#danas recs
szlez · 15 days
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Enochian - my art masterpost for @cdrcrossoverbang
I was incredibly lucky to be paired with MalicMalic in this reverse bang. In my wildest dreams, I couldn't imagine that my art would inspire such an amazing story! Thank you MalicMalic!
To the point, if you're a SPN & The X-Files fan you cannot miss this gem of a story! The fic is a blast full of easter eggs and clever use of all similarities in the show! Absolutely brilliant!
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Don't Look Any Further
Crossover Universe: The X-Files
Author: MalicMalic
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55810504
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sentientsky · 1 month
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Even when the world was falling apart, you were my constant... my touchstone.
artwork inspired by this incredibly beautiful msr fic from actualchangeling on ao3 (go read it!!!!)
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cecilysass · 4 months
Milagro Fic Recommendations
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These are good for any time of year, of course, not just February 14. But here are my favorite fics related to the season 6 episode Milagro, a long time favorite. (And @sisterspooky1013's favorite episode of all time: happy VD, girl!) I’ve been reading and sifting through these for some time, and I have tried to include some from all eras: newer AO3 fics, some written right after the ep aired, etc. But I'm sure I've missed some, so hit me with your own faves, please.
Because of Milagro's ending, this entire genre of fic tends to be heavy on the hurt/comfort and angst (which is fiiiiine by me), but that’s not all that’s here. Many of these are smutty, but not all.
Adagio - Terma99 A meditative, peaceful take on the aftermath of Milagro by a veteran author that includes both agents realizing something they had learned. Lovely.
Alma - 6hoursgirl (@sixhours) A lovely hurt/comfort Milagro piece. This one is Mulder POV, which is a little less common for post-Milagro, I think, and I like this characterization of Mulder as desperately wanting to help Scully, desperately wanting to protect her, but also a tiny bit scared of the intimacy and relationship he feels they’re on the cusp of. He’s so good-hearted and also a little dysfunctional here, and I love it.
Bated Breath - dreamingofscully (@dreamingofscully) This one has an original take on Scully's experience; it leaves Scully with clarity and new direction in her relationship with Mulder. DreamingofScully tends to write a more confident, in-charge Scully in the MSR than some do, and I appreciate it.
Beyond the Strokes of a Typewriter - storybycorey (@storybycorey) When Scully is stricken and ashamed that it’s been so long since anyone has seen her as a woman as Padgett did, Mulder is pushed to revelations. Mulder 3rd person POV. Very good smut build up. And nobody does a gorgeous feelings reveal from Mulder like storeybycorey, man.
I Believe - Diana Battis There are a lot of lovely, heartfelt hurt/comfort fics about the aftermath of Milagro (for obvious reasons), but this one is especially well done. Viewed from Scully’s third person point of view, it focuses on Mulder’s capacity for tenderness and guilt. Plus some smut.
Don’t Look Up - ArtemisX5 After Padgett's hallway revelation, Scully is horrified that she has no secrets left. But you know, Mulder is much slower on the draw than she gives him credit for. There is also such moving hurt/comfort in this.
Intimacies with Strangers -mldrgrl (@mldrgrl) This mid- and post- Milagro piece has Mulder and Scully simmering in tension and then boiling over. Their relationship is complex and painfully entangled, and I love how it plays out. There is also excellent Scully characterization. This one helps me to get more fully why she might have been drawn to Padgett initially, something I struggle with in the episode.
La Madrugada - h0ldthiscat A carefully told tale of RST that takes both characters seriously and is sincerely moving. Excellent.
Lacuna - Aloysia_Virgata (@aloysiavirgata) This is a longer work, not really a classic post ep per se. But I love this moody, angsty casefile set right after Milagro. This Scully has not come to terms with her emotions, is thoroughly freaked by how she reacted to Padgett, and hasn't even entirely worked out how she feels about Mulder. There is Scully/other here, but the ship is steering home. The end of this is so moving, but cw: dark themes in the casefile, extreme violence against children, traumatized agents.
Still Life - Seek_Its_Opposite (@seek-its-opposite) Ah, this is such a thoughtful and exquisitely written Scully character piece — and it contains some truly beautiful insights about Mulder, too. It suggests the heartbreaking idea that Mulder’s way of showing Scully respect (giving her distance) is continually hurting her. So tragic (and consistent with canon, e.g. Never Again.) One memorable line: “Every one of their fights is about how to care for one another, every last one.”
Alma Gemela - matchingfabric (@matchingfabric) After the events of Milagro, Scully (and Mulder) get accustomed to platonically sharing a bed for comfort. This is a slightly different take on post-Milagro. Exceptionally, irresistibly sweet. Oh, and smutty.
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What did I miss? Tell me. And yes, I'm working on my own short Milagro fic that will be coming soon-ish.
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jessiesjaded · 11 months
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Scully in Jersey Devil
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actual-changeling · 27 days
Heya! Do you have any msr fic Recs?
I do have a lot! My ao3 bookmarks are all public, so you can go and browse those by fandom since I save every single fic I read. Fake/pretend relationship and anything involving them figuring out their relationship while around people are two of my all time favourite tropes. Here are some of my favourites though, they're either oneshots or completed:
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (~66k, E)
Getting home proves to be challenging for our favourite agents. Set during Season 7, after Millennium.
True Lies (~106k, T)
Post-Terma, Scully can't help but think they need protection against any future kangaroo court congressional hearings and comes up with a rather unconventional solution that she proposes of Mulder.
Since We Fell Apart (~23k, T)
Post One Son, Scully is fed up with playing second fiddle to everything in Mulder's life, and decides it's best to just be done with him. Skinner asks her to work one last case for the X-Files - undercover in Arcadia.
Keep It All the Year (26k, M)
Scully is summoned to San Diego for a funeral at Christmastime, and ropes Mulder into her family dysfunction. Set in S6, canon divergent but not wildly so.
The Whole Story (~2.6k, T) by @sisterspooky1013
If they thought Maggie couldn’t tell when two people are holding hands under the dinner table, they've got another thing coming.
The Marriage Spectacular (~20k, M)
Lost FBI agents. Stormy weather. A marriage retreat in a mountainside inn with one room available.
una via (~19k, M)
Mulder and Scully's changing relationship in the period after Amor Fati.
Plus some of my favourite authors whose works I am still digging through and enjoying a lot. There's nothing better than reading a great fic, going to their profile, and then realizing they have like 100 more of them.
Skinfull @baronessblixen OnlyTheInevitable fragilevixen @danascully77 cecily_sass audries kittenscully
I'm probably forgetting a bunch of people, so you're very much invited to add your favourite fics and/or your own (self promo is explicitly welcomed!!).
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mindibindi · 9 months
⭐(Re)Visit a Classic XF Fic [7/7]⭐
So, as part of The X files 30th anniversary celebrations, I took it upon myself to highlight some of the AMAZING authors I first read in this fandom. They were a HUGE part of my experience of watching the show during it's original run. For shippers, the original run was a marathon in faith, frustration and endurance. We were judged, dismissed, ridiculed and gaslit throughout. But in fandom, we found solidarity, and in fanfic, we found solace. (AND we won in the end, so THERE).
As a retired author, I also have a vested interest in pleading the case of older writers. Fanfic archives are libraries, not social media sites. Don't just read whatever comes up most recently in your feed. Search. Discover. Explore. Experiment. Yes, there are some differences in older fanfic culture that are evident in these seven recs. Characters may be understood differently in their original context, narrative style may also differ (more 1st/2nd person address that even addresses the reader directly), there may also be less clear trigger warnings and fewer opportunities for feedback/community. I know we all love AO3 and are grateful for its good works. But don't forget that there are other avenues through which to explore fanfiction.
For this final rec, I want to return to the first author I rec-ed. I urge you to check out her other works. The characters are sometimes a little overwrought or OOC but even when they are, her stuff is tremendously messy, sexy and fun. Here Mulder and Scully are perfectly in character in a rather rauchy scenario. (If you're a babyphile and you don't know the politics at play then ask an auntyphile to fill you in). I will post links below for all the classic authors I have rec-ed, along with a few archives you may want to check out.
Rec #7:
MSR, obligatory stakeout fic
Prompted by current events, Mulder and Scully discuss oral sex
Some knowledge of the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal required
Rachel Anton (inc lots of Krycek content)
Suzanne Schramm
Narida Law
The search engine is not great but Gossamer IS still up and running:
X-Libris is a current archive that is doing a great job of recovering older works. You can suggest fics to be added to the site or even ask for a long lost fic to be tracked down!!
Smaller archives but also still up and running is Whispers of X and XFSM, both of which are good for different pairings, threesomes and a bit of kink, if that's your jam.
In particular, if you're into BDSM then you may want to check out Kristel St Johns "Aphrodisia" which does a beautiful job of putting Mulder and Scully in a v different, intense kind of physical relationship . The novel is unfinished but definitely still worth a read.
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whumpdoyoumean · 2 months
I don't think there's ever been any doubt that The X-Files is an absolute treasure trove of whump, but man the season 2 finale is actually legendary. In the course of a SINGLE EPISODE we get:
-drugged Mulder -uncharacteristically angry, lashing out Mulder -grieving Mulder -feverish sweaty Mulder -Mulder semi-collapsing onto Scully -Mulder being led to bed and cared for by Scully -Mulder getting shot by Scully -Mulder with red-tinged bandages -Mulder walking around with his arm held to his chest to avoid aggravating his wound -fake death Mulder
It's just 45 minutes of physical, mental, and emotional suffering for him. If you haven't seen it, please do. Absolutely wonderful episode.
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spookyserenades · 2 months
do you have any bts ot7 fives you can recommend ?
I've recommended these three before (I actually don't read too many Ot7 fics, mostly hyung line!) but they're my faves and I can't say enough about how much I love them 💕:
Abundance by @angelicyoongie - hybrid!AU, Ot7
Everything Falls (Into Place) by @blog-name-idk - roommate!AU, college!AU, Ot7
The third is TaeJin x Reader:
Florescence by @jincherie - hybrid!AU
If you read them, I hope you love them just as much as me!
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pennyserenade · 10 months
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Below the cut is a list compiled of X-Files fanfic that I've enjoyed in the past month or so. Some of these fics (or maybe all of these fics) are ones that are probably well known by this fandom, but they are new to me. The purpose of this list is both to share my recommendations and also to have something to refer back to when my mind gets to wondering about one of them. There's nothing more heartbreaking than losing a good fic you remember vividly. Special thanks to those beyond incredible websites like X-Libris and Gossamer, as well as tumblr users with impressive fic recs such @lilydalexf, @enigmaticxbee, and @randomfoggytiger.
The Angle of the Wrist by pqlaertes (1.7k) (explicit):
season four, cancer arc. A heartbreakingly good, soft smut story where a concerned Mulder watches intently over a sick Scully, and loves her in his own ways. 
Inspection by IngridGradient (22k+) (explicit):
set seasons one through seven. Beginning in season one, Mulder and Scully begin to inspect one another’s bodies for ticks after certain field cases. What begins as a rather innocuous exercise gradually forms into something much different than intended. I loved this because it felt very Mulder and Scully in the way it was full of yearning and all the flirting and the loving was done so silently as to be almost deadly to the two of them. Mulder is so sappy and in love in this, too, and I adore it so much. Also it's hot! 
*Equilibrium by astronaught (currently at 14k+) (teen):
currently season one through eight. A deep look into the ever-adapting relationship of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully throughout the series, as well as the agents themselves. Begins in season one and offers insightful and moving analysis for each of the seasons. This one is truly literary and absolutely breathtaking. The author is beyond talented, offering insightful and touching analysis of these two brilliant characters in a decidedly brilliant way. I’ve re-read many of these chapters, not only because they are so good, but because I feel there’s always more to find within them. This isn’t finished yet but it is definitely worth checking out.
Overnight Sensation by Syntax6 (50k+) (explicit):
set in season six, between Tithonus and Arcadia. A peeved post One Son/Two Father’s Scully debates her future with The X-Files and Mulder. She ends up taking a case in Boston to try out another life for a size, and Mulder - being Mulder - follows her out there. Chaos ensues when past grudges (and loves) are dredged up, and a killer continues to unleash hell on the city of Boston. This is another good profiler Mulder fic and also a lovely jealousy fic. Mulder was such an ass in season six and some of Scully’s decisions in this feel a little gratifying. I wouldn’t say it was so much explicit in the case of sexual situations, but definitely in terms of the content surrounding the murders. Another to be wary of if you can’t do dark, but very, very good. This author is excellent at case file fics. 
All the Way Home by Syntax6 (48k+) (explicit):
set early season seven, a bit after The Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati. Mulder is forced down memory lane when a serial killer he tried to help catch years ago seemingly comes back -- and he wants Mulder’s attention. This one I remember being distinctively creepy. It's definitely what I would consider a case file fic and I highly recommend it (but you ought to know it does get dark and if you feel uncomfortable with say, the contents of Silence of the Lambs, you should be wary of this. If you can get through that then you should be okay, though). I love the way this writer writes Mulder and Scully, and quickly found that I’m quite attached to fics where Mulder is a profiler. It’s a different and captivating side to him and I love, love, love the way the author weaves who Mulder is into how he responds to cases such as these. Mulder is such a nuanced individual and this author always writes he and Scully with such respect and accuracy. I would not be surprised to find out they have also written X-Files episodes in real life. 
Eclipse by Diana Battis and Alanna (20k+) (explicit): 
set in season seven. Scully asks Mulder to help her conceive children and they spend the next few months fighting that battle together, close as they ever have been. This story is so heartbreakingly tender and I fear my heart won’t ever recover from reading it (especially with that ending).  
Parabiosis by Penumbra (50k+) (explicit):
set in season seven. Mulder and Scully’s relationship as it evolves during the era of season seven, with a little bit of Mummy casefile to top it off. This one was a bit hard to wrap my mind around at first, but once I got the hang of the structure, it was smooth sailing from there. The way this author writes Mulder and Scully’s evolving relationship is beautiful--almost so intimate that you feel intrusive just for reading. I couldn’t put it down. Also, I must say this in relation to this fic: Chris Carter, eat your heart out.
X-FILES: I WANT TO BELIEVE era (either pre or during):
Phenomenology by h0ldthiscat (3.6k+) (explicit):
Mulder wakes up frightened, afraid something has happened to Scully when he can’t find her in bed, and she comforts him. This is angsty but very good.
Porch Sex by icedteainthebag (1.8k+) (explicit):
I love, love, love a good flirty Mulder/Scully fic. This is definitely that. See also: the addressing of height difference during doggy sex. *chef’s kiss*’
Gravity by Malibu Sunset (26k+) (explicit):
Follows Mulder and Scully inside their life of exile, with Scully working as nurse and Mulder flying entirely under the radar; that is, until the events of the movie take place and he’s able to have a life outside of the unremarkable house again. I love this one for a lot of reasons -- the domesticity of Mulder and Scully, in which we get so little of in the original and revival series; the talk of William, of what they lost, and what they continue to lose; and the soft, comforting vignettes in between it all. I’m also particularly fond of the descriptive but accurate sex. It’s not always perfect (an aging Mulder has to wait until he can get another erection; they have drunk, imperfect sex while the lasagna cooks; Scully doesn’t cum each time; and Scully - yes even Scully - gets UTIs). 
knock three times by wtfmulder (1k) (explicit):
season eleven, plus one. Scully initiates sex with Mulder in the connected motel rooms. I have a special place in my heart for smut with an older Mulder and Scully. This is short and sweet and absolutely perfect. 
You He Did Not Fail by extraordinarily_ordinary (85k) (explicit):
seasons one-five, deriving from the plot a little after Scully goes into remission. Scully has left Mulder and the X-Files behind without an explanation, taking a reassignment in L.A. Needing an expert profiler to help her with a difficult case, Scully asks Skinner for one from Washington D.C. Mulder ends up being the one she gets, and he comes with lots of questions about her departure, along with the heavy weight of their shared past together. Scully is made to make some difficult decisions while she and Mulder make headway in the case. This fic was so good I devoured it in a single day. This derives from the plot in a way that I found equal parts realistic and painful, and I love the Mulder we get in this. He feels like Duchovny’s own deeply sorrowful man, who just can’t seem to catch a break no matter how he tries. Oh, and he’s deeply and pitifully in love with Scully. Scully too feels so well fleshed out here. This is an incredible, and perhaps more realistic, take on a plot I’ve always regarded with some questions in The X-Files, and it gives Scully back some agency that she deserves.
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aldasart · 5 months
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Took pens with me to work ✍️
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annapoofle · 1 year
Hey remember in 2020 when SPOP was coming to a close and we all immediately latched onto TOH in the aftermath? ...What are we gonna do after the last special comes out. Like are there any new sapphic sci fi/fantasy cartoons scheduled to release anytime soon or what
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itstheheebiejeebies · 1 month
Does anyone have any recs for a MASH Time Loop fic that will drive me absolutely insane? if you don't have mash recs i'll take others
Anything about it can be the cause of insanity, futility of trying to escape the loop, the way the loop works, the character work of the fic, anything. I just need something that makes me want to chew glass right now
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The Anniversary Collection
Hi philes, it’s been a long time! Far too long if you ask us.  Would you believe that 7 years ago today we posted our first recommendation? In celebration of our 7 year anniversary, we reached out to a few old friends and asked them to write a little something anniversary-themed for what we are calling, The Anniversary Collection. And hooboy did they come through! The collection will be updated throughout the day as more stories are added. 
Thank you writers for collaborating, for joining forces with us to bring a solid list of new recommendations!
Thank you readers for still being here, for still showing us love even long after we stopped being active. We appreciate the messages of love and support over all of this time. 
We love you all!
Patty and Kristin
Click here for The Anniversary Collection
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cecilysass · 3 months
It’s Saturday morning here, so here’s a podfic version of @sisterspooky1013’s absolutely perfect angsty little Never Before.
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Now when you go to the gym or grocery store or whatever you do, you can be listening to something dark and steamy, too.
Thank you, @audiofanficpod!
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clo-thespin · 1 month
"I watched a reasonable amount of x files bloopers, so i could accurately describe GA's laugh"
best ao3 tags ive ever seen
(food for thought by mytardisisparked)
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cactusracoon · 27 days
I wanna go to bed so fucking bad right now. But no!! I have to live in fucking OHIO!! WHERE WE GET STUPID THUNDER STORMS THAT PUT US ON TORNADO WARNING!!! It's bot expected to stop till 5 in the fucking morning. I have school at 7 in the morning. So I'm sitting here at 12 am about to give you fanfic recs.
These are mostly if not all Tim Drake centric
This story is such a cute love story between Dick and Dana, Tim's step mother. I love myself a good rare pair. Dana adopts Tim after Jack dieds, she takes an interest in his gymnastics teacher Dick. She struggles with parenting Tim, he helps her through it. It's a great wholesome fic if your looking for some hurt/comfort light on the hurt. It's not finished though.
Another rare pair fic. This time it's between Talia, Bruce, and Janet. Not as wholesome as the last one but definitely a good one if you want hurt/comfort. Tim is Bruce's Bio son, Jack finds out and wants a divorce. Bruce is an awkward dad trying to parent 3 kids with one on the way. Janet is trying to survive living under the same roof as her exe husband with a drinking problem all while trying to keep Tim safe. Talia is just trying to get in Janet's pants and hating on Jack. Also not a finished book but it was updated in the last 2 months
Tim trying to not get caught smoking weed. That's the whole book. Stoner Tim is a very under used trope and I need more of it! Perfect fluffy book. This one is finished.
Yet another rare pair but this time it's cross Fandom. This one is Neal Caffrey x Bruce wayne. Neal and Bruce are dating, Bruce's kids find out. Neal and the white collar division now have to deal with the chaos of Bruce's far to many kids. Again a really good comfort book. This one is finished.
Tim's Uber hits Red Hood with his car. Now Tim feels like he owes Hood a favor. Then the Outlaws claim Tim as their child. Great hurt/comfort fic! Bit more on the angsty side. Deals alot with child Neglect but that's a given for a Tim drake centric fanfic. This one is also a finished fic.
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