#cw beating
Ballister got beat up so many times in that movie, poor man
Like-- getting your arm chopped off then falling through a floor, I'd consider that pretty beat up. The incident at the Institute where Todd and his guys beat him up and you hear his agonized SCREAM off-camera, the end where Todd and his guys beat him up so badly he's slipping in and out of consciousness. And like, not to state the obvious, but beating is a pretty agonizing thing to experience. Like I feel like in most media it gets played down in favor of more ✨dramatically agonizing✨ things like burning, drowning, stabbing etc. but let's not forget beating is a very commonly used method of torture
Anyway point is, that man has so much trauma. I imagine he couldn't be touched with anything but the gentlest contact for ages, even from Ambrosius. I can imagine the panic he'd feel if even his hand or arm was grabbed too quickly or too tightly. I imagine how Ambrosius would be so, so, so gentle and patient and would be so incredibly proud once Ballister got back to his rough-housy self
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whump-in-the-closet · 9 months
based on this prompt by @whump-kia. i haven't been able to stop thinking about it and the brain rot is killing me so voila
Villain wiped the blood off his hands, letting it splatter the concrete. "How does it feel? To have our positions reversed?" He grabbed Hero's collar, hauling his nemesis close-- close enough to see the blurred eyes and to hear the choked breathing. "I know that I'm enjoying it."
Hero wheezed. "I'd give the experience five out of ten. You're getting sloppy." Blood dripped down his chin with his words.
A sharp inhale. Villain's grip tightened.
Hero didn't see the blow coming, but he felt it. Iron-tasting blood filled his mouth, something ripping loose when he prodded his teeth with his tongue. Fuck. He swirled the broken tooth around, trying not to gag on the ocean of crimson. Disgusting.
When Villain leaned close, Hero spat the blood out. He laughed, the sound raw in his throat. "Like I said, sloppy."
Villain let go of Hero's collar, letting Hero slump to the concrete roof. He dragged a hand down his face, flinging the blood off with a flick of his wrist. Villain snarled. "You think you're so clever? Do you know where that's going to get you?"
"--I'm still alive, aren't I--"
Crack. A kick to the mouth this time. Hero's lip split and he doubled over, choking on the blood that stained the concrete.
"A broken jaw." Villain smiled wolfishly. He made no idle promises.
Hero pushed himself up on his hands and knees, staring at the puddle of blood and the ghastly-white tooth in the centre. He peered up at Villain and matched his smile.
Hero, with shaking limbs, stood. His vision instantly flashed dark at the sudden movement. With crimson staining his chin and dripping down his throat, he forced another laugh.
He lifted his hand and slowly, pausing for dramatic effect, flipped Villain off. "Go ahead. Hit me again. Maybe it'll raise your rating."
A flicker of rage. And then Villain grabbed Hero's wrist and yanked him forward, twisting his arm behind his back. Hero cried out. Fuck again.
Villain hissed in his ear, "Don't threaten me with a good time." He twisted Hero's arm a hair tighter and laughed when Hero gave a strangled half-cry.
"A solid 5.5," said Hero, voice sharp.
Hero screamed this time.
Villain dropped him on his broken arm and white sparks burned paths behind Hero's eyes. The pain exploded to devour his entire body.
Villain kicked him. Hard, in the ribs. "That should keep you quiet for at least five minutes." He walked away, then returned, swinging a crowbar. Back and forth, back and forth.
Hero's eyes followed it.
Back and forth.
"Now we can have a good time."
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whump-card · 7 months
Sunless Lives Part 33: I Need to Survive
~2840 words
CW: negative self-talk, beating, broken bones, attempted murder, torture, vampire whump, gunshots, vampire feeding, vomit, mouth whump, non-sexual throat fuck with a foreign object??? fellas…
Also NO main character death!
First, Previous, Next, Masterlist
“Mr Bowers, where are we going?”
Bowers glanced at Simon in the rearview.
“You’ll see.”
Simon huddled in the back seat as Bowers drove. He swore, he was never getting into the backseat of a car ever again. But he’d had no choice in this case; Bowers was a grade B vampire, and could easily snap Simon in half if he wanted to. Running was not an option on his ruined feet. Simon had let the vampire tuck him into the backseat and buckle him in like a child, and could only hope that cooperating would make whatever was about to happen as painless as possible.
He was doing his best to not think about what might be coming, but with Bowers refusing to answer his questions Simon had nothing to do but think as he shivered in the backseat. The rain had turned the May night cold, and Simon’s thin pajamas did little to keep him warm.
What if he’s taking you to an initiation.
Simon watched Bowers carefully, and waited until he was looking away while making a turn to feel the item Nora had dropped into his pocket.
What if they’re going to pin you down and -
It was a small metal and glass square. An MP3 player? A smartwatch? Simon didn’t want to take it out and look.
He’s not preybonded to you and Lara’s rules are gone, he can kill you. He can kill you.
“Please,” His voice was steadier than he expected, “Tell me what’s happening.”
“I would,” Bowers replied flatly, “But you wouldn’t like it.”
Yeah, no shit.
Matthew wouldn’t have let this happen.
Simon screwed his eyes shut, flinching from the pang of guilt.
Matthew-the-vampire wouldn’t have let this happen. He’s human now, and that’s a good thing. Whatever happens is worth it. Him being human and alive is worth it.
You’re not.
You’re not worth it.
Simon stared out the window and hoped against hope that the square meant help was coming.
“We can’t just run off without authorization!” Amber yelled.
“Bowers could discover they’re being tracked any second!” Matthew bellowed, “We’re leaving now!”
He and Gina burst out of the stairwell and into the parking garage, Amber chasing after them.
“You’re going to get yourselves killed!” she shrieked.
“What if they get on a plane, huh?” Matthew snapped at her, “What if they go somewhere we can’t follow?”
“We will figure it out!”
They reached Gina’s car and Gina opened the passenger side.
“We can’t wait for Dune to decide that Simon’s worth it,” Matthew kept arguing while Gina searched through her glove box, “I’m not letting him be taken again.”
“Neither am I.” Gina rejoined him, loading a pistol.
“But Bowers is a grade B, he…” Amber’s outrage melted into fear. “With only the two of you against him… He’ll kill you.”
“You could make it three.”
“I…” Amber slowly shook her head.
“You’re a fucking coward, Amber,” Gina spat.
“No, I’m not!” Amber’s voice echoed through the garage, louder and angrier than they had ever heard. “You think anyone will come after you if I go with you? I need to be here, to convince them to send you guys backup!”
Gina and Matthew exchanged a glance. Amber was right - she was the only one in a position to sway the VIU.
“Here.” Amber unstrapped her holster from around her waist and handed it and the gun it held to Matthew.
“Thanks,” he said, softening.
“Just… Survive as long as you can, and I will send backup ASAP.”
Amber stepped out of the way and watched as Gina’s car pulled out of the parking garage.
Then she sprinted back into the building, determined to do what she could.
Simon slammed into the ground, bruising his knees and scraping his palms raw on the wet asphalt.
“Get up,” Bowers ordered, closing the car door.
“I can’t!” Simon gasped. Bowers grabbed his arm and hauled him upright. He was done playing games. Simon cried out when his feet were forced to touch the ground, but no one was around to hear him.
They were in some sort of warehouse district; massive buildings loomed out of the dark around them, and Simon hadn’t seen a soul on their way in. Whatever Bowers needed this level of privacy for couldn’t be good. Simon’s earlier shocked calm, necessitated to keep Nora alive, had worn off and now he was truly terrified, trembling in Bowers’ grip.
Bowers half dragged, half walked Simon to the door of the warehouse he’d pulled his car up in front of. He threw open the unlocked door and shoved Simon through. Simon fell into the dark, bruising his limbs a second time as he tried to brace his landing. A moment later lights flickered on above him; he was surrounded by sky-high shelves full of plastic-wrapped boxes. He rolled over to look at Bowers, still posed by the light switch. Simon’s heart pounded and his breath came fast.
“Here’s where I come clean.” Bowers reached down and plucked up a length of pipe from where it leaned against the wall, as if waiting for him. It was about three feet long and two inches in diameter, and made of aged dark metal. The ends glinted bright where they were sawn off. 
Bowers started to take leisurely steps towards Simon, who began to pull himself backward along the floor, eyes glued to the pipe.
“Everyone’s noticed by now, since the humans got the cure, and our man Yarl is out, the vampires being caught the fastest are the ex-clients of one Miss Lara Everett.” He twirled the pipe around. “That’s no good for us. No good for business.”
Simon rolled over onto his hands and knees, desperate to get away, to get away faster.
“But of course, none of them can kill you… Not directly, anyway. But I can. So I’m cleaning up, Simon. I took care of Isles and… You’re next.”
Simon froze, petrified.
Christian… dead?
Charged with adrenaline, Simon dug his feet into the floor and ran. The pain ripped a cry out of his throat. He made it two steps before the pain in his feet and his overworked legs made him stumble. His skinned palms crashed into the concrete floor yet again, then his elbow when his right wrist collapsed. But Simon moved through the pain, pushing himself up onto his left hand and his battered knees with a gasp. He could still move, he could still -
Bowers’ shoe stomped into his back, flattening him back to the floor. Simon twisted his head to look up, one cheek pressed against the concrete. Bowers leaned down, putting more weight on Simon’s back and ribcage.
“And since I have to do it anyway,” he smiled, “I may as well enjoy it.” He stepped off of Simon and raised the pipe. Simon twisted his body to the side.
“Please, don’t-!”
The vampire brought the pipe down with a tremendous clang onto Simon’s left hip and a crack shot through Simon’s pelvis. Simon shrieked as the pain lanced up his spine and down his legs like white hot fire. He had no time to process the hit before the pipe came down again, smashing into his femur with a crunch. Simon tried to curl up, to hide from the excruciating pain, to expel it through his mouth, but the next hit shattered his left shoulder blade. His existence felt like one unending screech of agony as he writhed on the concrete under Bowers’ merciless gaze. Bile rose in his throat and he gagged, desperate to fall unconscious, desperate for it to end. He couldn’t even form the words to beg. He could only breathe, scream, breathe, scream.
I don’t want to die.
I don’t want to die.
I don’t want to die.
“Fuck, you’re loud!” Bowers shouted over Simon’s ceaseless wailing, “Let’s see what we can do about that!”
He seized Simon by the neck and dragged him upright, his back against Bowers’ legs. This sent new waves of pain through Simon’s body as displaced nerves jostled against bone crushed against muscle. Bowers shifted his grip to Simon’s jaw, pulling his already screaming mouth open wider. He lifted the metal rod and shoved the end of it into Simon’s mouth, and pushed, the sharp metal edges tearing, ripping, scraping at the delicate tissue of Simon’s cheeks, his tongue, his throat, as Bowers forced the rod in further, not caring what damage he caused. Simon choked, on the rod, on the blood, on bits of flesh. His screams were finally stifled as he struggled to breathe. His arms flopped uselessly. His eyes rolled.
“Better,” Bowers grunted, “Much better.” He yanked the rod out, splattering blood, and dropped Simon back to the floor where he heaved and choked and spat out blood and chunks of his own throat. Gone was the screaming; now Simon could only agonizingly gag and wheeze.
Bowers raised the rod once more and brought it down on Simon’s right shoulder. Simon’s whole body jerked, but the only sound he made was a horrifying gurgle. He shouldn’t still be awake. He shouldn’t still be alive. It wasn’t fair, wasn’t fair, wasn’t fair. His brain reverted to primeval instincts: The danger is behind you. Crawl.
Simon dug his fingernails into the concrete and dragged himself, inch by inch, forward. It was the only thing he could do. Maybe, somehow, he could crawl away from the pain. Leave it behind.
Bowers stood back and watched Simon struggle, clawing at the floor until his fingernails broke. Going nowhere.
He laughed, and it echoed throughout the building.
Matthew fired from where he stood by the door, gun raised and eyes full of fire. Bowers spun, his hand flying to his shoulder where blood burst from a bullet wound. He crouched and sprang back, taking shelter in an isle of shelves as another shot rang out. Matthew cursed and lowered his weapon, running forward towards Simon. Gina hung back, watching the room like a hawk. Matthew fell to his knees at Simon’s side.
Simon was lying face-down on the ground, silent and still. Blood seeped out of his mouth and bandages around his feet were stained red. Horribly dark and discolored blotches of skin peeked out from his t-shirt. His left leg lay at a sickening angle. Bruises littered his arms; his nails were cracked and bleeding.
“No, Simon…” Matthew reached out to touch him.
“Matthew, look out!” Gina shouted.
Matthew looked up and saw the vampire charging towards him, pipe raised, moving at an unnaturally fast pace. Matthew had just enough time to duck, and he felt the rush of air and heard a faint whistle as the pipe whizzed over his head. A second later and his brains would have been bashed in. Bowers kept sprinting past him, and shots rang out as Gina tried to hit him before he disappeared back into the stacks of boxes.
“Shit, he’s too fast, I can’t hit him!” she yelled.
Matthew stood, staring at the isle Bowers had disappeared into. He pulled his phone out of his pocket with a shaking hand.
“I need to call an ambulance now or it might not arrive in time - Gina!”
Gina turned in time to see Bowers making a run at her out of the stacks. She stood her ground, aiming and firing as he approached. Her shot landed in his chest, but he was unphased, and swung the pipe as he passed her. With no time left to dodge, Gina was hit squarely in the stomach and knocked to the ground. Her body convulsed as she dry heaved and gasped for the air that had been knocked out of her.
“Gina!” If she was down, Bowers would make his next blow a killing one. Matthew started to sprint over to her, but he heard inhumanly quick footsteps behind him. He started to turn but was hit squarely in the right arm.
Pain erupted as his humerus snapped. His arm spasmed and his gun clattered to the floor. He stumbled and only caught a glimpse of Bowers as he vanished back into the maze of warehouse shelves. Matthew looked around wildly, at Gina, struggling to stand, at Simon, a mangled mess on the floor. He couldn’t protect both of them - he couldn’t protect either of them
Bowers was too fast.
Too powerful.
He was going to kill them.
Breathing hard through the pain, Matthew stuffed his phone back into his pocket and scooped up the gun in his left hand. Amber’s gun.
She wasn’t going to get there in time.
He heard Gina scream - a shriek of true fear, something he’d never heard from her before that poured ice down his spine - and he could only watch as Bowers flitted past her and knocked her from where she had just started to stand up back to the concrete with a horrible clang. She lay frighteningly still, a red gash at her temple. Bowers was already gone.
Matthew raised his weapon and spun around, frantically searching for Bowers. His right arm dangled, useless and excruciating. He heard footsteps, but in the large echoing building he had no way of pinpointing their location. They grew louder, faster, and Matthew pivoted to see Bowers rushing towards him, his eyes full of bloodlust and his knuckles white where they gripped the pipe. Matthew fired haphazardly, the first shot flying over Bowers’ shoulder and the second one hitting home in the center of his chest. Bowers finally stumbled, and instead of hitting Matthew with the pipe the vampire tackled him, pressing the pipe down over his throat. Matthew caught it with the heel of his good hand, still holding the gun, but was only able to resist the downward pressure for a moment before the vampire’s superior strength won out and the pipe pressed down on Matthew’s throat. Bowers held the pipe down with one hand and easily plucked the gun away from Matthew with the other, tossing it aside.
Matthew couldn’t breathe. He wheezed and reached up to claw fruitlessly at Bowers’ face. Bowers only smiled, baring his fangs, and bore down on the pipe harder.
“Not so tough now that you’ve been cured, huh?”
Matthew’s legs kicked uselessly against the floor. Bowers held him pinned there for what felt like an eternity. Matthew felt the air in his blood running out as his raised arm wavered and collapsed and his legs stopped moving. Spots filled his vision.
Suddenly the pressure lifted, and Matthew was able to suck in a stinging lungful of air. The relief lasted less than seconds, though, as the pipe was replaced by fangs. They sank into Matthew’s neck, and his chestful of air rushed out of him in a strangled cry. He was able to breath a little now, and movement returned to his limbs, but he could only wriggle and push at the vampire to no effect as Bowers fed, holding Matthew’s neck still with his teeth and his hands on Matthew’s shoulders.
Matthew had never been bitten before. It was expected to happen eventually in his line of work, but senior agents had always warned him: there’s no way of preparing for it.
There’s no way it won’t stick with you.
It’s slower than you think.
As Bowers leeched his vitality from him, Matthew found he could turn his head, ever so slightly, and look around. First to Gina, still motionless on the floor. Then over to Simon, his head in a pool of blood.
He could only be grateful he was dying among friends.
He began to feel cold, and dizzy. He lifted his hand to look at it: pale white and shaking. He could only hold it up for a second before it slumped to the floor. He refocused, as best as he was able, on Simon, who now looked very far away.
I’m so sorry. He couldn’t tell if he was thinking, or speaking, or just mouthing the words.
It shouldn’t have ended like this.
Not for you.
You deserved better.
I love you.
Bowers lifted away from him, and Matthew felt the blood run down his neck.
He must be done.
I must be dead.
Then he heard a horrible hacking cough. With great effort, Matthew rolled his head to look at Bowers.
The vampire was doubled over, clutching his chest, gagging and sputtering.
“No,” Bowers cried out, “No, no!”
He spasmed, and vomited up blood. He turned and screamed wordlessly at Matthew, spattering red. He heaved in a breath, and his own blood leaked out around his fingers where he pressed them to his chest.
“You poisoned me!” he wailed at Matthew, “Fucking turncoat!”
A smile crept over Matthew’s lips.
The cure.
It was in his blood.
It was turning Bowers human - and humans can’t survive two shots to the chest.
At least Matthew could die knowing the three of them had been avenged.
That Simon had been avenged.
His eyes drifted closed as sirens approached in the distance.
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Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy, @pigeonwhumps, @sunshiline-writes, @seasaltandcopper, @pirefyrelight
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amphiptere-art · 11 months
So yeah Blue Moon has some bad memories from when he was brainwashed.
This is when he meets Lord Solar. And despite them not being the same one he still feels the need to apologize to them since he never got to.
Clear pics under the cut.
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selfshippingquotes · 2 years
S/I: Me and F/O like to play this game called "Seven Minutes in Hell" where we go inside a closet and beat the shit out of each other.
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a-painful-ordeal · 10 months
3. Don’t Push Me, I’ll Fight
CW: Branding aftermath. Descriptions of third degree burns. References to Slavery. Beatings. Manhandling.
 A haze of pain swamps Evan and his surroundings. At some point, the hulking knight enters, and the boy’s limbs are released. There’s shouting, but Evan can’t make out what is being said. The whooshing of blood is still too loud to hear through.
Itchy clothes are dumped in front of him, and he’s ordered to get dressed.
Pulling the clothes on is agony and movement jars the skin around the burn. However, he quickly finds that the burn itself seems… numb. The new breeches sit over the bleeding wound, but only the surrounding area cries out in pain. Not where the metal made contact with his flesh.
Cold horror slices through Evan, as he realizes that the large patch of charred flesh on his hip, which should incapacitate him with pain is numb. The pain itself is coming from the singed area around. He pulls his focus through the haze to look to his hip. His eyes focus on the fabric covering it, which blood seems to be weeping through. His finger trembles as it goes to poke at the actual burn. Rather than the searing, excruciating pain that he expects, there’s nothing…
His jaw quivers slightly. It’s just the shock…right? It’ll heal back… please. He prays silently to the god of luck and thieves, that it’ll be fine and will heal back. A god, who up till now had been his only religious alliance. A god who might have just damned him.
 Orders are given, but he doesn’t seem to hear.
Finally, he is dragged by the collar of his shirt out of the room and past the other cells. Walking stretches and pulls at the skin surrounding the burn. Tighten and ripping at the wound, making him bite his lip to stop himself from crying out. Both from the pain and panic. 
 Evan is dragged out of the building into the blinding sunlight of the outside. He squints as his head screams. It takes a few moments for the boy’s eyes to adjust to the light, as a stone courtyard flickers into view. In the centre of the courtyard stands a large wooden stage not dissimilar to the stages used at a farmer’s market.
 His eyes are slowly drawn to two wagons. Both have cages attached to the back of them, however, the one on the left remains empty, with a small handful of hay scattered across the ground. The right-hand cage is larger and has a group of people inside, huddled together away from the door. Evan swallows before a jerky yank is given to the collar of his shirt as he’s dragged to the empty cage.
 Evan makes eye contact with a woman, whose hair is knotted, and her face is filthy. He squints at her, wishing he could fire rapid questions asking what the fuck is going on. But instead, he is roughly pushed into the cage. His hands scrap painfully along the floor, and he stumbles into a pile of stinking hay.
The pain in his hip flares up again, as the abused skin is fallen on. Evan gasps and quickly scrambles to his other side. The fog on his brain clouds as his world throbs in agony. He curls into a ball, fighting back tears, as he tries to protect himself.
 His eyes drift to the large grey fortress that he was just inside. It seems to stretch up into the sky. The light of the sun highlights each individual brick, all so uniform and pressed tightly together. 
The gate to the cage is locked, and with a jolt, they begin to move. Evan wishes he had the strength to lunge at the door and try to leave, but right now, his body feels too heavy. The exhaustion from everything seeps into his body and begins to take over. He just lies there, his eyes drifting shut as he wills himself into an unconscious escape.
Evan is jarred awake, as the wagon transitions to cobblestone. He looks around, trying to make sense of where the fuck he is, as the wagon enters a sprawling city.
 Evan’s skin crawls as people stare through the bars of the cage at him. He sits up slightly more, hugging his knees slightly. His breathing increases as he feels the gaze of random people piercing through him. Humiliation fills his stomach. He does what he can to shoot back dirty expressions. These fuckers can fuck off. Pieces of shit. He’s done fuck all and yet they are staring at him as though he’s the criminal?!
 He is paraded in front of strangers as they move through the city until they arrive at what seems like a large manor house near the sea. It's surrounded by a huge stone wall, too high to climb. Large, beautifully carved ornate gates swing open allowing the wagon to pass through. Evan doesn't need to look back to know once they've closed, as the loud thud echoes around.
 Inside the walls, stretches a large well-kept garden. There are perfectly cut grass and flower beds with precisely placed plants, creating beautiful patterns in the earth. Hedges are cut so not even a leaf sticks out of place. Despite how well-maintained everything seems to be, the area seems devoid of people. A long cobble driveway leads up to the entrance of a large manor.
 The hulking knight dismounts from the horse and wanders over to the cage. He squints at Evan before gesturing to a couple of guards to open the cage door. He looks to Evan waiting expectantly for the boy to come out.
 Evan responds by glaring back, and not moving. Like hell was he going to do what this bastard told him to. This man treated him like cattle and had Evan branded with the fucking initials of a name. The agony from earlier remains as the fear and pain burn into anger as he holds his ground.
 The knight stands there, he snaps his fingers as if signalling a dog to come. Waiting.
 A small, satisfied feeling of spite fills Evan, as he does… nothing. Who does he think he is, trying to order people around with a fucking pretentious finger snap. This man can go and eat shit. As the boy takes the moment to check his nails, pretending he is completely oblivious to the situation. He forces a pout as he picks a bit of dirt out from under his nail and flicks it in the direction of the knight.
 A surge of blood rushes into the knight's face. “Get out here now.” His voice is low and in a furious growl.
 Evan looks back at him, taking the time to scan the man with a scowl, fuelled by pain, fear, and humiliation. “Suck. A. Dick.” He mimics the lowness of the knight's voice and his accent.
 The knight gives a sharp gesture to one of the guards, who climbs into the cage and approaches Evan. 
The boy’s bravado drops, as he pushes himself into the corner of the cage. His arm is wrenched with the strength that only a trained soldier could muster as he is dragged out of the cage. Another guard grabs his other arm, as he is restrained. Being held completely at the mercy of the hulking man in front of him.
 The knight stares at him with a venomous look. He raises a fist and strikes him once across his already bruised cheek. 
Evan’s head snaps to the side. His lip splits on impact. However, instead of falling over, the guards tighten the grip on his arms, keeping him upright.
 The hulking knight then takes the opportunity to bring his fist down into the boy’s gut. Once. Then twice. Then a third time. He then takes two more swings at Evan’s face. Each one is more full of rage than the last.
 Evan finds himself gasping for breath, hanging limply from his arms as a mixture of blood and saliva drops from his mouth. 
 “I am in charge here.” The hulking knight broadens his shoulders, showing off his full size. The glints of chain mail catch the light, like the carapace of a beetle. As he speaks, little flecks of spit fly from his mouth, hitting Evan’s face. “And there will be consequences for your behaviour.”
The knight takes two clanking steps forwards, and grabs the boy by his jaw, forcing eye contact to be made. “I know brats like you like to cause trouble. Well let me tell you, that the Lord won’t let that fly, and neither will I.” His grip painfully tightens, fingers digging into the bruises on Evan’s cheek provoking a wince. “Now. This,” another punch, this time into the ribs. “Was a warning. Cross me again and I won't be as lenient.” He lets go of Evan’s chin. 
 The guards seem to take a hint and allow Evan to sink to the floor, gasping. Evan resists the temptation to look up and spit a wade of blood at this cunt. No. He must save his fight for another day.
 The hulking knight looks over to the half-orc who seems to have materialized during the beating. “Take him to the kitchens and show him what to do.”
The half-orc nods “Yes Master.”
 He orders, dusting his hands. Off before looking at Evan. “Let’s try this again, shall we? Get. Up.” He makes a hand gesture as if directing a dog.
 Evan stares at the ground, discreetly pulling a face before wiping the expression off. He’s gotten into his fair share of fights in the past. From Geldod and his boys, down by the docks to that summer where everyone put aside their differences to attack a particularly dickish city guard. One thing he’d learnt is: sometimes giving up early can allow you to get a hit in when they don’t expect it. Let them drop their guard. 
 Slowly he gets to his feet and looks at the half-orc.
 The half-orc bows his head to the knight, before pausing to wait for Evan, before continuing to a side entrance, rather than the grand doors.
 Evan grits his teeth, trying to ignore the pain that seems to encompass his entire body, and follows.
 The orc quietly takes him through a scullery and a long thin servant’s corridor. Once they move out of earshot of the guards and the knight, he looks over to Evan. The passive look in his eyes vanishes, replaced with a look of genuine concern. “How are you feeling?? I’m gonna focus on getting you cleaned up… alright?”
 “Or what? You and the others‘ll give me another beating?” Evan spits before clenching his jaw.
 The half-orc blinks as he slowly registers what’s happened. “Wait… no… I’m- like you…” he puts a hand and taps the side of his own hip.
 Evan pauses and the tension seems to melt away “Oh…” he just about manages a nod, as the adrenaline drains from him.
 The half-orc leads him to a small room off the side. It seems to not be much more than the cupboard with a stool in it. “You sit here… I’ll be back in a moment.”
 Evan sits down before his legs collapse. He brings his uninjured leg up onto the stool and hugs it, breathing slowly. A small lump moves into his throat and sits there. He hugs his knee as tight as he dares and forces the threat of tears back again. He wonders what M and Meg are doing. Have they noticed he’s gone? Do they think he’d left them? He must get back to them. To his friends. He takes a shaky breath in, despite the pain and slowly releases it. They are all he has in the world. He will not leave them to think he abandoned them.
 The orc returns not long after, with a bucket of cool water. “Lift up your shirt. I can try to help with the burn. And here.” He passes a cool, damp cloth. “It will help with the bruising.”
 Evan takes the cloth, internally debating whether to let the man touch his burn, before slowly shifting his shirt and breeches so the wound is exposed. He winces at the sight. The fabric is peeled away from the skin; however, Evan’s blood had clotted with the fabric embedded.
 The orc breathes, in sharp sympathy. “Here. Let me.” He gently begins to wash and dab away the clumps of blood, giving cool relief to the intact skin, however, Evan still cannot feel the actual burn.
“What’s your name?” the orc asks as he works. He is patient and methodical about his work. 
 “…Evan…” Evan responds cautiously “Tyrnearth…You...?”
 “I’m Trygve.” His accent has a soft Vuchguian twang to it as he gives Evan a small attempt at a smile, before continuing to clean the burn.
 Evan nods slowly before leaning back a little, letting this man begin to tend to his wounds.
 AN: Please shout if you want adding to the tag list or spot a typo!
Masterlist Next
 Tag list: @sunshiline-writes  @kixngiggles @pumpkin-spice-whump
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normystical · 6 months
Normal media
Kid: Do you like it? It's sketty with choco sauce! I made it just for you!
Dad: *trying not to gag on mouthful of sugar bomb pasta* Ohhh, I love it, sweetie! Th—thank you...!
Italian media
Dad: Ah shit I think I beat my daughter so hard she fucking died
Mom: Honestly good riddance. Let alone spaghetti with chocolate syrup, I couldn't bear to see a child of mine grow up to top her rigatoni with cheese instead of like. fuckin. cheese 2
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lynxgriffin · 12 days
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Eldritchrune - Knock You Down!!
1 | 2
Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Queen tries to get to Kris with some psychological torment, but Kris pushes through, and the Fun Gang wins! Berdly is also recruited to the team...for better or for worse!
Aaaand yay, this part's all done! Definitely one of the most complex so far, but also satisfying to do a real boss battle!
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hajihiko · 3 days
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It runs in the family
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taylachan · 8 months
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This will be all I will say about The Unwanted Guest: Slutty French Maid Ianthe.
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Merry Whump of May
May 3rd- "You're not looking too hot"
[Lightbulb | Tension | Alleyway]
(tw beating, blood, lost tooth, strangulation, death mention)
Whumpee spat blood out of their mouth. It tasted like copper. A taste irrevocably linked with failure. 
They’d messed up. They'd messed up bad. 
Whumpee stumbled further into the alleyway, pushing their tongue into the gap in their teeth. The missing tooth was in the centre of the patch of blood they'd just spat out. “Shit.” 
The tooth glinted white for a split second before the heel of a boot descended on it. A crack, and then the white was gone. 
Whumper smiled. Not a good smile. A “You’re as good as dead” smile.
This was very very bad. 
Whumper grabbed Whumpee by the collar of their shirt, slamming them into the side of the building. Their grip was unrelenting, tightening as Whumpee struggled to break their hold. 
“Wait!” Whumpee choked out. “Please!” 
The grip loosened. Slightly. “Speak quickly, rat.” 
Their faces were inches apart. Small details stood out. The blood drying on Whumpee's lips. The dark shadows under Whumper's eyes. The sharp smell of a leather coat.
 “I didn’t hear anything! I saw nothing! Please don’t…don’t go through with this?” It came out as a question. 
The grip tightened, shoving Whumpee back further against the wall. Their shoulders felt like they might break. 
“You’re going to go through with this,” whispered Whumpee. “Aren’t you?”
Whumper laughed as Whumpee choked. “Look at that, a lightbulb finally went off in your head. Took you long enough.” 
The ground and air blurred into one single colour. Red.
Whumpee couldn’t breathe. But they could still hear Whumper laughing. It would take an ocean of noise to drown out that laugh. They would hear it until the day they died. Which might be today, for all they knew. For all their luck. What luck? 
Whumpee didn’t have luck. 
“Aw, you’re not looking too hot. That’s okay, no one’s going to care about that once I’m through with you.”
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lucabyte · 2 months
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you dream of devouring your friends whole
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amphiptere-art · 11 months
Fumbled feast
Violent. Very very violent. Lots of robo gore. Do not read if you are squeamish.
Blue Moon shook his head as he was fumbled into a new universe. Growling softly at the discomfort it caused. Simply assess his surroundings. He was in... a jail cell? He looked around briefly at the bars. They shimmered with a magic spell. Something easily broken. Gazing down the bars until he hit another figure. He stared briefly at them. What was that a lunar of some kind?
A growl behind him cut off his line of thought. Turning around with the larger growl only to pause. In front of him stood what he could only guess was a blood moon. It was about the size of his brother. His head meeting the lower part of his chest. Their hands were cuffed. A strange mark on one of his hands. The blood moons alert position though masked its predicament. Briefly looking behind him proved that the lunar in the other cell had a similar looking cuffs and mark. But the blood moon growled as soon as he eyed his cellmate.
Who are you?
The blood Moon merely hissed. A simple curiosity waned by caution. Blue Moon straightened. His rays brushing the roof of the cell. At least he fit. He bounced slightly in order to hopefully loosen the mood.
Who am I? I am you. And them too.
He briefly pointed to the lunar across the room.
But do not worry. I have no riddle to rhyme. Except for the name Blue Moon. That one is mine.
The words flowed easily out of his mouth. The cheer-ish feeling to them seeming the calm the blood Moon in front of him.
You talk like I once did. Blue Moon... How did you get here. Where is your way in.
The blood moon in front of him seemed to get antsy. Apparently escaping the way he came in was a top priority. But given the placement they were he couldn't expect anymore. But unfortunately for the blood moon the way he came in wasn't even an exit for himself.
Sorry crimson eyes. The rules do not bend for me. And neither will they bend for you. But while I'm stuck here in this gloom. Perhaps I can show you a way out of this room.
The blood moons face scrunched with disappointment but it seems to relax at the mention of another exit. But Blue Moon had the wonder why was he in a cage in the first place? And the lunar on the other side of the room too. They both had cuffs on their hands. And the bars and cuffs we're both enchanted slightly. Whoever put them in here wanted them to stay in. But it was clear by the damage on their bodies that whoever had them here was also having their fun.
So you can get us out! Can you do it now! The guard comes-
The blood moon was cut off by foot steps up the hallway that led to the jail cells. The blood Moon quickly panicked. Motioning for the overly large bot to come to him. Blue Moon started taking some steps before freezing. There were no hiding places in the cell. Did the blood Moon think he could hide him behind them? Blue Moon's face scrunched in confusion at the thought. Giving the panicking blood moon questioning stare. But before he could contemplate it much further he heard a gasp behind him.
He turned around and looked down at the bot that had arrived. He recognized this one. Solar. A soft smile stretched across his face. Solar had been an interesting first encounter. He had near killed the bot when he first spawned into their universe. Teleporting to the one that was closest to name to him. The second time he met him was when he had TF lunar with him. Where are the mistake he had made and was quickly rectified. But as he looked upon his old friends angry expression. He realized something was wrong.
Shimmering reflection! Old friends. Sorry sorry that we must meet again. Why the long face old friend?
Blue Moon stared into the colorful bots eyes. Hoping for recognition. He found none.
I don't know who you are. And I don't care how you got in there. But you better start explaining yourself.
Solar growled at him. A spear raised at the bars. He faltered slightly. Sure they weren't great friends but he had thought they were passed suspiciousness. Although given the fact he didn't know who he was was a worrisome. He looked back at the blood moon. Whose name he still hadn't gotten. The blood moon sat there, anger and fear in his posture. They were scared of solar? He made a motion towards solar with a shrug. The blood moon seemed the falter himself. Clearly off guard by Blue Moon's nonchalant examination of the situation.
Blue Moon looks briefly back at his friend. Tilting his head slightly as his rays rattled. Before waving a hand in air and activating a bunch of runes. The magic in the cell tried to falter him. But he only used it his advantage to enact the spell further. Runes also appeared around solar. The bot jumping in surprise. But before he could Swat them away Blue Moon got the full just of the situation. Brainwashing.
Blue Moon growled. Anger bubbling up as his rays retracted in place. His blue pupil shifting quickly into the pentagram that showed his red moon's programming.
You do not know me. But I know you. I will stand my ground against the demon fool.
With a growl he stepped forward briefly running on all fours before he reached the end of the cell. Solar jumps slightly. Clearly off guard by the quickened pace. Blue Moon grabs the bars of the cell. Runes erupting out on his ribbons and arms and some around the bars themselves. Before solar could even give him a half heartened threat he pushed with all his might and the bars snapped.
The magic shattering under the strain of the runes and his own strength. Solar quickly tried to attack him. To put them in back in the broken cell he wasn't sure. But with a quick thought runes stop solars movements in an instant. Carefully shackled by magic in what was clearly a pose of a stab. Solar growled before mumbling at the surprise. Solar gave him a face that nearly made him falter. Before a clawed hand simply raised itself up before shoving it to the ground.
Solar could do nothing as he was shackled into a position on the ground much like a dog sitting. Clearly trying to get out of the restraints but having no power to do so. Blue Moon looked back at the cell. Stuttering slightly at the loss of the blood moon before he saw that it was clearly trying to break the latch on the other cell for the lunar. Blue moon simply turned around to the part of the bars that was nearest to him. Using his runes again to snap the bars off.
Both the blood Moon and the lunar simply stared at him in surprise. Before the lunar quickly jogged over and escaped through the hole he had made.
Thank you. thank you thank you thank you. thank you so much. I heard your name but you don't know ours. I'm lunar and that's crimson.
Blue Moon looks at the both of them. Happy to finally know their names. He cleared his throat slightly and knowing he had nothing to stop the way their names would come out.
Hello to you soft glow and maroon sight. I hope you don't mind if I use a name more of my kind?
He smiled briefly. Quickly turning into a soft frown as lunar and crimson seems a question his nicknames. But before they can ask too much solar shouted out.
Eclipse the prisoners are escaping! Somebody get down here and help!
Crimson growled still shackled by chains that kept his hands to itself. Blue Moon quickly looked over, shining off his claws before slicing the chains in half with a simple swipe. Both the lunar and blood Moon were clearly stunned. But they barely had time to assess the situation before more footsteps sounded themselves.
This place is a mystery to me. So claw and foot is shall be.
Without much warning he scooped up lunar onto his back before nodding at crimson to follow behind him. He really would prefer if they led. But he didn't really have the time to ask for that. Solar yelled after them as he and crimson ran out. Blue moon preferring his bipedal stance for the run. They made it halfway up before he encountered.. Freddy??? He didn't have much time to contemplate the thought that a false light would keep the rest of the animatronics alive as he barreled past. Soon he found the balcony and he was off like a rocket. lunar above him crying out for him to stop while crimson only yelled in fear.
He ran out into the open air. The lunar clutching his frill with a ferocity that it might rip. They free falled only for a second before Blue Moon summoned his stepping stone runes underneath him. Running out slightly before stopping to make sure that crimson could follow. Crimson stared at the steps as if he had never seen magic before. But a guard running up behind him quickly stopped his questioning and he stepped on the runes. Blue Moon making sure they disappeared behind him so the guards could not follow.
The two of them stepped out into the air more so that the spears could not hit their marks. Blue Moon stopping to catch his breath slightly after such an escape. Only having so much time to contemplate their freedom slightly before the electric collars that he had failed to see around crimson and lunar's necks activated. Both of them screaming out in surprised pain making blue moon flinch. Runes briefly disappearing before he quickly caught himself. Quickly casting the rune underneath crimson to grow larger so that the bot could collapse in agony without falling.
A deafening laugh brought his eyes upward. Above them on a another balcony was the false light. Eclipse. Blue Moon growled. Eyeing the remote that he held in his hand that was causing his companions pain. Blue Moon stiffened. Taking lunar off his back and placing him on the same rune crimson was sitting on. Standing up with this claws outstretched. In front of them. Casting a small barrier around the two.
Well look it's the ribbon devil. Back for round two.
Blue Moon growled. Remembering his first encounter. After he had just found out that solar wasn't that world's Eclipse he had went out hunting. Almost killed the thing before the cube sent him back home. Back then it was weak. But now he could guess it had the star. And it would be much stronger.
False light your ending is near. Fall down gently and I might devour you quicker than you can hear.
The two only stared at each other for a second.
Within a flash the false light dashed forward. Blue Moon following suit. They both collided with a fury. Blue Moon quickly tried to go for killing blow. But having fought this Eclipse before it quickly dodged. Eclipse's clawed hands coming to grab his jaw. His jaw stuck and his hands colliding with the others Blue Moon summoned a rune on his shoulder. Eclipse only glanced at it for a second before it released it's power. Eclipse quickly flew off of him holding up an hand to his injured face. Caressing the now smoldering mark.
Blue Moon didn't offer him a chance to assess his injury before he was behind him. Snapping his jaws forward. But this time when the eclipse tried to grab him he quickly readjusted. Jaws snapping down at the hand. Eclipse let out a startled yell turning around to try and pry his hand out of the much taller bots grasp. Blue Moon only sneered. Spinning his head around quickly as the Eclipse could only watch as he ripped off his hand and arm like an alligator would.
Quickly another hand came up this slash at the offending face. Blue Moon stopping the rotation to grimace in pain. Eclipse quickly separated himself from his attacker. Looking briefly at the torn off hand before looking up at Blue Moon. Blue Moon only sneered adjusting the hand in his mouth as he ate the appendage. Nano machines is mouth quickly making work of it to give him access energy. Eclipse only stared in shock before quickly summoning his spear and going back into the fray.
Blue Moon prepared a runic shield as the spear clashes into him. Licking his lips in a taunt through the magical rune. Serving only to fester the false light more. Eclipse tried to adjust his position but Blue Moon anticipated the move and a rune that had already been summoned quickly revealed itself. Eclipse only having seconds for his eyes so widen before the rune quickly blasted off. Eclipse screamed as the spear clattered into the vast space below them. Blue Moon had just shot off his arm.
Eclipse launched himself back off of his attacker. Quickly readjusting to the situation. Blue Moon was stronger than he had anticipated.
Deciding to pull all the shots Eclipse summoned his star. Blue Moon tenses with anticipation but he only had seconds before the star blasted off a beam towards him. Eclipse smiled as his attacker seemed to vanish. Looking around the space before his eyes fell on crimson and lunar. They were still being held up by a rune. A gutteral growl was heard behind him.
What a welcoming well of energy. Oh how quickly you shall be feld by your enemy.
Without much warning Blue Moon chopped down on his faceplate. Eclipse's remaining arms stretching out to try and claw off the invader. Blue Moon simply growled and chopped down tighter. His clawed feet and hands gripping into Eclipse. Leaving no room for escape. Eclipse only called upon the stars power. Blasting Blue Moon off with a ring of energy. Blue Moon fumbled in the air before he caught himself. Growling before summoning another teleportation rune to try and disorient his attacker.
Eclipse was having none of it and he quickly snuffed out the rune. Causing Blue Moon to screech in terror as the rune fizzled out mid jump. Causing the lower half of his body to be caressed in magic burns. Blue Moon turned to snarl only to gasp as another beam of energy soared towards his direction. Blue Moon quickly dodged only the panic slightly as the beam didn't disappear. It's simply seemed to continue following him. Nipping at his heels as he ran through the air.
Eclipse laughed at his attackers pathetic display. Quickly summoning another beam of energy to follow him from the other side. Soon eclipse had four beams following him. Sometimes veering off to try and catch him off guard only to miss with a quick dodge. But Blue Moon was getting tired. As much as the energy of the star provided enough for him to keep casting runes his own stamina was another thing. Shit. Blue Moon quickly readjusted his plans. As much as he wanted to kill the false light he definitely could not do it now.
Blue Moon ran towards the runic platform he had somehow kept up that crimson and lunar were on. The two's eyes widening as Blue Moon seem to charge towards them. Perhaps out of fear that the beams would hit them also. But Blue Moon quickly flipped his ribbon tails as he got close. The two of them flying through the air on the rune as it was tossed in a random direction away from the castle.
Briefly hearing eclipses growl of disappointment before he used the temporary distraction to summon his best spell in a desperate attempt. the three large runes summoned out behind him. Others of different elements joining the fray. The eclipse only had a second to look back before the runes shot off. The power expanding out in a large radius towards the false light.
Eclipse only had a millisecond to summon the star in front of him as a shield as the power of the blast consumed him. Blue Moon breathed heavily. Tired from the constant running. Only the screech out and pain as the four beams that were following him quickly caught up. His whole body burned with the power of the strikes. Runes fizzling out as the user that summoned them went unconscious. He started to fall towards Earth below them.
But unfortunately his fall is cut short as eclipse caught him midfall with the magic of the star.
Well...huf. you were...huf. a fight..huf.
Eclipse was breathless as he held up and now limp blue moon. He briefly wondered if he should just destroy the thing. But a smile caressed on his face as he thought of something better.
Such a strong fighter. I'm sure you'll make a good head guard.
Solar (shimmering reflection).
Crimson (maroon sight/crimson eyes).
BTB Lunar (soft glow).
BTB Eclipse (false light).
Blue Moon.
Wow this story went longer than I thought it would. I'll make a illustration for this later.
I wanted to show Blue Moon losing. A fight with Lord Eclipse seemed like a good idea to do this with. Plus I found it kind of interesting that BTB Eclipse might try to brainwash him. Of course nothing can stop Blue Moon's sporadic teleportation. But perhaps he could brainwash him to come back? Idk depends on how much BTB Eclipse would be able to understand of how the sporadic teleportation works.
But yeah I had a thrill writing out the fight. I wanted to show that Blue Moon definitely knows what he's doing. But when faced with the might of the star there's not much you can do.
Hopefully lunar and crimson landed safely after their rune was chucked into the great unknown.
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ghostlyg0ssip · 2 months
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who's gonna tell them that the g1 characters would beat the shit out of them for saying this
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sarathrwizard · 1 month
Did someone ask for Donnie angst? (rottmnt)
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Oh, and maybe some brains & brawn duo art as well! 😁💔
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