#dragon people
hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Modern Monsters Moodboards;
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Name: Johanna Everstone.
Species: Witch.
Modern Job: Author.
Significant other: Halmar Starkden.
Physical age: 21 years old.
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Name: Manih Attor.
Species: Dragon.
Modern Job: Musician, Chef, and Martial Arts instructor.
Significant other: Britannia Attor.
Physical age: 21 years old.
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Name: Britannia Attor.
Species: Gorgon.
Modern Job: Golf instructor and sculptor.
Significant other: Manih Attor.
Physical age: 22 years old.
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Name: Tezuka Katsuro.
Species: The Oni.
Modern Job: Martial Arts Instructor.
Significant other: Unknown girl.
Physical age: 23 years old.
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Name: Shanti Perez.
Species: Poltergeist.
Modern Job: Babysitter.
Significant other: A long, lost human boy who's name is lost.
Physical age: 22 years old.
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Name: Halmar Starkden.
Species: Wizard.
Modern Job: Musician.
Significant other: Johanna Everstone.
Physical age: 23 years old.
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Name: Nathinel Bennett.
Species: Ghost.
Modern Job: None.
Significant other: None.
Physical age: 14 years old.
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Name: Octavius Taranto.
Species: Archnecentuar.
Modern Job: Event caterer.
Significant other: Unknown girl.
Physical age: 22 years old.
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Name: Boris Conall.
Species: Werewolf.
Modern Job: Waiter at Cracker Barrel.
Significant other: Unknown human girl.
Physical age: 20 years old.
Requested by my good friend, @crimsonstar2096 .
Part 2.
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neonthewrite · 1 year
Hey, do you remember Qwerty on your DeviantArt Neon? Can you give us more lore on him? If you remember? :0
I sure do remember little Qwerty!
For those who don't know who the heck that is, several years back I posted a story called Rules are Made to be Broken. I posted it on a forum and also DeviantArt (will link in reblogs if people want). It followed the misadventures of Quentin (nicknamed Qwerty), a member of a very small humanoid species called Tinic that lived in hiding from the monstrous Varan - also humanoid-ish but with dragon features (wings, tails, claws, and temperament). As such stories go, poor Qwerty finds himself caught by one of these dragon giants.
I'll be frank; this story is one of my biggest missed opportunities, writing wise. It was written as a request, for free, and I had much more to it planned than ended up in the final story. The ending came rather abruptly too, which multiple commenters noticed. Basically, when I wasn't posting a chapter daily, the original requester would blow up my messages and the forum about the story being dead, so I just rushed to finish it and wash my hands of them.
That said ... one day I really want to rewrite the story with my own ideas and the expanded plot I originally planned. I wanted to bring in more Tinic characters for Quentin to encounter, and I wanted the last conflict to have a few more steps before getting resolved.
So some tidbits about the worldbuilding!
Tinic average around 2 inches at adult height; Varan are basically human sized. This is one of the biggest size differences I've written where it wasn't a temporary/unexpected size difference situation.
Varan have dragon breath abilities depending on their scale color.
Varan are roughly modern day as far as advancement goes, but they also have a society set up for people who fly everywhere.
Tinic, by contrast, are definitely further behind, but with a slight steampunk leaning to them.
In ancient times there used to just be humans and dragons. Something changed and now there's Varan and Tinic. Any prequel type plans would come after I rewrite the original 🤐
In my rewrite I probably won't keep the Qwerty nickname. It just didn't make sense for a lil guy whose whole community has never seen a keyboard before. Not even a typewriter.
Also in the rewrite I'll have more opportunity to expand on the main Varan character, Tristen, and his family dynamic (it's dysfunctional lol).
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rjalker · 2 years
Chime with gender-affirming surgery to remove his wings :)
One version monochrome brown since I was pretending it was carved into wood and then stained, and one version with his actual scale color.
There are no actual scales drawn because I can't draw scales without ruining the whole drawing, lol, please just pretend they're there.
Anyways. I can't believe Martha Wells made Chime and River trans-coded by accident. Too bad it's used to mistreat both of them...
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[ID: A digital drawing of Chime from The Books of the Raksura book series, colored in monochrome shades of brown. Chime is a Raksura in his shifted form: a reptile-like biped with no clothes, with short and medium length spikes and spines on his head, standing partly upright, and longer spines lying flat against his back, a few shades darker than his copper colored skin.
Chime is standing with his back to the camera, his head turned to the side to look back towards the camera with a small smile, and his long tail, which ends in a spade shape, is curled into a figure eight. His single visible eye is in shades of tan for the white, warm brown for the iris, and dark brown for the pupil.
Where his wings used to be are now two long, curved scars that are dark brown, rounder at the tops, then curving to a thin downward point, with uneven edges.
End ID.]
And the more accurate one //assuming// I'm remembering his scale color correctly. I will attempt to play around with brushes to add the iridescence in later.
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[ID: The same drawing as above, but now with Chime's scale colors dark blue, with his spines and spikes paler blue that is almost purple, and the scars very pale purple-grey. His eyes are the same brown, and the background is still tan. End ID.]
Also. What happens to their clothes when they shift? I don't remember.
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teira-nova · 1 year
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Commission - Sayl
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katietdm-4077 · 1 year
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Lotus Morningflower, a beautiful Desert SoulWing revered by the shy and gentle god DiamondLight, and his beautiful bride-to-be. “You are the princess of this dry, sunny desert, my Lotus.” He says to her.
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Heraldos de Dragones- Ermitaños
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La maldición dracónica es una afección que corrompe y degenera tanto la piel como el alma del individuo. Muchos clanes han optado por abrazar el breve período de frenesí salvaje para volverse fieros en el campo de batalla antes de sucumbir por las mutaciones. Otros en cambio expulsan a sus miembros fuera de la civilización para que su padecimiento no altere al clan.
Sin embargo muchos parten en búsqueda de una cura para este padecimiento milenario, y así poder limpiar sus venas de la sangre dracónica que corrompe y muta a todos los Heraldos.
Si bien la panacea que tanto se busca, el elixir que pueda curar la maldición no ha sido encontrado, muchos han vuelto de sus viajes habiendo controlado la maldición.
Estos ermitaños o "Cultivadores" como se hacen llamar, son hombres y mujeres que luego de arduos entrenamientos en reclusión han podido pactar con la sangre dracónica que corre en su interior y han sabido frenar el frenesí salvaje que muta y corrompe mente y alma.
Los ermitaños así, han podido aprovechar las ventajas como la longevidad, la fuerza y la sabiduría que han adquirido en su reclusión y sus viajes para guiar a sus clanes a un futuro más brillante que el exilio o la muerte a manos de su maldición.
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jade-argetlam · 1 year
Character sheet 1
Personality: confident, motherly, charming mischievous, cunning
Likes: books, movies, hiking, sweets, pranking, calming colors, pop music
Dislikes: Saurkraut, brussle sprouts, neon colors, restricting clothes.
Hobbies: Practicing sword skills, playing the flute, helping Horace with his clothing designs, and helping Hugo with his bees. And helping Millard as well.
Position in the group: doctor, emotional support dragon
Relationship’s: bio parents, dead; adoptive father, Abe Portman; bio siblings,none; siblings; Jacob Portman, Hugo, and Horace.; Dating: Enoch O’Connor ; besties , Millard, Olive, Brownin; caretaker, Miss. Peregrine; children, two girls three boys.
Ability: Rainwing, a type of dragon. Her natural resting state is a mix of human and dragon. The halfway state allows her to have enhanced strength and her eyesight, smell and hearing are enhanced. She can choose to look human.
A Rainwing is a dragon that has multi colored scales that change with their emotions or by will. They can turn invisible if they want. Also Rainwings recharge by sleeping in the sun.They also have fangs that can spray a corrosive venom that destroys any thing organic (hydro chloric acid). You can survive an attack but the area hit by venom would look like it is melting off. Just don’t get it in your eyes or mouth because that will kill you. But they are very peaceful and very lazy. They are also very adept with medicine.
Back story: When y/n was about four years old her mom and dad were fighting. When her dad slapped her mom she got really mad let out a earsplitting roar. Her parents looked at her and paled with fear. Y/n had horns wings and a tail with scales spattered across her skin. Y/n’s roar had attracted the attention of Abe Portman and his Hollow hunting companion. And Unfortunately attracted the attention of their quarry to. The Hallowghast was smarter than others and ran right twords the source of the sound. It burst through the door and y/n’s parents were lifted into the air. They started screaming for y/n to run as the hollow was trying to decide whether to eat them or not. It decided to eat them. So all y/n saw was her parents head’s disappearing and then a lot of blood. At that point she lost any kind of control and went full dragon form and ate the hollow. Now Abe and his companion watched the house explode and a decent sized dragon eat the hollow. His companion had a illusion ability and recreated y/n’s parents because he knew her parents. Y/n calmed down and went back to her halfway form, and passed out. Now they could have taken her to a loop but his companion wanted her to grow older before doing that and Abe agreed to adopt her. She learned how to look human quickly and could go to school with the boy she would consider her brother. Jacob Portman.
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whitewingedcrow · 2 years
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Oops, never did post this one-- another picture for Scientist@TH as part of an art-for-characters trade!
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 2 months
It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post.
Unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door.
you are greeted by...... her
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eruhamster · 15 days
not to be annoying but i do think a lot of people mischaracterize falin. shes got the most drastic canon v fanon thing going on. which i guess makes sense bc 1. we dont see much of her and 2. lot of the fan stuff are anime-onlies that have seen even less
but i think like a good 90% of the time i see falin-centric art or posts im like hrm hrm hrm thats all wrong no nope no-siree
she's just a cool chick that takes life as it comes, doesn't hold grudges even against a mother that apparently was trying to beat the magic outta her, finds her older brother the coolest person in the world, and has autism about observing life (and death, she loves the ghosts she has a connection to) and nature and taking care of things (including taking care of her brother, which is why she's even in the dungeons; she saw her scrawny mess of a brother and decided she had to fix that).
and i think my favorite part that people don't talk about is... she would have done the same for marcille or laios if it were one of them that was eaten. you could see it in her eyes:
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it's what shuro misunderstands about her. it's easy to see her feminine, cute, good girl pieces and forget the rest of her. but she loves things to an ends-of-the-earth extent; the kind of caring that makes you a little insane. and that's how I think she and laios end up on the same page with their weirdness. they have different interests, but they are the same level of committed to those interests.
it's easy to love her, because she probably loves you just as much, if not more.
EDIT: for the love of god stop reblogging this only to add some comment or tag or reply saying 'op you forgot [BLATANTLY FANON INTERPRETATION]'. falin as we know her is not a pushover/people pleaser/infantilized, see this version of my post. also stuff like 'female shuro was in love with laios in the genderbent comic' and 'falin was going to marry shuro because she felt bad' are just things you made up in your head
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foxinacrowsnest · 2 months
Sacrificial Lamb
I could not believe that this was happening again. Again. After everything, after starting a war because of what happened last time. Not again.
“You have been specifically requested, Katria.” My sister, the Queen, her voice ice as always. 
“I don't care, Aeryl. The last time I was married off, it resulted in war!” My voice shook with barely contained rage. I clutched my cane tightly, the anxiety rolling through me. It had been one hundred and thirteen years since the start of the Century War. One hundred and thirteen years of pain, grief, fury. While we elves would live for centuries, and the vast majority of us remembered the tentative agreements between us and the humans, there was no longer a human alive that could recall the start. I was a boogeyman to human children. But now, I was to be married to another, a winged creature we knew little of, in hopes of peace and allies. 
“Katria, you are being a child. The High Priestess requested you, by name, to wed a Vovin of her choice to ally our peoples together. We need their support in this war.”
“Or, or, you could put us all out of our misery and let me surrender to the Montaignes. I am one person, one elf, and our children are being slaughtered before they even reach adolescence in the border towns. I started this, let me end it, sister.”
“Absolutely not. You are a princess, second in line to the throne. You will marry the Vovin the priestess sends. You will stop whining about things you know nothing of. And you will never be allowed to sacrifice yourself.”
“I am already a sacrifice.”
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o-pandora-o · 9 months
I have a type, hear me out....
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dunyun-rings · 3 months
I saw a post that said “Dragon Age discourse walked so that Baldurs Gate 3 discourse could run” and that’s absolutely false. Dragon Age discourse sprinted, foaming at the mouth, so that BG3 discourse could skip happily through a meadow
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Herlados de Dragones-Curandera
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Los diferentes clanes de los Heraldos de Dragones cuentan siempre con la guía espiritual de mujeres sabias, curanderas y brujas maestras delos brebajes y ungüentos. La enfermedad dracónica, fruto del pacto milenario de estas gentes es un mal hereditario que siempre termina consumiendo a sus habitantes, los terribles dolores producto de la mutación, la caída de la piel entre otros fue la primera razón para que en los tiempos antiguos, los Heraldos empezaran a adentrarse en los conocimientos de las hiervas, la medicina y los brebajes. Las curanderas dan alivio ante los campesinos, aconsejan a los líderes de los Clanes, y curan tanto a soldados como civiles de las dolencias producto de la maldición.
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moonlight-mistral · 10 months
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commission for @cianur0!
based off this post
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solardrake · 6 months
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Delivering mail to the furthest corners of the server ✉✈
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