#crazy psycho ex
ask-carmenpondiego · 2 months
Chapter 22: Ex Sex, Demon Blood, and Robot Limbs
The holidays came and went without much issue, took about a week for Carmen to adjust to walking again and even quicker to adjust to her new arms. M had holed himself back into his room for the most part, much to the teen siblings disappointment. They wanted to see how bad his jolly could get. But nonetheless his gifts were set by his door for him to collect. On HearthsWarming morning, the teens came down from their prepared rooms to find that the little humble decor that was previously put up had multiplied tenfold, the tree was almost overloaded with ornaments, a curved fortress wall of presents for every person in that HQ was sitting both under and around the tree, almost as high as the tree itself. Walls had boughs of holly, evergreen, ribbon and poinsettia flowers in a classic red green and gold motif. There were straw grass goats, menorahs, different species figurines caroling, candles of nearly every color that was specific to multiple different holidays. It was like every winter holiday exploded into a single room.
Blendin and Daring’s eyes went huge and their mouths were unable to shut for a very long time, they were so stunned. Carmen had gotten up early to start the massive amount of festive food and blinked as she sipped her coffee, leaning a little on Wally’s walking cane. “Well. That was expected. Looks like M couldnt contain it in his room this year.” The kids looked at her, “M DID THIS?!” Carmen nodded, sipping more coffee. “Mmhm. This is what I was warning you about. This is just the living room. See all this? Embody all this into a single person. Thats what he is dealing with. And he HATES it. Like a song you absolutely hate being stuck in your head only worse.”
Vasha and Drake came through the front door and stopped short, “M got loose? And we missed it??” 079 blipped up on the tv, which was decorated in tinsel garland much to the ai’s annoyance. “Yes, yes, the rude one spent all night like a cartoon whirlwind, I’m surprised no one woke up with the incessant caroling off key.” Soon everyone, other than M respectably, had seen the holiday explosion and marveled at the little personal details for each agent and family member. After a hefty breakfast of meats, waffles, pancakes, french toast and various danish and fruit, they all gathered for gifts. Predictably the kids got the majority of presents since it was their first winter season with family. “There no way we can bring all stuff this back to our dorms…” they both lamented. Asta shrugged, “Why not just split the stuff between here and there? Its not like you don’t have a place to stay right here. You can come and go as you please!” Blendin absolutely loved the idea while Daring was a little more apprehensive. She then noticed everything of hers had a gift receipt, to which Carmen nodded, “To show you that we didnt steal any gifts. I want you to trust us. Our honesty is one of our biggest gifts we have for you.” Daring smiled a bit, still torn. “Everything is so nice, and not just blindly given. All these things are all part of my interests..” she paused and it looked like she was looking for something to be mad about it all. But all she could muster was, “Well, I still think you’re up to something! Quit trying to prove me wrong!” And after muttering a sincere thank you, she proceeded to curl up on the sofa, getting a feel of her new phone and laptop complete with writing programs to make it easier to write and publish her works.
Lekir plopped a bow onto Carmen’s head and joking poked Wally, “Hey Stripes, Happy HearthsWarming, we upgraded your wife! With those augments from Sky and Sig, and the demon essence, she’s no longer a little squishy! She can actually take a hit now!” Carmen thought a moment. “So I got stronger, live longer, my appearance changed and I have fire powers. What about the new fangs and am I supposed to draw heat to make heat? Because I made something cold with one hand and something hot in the other earlier.”
Lekir raised an eyebrow and suddenly got onto the mare’s lap and started sticking her fingers into her muzzle to look at her teeth. “What do you mean cold? What fangs?" She looks closer into her mouth and quickly clasps her hands around her wife's snout, "FUCK! Okay... so good news and... not bad news!" Carmen blinks, confused, “Well you said I was only half demon now. What do you mean not ba- Ow…You mabe me bipe my tonge.. mmh, I hope I’m not venomous or poisonous. Because that would suck about now. Or am I a fire vampire?” Lekir baps her lightly and sits back down, debating about getting a chart and crayons.
“You’re not a fire vampire, you’re an idiot sandwich. But no, You don't inject anything... well you could but don't try it, you could possibly liquefy someone from the inside out or freeze them entirely while removing all the water in their body, essentially freeze drying them.” Carmen narrows her eyes, running her tongue over her teeth, “I dunno if I like that.” Lekir waves it off, “Its not really something you need to worry about, its more a conscious thing like you would need to choose to do it. So first off, don’t bite people. Ok, I told you about the pendant that had my brother's essence, right? My two brothers have different parents, but we each share one, I'll leave out all the details of that, that's not important!” She takes a deep breath and tries to figure out how to simply explain it. “So, back in Cador, my home world, Larquez is what we called a Harbinger. They are a being who has purified blood due to Ketsru blood, demon blood. Instead of it causing mixed bloods to create a lesser of the two parents like in your world, it instead enhances both or more to 100%, meaning you're 100% Jirvi, Ketsru, Vesk and... equine. None of your history is removed, just... more if itself. It's hard to explain, but the title should be a hint. You are much more than you ever were, and likely able to overwhelm me now... which means... WE CAN BE ROUGH WITH YOU!” Carmen squints her eyes suspiciously, “And you got all that from my hand being cold and hot and by looking at my new fangs?”
The Vesk shrugs, “If you were only part Jirvi, fire demon, you would not be able to switch from hot to cold. It would be just fire. And the fangs aren’t a Jirvi trait. But this does mean you can also shapeshift since you are a Cador Harbinger now.”
Carmen scratches her head, “I honestly dont think I’m Harbinger material.. I mean I probably wont use most of what you say I can do.. I’m just a little thief.”
Lekir wags her tail, “A little thief who can fight and win wars and not break when having the most intense sex of her life! I’m sure Ninoga and Kiros are gonna be thankful not to have to treat you like bone china anymore!” Carmen’s face got as red as her blouse, “I dont want to fight in wars or anything like that.. but the sex does sound pretty nice..” Daring exclaims out loud, “Omg! Can we NOT talk about my mom’s sex life?! Its fucking gross!! We are right here! We dont wanna hear about our parents fucking everyone under the sun! Right Blendin?!… Blendin?” Daring turns and sees her brother not even paying any attention as he had new headphones on and was fully engrossed in playing a new handheld video game.
Lekir snickers and pats Carmen on the thigh, “Don’t worry, you’re now able to survive the gravity and atmosphere of Cador, I can bring you there and there’s a few Harbingers there that can teach you how to control your new powers. We can go starting next month if you wish. Maybe take a few weeks off or something. I’ll get to show you around.” Wally grins, “Wow, that is a lot to kinda sink in. So she is technically a main character now, not just the odd one out! Like an anime!!” Blendin looks up, moving his headphones, “Someone say anime??” Daring just gives a slow turn look at him, “You heard THAT but not all the other stuff?!” He blinks, “What other stuff?”
After cleaning up the wrappings and ribbons, there was a modest feast complete with desserts, to which after was the mountain of dishes that took nearly three days to clean completely down to the last fork. Luckily by then all the leftovers were already devoured and enjoyed, the wine cellar had never looked as empty in quite a while.
Soon it was the middle of the first month of the new year, the kids went back to their dorms and M stumbled out of his room all haggard and hungover. The HQ had been cleared of holiday swag and was back to its normal decor for at least a week or two. He made his way to the kitchen to brew some deathwish coffee, black, no sugar, no cream. From in the very large walk in pantry, the entrance to the wine cellar glowed blue and Skyggja and Drake were hauling stacks of crates of different liquors and spirits on dollies, trying to replenish the inventory that was consumed over the holidays. “Hey its the sleeping snow angel, awake from its nap!” Drake chuckled as M leaned against the pantry door, his response was just a deep growly groan as he sipped the coffee. His somewhat tattered teal and blue insect wings twitched a bit but his tentacles were still tucked in, not shown. His long slender and brushlike tail swayed with slight growing annoyance as he watched more crates get stored.
“Where’s Red?” He grumped, Skyggja raising an eyebrow, holding a crate for a moment. “Well aren’t you your bright and festive self. This must be you normally from what I’ve heard. Carmen is upstairs with Sig, she wanted to discuss possible add-ons to her hands. I think she thinking about storing lock-picks or something in there. Which is really easy to do. We just need to make sure her new superpowers dont interfere with the system or components.” M scratched his head with one eye closed, “New Superpowers? I thought I heard something about her only having fire.. ain’t yer stuff fireproof or some shit?” Skyggja set down the crate and put her hands on her hips, “Didn’t anyone update you yet?” M grumbled, “Yer the first two souls I’ve seen since waking the fuck up. I haven’t even looked at the fuckin calendar yet.” His face showed how much of a hangover he had, even his cheeks had a tinge of queazy green. “Oh, well Lekir can fill you in with details but the shortcut version is that the essence made her more than fire but rather she won the lottery and got like three other bloods? Something confusing but she’s considered a Harbinger now and has new added strength and other things. Like you could slam a metal chair against her back and she’s just look at you, not budging.” M smacked his lips and sighed, looking into his drink. “Well la-dee-fuckin-dah. Looks like I’ll need to find a Vesk and do some fucking homework. As long as nothing fucking changed her into someone she’s not..Then I’d have a fuckin problem.”
Drake chuckled, “Oh, no, she’s her usual stubborn self, just dealing with a lot changes. Rightfully so. She says she’s taking it stride but I’ve heard her break down behind closed doors once or twice. Its gonna take a bit for her to get over what happened.” M hmmed in return and turned to walk away but paused and looked at the glowing doorway, taking a sip. “Hm. Maybe I’ll work on the C5 doorway later. We do have that interdimensional item transporter just sitting in the mech lab. I bet I can access the fuckin multiverse if I connect the ley doors and Chronoskimmer to it.” He muttered. Skyggja stacked more crates, just about finished, “Just make sure you run it past me, I don’t want any funny business running through the system. I don’t need that goofy ass Dogma Metatron digital wanna-be nagging me for something I had no clue about!” M waved his hand, “Yeh, yeh..” and proceeded to talk a walk outside by the perimeter.
He strolled the beach and stood watching the waves for a few moments before he noticed a small boat that was dragged ashore. Looks like its been there possibly an hour with how the tide was currently. His gaze wandered up towards the gardens and saw a small moving patch of electric blue hair. Cracking his neck, he magically sent (a power that he called shadowing to summon or send away items from a short distance) his cup back to the kitchen with a small puff of toxic green flame and smoke and straightened his half open button down shirt, tucking it into his pants. He silently made his way to the intruder. An extremely slender dark balance changeling female, same body color and tail shape as M, but her hair was that electric fiberoptic looking blue hair in a half shaved/ shoulder length droopy mohawk style that he had seen from the beach and her eyes, segmented and gradient like his, only in red and yellow. She was crouching behind the bushes, taking account of the security cameras. Deciding to mess with her, he crouches down near her, rubbing his chin and whispers, “Do you think they’ll notice us?” Her long ears perked up as her eyes grew wide, whipping her head towards him. It took her a minute before squealing with delight, “Oh em gee!! Skaedfryd!! I didn’t know you were here! Were you assigned here too?! We can work together!!” She flung herself at him hard, tackling him and planting her lips upon his. He pushed her off his lips and leaned up on his elbows as she stayed straddling his hips. He wiped his muzzle with his sleeve.
Assigned? What was her game? M recognized the changeling as his ex from 200 or so years back. “Uh, yeh, I’ve been posted here for a while. Why are you here?” She flitted her little red and orange wings, shimmying her shoulders, “I got hired by this big shot no name contractor to put a hit on the red lady in there! Who hired you?” His ears dipped back as he narrowed his eyes, dropping the playful act, “I was hired by the red lady in there. I’m part of her fuckin security.” She shimmied again, grinding her hips, “Oh so a secret inside hit job then? You were always the best cause of death in our generation~” she practically moaned at him. She ran her fingers over his chest, slipping into his shirt, licking her lips. He sighed in annoyance and dropped his head back. “No, you fucking dumb bitch. I mean I am literally her protector. I don’t kill. I found something better to put my talents toward.”
This was news to her and her mood switched on a dime, “So you mean to tell me this cunty unicorn basically pussy-whipped you into submission? What the actual fuck? You were so sexy back when you were covered in blood, pieces of corpse littering the ground, your claws ripping through muscle and sinew like a hot knife through butter~” she got sidetracked again and started to grind again. She stopped and looked down, “Why arent you getting hard?” He growled, “Because I dont fucking like you, you annoy the piss outta me and I want you to get off of me.” Its not like he couldn’t just toss her, but he gave her a chance to move on her own. She leans forward, brushing some hair behind her ear, moaning, “Thats not what you said two hundred years ago~ As I recall, you used my horns like handle bars to bend my back in such a twisted way~ Ooohm, makes me wet just remembering!~” His eyes glowed as he picked her up with his tentacles and got to his feet, dusting himself off. She, on the other-hand, seemed to be in near orgasm just by the thought of being handled by tentacles. “For fuck sakes, get a fuckin hold of yerself!” He simply tossed her into a bush and shuddered. “Crazy ass bitch, get off our island and report back to yer boss that you failed. Fuck, you’re so fuckin one track minded. I’m goin back to work. Fuck this shit.”
She watched him stalk away but then hurried after him, she had shifted from her navy blue catsuit, to a baby blue pleated short skirt, a low cut light purple crop tank top and baby pink leg warmers and light green fishnet elbow length fingerless gloves. She whipped a vine around his ankles and swept him off his feet so he dangled upside down face to face to her, her smile to his grimace. “See? I turned that frowny frown upside down! We should totally sixty-nine like this sometime~” M nods, “Oh sure, how about the Tuesday after never, which is a week after Fuck off!” She laughed “You’re so funny! Now come on, you can tell me all the little details on this little chicky’s weaknesses~ I need to hurry and get this job done so I can do my nails. They’re gonna look sooo good around your cock… and scratching down your back as you take me, mmmhf!~” she squirmed as she stood in front of him, he was still upside down and quickly losing patience. He had learned to be extra cautious of his actions during his hangover, he had a bad habit of overreacting greatly. Things that normally make him quickly explode now brings him to a slow rumbling boil before going all out.
“So yer saying that you need a good fucking, right? You want me to rail you till you cant walk right for weeks, fill you up with my juices and make you my little sex pet, is that it?” He softened his tone to a low sexual growl, making her legs tremble just from listening to him. “Oooh fuck yes!!” She begged, letting him down to stand on his own. He caressed the back of her neck with surprising gentleness with his hand, the other sliding around the small of her back. He twisted her so she had her back to him as he pressed against her, his hand almost cupping her chin upwards as the other explored her front, his muzzle kissing and nipping her neck hungrily as she practically melted in his grasp. She writhed and moaned, he stroked her nethers just barely. She couldnt see his eyes but they were twitching in disgust. His hand wanted to recoil from feeling how drenched she was.
He removed his hands and grasped hers together behind her back, shadowing a pair of Carmen’s handcuffs and locking them in place before pushing her to the ground, face down, ass up. “Oohhh fuck! If I known you were going to be this kinky, I would have brought toys!! Aaahhhnnn~” she wriggled her ass as he got close behind her, he could feel her grinding, he reached and grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, “I always knew you were such a bad girl. You really want me to stick it deep, dont you? You want to feel every single inch…” she cried out and begged, her body already trembling in wanton anticipation. “Oh god yes!! Give it to me!!” He straightened up and shadowed Lekir’s spear into his grip and thrust it into her back by her shoulders and pushed it all the way through deep into the ground. The changeling mare screeched and her two vines whipped out by her wings, trying to attack him. Effortlessly, he catches both and pulls them taught, using a large folded pocketknife to slice them off by the base. She writhed and attempted to reach the spear but the way he had her positioned and bound, she didnt have proper movement nor leverage strength to rescue herself. “What the FUCK?! That shit is cold like ice!! Let me up! Skaedfryd!! I’m gonna kill you for this!!”
She, like M, was not so easily disposed or destroyed by a simple spear to the body. For good measure, he hammered the end a little bit to make sure it didnt move. He picked up the severed now-wilted vines and wiped his face with his sleeve, groaning. “Maybe now you’ll take the hint and fuckin leave.” He got halfway the path when Lekir starts coming towards him, “Where is it, bug boy? I know you took my spear! And Carmen’s cuffs. Only you have this green flamey smoky magic. I’ll have you know I was in the middle of- is that..? what is doing over there?” He looked over his shoulder at the struggling ex and shrugged. “I needed it for gardening, ya know, just doing some trimming, getting rid of some pesky horny weeds.” He tosses the vines into the compost heap and puts the knife back into his pocket.
The Vesk narrowed her eyes and looked at M’s supposed victim. “Right. Gardening.. well, you seem busy, I’ll leave you to… whatever that is. By the way, you got a bit of something there..” she gestured to a sizable wet spot on the front of his pants. “FOR FUCK SAKE I JUST WASHED THESE! YOU DAMN HORNY ASS BITCH!” He stormed off towards the HQ, “Whatever, you deal with her, put her inside an iceberg to sink the titanic for all I care. God damn stupid crazy ass bitch…” Lekir just observed the struggling ex for a moment before joining him inside the mansion, ignoring the stream of obscenities.
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hamarhemmo · 2 years
My favourite girlbosses ❤
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From left to right, up to down:
Sanna Marin - Finland's prime minister
Barney Stinson - How I Met Your Mother
Patrick Bateman - American Psycho
Rebecca Bunch - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Barbie Roberts - You know who she is.
Larry Daley - Night At The Museum
Sharpay Evans - High School Musicals
DIO Brando - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Five Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
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dolotonglo · 8 months
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is this anything ace attorney fans who Might Also Be Undertale Fans And Vice Versa
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creepygirl739 · 15 days
Ugh sometimes I really wanna just make my ex get obsessed with me. Yeah the Schizo one, he's the craziest one I've got this far and honestly sane boys are boring.
I'm still just thinking about it but feel free to recommend love spells, crazy manifestation methods, UG subliminals. All that "make him worship you" things you are too afraid to use yourself, your unwanted outcomes are what I ask for 🫶🏻 plus if I decide to try them out you'll see if it works or not!
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kintsukuroi-babes · 6 months
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Me n my ex have the best secs☺️😉 he told me he loves me, I said it back. Officially dateibg dice today tehe
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loubella77 · 6 months
Do I look crazy enough here?
🥰 DM me if u wanna pay for sexy stuffs!! 🥰
Curvy//24//Switch//Fetish Friendly
Pics, vids, sexting, calls, rates, worn clothes, dropboxes, and more!
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iphisesque · 1 year
now what the fuck is psycho pussy doing in my hometown. girl
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embroiderline · 2 months
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Cute But Psycho Tee
Hand-Embroidered in BC, Canada
Shop here -> https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1590837802
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polymousecoco · 3 months
my ex-boyfriend got a police report filed against him
Last year, I expressed interest in this guy, Marcel. We hit it off, hung out, had sex, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I reluctantly agreed. While I was his girlfriend, it only took me two weeks to realize that there was something incredibly off about him, so I dumped him.
Initially, I felt bad because that was the shortest relationship I had ever engaged in. However, it was actually a lot of growth on my end because I have stayed in relationships far longer than I wanted to in the past simply due to my personal stigma surrounding relationships that don't last long. (A long time ago, I dated a guy for 3 months even though I lost attraction to him after a week of dating, and I was also in a shitty/toxic on/off relationship with a guy for 6 years despite not being physically attracted to him).
I'm hesitant to call anyone "crazy" or "psycho" because I truly believe that people aren't bad, they just exhibit bad behavior; and I also believe that the reason why people hurt people is because they're hurt and haven't healed from their hurt.
HOWEVER, Marcel is a fucking psycho.
The most recent update I have about him was that he got a police report filed against him, his friends reported him to the Office of Institutional Equity, he got fired from his job, and he dropped out of university.
Idk how to format this blog post because I have so much to say and it's essentially going to be word vomit, but I'll try my best to have some semblance of structure/organization.
I actually wrote a list of things down before I broke up with this man baby so that if I ever had second thoughts, I could refer to this list and remind myself that it is A TERRIBLE IDEA to give him another chance.
Marcel was incredibly insecure.
He lied about having covid so that he could take exams later than the scheduled date.
He thought that polygamy and polyamory meant the same thing until I corrected him.
He changed his mind too quickly about things.
He's a pathological liar.
He self-diagnosed himself with bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, ADHD, anxiety, and depression. I advised that he seek professional help with regards to those issues since I think it's dangerous to self diagnose (AND our school offers therapy/counseling services FOR FREE). Initially, he said he would make an appointment. A couple days later, he told me he was never going to go to therapy.
He said something like, "People think I'm a liar because I change my mind all the time." (He never thought that people think he's a liar because he lied all the time.)
He was obsessed with this one girl (Bella) for over two years. I had spent at least 2 hours on the phone with him trying to comfort/console him over some insecurities he had related to his crush on Bella. I realized the conversation was going nowhere and he kept saying that he was never going to tell Bella his feelings. I sighed over the frustration of this circular conversation and he got sensitive about me sighing. I tell him I need to go to sleep because I'm tired and I value my sleep. We hang up. The following day, I find out he confessed his feelings to Bella 30 minutes after I hung up on him. (I was not upset about him confessing his feelings to Bella. In fact, I was strongly encouraging him to pursue other relationships because I can't be with someone that's obsessed with me. The 2 hour phone convo was me basically asking why don't you tell her how you feel if it's stressing you out so much??? I was upset with him changing his mind after he told me he was "never gonna confess" and he wasted 2 hours of my time trying to get me to comfort him over an issue that he was gonna solve himself).
He was okay with his friend referring to me and Bella as "his bitches." When I told him how I was uncomfortable with his friends calling me and another girl "his bitches," he apparently told Bella the story and tried to pass it off as me being too sensitive (not realizing Bella agreed with me).
We were talking about sex and experiences we've had, and when I was telling him about stuff that I've done with my husband, he got incredibly insecure and told me he wasn't comfortable with me talking about sex. I never talked about sex after he told me that, but he told everyone that I overstepped his boundary by talking about sex when he was uncomfortable about it. (His misuse of the term "overstepping boundaries" and blatant character defamation of me was really frustrating)
His hygiene was questionable.
When I asked him about long term friendships/relationships, he told me, "Everybody always leaves me." Later, I realized that this was very telling of his lack of accountability.
He decided to blow off a networking opportunity where all his expenses were paid (plane ticket, hotel, conference fare, etc) and go to a comic convention instead. (I found it incredibly unattractive that he did not prioritize his career or his academics).
When he didn't get accepted to an academic program (that would have made him move to another country to pursue), he called me and started the conversation off with, "You're going to be stuck with me for another year." (This was the tipping point and made me realize I was no longer attracted to him. I am not STUCK with anyone. I CHOOSE to be with my partners. We were only dating for 2 weeks and he was already talking about being together for a year and it was too much for a person like me who tries to think "One Day at a Time."
I broke up with him and I thought we could be cordial. But he kept on attending club meetings that he did not regularly attend, but knew that I attended. I felt like he was purposely intruding on my spaces to get back at me, so I decided to not attend those meetings any more. I also decided that we could not stay friends so I blocked him on all social media we were connected on.
I recently had coffee with Bella and she told me that shit went downhill last year after I dumped him.
Apparently, he was telling everyone that he was the one that dumped me and that he didn't even want to be in a relationship with me. He framed it as though I was the one that really wanted to be his girlfriend and just tried to make me look pathetic.
Other than that, Marcel and Bella had a weird situationship going on between the two of them after I broke up with Marcel. Bella is also bisexual polyamorous like me. She and Marcel lived in the same apartment and Marcel confessed to her about 4 months after she had moved in and she also had some feelings for him at the time he confessed to her. However, she told him that they couldn't date because her parents wouldn't approve of her dating her roommate. So they just stayed in this interesting limbo of "we both like each other, but we're not dating." (I think later... Bella realized that she didn't like Marcel the same way, but they were still living together and being honest about that would make things really awkward? Idk, it's complicated)
Marcel tried to play things off as though he was fine with waiting until after they stopped living together to start dating each other, but we all know that Marcel is too insecure to really be cool with that shit.
Anyway, fast-forward to November of last year. Bella was changing in her room and in the corner of her eye, she sees a figure through the blinds of her window. She freaks out because she realizes someone is trying to watch her while she's changing. This happens multiple times and she gaslights herself into thinking that she's imagining things. UNTIL...
Sometime in December, she decides, "I'm going to test this theory." She waters her plants and places her phone next to them in a way that it's inconspicuous, but can record whoever is trying to watch her change. She starts recording. She then announces, "Hey guys, I'm going to change." Queue Marcel being a FUCKING CREEP and trying to watch her change. He does what he's been doing for the past month, but then he notices the phone and freaks the fuck out.
Anyway, Marcel is caught on camera trying to watch Bella change. Bella sends this video to her other roommates and friends. Marcel, Bella, and the other roommates have a group conversation to talk about what happened. Marcel tries to play it off as though Bella is crazy and that he wasn't doing what she thought he was doing. The video is CLEAR evidence that he is lying.
He later realizes that he fucked up and basically begs Bella not to do anything or else she's going to ruin his life. (As though he wasn't the one who ruined his life by committing the crime himself??? Again, this dude does not know how to hold himself accountable and needs to blame his misery on everyone else but himself)
Bella files a police report against him. Marcel checks himself into a mental hospital (to gain pity???). He also tells his friends what happened and tries to frame it in a way where he's not in the wrong. His friends report him to the Office of Institutional Equity. He gets fired from his job. He drops out of school.
I dodged a bullet, but I still feel incredibly bad for Bella and the shit she went through. When I had to report a guy to the Office of Institutional Equity for being a creep and harassing women/femme presenting people, the guy particularly favored Bella as well.
After this whole debacle, it's really made me hesitant to engage in relationships, but I'm really grateful for my husband and wife.
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superreader30 · 4 months
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allforlovessake · 5 months
i really miss my old best friend
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roosevelvet · 6 months
Do You Love Me Now?
“Where are you going?”  A girl, shorter than the pickup truck she stands beside, speaks with a face of stone, yet a voice of sorrow.  She gets no answer to her question, staring at her reflection in a window.  She can’t see the person inside, and they don’t want to see her.  The girl grabs the door’s handle, trying to pull the door open.  No luck.  The engine to the pickup truck starts up.  The girl exclaims, “You can’t be serious!”  She bangs on the window, but it’s not gonna break.  The pickup truck backs up, her hand still on the handle.  She stumbles, but she doesn’t let go.  The driver of the pickup truck honks the horn, but she doesn’t let go.  They decide to speed off and leave her to hit the pavement.  And she did so, hard.
The girl’s sorrow quickly turns to anger, her clothes dirtied and her skin scuffed by the dragging motion she just went through.  In this state, she knows fire.  She knows that fire can dance however it pleases.  She knows that fire is hot and that it burns.  She knows something else, too.  She knows where the driver of that pickup truck lives.
They have a family.  They have so much that they love, so much room in their heart.  But not enough room to include her.  All that’s needed, really, is a book of matches.  She doesn’t need a ride, she needs a book of matches.
And she’ll make her way to their home, inviting herself in.  Everyone important is asleep, so she’ll creep through the home to the kitchen, pulling open every drawer until she finds what she wants.  A book of matches, it’s not much.  And she’ll find it too.
But the person she wants to hurt will wake up, so the girl acts with haste.  She starts lighting matches left and right, tossing them to anything that will catch.  Dog beds, couches, the carpet… the list goes on and on.  And the objects, they do catch, pleasing the girl’s eyes with a dancing flame.  When everything burns, everything the driver of that pickup truck loves will be gone.  There should be plenty of room in their heart for her.  She’ll have to decorate the place, there’ll be so much room.
The girl steps out into the family’s front lawn, giggling to herself hysterically.  The neighborhood hears screams, those first of small children, and then those of terrified adults.  People trickle from their homes, soon swarming the blazing home.  Soon they swarm the girl, who giggles uncontrollably.  Many of the crowd assume that she’s in shock.  Who wouldn’t when hearing a family burn alive?  The family’s dog stumbles from the house wailing an awful cry, its fur burning like strands of hay.  Waddling out are two young children, hot tears wetting their cheeks.  But the parents?  They’re nowhere to be seen.  They’re dead.  Well, one’s been dead for years, but the other is draped over a window sill, their face expressing how painful their last breath was.  Their backside is utterly scorched, the burns spreading faster and faster to their dead face.  The window pane had fallen on them as they tried to escape.  Desperation and pain kept them from thoroughly thinking about the situation.  Who would when your house is trying to trap you inside an inferno?  And what about the driver of that pickup truck?  They hold a smaller dog to their chest, avoiding the fire and moving with haste from the burning home.  They first see the girl who’s finally quit giggling.  She looks up at them with a smile, her crazed eyes meeting their hurt ones.
“Do you love me now?”
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fvneral-m00n · 10 months
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How come my haters still on my dick. Admit it bitch you a fan. A Stan. A empty vacume where a soul should be so you play a poor imitation. Thru ur hate u tripped, slipped n fell on my dick and ride it just as hard as my fans. Clown ass lil bitch
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gloxk · 8 months
Please give us sum eren & armin toxic hc Like armin and eren would be two different types of toxic. Ex!boyfriend eren blowing ur back out n sending it to ur bf or whoever ur talking to n ex!boyfriend armin not being able to take you talking to someone else so he fucks you a party or smth idk go crazy. 🤰🏾.
“Yeah my ex is crazy.”
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A/N: No bc they are two completely different types of toxic. Like idk how to explain it? I js feel like eren is the type of ex to be petty and trifling. But armin..omg..armin goes off the fucking deep end. But i love my lil psychos🤭.
WARNING!: A lil fluff , toxic behavior, unhealthy relationships, smut, unprotected s*x, Blackmailing, Mentions of offing someone, obsession, controlling, plus other things . +17 mdni
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EREN! Please for the love of god don’t let Eren find out you fucking with someone else. This man will go from nonchalant to crazy. “Oh word? This what we doing?”. He disregards the fact yall broke up a whole month ago.
He would definitely blow up your phone after seeing a post on instagram. “Who is he?” & “He fuck you better then me?”. Oh and please don’t tell him yes. Because let me warn you. He will be right there at that door knocking.
“You know you fucking lyin. But ight we gon see.” He hung up the phone and you laughed at him. Who gave this man an ego? Did he really think he was the only man with good dick?
You were confused when you heard a knock on your door but to your surprise, it was eren. “What the fuck?” he pushed right passed you walking into your apartment. “Nah, don’t fucking play with me y/n.” You could tell he was pissed just by his voice.
This man wasted no time bending you over the couch and fucking you right there.
“Nobody could fuck you better the me.” He grabbed a fists full of your hair pulling you up to his mouth.“You belong to me. Don’t ever let me find out there’s someone other than me fucking you like this.” and to be quite frank, nobody could fuck you like eren.
Eren talked you through the whole thing. He knew he was rough with you, but god he couldn’t help it. So that’s why he praised you for taking his dick so well <3.
He took out his phone and pressed record. His hard thrust drove lewd moans from your lips. “Fuck right there!” you screamed every time his hips slapped your ass. He made sure he got glimpse of your face so the guy knew it was you. He made sure you screamed his name just to prove who you belonged to.
You got so many miss calls while eren fucked you to sleep. Every time ole boy called eren went faster. <3
You woke up alone, your bed empty. Your phone notifications were through the roof. Over 100 notifications from that guy. It was crazy. But a simple text from eren stuck out. “Let me hear word about you fucking w some again. Next time ima put em in a casket.”
You weren’t sure if he was joking or not. But one thing you did know was he made every threat a promise. And he always kept his promises.
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ARMIN! Lawd, you let armin find out you even thought about some one else fucking you, it was over.
This man went full psychotic when word got to him about you talking to someone guy. Apparently you were at a party grinding all up against him.
The first thing armin did was collect every drop of information he had on this guy. His home address, His mother’s facebook, His phone number, Job number. He knew too much on the fucker who decided to touch his pretty “girlfriend”.
It pissed him off, how dare you try to replace him. He blew up your phone to the point it crashed. “That’s so fucking cute, y/n. You think that you can just go fuck some other guy?” , “Please don’t make me do something crazy.” . The crazy part was you didn’t even fuck the guy, he was just fucking crazy. He always assumed you were cheating for some reason.
When you didn’t answer his calls he pulled up expeditiously. if you didn’t answer within the 30 minute window he wouldn’t wait to show up to your door.
“Y/n open this goddamn door.” He banged on the door. It was 2 am- oh yeah he knew you had work later, he didn’t care.
As soon as you open the door an argument ensued. “Pick up the fucking phone when I call you y/n” He yelled at you slamming the door behind him. “You ain’t my fucking boyfriend Armin. Ion gotta do shit.”
He never made you regret your words so fast. His nails dug into your hips as his pace increased. “Ain’t yo fucking boyfriend huh? Then why you letting me fuck you raw?”
Your bed was a mess after he made you cum over and over again. After he was done all you could do was mumble incoherently ‘Nobody is better then you’. He was rough but his after care made up for it <3.
He kissed your forehead before he nuzzled into your chest. “You’re the best I ever had.” he soon fell asleep after those words left his mouth.
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I love my cute lil crazy guys <3
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bywons · 7 days
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╰—— “ 𝗀𝗈𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇' 𝗎𝗌, 𝗌𝗈 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒, 𝗅𝖾𝗍'𝗌 𝗄𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍 ” — 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗄𝗒 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆
🪽 𝖾𝗇𝗁𝖺 𝗑 𝖿!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗀. 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌 2074 𝒘𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗌 ! 𝗌𝗎𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾(?), 𝗌𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉, 𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖼𝗎𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 ✦ ◞ 𝐶ATALOGUE?!
๑´ ³`) ノ pls leave feedbacks if u liked it ♡ REBLOG !!
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LEE HEESEUNG — shows you off all around the college campus, an arm wrapping your shoulders and bored eyes to scare off guys who thought they had a chance with you. his presence alone is enough to send a clear message: you're off-limits. it's not just his imposing demeanour that keeps others at bay; it's the way he looks at you, with a mix of pride and adoration that makes it clear you're the centre of his world. everyone knows not to mess with heeseung's girl, if they don't want a black eye.
and even when he's not around you like a guard dog, you're wearing his leather jacket everywhere, like a souvenir. between classes, he sneaks moments to steal kisses, his touch gentle yet possessive. you find comfort in the routine, in the way he makes you feel safe and cherished.
"you don't have to do that, you know," you say, looking up at him with a reassuring smile.
“do what?”, heeseung's voice morphs into a mellow, loving tone, as he looks down at you.
“scare them like that”, you sigh. heeseung chuckles, pulling you closer, "i can't help it. i just want to make sure everyone knows you're mine.”
“i think they got the message”, you giggle, kissing your lovely boyfriend.
PARK JONGSEONG — has his utmost faith in the fact that there is no line in this world he wouldn't cross for you. from sneaking into your room late at night to celebrate your anniversary, to beating up your psycho ex, jongseong's actions speak louder than his words. to him, protecting you isn't just a duty, it's a sacred vow. that's why he drags your ex to his underground boxing match, to claim his victory— both over this fight and you. most ardently, you.
and it's all worth the cuts and bruises and hushed conversations around the town when they are being treated by you.
"you're crazy, you know that?" you murmur, but there's no hiding the affection in your voice. you dab the cotton swab over his wounds, faces too close to each other.
jay raises his head from your lap, hovering over you within seconds. there's this glint in his eyes that speaks volumes for him, and he does the rest with his lips.
“only for you”, jay replies, catching your lips in a breathtaking kiss, hands wandering under your shirt in a split second, “forever for you, crazy or not”, he nibbles on your lower lip, before kissing you again.
his hands slip under your shirt, that's actually his, and wonder about your waist, tracing random shapes.
your heart flutters at his words, and you lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his bruised knuckles. "just promise me you'll be careful," you say, your eyes reflecting the depth of your feelings for him.
“sorry angel”, jay sighs, ruffling your hair playfully, “i need to make sure there are no bad guys.”
SIM JAEYUN — ‘s second most favourite thing in this entire universe is his bike. the first being the girl who sits behind him on his bike, you. reality blurs with his fantasies when you wrap your hands around his torso, pulling yourself closer to lean on his shoulders. the ambient air hits your face and makes your hair dance along with it, as jake’s bike speeds up. he feels euphoric at this moment, it's just you and him.
it's the way his biker jacket dangles off from his shoulder, the silver chain decorating his neck— which is obviously gifted by you. and everytime you're nervous while looking down at you, he bites his lips, which is not helpful at all.
“oh my god, jake slow down!”, you hold on even tighter to him as he roars his bike, and that's just what he wants. he chuckles softly, the sound barely audible over the roar of the engine. "hold on tight, love," he shouts back, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief. the cityscape blurs into streaks of light and colour as you weave through the streets together, the night air cool against your skin.
he takes a sudden turn, and the bustling city gives way to quieter streets lined with trees. you dismount, legs slightly wobbly, but jake is there to steady you.
"how was that?" he asks, a grin spreading across his face.
you laugh, the sound full of joy and relief. "absolutely crazy," you reply, gazing up at him. “you scared me good."
"scare you? never," he teases, pulling you into a hug. "i just wanted to feel you hold onto me tighter."
you shake your head, playfully swatting his arm. "you're impossible, you know that?"
"it's alright if it's you," he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead
PARK SUNGHOON — climbs up your balcony at 3 am, the perfect time when he knows your parents are either having a soundless sleep or out of town. he feels like a knight in shining armour, climbing up to save his dear princess from all the melancholy and shush her to ease, hands softly gliding through her raven hair. he lands with a soft thud, his eyes scanning the darkened room through the sheer curtains.
as he approaches your window, his heart beats faster, not from the exertion but from the anticipation of seeing you again. he knows this is dangerous, knows that if your parents found out it could mean the end for him. but none of that matters now
he taps lightly on the glass, and watches your silhouette get up and open the window for him with a worried face. “sunghoon what the—”, you manage to shush yourself before pulling him in and shutting the window close, “you just came here yesterday!”, you whisper.
“can't even see my pretty girl in peace now?”, sunghoon sighs, pulls you closer and lets your lips meet. they travel all over your face, to your neck, trailing up to nibble on your earlobes and back to your lips again. he takes a moment to breathe and adore your pretty face. "i couldn't stay away," he murmurs, his eyes locks onto yours. "i needed to see you.”
“i get it hoon, but at least tell me before you drop by”, there is adoration hidden by worry in your voice as you press a soft kiss on his mole near his nose. “i wanted it to be a surprise, princess”, he chuckles.
“what if my parents—”
before you could say another word, sunghoon tackles you down on the bed. “i don't care if your parents find out”, he shushes you, his index finger ghosting over your lips, tracing it down to the middle of your collar bones, “it's about us, and you're mine.”
KIM SUNOO — hates to see you hanging around with boys who just aren't good for you. he knows their type—smooth talkers with no substance, guys who don't see you for the incredible person you are. in his mind, he's the one for you. maybe because he's crazy in love with you but also because he knows how to treat you better. sunoo knows your favourite colour, how you like your coffee, your favourite spots around town and what not.
it's always him, even in this cold of night when your date stood you up, and you circled back to kim sunoo. teeth chattering and a soft yet piercing breeze, another minutes’ wait before you hear the long awaited familiar voice.
“sorry uh— i'm late”, sunoo clears his throat, hesitant to look at your eyes, “let's go home.”
you're about to run to him and be ready to go home when you notice the bruises on his knuckles, “what the fuck have you been doing?”, you furrow your eyebrows together. sunoo tries to hide his hands behind his back, but it's too late. you grab his wrist, pulling it closer to inspect the damage. the bruises are fresh, the skin raw and tender. “what is this, sunoo?”
“since you don't know how to deal with trash dudes”, he rolls his eyes, snatching his wrists back, “and i called jay so we were good. now let's go home.”
“you can’t keep doing this, sunoo,” you say softly, your voice barely audible over the wind. “you’re going to get hurt.”
“if you care about me so much then maybe you should just be with me”, sunoo spits those words, coming out of him in an instant, “i'm i-”
“i love you,” you reply back, a hint of nervousness and hurry, almost as instant as him, “sorry, i was not brave enough.” sunoo immediately takes your face in between his hands, pressing a chaste kiss on your lips, “don't ever say sorry to me ever again. it's okay…i love you too.”
YANG JUNGWON — ‘s secret behind his back to back victories is you. overly eager to impress the pretty girl in denim skirts and hoop earrings. your presence at the illegal racing scene fuels his desire to impress you, to see your smile widen with every race he wins.
as he revs up his engine, the adrenaline coursing through his veins isn't just for the thrill of the race, it's to capture your attention, to make your heartbeat a little faster. each victory isn't just about the prize money or the bragging rights, it's about earning your admiration, maybe even your affection.
jungwon dismounts his bike, helmet in hand, and strides towards you, a triumphant grin on his face. "told you i’d win," he says, voice low and confident. he pulls you closer by your waist, his hand snaking tighter around it.
“you never fail to amaze me," you say, looking up at him with a mixture of awe and affection.
he chuckles, a hint of pride in his voice. "just doing what i do best.”
he shrugs, but you can see the sparkle of excitement in his eyes. "it's easy when i have the best motivation in the world.” jungwon's eyes light up at the sight of your smile, how happily you look at him and giggle over his win.
“we're missing something out”, jungwon clears his throat, pulling you just a bit closer, doing all his best not to kiss you.
“really? what's that?”, you smirk.
“you promised to let me take you out on a date if i win”, a smirk plays at the corners of his lips, a smug confidence coloured over his face, “‘ya still remember that?”
“and what if i say i forgot?”, hard to get, he likes that.
jugwon's smirk widens, "then i guess i'll have to remind you," he murmurs, his voice a tantalising blend of challenge and flirtation.
NISHIMURA RIKI — has endless foolproof excuses up his sleeves, whether it's bunking his class or ways to meet up with you despite your strict household. just last week he had to take you out on café and amusement park dates to convince you to tutor him, that too, in your house! something about the fact that your parents can catch you both thrills riki.
he leans casually against the school gate, his usual smirk playing on his lips as he watches you approach. "hey," he greets, sliding his hands into his pockets. "ready for our 'study session'?"
you roll your eyes, trying to ignore the flutter in your chest at the sight of him. “you know, if you actually paid attention in class, you wouldn't need tutoring." he laughs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "where's the fun in that? besides, i prefer learning from you.”
you had a hard time convincing your dad to even let riki in your house, he's always greeted with an awkward stareq, which he returns back to your mom. "you really shouldn't be here," you whisper, glancing nervously around.
he chuckles softly, his voice low and comforting. "relax. i promise i won't get you in trouble."
"alright, algebra it is. but you know," he says, his voice dropping to a whisper, "i think i'd learn better if you rewarded me for every right answer." you look at him, your resolve weakening. "what kind of reward are we talking about?"
he grins, his gaze intense. "how about a kiss for every correct answer?"
“only if you wanna die—”
but it's only a fraction of a second before he pulls you into a sweet kiss, pushing you away as he hears the door of your room creaking open. he's once again greeted by your father's angry face.
“oh, good evening sir!”
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a/n — i don't think the sypnosis is it TT i think this could've been more bad boy coded on my part, but honestly my brain was fried TT lmk if u liked it tho!
© bywons, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
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magnetofsuccess · 2 years
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex-wife?
How to deal with psycho ex wife
How to deal with a psycho ex-wife depends on how obsessed and malicious your ex-wife is. If she’s just calling and texting you, you don’t need to ignore her, block her, or get a restraining order against her. That would be mean, unthoughtful, and completely unnecessary as it would cause her more pain, which would then cause her to do more obsessive things. Things that smother you, anger you, and…
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