#disclaimer I am on ep one of this podcast
mcskullmun · 2 months
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Jeddie in a pride shirt Sydney got for him :)
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yermes · 2 months
PAC: 🦢 
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Honey it’s (xx:xx am/pm)! Time for your tarot reading!
Unfortunately in life hard work is generally rewarded with more hard work which can lead to head fog, burn out, sadness, etc.
Theres some advice
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. Next up psyber magic! Liking and sharing does a lot 🥰
Socials: newest podcast ep | Follow me!
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The cards
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Nine of Wands 🐦‍⬛
Yesod, Sagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius, 10°–20°, Angels Yirthiel and Sahiah
So you’re just raw dawging life with your unbridled herculean strength. Ok. Thankfully you have a good recovery which prevents burn out. Even the mightiest can fall im this capitalist hellscape just be careful.
Eight of swords 🍀
Hod, Jupiter in Gemini, 1°–10°, Angels Vemibael and Yehohel
You hit to hard even on very small things it will lead to intense burn out and will hurt your personal fulfillment. Happiness doesn’t come from excessive work and hitting yourself to death. Make time for yourself where you can do small and gentle things for yourself
Ten of wands 🪄 
Malkuth, Saturn in Sagittarius, 20°–30°, Angels Reyayel and Avamel
You are coping with this inequity by entering your villain arch. While no one is treated right in the world its not an excuse to hurt those who do not deserve it. The world may not be gentle but its ultimately up to you to break that cycle.
Story/vent: LOOK AT MY SON
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broomsticks · 1 year
finally getting to this (TY to @billsfangearring for the rec) and thinking that the entire thing should be mandatory listening for anyone and everyone who wants to participate in fandom. I learned so much about fannish history, zines, fandom on the internet, the creation of FFN — also hell yeah to whoever of the podcasters is a snarry/ tomarry shipper — but mostly seconding this very hard
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maybe i’m especially in my fandom history feels thanks to femslash february & @lumosatnight’s HP femslash history thing, but — this basically yall, i’m so emotional. (timestamp approx. 2h15m in).
fanlore article: An Archive Of One's Own (post by astolat), a proposal that astolat posted to her LiveJournal in May 2007.
First, why fanfic is not illegal and why YOU should stop saying that it is even if you don't agree, by cesperanza. Please read it. That said, the people behind fanlib (talked about many places, see astridv here) don't actually care about fanfic, the fanfic community, or anything except making money off content created entirely by other people and getting media attention. They don't have a single fanfic reader or writer on their board; they don't even have a single woman on their board. They're creating a lawsuit-bait site while being bad potential defendants, and they deserve to be chased out being pelted with rocks. But even if they were, which I doubt is going to happen, because hey, they have people and money, we're still left with this problem: we are sitting quietly by the fireside, creating piles and piles of content around us, and other people are going to look at that and see an opportunity. And they are going to end up creating the front doors that new fanfic writers walk through, unless we stand up and build our OWN front door.
every time i think i cannot love ao3 more i find even more to love and respect about it & everyone who contributed to creating it. what an empowering story this is, you all, about taking OWNERSHIP and mobilizing the community and building the places, MAKING the spaces you want to have. being the change you want to see.
and this list of desired features —
- allowing ANYTHING -- het, slash, RPF, chan, kink, highly adult - giving explicit credit to the original creators while clearly disclaiming any official status - making it easy for people to download stories - options for people to post [recursively transformative works inspired by] the original story, all of which would automatically be linked back so you could see the kind of interconnecting 'web' of how our work is interrelated - automatic rec lists (just click on a story to add it to your rec list) - mentoring: collect up writing advice, fannish history, acafandom, and create a simple FAQ (integrate a wiki?)
!!! these values!! HISTORY and COMMUNITY fucking HISTORY and COMMUNITY.
what we’re doing is LEGITIMATE, it has VALUE and it is REAL.
it is alright if not everyone cares about everything or indeed the same things, it is alright if no two people see things the same way or perfectly align in fandom interests and preferences and headcanons, but there is so much to celebrate and uplift about each other. we have so much in common. so much.
also happiness has meaning and catharsis has meaning and exploration has meaning, art has meaning and creativity and individual expression is meaningful, for the creator if no one else , and is worthy of celebration and love if only because life and living is fucking hard, yall.
ahhh i am so sad and angry (that this was our fandom history! that it was such a struggle! that even now there is so much infighting! that some things i love are not as popular and widely loved compared to other things (that i also love!)) — but i’m also so touched and SO grateful that this is our fandom history because wow is it one of triumph and empowerment and community collaboration. it was dreamt and then proposed and then built, from scratch, and we’re adding to it every day.
and then the timeline stuff (the post was made may 17th, 2007! the domain names were registered may 30th! the first donations came in september 2007 and the site was operational as we know it in 2009!) holy shit!
ahhh i love fandom and all this gift economy and joy.
p.s. there’s also a part 2 with olderthannetfic(’s fandom backstory lmao). which i’ve only just started listening to so expect a similarly in my feels post about that in uhhhhhhh two months
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The Multiamory Podcast did an Episode (Ep.438) discussing the intersection of polyamory and aromanticism.
Explicitly polyamorous/ polyaffectionate aromantics, not asexuals!
You are all welcome to chip in/ add on through reblogs and tags and commentary!
The relevant Facebook announcement got shared into a group I happen to be in and as I commented, thanking the person for sharing it seeing as the group wasn’t aro-related at all, I got politely asked to explain how polyamory works for me as an aromantic asexual.
Keep in mind this explanation was targeted for an audience/ readership of allo-allo polyamorous people.
Internalised acephobia, self-depreciation, implication of sexualised abuse, mention of faithfulness
So the first thing I always say is that: disclaimer – obviously I can only talk about my personal perspective and aromantic people are very diverse, asexual people are very diverse
I just happen to be an asexual aromantic, whereas many aromantics are allosexual (meaning any sexual orientation that isn’t asexuality); seeing as this post is explicitly about the intersection of aromanticism and polyamory
I personally want a queerplatonic/ alterous life partner
That’s my personal wish, I want someone to share my life with
I consider myself polyaffectionate, seeing as I’m not “amorous” in any way shape or form
To me this means a few things
1) I practice relationship anarchy – I do not place a romantic relationship on some arbitrary pedestal, every relationship is important to me and that relationship looking like romance doesn’t mean much
For the other things I need to explain about myself first
I am a sex-averse asexual. I have had sex. I didn’t like it. I am generally sex-positive but I don’t necessarily want/ seek sex as part of any committed relationship; rather I’d avoid sex
(This following bit is self-depreciation but) Because of that I think I shouldn’t “tie down” any partner. Someone willing to be with me shouldn’t suffer for it and hence I don’t see a point in being possessive/ demanding sexual faithfulness – although the details would need to depend on the partner(s) and situation
Also due to me not making a grave distinction between “best friend” and “date friend” I just think it’s easier to call myself polyaffectionate since relationships involving me need thorough explanation anyway
I have explored through writing* what I’d like for myself and that basically always ends up that I’d like to be comfortable “sharing” my partner with pre-determined other people
I would only agree to a closed polycule, although I don’t need to be involved with everyone in it
Also I always hoped if I get that, if I get to have a queerplatonic polycule, it could be a found family and support network more than dating in the classical sense
Again, keep in mind all of this is just my personal perspective and I don’t speak for other aromantic people or other asexual people
Many asexuals are fine with/ want sex
Some aromantics are non-partnering/ would only practice solo-poly
My ideal relationship would be having one or two partners I live with, who are my family, who I can cuddle or leave to their own devices, basically a house share and we each cuddle and kiss each other as we please 🙈
—The thing is I’m aware I probably talk like someone who doesn’t value themself enough
Like, if I believed I could be enough for a partner my whole stance would be slightly different
But I have not yet made the experience that what I can offer (a sexless, queerplatonic commitment) is enough for people
I’m fully aware that mindset isn’t healthy but until someone proves I can be enough for them, well… “outsourcing” sex is easier than worrying
And if it’s a genuine relationship I’m happy for them, in any case
I wholeheartedly mean that I’d like a closed polycule and would be comfortable as described
But I also acknowledge that part of it comes from feeling inadequate/ not wanting to hold back the person(s) I love
I just know I can’t provide what – to many people – is a need
And since I know I can love more than one person at the same time I think getting to be with someone who also has other partners is my best chance… if that makes sense
As I said, I write a lot and with my latest novel-attempt* I think I found the relationship model I’d be comfortable with 🙈
* I have indeed written multiple fan fictions as well as original fiction about a self-insert character navigating relationships as I would like them to play out (setting aside the overarching plot of the individual fiction works) but seeing as I’m a pro-shipper and actually do have a writing side-blog, I don’t feel all that comfortable to just straight-up link my own writing here. Due to the here relevant works all featuring central relationships with a self-insert character, these works are also deeply personal. More so than other ship fiction I have written. I have linked these works on here before - as part of “#queerplatonic fiction” lists - but never really put “my name” (this blog’s URL) directly to them
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keefsteef · 11 months
Citizens of Vanhalenville, WELCOME to Ain't Talkin Bout Love - a pile of rambling that I'm pretending is my podcast, where we talk about ANYTHING but love for our creatures 👺
Just kidding... obviously I love them down lmaooo. This'll be a lighthearted situation type deal. To get this disclaimer out the way, I am not anti David anti Sammy or anti Gary, I'm pro them all, so if I happen to be ripping into Samuel (which I will be 🤣,)that is not a testimony of me believing in David superiority blah blah blah, they're all gonna GET THE SMOKE if necessary. (Especially DAVID 🤣)
🙄. The fact I even have to disclaim that makes me chuckle but you know how it e-is , you always get a select few that suddenly possess all-knowing oracle powers and can tell you who you hate or don't hate 🔥🧠🔥‼️
ANYWAY let's get this shitshow on the road, hello I'm Raeyeon, call me Rae...or if calling me keefsteef tickles your tingle fine🤩... whatever works🤩...
TODAY, we'll be chatting about one of the possible reasons for the notorious "Alexander doesn't speak to Samuel" ordeal that quite frequently makes blog cameos in the form of some snarky joke. But really, it's hard to chuckle at as a citizen of alexanderopolis, because that just means he'll keep hiding from us 😭 kiss seeing him playing drums in the sun GOODBYE, BELOVED...
So to briefly recap it if you aren't aware, Samuel wants to do a reunion (yes, I know without Edward it'd be extremely bittersweet, but nonetheless still a nice tribute) but Mr. Alexander Arthur Van Halen is NOT DOWN FOR IT, and will not return any emails or calls.
I know we can easily put grieving at responsibility for this,which at this point I'm sure is the case, but correct me if I'm wrong, Samuel hadn't been keeping in contact with Alexander even when Edward was still around. I knowwww obviously the drama over the leaving of the band has a huge role, but here are MY PERSONAL SPECULATIONS 😩‼️
Samuel, beloved...I'm not delusional enough to think you'd read this, but talking in the pov that you are...there's plainly things you KEEP TO YOURSELF when you expect to keep a friendship.
The majority of us are probably aware of his book called RED where he spills tea (a bit too much tea in my opinion 😩) and what not, the extreme of it regarding Edward and his drug usage. I also saw the way he went about it to be quite insensitive, it almost felt like a haha let's laugh at this crackhead type of storytelling than a "gee eddies far gone and I feel bad".
I'm SURE he meant it to be more of a feel bad situation, but he's human, humans fuck up and make mistakes.
This was a big fuck up lmaooo. We KNOW Alexander loves his brother, and I personally think that he's well enough of a grown man to not hold a silly grudge over leaving...quitting... kicking out, whatever drama. (I've already shared my THOUGHTS on that fiasco 😭)
I think he's refusing to contact Samuel, because he's probably hurt about the way he aired Edward out.
I would be too. I wouldn't want to talk to anyone that seemed to kick my blood when they were down. Samuel is an INTELLIGENT MAN, so every time I hear him go "lol idk why he won't call me back"
Obviously...I am a stranger and obviously this is my observative opinion, Samuel could've apologized to Alexander already and in Taurus fashion he pulled a "forgiveness granted, trust and friendship denied" move, but if that's not the case...
SAAAAMMMUELLLLL needs to stop trying to force a music reunion, and instead needs to invite Alexander to Cabo and talk things out man to man. (And maybe take selfies for vanhalenville 😩😩🤩💅🏽🤪)
Neither of them are getting any younger, and it just saddens me to think of the possibility they'll never talk again. But yeah, I see that Samuel has quite the tendency to enjoy opening his mouth and sharing stories...but he really needs to have a bit more awareness about the type of stories he shares.
I'm sure there's things to talk about without getting all down and dirty and personal. Take notes from Michael Anthony 😩‼️
Anyway...this was quite a WAY TO KICK OFF WASN'T IT 🤣. I've been wanting to have a little chitter chatter about this for the longest time, but I wanted to sort of establish myself as a blog first so I wouldn't get "you hate Sammy" accusations 😭
I loooove Mr. Red Rockers curly headed self, but he for real needs to quit playing these games and make things right. An apology, if he's already given it, means nothing when you continue to do what you apologized for.
THANKS FOR TUNING IN 🤩❤️, NEXT we'll talk about Mr. Diamond David Gigolo Tarzan Atomic Punk Whoever Whatever Lee Roth!
I've got some interesting things to expand on about him...word in the STREETS is on the 1978 tour, he was really just a cute cozy little bookworm and all that hooping blabber mouth persona was just that... A persona.
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gaelmeee · 2 years
Episode 5 was...something. But I have a few thoughts about the fight scene at the end:
I have not read the books so I don't have strong feelings on whether or not the show did some character assassination on Lestat. I only know of Lestat from the film and this series (and some research on the net).
I know the fight could be triggering for some, it's very extreme. I usually replay every episode after I watched it but I haven't this ep because it just hurts huhu, so I'm currently basing my thoughts on what I remember on this one viewing.
Disclaimers aside, here are the thoughts:
I lowkey question how extreme the fight was really. I believe there was a fight but that it might've been not that sooo extreme???
In episode 1, we see Lestat punch someone through the head. How strong is Louis's vampire head that Lestat was not able to go through it like what he did with the priest? Lestat also nonchalantly broke said priest's legs at the start of episode 2, he probably could've done that to Louis too. Also, I don't know if I'm remembering this right, but was Bruce able to break Claudia's arm or something??? If I am remembering correctly then vampires might not be invincible to other vampires' attacks. This whole paragraph also might mean nothing because Lestat did say during the fight that he was holding himself back so that disregards all my points.
In episode 4, Lestat told Claudia to be careful of driving because even if they're immortal "...you can still smash your pretty little head and then take long dull months to recover,". They were waaay up in the sky, if Lestat did let Louis go at that height, wouldn't he be smashed by logic?
Also, it's kinda sad that the first time a bite and floating combination was in the show it was romantic, this was the opposite huhu.
Episode 3 established how unreliable of a narrator Louis was, and the show has been using that for stuff Louis didn't want to divulge but his imperfect memory hasn't been brought up again. Well did it? I don't remember haha but for the sake of this argument let's pretend it wasn't. The extremeness of the fight could be related to that? Jacob Anderson also has mentioned in an interview that "...As the season goes on, you’ll start to see Louis question his own memories." So there could've been more questionable memories other than the was it raining or not scene.
Sam Reid's podcast episode also opens with him saying "...There will come a day where I think Lestat turns around and goes actually this how it fucking happened," What event more to dispute than the fight in this episode.
In conclusion, I believe there was a fight and that it was bad but that it might've been not as violent as what was shown. I do appreciate the focus on Claudia while the fight was happening because the violence was sort of censored and we the audience was able to focus on Claudia's horror and not the bloodshed that was happening. Lestat bad, poor Louis and I look forward to see if their house magically repairs itself in the next episode after being destroyed in this episode.
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makeibajames · 2 years
The Makeiba Minutes: Ep 4. - So Shell Butterflies End Of Year Celebration I spent a lovely evening serenading the scholars at the social butterflies end-of-the-year celebration class of 2022 with the amazing Miss Vee. It takes a special person to have this type of connection with different types of children she is so patient and loving firm and fair and the kids love her I am so grateful to be of service to her and these beautiful children. Fun fact the footage of me singing was taken by one of the scholars they all laid on the floor and was a very appreciative crowd I was so impressed and a little nervous that I messed up some parts of this song. Thank you to the scholars and to Miss Vee for including me and I look forward to seeing you all again. DISCLAIMER: * I do not own the copyrights to any music used in this video* Subscribe to my channel from original content. Follow Makeiba James on all socials and check out my podcast on Spotify -Pineapple Thoughts. Visit www.makeibajames.com to get my books my seasonings and to see what’s new in Makeiba‘s world. Thank you for your continued support. Have a nice day!💐 by Makeiba JAMES
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the-renaissancelady · 2 years
Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist or a health care professional. This is my personal observation
I'm nearly 20 now and I've been working on my mental health for a while . For a long time I've put myself down and never really cared , thinking that I don't deserve any good. I've tried so hard to work on my personal growth but never really knew if I ever showed a progress. I've recently realised that having a narcissist relationship especially if it's a parent , it's going to affect one's self being so badly. Soully because they gain power by emotionally hurting us and putting us down before others. My growth wasn't really appreciated because I wasn't recognised for that , I was only recognised for not being being good and having flaws. But it's human nature to have flaws and make mistakes, it's just that the narcissist end up being our loved oned and we often put our loved ones in a place to criticize us or correct us . And the narcissist end up hurting the most vulnerable part of our emotions ( by exactly knowing where it hurts ). I then realised that I have been making progress all along, I have got better, I have grown so much and learned so many things. Just because it went unrecognised and unappreciated all the time especially I was hurt all the time and was made feel bad for myself doesn't mean I was nothing. It was such an eye opener to know that , that narcissist games are just to make themselves powerful. I was listening to this excellent podcast where the author explains this technique called DEEP : don't defend, don't engage..with. a narcissist. You shouldn't get into an argument :). I will also add the link in this post. I hope I made things clear. Your narcissist parent won't know your growth as much you know it yourself. You are definitely making progress , you are doing great! . Just because you are constantly being criticised and hurt by them doesn't mean your lame or stupid . It is their way of putting you down. Never get into an argument with a narcissist they'll either end up hurting you or they'll end up getting someone else in the argument to make audience and get better. Just keep working on yourself always wear a raincoat towards the narcissistic emotions of this person . (The final link opens to a podcast called narcissist recovery podcast check this out they have a whole podcast about recovering narcissism and it's very informative. The author discussion i mentioned is the first podcast)
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mellifera38 · 2 years
First Impressions of 17 different Podcasts
So chasing the high I got from finishing Wolf 359 I’ve been cruising through a bunch of podcast recommendations but only listening to the first episode. There’s a few I’ll probably explore further (✔). I thought it would be fun to sum up my thoughts in 10 words or less. Disclaimer: I’m well aware lots of podcasts get better with time. If you think I should give some of these another go or if you wanna recommend other podcasts go wild. Fiction only tho & no more sci-fi I’ve got my fill thanks lol.
List under the cut.
 ✔ The Strange Case of Starship Iris A really strong start narratively. I'm interested.
The Orbiting Human Circus Bizarre but not bad. Idk if it hooked me.
✔ Micro-Cosmos I like the premise. Character tropes remind me of W359.
Hello from the Hallowoods Is he trying too hard to sound like Cecil Baldwin?
✔ The Silt Verses I'm captivated. I want to know more of the setting.
Archive 81 The tape itself did not interest me much.
Girl in Space I wanted to like it but I kept zoning out?
Spirit Box Radio Nightvale vibes but doing its own thing. I like it.
✔ I am in Eskew One of the weirdest things I've listened to. 10/10
✔ EOS 10 Polished. Pretty funny actually. Like House in Space.
✔ Mabel I had to listen to ep 2. These cliffhangers, dang.
Moonbase Theta, Out An 8 minute episode with only 3.5 minutes of show???
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality I liked it. I prefer long-form narratives tho.
✔ Windfall I can already smell the emotional damage. Strong storytelling.
Wooden Overcoats Kinda funny. Had a hard time staying focused on it.
✔ Primordial Deep I'm already invested. First thoughts: "oh hey Doug!---ohh.. nvm..."
Startripper A very silly sounding narrator but I did enjoy it.
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podcastwizard · 4 years
I actually am curious about what you dislike about graduation! Personally I’m enjoying it but finding it harder to stay focused on it/listen to new episodes but it took me a while to get into amnesty too and I ended up liking it so I’m still trying to give it time.
alright but before we get into it, remember this is my opinion, it’s ok if you disagree, and this is not an attack on travis! (that disclaimer wasn’t targeted specifically at you, asker, just anyone who might be reading!) also i haven’t listened past ep. 10, so this is what i’ve noticed up to ep. 10.
travis very much knows exactly where he wants his story to go. i get it, you have a detailed plot and backstory and you want all of the beats to hit. but he offers little to no choice for the players and when he does offer “choices,” they’re limited and do nothing for the story line (ex., letting a character choose where they spend their time but then ultimately progressing the story in the same way.) it takes a lot of skill to keep the story on track but still allow player choice, i acknowledge that, but i don’t think travis is quite there yet.
the world building is fascinating but over-explained. i love the idea of bureaucracy playing a part in the hero/villain narrative, but the details of accounting and finance and legal jargon bog it all down. they would serve better as jokes or flavor than as genuine mechanics. it’s kind of like an over-explained magic system at this point, and there are tons of essays on why a magic system is better when it’s vague, but essentially, it’s more interesting if you let the audience figure some things out for themselves.
travis is trying to speed up the character relationships without giving the players time or space to develop them. i know we all want to see the characters have the same level of intimacy and emotional connection as they did by the end of balance, but that takes time and effort. the sudden narrative jumps in time play a factor in this i think - there have been times where travis tells the players that their characters are close friends without the narrative justifying it in the slightest.
to the player’s credit, i have noticed griffin, justin, and clint push back on this a little bit. i can’t remember specifics, but i remember them all deciding “no, we’re not close enough for that interaction yet” and making appropriate character choices at different times. that was great!
and speaking of characters, way too many of them. way too many npcs with the same personality and who serve the same purpose. this is a little easier to maintain in a written medium, but they definitely should have been introduced slower and have a point to the narrative. other people brought this up, too, and they also brought it up during commitment. 
the pacing. the pacing is very slow, and that’s something people have brought up before. maybe it’s sped up recently, but there were scenes i would literally skip through because they did nothing to serve a) the plot, b) character development, or c) world-building, which every scene in every piece of media should support at least one of. for example, the scene where the firbolg returns a library book comes to mind.
again, this might have changed in recent episodes, but travis seems to fight against conflict. the scene with the monster in the cave comes to mind, in which the boys have clearly come up with a plan to fight it and travis pushes back against their plan by insisting the monster “isn’t bad.” same thing with the other students and professors - villains are “assholes, but still a good guy,” professors “are strict, but just want to see you succeed.” at episode 10, i should have some idea of an antagonist, even if it’s not the main antagonist - as an example, harry potter meeting draco malfoy or percy jackson meeting clarisse la rue - not the main villain by a long shot, but enough to add conflict to the story. by episode 10, all we had was some vague whisperings of “demons in the woods.” not enough for conflict.
whoo, yeah, that was a lot. just as a reminder (if you actually read the whole thing, in which case, thank you) it’s ok if you disagree. it’s also ok if you agree with some of these points and still like the podcast! what’s not ok is attacking the creator directly - critiquing the content is different than attacking the creator as long as we all remain polite and respectful. and also, don’t tag or @ creators on critiques. if they want constructive criticism they will ask someone they trust, not a stranger on the internet.
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jeffywittek2020 · 3 years
Ooo I can’t wait til the end of this docu series haha. I feel like after frenemies, they’re recent ep that’s not released to everyone, it just put it back in peoples heads that " David made them keep it a secret " when Jeff himself and now Carly have already said it’s not true. It makes me upset for Jeff that so many people are just watching it to bash David. Although there are a lot of comments wishing Jeff well and stuff but still.
Haha I just told someone I can’t wait until the docuseries is over too because it’s low key starting to stress me out haha (just low key of course and I’ll respect Jeff and Oscar if this has to be a 23 part series lol)
I have tried to remain neutral when it came to Trisha and Ethan, and this is me just being honest do not come for me, I did not like at all what they (mostly Ethan) had to say about it.
Like you said, they pushed the narrative once again that David must of made everyone stay quiet about it
Ethan said he can tell that Jef is holding back with how he really feels about David and like 🙄 that is not your place or anyone one’s place to say and this isn’t me defending David, but at the end of the day it’s Jeff’s series and his actual life so he can do whatever he wants
Trisha keeps saying that Jeff said on Impaulsive that he didn’t talk to David for six months when he for real didn’t say it there, unless I’m going crazy because maybe I missed it
Ethan and Trisha pointed out there should be some kind of disclaimer basically being like“we weren’t being responsible and this is stupid that we did this”
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Listen. I get it. This is what they do, it’s their job and fair enough. However, they are not careful in what they say.
I am more careful when I tell my friends about this and ensuring I say things like this is just my opinion or this is just alleged or I can’t 100 percent say for sure but and I don’t have a podcast that millions of people listen to
They need to stop passing their opinions off, whether they mean to or not, as facts. And I guess audiences in general need to do a better job of researching things themselves because I do understand that they cannot control everyone ever who watches them.
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yermes · 4 months
PAC: 📚 
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Hello my sweet, sweet academics! The new quarter is quickly approaching how will it go?
I am stressed for this coming quarter; lets shed some light
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. Will come out with a new podcast ep soon! I am just struggling rn and I have a huge baking project to do this week! Liking and sharing does a lot 🥰
Socials: TipJar/paid readings | Follow me!
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The cards
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The Magus 🪄 
Sun / Mercury in Aries, Mercury, Kether to Binah, Air
This quarter will be whatever you make of it in the most literal sense. You can manifest an amazing quarter or you can succumb to an awful one. The condition of the magus is to create.
The Chariot 🛡️ 
Mars, sun, mercury, Cancer, Binah to Geburah, Water
You may have caught some Ls last quarter but you are ready to learn and move on from mistakes of the past a be better. Just be aware and ask is this the right path for you? For the armor you forge my prove to be worthless if you are about to fight the wrong battle.
Oppression 💁🏼‍♀️
10 of wands, Saturn 3.Sag, Malkuth in fire
Well.. something will be uncontrollable and destructive. However, this does prove to be an excellent learning moment. Something may be extremely aggressive and cruel however over coming it will prove to be useful.
So excited to bake this week
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how-to-portuguese · 3 years
Review of Practice Portuguese Paid Content
The Practice Portuguese team produce a lot of amazing free content on YouTube, their podcast, and their website. But is their paid platform good value for money?
I finally decided to pay for a one-month subscription to access the Practice Portuguese paid content. I give my initial thoughts on the pros and cons below.
(Disclaimer: this post was originally written in Jan 2021, but was added to my queue to post at a later date. The current prices and content may differ.)
What the platform offers
The scope of the content
The platform has very solid A1-B1 content and is expanding their B2+ content. It currently gives at least an introduction to every verb conjugation, which will get you through B1 and started with B2. Their introductory and elementary material is definitely more developed than their intermediate and advanced material, but they are also expanding their content as their community grows. They seem receptive to suggestions and the needs of their users, so it might be a good time to get involved in their online community to help shape the way that the platform evolves.
Quality of the content
The website has very clear and extremely detailed explanations. The learning notes are WAY more detailed than grammar explanations on DuoLingo. In particular, I think they have very good lessons on clitic and tonic pronouns, including rules of when to include the clitic pronoun before, after, and in the middle of the verb. They also have great lessons and learning notes on pronunciation, including a whole lesson dedicated to open vs closed vowels with examples of minimal pairs and homophones (with audio recordings).
Plenty of audio content
Every word or phrase in Portuguese has an audio recording. Simply hover above the word or phrase, and you will see a speaker icon to play the recording and a turtle icon to slow down the recording. They use a variety of native speakers in their lessons, so you will hear multiple accents of Portugal. They also have a mix of clear recordings and recordings with background noise (e.g., in a café or train station). There is always an additional clear recording is always available when they have audio content with background noise. This is all in addition to their free audio content on YouTube, their podcast, and their social media accounts. With the combination of paid and free content, it is definitely possible to develop solid listening skills.
Verb conjugation practice
There is a section of the website where you can practice verb conjugations. You can practice each tense individually, a combination of indicative (past, present, future), a combination of conjunctive and imperative, or a combination of all verb tenses. It provides all the benefits of flashcard apps without having to make the content yourself.
Multiple ways of reviewing material
You can revisit each lesson as many times as you need, the platform automatically creates flashcards as you start more lessons, and you can review in quiz mode if you prefer this to flashcards. They have a smart review feature that adapts to how well you have mastered a word or phrase. You can also manually manage the words and phrase that you review by moving them between "short term memory", "long term memory", "mastered" the lists and you can remove them from all lists. The app is focused on mastery and not gamification, so you won’t get constant notifications or lose progress on basic content just because the app wants to keep your level of engagement high.
Full access to all the content
Once you purchase access to the platform, you can click through all content and do lessons out of order. You don't have to unlock levels or master a concept before moving on to the next. This allows you to focus material you need to know and learn at your own pace. This is a nice experience for those who already have some knowledge of portuguese and don't want to go through another set of introductory lessons just to get to the elementary and intermediate content.
Tailored for expats, not tourists
A lot of online introductory material is tailored for tourists, who only need very superficial knowledge of Portugal. This platform includes grammar and vocabulary lessons tailored for immigrants (e.g., immigration office, getting residency, renting an apartment, buying a house, etc.) AND lots of lessons around culture, which is good for those who are interested in studying or living in Portugal. The platform includes so many idiomatic expressions and interjections!
Building a community, not just a platform
There is a pretty active forum for paid members. Members can ask questions and comment on individual lessons. Overall, this is similar to the DuoLingo forum. However, when I tried to ask questions or comment on EP vs BP differences on the DuoLingo forum, it was not well received. Some people were quite hostile, with at least one person saying that all the best American universities teach Brazilian Portuguese so there’s no point trying to learn European Portuguese. This was really disheartening, so I quickly stopped posting and it set me back at an early stage of my studies. I think it would have been really valuable to have a supportive community specifically dedicated to EP, so new language learners would really benefit from this.
No ads, no gamification
In my experience, gamification doesn’t make something more fun. It just feels like a poor attempt to generate more advertising revenue or incentivise you to buy add-ons or purchase a paid version. I like having a sense of completing something to mastery, so gamification that results in constantly losing lives, losing progress on lower levels, having to redo an entire tree five times, and being sent constant notifications to practice actually makes me want to use the app less.
The Practice Portuguese platform doesn’t have any of this. No gamification. No ads. Just mastery of topics you want to study, at your own pace, with no added pressure. It is much more affordable than a lot of other paid language-learning software. I am working full-time now, so I am in a position where I am able to pay for this. And I definitely appreciate the ad-free environment that focuses on learning and not getting users to spend more money.
Good value for money
Can get you from A0-B1 (with some intro to B2 content) for €15 a month or €153 if you buy an annual subscription (15% discount). This is far cheaper than any classes or private lessons I have paid for myself or seen elsewhere, and it is much cheaper than most other paid language-learning software. For basically the price of a monthly streaming service, you get unlimited access to the platform with no limit on the number of devices you can use.
Note: Not all of these are inherently cons or things that I think Practice Portuguese should change. This post is more of a discussion of what is and is not available on the platform. The platform does have cons if you are looking for specific tools or features that are not offered.
Content is paid with no free trial
The paid content does not come with a free trial. Practice Portuguese is a small company with a small team AND they produce a ton of free content, so I get it. They need some source of revenue to support content production and web hosting.
But, some people may be hesistant to commit to a subscription without knowing what they will be getting first. Honestly, one of the main reasons I didn't sign up sooner is that I wasn't sure if they would have lessons dedicated to learners at the B2 (or higher) level. I was also somewhat concerned about the quality of the content, given the poor quality of so many of the other European Portuguese apps. After seeing the Practice Portuguese team consistently produce high-quality free content, I decided to give the paid platform a try.
They offer a €15 one-month subscription that automatically renews each month. This is what I went for just to get an overview of the content. The website says that they will refund you within the first 30 days if you want to cancel, but I can't say anything about how smooth this process is yet. They also allow you to cancel the monthly subscription at any time.
If I decide to keep using this tool (which is highly likely at this point), then I plan to cancel the one-month subscription and will then purchase the annual subscription to take advantage of the 15% discount. Hopefully, they will have a more elegant and cost effective way to transition from a trial to a full membership in the future.
Elementary lessons may contain some advanced content
At times, more advanced content is sometimes included in elementary lessons. For example, all of the rules on clitic pronouns are included in one lesson, which is placed just after the lesson on the past continuous tense. This is fine for simple clitics, but you need to know future indicative and conditional verbs for some of the clitic pronoun uses in the lesson. Users don't learn about these verb tenses until after the lesson on clitic pronouns.
I think this is something that the Practice Portuguese team could change that would improve the learning experience. Learning about clitic pronouns in general can be quite overwhelming, and this lesson could be very overwhelming for those who are learning entirely through the Practice Portuguese platform.
You can always go through the easier parts of the lesson and then come back at a later stage, but I know that I like the feeling of completing a lesson in its entirely and feel frustrated or disappointed when I am not able to do so. Users might benefit from two separate lessons on clitics placed at different learning stages.
Limited speaking practice
Like DuoLingo, each lesson has a section that ask you read a phrase out loud. You can compare your recording to a recodring by a native speaker. The system also evaluates your pronunciation and gives you a score from 0-100%. I always wonder how good these are systems are at actually detecting the accuracy of the pronunciation. Are they merely the aural equivalent to Just Dance and Sing Party? OR do they actually work?
These types of lessons also don't work as well for those with speech impediments. I have a bit of a lisp, and I always do poorly on exercises when there are a lot of S and Z sounds. I know my S and Z sounds aren’t correct. I’m more concerned with whether my open and closed vowels, lh's, etc. need to be improved. The 0-100% scale simply isn't going to convey this information in the same way an interaction with a native speaker would.
These kinds of exercises are also not going to prepare for you an actual conversation. Being able to compare your recording to the official recording very useful when you are getting started with a language. But, it is possible to have excellent pronunciation but terrible conversational skills. If you mostly just want to improve your conversation skills, this particular platform isn't right for you.
No option for a private tutor
The Practice Portuguese platform does not offer private tutors or private lessons. I don't think this options would fit well with the current aim of their platform, so I also wouldn't expect the Practice Portuguese team to change this. But, if you are looking for private lessons or having access to a private tutor, then this isn't this tool for you.
The Practice Portuguese team do engage the users in their YouTube videos and podcasts, and they occasionally post to the forum. But, don't expect them to be heavily involved in your day-to-day study. The platform is designed to develop a strong community base. Users can post questions and comments on each lesson (similar to DuoLingo's desktop site) and there is a discussion forum, so you will probably get your questions answered by community members at some point.
No CEFR levels, No test prep
The Practice Portuguese platform is not designed to be test prep for any of the exams certifying proficiency in Standard European Portuguese as a second language. If this is what you're looking for, then the Practice Portuguese platform may not be what you need. It is probably a good tool to supplement your test prep, but the platform is not designed around the language exams.
Unless you are very familiar with the content of the exams themselves, you will probably not know the CEFR level you are at. The content is designed to be continuous, and the site doesn't have any numeric measure of progress or proficiency (no crowns, no arbitrary scores, no CEFR levels, etc.). However, I can see why some people prefer having a levels system or may want to know the exact CEFR level they are working towards.
It seems like most apps use these measures of progress as ways to gamify the app in order to increase the monetisation. For me, it is a relief to be able to learn casually without feeling the pressure of leveling up or facing the threat of moving down a level or losing progress if I don't use the app enough. So, while not having levels or test prep may be a con, there is also the trade-off of not having excessive monetisation / gamification.
Limited B2+ content
The content for advanced learners (CEFR B2 and higher) is pretty limited at the moment. The team is continually expanding the content, so this is likely to change in the future. For example, they added lessons on the o modo conjuntivo in July 2020. These are pretty basic lessons, and they could add more content on various uses of the conjunctive form so their users can build more solid B2 skills (e.g. conjunctions + conjunctive). There are also no lessons on pretérito mais-que-perfeito, which is necessary for C1 and C2 learners.
I am trying to reach a more solid B2 level, and so I think the platform will be a good way to solidify my grammar skills while also providing a refresher for grammar skills that might have forgotten. I am also happy to see the section with verb conjugation practice. I have exposure to all of the conjugations, but I definitely need more practice to be able to use them more fluently in practice.
But, I don't think I could use the Practice Portuguese platform alone to pass a B2 (or higher) language exam. There would definitely need to be more advanced content.
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lovecolibri · 4 years
Tagged by @adiwriting, @litwitlady and @cosmicclownboy
List which 5 TV shows make you feel better then tag 10 other blogs (I can’t explain to you how much I am unable to do that)
*Disclaimer* I’m bad at re-watching shows because there are so many out there I want to watch that I feel bad if I re-watch, especially a whole TV show. But there are a few that I enjoy but can be stressful or make me angry plot-wise so here are the ones that are just everything is great and nothing hurts shows and I’m following the rules and sticking to TV.
Schitt’s Creek- I can’t explain the love I have for this show. It kills me with laughter every single time and then occasionally punches me in the gut with a poignant line or moment. Just 1000% delight.
The Good Place- One of the few I’ve watched a couple times (minus the last ep because I can’t let it go yet) and it also never fails to hit me with the laughter and then at some point make me cry. How they made a delightfully fun comedy about moral philosophy is astounding. But also, the season 1 finale is the greatest finale of anything I’ve ever seen, ever and I use it in every example I can of a well-done finale because it was literally perfect and made me want to re-watch the whole season immediately. I sat with my mouth agape and stared at the screen the entire commercial break (I watched live and have never been happier with a life decision.)    
Parks and Rec- Just jokes and fun at all times. It's lovely to see people being earnestly in love with their work, their friends, their spouse, or in Leslie's case, all 3.
Psych-the taglines say it best! "Fake psychic, real detective", and all of the law, none of the order." While there is 1 episode for sure that wouldn't fly today, in general this show is fun, funny, and still makes me laugh even years later. I don't always re-watch full shows but I can pop in pretty much any episode of this show while I eat and be delighted for an hour. If you've never seen it, check it out because it is so worth the watch.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine- I was totally prepared for this to be a raunchy comedy show in the vein of adult cartoons which is just not my particular brand of humor. But I gave the pilot a shot and holy cow was I pleasantly surprised! I also assumed I would have to put up with a lot of toxic masculinity from Jake where I would really want to like the main character but he would end up being a dick and making that difficult (lookin at you, Max Evans) but his growth and him and Amy's love story is just *chef's kiss*. Plus Raymond Holt is a goddamned delight and gets bonus points for marrying Marc Evan Jackson whom I love and adore (sidebar go listen to his Sparks Nevada podcast. You're welcome), and the rest of the cast is so much fun every single episode. I really want an "it's time for Gina's opinion" hoodie.
As always, tagging is not my thing but if you want to join in, or feel like you never get tagged in these things, feel free to consider this your tag. I'm a Hufflepuff at heart and don't want anyone to feel left out. You can also tag me in your post because I love to read these things.
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reconhq · 4 years
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to make a (very LGBTA positive) webseries of her own?.
oh boy! I sure do. I’ve actually been on a couple other projects other than Recon, all after the first season was written & mostly after the first season was shot, and ya girl has learned a lot because of and since season 1!
i am so sorry but this is going to be SO long. i am kinda obsessed with web series & digital content and it’s my actual professional career now so just… get ready. sorry 😅 i’ll add a TLDR at the end.
(p.s. this is just advice from me, Emma, and not the rest of the Recon team who may have different/additional advice, maybe someone will add on after the holidays) 
write your bible before anything! depending on if you’re co-creating or just co-producing/writing, this should be done before you bring on additional folks. if you’re co-creating, this is obviously a collaborative process. when i created recon, i did it on my own. i pitched the original idea to some dear friends (one of whom makes a cameo as a security guard in ep 20!) and got their opinions, adapted from their advice, and once i had a solid format, main character, and general plot, i started on the bible. it took probably a month of fucking around before i felt ready to write a bible. 
the basic components of a bible are a log line, short season overview, character breakdowns for your characters (mine are ~paragraph or two for main characters, with shorter ones for less central characters), a summary of the show’s main themes, genre and tones, and the format of the show (if you’re mapping out multiple seasons, it may be relevant to do this for each season as well as the overall show), as well as the most important part of your bible– the episode breakdowns. i’ll touch on those in a minute. 
i do all my original brainstorming on paper, because i am adhd as fuck and it’s easier for me. your bible isn’t the place to brainstorm. separate them out. not saying you have to write on paper, but have a separate doc for brainstorming so the formatting for your bible can be easy to follow. 
if you’re co-producing or having someone else produce your work, it makes sense to have your co-producer or producer right there with you as you work on your bible to give feedback. does this mean they’re writing it? no. is it useful as hell? yes. 
my partner-in-creative-crime justice and i tend to share bibles and brainstorm docs with each other when we’re working together on a project. depending on which roles we’re playing on each project (e.g., i’m producing his podcast COSMIC under our company name but not co-creating or writing, so i mostly gave notes on his bible. we’re also working on a series called Inked, and we’re more like co-creators there, so we both write in the doc.)
your bible is the holy doc of your show; it’s what you show to any writers, producers, designers, any creative working on your show so that everyone is on the same page. it is your main reference and guiding light through the whole season; make it clear, organized, and as easy to read as possible. i personally use google docs for my bibles, and use the hell out of the outline function. highly recommend, but everyone has their own system.
break your ENTIRE story before before you write a single script, before you write your pilot, before anything. it’s part of your bible.
if you’re not super familiar with tv/screenwriting, breaking a story means figuring out the beats. the breakdown of reason s1 started as messy af writing on whiteboards, and turned into this:
Tumblr media
this is absolutely not what your first outlines or final drafts will look like. we changed…. a ton while writing our scripts. you can see even in this sequence– episode 8 and 9 got blurred, and we barely touched on ava’s past because there wasn’t room. regardless, this doc & breakdown served as the basis for all our writers and kept us all on roughly the same page. when we disagreed, we could go back to this and sort it out from there! 
find your people. two roles were crucial to me when we made recon: a mentor, and collaborators. having good people behind me was so so important; i could have never done this on my own.
i got…….. so lucky with my mentor, bernie su. he not only gave me incredible advice, read scripts, and reviewed cuts, he purchased the damn show, accounting for 75% of our funding. i feel like it’s important for me to acknowledge the luck and privilege i have here: the show would not happened without him, and i only got that chance because i live in LA, went to USC, and applied for the right job at the right time. HOWEVER, aside from the funding that made recon possible, bernie’s expertise seriously helped. after principle photography, we were left feeling lackluster, and bernie gave me advice that led me to make changes that transformed the show. having someone with experience– whether in tv, film, web series, any sort of writing– is invaluable. 
while i created recon on my own, i did not develop or make it on my own. the episode breakdowns? half me, half other people (mainly justice lol). the look of the show? EP/DP christa, production designer amanda, graphic designer hal, and justice as costuming lead. i did not write season 1 on my own. i recruited friends from USC and even one from high school to write episodes i didn’t think i could do justice (no pun intended). 
once you’ve found your people, trust them. there will obviously be cases where you disagree enough with someone’s creative opinions that you shouldn’t, but except in extreme cases, trust your people. try to only chose people you trust in the first place. letting go was so so so hard, but many of the best parts of recon happened because i got over myself and trusted my cast and crew. episode 16, player vs player, was justice’s baby, and i almost didn’t let him roll with the animations because i was too nervous. holy fuck, i’m so glad i trusted him. same with reflections (ep 15), written by my now-fiancé, which no one else could have written. hal was a bit unsure going in, but the episode is phenomenal. my production designer’s choices were amazing, and i had little to do with them other than being like “yes that is so cool let’s do it”
seriously. trust your people. watching bernie on artificial & emma approved trust us, his crew of mostly 20-somethings, with creative decisions taught me a huge lesson. i was 19 when he hired me, 19 when he bought the show, and he actually fucking trusted me and the rest of his team to do things. my initial reaction was what the fuck, but it worked. it also let him focus on the big picture while giving us the space we needed to feel creatively and emotionally fulfilled. trust your people.
this also applies to your actors. we had a google drive specifically for our actors to throw up ideas/backstory for their characters, and we’d read through it and give feedback and contributions. it led to better performances and characters with more depth. we also met with actors where we could to discuss their ideas for directions for their characters– video game nerd taylor came from convos with joré. 
katiemichal and kat were just like, the same people as their characters, so there was less of this, but there is definitely value in casting the irl versions of your characters as them.
edit your episodes individually, then read through the WHOLE SEASON at once to edit. repeat that until you read it and it’s cohesive. 
keep track of your timeline and your canon, even canon that’s not explicit in the show. there’s so much recon lore that we kept to ourselves that informs several decisions in the first season. 
unless your character’s race/ethnicity (even gender) is a key part of their character or the show, cast with an open net. ava was originally a white girl name jody. ana, the actress who played her, originally auditioned for riley, and we changed the character’s entire backstory for her, which added an amazing dimension to the show we get to see in reflections (and an upcoming podcast shh). lesson fucking learned on my part– almost too late. don’t be like me.
ren, on the other hand, we were 100% sure was non-binary, and although we opened auditions to all genders, we specified from the start it was a non-binary character and we’d give priority to queer/nb actors. it was the right choice.
PRODUCTION DESIGN IS FUCKING IMPORTANT. cinematography is great, and we obviously focused on it a lot w the style of our show, but PD tells so much of your story without saying a word or taking up a second of airtime.
sound is the single most important thing on set. you can make an ugly shot work, ugly sound will bring people immediately out of the show and possibly abandon it. we fucked up scheduling for Punching Bag, and had to delay its release (it was originally episode 13, not 14), hire a sound editor, and put a goddamn disclaimer on it because we didn’t have time to get good sound because of our own mistakes. arguably my biggest regret of the season, because the script and acting for that episode is so good, and we low-key ruined it. GET GOOD SOUND. 
only exception to this is probably coverage and continuity; although those can be fudged a lil more. get a script supervisor or have your AD do it so you don’t miss anything crucial. always get your masters first. 
schedule more than you think you should. like, down to the 15-minute block. it won’t work, but it will work worse if you don’t. do your best to stay on schedule (hint: AD/producer on set)
trust your gut. this is your baby, and your choices should service the story you want to tell. let that be your north star, and while you should let your story evolve with time and the contributions of your cast and crew,  
TL;DR: write your bible & break your season first. find a team you trust, and trust them with their choices (both cast & crew). if you can, find a mentor/someone with experience to give advice. edit your show both as individual episodes and as a whole season, multiple times. continuity is crucial, backstory is crucial, coverage is crucial, scheduling is crucial. GET GOOD SOUND. and always keep sight of the story you want to tell.
i am so sorry. this is a fucking essay. 
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peri-hellion · 4 years
hi, what's the best way to listen to the Magnus archives? I don't usually listen to podcasts so I'm a little hopeless lol
Hi! Okay, so I’m going to try to be as practically helpful as possible while also pointing to alternative methods. An opening disclaimer: obviously this answer is very subjective, one person’s way to experience TMA is not the only way. Also, I am a very new fan, so there are a ton of people who have been engaging with TMA for years before I stumbled across it. That being said, I broke this response into three main sections: (1) linear vs. non-linear listening, (2) spoiler vs. spoiler-free listening, and (3) practical podcast listening advice. Feel free to jump around as needed. 
I definitely advocate for listening to TMA linearly. The anthology structure, while slow, lets you piece together the metaplot with the characters and learn more about the workers in the Institute gradually. Also, the things you learn in the statements are important! Each season becomes richer if you understand the references back to previous statements. HOWEVER, I totally get that some people are drawn into the podcast through the metaplot and struggle to connect with Jon & the Institute staff with the pacing of S1. I’ve had friends who I tried to get hooked on TMA and hit a wall. In those scenarios, I recommended the following sequence: listen to episodes 1-3, 6, 16, 22, 26, 28, 38-40. If you end the first season hooked on the metaplot, then go back and listen to the rest of the first season or continue on to S2 and double back on S1 episodes. 
I was spoiled for 99% of the biggest plot beats of TMA, which was definitely a result of listening to the podcast in 2019 and also being on tumblr. I am generally pro-spoiler, especially when it comes to horror; I think great stories are about execution rather than shock value. My emotional reactions to the biggest plot reveals in TMA were not affected by the fact that I knew they were coming. However, whether you want to embrace TMA spoilers is up to you! I will say that the TMA Wiki is incredibly helpful when it comes to connecting dots between statements and clearing up the feeling of ‘wait, where is that name from?’ In general, sticking to the opening ⅓ of a Wiki page for a character or episode will help you avoid spoilers, but the site is also pretty good about marking key spoilers. ALSO, and importantly: the wiki is very helpful if you start an episode and it hits you badly. The eps are marked with content warnings, but you never know. I’m deathly afraid of heights and like to know when heights-related episodes are neigh, but I also got five minutes into “Killing Floor” (which is not a heights ep) and was like “nope nope nope nope” and then I read the summary on the wiki so I could continue on to the next episode.
Since you’re new to podcast listening, a few quick subjective pieces of advice about TMA: the episodes are usually 20-30 minutes long. I have a 30-minute walking commute to work, so I like to listen then, and also when I’m cooking/doing housework. I would not advise you to listen when driving, but I’m an easily distracted driver. If you are also someone who struggles with engaging with narrative while also maintaining spatial awareness: do not drive and listen. Also, there are transcripts available of the episodes online— these are super helpful for a variety of reasons!
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