urlocalwriter · 1 year
me: i love you, i would go to hell for you, and i would and will always - always - choose you.
levi ward: *exists in the multiverse but not here*
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urlocalwriter · 1 year
Respect Your RP Partners
Something I’ve noticed in the RP community is that we expect our RP partners to be writing machines. We expect them to churn out a reply almost immediately after we post ours, be on when we are, always send us memes, et cetera. Here’s the thing: our RP partners are not machines. They are human beings who need to be respected for more than their ability to write. Other than the usual “your RP partners may not feel like replying at the moment,” here are some things to respect them for, and remember when you’re RPing:
Respect that your RP partner may be in school.
Respect that your RP partner may be employed.
Respect that your RP partner may have at least one physical illness.
Respect that your RP partner may have at least one mental illness.
Respect that your RP partner may have friends outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may have a family outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may be a parent.
Respect that your RP partner may have hobbies outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may have religious obligations.
Respect that your RP partner may not always have internet, or computer access.
Respect that your RP partner may be going through a difficult life situation.
Respect that your RP partner does not have to disclose everything happening in their personal life to you.
Too often, it’s easy to say “no one RPs with me” or “no one ships with me” or “no one sends me anything” without considering any of the above, or even more circumstances your RP partner(s) may be dealing with. Too often, it’s easy to say one of those things, and not consider how the other person feels when reading it. Someone dealing with at least one of these circumstances can feel guilty for not replying right away, sending something, et cetera, or feel like they have to once they see their partner is unhappy. 
I know I do when I see things like that on my dash.
When you start feeling guilty for not doing something that is part of your hobby, or feeling like you have to do something that is supposed to be fun, it stops being fun. It feels like a job. I know when I feel obligated to do a reply for a person, I drag my feet. I do not feel excited about the RP as much anymore. Even if they say, “Sure, I’ll wait,” I see them post elsewhere that no one sends them things, or no one RPs with them. The guilt turns on. I feel like I have to reply. It’s a passive-aggressive tactic that a person may not even be aware that they’re doing. No matter what, though, it needs to stop.
All in all, we need to show more kindness and patience towards our RP partners. The best relationships I have on this website are the ones where we treat each other with not only that, but with mutual respect. We also communicate regularly, and tell each other if we need to hold onto replies. I feel relieved knowing I can go to my RP partners, and tell them to hold onto my replies because I’m not feeling well, and I don’t know when I will be. It is an amazing feeling. We need more of that on this website, and less expecting one another to be robots.
We are all human. Never forget that.
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urlocalwriter · 1 year
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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urlocalwriter · 2 years
strangers being kind to you is one of the best things ever because you know that they gain nothing from it and they probably will never see you again but they just choose to be kind
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urlocalwriter · 2 years
Normalize functioning solely out of spite
Wake up? Out of spite. Good grades? Out of spite . Show up to class on time? Out of spite. Breath? Out of spite.
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urlocalwriter · 2 years
Alright kids, listen up because @staff have pulled off a corker of a hot mess and have decided to add "Community Labels". I guess they've decided we can't be trusted to add our own warnings and people can't make sensible choices with what they engage with.
But why does it matter to me?
Tumblr have made labels AN OPT IN SITUATION which means every single blog here is automatically set to hide any triggering content
If you want to continue to be able to access and read fanfiction PLEASE go into your settings and click "show" on at least the "Mature" and "Sexual Themes" labels!!
ALSO IOS USERS: there's an extra fun "Hide additional content" bit just to really try and block us from any hopes of success. Make sure you opt out of that too otherwise I think content will be blocked on the mobile app!
Attached to this post are screenshots from my settings so you guys know what to look for. I could only find it on my desktop settings and not on the mobile app (for now at least)qq
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urlocalwriter · 2 years
found family trope: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
found family trope but they’re misfits, outcasts, and criminals: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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urlocalwriter · 2 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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urlocalwriter · 2 years
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and if you turn to ur left you’ll see the emos
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urlocalwriter · 3 years
There's a new hacking bot tactics. Please be careful not to get hacked if you get a message:
"Hi, <blog name>! Did you ask me to send you this video?" And below is some low resolution video of a... lady.
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Please don't click on it, please don't answer it, please be careful and tell your friends to beware you can get hacked this way and lose your blog.
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urlocalwriter · 3 years
i offer u a flower 🌻 im proud of u for making it through the day.
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urlocalwriter · 3 years
TWD prompt practice down below!
(Disclosure, all mentioned people are 20+ years in age! Ok, that’s all!)
“So, do they always just... leave you like this?”
— She asked, as she looked the fellow adult in their eyes as they’d spoken about how their father left them without a word, without thinking, just to gather food & water - maybe even shelter (if they got lucky). A soft nod from him was given, to which she responded with:
“Well, at least it’s not permanent, hey?”
& With a look from him that told her “If I’m lucky,” She quickly added quickly added the following statement to show humanity within the abundant and bustling, hectic life:
“I mean, worse has happened, besides, we can help in small ways, too, of course.”
“Besides, what are best friends for anyways, right?”
-But even then; she knew she was lying to herself, because friends don’t look at other friends that way. At least, not in the way that Julia looks at him. Whether he had feelings for her or not didn’t matter currently, making it out of this living hell was the main issue.
But maybe, just maybe? They’d live to see the end of it all. Just.. maybe. At least, that’s what she liked to believe. It was sometimes the only thing that kept her asleep at night when she knew she’d be up watching for walkers in the tent.
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urlocalwriter · 3 years
Signs you’re a Hufflepuff/Some traits that we have:
1. Your own MOTHER telling you she knew all along you were a Hufflepuff well before you did.
2. Being unorganized but still knowing where everything is.
3. Sweaters/Sweatshirts, or really anything* that you buy, it’s from Etsy, because you hate corporate & the economy, and like helping out those with a drive to thrive.
4. Having a comfort stuffed animal. I don’t even need to elaborate, nor will I.
5. Trusting blankets & your comfort movies more than you do actual people (but seriously, the world needs and loves you!)
6. Hufflepuff girls always wearing their hair in a certain style because comfort > appearance, though they don’t mind wearing it in a different way... then THAT becomes their comfort hairstyle.
7. Fall & Halloween. I won’t elaborate.
8. Baking Pillsbury halloween cookies and either wearing the mask or putting it on the carved pumpkin instead.
9. Being invested in people because you’ve always been the therapist in your friend group & the tea is always there too as a reward.
10. Never saying no (But knowing that when you do, it’s for your own good, & please do *if* you want to.)
11. Preferring Cedric Diggory solely because he seems like he gives great hugs and has a big heart.
12. Trying to read something, but if you’re too cold you give up to sleep instead.
13. Always apologizing even when you did nothing wrong in the first place.
14. Hating when you come off as harsh or rude but always being on your guard with friends and defending them more than yourself.
15. When you finally stick up for yourself, you become Tonks 2.0 & it’s pretty nice.
16. Soothing inner feelings with comfort by eating your comfort snack or wearing your comfort clothing item
17. Being an ambivert, with an introvert lean.
18. Loving someone and being so loyal that you become the golden retriever personality you seek out to date.
19. Hating odd numbers for no reason.
20. Being your most authentic self at all times, and not changing for anyone. You’re doing amazing, I love you. <3
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urlocalwriter · 3 years
People who are willing to write 21+ Carl Grimes, where are you?! I’ve known about TWD and its plot for a while despite only being so far into the show, but I have SUCH a specific plot that I’d love to roleplay with that character!
They both (my muse & Carl) stayed together during the apocalypse, and as its ending, they not only get engaged, but they start finding a home and realize a little Grimes is in the picture! If this isn’t your thing, please don’t interact, or just a general soft scenario is welcomed if you’d like! Such as my muse guards Carl’s tent at night for walkers while he does the same for mine!
Requirements are:
•Must be willing to play Carl
•Must be 20+ & semi-literate
•Must have Discord
•Must be open to fluff and if you’re not okay with NSFW, please tell me beforehand
•Must be willing to help this idea come to life
In addition to this, I can also double, but mainly seeking someone to just play Carl! I don’t mind trying to satisfy your writing needs as well, though!
If this sounds like you, interact with this and I’ll reach out! Thank you!
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urlocalwriter · 3 years
honestly in the mood for a Shameless roleplay with Carl & my OC
I have experience playing as Ian, Lip and those are my top two best responses but I can always play as whoever & don’t mind doubling if that’s what my partner wants! DM me on here if Semi-Literate roleplay on Discord & a well thought out plot interest you, and we’ll go from there! I just ask for Carl to be 19-20 is all since I know people age him down sometimes! Thanks! 🤍
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urlocalwriter · 3 years
Reblog if you’re open to improvisational rp and just “winging it” with threads
Whether it’s the first interactions between the muses so the chemistry is still up in the air and it’s still unknown as to whether or not they’ll click before potential plotting, or the muses have too much minds of their own and run wild the moment you set them loose in a thread, plotting is hard and occasionally your pre-planned threads jump the track and go in totally different directions than anticipated thanks to the muses’ creative differences. Reblog this to let your rp partners know that you don’t mind simply jumping straight into in-character interactions and threads.
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urlocalwriter · 3 years
PLEASE dm me if you’re into the following:
•the Harry Potter universe
•the Outer Banks universe
& are
•Detailed in writing responses
(More than 2-3 sentences and keep your paragraphs equal between characters canon and oc!)
I would love to find either a roleplay discord or to roleplay with you on discord if you prefer that!
If we move it to discord i’ll add you OR you can add me when i drop my tag to you!
I offer to :
•Start the plot if you feel you don’t want to
•Help create said plot & discuss the tropes
•Roleplay my oc & any canon characters of your choice except for those listed
I do not roleplay (by universe) :
Harry Potter Universe:
•Pansy Parkinson
•Blaise Zabini
Outer Banks Universe:
•JJ Maybank
•Pope Heyward
From those two cinematic universes!
I write in paragraphs and NSFW is okay, but only when it’s called for and when there’s a NSFW tag at the top message so that way if we’re in public we can warn one another of said message!
All I ask is that communication on both ends remains open and we can both benefit each other! If we get busy, just communicate and I’ll understand, same here for me on my end, I’ll update you on my life!
I usually accept doubles but I can do 1x1!
Interact with this if that interests you or better yet; dm me!!
Thank you & have a good day!
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