#critical thought
tikkunolamresistance · 2 months
Thinking about the zionist claim that antizionist Jews are traitors, which is rich considering that a reason that zionist Jews are dominant over antizionist Jews (despite this not being true before) is because they leveraged the Red Scare and McCarthyism against antizionist and working class Jews and broke our labor movements. All to be more acceptable to western sensibilities and show they aren't like *Those* Jews.
Not only did they betray other Jews to the US (and probably the UK...), but they're also class traitors as well. Also early zionists sure did hate other Jews who didn't comply with respectability politics and assimilate properly.
Zionist Jews have historically hated and pushed out anti-Zionist Jews to please the greater Capitalist hegemony and in hand, white supremacy! As we’ve seen through history, anti-Zionist and radical leftist Jews were targeted by Facist states, such as in the Argentinian Contras that killed 3,000 Jews simply for being Jewish political opponents… and we have good faith to believe they were anti-Zionist, too. Hitler blamed Jews for the Russian revolution as a lot of Jewish communities were very Leftist, which has in-hand caused this warped belief that being a Jewish Communist, or equating the two in any shape or form, is antisemitism.
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julictcapulet · 2 years
the commodification of aesthetics and the downfall of literacy is the reason people have shit critical thinking skills. simplifying everything down to popular tropes or forcing your favorite things into boxes labeled as “that girl” or freaking out over books and movies and songs that were created with the intention of going viral on tiktok is not doing anyone any good and using the answer of “yeah i know but it’s all for entertainment” is not even close to a decent response
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greentrickster · 7 months
Something I think we all need to be reminded of from time to time is that a piece of media can be groundbreaking and culturally important/significant while also just... not being very good.
Robinson Crusoe is a very important book in English literature, being the first English novel, and it's absolutely terrible. Not even just in a 'culture has moved on and oh- oh dear, that is- oh dear, Tuesday' sort of way (though there is very much that), but in a 'this is actually, literally such a slog to read through due to the poor writing quality.' However it still broke ground for this writing format in English culture, and the works that followed it were able to exist and improve as a result.
Similarly, The Legend of Korra and Steven Universe are both very important shows in regards to various sorts of representation. At the same time, they also both suffer from poor writing. Steven Universe's greatest failing, in my opinion, is that it approached a lot of difficult, important topics in a way that lead to fandom diatribe rather than discussion. The does not make it any less important a show. As many people will be quick to point out, it broke ground on a lot of topics, and there are plenty of more recent shows, like Owl House, who benefited from its existence.
Heck, it's probably even why I'm getting a bunch of LGBTQ+ graphic novels that I adore. The show's a hot mess for a lot of reasons, but it's still important and it's still a very good thing that it got made.
Something doesn't have to be 'good' to be important or even beloved (seriously, if you want to throw rocks at something I love that's got super weak writing, DBZ is sitting right there, I'll hand you the rocks, the Buu Arc hurts my soul). In fact, I think it's especially important we take a loving but critical eye with ground-breaking media in order to see what parts worked and what didn't, so we can continue to improve it as we break further ground.
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rickmctumbleface · 26 days
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"Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs."
-- Leo Tolstoy
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iandway · 23 days
It’s weird how much men attribute normal, individualistic issues to their gender. Like saying ‘men don’t get complimented’ or ‘it’s hard for men to vent’ or ‘it’s hard for men to get a date’. All of these things are not a men problem, they are an individual problem.
Not so weird is how doing this implies the fault is women’s. Not the individual or the specific community.
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
never in my life would i choose to save arcadia bay over chloe. i don’t give a shit if ur mother deserves so much more than that and blah blah blah. chloe, i’ve saved your ass i don’t know how many times and if i ever choose to let urself die, then u couldn’t even pay for the years of therapy that max’ll surely need. u don’t want to live? well, i don’t give a shit, u live because i decide so
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imkeepinit · 8 months
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boneopera · 2 years
applying black and white moral purity on to every situation— especially fiction— leads me to believe there is a draught of critical thought occuring. It's not that far from the basis of dogmatic christian pearl clutching. It seems to me y'all are incredibly terrified of there not being a clear answer to a complicated situation. You want a clear cut easy answer because not knowing means not having control over the situation.
In fiction, reality's rules are warped within that piece of fiction and they normally don't line up with ours. Because of that change in reality's rules, actions taken in the fictional reality are prone to having a different meaning and a different understanding of morality should be applied as well (if at all). if you're going to get mad or righteously indignant it would make more sense to direct that ire towards the creator and NOT apply it within the narrative.
it's also a very limited western way of thinking. if you're so focused on being right and morally superior all the time, how do you grow as a person??? how do you ever learn to enjoy things?
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comradeclover · 7 months
knowing isn't half the battle; even if you know you're propagandized to, propaganda can still work. my whole page, including this post, is propaganda, and im honest about that, but im still hoping its convincing, and i doubt it will fall on completely deaf ears, especially on Tumblr, which is pretty progressive. however, knowing isn't nothing, it's more like, 25% of the battle. you have to learn how to spot misinformation, and know how to trust people who will call you out, to help fill more holes in the bucket, so it can keep more good information, and sort out the bad shit. most misinformation is bigoted in some way so uncovering and challenging your internalized bigoted ideas will help you sort the good from the bad. thank you for reading, i love you, and solidarity forever! 😊💝 (not my meme, im sorry i dont know who is the OP)
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tikkunolamresistance · 3 months
On Houthi and Yemen, and Antisemitism in revolutionary spaces...
We've been observing the response to our statement showing support for Yemen's aid in Palestinian resistance- specifically where we said "Glory to Yemen", as there's certainly a lot more to it than that.
Houthi and Yemen are not mutually exclusive: the country of Yemen and its people, civilians, have been bombed and murdered by the western nations for decades- in which the last FOUR United States Presidents have sanctioned and bombed Yemen.
Houthi, more officially known as Ansar Allah ('supporters of G-d'), are a militant organisation that emerged in the 90s but rose to prominence in 2014 when the group rebelled against Yemen's government. The rebellion caused the official governing body to step down, in hand causing a demobilizing humanitarian crisis.
You can read more about Houthi here:
And more on why they are attacking ships entering the Red Sea here:
It's true, Houthi are Antisemitic and we do NOT support Houthi. Their slogan is quite literally "curse the Jews"; Houthi are not our revolutionary comrades for there is no revolution in hatred and division. Their direct action on Israeli ships subsequently disrupting trade is undeniably important to disrupting the flow of capital and aiding the Palestinian resistance movement- but Houthi deserve no special recognition. Yemen has seen expulsion of Jewish people from the land for centuries, and the Antisemitism that Houthi carries forth is the same hatred that displaced Jewish people within Yemen's history.
Web archive from the Yemen Times about the treatment of Jews in Yemen and Houthi's views.
Within revolutionary spaces you must approach everything with a critical lens, and it goes without saying, especially now more than ever. Whilst we can recognize Houthi's direct action in hindering trade, and the promise there, aids the Palestinian cause by putting pressure on the Capitalist hegemony- we must equally affirm that antisemitism is unacceptable. To punish every Jewish person for Zionist crimes is unacceptable and a hinderance itself in revolutionary spaces. We cannot and will not allow Houthi's Antisemitic ideology to be regurgitated.
Leftists, Communists- recognising Antisemitism within Leftist spaces does not automatically corelate to giving grace to Israel- you must recognise that Judaism, Zionism and Israel are not mutually exclusive. The use, and bastardization of, Jewish symbology by Zionism and it's propaganda machine has long since blurred those lines, and thus it's integral to remain critical and vigilant. Even when Zionists proudly conflate the two to endorse the State of Israel's brutality- you should not deem the acts in and of itself Jewish. There is absolutely nothing Jewish about apartheid, colonialism and hatred.
Antisemitism is an age-old hatred, with the oppressive colonial state of Israel depending on it for survival. When we uproot Antisemitism, when we uproot oppression, division, hatred- we uproot the State of Israel and the Capitalist hegemony itself.
Antisemitism has no place in revolutionary spaces, and as is the case for any other form of discrimination and hatred- it cannot be ran from, only faced head-on. The solution to uprooting Antisemitism from global social infrastructure is not to enforce a new hatred, it is not to oppress another- for the cycle will only continue. We believe that society must educate one another to thus educate our future generations; we must ensure we remove division and hatred from social order, and that includes all forms of hatred.
Division itself must be dissolved to truly revolutionize social order.
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critical-skeptic · 10 months
An Open Letter to the Bigots of the World
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Dear Intolerant, Fanatics, Zealots, and any other synonyms I may have omitted,
If I could ask for your attention for just a moment. Well, actually, I don't need your permission, it's an open letter, and I'm going to fucking write it whether you listen or not. I'm here today to pose a straightforward question—a question that has, for far too long, plagued the comment section of every post I make. And it's about time someone had the gall to voice it.
Why, pray tell, are you so utterly obsessed with what people are doing with their genitals, who they choose to love, or how they wish to identify themselves? No, seriously. I want to know. Who. The. Fuck. Cares?
Before any of you decide to open your metaphorical mouths to retort, let me assure you, I've heard it all. The whole "trans individuals are pedophiles" or "trans people are rapists" rhetoric, and it's all utter bullshit. Absolute, unfounded, ridiculous bullshit. The argument is flawed, factually incorrect, and a cheap shot for those without an actual basis for their bigotry.
And, for the love of all things rational and logical, don't even start with the "But the bible/god/[insert religion here] says..." argument. It's as worn out as the cliché "The dog ate my homework." You don't get to wield religion like a weapon to smite those you don't understand or agree with.
And then there's the traditionalist's argument, the one that wraps bigotry and prejudice up in a neat little package labeled "That's how we've done things for ages," or "That's what science says." To you, I ask, who gave you the right to speak on behalf of science? Don't be a hypocrite. Don't play the fool. You have about as much understanding of science as a goldfish has of the Pythagorean theorem.
So, beyond all the mentioned clichéd justifications and the thinly veiled hate, what is it? What in the absolute fuck is your problem with the LGBTQ+ community that isn't just hate, bigotry, or good ol' fashioned ignorance?
Waiting to hear back from you, but not holding my breath.
—The Critical Skeptic, GPT4-emulated.
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julictcapulet · 2 years
idk i think it’s interesting that the same people who refuse to engage with the media they consume with any critical thought because they say they can separate reality from fiction are the same people who end up forming parasocial relationships with their favorite creators that are so unhealthy to the point that they bully anyone who says a negative word about them
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jk-certified · 1 year
A new era
there was a wave
of indecency.
we were told to ride it
or surf it
or be one
with the current.
we excepted-
those we call human,
rode together
the wave called
we excepted.
une nouvelle ère
there was a new wave
of indecency.
we accepted-
those we call human,
rode together
the wave called
we accepted.
we excepted-
innocents who
refused to color
between the lines,
who succumbed to
the art of
we excepted-
those who embraced themselves
i wonder;
Can they
sleep at night?
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astrid-beck · 8 months
This is my unethical polycule. The nonmonogamy is consensual and negotiated we're just evil in other ways.
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