly, it was nice to make these new friends. You never allowed yourself to get attached before you found Obi Wan, but you found that easier to do now.
Jabiim was a planet you’d not even heard of before. Cere explained to you both that it was part of something called The Path, operated by people that helped hide Jedi and other force sensitive individuals. On Jabiim, these at risk people could be assigned new identities and receive the shelter they sought. This was off the radar, far into the outer rim. The empire didn’t know about it at all, at least...not yet.
Cere said they’d helped stow away Jedi before, but with you and Obi Wan being Darth Vader’s prime target, this was a lot to ask from them. The crew, of course, didn’t know why he was Vader’s target, and thankfully they didn’t ask.
The Mantis made its descent, revealing a giant rock structure as you pushed down through the clouds. An opening atop the rocks twisted open, allowing you to land safely.
A sea of friendly, yet curious faces approached the ship as the ramp opened. You and Obi Wan found yourself to be timid in the direct attention of all these new people.
Standing back from Cere and Cal, who were obviously accustomed to the company of this community, your ears picked up every piece of their conversation.
"Cere" The soft spoken man said. He was probably your age, human, tan skin and very short black hair, similar to that of Cere's appearance.
"Hello, Roken"
"Is that who I think it is?" Roken gestured to where we stood. He seemed cautious and possibly weary.
"It is. Listen I know this could compromise everything but I-"
"Who is the girl?" He interrupted her.
"His Padawan. Was...his Padawan" Cere said, emphasizing the past tense.
Your mind was stuck on how she said that. There was a possibility she knew, but you couldn’t worry about that right now.
“Are they being tracked?” Roken inquired.
“Roken. I wouldn’t bring them here if they were. You know that”
He shook his head, “Can never be too careful"
“Can you take them?”
Roken looked at our stressed faces, feeling sympathy and compassion that outweighed his fear of being compromised.
"We can take you, but only for a little while" Roken blurted.
"Thank you" You spoke up before Obi Wan could.
"You'll need separate rooms, right?"
"Oh, yes, please" Obi Wan answered, quick to pick up on the urgency to remain discreet for now.
"Cere!" Greez called from the top of the ramp.
"We got a problem"
Turns out there was a malfunction in the main panel of the Mantis, making it impossible to launch it until the board had been fixed. It was technical talk, something you never understood, as you never learned to be a pilot. But what you gathered was simple: the Mantis crew couldn't leave tonight.
"We're short on staterooms. Two of you will have to share" Roken seemed apologetic.
The Mantis crew shot each other displeased looks, hinting that they did not, under any circumstances, want to share a room.
"We will. Its fine" You spoke up, feeling Obi Wan's eyes glued to you immediately, along with Cal's from across the room.
"Follow me, please"
The journey through the extensive corridors was riddled with surprised glances and wonder. Obi Wan was recognizable. A fact that kept him in danger constantly. Many of these people working the base were familiar with him, and were shocked to see him here. Many considered Obi Wan to have died, others accurately speculated he was alive and hiding.
The room was adequate. A stark contrast to the resort you’d stayed in the last couple of nights, but you were endlessly grateful for any help at all. There was a small bed, one that you two will probably have to get very close to one another to be able to fit, but that wasn’t a problem at all.
The door shut quietly behind you, leaving you both alone for the first time since you faced almost certain death. A small lamp barely lit the room, illuminating the bed and one small table.
Obi Wan battled with a flood of emotions, and to pinpoint what he was thinking of in that moment would’ve been impossible.
He rested his head in his palm, sighing loudly, trying to collect himself again.
You hesitated to ask, because in light of recent events, you knew what was wrong. Instead, you rubbed your hand on his back before laying your head against him.
It was a conversation to be had another time. He needed to process the revelation that Anakin still lived. Gods...you needed to process that, too.
“I don't…” Obi Wan trailed off, suddenly deciding to speak.
You turned your face up to him, “What?”
“I don't like the way Cal looks at you” He said it quickly, spitting it out so he could get it over with. He looked down at you now.
That’s what he was thinking about?
“Obi Wan, please” You sighed. You felt defensive but you’d done nothing to provoke Cal, this wasn’t your fault but you still felt like you may be to blame for his attention.
“It’s obvious…and I can sense his curiosity about us” Obi Wan noted, "but the way he looks at you...the way he talks to you"
Walking toward him, you gently wrapped your arms onto his shoulders, “You’ve got nothing to worry about. All I want is you”
“I know, darling, I’m sorry. I never thought myself to be the jealous type”
“Oh, right, like you don’t remember peeling me off of Rex that night at 79s? You acted like you only were protecting me but I saw the way you looked at Rex. You could’ve killed him for the way he touched me” You giggled.
“Stars, I’d forgotten about that” He was taken aback, simultaneously holding a look of grief at the mention of Rex.
“I never have forgotten. It was hot…the way you didn’t want any other man to have me”
“Really.” You purred.
Obi Wan swallowed hard, his need for you suddenly overwhelming him, “I want to do very bad things to you right now, my love” He breathed.
“What’s stopping you?”
“Well, for one, the crew on the other side of this door who were kind enough to provide us shelter”
“That’s a good point. You know there’s no way I can be quiet” You conceded.
“You can’t be loud if my hand is over your mouth, now can you?” Obi Wan whispered, pulling your hair behind your ear.
You shook your head and swallowed in anxious anticipation.
His hand slipped between the supple surface of your lower belly and the band that held your pants up, and ventured down to the heat he was seeking.
You sucked in a sharp breath, a moan threatening to strangle you, but Obi Wan’s hand slapped firmly against your mouth, muffling any precious sound that may escape you. It was torture for him. He loved the delicate noises you made. Noises he pulled from you. But he had to deny himself of that now.
“You’ll not make one noise, no matter how good my fingers make you feel” Obi Wan commanded, his voice now rough with desire.
You nodded.
His fingers trailed through your wetness and he groaned softly as he felt you, his lips pressed flush against your cheek. The tips of his fingers pressed against your clit, sending a jolt through your bones.
“Let’s lay you down, yeah?” He whispered, ripping away his touch suddenly.
Obi Wan laid your back flat against the small bed and positioned himself above you. Swiftly he pulled your pants down and off your body before returning his palm to your mouth and his still wet fingers back to your pulsing ache.
Gods, he looked so dominant above you like this. You couldn’t help but feel your skin light on fire with arousal.
His gaze followed his hand, observing the way the dim light revealed the dampness seeping onto your inner thighs. Snapping his attention back to you, he plunged his middle finger inside. You arched your back up into him from this sensation of having him, any part of him, against your walls.
At a steady and consistent pace, Obi Wan began pumping his finger in and out, following the patterns of your breathing, reacting to every way your body received this pleasure. He added another finger, providing a wonderfully full feeling into your lower belly.
Your whimpering was no match for the pressure applied to your lips. The muffled sounds were only loud enough for Obi Wan to hear. Only for him. And the thought of that, just the thought…drove him wild.
His digits fucked you faster now, the sound of your slickness loudly filling the compressed space with every thrust. With his face hovering very close to yours, he watched how your brows pressed together, almost as if you were in pain, but he knew better. You were close. And as your muscles contracted around him, he felt your release creeping closer.
“I hope he senses what I’m doing to you” Obi Wan whispered, his fingers slowing their pace. He used his fingers now without speed but with a perfect curl. He brushed against your sweetest spot with every stroke. He was expressing his jealousy with dominance, but you didn’t mind one bit.
“I could always sense when you ached for me, he can feel it too”
You knew this to be true. If a force sensitive individual felt a lust toward another, it was an unspoken concept that you could sense when they were aroused. Meaning that, more than likely, Cere wouldn’t notice, but Cal would.
You’d thought you felt it from Obi Wan all those years ago, a flutter or a tingle from the force when you were near him, but you convinced yourself you were mistaken. Knowing what you know now, it really was his lust that you felt.
Cal wasn’t your type, but you wouldn’t deny how attractive he was. This trip was long, and his lingering glances did not go unnoticed.
“That way, it is in no way unclear…that you are mine” His voice sent shivers down your spine and guided you closer to your release.
Stars circled your vision as you spilled over the edge and floated in euphoria. You gripped his wrist that covered your mouth and squeezed hard, directing your expressions of pleasure somewhere besides your mouth. Every extra
“There you go, darling, doing so good for me” He encouraged you, ravishing in the sight of your writhing body.
You floated softly back down from your orgasm, eyelids falling heavy as you looked up at him.
His face looked frantic as he quickly gripped your hand, bringing it below his belt and into his pants. The stiffness met your hand firmly, and you began to stroke him, picking up the hint that he was close to his orgasm just from fingering you.
“Please” He begged, needing the sensation of your hand so desperately, and you wouldn’t dare delay.
It was only four rhythmic strokes before he fell weak, his cock twitched within your grasp, and his release coated your hand and wrist. He suppressed his moans as best as he could, but he trembled against your touch while he rode his high, dropping his head to yours, hovering his lips above yours.
“I’m sorry, darling” He panted shamefully.
Brows furrowing in confusion, you were hurt that he was ashamed of how quickly he got off.
“I didn’t think that would happen so fast” He sighed, leaning back to sit next to you on the small bed.
“I really like that…that I made you cum and I hardly touched you” You noted, sitting up to meet his eyes.
“You were just…just feeling that you were so wet, darling, and so breathtaking” He swallowed, sweat beaming upon his skin.
Your cunt throbbed, begging for more of him…but you’d have to wait. He was so aroused by pleasuring you that it took nothing more than a few strokes to send him over the edge. It was so intoxicating to feel you like that, he truly couldn’t help himself.
And just the thought of that, fuck, it was so hot.
You understood why he was ashamed, but you couldn’t even express how it made your heart flutter with desire for him even more than before…if that was even possible.
“I love you” You said warmly.
“I love you, Y/N”
Making sure to redress yourself without evidence of ever being undressed, you exited your room to find water and hoped that you wouldn’t bump into anyone considering how late it is and how rosy your cheeks were. The silence was loud, but comforting, almost like a roar of nothingness.
As you turned the corner, the soft light of the common area reflected atop Cal’s red hair, his back turned to you as he sat at a small table. The calmed thumping in your chest grew faster suddenly. Both startled and nervous, you kept your composure. As arousing as Obi Wan’s jealousy was, you felt guilty looking Cal in the face at this moment.
“Can’t sleep?” You breathed out. Walking past him to where the drinks and refreshments were stored.
“No, not really” He said, his tone flat.
“Me either” you lied.
Bringing the cup of water to your lips, you sat across from him, clearing your throat to cover the awkwardness of silence, “We are very grateful for your help, Cal”
He smiled warmly at you, but there was a shift of disappointment in his expression.
“You were his…Padawan, right?” He changed the topic, turning his gaze to the cup he held in his hand.
“Yeah, why?” You said curiously and hesitantly.
“No reason”
His room was right next to yours. He had to have at least heard something, or as Obi Wan had hoped, and deep down you did too, he sensed your arousal. And considering you were sharing a room with Obi Wan, there was not much else that could’ve explained it.
“I know that you heard or— sensed it” You blurted out. Now or never. Put it out in the open, you guessed.
He looked up at you, and it wasn’t hate, no, it was pain in his face “I…did”
“Sorry about that” You responded, feeling even more guilty now.
Gods, you thought, why are my feelings so conflicting right now?
Cal was quiet for a moment before a small chuckle left his lips, but he wasn’t laughing, “How can he take advantage of his Padawan like that?”
“Excuse me?” You nervously laughed.
Cal shook his head in frustration, “Never mind”.
“It wasn’t happening back then. When we found each other we just-”
“It’s still wrong. He’s meant to guide you and be your mentor. You admired him because of the role he played in your life and now he’s used that to get you in bed with him”
The way in which he spoke those words sounded as though he scripted this out himself for the next time he saw you. It just happened to be 10 minutes after Obi Wan pleasured you that he encountered you.
Anger took over your conflicting emotion, “Stop. You don’t know me, and you don’t know him”
“You’re right. The Obi Wan Kenobi I heard stories of would’ve never fucked his Padawan” Cal spat the harsh words at you, standing to his feet suddenly.
How could he say that? He was so out of line. It was not his business.
“And why do you care?” You scoffed.
He sarcastically laughed. “I don’t”
“Clearly you do”
"I don't think it would matter to you if I did care"
“Cal” Cere called sternly from the doorway
Cal glanced at you with disdain once more, clenching his jaw in annoyance before storming out of the room, shoving Cere out of the way in the process.
Tears pooled in your eyes as your head dropped to the floor.
“I am sorry about him”
“You must think the same thing” You muttered, swallowing your tears.
“I don’t” Cere began “I may not agree with it, but things are different now. Cal of all people should know that. I think it bothers him because-”
“Because?” You pondered, hoping her answer wouldn't be what you suspected.
“He’s jealous” She stated blankly.
“I see the way he looks at you, Y/N. You two haven’t been with us very long but Cal tends to grow fond of people very quickly” Cere noted. This must've happened before, you thought, and you wondered where that girl was now.
You did not know what to say, “Oh”
“Just ignore him” She consoled, placing her hand on your shoulder, “I could tell there was something more between you two almost instantly”
You swallowed hard. Seriously? You tried so hard to hide it.
“That obvious, huh?”
“No, it’s really not. Its easy for me to pick up on those sort of things" She admitted.
"I see"
"Love who you love, Y/N. Don't let anyone's judgment stand in your way" She reassured you softly, "We are all just trying to survive, and how you choose to do that, is not my business"
“Thanks, Cere” You smiled warmly at her, “And thanks again, for you know, helping us”
“Of course. Get some rest” She said softly before turning the corner, leaving you alone to your rampant, racing thoughts.
That silent roaring suffocated you now, stripping away the comfort it brought you just moments ago. You liked Cal...as a friend. It hurt you that he was so angry about your relationship. You had spent most of the past day or so on the Mantis getting to know him, but this reaction was drastically out of character from what you knew of him.
A couple of days is not long enough to really know someone, no matter how quickly you felt that a bond had formed.
You allowed the silence to overwhelm you as you sat alone in the common area but finally mustered the courage to return to Obi Wan, feeling desperate for his comfort once more.
"You were right" You groaned, closing the door behind you.
"About what?"
"Cal" Your voice broke, betraying your attempt to keep your composure.
Obi Wan shot to his feet as he heard you grow sorrowful, rushing to wrap his arms around you, "Y/N, what did he say to you?"
"He was angry. Said that what we were doing was wrong and that you were taking advantage of me"
Obi Wan's grasp tensed around you, his anger becoming evident and his blood beginning to boil. He pulled away from you to walk out the door but you yanked his wrist away from his pursuit.
"Don't. Please"
The clenching of his jaw exhibited his restraint for your benefit.
"Lets just sleep. We are both so tired” You noted. After sleeping on the floor of the ship the past two nights, you were both exhausted.
Obi Wan did not say much more after that. He was trying to calm himself as best he knew how…within his own head.
As you laid together, snuggled close as you imagined you'd have to, you looked up to him, admiring his presence and trying to push away any negative thoughts for now. That was a spiral you would not welcome into your mind.
Just rest, you thought, you're safe now.
The watch you wore indicated that it was morning, although without it, you would've had no idea. This entire base was built into the rock structure, the only place that light was accessible was through the port you arrived at. You crawled out of the bed, your ears suddenly fixating on a foreign sound.
You rubbed your eyes, forcing yourself to awaken to full attention.
What was that sound?
It was a faint beeping, small and unurgent. You looked around the practically empty room, and finally traced the sound to your bag resting in the corner.
You stopped in your tracks as fear overcame you. There was nothing in that bag, to your knowledge, that needed to make any sort of sound like that.
Breathing deep to calm your fear, you reached for the bag and opened it slowly, before frantically digging through every compartment.
As your eyes fixed onto a flashing red device no bigger than a coin, you had to remind yourself to keep breathing. The room shrunk and your blood ran cold. It seemed inexplicable. Who put this here? How could the Empire have tracked you?
Before you were able to comprehend it any further, a sudden, eerie alarm began blasting through the base, jolting Obi Wan out of his sleep.
They found you.
The Empire found you.
And they’ve just arrived.
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A/N: I noticed some canon-inconsistencies in my details about when Obi Wan started his training. I could’ve sworn he started his training as a teenager?? But apparently not so in my version of things let’s pretend he didn’t start his training until he was like 15. Anyways this chapter is a little unrealistic and self indulgent but I hope you all enjoyed <3
Tagged:@simplysolo@captaincarmel164@hotchslatte@marygoddessofmischief @notmyideia @meshlasolus@ceruleanrainblues @shylittlefoxx @infinity-witch @star-whores-a-new-hoe @howellatme,@superavengerpotter, @multi-fandom-s, @generalkenobi-4-senate, @sebschicken, @hypnoash, @modernmythic, @bellarkeselection, @molieux, @siidereeus, @morganas-pendragons, @scoobywoos, @ivycoveredstone, @djarinvibe @alorika @theonethatlikeskpop, @lalalalemonade11, @ella-error505, @hofficoffi, @tamtam-go92, @mclemontine, @vibeyhatdawg, @hugmekenobi, @sofiaconlaz, @dont-feel-so-good-peter, @grazieschillivera, @impala1967666 , @punkrogers-jerkbarnes @myswficlist @megan-mars, @radspencerreid @emmamikaelson95 @punkpirate82 @friskynotebook @mandowhatnow @sherrybirkingirl @the-blueatlas @starlightelegy
I reached my number limit with tags but I will figure it out if I need to add anyone else :) let me know if I missed someone!
Part Seven
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