#dang i can't believe it
zzompi-nerddxd · 5 months
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okkennymay · 2 months
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It's been a very interesting year to say the least- those months still weren't 100% healthy but it was such a difference it was like living a different life, one not filled with constant dread and fear of the next monthly health episode.
It was unreal and I wish I'd made more use of of that time online while I had the chance, instead of being nervous of setting my body off and ruining a good thing going- but having past a new month my body completely imploding (only partially, which still sucks eggs), I can start to pick myself back up and keep going, hopeful once more! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
To all of you who have watched fade in and out of existence since my return online, Thank you for always being so patient 💖 my god was my previous username ghost-chicky ironic as hell, s2g it would be more appropriate these days than anything 0w0"
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 20
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#dimension 20#dimension 20 spoilers#d20 introductions#fhjy#fantasy high junior year#d20 fhjy#WOW dang. what a season#i'm glad the episode didn't end on like. as bleak of a note as it could have for the ratgrinders#being literal teens that were taken advantage of by adults that groomed them and all#was honestly REALLY obsessed by the implications of like how kipperlily's shatterstar was willing and the rest of her friends' weren't.#like there are so many fucking ways that could be interpreted#was she the last to go? was she the first? did she KNOW? was she complicit in it? did she do it by her own hand? what HAPPENED there?#i'm so obsessed. like holy fuck#also this is something vague i was hoping for but like- in the combat when ally said they wanted to go for oisin after he died at first#i was thinking of something like. that they might revive the ratgrinders whose shatter stars already left to have them rejoin the fight#on THEIR side for the purposes of saving the others? but that didn't happen and went on otherwise#i can't. fucking believe. that we got fucking blimey'd AGAIN. fucking insane#and now K2 canonically exists in the real world#fig has an army of inevitable automatons hunting her. fabian has a literal unborn nemesis. adaine has a wizard mom to kill.#senior year problems..... honestly i feel like the high level play this season was really fun to watch#and i think i'd really enjoy seeing a senior year too#what a season. i was IMMENSELY enjoying it for the majority of it that like Starkly dropped around eps 18 and 19 that left a bad taste#but i don't know. i feel like the finale managed to salvage some of that good that i'd really enjoyed over the course of the season#what a ride though‚ I did enjoy it a lot#see y'all next season!!
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zhansww · 2 months
War of Faith — episode 16
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katbirdy · 3 months
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Someone's gotta be the evil twin 🔪🔪🔪🔪
Cosplay by me
Photos by @/adoylible on insta
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multicolour-ink · 11 months
🧠With mario and luigi?
🧠 Traumatic event
writing prompts
There are so many ideas for this prompt alone!
I was brainstorming on this today, and as I did I thought "What if the Bros were reliving trauma through a similar experience?". So here it is :) Please note it gets sad!
Takes place in the Mario Movie verse. Based on Super Princess Peach
- - -
Mario had never felt such despair.
The plumber stretched out his aching legs, and took in the small, square space of his cell. Not that he was expecting anything to be different. He had been in this same spot for days now. Maybe months, it was hard to tell. He could practically memorise the stone walls even with his eyes closed.
How could things have gone this way?
How could Bowser have been able to capture them so easily?
It was his fault, he knew that. Even though others would obviously tell him later that it wasn't. He hadn't been vigilant enough. Hadn't been prepared. If he was, then he wouldn't be sitting in a cell, worrying about Peach, and wondering how far away she was from rescuing them.
He and Luigi would never have been split up.
Mario's heart immediately stung at the thought of his brother. They hadn't seen each other since the day they and the kingdom had been captured. Mario clearly recalled the way their hands reached for each other, the two brothers dragged apart by the Koopa army on either side. Mario managed to punch a few back before reaching again, only to yet again to be pulled back by even more forces. He saw Luigi's face glistening wet trails as he was dragged to another part of the castle. Far away from where Mario was to be placed.
Mario also recalled the sheer hatred he felt when he looked at Bowser. The Koopa King's grin was mocking, and filled with malice.
Mario's heart burnt with that same hatred now, and he clutched at his face to fight back the tears. He would not let Bowser or any of his guards catch him like this! The idea was more humiliating than anything. But he missed his brother so much.
It was all feeling too much like the first time they had discovered the Mushroom Kingdom, when they had been torn apart so viciously in the warp zone.
"We've never been apart this long."
Those words are what he had said to Peach all that time ago in the flower field. And he had meant it. He had carried that dull ache of loss, of longing, until the brothers were finally reunited, and Mario had held him in his arms once again.
He sat up and hugged his arms around him now. He imagined Luigi was with him, arms wrapped around him just as tight, his head nestled on his shoulder.
It would obviously suck, to be stuck in a cell, but at least they would have each other...
"I'm so sorry Luigi", Mario wept.
He raised a hand and made a gesture as if he was cradling a head. It all suddenly felt so real.
"I miss you."
- - -
Luigi was lying on the floor of his cell.
How long he had? He didn't know or care. His routine wasn't going to be any different in the next hour. Or the next.
He was beginning to lose his sense of reality. Stuck in this cell wasn't helping matters.
He had cried for days before the Koopa guards had installed insolation around the edge of his cell door, in a vain attempt to muffle the noise.
In all fairness, it wasn't like he was dangling over a pit of lava this time. So it was much cooler. And he wasn't in an uncomfortable cage, just a slightly bigger uncomfortable cell. So he had that going for him.
But at least in the lava prison he had company. Despite the few days of growing concern over his brother, and the heat of the lava scorching his skin, he had others to talk to. King Penguin was an interesting person with many tales from his kingdom, despite his high pride. And there had been a few koopas and goombas trapped in there that had rebelled against Bowser - so it had been helpful to get their insight. Even Lumalee had been company to an extent, although his unnerving talks of death made sure that Luigi only spoke to them when necessary.
No, the worst thing was that he missed his big brother so bad.
And it was even worse than in the lava prison. At least there he had hope that his brother was coming. This time they were both trapped. Unable to even be together because Bowser had insisted on splitting them up.
The King had known exactly what he was doing then.
Luigi clenched a fist tightly. Oh how he wished that he could have the Power Star again so he could be stronger and punch Bowser in the face like he and Mario did in that final battle in Brooklyn.
But he had no Power Star. Just his own thoughts that were slowly swirling into one day after day.
Luigi stared at the wall. How many times had he counted the bricks, or memorised every line around each slab in an attempt to pass the time?
He was going mad.
He stretched his arm out a little more, his palm facing upwards. He imagined that Mario was lying beside him. What would he say? Probably something optimistic like they would find a way out soon. Maybe they would spend the days just talking to make the time pass quicker. Mario would talk the most, he always did in dire situations.
Luigi blinked. Surprisingly he wasn't startled, or scared. In fact he felt the opposite, as a vision of his brother appeared lying beside him, his hand resting in Luigi's palm.
Luigi smiled. His head felt so heavy, and for a moment he considered that he really was going mad. But he didn't want this image of his brother to go away. He felt so real.
The vision of Mario looked at him with such love and relief that Luigi thought he would start crying again. His 'brother's' hand slipped its fingers in between Luigi's, and gently stroked his thumb with his own.
"I'm so sorry, Luigi."
Luigi found himself replying.
"It's not your fault."
"You always says that", 'Mario' huffed. "But it is. I should've been stronger. I couldn't protect you."
"No one could see it coming", said Luigi more insistent this time. "Don't blame yourself."
"How are you doing?", asked 'Mario'. The concern was evident on his face.
Luigi shrugged.
"Ok. I'm getting by. What about you?"
"Ok", 'Mario' replied back. "The food is terrible though."
Luigi let out a soft laugh at that. His 'brother' smiled back.
"You know...", said Luigi. "When I was trapped in Bowser's fortress, the very first time, I sometimes imagined you were with me."
"I bet I wouldn't have been as brave as you."
"Oh you would!", Luigi spoke up. "You would've busted out of there faster than I ever did..."
'Mario' reached over with his other hand and patted their intertwined ones.
"You were brave enough to hang in there. And you're gonna keep hanging in there now. Promise me, little bro."
"I promise Mario", Luigi whispered. "I miss you."
And just like that Luigi blinked out of the trance. He sat up, finding his whole body stiff from lying down so long. He glanced up at the tiny window at the top of the outside of his cell. From what he could see, the sky was already staining a golden yellow. The guards would be here soon with his evening meal (of which would no doubt consist of stale bread and cheese).
Luigi sat back on the bench, letting out a deep breath so all his muscles relaxed.
"Hang in there Mario", he whispered. "I'll see you soon."
- - -
Back in his own cell, Mario was lying on the floor, only it was in the opposite direction than to how Luigi had been. His arm was outstretched, and his hand curled upwards in an odd angle, almost like he was trying to intertwine his fingers with someone.
"I miss you too, Luigi", Mario whispered. "Hang in there."
- - -
Authors notes under the cut
Oh dang this was heartbreaking to write ;_; Hope you like this anon!
I considered doing a scene when the brother's wake up from a nightmare of the events that transpired in the movie (like so many other fics have done)...
And then I thought, well what if I did it from another perspective. Have the brothers relive the trauma of being forcefully separated! That is defiantly something they would never want to relive again. And then I remembered Super Princess Peach and, well, here we are!
I hope you all like it, and thank you for reading <3
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #28
[masterlist] [part one] [part two]
No prompt this time, I just really wanted to write this continuation ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^
While the kid—Danny—took care of his business, Jason busied himself with getting the pancake batter mixed up, mind whirling with the thoughts he'd set aside the night before. Questions about how Danny had gotten to Gotham, how he'd gotten into Jason's apartment, and how the kid had done whatever it was he'd done tangled and spun around inside his head, mixing with thoughts and theories about what, exactly, had happened last night. He knew he'd probably have to tread lightly with the conversation topics at first, the kid looked like something a half dead cat dragged in and would most likely be standoffish at best. Jason knew himself, though, and with how badly he wanted answers, well... He wasn't sure how well he'd be able to handle taking the slow approach this time around. He'd just have to do his best and hope to high heaven that he didn't drive Danny away by being too pushy.
Danny made his way into the kitchen just as Jason was mixing the last of the big lumps out, causing Jason to grin. "Good timing," he said, setting the bowl down on the counter, shuffling a few steps over to turn the range on at a low heat. He bent to dig his pancake skillet out of the cupboard, he didn't make pancakes often enough to keep it readily available, though he did make sure to bring it every time he moved safe houses. A good pancake skillet was hard to come by, and he refused to dishonor Alfred's special pancake recipe by using a subpar pan if he could get away with it. "So, Danny, what do you like in your pancakes? I've got a few bananas that haven't gone bad, some walnuts, chocolate chips, one of my brothers left a jumbo container of peanut butter M&Ms last time they were over, and I've got some precooked bacon we could crisp up to crumble and throw in if that's your fancy." Jason glanced over his shoulder as he stood up with the pan in hand, pausing when he saw Danny's wide eyed expression. "What?"
"You... You can put all that stuff inside your pancakes?" Danny asked in shock. His big blue eyes seemed to shimmer with barely contained awe, his shaggy hair and oversized blue hoodie combining with the expression to make the kid seem even younger than he likely was.
Jason carefully sat the pan down on the range before turning to Danny with a raised eyebrow. That protective something was rising in his chest again, and he wasn't sure he wanted to stop it. "Kid, we can put all of that and more in our pancakes, if we want to. Who's gonna stop us?" Even with his crappy childhood, Jason had known you could add things to pancake batter before Bruce had taken him in! He'd never done it before that point, but that was excusable in his opinion. Not knowing it was possible in the first place wasn't.
After a filling breakfast of chocolate chip and bacon pancakes, with milk and applesauce packets so their meal was a tad bit more balanced than it otherwise would be, Jason finally decided to try getting some answers from the adorable kid who had mysteriously entered, and likely saved, his life. He just wasn't entirely sure how to start. Over breakfast, they'd asked each other some basic getting-to-know-you questions, so Jason knew Danny was ten and liked space, heroes, and the color mars red, and Danny knew Jason was twenty-one and liked books, guns, and the color burnished gold. How was he supposed to move the conversation in the direction he wanted to take it without just outright changing subjects? He must be more out of practice with social interactions than he'd thought if he was struggling this badly.
Luckily, though, it seemed Danny had no problems with getting down to business. "Alright, you said you had questions. I'm assuming most of them are about what happened last night and the rest are about me. Am I right?" He was a blunt little bugger, too.
"Pretty much," Jason said, nodding.
Danny nodded as well. "Right, well, we can do this the kinda quick and fairly messy way, or the much slower and more complete way. Which would you prefer?"
Jason raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm assuming one of those is me asking questions and you answering them?"
"Yep, and the other is me just starting from the beginning and answering any questions at the end," the kid agreed. Danny looked him dead in the eyes. "I don't have anywhere to be for at least the next few hours, but I don't know if you do, so you get to decide how we do this."
He thought about it, and the repercussions of both options. The "quick" and dirty method would theoretically get his questions answered quicker, but was liable to give him more questions and end to taking longer than either really wanted it to, while the "longer" and cleaner method would take longer to answer his questions, but would also give him most of, if not all, the context he'd need to actually understand the answers to his questions, and potentially be quicker in the long run at that. Jason nodded, decision made. "Let me tell my family I'm alright, then we'll start from the beginning, yeah? And we should probably move to the couch, it'll be more comfortable than the dinner table."
\⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/ I GOT INSPIRATION! I know I said I'd only use prompts this month, but they were starting to make me want to tear my hair out, and I like my hair (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)so yeah, these last few days will be free days where I can write whatever the fudge I want to. I'll probably write part four of this sooner rather than later, and I'm thinking of writing a part three for the fake cryptids au, as well. Here's hoping everything goes to plan (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
I'm too tired to be able to go through with tagging everyone who asked to be tagged in part three of this ficlet series, so I'm just going to hope this makes it to everyone who wanted to see it even without me tagging them. Maybe if I weren't so tired, I'd take the time to tag people, but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I'm trying not to fall asleep as I write this (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) so yeaaaahhh, I'm going to finish this up and get myself to bed ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
Have a good morning/day/night!
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mischievousspooks · 3 months
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I had plans for the turtle tots this week, but then I scratched my eye somehow and can't see, so... sorry y'all I went with one that didn't require much new linework. The toddlies will be back next week.
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morganali-art · 10 months
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Estimeric Week 2023 - Day 2 AU
Long after the days of the Dragonsong War, there are some very colourful versions of the history being peddled in Ishgard's blackmarket in salacious tomes.
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an-aphorism · 7 months
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My 200k epic sheith fic, Spikemoss will be complete this Sunday! Absolutely thrilled to have completed it!!
If you've been waiting until it was done to jump in, your wait is finally over! It's fully tagged, but if you have any questions about any triggers, I'm happy to answer any questions in the Ask. :)
And if you'd like to tip me (omg thank you!!!!), I have a ko-fi.
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idasessions · 1 year
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Grace Slick and Christine McVie at the Boston Garden where Jefferson Starship and Fleetwood Mac performed on October 18th, 1975. Photo by Ron Pownall.
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alsojnpie · 4 months
What is the goofiest bowtie that you think (your) Horrortale Papyrus would willingly wear in public?
this is a hard question for me to answer because i don't have a list of bowties or understand what goofiness level is attached to any bowties i see. I'm woefully unknowledgable about the fashion world. but one thing i know for sure: he does not wear goofy clothes for the purpose of the bit. if he is wearing a goofy bow tie, it's because he LIKES IT!! if it's just for joke purposes then forget about it
anyway i don't think this counts as a goofy one cause it's too cute but while looking at bow ties i did see this:
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darkpetal16 · 1 year
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I completed a full route (start to finish) in IF - Dusttale. 
I made this game to test stuff for my other two (IF - Underfell & IF - Mafiafell) because I was too scared of experimenting in them and losing, like, everything. But the more I tested in IF - Dusttale the closer it got to an actual ending. 
Today I sat down and finished my first draft of it. 
I’ll step away from it for a few days then come back and start the editing process. If all goes well I may be able to post the complete game this week! 
Woo hoo!
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mintjeru · 4 months
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240210 💜 happy birthday to plave's resident bodybuilder princess 🦙
open for better quality | no reposts
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Guys I frickin did it
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I made a ding gang website BRUH
I did it all by myself
holy sht
Definitely lost at least 4 of my marbles but it's DONE and I can check that off my new year bucket list babeyyyy
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Look I even made product photos
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more-better-words · 6 months
Time to get started on your magnum opus! (Can I call it that? Is it your most important work? Well, let’s just say it’s my personal nomination for your most important work thus far, shall we?) Tell me about Chapter 1: Option Two of From the Ground Up, the first part of your Built to Last series, please and thank you❣️😁⭐️
Okay, so, I never watched Enterprise when it first aired. All I knew about it was a) it had a weird, cheesy, unTrek theme, b) it was widely considered Not Very Good by Trekkie tastemakers, and c) it had a stunningly bad series finale. But then, almost exactly a year ago (geez, has it only been a year? Dang), my husband and I got COVID and we thought, why not watch the one Trek neither of us had ever seen?
And we liked it! It wasn't nearly as bad as its reputation had made it sound! It fell right in that sweet spot of being good enough to get invested in, while still bad enough to be amusing in a fixer-upper kind of way. And I certainly wasn't expecting to T'Pol to become my favorite character, or to be utterly charmed by Trip Tucker, but boy howdy did that happen!
All of this is long-winded prologue to say that I was 1000% on board with that ship. Then I watched TATV.
That's the one part of ENT's bad rep that is completely deserved.
Almost immediately, I got the novels. Like, within days. And I loved that they dismissed so much of what had been bad and dumb about TATV as bad and dumb. I wanted them to be enough for me. I wanted them to be the balm for my broken shipper heart. They weren't. They couldn't be.
But fanfic! Was there fic that continued Trip and T'Pol's story from the end of Terra Prime onward? Well…not really? At least, not that I could find.
Well, crap. I was going to have to do this myself.
Which was why I started writing From the Ground Up. At the end of Terra Prime, Trip and T'Pol are hurting, but they're not denying their feelings for each other anymore, so they're at a crossroads. Do they try to figure out a relationship or not? T'Pol will eventually explain her reasoning, but ultimately, as Trip puts it, they deserve a chance. It was what I'd wanted desperately for them, and via the magic of fanfic, I could make that happen!
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