#eh kinda? very little presence here
Eh, fuck it, here's my first actual shit written
Gimme a reader who is normally taciturn snapping and becoming spitfire.
Imagine you and 141 out for drinks at a dive bar, drinking enough liquor to drown your memories of harrowing situations away. Price and Ghost just chilling in the corner of the bar, drinking while keeping their eyes on the surroundings; Price keeping an eye on Johnny and Kyle who are becoming rowdy by the billiards table, and Simon is just quietly nursing a drink while watching everything else. You're a few stools away, wanting to drink alone, until some younger slob sits next to you, ignoring the irritated glance you threw his way and the prickly atmosphere you exude. Tries the usual schtick of getting you to go with him, promising good times and such. The 141 men immediately notice and are casually on standby to help, until you finally snap at the fucker who is trying to give you his number and address.
"If you're gonna give me an address, I'd rather take your dad's so that way I can go fuck him and give him a son who he will actually love, enough to teach little boys like you what the fuck manners are. And if you have a mom, I'll fuck her too", you say bluntly but loudly.
If you were paying attention on anything else but the guy, you'd hear Johnny and Kyle immediately cackling in surprised delight. Price, on the other hand, actually snorts his drink and sputter, spitting some of it out. Simon's face is of course hidden, hiding his grin but his eyes crease to show it, eyebrows raised to high heavens.
"If you're looking to just get your dick wet, I suggest you go cry on it, or fuck off and bother someone else", you continue, not allowing the guy to talk. "I'm not in the mood to babysit you asshole, so get off my face before I make you eat this bar", you growl out.
The poor fool is turning red, mouth opening and closing to get a word in, but before he could, you hear Kyle speak up, now beside you with a shit-eating grin, putting his hand by your shoulder and facing the guy.
"Listen, mate, she's not interested. You better scramble off before she grabs your balls and rips it off", he says, joy evident in his voice.
"Aye, Ah've see 'er do it, honest ta' God", Johnny follows up, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, still somewhat cackling.
The appearance of the two big, burly men to your side seems to finally scare the guy off, profusely apologizing to them before running off. You get irritated, as it seems the boy really didn't respect you and only backed off because of the presence of other men.
"The both of you, fuck off too. I can handle myself", you tell them testily.
Kyle lets go of your shoulder, backing away while shaking his head with his hands up. "You handled it perfectly, but was just a bit worried he'd keep harrassing you regardless".
"Tha' was hot, bonnie. Never thought ya got the fire in ya'", Johnny quips. "Ah know ya ken handle yourself, so we'll leave ya to it", he adds, dragging Kyle with him back to the billiards table, both laughing.
You threw the both of them a withering look, and notice Simon helping John by giving him more napkins, John wiping his beard while coughing slightly. Both of them look at you and nod, traces of laughter and surprise on their face as you glower back at them before going back to your drink.
All four of them are very surprised at your outburst, knowing how you normally ignore passes like that to you. You don't know it yet, but you've now incited Johnny and Kyle into riling you up. John and Simon chuckle to themselves, enjoying your display of temper. All four are wondering how it is like to be with you, anticipating when they will get to see more of you out of your shell. If this is just one shard that came out, they can't wait to see more.
I feel kinda embarrassed because I've actually never written a fic or drabble before
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fallinforerling · 1 year
have you met before? | chapter 2 - eh
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ೃ⁀➷ erling's masterlist 
ೃ⁀➷ erling's taglist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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A couple of days passed by, and you found yourself missing Alfie’s presence in the early hours of the shift. His bad jokes or anecdotes were entertaining to listen to while you gave the shop the last touches for the rest of the day; now that you didnʼt have them, you were really bored. 
Well, at least you had Thomas to keep you company, but even he got sick and couldn’t make it to the shop these past few days. 
So here you are, all alone, with only the books to keep you company. 
You were restocking the bookshelves, thinking hard and deep about which books you’d “borrow” to take home. It was a silly game that you had with yourself since it was obvious that you were keeping them to yourself. None of the previously “borrowed” books made it back to the shop. Just as you were about to take the few ones you liked, the doorbell rang.
You turned with a smile on your lips, ready to welcome the new customer, when you saw the most tall, blonde, and intimidating man you’d ever seen in your life. He looked back at you with a small grin, unsure of what to do next while you kept staring at him, surprised by his physique. 
Stop, you’re being rude. 
“Welcome! May I help you?” You said, recovering from his presence. You walked behind the counter, dropping the books on a nearby stool while feeling nervous all of the sudden. 
The only thing that came to mind as you tilted your head to look at him was that he was really tall.
“Do you have cream cheese croissants, by any chance?” His voice, although deep, was very soothing. His accent reminded you of a Nordic country. It reminded you of Alfie. 
“I do! Freshly baked, may I add.” You pointed to the section where the croissants were. “I just got them out the oven like… twenty minutes ago.” 
“That’s bloody amazing. I’ll take two, please.” You smiled when he kind of cursed, but his whole attitude was so relaxed that you didn’t mind. It seemed like he didn’t even realize what he said. “Oh, and a cappuccino if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Please! Sit while I make that coffee for you.” You couldn’t help but shoot him a tiny glance as you intentionally picked the best croissants for him. He was also really cute. “Anything else?” 
“Uhm, cookies?” He said it like a question, making you giggle when he noticed it as well. “I mean, yeah, cookies. Do you have butter cookies?” 
“Good choice! They’re the most popular around here. Those are actually still in the oven… If you don’t mind waiting a bit for them.”
“I’ll wait as long as you want. Don’t worry about that.” 
And he’s nice as well? Damn, what a catch. 
“Great! Let me make that cappuccino.” Why were you feeling nervous? He was just another customer. 
A really cute, tall, handsome, blonde, customer that won’t stop looking at you, but that’s all. 
“Are you new in town?” He asked all of the sudden, surprising you a bit as you put the cup down in front of him. 
“I am, yeah.” You smiled when your eyes met, his lips already in a half-smile. “It’s been kinda difficult, but I really like Manchester. It helps that I have my little shop to keep me occupied.” 
“It’s not easy to come from a foreign country, but hey, I actually love Manchester too. It’s a bit boring when I don’t have anything to do in my free time, but it is what it is.” He took the cup, giving it a sip before resuming his chat. “Do you have friends?”
“No, no I don’t.” That was something you were really shy about. But again, you weren’t a very out-going person. “It’s very difficult to make friends, especially since I’m always in the shop.” 
He was about to answer when the alarm for the cookies rang inside the kitchen, startling you both. 
“I should get that. The cookies are on their way.” 
“Sure, take your time.” 
And you did. You took various trays full of different cookies, but even after you put them on new ones to take out and restock, you stood there, red-faced and timid about the absolute cutie that was sitting there, drinking his coffee and making small talk with you. Was he flirting or just being nice? It might be the latter, but you couldn’t help to smile at the possibility of him being a bit interested in you. 
You should stop reading so many romance books. It was rotting your brain. 
“Focus…” You whispered, taking the tray of butter cookies first before going back outside. “Here they are!” You carefully put it on the counter, showing him the contents. “How many did you want?” 
“Can I have ten?” His eyes didn’t leave your face, even when you moved around to find a bag. When you were just finishing the packaging, he stood up. “Can I also have your number with that order?” 
“My… number?” Ohmygodohmygodohmygod????
“It’s okay if you don’t want to…” He blushed a bit, and then you knew you’d regret not giving this man your number. 
“I’ll give it to you if you promise to show me around Manchester.” 
“Sounds like a deal.” 
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“Oh, my dear! And he asked for your number right away? He must be really enchanted by you. But again, who wouldn’t be? You’re a very gorgeous young lady.” Thomas was laughing as loudly as he could, enjoying a little bit too much the story of how Erling (and yes, you knew his name) asked for your number a couple of days ago. 
You were very embarrassed about the fact that the only person who was trustworthy enough to know your business was your regular customer, Thomas, who was also a sixty year old man, but you didn’t actually mind. He always gave incredible advice. 
“Yeah— We’ve been texting back and forth for a few days. I’m nervous every time I open the shop. I feel like he’s going to appear out of nowhere.” You took a deep breath, washing another cup in the sink while Thomas sat on the counter. “Do you think it’s dumb?” 
“Feeling anxious? Of course not, angel. And why on earth hasn’t he asked you out yet? Or even visited you?” You refused to laugh at his annoyed expression. 
“He’s been working a lot…” 
“Oh, yeah? And what does that lad do anyway?” 
“I dunno… He mentioned something sport related but I’m not really sure about what his role is.” You signed. “What am I gonna do, Tom? What if he’s a douche?” 
“Well, if he…” His advice was cut off by the doorbell. You both looked up, the conversation dying instantly at the sight of Erling standing there, like a few days ago, seeming unsure but with the same sweet smile that you liked from the first moment you saw him. “Fucking hell…” Thomas whispered, taking you away from the daydreaming. 
“Erling!” You fixed your hair out of habit. You felt your hands shaking just a bit as he approached both of you. 
“Hey… Sorry I didn’t stop by earlier in the week; I was a bit busy.” His voice was as soothing as you remembered. Lovely. 
You opened your mouth to reply, but Thomas’ laugh made it impossible. 
“The hell you were! Fucking shit, it’s a pleasure to see you, lad.” He tapped Erling’s shoulder with a heavy hand, looking from him to you like he couldn’t believe his own eyes. “Bloody hell, darling. When were you going to mention that you know Erling fucking Haaland?” 
“W-what?” You couldn’t hide your confusion, even if you tried to. Did Thomas knew Erling? Was his last name Haaland? Why did that ring a bell?
“Uh, nice to meet you too, mate. How’s everything going?” Even though Erling’s eyes showed surprise at Thomas’ obvious recognition, he played it cool. He accepted the old man’s hand and shook it with the strength and confidence of someone who is used to it. 
“This is unbelievable, really.” Thomas looked starstruck. Who was this guy?
“Well, I didn’t know you two knew each other?” It wasn’t actually a statement. You were asking. 
“Not at all. But I sure know this lad’s skills. Fucking beast on the pitch.” Thomas shook his head one more time before getting up from the stool. “I might be back in twenty. Are you going to still be around by then?”
“Of course, sir.” Erling’s tone was as calm as it gets. When Thomas got out of the shop, he turned to face you again, his eyes seeming to say a silent apology for whatever that was. “Happens from time to time.”
“What? Getting recognized by strangers?” You jokingly said, unsure of what to expect next. “Are you… famous or something like that?”
Erling shrugged, taking a seat on Thomas’ previous stool.
“You could say that. It’s what comes with my job.”
“Which is…?” You couldn’t handle the suspense.
“Football player.” He smiled, apparently used to dropping that bomb on people. “But I’m glad you didn’t know that.”
“Woah.” You smiled back, slightly shocked by the fact that the cute guy who asked for your number was an actual celebrity whose existence you had no idea of. “Kinda explains why you’re so fit.” As soon as the words left your mouth, you wanted to die. “I mean, you know, so muscular? Not that I really got my attention on that particular aspect, but... I should shut up.”
He looked at you like you were the most amusing person to ever walk on Earth, and then he laughed so hard you started to giggle from how contagious it was.
“No worries. I don’t mind you noticing those things about me.” He leaned a bit on the counter. “I was actually coming to see if you wanted to have dinner tonight?”
Oh. Oh, wow. It’s really happening. 
“Of course I do.” The smile you gave him almost broke your face in half. “What time?”
“Sounds like a deal.”
“Sounds like a date.” Oh. 
“A date it is.” 
And just as you were about to say something dumb for how much stuff was going on inside your head, the doorbell rang again, and Thomas was back.
“Got time to sign an old man’s jersey?”
You both laughed at the sight of him out of breath, holding two football shirts with a tight grip. 
“I sure do.” Erling stretched his hand to him, and Thomas gave him the t-shirts with such enthusiasm that your heart melted a bit. 
He was a fan.
“Thank you for doing this.” You whispered when he leaned again on the counter, taking the sharpie you gave him and carefully signing the shirts. 
“It’s not a problem.” 
Wasn’t he sweet? 
You had to restrain yourself from sighing like a schoolgirl with her first crush as he gave the shirts back to Thomas, chatting a little while before leaving, not before giving you a kiss on the cheek that made you a bit weak on the knees.
“So?” Oh, Thomas. You big old gossip. 
“I have a date tonight.”
You wouldn't have thought it was possible for a man like Thomas to scream that high, but he did, and you didn’t stop laughing for at least twenty minutes.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ * ERLING’S TAGLIST
@questionable-behaviour | @koufaxx | @xjval | @nikki01234 | @evarasworld | @kynykyny | @alleyahah | @444pantheress | @football4life9 | @f1lover55 | @frankcastleonlyfans | @ironmaiden1313 | @pizzapie349
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priceseyes · 1 month
wasteland lovers: lucy/charlie/cooper relationship headcanons, fallout (tv).
summary: as the tile suggests, these are headcanons for the poly relationship between my fallout oc, charlie alongside lucy maclean and cooper howard!
warnings: 18+, minors dni. wlw relationships + f/m relationships. f/f/m relationships. poly dynamics. fluff. mentions of swearing. semi-smut (kinda?? i don't go into full on detail but it's there).
notes: these were super fun to make and I hope to make more for these three in the future, hope y'all enjoy!
wasteland lovers, fallout tag.
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First things first: top or bottom? I headcanon Lucy to be somewhat of a switch, Charlie is a top but doesn't mind being submissive here and there and Cooper's a full-on top.
The two biggest tropes in this relationship include love at first sight and enemies to lovers. The former is between Charlie and Lucy, Charlie had heart eyes for the vault dweller from the moment she entered the shop and the ladder is with Charlie and Cooper, such a hot head Cooper was with her.
While Charlie and Lucy got along great, it was hard for Charlie and Cooper as they'd bicker 24/7, it was practically their love language for a time.
The first time Charlie confessed her feelings for Lucy was during a shootout oddly enough, think like the chaotic marriage between Elizabeth and Will in POTC. It wasn't ideal but, it was so worth it for the two.
Charlie's love confession for Cooper was quite the opposite, calm funnily enough. Overtime, Cooper warmed up to both she and Lucy and Charlie had realized that and figured it'd be a perfect time to tell Coop how she really felt about him.
It was during a night watch, Charlie couldn't sleep while Lucy was sleeping like a baby. Cooper was the one to keep watch and decided to join him which later turned into her confessing her feelings.
Cooper didn't think he'd ever love again but, it did happen with both Charlie and Lucy.
Cooper has pet names for both the girls, those being: My girls, Sweetheart, Darlin', the usual. Charlie will go for calling Cooper Coop and Lucy 'Luc at times.
Both Cooper and Charlie are big spoons while Lucy is a little spoon though, she does like being big spoon with Charlie from time to time.
Charlie sometimes likes to wear Cooper's hat, she think it looks sweet on her (Cooper and Lucy couldn't agree more).
Love Languages? Charlie's is physical touch, Lucy's is affirmations and Cooper's is a mixture of physical touch and quality time (the last one especially the more he grows fond of the two women).
Charlie loooooves giving cheek and forehead kisses, Lucy likes the cheek kisses and Cooper prefers neck and regular mouth kisses.
Lucy likes wearing Charlie's jacket from time to time, if she's off on a supply run on her own or just feels like wearing it, it reminds her that she has a part of Charlie with her, she too also likes wearing Cooper's hat here and there.
The girls love holding each other's hands no matt what is they're doing or wear they are, they'll hold onto each other's hands.
Both girls don't mind PDA but Cooper's a little eh about it, he's possessive of the two and if PDA is involved, it's usually as a way of showing that they're his women, other than that he usually prefers private displays of affection.
Lucy likes to hug her partners from behind, it comforts both Charlie and Cooper.
While Cooper does get hot-headed, it's usually Charlie that calms him down easily. She knows what it's like to get easily frustrated and worked up but overtime, she's gotten better at trying to stay calm and she passes that calmness to Cooper.
If there's a nice, non-poisonous lake, Charlie and Lucy will usually bathe there together, they'll laugh and clean each other off and just stay in the presence of each other.
Charlie and Lucy also like to clean up each other's wounds and bandage each other up. Coop will also engage in bandaging the two up from time to time.
As mentioned earlier, Cooper can get quite possessive, he's VERY possessive of his girls. If someone bats an eye or even dares to think about touching his girls, he's on their asses quite quickly.
While Lucy is more a what the fudge kind of girl, both Charlie and Cooper have quite the mouth of cusses from fuck, shit, motherfucker, etc.
Cooper has a rope kink through and through, need I say more.
Cooper does catch the girls touching themselves and each other from time to time and, when he does, they're in for a wild night.
He loves giving them dirty talk.
He'll worship their bodies like crazy and is only soft around them, he'll praise the hell out of them too.
Calling them 'good girls' as he rawdogs them into oblivion.
He's into soft BDSM with them as well, that is if they can find the right stuff to work with. they do manage.
Afterwards, both Charlie and Cooper will cuddle into him, he allows it and doesn't mind.
Overall, the three work well together as a poly couple, they balance each other out and equal love is spilt all around.
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notes: this probably isn't the best but I had fun writing these headcanons out and, as stated earlier, I hope to do more headcanons for these three in the future. anywho! feel free to spill your thoughts below if you'd like or whatever!
hope you guys enjoyed! <33
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
How does the Hivemind you keep mentioning work/what does it do/what’s it’s purpose? 👁 (eating all of your headcannons up yummystyle
an Iterator is made up of the shell/environment/the structure and multiple creatures (therefore also of multiple spirits) of varying sentience and consciousness that group together by focusing in on a singular point (traditionally the puppet) to Kind Of pretend but also to genuinely become an individual. aka the funny guys we recognize as Moon, Pebbles, Euros, whichever other Iterator
the creatures individually Can have certain personalities n sapience to them, like Inspectors. some Inspectors in Euros are very cuddly with Sparrows, some just yoink her by the back of the hoodie to ferry her wherever it wants to and some just leave her alone. some creatures, again, like for example neurons, don't have any personalities and are like dubiously alive electric radioactive boxes carrying information. the little spiders in Memory Conflux are like actual spiders
none of them are Quite sapient/sentient enough to qualify for a person, but they are still pieces of one. it's like a jigsaw
the "we" kush happens when they all come a Lil bit loose to the point where logical higher thinking takes a backseat and most of all responses are based around instincts and emotions, that the half formed individual presence of the Iterator can recognize as coming from a certain part of themself. for Iterators that have troubles with emotion-capability like Suns, they become basically completely unresponsive
the Iterators were made like this because with being made out of multiple spirits they are incapable of truly dying and reincarnating (boom, sucky immortality). if one piece (or 375 000 pieces and more) die, the rest is still here and carrying the conjunct individuality
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the ideal state of a Hivemind is set as this presence as an Individual, so each time it can, it tries to assert itself as this person they make together. a single neuron is enough to carry this whole idea of individuality and it's torture cuz it desires to Expand and Reach Out to form this person that it has coded into its genome, but it just cannot. it's like mentally choking on something, stuck in a circle of it constantly happening
which is why Moon is still kicking as herself despite losing most of herself and needing to be reset and what that "reformatting" neurons thing she does essentially is. she wipes the neuron's goal to be a Five Pebbles Component and inserts her own "I am Me" indviduality in to expand a little
the Individualities then can have different relationships with their idenity as a Hivemind, from being super attached to all of their components (almost Euros when healthy), to being kinda "eh, whatever, a single neuron means nothin to me" (pre-collapse Moon), "whatever i can always regrow all of these things. it is only tools." (Boreas), to absolutely ignoring it (victims of the cabin fever like Nish n Euros later on)
some Iterators somehow manage to disregard their supposedly encoded goal of being an Individual in favor of being in the "we" mode almost all the time. one of those was actually Spore here <3
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some accept being a Hivemind (combined with a lot of machinary) without.. like giving much of a shit about it at all n therefore still refering to themselves with "I" instead of "we". that's the case for Notos
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i Think that's all 🤔
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
983 words ; first part done whoop whoop!
@luvbluee1o1 @yzerpoz
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Right, left, up the steps, and then another right
Was what you repeated to yourself, your schedule covering your line of vision as you walked. Wait.. or was it another left? You think back to the woman at the front desk, how she waved you off as she listened to another angry parent complain about their kids attendance over the phone.
Right was what she worded to you, that had to be right. Your feet go step by step on the staircase, class had already started which was why you were all alone. It was already far different from your previous school, this one was more put together, the lights were brighter, trophies after every hall. The walls were ridiculously white and smooth.
Maybe thats why your parents chose this school.
You were new to the school, the area, the people. Everything was new to you. Maybe thats why you felt a little nervous when you finally reached the top of the steps, turning right and stopping at the very first door, your hand hovering the knob.
Nothing was going to change, you tried to reassure yourself. You'd be quiet, out of the way, with decent grades. Shying around the other classmates with your headphones on; as you weren't much of a talker. Its not like it was hard or anything to talk to others (it kinda was) you just enjoyed the silence, and you werent sure what to talk about.
Checking the room number one more time, you take a deep breath before softly knocking on the door. "Come in!" A middle age women chirps, the rows of students slowly turning their eyes to the door. It's now or never, you think as you open it, a nervous smile plastered on your face as you walk to the front of the class.
"Ahh, you must be the new student." The woman smiles, crossing off your name on her checklist as you give her a small bow. "Please introduce yourself, and then find your seat."
"Oh right," you nervously chuckle, turning your attention to the students. You bow again, stating your name as your eyes flicker through the bored students facials, your eyes landed on a green haired boy.
It was already unusual, since he was the only boy with fading dyed hair, the color a nice forest green that complimented his eyes and skin tone. Speaking of eyes, it was sharp and narrow, a bit imitating at the first glance; which was what you felt.
"I hope we get along." You finish your introduction, eyes scanning for a name tag with your name on it. And what do you know, it was right beside the said green haired boy. You drop your bookbag to the floor and slide it under your chair, feeling the boys eyes on you as you turn red, looking down to flip open the new textbook on your desk.
"Alright, let's get started." The teacher claps her hands, the boys eyes finally off of you as you take a deep breath, your eyes looking over at his name tag.
Choi Sumin
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"Did you.. at all understand that lesson?" You feel a presence beside you as your feet step on a leave with a crunch. School had just ended as you were walking home, slipping off an earbub to hear the voice better.
Looking over your shoulder, you realize its the same green haired boy from earlier, choi sumin. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, his head down as he waits for your response.
"It was.. alright." You struggle to find words, thinking the lesson was just so-so; not too good but then again not to bad. "Chemistry is hard.." he mutters as you laugh at his remark, looking ahead to make sure you were walking the right path.
"You're.. new here, right?" He finally looks at you, taking in your low ponytail and black vans. He squints his eyes, you looked kinda familiar. "Oh yeah, i moved here last month." You smile at the boy. "Choi sumin, right?"
His eyes light up at his name being said, a grin in his face. "Yeah, thats my name." He chuckles as he says your name out loud, letting out another chuckle as you nod your head. "You dont talk much." He notices, a shy shrug moving your shoulders.
"Eh, i dont really find it a big deal."
"You could talk to me?" His statement sounds more like a question, feeling unsure about his suggestion. "You sure? I mean, you dont have too."
"Yeah, i could always make some more friends." His tone was cool and deep, hoping to make you feel relaxed at his request. "Okay." A big grin plastered on your face, this is not how you imagined today would go.
You continue to walk down the path in a comfortable silence, your feet stopping when you reach the lamp post. "My house is down this way." You say. "It was nice to meet you." You wave at the boy as he waves back, turning the heel of your foot to continue walking to the left.
A small smile on your face as you grip onto your bookbag straps, you never expected to make a friend on the first da- what is he doing??
You turn around to find sumin still walking beside you, strolling through his phone to text his mother that he was almost home. "Your house is down here too?" He looks up, finally acknowledging your presence as he nods. "Yeah, down this way."
"Oh." You take a turn, watching sumin follow closely behind you. Your house finally in view, you turn around to wave at the boy again when you notice that hes walking to the house right beside yours, his eyes widening as he stops.
Thats why she looks so familiar, he thinks to himself, waving at you on final time.
You're neighbors.
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wvbaandtheboys · 10 months
Hey I’m currently editing this post rn so reblog when I’m done editing but just know since it’s funny and fun I’m gonna make fnaf mechanics for the Wii boxers based offa my fnaf post for funsies so gimme like 5 minutes (btw it’s gonna be kinda unfair but that’s the point. You wouldn’t survive HAJSJSN)
Little Mac: Well, Mac’s a bit of a trickster and he loves making your night even harder. Whenever you catch the rascal moving about off his stage, make sure you monitor him. Cause this little sucker’s gonna try and shut off your power. And if he does that, I think you know what happens to you. If he’s in the generator room, make sure you flicker your flashlight on the camera to let him know he’s been caught! That’ll send him back to his place.
“Aww…! Alright… But you won’t find me next time… >:]”
Glass Joe: Oh mon dieu, the robot of this beloved, charismatic Frenchman is out for blood! But don’t worry. Joe is very easy to deal with… and don’t feel bad for doing this to him, he’ll kill you if you hesitate. If Joe pops into your office for a quick visit through your left door, slam the door to strike him! Don’t take too long! He’s eager and ready to pounce!
Von Kaiser: Hoo boy. Kaiser’s usually calm as can be and has no interest of coming to harass you… that is, if you keep his stage mechanics wound up to keep him occupied. Don’t do it? Kiss your ass goodbye cause he’s gonna rush into your office and give you the beating of a lifetime… well, the beating that will end your life. So just keep him calm and all will be good, yeah? Yeah. The only hope you have to stop him is to listen out for what door he’s rushing at and shutting it.
“Teste meine Geduld nicht...”
(“Do not test my patience…”)
Disco Kid: Ah, he’s real silly. The robotic version of our disco loving friend is still as much of a music lover as the real one! And you’d better know your stuff when it comes to keeping the rhythm. Disco will enter your office and play a series of notes from his speaker with a series of poses. You have a panel with four different notes that have icons of the poses. Replay the same rhythm and Disco will happily leave you to your work. Keep him waiting or press the wrong button? It’s game over for you.
“Can ya feel the rhythm, Peter? C’mon and dance with me!”
King Hippo: This guy’s hungry! And well, Hippo’s not exactly opposed to taking a bite out of you… he’s pretty hungry. But he’ll relent as long as you keep him fed… but apparently, everyone’s out to make everyone riled up. Check his stage from time to time and make sure none of the boxers are trying to steal anything from him! If you see anyone trying to bother him, play an audio bit by pushing the button on his camera to scare them off. If he doesn’t have any food of his own? Well well… guess you’re on the menu… :p (let my man eat in peace)
“Hippo hungry… Keep your hands off Hippo’s food! >:[“
Piston Hondo: Now he may be as respectful as the actual Hondo during the day… but no one said he had to be after hours. (He’s a bastard.) So, here’s the deal. You have to be listening to keep Piston from coming over there and Hondo Rushing you until your intestines become outtestines. He’ll come through the vent above you. To stop him, you just gotta look up and focus the light on his face. If he’s lost the element of surprise, he’ll leave you alone. Keep an ear out though. He doesn’t make much noise.
Bear Hugger: Nope. Absolutely not. You are DEFENSELESS against this bear. The light and doors won’t save you. The only choice you have is to hide underneath your desk and wait for him to leave, he’ll walk past. But he’s not dumb, so you’ll have to time it. If you hide when he’s already seen you, well… you know.
“…Eh? Where’d ya go?…”
Great Tiger: Who knew robots could use magic? No, but seriously, don’t mess around with him. Tiger will make his presence known by his gem glowing in the vent on the opposite of you. When he gives you that signal, you’ve got less than a minute to find all 3 of his clones either on your cameras or around your office. Once ya do, he’ll leave you be. Run out of time? Say goodbye.
“Find them… and I’ll let you live. Don’t… and you won’t see the sun rise.”
Don Flamenco: Oh sweet! Robo Don’s out to kill you! Don’t sweat it, this guy’s easy. Don will show up at your right door. He even offers you a rose! Don’t take it though- shut the door in his face! >:] He’ll get the hint and buzz off.
“OYE! …Oww… Veo…”
(“OYE! Oww… I see…”)
Aran Ryan: Well you would think he’d be a hassle to deal with and he can be if your RNG is shit. But really, he’s pretty easy. If Aran pops up from any of your office entrances, make sure you don’t look at him. Depending on where he is, simply look straight or pull up your camera. He’ll get bored and leave.
“Ah… yer no fun…”
Soda Popinski: Russian powerhouse! He’s just an inconvenience though. If you hear Soda running up a hallway, leave the doors open and let him pass though. If you try and shut a door on him, he’ll break it. …And well, you know. That’s bad. He’s just making sure you’re okay.
“Aha! Here I come!”
Bald Bull: Angry. Wants blood. Your blood, specifically. Unlike the other bots, he won’t leave easily. Every once in a while, he’ll turn on and rush to your office. When you hear him, close and hold the door shut. He’ll bang on it a few times, but he’ll relent and leave if you keep it shut. Slamming the door on this bull will just make him even more angry.
Super Macho Man: Ah. He’s just as much of a jerk as the actual Macho Man. Just that he’ll kill you if you inconvenience him. Yet another specialized panel will appear if Macho Man’s in your office. Just press it and it’ll snap a “photo” of him. Sometimes he’ll pose twice or even three times, so make sure ya pay attention. Don’t ignore him.
“Photo op!”
Mr. Sandman: Yeah, he’s scary, but he’s okay to deal with. Sandman’s asleep on his camera, and will progressively wake up with the commotion of the other robots. Make sure to keep an eye on him to send him back to sleep. If he wakes up, he’s gonna come straight for you. Don’t try and fight him. You won’t win… time to go to Dreamland.
“…Brush your teeth… it’s bedtime, Peter baby.”
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exploding-goobery · 1 year
Enjoying the Clone High revival but the fact we might have to wait two seasons for Topher and Gandhi to interact is killing me. So...I wrote a bit myself to ease the pain a bit!
Topher: 'Cancelled, eh? Been there, done that.' Gandhi: 'Cancelled?' Topher: 'Yeah, you've got to be careful , don't want people knowing you're Gandhi.' Gandhi: 'But...I AM Gandhi.' Topher: 'Gandhi hated black people and slept with several underaged girls, including his niece, to 'avoid temptation'. Very contentious.' Gandhi: 'What? I didn't know, dude!' 'Well, everyone knows now.' Gandhi: 'Damn! Well, I guess this takes the pressure off a bit, if Gandhi really wasn't that good a dude-' Topher: 'Look, it's fine. You've just got to cut the cord of association to fit in, otherwise you could end up on the edge of society, completely alone...outcasted by your heritage and treated like a...a...GREMLIN.' Gandhi: 'Damn bro, I dunno, I think it's just because you're kinda weird. Anyway, what's the scene here in the future? What's going on with ringtones? Cause I had like, a million dollar idea dude, what if...we could customise them?' Topher: 'Oh, we can do that.' Gandhi: 'Sweet! So-' Topher: 'But we don't.' Gandhi: 'Whaat?' Topher: 'You see, G-man, you mind if I call you that, don't want to be cancelled due to my association with your...namesake. It's all part of modern culture, you CAN'T have a unique ringtone, or a unique sensibility or unique politics, you need to FIT IN or god help you..' Gandhi: 'Well. Lucky for me, Gandhi's been fitting in since '93. Thanks for your help, little dude.' Topher: 'We're the same height.' Gandhi: 'Yeah, but I've got PRESENCE. Now, watch and learn.' Gandhi struts out across the quad, finger-gunning every clone he sees. Gandhi: 'Hey, Thomas Cromwell, still all about reform I see! Ooh, lemme guess who you are? Oh, I know, Nancy Reagan!' Not Nancy-Reagan slaps him in the face and walks off in a huff. Gandhi: 'Ow...okay, future guy, what's wrong with Nancy Reagan?' Topher: 'Throat GOAT. The goat means greatest of all time, b.t.w.' Gandhi takes a moment to consider this. Gandhi: 'Seriously!? Does she go here, or...'
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mirikitakato · 4 months
[Translation] Shylock 4th Anniversary SSR Card Story "Together in a World Adrift" and Card Episode “Shylock And The Door Of Days Bygone…”
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Try my best to translate whatever I can for Shylock. I kinda like the Card Episode this time because I love Shylock's individual strength that makes even Northern wizards wary.
Characters: Shylock, Akira.
Episode 1: Herbal wine in Memory
Shylock: Welcome, Sir Sage.
Akira: Good evening, Shylock...Ah, it's unusual for no one to be here tonight.
Shylock: Yes, unfortunately, only the cuckoo is chirping.
Shylock: However, it is precisely because of this that I am fortunate to have the Sage all to myself. Please, come this way.
Shylock's beautiful finger gestured toward the bar seat in front of him. I gratefully settled into the special seat.
Akira: (Speaking of which, today has been quite eventful...)
The day had been busy since morning. The Northern wizards became angry, the destruction of Magic Manor, Oz's punishment. This was followed by the commotion caused by magic items...
Akira: (Thanks to Murr blowing the magic trumpet, a group of animals swarmed into the magic manor... I'm still a little tired after all this.)
Akira: Shylock, is this...?
Shylock: This is the welcome drink I prepared for tonight's first guest. Please enjoy it.
Akira: Thank you. The gradient from blue to green is very beautiful.
Shylock: It's a gorgeous color. The refreshing taste should brighten the Sage's expression.
Akira: Wow, now I'm excited to taste it, especially if it can make you say that.
I took a sip. The refreshing taste of herbs spread. Then came the aroma of ripe fruits, and the sweetness permeated my tired body.
Akira: It's delicious...it makes me relax.
Shylock: Glad to hear. The blue syrup here uses herbs that can relieve fatigue.
Akira: Eh...! Shylock, you noticed I'm tired.
Shylock: Of course. It only takes one glance to tell.
Shylock: Normally, you would smile like a blooming flower. Because I've been following you closely, I know the difference.
Akira: Eh, I feel a little embarrassed to hear you say that... But thank you very much.
Shylock: Hehe... During time like this, you chose not to venture elsewhere but instead graced my bar with your presence.
Shylock: Under such circumstance, I have believed then it is my responsibility to dispel any shadows that may be cast upon you. Please pardon my presumption.
While saying that, Shylock wiped the glass in his hand very clean.
If you want to continue the conversation, feel free to strike up a conversation. If you want to drink in peace, then just do that. Always maintain an appropriate distance.
Akira: (That’s why Shylock’s bar is so popular. Whether it’s the one in the Magic Manor or within the City of Nectar, it hasn't changed.)
Engrossed in the delightful ambiance, with a drink in hand, I gazed absentmindedly at Shylock for a brief moment.
Observing his calm and focused movements, my eyelids gradually became heavy.
Akira: ....Huh....
Episode 2: Herbal wine in Memory
Shylock: Oh dear.
Akira: Zzzz…….
Shylock: You're already asleep.
Shylock: Haha, a defenseless expression...They must be too exhausted.
Shylock: Thank you for your continued support of those of us who venture off the beaten paths.
Shylock: (...When was it? Something similar to this seemed to have happened before...)
Shylock: Ah, right. It was...
Akira: (...?...This is...)
Shylock: Are you awake?
Akira: —Eh? Uwah!
Akira: No, I'm so sorry, Shylock. I actually fell asleep in the bar...
Shylock: You must be very tired today. I'm happy that you could feel relaxed in my bar.
Shylock: Thanks to this, I'm able to see your cute sleeping face.
Merely witnessing that enchanting smile sent warmth to my cheeks. I shifted my gaze to the counter, almost as if running away. Various fruits, leaves, and flower buds are placed on it.
A familiar scene.
Akira: Hey, Shylock. Could this be...
Shylock: Correct. I want to make herbal wine.
Akira: I knew it! I've seen it several times before.
Akira: Well, when I first came to this world...and also when I fell asleep from exhaustion in the meeting room.
Shylock: Do you remember how to make it? If you're willing, may I invite Sir Sage to join me in crafting it this time?
Shylock: Putting thought into concocting your favorite drink would bring joy to you.
Akira: ...My favorite wine...
Akira: (This way, I can also make drinks that others will enjoy.)
Akira: ...I want to try it! Please let me make it together!
Shylock: Gladly. The initial step is selecting the ingredients for the wine – herbs, spices, and flowers.
Shylock carefully introduced the ingredients of herbal wine.
Shylock: Take roses, for instance; they can enhance one's beauty, whereas lavender and chamomile contribute to a sense of relaxation.
Shylock: Of course, you can also select ingredients based on their fragrance and appearance, as well as experiment with combinations of other herbs and spices.
Akira: I see. Hmm...which one is better to choose?
Akira: This one has a strongly soothing effect, and the fragrance of the herbs here is truly captivating...
Shylock: Haha….You have plenty of time, so feel free to take your time in making your selection.
Episode 3: Herbal wine in Memory
Shylock: The final step is to choose the wine.
Shylock: Red or white, pick whatever you prefer. Afterward, the alcohol will be removed by magic.
Akira: Red and white…Well, if you want to try herbal wine, which one would you prefer?
Shylock: In that case, I like them all, but my mood right now leans towards white.
Akira: (Okay, white then...!)
However, Shylock unexpectedly reached for the red wine.
Akira: (Well, maybe red would be better...? No. He just mentioned that he's in the mood for white now...)
With a head tilt, he added herbs to the wine bottle. The leaves and flowers swaying in the wine were more aesthetically pleasing than I had imagined.
Shylock: After that, just wait a few days, and it's done.
Akira: Thanks so much, Shylock. I'm looking forward to the finished product!
A few days later, I learned that the herbal wine was ready, and I went to the bar...
Akira: Ah. There are no other guests today.
Shylock: Actually, I've already reserved the entire bar. I want the two of us to celebrate the completion of Sir Sage's original wine.
This statement stunned me with its grandeur. However, I was genuinely happy to hear Shylock say that.
Shylock: Let’s start with the Sage’s wine.
Akira: Wow, it smells so good...
Shylock: Indeed. The aroma has infused the wine wonderfully. It's a refreshing and comforting scent.
Shylock: I will remove the alcohol. Would you like to have a sip?
Akira: No, just keep the alcohol. Please let me give this to you as a gift.
Shylock: Huh?
Akira: Since I came to the Magic Manor, I have received a lot of help from Shylock. Even now...
Akira: I made it with gratitude. I'd be happy if you could accept it.
Shylock: ...Sage...I appreciate it greatly.
Shylock: In fact, the wine I crafted is intended as a gift for you as well.
Akira: Eh!?
Shylock: This bottle has the alcohol removed. Please take it.
In the bottle Shylock handed me, I could see lavender soaked in red wine.
Looking back now, it's likely that all the ingredients he mentioned to have a relaxing effect are infused in it.
Akira: (Although he said he wanted white, he must have chosen red because of me...)
Akira: Thank you, Shylock. If possible, would you like to celebrate with these two bottles of wine today?
Shylock: As you wish. Then, I'll begin with the wine presented by the Sage and then move on to the one I gifted to you.
Shylock poured wine into two glasses side by side. 
We smiled and raised our red and white glasses.
Shylock: Thank you for each day shared with you. I wish for moments like these to endure eternally.
Akira: Please continue to take care of me!
Note: Based on my research, there are studies suggesting that red wine is better at easing anxiety and stress. Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine and berries, could protect against depression and combat stress. I believe that's why Shylock deliberately chooses red wine to give to Akira. He is so thoughtful.
Card Episode: Shylock And The Door Of Days Bygone...
Akira: I heard that on the shores of Borda Isle, there is a door that allows you to see the past.
Akira: Speaking of the past, when I first came to this world, I still had a lot of uneasiness in my heart. But when I recalled a certain memory, I felt at ease.
Shylock: What kind of memory is it?
Akira: The memory of a trusted adult reading a book to me as a child.
Shylock: It certainly sounds like something Sir Sage would experience. I can almost envision that youthful figure before me now.
Akira: ...Haha, how embarrassed.
Akira: Is there any memories that would act like a talisman for you, Shylock?
Akira: I mean, memories that provide comfort to you.
Shylock: I see...
Shylock: Even amidst a certain level of chaos, I can still love in moderation.
Shylock: However, when swallowed by the dark uneasiness of not being able to see the future...
Shylock: I'd like to quietly congratulate myself for what I have accomplished.
Akira: Your accomplishment?
Shylock: That’s right.
Shylock: I may not be as powerful as the Northern wizards.
Shylock: But thanks to the skills and experience I have cultivated over the years, I can, more or less, present myself to be a bit challenging.
Akira: (I think you're already very difficult to deal with, actually...)
Shylock: In such situation, I somehow manage to live my life the way I want to.
Shylock: There are nights I wish to forget, and there are nights I can't escape the sparks that fall on me.
Shylock: Nonetheless, I haven't lost my soul.
Shylock: This tone, this gaze...and this smile.
Akira: (He's persuasive... I sense my heartbeat quickening.)
Shylock: Defeating those terrifying invaders and conquerors who were beyond my magic power...
Shylock: Or engaging in conversation with the world's most argumentative, dangerous, and difficult Professor, but never made him feel bored.
Shylock: Wouldn't recalling these moments feel satisfying?
Akira: Very satisfying. I believe only Shylock can accomplish this.
Shylock: Haha. Thank you.
Shylock: Each night, when there's no wind but clouds gather in my heart, I reflect on my past achievements.
Shylock: And afterward, I'll savor a glass of wine, wholeheartedly appreciating myself.
Shylock: After all, I have mastered a lot.
Shylock: It will be the same in the future, for sure.
Shylock: I am who I am. Because I am Shylock, a wizard from the Western Country.
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idk if ur reqs r open but!!!here we go!!! could i have some hcs of johan, jake, gun and eli with a s/o whos like, much taller than them n also kinda beefy? hope ur having a great day <33
lookism boys with a taller, buff s/o
details: gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: still open <3 i'll make it clear on my pinned post/description if requests are closed :] + here's your request, hope u like it! and i hope ur having a great day, too 💖
> he doesn't think much of your muscles; he's seen muscular people before, what's the big deal? your height, actually. your height is the big deal.
> okay, well, not really, but he's not a big fan of people taller than him because it gives him that funny feeling short people usually have of "how DARE you be taller than me" (also gets embarrassed hates having to tiptoe to kiss you)
> he gets used to it, though. and he's a pretty tall guy himself (at least he looks like it?) but because you're taller, he does use it as an advantage to have you grab things he can't reach
> ...not that he'll admit that or anything. just please don't tease him unless you want to see him blush ^_^
> anyways he still acknowledges your beefiness and the work done to keep them. he likes inviting you to exercise with him <3
> exercise isn't as monotone with you around, even if you two don't talk. it's having your presence around that warms his heart and also makes it less lonely for him! jogging in the quiet morning while the sun rises is his favorite thing to do
> gets flustered if you wear tank tops or anything similar~
> "tall and muscular, eh? we're pretty similar!"
> the first time he met you, he appreciated your muscles and was shocked when he realized you were taller than him. jerry is one of the few people taller than him,, time to add you to the list!
> enjoys comparing muscles and generally checking in on you ^_^ if you want to get buffer or wish to stay where you're at, he's supportive <3
> loves using your height + his height to be annoying. especially when it comes to taking up space or him convincing you to (unless you're also in on it lol) tease shorter big deal members
> just to be ridiculous, has had you both do the two people in a trenchcoat thing before at least twice LOL (with him having you sit on his shoulders unless you're strong enough to carry him and don't mind hiding in the coat)
> people are so jealous of y'all; tall as hell, attractive couple!! power duo!!
> glad to be the small spoon for once~ but he'll still make you the small spoon occasionally!
> he acknowledges a good physique when he sees one, but to him, it's all just for show unless you can fight
> if you can't, that's fine, but he will offer to teach! bare minimum self defense, at least. and if you accept, he's more than happy to teach/spar with you
> your taller height is of no issue to him. just don't tease him too much about him being the shorter one, he already has to deal with goo who apparently is an inch or so taller (according to fandomwiki 😭)
> sort of has a certain expectation set up for what kind of physical stuff you can do. not in a bad way, in a, "i know you are capable of carrying these, come back and assist me in moving them around" way lol
> your muscular appearance is a bit comforting to him. he doesn't feel like he has to worry so much about your safety (from his... millions of enemies lol) if you're at least physically capable of running away/fighting back a little
> if you invite him to workout with you, he'll accept ^_^ he doesn't really invite you to workout with him mainly because his workouts are some insane, very draining shit but like. he doesn't mind chatting while exercising with you sitting nearby either <3
> sharing clothes !! he makes your mildly oversized clothes look great on him and he likes the way his clothes are form fitting on you~
> this man is the last guy ever to judge someone by appearance so that definitely applies to when he's looking for a partner, too i.e. he never thought much about how you looked, only how you presented yourself
> let's just say you had a great presentation because you scored yourself eli as a boyfriend <3
> he'd love you no matter what but he is pretty glad you have muscles/strength. now yenna has two strong parents!!
> by the way, he still worries over you. even if you can fight to defend yourself, eli is just a worrisome person who wants his loved ones to be okay at all times
> doesn't blink an eye at your height. it's actually kind of refreshing to him because people are either so short he has to look downwards so much it hurts his neck or they're around his height. so, having to look up a bit is new and nice to him :] (i mean if you're that much taller than him then i guess it's just the short people problem but now he's looking upwards... oh well 😭)
> thinks it's cute whenever you kind of have to bend down a bit to kiss him <3
> loves the way you make him feel when you hug him! it's like you're a blanket and he's safe in your arms~
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lotho · 2 years
Kaishin in Canon AU pt2
Continuation! (sorry if i fuck up names, i am a eng dub bitch lol)
(Edits, changed the last part of the pervious post lololol)
- Kaito does some detective work and saw the buffoon detective Mouri that his bf mentioned here and there has suddenly gained popularity, which makes Kaito kinda suspicious
- He breaks into the Mouri office and looks around for any clues but finds nothing, he does get interrupted by a particular small detective
-Almost gets his head blown off cause Conan doesn’t recognize him
- Shortly after that, Kaito comes very cheerfully with a horrified Conan saying “Where the fuck is my boyfriend, ran.”
- little Conan is breaking out in cold sweat when Ran mentions Shin’s phone calls to her that he is safe, he is somewhere solving a very secretive case
-Kaito call bull to that as even if shin is shin, he always tells Kaito everything especially if it is a very dangerous cases bc of how much he trusts Kaito and thinks it is just an excuse
- Kaito being Kaito decides that if his bf is refusing communication he is going to be a camp out of the Mouri detective agency until shin is mature enough to communicate with him! (immature vs immature)
- Mouri tries to get rid of him but how do you get rid of someone that just fucking appears out of thin air!??!?!??!
- Unsure if Shin as Conan would be ether really awkward around Kaito or be like a total brat to piss him off, like fuck up his magic tricks and constantly telling him ‘i hate magic’ and that its shit, that he has seen clowns from a circus do better lol
-  Just constantly trying to get rid of him but fails
- Adventures with world’s dumbest detective, a teenage girl who could kill grown men if she wanted to, a dying inside magical secret thief teen and the boyfriend of the magical teen that got shrink and has to hide that^TM
- Heiji would be HILARIOUS cause of how dense that motherfucker would be
- Conan would be trying to shut him up as he talks about meeting shin and how good buddies they are, Kaito is holding in his jealously as Heji just thinks he is the jealous best friend of Kudo and so keeps at it
- Heiji accidentally made himself the other women lmao
-Unsure when Shin would realize he is being a coward but he does eventually turn around (perhaps Kaito being more distressed and actually really fucking worried that their relationship and discussing that with little Conan)
-He would start of with being sorta sweet and apologetic but would quickly become snarky and be like “Ohh so you finally agree it wasn’t my fault” and “please stop being freeloading with ran, she is already dealing with her father’s relationship.”
- Shin still doesn’t discuss his situation and in trade for not telling Kaito they would be in constant contact with daily calls and texts/emails (?)
Happy ending? No, not really.
- “Ah small detective, you have always had a grudge against me, would have not thought it would be you to unmask me.”
- Being Conan he finds out that Kaito is Kid, it is like canon were Conan was chasing Kaito just when bored and simple rivalry
-Kaito got away only because of Conan’s shock
-Shin is distraught, not really because of stealing cause he could look past that but just how much he realized would he ever be able to take down his boyfriend if it came to it? Is he as a detective bringing danger to his boyfriend? Is his boyfriend using him as protection? Because of him being creditable personal if he were to ever get caught?(no of course not, Kaito has given him a red rose since childhood, he loves him because of their history right?) -It is sorta nail in the coffin for Shin, as along with being almost a year since his transformation
-He has not been able to hold his boyfriend, go on dates, kiss, or even just be in a comfort presence with him, there phone calls are fine and full of love but that is not the love his boyfriend deserves
- At this point he isn’t sure if he can even come back to his original form, he is always a step back and step forward even when gaining new alliances (ie- Haibara), would Kaito even wait for him? Shin would not be sure if he would be more broken on the fact that Kaito wouldn’t or he would wait for a person who would never come back?
-What if the organization ever go for Kaito? Figure is Kid and expose him? What if they ever hurt Kaito? How would he live with himself?
- ‘Maybe Aoko is the one to make Kaito happy and not him’ ‘She would make him so much more happier than me.’ Shin thinks  
- So Shin breaks it off
-  the conversation goes something like this?
“I-I don’t want you to be involved.” “Involved with what?! What have you gotten yourself into?!? I would stand with you for everything-” “No, you don’t understand, this is something that even I don’t I would be able to get myself out.” “What?” “I’m sorry” *Hangs up*
- Shin has never been great with dates that were not related to a case, it was a very happy anniversary for Kaito as he looks at the little fake ring he proposed with when they were kids and look at a very new and brought with cash he worked hard for without stealing anything with for his ex-beloved
idk ya could make this happy or worst but this in the end for me (well for now lololol) :D
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
so fresh off DMQ and my brain is already rotating with The Rot so let's talk about the Act 4 AU shall we :)
since DMQ doesn't give an exact date for when Kira starts doing his whole Ghost Hitman Thing, I'm just going to say this takes place a bit over a year after DiU and a few weeks/months before Part 5
so Kira's vibing right? Going around Morioh, doing his Hitman things, and vaguely aware of the presence of Stand Users. He knows they exist and he thinks their powers are kinda cool, but they can't see him so there's really no point in paying them much attention when he could use that time looking for a place to stay
so one day, he ends up passing by Koichi who was simply floating around by himself and at first he doesn't think much of it. He'd seen the little Stand around more than a few times, enough that he was used to his presence, but never tried approaching him because...... well, why would he? As far as he knew, "Echoes" wasn't that much different from any other Stand. Sure it was little weird he never saw the Stand's User, but eh Stands were weird in general
but then Koichi's gaze flickers to him as he hovers by and it hits Kira with all the subtly of a lightning strike that he can see him
unfortunately for Kira, Koichi also recognises him and he
he uses every ability, every attack, every single offensive thing he'd learned how to use and does so immediately because Oh God Oh No Kira That's Kira How Is Kira Here He's Dead And Gone And I Saw It I Saw Him Die-
and he actually ends up forcing Kira to retreat. As trained as the guy is, he's used to his targets being more or less completely helpless against him. He's never had anyone fight back before, not to mention he's completely unequipped to go against a Stand. While Koichi isn't able to do anything permanent or "life treating" to him, Kira can't do anything back and could be left at the mercy of something that can kill him later on
so he runs and Koichi chases
at this point Kira's managed to put together that this "Echoes" seems to know who he is, or at the very least who he was. The fact he keeps shouting things like "I won't let you get away again!" and "you think you can run from what you've done?!?" and seems to be on the verge of an emotional breakdown really just adds more to that line of thought
unfortunately for him, Koichi knows Morioh better than he does and manages to catch up thanks to the fact he doesn't have to worry about bumping into people or going around obstacles. They fight again, and this time Kira actually gets a bit fucked up. A couple of his limbs are detached and he's barely standing, his Ghost Gun is out of bullets and he's debating the merits of using it as a bludgeoning weapon-
and suddenly Koichi just stops. Him running on this many emotions already wasn't going to be good, but because of how long it was going on for? Yeah it was completely overwhelming. Koichi's terror finally wins out over the rage and it finally hits him that Kira hasn't sustained any permanent damage. How he simply reattached all the limbs he lost, how there hasn't been so much as a single drop of blood, how Kira's pose and gaze right now is so similarly That Day
In that moment Koichi doesn't see Kira as a helpless opponent on the ropes. He sees a terrifying monster biding his next move to kill him all over again
so he runs. He flies as fast and far as he's willing to dare to get away from Kira
this ends up starting a sort of back and forth between the two for a few weeks. Koichi and Kira will spot each other in public, one will pursue the other, but just before anything gets done one of them will flee in a way the other can't follow until their next encounter. Koichi does end up telling the others, of course he does, but because of the whole Ghost thing only Koichi's able to actually see him
and as time goes by, with every fight both sides slowly put more pieces together. Koichi learns Kira is in fact dead. Kira learns Echoes's User was murdered. Koichi learns Kira doesn't remember him. Kira learns Echoes is his own User. Back and forth, fight after fight they slowly get a better look at the picture they're looking at
On Koichi's side of things it's....... it's going. Learning Kira didn't remember him pissed him off beyond belief and added more emotional conflict with the angry vs terrified thing going on in his head. Ironically though, fighting Kira so regularly ends up serving as a weird kind of Exposure Therapy. The fact he actually wins most of their fights does loads for his confidence, however it is slightly undercut by the fact Kira keeps escaping
and on Kira's side, he's Not Having The Best Time. With every piece of his past identity he slowly gleams from Echoes, the more he starts to fear who he used to be. Kira knows he's no saint, he literally kills people with little remorse as his job, but...... but he still has some morals. He kills people a monk tells him to, so my vibe about his victims was he was a killer of other killers and has some kind of ethical decency he lacked when alive. And Echoes..... based on what he's learned about the Stand from some eavesdropping on friends and some spying, the Stand seems like genuinely a good guy. During said eavesdropping he even ends up hearing his own name dropped a few times, and with the anger poison disgust hate they say his name with..... Kira gathers he must've done something awful to him
they only manage to get any proper headway when one of Koichi's friends ends up accidentally popping in during the middle of one of their fights and calls Koichi by his human name. The fight ends the same as it always does, but this time Kira actually has something to work with now. He ends up trying to learn whatever he can about any "Koichi's" of note in the last few years. And eventually, after a lot of different dead ends, he ends up investigating one Koichi Hirose who reportedly died in a gas explosion a few years back
this then leads to the pair's final fight. Kira goes to the graveyard to Koichi's tomb and finds him sitting there
the fight wasn't even that physical this time. Aside from a thrown attack or two from Koichi (which were very carefully aimed as to not hit any of the other headstones), it was mostly the pair shouting back and forth as Koichi hovered protectively in front of his tomb and Kira tried getting answers
And eventually Koichi gives him the final piece
"What, it wasn't enough to kill me?" he spits. "You have to disrespect my resting place too?!?"
and Kira stops
at this point he knew Echoes, Koichi, was young. Far younger than he was, and after learning his name and seeing the date on the tomb he realises Koichi would've been a teenager
and suddenly Koichi's loathing and terror and offence at being forgotten makes so much sense
He'd killed him. When he was alive, he'd killed a teenager, and by the looks of things, it had been an innocent one at that. Every word Koichi had spoken, every action he'd taken, how he'd been so desperate to kill Kira but so hesitant to get close suddenly made a painful amount of sense
it's at this point he finally explains he doesn't remember anything about his life. Aside from his name, every memory he has was created only after he woke up as a ghost
and this....... makes things a bit awkward. Neither know what to say or do in the face of all the new information that's suddenly been brought to the table or how to feel about it
maybe Koichi tells Kira what he'd done in life. Maybe he ends up having one of his friends do it
they don't become friends after everything is said and done. With all their history that would be impossible so soon after both their deaths. But they say hi when they pass each other in the road. Koichi shows him the Bad Alley for whenever he'd like to sleep in a house without being bothered. Kira teaches him a bunch of tricks he picked up for how to experience a world not made for people like them. They share information when Kira has a job
they stay distant, but slowly they become more comfortable with the other's presence. And who knows. Maybe a few decades in the future they could get closer
not now though. not yet
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zizifun · 2 years
"I had always thought that I was the worst person in the whole world, and I had hated myself so badly because I had done so many terrible awful things that I thought were so utterly unforgiveable that I deserve to rot in the lowest circle of hell itself for all eternity... And then I met you."
A pause, and then a smile as they looked up to their partner, their lover, the one they were about to spend the rest of their life with.
"You were so much fucking worse, honestly you repulsed me to the deep, deep depths of my soul and your existence was the very bane of my own. But honestly, you made me feel so much better about my own wacky moral compass so I decided 'Eh why not?' and after a not so few kinda ill-advised decisions which may or may not have had alcoholic influence I had ended up in your bed and after extreme levels of intoxication, I made an incredibly ill-advised decision which ended up with this ring on my finger."
After a deep breath, they continued.
"And now we're here with my loved ones having been drugged and now tied to their chairs, your idiotic goons surrounding the church- but love what they did with the decorations though, how thoughtful of you to put up the red flags to symbolize our relationship, and also not to mention a priest that's probably, wait no scratch that, definitely been threatened and blackmailed to be here, really someone give him some water, the poor man looks like he's gonna croak any second now- oh, thank you Steve!
"Oh my name's actually-"
"Like I give a shit. Anyway so now I guess this is supposed to be another way to bind our lives together, a way to tie me down symbolically to you, right love? I mean you've already done it literally so many times I'd almost think you were getting bored of the old routine you sick, twisted, evil little bastard. Well guess what sweetheart. I am going to make you regret every single breath you draw out from here on in my presence to speak your lies, so sweet I could almost taste them, going to to run you ragged from exhaustion, would probably be a good thing too, you have no idea how fucking annoying it is to see you in your steam-pressed suits and perfectly groomed hair, probably why I enjoyed messing it up so badly before, and once I'm done breaking that thing you calI a heart I will roast it on an open fire and then relish its taste on my tongue."
They chuckled, then he did too, and their future spouse proceeded to look into their eyes with nothing but pure and utter adoration on his face.
"Oh darling, you're going to make me the happiest husband in the world, aren't you?"
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galaxiesfinest · 7 months
Hi!! This is based off of something my friend and I had spoken about for Han and Leia! Of course, regarding the song Somethin' Stupid with Frank and Nancy Sinatra
Somethin' Stupid
The empire had finally been brought to an end, people all around the galaxy had been rejoicing and celebrating. Those in charge of the rebellion had decided to throw a celebratory gala for the soldiers and pilots, and everyone who had been involved in overthrowing the empire.
The gala was a hit. The sound of people chattering, laughing, enjoying themselves. The music was blaring, people were mingling. Something that they hadn't seen in a very long time.
Leia had sat there in the corner by herself, sipping casually at her wine as a slow song had begun to play. She looked down at her wine glass, not really paying any mind, until she heard the sound of someone clearing their throat above her. She looked up, and was surprised to see Han standing there. She was confused, and she was sure he knew that because of her easy enough to read expression.
"This is uh..kinda lame eh? I mean, props to the kid for putting this together and all, but yknow..not really my scene.." He said, trailing off as he scratched the back of his neck. She tilted her head slightly as he spoke.
"Do you maybe wanna..dance? Get outta here for a few minutes?" He asked, a smidge of uncertainty in his voice. He was nervous.
Leia's expression changed from confused to a little suprised. She looked up at him, remaining quiet as her gaze moved to his outstretched arm, offering her his hand. Her face softened and she smiled, nodding gently at his request. She took his hand into her own, pulling him along as she got up, bringing him out of the crowded room. The music becoming more muffled as they walked. The sound of her heels clacking against the marble floors. She stopped in a more secluded area, the music much softer now. She preferred it that way. Though she recognized the song to be Somethin' Stupid by Frank Sinatra.
Their hands had soon found eachother, while his free hand wrapped around her. She rested her right hand on his chest, next to her head. She closed her eyes as they swayed together in silence. They stayed like that for a few minutes, just basking in eachothers presence before Leia eventually spoke up, "You're a pretty alright dancer. For a scoundrel."
Han couldn't help but laugh at that, of course that's what she would say. He held her a little tighter against him before he spoke, "You aren’t all that bad either, princess."
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munkustance · 1 year
Tantomile and Coricopat?👀
Headcanons, Backstory, Family, Pairings, Personality, Plotbunnies? And anything else you wanna add, I wanna hear it all!!🥰
Favorite and least favorite foods?
If they had a human home, what would it be like?
What song(s) that aren’t canon do you think fits their character?
What kind of cat do you think they would be if they weren’t an Anthropomorphic cat? (Example: I think Tugger would be a Russet Marble Tabby Maine Coone Cat and Cassandra would be a Dark Mink or Solid Burmese Cat)
Sorry this took so long, just school. I think answering all of these will take a long time lets just be honest. But I'll try to work with these whenever I can. ALSO, there might be spelling and grammar mistakes because english is not my first language.
My thoughts and feelings for the twins were like nonexistent when I first got into cats, but after seeing the international tour in november they just shot right up into my top ten. Espessially Tantomile as she was the green eyes that went by me when the show started and was like 4 meters from me during the naming of cats and Mister Mistoffelees (and I swear we had a special moment during the naming of cats cuz we 100% made eye contact and right after that she reached her paw out, TO ME, but sadly there were two people in our way...)
Eh, so with that being said, here are my headcanons for everyones favorite mystical twins!
Tantomile and Coricopat share the same spirit so if one of them becomes the Jellicle choice, they are both chosen.
Although the spirit is the same, the cats are not. Coricopat is much more um... dumb. It's not the right word but the only one I can think of. Like he's just.. he's there, having fun. While Tantomile is definitely the older and more mature of the two. Their reactions during the Mistoffelees number is the best explanation I can give. Just look at them.
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When it comes to their powers they are both very strong with their psychic energy but again Tantomile is just keeping a little secret about her more cryptic side. The only other cat to know about her other side is of course her other half. They are like ying and yang kinda, but not really. Again, this thing with putting my thought into words. Either way, more on that later.
Random but Coricopat loves butterflies.
Now my usual backstory for these two is that they lived with a real witch and that they found the junkyard and the Jellicles thanks to their powers. Quite simple.
But, today I read through the Cats wiki just for fun and stumbled across the hc that Tantomile and Coricopat are Macavitys children. And I just died right then and there.
Is it in my main headcanons for Cats? No... But it sure as hell has it's own little world in my brain now. Just, stop and think about it for a minute and perhaps join me on the floor while I scream about the potential angst.
This goes without saying but, they're twins.
While they don't really have a real parents, unless you wanna go the Macavity route, Munkustrap has an extreme soft spot for them. So Munkustrap is their unofficial dad even though they are just a few years younger then him.
Also love the rarepair of Tantomile and Demeter. Them just laying in Demeters pipe cuddling *chef kiss*
Coricopat is a dork, an adorable dork, and I love him. He gets easily distracted, especially when Mungojerrie is within his psychic range.
Tantomile has a calm presence, even when some cats gets weirded out by the twins. Something she hides extremely well however is her cryptic side. Let's just say it's very much the opposite of the Tantomile we all know and love.
Oh I loooove this one!
So Macavity is obsessed with magical cats right.. so he kidnaps Coricopat, ya know as you do. The thing is, Tantomile is of course not okay with that.. so um, she ya know. Goes all cryptic and ballistic on Macavitys ass and saves her brother.
Yea, that one has been stuck in my brain for the longest of time and I love it so much.
Oh uh yeah, they don't eat. Might be a weird hc but it's mine.
Human home:
They primarily live in the junkyard but they do have their little witch hut together with their old little witch lady. It's quite small but it's perfect for the three of them. There is a bunch of pillows and blankest all over the place just for the twins. And there is a lot of purple.
Song(s) that fit their character:
Ah yes, the inspiration for my cryptic Tantomile
...sorry, don't know what came out of me just then.
Also sorry Coricopat, don't really have a song for you.
What kind of cat would they be irl:
Maybe a mix between Korat, Balinese and Russian Blue.
Anyways... that´s it
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year
What's up nerds I'm going to explain Leo's playlist but it's also a v bad playlist [and it's like, 2am] so I'll be trying my best (also Restraining myself from rambling about all the lyrics that make me go Insane)
I also still feel like it's Incomplete, like something is missing but I'm not quite sure what?? eh whatever. for now it's sort-of complete so.. I'm talking about it
here we go:
God is a Circle- This song was here since the very beginning and while it doesn't fit anymore, I've grown too attached to delete it from here.
Oracle- There's going to be a running theme of me adding prophet-aligned songs to this list. Also the mentions of things not being real :-)
Breathe- Specifically added this bc it kinda feels like a depersonalization moment
o m e n- a cool prophet song
Thunder Bird- I told you there was going to be a theme here. Sometimes Malks just get wild visions y'know
The Bite is Eternal- What kinda VtM OC playlist would this be if I didn't put a Bloodlines OST in here /hj
Favorite Poison- The first of many Jeremiah-centric songs on here. The line "maybe it's love 'cause I feel okay" makes me go insane
Touch-Tone Telephone- The conspiracy theorist song!! (totally talking to Chris for this one maybe, this song represents his No Stone Unturned Touchstone anyway)
High- ah yes, another Jeremiah-centric song. That moment when you don't remember drinking your vampire bf's blood so you just think it's just his presence that you enjoy
Tuscon- yknow. sometimes your sire sends you away to San Jose. Autoheart has such beautiful songs with such Heartbroken energy ["I thought I'd found a way out of here baby but I was wrong" is so,,, god.]
The Mind Electric- Listen. Sometimes your memories get messed up bc of your gaslighting sire, and also you go through such a traumatic Event that your brain gets all scrambled. [aka the sound of this song kinda encompasses his Extreme Mental Distress]
Mr. Rattlebone- SHUT UP THIS IS THE JEREMIAH SONG. In my brain it's from his POV as he's talking to pre-embraced/ghoul Leo, god I'm so normal about this song dude
ALCHEMY- I feel like this perfectly encompasses his current feelings about Jeremiah- the anger and horror of him realizing what's going on, the fact he's still on the fence with his feelings about the guy bc of Lingering Feelings and is Angry about that- god I have so many Thoughts about this song. If you gotta listen to any of these songs listen to this one (this song also represents his Grudge Touchstone [bc i couldnt think of anything else /lh])
how many little moments have I forgotten?...- memory issue moment /hj
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
The End of the World With You Ep 7
Here we are at the penultimate episode. Are you excited? I’m excited. Somehow this show and Bed Friend are my favorite things currently airing.
Man Ritsu is really reflecting on his choices, huh? Have to say that I didn’t expect it, and I do sort of wonder how long he’s been doing so. Presence of the death pill makes me think longer than the world has been ending. 
Ooh some Ritsu backstory! I wonder if it’ll make me feel more sympathy for him. I’m sure that’s the intention. 
Oh my gosh. Why are parents so awful lately in these dramas? Like who tells their child that they can’t go to the best uni in Japan just because the legitimate kid didn’t get in? Good lord. Parents really do need to stop taking their own screw ups out on their kids. I don’t like Ritsu much, but it’s not actually his fault that his dad cheated on his wife with his mom. Like. Ugh. That little look towards his mom kinda hurt me a bit. No help there, buddy. 
In a way I can see why Ritsu’s life mantra is what it is. Pretty much everyone in his life seems to live that way, after all. But
Ah, so Masumi was special. As special as I guess anyone can be to Ritsu. And ooh, nice to see him acknowledging finally exactly what he did to cause the breakup. I’m like a broken record, but there’s nothing wrong with being unable or unwilling to commit to one person so long as everyone is aware and understand / agrees with the situation. But Ritsu knew that Masumi was the one person type. He knew, and so he selfishly tried to have his cake and eat it. Now, Masumi made a lot of assumptions (never ever believe that a player has or will change for you. it’s a sure way to find yourself heartbroken) but Ritsu knew he was making them and let him keep on because he knew that if Masumi ever found out that he was still sleeping with whoever it would be the end. 
And I definitely don’t blame their old friend for telling him to keep the hell away when Ritsu made noises about contacting Masumi again. It was a messy break up and a wound that never quite healed over for Masumi, I would say the same if I were his friend. Sometimes you don’t get do overs (unless, I guess, the world is going to end in a matter of days. That would kind of make a lot of things seem less important overall).
That said, I think it’s pretty obvious that Ritsu is depressed and has convinced himself that this is just one more reason he’s the devil incarnate or something. Like there’s something fundamentally broken inside of him. 
I disagree with that line of thought. Oh boy do I. 
I’m also wholly unsurprised that the first thing Ritsu does after being confronted with his worst failures is go straight for the death pill. Yeah he’s only got to live with himself for what? Two, three more days? but I can see how that might seem like forever when all you can think about is what a shit person you are and how you hurt everyone around you. Ritsu’s been flirting with that pill for a long time.
Ritsu in a nutshell: makes a selfish decision, regrets it, makes an even more selfish decision. My dude.
Masumi’s breakdown upon finding him trying to do the thing finally was really well done. 
Turn a blind eye all you like Masumi but maybe get that other pill away from Ritsu just in case eh?
Aw, I’m really glad that Masumi told Ritsu he’s grateful for being dragged out of his inertia. Although my goodness The guy’s been beating himself up about it so much that even I feel a little for him, ha. I’m also grateful that the corpse disposal wasn’t needed after all. That might have put a damper on Masumi’s new ten day lease on life. 
I bet the cold water feels really good on his hurt ankle, too.
Not entirely sure I am buying into the romance, I have to say, but this drama is so rich in other ways that I’m not even bothered. In a very big way it’s not even really about the romance, anyway. 
I will be sad when it ends. And not just because I don’t really believe it’s going to end happily. 
Damn, I love this drama. 
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