#obi wan x female reader
vibrantbirdy · 11 months
Hiii. Firstly, I just want to say how much I LOVE your work. I think you’re fantastic!
I was hoping to request an Obi-Wan Kenobi x Senator or Princess female reader (always a sucker for this). Maybe Clone wars or pre- ending of Revenge of the Sith. Peppered with Obi-Wan denying his feelings for the sake of the Jedi code, and then confessing true emotions in the Kenobi series era. (gotta love angst with some feels after a whole lot of yearning).
Thank you so much 💙
Thank you so much for your kind words and this wonderful request. I was so excited to write for Obi-Wan as it's been years since I have, and it's really cool to write for him in the wake of the Kenobi series. So thank you for this lovely prompt and I hope this is the sort of thing you were looking for.
(Requests for Character x Reader fics are currently open in my Asks. Please read the guidelines first.)
(Masterlist of my fics can be found here.)
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Title: Relics Fandom: Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Setting: Pre the Phantom Menace to post the Kenobi Series. Genres: Sci-fi; Romance; Minor Angst Warnings: mild/moderate sexuality; mild references to Reader family losses due to old age; mild references to the Empire being baddies and doing baddie things Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Princess Female Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Word Count: c.5k Author's Note: It's late and I need to proofread this properly, sorry for any mistakes in the mean time!
Summary: You and Obi-Wan Kenobi have a connection that spans decades as your lives intersect throughout the years. Will you find each other again in the most unlikely of places?
Inevitably, the Empire discovered that you have been siphoning off funds to various Rebel factions across the Galaxy for years. As Queen of Vitis, you planned to stay on your home world and face the consequences of defying the Imperial tyrants with your people.
But your Bodyguard, loyal to a fault, had other ideas. The night before an Imperial delegation was set to arrive, your Captain of the Guard, Old Paltrum, hired a bounty hunter to abduct you from your chambers in the middle of the night and drop you off somewhere "safe." This apparently meant any random, obscure world in the Outer Rim of the mercenary's choosing.
Seemingly, the desert planet of Tatooine was the farthest flung rock in the Galaxy that the brute could think of.
At night, you dream of home. Of Vitis. A beautiful planet, full of lush forests and green meadows where wildflowers gleam through the grass like little jewels.
Too often, these dreams turn to nightmares and you watch, helpless, as the rivers run red with the blood of your people and the Imperial flag flies like Death's victory banner above the royal citadel.
You fear you'll forever be known as the Vitisian Queen who abandoned her subjects in their most desperate hour of need.
Tatooine is not like home. The heat during the day is a constant, inescapable blanket of oppression. No matter what you do, the sand works its way into your eyes, between your teeth, into your clothes and tracks its way all the way through the small one room home you managed to purchase with the few credits Paltrum obviously appropriated for you from the palace treasury. And you are always so thirsty, no matter how much water you consume.
Still, you have been on the desert planet for almost three months now, and despite your belligerent determination not to, you are beginning to settle and acclimatise. Slowly.
You like Tatooine best in the evening, just as dusk falls. It's cooler and there is a rare, strange beauty to be found as the twin suns set in the sky which turns from blood red to pink to purple and finally to a deep, midnight blue.
You make your living selling the clothing you make at the stall you have acquired in the market in Mos Eisley. It is mid-afternoon when you catch sight of a man you know walking across the far side of the square. You jump up from your stool, knocking it over in your haste and sending your weaving unravelling to the floor.
Ducking and weaving and apologising to the people you bump into, you track the man making his way across the market through the obstructions of clothing and clutter and trinkets hanging from the stalls of your neighbours' and your own.
Your heart leaps. It is him. Obi-Wan Kenobi.
What is he doing here? Of all places.
You want to run to him, to call out his name but something stops you.
He looks older. Of course he does, it's been over a decade since you last saw him. But that's not it.
The Obi-Wan you remember carried himself with a charismatic air of confidence which, on other men, could easily have been perceived as arrogance. But Kenobi was always able to temper this with his good humour and dignified manner.
Now, he looks downtrodden, smaller, as if he's been on Tatooine so long that the years have started to grind him into the sand. His once well kempt hair and beard are scruffy and his dirty, torn clothes are little more than rags.
You are suddenly struck by the idea that he might not want you to see him like this. Then, you think about what happened to the Jedi Order and the rumoured purge said to have been commanded by the Emperor himself.
Obi-Wan must be in exile or in hiding. Just like you.
With this revelation, you are paralysed by indecision. By the time you come to the realisation that you can't let this chance to reunite with him slip away, he is already gone.
30 years ago
The Republic have sent a diplomatic envoy to Vitis to discuss with leading politicians from the surrounding worlds the increasing Separatist pressure on the system's trade routes. The delegation of two Jedi, Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his young apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, arrive at the Vitisian royal citadel early in the morning.
Although you really think you should be sitting at the table with the other delegates, you've reluctantly agreed with the wishes of your parents, the King and Queen, to show Obi-Wan the palace grounds and some of the countryside beyond.
He's a young man about your age, probably eighteen or nineteen. Upon first introduction, you get the distinct impression that he feels like he should be present at the discussions too. But, following a brief period of stilted conversation as you lead him through the palace and out into the lush gardens, it quickly becomes apparent that you and Obi-Wan just click. Any interest in trade or commerce is soon forgotten by both of you.
When he speaks, his pronunciation is clipped and proper, but his voice is full of a charming vitality. He has a graceful, purposeful physicality and moves his body with a self-assuredness many young men his age don't seem to possess quite yet. And he's handsome. He has an open, honest face with well-proportioned features, adored with two impossibly bright blue eyes. He has sandy coloured hair which, apart from a small pony tail at the back of his head and a long, thin braid that runs down behind his ear and to his chest, is cropped short.
As you walk through Vitis's lush, green surroundings together, the conversations flows easily. You notice that he has a perpetual, good-natured smirk on his face, as if he constantly has an amusing quip on the tip of his tongue. Sometimes he speaks these out loud and his blue eyes twinkle with mischief.
His little barbs are never unkind. In fact, you find it refreshing, the way he makes you think on your feet in an effort to fire out your own witty retorts.
One time, you're too slow to think of anything clever to say, so all you can think to do is to pull, gently, at the strange braid affixed to the side of his head.
"What's this?"
What's what?" He asks with mock ignorance, and you shove him playfully.
"It's my Padawan braid," he explains, "It signifies that I'm not yet a Jedi. Once I've completed the trials, I'll cut it off as part of the ceremony when I become a Knight."
"Oh," you say, faltering.
It all sounds rather meaningful and symbolic.
"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have..."
He smiles reassuringly.
"It's ok, I have a bad habit of tugging at it myself when I'm nervous."
Hours have passed and you've wandered all the way through the grounds as far as the great lake before either of you notice the time. You take the short cut back through the woods and past the gargantuan Whispering Tree, which stands sentinel like a great, leafy guardian on the border of the royal forest.
Obi-Wan stops to admire the tree, his eyes following its massive trunk and he cranes his neck in a futile attempt to try and get a glimpse of the top as it disappears into the canopy. The tree is putting on a magnificent show today. Its peculiar white leaves are dazzling in the sunlight and the pale silver bark shines like precious metal.
"What is it?" he asks, his voice filled with awe, "I've never seen a tree like it."
"It's called the Whispering Tree because of the noise it makes in the wind. It sounds like someone speaking. It's the only one left of its kind - a white Vitisian Birch. Traditionally, first born royal daughters are charged with its care," you run a hand against the smooth bark fondly," and that happens to be me."
Obi-Wan smiles almost absent-mindedly as he presses his palm against the tree and closes his eyes.
"Are you talking to it? Using the Force?" You ask, excitedly, "What's it saying?"
"That's not how it works," he chuckles, but he stops immediately as he sees your cheeks redden and realises that you're embarrassed.
"Uh, but if it could talk," he continues, earnestly, "It would say that it feels very lucky to have someone like you to care for it."
You beam widely at him and, unable to stop yourself, you lean in and plant an impulsive kiss on his lips. At first, he stiffens, his eyes wide in surprise, but then he seems to melt into you and you feel a thrill of excitement course through you as his lips start to move against yours.
"Obi-Wan!" A stern voice makes you both jump and you leap away from each other as if you've been electrocuted.
The tall figure of Obi-Wan's mentor is striding towards where you are standing at the tree line, his Jedi robes and long silver hair billowing in the breeze together making him seem even bigger and more imposing.
"Master Qui-Gon..."
"You were supposed to escort the Princess to dinner an hour ago!"
"I know, Master, I'm sorry..."
Obi-Wan starts to explain, but Qui-Gon Jinn cuts him off abruptly.
"I don't want to hear it."
Side by side, you and Obi-Wan traipse silently back to the palace behind Master Jinn. You find yourself having to scurry to keep up with his long strides, but Obi-Wan appears to be used to it.
He looks rather crestfallen following Qui-Gon's admonishment, and you reach out to touch the back of his hand lightly with your own. At first, he doesn't look at you, instead just allowing the corners of his mouth to lift slightly as he runs his knuckles back and forth against your own.
Then, you exchange a sheepish, secret smile, behind Master Jinn's back, before breaking the touch and you both return your gaze to the ground with suitably chastised expressions.
It becomes apparent over dinner that Master Jinn, mercifully, has not informed your parents of your little indiscretion with Obi-Wan. You don't know what story he has concocted to explain your tardiness, but you are grateful for it.
Over the course of the evening, as you observe him, you realise that Qui-Gon Jinn is a kind man. Although he appears slightly terse with Obi-Wan to begin with, his manner softens as time goes on and to you, the relationship between the two Jedi seems almost akin to that of father and son.
Although you still feel a guilty, watching the two Jedi helps soothe your worries that Obi-Wan might face some severe reprimand on account of your actions.
Soon, it is time to see the guests off and the Jedi delegation is last to leave. You take advantage of the long conversation Master Jinn and your father apparently couldn't possibly have finished over dinner to say goodbye to Obi-Wan.
"I'm sorry, did you get in trouble?" You say quickly and quietly into his ear as you give him a formal, chaste kiss farewell on the cheek. "Yes, but it was worth it," he whispers back and a wide, boyish grin spreads across his face as he pulls away.
You can't do anything other than return it, and you look at each other for just a moment longer before he gives you a courteous nod of his head.
"Goodbye, Princess."
"Goodbye, Obi-Wan."
You next see Obi-Wan a few weeks after your first glimpse of him at the market.
You almost approach him this time, but again, something holds you back.
He is heading towards Mos Eisley's space port and he has a more purposeful stride to his walk than when you last saw him.
Yet it's still not the walk of the composed, dignified man you once knew. In fact, his sense of urgency seems alarmingly close to panic.
Presumably, he is going off-world for some reason. He's not carrying much with him.
You hope he'll be back.
******************************************************** 12 years ago You are arriving on Coruscant, the sprawling city covered planet at the heart of the Galaxy, the seat of the Republic's power. Your father has sent you to make a representation to the Senate to officially declare an end to Vitis's neutrality.
It's not what you or your people want. But the Separatists have been pushing in on Vitisian interests on all sides in the past several months, disrupting trade routes, placing droid garrisons on nearby worlds, even muscling in on mineral mining operations on several moons within the Vitisian system. There is now really is very little choice. Vitis needs the protection of the Republic.
As you step off your ship, Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a Jedi Master, strides across the landing platform to greet you. You are so high up it gives the impression that the Coruscant sun which hangs large and low and golden in the sky behind you is about to swallow you whole. There is a strong breeze, which catches your hair and sends the flowing train of your green travelling dress snaking into the air like an emerald river.
Obi-Wan has grown into a fine looking man, tall and broad shouldered. He is clothed in traditional Jedi attire, a long brown robe draped elegantly over a cream tunic, fawn pants, and knee length, brown leather boots. His sandy hair is neatly cropped at the back and sides, with more length on the top and he had grown a distinguished golden beard since you last saw him.
"Princess," he says with a warm smile, those piercing blue eyes of his just as full of life as you remember.
"Master Kenobi," you respond, beaming, as he stoops to kiss you on both cheeks.
You'd been concerned that, in the almost two decades since you last saw him, his long years at war in service to the Jedi might have dulled that bright spark you so admired in the young man you once knew.
But you needn't have worried. As he escorts you to your chambers within the accommodation wing of the grand Senate building, you find yourself falling back into easy, cheerful conversation with him, as if no time has passed at all.
Obi-Wan's youthful spirit is still present but it has evolved into a sort of refined, contained exuberance that sits elegantly on him. He is as quick to laughter as ever and the eloquent wit he possessed even as a boy is just as sharp.
You are sitting in the lavish parlour of the rooms you've been assigned. It is a fine suite, decorated in bright colours with a beautiful view out across Coruscant's endless cityscape. The arching floor to ceiling windows let in as much natural light at the metropolis' towering spires will allow.
Suddenly, you wonder what it would feel like to kiss Obi-Wan again, now that he has that dashing beard.
Obi-Wan is standing at the sideboard, holding a steaming teapot and a glass mug out towards you. From the amused, questioning look on his face, you get the distinct impression that he has proffered the beverage more than once.
"I apologise, Master Jedi, I was parsecs away, yes please."
"Oh really?" he asks, conversationally as he drops into the lounge chair opposite you, and hands you the glass vessel across the low, marble table, "Where were you?"
"Well, I was actually thinking about when we first met, do you remember?"
It's not quite a lie.
"How could I forget?" He laughs, "Master Qui-Gon was furious with me."
A shadow of uncharacteristic sadness suddenly passes over his face.
Remembering the rumours you have heard of the violence of Qui-Gon Jinn's death at the hands of a mysterious, fearsome warrior, you put down your tea and reach across the table to take Obi-Wan's hands in yours.
"I was so very sorry to hear about Master Jinn, Obi-Wan," you say kindly.
"Thank you, it was a long time ago now."
He smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. He squeezes your hands gently before he stands up.
"I'll let you get settled."
Obi-Wan makes for the door and as he reaches for the handle, he turns and grins at you disarmingly.
"It really is very good to see you again, Princess."
You had only planned to stay on Coruscant for a week. However, politics being as they are, you have ended up staying for much longer.
One day, during a gap in the Senate proceedings, Obi-Wan takes you to visit the magnificent Jedi Temple. He wants to show you the terraced garden, knowing that you are missing the greenery of Vitis.
It is a paradise. You can't believe that at the centre of this endless cityscape is this bubble of serenity. The variety of plants that are grown here, the vibrancy of the colours, the wonderful aroma of a hundred different blossoms all intermingled - it makes you giddy.
You and Obi-Wan stay in the gardens for hours strolling and conversing and sitting together, then strolling some more.
"Strange how so many years have gone by yet I feel as if no time at all has passed between us," you say plainly as soon as the thought pops into your head.
You don't mean it to sound quite so romantic, but then you realise you really don't mind if that's how Obi-Wan choses to interpret it.
"I feel the same," he agrees and you are surprised to see a hint of bashfulness in the smile he offers.
You allow the back of your hand to graze against his. He turns his head and raises his eyebrows at you, an amused smirk of recognition on his face. He runs his knuckles along yours as he once did so many years ago.
Unlike then, Obi-Wan allows his hand to stay resting against yours this time and you walk like that, not quite hand in hand, through the vast gardens of the Temple long after the sun starts to set and the descent of the cool, evening air releases the sweet, heady scent of Coruscanti night blossoms all around you.
The month you have spent on Coruscant has been stressful, busy, and filled with difficult negotiations and decisions which weigh heavily upon on you. Your father is in ailing health, ever since the death of your mother, and you know that soon you will be Queen. It is not a thought you relish, but now, at least, you know that when you take the oath to serve your people for the rest of your life as sovereign, you will be able to do so knowing you can hold your own on their behalf in the Rancor's den of the Republic Senate.
Yet, aside from all the worry, this has also been one of the happiest times of your life. When you are not working, and when he is not galivanting off-world on some Jedi business or another, you have spent every moment you can spare with Obi-Wan.
When the time finally comes to leave Coruscant, Obi-Wan volunteers to escort you back to Vitis. You'd sent Paltrum home weeks ago, poor old sod. City air has never agreed with him and you just knew his wife, Ina, would be worried sick about him.
As you finally land back on your home world, it is amid thunder and lightning. It is perhaps the most violent storm you've seen on Vitis in a decade.
You almost can't believe it when you and Obi-Wan step off the ship and see Old Paltrum soaked through, standing sentry at the palace doors.
"Paltrum, get inside, for the love of the Maker!" You scold the ancient Captain as you approach.
Obi-Wan is holding his cloak over your head in a valiant effort to keep you dry, but it is making not one bit of difference and you can feel the water seeping through your travelling clothes and into your bones.
"It's always been my job to watch for you, your Highness, I'm not about to stop now," Paltrum responds indignantly and you feel a pang of guilt for your rather patronising tone.
"I know, thank you, Captain," and you have to shout over the roar of the wind and the lashing rain, "It's late. I'll see my father in the morning, don't disturb him."
"As you wish, my lady," Paltrum says with a gracious nod, and you stifle a laugh as a deluge of water floods off the peak of his cap with the motion.
The Captain turns to Obi-Wan as he opens the huge, ornate doors to let you through.
"Master Kenobi, there are guest quarters ready for you in the east wing."
Obi-Wan does not go to the east wing. Instead, you lead him towards your own chambers. Someone, thankfully, has lit a fire in your sitting room and you both sit cross-legged on the rug on the floor as close as is possible next to the roaring flames.
You've each taken off your sodden outerwear. If possible, Obi-Wan looks even more dashing wet through, his light undershirt clinging to his muscled torso underneath.
Neither of you have spoken since you sat down and as you both watch the flames from the fire reflect in the other's eyes, a tension-filled silence fills the room and sets your heart racing until you think it might burst.
When you can bear it no longer and you see no point in prolonging further pretence, you grab Obi-Wan by the front of his shirt and pull him into a kiss. It is not like your first, so many years ago. This is a deep and passionate embrace, full of desire. He responds immediately to your touch this time, his lips crashing almost roughly against yours.
The Jedi's hands are round your waist, at the nape of your neck, the small of your back, tangled up in your hair, seemingly all at once. You start to unbutton the fastenings on his shirt, tearing at them with one hand, while the other travels urgently down his chest towards his abdomen.
Suddenly, Obi-Wan leaps to his feet and turns his back to you, his broad shoulders rising and falling rapidly. As you've seen him do so often in recent weeks, he brings a hand to his face and rubs his beard. You think this new habit has probably replaced the old one of tugging on his Padawan braid.
"Have I upset you?" you ask quietly, the sting of confusion and rejection, worrying its way under your skin.
"No, Princess," his voice is an earnest whisper as he sits back down in front of you, grasping your hands in his, "Never."
"I still dream of that kiss we shared all those years ago," he admits suddenly, his voice low and full of longing.
Obi-Wan cups your face gently in his hands and looks at you, brows furrowed with emotion, his gaze penetrating right through your soul and setting it aflame.
"Now, seeing you again after all these years, I dream of what it would be like to hold you, to share your life, to....share your bed. These past weeks, I have yearned for you, you must know that."
Your foreheads are touching now, your nose presses into his face, and your fingers are suddenly entwined in his wet, golden hair. You can feel his heart raging against his chest as if it is fighting to escape, just as your own is.
"Obi-Wan..." you say, open-mouthed against his cheek, breathless with need for him.
He closes his eyes and brushes his lips against yours, but he doesn't quite allow himself to kiss you. Instead, after a moment of breathing each other in and out, he pulls away gently.
"But that's all they are," his voice has returned to it's usual refined timbre, "I'm sorry, but they are just dreams. It's all I can allow them to be."
His words are like a thousand tiny knives to your heart and you can't help feeling how cruel it was of him to give you hope and then tear it away like that. You stand up sharply and walk to the window, gazing out onto the storm raging across Vitis, a mere spring shower compared to the tumult now roiling within you.
"You must understand, I have pledged my life to the Jedi Order..."
"You were a child when you made that pledge..." you scoff and you despise the bitterness in your own voice.
He walks across the room to join you and puts his hand on your shoulder.
"All the same. It is made. And now we are at war. I have obligations, I have responsibilities to the Order and to the Republic"
You turn to him and place your hands on his broad chest. His heartbeat has slowed and you know you are losing him. It's like he's flicked some internal switch and raised a barrier between you.
"Then let us have each other, just this once," you whisper urgently, emboldened by desire and the fear that this chance to love him as you've always wanted is slipping away forever.
Obi-Wan touches your face and smiles sadly.
"If we did, I would never be able to leave you again, not for a single moment. I would be your prisoner forever."
"Then stay," you plead through tears, even though you already know his answer, "Stay with me."
"I can't."
Obi-Wan Kenobi is sitting on a wall in Mos Eisley's market place. You are pleased to see that he looks much more like his old self. His head is held high and there is a look of calm on his handsome face. The clothes he is wearing are much neater than before, almost reminiscent of his old Jedi robes, and he has tidied up his hair and beard.
You walk towards him, but he doesn't notice you. You don't say his name. Instead, you quietly sit down next to him and let the back of your hand rest against his. You feel the strong tendons there tense.
He doesn't look at you. His head drops, and his eyes close as if he couldn't stand for it not to be you. Lightly, he moves his hand so that his knuckles rub gently against yours.
"Hello old friend," you say.
The use of your old title sounds natural and right on his tongue and you hope he never stops using it.
Obi-Wan finally looks up at you and his eyes, still dazzling shards of icy blue, gleam with tears. You reach out and touch his face, his stubble pleasantly rough under your hand. You take in the lines around his eyes, deeper now, and the distinguished flecks of silver in his beard and hair. The sight of him is more beautiful, more familiar to you than you can bear.
"You still look the same," you say, your voice shaking slightly.
He smiles and turns his face to gently kiss the heel of your palm that is resting against his cheek.
"And you are more radiant than ever."
He helps you take down your market stall early for the day and you take him into your home where you speak for hours in hushed tones and tell each other everything of your lives in the years since you were last together.
Then, as the twin suns of Tatooine set behind your little domed house in the sand, you lead him to your bed.
You are curled up on your side against Obi-Wan's solid, warm chest. For the first time in years you feel safe, entwined in his strong arms, listening to the steady, sonorous rhythm of his heartbeat.
"I have always loved you," he whispers tenderly in your ear, tucking away a stray lock of hair back from your cheek.
"And I you," you say and you mean it.
Still, you can't help but smile sadly as you think of the last time you saw him that fateful night of the storm of Vitis before everything fell apart.
"But of course, you already knew that," you add.
"I am sorry, truly."
"Obi-Wan..." you start to interrupt, worried that your words sounded resentful.
"For all the wasted years," he continues.
He needs to say this, you realise. So you let him.
"If I'd known how the Republic would fall, how the Jedi Order would fail, how the Empire... Well, I never would have denied us this."
He brings his lips to your shoulder and traces a trail of kisses down your arm. His beard tickles.
"No one could have known, Obi-Wan. You did what you thought was right at the time. We all did. And now here we are together again. We made it back to each other. Two old relics of a past age."
"Oh come now, we're not that old," he quips, and you are happy to hear that his tone has lightened again.
You grin mischievously and wriggle out of his arms to push him down onto his back and roll on top of him.
"Prove it," you whisper, as you come to rest on his abdomen and lean down to kiss him on the nose.
His eyes widen in surprise and then in boyish delight as he grasps you firmly by your hips. "Again?!" he laughs and he throws his head back in mirth at his own joke, his eyes squeezing shut so that they crinkle beautifully at the corners.
It is a joyful, youthful, transcendental sound and suddenly, you are back under the Whispering Tree in the green meadows of Vitis with a young Jedi, an unwritten future together stretching out endlessly in front of you.
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I Don't Want To Lose You - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Female Reader
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Title: I Don't Want To Lose You
Obi-Wan Kenobi X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Anakin (Mentioned), Padme (Mentioned), Luke (Mentioned), Leia (Mentioned), Gravis Suk (OC), and Yoda (Mentioned)
WC: 2,098
Warnings: Death mentioned, physical assult, blasters, Reader is a bartender, alcohol mentioned, slight angst, fighting, threatening, and killing mentioned
You shouldn't like him.
You really shouldn't.
He was your Jedi Master. You shouldn't even have these feelings in the first place. It was against the Code. But you couldn't help it, could you?
There had been so many times when he'd taken care of you. He always seemed to know what you needed and how to make things better for you. He was a fantastic teacher and a great mentor. And he had saved your life more than once.
It wasn't fair that he should be alone now, though, was it? The man had devoted his entire life to the Order and then suffered for years afterward because of what he believed in. At least that was what you thought. You had cursed yourself for thinking such things. You really shouldn't project what you thought his feelings were. Only he knew what he was feeling.
The Order had fallen. Anakin, your partner in most missions, had died. And along with his secret wife Padme. You had the job to make sure those in the temple were safe and had gotten away. After what happened to most of the younglings, you were determined to get as many others as safe as possible.
After, you had gone with Obi-Wan, your master, to leave Luke and Leia with their new guardians for the foreseen future. It was a stressful and long journey, Obi didn't speak a single word. You understood. What had happened at the temple, ruined you. And, you knew it hurt Obi the most. Anakin was like a son to him... And a brother to you.
You sat next to him in the two of your new hideouts, on the planet of Tatooine. The two of you had found a little cave, which looked as if it used to be a home for another, but it was abandoned. From your escape, you had brought only a few essentials with you, and thankfully, you had brought a study mat that was big enough for you and Obi-Wan to both sleep on. Yes, it was very awkward at first, but after a couple of weeks, it felt like second nature.
Getting food wasn't so easy at times. You had gone into town and gotten a job as a bartender just to help you and Obi get by. It was hard, stressful, and dangerous work, but it brought food to the table, so it was all worth it.
Even when you weren't working, you were training or studying. You were learning everything you could about your new enemy, the Empire. Master Yoda had told you before that evil would come to your world soon and that you were to be ready. Though being a Jedi was dangerous when the Empire was hunting them down, you weren't one. In the mornings, you would practice in the rock valley, your light blue lightsaber striking towers of rocks and slicing them in two. At night, you studied before bed, learning the ways of the Force from an old book you were able to bring with you. You learned how to control your emotions and use the Force to heal people. You also used the Force to sense where enemies were, but it was difficult sometimes. You weren't completely ready.
At the bar, you made drinks for customers. It wasn't the best job, but it gave you good credits. But, there was one slight issue. There was one customer who came every once in a while only to talk to you. It didn't bother you at first, the Klatooinian would order a drink and sit at the bar before creating small-talk with you. Fortunately, you knew how to speak Huttese, so it wasn't too hard to keep up the conversation. You had found out that his name was Gravis Suk. But, this particular day, he was talking to you, and you could tell something was wrong.
He had this strange look in his eye, and the conversation you were having ended when he asked you a question.
"When do you get off work?"
You weren't going to tell him that. "I actually don't know. I'm filling in for another worker today."
"Do you want to go back to my place after work?" He asked and you frowned slightly.
"I can't, sorry."
The Klatooinian smiled and got off the bar stool, before placing his credits on the counter and leaving.
You sighed, before going back to work. You hoped he got the message and would leave you alone.
Later that afternoon, you were about done with your shift, greeting your co-worker who was replacing you for the night, you walked around the bar and out the back door of the pub. Looking up, you were startled when you saw Gravis leaning up against the adjacent wall. Pushing off, he walked over.
"What are you doing here, Gravis?" You asked, clutching your bag strap in your hands.
"Oh, I came to see you," He said, smiling. You rolled your eyes.
"Well, I'm busy right now." You started walking away.
But, you stopped when he grabbed your arm.
"Come on, only a night." He tried, but you shook your head.
With your free hand, you reached your waist. Kriff. You left your lightsaber at home.
"I'm not going with you." You spoke, pulling your arm out of his grasp.
"Why not? Come on, it'll be fun."
"That's not happening," you answered flatly.
He growled, grabbing your arm with more force this time. "You're coming with me."
"No!" You yelled, looking around and seeing no one was even near you to notice.
Looking around you, you eyed a large stone. With your free hand, you concentrated on using the force to move the rock. The rock moved easily, and you easily let it float higher in the air. Suddenly, you threw the rock right into the back of Gravis's head, knocking him out. You watched as he hit the ground, and you breathed heavily. With a quick movement, you moved around his limp body and ran all the way home and back to Obi-Wan.
Stopping at the entrance of your cave home, you tried to catch your breath. Finally, your body and mind were able to process what had happened, and you finally let out a soft sob. At the sound of your cries, Obi-Wan rushed over. Taking you in his arms, he held you tight.
Obi-Wan asked, smoothing down your hair. "Are you alright?"
You nodded, sniffling as you did. "Yes, I'm okay."
Pulling back slightly, Obi-Wan looked at you. Eyes gazing over your face, hands reaching up to wipe the tears from your face. "You're crying. What made you cry?"
You bit your lip, "Uh, there was this guy at work... Uh, it's fine though, I knocked him out before he could do anything."
Obi-Wan's eyes hardened, "What did he do?" He asked, voice deep and gruff in anger.
"Nothing," You said, shaking your head, "He was just trying to get me to go to his place after work. I refused."
"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked and you nodded, going back into his arms.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Now, I'm home." You reassured, Obi-Wan resting his cheek on top of your head.
"Good," He said, rubbing your back a little longer. "I just want you to be safe."
You smiled as you hugged him tighter, "I know. And, I am."
The next day, you hesitantly went to work. The first few hours went on as they usually did, but then Gravis walked in. He slammed his hands on the counter, growling.
"It wasn't nice when you knocked me out, Y/N. You're going to pay for that, sweetheart."
"Please, calm down." You ordered, and he scoffed.
"Don't you tell me to calm down! You think you can just walk right out of my life when you don't want to be bothered?" He yelled, causing a scene.
"You’re causing a scene. Now, sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." You spoke, putting on a brave face.
This time, you had your saber with you, but you knew you couldn't use it. You may have been able to take him down, but you didn't want to risk being caught by the Empire.
"You're going to regret this," He threatened before he left the cantina.
After work, you felt weird. You looked over your shoulder as you made your way through the little city on your way home. You felt as if someone was watching you. You placed your hand on your waist, feeling your saber that was hidden behind your long coat. Turning a corner, you shrieked as you grabbed from behind. You felt the cold barrel of a blaster press up against the side of your head.
"Don't fight it. You should've just come with me in the first place. It's your fault this had to happen."
Your eyes widen as you try and struggle yourself free.
"I don't want to kill you. I rather liked you." He spoke, jamming the blaster against your head further, making you wince.
"You do not want to do this."
"Shut up." He snarled and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out, hitting the rock wall of the building beside you.
You cried out in pain, falling to the ground and rolling onto your side. You looked up and saw Obi-Wan, having used the force to move the blaster away from you before you were shot. Obi-Wan then shoved Gravis up against a nearby wall, holding the collar of the Kaltooinian's garb. Eyes hard, he glared daggers.
"Stay away from her." Obi-Wan seethed, teeth bared.
Gravis smirked, "And, what are you going to do about it?" He hissed.
"Leave her alone. If you don't. I won't hesitate to kill you." Obi-Wan stated darkly, ignoring his taunts.
Roughly letting Gravis go, Obi-Wan turned to you, helping you up. You looked towards him, worried, as the two of you walked home. There was a tense feeling in the air. You glanced at Obi-Wan, his gaze ahead was still harsh; and a deep frown on his face. Yet, you also couldn't help but admire the man before you. Even though you hated being saved most of the time, he saved you. As always, you were forever grateful.
"Are... Are you alright, Obi?" You asked when you finally made it home.
"I'm fine." He replied, going inside.
You nodded, hanging your bag up on a wooden peg in the stone wall.
Walking into the bedroom, you sat beside Obi-Wan on the stiff bed. Again, it felt awkward.
Clearing your throat, you tried again, "Thank you for saving me, Obi."
"You're welcome." He responded softly, resting his hand, clasped together in his lap.
"Why were you out there today?" You asked, wanting to change the subject.
"Just doing my job."
"You don't have to protect me, Obi-Wan. I can sometimes take care of myself. I've been training."
He sighed, "I have to protect you." He looked down. "You're all I have left."
"I'm not going anywhere." You assured, putting your hand on his thigh. "I'm right here."
His eyes softened and he looked back at you, "I don't want to lose you too."
"You won't lose me, Obi. No matter what happens, I will never leave your side."
The two of you laid down together on the bed. You curled up close to Obi-Wan, snuggling in under the rough fabric that you called a blanket, wrapping your arms around him. His arms came around you, holding you close, nuzzling his nose into your hair on the top of your head. After a while, he spoke softly.
"I don't want to lose you because I have feelings for you." He muttered, eyes forcefully shut.
You didn't speak, letting him continue.
"I ignored my feelings and desires not only because of the Code but because if I lost you, it would hurt all the more." He opened his eyes and looked at you, "I love you, Y/N. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose anyone else. You're the only person in my life that I trust completely.
You smiled at him, "I feel the same way, Obi."
He leaned closer, kissing you gently. Your heart fluttered and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You giggled lightly as his beard ticked your cheeks, causing Obi-Wan to smile in the kiss. When he broke the kiss, he held you close, your head resting on his chest, hearing his quick heartbeat.
You fell asleep like that, curled up next to each other.
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anisbaby · 16 days
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anakin skywalker who comes home from a mission completely worn out and agitated to find you lounging on the bed with a book.
he says nothing as he shrugs off his robe before crawling onto the bed and taking a hold of your legs. You squeak slightly looking down at him with wide eyes as he settles between your spread legs.
He meets your gaze for a moment before manoeuvring your shorts down your legs. "good girl." he mumbles as you lift your hips allowing him to pull your panties down.
Hooking his arms under your legs he blew out a breath on your core. A small sound of surprise escaped your lips as he tightened his grip around you.
"Stay still." he grits out before attaching his lips to your clit. You gasp, your hands flying to his hair.
He's quick in working you to your first climax, only tightening his grip more as you begin to squirm from overstimulation. "anakin. too much." you gasped pushing against his head.
a low growl escaped his throat as his hand came down against your thigh. "We're done when I say we're done."
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castiwls · 17 days
mess - a.s
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Paring; anakin x reader
Synopsis; You and anakin got captured on a mission. and its all his fault
Warnings; none
Notes; I think i wrote this back when ahsoka first came out and I went into an anakin skywalker brainrot lmao. Its a quite a few months old so I apologise if this isn't the best :) (also I was thinking of cw!ani when I wrote this) requests are open!
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A huff left your lips as you stared pointedly ahead of you. “Are you seriously gonna ignore me?” From the corner of your eye, you watched as your cellmate leaned forward. He poked you in the arm, frowning slightly when he got no reaction.
Another huff left your lips as you pulled your knees to your chest. Anakin let out a chuckle moving to stand in front of you. “You can’t ignore me forever. You’ll get bored eventually.” He teased. Your gaze slowly met his and you pursed your lips. “This is your fault. You know that right?” You tilted your head.
Anakin crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze hardening slightly. “This is not my fault. It was you who made the plan! This was your idea.” You shook your head. “Yes, I made a plan. You were the one who changed the plan.” 
Everything had been going fine. You’d managed to successfully convince the governor to join the republic and you’d managed to do it with little to no fighting for once. And then Anakin had decided to get smart. Apparently, he really couldn’t help himself when it came to separatist spies and that’s how you both ended up in a cell and in doing so you were pretty sure you’d lost the deal with the governor.
“You punched a guy! With no good reason!.” You waved one of your hands out your frustration slowly building. “He was a spy.” he snapped. “They didn’t know that!.” You explained moving to stand. “Now we're stuck here while that spy is able to strike a deal with the governor.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “A deal which I had.” you pointed a finger to yourself before turning away from him. 
You could feel his gaze on you as he stood quietly. You were both quiet for a moment before a loud sigh left Anakin’s mouth. “So this is all my fault?!” He threw his arms up. “yes! That’s what I’ve been saying!” You cried turning round to face him.
Anakin stared at you for a moment before a small smirk slowly started to grow on his lips. You rolled your eyes. “You find this funny? Seriously.”
“No. No, I don’t.” He slowly walked towards you, running his hands up your arms before he grasped your hands in his. “I just had an idea that's all.” He shrugged.
“An idea?” You raised an eyebrow. “So far your ideas haven't been very helpful.” You teased smiling  up at him. Anakin ignored you. “You wanna get out of here?” He threw a glance over his shoulder to where a guard stood.
You knew whatever idea he had, it was going to be insane. Anakin’s ideas always tended to be. “You're lucky I love you,” Letting out a sigh you nodded. “What’s the plan.”
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weixuldo · 3 months
No Attachments pt 2
Jedi! Anakin x F/Dancer!Reader
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a/n: so idk y this story appealed so much to me, but I just wanted to write pining casue I haven't done that in a while... I hope you all enjoy the second part of this mini series :)
Slight NSFW
Anakin’s growing interest doesn’t go unnoticed
Warnings: cursing, anakin is a little bit of a perv, exhibitionism, voyurism, horny thoughts, cursing, fantasies, masturbation, cannon typical violence, mentions of sexual harassment
The colorful lights of the club shone perfectly against your skin as you enchanted the audience- you made sure to dress up extra nice tonight though because your little jedi was in attendance. 
The duo had been coming in every few days for the past couple of weeks to monitor the areas, get new information, and to search for any dodgy characters.
Once you realized they would only be here on certain days, you decided to switch up your outfit cycle and routines; you said you wanted the younger of the two and you knew just how to get him. 
Today was a normal day- the pair walked in and greeted your manager and the other employees; of course the younger, whom you learned was named “Anakin”, came up to greet you with a nervous smile.
Even after meeting several times, he just couldn’t seem to get a hold of himself when you were in his vicinity. 
You noticed his lingering eyes as you weaved your way through the crowds each night, his sweaty palm when he shook your hand after a check-in (he noticed his perspiration and began offering his gloved hand instead).
The way he’d bashfully look away once you locked eyes with him- he was totally smitten. 
The times he chose to “check-in” also didn't go unnoticed; he always pulled you aside right after a performance or right after you switched outfits (he really just wanted an excuse to gaze upon you for just a moment longer). 
Little did you know that you were always on his mind- when he left the entertainment district and went back to the temple, no matter how hard he tried, you just simply would not leave his thoughts. Your perfect body haunted him as he would try to resist his natural urges. 
He was better than this and he knew it! So why couldn't he stop himself from imagining you, spread out on his bed at the temple in one of your little outfits, beckoning him with hooded eyes. 
“Anakin” you would call in a sultry tone, drawing him in. 
He’d ravage your body with hungry kisses and pull at the perfectly fit clothing stuck to your body.
How many nights had he stayed awake with the company of his own hand, just imagining you around him?
He’d watched every one of your shows- he had seen your hips, how flexible you were, how calculated you were… he needed you to himself.
You finished your main dance for the night and had a few private sessions lined up for some very eager patrons. You didn’t mind doing the private dances, it brought in good money- but they could be… uncomfortable sometimes. 
The lace of your newest lingerie set brushed your thighs as you pulled it up; the first patron was a regular whom you really did not like- he was rude, touchy, and would often try to convince you to do things above your pay-grade…lovely way to start the night. 
The dim hallway was lined with what looked like velvet and rhinestones, an obvious reminder of what you were here to do. 
At the end of the hall were your assigned private booths, your patron was already waiting in there- you could feel the sleazy aura from behind the door. With a sigh you fixed a fake smile onto your face and strided for the door. 
You prepared to knock but you felt a demanding presence behind you
Your perfectly painted lips curled into a smile and you gently nibbled on your lower lip before turning around. He stood a few feet from you, back straitened, arms crossed, and legs holding a domineering stance. 
“Well look who it is, what can I do you for? Oops! I mean do for you” you teased with a confident smirk. 
The jedi’s scarred eye twitched before he unfurled his arms and strode towards you, “need to do a check-in” he said bluntly before looking down at the floor (so cute). 
“I’ve got a dance I gotta do first- can it wait for a minu-”
“No, tell that pervert he can get another dancer to straddle his lap- you’re occupied” he stated; his demanding tone sent shivers up your spine. 
Funny he thought the people who pay to see you were creeps when he does the same things for free… just the other day you heard him stroking himself in the employee refresher; the fast plaps of his dick sliding through his strong hands, his concealed groans, and breathy pants… you heard it all- and you knew exactly why he felt the need to do that while he was on shift. Quite hypocritical of him. 
“Pervert, huh? Well I happen to need these pervs to come in and request dances so I can pay my bills” you said back to the man standing in front of you. 
He stepped forward and pulled out a small device from his utility belt and fiddled with the controls, you stood on your tippy toes to peek at what he was doing. Once he was done he turned the screen towards you and impatiently muttered, “there, now may we proceed with the check-in?” .
The small device showed your banking account and a slip for a transfer of 3500 credits- holy shit!
“Anakin, what?” you said in shock. 
“Now you don’t have to complain about losing money from that man” he said blankly before guiding you back to your dressing room. 
You knew the Jedi temple had a stash of funds, but that was just crazy! 3500 credits to skip one dance! 
As he guided you Anakin mulled over what to discuss with you in the room- he had just “checked in'' earlier today and both of you knew there wasn’t anything that went on in between then and now.
To be honest, he just didn’t want you going in there and dancing for someone… he didn’t like the idea of you doing that for anyone in private (unless it was him). 
Once you reached your room, you sat comfortably on your sofa and he took the seat adjacent to you. He was about to speak when a pile of your fabric began to move- Anakin’s senses heightened and he was ready to attack anything that came out. 
“Nechaska, my sweet girl! C'mere '' you smiled calling for your fluffy loth cat. 
She hurried to your side and hopped into your lap with a content purr. Anakin scoffed at the cat, a little embarrassed it startled him so much. 
“Nechaska?” he questioned, “you speak Huttese?”.
“Tagwa, um u jedai?” you responded with a smile.
“Tagwa mee'm tuta tatooine” he said, calling out his home planet. 
“Very nice- I like your accent” you smiled at his blushing face. 
“And I like your kitty” he smirked, pointing as Nachaska growled at the strange man in front of her, though both of you knew which kitty he was referring to. 
“You like my kitty? Wanna play with her” you flirted back with a laugh before coaxing the ball of fluff in your lap to back down. 
Yes I would, Anakin thought to himself before he strode closer and squatted down slowly so that he was eye height with the loth cat in your pretty lap. 
“Nene” you cooed, using her nickname, “It’s ok baby, he’s not gonna hurt you”. 
Anakin slowly extended his gloved hand but the cat swatted it away; she hissed once more before sinking her claws into his glove. Your eyes widened at her peculiar behavior before you pulled her away. 
“Nechaska! Bad girl- we don’t claw people! Are you alright Anakin?” you asked worriedly.
Anakin’s eyes were trained on your cleavage as your robe slid off your shoulder as you calmed your cat down and it didn’t help when you called his name so breathlessly (it made his dick stir). 
“Oh yea, i’m good” he said, snapping out of his trance. 
“She has really sharp claws, are you sure you’re ok?” you asked again. 
“Yea, don’t worry about it doll, can't feel it anyways” he laughed. 
“What do you mean?” you asked. 
He shrugged and began to take his glove off; you had never seen him without it. As it slid down his arm the fabric and skin was replaced by cool metal- a prosthetic! Did he lose it in battle-
“See, not a scratch- you don't have to worry about me” he said before reaching to pet your cat with his flesh hand, “She probably could tell it was metal- I’ve found that animals prefer the real thing” he smiled as she nuzzled her face against his large hand.
His large, strong, veiny hand. The tendons pulled as he maneuvered his fingers around Nene’s soft coat. His long fingers looked a little too appealing; wonder what would they feel like inside of-
“You’ve got a really nice pussy here” he said with a smirk, still looking at the cat (and not you). 
“Yea, she’s really sweet” you said before pulling her from his reach, “Now what did you need to talk to me about?” you said impatiently. 
He looked down with a smile and shook his head; he could tell you were jealous of the attention he was giving your pet- it was cute.
“Just wanted to ask if you had any more info or if you’d overheard anything lately?” he said as he took his normal seat on the velvety couch adjacent to your vanity. 
“Ani- what would I have heard? I’ve been on stage all night” you sighed; you didn't even realize you had shortened the Jedi’s name (it was a habit for you to give everyone nicknames, especially since you’d been in this business to long- people loved a good pet name). 
“What did you just call me?” the Jedi asked, placing his elbows firmly on his knees and leaning forward. 
He seemed displeased; you inhaled sharply. 
“Sorry, ‘ts a habit- I just shortened names a lot, I didn’t mean to offend you” you sputtered out as you subconsciously held Nene closer to your chest; her purrs against your chest gave you comfort. 
What you didn’t know was Anakin had to slide forward because his dick perked up at the name; he called you into this meeting so he couldn’t just leave now- but he also didn’t want you seeing his obvious hard-on.
…Especially just from his name. 
“It’s alright-” he said deeply. 
“I won’t call you that again, My apol-”
“No!” he half shouted, half pleaded; he cleared his throat and shook his head, “no, you’re good, sweetheart”. 
You almost had to suppress a moan as you clenched your thighs together. Anakin observed you and tried to analyze what was going through your mind- was the name too much?
Sure you were a flirty person but he could never tell if you actually meant it or if it was just your work persona. Either way, sometimes he just had to take a risk. 
“Well then, Ani… What other knowledge can I offer you?” you batted your lashes finally gaining your footing again. 
Before he could answer there was a familiar knock on your door, “Hey Z! C’mon in” you said standing. 
Your boss walked in somberly with Obi-Wan and another dancer, “Excuse the interruption my dear, but a new development has just arisen in the case”.
“Anakin, we need to talk to this young woman, now” the bearded man beckoned. 
“Would you be ok to do another dance tonight? Since Rini needs to be spoken to…” Z asked anxiously, his pale blue hands wringing around his robes. 
“Of course, Z” you said as the jedi and your coworker left the room. 
“What’s going on?” you asked worriedly once the door was closed. 
The tall twi’lek shook his head and you ran to his side as he buried his face in his hands. 
“Tarkir was found in the back alley, disarmed and severely injured” he explained and you allowed your Nene to sit in his lap. 
Takir was a Togruta who was a few years older than you who worked as head of security at the club. You and him didn’ talk much but there was a general sense of comradery among the club’s employees.
But you did know that he and Z had been together since you had worked at the establishment (which was years…). 
“Maker?! Where is he now? Is he going to be alright?” you asked, placing a comforting hand on Z’s back. 
“He’s been taken to a med center but I’m not sure if he’ll pull through…” Z sniffled.
“I'm so sorry Z- Is there anything I can do?” 
He shook his head, “No, but thank you dear… But Rini-”
“What about Rini?”
His fingers ran through your cat’s fur as he calmed himself (you’d never seen him so vulnerable). 
“She- She has been involved with the crimes… and the patron- Nevermind, I’m sure the Jedi will fill you in” he wiped at the tears forming in his eyes. 
“No- I need to know that you’ll be ok, I don’t want to leave you like this Z” you said as you placed your hands on his shoulders. 
He shook his head, “I’m fine- What would help me the most is if you would perform Rini’s number since she’s probably going to be arrested in a few hours” he attempted to joke and you nodded. 
That night was the last time you saw the jedi pair; with the case solved, there was no reason for them to stick around.
The whole club had kinda gotten used to seeing them; honestly kind of a shame they wouldn’t be around anymore. 
Months went by and people moved on, but you couldn't remove Anakin from your mind- you really did start to like him… But it was relieving to know the immediate danger was gone. 
You still weren't really sure what actually occurred, but you did know that Rini was taken to the jedi temple and promptly replaced. Z hired a new head of security and spent more time at home caring for his lover and less time at the club. 
Things had definitely changed- for the first time in years you were not enjoying your work anymore. You couldn’t quite put your finger on why but you had begun searching for other jobs.
Sure the crimes had been absolved but something about the place just felt unsafe- especially since Z wasn’t there to manage it full time anymore. 
Tonight was the same as always, you got ready, warmed up, and headed backstage to wait for your cues. Recently your dancing had been lackluster- of course the patrons still enjoyed the show, but your heart just wasn't in it anymore. 
The presenter announced your oh-so familiar stage name and you strutted onstage. The LED lights of the club flashed as your song began. Without much effort you strutted down the stage to the silver pole and completed a full carousel swivel before landing in a split. The crowd cheered as you maneuvered your legs into a new position.
There were more patrons than usual tonight; was there a holiday you weren’t aware of? You scanned the crowd to get a feel of what kind of people you would be entertaining here tonight- they seemed kind of rowdy.
You almost missed your next move when your eyes landed on a familiar face; those piercing blue eyes, that scar- Anakin.
As you continued your performance, he watched intently, eyes never leaving your form. He really wasn’t supposed to be here but it had been too long since he saw you. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remove your enchantment from his mind. 
Night after night, he dreamed only of you; some nights he woke to stained boxer shorts, others, he had to rut his hips into his mattress to suppress his desire. 
Finally, today he was able to slip away from the temple to take some much needed personal time; Obi-Wan had asked him what his plan was and he explained he needed to go into the city to look at new parts for his arm.
Obviously that was a lie, because Anakin had just repaired it about a week ago, but Anakin had a feeling Obi-Wan already knew what he was doing. 
He donned civilian clothes and headed into the heart of the bustling city, ready to see you again. 
And here you were, dancing across the stage- how he missed the colored lights across your soft skin; he needed to speak with you. Your song finished and he practically ran to the teller to set up a private meeting. 
Forcefully he slammed his credits down on the counter and spoke, “I want to request room 3 with the last dancer that was on”.
“Oh, she is our highest rated dancer, her fees are very-” the woman said cautiously. 
“I’m aware, I’ll pay whatever I need to have an audience with her” Anakin spoke formally, making a few patrons laugh at his vernacular. 
“Alright” the woman replied skeptically, preparing to jot his name down. 
“Tell her it's Anakin,” he said before the woman handed him the shiny golden key to the room at the end of the hall. 
He entered the familiar room and sat with a nervous sigh- he was finally going to ask what he had been wanting to for months. 
You let your hair down from the tight updo it was in as someone knocked on your door. 
“Come in!” you said with a sigh; you really just wanted this night to be over. 
The desk attendant walked in with a notepad and started reading off the private dances you had scheduled tonight. 
“- Anakin” 
You stopped what you were doing and turned towards her. 
“Anakin?” you confirmed. 
“Yes, he's a taller guy with a scar over his-” she began.
“Clear my schedule for the rest of the night- I’m only seeing him” you said as you hastily searched for your best outfit (an elegant dress that wasn't too revealing). 
“B-but y/n, what about the other-”
“Tell them I have been fully booked or tell them that my availability has changed, ‘t doesn't really matter to me” you said, touching up your lipgloss. 
She nodded before heading for the door, “He’s in room 3”. 
Room 3… you took a deep breath as you made your way down the velvety hallway.
Everything's gonna be fine- just be confident as always.
With a tremor in your hand you reached for the door.
a/n: soo yea sorry abt all of the new characters but i wanted to make this story realistic lolll- idk y but perv ani has been on my mind 😩
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sugarplumwritings · 7 months
REACTIONS | Reacting To Your Sexy Costume
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker
Timeline: Modern AU!
Reader: Fem Reader!
Note: In honor of the spooky season, I present this! work is hectic so this is something I finally have time around! hope you all like it.
Scenario: It's finally Halloween night, and you have to show off with your husband, of course though, he couldn't wait to see your surprise costume and it did get a reaction out of him.
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Anakin Skywalker
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Anakin emphasized that Halloween would be celebrated with a night in, but despite it being obvious in his voice, plans changed. Ben was having a costume party and invited you and Anakin to tag along to the party. Anakin hesitated at first, but seeing the glee and excitement on your face was enough for him to cave in and agree, but only for your sake. That's when Anakin went shopping for his own costume, while you tended to find your own because of how picky you were at the last few stores you checked. He would rather not ruin your mood and continue to let you have free control over how many stores you would stop at until you found the one you truly wanted.
Eventually, you did, and Anakin saw this as a green light, quickly paying and dipping at the speed of light to get home, smiling when he heard the squeal and mumbling of surprising him with your costume. Even if Halloween was slightly childish to Anakin in some sense, he nonetheless would do anything for you and allowed you to keep your costume to yourself until the night you would both be going to Ben's party. “Alright, you can surprise me, I Promise I won't say anything or glance at it,” He assured you with a small laugh to follow.
Now that night was happening, Anakin stood in his costume downstairs, tapping his foot ever so slightly against the floor. Waiting for you to get ready, Anakin didn't want to be all up on you presently, knowing you were excited for Ben's party and all, he would not push you about going any faster since he didn't want it to seem like he despised going. “Are you almost done?” He spoke across the house, his voice echoing. A small but loud hum could be heard in response. “Almost!” you called out to him. Anakin shakes his head, listening to the sound of the bedroom door. You walked towards the top of the stairs.
Anakin felt his eyes widen slightly, seeing you in such a sexy costume like that. Anakin had a thing for you in dark colors, so seeing the dark toned bodysuit hug your figure along with the sexy bunny ears was enough to make Anakin jump from his skin. Eyes traveling around your body, and zoning out as the sound of your voice, he was in a trance, and he wasn’t rushing to leave it. Anakin always found you sexy, and he always vocalized that too, now the costume spoke to him, and it proved his point why he found you so damn fine.
“Ani. I’m talking to you.” Your voice brought him back to reality, snapping him out of his haze. “I asked you, what do you think?” You spun around, giving him every possible view of the costume. This would either be with Anakin agreeing you looked beautiful and leaving for the party, or taking you back upstairs to handle you in that costume. “I think…you look so damn good. And I don’t think we’ll have time to get to that party” he grinned, his arm wrapping around your waist. “What? We can’t show up late to Ben’s party!” You sighed. Anakin chuckled, his hand rubbing your ass lovingly. “Looks like we’ll have to miss it. You started this problem. Now you get to fix what you did to me…” he spanked you. This caused you to wince as Anakin lifted you up, taking you upstairs.
Let’s just say, you didn’t make it to the party, but he made sure the night wasn’t quiet either and was well spent.
Obi-wan Kenobi
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Ben didn’t mind doing things with you, even if that meant he originally didn’t want to do them. He still agreed upon his love for you, and he knew how much you wanted to dress up for Halloween. “It’s not silly, Ben, I know it sounds lame, but it’ll be fun! We can match!” You spoke with enthusiasm as he chuckled. “I suppose that’s true.” He leaned back on the couch. “Let’s go as Angel’s! You would look wonderful in a white suit!” You suggested. Ben glanced at you, humming in agreement after moments of his silence. “I suppose so, but are you sure you want to go to Anakin’s get together?” He asked. “Of course! Anything to see, Padme!”
Ben sat in the car now, waiting for you to make the surprise costume purchase. He knew that you and Padme were close and wanted as much time together as possible. Which is why he didn’t stop you despite not wanting to be at the store. But upon the glance of you exiting, he let out the breath he was holding in, glad to finally see you.
Now it was time for costumes, Ben was getting his suit ready, and still learning how to adjust to the fake wings on his back. “This is extremely uncomfortable.” He sighed. In hopes, you could hear him from the bathroom. “Oh relax, Mr. Kenobi.” You opened the door, Ben swore the moment he got a glimpse he fell in love again. The sexy white outfit really hugged your figure, and it brought out how beautiful and plump you truly were. “Well my…you look remarkable. Mrs. Kenobi. Glad to call you mine.” Ben walked over, wrapping an arm around your waist.
A small giggle passed your lips as Ben checked the time. “We have…two hours before we go… I could use some time with you” he said, trying to avoid the hard on pressing against his pants. “I guess I’ll make the most of it…” you blushed heavily.
Ben made sure to admire your body that night and let the feeling of your mouth stay on him. His hands gripped your halo tightly, and Ben was set for the night.
Luke Skywalker
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Luke was fine with Halloween and when he heard that his lovely wife wanted to host a party, he agreed nonetheless. Luke knew about your close attachment to his sister, Leia. And he recalled you mentioning to him how you wished to Match with her, Luke could only agree more, respecting and accepting your choice. “It’ll be fun” you mentioned, on the couch with your husband, legs over his lap. “Does Han know?” He asked as you hummed. “Of course. Leia and I want to surprise with our costumes, so no snooping”.
That was hard, not snooping through your costume, but he once again loved you too much to go against your wishes, so Luke respected what you asked of him. He was itching though to find out. All he wanted to do was snoop through those bags and figure out what all the hype was about, just like Han wanted to do to Leia’s bags. “Well. Mrs. Skywalker, you have my word.” Luke smiled innocently, you thanked him, leaning up and pecking his lips softly.
What a time it was though, the home around that time was full of people, family members, and close friends. Luke stood with Han, the two bickering and sharing a few laughs to pass time. Luke couldn’t help but check the clock, noticing you hadn’t come down yet, which was unusual. You would usually run downstairs and be there to greet everyone. “She’s always down around this time…” he mumbled. Han nudged his side roughly, signaling him to look at the stairs, Luke glanced to see you and his eyes widened. Who knew a sexy fairy would look astonishing on just one person? Luke’s mouth hung up, he was melting at the sight of you.
Luke ignored everyone around him, going to the top of the steps. “Luke…what do you think?” You spun around with joy. “I think it’s perfect….” He mumbled, his eyes never leaving the perfect image of his wife. “Well. We should go see everyone.” You spoke, but Luke grabbed your arm, stopping you. “I have another idea…and we will not be here for a while.” He shakes his head.
It was hard keeping quiet, but thankfully Luke made sure the pillow was enough for you to bite into. Because his grip on your hips and wings didn’t stop him that night. If anything, no one got a glimpse of the married couple until a few hours later.
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erinkeifer · 4 months
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 [𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋]
[Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader]
Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3
Summary: These are your first shared holidays with Anakin since you both moved in together in your cozy apartment in Coruscant. No one knows about the two of you, and you want this day to be special for both of you… Although… Wait. No one knows? Perhaps you have a surprise for Anakin today?
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Warnings: Warnings? What warnings? Just fluff, fluff, warmth, and more fluff! Word Count: 5,2k
"Open! Come in!" you called out upon hearing chaotic knocking on the door, but there was no response. "I said it's open! I have my hands full of eggs and flour, and I can't move from here!" you shouted again, but instead of a reply, you only heard even more chaotic sounds coming from behind the door. "Darn!" you muttered under your breath as you decided to shake off your hands over the sink and headed towards the door in your stained apron. You opened it with your elbow, not wanting to mess anything around you, and almost immediately jumped back against the wall seeing what was pushing through the already open door. "Anakin! Good heavens! Where did you get this? From Endor?!" you asked in shock, seeing Anakin entering the house carrying a massive, barely fitting through the doorway, Christmas tree. "Not exactly… Hold the door… Uh, please?" Anakin said with a strained voice, trying to squeeze entirely inside. "I don't have a choice… Hey, watch out for R2!" you yelled, seeing the oblivious droid rolling toward Anakin, almost impaling itself on the protruding trunk of the Christmas tree.
"R2, back off!" commanded Anakin, and you chuckled hearing the surprised beeping of the droid as you closed the door behind both of you. Anakin set the Christmas tree against the wall, wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve, looking proudly at his 'prize' as if he had found and dug it up himself.
"Jesus, what took you so long? I almost baked everything." you crossed your arms, looking at your beloved with a smile breaking through your artificially judging tone.
"I was negotiating!" Anakin shrugged with a smile, to which you nodded. "I hope those weren't aggressive negotiations…" you playfully tapped Anakin on the shoulder, leaving a bit of flour on his dark robes.
"Not this time… But admit it, it's great, isn't it? Definitely the best one they had." he added with a proud smile on his face.
"Of course, but Ani… It was supposed to be a small, modest tree! When we stand it upright, it won't fit under the ceiling." Anakin looked at you for a moment, and although your words said otherwise, he saw that you really liked the tree.
"Everything will fit everywhere if you treat it right." Anakin shrugged, and you playfully tapped his shoulder a few times before a laughter attack caught both of you.
"Stop! You'll get me all dirty!" he laughed when you tried to tickle him, but you quickly backed off when you remembered about the oven still on behind you. "You're the one who'll get dirty in a moment." you smiled, to which he raised an eyebrow as if he didn't know what you were talking about. "In an apron or without an apron?" you walked a few steps to the hanger to take off the black apron and held it out towards Anakin. "Oh no." "Oh yes." "But you know I'm completely useless at…" "You can do it, brave boy, you can do anything! And now, come here." Anakin sighed and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender as he slowly joined you in the kitchen. "So... Do you want to dirty your robes, or perhaps the apron?" you handed it to him, leaving a quick kiss on his cheek as if you wanted to praise him for his courage.
Anakin squinted at you, and you smirked playfully, simultaneously helping him tie the apron behind his back. "So, was it that terrible?" you asked, tucking strands of his curly hair behind his ears as he pretended to put on an offended expression. "Yes, yes... You better tell me what we're doing." he asked, diverting from the topic as he looked around at the scattered items on the kitchen counter.
"Well, the dough is almost ready, just need…" you began to speak, then stood on your toes, trying to reach the open cabinet with ingredients. "Let me… What should I grab?" Anakin caught you around the waist to prevent you from straining yourself and reached into the cabinet, which was much more accessible for him given his height. "Sugar and the jar of honey, please… I'll mix what I have here." he nodded at your words and took out two jars from the cabinet. "This one is salt… but leave it here, it might come in handy later." "Oh." Anakin muttered and reached into the cabinet again. "Yes, perfect now, thank you." you took the jar from him and left a kiss on his cheek. Quickly, you refocused on your recipe and didn't even catch the moment when Anakin stood behind you, his hands gently encircling your waist as he observed over your shoulder what you were doing. "What's this?" "This? It's the spice mix, already cooled. Now, I have to pour it into the rest of the ingredients in the bowl—it needs to be warm- not too hot." "Too hot... Like you?" you chuckled lightly as you began carefully pouring the contents from the warm saucepan into the plastic bowl.
You hadn't finished emptying the saucepan when you paused for a moment, feeling Anakin gently kissing your neck, slightly disrupting your balance in what you were doing. "Ani, we'll mess everything up in a moment, really." you smiled, sensing your beloved's need for tenderness, evidently unaffected by your words.
"I don't care." he mumbled against your neck, and you struggled to scrape off the last bits of the mixture from the saucepan before putting it back.
"Darling… Please… Now it's your turn." you smiled, stroking Anakin's head with your 'cleaner' hand.
"Hm?" he grunted, intrigued by whatever you had in mind. "Here's a spoon for you, and mix it very nicely. But make sure there are no lumps. It's as simple as that." Anakin obediently took the spoon from you and began scrutinizing the mixture, as if it required a special strategy. Meanwhile, you went back to your task—turned off the oven with the cupcakes ready, sneakily glancing in Ani's direction as he concentrated on mixing and combining all the ingredients in the bowl, just as you had instructed.
You had to admit there was something about this sight. Something that made your heart melt. Your beloved, hardworking General simply preparing holiday treats with you, periodically glancing in your direction to avoid getting caught testing the raw dough on his finger.
"Ani, just not too much. It's raw dough; your stomach will ache." you said, turned away from him, pretending not to see him in the reflection of the fridge's glass doors.
"Hm? What?" he replied, swallowing the mixture like a professional innocent, and you just smirked in response. God, how I love him. you thought when you turned towards him, and he continued to mix with corners of his mouth smeared with dough, like sweet 'evidence of the crime.'
"Shortly, you'll be able to try something ready…" you began to say, pulling on kitchen gloves and taking out the hot cupcake tray you had prepared earlier, then placing it on the kitchen island. "But first, I'll wash my hands and see what you've been up to." you finished, to which Anakin obediently nodded and continued to mix the dough as you headed to the bathroom.
You double-washed your hands and were just reaching for the towel when you heard a strange exclamation coming from the kitchen. Quickly drying your hands, you rushed out of the bathroom without turning off the light to check if everything was okay. You instantly sighed seeing Anakin holding his mouth under the tap, cold water running.
"Uh! I said, not now! I just took them out of the oven!"
"Ugh… You didn't say!" he mumbled as you tore off a piece of paper towel to dampen it with cold water.
"I did say, but you weren't listening! Give me…" you turned off the flowing water and stood Anakin upright, applying a cold compress to his reddened lips. "Sss…" he hissed, squinting his eyes, and you nodded, seeing your clever beloved bearing the consequences of his actions.
"Wait, wait…" he mumbled through the piece of towel you held to his mouth, then you removed it, letting him speak. "I know something that will heal it better." he continued, and you squinted, waiting for his response. "I'm curious…" you barely managed to finish when Anakin grabbed you around the waist and swiftly sealed his lips to yours, as if he had instantly regained his full strength.
"Mmh! You did that on purpose!" you protested through laughter, and Anakin shook his head in denial.
"No… I just sacrificed myself! Come here…" he caught you almost in mid-air, and not controlling his wild, laughter-interrupted kisses, you both moved to your small living room connected to the kitchen.
"You're crazy!" you laughed, pulling away for a moment from his lips to look into his eyes. "Crazy, but yours." he continued for you, cupping your radiant face in his hands. "It's true, Ani. It's true." you whispered, scanning the details of his face with your eyes and smiling at the sight of the traces of dough on his face. "Ah… Right…" Anakin cleared his throat before continuing, wiping off the cake spots on his face with a piece of the apron. "So, what are we doing with this dough?" .................................................................................................................
The Christmas preparations unfolded for both of you in an atmosphere you had never experienced before—especially for Anakin, who usually, burdened with duties at the temple, couldn't find relief during this time. However, this year, to his surprise, something changed. The comlink had remained silent for a few days, and he even tried shaking it at times, fearing it might have malfunctioned, but to no avail. Today was the day of your festive dinner. Outside, darkness slowly descended, so Skywalker plugged in the fairy lights that adorned the window, and all that remained was to finish decorating the Christmas tree.
"And what? Didn't I tell you it would fit?" he asked proudly, carrying a box filled with baubles and garlands into the living room while you took the roast out of the oven.
"It fit because I trimmed the top." you replied, and both of you inhaled the appetizing, savory aroma of the dish that filled the room.
"Damn, I've gotten hungry." said Anakin, patting his stomach at the sight of a rich plate with the main dish.
"Not yet, sweetheart, the roast needs to cool, and we have to finish the tree." you replied, and Anakin immediately plunged his hand into the box full of decorations.
"So?" he added, approaching you slowly, and when he had you within reach, he draped tinsel around your neck.
"May we?" he added after a moment, pulling you close with the tinsel until your noses almost touched. "You lead, General." you smiled, and both of you knelt by the Christmas tree, contemplating the color scheme you would choose for decoration.
"Any strategy?" you asked, fiddling with a random bauble in your hands that you took from the box.
"Are we going for specific colors, or are we mixing?" you clarified, and then both of you turned around, hearing the approach of your friendly droid.
"You know what? How about silver and blue?" Anakin added after a moment, not taking his eyes off his loyal friend. You smiled broadly, quickly catching the charming hint from your beloved.
"I think that's a perfect idea." you replied, and before he looked, you left a surprise quick kiss on his lips.
Radiant from your gesture, Anakin didn't have time to reciprocate as you were already buried in the box of decorations, searching for silver and blue baubles one after another. The ones that matched the best, you set aside for Anakin to hang on the branches, and even though it took him a bit, you lovingly watched how carefully and attentively he chose places to hang the baubles.
At your crossed legs, beneath the tree, lay two gifts—one dark blue, prepared by you for Anakin, and one purple, prepared by him for you, with a slightly messy but endearing and heartfelt paper bow and a signature with his boyish handwriting that you would recognize even from the end of the world. Both of you enjoy surprises, so you didn't peek into each other's boxes or inquire about the ideas that came to your minds. Well… maybe once, you wanted to play a little prank on R2, but the droid instantly shut down when you asked if he knew what Anakin had prepared for you in the box. "Do you think it's okay?" Anakin asked, standing up to take a few steps back and survey the almost finished tree. "I think it's perfect." you said with a smile, and even R2 beeped in approval. "See? I guess there's no doubt now." Both of you laughed at the sight of the satisfied droid. "Did you happen to forget something?" you got up from the ground and sweetly smiled at Anakin. "I think so." he said, approaching you and gently cupping your face in his hands, leaving a long, tender kiss on your lips. "Not exactly what I had in mind, but…" "Ah, the tinsel!" Anakin interrupted, realizing you were referring to the part of the decorations wrapped around your neck. You laughed at the momentary confusion of your beloved, and Anakin swiftly unwound the tinsel from your neck, starting to wrap it around the tree from the top while you held onto the lower part.
It was even more endearing that despite the last-minute adjustments, Anakin didn't do anything haphazardly—he executed each movement with feeling and one might say 'professionally,' even though he always claimed to be all thumbs when it came to such things.
"It seems finished. Would you add anything else?" he asked cautiously, but in your eyes, everything was already complete. "Now just the cherry on top… R2?" you called to the droid, and he instantly knew what to do. R2-D2 rolled up to the extension cord connected to the Christmas lights and flipped the switch, making the tree light up. Simultaneous smiles appeared on your and Anakin's faces as you joined hands, proudly looking at your decoration reflecting beautifully in the expansive windows of your apartment.
"Is it time?" Anakin asked timidly, looking at you leaning against the kitchen island. "It's time." you confirmed his words with a smile, eliciting a wide grin on his face as well. You didn't have time to step into the kitchen when suddenly both of you heard the sound of the doorbell coming from the front entrance. "Did you order something?" Anakin asked, clearly surprised, ready to sit down at the table, but then he stood back up. "Hm… Not exactly. Wait, I'll open it." You walked into your small hallway leading to the front door while Anakin observed you, surprised by your stoic calmness.
Anakin stood in silence for a moment, watching his droid. However, soon, hearing a familiar voice he didn't expect at all that evening, shivers ran down his spine. "Good evening, Anakin." echoed the voice of Obi-Wan from behind him, standing at the entrance with you. Skywalker's cheeks reddened in stress, as if he thought he was in some trouble, but his master quickly picked up on his feelings.
"Don't worry, I'm not here to lecture anyone. I know everything. I know about you two." Obi-Wan initially spoke with a serious expression, but soon a warm smile appeared on his face. "Anakin, I've told Master Kenobi everything, and I invited him here tonight to spend the evening with us." you added right after Obi-Wan. Anakin, who had been looking at the floor until now, exchanged glances with both of you, pondering for a moment. After a while, a smile appeared on his face, soon multiplying among the three of you.
"Master." Anakin finally spoke and walked towards Obi-Wan to warmly shake his hand. "Good to see you here." he added after a moment, and you watched them with a smile, setting plates on the table.
"Good to see you too. Actually, both of you." Obi-Wan responded, patting his apprentice on the shoulder as Anakin pointed towards an empty seat at the set table and invited him to join. "Now at least I know where you disappear for those 'unofficial missions.' I was starting to worry that you had joined the Separatists." Obi-Wan added, settling in a free seat across from you and Anakin. However, before he did, he discreetly slid two new boxes under your Christmas tree. You all laughed at Kenobi's suggestion.
"Master, mulled wine? Or are you driving?" you asked from the kitchen, holding a bottle of wine for heating.
"On purpose for this occasion, I took a taxi. I'll take some, please." Kenobi chuckled, amusing his apprentice. "Honestly, Master…" Anakin began, taking a moment to sigh and organize his thoughts. "I was expecting more…"
"That I'd come in here and give you both a good scolding?" Kenobi chuckled under his breath, realizing his apprentice's concerns. He had long had a perspective on the whole situation between him and you. "Something like that?" Skywalker finished, and Kenobi sighed in response, gathering his thoughts.
"You know, Anakin, our choices may differ, our perspectives too… But despite it all, I've processed everything and come to the conclusion… Actually, I know that you deserve to shape your life in your own way, to make your own choices…" Kenobi paused to take a deep breath. "Perhaps if some of my choices in the past were different, my life would look entirely different too, but…"
"That's why I decided it would be best if we spend this day here together." you interrupted Kenobi, handing out mugs of hot wine. "Master, regardless of our choices - you deserve a bit of normalcy, simple everyday life…" Initially, Kenobi had a sad expression on his face, briefly returning to thoughts of the past, but he began to smile upon hearing your words. You sensed the right moment, knowing that Kenobi's words about his past choices and how his life might have been different had a double meaning. You knew it wasn't the time for him to dwell on "what-ifs," so you needed to show him who he could count on here and now.
"Master, you're… for me, for both of us, the closest family." Anakin began, and you finally joined the two men.
"Ani has repeatedly said that you're like an older brother to him… It probably wouldn't be easy for us if you hadn't accepted that…" you continued for him, but Kenobi was quicker to interrupt.
"If I hadn't accepted you, I wouldn't know how to live with it. I won't deny that you're like family to me as well." Kenobi replied and paused for a moment, having something else on the tip of his tongue. "By the way… I know it's still early, but I'd like to give you something in advance. You've arranged time off for Anakin, so there's no risk for him, but they could call me at any moment." He finished, and Anakin squinted his eyes. "Wait, what? How did you arrange time off for me?" Skywalker asked, realizing that the recent silence on the line in the past few days was your doing. "Shhh!" you hushed your beloved and deferred the conversation back to Kenobi, towards your Christmas tree.
"I've been thinking for a long time about what to prepare for you both. I've never had the opportunity to give anyone a gift for this occasion… or rather, I've never had the chance to celebrate with anyone..." Obi-Wan began, taking out from under the Christmas tree two boxes he had brought with him—plain, wrapped in the simplest way, differing only in size.
"But I think I hit the mark at least a little." he continued, presenting the gifts in your direction. They were modestly labeled—yours had the first letter of your name, and Anakin's had a large 'A' on it. You smiled at each other, and Skywalker was the first to start unwrapping his gift, so you waited with yours to be able to see his reaction.
Initially, both of you were unsure about what emerged from the wrapping that Anakin had disarmed, but it was only the next layer of unwrapped paper that revealed Obi-Wan's first gift.
"Whoah, where did you get this?" Skywalker asked with a broad smile, holding an elegant, sturdy case for his lightsaber with specially engraved initials A.S.
"I ordered it on special request. I won't deny that I consulted a bit on choosing this gift…" Kenobi threw you a meaningful look, to which you smiled. "…But it also occurred to me after the last mission when your hilt fell off, and all the way to Coruscant, you couldn't stop polishing it." Anakin didn't wait any longer and took a few steps back to pick up his lightsaber from the coffee table and test how it fits with the new accessory.
"It fits perfectly." Skywalker maneuvered his weapon a bit and, in the meantime, checked if the case fits on his belt. "It's very well secured in the switch area—you won't have to worry about the lightsaber accidentally turning on." added Kenobi as Anakin safely placed his new gadget on the coffee table.
"Thank you, Master… But honestly, now I feel really embarrassed because I don't have any gift for you." Anakin responded with slight confusion, but for Kenobi, it absolutely didn't matter.
"For me, the greatest gift is that I can be here today, in such a pleasant, homely company." both of you smiled at Obi-Wan's words, but you didn't have to worry about Kenobi leaving your apartment empty-handed. You invited him yourself, so you made sure he returned with his gift—a bag full of homemade sweets and treats, and a bottle of elegant, winter mulled wine that he enjoys.
"It seems it's your turn now, Ma'am." Obi-Wan smiled, and soon after his words, both men focused their attention on the small package you held in your hands. You returned the smile to the older Jedi and began carefully unwrapping the paper, which, this time, had only one layer. Underneath was an elegant, blue box, and when you took off the lid, your eyes were greeted by a beautiful blue jewelry set—a necklace with stunning, shimmering stones and matching earrings.
"Master… This is beautiful… You really didn't have to…"
"In fact, this set has been with me for a long time… I once prepared it for Satine, but I never had the chance to give it to her, so…" Hearing these words, your heart almost stopped, and you weren't the only one in shock—Anakin was equally stunned.
"Master, I… I can't accept this… I don't feel that…"
"I want you to accept it. It was meant for someone special and will go to someone special. You are the closest woman to me since I learned about your relationship, and since I became aware of it, I know you're the right person to wear this." As Obi-Wan spoke, your eyes glistened. You nervously looked toward the moved Anakin and then back to Kenobi, embracing him warmly.
"I'll take care of it, I promise." you added, breaking the hug and very gently placing the box in a safe corner. "But you have to promise me something else." Kenobi said after a while, and of course, you immediately turned towards him.
"That you'll take care of him." he added, patting his apprentice on the shoulder, triggering wide smiles from both of you.
"May the Force curse me if it's otherwise." you laughed, approaching your beloved, who wrapped his arm around you, gaining comfort to do so in the presence of his Master. "Because, Anakin, you should know right away that if you don't take care of her, I'll kill you." Kenobi added with mock seriousness. Anakin initially widened his eyes in surprise, but he knew he didn't have to worry about such a scenario because he takes care of you incredibly well. "Damn, guys, I won't keep you any longer. You must be starving." You interrupted as soon as the opportunity arose, and the two smiling Jedi, without any protest, immediately took their seats at the table to enjoy the long-awaited dinner. "What do we have here?" Obi-Wan asked, rubbing his hands together at the sight of appetizing dishes on the elegant table setting. "This is roast with vegetables, here's my experimental – but supposedly very good – salad, and over there are raspberry cupcakes…" you listed one by one as Kenobi and Anakin served themselves with their chosen dishes. A portion of roast quickly landed on Obi-Wan's plate, and on the dessert plate next to it were gingerbreads, which he wanted to try first. "…And Anakin made the gingerbreads himself… well, almost by himself!" you added, and at your words, Kenobi paused for a moment before taking the first bite. "Oh? Really?" the older Jedi widened his eyes, and you laughed, seeing him act as if they were dealing with explosive concoctions. "But don't worry, they are really delicious. I tested them myself, and I have to admit that your apprentice has a knack for cooking." Anakin sat a bit embarrassed but blushing, chewing on your delicious dishes and appreciating your compliments. "Okay, I have to admit, they're seriously good." Kenobi replied with a full mouth, genuinely impressed by the taste of the sweet gingerbreads. "See, you underestimated me." Anakin smiled over his plate, adding another serving of your roast, which absolutely stole the show that evening. "Oh, I just know your capabilities too well, Anakin." Kenobi concluded, and you just chuckled, enjoying one of the cupcakes that Anakin had the chance to nibble on a bit earlier.
Dinner passed in a delightful mood – there were jokes, playful banter that had everyone laughing, but most importantly, there was a wonderful atmosphere that truly made you all feel like family. It was already quite late at night when Kenobi left the two of you alone. Before he departed, you made sure he took your delicious gifts with him. Since he allowed himself to raise a few more toasts for you, you escorted him to the taxi drop-off point.
You both felt a bit frozen on the way back to the apartment, especially Anakin, who graciously offered you his coat along the way. As soon as you got in, you cranked up the heating because, even though you both were eager to dive into bed, you knew there was one more important thing left to do.
"What do you say, love, who goes first?" you asked Anakin, embracing him tenderly as you stood in front of your Christmas tree. "It might sound strange, but… Maybe I'll go first, huh?" Anakin's choice surprised you, as such questions usually ended with both of you insisting the lady goes first, but this time something was clearly different. "Of course, go ahead." you smiled and left a kiss on his cheek before he bent down to pick up the box labeled with the letter 'A'. It was substantial, much larger than yours and slightly more complex in its packaging. You sat down beside him to help in case he needed assistance with unwrapping.
For Anakin, who had already practiced unwrapping presents a bit today, it didn't take long at all. From the broad smile on his face right from the start, you could tell he was already thrilled. "No way." he whispered, revealing his new, sophisticated toolbox containing absolutely everything he might need for repairing droids or providing 'first aid' in case of speeder breakdowns. "You're amazing, have I told you that already?" Anakin turned to you with a wide grin and connected his lips with yours in a long kiss. "So, I guess I nailed the present, huh?" you asked, already knowing the answer. "You have no idea how much." he added, leaving another kiss on your lips and caressing your cheek gently. "Well then… it seems it's your turn now." he whispered after a while, and your cheeks blushed as you reached for a small box under the tree. You stood up, trying to first deal with the paper bow. Anakin stood behind you, peering over your shoulder, not wanting to interrupt your unwrapping joy. You were getting to the third layer of paper, revealing a simple box underneath, similar to a typical tea box. However, when you opened the lid, there was nothing inside. You also couldn't feel Anakin's breath on your shoulder, so he must have distanced himself a bit when you were focused on unboxing. "Ani, I think I messed something up, or…" you began, turning around, and suddenly you had to lower your gaze because your beloved was kneeling in front of you, holding another, this time elegant and exquisite box. "I didn't want you to find it in a pile of papers, so I left the real gift here." he said. You didn't know what to say next, seeing Anakin's completely serious face and his hand extended towards you. "I chose your favorite stone and had it framed as beautifully as possible, so that accepting this ring would be a gift not only for me but also for you… Because accepting it would mean that I will have the most wonderful gift I could ever dream of…" he spoke, and you felt your eyes welling up. "Anakin… Does this mean…" "It means that tonight, I want to ask you to marry me. You, the most special woman in my life, with whom I want to celebrate Christmas forever, in war and in peace, in sickness and in health…" he continued, and you felt your heart pounding. However, you already knew the answer. You didn't want to wait any longer. You didn't want to keep him in suspense. "I want to spend every Christmas with you, I want to start every new year with you… Anakin… I have no doubt… I never did." You cupped his face with your hands as he slowly rose from his kneeling position, gazing deeply into your eyes. "Should I understand this as a 'yes'?" he asked, taking out the breathtakingly beautiful ring from the elegant box. "Yes, Anakin. There is only one answer for me." You replied, and then he gently took your hand to put the ring on it, perfectly sized for your finger. Your lips met again in a passionate kiss – a kiss unlike any other because it was part of a new, wonderful reality for both of you. You could have prolonged it for a long time, but eventually, you separated your lips and held each other tightly, looking into each other's eyes. "I will take care of you. I will take care of you as much as I can…" he whispered slowly, almost touching noses, observing the Christmas tree's illumination reflecting in your eyes. "And I will ensure that every Christmas from now on is like these… But in all this, one thing will remain certain…" he continued, and you listened attentively. "With each passing Christmas, I will love you even more."
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lacontroller1991 · 1 year
Boxes of Dye and Boxes of Tea (Obi-Wan Kenobi x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || Star Wars Master List
Warnings: Obi-Wan being jealous, Obi-Wan being insecure (but not for long), one sexual comment (18+ please), slight age gap (reader is of legal age)
Word Count: 1.2k
Author's Note: I switch between POVs a lot in this, each POV switch is noted by a series of dashes. Anywho, enjoy!
One of the defining rules of the Jedi Code is to be humble. Humble about your life, your wardrobe, your attitude and your appearance. It is also one of the defining rules of the Jedi Code to not form romantic attachments to anyone, let alone someone in the order and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi? He broke both. It’s not like he could control who he loves, after all, underneath the worn armor, robes, and tunics, he is human. And with being human comes human emotions like lust, love, jealousy, insecurities. 
Despite being trained in the ways of suppressing his emotions so as to not let them cloud his judgment, nothing could have trained him for the day that he sees you; his secret, younger, lover with a male about half his age. Normally, it doesn’t bother Obi-Wan who you talk to because he’s not normally a jealous guy, but after one snide comment from Anakin about the gray in his hair, it has Obi-Wan questioning everything, and seeing you talking with someone half his age? Well, Obi-Wan can’t help but to feel jealous and insecure.
Turning on his heel rapidly, Obi-Wan narrowly dodges your line of sight and rushes down the numerous halls towards his chambers as doubt clouds his mind. Would you leave him for that guy? Is he too old for you? Do you need someone more youthful to keep up with you? The questions storm in his mind as he looks over his appearance. He’s still in great shape, but he does note that he looks more exhausted than normal and his hair is starting to show his years of… wisdom. Sighing in annoyance, Obi-Wan frowns at his appearance. Just how can you find him attractive? Picking up a book, he tries to focus on the words but to no avail.
With a pep in your step, you all but skip towards Obi-Wan’s quarters, a present in your hand. After meeting up with your friend who grows tea leaves, you finally collected a large enough tea collection that will hopefully last Obi-Wan’s next upcoming mission.
Knocking on the door, you quickly hide the present under your robe and put a smile on your face as the door slides open, revealing a somber Obi-Wan with wet hair, causing your smile to turn into a frown of concern. “Obi? What’s wrong?”
Hearing the knock of his door, Obi-Wan cringes slightly knowing that it’s you on the other side. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you, it’s more of the fact that he doesn’t want to be seen by you, but still, he heads toward the door and opens it, revealing you standing there with a smile on your face that quickly turns into a frown. “Obi? What’s wrong?” Sighing, he backs away from the door as you hesitantly walk into his room, closing the door behind you, not really sure how to handle the man in front of you. “Did the Council say something? Are you going on a mission sooner than we thought?”
“No, little one. It’s nothing. I’ve just been a bit lost in my head today, that’s all.” Seeming to not buy his excuse, he watches as you sit yourself down on his bed, arms still clasped together in your robe. 
“You can’t fool me, Obi. What’s really going on?” Normally, your forthrightness is admirable, but now, he’s seriously disliking it.
“I’ve just been feeling a little…. insecure, I guess.” You quirk up an eyebrow as you look around his room, trying to find something, anything that will give you a clue and then you spot it just lightly poking out of the trashcan in his refresher. It’s hardly noticeable, but you’re a female, you know what a box of hair dye looks like. Looking back over your lover, you notice that only two spots are freshly dyed, given with how unblended they are. The spots right above his ears. The spots where gray streaks begin. It suddenly clicks in your mind. 
Without revealing the present, you remove your cloak from your body and move to stand in front of him. “Why are you dying your hair?”
Obi-Wan lets out a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood, but you remain still, trying to comprehend. Letting out a sigh, Obi-Wan’s hands reach up for your hips and drag you into him while your hands move to his scalp, lightly running careful fingertips through his damp locks as he loses himself in the feeling. “Anakin pointed out that my hair is getting more gray and that I’m looking older and I guess I just wanted to remain youthful for you.” He’s embarrassed to admit it in fear that you’ll laugh at him, but instead, he feels a feather soft kiss against the crown of his damp head.
“Oh Obi-Wan, my handsome, handsome man, please don’t change your looks for me. I don’t care what you look like. I love you for you. I love your humor, your wisdom, your sarcasm, your penchant for tea, the way you call me ‘darling’ or ‘my love’,  and the way you hold me in your arms at night. I love you as a lover and I admire you as a Jedi. Besides, obviously you’re going to age slightly. You’re fighting in a war and not to mention, I’m sure training Anakin definitely wasn’t stress free, so I really wouldn’t worry about a couple of pieces of hair.” Obi-Wan smiles softly at your words as you continue to roam your hands throughout his hair, lighting scratching his scalp.
“You’re right darling. I guess it came over me because I saw you with that one guy in the hall, who happens to be your age.”
“Who, Sid? He was only giving me something that I asked for,” Obi-Wan watches as you move your robe to the side and reveal a wrapped box. Turning around, you hand the box to Obi-Wan as you take a seat next to him. “Go ahead and open it.”
“Darling, you shouldn’t have.” Obi-Wan has told you numerous times to not get him any sort of gifts, but you, ever being thoughtful, never listens. Tearing the paper off, he looks down at the box before removing the lid and spotting a variety of tea bags, and a lot of them. “Tea?”
“Yeah, I spent some time collecting a variety and Sid had the last ones I was looking for. I figured that I could make you something before your next mission and hopefully it’ll last.”
“This is so kind of you.” He sets the box to the side and brings you in for a hug, feeling foolish about overreacting to something that he didn’t know.
“Anything for you, my love. And you wanna know something?” He pulls away and makes eye contact with you, a mischievous grin gracing your lips.
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re going to say something inappropriate?”
“Because you know me so well,” you lean forward, your hands sliding up his thighs ever so slightly. “I really, really love your hair the way it is. I especially love tugging onto it while we make sweet sweet love.” And if Obi-Wan wasn’t flustered before, he definitely is now.
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @tavners
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ghostofskywalker · 4 months
I saw your winter ficlet thing!!
Could I perhaps request Obi-Wan Kenobi x fem!reader, with the prompt "I need you to kiss me. Right now. Please."?
Happy holidays, and I can't wait to see whatever you write!!
happy holidays to you too! i hope you enjoy this :)
words: 875
summary: a fancy gala + a fake date mission = unbearable romantic tension between you and obi-wan.
This Torturous Tension
obi-wan kenobi masterlist || request a winter ficlet!
The band hadn’t once stopped playing, but to you all their music had faded away throughout the time you spent in this room. All your focus was kept on making the right steps, because you would never be able to forgive yourself if you stepped on the feet of your best friend while dancing.
Obi-Wan wouldn’t really care if you missed a step, and deep down you knew that, but you would still not want to be anything less than perfect. It certainly didn’t help that he was dressed in the fanciest robes you’ve ever seen, and the dress you wore was much heavier than your usual lightweight Jedi robes, which sometimes limited your range of motion.
So many things had already happened on this night, and you honestly weren’t sure how you had managed to survive them. You had been told just mere hours ago that you were going on this assignment with Obi-Wan, and that you would posing as lovers in order to get intel about a potential Separatist faction forming in the very heart of Coruscant. It certainly didn’t help that the outfits provided for both of you were some of the finest and fanciest things you’ve ever seen, and that Obi-Wan Kenobi had the unique ability of making you forget all your thoughts when you looked at him.
And the worst part of it all was the fact that he seemed wholly unaware of the effect he was having on you.
“We haven’t gotten a chance to talk in a while,” he said softly, right before twirling you across the ballroom floor. You were now dancing towards the corner of the space, quiet and secluded. “This is nice.”
“It is,” you agreed softly, fighting back the urge to glance at the hand that was resting so delicately on your hip. Okay, you were lying. As nice as the idea was (and as amazing as he looked in those robes), this entire evening had been nothing but torture, and it was showing no signs of stopping.
“I hate that we haven’t gotten a chance to talk more,” Obi-Wan said.
“I know,” you said. He had that look on his face, the one that you could never say no to. You wanted to kiss him more than you’ve ever wanted anything else.
“Maybe the war will be over soon,” he said, a melancholy smile on his face.
You smiled at his hope, knowing that you shared the sentiment. “And we can go back to causing trouble like we used to do as padawans.”
“Oh I think that’s going to be Anakin’s job from now on,” he responded. “He has informed me that I’m too boring and that I might as well have settled down.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Didn’t you just blow up a droid factory a couple rotations ago?”
“Yes, well-”
“Without a lightsaber or any kind of backup?”
Obi-Wan looked sheepish, another absolutely adorable expression you never wanted to forget. “I suppose in comparison to my former padawan, I must seem like one of the elders.”
You laughed at the idea as memories of adventures and chaos came back to you, all of which had featured Obi-Wan at your side. That was simply another wound you had to bear right now, because you’ve loved him for as long as you could remember, but the reality of the Jedi Code had been ever-looming above you. And as time went on, you wanted more and more to ignore it, even if it was for a few fleeting moments.
In between moments of comfortable silence, you could feel the tension growing. It had been on a steady incline since you set foot in this gala, but this was unbearable. His face was closer to yours than it had ever been, and you could feel your heart skip beats every time he smiled.
Maybe it was the energy in the air, maybe it was the Correlian wine you had drank two glasses of, or maybe it was fact that you finally had the opportunity to do one of the things you’ve always wanted to do, but in that very moment, you decided to take a risk. "I need you to kiss me.”
He looked at you with surprise in his eyes, but you didn’t want to worry about the potential ramifications until tomorrow morning. “Right now,” you breathed. “Please?”
Now you’ve dreamt of moments like these before (quite possibly more often than you’d like to admit), but there was truly no way to describe the feeling in your body when he actually obliged your request.
And when he pulled away, you couldn’t help the way a breathless sigh escaped your lips. “I was wondering if I was going to regret asking,” you whispered, searching his face for some kind of reassurance.
“And?” he asked, one eyebrow moving upwards. “Do you?
The response came tumbling out of your mouth almost instantly. “I don’t think I’ve ever regretted anything I’ve done, as long as it was with you.”
As you leaned in to kiss him again, you could feel his other hand find your waist and hold you closer. And when your lips met for the second time, it was somehow even more perfect than the first. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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The Bond Between Us MASTERLIST
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Qui-Gon Jinn discovers you and your twin brother, Anakin Skywalker, on Tatooine after being stranded there during a mission. He senses excellent power in the Force in you and Anakin. The Jedi Order takes a chance on the two of you, not without strict guidelines. A bond is slowly made between two Jedi, pushing the boundaries of the ancient Order.
This is the story of power, war, friendship, order, and love.
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I no longer do tag lists, just follow and interact and be patient.
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anisbaby · 14 days
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cw; edging, desperation play
anakin skywalker who just loves to see you desperate.
he found some sick pleasure in the way you would beg and cry for him if he pushed you just right. he loved the way he could pull you apart by simply denying you the pleasure you so desperately wanted.
"ah ah. you don't need it. you want it. there's a difference angel." he'd coo mockingly watching as you hiccuped screwing your eyes shut. small pleas left your lips as he continued to drive you closer and closer to the edge with just his fingers. your back arched up, your hands grasping at the covers as your peak began to build. Just as you were about to finally fall over the edge into ecstasy his hand pulled away.
another sob left your lips as your head shook back and forth widely. anakin simply watched, running a hand up your thigh. a small smirk grew on his lips as he watched you pant above him.
moving up the bed he used his arms to cage you in before pressing his lips against yours. If you were still coherent enough to return the kiss you were far from where he wanted you.
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firstofficerwiggles · 4 months
Merry Sithmas!
Pairing: Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi x female reader
Rating: M/E, 18+ only
Word Count: ~3600
Warnings: SMUT! Pouty/slightly angsty Sith Obi Wan, oral (f receiving), P in V sex
Author’s note: This is a Christmas gift to my dear friend and fellow Sith Obi-Wan devotee @mysticalgalaxysalad Our beloved Lord Kenobi is a bit softer in this, chalk it up to the holiday spirit, but rest assured he is still a naughty Sith. I hope you enjoy and I hope you all have a great holiday season!
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Another miserable Life Day season, Lord Kenobi thinks to himself as he nurses his hangover with the cup of hot tea you’ve just brought him. There have been far too many parties, galas, and to-dos that he has been obliged to attend all in the spirit of the holiday season. Usually, he enjoys parties, he enjoys drinking, flirting, and finding some lucky person to warm his bed for the night. But Life Day makes him feel lonely. It reminds him of what he doesn’t have, no one who truly loves him, no family that looks up to him with pride, and therefore no real reason for celebrating a day of happiness and joy. 
He sips his tea, it’s perfect with just the right amount of sugar and milk. You are so sweet to him, the perfect assistant. He doesn’t deserve you. You should run from him, especially if you knew the depraved thoughts he has about you. He’s never acted on them, but he has indulged in thinking about you, imagining how he’d like to strip off your uniform and sink between your soft thighs, maybe bend you over his desk, or pull you into his lap right here in his office. He shifts in his seat, his pants are starting to feel tight, and he can’t have that right now. It’s the last day before everyone leaves for the holiday and there is work to be done. Yes, enjoy the last day of work before you’re alone for two whole weeks. He sighs. No pretty assistant to bring me tea with a smile. 
You sit out at your desk worrying about your boss. Lord Kenobi definitely seemed to be in a poor mood this morning. You’ve done what you can by running off people who can absolutely wait to bother him in the new year and making him his tea just as he likes it. There’s really no reason to fuss over him, he probably doesn’t even notice how much you tend to do that anyway. It’s been almost a year working for him and in all that time your crush on him has only grown. It’s silly; you know you’re not supposed to fraternize with your superiors, but he’s so handsome and charming. He treats you with such respect and kindness. How could you not be a little enamored of him? 
You look back at his office and decide he needs a scone too. You quietly bring him one with a soft smile. He looks up at you with grateful eyes,
“You always seem to know exactly what I need,” he comments, “It’s as if you’re the Force sensitive one.”
You laugh lightly, “I just know what you like.”
He gives you that little half-smile of his, “I have a feeling you do,” he murmurs softly.
You smile at him once more, biting your tongue before saying something flirtatious and entirely inappropriate. You turn and scurry back to your desk.
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The day passes rather quickly after that, you both have plenty of work to do, getting all the final tasks completed for the year. As you’re getting ready to go, you head back into Lord Kenobi’s office. You stand there in front of him with a box wrapped in shiny red paper and a golden bow.
“Happy Life Day, sir!” you announce, holding out the gift to him.
“You bought me a gift?” he asks, he’s surprised you would think to do that. 
“Well, you bought me one,” you remind him. He had given all of his subordinates gift cards during the office holiday party. You knew because you had arranged for all of them.
“I don’t know if that counts since I made you get it for yourself,” he says, sheepishly. He really should have bought you something himself.
“Sure it counts, I didn’t use my money,” you tell him with a smirk, “Please, open your gift.”
He takes the box from your hand; his fingers brush yours for just a moment, sending sparks up your arm. He almost seems to linger at your touch and then he gently places the box on his desk. He carefully unwraps it and lifts the lid to reveal a pair of soft leather gloves with a cashmere lining. 
“These are lovely,” he exclaims, pulling them on. They fit perfectly because of course you know exactly what size to buy him.
“You’ve mentioned several times how you hate the cold,” you say with a smile, “I thought maybe you could do with some nice gloves.”
“That was very thoughtful, thank you very much,” he replies. He is very touched by your kind gift. It fills him with a sense of warmth that you took the time to get him a present that you knew he would appreciate. Then he feels guilty again, he should have done this for you.
“Wear them in good health, sir,” you tell him, beaming at him. You’re thrilled he seems to like your gift. 
“What are you doing for the holidays, my dear?” he asks, curious about your private life. He’d be foolish not to expect that you have some man desperate for your attention, waiting for you to be with him.
“Oh nothing very exciting, I’m just going to enjoy my time at home, maybe see some friends. My big plans for tonight are take-out and a cheesy holiday holofilm,” you explain with a bit of a shrug.
“Sounds cozy,” he remarks, and because he can’t help himself, “No boyfriend coming round to see you?”
Your face flames at his question and you stammer an answer, “N-no, no boyfriend.”
“Hmm,” is all he says in response.
You stand there awkwardly, not sure what else to say to him, until finally you figure you should get out of his hair, “Well, sir, if that’s all, I’ll be going now, I hope you have a good night and a wonderful holiday!”
“Oh, well, yes, good night, and have a lovely holiday,” Obi-Wan says. He desperately wants you to stay or to invite you out with him, but he knows that he shouldn’t. 
You give him a little wave and then leave. His office seems colder as soon as you leave. Obi-Wan sits there, staring at his new gloves and feeling sorry for himself. A buzzing on his comm finally breaks him out of his trance-like state. Merry Life Day again, sir! Thank you for a wonderful year! That’s it, he’s not letting this Life Day misery continue. He is Lord Kenobi, a powerful Sith of the Galactic Empire. He doesn’t have to put up with this type of pitiful wallowing. He is going to get what he wants, just as he always does.
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The sound of your doorbell surprises you, you haven’t even ordered your take-out yet, choosing instead to take a hot bath after work. You look down at your pj’s and decide that whoever is stopping by now is going to have to see you like this. You look through your peephole and nearly have a heart attack.
“Lord Kenobi!” You exclaim, opening your door in surprise.
“Hello, my dear,” he says all smiles. His hands, neatly encased in his new gloves, are full of bags. “May I come in?”
“Of- of course, here let me help you,” you say, still so startled by his arrival. You try to reach for one of the bags but he shakes his head, and simply heads for the little table in your dining area. 
You stare at him as he arranges the bags. What could he possibly be doing here?
“I hope you didn’t order dinner yet, because I took the liberty of bringing us some delicious food,” he holds up one bag emblazoned with the logo of his favorite restaurant, one you’d kill to eat at but never could afford. 
“You brought dinner?” you ask, your voice sounding faint with surprise.
“Yes, I thought it would be nice to spend time together, and buying you dinner is the least I could do,” he says with a charming smile.
“What are the other bags?” you wonder, curiously. 
“These are your real Life Day gifts,” Obi-Wan announces proudly, “You deserve better than just a gift card.” 
Obi-Wan is very much enjoying how utterly surprised you are. Plus getting to see you here in your own cozy little home is a nice bonus. He looks over your cute pajamas with your face washed clean, and he decides you’ve never looked more beautiful to him. He pulls out a chair for you.
“Please sit, darling, I can take care of everything,” he encourages you. 
He goes to your kitchen first and finds two wine glasses and a wine opener. He comes back and reveals a fancy bottle of wine from the dinner bag. He pours you both a glass, and encourages you to try it.
“It’s wonderful,” you tell him, “I- I just can’t believe you’re here right now with all of this.”
He sips his own wine and begins taking out the food containers.
“Well, after your lovely gift, I kept thinking about how wonderful you’ve been to me all year, and how I wanted to show you my true appreciation,” he explains, going with the safer reason first. Then he gives you a little smirk and a wink, “Also, I hate to eat dinner alone.”
That makes you laugh, and you feel more comfortable. You take another sip of the delicious wine and relax a bit. Obi-Wan makes you try all of the different food he bought, insisting on sharing with you. It is scrumptious and you swear you’ve never had anything better. He gets more pleasure from seeing you enjoy it so much than he does from actually eating it. After he clears away the last crumbs of a decadent dessert, he pulls out your presents.
“You even wrapped them,” you marvel. There are three nicely wrapped gifts.
“Well, I had the store wrap them,” he admits sheepishly. He pushes the first one towards you, “Go ahead, open them.”
The first one you open is a heated mug warmer for your desk.
“I notice you often have to reheat your tea because you get too busy to drink it while it’s hot,” he remarks.
The second gift is a brand new data pad, a model you didn’t even know had been released yet. He even got you a protective case in your favorite color. 
“Your old one has a crack in the screen,” he comments.
The third present is in a much smaller box, but you can see he saved the best for last. Inside is a beautiful pendant with a sparkling red gemstone on a delicate chain, it’s elegant and stylish. 
“Oh, Lord Kenobi, this is lovely, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” you marvel at the necklace.
“It’s a kyber crystal pendant,” he explains, “Like the type of crystal in my lightsaber.”
“It’s too much,” you say, “This must have cost a fortune.”
He chuckles at that and reaches to remove the necklace from the box.
“Let me put it on you,” he offers.
He drapes the necklace around your neck, his fingers gently brushing your skin as he fastens the clasp. He seems to linger there for a moment. You turn to face him and you’re standing so close to him. In a soft voice you ask him,
“How does it look?”
“Absolutely stunning,” he replies, but he hardly glances at the necklace, he’s too wrapped up in your gorgeous eyes. 
For just a moment, he leans closer to you, his eyes flick down to look at your lips. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Your traitorous body sways toward him. It’s all the encouragement he needs, and he swoops down to capture your mouth with his. His kiss is passionate and thorough. He kisses you as if he means to conquer you and you are very happy to let him. 
“Do you know how stupidly happy I was to hear that you didn’t have a boyfriend?” he asks between breathless kisses.
“You were?” you still can’t believe any of this is real.
“Now you can be all mine for the holidays,” he replies, trailing kisses down your neck until he finds that spot that makes you moan. 
“Is that what you want?” The question sounds a bit silly to your ears, especially as his hand has somehow found its way inside your pajama top, but it’s almost as if you need to hear him say it.
“It’s all I ever wanted,” he says simply. He’s so sincere in that moment, his eyes soft, showing another side of him from the haughty Sith Lord you know. 
You place a hand on his cheek, feeling the soft hair of his beard tickling your palm, and tell him, “It’s what I want too.”
He flashes a bright smile at you, happy but naughty too, “Well then, stop distracting me, darling and let me give you more gifts.”
His hands slip under your pajama top again, coming up to cup your tits and work your nipples into even harder little points of pleasure. He kisses you again, his tongue plundering your mouth and claiming you for his own. He only breaks the kiss to ask you where your bedroom is and then he drags you there between heated kisses to your mouth and neck. By the time you realize he’s got you on the bed, you feel dizzy with excitement. Obi-Wan works your top off, his golden eyes glowing with lust as he stares at you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes, “Do you know I’ve dreamed of seeing these gorgeous breasts? Reality is even better than my imagination.”
“I had no idea you thought of me that way,” you admit, your words coming out between soft moans as he caresses your soft skin. 
“That one time you were warm in the office, and you unbuttoned your blouse just enough for me to see your cleavage… mmmm,” his words dissolve in to a moan, “I came so hard thinking about you that night.”
He drops his head to kiss and suck your nipples. His tongue circles each one carefully and then licks over the hard peaks before drawing them into his hot mouth. He hears you moaning and loves the sound. You arch your back into him, pushing your tits up into his mouth and hands, and he is happy to give you more of his touch.
“I- I think about you too… like that,” you admit to him.
He looks up at you with that naughty smirk of his, “Do you? And do you touch yourself when you think of me like that?” His fingers trail down your body making a path to your waistband. When he gets there he glides his hand underneath, seeking your sensitive pussy.
“I have yes,” you confess, your cheeks are burning as his hand finds how incredibly wet you already are for him.
“And what was I doing in these thoughts of yours?” He asks as his tongue licks at your breasts again before traveling lower.
“You- you were…” you can’t seem to make the words come out.
Obi-Wan runs his fingers through your wetness, finding your clit and circling it lazily. “You know, if you tell me, I’ll do it,” he prompts you. He’s slowly moving down the bed. He reaches your hips and pushes your pajama pants and panties down and off you until he has an excellent view of your most intimate parts.
“You were eating me out,” you say in a rush, shocked by your own daring. 
“Good, I like to think about that too,” he replies with a saucy wink. Then without warning he plunges his tongue deep inside you.
“Lord Kenoooobiiiiii,” you cry out for him, as he devours you like a starving man. His beard tickles your inner thighs as he licks long strokes from the bottom to the top of you. His tongue moves to lick your clit and then he sucks it hard into his mouth. You can’t seem to keep still, your hips buck up at his mouth until he uses the Force to hold you in place. Obi-Wan gets his fingers involved too, pushing two of them inside you and curling them upward. He’s rewarded with a high-pitched moan from you.
“Maker, yes, you’re so good at this, so gooood,” you praise him as he drives your pleasure higher and higher until it crests and the wave of bliss crashes over you. You shudder and mewl for him, feeling euphoric from the incredible sensations he’s given you. 
“Darling, you are a real treasure, letting me enjoy you so much,” Obi-Wan tells you as he gently kisses his way back up your body. 
“I think I’m the one getting most of the enjoyment,” you giggle and pull him in for a passionate kiss. 
“Mmm, that’s debatable,” he murmurs before he kisses you again, ardently.
You can feel him hard against your hip and you reach down to stroke his cock. Obi-Wan moans softly for you and then rolls over on top of you, slotting himself between your legs. Instinctively you wrap your legs around his hips to have him closer. He grinds against your wetness, slicking himself up well.
“Ready for more enjoyment?” He asks with a naughty smirk.
“Yes, please,” you reply, lifting your hips a little higher to encourage him.
He thrusts inside you slowly, he wants to feel every little part of you, to enjoy this first time of making you his lover.
“Ahhh, you’re big, L-Lord Kenobi,” you breathe out. He’s stretching you so well. It has been a while for you and you appreciate that he’s not in a rush.
“Call me Obi-Wan, darling,” he tells you. His voice sounds more affectionate. There is that softness again that you weren’t expecting.
“Obi-Wan, you feel so good,” you tell him, repeating his name. 
Obi-Wan smiles at you and finds your lips again. His kiss is more sensual this time, his tongue dances with yours. It feels more intimate and less demanding than his first kisses. He begins to move his hips more, pulling out of you almost all the way before gliding back in so deep. He does this for a while, nice languid strokes, letting both of you learn the other. When he feels your hands running up his arms and over his back, he moans his approval. So often his sexual encounters are a bit cold and detached, merely a means to get off as quickly as possible. But with you, there is that sweet connection that he craves. You mean more to him and he wants, no, he needs your touch.
“Yes, sweetheart, love the way you touch me, such beautiful hands,” he tells you. He looks down at you, his eyes finding yours and you gasp at the depth of emotion you can see there. Your hands smooth over his skin more, sweeping down over his shoulders and onto his chest. The delighted sounds he makes are music to your ears.
You grip his hips tighter with your legs and it encourages him to go faster. He rolls his hips as he moves, the head of his cock hitting that magical spot that makes you even wetter for him. You try to tell him how incredible he’s making you feel but all you can manage are moans and cries of his name. 
He presses himself closer to you, his chest rubs against yours now and he buries his face in your neck. Your arms wrap around him tight, holding him there. He can feel that you’re getting close, he can sense it through the Force. He whispers in your ear,
“Cum for me, darling, cum hard and I’ll fill you so well.”
“Obi-Waaaan,” you wail his name and clench around him. Sparks of pleasure run through your whole body and you shiver in his arms as your climax hits you. It’s even better than before, more powerful and you swear you can feel it in every pore of your being. 
Obi-Wan manages a few more hard thrusts before he can’t hold it in any longer. He pushes in as deep as he can get and floods your pussy with his cum. He moans your name and presses his body into yours. He takes your mouth again in a tender kiss as he stays inside you, not wanting to be apart just yet.
You catch your breath, your hands caressing him again, moving up to his cheeks. When he finally pulls away from kissing you, you smile at him
“Now that was a fantastic present.”
He chuckles happily in response, “Indeed it was, consider my birthday gift picked out.”
You giggle at that and he kisses you again, cuddling you to him as he gets even more comfortable in your bed.
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A few days later, you’re in Obi-Wan’s posh penthouse sitting in front of his fireplace, a glass of ridiculously expensive wine in your hand. Your Sith lover is snuggled up next to you. It’s been a lovely Life Day, full of sweet surprises, laughter, and romance. Obi-Wan has made you feel like one of those girls from a holiday holofilm. 
“It’s been such a wonderful holiday, I love this time of year,” you say, admiring the pretty decorations you helped him hang just days earlier.
“I never used to like this time of year,” Obi-Wan murmurs, “Before now, I didn’t have good memories of Life Day.”
“But now you do?” you ask hopefully.
“I do,” he confirms and then smiles at you so brightly, “I think that is the best gift you’ve given me.”
“I hope I can give you the same gift next year,” you tell him.
“I hope you will too,” he replies as he pulls you in for a sweet, romantic kiss.
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Thank you so much for reading!! I really hope you enjoyed this fic. Happy Holidays to you all!
Tag list:@boomtowngirl @kavecika @becks-things @mysticalgalaxysalad @catsnkooks @starlightrows @tailorvizsla @bitchin-beskar @lilhawkeye3 @acourtofsnakes @grogusmum @buzzybeebee @deannie13 @ladykatakuri @noodlesfics @the-good-shittt @everythingyouwanted @jewfro24 @vaderthepotater @pinkiemme @laichka @elinedjarin @myeternalsin @kazthedestroyer @writeforfandoms @trekkingaroundasgard @beskarmermaid @flightlessangelwings @mandoloriancookie (p.s. I just tagged my whole tag list for this but if you want to be removed just let me know)
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autumnleaves1991-blog · 7 months
"Have you ever loved me?" Obi-Wan Kenobi x F! Reader
Summary: Long ago you loved a Jedi, he broke your heart when you were ready to give up everything for him but he was not. Now years later, the galaxy is at war, and you might be the only one to pull him back from the edge. But can you forgive him?
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x F! Reader
Warnings: Angst, language, second-chance romance, slight ooc.
Cross Posted on AO3
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The Past
“Master Yoda,” you bow your head, “I have made the decision to leave the Jedi Order.” 
“A difficult decision made you have, padawan. Changed the course of your entire life you have.” 
“Yes,” you nod, “but I must. I’ve broken one of the sacred vows and I would rather leave on my own accord than be tossed out once I was discovered.” 
“Wise,” he nods sadly, “seeing you leave, brings a great sadness to my heart. You are a skilled Jedi Healer and a brave warrior. Tell me,” he urges, “what sacred vows did you break hmm?” 
“I fell in love,” a single tear streams down your cheek, and you blink to hold back the rest. 
“And did they feel the same?” 
“I thought they did,” you sniff, “but I was wrong. They love another. One I will never be able to compete with.” 
“But still wish to leave you do?” You nod, silently, the tears pouring down your cheeks. He sighs, “then I will let you go. What now will you do?” 
“I still wish to be a healer, Master Yoda. Even if I’m not a Jedi, I can still use my gifts to heal the sick and injured.” 
“A calling most noble,” he stands, grabbing his cane. “I will miss seeing your smile light up the halls of the temple. But I understand why go you must.” 
“Thank you,” you bow, “Master Yoda.” You turn to leave when he says your name, giving you pause as you turn to look at the Master. 
“I will not tell a soul what you have shared with me this evening. No one will ever know the reason you chose to leave the order. Not even young Master Kenobi.” 
“I-I” you stutter, shocked, “I don’t know what you mean.” 
He chuckles, walking past you with a grin, “old I may be, but blind I am not.” 
The news of your departure spread like wildfire throughout the temple. Several other Palawan’s and friends stopping by as you packed with small tokens and a kind word. All but one. 
You grab your bags, feeling a heaviness in your heart at leaving your room. So many firsts happened here; your first time living alone, first time you burnt bantha noodles, first kiss. Your eyes shutter closed and you resist the urge to cry when the door slides open. 
“So it’s true,” Obi-Wan stands in the doorway, the door hissing as it slides shut behind him. “You’ve left the Jedi Order.” 
“Yes,” you swallow down the tears at seeing him again. “I think it’s for the best. I can’t keep going day by day hiding how I feel.”
“Instead you’re leaving me,” his voice sounds broken, and he walks over to the window glancing out at the busy streets of Courasant. “You’re leaving everything you’ve ever worked for.” 
“Yes,” you whisper, “I’m going home back to Naboo. I’m going to be a healer, treat the sick and injured.” 
“Fall in love and marry someone,” he turns, his arms crossed over his chest. “Give him children, and live happily ever after.” 
“I can’t stay here."
He’s silent, “I don’t want you to go,” he lowers his arm, taking a step towards you, “we don’t have to continue, we can be friends. You don’t have to leave.” 
Obi-Wan grabs your hands and you see the glisten in his eyes, mirrored in your own. “Have you ever loved me?” your voice breaks when he remains silent, the one thing he’s never been able to say back. “Goodbye Obi-Wan,” you pull your hands out of his grasp, his grip tightening before you let go, grabbing your bags and leaving your life behind. 
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The Present 
“Doc!” Minnie, your assistant shouts from across the room, “you got a call!” 
“Dank Farrick,” you whisper, pressing a hand to your eyes before shouting, “I’m coming!” 
The figure on the holo gives you pause and you slow your steps, a furrow to your brow. “Master Yoda?” 
“Ah,” he smiles saying your name, “seeing you again brings me great joy.” 
“Thank you, Master. It’s good to see you as well.” You nod, waiting for him to speak, but the silence stretches on, “uhm,” you rub the back of your head, “is there something I can help you with, Master?”
“There is,” he grins, “know you do, that at war we are with the separatists. The loss of life is great, and we are in need of assistance desperately. I’ve heard from your former master that you’ve become a great healer and I am upon you calling to come heal our troops.” 
You sit down, your legs feeling like jelly beneath you. “Master, I’m honored. But my place is here on Naboo.” 
“Thought you say that, I did.” A figure steps behind him and you jump to your feet seeing the woman. 
“Senator Amidala,” you bow.
She says your name and you straighten up, “I am calling upon you to join the war effort as a representative of Naboo. Your practice will be well looked after in your absence. The Queen is sending the royal physician to look after it while you’re gone.” 
“Senator,” you glare at the little green man, “I am honored. But my place is here with my patients.” 
A moment passes between the two, Master Yoda and Senator Amidala sharing a look. He sighs, “there is reason more, wish for you to join we do.” 
You look between the two before taking a step back, “no.” 
“Help, he needs,” Yoda puts both hands on his cane, “his troops are dying, and with each loss,” he shakes his head, “for the toll of loss is great, I worry.” 
“I can’t,” you whisper, “I’m not strong enough.” 
“You are,” Senator Amidala encourages, “you’ve become the most sought after healer on the planet.” 
Yes, you think, the only one I could never heal was me.
“Needs you, he does,” Master Yoda looks into your eyes, his voice echoing in your head, need him, you do. 
Minnie comes through the door, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but the Royal physician has arrived Doc. He says he’s here to take your place for awhile.” 
You turn from her and back to Master Yoda sending your thoughts through the force. Will I ever come back? 
Only decide that, you can. 
“Tell me what you need me to do.”
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“Doctor,” the clone trooper with golden markings shouts reaching a hand out to help you from the hovercraft. “Good to have you aboard ma’am.” 
“I’m glad to be here,” the ship powers down behind you. 
“I’m Commander Cody,” he removes his helmet, shaking your hand, “second in command.” 
“Pleasure to meet you, Commander,” you give his hand a solid squeeze before letting go to grab your bags. 
He grabs the other duffle, “let me get that for you ma’am, I’m going to take you to your quarters and then up to the bridge to see the General.” 
“Perfect,” you fall into step beside him, your stomach churning. 
“I understand that you’re a doctor on Naboo. From what I’ve been told, it’s a beautiful planet.” His words make you smile, thinking of home. 
“It is, I love it very much.” 
“What made you join the war then?”
“Call it a favor to an old friend. And one very nosey little bastard,” you mumble the last part but he bursts out laughing anyways. 
“Seems like a story there,” he chuckles, arriving at a door. “This is your quarters, if you need anything the barracks are two levels below and the General is just down the hall.” 
“Thank you, Commander,” you look around the room, quietly surveying the space before you drop your bag on the bed. “This shall do quite nicely.” 
“Would you like some time to freshen up or would you like to go meet the General?” 
“Lead the way,” you hold out a hand, your heart pounding so loud you’re almost sure he can hear it. 
Commander Cody plays tour guide as you make your way to the bridge. And you can see why the men chose him for Commander he is thorough in making sure you know the ship and where everything goes. “This is the bridge,” he leads you onto the ledge, several troopers on computers look your way giving you a nod. 
“You need to sleep!” A man shouts at the end of the aisle and Commander Cody slows down as we approach. “You’ve been up for nearly three days working on this plan. You know it inside and out!” 
“It’s not perfect yet,” your eyes sting when you hear his voice again. “I need it to be perfect, we’ve lost to many men.” 
He sounds almost delirious and you look at the young man quickly recalling the name, Anakin Skywalker. He’d just become his padawan maybe a year before you left. “Talk to him,” he tosses out his hands exasperated, “if you won’t listen to me, Master at least listen to the doctor.” 
“I don’t need a doctor,” Obi-Wan throws over his shoulder, “I’m fine.” 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you speak up. His hands freeze on the papers, his posture rigid and he drops his head to his chest. 
“Maybe you’re right Anakin,” he sounds defeated, heaving a great sigh. “I do need to sleep. I’m hearing ghosts in my head.” 
“If I recall,” you step around Commander Cody and past Anakin, “you never believed in ghosts.” 
“Leave me be,” he groans, pressing his palms into his eyes, “why do you insist on tormenting me?” 
The room is silent and you look around and notice the room has been vacated. “How am I torturing you? Explain that to me.” 
“I let you go,” he whispers, dropping into a chair, his eyes covered. “I should have told you the truth and you never would have left.” 
“And what truth is that,” you reach out a hand and press it to his shoulder. He turns quickly grabbing your hand and running his fingers over your palm. 
“You’re real,” he states, looking up at you with wide eyes. “How are you here?” 
You ignore him, “what truth did you fail to tell me?” 
Obi-Wan sighs your name, his hand pulling until you’re sitting in his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist as he inhales deep breathes at your neck. “You still wear the same perfume,” he closes his eyes, forehead pressed to your shoulder. 
“Of course,” you whisper, running your fingers through his long hair, “you gave it to me.” 
“Do you remember the last thing you asked me,” he raises his head, meeting your eyes. 
“Yes,” you tremble, your hands pressed together to prevent the shaking, “I asked if you ever loved me.” 
He lifts one finger and puts it under your chin, his voice clear when he says, “ask me again.” 
“Obi-Wan,” you feel the tears stream down your cheek, “I can’t do this again.” 
“Ask me,” he commands, before softening, “please, darling.” 
The air around you swirls with the force, his emotions clearly displayed as he awaits if you’ll ask, if you’ll let him right a past wrong. “Have you ever loved me, Obi-Wan?” 
This time he does not hesitate, “oh stars, yes.”
"What about the Order? You'd never give that up and I won't ask you to. That's why I left the first time. I never wanted you to have to choose."
He bowed his head, "It took me a long time and several meditations to realize that was why you left."
"Why did you think?"
He lifts his head, "I thought you didn't love me. That you were sparing yourself the heartache when the temple realized what a lovesick fool I was. Even my Master knew." You stay silent, watching the emotions flicker, "and then Qui Gon died, and I became Master to Anakin. It changed everything."
"I can't be your dirty secret, Obi-Wan," you stand, going over to the viewing station, seeing the far reaches of space before you. "I came here to do a duty and I will fulfill that obligation."
"So there is someone else," he stands beside you, his hands tucked inside his robes, "you fell in love with another. Did you marry him? Stars, do you have children?"
You turn to him, hands crossed over your chest, "for being one of the wisest Jedi, you're an idiot." He turns to you, a wide eyed stare on his face. "I love," your voice cracks on a sob, "you, Obi-Wan. There is no other, it's always been you."
"I didn't dare hope," he presses a hand to your cheek. "Why didn't you move on? Live your life?"
"Could you have?" you grab his wrists, "if you were given the choice. If I had stayed and you had left, would you have fallen in love with another?"
"No," he shakes his head, "never. I just wanted you to be happy." His eyes soften, as he brushes the tears off your cheeks.
"You make me happy," you press your forehead to his own.
"What are we going to do?" he closes his eyes, pulling you into his chest, and running his hands up and down your back. You fit perfectly together, like two puzzle pieces finding their way back to one another. "I can't leave the war," he shakes his head with a sigh, "my men need a strong leader, and Anakin still has much to learn."
"I understand. And I will stand beside you. We can fight this war and you can finish his training. But when it's done, we leave, go to my home on Naboo, or start a new life somewhere else. Put away the lightsaber and live in peace."
He's quiet, contemplating everything you've said before he nods. "Okay, let's do that."
You pull away from him, "do you mean that?" His eyes study yours before his lips turn up in a smile, exhaustion lining his eyes.
"Ask me again," he urges.
You swallow, "have you ever loved me?"
"Yes," he nods, leaning forward to kiss you softly, a piece of your heart sliding back into place, "now and all the lifetimes after."
On the other side of the galaxy, Master Yoda feels his heart warm in his chest, pressing a hand to it with a smile. "Knew they would figure it out one day, I always did."
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phoeebsbuffay · 5 months
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Imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi’s complex journey…to the dark side.
Warnings: drama, angst, violence, inappropriate/adult language—explicit smut and fluff as usual.
Warnings 2: *long* post.
Recommendations: “Lavender Haze” by Taylor Swift; “Yellow Flicker Beat” by Lorde.
No minors.
“When there is too much light”, you tell him, “one might lose the sight for it.”
“But when there is too much dark”, so the red haired male muses, “the fate seems to be all the same”.
You tilt your head.
“The whole point is that every excess leads to suffering. Those who claim to possess the true core of goodness are blinded by their vanity, although those who are plunged by darkness is similarly lost.”
“Then what should I do?”, you detect a hint of misery in his voice.
“I am not the wisest of beings, Obi”, you smile candidly. “You’re not on your own. You should not pick up the broken petals and try to glue them to what they used to form. No. The damage is done, but it can be mended and transformed in something better.”
There is so much to be said, but, to your disappointment, words die in his thoughts. His eyes divert away and the magic is gone.
“Obi?”, now he detects despair in your voice.
The Jedi looks back at you. His blue eyes little by little lose the spark that once colored such tempest irises.
An eclipse rises.
“I must depart”, it’s all he mutters. “Unfortunately I cannot stay, Senator Y/N.”
You don’t have to say goodbye. Obi-Wan is gone with the wind.
• Part I: The Creed.
“You look too sad, Master”, Anakin tells him concerned. “This sadness of yours has remained there in your eyes longer than I’d thought it would take. I must say I am concerned.”
“This is exhaustion to you, Anakin”, Obi-Wan remarks. “I’ve been working per usual, that is all.”
“You have been burying yourself in work since that incident with the Duchess has…”
“It was not an incident!”, Obi-Wan snaps at Anakin, who stares at his Master in bewilderment. He sighs before softening: “I just…appreciate your concern over me, Anakin. It’s going to be fine. But there are moments when I wonder where this will end. Frankly, it frustrates me that two years later Maul isn’t entirely wiped out of the galaxy.”
“He’s not like any other we faced, Master. That creature is a Sith Lord, therefore we ought to be very careful when dealing with the man”, Anakin smiles quietly, eyes filled with comprehension. “But be mindful that grief should not overcome you, after all…”
“Fear leads to anger that leads to hate that leads to suffering”, so Obi-Wan completes. “I shall not forget that. It pleases me to see you learned that well, Anakin. I forget at times how good you can actually be.”
Anakin rolls his eyes, about to say something in return when the thread is interrupted by Master Windu, who requests Obi-Wan’s presence for a mission to planet Y/C.
“It’s farther than we had formerly judged”, the said Master tells Obi-Wan. “But we understand this is an important mission in order to prevent this region to fall to the Separatists. Apparently Count Dooku has sent a spy to convert Lady Y/N to his side. You must not fail, Obi-Wan.”
“I’m sure everything will be conducted most appropriately”, assures the other male.
By then the two part in friendly terms. But Anakin, the witness of the moment, is suddenly plagued with a strange feeling. However, he has not time to uncover it or even share with his Master, for Obi-Wan doesn’t want to waste anymore of his time in Coruscant, a planet he’s grown to dislike.
When he meets you after a long time spent journeying to your planet, Obi-Wan is dressing somber shades of red, opting for a dark cape that falls over his shoulders. But the growing shadow within is momentarily eclipsed by your glowing beauty.
Your long and wavy y/c hair is tied in a single braid; your face is painted in delicate colors that seem to bring your beauty in a most natural way; your light red gown reinforces your curves and after two years, Obi-Wan finds himself desiring a woman again.
His eyes linger at the swell of your breasts and for one moment, his mind takes him to a dark spot, where he allows to imagine taking each breast with his tongue—hungry for affection, wishing to be provided with what he hopes to find a sweet lullaby coming out of your lips, singing out his name—; but the moment you clear your throat, he sweeps away such pictured scene, burying it deep—mostly because he doesn’t want to have a boner right now.
“Master Kenobi”, you greet him with a sweet voice, eyeing him with a mix of curiosity and awe. He knows by the careful glance you give him that you find him handsome. Apparently, the attraction is mutual. “Thank you for getting to us. Welcome to our planet. I pray the journey has not been too hard on you.”
As you lead him to a seat next to the window, from where he can see the landscape outside, Obi-Wan smiles at you when answering:
“It has not, thank you for asking, my lady. I do hope, though, that your ladyship may forgive me for the delay in our mission. I had other matters to attend.”
“There is nothing to be forgiven for, Master Kenobi”, you smile again and Obi-Wan hates how the light that comes from you makes him feel like a teenager in his hormone days. “Before we begin to discuss our points, allow me to serve you some tea. Do tell your favourite.”
This is how it begins.
Lord forbid, but as each day goes by, you find yourself desiring to hear more of the serious and meticulous Master Jedi. His redhair and his blue eyes are difficult not to draw your eyes, but his muscles—perfectly well hidden under such robes—leave so much to your imagination.
Often seen by others as cold, unreachable woman, always avoiding relationships of any nature, it seems this man has managed to make you go to your knees—though you’d gladly turn this metaphor into literal.
You’ve heard the other day a lady in waiting describing to another exactly how she went to her knees to please her husband—a way the said lady in question found out from a maid of her trust—and how deliciously it was to feel his manhood pumping into her mouth. As you enter into the salon, your eyes scam after him, with that scene in the back of your mind.
What would be like to please him? To make this sacred Jedi feel profane, mundane things? It’s when your own conscience admonishes for such thinking. You are a governor, a member of the Senate who vowed never to marry or get yourself involved romantically—specially after one particular man, Senator H/N, broke your heart.
“Ah, Master Kenobi! There you are!”, you greet him with glee. “I must admit I am worried about how the Senate will respond to our request. I do wish to remain neutral in this war.”
Obi-Wan comes to perceive that he’s been growing intolerant to his impatience with this unending war. Or perhaps he’s mistaking it with frustration? The man cannot tell and he has no intention in letting obvious his discontent.
“I wouldn’t worry about it, Senator Y/LN”, and so suddenly your desire for peace reminds him of…
“Are you well, Master Kenobi?” You ask him gently, concerned about the shadows that so suddenly take grip of his reasoning. “Come, let us go outside. A stroll around the gardens might suit you.”
“No, I appreciate your concern, but…”
You surprise him by being an effective adversary.
“I don’t take no as answer, good man. I know distress when I see one.”
“And here I thought I was hiding well”, Obi-Wan muses sarcastically.
“Oh, didn’t you?”
How you snap back at him earns the Jedi some smile. And you are pleased your effort is finally coming to something.
“Is it weird to live by peace in a world plunged by extremisms?” You think out loud as you two share a stroll in a quiet, content pace around many green walls.
Obi-Wan, who’s been studying you more often than he’d sensibly admit, side eyes you and discreetly responds:
“I don’t think so. When disease begins to make sense, reason starts to find illogical healthy musings. We’ve been too sick to realize that peace could’ve been reached by a simple dialogue with some compromising”.
“Why do we expect better attitudes from others when we ourselves lack them?”, you sigh. “I suppose it’s because our enemies reflect our darkest fears.”
Obi-Wan’s eyebrows furrow at the thought. Seeing a good point you make, he finds himself uncomfortable for the first time in a long time.
We make demands of others. We fight for others. We expect better of others when we are not better than them.
Has the good cause been corrupted? Suddenly, Obi-Wan’s conviction starts to be shaken by his own beliefs.
“I’m sorry. I was meant to bring you some solace, not providing you this uneasiness”, you apologize by reading the Jedi’s awkward steps.
When finding your y/c eyes, Obi-Wan’s first instinct is to flee. You too get this sensation and perhaps you let it show more than you’d know. But he resists it.
You are not Satine. I cannot expect you to be like her. But you bring me to a different light… and I fear where this path will lead me.
“Don’t apologize”, though his arms remain folded, his features are now softened. “I’ve been under stress for two years in a roll. You deserve better, my lady, and I haven’t been a most proper guess, have I?”
You chuckle softly and the sound that comes with it makes any burden his heart’s been carrying loose…
“I understand more than you know, Master Kenobi. I fear to say I tend to overthink about what surrounds me”, you smile at him, your eyes not ready to let go of the gaze that captured them. “It’s a hopeless world we live in and yet I think it’s my duty to bring some joy to it.”
“And how’d you do that?”, he inquires, too intrigued by your web not to play with it.
“By living to a personal creed”, you give the Jedi a mysterious smile. “Live righteously through every beating of your heart. Do so by providing others some cheerfulness.”
That being said, you actually succeed to distract the very grave Jedi close to a fountain and with one small push, get him into it.
Soon, the silence is broken by a sound of cheerful laughters and for the very first time Obi-Wan joins them, not burdened, but free of it.
Part II: Duty Is The Death of Love.
Obi-Wan is requested to go back to Coruscant once the situation in your planet is partially resolved. But there is reluctance on his part going and you fear for his departure too.
By then, an unspoken attachment had developed between you two—but neither felt the urge to make it obvious, in other words: to make the first step.
“You are too quiet, dear Y/N”, Obi-Wan remarks, his eyes never letting go of your sight for a moment.
This evening you are having dinner. A private one, very personal and intimate in many shades—but the Jedi realizes you’ve been far from his grasp. It so appears to him that your brightness has been stolen away.
“Am I?”, you raise your eyes to meet those sparkling blue ones that have been searching for yours. You blush lightly as a result. “I’ve always been quiet, Obi.”
“This is hardly the truth”, he smiles. “You’ve been always the one to speak, my dear. Please, tell me what’s been troubling you.”
Your pride advises you not to tell him how you feel. Obi-Wan sees through you the struggle, but these are trying days. What’s there to lose if you speak your mind?
“I will miss you”, it’s all you can say.
He reaches for your hand, gently lacing fingers. Never before duty felt so strained, so… suffocating.
“I’m not really leaving. You know that.”
You don’t realize a puddle of tears is forming in your eyes before you say:
“You’ve always shone brighter than anyone I’ve known. I shall not eclipse that.”
Obi-Wan quickly leaves his seat to console you. On his knees before you, he takes each hand and presses there a kiss.
“Dear love”, he rushes to say. “You are a poetry to my soul. I’ve been numbed for a long time and thought myself dead inside until you brought me back to life. How can you say I shine bright when you are the sun who feeds me light to do so? No. I’m nothing if not a moon in need of your light.”
When did the desperation rise so eminently? You don’t know, neither does he. But all so suddenly, your lips are collided against his and Obi-Wan is rising you from your seat to pull yourself into him.
Your hands are now playing with his hair all the whilst his own are gripping tight your waist. His kisses are urgent and fervent, warming you in every possible way.
His lips are now going to your neck and you throw your head back, feeling exposed under his gaze. Indeed, had you had the ability to read mind, you’d find nothing but indecent thoughts there.
Hungry for your affection, his lust draws unspeakable ideas to you. His lips enjoy your soft skin and his eager hands are already unlacing your gown. On your turn, the tingles that his beard make on you are enough to make you sigh.
You promptly rest your hands over his shoulders in an attempt to find balance. As you do, you pursuit his lips once more as your hands begin to work in his fabric.
“Obi..”, you heavily sigh as you now kiss his jawline and move to his neck, gently biting his skin.
“Yes, dear Y/Nickname?”, he groans lightly as you have control over him.
You don’t know what you are doing, but you do. Moved by a strange house instinct, your hands toss his fabric away, going down to his manhood, all the whilst you pepper his neck and shoulders with a loving kiss.
“You are mine”, you whisper against his skin, as your delicate fingers find what they are looking for. “Aren’t you?”
You raise your eyes and Obi-Wan finds mischief in them, much to his arousal, specially when you start holding his manhood very gently.
“I am, yes”, he sighs heavily. “Maker knows I belong with you entirely, dear one.”
His words are like charm, evoking your sudden confidence. Suddenly, you flip positions, starting to get the best of him. Your eyes are glued on his heavy breathing and when he thinks he’s about to come undone…
You take him all.
Using your red lips.
But he is not a man to be easily subdued—he is the one who subdues, and here you are submitted at his will.
Obi-Wan knows you well and he enjoys driving you crazy by doing all he wants to do with you slowly.
“Beg, dear one”, he smirks at you, his fingers gently stroking your feminine core, not yet slipping them inside you. “This is what you want to do…”
You hiss under your breath, eyes already painted with desperation. But your pride is simply useless before the strength, the physique, the beauty and perfection that stand right before you.
“Please”, you whimper, much to his delight.
And he does so. His lips looking for yours, he takes no more of your time before pleasing you the way you deserve.
“I love you”, you sing your feelings out, followed by another whimper.
“I love you too”, he kisses you hungrily, enjoying the effect he has on you.
There is nothing but the alluring dark to light the way, and no sense of goodbye is perceived when one body collides with the other. Never before Obi-Wan felt so alive. A sensation that he does not want to let go of.
Towards the end of the night, when you two are bathed by salt, you turn at him and say:
“You should stay.”
Obi-Wan sighs. It feels as if he’s living that night again… when it was whispered that the duty was the death of love. When looking back at your y/c eyes, the good there is in them, a voice in the back of his mind says again: must you repeat old mistakes?
Must you?
However, for now the Jedi does not wish to dwell in such thinking. Internal riots are briefly quieted. He turns at you and peppers your face with kisses before cuddling you in his arms.
“Let us enjoy the today, my dove. It’s all I ask for.”
A response that does not content you, but would have to suffice now.
When you wake up the next day, he is gone. The warmth in his side of bed is replaced by a cold, a void of goodness you feel so abruptly deprived of.
It hurts, it aches too much the sound of heartbreaking. You should know that what was going to happen.
But the images of both of you speaking of the past as if the future would be one with the other roll in the back of your mind. Is there anything you could do?
But that day you weep as sacred moments are remembered too well by your soul, broken like a secret you kept, an oath that now sounds meaningless.
And here your pain becomes a growing angst that paints your heart blue, all alone trying to find how to deal with all the intensity that crushed you like a tide that took you far from the shore, letting you drown by a heavy wave.
A knock on the door, however, disrupts you from your thought. You barely notice the tears rolling down in your cheeks until you taste the salt these come to your mouth. And now you must regain your composure.
Oh you must.
“Duty awaits”, you think out loud before granting the permission for the door to open and soon coming inside your bedchambers.
A moment so sacred is now profaned. As it should be.
Part III: Midnight.
“Have you heard the tale of Darth Plagueis, the Wise?”, the chancellor asks him.
Obi-Wan is wearing his usual suits this evening for an encounter with the man behind the Senate, the one whom the Jedis asked him to spy for. Palpatine is the said man’s name and although his behavior is rather…unique for a man of his position, it comes at being too odd to spy him.
“I believe I am rather familiar with it, yes”, replies the red headed Jedi, stroking his beard, as he casts his cold blue eyes towards the other one. “Why’d you ask, Chancellor?”
Giving Obi-Wan a smirk, Palpatine carefully shrugs.
“This is a tale often misconstructed by the Jedis.” He pauses carefully, waiting for some reaction coming from Obi-Wan. Once it did not, he continues. “Duty not always must be the death of love, Obi-Wan. Once upon a time, love was the main weapon of the Jedis. Now it appears to have been poisoned by the ambitions of such an Order.”
Silence hangs in between the two men, heavy like grey clouds announcing an upcoming storm.
“What you suggest is treason”, whispers Obi-Wan, avoiding the male’s gaze. “The Jedis have been the keepers of peace in Galaxy for centuries.”
“The endings often bear good intentions”, remarks Palpatine. “How about the means, though? The means justify the endings, and you cannot look away the pride and arrogance that have flickered the Order.”
No answer. Slowly, like a snake spotting a prey, Palpatine surrounds Obi-Wan.
“My dear, your duty has been rewarded with nothing but disdain. Your name has once been shouted by your fellow Jedis, but now it’s been whispered like a poison. Is this what you’ve become, Obi-Wan? A name, a number…a mere saber?”
“I don’t need recognition”, Obi-Wan retorts, but even he can feel the emptiness of his belief.
What has changed?
“Oh, but we do. We do. What are we without the applauses of those we love? Not beasts to be served to other’s purposes”, Palpatine smiles. “You have doubled your powers, Obi-Wan. But your path of blood… when will it end? They say fear leads to anger and anger leads to suffering. But has duty emptied your sentiments? Blind devotion also leads to suffering, Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
A sweet melody is sang. To see it’s effect, however, Palpatine slowly removes himself from the scene. The prey is at long last trapped by the snake’s trap.
Obi-Wan knows it. He feels it. The tentacles of darkness tempt him, seducing him like the sweet embrace of a lover.
Indeed, the list of dissatisfaction is too long to ignore. The anguish within never ceases to torment him. The temptation is too great to bear.
Nonetheless, it’s close to midnight when the Jedi leaves everything aside to look for you. Perhaps you have every answer for him; perhaps you might be the savior he needs.
You are located at your lavender garden, even though it’s past midnight. Chaos surrounds you, war destroys everything you know. You grew strangely comforted by it. You learned to play coy, to be the player you planet needed. Neutrality was merely a disguise. But politics was never a clean game in the first place.
Two nights ago, you’d met him. You thought you’d lost him again, but the silent steps caught you out of your guard.
“I knew I’d find you here, Y/Nickname”, his husky voice brings out a smile of your lips. “A lavender field is most proper to your ladyship.”
You raise your eyes, not surprised for seeing Obi-Wan Kenobi dressing a dark robe, a somber shade of red in his suit, standing powerful before you.
“I do not wish to forget the lavender haze creeping upon me.” You tilt your head, pleased to find a secret smirk twisting in the corner of his lips. “What are you here for, my dear? End this the way it should be.”
“It pains me to hear this is your conclusion”, he muses somberly.
You promptly stand and move to where he stands. Very gently, you remove his hood and run your hands over his short red locks, before cupping his face and tiptoeing to rest your forehead against his.
“I wouldn’t take you as a man who understands everything literally”, you make a small jest, pleased to make him chuckle.
“Darkness is so much more alluring than I’d ever consider it to be”, he whispers. “I’ve tripled my powers since I left you. I shall not lose you, my dear Y/N. The Jedis and the Sith…both took everything I’ve loved.”
He sobs and seems to fall on his knees, but you hold him, able to prevent him to lose his strength. But because he’s heavier than you’d able to carry him, you manage to lead him back to your lavender garden.
“This doesn’t have to be the way”, you tell him. “There is more in the world than Jedis and Siths, Obi.”
As he glances to you, you spot a swift change in the color of his irises, spot an unending suffering in the dark waters of his soul.
“I hate them”, he whispers, and the sound is like that of a whip. “I hate them all.”
“Let us run away then”, you speak gently, caressing his hair. “Those who step in our way shall be destroyed. Simply as that.”
Obi-Wan chews your solution for a moment. It’s reasonable and makes sense. When admiring your beauty and the gentleness that comes from your good heart, he takes your suggestion.
But then… a question rises.
What if there is no more Jedi nor Sith?
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absurduty · 2 months
Hi lovelies, if anyone is interested in a fanfiction about Anakin Skywalker falling in love with a Jedi from Earth then I’d ask u to read mine! ♡︎ wattpad: Valyriandistrict02
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