take-taker-taken · 3 months
Can I get a ABA!Taker with small reader, (im 5'0 without shoes lol) (male pref) where he works with taker and accidentally injures him during a match and taker takes him in the locker room?
Kinks: daddy kink, dry humping,dumbification, spanking maybe?
Hey, hey, Anon! Here’s your fic! No title I’m afraid because I struggle with those. Also have to give props to Randy Orton for the inspiration of Taker getting hurt. Hope you enjoy!
“Me? You’re sure?”
“That’s what he said. That he likes what he’s seen and thinks you deserve a push.” The exec stands up and so you get to your feet as well before reaching out to shake his hand.
“Thank you, sir. I really appreciate the opportunity.”
You leave the office in a bit of a daze at what’s just taken place. At first you’d been petrified that they were going to fire you and so to be told that none other than the Undertaker wants to work with you… Whoah. Immediately after leaving the room you set about trying to find him so that you can thank him personally - he’s an old school guy and so you know he would consider that the proper way to do things.
After psyching yourself up a bit, you knock on his dressing room door and hear a lazy, “Yeah?”
You open the door a little and peer around it, scanning the large room until you see the man himself sprawled on a couch watching some sports on a TV. He looks around and a slow smile creeps over his face. Not unkind, exactly, but… you can’t quite place it. You stand awkwardly at the door because truth is… well, he’s freakin’ hot.
“It’s the new kid!” He says and waves you over. “Come on in, boy.”
You step in and close the door behind you, trying to ignore the fact that he’s already unintentionally hit on one of your kinks - hearing him call you ‘boy’, and with that accent... You pause for a second as you suppress a shiver and then remind yourself that he’s probably not going to appreciate some timid little newbie hovering in the corner. You need to be polite and respectful, but confident and so you walk over until you’re only a few feet away. Damn, he’s a big guy.
“Sir, I wanted to stop by and say thank you. The office just told me that you asked about us doing a short program together because you thought I deserved a push. Coming from you, that’s a huge compliment sir, and a great opportunity. I really appreciate it, thank you.”
Taker sits up a little bit straighter, his black Harley Davidson t-shirt pulling tight across his chest and he nods. “Respect, that’s good - I like that.”
Like his smile earlier, there’s something in his tone that you can’t place but you do feel yourself blush slightly. Trying to cover it you clear your throat and shrug. “Well, yeah - you’re the locker room leader, so I figured -”
“You figure right.” He says, pointing at you with his first two fingers. “I’m the daddy.”
Oh god. You swallow and start willing your dick not to get hard as you gradually back away. “I’ll uh, I’ll leave you alone now. Thank you again. Sir.”
He gives you a nod. “You got it, kid. We’ll catch up and go over some spots next week some time.”
He turns his attention back to the TV and so that’s you dismissed. You turn and leave the room, unable to shift the image of his shirt stretched tight across his chest and biceps as he gave you that smile. What was that? You decide to head to the gym and get a workout in, but find that his voice calling himself ‘daddy’ echoes around your head all day.
Match day rolls around and you pace nervously in gorilla and then you turn and nearly walk smack into him. You look up - all the way up, because he has nearly two feet of height on you and you know that fear is written all over your face.
“Calm down, kid. We’re gonna go out there and tear it down, OK?” He rests one huge hand briefly on your shoulder and you glance down at it and then back up.
He nods and gives you a nudge towards the curtain as the announcer starts the spiel for you and then your music kicks in and you head on through and down to the ramp. You have a small following and of course you’re going to lose but this is the biggest match of your career so far and so you do you best to get out of your head and play up to the crowd as you reach the ring. The cheers for you die down and then Taker’s music hits and the roof comes off. It’s been decided that the ramp is too short for his bike and so he saunters down to the ring while you wait on him, trying your best not to look as intimidated as you are.
“It’ll be fine,” you tell yourself. “He’s a safe worker. One of the best. He wanted this match.”
He steps in and pulls the audience into continuing their worship as he works his way around the squared circle. Then it’s time. You step up close - you’d be touching chests if it wasn’t for the height difference - and stare up into the deadliest pair of eyes you’ve ever seen. A sneer curls his lip as he stands with his hands on his hips, staring right back down at you. You know that to the watching public it probably looks ridiculous but then the bell goes and it’s game on.
You lock up, so much as that’s possible but he soon sends you sprawling to the floor, which you use as an opportunity to showcase some agility. The match gets into a nice pace and you’re starting to really enjoy yourself, giving Taker the runaround and even getting some low tackles in that slam him to the canvas, just as you’ve agreed. He has you hemmed in the corner as you take turns delivering blows to the head and he calls the big spot that you worked on.
“OK kid, you’re gonna slip under my arm, jump and bash my head on the post here, then get outta the ring and get the chair in here.”
He moves one leg back just a fraction which gives you the wriggle room to duck and with a big leap you deliver the blow to his head before nipping between the ropes. You grab the folding chair from the corner by the announcer’s table and shove it into the ring while Taker staggers about, selling the blow to his head. You pick up the chair and deliver a blow to his back and so he falls down to the canvas and you drop a couple more. As he drags himself up to all fours, you move around so that you’re standing over his head - it’s time for the big one and you raise the chair high and bring it down as he gets to his knees.
He raises his head and you realise with horror what’s about to happen - you’ve not properly factored in distance and BAM! Instead of catching him on top of his head, it glances down his forehead and opens him up. Blood appears in an instant, welling up in the cut before spilling over and trickling down in his face in a bright red curtain. You stare open mouthed at what you’ve done but he doesn’t really acknowledge it, just carries on with a couple more moves on you before grabbing and positioning you for the Last Ride. He lifts you high, high into the air and then you hear the blood rushing in your ears before you hit the canvas with a deafening thud. He covers you, the bell goes and the ref raises his arm as his theme blasts out.
Having celebrated his win he exits the ring and leaves you laying there, staring at a pool of his blood glistening bright red against the canvas. You give him a chance to make his way up the ramp before you slide out and follow dejectedly in his wake. As you walk back through the curtain gorilla is blessedly empty, so you escape the first ass-chewing that you were anticipating. You need to find him and apologise - your first really big match and you blew it. The image of him covered in blood comes to your mind and you wipe a hand over your face and moan. He’s going to kill you.
You ask a couple of crew if they’ve seen him and the second one says that they saw him heading to medical and your heart sinks. You are so finished. You consider going there to see him, but somehow don’t think your presence would be appreciated and so instead you head to the showers figuring to get changed and then catch up to him.
There’s half a dozen guys already in the locker room and they greet you enthusiastically and ask how things went. You recount the absolute disaster and they try to reassure you with all the usual ‘mistakes happen’ stuff. You nod and then grab your gel and head through to the shower while the rest of the guys continue to yell and chat with each other.
You’ve been stood under the water, lost in thought for a few minutes when it suddenly occurs to you that it’s gone quiet. Silent, in fact. Frowning, you shut off the water and grab your towel, rubbing it over your head and body before stepping into a pair of sweats before you walk round the corner to the lockers.
Taker is sat there, waiting for you. Your eyes do a quick sweep of the room and then dart back to him when he speaks.
“Ain’t nobody coming in here, boy. It’s just you and me.”
You take a couple of steps forward. “Taker, I’m sorry - I didn’t mean -”
He holds up a hand and you fall silent. “What’d you call me?”
You curse inwardly. “Sir, I -”
“Try again.”
You swallow as your mind races because there’s no way he wants you to use his given name. If it’s not Taker, and it’s not sir, the only other thing he’s mentioned… Fuck. You chew on your lip for a moment and then whisper, “I’m sorry… daddy?”
He nods slowly. “There ya go.” He beckons you closer and staring at the floor you make your way over. “Look at me, boy.”
You raise your eyes and wince when you see the now closed up cut on his forehead. “I didn’t mean to, daddy.”
“I know that,” he says and you feel relief wash over you until he adds, “but now I need to give you a receipt, don’t I?”
You almost feel like you’re on the outside looking in, because he must know that this is pushing your buttons. Your mind races as you try to think whether you’ve ever said or done anything to give the game away but you turn up a blank. You’ve always had a crush on him but figured you’d kept a lid on it, even to the point of avoiding him. You flash back to that smile he gave you that you had never quite figured out and realise that he must have seen it in you. You don’t know whether to be excited or terrified.
He stands up and you take an involuntary step back but he grabs your wrist before setting one foot up on the bench. You look at the huge boot and then back up to his face but only for a second because he jerks you forward and bends you over his thigh and then holds you in place with a hand on the back of your neck.
“Take those sweats down.” He accompanies his words with a squeeze of his hand.
You reach for your waistband and then sanity interferes. “Wh… what are you going to do?”
“Did I stutter, boy? Get ‘em down!”
With a whimper you comply, pushing the fabric down over your ass and thighs until they reach your knees and drop the rest of the way to pool around your feet.
“That’s better,” his voice is softer now. “I tell you to do something and you jump, boy.”
“Yes, daddy-ee!” Your response turns to a squeak as you feel that big hand stroke over your naked ass.
“OK, it’s receipt time.” His leg shifts slightly as he gets himself comfortable and then he gives you a gentle pat before adding, “Now, you can yell as loud as you want so long as you don’t mind anyone outside figuring out what’s happening to ya.”
With that he draws his hand back and it comes down firmly on your ass, making you gasp. Surprisingly, it’s not as painful as you thought it would be and even when the second and third smacks land it feels like maybe this is just some kind of token thing for him to do to a newbie - like mild hazing or something. By the time it gets to six you’re starting to change your mind and when a particularly hard strike lands you cry out and clutch his leg.
“OK, tha -that’s enough - I -” Suddenly you’re upright, his hand still around the back of your neck and he’s glaring at you. He bends down until his face is inches from your own and you stare at the strawberry blonde goatee as he speaks slowly in a low voice.
“Let’s get something crystal fuckin’ clear, boy. You don’t decide what’s enough - I do. Got it?” You nod and he gives you a shake. “Who does?”
“Y- you do,” you stutter and then when his looks becomes meaner still you hurriedly add, “I mean - you do, daddy.”
“Damn right.” He nods and message delivered, he bends you back over and really begins to wail on you, his palm coming down hard all over your ass and flinging your hands out of the way when you try to protect yourself. You’re shouting in pain and not caring who hears you but it’s clearly no deterrent to him and so you try a different tack.
“Please, daddy! Please stop! I’ll be good, I promise!”
Despite the pain, the embarrassment and the confusion you realise that your dick is getting hard and try desperately to will it from happening, but to no avail. Your feet drum on the floor as he continues to spank you and you’re squeezing his calf again. Eventually he stops and you blink furiously to clear the tears before he drags you upright again.
“That’s your receipt, boy. Next time you fuck up that bad it’ll be my belt, ya hear?”
You swipe a hand across your face and nod, unable to stop your other hand from creeping back to rub at your ass. “Yes, daddy. Can - can I go now?” Even as the words leave your mouth a thought flits through your brain that says, ‘Please don’t end this here…’
He still has a hold on your neck but it’s softened and is more comforting than anything else. You watch his eyes scanning down your body and then he stops and a slow smile crosses his face before he glances back up at you.
“Oh, I don’t think so boy - not yet. Now, what’s this?” His hand slips between your legs and the long, warm fingers wrap around your dick which responds rapidly and you let out a small moan. “Looks like that’s got you all hot and bothered, huh?”
You swallow and consider stuttering out a denial but what would be the point? While he’s holding your dick, his free hand wanders to his own crotch and you watch as he squeezes himself through the denim.
“You want to give it up for daddy? Got a few kinks you want me to work out, that it?”
Your head snaps up. Is he really saying what you think he’s saying? There’s that smirk again but he shocks you by abruptly letting go of your dick and pulling up your sweats. You stand there, a deep blush on your cheeks and heart pounding as it pokes out, tenting the material.
Taker picks up his gear bag, a typical black holdall, and tosses it on to the floor in front of you. You glance down at it and then back up at him but he’s already got his back turned as he walks to retrieve a chair from the far end of the room. He saunters back over and sets it down about four feet from the gear bag, which you’re standing just behind. He takes a seat as you stand there hot, bothered and horny, wondering what’s going on. He leans back, knees falling wide apart and looks up at you.
“Guess you’re hoping I’m gonna fuck you.” It’s a statement and you find yourself nodding before hurriedly stopping yourself as he chuckles. “Yeah, I thought so. But here’s the thing.” He brushes some imaginary dust from his thigh and says, “You gotta earn that.” He sits up a little straighter and folds his arms. “What d’you think about that?”
“I…” You swallow and try to focus enough to answer as you stand before your ultimate crush, aware that a damp patch is probably spreading on your pale grey sweats. “I can do that, daddy.”
He nods, strokes over his goatee and says, “Let’s find out, shall we? Get on all fours, boy.”
As though pulled by invisible strings, you drop to your hands and knees, which puts you about six inches from his gear bag. You look up, eager to pass whatever test he has in mind for you and then it’s as though your brain just short circuits. If he looked alpha male to you before, being down on all fours and looking up just wipes you out. He beckons to you, urging you forwards, but his bag is in the way… isn’t it?
“C’mon, boy… that’s it. Just get the bag underneath yourself… bit further… stop right there.”
You freeze in place when he tells you to stop and in that moment realise that your dick is just above one edge of the holdall. Your eyes are still fixed on him and that predatory smile is back on his face. Your hips drop slightly and your dick makes contact with the bag through your sweats and you gasp, lifting them up again.
“Go on, boy… rut on it.”
Somehow you’d known this was his plan when he made you crawl over the bag. You don’t think you could stop yourself even if you wanted to and so you begin to move, your swollen dick inside your pants repeatedly catching on the edge of his gear bag. The friction is delicious and you moan, head dropping down. You should be embarrassed - maybe you are - but you just don’t care and straight away begin to pick up speed.
Taker looks pleased and palms himself through his jeans again. “Feels good, don’t it? Look at you… you’re fuck drunk already, boy.” He leans forward, bracing his forearms on his thighs and the movement makes you lift your head again.
“Please… please, daddy!”
“Please what?” He shrugs and then shakes his head. “You don’t even know, do you? You’re too busy fucking yourself stupid.”
“Please daddy…” You want to say more but you just can’t form words and he laughs this time - a low, rumbling sound.
“Poor, dumb little fuckslut. Can’t even form a sentence, can you boy? You just keep going until you make a mess in your pants.”
You give up trying to speak and just nod, knowing that you’re really not far off from…
“Fuck - daddy - please!” You cry out as you start to come, the material of your light grey sweats darkening in patches with your release.
Seemingly unmoved Taker reaches forward and slides his bag out from under you, presumably to prevent it from being soiled and then to your eternal surprise he leans over and kisses you on the forehead.
“There ya go. Next time you can try it on my leg, how ‘bout that?”
You’re still on all fours and just nod dumbly. “Yes please, daddy.”
He stands up and picks up his bag, hefting it on to his shoulder. “You might wanna get up boy, before anyone comes in here and wants to know why you’re on the floor with cum stains on your pants. Just a thought.”
With that, he heads for the door and walks out, leaving you alone still staring dazedly at the chair and wondering how long it’ll be until he calls on you again.
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piratewithvigor · 1 year
Put your comfort match in the tags I think it'd be cool to see
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swooningshadow · 8 months
hold on lemme slonk on this slutweed real quick think I've got a banger post in mind
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march 31st, 1996: diesel v. the undertaker, wrestlemania 12. 'taker improved what would become known as "the streak" to 5-0. his wrestlemania shirts emblazened with slogans such as "let the body count continue" began to cycle onto the merchandise tables leading up to and following this match, foreshadowing a new dimension to the deadman's character: the lord of darkness.
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lowlife4lifesposts · 9 months
It’s never about me, never the cute little texts. Never the sexy pictures. Never the deeply thought out love letters. Never the special dinners. Never the prancing around in lingerie to get me excited, Never coming to my work to have a lunchtime quickie with your man. No that’s for everyone else.
I just get the honor of supporting, of caregiving, of helping the in-laws with their needs. I get to pay them an all expense long term free ride on my couch and pay for and hook up the new larger than needed tv. I get to confront those that have done them wrong. I get to wrench on their cars and unclog their toilets, pour their concrete and pay for it. I’m nice and attentive and listen carefully, supportive through the tough times and rarely get a thank you.
Then after putting the work in, paying for the expenses, sitting in the hospital waiting rooms and watching their ridiculous television shows I’m the one that gets the letter from their lawyer while they’re o off to the rodeo. My bills went unpaid, the money I put in the bank to pay them ain’t in the bank. I’m frustrated because they haven’t been concerned with my concerns and I have addressed there’s to the level they desire and I’m out and the other guy that likes hitting on married women is in. He doesn’t do what I did, they can’t trust him to be faithful, he isn’t 100% with them but he’s “the guy”! He gets mad because he got caught and they work it out. I’m home every night and if I get mad then I’m an asshole.
Well, so what exactly is the point of any of this? Again I could have sat on the couch and secretly cultivated one night stands, been unfaithful and unkind. I could have kept my money separate a never said where I was going. I could have done everything wrong and still ended up in the same place and still never got a letter from my chick just her lawyer. This game sucks and I’m not going to participate in this bullshit anymore. Get your money from your 3rd party, get your support from the mail man and get your gentle reassurance from your perverted boss at work. I’m not playing this rigged piece shit game any longer. You can have your fucked up mess of infidelity and secrets. You can use your couch to hold you can you cry and have a social worker take the blame for everything that upsets you. Have yourself a great time and don’t forget to send some sexy pictures with your love letters to the other guy. Maybe he won’t sell them in the internet this time?
See ya and enjoy this program that you’ve got going because it does have a finite end and that’s they you designed it!
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ravensroleplays · 10 months
Moonjumper actually tried stealing Hatty away from Snatcher once when she was a baby, when he realized that his plan failed and the latter wasn't going to kill her or take her soul. However, baby Hatty was able to sense his presence, despite not being able to see him, and MJ ended up having to flee when she started crying, alerting Snatcher.
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jazzy-tzw · 2 years
#he is saying Danny right?
good lord i hope so
I wouldn’t put it past him💀
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take-taker-taken · 6 months
apologies if i’m too vague but maybe some taker x femreader with reader being tied up and used… 🫣
First of all - apologies, Anon, that it took so long for me to get this done! It was ABA Taker in my head as I wrote it, but feel free to imagine any incarnation that you please.
He leans against the door frame, a mildly amused expression on his face. “You ain’t gonna get out of that, but keep trying - it’s fun to watch.”
You’ve been bound, naked, in a hogtie position for an hour now and he’s done nothing except come into the room every so often and look at you. You’d kept calling out to him initially and then he’d come in and shushed you patronisingly before gagging you.
“Y’know, you’re tryin’ hard to look all mad but I bet your pussy’s wet, huh?”
You glare at him, refusing to answer - you both know that he’s right but clearly wanting to prove a point, he walks over and takes hold of the rope that’s looped around your torso. He drags you easily around and delves his hand between your legs and of course his fingers come out glistening.
You groan out the frustration as he takes a minute to tease your nipples, alternating between gentle stroking around each areola to harder pinches and twists.
“Horny… desperate… little slut,” He mutters as he leans down and nuzzles into your neck. You whimper through the gag as his stubble scratches over your skin. “You think you can handle me, huh? You think you can take everything I’m gonna give you?”
“Mmmhmm!” You breathe in the scent of him. God, please let him get started soon!
He chuckles quietly at your muffled declaration and again works his hand between your thighs, this time pushing one thick finger up inside you. You moan at the sensation and try to thrust your hips forward - if he wanted to he could use this thumb to tease your clit…
“Let’s see, shall we?” He lifts his head again though doesn’t cease the slow in and out movement of his finger. “Now you listen carefully, slut. I’m gonna get you out of this position and you… you’re just gonna lay right there, like the fuck toy you are, got it?”
Your eyes close and you nod, wondering where this is going. He makes a satisfied noise and then withdraws his finger, wiping it against your thigh before pulling you over on to your front and pulling apart the knots that sit against your lower back. Anxious not to give him any excuse to stop and leave you again, true to your word you don’t move - even to the point of keeping your legs folded back in an imitation of being tied.
“Actually managing to do as you’re told,” He comments under his breath and then in a blur of movement, he unfolds your legs and drags you towards where he stands now at the foot of the bed. “Bend your knees,” He says as he takes hold of your ankles and urges you into position. He pulls your knees wide apart and you moan into the gag at the feeling of being so exposed. He produces a roll of bondage tape and proceeds to wrap it around your shin and thigh, binding them tightly together to keep your knee bent. He repeats the action with your other leg and then steps back and smirks down at you as he undoes his belt and then slowly begins to unbutton his jeans.
“Not getting away from me now,” He says, moving to kneel on the edge of the bed and shoving his jeans down his thighs. “All you can do is lay there and take it.” He bears down on you and easily captures both your wrists in one of his huge hands before lining himself up and pushing in. He goes slowly and your eyes close at the delicious stretch; your moan this time is one of satisfaction. His free hand holds one of your knees, ensuring that your thighs stay spread wide apart as he pushes deep inside. He pauses briefly as his hips fetch up against you and you open your eyes to find him smirking.
“Think you can take everything I’m gonna dish out…” He says quietly with a shake of his head. “Let’s see about that.” He draws back and then begins to fuck you in earnest, setting a fast pace as he holds you down. You revel in the feeling of being so overpowered and then he moves his hand from your knee up to your breasts and gropes you, squeezing just to the edge of ‘too much’. You cry out behind the gag but it’s far from a cry of pain and he laughs, low and sultry.
“Yeah, go on - let me hear you.” He doesn’t slow the pace as he slaps first one breast and then the other, alternating the smacks until about a dozen blows have been delivered. He releases the grip on your wrists but you leave your hands where they are and then he works his fingers behind your head and frees your mouth from the gag. After tossing it to one side, he rests his hand around your throat; not squeezing, but the feeling of intent is there and you swallow just to feel the slight restriction.
“Fuuuuck…” You whisper as you picture how you must look right now… forcibly spread open and held down while he uses your body. As if reading your mind he thrusts in deep and then grinds his pelvis in small circles before pulling out entirely and you whimper at the loss.
“Look at you… laid there like a good little whore. Legs open wide and that wet hole just beggin’ for me to fill it up.” He puts his hand on your torso and urges you round with a slap to your leg for good measure. “Turn over, slut.”
With your legs taped up he has to do most of the work and then you’re balanced on your knees and you scrabble to get your hands under you, but he places a firm hand between your shoulder blades and pushes you to the mattress. There’s a few seconds’ stillness and then he’s pulling your arms back, and you hear the rasp of the bondage tape again and then he makes short work of binding your wrists together in the small of your back.
“Please…” You mumble into the bed and then turn your head to the side. “I can’t…”
Everything stops.
“Can’t handle it?” There’s no sneer in his voice and he gives your bound wrists a quick squeeze. You know this is an out, but you’ve no intention of taking it.
“Can’t touch myself,” You whimper and he huffs out a laugh.
“Damn right you can’t,” He says, reaching down and grabbing a fistful of your hair. “This ain’t about you.” He slides his dick back inside you and gives a few long, leisurely strokes. “This is about me having you as my own personal fuck toy.” He picks up the pace again and you sob into the mattress because this is everything you’d dreamed it would be.
“You look good all tied up, y’know.” His voice is starting to betray his exertion. “Gonna keep you like this more often - ready for me to use whenever I want…” You give a full body shudder at his words and he smacks your ass. “Yeah you like that idea don’t you, slut? Me taking those holes whenever I please.”
“Uh huh…” You whimper, unable to form words because he’s pounding into you now, chasing his orgasm. His grip on your hair becomes painfully hard and he releases into you with a groan, pulling your head back until your face is turned up to the ceiling.
Still inside you he pauses to catch his breath, running his big hands all over your body hungrily - stroking, squeezing and pinching. Eventually he withdraws and turns you on to your side, positioning you carefully so that your bound arms don’t place too much strain on your shoulders. You feel his cum trickling out of you on to your thigh and let out a shuddering breath as he stands and pulls his jeans back up.
“That was good,” He says as he fastens the buttons. “Definitely coming back for some more of that later.” He moves to the side of the bed and retrieves the gag which you obediently accept back into your mouth, laying still as he fastens it. He looks your over for a minute and then leans down and kisses your cheek. “And who knows? If you’re good, I might let you come, too.”
With a chuckle he turns and leaves, no doubt headed back to the TV and whatever sports game takes his interest while you lay there, bound and gagged, already hoping it’s not long until he returns to use you again.
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chosomindslave · 6 months
Are the JJK men virgins???
Genre: suggestive af
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Gojo: Yes but he lost in after he met Itadori
:: I say this because, season two episode 7-8 he gives off a self absorbed mf. Like how can you not tell your bff is DEPRESSED??? HELLLO? who wanna fuck that ? Cause I don’t like self absorbed obnoxious wanna be nonchalant ass niggas AND THATS GOJO SATORU. Maybe he lost it in season one, but he definitely was not getting bitches in season two or the shibuya arc me personally that persona switch was not giving..
Geto: I do believe Geto lost his virginity at 16
:: looking at Geto vs Gojo we can most def agree that Geto GETS PUSSYYYY. Mfer got manners he save children for a living, HE KILL PPL FOR A LIVINGGGG. But yeah he get bitches, his parents taught him rightt. Long live Geto parents. I love me a man with manners and yk what they say about a man with manners?? THEY GOT GOOD DYCKKKKK.
Nanami: He lost his virginity when he got big and BULKYYYY
::I say this because we he first appeared as a teen with Haibara and he had that swoop I said HELLLL NO. He gave a pole with blonde hair with a swoop. The way he been pulling on homeboy hair I was like yeah he dicking bitches down THE NASTY WAYYYY “FUCK ME LIKE YOU MAD AT MEEEE” iykyk
Choso: BEEN DID TS IN 1890
:: stop with these shy fanons on him this mf get down nasty and DIRTY. He been around for so many decades. I’m not weird bitch you are. He been dicking down queen elizabeth the third and Marilyn Monroe. He got daddy issues he fucking everybody and they grandmamy
:: You can’t tell me he ain’t fuck Yuko HE DID DF. He got Sukuna. And I do believe since he got sukuna in him he can change that dingdong size and make that mouth appear anywhere on him he gets down he zont play NEXT
Megumi: no
:: he got daddy issues and his care taker is GOJO SATORU pls bffr
Yuta: no
:: Don’t call me a creep but the way Rika was goin crazy over Yuta on SOUL they fucked. Mf was in that hospital bed rocking da BOAT. Bye they literally got married at 10 before she diedddd LMAOOOO lil nasty freaky fucks.
:: if mf can say don’t move and we aint moving bitch what’s that telling you??? OKAY
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jm-2406 · 2 months
Summary - Tommy Shelby has been slowly drifting away from his only son after losing his wife. You are a nurse specialising in children's wards. When Frances comes running to the hospital with little Charlie in her arms, you decide to give a piece of mind to the bigshot gangster.
Words - 1.5k
Note - this is silly. I wrote it in less than one hour. It features an OOC Tommy Shelby and a daring reader who doesn't fear him like others.
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Tommy Shelby, MP OBE was not used to getting calls between meetings, especially from his loyal housekeeper who knew when not to bother him. He was busy dealing with some important people, drowning himself in work like he usually did after Grace passed away. It was not that he didn't care for his son but sometimes looking at him was too difficult for him, the little boy had so much of Grace in him. So imagine his surprise when instead of Frances it was someone else on the other side of the telephone.
"Mr Shelby, I'm not Frances. My name is (Y/N) and I'd like to let you know that your son is not well. You should come as soon as possible to the hospital." You informed him without any hesitation, the concern for Charlie made your nervousness take a back seat plus not looking directly at his blue eyes also helped in retaining your confidence.
"What happened to him?" His lazy drawl came as a reply. "Well if you insist…" You tried to stall, tried to get under his skin so that he'd come to see his son but his silence made you speak up. "Mr. Shelby, I understand that you are grieving but so is your son. He was having a nightmare and needed someone to hold him close, to soothe him. I'd say he needed his father, not his nanny or Frances. Help yourself and your son by being there for him." Without thinking about the consequences, you pour your heart out and immediately hang up.
• • •
It has been a few days since the incident. You were worrying about Charlie and went to meet him directly at 'Arrow House'. [Yes, you are daring and a risk taker]. You knocked gently, arranging the basket of freshly baked cookies for the three-year-old cherub in your arms.
"Who are you?" A deep male voice caught your attention. Looking up, your breath got caught in your throat. Standing in front of you was the man of the house himself, Thomas Shelby. "What are you doing here?" You questioned foolishly instead. In your defence, you did not know that he'd be home at eleven o'clock since it was a Tuesday. He merely raised his eyebrow at your remark.
“If you didn't know Miss, this is my house. I live here.” Your cheeks reddened and you turned around to escape when a high-pitched voice stopped you. "(Y/N)" shouted Charlie. "Call her inside daddy. She's my friend." He said - more like ordered - his father who complied with a small "as you say, son." You felt a sense of comfort seeing the father and son interacting almost normally after that phone call incident.
Nervously, you stepped inside and Frances immediately took your coat as well as the basket of cookies. Charlie ran inside to get his colouring pages and asked you to wait for him. You were looking here and there, avoiding the dark-haired man but he had other plans.
"Thank you," Tommy said. You furrowed your brows in confusion. He cleared his throat and elaborated. "For making me realise that I was unknowingly neglecting my son, pushing him away from me. I love him, I really do. Thank you for making us come closer." He was not a man of words, especially praises but something about you got him talking, was it your kind nature, your non-judgemental eyes or your stern yet concerned voice when you called him that day that made him open up to you, he didn't know… but that is a topic for later.
"You're welcome, Mr Shelby. Charles is a sweet boy. I wish well for him." You blushed, no one had said such kind words to you. "How about you join us for dinner? Charlie would like that." Tommy said unexpectedly. Just as you were about to deny it, considering it rude to intrude, Charlie came running to you asking you to stay and colour with him. You couldn't say no to that adorable face.
And that's how you spent the evening, laughing and enjoying the company of two Shelby men, happier than ever.
• • •
[PART - 2]
It has been almost half a year since that evening you spent in the company of the Shelby men and you couldn't help but feel lucky. Everything went uphill after that, luckily.
You found out that you and Tommy had a lot in common which was surprising in itself. You both were mostly emotionally detached but were willing to cross any line if it meant saving your family, you both liked to read though Tommy was secretive about it for reasons you still didn't know, and nothing could surpass the love you had for horses, those strong yet gentle beasts were the only faithful friend you had… except for each other.
While your thoughts started to roam in dangerous territory, you were still unsure of Tommy's feelings on the matter. You have heard that the man was ruthless and incapable of feeling affection but you saw a side of him that was hidden from the world, his gentle and loving sight, his respectful side… you were certain that what you felt for him may not be love but it wasn't anything less. You decided to ignore this newfound feeling, unsure of what he felt.
The sudden knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts. "What-?" You were confused about finding a drunk Tommy Shelby on your doorstep. "(Y/N) How are you my angel?" He continued to stare at you making you realise that this was an actual question and not a rhetorical one. "I - uhh - I am fine Tommy. What are you doing here at midnight?" You pulled him inside.
The sight of a drunk Tommy Shelby lying on your cheap broken sofa with the bottle of Irish whiskey clasped in his hand was unusually tempting and soft, as he gazed up at you with his bright blue eyes.
"Charlie loves you (Y/N). Did you know he was calling for you earlier today?" He whispered and gulped the remaining of the whiskey immediately after.
"No Tommy. I am sorry. I was busy today." Your heart broke hearing about the little boy calling for you and not finding you by his side. "Yeah. Being a lifesaver is not easy, eh?" He said rhetorically this time, placing his hands on your waist. The cool of his hands seeping through the thin material of your nightgown.
"I asked him to be a well-behaved little boy and I'll bring you to him… maybe permanently what say?"
You gasped hearing his words, not knowing what he was suggesting. "Tommy… you're drunk. We'll talk about it in the morning if you still remember what you said." You pushed him to your bedroom, tucking him in like you'd do for Charlie. taking the spare pillow and blanket, you laid down on the sofa.
• • •
"You alright Mr Shelby?" You asked giving him a painkiller. He looked at you with wide eyes, just like Charlie would… The resemblance between them always melted your heart.
He cleared his throat before addressing you. "(Y/N) about last night - uhh - I meant what - what I said." You gawked at him, The Tommy Shelby stuttering in front of you. You were definitely special to him.
"I - you mean - what exactly did you mean by 'permanently' last night?" Your cheeks reddened, little hair on your neck stood as you awaited his answer.
"I didn't plan for this to happen so spontaneously but we gotta do what we gotta do right?" He paused and you held your breath for his next words. "I'm not good with words so beware. Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N) I am grateful for your help in more than one of my life problems. My son loves you and calls out for you all the time, I adore you and your strength. Will you do the honour of making me the luckiest man in Birmingham by marrying me?" Tommy pulled out a small jewellery box from his coat pocket and held before you a simple but elegant and beautiful princess-cut diamond ring.
You sobbed. "Is that even a question?" You nodded, unable to speak as he placed the ring on your finger. You jumped up, unable to control your excitement and hugged him with all your might. And for the first time in many years, Tommy Shelby was finally feeling peace. He felt a wave of hope… for himself and your future together.
• • •
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delilahcalicocat · 2 months
♡•~Mi amor~•♡
{Ratin: Smut.}
{Warnings: Unprotected Sex, Swearing, small smidge of a language Kink, Hair pulling, Oral Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Aka you've been warned, Daddy Kink, Dom/Sub Dynamic, Full on. DD/LG, Pet names.}
{Pairing: Damian Priest x Fem!Reader}
[I literally am melting over this ugh. 😵‍💫]
Damian ran towards the ring, eager to cash in his briefcase.
I was backstage with the rest of the judgement day, well more of asleep.
You see, Damian is a big risk taker.. so I was worried about that plan, if he won.. he'd be heading back here immediately to fuck his girlfriend and uh... we've already had Finn walk in on us once and I don't need that again..
"Hey Mamacitá, you ready yet?" He spoke
I had been awake after I heard everyone yelling, so kind of yes?
"Yeah.. Sure.." I spoke abruptly
He walked me to his van for once? Woah..
We got inside and he sat down.
"I'm gonna get changed, you go do whatever" He said
I went to the bathroom and took off my makeup, since I was tired.
"Aha, Nice try Mamacitá, but you're not going to sleep yet." He spoke
I stopped in my tracks, like a deer in headlights.
"W-What do you mean?" I asked
"Mamacitá you aren't sleeping yet, unless I fuck you to sleep" He spoke coldly
"Damian, are you sure you want this? This is the first time I've heard this from you.."
I was shocked, Damian had never become so... primal before...
Before I could speak again, he had my hair in his hand, pulling me into his lap
"¡¿Serás una buena puta para papá?! (You gonna be a good slut for Daddy?!)"
"¡Sí Papá! (Yes Daddy!)"
"Je, esa es mi pequeña, siendo una buena princesa para su papá. (Heh, thats my little girl, being a good princess for her daddy.)"
"Sí Papá, ¡Soy tu princesita! (Yes Daddy, I'm your little princess)"
"¿Quieres que tu papá te folle? (You want daddy to fuck you?)"
"¡Sí Sí Sí! Por Favor Papá (Yes! Yes! Yes! Please Daddy)"
"Prove to me you deserve it."
I got up, and slowly revealed what was actually under my hoodie.
It was a skimpy top, and under my skirt. Was of course lace panties.
"Do I deserve it now daddy?" You cocked an eyebrow
He stayed silent, as if something awoke in him.. a want no need for your warmth.
In quick secession, he'd stripped off both of your garments. Then he chose to strip off his, leaving you bent over the couch arm.
He made you watch as he stripped of his clothes, making you whimper and moan for the need of friction.
He didn't give you a warning, but you yelped at the feeling of him slamming into you, filling your needy little cunt to the brim.
"que buena princesita para su papi, tomando mi verga como una princesa (such a good little princess for her daddy, taking this cock like a princess)" He said
His words sent you over the edge, you came with Force, he proceeded to fuck you through your orgasm, making you moan louder from the over-sensitivity.
His thrusts began to get sloppy, he grabbed your hair and pulled it as he came. Filling you to the brim.
He then pulled you into his lap.
"Good Girl. But you're not done yet." He spoke.
With shaky legs, you began to get out of his lap, and began to suck his dick.
It didn't take too long for him to cum from the over-sensitivity from his first orgasm moments ago.
"That's my good little girl, mi amor~" He spoke, Picking you up and heading towards the bathroom
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nsfwflint · 6 months
A Black Tie Affair And A Long Goodbye (Partial Draft)
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A/N: So this is the partial draft of what was going to be my farewell piece before I retired. It initially started out as an idea for a Kang Mina x Sejeong piece after they both had amazing appearances in black dresses for award shows last year. Then I added Jihyo, and then Yoojeong, and as I kept finding more pictures of hot idols in black dresses, the list just kept growing and growing. It eventually evolved into an idea for a piece where instead of a massive orgy, it would be a ton of quickie scenes varying in length but typically not exceeding 3k words per scene. However, clearly, that never happened. I ended up putting a lot of pressure on myself and eventually retired without putting anything out. I'm posting it now but be warned; this is a very rough draft that has gone through zero editing. I'm not gonna lie, it's not that great and the smut itself is eerily similar to Reconnecting despite me trying not to copy my own piece. Anyway, here it is and I hope you enjoy. Treat this as a winter holiday present I guess.
As you stare at the thin black fabric hugging the voluptuous body before you, a single thought crosses your mind. You love your girlfriend. Not just because her curvaceous figure in that black dress tantalizes you as she stands a few feet away, but for what the dress itself means. 
Award show season. The few nights of the year your girlfriend finally gets awarded for all her amazing work through the year. 
However it’s also the few nights of the year that she and all her friends get so unbelievably stressed, that she loans you out to all her gorgeous friends for “relief.” The first time she asked about you to help her friend, you thought it was a trap. But somehow it wasn’t and you discovered that your amazing girlfriend is completely okay with essentially whoring you out to her equally beautiful friends, the cherry on top to your already incredible relationship. 
While initially it was only your girlfriend and a few of her close friends, word about your “services" quickly and quietly spread throughout the industry, with more and more celebrities using you for relief every year. At first you were worried about the increasing number of requests, but your girlfriend convinced you to take care of anyone who asked. As it turns out, she actually gets turned on by the thought of so many women wanting you.
Wondering how many gorgeous women you’ll have to satisfy this year, a loving voice finally pulls you from your thoughts.
“You ready to go?”
“Of course, baby. Let’s get going.” You smile as you gently take her hand and start making your way towards the door.
It hasn’t even been ten minutes since you arrived at the venue before the first taker pulls you into a bathroom. You quickly get pushed into a stall onto a thankfully closed toilet and find yourself with the first voluptuous beauty of the night grinding on your lap as she peppers your neck with kisses.
“Jesus, Mina. I haven’t even been in the building for fifteen minutes and you’re already jumping me like this?” You groan as her soft lips kiss up and down your neck.
“I can’t help it. I saw you looking amazing in that tux and all the stress I’ve had lately just exploded. I just fucking needed you so much.” Mina whines, her hungry kisses tracing your jawline.
“Sounds like you’ve been under a lot of pressure then. With that kind of stress, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d been a bad girl lately.” You tease.
Your hands instinctively make themselves at home on Mina’s hips with a rough squeeze as her barrage of kisses comes to a screeching halt. Pulling away from your neck, she stares into your eyes with an intense erotic gaze.
“Oh, I’ve been a very bad girl. I need you to punish me with your fat cock, daddy.” Mina replies, slowly emphasizing every word as her voice drips with lustful seduction.
The first time she called you daddy during sex it caught both of you off guard. After the initial shock however, you discovered just how much it turned you on; something she’s used to her advantage ever since.
She gently pushes her hand against your chest as she stands up off of your lap. You waste no time getting ready, quickly unbuckling your belt and dropping your pants down to your ankles. Mina pulls her dress up to her midriff, revealing her delightfully fit tummy and a thin pair of black panties.
Sliding her panties to the side to reveal her moist entrance, Mina eagerly sinks herself on your throbbing cock. Both of you release a pleasured moan as her tight cunt hungrily grips your shaft. Lifting herself up briefly, she quickly slams herself back down as her shapely ass ripples against your thighs. It doesn’t take long for her to establish her usual cock hungry rapid pace as she furiously rides you.
“Oh fuck, you fill me so much, daddy.” Mina cries, slamming herself on your cock.
“You like riding daddy’s dick like this don’t you?” You grunt as your tip pounds away at her depths.
“Yes daddy I do. You hit me so deep, daddy.”
Her curvaceous body ripples and bounces with every frantic slam. Contented moans pour endlessly from her lips as she places her hands on your shoulders. The velvety heat of her moist chasm radiates along your shaft as her walls clamp around your cock. Each thrust pierces into the deepest part of her cunt, driving both of you to the brink of ecstasy.
As Mina becomes a mewling mess on your cock, you can’t help but notice how gorgeous she is in her midnight black dress. It tightly hugs her large chest as her auburn hair tumbles down its erotic curve. Watching her big tits heave wildly in the black fabric, you quickly find yourself unable to hold back your own desires. You yank down the tight dress, freeing the large breasts with a satisfying bounce and immediately taking a stiff nipple into your mouth. Your hands sink into the pillowy flesh of her chest as you rapidly roll your tongue around the fleshy nub. 
“Fuck, I love when you suck my tits, daddy.” Mina shrieks as her fingernails dig into your shoulders through your tux.
While you should probably be worried about how loud she’s moaning, worshiping her chest erases all other thoughts from your mind. You quickly flick your tongue up and down the sweet nipple as her heavenly flesh ripples against your lips. Your fingers can’t get enough of her silky skin, squeezing and kneading both of the fleshy mounds endlessly in your hands. The small beauty mark on her right breast dances in and out of your vision as her tits bounce with every frantic slam on your cock.
As you messily devour Mina’s pillowy breasts, her hands move to the nape of your neck. She grabs as much of your hair as she can and pushes your face even farther into the satiny skin of her chest.  Endless moans and gasps flow from her lips as she fervently rides your cock, humping and bouncing on you with a vigorous sexual hunger that you’ve rarely experienced. No longer content with Mina just fucking herself on your dick, you give her tits another rough squeeze as you begin to buck your hips upwards.
“Oh fuck yes, daddy!” Mina cries out as your tip slams into her depths.
Her moist cunt tightly grips your shaft, tugging and pulling with every eager thrust. The soft skin of her endless curves ripples beautifully as your bodies hungrily crash against each other. Your hands move down to her slender hips, squeezing them tightly as you drive your cock deeper and deeper into her hot chasm with every forceful slam. You continue to slurp, suck, and nibble on her stiff nipple; feasting on the sweet flesh as the heavy weight of her large tits slap against your face from Mina bouncing wildly on your dick.
You lose track of how long the two of you have been carnally devouring each other’s bodies when every fiber of your body feels like it’s on fire. You regretfully removes your lips 
“I’m gonna fucking cum, Mina.” You groan as you feel yourself reaching your limit.
“I’m almost there too. Cum inside me, daddy. Fill this tight pussy with daddy’s thick cum.” Mina screams, her hips bucking non-stop as she furiously rides your cock.
Almost as soon as she finishes her sentence, Mina’s own orgasm is the first to arrive. A rush of her sticky nectar rushes down your shaft as her velvety walls clench around your dick. Not far behind her, you continue to pound your tip away at her depths. As her body trembles on your cock, you forcefully push your dick as deep as you can inside her. She pushes your face into her deep cleavage and it’s all it takes to bring you to your own climax. Your tip throbs against the entrance of her womb before violently erupting.
An endless torrent of thick cum floods into Mina’s womb, quickly filling her to the brim with an unending stream of ropey semen exploding from your tip. Mina slowly grinds against you as you continue filling her with an obscene amount of your childbearing seed, her hot walls tightly gripping your shaft as it tries to milk as much of your potent cum as it can. One final spurt of your cum drowns her womb and both of your orgasms slowly die down. 
The bathroom falls silent except for the heavy panting of the two of you trying to catch your breath. After a few minutes, you finally remove your face from Mina’s cleavage as she looks at you with an affectionate smile. She softly presses her lips against yours before standing up. Your shaft coated with the sticky remnants of both of your orgasms, it glistens in the fluorescent light as she lifts herself off your cock. No longer being dammed by your depleted member, a thick white waterfall slowly drips out of her entrance. 
The two of you chuckle as you take the nearby toilet paper and quickly clean yourselves up. After a few minutes of fixing your clothes, both of you look the same as before you entered the bathroom. Mina looking drop dead gorgeous in her black dress and you looking painfully average in your tux. She gives you another gentle kiss before pulling back and smiling.
“That was exactly what I needed. Thank you, daddy. I’ll see you later.”
Mina gives you a teasing wink before disappearing from the bathroom. Just to be safe, you wait a few more minutes before leaving the bathroom and returning to the venue halls, wondering who will be next.
A/N2: So the plan for the piece was with so many idols included, I wanted it to be like a choose your own adventure type thing where all the scenes would be included but the reader could pick which one was the true "girlfriend" for themselves. A potential/joke ending that I came up with involved a time skip with the protagonist sitting in front of a table with a mountain of positive pregnancy tests from all the idols. Not sure if I would have gone with that as the official ending, but I guess we'll never know. I had started the second scene in my draft, but since the smut scene for that idol wasn't finished, I didn't include it. Just felt like it would be a tease and I don't want to do that you guys since I don't know if I'll ever finish it. But if I do, I'll post it as a part two I guess. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.
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Tignari & Cyno
Reader as kind of a sugar daddy/mommy [the atmosphere while typing this is so fcking awkward 🥲]
Apologies advanced: I'm sorry if you didn't want to use a strap, but right now, I'm not in the mood or have enough energy to write a separate one for F! reader and also F! Reader strap, it has fake cum as she has a button to release it.
This is the backup writing for you to enjoy since im going to take like more than a week to write the flirty villain [kinda?], Creator writing.
Characters: Tignari & Cyno.
First: crack with sugar daddy/mommy reader. [Kinda?]
(1.) Cyno's punishment [you're here!]
(2.) Cyno with tignari and care taker Reader. (Or nurse/doctor reader)
(3.) Tignari aphrodisiac mushroom
(4.) Tignari's heat.
(5.) Cyno & tignari x Eremite Reader
Note for content: cyno & tignari x Eremite reader. Ik, it sounds random, but the idea from it was: HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE EREMITES? THEY. ARE. H0T. 😳 YOU CANT SAY NO, THEY AREEEE. PLEASEE. I WOULD LITTERALLY GO ON MY KNEES FOR THEM—
[That what my friend told me to put. Honestly, I would do the same...]
— ○ —○ — ○ —○ — ○ —○ — ○ —○ — ○ —○ — ○ —
Tignari + Cyno
Cyno litterally makes 10x more jokes than usual around you. Even though it doesn't really make you laugh, you think it's enjoyable. While Tignari....not so much- Which he is glad at. Oh, his reaction is so cute and funny when you gave him limited edition cards. Except when he said that he'll pay for it even though it's a gift...
"This...is for me? W- wait! I'll pay you 1 million mora tor these!"
"Cyno. It's a gi—"
"2 million mora?"
"...." *friendly but firm holding of his shoulders*
"It's. a. gift."
"2 million, 500 thousand mora—?"
"Cyno, if you keep talking about giving me mora for a damn gift, I will literally go around Teyvat and even sell my f-cking soul to get more."
"Yes ma'am/sir-" *feeling shivers down his spine. Although....why does he feel hard down there—*
Dang. He made sure he'll never make you mad. Tignari is just mentally slapping himself on the forehead at this. You still give him the limited edition cards everytime it was released.
Tignari always thanked you for your kindness for playing supplies to do what he needs as a forest watcher. Although you still pay and give him stuff even though he has more than enough already....
"Ah, [name]. I already have more than enough. Thanks for offering though—"
"Accept. It."
Tignari with trembling hands as he accepts your forceful gift. Yeah, he ain't going to be on your bad or evil side. Hope to the archons that Cyno doesn't go too far.
....At least he can spoil himself with your gifts.
"Hah....how many times have I told you, don't touch yourself?"
Cyno whined. He struggled trying to get free from the ropes and touch you. "M' sorryy!" and "Please!" Comes out of his mouth.
"If you keep whining with that mouth of yours, I'll gag it."
Cyno immediately shuts up when you say that as your hand tightens around his thigh. Letting out a whimper as a plea.
"First, you went home injured without even stopping to get a doctor or even at Tignari's. His house is way closer! And now you're breaking our rules? Touching yourself without permission. Now that's not what good boys do."
Cyno whined, wanting to beg for your mercy and forgiveness, but you didn't let him. He choked on a moan as he felt your knee rubbing against his crotch.
"Aren't you enjoying this too much? Maybe I shouldn't touch you for a whole week...."
Cyno cried a plea to keep touching him. He leaned onto your shoulder, sobbing in pleasure as it overwhelmed him.
Suddenly, Tignari came in. He paused as he saw the sight of Cyno tied up on your bed, and you pinning Cyno down on it. You turned around seeing tignari cover his drooling mouth as his ears slightly tilted downwards. His face is red as his ears twitched.
Tignari just stands there, watching the lewd scene of Cyno panting as he begs to have your touch. Tignari snapped out of his thoughts when you told him to come here. He kneeled beside you, gripping his pants in hopes you don't know. You rub his ears as he softly moans. Biting his lips to refrain the noise further but failing. His ears twitched when he saw Cyno already looked fucked out when you finally start stroking him as you finger him, kissing his prostate. You can feel his hole tightening and his cock twitching for attention, knowing that he'll cum.
"P- please? Wan- Na- cUuM!!"
Tignari tried helping him get over the edge, but you stopped him by tugging his tail, which maid him yelp as pre-cum sticks onto his pants. Cyno's eyes shot wide open as you stopped your movement, edging him. He squirmed as he clenched around nothing. He started sobbing, spreading his arms open and closing and opening his hands, wanting you to come over to him and touching him :(
He was laid down on the bed as Tignari got on top of him. Leaning in to kiss him. You let what Tignari wishes and desires to do with Cyno as you watch in amusement. Cyno pants in heavy blush, silently whining at Tignari to touch him already. Tignari easily gave in his pleading, taking off his pants and undergarments. Pumping both of their cocks.
Tignari's ears twitched as the fully tilted downwards. Cyno's legs started to tremble as he covered his mouth. They both rolled their eyes, saliva running down their chin as they both looked fucked out. Tignari finally fell on Cyno as his body gave up, supporting him.
Cyno flinched when he felt a cold medal going into his hole. He moaned into the sensation as he squirmed. It was a butt plug. You started fingering tignari as he whined but didn't stop you. Instead, he slowly tried thrusting back to make you go deeper as his head was thrown back when he felt your fingers abusing his prostate.
"Ngh— [name]...! Stop teasing me and put it in already– UgAhhH~!"
He felt his mind gone blank when you started pistoling his hole. He bit Cyno's shoulder to refrain his desperate moans, leaving a mark. Cyno soon felt pleasure overridden pain, whimpering in pleasure. Cyno watches everything drowsily with lust as he gets hard again. He kissed Tignari, making out with him.
"Mnm~ ah!! W- wait, slow down! I'm cuMinG!"
He came, ears twitching as Cyno grabs him and kisses him. The last string snapped when Tignari clenched around you, making you cum in him as he whined from being do full
F! Reader: You decided to finally give him his little reward [unlike Cyno, who broke the rule] pressing the button as Tignari drooled at the feeling of being so full
You put Tignari on the other side of the bed. Cyno starts to kneel on his knees, obediently waiting for you. He laid his head on your legs, eyes practically saying that he wants to have his turn to be ruined and fucked.
He teased you and tried to rile you up by showing the butt plug you put in him.
"Please....I've been good, haven't I?"
Pouting for your attention. You pretended to be thinking about it even though you'll give him a reward anyway.
I- I'll ride you! Pleasee? I just want you in me!!"
And here he is, riding you like it's the last time. He felt so full of you, touching the bulge that was caused by you, made him closer to the edge. You put your hands on his hips, helping him get to his climax as he cries a silent scream. He flopped onto your chest as he snores and slept soundly. You should probably wash them early in the morning, but for now, they will sleepily cuddle you.
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So I saw a short summary on twitter of the new 2kids room content. Changbin said that Chan really loves when people need him. The confirmation of his care giver complex is never ending
@maalibuu I saw that episode too and the way Chan sheepishly said 'yeah' I think says it all.
If there's one idol I'm certain about with my analysis is and always will be Bang Chan because his ENFP and Libra placements makes him an openly outward and transparent person.
Someone says 'caregiver complex' and I think BANG CHAN straight away because he's so caregiver complex coded.
Which is why if there is anyone who I'm 98% sure has a daddy kink (enjoys being called daddy) it's bang chan because in my mind...
When a man who thrives on his masculinity has a caregiver complex...a daddy kink is usually included in the masculine caregiver package.
Because the caregiver complex (receives self-worth over feeling needed)...daddy kink (gets aroused and turned on with feeling needed).
It just goes hand in hand.
Like yes Sir and Master are also common terms of authority but Chan's holier than thou OBVIOUS caregiver complex???
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If someone wants to send in Bang Chan pics to further prove my point, my ask box is open.
If someone wants to criticise my point by using Bang Chan pics as evidence, my ask box is open.
@lyramundana and @berryberrytan I am counting on you for pics because I know you DEFINITELY have them.
Also...I think Chan is one of the only men that deserves to be called daddy because he leads, he provides, he has initiative, he's a care-taker.
if all he wants in return is complete adoration and to be called Daddy in the bedroom, then I will do it...gladly.
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osiris-iii-bc · 1 month
Secondo Emeritus - Naples
Primo | Secondo | Terzo
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Naples. My beautiful Naples. My beloved, adored Naples. It is the city where I studied and grew up in and it is also literally filled with mysteries and legends. I thought Naples would have been the perfect formation place for a young Secondo Emeritus. Let’s see what may have influenced and inspired him in his religious journey.
1 - The musical church. 
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Ghost’s music has always been heavily loaded with the Devil’s Tritone: also called Diabulus in Musica or Devil’s Interval, it is an unsettling dissonance produced by an unusual arrangement of notes that gives that spooky, devilish tone to music. In Infestissumam, it was featured on 9 out of 10 songs. The use of the Tritone was banned in Medieval times (In Ghost, its use dramatically dropped with Prequelle, with only 2 out of 10 songs featuring it). So what if I tell you that, in contrast, in Naples there is a church that functions as a musical score, whose music protects it from evil?
Basically, there is a church in Piazza del Gesù that has a particular pointy ashlar on the external facade. Under the side (the one facing the ground, so if you look up from the street you can see them) of each of these little pyramids are carved symbols, which turned out to be Aramaic letters that were later translated into musical notes. So, it turned out that the whole church is a big score, and it’s playable. The whole melody, called Enigma, was played for the first time inside the church to celebrate the discovery. You can hear the music here (sound quality is not the best).
Will it protect the church from Ghost’s music?
2 - The skull cult.
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Naples has very intricate underground galleries, almost all visitable. One of these is Cimitero delle Fontanelle, a famous catacomb where the remains of about 40.000 people who died from plagues are stored. It is said the “anime pezzentelle” cult was born here: it is a particular relationship each Neapolitan establishes with a chosen skull. You literally adopt an abandoned skull, which according to our tradition is the seat of the soul, and your duty is to care for it, protect it and also create a special niche for it. In exchange, the soul of that skull will protect you.
A nice place for a Bone Daddy.
3 - Pretty and Evil like Mergellina’s devil.
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Knowing the passion our Secondo has for women, here is a story about a very devilish one.
In Santa Maria del Prato church, in the Mergellina area, there is the only representation of the devil as a woman in a painting.
The legend has it that said woman was the beautiful Vittoria D’Avalos, who seduced the Bishop Diomede Carafa, who commissioned the painting in 1542 to represent his victory against the woman’s lust (we're all believing him, right? 🙄).
Now that story has a way of saying that refers to femmes fatales as “Pretty and Evil like Mergellina’s devil”.
I’d say she may be considered among the first-ever Sisters of Sin. 
4 - Who gives life can also take it.
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Infestissumam is filled with references to birth and Jesus, turning it into the birth of the antichrist and creating a narrative that is completely opposite to the birth of the Son of Man. Now, in Naples, there is a statue that embodies both concepts.
Back to Piazza del Gesù: On a very high pedestal in the center of the square stands a statue of the Virgin Mary, the Mother. That's all... until you position yourself at a specific point in the square and look up to see the statue transformed into the Reaper. His face is hidden by the cowl, staring straight at you, with a sickle at its feet and a snake crawling on it.
Depending on your point of view, the giver of life becomes the taker of it.
5 - Body and Blood… but especially blood.
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What never stops to fascinate me about the relationship of Neapolitans with religion is the very thin line between devotion and pure blasphemy. It is the case of the “miracle” of San Gennaro’s blood. It happens twice a year and it consists in bringing the Saint’s blood in a liquid state again (after centuries it is obviously solidified). The particular thing is that during this ritual, the worshippers (and the priests too) literally insult the saint to convince him to make the miracle happen, because if it doesn’t work, it means that something terrible is about to happen.
(Last time it didn’t work was right before the Covid pandemic 🙂)
I’d say this could have been a great inspiration for Body and Blood and Idolatrine.
Honorable mention to the fact that I have lived 32 years now on this Earth and I never attended this event even though I would like to.
Bonus: Now, I said that Dante would come back in the chapters, and he is. In fact, not only Virgilio died in Naples (and he is the protector of the city) but, apparently, the gates of Hell Dante mentioned in his comedy were located on the Averno lake, near Pozzuoli, not far from Naples.
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take-taker-taken · 1 month
hi can you do ABA!taker x over dressed plus size!reader. Their just walking around backstage and she’s in a full face of makeup and some pretty dress. You can add some smut if you’d like :) Thank you!
OK, here we go! I might have got a bit carried away with the smut…
All Dressed Up
You’re aware of the sideways glances and the double takes that are thrown your way as you both wander through the maze of concrete hallways. Your heels click on the floor, heralding your progress and when heads turn to look they see him first - hard not to, given his stature. Pushing seven feet and with neatly clipped red hair, he’s every bit as huge as he looks on TV and even in your heels you only just graze his shoulder. He holds tightly to your hand as you make your way along and makes the occasional check down on you, just to make sure all is well.
You hadn’t been sure what to wear at first - not as if you were going to be on camera or anything like that, but you wanted to look and feel good. People still raise eyebrows about your relationship though wouldn’t dare say anything out loud. It sure pisses off a lot of ring rats who clearly operate under the misconception that no one would pick anything other than them. Taker treats them with disdain and positively delights in your generous curves - barely a minute goes by when he’s not touching you in some way or another. With that in mind, you’ve chosen a classic little black dress with gold glitter through it that creates a subtle sparkle. It’s got a small split to mid thigh, and a keyhole detail to the front that gives a tantalising glimpse of your ample cleavage.
You slow to a halt near a sign that directs people to the on-site office and he twists his hand so that you step with your back to the wall.
“I won’t be more than a couple minutes,” He says. “Just need to find out whether the finish changed.”
“It’s fine. I’ll be right here,” You say with a smile and a small shrug.
A small growl rumbles in the back of his throat and and he moves in close. “Guess I’d better give you somethin’ to be goin’ on with,” he says and then leans down and crushes his lips to yours.
You wrap your arms around his waist as you return the kiss just as enthusiastically, your tongue dancing with his as people continue to pass by, no doubt staring as they go. You don’t care. He gives you a last peck to the lips before disappearing through the door and content with the taste of him in your mouth you patiently await his return, taking the moment to touch up your lipstick with a small mirror from your purse. By the time you’re tucking it away the door opens again and he strides out, swooping an arm down around your middle.
“Everything OK?” He asks, brushing a few strands of hair away from your face.
“Mmhmm,” you nod and then give a smile and small wave to Triple H as he walks by before looking back up. “Gonna get all possessive now?” You say, as you see his eyes track the other man’s progress down the hall.
“Do I need to?” He counters, looking back down at you.
You slide a hand across and stroke over his upper thigh through the blue denim. “I wouldn’t mind if you did…”
“Is that right…” He mutters and then he squeezes your ass cheek - hard - with one big hand. He leans down and you feel a rush of lust when his goatee scratches your neck as he speaks right into your ear. “I could take you right here, baby, but let’s find somewhere where a little more private.”
He stands straight again and grabs your hand, setting off down the hallway with purpose. Getting somewhere with him is never simple as so many people want to speak with him. He always spares a minute because that’s just the way he is, but he keeps conversations short and a firm arm around your waist. Eventually you make it to his dressing room and he kicks the door shut after ushering you inside. He takes a seat on the low couch and beckons you over, his eyes roving hungrily over your form as you move towards him. You stand between his spread legs and he smirks up at you as he reaches for the hem of your dress. He squeezes your thighs and then carefully eases the material up until it’s bunched around your waist, letting out a low whistle as your garter belt comes into view.
“Baby, you tryin’ to kill me?” He runs his fingers over the belt, tracing down to the lacy stocking tops. “Get on in here,” he adds, reaching one arm around to pull you in closer while his other reaches for your panties, moving them to one side.
Your hand comes down to clutch at his hair as you feel his long tongue teasing your labia. It traces all around, alternating between broad strokes and the very tip flicking over your clit. There’s a brief pause when, clearly tired of holding them out of the way, he grabs your panties with both hands and rips them clean through which enables him to cast them aside completely. Obstruction removed, he dives back in and you grind against his face knowing that it won’t take much of this to make you cum.
He positively growls against your mound as he eats you and your knees start to feel weak. He pauses briefly and glances up just as you look down to see why he’s stopped. He grins and licks his lips before giving you a wink. “Feels good huh, baby?”
You nod frantically and with your hand still in his hair try to urge him back to action. “Don’t stop… want you to make me cum…”
He chuckles and then renews his efforts, circling your clit with the very tip of his tongue. Your head falls back as you move your hips in counterpoint, rapidly heading towards the peak.
“Fuck… gonna cum… fuuuck!” You clutch his head tightly as you ride out the waves of pleasure and eyes closed, you lean back slightly into his hold. Your chest heaves and then when you feel him moving about you look down and find that he’s worked his jeans open. Understanding, you climb on to the couch and kneel astride him, allowing room for him to get the jeans and shorts down to his knees.
He looks up at you and then nods down to his hard dick. “Hop on, baby. Let me enjoy all this properly,” he says, plucking the straps of the garter belt.
Without missing a beat you slide down until he’s fully sheathed in you and then circle your hips before placing your hands on his shoulders so that you can move up and down. He places his big hands on your ass to help you settle into a rhythm that pleases you both.
“Damn, but you’re beautiful,” he says. “All made up, nice dress, proper lingerie… and bouncing on my dick.”
You lean forward and capture his mouth for a kiss, moaning at the sweet taste of yourself that’s still on his lips and tongue before you slide one hand down to stroke your clit.
“Yeah, that’s it,” he says, breaking the kiss and murmuring against your lips. “Play with that little nub while I fuck you.” He mouths at your breasts through the material of your dress and the gentle bites are gearing everything up.
“I’m gonna cum again…” You manage to say and he hums with pleasure and steps up the pace of his thrusts as he wraps his arms around you.
“That’s it, baby… cum all over my dick - wanna feel you squeezing me when I shoot, c’mon…”You cry out as the second orgasm hits you and he’s thrusting up so hard and fast that you could swear your teeth are rattling in your head. “Fuck! That’s it - oh, fuck yeah…unnngh!”
You fall forwards against him, hearing his heart thumping and he continues to hold you tight as you both come down from the peak.
“Are you supposed to do that before a match?” You ask eventually, with a small wriggle.
Laughter rumbles in his chest and he kisses your head. “It’ll bring me good luck, baby.” You straighten up again and carefully get to your feet, bracing your hands on his knees for stability before giving him a small smile.
“Remind me to make you get possessive more often.”
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