#this blog is trans/nb positive
tsikli · 2 years
Ðusyþ word of the day #65
il'llfeð alÐusyþ wewywedu
eij /'eiʎ/ ['eiʎ]*〈eij〉
*standard dialect
Descended from Old Ðusyþ eij (boy, man), ultimately descended from Proto-Phytic eigøømu (male).
n. (sentient class)
biological male
eko'eij be-1-man I am a man.
2. a person of the male gender, such as a boy or man
The grammatical affix for this word is -eik, and can be added to anything to set its gender to male.
jux (3rd person pronoun) + eik = juxeik (he)
The Dwarven concept of gender is a bit different from our concept of gender. The most important aspect is your biological sex, which is what you will generally see with "male" and "female". As for gender, while it exists, it isn't rigid nor strict. To most Dwarves, your biological sex is what matters (it determines if you could carry children or not), and your gender is not particularly important and is more of an additional label than a core part of one's identity. As such, most words (including all pronouns) are not gendered by default.
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yesornopolls · 1 month
Does it change how you think of someone to learn that they're trans?
If it does, please vote yes even if you feel bad about it afterwards and re-examine your response/behaviour. Additionally, please vote yes if you think about them more positively afterwards. Please only vote no if you genuinely think of them in the same way as before finding out.
(And for peace of mind for the blog owner, this is not asked with any transphobic sentiment. I'm NB)
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vintageandroid · 2 months
April 2024
New Queer Earthling post is up! It's a Dispatches from Space post, which is a bit of a life update and a bit of this and that. This time we have some vacation photos, some excited rambling about @juleskelleybooks, and some discussion on monsterfucking and being ace-spec. Fun times!
I also talk a bit about my favorite TV show:
Y’all, when I tell you how obsessed I was when this show came out in 2009, right before my senior year of college…not only was it actually pivotal in my mental health stuff at the time, it made me at least one life-long friend, and also—writing fanfic for it (which you do not need to see thanks) was the first time I’d really written for an audience other than my college writing classes, and is probably part of why I’m doing what I’m doing.
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Also there is nothing funny whatsoever about this street sign I saw in Oklahoma.
Read Dispatches from Space: April 2024!
Don't forget to check out my Patreon and Ko-Fi!
(Queer Earthling is my 18+ sex blog. If you’re interested in supporting a sex-positive, queer, neurodivergent weirdo, check out my support and affiliates page, buy me a Ko-Fi, or reblog so others can find me! If you’d rather not see these on your Tumblr feed, feel free to block the tag “Queer Earthling.”)
Also I have a Patreon that allows access to an exclusive Discord community of nerdy, friendly queer folks, as well as polls, behind-the-scenes stuff, and other fun, and I have tiers as low as $1 if you want to support my work!
Aphobes, bi/panphobes, trans/nb-phobes, anti-kink, TERFs & SWERFs DNI
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babygirlbondage · 7 months
Hi, hope your vacation was wonderful! I just stumbled across your page and could not look away for hours. You’re very skilled!
As a thank you, I wanted to say the fantasy which took me over the edge (the asks telling for reduced time got me thinking). Oh btw, they/she/(maybe it) trans fem nb, but no worries if you’re at capacity for ask subs. Regardless enjoy :).
I want to be clicker trained when right on the edge. There’ll be more things integrated as time passes (giving a pathetic “arf~” at every click, making sure my collar is on, etc), but the main focus remains a step below satisfaction, fully submissive to my master. Every click erases all human thoughts, leaving me extremely horny and with begging eyes. Absolute putty.
One night, after a few denial filled days, I’m told i get to top and, if well behaved, even cum. positioned behind her, chin near his shoulder with my ear next to his mouth. hips shaking, pleasure shooting everywhere, being told how good a pup i am and how good i’m making my owner feel.
eventually, finally, given permission. However, they starts clicking at every thrust. no matter how hot and frustrated i am, relief never comes. i start begging through whimpers, but the only responses received are faux pity “cum puppy, you’ve been so good.” “Aww, what’s wrong mutt?” and eventually “It’s ok, you’ll get another chance pet. Eventually.” After clean up is a well deserved snack and drifting off in a tight cuddle.
And yes I see the humor in that this is what took me over lol.
-♾️ if it’s available
im never at capacity for subs honey, i love adding new ones to my little collection and teasing you! especially fellow trans subs, you guys hold a special place in my mind. also thank you for the compliments on my blog im really happy you like it!!
and youd be the perfect puppy to clicker train with fantasies like that in your head. watching you whimper and shake as you got so close but never getting the sweet release you crave would be a divine and pathetic sight.
youd look so needy, giving me your best puppy eyes and silently begging to cum. of course the you would be denied longer because i find joy in your torment. teasing you for not being able to cum when you hear that click.
such a simple noise yet it holds so much power over you, doesnt it? the press of a button and you cant control yourself anymore? what a dumb mutt.
dumb is perfection though when it comes to pets. with time youll be so well trained that youll beg for the clicker to be involved, itll be better than anything you could ever long for. no orgasm would be able to top the sound of the clicker when you get close. the click will resonate in your stupid puppy brain, like a song you cant get out of your head.
youll be fully reduced to a barking, needy, denied mess. serving your master will be the only thing you want. and of course on special occasions youll get to cum, but it certainly wont be often. youll be praised frequently though for being a good girl. i think all good puppies should be told when they make their masters proud after all.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
how you can help Palestine 🇵🇸
information on the U.S. involvement in the Sudan genocide and the Congo genocide
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guess i should do an intro post huh. okay where to start..
my name is [redacted] but you can call me bee (cuz i like bees). im an aspec nb lesbian and i use they/them pronouns. (i define lesbianism as sapphics who don’t like men, trans or cis. if you disagree please block me.) im a 20-something college student studying biochem. hm what else. i like to draw and i have a ko-fi, redbubble, instagram, and side-blog to post art (@beesie).
my other sideblog @autisthicc is for reblogging others’ art. old replies to posts show up under @/acelez. im pro-choice and sex positive. i don’t really have a dni but blocking is free (and if you think “misandry” exists you’re wasting your time with me). im disabled and have fibro fog and memory issues that may cause problems sometimes. i apologize in advance.
i probably won’t see anything i get tagged in or know if a post of mine has gotten popular until i check posts individually. anons and submissions are off until further notice, and DMs are only open to mutuals. my most commonly used tags are on this post. #cf/ma is my tag for donation posts.
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Smut Alphabet | Claude Faustus (18+)
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requested by many wattpad users
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
written to suit any reader insert
A - Aftercare
what are they like after sex?
when it comes to aftercare, claude takes a methodical, calculated approach - starting from the top and working outwards, so to speak. he’ll begin by cleaning you up with a warm, damp cloth, his touch as gentle as he can manage whilst still being enough to rid you of the remnants of the act. then, he'll swiftly look you over, checking you for any unnecessary marks or signs of injury and addressing them (care, questions, gentle touches, etc.), before moving you to be in a more comfortable position on your bed - moving you over to it if you had sex elsewhere. finally, unless you have anything else you need tending to - such as needing food or a warm bath - claude will lay down beside you until you fall asleep, stroking your hair and offering affirming hums and nodding at whatever you say until you fall asleep.
B - Body Part
their favourite body part of their partner and themselves.
being a demon, claude is mostly able to control his human appearance and, as a result, doesn't see the point in placing favour on any superficial aspect of himself. so, generally, whatever part of his you value the most will be his favourite.
on you he'd have to choose...
(fem!reader) your chest! though he is generally apathetic regarding the aesthetics of his mortal lovers, he's found himself becoming increasingly fond of your chest over the course of your relationship. he makes sure to pay it particular attention during intimate moments (groping, squeezing, sucking, biting and pinching) and always leaves it overly sensitive and covered in marks - but he also finds himself soothed by resting his head against it as he listens to your heartbeat, reminded in equal measure of your life and mortality.
(masc!reader) your ass! for claude, the specifics of its size and shape don’t necessarily matter, it’s more so about how it feels when he grips, slaps and pinches it - and the reactions you give when he does so. during rough nights you can tell that you’ll hardly be able to sit down the next day for how red and raw it’ll be - but at least his preference and fondness for you is clear.
(nb!reader) your stomach! during the rare moments of domesticity allowed by his nature and profession, he makes a habit of resting his head on your stomach and quietly watching on as you talk about your day. that being said, he does also pay particular attention to that part of you during intimacy with open mouthed kisses, bites, hickeys and so on that only the two of you would see - whilst also marking you in such a way that others like him know that you belong to him.
(trans fem!reader) your chest! though he is generally apathetic regarding the aesthetics of his mortal lovers, he's found himself becoming increasingly fond of your chest over the course of your relationship. he makes sure to pay it particular attention during intimate moments (groping, squeezing, sucking, biting and pinching) and always leaves it overly sensitive and covered in marks - but he also finds himself soothed by resting his head against it as he listens to your heartbeat, reminded in equal measure of your life and mortality. that being said, he leaves no room for insecurity or unsureness of his affection for your form and makes an effort to address your feelings and discomforts however possible (though this is rarely done verbally, as is his nature).
(trans masc!reader) your ass! for claude, the specifics of its size and shape don’t necessarily matter, it’s more so about how it feels when he grips, slaps and pinches it - and the reactions you give when he does so. during rough nights you can tell that you’ll hardly be able to sit down the next day for how red and raw it’ll be - but at least his preference and fondness for you is clear. though, as is common decency, he does make an effort to work around any discomfort/dysphoria that you may have around that area - never verbally mentioning it but showing whatever card he has through his actions.
C - Cum
anything to do with cum.
when he releases he tends to come quite a bit with a preference for doing so on your face or chest. that being said, his cum is somewhat viscous and has no notable taste to it - almost as though you’re swallowing nothing at all.
D - Dirty Secret
what is their dirty secret?
with the exception of a singular demon partner, claude has a very distinct type and that type is you. every single lover he’s had and every mortal he’s grown attached to has looked and acted nearly identically to you - hence his intense possessiveness over you and his strong familiarity with your body.
E - Experience
how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?
claude is almost incomprehensibly old and has taken on many different forms and many different lovers throughout the ages, so he’s had enough time to perfect and adjust his sexual habits - more than enough for him to know how to please you without you needing to say anything.
F - Favourite Position
what is their favourite position?
positions that allows him to hit as deep as possible within you as possible are favourites of his, so along the lines of the concubine position, doggy style or the mating press is something you can expect from him.
G - Goofy
how serious are they in the moment?
his personality is naturally very serious and stoic, so it’s only natural to expect that sex would be an incredibly serious affair - filled with minimal conversation, plentiful pleasure and actions that will leave you aching and out of breath by the time he’s done with you.
H - Hair
how well groomed are they?
he has a decent amount of thick, dark hair around the base of his length - which is kept well trimmed and managed, though he doesn’t need to do much active upkeep due to his species.
I - Intimacy
how romantic are they in the moment?
claude is the farthest thing from intimate or romantic unless it’s something that you express a specific desire for - and even then it will be rather stunted because of his nature as a demon. the most he’ll usually be able to do is work around your needs/wants and adjust his roughness if you’re especially sensitive.
J - Jack Off
how often do they masturbate? how?
claude doesn’t masturbate unless he’s extremely desperate during heat. the vast majority of the time, he’ll seek out a lover or another demon to relieve himself whilst saving as much of his reputation as possible.
K - Kink
what are some of their kinks?
this demon is very open and unashamed about what he’s into, the vast majority of which revolve around domination and sadism. his kinks include:
dom / sub dynamics (as the dom)
impact play (giving)
degradation (giving)
marking (giving and receiving)
edging (giving)
overstimulation (giving)
L - Location
what are their favourite places to have sex?
claude has no particular preference about where you have sex so long as it happens - though when he’s in a contract he’s much less likely to perform acts in public as to preserve his reputation. in short, anywhere that he can take you, he will.
M - Motivation
what turns them on?
the easiest way to arouse him is to openly express and emphasise your submission, deviation and weakness to him - with a favourite scenario of his being seeing you knelt on the floor of your shared quarters, a collar around your neck and your hands behind your back as you wait eagerly for what he has for you.
N - No
what won't they do in the bedroom?
aside from a few exceptions, claude refuses to bring anyone else into the bedroom or to use toys because of his jealous streak. similarly, he won’t do anything that could cause you massive amounts of pain; he’s a sadist but he doesn’t want to risk losing control and actually killing you (particularly during his heat cycle).
O - Oral
do they prefer to give or receive? how good are they?
claude has a preference for receiving oral over giving it because of the submissive nature of the act rather than because of the pleasure it offers - though he isn’t opposed to going down on you in return, however rare either occasion is.
when giving, he’s incredibly and painfully methodical: making good use of human and inhuman aspects of himself to touch, tease and pleasure every single inch of your sex. he’s all dexterous tongue, surprisingly soft lips, probing tendrils and long, long fingers as he pleases you - not at all shy about his true nature and yet refusing to give you exactly what you wants. he’ll coax you to the edge of your climax before pulling away and letting you slowly come down, repeating the process until you’re in tears and thrusting against him as you beg him to just touch you - to let you come - before he finally relents and forces you to orgasm over and over again until he’s satisfied with how fucked-out you are. ever the sadist, it seems, as he always comments on how weak you are, how you couldn’t even last that long for him.
when receiving, he’s as quiet and judgemental as ever: watching over you with sharp golden eyes - irises glinting with a sadistic mirth as his grip on your hair/the back of your neck tightens. he’s big and he knows it, occasionally forcing himself all the way down your throat as you tear up and choke and salivate around him before pulling away and continuing to guide your head shallowly along the very tip of his length - degrading remarks about his “eager cock-slut” ever on the edge of his tongue. It’s rough and it hurts - the ache of your jaw around his impossible girth and the tugging of your hair - but it’s all very him and you spend however long it’ll take to bring him to orgasm (or until he takes mercy on you and let’s you go), doing exactly what you were trained to. and he’s appreciative in his own way, repaying you with a night full of maddening pleasure and a day of rest to let you recover.
P - Pace
are they fast or slow? are they rough or gentle?
he tends to prefer a harsher, rougher approach to sex, but can alternate between painfully slow and inhumanly fast depending on the mood at the time. so it’s effective 50/50 whether you’ll be in tears from frustration and begging him to let you cum or if you’ll be fucked-out and begging him to give you a break and slow down.
Q - Quickie
what is their opinion on quickies? how often would they have them?
claude has a relatively neutral view of quickies, neither disliking them nor preferring them to longer sessions. that being said, he’s happy to engage in them to sate your needs or tease you - or, during heat, to allow him to adequately function without risking the wrath of his master.
R - Risk
are they willing to experiment?
is extremely fond of taking risks and is more likely to suggest new things to try out - unless, of course, something violates any of his distinct and unshakeable boundaries. otherwise, anything is on the cards and you can take full advantage of that.
S - Stamina
how long can they last? how many rounds?
as a demon, he has seemingly endless stamina and can last for however long he wants to - whether that be a short hour or so in the evening or for half a day when he’s in heat. so he generally uses cues from your body language to pace himself when he’s in his right mind.
T - Toys
do they own any toys? do they use them on their partner?
claude is incredibly prideful and refuses to use any toys in the bedroom - after all, you have a demon that can change his shape to suit your needs, so why would you need a toy to pleasure you? relents on the purchasing of a blindfold but that’s all he lets you have.
U - Unfair
do they like to tease?
he is a massive tease to the extent that he can get incredibly sadistic and downright cruel - leaving you trembling and aching with tears in your eyes until you’re a blubbering mess that can’t think about anything other than him. edging and overstimulation are common tools in his arsenal that he uses to get exactly what he wants or to punish you for one thing or another.
V - Vocal 
how loud are they?
all things considered, unless he’s in heat, claude tends to be pretty much silent compared to most people. yes he’ll degrade or tease you and he does grunt lowly when he comes, but for the most part he focuses on making you as loud as possible rather than anything else. during heat, meanwhile, he’s very vocal and is all moans, groans, grunts and echoing degrading demands and calls of your name.
W - Wild Card
a random headcanon for the character
is a lot closer to hannah than he lets on and has known her for quite a long time, having been mates for a short period. during that period, he frequently enjoyed watching her get used and pleasured by her servants whilst he watched - something that he’s much more reluctant to allow with you because of your fragile form (in comparison to a demoness, at least).
X - X-ray
what's under their clothing?
his appearance is entirely dependent on whatever contract he’s in and on what he feels would best fit the body he chooses to take on - that being said, his ego usually wins out when it comes to his genitals and he always gives himself a very generous length and girth (enough to make you keen and cry until you adjust to its size) with a slightly bulbous head and any other features that he feels would serve you best.
Y - Yearning
how often do they want sex?
unless he’s in heat, he has a relatively average sex drive and will generally actively seek out sex maybe two or three times a week unless you have a higher sex drive - at which point he uses it as a reward/punishment for behaviour. during heat cycles, however, claude’s libido spikes massively and he’ll seek you out for sex multiple times a day until his heat is over.
Z - Zzzzzz
how easily/quickly do they fall asleep after the act?
being that he's a demon, claude has no need to sleep and generally just lays stiffly beside you/beneath you until he's either called away or you wake up. so expect to wake up to him staring at you frequently - he means well, of course, it just slips his mind how odd his behaviour can appear to a human like yourself.
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lesbianverse · 9 months
About me:
Verse (they/he/she), nb lesbian, switch/verse
nsft sideblog (follow and likes from my main blog @/tnb****)
Likes: bdsm, praise, degradation, cnc, oral fixation
What to expect: t4t, butch/femme, somno/free use, oral, penetration
Neurodiversity in my kink? more likely than you think
Poly, in a relationship. (Tags referring to specific people #🐝 #💅🏻)
Dislikes: age play, dd/lg, md/lg, scat
DNI: -18, cis men, *ncest, race play
No age in bio/pinned = block
I prefer masculine terms/names but anything is fine as long as it's not related to my dislikes/dni
Trans-positive, I interpret everything I rb as sapphic regardless of pronouns/terms.
I might interact with some mlm or nblm posts if they're transmasc because I'm transmasc (I try to check if they have a dni or something similar for sapphics and avoid those but I might miss them sometimes so just lmk if you want me to undo a rb of something of yours)
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After scrolling through your blog I can't tell what your stance is on trans and NB people, it would be much appreciated if you clarified
Also I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, just asking
You're going to have to be clearer and more specific about your question, as this is far too broad a topic, and I don't have the time or energy to summarize everything I've ever posted. This is basically like asking "what are your thoughts on god?" or "what is your stance on truth?"
If you've read - as opposed to merely scrolled - through my blog, I would have hoped that my thoughts should be clear, both by what I have to say myself, and the types of content I've posted. If you haven’t, start here and here.
I think they should also not be controversial, particularly as they are really the same positions as the overwhelming majority of the population, including trans people, and/or the scientific consensus.
If you've read and have specific questions, or need specific clarifications, then I invite you to pose those particular questions.
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daenrys · 2 years
going into this weirdly deep dive on a topic i only just learned about but not in a fun way: the transautistic community, NOT to be confused with the trans autistic community.
TW: transmisogyny, transphobia, and ableism / autiphobia.
i saw a lot of discussion (and rightful outrage) about this identity in autistic tags, which, for the unaware, is basically “i’m not autistic but i want to be autistic”. that’s the “transautistic identity”, and a lot of autistic people were pushing back on this, both as being ableist and as transphobic (i should note that in the carrd and main ‘positivity’ account for the “identity”, they do specifically say that it is not a gender nor is it people identifying AS autistic, just as someone who wants to be. this clarification will be relevant later)
and, objectively, it is both those things. it certainly is transphobic to compare being trans and wanting a disorder you don’t have, and it certainly is ableist to say you want to be autistic when you’re allistic (and frankly, it’s just weird). but as i was looking through the tag, i couldn’t help but wonder if maybe, the absurdity was intentional. i read their carrd and to me, at least, it doesn’t seem like just a random troll saying offensive shit for the sake of being offensive; the language is so concise it doesn’t feel like the brand of ‘humor’ some troll type would use in a post like that. i feel it would be more extreme. still, it’s objectively deeply offensive- but i was left with the question as to whether it was maybe offensive on purpose.
it’s not uncommon for right-leaning people to make up identities, particularly LGBTQ or ND identities and PARTICULARLY trans/nonbinary identities, to try and make the community and the left at large look ridiculous to moderates, and radicalize them against us. eg: attack helicopter jokes, “did you just assume my gender?” jokes, etc. so as i was reading this, i kept asking myself, ‘is that what this is?’ and when i searched the term on twitter, i DID see a terf (and an allistic terf, at that) tweet a screenshot of the carrd. but most of the other tweets in the search were people like me, reacting to it, many of whom were trans and nb etc and almost all of whom were autistic.
the biggest argument against the idea that this is an intentional transphobic attempt to make trans identities seem absurd was what i mentioned earlier about how the transautistic-positivity blog seemed to go out of their way over to state multiple times that this ISN’T a gender identity, nor is it a neurological equivalent to being trans; these people, if real, don’t think they’re born with the wrong neurotype, they just like… fetishize their perception of autistic life. whereas i would imagine a transphobic/terf attempt at parody would continually insist that it IS the same as being trans and that them wanting to be autistic DOES make them autistic, right? like wouldn’t that fit the whole “attack helicopter” caricature they like to paint better?
also, frankly, almost 0 able bodied allistic people care about autistic issues like, at all. even among leftists. so making a “parody” identity with the intention of inflaming anti-trans sentiment but using autism to do it is… weird, and would likely not have that much effect outside of the autistic community (and a HUGE amount of the online autistic community is trans or nonbinary so like even if we’re all condemning this identity, it would likely not be very successful at igniting outrage at the intended targets, if that was the intention). and terfs have used anti-autistic arguments before, saying that the reason so many autistic people are lgbt and trans specifically is because of our naturally feeling alienated by our peers, and that that feeling is being “preyed on” to get us to “join the cult” (this is actual verbiage i have seen used on twitter by terfs, btw). so they would KNOW there’s a large overlap between the communities, so this probably wouldn’t be that successful at their goal, which makes me wonder what would actually motivate anybody to spend this much time making this shit up.
and so, i am left wondering still. i think this identity, if real, is abhorrent- but i’m hesitant to make sweeping statements about it because again, i’m not sure any real people are actually identifying as this. i’m curious to hear others thoughts. do we think this is a transphobic straw man, or a genuine identity drenched in ableism??? either way it’s awful but i think it’s important to keep in mind that it COULD be either… and to not let either hateful rhetoric spread!
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whandtmcarchive · 1 year
quick abt: jaunty | 27 | nb trans man   /   ( info will change at times! )
hi there! as the abt suggest, yes, i’m the same one who is celestialvexation, your local dumbass connoisseur of horror ( mainstream and obscure ) and fictional taboo settings -- or, as antis would love to recall, that “nasty proshipper with proship tastes”. i’ve been wanting to create something of an archive that’s a safe space for shippers of both wh and tmc. why them specifically? mainly bc of how similar the fandoms are, and my own personal tastes with both series
so what’s the overview of this blog?
well, i’m looking to have people drop w/e they enjoy or have an idea about these fandoms. i’m talking shipping, headcanons, lil drabbles put in for a later read or for others to enjoy reading, shout outs to other artists / writers / shippers, etc. think of the archive part in the url lmao!
but what are the rules for this, you may ask?
🌟 first and foremost, there IS gonna be 18+ content! since i’m a huge fan of nsfw in general, there’s gonna some of that around and while i can’t get every single minor away from this blog if they follow ( since you can just not list an age ), know that I WILL NOT RESPOND TO ANY URL-NAMED ASKS FROM MINORS OR BLOGS WITH NO AGE LISTED. THEY WILL BE PROMPTLY DELETED. anonymous inbox is always gonna be on, but asks from either of them that are directed at me or involve nsfw? that’s a no-no
🌟 that being said, i’m not gonna rlly say much unless i’m responding to asks directed to me, positive or negative. i just want y’all to have fun, and i usually have the social skills of a potato so don’t take my lack of reply to any headcanon, drabbles, etc as indifference or lack of interest!
🌟 anything goes in all honesty! anything fictional is more than welcomed here, even if i don’t have interest in specific ships, characters, or kinks. again, this is established as an archive; a means to vent or gush about tmc or wh and post w/e is on your mind!
🌟 bc of how i operate things, i WON’T be tagging triggers or themes, BUT i will tag any dark content ( and anything else similar to the category of problematic themes such as self harm, yandere, etc ) with a unique tag along with ones of what type of content is answered ( headcanons, drabble, etc ), the character(s), ship name, and anon hate
essentially, it’s a READ AT YOUR OWN RISK type of thing lmao
🌟 proship / profiction posts will be abundant! yes, i will tag those as well if you wanna get some refs and such
🌟 nsfw content will be labeled as nsft!
🌟 labeling your content as prompts or headcanons or what have you is not required but greatly appreciated!
🌟 and that’s about it for now! i’ll add more when i can think of them, and i’ll be sure to update y’all on what the new info is!
x-x-x ( posted on 4 / 19 )
i’ll try to keep it as simple as i can!    ↳ note that for specific ships or characters, i’ll do #asks: [insert ship or character]
#jaunty speaks
#proship / profiction info
#asks: prompts
#asks: headcanons
#asks: drabbles
#asks: venting
#haunting askland ( tag for anon hate! )
#risky reading ( tag for dark content! )
#welcome home asks
#mandela catalogue asks
more to come!
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ionthevoid · 2 years
Welcome to my laboratory!
So nice to see you here! I hope you are doing well. Do not forget to drink water, take breaks when you can, and embrace the curiosity of the world.
I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself. My name is Dr. Ion Void, AKA The Science Boi (they/he/xe). I'm a scientist in training who's very interested in chemistry, astronomy, and modern physics. I'm 22, queer, white, and disabled. That is all you need to know about me.
I post whatever I want, but the most common posts are lgbt stuff, aro/ace positivity, trans/nb positivity, cool science stuff, mad science, sciencecore stuff, cool things about recent science research, unreality, and the relevant political thing. Most of these are reblogs, but I write my own stuff when I feel like it.
I would put a DNI, but I really don't think they work. Just don't be a jerk on my page. I have and will continue to block people who are rude on my or other people's posts. This blog is feminist, sex worker positive, pro choice, in favor of bodily autonomy for everyone, ACAB, supportive of all ranges of abilities, pro vax, lgbt positive, trans positive, pre-med/no-med trans positive, nonbinary positive, MOGAI positive, m-spec lesbian/gay positive, aro/ace positive, radically accepting of all queer identities, and blasphemous to the Catholic church. If you don't agree with me on any of those points, you probably don't want to follow me anyways.
All potential triggers will be tagged. If I miss anything or mistag it, feel free to let me know :3
Anyhoo, we're currently hiring for lab assistants and lab rats. I'll sweeten the deal for you: team members get to eat the green goo.
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vintageandroid · 1 month
Kink for self-improvement
New Queer Earthling post! Today, I explored the ways in which having been in a 24/7 dom-sub dynamic helped me to grow and improve as a person.
First, let me be clear: one size doesn’t fit all, and engaging in D/s rules won't fix everything, or perhaps anything. Making changes to your life, however small and inconsequential, is always up to you. The domliest dom (or subbiest sub) in the world can’t make you change a habit that you don’t want to change. ... For me, though, this is what I’ve noticed having improved due to our time doing D/s.
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Read How D/s Helped Me to Grow!
Don't forget to check out my Patreon and Ko-Fi if you enjoy my content!
(Queer Earthling is my 18+ sex blog. If you’re interested in supporting a sex-positive, queer, neurodivergent weirdo, check out my support and affiliates page, buy me a Ko-Fi, or reblog so others can find me! If you’d rather not see these on your Tumblr feed, feel free to block the tag “Queer Earthling.”)
Also I have a Patreon that allows access to an exclusive Discord community of nerdy, friendly queer folks, as well as polls, behind-the-scenes stuff, and other fun. I have tiers as low as $1 if you want to support my work!
Aphobes, bi/panphobes, trans/nb-phobes, anti-kink, TERFs & SWERFs DNI
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laurellament · 2 years
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I posted 16,464 times in 2022
That's 1,641 more posts than 2021!
302 posts created (2%)
16,162 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,053 of my posts in 2022
#can reblog - 241 posts
#true story - 134 posts
#it’s me - 130 posts
#lesbian - 127 posts
#butch - 123 posts
#support content creators - 97 posts
#nb - 83 posts
#go buy her content - 47 posts
#asks - 40 posts
#night shift - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#in case someone doesn't know: these are anti-abortion assholes that trick pregnant people and try to force them to keep unwanted pregnancies
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Office attire this fine Wednesday
255 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
rb to make a trans person feel safe and supported--hating terfs isn’t enough
I see like 10 ‘rb to punch a terf’-type posts to every 1 trans positivity post and it’s clear people are more interested in having someone to dunk on than actually supporting trans people
Make sure you put at least as much energy into upholding us as you do in denouncing transphobes
394 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
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I finished my first granny square blanket! It’s a beaut!
Super happy with how it came out
441 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
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Whoops ☀️
552 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Behold! Fixed a worn cuff with some visible mending
599 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fuckin-flip-wizard · 2 years
Anyways. Got some transphobic slurs and death threats in my inbox (presumably for drawing a lot of trans pride art here specifically since I don't as much on my other blogs). Can y'all send in some trans/nb taz requests or headcanons or anything positive like that. Might help cheer me up a little and maybe I'll draw some of em if I feel a bit better later.
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lovequinn · 2 years
ok so I liked lea michele when glee aired because her voice is pretty good, not knowing she was racist and horrible, then she was called out and didn’t work for a few years. I stoped following her and supporting her. I believe the people who said she was racist, but i don’t know if I should like not like her at all anymore now with her making a comeback? like could she have gotten nicer/better? should I just assume she hasn’t? (I’m not meaning to start shit, I’m genuinely not sure how to feel)
hey! you're not starting shit at all, i think this is a really valid conversation to have in regards to situations like this and one i've had often on this blog with different artists and controversies.
i think, first and foremost, no one can make the decision on how you feel internally but you...but it's important that you believed the accusations when they came out, and it's definitely also important to ask questions and listen to marginalized voices from the affected community (so definitely not me in this case haha) when you're considering whether someone has made proper amends.
in a general sense broader than just lea, i do believe that most people have the potential to learn and grow from mistakes, sure. they can make apologies and put in work to change. when we're trying to tell if that has actually happened, we need to be listening to those affected and what the affect has been on them. do they think the apology given to them was sufficient? have the individuals directly involved been reached out to and had the situation resolved? has there been tangible evidence of changed behavior, according to the people who would be affected by that change? in lea's case, that means listening to what the black community and her former coworkers have to say about it; in jlp/lauren patten's case if you were around for that, it was about listening to the trans and nb communities, just to give some examples.
bottom line is i just think it's important to keep your ears open for the people who were hurt in the first place when it comes to judging whether someone has changed, and base your support from there. i as a white person can't accept an apology or remorse that was never for me, so anyone in that position should be taking those cues from others and considering how their own moral compass aligns with what is still being said.
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casperillion · 5 months
i cant post the orignial context because i think op blocked me but thats fine, i just want to air my thoughts and tbh if theyre not looking anymore im happier abt that.
to summarise a little bit of what this is abt, i replied to an article that very much implied that all trans men are loud misogynists, especially towards trans women which is not something i agree with. my reasons for not agreeing with this is very much based on my real world and online experiences of growing up in the queer community with many trans people around me. I stated that i dont think that misogynistic trans men (which look, i know they exist, ive met them) should be considered the majority and on top of that it feels very weird to focus so heavily on that when trans men do not hold a position of power over other trans people, especially not systematically.
to be fair to op i didnt explain this as clearly as i could originally since my first response to the article was very much an emotional response.
anyway op told me the world would be better off without me in it and that i should kill myself, that im a transmisogynist, and that im the reason they hate that theyre trans masc. someone else told them to back off bc while they agreed with op they thought it was a bit fucked up to say that, i responded to them and clarified my points and this person also ended up agreeing with me.
op then messaged me privately with this
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okay context done here are my thoughts, i'll try to split this up so its a bit easier to read Original point
so for this one, trans men and our issues are very often erased or only ever brought up as an after thought. I dont feel like i need to explain why erasure is bad but the biggest issue i find with this is lack of resources and lack of coverage or even knowledge about the shit trans men deal with in a cisnormativity society.
this article was rough for me to read because it described every trans man that the writer had met as someone who became a loud misogynist and the conclusion was that all trans men were that way, if not openly then secretly. I know this is not the case because i know many trans men and trans masculine people, many of those men are very passionate supporters of trans women, nb people, and cis women. honestly i think these experiences say more about the person who wrote the article than trans men as a whole.
this attitude is used by TERFs to harass trans men who they see as "traitors" and its where i see this sort of thing most often. its very weird to be this focused on this subject especially without discussing how complex being trans masculine is.
its kinda hard to put everything into words, i'll add on more when i remember it later
To the person who posted the article that is now harassing me
im not gonna name them but looking through thier blog actually... made me really sad. they are the type of people that have fallen victim to this kind of thing. they hate men, and they hate themselves even more for being one.
its so sad to me that they see themself like that, its kinda hard to even know if theres a way i can help them, i want to though. even though they were incredible weird towards me.
digression into them being weird actually bc ive been thinking abt it.
they were very quick to judge who i am as a person without knowing anything about me, made a lot of assumptions that arent true. it felt a lot like projection because like?? idk its wild to doubt that i care about my close friends???? you dont know any of us?? you dont even know what community i come from?? i know trans women from like, actually idk the youngest age but roughly from 20 years old to 40+, most of the trans men i know are in their 20s, and i dont even know what the range for nb people i know is because ive met too many and i stopped keeping track. I've lived with other trans people in person of all genres (idk i dont have a better word) , ive volunteered in places where ive met and helped trans women get back on their feet while experiencing financial hardship. as a teenager i was involved in creating safe spaces for trans and gnc teens in my city to meet each other and hang out. less relevant but ive also be outright told by women im close with that they value my perspective when we have discussions about misogyny, actually that was literally 2 nights ago while we were discussing the best way to create a safe space for women and trans fems. obviously op knows none of this but its wild that they just.. assumed so much and decided that my voice was not important or worth listening to.
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