#continuation from previous post
radiomomo · 1 year
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If only…
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mikarons · 1 year
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ok i have more
sirius belongs to @piipstachio
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chaikajpeg · 4 months
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kageyama tobio | haikyuu
reference photo: link to the japanese website
model: Ran Takahashi, photo shot by 矢島康弘 (Yasuhiro Yajima i think)
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hamable · 8 months
Getting emotional over the fact that I’ve always been angry at Ford saying “I was young, Razputin, I made a mistake” over and over, when the reality is he was MIDDLE AGED AT LEAST when he used the astralathe. Like that’s one thing.
But then realizing Raz is ten and has spent the whole time learning the real responsibilities of being psychic and integrating that into his actions moving forward. He made one bad connection in Hollis’s mind and it turned into a catastrophe. He nearly got kicked out on his first day because that was Not Okay and NOT who the Psychonauts aim to be.
To learn that your idol, your hero, the founder of the Psychonauts, acted so horrifically against those values, and that it specifically fucked with your family and your life. God that’s unforgivable. The Never Meet Your Heroes aspect of Ford and Raz’s relationship is so juicy and I love fanwork that explores it.
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thejasontoddarchives · 10 months
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Jason Todd, eepiest boy in the dcu
Why’d they add a wig/hair to the robin mannequin …..
Batman: The Adventures Continue (2020)
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buckevantommy · 2 months
i need tommy to see buck's lightning scars.
at first glance there's concern written all over tommy's face, but he doesn't say: so this is what you do for fun huh? even if he's just teasing bc he knows it might come off as judgemental. he knows the life of a first responder, he knows the risk to it, knows the selflessness that's needed, and that's aside from the whole adrenaline rush being exhilarating thing. he's not going to judge buck for the scars he got while putting his life on the line to help people. and he's not going to let any worry he might feel over the thought of buck getting hurt (now) make buck feel bad for doing his job.
tommy doesn't say anything, he's just taking it all in. and buck gets a little insecure about it, a little nervous at what tommy thinks of it, of him. does he think buck is too reckless? too damaged? is he second guessing this thing between them (again)?
- and this doesn't even need to be in the lead up to sex or whatever. maybe buck is just getting dressed, and when he sees tommy staring at him he moves his shirt almost subconsciously to cover up.
but tommy steps in close and anchors buck in place with a hand on his hip, the other one tracing fingertips out from the centrepoint of the scar. and there's just something about tommy's touch: grounding, reverent, fond. something in buck settles and he exhales, the tension sloughing off like a weight fallen from his shoulders and chest.
and.. idk. maybe tommy says something adoring about them? adoring buck? maybe buck asks him a nervous question and tommy just leans down to press his mouth to one of the branches in lieu of answering then trails kisses up and up until he's at buck's neck and jaw while his thumb sweeps over buck's hipbone. and then he murmurs against buck's lips that he better let him finish getting ready otherwise they're going to be late.
and buck kisses him until he's breathless.
and it's so much more fun than getting struck by lightning.
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I have this tma fantasy au I am DYING to write but it's like,,,, writing is hard,,,,,,,, daydreaming is more fun so I'm just gonna tell you the basics here for now to get it out of my system
basically we got tim, sasha, and martin as dragon riders. (which is a Highly Illegal thing to do in this universe the monarchy wants dragons dead so they're Cool Outlaws rescuing dragons. yes I was listening to the HTTYD soundtrack shush.)
jon is a fae who's been hiding out in a little cottage in the woods after Disrespecting his Court and high tailing it across the globe. by some fate or luck or what have you, he and martin meet (not under the best circumstances tho) and it's all breaking the law, 'romantic flight', and found family from there.
ALSO pretty sure there's some gerry x micheal hiding out in there. thinking gerry lives near the sea (maybe he's a fisherman or maybe just for fun, I might even make him a witch) and micheal is a giant merperson thingy who saved gerry from drowning and is now attached to the strange little human.
also micheal's mute (well, probably can make sounds but he can't speak any human languages? like, cause uh, gills) so I really like the idea of them bonding through Gerry teaching him sign language to break their language barrier.
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on my quest to find more books to read this year, there's been something kind of heartwarming to see that of the books on hold at my local library, or on the weekly bestseller's list at my local bookstores, there's always at least one book up there that's about Palestine. It's at least nice to see that some people in my area want to learn about the historical context of what's happening now, and learn far more than what a few posts on their feed can tell them. It makes me hope that public perception will continue to change for the better - and that the kind of support I've seen in my area won't die down immediately after a ceasefire is called
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alinelie · 7 months
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taking a moment to appreciate Legder
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cripplingoptimism · 4 months
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Smoke break
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talkin-cephalos · 4 months
Time has given me an even more crackpot followup idea to my last one.
Continuing with the idea that ‘Eight’ might not actually be Eight and rather people being forced to play as them, what proof do we have that Acht is the real Acht? It could be anyone taking her shape and playing as her. And here’s the crackpot part, it could be Marina, wanting to be the helpful guide to ‘Eight’ once again and feel needed. My main thought for this being why Acht calls herself Acht and not Dedfish, cause that’s the name Marina knew her by.
Ah well, even though that’s most likely not true I still now have my suspicions that Acht will turn out to not be the real Dedfish.
One thing my theorising has done is solidified my thoughts that Marina is the villain in side order. Not in a truly evil kind of way, but I’m no longer wavering on whether she might be being held captive or something and am now fully on board with her being the architect behind everything in a more intentional way.
Because it would fit with the rest of the villains of splatoon. All of them, Octavio, Tartar, and Grizz, they all were villains because they clung to the past and refused to let go. And if Marina is indeed clinging to her happy memories and can’t move on, she would fit right in.
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this is not directed at any specific person, i’ve seen this countless times in countless iterations for months. but i really genuinely think people should stop and consider their desire to comment on how they think wolfwood should bulk up in stampede s2 every time it might be mildly topical.
i don’t think anyone i see saying this means it any less than genuinely a comment on what they would appreciate in his character design. but.
at a certain point (especially in conjunction with the racialization and design drift of wolfwood in fanart) it’s hard not to hear it as discomfort with specifically the man of color in the cast not being suitably (western standard) masculine and/or sexually appealing.
there is only so much “his tits need to be jacked” and “beef him up for s2” and “he better be HOT and RIPPED like he’s SUPPOSED TO BE” before it starts to get a little bit uncomfortable.
no one has anything particular to say about vash looking like a svelte twink until he takes his coat off, when he and wolfwood are built almost exactly the same in trimax. mentioning vash’s appearance never receives a slew of “but his shoulders should be broader. where are his biceps. HIS TIT SHOULD BE JACKED” like mentioning wolfwood’s does.
just. maybe consider it. for a couple seconds. why it is that it’s very important to repeatedly mention that you think stampede wolfwood is insufficiently performing masculinity and/or sex appeal. and if that’s not what you think you’re saying. that’s still how it sounds.
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mishy-mashy · 11 days
Hi! I noticed you bring up fanfiction every once in a while, so do you have an ao3?
But the stuff I post here isn't actually written out and posted anywhere else, and my ao3 (posted stories) is pretty bare. Like, I only touch it to read other people's stuff at this point
Everything I do write is OC stuff though, and that's not everyone's jam
The stuff I do post here all comes from my notes for said fic ideas. They're all fleshed out enough that I can write them into proper stories. Like, the whole plot is figured out, I know where to end, character perspectives, all that jazz. I just don't write them out, since I don't have that motivation, and the stories would end up huge
I don't like posting the actual stories either. People have asked for updates on the new chapters I just put down, and I've run into a lot of copy-pasters. Even the few things I have on ao3 is having a mimic somewhere. So I otherwise keep everything to myself, or post little things here
I've been going through my past stuff lately to reorganize. It's fun. Even if they're old (some are over 5 years old), I find little gems that surprise me like these
(Unordinary; Re:Zero; BNHA)
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Like- they aren't that bad. That's surprising. How old are these things???
#/THE FIRST ASK ABOUT MY FIC STUFF?!/#anon take this crown and commemorative sash this is monumental#ask#fic#my drafts are HUGE so writing them into actual proper fanfics would be. very big#the average is 150k words the low-end is 40k and a lot of them have too many words that google docs glitches#and ive had to make multiple drafts to hold everything#i tried writing one out once and ended up stopping because the glitching from all the words was making it impossible to continue#capped out at *checks notes* 103k words#the word count mentioned in the previous tags are talking about the word count for NOTES. i think an actual story would become abysmal#i like planning stuff. a lot#the biggest one is for a bnha resistance fic at *checks calculator* 260k words#but its really unmotivating to know people just want content and to take my words for their own#REPEATEDLY. even the small stuff is being yoinked#im serious. Actually everything ive posted as an actual story has been copied by someone else and advertised as their own. im tired of that#but i like writing so i do it in private. mainly away from the eyes of the internet#excerpt from an old unordinary fic#and a rezero fic where groovy gets hugged and is screaming like hes watching his firstborn be slaughtered before his eyes#my drafts surprise me sometimes because huh. this is not that bad for 6 years ago#an unordinary (webtoon) excerpt cuz i was organizing my stuff and ran into an old draft of it. now its trying to weedle its way to the ligh#thank u for the ask anon#if someone asked for more about the small things i /do/ show id probably panic cuz. no one ever asks. what do i say??? oh no im CRINGE#/lh#a lot of nonrom actually. most of it is. including that 3rd excerpt#all the excerpts actually#oc#out of context excerpts
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stairset · 9 months
I realize this could get me crucified in certain circles but as good as Andor was I really do think its fans can be truly insufferable.
#i'm sorry but so many andor fans just have this snobby ass attitude about it#and feel the need to act as if it's The Only Good Star Wars Thing Ever Made#and every other star wars thing should copy it#because clearly if the show's style works for THAT story it MUST work for every story right#it was annoying when the show was airing and it's annoying now#like idk maybe the people who described it as ''star wars for people who hate star wars'' weren't that far off#i already talked about all this in another post a while back#but y'know a new show just came out which means i have to put up with it again#even though there's really no reason to compare andor and ahsoka outside of ''they're both star wars shows''#and most of it is just people bitching that ahsoka is more reference-heavy#which as i've also pointed out in previous shows. it's a sequel.#a sequel continues the story of a previous work that's literally the entire fucking point#like i'm sorry but when it comes to this show specifically i do not give a solitary FUCK about the casual viewer#it has been very explicitly and unambiguously billed as a direct sequel to rebels from the start#and it was announced 3 years ago which is more than enough time to get caught up#no one is forcing you to watch the sequel before the thing it's a sequel to#as far as i'm concerned if you watch a sequel before the first one that's entirely on you#you knew what you were getting into and you have forfeited any right to bitch about being confused#but anyway back to andor i'm not gonna let people being annoying about it affect my enjoyment of it#cause it IS a good show and i don't wanna end up resenting it just cause people are pretentious asses about it#but yeah i think certain people could maybe stand to get off their fucking high horses over star wars spin-off shows#shut up tristan
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stripesysheaven · 10 months
when someone who has you blocked liked your post but you can’t figure out who is it because. blocked yeah
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stars-self-ships · 1 year
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All of my life it's been heartbreak weather
Thinking to myself it won't get better
It can be so lonely in this city
But it feels different when you're with me.
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