enement · 1 month
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on patrol
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nelistry · 5 months
honestly the fact that nico di angelo ended up happy and with a hot bf with a chest tattoo and weird demon kids is literally the best possible ending he deserves it all
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i have no idea how to colour 3zun in a way i like so uhhh,,, blue be upon all of them i suppose
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
The crooked, creaky door of the cluttered infirmary storage room pushes open and slams shut in the span of a second, just barely allowing someone to dart through. Nico jumps, banging his head on the shelf he’s hiding under, chomping full force on his lip to bite back a shout. The shadows, on lucky reflex, bend around him and shroud his face. The rest of him he tucks further into the forgotten corner between two filing cabinets, holding his breath.
Under the unflattering light of the single swinging lightbulb, Will looks dull.
A thin headband attempts to hold back his frizzy hair, although it does very little. Curls stick out oddly and many shorter hairs are plastered to his temples and the back of his neck. His skin is unusually lacklustre, even pale, except for the high flush around his cheekbones. The bruising under his eyes rivals Nico’s. He has been wearing the same scrubs for the last two days.
With one last look at the closed door, nothing but garbled voices filtering through the heavy wood, he slumps. He drops his face into his chapped and bleeding hands, heels pressed into his eyes, and holds them there for ten seconds, twenty. Slowly, with trembles so minute they are at first glance unnoticeable, his shoulders begin to shake. The long fingers flexed and tensed around his forehead curl tightly, and he twitches, whole body trembling, teeth sunk hard into his bottom lip to stop his chin from quivering.
It does not work.
The first sob is quiet. He catches it quickly, forcing it back down, breathing heavily through his nose and out his mouth to beat it back. The second follows quickly, though, and it’s harder to choke down. When his face crumples, his resolve goes with it, and his knees hit the floor, sharp crack swallowed by the stillness of the room. He curls forward until his nose nearly hits his knees, hands sliding through his hair and over his ears and settling finally clutching together in the dip of his chest, bouncing with every heave of his chest. It’s quiet, his crying, enough that every dropped tear can be heard as it hits the dusty floor. The only time his sobs are ever audible is when he opens his mouth, trying desperately to soak up enough air to catch himself, to carry himself through.
Mute horror holds Nico’s tongue hostage.
He’d escaped in here the second Will had been called away this morning, dragged for the umpteenth time to handle a crashing patient or a complicated hymn or to soothe someone’s nerves. For the past two days he’s been doing his best to monitor Nico and a handful of other front liners who’d exhausted themselves in battle, but his focus has been split and the infirmary has been crowded. Whenever he runs off to put out whatever fire had cropped up — sometimes literally — the whispers start, the glances, the skin crawling up Nico’s back. Nico can hardly tell anymore what’s the shadows and what’s the people around him, watching him out of the corners of their eyes like they’re waiting for him to bust out a scythe and a black hooded cloak and start reaping.
The storage room is supposed to be an escape. Out of the way and forgotten as it is, it is supposed to be the place he can hide for an hour, escape the heavy gaze of the rest of the camp, collect himself before braving it all again.
Clearly, though, he’s not the only one who thinks so.
There’s something disorienting about seeing Will Solace cry. In the few times Nico has spoken with him during his visits to camp, he’s been a barely-contained explosion of energy, whether talking Nico’s ear off with updates about people he barely knows and references he hardly understands or cussing him out for overextending himself. He’s used — as much as he can be to someone he’s only beginning to really get to know — to his wildly flailing hands and widely playful grin, his loud drawling voice, his painful, constant brightness.
His hands, now, clench until they’re bloodless, trembling. There is no hint of his wide smile or twinkling eyes, because his face is hidden by all the hair that his given up on the pretence of the hairband, and the only sound from him are his gasping breaths and swallowed-back sobs. Nico watches him because he cannot look away. He flinches because every cry, every rough, scraping inhale, sounds like shattering rock, like an iceberg breaking off a glacier.
A quiet beeping startles them both.
For a stretch of time Will is motionless. The beeping continues, steady and soft, bouncing off the cluttered shelves and fading before they echo. After the third round — and Nico counts, if anything for something to do besides watch the chafed skin on Will’s hands crack and bleed with every flex — he drags himself upright, nails drawing lines in the thick dust of the floorboards, and rests back on his heels. He breathes for a moment, shuddering, hands pressed flat to his face; in, beep, beep, beep; out, beep, beep, beep. None of his breaths are ever steady, but he wastes no more time, swiping under his eyes and pinching his cheeks to restore his face to some of its usual colour. He grips onto each board of the shelf to his right as he yanks himself upwards, hand over hand, until he’s stretched, finally, to stand, although there remains a slouch to his broad shoulders.
The beeping continues, emanating from the watch on his left hand, growing softer or louder as he trails his fingers over the shelves from one end to the other, from the first, the second, the third. He pauses finally on a collection of bottles, turning them carefully to read the labels, then tucks them each gently into his already bulging pockets until he is left with what he must carry between his fingers.
The shadows bend to cover Nico again as Will turns, unknowingly facing him, and pulls himself suddenly straight-backed, chin set high, shoulders squared. He smiles, wide, fractured, squinting his eyes deliberately. The beeping stops. He breathes, in, smile, out, nod, and turns, striding, back to the door, opening it with flourish and swiping the dust off his clothes.
“Found them! Sorry it took so long, I really had to look —”
The door swings shut behind him, cutting off the rest of his sentence.
Nico stares at it with bile churning in his too-empty stomach.
art by the incredible @clingonlikeclingwrap
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
To all of you who say Nico and Will are too cringe I would like to pinpoint these two things:
THEY ARE 15!?!? Who wasn't absolute cringe when they were 15? And on their first relationship no less!
This is literally a book for middle schoolers
And people are too used to the fanon characterization of them
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hornyimpulsivity · 1 year
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drew this half a year ago for my bf's bday cus Shuji's his ✨daddy✨ but kinda forgot ab it so sharing it now
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misanocircuit · 3 months
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Under The Skin - @motogp on Instagram
riders' number & name:
#1 – Francesco "Pecco" Bagnaia;
#5 – Johann Zarco;
#10 – Luca Marini;
#12 – Maverick Viñales;
#20 – Fabio Quartararo;
#23 – Enea Bastianini;
#25 – Raúl Fernández;
#30 – Takaaki Nakagami;
#31 – Pedro Acosta;
#33 – Brad Binder;
#36 – Joan Mir;
#37 – Augusto Fernández;
#41 – Aleix Espargaró;
#42 – Álex Rins;
#43 – Jack Miller;
#49 – Fabio Di Giannantonio;
#21 – Franco Morbidelli;
#72 – Marco Bezzecchi;
#73 – Àlex Márquez;
#88 – Miguel Oliveira;
#89 – Jorge Martín;
#93 – Marc Márquez
[btw these pics had a lot of backlash on social medias because people don't seem to understand the reason why, but I reckon the intent was artistic and, although it could have been better, it's actually interesting and different: scars, especially, are part of a rider's story and with one pic you can evoce all the craziness and passion of this amazing sport... What do you think?]
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hood-ex · 2 years
Hey Emily, do you know if Bruce has ever explicit referred to Dick as his son? I’ve seen a lot of Dick referring to Bruce as his father but i really haven’t seen anything where it’s reversed?
This one and the next one are cheating because they're Injustice Dick and Bruce but oh well.
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Injustice: Gods Among Us #16
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Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three #21
Bruce called Dick his son in main continuity too.
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Nightwing Vol. 4 #84
And if you wanna go old school Dick and Bruce then here's Bruce saying Dick is like his own son.
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Batman #20
With this one, he doesn't address Dick as "son" but implies Dick is his son.
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Robin #13
He also refers to Dick as "my boy."
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Batman #59
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randomnameless · 4 months
Dragons matter, fuck human supremacy!
Found Zephiel's account lol
All jokes aside, it's very telling how Roy was meme'd as "uwu racist" in FEH because of his skills, when Roy is arguing for coexistence between humans and dragons to Zeph, who wants to get rid of humans.
Roy wants to tell Zeph to still have faith in humanity - and not write it off - so humanity can still live and thrive and prosper alongside dragons!
Usually the other antagonists want to erase or look down on the non human race to prop up humanity - but in FE6, Zeph's reasoning is reversed!
And Roy's solution is the same as every other lord faced with this issue - Fodlan excluded because Fodlan treats this issue as horse piss, only relevant, fittingly, in Tru Piss - it's not X over Y or Y over X, it's X and Y living together.
It's kind of frightening how the newest FE games (bar Engage, so maybe it's just a Kusakihara thing?) completely elude the "live together solution" and end up pushing the "Humanity fuck yeah" answer...
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Do you plan to create an account/be active on any other social media platforms?
no <3
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cheetahing · 27 days
kiss on a scar fic meme fill from discord, requests still open. speaking of discord, consider joining us over on the dihua server!
di feisheng strips unselfconsciously, eager to get into the river on such a hot day. he's just pulled off his inner robe when a gasp from his companion pauses his movements. he looks up with a quip about peeping toms on his tongue, but stops when he see's the stricken look on li lianhua's face. "xiangyi," he says, slowly setting his clothing aside, "what is it?"
li lianhua doesn't reply, eyes trained on di feisheng's sternum, and it takes him a moment to realize that he's looking at the thin white scar bisecting his chest. ah. it's the first time he's seen it. "it's all right," di feisheng says, as li lianhua draws closer. "i'm fine."
"i should have trusted you," li lianhua says, reaching out one shaking hand. he touches the scar with a gentle finger, tracing down the length of it. di feisheng lets him do it, watching with his chin tilted down.
"no one trusted me," he says, without bitterness. that's an old scar too, long healed over and no longer sore. it's easier to swallow now than it was at the time, knowing that they'd both been manipulated, that even the li xiangyi who'd approached him for peace talks would belive such baseless rumors without proof or investigation.
"i should have," li lianhua repeats, eyes dark with self-recrimination and regret. di feisheng shakes his head.
"enough of that," he says, pushing li lianhua's hand anyway. his touch is gentle despite his brusqueness and li lianhua's gaze slides up to meet his.
"i'm sorry," li lianhua says, and di feisheng shakes his head again. it doesn't change anything, least of all what's growing between them now.
li lianhua bends slowly, slowly enough for di feisheng to stop him if he wants to. he just watches instead, as li lianhua presses his lips to the scar, a penance and a promise.
"i trust you now," he says, "with anything." di feisheng cradles the back his head with one hand, letting him linger.
"i know," he says quietly, "i know." di feisheng trusts him too, more than he had back then, more than he could have. they know one another better now.
li lianhua fits his face into the curve of di feisheng's neck and di feisheng lets him, stroking his hair. they both have scars to carry; they can do it together.
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i love felix so so so much and his little cardboard box bed in eugenes little shitto room
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winterwrxter · 2 months
Me making slightly angsty Suitcase art cus i was bored?
(It's more likely than you think!!1!)
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Lyrics are from The Contortionist by Melanie Martinez
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gloomy-prince · 3 months
did you know, people used to think reddie means robin x eddie from stranger things which is weird because robin is gay asf and eddie is... idk what eddie is but def not straight lol
yeah, i had someone come at me for saying reddie is my otp thinking i meant robin and eddie munson, not richie and eddie k
weird times
LMAOOOO, nooo, that’s so funny… I was gonna be like “wym they probably say like 2 words to each other” but that’s true about him and Steve and that ship was inescapable for months so
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ozcarma · 4 months
combining some endings with a slash as I believe they serve equal narrative purpose. Feel free to elaborate which should go first or be omitted in the tags/comments if you would like :) I omitted the coffin ending as it’s not really an “ending” so much as it is a fail state for the true end
#zero escape#999#9 hours 9 persons 9 doors#999 spoilers#ze 999#this poll was originally gonna be ‘best door order playthru’ but that is WAY too long to put as choices#and it essentially asks what this is asking anyway#my choice is sub->knife->axe->safe->true#I could see an argument to wedge the coffin ending in before the safe ending and returning to true#if only for Santa’s ‘time to make a wish come true’ line be more at the front of the players mind#but that’s meh reasoning at best#I love the axe ending but I also like sub->safe->true and just dismissing the other endings#I think sub is so important to play thru ESPECIALLY get first because I think it sets the tone in its ending so so well#especially if you get the sub ending by choosing door 3 instead of 7/8 and then 2#it very quickly and clearly shows off the protags cleverness and manipulation skills which come back again in the safe end#and then the ending itself being an Everyone Dies ending raises the stakes so much for ur next play thru#yes people die in other endings but this is EVERYONE#I personally think it’s good for tone#I really dislike the idea of people getting the safe ending first too#it reveals its hand SO early if you do - the antagonist of previous endings is just revealed#so if you get the knife or sub ending after the safe ending I think it ruins so much mystery#and I think a lot of scenes with Ace before the Safe ending are better when you don’t suspect him and see him as his Lame Dad persona#when u get Safe first and then keep playing with him after…idk u can still enjoy Lame Dad Ace but I think the betrayal hits harder#when u get Safe later after thinking u know about Ace outside of just the 6 door#but hey these are all my opinions - can’t wait to hear what others say :)#poll
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soup-scope · 1 year
hey y’all i’m pretty sure imp!Kody is dead 💀💀
i saw some people say he was alive and i rewatched the imperium (all the bits with kody/freelancer/gavin) to see if he really did die or not
yeah he’s dead. that’s the reason gavin didn’t kill lasko after he suffocated freelancer because he was still haunted by kody’s death
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