#disability wrath month
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serialreblogger · 2 years
happy disability pride month, everyone! shoutout to all y'all with invisible disabilities that make it harder to get accommodations, mobility aids that make it harder to access even "accessible" spaces, visible differences & disabilities that make it harder to avoid abled antagonism, conditions & traits you aren't sure "count" as disabilities, and disabilities like mine that fall at the intersection between "physical" and "mental." shoutout to everyone who is disabled by societal ableism and is just fine with how their own brain and body works, actually. shoutout to everyone whose disability sucks, and everyone who would get rid of their disability in a heartbeat. shoutout to everyone who doesn't find themself in common dialogues about "disability & accommodations," because let's be honest - most of us don't. Our needs are many and diverse and even we cannot speak for each other, but we - like the queer community - stand together.
nothing about us without us.
happy pride.
#linden's originals#disability positivity post#disability pride month#disability wrath month#actuallydisabled#happy pride#side note in the tags: a lot of why i make this post is bc already some of the ''positivity posts'' i'm seeing are like#''especially physically disabled'' or w/e bc of that whole ''cripplepunk'' discourse re: whether neurodivergents cld reclaim ''cripple''#frankly i don't care. if ppl are applying a term to themself idc what they wanna use. but a lot of ableism came out of that debate#a lot of ''physical vs mental'' dichotomies that made me feel really invisible#like - fibromyalgia is characterized by ''phantom pain.'' by pain without a physical cause; by nerves & neurons misfiring#i use a wheelchair because of it but there is no physical reason - apart from my brain ofc; which is physical. brains are physical things#if you mean ''ppl who use mobility aids'' say that. but stop differentiating between ''physical'' disabilities & the rest of us#the rest of us are physically disabled too. and/or socially disabled:#in a state of enforced reduction of ability because the resources exist to live our lives to the fullest#and we can't: bc society is built for people with a specific physical makeup#(including neurological makeup. and also including configurations of limbs - and height; and facial appearances)#the Disfigured community & all those with visible differences from ''the norm'' are welcome here#little people are welcome here. as are intersex folks for the record -#being intersex is not (from what i understand) ''disabled'' per se. but our communities are closely aligned#both victims of institutionalized medical & social abuse. and some intersex variations include disabilities too -#so you're welcome here. just as you're welcome in the queer+ community. you are welcome to join us as we lend our voices to each other#all are welcome in the fight to breathe. until all of us can breathe easy#linden in the tags
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itstheelvenjedi · 2 years
Able-bodied people's ass backwards logic about what will "fix" my disabilities is always so funny to me. And not funny as in LOL but funny as in "you have got to be fucking kidding me".
No able-bodied person I know has to be subjected to routine yearly or 2-yearly checks about what they're spending their salary on buying. But the govt is allowed to legally stalk me in order to make sure I limp noticeably enough in public and always use my cane when I say that I do, or that I only buy what they deem as "essential for survival" which for some reason does not include basic amenities like: food, water, electricity and Internet.
You can argue all you like about the necessity of the internet but in my experience, in this day and age it is literally impossible to do ANYTHING without ever needing to navigate to a website at SOME stage of the process, even the very same department of the government that justifies stalking me because *GASP!* I bought takeaways for one week because I was fuckin depressed and I wanted fresh food that didn't taste like freezer (all my food has to be batch cooked and then frozen, by the end of a meagre 2 hrs on a Monday. Then thawed out and reheated in a microwave, because I can't afford to pay 100 a WEEK for someone to come cook some meals fresher in the mid week, it almost ALWAYS is freezer burnt and doesn't taste good but eh, its food so I mustn't bitch and whine huh) direct you to a website when you call them for ANYTHING because "did you know you can do this on our online portal now instead of sitting on hold for hours!! How neat!!"
Oh really. Really. I can go ONLINE to your WEBSITE with the INTERNET that is not essential, huh?? Make it make sense.
Not only that but when you live on your own and get zero socialisation otherwise, being able to talk to online friends is often the ONLY form of company I ever get. But that's not essential, and neither is a telephone to call for help if I fall and injure myself or one day my hip dislocates and I can't put it back in this time cause that will eventually happen.
"Use your life alert pendant". Oh really. Hadn't thought to use the thing. That has to be connected to a landline TELEPH0NE (also deemed "unessential" by the able-bodied powers that be!) to function. How silly of me. 💁‍♀️
The last time a supposed occupational therapist came to my apartment for a face to face assessment she fixated on the fact that I had a PS4 cause "those cost a LOT of money so if you can afford that you can afford to pay monthly for your care"
Why yes, Barbara. The game console that I bought second-hand for a ONE OFF payment of 100 bucks 6 YEARS AGO is ABSOLUTELY equivalent to 100 bucks a WEEK when my total MONTHLY income barely even makes 500. Cause that adds up right.
Able bodied ppl can reblog but keep quiet aka don't add stupid shit or I will show no mercy
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jadelapis · 2 years
I can’t find a more recent article but please read this article about how Cities are not following ADA accessibility requirements and are just ignoring them instead of making sidewalks compliant.
And to be clear: No one was told they had to make their sidewalk immediately compliant, just to do so next time it’s under repair.  And these cities went FUCK THAT.
And this can be a danger, I know friends / acquaintances that use wheelchairs that got fucking stuck in a pothole or shoddy sidewalk going to class. This is a real problem!
Speaking as a disabled person: the ADA barely requires anything. That’s part of why I am considered a Discouraged Worker, because it’s “unreasonable” to accommodate me in the workplace under ADA.
I will be the first to tell you the problem is capitalism, but it is NOT just only capitalism.  It is Ableism.   I don’t want to die needlessly for your revolution. If I chose to die for a cause, that’d be one thing, but most of y’all are discarding people before they even choose to die for a cause.
Include Disabled People in your revolution, otherwise it is a worthless crock of shit.
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swordsonnet · 24 days
i'm sorry but i don't think we should call this the "autism website" when there's still posts with tons of notes mocking people who:
struggle with social skills / have anxiety around social settings
are unemployed / unable to work certain jobs
have intense or "age-inappropriate" interests
haven't had certain life experiences that are deemed universal/essential
struggle with personal hygiene
don't have any friends or dating experience
don't go outside much or at all
take things literally / don't get sarcasm/jokes
have unusual ways of speaking
generally aren't "normal"
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cripplecutlass · 11 months
i went to type 'happy disability month to' and i typed 'happy birthday' so this is a happy birthday to every disabled person this disability month whether your birthday IS in july or if its in like november or june or march or something
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oliveasaltylife · 11 months
I do not know enough expletives to truly express my current rage. Rage that has been very steadily flowing in to carve a deep winding path through the mountains of utter bullshit. Rage that continues to swell and dictate new pathways. I’m not drowning, I’m embracing the weight and pull of the current. I’m letting it consume anything in its path and allowing it to flow freely. This time, I choose wrath over pride. This is my disability wrath month.
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rum-maj · 11 months
im expecting a lot of "pride month is over, now it's time for wrath month" posts. that's cool and all. but july is disability pride month.
pride month is when you're SUPPOSED to be angry. it's a celebration AND a riot. that was the best time to get angry. second best time is now. but it's not wrath month. let disabled people have this.
please get angry with us. please fight with us! we are both losing our rights, if we ever even had them to begin with. please don't talk over us, especially during our own pride month.
did you know over 10,000 people die a year while waiting to be told whether or not they can receive disability benefits?
did you know while being provided disability benefits, disabled people cannot have more than $2,000 total in their bank account? the average rent for an apartment in the united states, as of last month, is $1,995. per month.
while they want to kill queer people, they want to kill disabled people just as bad. please look out for your disabled friends and family. please look out for those of us who don't have friends and family. those of us who are out on the streets.
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 days
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just-aro · 11 months
happy disability pride/wrath month to all!
if you have any physical, mental, cognitive, or otherwise difficult or disabling conditions, take a moment this month to consider what helps you, and consider enforcing boundaries that help you.
if you aren't disabled - consider wishing the disabled people in your life a happy disability month, and check in with what they would like you to do better on. additionally, consider checking out a book on disability rights and history at your local public library, whether in person or via an app such as Libby.
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liminalweirdo · 11 months
happy disability pride month
reminder that if you're mad at tumblr and are having reservations about the blackout (valid) and aren't sure what to do, leaving a negative and explanatory review on the tumblr app store (actually expressing why the site is becoming more frustrating to use) and deleting the app may help.
Please do not leave tumblr completely during the only month where disabled voices are actually heard. Please support your disabled friends and disabled tumblr users this month.
here's a couple reminders of what people want changed, please feel free to add more!
flashing lights on ads (inaccessible, not disability-friendly)
ads with noise
inability to turn off tumblr live permanently
the push towards short-form videos that no one wants
maybe request that the staff communicates better with users and operates with more transparency rather than just... making changes no one wants.
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Freed: Every month is pride month if you allow yourself to be consumed by hubris!
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july can totally be Gay Wrath Month but ONLY if your anger is on behalf of disabled people since this is THEIR pride month
be an ally. we need each other.
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didthekingdieyet · 11 months
i once again changed my icon and header and as such… here are the new IDs of them!
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[ID: PFP of this blog. It is a picture of tampon charles, with red X edited onto his eyes and the words “die monarch” to the left side. the text is white with a black background. On the top of this image the disability pride flag, which consists of red, yellow, white, blue, and green stripes running diagonally across a dark grey background, has been placed. It has been made mostly transparent so the image underneath can still be viewed. END ID]
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[ID: The header of this blog. Tampon charlie is looking at the camera, smiling, he has had red X edited onto his eyes, pink blush edited onto his cheeks, red devil horns edited onto his forehead, and white cat whiskers edited onto his cheeks. To his left is a white cartoon speech bubble with black text inside reading “Happy Disability Pride Month”. He has also been edited to look as if he is in flames (like the flames of hell). On the top of the image, the disability pride flag (see previous ID to see what that is) has been placed, it is more transparent. END ID]
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temporalreverie · 11 months
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klngfili · 11 months
sam frodo and legolas gimli are gay jirt told me so himself
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