#delusion reblogs
seancefemme · 7 months
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(ignoring literally everything else) omg who wants to be tenth-century lesbian princesses who fall in love and found a monastery together 🫶
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harrypotterfuryroad · 2 years
nerds retroactively deciding that they always hated harry potter is funny but it’s not anywhere near as hilarious as nerds retroactively deciding that the matrix sequels were genius feats of filmmaking
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souvenir116 · 2 months
🕯✨️ Manifesting hard for a repeat of this on Saturday 🕯✨️
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one-winged-dreams · 27 days
F/os and/or s/is with wings/feathers who shed and get frumpy plumage when they get sick.
Approach with a broom, soft bristle hairbrush, and a thermos of soup
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antisocial-cheesepuff · 2 months
it’s fluffy and cute and i am not your strongest soldier
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baby5fanclub · 3 months
so how come i always liked acesan even after i realized they barely interacted when i read the manga, and now i’m watching alabasta and ace is just?? there???
honestly obsessed with the ace filler + simple ace presence and if he’s gonna have a yaoi moment with sanji in the process you know what so be it.
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howd you first indulge in laughingstock if i may ask ? :0
( and additionally , if i draw some of it would thy be interested in me pinging you for it ,,, / nf )
oh good question! the pairing didn't occur to me until i was reading the livestream trivia document & saw the "Howdy considers Barnaby a dear friend of his" and my brain kinda went 'oh. wait. Oh. wait. OH!' and then a little while later i stumbled across @/krasytoonz's art of them and that was the final nail in the coffin!! i was in it for the long haul babey!!!! sealed in and shipped out so to speak!
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You can't take a compliment because you have low self esteem
I can't take s compliment because the moment I do I will assign cosmic significance to the truth of my greatness which you have revealed to me and within days if I am not stopped I will have an unbearable burden of grand purpose and either crumble under its weight or do the weirdest nonsense you've ever heard as part of my mission
We are not the same
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pinkmirth · 1 month
pseudonym / name change:
formerly masie → now marie!
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gag-me-munson · 1 year
Making Eddie breakfast in the morning wearing nothing but his Hellfire Club shirt. He walks behind you with tired eyes and wraps his arms around your waist, closing the space between you with a quick thrust.
"You didn't have to do this, y'know. I'm plenty capable of cooking for us both." You can feel the smile on his lips as he talks closely into your ear, clenching you tighter in a loving squeeze.
"I'm aware," you murmur back, "but can you please just let me take care of you for a change?"
"Fine," he agrees with a playful smack to your ass as he backs away, arms now raised, "but later," he grins, "I get to take care of you."
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madasrabbits · 7 months
when i figure out how to go into my brain and cut out the part of me that looks at tiny little skinny girls and wishes i looked like them so i stop comparing myself to other people i will finally win
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secondwhisper · 10 months
Yes, she is a conspiracy theorist now. We don't keep in touch.
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ampugoat · 6 months
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This is my first comic. Meet Zeke, the hairless cat.
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zenosanalytic · 7 months
This is Supremely Grim
Plz watch it u_u u_u
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fuckthisshitimin · 1 year
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[ID: A four pages long comic depiction of the motel scene from the Night Shift Podcast, episode 12, in black and white.
The first page opens while Angelo is taking Sebastian’s blood. Sebastian is sat on an armchair, head bent back and eyes closed, looking uncomfortable. Angelo is kneeling before him, focused and face neutral as he asks “What makes you so sure it’s to do with me?”. We see a close-up of the needle, and Sebastian’s expression as it shifts to a more relaxed one, saying “You make me feel when I’m used to being numb”.
The second on starts with Angelo saying “All done”, and we see Sebastian from above as he puts pressure on the needle wound. The blood sample is secured in a plastic bag, and Sebastian crouches down, passing a hand through his hair. His smile is weary, he says “You know, I have no idea what you think of me.” We see Angelo finishing to put the sample away, face closed as in the background Seb is still talking: “I think you must like me.”
The third page first shows the two character’s faces: Angelo eyes closed and head bent up, frowning as to fight an emotion, and Sebastian, smiling a bit painfully, saying: “because you don’t seem like someone who would bother with a person they didn’t like. But I can’t wrap my head around why-”. Then, we see the entire scene, Sebastian looking between his knees and Angelo looking at him, flexing his hand as he moves towards him. “and you...” Sebastian goes, as Angelo passes by him to sit on the bed facing the armchair. “And I?”, Angelo prompts.
In the last page, we see Sebastian’s eyes as he looks up to Volta with determination. He leans a bit forward, neck twisting to face the other properly. Layer over the two of them sitting face to face are close-ups of their faces, expressions yearning and wistful. “If I came over there right now, and kissed you, would you let me?” Sebastian asks. Lastly, we see Angelo smiling, brows eye on his forehead, an evident tenderness to him when he says “Yes.”
Signed: Meaningless Mikhaïl. End ID.]
Six days, seventeen pages of drafts and four final pages for thirty-seven seconds of audio. I am totally normal about this episode.
By the way this is how the scene ends, there is nothing after that, Sebastian stops recording and they kiss senseless.
Since the first fic I read of those was by @becaexists, I threw in a little Pride and Prejudice (2005) visual reference, as a treat.
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frameacloud · 7 months
Hey, I saw your article that describes therianthropy as a lifelong identity, and I have a genuine question about that. If someone begins to identify as an animal when they didn't before (for example, if their identity is endelic and begins during a delusion), would they still be considered a therian? If not, is there a reason why?
Hi, anonymous.
It would be that person's own job to figure out for themself what labels, categories, and communities make the most sense for them. That's part of their own self-discovery, not something that I can do for them.
I can tell a little of what they're likely to find on that journey, though it's still theirs. That person would be different in a couple of ways from what the therian community has come to think of as the definitive (or at least typical) therianthrope: someone who has always felt they are an animal (or something other than human) from their earliest childhood memories and throughout their adulthood, whose therianthropy is not associated with a delusion.
Because of that, the person you describe would find people in the therian community who would tell them that means they don't count as a therian at all. They could meet a lot of rejection there. That person also might find friends and writings in the therian community that help them understand themself, deal with their new experiences in a good way, and build a life that they like. They might decide that the typical therian is not the only sort of therian, and that they feel it's big enough for them too. Or they might decide they're different and make up their own word for themself instead. They would have to find out for themself.
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