#dandelion-blues orginal content
dandelion-blues · 3 months
Bittersweet Blood
What if Sally Jackson was Loki Odinson? See Loki and Percy take the Marvel Universe by storm.
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Chapter 2, Part 1: The Sea Protects
Loki wakes up the next day clinging to Poseidon. He sighs, his bloodshot eyes, dried tear tracks, and dry throat greet him as he is raw from crying and sobbing into his lover's arms for most of the night. Poseidon appears to still be asleep (a rarity for the god to actually sleep), and Loki goes to grab some water, once again frustrated he had to seal his magic, but comforted he changed back to his original form for now, so he is in a physically conforming body for once. Especially since coming to Midgard when he's in a male mindset instead of his default as Sally physically all the time. 
He gulped the glass of water greedily down, the cool water refreshing and very much needed. He stares at the yellow light of the sun making its way through the cabin's windows as rain lightly drips down the window pane. Loki wondered if his late maternal grandfather Freyr was somehow looking at him, his essence now infused with the universe around him, as is the fate of all faded gods. He was, after all, the god of the sun, fertility, peace, and rain, and all those things were currently present. Loki thought it was an omen, a good or bad one Loki wasn’t sure of, though. Maybe his baby would join his grandfather as well. 'No! Stop, thinking about your baby's death, Loki!' 
Ugh, Loki's mood is in the gutter again. Maybe he can grab more sleep before Poseidon wakes up, so he doesn't have to think about anything anymore.
Unfortunately, once Loki got under the covers, careful not to wake Poseidon. All he could think about was his child's doom.
He knew that it wouldn't be easy to have this child, but he didn't think that his unborn child already had a death sentence on them. The child, If going by the prophecy, they will die when they are sixteen! They won't even make it to their first ᛈᚨᛋᛋᚨᚷᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚲᚺᛁᛚᛞᚺᛟᛟᛞ ("Passage of childhood"). 
They won't even make it anywhere close to adulthood, at least by going how Asgardians age (if the child will even age like an Asgardian!). Asgardians reach adulthood on their 500th birthday (or an equivalent of midgardian's 20th), and ugh Loki himself is only 1036! Equivalent to 25 for midgardians! He's too young to be a mother!
Loki won't even age an adult Asgardian year when this child's birth and death is set (which is every 100 years)! Loki can't breathe! It's too soon, he hasn't even had his child yet and he's going to lose them in a blink of an eye!
Loki thought he was done with his crying last night, but here it is again. Luckily, before Loki can get lost in his sorrows, strong arms wrap around him and hold him steady while he cries. Loki smells the soothing ocean, and he is glad his lover is right here with him.
"Are you alright, my dear?" Poseidon asks once Loki shaking and sobbing dies down.
Loki nods into Poseidon's chest and sighs into his embrace, "I just feel so incredibly overwhelmed, Poseidon. I don't know what to do, and I already feel like I'm mourning a child who isn't even born yet."
"Not to mention all the hardships this child will have to go through by being our child. Will they even have support from any gods aside from us? Or will their very existence have to remain a secret? Their powers and magic sealed away, lest other gods try and kill them?!" Loki yells frustrated.
Poseidon breathes deeply, troubled and worried for his child. However, he knows that not all gods will be against this child, perhaps it's time for Loki to meet some of his family.
"My star, I can't speak for all the gods, but I know not all will be against our child. While I do think the child will be safer with less people knowing their full heritage, as word will be less likely to spread, I know my wife Ampritrite and my son Triton are loyal to the sea, to me, and would never harm any of my children and I know they would help if they are informed of this dire situation."
"Your wife?! Wouldn't she be like Hera, and resent you and my child for being born of unfaithfulness."
Poseidon laughs, "My αγάπη (“love”)," he looks fondly into Loki's emerald eyes, so much like the jewel but more - filled with life and magic of the worlds, "We are Greek. We rarely conform to one lover. When Amphitrite agreed to be my queen, she agreed because she and I got to keep our freedom. We both take our own lovers from time to time. Sometimes we even find partners we both favor. However, we still love one another as husband and wife, as she is forever my queen, as I am her king."
Loki huffs but still feels a pang in his heart. He knew their love was temporary, but he still wants Poseidon’s comforting embraces and nicknames and love. However, he hides his pain by rolling his eyes, "You didn't think to tell me this before?"
"Like you didn't tell me that you were a god?" Poseidon shoots back playfully.
"Fair." Loki concedes.
"And you're sure that Amphitrite and Triton won't mind, and even help?" Loki asks worriedly, searching into Poseidon's eyes and finding the greens and blues of the calm ocean waves to be reassuring.
"Absolutely." Poseidon says with absolute certainty.
My chapters here on Tumblr are going to be shorter than what will be posted on my Ao3 account for practicality.
I will link the Ao3 fic as well when I post it there.
Also, for how Asgardians age. They age normally until they reach 12, and then their age slows significantly (and will physically and mentally age a year for about every 61 years lived). Then, they reach adulthood at 500 (or 20 for us humans and will physically age a year for every 100 years lived).
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dandelion-blues · 1 month
Hold Fast, Captain
The Prince of the Sea.
Oh! the dead dare to dream.
The cursed sought to claim,
If only the red blood would remain.
You dare touch the Storm’s chosen,
The one crowned by black roses.
Yo ho! A pirate may lust,
But will never earn his trust.
So pretty, the pearl of the sea,
Singing the siren shanties.
Drown in the depths of his eyes.
Oh! He'll be your demise.
Yo ho! Dancing till dawn,
The Hero won’t be treated as a pawn.
Oh! Lavish him in your riches,
To evade swimming with the fishes.
This is also connected to my snippet for a Percy Jackson x Pirates of the Caribbean cross-over for anyone who wants to read more.
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