#don’t even go there i know i’m a NERD
pxtched · 2 days
PROLOGUE — let’s make a deal…
series warning - eventual smut , profanity , sexual themes , drug/alcohol usage (don’t do any of these things!) , blackmail , fighting (verbal and physical) , reader being a queenbee, Miguel is a loner at the star but grows some balls later on.
chapter warning - profanity , it’s so short , fighting (verbal) , blackmail , Miguel kinda is a loner here , literally has the worst timing known to man kind.
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He’s always at the library, far back too. He reads whatever book he needs to read without any human communication. What a loser!
He always caught your eye, I mean. Why wouldn’t he? He’s such a loner, it’s so easy to miss him. Not you though, you noticed his little pattern. Going to lectures and going straight to the library.
He’s a sore loser, and you heard he dosent even know you! How disrespectful!
but you can’t focus on that right now, you’re currently putting someone in their place in the library because they think they have the right to stand up to you! How dare they, who do they think they are?
“What makes you think you can say that?” You scoffed, crossing your arms with a smirk on your face as you stared at the angry male in front of you.
“I have every right you bitch! I’m tired of you treating me around like I’m some toy to you!” He yelled and you just laugh at him. “Oh please, Don’t act like you’re all that. Did you forget I have proof of you cheating on your girlfriend?” You remind me and he immediately shuts up.
You smirked and walked up to him, harshly grabbing his chin to make him look at you. Your smirking, amused face turn into a stern serious one.
“Know your place. because I can just send your girlfriend all of the pictures, text messages and voice messages.” You advised him then smirked at him once again when you see his face drop and his face pales. You then spoke again “don’t want to ruin your 3 year relationship do you?” You cooed at him.
You waited for his response and when he shook his head no, you scowled “good, act like this again and I won’t hesitate to do it.” And you let go of his chin harshly and turned around to leave but once you do.
You see Miguel.
He looks at you, he tries to leave but you glared at him and immediately said.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
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“I’ll leave, I’ll forget this even happened!” Miguel stumbled over his words, you ignored as you walked towards him. Looking at him in the flesh fully. “No, no. It’s fine, you’re that smart kid right?” You asked him and he hesitates until you glared start him to answer.
“Mhm!” He answers and you smiled. “Then let’s make a deal…Miguel right?” You asked him as you raised an eyebrow.
He was surprised you knew his name. “Y-yes, that’s me.” He spoke, You hum in response.
“You know, I see you getting picked on the by the jocks and some girls. You’re getting tired of it? You want that to stop don’t you?” You chuckled as you looked at him.
You see him look away, like he’s scared to admit it but he nods.
You chuckled as you put you arm around his shoulder and pull him closer to you. You look at you nails on your other hand as you spoke.
“Then I Can Make you a deal, how about this. You do my work for me, you do what I say and I’ll…make you stop getting picked on. You’ll be perfectly alone and fine.” You proposed to him and you see his eyes widened at your words.
The guy you were scolding was about to warn him but you give him a death stare and looked at the door. Signaling him to keep his mouth shut and get out.
and he did so. Now it’s just you and Miguel.
You looked back at him “So how about it?” You asked him with a smirk on your face awaiting his answer.
You can tell he’s thinking about it, and he looks back at you. “I accept.”
You smirked.
This will be fun.
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The next day, he’s suddenly realizes that no one is bothering him. He notices the looks he’s getting, but no one dares to mess with him.
As he’s sitting in his usual table in the library, and he hears footsteps coming towards him. He looks up and sees you standing in front of his table. A hand resting on your hip as the other hand holding some papers.
You smiled at him.
“Like the difference, Miguel?” You spoke. you face looks cocky even though your voice is sweet like honey.
He nodded and looked at the papers in your hand. “What’s that?” “Work, just like our promise.” You put some papers on his desk, he looks at the papers and looks at you.
“Aren’t you doing the same thing they were doing?”
Your smile immediately fades. “The first day and you’re already getting on my nerves, You made the deal did you not? I fulfilled your part and now it’s your turn. I Can always make them go back to bulling you again, do you want that?”
He stammered, he cannot risk the only peace he has so suddenly. He shook his head and you smiled again. “Good, it’s not a lot. Pretty sure you’ll get it done in about 20 minutes or so. Have fun!” You waved him goodbye and left.
as he is now alone again, he wonders.
Was this worth it? What is he getting him self into?
Time can only tell.
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tags - @pinkhelados , @jadeloverxd , @syler-griffin , @monarchberrysblog , @ultravioletrayz - if you want to be in the tag list lmk!
a/n - guys, I’m so sorry this took SO SO long and it’s not even that long. I been struggling with a lot of stuff, and I didn’t have the motivation to write. I apologize for being gone for so long.
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clitorises · 3 days
Any advice on finding and going to kink events?? I’d love to go out to one if I get the courage hehe but I’m not sure where to start or what the etiquette tends to be or whatever
Yes!!! I was more confident about giving advice about this pre-covid. So first and foremost, be safe, your health and the health of others is more important than social gatherings. I have my own comfort levels (I haven’t been to a bar or club since pre covid and don’t see myself doing that anytime soon, for example, and anywhere I’m going to be indoors around people who haven’t tested I wear a mask, typically an N95) and so like… that has put a bit of a damper on my kink social life. What was I talking about.
OKAY. Right. Kink events. Honestly, most of the advice I have to give isn’t, you know, revolutionary or genius. My strategies have been “make friends in the city I move to and ask them where is cool” and “look online.” I only recently started using fetlife to browse for events, it seems alright, but I haven’t found anything there I hadn’t already heard about through word of mouth. Alternatively, you can search-engine-of-your-choice “BDSM dungeon [your city]” and look for an events page.
With pride coming up, you’re likely to see vendors and groups out and about. Go up to them and ask them questions! People who are advertising what their thing is are going to be thrilled to talk to you. A lot of clubs and dungeons have socials and munches (vanilla events that take place offsite where you can just get to know people) and the great thing about BDSM people is that they are educated on consent and negotiation—the etiquette of an event like that will be clearly laid out.
Listen though, for real? If you want to meet kinksters and you don’t know how, fetlife seems sketchy and dating apps are annoying and all your tumblr mutuals live on the other side of the globe and pride events aren’t really your thing? Go to your local game store and join a dnd group. I am being one thousand percent serious. The venn diagram of tabletop nerds and people who are into kink is very nearly a circle. The difference with that, of course, is that it’s impolite to waltz right in and ask right out of the gate “who here is into sexual domination?????” but if you also enjoy geeky hobbies and will have fun even if you don’t happen to stumble upon a fellow pervert… then I recommend giving it a try. My closest friends in kink I initially met through tabletop.
This is getting long BUT you asked about general etiquette and what to expect so I’ll give you a quick rundown. In my experience, there are three types of kink events: formal play parties, casual play parties, and munches. A formal play party would take place at a dungeon or club (sometimes private residences but that’s less common), somewhere with designated hard points, gear you can use, and dungeon monitors making sure everything runs smoothly. Typically, anything particularly dangerous (blood play, breathplay, etc) will be completely disallowed. You can watch other people doing scenes, or approach people and ask if they’d be interested in doing a scene with you. Casual play parties are just sex parties at somebody’s house, typically much smaller, and something you’d only be invited to if you knew the person who owned the place or a friend of theirs. You’d typically be expected to bring your own gear. And lastly, munches are vanilla events out in public where no play takes place, you just have drinks and food and get to know people!
I hope this is anything close to the answer you were looking for 🖤
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mattitvdes · 1 day
nerd!matt sturniolo x popular!reader headcannons
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a/n: this was a request that i had written out and planned to post then it didn’t save now i lost both the request and everything i wrote 😂😂😂😐
✰. right off the bat, you guys met at a party
✰. you spotted him in your peripheral standing in the corner with a cup of water in his hands, so you decided to approach him
✰. you were known as the popular girl, which is why he felt weirdly about you approaching him
✰. as you talked to him, you noticed he was a bit closed off and cold towards you, but that didn’t stop you from finishing your conversation (even if it’s one-sided!)
✰. but as you continued, he noticed that you’re actually kind of nice, unlike the people you surround yourself with…
✰. by the end of the party, you’d have ditched your friends and spend the rest of the night talking to matt, and getting to know him. he also got to know you, discovering things about you that didn’t come from rumors or gossip
✰. you would have made such a connection during that time, that when you go back to school the following monday, and actually say hi when you pass each other in the hallways, people are looking at the both of you as if you grew an extra head
✰. now, fast forward a little… you’ve been flirting with him for the past two months or so, and trying to get him to go on a date with you, claiming it’ll get him to discover the real you
✰. you spend so long doing so, that when he finally says yes, you continue asking him for another minute until you register he actually agreed
✰. but… he thought you were joking. the flirting, the suggestiveness, the date ideas, you name it, he thought it was a joke.
✰. on the day your date was, you knocked on his door only to find him in his pajamas, staring at you (who’s actually dressed for a date) with a dumbfounded expression. the two of you stood there staring at each other for almost two minutes. (while you were thinking how good he looks in those plaid pajama pants, he was thinking about how you were in fact not joking)
✰. he quickly got dressed into something a little more date-like, and you spent the night driving around as you eat from a random fast food place of his choice!
✰. you had parked your car in the parking lot near a park, and as you were eating and listening to music quietly, he admitted to thinking that you didn’t actually mean anything you said or did when you flirted with him (which made you playfully offended, and made him sputter out apologies for five minutes straight)
✰. being real for a second, you guys wouldn’t have gotten together right after the first date. you went on a few more dates before you confessed to him your very real attraction towards him, and he admitted the same, earning a few teasing remarks from you (which he has grown to love…)
✰. he’d be so awkward at first, not knowing what to do, moreover, what being in a relationship actually means
✰. you’d never make fun of him for that part. anything else though? you’re relentlessly lovingly teasing him
✰. you’re the only one he doesn’t mind giving homework answers to, but if anyone else asks, he’s giving them the nastiest death glare
✰. after becoming a couple, you’re almost always together, and basically inseparable
✰. you also get paired up for every single project now, and always end up getting the best score (reason being him doing 99.9% of the work while you sit there prettily) ((but he doesn’t mind, he tells you he’ll handle it))
✰. it annoys you sometimes, though…
“you’re making it seem like i’m only with you so i don’t have to do anything.” you tell him, watching as he researches the topic for your history project.
“aren’t you?” he asks, his tone clearly joking.
“yes, that’s the only reason i confessed my undying love for you, matthew.” you say, glaring at his side profile, making him smirk slightly.
✰. teasing him in an entertaining pastime for you, the way he breaks eye contact with you as his cheeks get redder making him even cuter
✰. but when he teases you? it’s always unexpected in the best way ever.
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D&D subtext in Stranger Things
Highly, highly requested analysis (no it’s not) of some interesting things I noticed going on with D&D in stranger things. This includes my personal thoughts based on my credentials of; having watched the show more times than i can possibly count over the past 7 years and current knowledge of DnD classes, worldbuilding, monsters, character creation. I’ll have this on the pinned post on my blog and i’ll add a text break because it’s…a lot.
Misc. :
The show starts with and is based off of Dungeons and Dragons, a table top rpg that the characters like to play. In the first season we don’t get much insight into the boys characters or the game itself, it’s used as a device to further the idea that these kids are nerds, they play a nerdy game that involves fantasy and math. As the show progresses it continues to be used to push across certain ideas, like establishing each character in the party and in season three showing how the game might represent the boys as social outcasts and their childhood.
DnD, is used throughout the show but we get to see actual play of the game in season one and four. It’s also used as a way to name the monsters they face (the monsters do get the right ideas across but the game and show versions are actually quite different from each other, especially the demogorgon)
In season 4 the idea of satanism connected to DnD really interested me. Why was everyone connecting DnD to satanism? I mean we know that everyone thought that Eddie was killing all of these people but that doesn’t mean that his club had anything to do with it. The duffers interestingly incorporated the real stigma that was widely held in the 80s against the game. At the time people were going on witchunts against anything regarded as being possibly related to satan. The most interesting part about all of this though is that, Dungeons and Dragons was made by two very devout christian men, Ernest Gygax (one of the founders) was even a Jehovah’s Witness! The two being christian’s though, incorporated a lot of religious themes into the game including clerics and paladins (calm down you fiends i’ll be getting to that) who carry a lot of religious themes and monsters that may represent demons. Outsiders might have seen a game presenting such themes as a mockery of their faith or a way to promote satanism simply by having monsters.
I want to preface this by saying the classes that I’ll be talking about aren’t actually time period accurate. The boys would have been playing D&D 1e which had the three classes of : Fighting-man, magic-user, and cleric. While the classes listed are from D&D 2e which didn’t come out until 1989. Anyways.
In season 1, in the first scenes of the show we get to see what is the middle of DnD session before it gets interrupted. We get the basic ideas of their game across, Mike acting as DM presenting the adventure he created to his players while the rest of the party waits in anticipation for what they have to fight next. We also get to see some of will’s drawings of the party and his character
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Keep these pictures in mind.
In season 2 when mike and max are arguing in the gym we hear mike say, “I’m our paladin, will’s our cleric, dustin’s our bard, lucas is our ranger and el is our mage.” At first glance it seems like nothing, oh he’s just listing off the party members and their roles and how max doesn’t fit into the party. But when you look at it properly it’s so much more.
Lucas and Dustin could not be more perfect for their chosen classes. Lucas is a ranger which means the ideal stats to be highest would include dexterity, constitution, and wisdom. Dexterity refers to, in this case the hand eye coordination and general reflexes. Constitution refers to a characters stamina and toughness, and wisdom is well, wisdom. Sounds like a certain character that has quick reflexes, has a tendency to take punches pretty well, and has good problem solving skills huh? All of these apply to lucas quite well, AND his weapon of choice is a ranged weapon, the slingshot (wrist-rocket you know what I mean), it’s really quite perfect. As for Dustin, he’s said to be a bard and the highest ideal stat for that class is charisma. Dustin has been proven to be very charismatic, he gets along with people and he can very comedic. Another thing about bards is they will tend to be very eloquent, inspirational, and persuasive, it comes with the territory of having a high charisma score, and we know dustin has a way with words. Dustin’s known for being a an eloquent and persuasive character; he convinced Mike to make up with Lucas after their fight in season one, he convinced a hesitant Mr. Clarke to tell him how to make a censory deprivation tank, he convinced steve to join him in looking for dart, and convinced erica to go through the vents (sort of). So, it makes complete sense for dustin to be a bard.
Taking a look at Mike’s character, his class also makes a lot of sense. Mike plays a paladin when he’s not the DM. A paladin is a “devout warrior” they fight with a cause, to serve their patron deity. They’re often compared to knights because of their values and the armor they usually wear. A paladin is the perfect representation of mike, especially for how will described him during the painting scene, he’s a leader and will throw himself in dangerous situations for the sake of the party, like when he jumped off the cliff for dustin.
Now, remember how will’s drawings, specifically of his character? Remember how mike said that will was a cleric? Will’s character is complicated. Will’s character being a cleric doesn’t make sense but makes so much sense at the same time. His character doesn’t look like a cleric. Clerics might be spellcasters but they don’t traditionally carry a staff or wear robes like we see will’s character does. He wears wizard clothing and has wizard abilities, not to mention in the first scene we see him play DnD and attempt to cast fireball, a spell that is most commonly associated with wizards and sorcerers and he does not seem to get his magic from a deity like a cleric traditionally would. (Clerics can cast fireball but only if they are part of the light domain) So, his character seems to be more of a wizard than a cleric, which is odd.
My theory relating to Will’s character:
Looking back at what mike said, Will’s character class doesn’t make much sense. But, I personally feel like Mike wasn’t being totally honest. First, he listed el, who they might consider to be part of the party but she doesn’t have an actual role in the game, but of course she would be the magic-user/mage. I think that mike made the list based on his feelings about the party specifically regarding will and el. El has powers in real life so it makes sense he assigned her the role of mage, and replacing will for him to become a cleric. It’d be interesting if Will was simply a cleric in mike’s personal thoughts about the party because it would make it so mike views them as very close. Paladins and clerics are very similar in relation to the fundamentals, a paladin is a warrior that swears an oath and serves a deity while a cleric is the servant of a deity that heals and fights. Basically, a cleric does more spell casting and less fighting while a paladin does more fighting and less spell casting. Since the two are so similar it would give a lot of depth to the characters being best friends, who have a much deeper understanding of each other than the rest of the party would. And even if he wasn’t simply a cleric in mikes mind and will the wise is actually a cleric, this would still show that the two having a much deeper connection and understanding of each other was hinted at from the beginning.
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princessoflalaland · 2 days
“I don’t like you talking to that Kenjaku bitch.”
“what?” He’s baffled you’d bring her up. Jin has only spoken to her a handful of times in the past, but having been her chem partner all year, they’ve developed a close friendship. One that he’s fond of because it doesn’t feel forced or one sided. He feels like Kenjaku genuinely likes him for him.
and he can’t stand the fact that you’re trying to forbid him from seeing her.
“Why not? She hasnt done anything to me.” Jin argues.
“not yet. You don’t know her like I do, she’s a damn snake.”
Jin rolls his eyes. You are being over-dramatic and that squashes his appetite. He begins packing away his half eaten bento, preparing to abandon you on the rooftop.
you don’t take kindly to this, however, and grab his arm just as he’s getting up. “Listen, nerd, she’s bad news. She doesn’t have friends for a reason, and it ain’t got nothing to do with me or some other bully.”
your face pinches in the same manner your stomach clamps down uncomfortably around the food you ate. Jin has always listened to you, even in the moments where he doesn’t fully trust you. So why is it now he wants to rebel? Why is it when you finally have his best interest in mind that he wants to distrustful of you?
“Jin—” you begin again with more desperation than you’re comfortable with. But he snatches his arm out of your grip and whips around to look at you, his caramel eyes seething behind his semi-circular , silver glasses.
“it sounds to me like your jealous, insecure even. You don’t want anyone else to have my attention because maybe then I’ll start to like them and won’t want to take your bullshit anymore.” Jin’s mouth is a loose cannon now, that curse not having meant to slip out.
but the bite in his tone, the venom in his words, all of that is intentional. “Forget it, y/n. You’ve put me through so much crap, and just because I’m sleeping with you, you think you can run my life completely.”
your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. What is going on? You can’t wrap your brain around anything that he’s saying. You can only feel the helplessness beginning to shroud your heart as someone you care about is rejecting you.
You do care about him, right?
Jin straightens his back and holds his bento box beside his body. The look in his eyes chills you down to your core, makes you feel small. It’s a look you’ve only ever seen in his supposedly heartless twin. “Well, I’m done being your bitch. I’m gonna be friends with Kenjaku, and if you have a problem with that, too damn bad.”
he leaves you on the rooftop with nothing but a shaken soul and the chill of the uncharacteristically cold spring air. His words ran laps in your head as you slumped against the chain link fence, pondering on what the hell you should do now.
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This is Supposed to Be My Damn Year
52,151 words | Rating E | Eddie 1st person POV; pre- and post- S4
[snippet ↓]
“Eddie?” Dustin comes huffing over to me and stands there with a bright smile. This damn kid, he’s lucky he’s special.
“Sup?” I nod and pretend with all my might that I am casual as hell and that I don’t feel like a ball of jittery nerves. Which obviously I am. I’m standing in Steve Harrington’s house while he’s looking at me, not two feet away. This is the worst.
“You made it. I thought you were gonna ditch us.”
“Yeah, probably why you made The King here call me.”
“Please stop calling me that.” Steve’s voice is confident yet quiet.
I whip my head over to look at him because I’m surprised he’s saying anything. Does he not like being called The King anymore? That’s news to me. He had worn that crown proudly previously.
“Are you no longer royalty, Harrington? Doth my ears hear correctly? Are you nothing but a lowly peasant now? Like one of us?” I motion between myself and Dustin because clearly, Dustin is a nerd, not a King.
“I’m-I’m just Steve. Steve is fine.” He dares to roll his eyes at me and then walk away. I watch him amused and a little confused but at least amused.
“I told you, he’s not that guy anymore,” Dustin whispers as he steps closer.
“Sure, so you say, Henderson. We will see. So who’s here? What are we watching? Where are the fancy snacks?” I rub my hands together because snacks at a rich kids’ house are chef’s kiss perfection. They usually have Squeeze-its or Twinkies or different Doritos. If I have to endure hours in this massive hellscape, I will eat my weight in expensive snacks.
Dustin leads me through the entrance of this weird house and to the kitchen. There are a couple other people in here, including Robin Buckley. Why is Robin Buckley at Steve Harrington’s house?
“Eddie?” She’s looking at me how I imagine I am looking at her, very confused.
“Robin? What are you doing here?”
“You two know each other?” Dustin points between us surprised to see I know anyone other than him.
“Yeah, I know more than those of you in Hellfire. Robin and I are in band. So why are you here?”
“I’m…” She looks as if her brain has short-circuited and can’t compute language. 
“Her and Steve are best friends. I don’t know why they’re not dating, but anyway.” 
“What?” Yeah, I definitely walked through a parallel universe. What is Dustin talking about? How could The Hair be best friends with a trumpet-playing hyperactive nerd girl who I’m pretty sure is a little… y’know…fruity. Actually, that’s probably why they’re not dating. Oh, so Dustin doesn’t know that part. “You’re friends with The Hair?”
“The Hair? Ughh, don’t call him that.” She scrunches her face in disgust.
“Ok, I have to ask this out loud because I feel like I’m losing my mind. Did I walk through a wormhole?” I’m waving my hands in front of me, looking back and forth between Robin, Dustin, and, oh god, Nancy Wheeler. “What are you…? What is happening here?” Ok, so this is weirder than I even imagined it to be.
“We’re all friends,” Robin says so matter-of-factly that I almost take her at her word.
“How?” But my skepticism wins out.
I see a look between Nancy and Robin that clearly has some meaning behind it, but I have no idea what it is. Dustin is also giving them a knowing look. So yeah, something has happened between these so-called friends, and I wonder if I walked into an orgy. Is this an orgy? No, no, there are children here, that’s not it, ew, no. Wait, did Steve and Nancy split up because Nancy is with Robin? Oh, that could be entertaining.
“Just normal ways.” Does Nancy think that answer was sufficient? She stands there awkwardly, crossing her arms and avoiding making eye contact. So no, she knows that was bullshit.
“I’m sorry, but I need one of you to fully explain at least a fraction of what the fuck is going on. Henderson, I’m looking at you, kid. Because you were the one that begged me to come here. So it’s on you, kiddo, to fill me in.” I cross my arms and glare at him. Show time, Dusty.
“Why are you all standing in the kitchen?” Steve interrupts the moment, and everyone seems to be relieved. They shouldn’t, though, because I’m not letting this go.
“Because, Harrington, they’re explaining how you all are friends. And you’re somehow best friends with Robin Buckley? Your ex-girlfriend is standing in your kitchen as if that’s normal, and Dustin Henderson speaks so highly of you that you’d think you went to war together.”
Dustin starts choking on his soda and almost spits all over me. I wipe my hands over my jacket front and grimace at the bodily fluids.
“Sorry,” he shamefully bows his head and steps away from me.
“Robin and I worked at Scoops Ahoy together at the mall before it burned down. We kinda went through some shit during the fire, so we bonded. Also, wearing a sailor uniform during that whole thing can feel war-like.”
I forgot about the mall fire. I didn’t realize Steve or Robin had been involved. Shit, that’s some massive trauma-bonding experience.
“Wow, wait, sailor uniforms?” I look between them, hoping one of them will crack. “Do you still have these uniforms? Because I think if I could see this whole scenario, maybe it would help me understand.” Do you think it’s working?
“No…” Robin speaks first.
“Yes…” Steve interrupts.
Everyone in the room turns and stares at him. I don’t think I could even wipe the smile off my face. Oh god, yes, please go put it on. I need to see The King in a fucking sailor uniform. Not because I love a man in a uniform, but yeah, but no, because how the mighty have fallen. Also, a sailor uniform? So like a hat and shit? Did he wear those giant wide-legged white pants? What kind of uniform was this? How did no one tell me Steve Harrington was working at an ice cream shop that I could’ve gone to and seen in fucking person? No one. Not a soul ever shared this information. I need better friends.
“You do not,” Robin exclaims.
“Yeah, I do.” He says so nonchalantly like obviously he does.
An evil grin spreads across my lips, and I can’t help myself. “Please, oh, please, Harrington, prove her wrong.” I slowly lick my bottom lip because I’m only a man, and the person in front of me is very hot. Sure, I hate him, but I can appreciate the beauty.
He smiles, he fucking smiles, then rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Oh god, I need to get out of here, or by the end of this night, I might actually like this dick, not just his dick.
“Maybe next time you’re invited, and I don’t have to call you to remind you to show up.” 
Is he flirting with me? I look at everyone else in the room, hoping one of them will tell me if Steve Harrington is flirting with me. But, unfortunately, none of them are paying attention. Oh my god. Is he flirting with me? I think I’m having a heart attack.
“Come on, dingus, where are your snacks?” Robin pokes Steve in the chest and starts opening cabinet doors.
“Dingus? She’s allowed to call you dingus, but I can’t call you King?” I can’t stifle the laugh that bubbles from my chest, and I’m having too much fun for my own good.
This is going to be something I remember forever. I would write about this night for days if I had a diary. Cute little pink diary with a tiny little lock that is easily broken but holds all my deep dark secrets of this weird fucking night.
Read more on ao3 👀
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urlocalwriter · 1 year
me: i love you, i would go to hell for you, and i would and will always - always - choose you.
levi ward: *exists in the multiverse but not here*
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enzymedevice · 12 days
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Forgot I planned to post about this! Bleach painted Elric shit on this sweatshirt in April.
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seeminglyseph · 1 year
I keep seeing Dimension 20 vs Critical Role one is superior to the other, but honestly, the more they do crossover stuff the more I’m delighted because I love everyone involved.
and yeah I did find out about Dimension 20 because of Critical Role. I think that just proves that like. The rising tide raises all ships and all that jazz… And I hope collaboration helps Dropout recover after Facebook fucked College Humor to death.
And they both introduced me to the work of Aabria Iyengar and she’s been hugely inspirational and so, so entertaining and I am a huge fan and both give me great chances to see her work fuckin magic so.
Let there be collaboration!
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inquirenorth · 8 months
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imjustexistingtbh · 2 years
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I’d decided ever since I first got into Lupin that I was going the completionist route and consuming all the media from it that I could find, but there are some bits that I am dreading going into lol. Despite this I am determined to find something useful and or enjoyable about each Lupin thing I find, because there’s always something you can pick out from them and because to me that’s a fun way of gathering little bits of info and meta on the series and characters, and seeing how they interact or oppose each other. This isn’t to say I’ll ignore the shitty stuff that’s waiting there, but I’m also not going to be writing a post about every bit of awful shit and how I disagree with it for every post I talk about appreciating something, because I trust we all understand and agree that that is clearly not what anyone worthwhile likes or approves of about the series. I may even consider making a meta post talking about the worst recurring themes and content that has stuck around in the franchise over hundreds of different development teams due to negative influence from the various different and levels of cultures involved as well as time period, lack of gender diversity, and internalized bigotry; but also discuss how the series has worked towards visibility on certain issues like queer men in media and even more recently touching on the short hand Fujiko had been drawn for so many years by her getting an entire series for herself written by a woman, and how there is clearly a wide array of people that have touched the foundations of the franchise to make it what it is and how these positives and the negatives sometimes intersect on their way to the surface. It’s such a nuanced subject though and I really don’t want to make a post about that just on the fly. Not to mention I’m certainly not the authority on all the subjects that would need to be covered for such an analysis and I’ve certainly not “arrived” in any sort of way in terms of progressive understanding and analysis of themes and narratives in media, but maybe one day I can start a decent and good faith discussion about the different views on consuming media like Lupin the Third that is so chock full of content that should be left in the past and rightly criticized. Tangent aside, the point is I may talk about or reblog posts about or from some of the less popular installments of the Lupin franchise, and talk about some of the stuff I liked and disliked. Its my opinion that there’s something to be gleaned from each piece of Lupin media, and it all constitutes the giant tower of content that makes the series, even the foundation, the original manga. Despite all of its massive, massive problems, and like it or not, the manga is the reason the anime exists, and it’s history and influence on the series (and the history and influence on the manga itself) can’t just be thrown aside or ignored, as it still influences the series to this day! I think by the logic that is is the foundation of the franchise, there’s clearly something informative to rip from the pages. You just have to join the queue of people waiting to piss on Monkey Punch’s little clown grave after you read it.
#samurai sharkie speaks#I’ll tag the specific media i reblog as always so if you want to blacklist it you can#I hope this makes sense and it doesn’t come across with attitude or anything it’s more just a heads up#and I want to be clear here in saying that if you don’t want to touch the manga I am NOT judging you dude. holy shit not at all#there’s some vile content in there that I have a hard time just reading about#stuff that i will most certainly be wary of and I will not treat that lightly#I’m just. well I’m the type of person who when I get really into something I devour everything I can find down to the marrow#as an art history nerd it’s hard to not be fascinated w the manga and how it’s influenced the series#and how it’s even brought a resurgence of that old Japanese cartoony art style#also I need to be clear in saying that talking about the art style and appreciating its history and style is not approving of monkey punch.#nor is snorting at a stupid bathroom joke that was written by the localization team.#i need to make that clear bc when I’m engaging w the series it’s nice to find something to laugh at.#thinking dick jokes or absurdism or cartoony humor is funny doesn’t mean I like or agree w monkey punch and his disgusting foul scenes.#i say this bc I don’t want people taking me talking about things like the manga in bad faith#and start assuming just bc I chose to engage w things like the manga I condone it.#rest assured I’m not going into the manga and such w/o being aware of all the extremely uncomfortable content I’m in for#but I can’t exactly compile it all for a callout post or anything bc the man is dead. the man can’t do anything anymore.#at this point I can read the manga and see where the anime came from and that’s what I want to do with it#also. not looking forward to watching Harimo’s treasure#my friend found a dvd at a thrift store w/o knowing it had one of the more offensive movie villain caricatures I’ve seen#i know there’s some great gang interactions hidden in there though#so I’ll be looking forward to that#at the very least
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marz-with-a-z · 17 days
is it wise to skip 93 hours long episodes of a show just to skip to the part where my favorite guy shows back up? probably not. am i going to do that? probably yeah.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
So all the shorts I ordered fit me well, but I assumed they wouldn’t so I have a train ticket booked to go into town tomorrow to buy shorts that I now don’t need. What do
#the thing about the town i’m going to is like. it kinda sucks#it was very much a casualty of the pandemic; like there’s a rumour that they’re closing the mall and turning it into a multiplex cinema#which honestly would probably be a better use of the space considering most of the shops there have closed and it’s pitiful#i think they’ve literally got like 3 clothes shops left; a couple of phone shops; one of those random kiosks selling scarves and bags#a paper shop and a bodycare. oh and the photo shop where i got my passport photos taken#like the bookstore closed; the big department store closed; the toy shop closed; hmv obviously closed; the outdoor shop closed……#i don’t even know if holland and barrett is still there. it looks like the end times#m&s is still going strong some-fucking-how but i still feel like i’m going to just end up in whsmith buying stationery i don’t need#i remember when the highlight of my year was getting to hit up whsmith for a new pencil case; writing utensils and a new journal#it was a simpler time :(#you know what i actually do miss? gamestation. i miss when you’d be able to buy used gba and ds games for literally like £2-5#i think i bought every single one of my sims 2 expansion packs from there. good times#the nerd employees definitely thought i was stupid but i fully didn’t notice or care#i honestly feel like i’m just going to walk around marvelling at how everything is closed or deserted now; balking at prices#then have a depressing solo lunch in mcdonald’s and catch the train home asap. and tbh? i feel happy to have the option to do that#personal
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nymphomatique · 9 months
wanna sit on nerd miguel’s face while i use my phone to snap other guys that’s my little chair fr😔😻
this just changed the trajectory of my life in a way you cannot understand.
cw: slight d/s dynamics, sending nudes, munch miguel makes an appearance once more, bro literally FEASTS, new character yippee (v minor), brief choking (more like a neck squeeze tbh), praise, squirting LOL, miguel gets kicked out again 😔 reader catching feelings?? we may never know. semi proofread today i felt nice. this is a longer one than usual, so enjoy!
“stop fuckin’ squirming down there and eat me out properly,” you say, looking down at miguel. his eyes are hazy and hooded, his glasses somewhere on the bed, his brown eyes clear as day. you grip his head by his hair and position him to where his nose brushes above your clit, and you moan at the feeling. “l-like that, okay miguel? be good for mommy.”
miguel takes heed of your instructions and begins to lick, suck, and thrust up into your wetness, making it hard for you to maintain something relative to your composure. in the throes of miguel’s mouth work, your phone screen, next to miguel’s head, lights up with a snapchat notification from none other than the star quarterback of your school, peter parker. you bite the corner of your lip, mouth pulling up in a smile at an idea. you grab your phone and open it to snapchat, seeing peters name at the top of your snap list. you open his snap and it’s a picture of him shirtless, abs on display, his happy trail just peeking over the band of his pants. his snap is captioned with text reading ‘wyd?’
you prop your camera up, angling it enough that miguel’s face and your pussy are out of frame. miguel stops for a moment to ask what you’re doing, but before he can get a word in you speak up, “if you stop, this will be the last time i ever let you touch me. got it? keep fucking going.” and wordless, miguel does as he’s told, going back to eating you but with a new energy this time. it catches you off guard a bit, and you let out a light f-fuck in response, but you don’t let it derail you from answering peter back.
peter. you and him have had.. complicated history to say the least. since high school, the two of you ran in the same social circles, with him being on your high school football team and you, a cheerleader. a true status quo. the two of you had ended up attending the same underaged parties, hooking up and even going steady for some time, until the blonde busty thing known as gwen stacy walked into your high school in sophomore year and made her claim on your then boyfriend. you figured it out after you walked in on them under the bleachers post-game, the spot where you habitually got on your knees to congratulate peter for his win. you stayed with him after a profuse apology and intense “i’m sorry” fuck session, to your dismay, but broke up with him in the beginning of your senior year. now, you two fuck from time to time, scratching an itch when you have it.
you look back at the tease of a photo on your phone, your tits spilling out your plunge neck crop top and your abdomen cutting off right above your pubic area, your pink thong still visible coming up the sides of your hips. you feel miguel plunge his tongue into you, causing you to fall forward, steadying yourself with one hand, phone in the other. “keep this up and i’m gonna squirt on you, but i bet you’re into that huh?” you laugh out a little, miguel moaning into you in response. you try not to get distracted and caption your snap to peter ‘nothing really’ and press send.
immediately, you see that he opens it and he replies just as fast, this time the photo of him in grey sweats with a visible tent, layer out on his bed. the caption attached, ‘wanna turn your nothing to a something? ;)’ and you roll your eyes. you move to answer him with another midriff picture, but you change your mind. “hey, look at me dweeb,” you say, turning the camera so that it’s capturing the angle of miguel’s mouth on your pussy, covered in spit and your juices. he looks up and sees the camera of your phone pointed down towards him and he goes red in the face and tight lipped. “remember what i told you about stopping,” you remind him, and he maintains eye contact with the camera as he goes back to lick a strip up your pussy, from your leaking hole to your clit. you move your unoccupied hand to his face, palm to his cheek as you slowly caress him with your thumb. “that’s a good boy.”
you move your hand from his cheek, trailing softly down to his strong neck and you wrap your hand around his neck and squeeze. at the pressure he lets out a groan, his hands moving to grip your thighs tighter to his face. “fuck miguel, you’re making mommy so happy right now- ah! fuck, just like that. keep doing that, o-okay?” you moan out. he says nothing, his eyes, still maintaining contact with the camera, clouded with lust, answering for him.
you snap a picture, turned on at the lewdness of it. it’s your pussy on miguel’s face, pink panties pushed to the side as his mouth is sucking on your clit, his hands gripping the fat of your thighs, and your hand around his neck at the same time. you make quick work to save the photo and caption it ‘busy, sorry’, feeling your orgasm approach. you press send and drop your phone, ignoring the back to back buzzing, probably of peters reply to your salacious snap.
a steady heat begins to boil in the pit of your stomach, and you keen forwards, your hand leaving miguel’s neck to grip the white sheets on your bed. “i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna-“ and with that, you feel the pleasure within you tighten then burst, like a damn breaking way, and you begin to tremble as miguel continues his work down on you. the overstimulation begins to hit you, and you feel a spurt of liquid leave your body and miguel groan and suck. “oh my god,” you heave out, “st-stop, no more.”
miguel places a final kiss to your mound as he moves to lift your limp hips for you. he feels sheepish how, his sweater and mouth drenched with your liquids. he wipes his lips and makes way to speak to your still firm on the bed. “are- are you okay?”
you say nothing, grab the nearest pillow you have, and throw it at him. miguel dodges and understands that means get the fuck out.
after collecting yourself, your body still spent and sheets still wet, you roll over on your back and grab your phone to look at what peter replied to you. you open his snap, and laugh a little at his responses.
peter 🚮
| is that fucking o’hara..?
| you’re fucking with me???
| fucking whore
| you sleep with nerds now??
you make way to reply to peter one more time, opening the camera and taking a picture of the wet bedsheets, caption it ‘nerds that can make me cum? yeah’ and unadd him after.
you finally haul yourself up to change your sheets when you see miguel’s glasses on your bed. you grab them and put them on your nightstand, feeling heat rush through your blood to your face, thinking of him and the mess he made of you.
fucking dweeb.
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rafe + breeding kink
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warnings: singledad!rafe, older!rafe (maybe like late twenties-early thirties), nanny!reader, rafe’s son calls you mommy, fluff, unprotected sex, dirty talk, mentions of pregnancy and having kids, creampie
a/n: breeding kink was so heavily requested omg, i love everyone who left a req for this <3 i definitely went a little overboard lol
“well, that worked like a charm.” rafe smiled down at you and his son who was currently cuddled into your side. “i don’t want to move away from him.” you pouted, running your fingers through the little boy’s hair. you had been doing this weird thing to rafe’s heart everytime he saw you caring for his boy, and he didn’t know what to make of it.
despite having been rafe’s nanny for nearly three years now, you still found yourself getting flustered every time you caught him staring at you. whether it was you folding laundry, or bending over to dust the entertainment center, all those little things were starting to add up into something both of you wouldn’t be able to come back from.
“do you think we could talk?” rafe helped you up from his son’s race car bed, a worried expression overtaking his features. “yeah, of course, is everything alright?” you didn’t miss the way he kept your hand in his, leading both of you downstairs after closing the door to little ray’s room. “yes, i actually wanted to talk about my salary-” rafe was quick to cut in.
“throw me a number and you got it.” he dropped your hand, ushering you to take a seat next to him. you laughed softly, shaking your head. “no, i don’t want more pay; quite the opposite, really.” rafe’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “you’re not quitting are you?” he heard his heart beating in his ears at your lack of response.
“no, god no!” you placed a hand on his arm, “i’ve been looking for another job because i don’t want to be paid for taking care of ray anymore..” you met his gaze, running your nails against his skin. “why?” rafe couldn’t wrap his head around your words, his eyes darting across your face.
“you know, i’ve been taking care of ray since he was two, and he’s going to be five next week.. i’ve grown so close to him.” you smiled. “caring for him, cooking for him, playing with him, loving him, it isn’t a job for me.” you didn’t realize you were crying until rafe wiped your cheek ever so gently. “you love him?” rafe’s voice was barely above a whisper, his own tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“i do, rafe. i love him so much.” you sniffled. “he called me mom the other day and i felt terrible ‘cause i bursted into tears on the spot, and he thought he made me sad but i was just overjoyed.” you laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “i want you to know that i’m not trying to take the place of his mother, i would never do that..”
rafe knew ray called you mom. it wasn’t too long ago that ray said, ‘mommy made my favorite pancakes!’ when rafe asked him about his day and made his heart damn near stop in his chest when he heard the word fall from his son’s lips. “you’re the closest thing he has to a mother. i don’t even know how to thank you for that.” he leaned in, embracing you tightly.
you two stayed like this for a couple moments before you pulled away, adjusting the collar of his shirt. “i called mrs. anderson to set up a playdate with ray and her son, and do you want to know what she said?” you stifled a laugh as rafe relaxed into the couch. “what?” he admired the way you lit up while talking about ray.
“she said that ray was a little more on the wild side and that it would be in her son’s best interest if they didn’t hang out anymore.” you watched as rafe shrugged. “that little nerd was too boring, anyways.” you gasped, slapping his chest playfully. “rafe!” you whispered, both of you covering your mouths to keep from being too loud.
he quieted down, sighing to himself before looking up at the ceiling, you following suit. “i do worry about that sometimes. i feel like ray needs more of a permanent friend, like a sibling..” he trailed off, glancing at you only to see you were looking at him already. “a sibling?” you raised your eyebrows. “how would you go about that?” you cleared your throat, trying to ignore the smidge of jealousy that settled in the pit of your stomach.
“want me to explain to you how babies are made?” rafe scooted closer, his arm draping over your shoulders. “no need, i’m well aware.” you waved him off. “yeah?” he guided you on top of his lap, both of you looking at each other with dark swirling in your eyes. “tell me, y/n, ‘you ever think about having little ones?” his large hands came up to rub against your thighs.
rafe felt as if he was approaching that line he’s been wanting to cross since the first time he interviewed you all those years ago. “yes.” you let out a shaky breath when you felt rafe’s fingertips move under your blouse. “you would make such a good mother, you’d want that wouldn’t you?” you cupped his face as his lips ghosted over your own.
you moaned once he finally kissed you, both of your clothes coming off before you could have enough time to think. “gonna fill you up and make you have my babies, yeah?” he laid you down on the soft cushions, running the head of his cock between your wet folds. “yes, please.” you mewled, eyes shining with lust as he took your chin between his thumb.
“fuck, you’re so beautiful.” he covered your mouth, muffling the yelp that left your lips when he entered you slowly, your silky walls welcoming him inch by inch. his strokes were slow and full of intention, his arms caging you in while you two shared the kind of kisses that made your head spin. “been wanting you like this for so long.” he cursed under his breath.
you whimpered, arms wrapping around his neck as you trailed kisses across his jaw. the intimacy of having his body flush against yours wasn’t like anything you’ve ever experienced, your soft cries driving him on the brink of fucking you senseless. “oh, my god,” you clawed at his skin, making him hiss as he tugged at the roots of your hair to make you look up.
“i can see it already; all three of us going to the beach and rubbing on your round belly, all pretty and pregnant.” rafe picked up his pace, your hips now moving with his to meet his thrusts. “i want that so bad!” you nearly screamed when he started toying with your clit, both of you holding onto one another like your life depended on it.
“jesus, fuck-” his movements came to a halt before he placed your legs on his shoulders, leaning down until your thighs met the cushions underneath you. snaking an arm around your lower back, you gasped when he started lifting you up, fucking you onto his cock so he could reach deeper than before. “r-rafe!” your mouth fell open, eyes blinking slowly.
with one hand still rubbing your clit, and the head of his length continuously hitting your sweet spot, you found yourself approaching the edge of euphoria. rafe can tell by the way you were clenching around him that you were going to cum soon. “hold out a little longer for me, baby. ‘want you to cum when i fill you up.” he pressed a kiss to your temple, hips stuttering once the band in his stomach snapped.
burying his head in the curve of you neck, he moaned against your skin as he stilled, the head of his cock nudging your cervix. you felt the moment he finished, the hot ropes of his cum filling you to the hilt as your thighs started trembling. rafe clamped a hand over your mouth, whispering a ‘let me feel you cum around me.’ before you obliged, your orgasm hitting you in long waves of ecstasy.
you laid helplessly, trying your hardest not to scream at the intense feeling in your tummy, your eyes rolling back as he rubbed a soothing hand on your side. rafe helped you come down from your climax, the aftershocks of your orgasm making your body jolt with every stroke of his fingers against your skin. he stayed nestled inside of you, both of you embracing each other as your breathing slowed, sleep weighing heavy on your eyelids.
“you did so good for me, are you feeling okay?” you blinked up at him, a smile making its way to his lips when he saw the fucked out expression on your face. “mhmm, ‘don’t think i could get up though.” you hissed once he pulled out, watching as he slipped on his pants. “let’s get in the shower, you’re staying here.” he helped you up, putting his large button down over your shoulders.
rafe carried you upstairs, tiptoeing past ray’s room before both of you got in the shower, round two well underway. it wasn’t until you were laying rafe’s bed, adorned in one of his t-shirts that you two heard little ray’s voice outside the door. “daddy? can i come in?” rafe rubbed a reassuring hand on your arm, shouting a ‘yes, son!’ before ray strided inside, running up to you excitedly.
“can i sleep in here, pleaseee,” you embraced him, telling him yes before rafe could get the chance to tell him otherwise. “are you sleeping over?” the little boy peered up at you, wasting no time in settling under the comforter of rafe’s bed. you giggled, flashing rafe a look. “yes, i am.” ray looked over at his father, studying him for a minute.
you watched them have a silent conversation with their eyes, the scene making your heart melt. “goodnight, daddy,” he patted rafe’s chest, “..goodnight, mommy.” he pecked your cheek, the waterworks threatening to spill over at any moment. rafe reached over, taking your hand in his before he pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “goodnight.”
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