#corona boredom
sayitaliano · 4 months
Quanti disegni ho fatto How many drawings I made Rimango qui e li guardo I stay here and look at them Nessuno prende vita None comes to life Questa pagina è pigra This paper is lazy Vado di fretta I am in a hurry E mi hanno detto che la vita è preziosa And they told me that life is precious Io la indosso a testa alta sul collo I wear it head held high on my neck La mia collana non ha perle di saggezza My necklace doesn't have pearls of wisdom (perle di saggezza=> idiomatic, could also be used ironically "words of wisdom") A me hanno dato le perline colorate They gave me colored beads Per le bimbe incasinate con i traumi For young girls messed up with traumas Da snodare piano piano con l'età To slowly untie while growing older Eppure sto una Pasqua, guarda, zero drammi And yet I'm doing great, look, no dramas (stare una Pasqua => idiomatic and usually very ironic, "to feel/do great") Quasi quasi cambio di nuovo città Maybe I (should) move to another city once again (quasi quasi => idiomatic, when you think about a chance you say "Maybe...") Che a stare ferma a me mi viene, a me mi viene If I stand still I get, I get ("a me mi" is a colloquial grammatically wrong concept that translates literally as "it comes to me"; it should be "a me viene" but for lyrical/musical lyrics is okay to find this in songs) La noia Bored(om) (for translations reasons -aka the sentence construction in English- I'm using the adjective "bored" here but "noia" is a noun so the literal translation is "boredom") La noia Bored(om) La noia Bored(om) La noia Bored(om)
Muoio senza morire, in questi giorni usati I die without dying, in these used days Vivo senza soffrire, non c'è croce più grande I live without suffering, there's no greatest trial ("croce" here has a figurative meaning as in "portare una croce", idiomatic, meaning basically "to bring pain/affliction/trials *on your shoulders*") Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate We cannot do anything but laugh in those burnt nights (like the famous movie's title "non ci resta che piangere" but from a happier/ironic pov) Una corona di spine sarà il dress-code per la mia festa A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party Ah, è la cumbia della noia, mmh Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom È la cumbia della noia The cumbia of boredom Total definitive Ah, è la cumbia della noia Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom È la cumbia della noia It's the cumbia of boredom Total definitive
Quanta gente nelle cose vede il male So many people see the evil in things ("quanto/a/i/e" if not used as a question usually means "a lot", "there are so many...") Viene voglia di scappare come iniziano a parlare One feels like running away as they start talking E vorrei dirgli che sto bene ma poi mi guardano male And I'd like to tell them I'm doing good but then they look at me sideways Allora dico che è difficile campare So I say that it's hard to keep on living Business, parli di business Business, you talk about business Intanto chiudo gli occhi per firmare i contratti, mmh In the meantime I close my eyes to sign contracts Princess, ti chiama "princess" Princess, (he) calls you "princess" Allora adesso smettila di lavare i piatti Then stop washing dishes now
Muoio senza morire, in questi giorni usati I die without dying, in these used days Vivo senza soffrire, non c'è croce più grande I live without suffering, there's no greatest trial Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate We cannot do anything but laugh in those burnt nights Una corona di spine sarà il dress-code per la mia festa A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party Ah, è la cumbia della noia, mmh Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom È la cumbia della noia The cumbia of boredom Total definitive Ah, è la cumbia della noia Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom È la cumbia della noia It's the cumbia of boredom Total definitive
Allora scrivi canzoni? So you write songs? Sì, le canzoni d'amore Yes, love songs E non ti voglio annoiare And I don't want to bore you Ma qualcuno le deve cantare But someone needs to sing them Cumbia, ballo la cumbia Cumbia, I dance the cumbia Se rischio di inciampare almeno fermo la noia If I risk to stumble at least I stop the boredom Quindi faccio una festa, faccio una festa Therefore I make/hold a party, I make/hold a party Perché è l'unico modo per fermare, per fermare, per fermare, ah Because it's the only way to stop, to stop, to stop, ah La noia Boredom La noia Boredom La noia Boredom La noia Boredom
Muoio perché morire rende i giorni più umani I die because dying makes days more human Vivo perché soffrire fa le gioie più grandi I live because suffering makes the joys look bigger Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate We cannot do anything but laugh in those burnt nights Una corona di spine sarà il dress-code per la mia festa A crown of thorns will be the dress-code for my party Ah, è la cumbia della noia, mmh Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom È la cumbia della noia The cumbia of boredom Total definitive Ah, è la cumbia della noia Ah, it's the cumbia of boredom È la cumbia della noia It's the cumbia of boredom Total definitive
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genocidehim · 1 year
I love all your works, just WOW.
if you’re taking requests could you maybe do something where Nacho falls in love with Lalo’s younger sister🙈
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notes: render is female. words: 682
FORGIVENESS if this has no plot and feels very empty, I've been uninspired lately but I wanted to write something! Ask me for more Nacho x Render!LaloSister and I'll make sure to write something with a better plot!
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The stay in Chihuahua seemed to be dragging on longer than desired. Ignacio wasn't happy about it, especially when Fring's failed attempt to kill Lalo didn't work out, and in a misunderstanding that occurred, Nacho ended up alerting Lalo before they could attack the Hacienda, causing Lalo to trust him even more now and his loyalty.
He had chained himself to the Salamancas by mistake and was now paying the consequences. Ignacio had the curse of being liked by absolutely everyone who knew him. Don Eladio marveled at Nacho's intelligence and presence, Don Bolsa met him and also formalized a friendship with him, not to mention the other Salamancas who were part of the Cartel, and each of them were detestable psychopaths and arrogant, none of them were spared.
But there you were, a young girl who shared traits with Lalo and his cousins, but seemed to be the calmest of all.
Nacho met you at a family dinner organized by the family on a Sunday. Lalo and his paternal family cooked grilled meat while the other family members hung out and talked. Nacho had noticed how numerous the Salamancas were, beyond those involved in the cartel. The women were beautiful and the children were unruly, and the family atmosphere almost fooled Nacho for a moment and made him feel comfortable, surrounded by the people he despised the most.
He approached the kitchen to grab a Corona beer from the fridge and seek some privacy to think. He opened the beer and took a big sip when a female voice caught him off guard.
"Are you Ignacio, right?" Your voice filled his ears, and the accent you had was somewhat similar to Lalo's, so Nacho quickly deduced that both of you were raised and educated in the same place, very different from the pronounced accent of the other Salamancas.
"I prefer Nacho" he said as he turned to look at you, realizing how good you looked leaning on the other side of the kitchen counter.
"Nacho" you repeated, and a smile illuminated your face. A smile that made Nacho tremble, the way your lips embraced your smile and your eyes sparkled reminded him too much of Lalo and his terrifying smile, but in you, it appeared much more genuine.
You courteously introduced yourself, indicating your place in the family and your familial bond with Lalo, which Nacho had deduced minutes ago. He feigned a disgusted expression and tried to be polite and friendly with you.
"Lalo hasn't stopped talking about you these past few days, about how you saved him and all that" you teased a little, gesturing boredom with your hands. "When he talked about you, I imagined a different kind of guy."
"Different in what way?" he asked with curiosity, noticing your boldness and charisma when speaking.
"I don't know…" you shrugged nonchalantly. "But not as handsome, that's for sure."
Ignacio felt his skin tingle just from hearing you. The way you spoke with such confidence and audacity to him, without even knowing him, felt familiar, and he wasn't sure if it was just your flirtatious personality or if you were actually trying to flirt with him.
"Handsome?" He laughed and realized that he hadn't forced his laughter; you genuinely made him smile. "And I haven't been sleeping well these past few days, I'm not at my best."
"And why haven't you been able to sleep, Nachito?" The level of trust you have taken with him truly surprises him. He usually knows that the Salamancas are distrustful and difficult to deal with, but you have been quite pleasant with him. "Is Lalo too demanding?"
Nacho laughs again and leans against the counter right in front of you. His hazel eyes carefully analyze you, and you can notice how he appears to have softened. "Maybe just a little."
"Well... I know some techniques to help you relax and sleep well at night."
Your words ignited something within Nacho. The sweetness of your voice and the audacity in your actions made him forget where he was and who he was talking to.
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jaggededges123 · 2 months
for filthy friday prompts: would you be okay with sensory depravation + corona/ianthe from tlt?
some tridentariicest to kick off my slutty saturday let's go 😌
Trusting someone entirely was always a big trope in romance novels, songs, even asinine conversations with people who have a little too much confidence in themselves and not enough genuine tact. But for Coronabeth Tridentarius, trusting someone utterly was easier than breathing--one specific someone.
It was easier than seeing, even.
Corona was presently laid out flat on their bed, the one she had always shared with Ianthe, sweaty and exhausted. Ianthe practically built her body as it was, primping and shaping her flesh as though she were Ianthe's personal living mannequin, and so she knew exactly how far she could push before Corona practically fell apart. It was pretty damn far, if Corona was honest.
Corona trusted Ianthe though with her body, and more than that she craved enticing her sister, flirting in front of her so she might snap and drag Corona into a little-used alcove and fuck Corona so hard she'd see stars or otherwise flaunting herself just to prove that Ianthe was still hers the way she was always Ianthe's. There hadn't been a proper party on Ida in months, though, only stuffy soirees with dignitaries from the other Houses who were in the generation older than them, and no one their own age to entertain.
It was frighteningly boring. Corona was afraid that her brain might melt out of her ears.
This though--strapping herself to their bed, blindfolding herself so that Ianthe could do whatever she pleased even if she playfully mocked Corona while doing it--this had been a good idea.
Corona was fully on board with being sucked and fucked and hearing Ianthe's laughter and an again already, baby? you just came while she did things no one would be able to resist. Everything was more intense without being able to see, when she didn't know where exactly Ianthe's thin hands would touch next, whether they would crook inside her or squeeze one abundant tit or the other, slide down the side of her ribcage or pinch at the generous flesh of her thigh just to hear her squeal.
Ianthe's attention was all on Corona, and for Corona right now, Ianthe was the only thing in the entire universe.
But after her tenth orgasm or so, Ianthe moved away, and Corona had no idea where she had gone. The blood still rushing through her ears masked any sound her sister might have made, and she couldn't exactly feel around for her because Ianthe had laughed at her shoddy attempt at self-restraint and strapped her hands properly to the headboard.
"Ianthe?" she asked, because she could do nothing. Nothing but lie there and drip into the sheets, melting apart.
"Here. Time to pay all that pleasure back, pet," Ianthe said, suddenly close as she settled her knees on each side of Corona's head, somehow winding her thin, cool legs in with Corona's arms so that nothing pinched or hurt, to the tune of Corona's exhausted, but still eager moans. "What? You didn't think it would all be for free, did you? Open your mouth."
Corona giggled, glad that Ianthe had come to take her fill as well. It never felt as good when it was just Ianthe making Corona come all over herself, like it was a chore. "You're desperate for it, huh?"
"It's equivalent exchange," Ianthe murmured, sighing that big sigh that meant she didn't quite know what to do with Corona. It was a frequent sound, from Corona's incorrigible boredom during their shared (useless) necromancy lectures, to Corona's natural encouragement of any sort of attention that came her way.
This time, it was because Corona was already eating Ianthe like her life depended on it, because she could perceive nothing in the world except for her twin sister.
Corona adored it.
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senor-plume · 2 months
Monday With Bukowski
only one beer left and the ghost of Bukowski lights my smoke up and convinces me to leave the warm confines of this domicile to get some more
so I throw on my Converse sneakers and jacket to split this scene heading out to purchase a nice January six pack
I leave the stereo playing music softly for a cat that no longer exists but I hate coming home to a silent home so the Beatles will greet me when I arrive back to this place with the brew and I will take to this desk then and pump out a few poems to alleviate the boredom and possibly create a work of art that I will not be embarrassed by in the morning
so I snag my keys from the desk that is being held together with bills and candle wax and hit the stairs down to the car that always waits for me patiently …even when the weather is frigid
and I pull out of my driveway to the local grocery store to purchase the essentials… the beer…a bag of Goldfish Crackers a few slices of my beloved swiss cheese
I survive the aisles… the rows of red dyed meat sitting in dumb plastic …the Cheerios and the sadness of the pet food bags which is a reminder that my darling cat is no longer with me
I hate shopping
I snag the six pack and crackers and cheese and walk slowly to the checkout happy (as always) that I did not run into someone who will engage me in high school conversations
so I pay the total gather up my purchases and slip and slide to my auto which will carry my dumb ass back home where nothing alive waits for me …just a moody television …scented candles …an empty fridge and a photograph of Bob Dylan on the wall circa 1966 that never fails to cheer me up
and now with a Corona Light in my palm I think of Bukowski’s ghost and hope that he will arrive again to be my drinking partner …to light my smokes and teach me a thing or two about making my fingertips hit the proper keys on this typewriter and write poems that I will not cringe over when the sun rises and my solitude is exposed
and if he does not arrive again I have my Buddha statues here at the desk to egg me on… rocking some Eastern pom-poms and lotus flower pedals which never fails to boil the religious goo that swims about inside of this 44 year old frame
I feel good tonight now that I am a drunken homebody …alone and ready to ignore the ringing of the phone or the press of my doorbell
alone on a Monday
seriously now is there anything finer than that?
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inf3sted1diotmvtt · 2 years
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this is a shitty doodle I made out of pure boredom and I regret nothing
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camgoloud · 2 years
📓📜📚 (And Sixth House, if possible?)
(in reference to the following tag game: “Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.”)
oh ABSOLUTELY it's possible. i can ALWAYS talk sixth house let's go
i've always been really, really curious about exactly what palamedes was thinking immediately after harrow dropped in on his bubble in htn. like, he's been trapped for a while with absolutely jack shit to do except reread a trashy romance novel, he's got to be bored out of his mind—and then he has an absolutely WILD five minutes in which harrow shows up, says a bunch of shit that makes absolutely NO sense, and, immediately before she has to run away from whatever weird creature has stalked her soul into the bubble(?), inadvertently reveals that she must have done—um—something(?) to preserve gideon's soul within her? leaving her in WHAT kind of shape?? and what has she been up to for the past, apparently EIGHT months holy shit???? and what has CAMILLA been up to? etc. etc..... basically i just think that it would be really fun to put myself in the position of Palamedes, Boy Detective as he, with his Extremely limited dataset, attempts to cure his boredom by piecing together the. entire plot of htn oops lol. and also reflects on his relationship with harrow... like. is it the truest form of friendship that has ever existed if you spend a couple weeks sharing traumatic experiences and forming a tentative alliance with the one other person around who’s not a Total Moron to avoid Literally Dying and then against all odds you manage to reunite ages later after one of you has become clinically insane to the point where she’s forgotten you two ever even spoke to each other, and the other one of you has just done eight months in solitary slowly coming to romanticize and possibly question the mere existence of other conscious beings to the point of mental and emotional instability. is it touching and tragically beautiful if the two of you have a super awkward hug and then huddle up together while trying to hold a door closed to avoid Literally Dying Again and your non-corporeal ghost bodies are the realest thing either of you has held in over half a year. personally i think maybe the answer is yes actually
camilla hect assassin's creed au. okay so this one is pretty niche, but like... consider. shortly after the master warden palamedes sextus is (according to most people) killed in a strike by (according to most people) the templar order, sworn enemies of the assassins, camilla hect is being inducted into the assassin order. this roughly correlates with as yet unsent era of canon—the assassins are the boe equivalent, while the templars are the houses. corona has already enthusiastically joined up with the assassins, and she knows something is Up with camilla—namely, camilla's loyalties are a lot more divided than she lets on, because while she's not onboard with templar ideology she isn't REALLY convinced that it was actually them and not someone else (potentially even the assassins...) who ordered the strike that blew up the library in which pal was doing his research—research that would have been damaging for both sides if it ever went public... she's also not fully convinced that pal actually died in that explosion, due to some cryptic notes he'd left behind on the day the bomb went off. so, while she's working with the assassins, she starts doing some side investigations to see whether their story holds up. corona is NOT pleased about this and keeps telling her that what she's doing is dangerous and pointless and she needs to stop, but when has camilla ever listened to advice like that... i actually think it's kind of funny, this is an au i conceived of a couple months before as yet unsent even came out, but now that i'm looking back over my brainstorming doc most of it holds up with canon remarkably well actually. if i thought that more than two people in the world would have any interest in reading the end product i might even finish writing it sometime lol
my pride and joy... the pal vs. ianthe mind fight fic! this one i think i will be a bit more tight-lipped on because i have actually been writing it somewhat-actively and will theoretically be posting it sometime in the relatively near future, although at the moment it's taken a bit of a backseat because i've got holiday exchange things to think about, but... allow me to say one word that may pique your interest: timeloops. well, it's not quite a timeloop fic, actually—but it is in many ways a love letter to timeloop media, in which ianthe tridentarius has a bad time for a long time
thanks for asking! sorry i went on about those first two for SO long—it's just so much fun to talk about these concepts that i may not ever find the time to actually Write properly, but desperately want to show off anyway. hope you found it at least a little bit entertaining!
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drawingquest21 · 2 years
I had to make a small story for a class more than a year ago, in 2021. We had to come up with a scenario about why a teacher was missing for the first class and why he’s often late. It was for a live action short movie.
Here's the story I imagined, although it won't be written like an actual story but more like a (long) summary.
"The teacher had been missing for the past two weeks.
There's a mention of a recent earthquake followed by thunder ; the thunder is heard more frequently these days.
After more than half an hour, the teacher still isn't there, he is therefore considered absent, turning this class into a free period. The students however stay in the room, waiting for their next class to start.
They discuss about the teacher: nobody knows what he looks like, they theorise on his repeated absences. Some theories are funny, others ridiculous, from alien abduction to Corona Virus, etc.
In the end, they think that the problem comes from the school itself: they might not have informed the teacher that he had a class ; it wouldn't be the first time they made that kind of mistake. The class is disappointed but agree that it might be the most plausible reason.
The teacher finally arrives but the period is nearing its end. He apologies: there was traffic jam because of a car accident ; his first absence was due to a family tragedy and the second time was because of an injury.
One of the students, once at home, out of curiosity and boredom, searches for the teacher's name online and finds a profile with a picture that doesn't match with the man met earlier.
The news on TV talk about the accident that the teacher mentioned, and a weird thought came to the student's mind: did the teacher cause that accident?
Another day.
The teacher is hurrying, not wanting to arrive late once more. One of his students is in the same situation and notices the teacher, the student decides to keep their distance to avoid an awkward moment.
Then, an unexpected event occurs. The teacher seems to have noticed something, we see him hesitate: he doesn't want to disappoint his students but he must intervene. The student watches from afar, hidden.
The teacher turns out to be a hero: a costume was hidden underneath his clothes, Superman style.
He has to fight a demon that possessed a student.
He succeeds in freeing the student pretty easily, he remarks that this demon was pretty weak. We then hear a voice revealing that this demon was weak because it was giving its energy: a wicked sorcerer that the teacher had already faced before.
That sorcerer is especially powerful because he now has Power Morpher in his possession in the form of a headband and gloves, which surprises the teacher who is then sent in another dimension. The student who stealthily observed it all was shocked by the teahcer's sudden disappearance.
The teacher finds himself in a comic book where he has to fight the sorcerer.
(I didn't draw the Power Morphers, I'll explain why later)
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After successfully taking the Power Morphers off of the sorcerer, the teacher beats his opponent.
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Without time to catch his breath, we suddenly hear thunder and a booming voice. The teacher can't believe it, this is a disaster: the Big Bad appears like a maleficent silhouette.
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(I didn't need to come up with a name so I settled for "Big Bad", was good enough to me)
Big Bad: "You and your master had banished me in another dimension, in the past. But now, I'll use this dimension created by my underling to break free and I'll be able to conquer your pathetic world."
Teacher: "Not while I'm standing."
The teacher puts on the headband Power Morpher and gathers all the energy he can. Then, he unleashes a powerful energy wave that tears the comic board from the inside!
The teacher is thus back in the real world, weakened and wounded while the Big Bad is stil, trapped in another dimension.
The teacher collapses and the student who had witnessed it all (well, at least the start and end of it) rescue him.
The student brings the teacher to the classroom where his classmates are. Everyone is shocked and worried. Nobody believes the preposterous story told by their comrade until the teacher uses his power to pull an object into his hand.
The whole class ask for explanations, the teacher gives them:
-he isn't their real teacher, the latter died before their first class so the current teacher took over
-the Big Bad is a demon who seeks to conquer every worlds
A student ask: 《And what's this?》 pointing at a Power Morpher (maybe the gem on the teacher's costume). The teacher that the Power Morphers come from an "hyperdimension" and grant powers ; there's one type of power for each.
The Morphers are: a necklace ; a wristband or a watch ; a ring ; a mask or pair of glasses ; a pair of shoes ; a pair of gloves ; an earring ; a headband and lastly,  the teacher's costume.
A student takes the ring: 《My preciiioooouss...》 he jokes before getting lightly hit by a classmate who asked him to stop joking around.
The teacher states that new Power Morphers have most likely appeared (since among those listed above, some didn't exist before), which proves to be a real threat because the Big Bad might break free from his dimensional prison thanks to the Morphers' power.
The class decides to help their teacher, each student take a Power Morpher.
To be continued..."
Like I said, we had to imagine a scenario for a live action short movie. We would film the scenarios but didn't have much budget, however our teacher didn't want us to mind the budget issue.
I was inspired by a dream I had when I became a Power Ranger, I was also inspired by the "Jackie Chan Adventures" animated series, and by Dr. Strange too.
So the teacher would be a hero fighting sorcerers & demons and to compensate the low budget, I thought that the fights could take place in other dimensions. At first, I thought about a Lego dimension that would be made in Stop Motion, but I didn't have enough legos and Stop Motion would have taken too much time. So I thought about a comic book dimension as it would be easier to make.
(In 2022 came out "The Guardians of Justice" which had the same idea of mixing live action with stop motion or 2D animation, especially when it comes to scenes with superpowers. I wonder if someone else used this concept before. Probably.)
Since I had limited time and the teacher said that I could make the drawings pretty simple, like, only one drawing for the fight, I came to the conclusion that drawing a "beam clash/beam struggle" was the easiest and clearest way to show a fight with a sorcerer.
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For the same reason, I only made 4 drawings, and because we weren't going to use all of those ideas, I didn't need to draw the sorcerer's Power Morphers so I didn't drew them (also, I forgot, but maybe I drew before coming up with what the Morphers would actually look like, I'm not sure...🤔)
And instead of drawing a Power Morpher, I gave the sorcerer a magic staff, to make him look more like a sorcerer.
I really wanted to draw the scene where the teacher tear the comic board from the inside but I didn't have the time to try it and, also, I was probably not good enough to make it. That move was inspired by the Avan Strash (from "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibōken"), by the way.
That's pretty much a pilot episode. It'd be a live action "monster of the week" type of show and almost each episode would have a new dimension:
-Stop Motion (Lego, action figure, etc)
-Comic book
-Video game
-Board game
-Maybe a book dimension that's read and written as it goes on?
And sometimes a live action fight scene with VFX and all.
That's it.
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waitinginthewingsx · 2 years
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vik jager.
“ i was born dead, mama told me / she said the devils, they didn’t want me. ”
birth name. unknown.      
nicknames. vik. has also previously gone by binx, nikolai, and lilith (lilith was definitely their edgiest phase tbh).
date of birth. unknown. 
age. approx. 26. 
gender. ew no.
pronouns. any.
powers. shapeshifter. 
species ( if not human / mortal ). not human. something demonic, maybe.
sexuality. doesn’t label. in fact, will give a different answer every time you ask. pansexual probably works best though. 
place of birth. somewhere in the outskirts of corona. 
current residence. elias. 
occupation. menace.
height. typically 5′9.
build. typically slender. 
hair colour/style. typically platinum blonde, very short, with finger waves. 
eye colour. typically hazel (copying cassandra’s - shh don’t tell anyone), but loves to switch it up.
piercings. septum, multiple ear piercings.
tattoos. it changes. nothing permanent.
notable markings. it changes. sometimes shadows creep across his skin when they’re distracted. also, freckles.
glasses/contacts? no.
faceclaim. tati gabrielle.
physical ailments. none 
allergies. none 
sleeping habits. truly unhinged. has no sleep schedule. will stay up all night for a week straight and subsist of naps, then turn around and get a perfect 8 hours for the next few days.
eating habits. will eat anything. favours snacking. 
body temperature. runs hot. 
dominant hand. ambidextrous. 
drugs / smoke / alcohol? when they get the chance / occasionally / yes.
tropes. wild card, lovable rogue, the corrupter, the hedonist, voluntary shapeshifting.
positive traits. adaptable, cunning, charismatic, energetic, bold.
negative traits. selfish, impulsive, guarded, cynical, bad influence.
usual mood. bored. 
likes. acrobatics, cassandra, parkour, unsettling people, sugary snacks.
dislikes. boredom, swimming, crowds, getting attached (it’s complicated).
bad habits. has probably tried every bad habit once. worst is lashing out when they’re hurt.
mother. unknown. cassandra jager (surrogate mother / guardian).
father. unknown. 
siblings. none. 
children. none. 
birth order. only child. acts like it.
significant others. none. but there could be :eyes:. 
closest friends. tba.
zodiac sign. scorpio. 
mbti. estp. 
temperament. choleric. 
hogwarts house. slytherin.
moral alignment. chaotic neutral.
languages spoken. english, german.
drive? yes.
jump start a car? yes.
change a flat tire? no.
ride a bicycle? yes.
swim? yes, but they don’t like it.
play an instrument? no.
play chess? yes.
braid hair? yes.
tie a tie? yes.
pick a lock? yes.
sew? no.
compassion. 4/10.
empathy. 2/10.
creativity. 8/10.
mental flexibility. 10/10.
passion. 6/10.
luck. 5/10.
motivation. 5/10.
education. 7/10.
intelligence. 8/10.
charisma. 10/10.
reflexes. 10/10.
willpower. 8/10.
stamina. 6/10.
physical strength. 5/10.
battle skill. 5/10.
initiative. 7/10.
restraint. 1/10.
strategy. 7/10.
team work. 4/10.
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kaisumisucreations · 2 years
if you’re wondering “whats with the sudden surge of art?”
the answer is ive been home sick with a cold but it’s been a really weird kind where it’s stuck around as a light runny nose and cough despite otherwise being over, i don’t even have a temperature.
it means that i’m well enough and have the energy to do things BUT i’m still technically sick so i can’t go anywhere.
cue boredom.
(and yes it kinda sounds like long covid? but i got tested, it’s not corona ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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she-karev · 16 hours
Lockdown (Japril Imagine)
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Jackson and April
AN: Hey guys Happy Pride Month! I hope you all are proud of who you are and show it on this platform.
Summary: Jackson and Amber adjust to life in quarantine after a shelter in order was placed.
Words: 1078
March 18, 2020
“Hey, fruit of the day come on.” Jackson tells Amber who is on the couch in her gray shirt and black sweatpants. She is reading a book while he is in the kitchen getting apples for them. Amber looks up from her spot, holds out her hand for Jackson to toss her the red apple that she catches and chomps on getting back to her book. Jackson is in his workout clothes and walks around the couch and positions himself for triceps dips gripping the end table by the armchair for support. He works out with his pants filling the room to Amber’s annoyance who is trying to read.
“You know you don’t have to show off we all know your hot Jackson; everybody wants you and your rippling biceps.” Amber tells him sarcastically.
Jackson grins still working out, “I gotta keep my heart rate up the gym downstairs is closed and if I don’t find something to do I’m gonna go insane from boredom. It’s either this or make bread and I am a terrible cook.” Jackson looks at the book Amber is reading and chuckles at his 20th dip, “The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks author of World War Z? I’m pretty sure things aren’t that bad She-Karev.”
“Funny, I think that’s what they said about the Bubonic plague, and the HIV crisis and the Spanish flu, influenza keeps on evolving. Who’s to say this thing out there isn’t right now and all the sensible human beings will be turned into ravaging monsters roaming the streets our families walk every day?”
Jackson stops dipping to take a breath and looks at her in thought becoming slightly convinced by his roommate’s corona theory, “Let me know if we should get machetes or machine guns in bulk.”
“I will if you shut up and let me read in peace.” Amber tells him with a frown before returning to her book. A few seconds later her open laptop on the coffee table makes a skype sound causing her to groan and put the book down to see Alex calling her. She answers and Alex’s face pops out with his surroundings showing her he is at the loft.
“Hey, I wanted to check in on you, how are you?”
“Is that a trick question?” Amber retorts with a glare, “I am limiting the amount of toilet paper I use and I only drink water straight from the fridge instead of bottles because we are running thin on both. And then there’s the horror of coming back to work in two days while a worldwide pandemic is happening. So, all of that plus my relationship crumbling to the ground forcing me to live with my friend who is mocking me right now with his muscles I’m close to jumping out of the balcony.”
“Well things are the same here except for the breakup, Jo is looking up recipes online for bread. She wants to make actual bread from scratch her therapists said it would help her keep her mind centered.”
“Where is Jo?”
Alex faces his laptop to Jo who is on the kitchen table eating cereal she looks up and grins at Amber, “Hey Amber how’s lockdown treating you?”
“Me too the only thing keeping me sane is Captain Crunch I cannot get enough of him.” Jo eats a spoonful to prove her point causing Alex and Amber to laugh. Jo talks with her mouth full, “Hey can you ask your very rich roommate if he can get us contraband masks and hand sanitizer. I mean his family money can’t be entirely legal, some kind of backend mafia in Korea has gotta be banking him.”
Jackson yells out from his workout spot, “I am right here, and I heard that!”
Jo widens her eyes at that and chuckles nervously, “I was just kidding, lockdown humor what are you gonna do?”
Amber grins before the doorbell rings and she gets up to answer it with her shirt over face since they don’t have masks yet. She gets up, looks through the peephole to find no one there. She opens the door and finds a small box package on the floor and a delivery man ten feet down the hall who nods to her. She looks at the package suspiciously but picks it up and heads back inside to her spot on the couch.
“What is it?” Alex asks from his end and Amber reads the label.
“It’s from mom.” She opens the box and gasps at what is inside. She pulls out Ziplock bags full of sewn masks in different colors and patterns to her delight. Jackson stops his workout and pulls out a bag full of ten masks, “I knew something good would come from our mother being an obsessive knitter. One bag is labeled Amber, and one is Alex I guess she wanted me to give this to you instead of risking your shady neighbors stealing the goods.”
Alex looks on from the computer in pleasant surprise, “What do you know? For once our mom is helpful in a crisis instead of the cause of it. How is she? Have you talked to her?”
“I talked to her, she said she’s doing okay that she’s isolating with a neighbor coming by to check on her every day. She’s filling the time with reading and knitting since the library is closed. She sounded okay on the phone, but I asked Aaron to call her every now and then when we get back to work.” Amber looks at the masks impressively, “These are nice masks, we’ve got enough to get us through this thing for a year, but I highly doubt it’ll last that long.”
Alex looks at the masks like their money, “Can you give those to me as soon as you can?”
Jackson wipes his sweaty face with a towel, “Actually, I gotta pick up Harriet from April’s maybe I can drop you off on the way and pick you up when I drive back, how does that sound?”
Amber immediately stands up, pulls out a leopard pattern mask and puts it on, “Yes please anything to get me out of this damn place for a bit. I’ll be by later Alex see ya.” Amber hangs up and heads upstairs to change out of her sweats and into a shirt and jeans. Jackson laughs at her eagerness before heading to his bedroom to shower and get ready.
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branded-perceptions · 3 months
Early in vaccine rollout denounced Sucharit Bhakdi caught my attention primarily not because of his knowledge, but because of his aura and way of being. What does he with Vandana Shiva, Gabor Mate, Sadghuru & Lex Fridman have in common?
You feel that they seem at peace with themselves. They have not too many inner conflicts or repressions that would hinder them to look behind their subjective blind spots and adjust their subjective narrative and self-justifications in their own minds if causal reality testing is in dissonance with social relational thinking.
They appear to (contrary to the energy you feel with people like Gary Vaynerchuk) be happy to out of own intrinsic motivation warn others and publicly admit if they would recognise they had done something wrong or if they get new insights, because they are not so desperately clinging onto their persona & masks & any mental concepts or stories in their minds.
You could sit next to them without needing to do anything, needing to talk about anything or needing to justify anything, just sharing PRESENCE without PRETENCE.
Many of us cannot do this which is a core root of mishandling of corona pandemic.
If we would have proper emotional instincts🧭❤️🧭 we more or less sooner or later would have sorted out to pay attention to the right experts (or, better, our experts would have sorted this out for us)
as many of those visible in mainstream media similar like those in exaggerated fantasy conspiracy bubbles embodied visible pattern of repressions.
Often you can sense how tense they are within themselves, which prevents from noticing or valuing any insights that threaten the via "inner predictions" repressions
(🔍Neurons guide decisions by suppressing alternatives = 🔍Free Energy Principle by Karl Friston)
overvalued social constructs (🔍Dr Gabor mate about authenticity vs attachement)
they consider themselves to be in or dependend upon.
Our unconscious mind evolved to instinctually and intuitively sense internal states of others ... but only in relation to our own internal state.
Meaning, people with compulsive repressions tend to like to surround themselves with people with compulsive repressions in the via masks shared situational contexts. Just walk into Vaynermedia.
Is there anyone you could just sit and be yourself with
without constantly being in a "contest" to ... "kill it in business"?
People who are more at p(e)ace with themselves would be naturally repulsed by the social vibes and energy in that place.
Analyse the psychology of such groups, run statistics. It is what it is. Groups naturally filter themselves. Mass psychosis enhances "productivity", but the trap is that this in-group "productivity" similar like GDP is only measured via the shared forms of psychosis (entrained ID's shortcircuiting superegos) not by objective values (KANT, HEGEL).
Boringness (self-acceptance) t-easing play is crucial for shared introspection (intimacy) and responsible decision-making and ethical business: 📚Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Malcolm Gladwell, 📚The Power of Boredom Mark A. Hawkins ... PRESENCE: 🔍care the lost principle mark passio.
All we communicate or incentivise each other with are always just constructs. Via linguistics, theatrics, mimic and symbols we can say or express whatever, it doesn't make it true nor good nor positive nor negative nor anything,
only its by PLAY beyond subjective limits of psychological masks explorable relation to causalities PRESENCE with all our life force defines that,
which (the resulting direction of how we "order" mind constructs and navigate its relation to social constructs)
is ultimately shaped by our more unconscious intends (desires, motivations, aspirations) which you can feel via resonance of social intuition
(📚read all the Books of Gerd Gigerenzer & Gary Klein)
which evolves especially during childhood (📚Books by Greer Kirshenbaum)
via the type of tensions between boundary punishment & reward
and emotional resonances we experience (📚Books by Barbara Fredrickson)
in ways we thereby project upon the linguistic copied l-ego bricks we built our minds with
(📚Books by Alison Gopnik)
(as example, the reason why I would trust Vandana Shiva blindly is because she embodies a similar psychological energy like my mother & her friend cycle, and the calm "I need to pretend nothing because I am happy with myself and thus happy to be vulnerable or appear boring" energy of Dr. Gabor Mate is like the energy from my grandfather which is why I would trust people like Gabor Mate almost blindly regarding their ability to stay integer intrinsically. We all train our social instincts via our childhood experiences.)
in a tension with societies symbolic convergence
(📚Geoffrey Beattie The Psychologie of Language and Communication)
collectively via shared positive and negative identities' "judgement" evolving a collective sense of meaning of BONO
(📚Books by Daniel Kahneman & Books by Edward De BONO)
(📚Books by Adam ALTER, 🔍care mark passio)
direction🧠👅🧠 of our flow of social incentive streams'🐟🐟🐟
🎶Time👶 Machine -Kitty Ca$h
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shinshun-chanson-show · 4 months
@Festival di Sanremo2024 サンレモ音楽祭2024
Sanremo festival is over.
There came my favotites, Il volo and Mahmood, but this time their songs are on their own lines and they took nothing.
彼女の父もマンゴという名の歌手だった。(1954-2014) コンサート中に心臓発作で亡くなるという壮絶な死に方だった。
The winner is Angelina Mango, 23 years old girl.
Maybe there are some who didn’t know her name in Italy.
Her father was a singer song-writer named Mango, he died in the middle of his concert by heart attack.
アンジェリーナは父親の作った「ラ ロンディネ」(燕)を、サンレモの4日目に歌い、客席を総立ちにさせた。このとき私は彼女のファンになった。
Angelina sang his father’s song “La rondine” at fourth night and all the audience did standing ovation. And I began to be her fan.
This year there were many great female singers there.
優勝曲は「la noia」(退屈)で、かなり難解な歌詞。この歌は作曲賞とマスコミ賞も受賞した。
Angelina is a new type singer, powerful, sexy, and moreover she has a mind of music.
The winning song is “La noia”=boredom, whose lyric is so complicated.
This song has received compositor’s prize and the prize by sala stampa(mass media).
Quanti disegni ho fatto
Rimango qui e li guardo
Nessuno prende vita
Questa pagina è pigra
Vado di fretta
E mi hanno detto che la vita è preziosa
Io la indosso a testa alta sul collo
La mia collana non ha perle di saggezza
A me hanno dato le perline colorate
Per le bimbe incasinate con i traumi
Da snodare piano piano con l’età
Eppure sto una pasqua, guarda, zero drammi
Quasi quasi cambio di nuovo città
Che a stare ferma a me mi viene
A me mi viene
La noia, la noia, la noia, la noia
Muoio senza morire
In questi giorni usati
Vivo senza soffrire
Non c’è croce più grande
Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate
Una corona di spine sarà il dress code per la mia festa
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
Quanta gente nelle cose vede il male
Viene voglia di scappare come iniziano a parlare
E vorrei dirgli che sto bene, ma poi mi guardano male
Allora dico che è difficile campare
Business, parli di business
Intanto chiudo gli occhi per firmare i contratti
Princess, ti chiama princess
Allora adesso smettila di lavare i piatti
Muoio senza morire
In questi giorni usati
Vivo senza soffrire
Non c’è croce più grande
Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate
Una corona di spine sarà il dress code per la mia festa
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
Allora scrivi canzoni?
Sì, le canzoni d’amore
E non ti voglio annoiare
Ma qualcuno le deve cantare
Cumbia, ballo la cumbia
Se rischio di inciampare almeno fermo la noia
Quindi faccio una festa, faccio una festa
Perché è l’unico modo per fermare
Per fermare, per fermare, ah
La noia, la noia, la noia, la noia
Muoio perché morire
Rende i giorni più umani
Vivo perché soffrire61
Fa le gioie più grandi
Non ci resta che ridere in queste notti bruciate
Una corona di spine sarà il dress code per la mia festa
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
È la cumbia della noia
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lvsifer · 6 months
6, 14, 20
Hi, hello ❤ Thanks for the ask!
I'mma assume this is for tlt, so:
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
I am new in the fandom, so I can't quite say , but I am not a fan of people who think some ships should be a big moral NO-NO. Like, I have seen quite some vitriol and outright hatred directed towards people who ship Ianthe/Corona when the canon is...u kno... like THAT. Was not expecting to see incest-in-fiction discourse in a fandom whose canon has so much violence and fucked up dynamics. It's okay to talk and joke abt the guy who nuked earth and murdered billions of people, but Ianthe giving her sister an orgasm is too far? Make it make sense.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Haven't read a lot of fic yet! Not a fan of making John too scared-whiny though. Whiny, yes. But I don't think he'd cry earnestly when confronted by people. It's a subtle thing, but it's just not how I personally read him.
Also, sorry but Mercymorn is not a sub. And Augustine is not a dom. I think they can play with that in any constellation but I don't vibe with it if it's written as their only dynamic. These bitches too old to stick to one thing.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
Not a fan of the whole Canaan House Redux in HtN. Could have been shorter imo. Other than that...I have few qualms in regards to boredom.
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limhobby-2 · 10 months
My Hobby
Hello reader. Previously I would like to thank you very much for visiting this blog page that I manage. Introduce,my name is Filbert Xavier, you can call me Filbert.I am 14 years old now.This time I will post about my hobbies, When talking about hobbies, there are a lot of hobbies that I like, for example eating, sleeping, (oops... wrong, that's a need) , I mean for example studying,reading,playing games,exercising,and etc..............
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Now let's listen to the story about my main hobby:
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Studying is the first hobby I have, ever since I was able to write and read.I like tutoring the most, especially math, science, and English tutoring.I started liking tutoring since I was in elementary school because my mother always took me to tutoring places for me to study there.In my opinion, tutoring can make you smart and study hard, even though there are some people who feel bored and lazy about it, but it's worth trying even once.Even now I still like studying and tutoring.
How about you? Do you like studying? What subjects do you like? And why do you like the subject?
2.Playing Badminton
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My second next hobby is playing badminton. I've been playing badminton from elementary school until now. Playing badminton is fun, especially playing with our friends or relatives. Until now I'm still learning in playing badminton and its rules.i play badminton with the aim to lose my weight and get tall.I always play badminton in front of my house with my younger brother.
Do you like to exercise? What sport do you like? And why do you like that sport?
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My third hobby is reading. I like to read books, especially books that discuss all kinds of animals. I read with the aim of increasing my insight and knowing information about animals in our world.I started to like reading books when I was in 6th grade because I felt bored because at that time there was a corona outbreak. So I started looking for books in my house and I found a book that discussed dinosaurs and that book was the first book I read until the final page.Previously I was lazy to read books, but now I'm starting to like reading.
Do you like to read? If so, what kind of books do you often read? What is the title of the book?
4.Playing Chess
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My fourth hobby is playing chess. In my opinion playing chess can learn to set strategies, can increase our concentration and eliminate boredom. I first played chess when I was in grade 7 junior high school because my brother bought a chessboard at that time so I was interested in playing it.So I started at that time,I learned everything about chess such as technique, how to play, and so on. that's why I still play chess until now. I always play chess with my younger brother.
How about you? Do you like to play chess? if so, when did you start playing?
5.Watching Movie
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My last hobby is watching movies with my family and friends. I like watching movies because it can relieve stress, provide entertainment for me. I'm sure most of you like watching movies. I like watching horror, adventure, action and cartoon themed movies.Horror films such as Annabelle, IT, Friday the 13th, and many more.If action films are like dc movies, marvel movies, transformers and so on.If cartoon movies like super mario, minions, and so on.
How about you? What kind of movies do you like to watch? What is your favorite movie title?
So,that's my story about my hobby that I like the most. I thank you for your attention and your visit to my blog page. I apologize if there are wrong words or words that are less pleasing to the reader and I hope my story can be useful for you all and thank you.
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metalshockfinland · 1 year
SCULFORGE Sign with MDD, Debut Album Coming in Early Summer
German high speed power metallers SCULFORGE have signed to MDD Records and will unleash their debut longplayer on the universe in early summer! During the Corona Lockdown 2020, Polly McSculwood (vox, guit.) and Fabz McBlackscul (guitars) decided to start a new musical adventure. Everything that happened then happened out of love for music and pure boredom – and the two were obviously very bored,…
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rakeshsouthcorona · 1 year
How to Strike A Perfect Balance between Wet Food and Dry Food While Feeding A Cat?
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Hey there! 
If you stumbled over my post while looking for cat-feeding solutions, I was wondering about this too. I consulted many vets and finally, I came to a conclusion after visiting a renowned pet food shop near me in Kolkata, Corona Pet Shop. The experts there helped me strike a perfect balance between dry and wet foods. 
By consulting the vets at Corona Shop, I came to know that a cat's sense of smell is 14 times stronger than a human's. This means that smell is the primary trigger for a cat's appetite. Boredom causes cats to lose interest in food. This is easily remedied by switching to a different flavor of food, adding water to dry cat food, or combining wet and dry food together. 
Wet and dry cat food can be combined in a one-third wet to two-thirds dry ratio as your cat needs both. Wet food smells more appealing to cats than dry food does. It also keeps the cat hydrated. Dry food cleans the cat's teeth by scraping away plaque. It is also higher in nutrient density. Combining them may appear to be the ideal solution. However, there are other factors to consider, such as calorie intake, cost, and health benefits.
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