tepat-side · 5 months
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Lexember 2023 Master Post
Lyak - Pay, Tûn - Swûl, Nôt - Tsaltep, Kyeng, Ngyûp - Ngôw, Lum, Lûn, Kôn - Klup - Lôy - Luke - Han - Neng, Mûl, Nôk, Lit - Swûq, Hyat - Xûl - Swim - Tsapay - Win, Wip - Kyuk, Mey, Ngan, Lin - Thung, Xhûp
(All posts tagged Lexember)
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yuk-tepat · 5 months
Lexember 31-32: Thung, Xhûp
Thung [tʰuŋ] is represented by a glyph of a tree muk upside down with a notched line through it, the typical 'breaking / stopping' transformation employed in glyphs. It represents a tree that has been cut and taken down. It is commonly reinforced semantically by the AX radical. Beyond trees, it can refer to anything that is knocked over or down: bowling pins, little kids on a playground, cups on a table with a cat, etc. Often now it refers to things metaphorically knocked over, such as governments.
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For the next word, you might remember a previous Lexember word, kyûn, referring to a ‘speaking stick’ or ‘talking stick,’ used to represent a person’s right to speak, and authority generally.
This leads us to xhûp [χɯp˺], which depicts kyûn in the “breaking” transformation. It conveys the idea of ‘breaking’ a 'talking stick,'hence, destroying power.
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It is equivalent to phrases such as choq-kyûn 'remove the stick' and naq-kyûn 'break the stick.'
At its base it conveys the removal of a right or privilege, or in the broadest sense, some kind of sanction against someone. In dialects and other languages, it or its cognates also refer to 'punish,' 'banish, exile,' 'ostracize,' 'shun,' or 'shame.'
Its use was similar in Old Yuk Tepat. Rulers could punish people by removing their rights. But at the small level, communities could ostracize their own members, or expel them from the town.
If ancient Tepatic peasants lived in 21st century Earth, they would probably call ‘cancellation’ xhûp.
Its first use with regard to a ruler occurs at the beginning of the Shattered Land Era when the Nyow kings lost power to the increasingly autonomous provincial nobles, and eventually lost all authority at all. When even the king can be stripped of his stick, there is a revolution in politics, and meaning. Accordingly, it acquired the meaning of 'rebel, revolt,' which is the primary sense now.
It is also found in the compound thung-xhûp 'revolution, to overthrow.' Because both of these glyphs are in the breaking transformation, revolution is also referred to as niw-naq 'the two breaks' - take down and remove power.
This post is in memory of Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) who got xhupped by his own conference.
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Above: The Important Man, beaten and banished, loses his Big Stick
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starsailorstories · 1 year
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Transformation of Sol Atya (musical inspo)
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ash-alder · 8 months
Learning Mahknovchik: Words for People
There are 4 different words that can be used to refer to people (individuals/members of society/humans). they have slightly different meanings, and are used in different contexts.
Emberek (n) means person, & can be used to talk about any individual or group of individuals in the System
Nakanion (n) means person who lives in an anarchist collectives
Abnakanion (n) means person who lives under a government
Nenakanion (n) means enslaved person.
"Emberek" is the word used in professional & academic speech & writing, & generally in materials for circulation outside the station. It's value neutral.
Nakanion/abnakanion are used in informal & personal speech & writing.
Abnakanion is very slightly disparaging.
Nenakanion is used in all situations. It is disparaging, but not toward the person. Rather, it is condemning anyone associated with causing the word nenakanion to apply to another person.
Like most Mahknovchik words, "emeberek" was intentionally chosen when constructing the language. Nakanion/abnakanion began as slang terms, derived from the word for natural/unnatural (as in, existing in one's natural state), and were adopted into broad usage.
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already researching possible writing tools for a conculture i havent even thought about yet and a conlang i havent even finished the phonology for. did anyone else know that you can use red cabbages for ph indication tests. crucial info
on the anthocyanin page trying to figure out how it would scientifically make sense for a conculture to use berries for writing pigment like im being forced to do it and i cant just make it a thing because i want to
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I’m taking a break from Wordpress
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calatianlinguist · 2 months
Jálban & Qarinban
The jálban /ˈʒæl.ban/ is a wrapped bread food. It can broadly refer to any sort of food which has filling wrapped in bread, whether that filling includes meat or not. This bread is generally pre-cooked and then wrapped around the filling, and thus jálban range from foods that resemble tacos or burritos to pies or calzones.
Apart from jálban, the Adin also have a rich tradition of qarinban /kʷa.ˈriːn.ban/, which is a filled bread, or bread with fillings mixed into the dough, usually served with a dressing or sauce on the side. This includes both sweet and savory breads.
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tsikli · 2 years
Ðusyþ word of the day #65
il'llfeð alÐusyþ wewywedu
eij /'eiʎ/ ['eiʎ]*〈eij〉
*standard dialect
Descended from Old Ðusyþ eij (boy, man), ultimately descended from Proto-Phytic eigøømu (male).
n. (sentient class)
biological male
eko'eij be-1-man I am a man.
2. a person of the male gender, such as a boy or man
The grammatical affix for this word is -eik, and can be added to anything to set its gender to male.
jux (3rd person pronoun) + eik = juxeik (he)
The Dwarven concept of gender is a bit different from our concept of gender. The most important aspect is your biological sex, which is what you will generally see with "male" and "female". As for gender, while it exists, it isn't rigid nor strict. To most Dwarves, your biological sex is what matters (it determines if you could carry children or not), and your gender is not particularly important and is more of an additional label than a core part of one's identity. As such, most words (including all pronouns) are not gendered by default.
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conlangcrab · 7 months
Oh yeah marking gender would be pretty cool and would make sense for the conculture im developing, im sure it wont be that bad
A few days later
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dedalvs · 1 year
So I'm fairly comfortable with the actual process of creating naturalistic conlangs, but my issue is that I get too lost in the weeds making sister languages to get realistic borrowings from, which entails sister cultures, which themselves split, etc etc. The end result being a mess of related conlangs and concultures that gets too overwhelming and is abandoned. Do you have any tips for sticking to one conlang without getting so in the weeds with making related conlangs?
There needs to be a purpose for each of your daughter languages. If you have a world where they're all going to exist, it won't feel like any of them are a waste (by which I mean it won't be the case that some projects are created solely for the purpose of serving as sources of vocabulary for some other language). That would be my advice.
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tepat-side · 4 months
In Metaphors We Live By, Lakoff & Johnson assert that metaphor is not a special feature of poetry but inherent in everyday language. Related metaphors form overarching systems like GOOD IS UP or IDEAS ARE CONTAINERS which are embedded in our conceptual systems. Meanwhile, some metaphors like ARGUMENT IS DANCE, while possible, seem to go unused.
What conceptual metaphors are used by your conlang or conculture?
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yuk-tepat · 4 months
Flowchart-outlined skeleton history of the Swira (one of the nomadic barbarians who inhabit the steppe north of Tepat), viewed in mechanistic terms
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Flowchart created with draw.io
Still can't seem to get those connectors to not be screwy
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conalnghing · 4 months
Word of the Day (day 11) new conworld!!!
Hii!!! This is a new conculture that is vaugely polynesian in transport and flora, called:
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Allaìn Shnak
/aɬaɪn˩ ʃnak˧/
gloss: actor-ADJ snail-N
Some introduction to the Snails:
Their world consists of 3 main groups of islands:
the Northern Islands, a collection of coral atolls and fertile volcanic islands
the Western Islands, which is located in a coral reef
and the Southern Islands, a group of rocky islands created by long-dormant volcanoes.
The Acting Snails' homeland is in the far north. Around a thousand years ago, they sailed south towards the Northern Islands. On the way there, the Snails spent the long days acting out plays and scenarios.
After the journey, the Snails continued their tradition of theater in their new home. Very slowly, they changed their gods to better fit their new belief that life itself is a play. (more on this next time)
Back to the language (etymology of the words)
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Allain, which means "to act", comes from the radical "alla" (game) and the word "yain" (person). Besides meaning "to act", it can also mean "to exist" The origib of the word comes from "allain yain" being combined over years of use.
Shnak, which means "snail", comes from the word "zhna" (Ocean) and the radical "bri" (rain). The origin of the word is from the sound of a snail's shell being crushed.
Ty for reading!! Next post i'll talk more about their 3 main gods and how each of them have a role in their cosmic play, and what snails have to do with all of this!!!
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tamsythepansy · 1 year
Laying the groundwork for a new conlang (constructed language) and underlying conculture, and I want to hear from you!
What would a transmatriarchal society - in which trans women and transfeminine people are revered as sources of social and spiritual authority - actually look like? Specifically, what assumptions would be encoded in their language that don't occur in ours?
Some ideas to get the ball rolling: transfem-specific gendered honorifics, trans-coded manifestations of the divine, t4t relationships as a societal ideal...
(This might be an impossible thought experiment, because transfem identity in our world is so thoroughly bound up with being a relatively marginalized gender group. But let your imagination run wild!)
Transmisogynistic hate will be swiftly and thoroughly blocked.
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i hope everyone who makes traditional clothes for their concultures has a great day!
(haha yes, my little hats to protect from the sun and cover their little ears :]]])
Paracultures go brrrrr
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mymymywhatwegothere · 2 years
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