#des vents
tw b/p
i have to be good today because yesterday after the ramen i was like oh one oreo is okay right? and i had one oreo that turned intobthe whole box and it wasnt so bad bc "well, i can just throw it up" but then. i couldnt.
i tried so hard but only so little came out, i got more of the noodles out than i did the oreos and that made me feel gross and bad and since i already messed up i was like what's the point so i got high and ate 2 sandwiches w steak mayo and guacamole and a whole box of ice cream mochi and an ice pop and a cup of italian ice and i was so full and i knocked out
luckily i woke up and went up to my room before i found something else to pig out on
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lakrimasx · 4 months
I’m a terrible person and everyone I love is suffering because of me
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chiyeko-kurea · 23 days
My last breath will be a sigh of relief.
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apri1-fool · 8 months
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um heres that drawing people really liked but im better at art now and its experimental.
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softhe4rted · 10 months
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on loneliness jenny slate / japanese breakfast, posing for cars / corinne von lebusa, big glow / dadushin / alejandra pizarnik, tr. me / fka twings, home with you / avocado_ibuprofen / fiona apple, left alone / anne carson, “the anthropology of water”, plainwater / kiki smith, free fall / alejandra pizarnik, diaries
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iskander-tm · 10 months
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What ever made you feel like you can make him so afraid, like he lost something special once again? How can you be that monster to make him cry? How can you be that monster to make him laugh? How can you be that monster that he unfortunately loves?
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trustymikh · 7 months
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Keep it together
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jollycryptid · 11 months
joker moment averted thanks to burger & wine
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the walgreens app is so very annoying bc lately whenever i go to it, it doesnt fully load everything and its not synced with their pharmacy info bc sometimes it'll show my old info and sometimes my new info and i'll try to click on my prescriptions and it'll be like haha we're having troubke getting you to that rn AND IT WONT EVEN LET ME SEE MY CONTACT INFO BC IT HAS ME SIGN IN EXCEPT IT DOESNT LET ME TYPE MY LOGIN INFO AND JUST KEEPS REFRESHING
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lakrimasx · 8 months
Death being described as eternal sleep is always so comforting to me
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chiyeko-kurea · 14 days
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firstfullmoon · 1 year
“Chérie, j’ai toujours du vent dans le cœur.  C’est doux de t’écrire.”
[Darling, I always have wind in my heart. It’s sweet to write to you.]
“J’ai besoin de vos lettres comme de pain. Ne me laissez pas dans le silence. Écrivez, écrivez. . . de temps en temps ça arrive et ça fait le printemps dans mon cœur.”
[I need your letters like I do bread. Don’t leave me in silence. Write, write. . . once in a while it comes and it makes spring in my heart.]
“Et mon dos me fait mal quand je marche. Et le froid me fait mal quand je sors. Et le cœur me fait mal lorsque je pense à vous. . . J’ai si froid, tu vois. . . J’ai besoin de toi comme de l’été.”
[And my back hurts when I walk. And the cold hurts when I go outside. And my heart hurts when I think of you. . . I’m so cold, you see. . . I need you like summer.]
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, dans des lettres à Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry
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kazekiedits · 1 month
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Gilbert Cocteau and Serge Battour from 4th volume's cover of the manga "Kaze to Ki no Uta" or "The Song of the Wind and the Trees" (1976-1984) by Keiko Takemiya
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decolonize-the-left · 2 months
Reminder that liberals aren't leftists and are in fact closer to being centrists and conservatives. Leftists are people like socialists.
Leftists want everyone's needs met. Healthcare, housing, food, etc and within the USA where the GDP is 23 trillion those things should be provided by the government. Workers should equally own the businesses they run and distribute profit equally as well.
Being a leftist can look like a lot of things- like calling for the straight up destruction of a government- but most can agree that until that happens then everyone's human rights and basic needs should be provided at the very least. Lots of leftists work towards this.
Remember that when leftists ask you to vote for 3rd parties with platforms that include universal healthcare, housing, and police reform.
Because liberals who stopped their political growth in 7th grade will try to make leftists out to be "Russian psyops" or white supremacists because we vote with principles and values and that don't allow us to vote for people who commit genocide, let single moms and their kids starve, and/or call environmental protests terrorists.
They'll reduce all this nuance to us "being immature and splitting the vote"
Quite frankly, I refuse to fall for this narrative in 2024.
We are ALL exercising our right to vote for the person who represents us. No, my beliefs don't line up with Democrats so I don't vote for Democrats ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not "splitting a vote" because I can't split my own fucking vote and I'm not a member of your party. I don't owe your shitty genocidal party any of my loyalty, quite frankly idk why You even vote for them since you say you care about human lives but I digress.
If your guy loses that means your views aren't the majority.
It does NOT mean I'm a Russian Psyop. And because I've already seen a post floating around about how The-Russian-Tumblr-Bots-Were-Real-And-Pretending-To-Be-Black I'm asking y'all to use your brains and critical thinking skills this election.
There's a REASON why they specifically wanted to undermine your trust in BIPOC. So let's think about this for a second.
Why would anyone want to undermine your trust in BIPOC? What kind of things do BIPOC say about the government and it's history? What are the political leanings of BIPOC? What would happen if everyone started to agree with those politics? Which party would those views harm most?
It's crazy to me y'all think those bots were there to help Trump when it's obvious as fuck to me that the Real concern is that BIPOC would make y'all more left which would only be trouble for Biden/Clinton. The only people that would lose votes if y'all voted more left like BIPOC bots told you to would be Democrats. We want Republicans to vote more left, remember? That would be a good thing.
They were on the site to keep liberals from going left and voting for someone like Sanders or Claudia de La Cruz instead of Clinton/Biden. They weren't helping Trump. They were helping Democrats. Republicans aren't the people listening to BIPOC Tumblr bloggers, are they?
And that psyop is STILL working cuz now liberal goons put in overtime to accuse anyone who criticizes the 2 party system of being a Russian bot 🥴🥴
Yeah. I'm sure the two parties who rely on that system definitely didn't expect or want that outcome at all. And I bet they really didn't want you to refuse to vote for anyone outside those 2 parties either. I'm sure they hate how this psyop ended with you having more trust in a corrupted 2 party system and less trust in 3rd parties that challenge the corruption of the system. How awful it must be for them, that the Russian Bots Ordeal ended with MORE trust in the current government and people being less willing to change it :(
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realidadposts · 8 months
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nontimesversion · 2 months
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