#sidetracked CONSTANTLY
already researching possible writing tools for a conculture i havent even thought about yet and a conlang i havent even finished the phonology for. did anyone else know that you can use red cabbages for ph indication tests. crucial info
on the anthocyanin page trying to figure out how it would scientifically make sense for a conculture to use berries for writing pigment like im being forced to do it and i cant just make it a thing because i want to
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good-to-drive · 1 month
I hope it's not obvious that I made this blog just to slowly bait and switch beatles fans into following a Norm Macdonald blog
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ive absolutely learnt a lot about zionism from consistently researching it more these past few years. i learn new things all the time and my knowledge of the subject is forever improving. however, the more i learn, the more aware i am of how much shit i dont know. at this point in my study of zionism im slowly moving from "vague things i dont understand" to "very specific questions i dont have any answer to". tbh it's so much fun finally having a decent enough grasp on zionism that im able to ask specific questions that can guide my studies. will i actually be able to answer these questions? i have absolutely no idea! ill absolutely try my best though and ill probably come up with a bajillion more questions in the process
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civettictis · 11 months
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the jolly good fellow
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deadn30n · 5 months
as someone with audhd i often times struggle to keep consistent ooc chatter in dms/ims esp as of late bc i'm still going through a breakup, so i'm sorry if i don't respond quickly, or sometimes for days at a time. it's nothing against you, it's just how i am. i promise i'm interested, i'm just not the most savvy at conversations or keeping them rolling at times
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deeenjoyer · 17 days
because fx is now a disney property (lol) i feel like we should get a “gang goes to disney world” episode. although knowing sunny it probably wouldn’t be a *glowing* endorsement of the mouse overlords so all the more reason for them to do it
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alectology-archive · 1 year
the erotic tension between me and the unread copy of moby dick on my bedstand
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qualityrain · 2 years
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cursed with attachment to side characters
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melodiccudgels · 10 months
i would love to insane post about bg3 however i need to finish the game first and im still only in act 1 </3
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
i don’t. really think this is canon based except for maybe a couple of instances i could theoretically extrapolate a little too hard on if i wanted but i really like the idea of dark being an “ends justify the means” kind of person-entity-thing, and i really like the idea of that trait mostly coming from damien, rather than celine. 
this thought’s partially inspired by @rosesimping's comment on this post about how damien might’ve asked mark to rig the election for him—i like the idea that he would do something so underhanded and kind of criminal, and the thing is, i don’t even think he’d necessarily be doing it for selfish reasons. if you asked him why, i think he would tell you that he wanted to make tangible change for the city, that he wanted to help people, and if he had to do something dirty to make sure he could do that then so be it. and the thing with that is i think he’d be telling the truth! obviously the money and power that comes with being mayor isn’t unwelcome, but i genuinely think he would be able to look someone in the eyes and sincerely say yes, i did this because i thought i could help people, i want to contribute to the greater good somehow and i thought this would be the best way to do it. 
but, of course, doing immoral acts for the sake of the greater good doesn’t always make them stop being immoral. and circling back to dark, what happens when your motivations aren’t exactly pure of heart? i think their quest for revenge is understandable, but that doesn’t necessarily make it the right thing to do, nor does that mean they’re not using harmful methods to achieve said quest. i think if they ever tapped into that disregard for what’s right for the sake of their goals, that utter ruthlessness, they could actually be a truly formidable villain. of course, that would mean they’d have to get off their ass and actually do something for once, and who knows if that’ll ever happen ahgkldjsagkl
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hollow-indigo · 11 months
I have a self-insert for this deltarune au of mine. Her name will not be shared because of... personal reasons. She has a... really sucky... life (abuse and other forms of mistreatment). I ship her (and, to an extent, myself) with Kris. Don't worry about me, my life is a lot better than hers. She just reflects my loneliness and fear of getting hurt by those close to me.
what do you think of this?
- the bagel anon 🥯🥯🥯
well, if you came here for advice or validation I have neither really- self inserts are nice, I mean, half of my ocs could be considered as such, and I have no place to judge an insert because I would then, in a way, be judging the writer as well. if however I didn’t have the knowledge that this was a self insert, I would be just as fine with her and have no advice.
(of course, an exception would be mary sue’s. you’re fine to write as you please, but understand that every great character has weaknesses in one way or another and aren’t supposed to be perfect)
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lualamina · 2 years
Busywork [Jeritza & Kana]
A strange request, nay, a demand has come in for the school of Garreg Mach: a wealthy noble has apparently misplaced one of her pets, and she wants him back. He’s about six feet tall, hairy, orange, and has a face only a mother could love… according to her servant’s pleading description. Last she saw him, they’d been traveling near the Sealed Forest. Great! So all you have to do is track him down then and wait, hold up– is that a monkey? Why is it charging right for you? And why’s it wielding a sword?! … Oh, don’t forget, if you harm a hair on her pet’s head, she will have yours on a plate in return. [Grants Sword +1]
Starter for @dragon-kiddos
This would have been easier if he could slay it. That was what Jeritza found himself thinking, vaguely in a voice that wasn’t quite his own, as he stood before the unusual pet whose capture had been commissioned by some Imperial noble in the south. It was covered from head to toe in bright orange hair, and in one of its hands - the bald palms and fingers of which were too humanlike not to conjure thoughts of werebeasts - it grasped an impressive sword of polished silver. Some sort of ceremonial blade, perhaps, or a souvenir from a far-off land, still a virgin to the taste of blood, yet wielded as a tool of war all the same. The creature had some semblance of form - whether by the coincidence of ignorance or deliberately trained, it mattered not to the darkness that pressed eagerly against the bars of his heart. Kill it. Kill it. The voice echoed, not in his head, but somewhere deeper. Blood craving blood. Gloved fingers tightened around the hilt of the iron blade in his right hand but Jeritza would not relinquish the key to its prison, not while a student entrusted to his care remained by his side. It would be easier to kill it. To give in. But orders and circumstances forbid him from it.
The student was no longer the boy who had followed him into the forest though. Jeritza can’t remember when he changed, or why. The adrenaline of the hunt and the thrill of battle always stole his memories away in patches more infuriating than if they were wiped clean entirely. But he knew with an inexplicable certainty that the scaled monster that waited beside him was his charge for the time being, though he looked too much like the wild beasts that roamed Fódlan’s countryside to be a comforting ally. Twigs underfoot snapped through the silence as Jeritza moved back a few steps and shifted to keep both beasts in his line of sight. Otherwise, the forest was still and quiet.
“We have found it, so now we m—“
With a shriek, the orange ape leapt for a branch and long arms carried it swiftly up toward the canopy, sword now held by the toes of one foot. A groaning sigh rumbled from Jeritza’s throat as he watched it flee overhead, his own blade lowering to his side. It was armed and yet it still chose the craven’s path. Disappointing. He considered the trees for a moment, their target all but disappearing through the leaves, but decided to leave it to its escape for the time being. He turned to the transfigured student.
“If you are able to understand me, tell me of the powers you possess. They may prove… useful.”
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munch-mumbles · 9 hours
google how do you comfortably read real books in bed. google. please
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thehardkandy · 6 months
older brothers are dealing with Gamer Strife where this one fuckin guy just felt so entitled to their time that he's sending absolute walls of text about being "snubbed" because they did a single destiny dungeon without him. and this man is 40-50 years old
and so im giving them all the sage words I can ("he's a dumb ass, stop talking to him") from my endless experience of MMORPG gamer drama because this isnt even the first, or the second, or the third, blow up from this guy within the last 2-3 months
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Måneskin’s new album is called RUSH! and by the quality of it I don’t think it’s coincidental
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softshuji · 2 years
Yeah fine, just take them and go. Why would we cuff them, where would we even get cuffs from!? Who just walks around with them!?
...well I don't know I've been handcuffed twice by different people since I got here on random occasions. Isn't it normal for gang members to do that? A precautionary measure no? I'm pretty sure sanzu and hanma both carry them at all times.
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